HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-4, Page 4j 4
TnuaIDAY,; July 4, 1901.
(dole uiy Hew we Ce PRIMIA�1
1OeDt Breva
Men'• Furnisher
Clothier and
People want to get away tram the nutey,
sensational, boastful chow of the well who
uuly make claims and don't supply the
yawls They like to deal here, where what
me offer is ot the higheet quality and what
you get ie the beet Here are some pricxne
which ought to intereet you if you are in
need of A Suit of clothes.
Meek or blue serge suite, good teimmiltga, well male. Franeh facings, regular Price
reduced to'
Nioe gray tweed suit, good quality'. well mad.3 and trimmed. French facings regular
pelw 412.00, reduced to 89.75
Imported worsted suite, made by Uwou ishan. a very sightly suit, regular r pekoe
$15 00, redwood to
There i% alway+.omething ti
new to be seen to this %torr. We are cnttdusfty adeno, g
the Istat 1n ties, cullers, outing shirts, neglive chins, straw hate, light cape and in feet
almost everything pertaining to the (omlort of magi during the .hut weather
W,. PRS==3ael°iM
Bole Agent tor Ohrlsty's Hats. N,•tt Lees •le pit Lid
se s. 111101MLUICIPSOT
THE question is often naked : Why
were the Liberals defeated in Ontario at
the last Dominion Ileetiou
One mon will say that it was because of
the gerrymander of 1882. forgetful of the
taut that many nonctitueucies had heel re.
deemed ler the intervening )ear., to be Iota.,
In 1895.
Auuther has it that the raver and religion
Dry sod the latent Patronisnt were the
t'bo opinion of another ie that the Gov-
ernment did not stick to the platform of
Another will state that Ontario is nor•
molly Tory, and that Liberalism has only
held the Legislature by a series of flukes
eines 1871.
And there are a more or more reasons al
rarer! on every occasion when the g00etiuii
ie broyght uy_- mel the game...an..Orr ire
gwutly brought up.
One of the hest imams given, that we
have heard, was that the men who were
vanuiug the electiote for the Liberals in -1'bis is the seaa,n when the w• eather
Outanu male no effort to put winner. in grumbleriMie to -his work. -
the new, while their opponents made vote-
ptUng ability one of the priori t1laii( -
S oation. in their uamlldates.
This wan partioularly evidenced ill the -There is Ito more necessity for lying in
Mly of Toronto. where the choice rf the politica than there is for swearing at prayer.
Iwo parties was in strong oottrast. meeting _--
lo many other t•onst,tuencnes an equally
suicidal pnhgy was adopted, and no -account
men, who could not pull a pound, were
fasted upon conventioue that knew that
political death was iuyolvel in the selec• --To hear some preachero talk ahout
Mon. isobticians ume wuul,l be lel to te:Le%e that
The ringsters whit packed the conventions 1 all leiliticiatnu Ise aol every preacher is
did not care w much to provide good cam- truthful.
dldates, as they did to secure men that
were persona grata to them, and in more
Ilii one instance men who could have won
vivre turned down sot replaced by deal
* sok' ami "hag heeus."
As a result, the heart of Liberalism Ws
n ot In the straggle, and it was not to be
wondered at that many co,utitueuciee were
lost that should have linen carried
1Qt the Ontario eloosion. in 18% similar
WON mw near bringing ruin to the
I l Administration. The Government
*Du by the skin of its teeth, and were
ISpght a lesson that, one would think,
*teed he lasting.
It looks, however, that the clone squeak
eg11198 Y forgotten, and all over the Pro-
tege we see signs sod portents that de not
teak for good molts to Liberalism at the
ittesf eleotlon. To win, in Federal or Pro
sebeeial polities, it is neoeseary to have leal-
es/ that lead. Oontrast our Federal lead
se In Q�etarlo with the melt from Rushee
sad the Mod lea Provinces. There the
raper d LAURIN•, TaaTa, FI•t.rnI ,BLAIx
olid lbsigi tulow are names to couture with.
Itltr. we nay the saw in Ontario
Ili) Primeeiai politics there is , and
thee some say L*Tonroan, and ober
Mset.lea ($rmeworn as vote maker., Mit h
the rest of the Oebinet nowhere.
To win in Ontario at the nett election
me want leaden -cabinet leaden, riding
Madera, poo In the uonetitueooies who will
evoke enthusiasm as in the days ,.f uhf.
We utast either use the band wagon or ruin
ill the hearse.. ---
The (:alt Reporter trat'es eterythtng that
gore wrong to the licit preferential .tariff.
Its special pet's the woollen manufacturing
busireos, :and it demure loudly for an in
Crease of the already high duty tin woollen
gaols But when it. is pointed out that the
price of wool is low, The Reporter toes not
ash trate .i higher duty there That would
stake the manufacturer pay more for his
r.tw material. and the mauufaeturer is the
only peram Tlw Reporter thinks ie. worth
hooking after. Our ...teemed but befogged
o.nitemporary aiye the remedy for the low
price of wool is A greater owe of the article.
It should an ', the ..true remedy in the
case of the utauu6a l erect. The people will
buy more wo (len goods if they have more
money to amend, and- Wiwltaupy coabtiunn
cannot be reached under a "Kettstoot-
polcy that. increment --CM" it0a1- of nlmn+I
e.erything a man hoe to hey:
-The peanut politician will always he in
small Imninem. .
- 1ou must not expect • straight' Ileal
trom a crooked mss. _ _._
-Polities are all right, at of ths.truuble
i, with the politicians. •.
_It ben you lose mousy yon may peke
wilmrsT rttmryee-lesef ieedv* ,,-iiferwnt.
-Every man may eater politica, hut
every pian will not achieve success :n that
calling. It's the same in preaching.
Livery tl re
We have only fon if Ooderlch 1t1
evoly. lett v. e w1TI sell them at
Atte with Dunlop tire..
Two Raoycles at
$26.00 end $30,00
We will motion* one est• M
98800 and 944.00
ter • few daye longer
Sssasd bawd wheals et Steee a,A
sod lek Isfll.
--What kind of genie i. the Cenens Com•
mi..ioner playing with the euumerston'
Three dollars a day for a limited number of
days is not a high pride, and the mei' who
diol the work .boakl get their pay.
Denver Repoblioaa : Toe Washington
Post has discovered that got( can be played
without Wolters and a fat Sootoh Dap.
Saoh Nourishes are Inoonsegoential, as long
as the gone retains ler dlallt, whisky and
other tuodameotale.
IT 11 TOO MI"l;tn TO KArr.(T.
Chloago (lbroblole : When Swift & Co.
pod up In their pack tog houses • pfaoud
which nye, "No profanity permitted In
this home," they furnish another indigent
t ole proof that tins le an age of Iconoclastic
reform No Saoday selo.me In the hotels,
no tobao,lo in the unlvraItie., no waste
gaper In the street., ne orippled beggars o0
the sidewalks, and now no profanity In the
packing houses ! Where will this end !
Are we redly approaobing a time wbeo the
oonduotors and driven of the street oars
will be prohibited from spitting tobacco
juice on the passengers, when corporations
w111 pay their taus, and whim the board of
e duoallon will understand what It le for and
what It Is not tor'
Tow Muth matinee
Toronto Telegram • Toronto J uno t ion has
grown from nothing to a town the size of
Sault Ste. Merle within the last few years.
Canada did not lavish her money nor did
( iaterin lavish her Ist& or noucMeions OD -
0o the gifted creator o1 Toronto .lonation.
there has not been • year except just alter
the oollapee of the boom In which s popula
lion as great as that o1 Smolt Ste. Marla was
not added to the number of Toronto's clel-
+ens. Ontario le enriched by the creation
of Toronto Junction and the growth of the
town M not desorihed u a miracle of state
oreft. Ontario 1e eorlohed every year by
Toronto's growth In numbers equal 11 the
population of Sault Ste. Male. Tee
architeots of such a growth do not reoetve
the title deeds to hall • province,. The
galas of F. H. °lergoe le deserving • just
reward. The growth 01 Sault Ste. Marie is
• welooms ago nl progress. Ontario and
Canada are both cheapened by a tendency
to overdo the rewarding of Mr. Clergae and
the glorification o1 Aanit NM. Marta. On
tart° most be pretty far down at the heel
when • geln of • 1.', hundred 1n the pope
lotion of Sault Ste Marie Is th• aobjest of
glad surprise and national rejoiotng
butt Looms' HOME JOURNAL -Au wad
usual Dumber ot •xoeptiooal'ly toteresung
articles appears In The Ladies' home J'•ur-
usl ler July Among then • are Ernest
!Woe Thompson's new story. "The Mother
Toad and the Overion4 Routs' ; J. S Met
oelfe'ea000unt of "Coln'huhln' with Joe
.1 ode mon"; Flo:moe Mures Kmrotey'e
•ketch of oaoary lite, "Io a Yellow Pau
e, at and a Grin flown'": William Daven-
port Hulbert's nature study, "The Mery of
. Maple Tree" ; and the deeorlptiuo of "A
Girl's Life In Frame" by the Freooh author.
Th. Bentsen [Madame Nino) A !moues
of apeolal Interest is "Tee Country of
'b.rldan's Ride," • haoJeoms doable -page
el pictures showing the Doors route es It le
today, •000mpamed by alb account of the
ride and the battle, with etuacts from t0.
poem. "Sheridan's Kele." ' A teen," by
Bllrabeth Kolgbt'lumpkins, 1. cntoinu•,1,
sad there le • abort et • v by Yugtpt.
Woodward ('loud, Arti Noels oon-
tributes • churning song, "The Water
Lily," with words by William Ordway
Perlridge, the sculptor. TM remaining
pages of the issue are devoted to timely
ahioles on a small house, log oabin• In the
woods, • soap -bubble party, the fashions,
needlework, cooking, and the usual depart-
meala. By The Oaths Publishing Com•
posy, Pblladelph a. Doe dollar a year ;
neo nest• a Dopy.
Y,SIByyJ1'yrttJt•I.Y. - 1etlbner'.eaeazles
for July has au at tract.ve flavor of *elven
pure, sport, travel, and hell ley making nut
of doors. Phew are entertainingly preen' •
ed, both io the text and in the abundant
tllu.tratlone of the strange oountrtw which
aro th.• subjects of the uarratives. The
le summer Wine the world U fair,
Until are staging everywhere ;
floe boo.',suuklee love to climb
to summer time.
1. summer tome the flowers bloom,
And suubeawa melt the hour* of gloom ;
11,- lusty year is to Ib prime
!n Dammer time.
1a summer time the oluuds ou high
Sell o'er the bosom of the sky,
An 1 I.zy locusts lilt 1n rhyme
In sumu.er time.
In summer time we lone to torn
From paths where we must Intl and learn.
We uravr th. gentle and subl me
In summer time --
All save the man with lunge so s't.wt
Who wants to hultx all cher Inas ;
Ile gees es honeysuckles climb ;
U. notes no Jooe day'. lusty prime; S.
H. hear. tie Incuste lilting rhyme G; ,
Nur crave. the geode an 1 sublime.
He weoU to sit out lo the sun
And watch the baseball players run
And hear his throat's unceasing chime
In pumper Nme,
AL Lisa reoeot mastlog of the Huron
labbalb School Aesoolation the o.uoty was
divided Into districts, with an orgaaizor fur
.00h d,.tr,et, as follows : 1 -(!.borne, Lrze
ter rod S.e•pneo, J.H. Mo('allum ; 2 -Hay,
Homan ant south part of 1'uokeremlth, J.
l'. Stoneman ; 3 -Stanley, Hrytield and
nettling _inlets deaibm teles the romance end t.odannS township to out Ione, Jas. Uel -
restore: put of the Island of Sielly- The gory ; d-Uolb.,roe, l:odertoh and l:wterioh
author, Rufus 11 }Whackers. dimmer of townehip north of out Ione, Rev ,ler. Ham
the Amerloan school at Athens, w portico- thwo; b -Ashfield and West IVewenoeit,
tarty well suited to write of the wonderful
t creek ruins which there abound. He etc.
lemma by he vivid style a very modus
note of pleasasl stt-enure. Francis Park -
man, the hutoruo, when a boy of eighteen,
Made a journey to bake George and kept •
Sorg o1 what he saw in that rom►•t10
region aseometed with so muoh of oke 001-
enMl listory that Perlman made Ms epee
*LI 6.11 In atter years. This portion WI the
diary is published fir the fire:. time, and
reveals the aotty• mind n1 the future hist"r-
lea. Another article, which will .00x•1
strongly to the lover .t ealere, le Dr. Leroy
1.1. Vo'.'e memories ot a quest old New
Chas. (isms ; 6-Sealorth, McKillop and
north part of i'uokenmltb, Rev. F H. Lu-
klo; 7-el.oton and Hallett, W. N. Mon-
o log ; b - Morris, daemels and Grey, W.:H.
Herr ; 9 N'ingham, Tarnberry and north
parr o1 East Wawanoeh, U. M. Gordon ;
10-Huwtok, Rev. Mr. Aod.r.00 ; 11 -
Blytb, Au ,urn and south part of Bur W
wasosh, John Wilson It we%de•:Sed al
.e that the ceuoty secretary send out imp's*
of a general circular to each or,raoiz-r
wh:uh may he sent to each Sunday school
asking that . , (elevate b• appointed to at-
tend AO •raentzatloa meeting of the di.•
h:nvlun 1 character, "Uncle (Avid", who
snot ; Ih.t lily chairman of the loos! auo-
g.veben Inc first lessons in 8sbiog sed bast- elation le members o! the uoanty .ro v -
In 1) Yale writs. with Dym M'hy both eve by eiec .e: that the chairman of the
gcounty nee sive prepare • set of rule. and
of the t. m and of the sports of his youth
(width t . has followed with pleasure scar
elope). The story of "Kin, the Kooteosy
Ram," or Ernest Seion'I'hompam, a oon•'
elided drsmstic.11y, and Mfrs. N Iggln'•
"Dory of • Goose (;tri" oomec to on end
with a tory pretty lore. •tory Thcrc aro
other Wareing articles and ,'Dues to this
Mienuot,T MAu/UV:6 AND R•Yitvr�iga
JI'I.T.-The July number of th's mapaioe,
bvtl•e.ug .111 411y -fourth rolene is loth
partrto'to and Dino:- • eery good oniiTiee
tion. Iif the former cateeery are an ills+
trated paper by the editor ea the site of
Len/. •Col. (1. T Demean, sad .hew he won
the Riolan Grand Duke's 5,000 rouble
Mixein oompstltion with he world. The
Bnt of two ertwle. on Kine At:red
Creat, by Profeesor Geti.rtn smith, fe s-
onbl. 1,110te to drita)u's noblest king
Tnero err � • 4hores(rt seedy 1'y tea
editor, with ficrportrau.ofM:rJohn .un
-r it, who will tarnish tbree web d'u,te.• rd
ethers m. 'Builders of Novo loot's." ' .r
shI. volume ; and an admirable lila, r
srticle by James L. Hughes, on Toronto the
Beauiilul O. her papers deems the imuor-
t.slprob:em u1 agaiisive Christian work
our Diode•. l'he Rev. T. h: K. Shore,
-ipenulendenl of the Fred Yu:or M.euon
The fuse et sat sews ■.adarh..
This most distressing and common mately
doubtless has .N origin In toms unhalanowl
oondltion of the nervous.yetem Probably
the amplest, safest and moat .tfident rem
•sty 1s Polsoo's Norville.. Twenty (Iron In
sweetened water give' Immo hate relief, and
this treatm.et should be @nonironsated
by bathing the region of Dain with Nerrl-
Iine To say It ante golokly tall. 10 *spree
the remit. Sold everywhere In large 25'
The actlns brought by J. C. Henry, of
Imitate, against Dob Graham, G1105 and
Shaw, of Clinton, *,d RaMrtannL, of Ntrat-
fers, has been dlsoentlnnsd The action
was for 110.000 lama•e. for alleged breach
of oastrast. The plal•tiff'e eollnitnrs first
asked ler an 011emtne of time ant,1 the
fall, ted ills hang refused the proem/lase
wen dr•ppsd.
regulation. or the guldanoe of the local as-
sootauous ; and that esob Ioot1 assoolattoo
made a report annually to the county wore•
tory. the sane to be signed by the charm's
as 1 ewretary•.
1 tee ant u d Sunday wheel convent too 01
the Auylmao church for the ,'emery of
Huron, a ,-h took plea ie B.y•
field last Tnur.day, was • very eucoessful
meeting. Al the clergy is the deanery
were pume.' end there was a good ropre-
M.nlallstt..l[tn the venom *Awls The
0ofwention opened with a celebr.uon of
t o1) r°mme..fue m tl o mer. n. Ie • b L
•1tereeoa the following papers t.,r. rood .. J
divcwsed : "Toe Art of Qs . t'eh.g " Mr.
11 .r (torr:. ; ' The '1'rae 'reicher sed hoe
.Alum," Mr Simi,. Birth ; "How to I•- -
a'rs.- ('•, I Ire., In Mteuons," M sr C R. Ito
I',•uzel,.ltsn.al' ; "Some pool 6.• t osa of s
Y. S. Tea:her," Mies Irwin, Earer, Toe
japers oe veined muoh that wee gw'd and -
practical. but if eeme cps min..1 lige.
0. r 'MOM. .1 by being shn•-,'n•.1 .. a
p'ber on a tiny interesting suhjr it by R:v
11 1;oldherv, Duogaunnn, r•u i no' be
given for lack of time. Neat y„ar the coo•
re0tion will be held in toderiob, and the
following are the otb •en aptwinted Hos.
president, Rey. I. W. Hodgins, rural dein,
Seeforth ; president, Ker. M. Turnbull,
I oronto, hes . stirring paper on this Deb- 1GoMttlItrt "V;oe' presldeot, Mir Irwin,
tha roma like the peal u1 a clarion, Exeter ; correspoodmg secretary, Mies M.
+0d Wes 1st 101 11,aton. of the Chicago tee booze(, toderloh; recording ewretary,
1)ewooess Home. oontrtbutee a peter, to Mr. Shore A meetlog of the deanery
e followed by others, acoompaofed by her chapter and our of the W. A. M. A. were
• moms portrait. which will be read with
greet loterest, Troth for Ice fine literary form
and for its Chr,atly'plrll. A oapital story
of "Al," • Sky I'dot of the Northwest-. 1s
written and illustrated by oar genial artist,
J. W. 1(eogoogh. Mise Maude Nutt and
other favorite writers will also oontrlbat•
to ilii. volume, 'Three splendidly lllpetrat•
ed papers on architecture will also be given.
Now Is • goal time to subscribe. Only $1
for az month,. Toronto : William Briggs.
Monheal : C. W. Costes Halifax : S F.
12.00 • year ; $1.00 f. r 511
Lonna. Leek tosser,
Wbloh 1e the desire of one awl all. Take
the trouble o1 vlsitisg Prof. I)oreswesd'e
prlyate show rooms at Hot ‘I Bedford Gods
Hob, o, Tu • lay, July 9. end see the many
beau, del invitations ler stylus of human hair
ee eros, wlp, b••ge, ewttohes, •t••., and
isepeol his new pates( •lrnotore.
W Ingham : Oa Tuesday evening of elle
week, Ssr.b Altos Currie, beloved wife of
Jas, F. A•,onwno, dud at. lh. bows. of her
mother, o o William street *mud 32 years
end 19 mouth. UureawJ hal beau • .uf-
erer from Douse. for wavy month..
.1r advertisement may in-
duce a person to try as
article a FIRST time.
14, 1 an adyertisemeat west
induce a person to use
that article a SECOND
time unless it gives •stL-
has a sale larger than the
combined sales of any
other three soaps.
An advertisement mayin-
duce people to try SUN-
Hut it is owllty and esltf-
Ity •(.toes that makes
people use SUNLIGHT
SOAP continuously and
Seep Maswl.ttsrses,
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls,MIllce
Pies and Lady Finders, Kisses,
Iacarooas, b�arauyoes,
Brandy Soaps, Bic.
The belle rang out • happy sound,
The earth is mantled o'er whit. white ;
It 111 the merry ('brlstmae night, Morris James Keroaghao, • well known
And love, and mirth, and Joy abound. resident of the 6'h Inc.Ipassed away at the
And here sit you and here sit I- .way at the residence of hie eon on Tbars-
1 should be the happiest In the land, day of last week, .Sed 69 years.
For oh T I hold the .ane deer hand Dr. 1 homes O'Hagee, the Canadlan
I've held for may .veer Sons by. author who has been the guest at St. Peter's
Pioche tea y fn. the past two weeks, left by
the steamer G.e,frege last Frtday for Medi-
an Wlum,osln, where he will spend the
Cummer In bletorint researoh at the Stele
Umvenity of Wlncensm.
tt'inrham : This week we are urlle I upon
to record the deo h o1 an old s0a highly re•
speared resident of Mechem, on Sunday of
last week, in the person of Mary, relent of
the late Damen Mo'I'avish, aped 51 years,
Deceafed hal been in poor health for some
years and sal coffering from cancer. She
had boon • resident of Wiagbam for up
ward* of twenty years. Her husband tiled
merely sixteen years ago. One daaghter Ie
lett to mourn the Ines ot a lovinp mother
and rhe will have muoh spmparhy In her
aft orlon.
heli In the rectory in the afternoon.
filers was eetvlee at 7:30 In the evening,
prea•ber, Rev. C McQuillan. The dale
gates were very bo.pltsbly treated during
the day, being entertained on the rooters,
e mends. A sell on the lake was ales I • ,VOA
.ire as gaol AA the best, wedelln any
city in Canada,
0001.(00 toxin the tirade in
Experienced fors. ant; '..rl a:
Your unn•iefaotnryezpert._- .,tbother H
preparations should not Women you
against "Putnam'.-'• It was the first, the
bee. the only painless oorn our*. Giye It
a trial. A oorn trested with other remedies
wouldn't do so again if 1t oould help It.
Give ynar oorn s chance Uruggiets who
sell only the best always cell Nausea's Palo•
less 00111 Kxtraotor,
11 i% not with.re 1 up with oars --
le is as fresh sad fair to W-
Ae sweet to bold moa dear to me
At when wito chimes upon the air.
Oo Christmas nights ot years apo e.
1 held the same dear lotto thiog,
And felt Its sof' caresses bring
'I he flushes to my throbbing brow.
Ah ! ere were bolo to never pari --
This little hen 1 I hold to night
An 1 1 -so with strong delight
1 press 1r to my beating heart
And in the midnight solemn hush
1 bless the hitt(• hand I hold -
lo broken whispers be It told- i
1: is the old•tlme bobtail flush.
--Monist Ecru..
The newest thing in Summer Corsets, just in, w SOC.
Some special makes in Black Dress Goods.
Extra value in Ginghams, - - 10c. and up.
160 yards of Printed Piques, fast colors - 10 cents.
1320 yards of Print, warranted fast color,
regular price 10c. - - - for 8 cents,
1260 yards of Print, warranted fast color,
regular price l2ic. - - - for 10 cents,
Another lot of cheap Dress Muslins.
Every one is a bargain. The last lot of the season.
These Goods are all this season's make, and at
sale prices, Extra Value.
They are Less than Wholesale Prices.
Come and ,00 them whether you want to buy
or not.
civilization may be m'ta'urel by its consumption of soap, aal its reassumes by ilia
quality thereof. We are now showing a fine aswrtment of
Dainty French Soaps
male from the purest nivrelieat, ui the moat thorough own- 1 THIS tiUARANTERi
,,er and so entutsttely perfume) a. rats only be done in that 111. THK
lural of Suwon,.•' Le Belk Franco " QUALITY.
This beautift`I line of Soaps in Violet, White Rose,
I,.kcy Club. Poau.D'Kepigile pod tither popular odors we THIS EXPLAINS THE
10c. each, or 2Sc. a box, GREATEST SOAP
.1 nal to the high•prbe.1 Noir at 15 to 25 emits a rake. BARGAIN YOU EVER
X Wonderful Snap i. our ()Void .1 14 ip. A line 1 trge c.ike,
equal to any 10c. asthma! osp in the in trket, at 3 for 10..
I hw't miss this opportunity.
W. C. 600DE, he Chemist, Bedford Block.
t Si sa Iforninerf ronsh.
se•esti$ Gleed sad Stomach titters
In fancy destining arta ornament
ing and almond icing.
Give him an order and your sat-
isfaction will be assured.
SCREEN 000118 &
,irrlTM We are offeringthe above
goods for the
balance of this month at greatly reduced
prices. Call in and inspect oar stock.
THE OLD Cash;.Hardware3tore, i ::: Goderich,
Scrfflltou llar Coal
All Coal wetghad on the Market Noales
where 1oa get MI lbs. for a ton.
Orders left at LIM R S IP8.OSD'8
• 8tere promptly attended to
N ttttttttttttttttttmttt1tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttrt�
14.pR.,'li`.S.Y.t 1."bs '� _ 3hS Say I , ax,r• AAYI.r°A1ms
Bicycles. It'n worth your while and the
tuquaintanet' will save you money.
The Ior.'e.t allow of Bicycles ever .eon in (lntlnrich. All folly guarantee.
Our line for 1901 gives you a generous choice of styles and prices. They combine all
the latest features
with our line of
\tip" Dunlop, G. & J., M. & W., Samson, Goodrich Tires.
0\ We also have a number of secondhand wheels at hergain'
Repairs etre steal carefully and promptly by a first class repair men,
We harp been .oiling bicycle* ever since a bicycle woe a bicycle and are known are reliable
dealer.. Telephone 92.
should be fashionable, of good wearing quality,
nice fitting, and keep its shape till the:sole parts
from the upper through long use and wear.
Such a shoe is the EMPRESS, of which we
have sole control.
We have a full line of cheaper shoes in stock.
•el ' no4s .r
Wm. Sharman, jr.
Slater Shoe Agent.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD. Goderich, Ont.
Hammrrk., 75• to 13 50. Croquet. Tenni. nete and halls.
Basel.all hate. 10: Rolla, 20r (llnve., 150. HpaMfng'e Ita.wtmll Oni(Ie,
Fonthalls, 45e. loon.. Stiek.• 35e
For the Small Folks.
Shovel, Hoe and Rake, 15,, (lo•earts, 111.410 Waggons, $1 50.
Mand Pails. be. Wheelbarrows, tie. Ostia, 96o. Shovels, 100.
Children's folding Fan., 5r*. Baby Harsssonks.
Good Reading ,.
fit, weal line 85, Novell going at. 150
160 Walt oepyright Novels in lesdieg (Abney 10 read at 10e.