HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-7-4, Page 3J1',4;••t .•,4i.:4'C',6 .� r�ila .� ry sant. ''d^ � ,rim,•,•; �Aw�* lt,, ^rq,. The ebJeet 01 this advertisement is to induce you to try MONSOON CEYLON TEA. (let a package; it really merits a Olaf. LEAD PACKETS. ALL GROCERS, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++444•4444+H444444414++++++ A Possum Ridge Courtship DY THOMAS P. MOU11TYURD 111 A111ab6R•a h +o•++++++++++++44+++++ttt++ +++++Nf+++++t+++++++++++_ lien Br:uneh, twenty yearw of age, "You. =ought If you tried." halt lend gawky, slemiched Ieleurely "Nut 1f L didn't try very hard, ar,ong a path that led ucN re,w Caleb 1 reckon" .lartarr'x wood plrture. Ila wore a "Then 1'ta gone (e, retouch you." LLP rlippwl his arm ebout her, drew br„id brimmed. wcuUr r -orated etreaw her to lam, and. after if little hut, n hickory shirt, and e► pair of Pi1 struggle tel her port, keyed ;ter. Cotton overalls that hung on him by They tetra! fur a while, baking at. one suspender. lie feet were here each other, hushed by the brine that Art old shotgun lay un him ethuulder, had settled upon item. ah bench 01 rabbit, hung tit this wide, }'really he said ,cud five or sit dogs tulIowad at Iib "Yung, Yum! 1 never. knowed thar heels. was anything as good am that. Llcsle Jackson stud Ironing :ignited ttateruelonr an' sweet 'tater. un' n fence, silently watcldug Bene tip- Motile" haln' within' to It. "am, lrv,urh. Her army were folded on the yunu ! Mdn't you like It ?" top rail, and' one of her bare feet "Hush !" rho raid, it a woff Whin - "cotes! in s creek. She was a year per. "Ibn't talk to me now. i want oer two younger than lI •n, and, unlike to Jest he mill an' dream 'bout It, hire, was short and ►dump. lie did an' think I'm dead an' dune gone to'. rut ore her until he was quite More, heaven. Yuin, guru !" then. looking up, he sued quietly: ''Le's do it ag'In." Howdy, Lls ?" "Lehi do'----_" "Howdy, Bent' she rationed, with "!'mph-ulrh! JLuln't that jest ttw- eetuul hack of htere.L fol good?" '• Ildw you et,min' oa 7" he naked. "seems Jest like a dream. Wish we "Jest tol'able, I reekun," rile re- mild keep un it—duan' that all till. plied. "flow you cumin' on 7" time." "Jest toinmtp, tourer. Yu' folk. "We kin." till Well?" "1'h, hull. Folks netught talk 'hoed " L'ap'. grlint!n' some with hie back. IL" Yoi folks right well 7" 'Nut if we was married, they All able to git to the table a wemdn'tt" Weal time. cher you been T' "But we hadn't nutrri'd, though." " Iluntin' hh'ker'uuts. !Phar yOs* "No, het we can 011)11 gut uutr- Ia'en 7" rietl, Square Becton can 11x us tip Hontln' rablltte ('an't you seer in no time;" " Ch, hull. Did yew ketch all them "Yes, but:, ho won't do It 'limit rabbits you got thar 7" pay •• \ '('o'so, Them ain't ninny, though." "(0'se he Won't. Rut we'll isl,v Lord! They hxoks to mr lack him." tthey's a heap. )fust be 'shoat a half "You hahn't, got no money."dozen of 'em." "That ain't Delhi'''. 171 fix It ' They ht .1etet n half dozen of 'em, with him." 11elra(•rt.L(7. . n'. they /I tat 'nils, too. Jeri "flow can you?' detect," "Dunn. I fl ns let ga ow,^ - they -le heavy, ■htM. !._-lege( "Whar'd we are yesmond 'cilu11. y0 can ketch- all "(Mown time ine that empty oaten 1 m rabbit., atu't you?' "teeter. Reckon 141 be a hgap putbutn.P. though, U 1 could kelrh o„welhla' else." "Would you?" "Het I would-" " What else? A tear ?" t liar 'a'd be a right smart thine In keteh, but their's m cuethlie rho. with 'min that." "Lord, I don't know wlwtt It kin 1 ," "I do," • Pen atm was IPseheg *wettest the fe•aee now, his bend within al foot of hero. and his eyes fixed intently on her face. Her eyes were bent on the groom! and her cheeks were fished, know wbat 1tarta-be," Ise mkt, !n a hew voice "I don't," Ohs replied, softly. 01 kin tell you, thea.". "Wal ?" "May. I tell your' "You won't keer 7" "What 'old I Imre for?" "Dunn. You "nought sit mad." 'C ain't no call to git maul." "Ton More u' that ?" "t'o'ss f am. Don't matter neethio' to me, 'bout what yen want to ketch." "ft rnonght•" "tlnn't owe why." - "It naught matter n hen p." ''Don't erre how it runld." "R'pose It wru( you I wonted to ketch ?" "Me' yon wanted to ketch ?" "1'11. huh." "Lord, what ;, n'otien! Whet 'it'd von went to kettle me fer 7" "fret fer fun." "Wouldn't be no fun in that." "Would, too, !Memo( It." •'tineas It wouldn't he deo fun to me to bit chatted down told shot like u rabbit." "Don't want to ketch you that "tt'nnt you tenet to do, then?" -.feet want to ketch you an' keep yeti." '''What you went to du that Terr '('sane I—moneht 1 tell yedlr' "l'o're you mought." ••'t'nuse I love gun." "lin, you tNUn' n ,tory," lint 'Hain'! nether." "You don't love me." • iko, too." "1 bet yea heft 604111.." "Ret 1 hala't." "N'imt awe want to love me fer?" "'Cause you'.—mought 1 tell you 7" "('h, hat,"s • "Iteckon you won't git mad 7" "t:fse I won't, Mart mathia' to gut Wad 'boat," 'Come you's sweet, then." "Heil You don't know I'm sweet." ..Ikx too.'. "How you know ?" ".lest know.' "Folk, don't iota know things." "I lent krona oust, apytr'te" . "You Jest (melt'." "IL,hn't, nether. I can tell gown ..-mm e e jrwt .by lerrttw►•-M y,,vws..-.. • "Iloyou can't tell by hw,kln' let -t4dngs w le•thet• iflcJ► i ilwieot Or Wier" "Kin by tootle' atea. 1 ere .t ml,. o•t n.•„)•dtilsIn' out year flea." 'van J"af MAW' to hear ynu'self, 1 1a„yg,..- "iL1In't. 1't tellin' the truth,” "Yen got to taste things 'fore you kin tell they'n nwee t." I bet 7o Ilpa Is sweet, anyhow." "1 het they hadn't," "1 bet they Is." "I hrt they hsin'$," "Ibrw we Bgoole' to tell which in right, t wonoier r' "Dunn, t'm chore." "You said I couldn't tell 'thout tate the." • Replete I'll Jest have to tate 'em, \then, w.m't i1" "i linnet mid vow meld, have 1?" RiTrdon't yowl ,n't want mw to,. de 11 "i lirlln't amM i don't. have )tf" •1{"tight 1 tatty 'em ?" 'Uonn'v Mrhhy read nlnhhv y'eltmeti'"as rrennghl n't ' l,fyon '•1C'mldn t d noKit oo l did 7" "Then I'm �,An g to git "Helier no( '• g to .mooch yea." '11'hy?,. ''ti'emrhrely mnnght Rep 7011." "peel herr. Monght 1 .mouth yen }ell 7 "Iterk..nIf y -on went Ip you kin. Yoe, the hlggred. Ain't huh." 'r;11 eRu i e.pektn't help my.el, !lien'' gene 7" 0' help's." "Hot we halalgot j thin' to go to houtekeepla• 011," \ "Our mama '11 give yeti `p ted nn' eine• diwhem un' thing,. Won't be uo trouble 'Mout tint. Le's go nn' git married." "When 7" "Right naw." "Re•k,e, you cab fix It with •1 he hellltIre 7" "llu'se. lest be herrn' to fix somehow. Le'o go right 1tuw." "Duminn. Them mliosehda's is *wfst good, though." "Bet they W. Le'. go." "Don't keer," . .• • • In a little log cabin on the edge of n small clearing lived Squire. Beeson. The ?iqulre was sitting in the open door. Sawing a dlecurdaat noise out of an old fiddle. file right left wile thrown over hM left knee Mid it couple of half-grown chickens_ were rusting on his bare right foot. Suede/0y n trrupte w•niketl hand.en• lent up the path lending to the ell hill 111. or. The Squire wow them ;Ohl et011es1 Ilia torture of the fid- dle. Ae they drew near lien tailed reit : "howdy, Metro r _._.... "Howdy. Ben, howdy ?' the Squire ret,1rned. "You right, well, Square!" "Mallin', Ben. Jest mhklllu'. You well?" "Tul'aMe. You right smart busy, equate ?" "Not. overly. Reckon then ain't within' in the line n' Jestice you's n-.thndin' In need of ?" "Not nlsackly In the line o' Jeatfep, i Knees, Hgmare. Still, I mought bet a-wnntin' oomethln' la your line u' twwlaese." Jess mo. Wel, .77 thee. af7thIng this (vert kin do far you she's at yo' &orrice. kb jest speak out. an' my what yon'uns sir a -wants;" "1 hala't done undid 1 ter a-wantln =thin'. I said 1 mought be wnntln soaiethile." ' Wel what air It you =night he a- vv:litt)n', Ben?" ' 1 dense, 'Square. I sorter lowed webby me aa' Lls here nought took n notion to gid married. fl 'lowed met .y If 14 *a'n't goln' to be too tomtit. we 'nought." "Dl1sackly. Wal. that's proper nn' as,ording to the Herlpturea, Ben. The flood Book mays it hide'( gond fer man to be alone. meauin' woamso. too, ( JPoige. H„ yea in' Liz flggered_to Kit J Med, tda 7" "We reckoned we 'nought. "Lyn hadn't Pan (k'ut.l «1 on it, though, Hganre, that we're goin' to be willln' to ply no great hig price," ".fMet no. Wal, what you'll me fig. Bern reruns la wenn' to lily, Ben 7" "(meet. hardly. Whet you 'low yon one j'Ine un fer 7" "Rreknn 704 000 Pasini .t no ininiterTI "Nary a tent, ggllare _.:_._ "Yau'uns got anything to trig -4T' "Nothln' lett them dewy; an' these herr rebMts," "No tobocker, nor a pig nor noth- Ia ?" "Nnry it. thing only what i ohms tole) yon, an' ah ole fiddle nn' n gum. CII gin you tow o' thew rab- bit. obbit. fer Jinin' its, figsire," "('tin't do It fer that, Ben. It's wuth n hemp to many folks." "It ortn't to her wuth much. It don't trek hardly a minute, an' it feller '11 weak like sixty all day fer six Mts. Th,1t's gIttin' them rabbits flow'tuI m«y, *mare." "I knot►, but It hnln't the time nor the work that count, in n crime Ilk, tide, ilen. It's the /twilit ;In' ;solemn reepr.n.ilrllity. I enn 1. merry poloist fer two rnhldts." "Wal. 1 reckon kiehhy 1 Moneta mike it three." "(Mem we rant trade. Ren. it's wnth n right smart to marry is evimple. Tlunr's en natal much re reversibility to It." "H'finee we "ley four rabbit'', Rriunre 7" ''Won't do" 'tt'al• how much yon wtilin' to Jine us, ter. then 7" "IOlmnn. lordly 1 want to he no ens, (N1 ynu'ims no 1 kin. h,1 1 don't. Incl te' tit, entry i reckon, now. I mnegbt Jine you I an ler nil th• m rnhhil, n n' t fiddle." "('an't give yen lel) thr'm. Hofnnre. "Can't make no trach-, then.' • "You'uns can throw off the fiddle eery enough," "Iluu't reckuu 1 kin." "VoAu'uuu can give tit u short well• tin', a leavlm out wane, uu' Luskin' It cheaper, can't you?" "No, can't chi tlWa Get to gut all of It lig yk,t to ba awful partic'lur 'bout (alt," "Wal, throw off the fiddle, Square. Fiat' we'll call it a trade" "Cig n't do It, lien." "I'll gin you all rix of them here rabbit,.' "Can't do ft." "Tbey'r pitterlful iig an' fat. 8gmare. Jest heft 'em onset-" "Can't truide that erwsy, Ben," "Heap o' good eatite In 'them. tab tett, though." "Can't make no trade like ' that. Have to throw In the fiddle." "Ole them rabbits b fused up Mee an bows thtey's men' to be luougb. ty scrumptious', &years." "Fiddle or tet, trade, Ilea." "l'ow'ful Juicy an' rich, them rab- bit. 1s. Yum, yum! 'Yost makes my ,111,,,a1 11 water to think 'tout 'Pm," "Feldle or no tresde." "Tier's Lls, 74quare. She's pnw'fie anxious fer the weldln'. You alu't guest to staa' oat an break her heart fer the sake o' that uhf fiddle, air 700'7" "Iotkn to please, Lis, but I got to Faye lite fiddle or no trade." "Wel. I reckon we mought as well be a•go(n'. If you bnln't wILlin' to Jine us fer them els rabbits we Jest won't git marred. Colne on, Lis. Wal —er—fer'weII, equate." "Give gee the rabbit', an' fling In one n' your doge an' I'll marry you, Ben." "Can't do It, Square. 8.s rabblta or arm weldlee " 'Fling in a slog an'--" "(heel -•fay, Square. I gunsa we wrin't---„ ^Wad, give me the ralbltu an' jive hands. Cnu't afford to break Lis's heart like that, ell', anylenv; we're kites o' Short o' meat at our house jest now." I+4-4".4.4.4.+4.41+.1144444•4414.4114.1 A WARNING FROM JONAH. A aleULANu xi.N9 riR', Ul0C'Ol Nor TO • TUC Tut uuIs lei. rMf+tttt+it+++++++++•:+++t Act, pun, there's u lot of you tine Engage' folk Dome here to hear nee L.e.lay, and 1'11 fires speak n word to you that'll pe a flee in your ear, un' tittle' you fur a lung there to ,',due. You're up here enpoyitl4,yer- sel' ea sh(utlu' an' finale, en Loll- dnyiu', an' think you know a crag teal more than we eau tell you. what. iffer. But you don't, not one 0' you, You hue people free to Soollt ; ask mired what I'm telling' you, mxl, for You are Pah great deflower uu' *nor. tome. Jost lieten to me ' to- lay nit earnestly a• you can ay 700 wilt learn something you neftt•r heard pe• fore nor again. My text is "Mouth 1u to whale's partly." Ile was a pro. pact, and that war what happeneu, to him for It; ,o don't you let pro• }►heti' ler you'll mepe 1*e UN thillely ronfinedf as ('hooch. wive wIl ithlfe•r. Not, you fine people fear tit Stx,t11. nand whet I'm Lenin' you. You, you Ie...e your organic playing In church. Not, what place is a chump for nn organ at *11 murefor f Wiwi -ter heard of the Apostle Paul (akin' hie organ to church with him 7 Or whuefer heard of Mouses *nth Aaron playls' with. an organ 7 It is an unroll turn) netrument, and that's what It 1s, erecter. Ytr,. what couhl Cleonnh e done with au organ in to w'hale's 7 Jnat- _fancy_.-.Camah . phaylu' awn at tit' organ there. Wily, CO rewire table whale wi'iFI have NtoNod it fer wan minute at all, whatrfor. Art'. them, yon fine peoples, you'must hnf your prayers printed( tor you In it Mt bookie, or Toy will not say them at nal. No0, you, you fancy poor l'ho- rush tryin' to read Ms prayers no' n' a bookie In to whale's belly. Think how ferry, !terry dark 1t moot hat was ; nc matches in those days for poor Chonah to Ilcht, whattffer ! Answer me that, you Inc.peoples free In Rooth. An' that reminds ere thee,, some among you that think yourself. fenet rry ltnewbelievelent hone swallow- ed 1 the whales petty. But jest let me teff yon tint you doesn't know no— thing at anl, none of you, for it was n phenomena, that's what It wnmp: toed that reminds me some of yore wetm* Hot 'swore what et phenonienn Was.. Wee some of you have wen a Hellnnt coo, whatefer. Neo, If you was* to see that cot clhmhtri up a pine tree wi' Its tall foremost, away up to ferry top o' tit tree, ate lookia' fru Mole' nets, you'•1 would clay tint wen phenomena fer you. Noo, ma freeing, it's well fur tar know these things, fur you neffer know to tiny err to nor that you'll "nicht chance the fug' Iota to ferry pe!ly o' a whsle >ene alts, or into some cotllemlhangir or another. An' you would bit wuolIn' you were as .you were pelore you tonne. nn' you'd couldn't du it nn' what was; yna'll pe Ito n' to eh, ib n Wens ynn'll pe gein' to rend your tornger book', when there whsn4 any? No; repent ye, or ye nhnll notelet, morel'. An' las collection will be takep ho yo retire,—J, Fraser Matht,a,n. flood Shoe Customers. A ('nnndbtn shoe dealer r(.eeIvptl the followlitg ureter from a enef.omer in Quebec it shunt time ago: Yea will put Num, ohne on my Lett I e Mealiest like this anti send by the .tnge of 8mm Jane -eon: ONE MAN John $t. John (me)... ... ... ... 4: years old ONE WOMAN 8,phta John (she) 4,1 years oil HeriuIdnelaad Lenore footle years old Honore... ... .., 18 years okl Celina ...... ... ......17 years old Na eleoe,,,,, )etnets and Pi,I me •.. • ....... if yearn -OM O;Nleo— .......o,. 14Year*ni'l Phllllppeo... ...... .. .. .........13 yearn old Ali xnndre " 12 yenrsnld Rogan—. . ,",, ... 11 yen re old Rrnnu..................... 10 years o1,1 Pkrer..... •-- ... •,- P years old Fug& 1e .. ,.. ,,.We toms IsLn Eden rd anti Edna... ... .,. 7 year. old Adrian.., ,., ,,, 6 years oil (!n mine... ,., .,. ... IS year. old Tame! ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 yearn old Melee II .... ... ... ... ... . 8 yearn old . 11 years old Marcel... 1 year old HUlnlre... .,, ...,"..,Iia go karefolrt HOW MUCH? Ton Hranl New. The flannetnl reporter of 'fir New York temper, ha '4 snot In 11111 reel, was ushered into the preemie.* of the !Western Railway Inngnritr. "Colonel," he maid, "pardon me fer troubling you. hit tho•re in n report (•arrent herr In \\'aII etrret (brit yon' aro In finnnelnl dlffleu,tlee. May 1 otk If yon have anything to ray nb,fit It 7" "Young mon." responded the meg- nntr, "how long hnvr you been do - Ing this kind of work?" "Only it few weeks." "1 thought si if yon, fan.! been nt It any length of time you wnnkltin ve known that i nm Always In finite - Mel difficulties. flown -morning." — t'lilrngor Tr(h,,ne. 1Shnt n womnn zany* gcee_If she imps It Into the telephone. IN BLOOMSBURY. Some Stories of the Streets of Old Loudon. t YigRY NOTABLE DU leeo*ut11 hl.. three-c-a•urreI hat. le kir. J,ruur tel uwny, 11 1e0 heal lent person. Inst 1..ulld('r of Foundhllg Hospital and other 1.1 (.1.1' lnstituti,ws: he had JOWL r 'front a visit to the ie,w thurut fare h•. h 1.,e1rtrut1*ig, which bear, hie name. But, In the num gootluers, what ttaa rush till hit l rive-Iwoklng porton dune to exert, much hostility 7 Thr little rtr ragamuffins are yelling at his h nett pelting him with mud lh:• Pare ELblowt'ns of 8t. Mier' are .!wring htughing at him; the mon h,r,l, even reeplct,blllt,v peintr let 111e finger of contempt. .1 could, mien carrying nn empty red:1II fill dawn to swear at him, it hackney ctwcitmnn, wi. jest eh'pwllee1 a fare, w1t11 firgltful oath, Actually en Is uerosr t he lack with his whip, nu one Iter a word to say hr Ida fent*. Hurely he Inure have el votive very dlrgnIeeful act 10 h rendered himself mu obuoxl"UN everyone. Ihlt all the hortl w•rnis dirreto 1 etgaitut something carries beneath Pair arm—it 1s white umbrella, it very large, bag t vampish-epe('Imen of that useful (tble, "Look al the oil fool! 1 afruhl of a drop of rain," crier Ht. Mier' wench. "Kure, and 1 taking' the bread out o' the uauatl the poor, the old lief," Cries Irish chairman. n, "He'll do away w emoted, and read Out all Mary the old villain," snouts it hire "lie aught to he put in the p111 for bringing his outlandish fav tion into this country." ' Il'. 1171 In the face of the Lord," snuffles Canting Methodist fresh from t preueidug of 11'liltefleld; "Ile sen the rain. and He .never tntendetl rhoul•I resort to much devices ah.•lter ourseives from what sends." "1n eotrae not," chimes the Irishman; "did'n' He rend chit and hackney co whee 7 It's only t hay them" that urea them thin and we ,hall hare a Judgment 7 on us." Hniway has taken the Je ttig and abuse very calmly; but n on et et 1% leg the lush of the w11 his face fires tet: "You shall ply f that, you ruffian,' he ways, tre Ming with indignation. Ilurrvi hock to where Pals beillders are work, he return,, wide the, mob a still lu full dl*ethadhon, with hea- dmen etttlwurl brlckluyerr, a point* to 1Lt. usetatlunt. 'Curry 111 off to the Round house!" he may and in spite of his reslet:ince tt drunken ruffian Ir soba made cap (Inc. his ,frientle a eaklug oil Will, it comer to Mimi+, and within a fe :Manton he Is surely vagal with the round !louse, which 14 only a fe yard, off, just where High rtrer Bloomsbury, 'ow hem; Oxfordrtree And nil this disturbance Is nine an uhf gentleghun carrying an un brellu 1 Mr. Hu way hum been Perrin, nod her brought a Persia umbrella with "hl , and has there) brought down u lin his head tit wrath of Iles tette rountrymeh. liu 1te. swill -&survive heat- eauugk.._tu--ads down this preJmlice.,Only a year ( two before General M'ulfe lute bee greatly struck, 'luring, ft. visit to !h rig, by this neve'Ity, enti welted a film!—"The people \!sere use it umbrella to hot wrath to Lytes them from the cul. n amu tbhn of the same kind to etre them fru, Ilieknow and rain. I wonder At pract(c su useful Is not Introduce! in Eng land." Yearn nater this twiny\ n nen town had but one umbrella. and the woo kept 10 the church porch fo delleatr, wnmety; -bet -few- inert 'wonh have had the. courage to wntk wi oar, no matter haw bad the wcathe might bit, ns he certainly wnnld hely twee Inrlteel or fur his effelnlnnry. It Ir Sunday morning. Jest fib tit ah stone epos -where we witatemeett--At Hallway inchlent. but mawyear nfterwartfs. Mark tint strangena looking little man, who le sking hi way up the road. What h curlersex presektn of face! Ohl you ever owl' n struggle upon a human coun tenance between roguish humor, ant rt superimposed • snnctlnloniousness Everybody seeps to know IIIm ; Name net, 1101)10re 1011ken e stop ire after Id rvt'ryb.(y beams with smiles no ht• manes. and itt times it glance of In finite drollery lights Up hie own fen tur&w, but in, Instantly extingud.hed by it puritanical air that 1e even rrrteter: Thfrtle the fnmetts cometllith of Drury Lane. Nei Shutter, one of the grrnteot bonne geniuses of theage. at least, Garrick nays so, and hp ought to know. ALM where '10 you think he in going 7 To Whltfleld's Tabernacle. The famous preacher has tendert convert 07 him, anti five times un Sunday rhes lee groan beneath 1,1N powerful oration. Not tint he line given up his profession. Olt. dear, no. And hoes no liberal to the Taber- nacle that onto, on the occasion of 111s benefit, Whitefield recommended his congregntlon to attend "Juni once." NMI b•ginn hin conventicle haunting at six on Ntwwiny mornings, an 1 liquors tip tiesld,tuusly during the Jonore; the mare he drinks the mere e ammo- 1 he fee!, he hua call, an I onHemmer evening.' sometime. hold, L. forth in onpfflel,M apron orlalwnl win an 1 regeneration. On 8indny night, however, he pots hie religion nwny with his Ban hey riothee, to rent in !even ler mall the following' seta night. fTenr Palm nt the tavern after naltile play, nalyou will die of laughter nt hlodmll enllira. Peter fellow ! What with drink and *eying grace and wreetllige► with 8ntfnn, he brings on w atehing of the brain at Inst. He le $, n ,tent fivurlte with the ttlghest p rSinagcs In the realm. One nighttwo mynt (harem come into 1114 clreas- ing ,neem to hove a chnt with him ; Mit Nebel wntits to study his port and mww k,1k4 how to get e11 of them. 'Your R.oynl High,Psees must *emote men moment," he sees, ''the prompt- er h:, e g ,t my b eek ; I must fetch It. Wattle Tone Rnyal Highs/woo o mind Iw,kldng my shall cep to the fire, and prrhnps you wouldn't mind nlring my breeches" white t nm MOM 7" "f er- astialo litutar, omelainie-e4... la . _the cheerful reply of frith. A. few minute•* atter abider pomp* *it . s eel peeps ens through the keyho've not u berth no the srt-entnre•l primes asmbhwnu.ly vvnrming the nfores eel 1 article's of at- tire, alt, etu- the ear u1ur egh- still 14.11 N"• N" ret rel, Itele and nmol hlw • of l It Mid has 14 111 u, and de - (0111' LTC to utas he n gas, ,I r - item 11 1e's 1 0' nn 111, in', ey. pry en - ng a he dt wr• to He In tea he era Pr - Or m- ea at re nd let a; lee a w Ln w t, It ill 11 ,y. t r7 t• to u 1 r 11 t r Lir r • t r. t • ser • In Which Two Brothers Died for a Wom CARRYING THE MST UMBRELLA Was the Occasion of Many a Fierce Riot, WHITEFiELD'S OLD CHAPEL. A wild etretcb of country, broken by hedges, ditches, panda and banks, overhung by great trees Hint oast dense black shadows in the clear =sunlight. Eiouthwurde there le a dark line, out of which here and there a twinkling Ilgltt le visible ; that W Loftily*. A little more in the foreground, but to the acme dlrec- tluo, aro two extensile ranger of buildings; those aro Srnithamplpa and Montague house-•. Nearer still le a solitary farm, with Its Ihaytlaeks sal outhoutiee. Nut ti. round, not u murmur, to wars me that London le wales& u mile. We are in the fields of the v111u a of Lumte11bury, wince knuwo us illuomnbury, the district new anertd by the groat central equaree—Ituneell, hur,sw, ik'dford, Euetue. The road to Tolson'C'ourt— now Tottenham -court ruud—(m n hedge Wendell, rutty by -way. E3utu- uo Haid hag no exestenee ;- pasture and corn land, rtrett:hing away to ,o thu wooded litigate of !tamp - end and Highgate 'that holm dim - ant cud misty in the silvery' rudi- nee. While wo stand amazed at the sud- or transformation, we perceive brew Uguroe advancing from the Ire:tluo of Lama, ; their foo(iih yw being muffled by 1110 trick summer ,stew; we aro not aware til their pprwacJh untl they are eitese 1114011 r. All three are wrapped Pah d tak.•1 nil heavy brimmed, plumed hate. hey' rot, Just beside a pond that e been farmed in iv -broken- hotlovr ,y the druleiig of the land. Two of ho trio now throw off their oloakr led lulls and amour (trended as WM- h'moa of the period, In full skIrtvd rivet colts, meets un.l turbcluwe, wise Ire'olue, milk Noe:kiuge ural cklei slows; the coots and waist - mot are next rentoted, tht'ir fine wu shield opened at the toilers. be curtly ruffles& aro rolled upnbove le elbows; there is a flnd,l like ghtniog and Ia eine' of etoel, hand to two urn (acing one another, Path facer white with hate. Thr bird attire liiaid 0iwulrk down upon bunk termed by the gnarled routs t u wide epreetding bead re ; but not b•lore we hate ught a Umpra of a face Int tells -lis ui—ii 'woman. As lin ill .1,1 primitive days, there two en are here to decide at the point tlw aw•urd which i* to p4 sole •r, Aad—slam, the pity of it—they r brothers! At first they fence ilh caution, each waiting fur his grportuuity; but 110011 their dlsls,t- :11 p►relono mentor their cunning, d fast and furious clash Lb- -orals in cut, thrust 'sod parry, cud elm/tele end forwards trnmp the enbattauts as they prem. on One other, advancing, and receding, d a, the ground b soft and motet hey .4 erve--.keklasl..deey+..lmpre eteet their, footsUep+. All this time uo led hli�' 'escaped from between lir firmly -pressed lips, their clure- clench teeth; but, all of n &den, a' sharp", rywful cry ring. Al the n hl air, the sward of Cf of the ratricadem ham petered rough !him b others* body. Appell- fer ap Lnstnut, he draws out bur cel -stained tLttle, but too late to we off the dying man'. desperate ire,- and then another Dry gwe. to heaven, folluwett by a shriek t more terrlblr, ea. road with nn- ith end terror, the cause of thin -tut rataatrophe rushes to the II sir love,; but the mild mom - ht 1n looking into his glassy ryes 1 Chown on hie afire -=ray fare I the erltn,nn-.talned vestment. glance tribe her it IR Ilfeteee, anti, tit it shriek for vengennee, mite rem upon his iieyer; but 110 is OA removed from her wrath an the ter b.b•yund her love; stark hod girt, but still fierce and hateful, dead fame in. turned, hemostat Mare, For it moment mile gasses, alycel with terror, then epringe Iter feet and sprits away with flewetneso of the wind, an .though fern.* t hat purstteil Orestes weer her heehs. .111 night long they there, blaneheI 1u the mntrnllght, 1 the stn finds them salt lindie- verMl. . 6� b the year in • which thin Me rrtne Is rnmmllted: hut the ter of ('alt iv on tit^ ap,t. The mortals of title Mowely tragedy can er he effnee,l, nn& from that time pinto lm known let the F'leld of y Ftmtetrp s ; tit, Keane never ggnreln grows upon theme etr[[n or fll'1(FN r -Ttr1• ar , 1 T.3 _m8-'w0- .nt. Hoether poet n_ visit to the t at the tent of tfle year 11410, deeer(MA the fatal merle. nethe ,'..(.,nn of h large Minute foot, it three Imhof deep, and the .'u where the brothers are sup - e1 to Imre fallen as toning Mill e of vordnee. Not until brick., and ler eureretl them In the gene tette Uu'v :deadly hl Men from human Somewhere oboist the site of London f'tiher*Ity neem, to hove the pincr. Those field. Nettled teen Hou*,, now that Brhtlob -tint, weer n termite resort of Ihts, nm) ninny n Meet). Pombett iter the one we hnvr deseTHIPIl ham freight In the LongFteh4r, An ret ern gathered rotted, the once ?mint t of the place won hint, rind It ale n herr, denointe waste, the t et the worst chnrnetere : here end remitter and main fighting the regular Hash♦ mmnspment. 1 the flrwt year of the but t on - when the or(00.1 wee taken M he the header and enn- ed Into *tenet. end ,gtsre*. urn tate a wnik rkrwn Totten• Court real nowt hnridete1 nm1 year'* eget. B-'yoaal Whltefleld's psi. which 10 now 4�bnlhllng, there 4 n Mels.- till you corn.' to the m and Five Tavern, at the earner nmpetend read. Starting from corner of ()viewed rine, we have nrlrnnrc.l many *term when sur nt ion I* olrnwn to nn ellerly gon- na with n mike and Mork! hew, tswd up in n *nit of .miff -rehired est., and with n powdered Wig 1 t j a d if 1 u a T1 fete 1 bu C. la t t1 11 tt w t u t ora (1 t1 m of he ter w• atl ha 0, Ali an d orf !MAI (' l7 ern up M. th ed bit w lel up 7e gni a mit lig uta et ll( A wl Ill fur tot she tete the par to the the lit Ito see Our (1011 Irte acv the Fort n men 07On nil 1 mpg leMw p1:lc fete hoe court were the leen Mon Mom ,hurl bre been h s .twee helm deg Were tintl eery tort raewshm Tot hn m fifty rhe is ler Alit of 11 the nand tote then tire", Kum • • tittered from the tbtyie when It one Most belt in Toth awl Wrantit Vieille, nal when all the moot people of the day, from elteptleal Hume up te the pkm•.roontrou of Hentinselon, were dome thither to hear thio wonder - le the only &tort lying lawlmark of the time* we write Meant. The Lone Elehlor Are now the eentre Of the great metropolle. nn I the onor grata svrIwn road thot left only to 'Totten (Inert. no the Adroit en,' Et'. wee theft =gall, milled, he now otie ef the greriteert highways of modern Lotelon 117e.—VIWIO A. Cooke. 16, Illneklmy Ione. Wese Green, Ttatenhron, Len - 111 in. Engin rout Tbmpenion: In enetnein the (motor oil plant growing armind 11CPSAM le believed tn keep newsletter,* Crowe to the mite nf rt trot. and Is 011 111101tUll It Retsina ft helUht of only four Of five feet. But Crete.' etnten Comm' Pintaneher. nt Mnrnenilto. t the phint worth,. he Penn ily O - of the pinnte in, n room, he nriys, the petite nee driven away• FRAGRANT for the la a[3 and BREATH Ira She SOZODOIT LIQYID . 261 Now Patent Box $OZ0D0IT POWDER . ▪ 211e 26 Large LIQUID and PONDER • 16D At the Mores or by Mall, postpaid, for the Price. A peIIt.iat'1q Q al c : " AS an antiseptic and hygienic mouthwash, and for t o care and preservation of the teethand gums,I cordially recommend Sozodont. I consider it the Wag dentirice for children's use." [?fame of writer upon applicatknol HALL & RUCKEL, MONTREAL. HEROES YOU MAY NOT KNOW BRAVE PEOPLE HONORED. A BOOM drummer bay who woe the Victoria Crows has had hit naw Inscribed on the marble tablet pincer In the shuttered Cashmere gate of Delhi. India. The newt Imprceelve memento of the Indian mntlny le this gate, rt11 preserved lee it war left niter the storming of the old Mogul enpitnl'N fortifications on Inapt. 14, J$'t7. At iL1ybrsak that morning rix na'n—tw five sten find it boy—who hitt vol- unteered for the desperate tank, dashed at the gate to clear a way for the attack by bktw*ng it up. There were two lieutenants and tluree aer- ge:nntn, with powder bags and fuses, and a drummer to signal that the with wear clear. Two 0f the num were shot demi and one wits mortnity wounded, huh they did their work, and the drummer bo,: roundel 11,, ad- vance—onto. twice, thrice, curefh,lly, lest the din from the brua,he, should drown I1, The Ltd, with OUP' other of tin 111x hero.,, lived to wear the Vie- toritt Crus. The mooed gold medal for benvt.ey bestowal by Queen Victoria was giv- en to nu ingllah vicar. Oa n' meek - bound oonnt of England raged a storm, many. mutny years ago, whit•' wreeketl a ship among the rocks. The lifeboat put off, but was' glsk'kly dls- nbled, and death appeared Inevitable to the ember still ranging to the unrest. At that vary then nervlce be- gan In church, which was near the ashore. Then the vicar announced 1 eel wan wept:keit off the eoatit Amite/elm a few miler front tilie Ilas- I sell bonne. The life -boat on board the steamer was lowered, Nit it cap - were drowned. Pet the rest of the crew clung to the winking steemer• , The "turf ran so wildly thot no one ' could dare to swim through it, and there was net, a ionise er "wrote in sight. Ihit help WW1 near. though they knew it not. The girl of Id, ifflul Waif II 61101,11d herwmewoman. was tidies along with native Nervant. Hhe caught eight of the vetoed in dietress, nod terraria her teerne'e head toward the emod mile ntarted at a quick gallep. When sihe reach - the twa she -urged her borne Into the angry nurf. She roJe Madly on tin etre re/felted the With great difficult Mlle took some of the children In her nrcan anti put tJoon before 4wr on the pad- dle; then with bigger children fuel women clinging tit her dress dm etarted for the telvrre, gave time. she had rearmed to the ears of her servant and returnetl affair to the forWard for tour !went, till all were safe nu land. the servant having rid- den to bring mit the last man. All will agree that Grace well de - nerved the medal of the Royal Humane Re -tatty, which was noon after presented to her. 'To be nureed by ids nweetheart; while suffering trom injuries received while MATIng life, and then to go to hbv wedding with Ms breast covered with meelnle wits the fate of Piquet, the Frond" plumber, who worked so to.resete. fife nt the tmentng of the ehnrIty bloater in Perin. lake Destlemona, his lady love nelmired him courage one pronassed her imm: null Mort with a dot waved hy handiwork, The reeti•Iminn, Georges, who was the hero, first AIM fore - Maga, of this own', fire, Mtn lind honore without number heaped on lain. The French Q.Ptet ttmerrt mot - rented upeo hint the Croton of the I.egion of Honor, and Ile wenn+ the mole' end ribbon .even when on -the boy of hie mutely Tit-. 'pint ene, w fife he Keyed by earretng her from the .burninir betiding. gave hint 111.20.- 000. nnd when Geoemor visited Ms =live town fte wne nnt only pre - motel with' a medal, hut be received honor's usually given onlv !opal funettnnnries met bint at the nnd there wits a triumphal procession, a concert and it baneptet. HERE'S A JUMBLE. tee Whet Vou Cita Ito Toward link Imo It Out. The following umusing jingle wools are taken from a recent ihrItti. (lie Mt. Louis filobeakentiton t. iv hich 1-1 asstr brit nuinscriber test An old farmer of Arkansas. whom. no= bad ail grown op tool left hlin• hired a young man by the name of Emu Buck to help hint tot him farms On the evening of the fleet tiny tiwy hauls.' up a MIAMI 10341 of poles for wood anti unioudel them between the garden anti the barnyerd. The next morning the old emu sali to the hired man: "Esau. 1 am meow to town to- day anti while I UM gone you luny NOW up tlint wood Wel keep the old raM out of the gitolen. When the tail man had a -tine, lemau went out to saw the wood. but when he 013W tie' MAW he WOUldlet SAW it. W11490 1.4441 PAW tile ilAW he 11.1W Mitt he couldn't saw it with that mw. Esau looked artmnd for another mw. but that was the only SAW he eaw, et he didn't 'law it. When the °Moine tome home lie onyx tit Esau : did you saw the wood?" Flinn Nall: Haw the weed. the nitro Leine Mott 1 eouldn't now with that mw. so I didn't saw it." The old man went out to PIPP the saw anti When he maw the saw he sew thot Elute couldn't "raw with (lint save.—When Fonu saw that the obi men mew thnt be erlinthet NIP/ with the sew Eerie -picked op the axe nud clomp's! up the wood and made a nee - saw. The next day the old men went to' town nnil bought. a, new buck maw Ow Root Reek. and when he came hinne lie hung the imek maw for Ewen Reek oft the maw tatek tty the nnw. Jitat nt this time Email Rnek mew the old Nick in the ger- (ten enting enleinge, and when delving. him from -the .aarilea .tes. that bn rna not Emit Beek saw the buck sew on the mew heel' hy the pee - maw, and P:11/01 RtOppeli TO exemine the new truck Pew. Now, when the the new Mirk saw ore the maw buck ivy the ere mw, taride IIIPP for Knvila named Emu. hit the rare -tot*, knorked the Peoesaw nominal Fame Hoek* who fell on the Work *I w, on the ROW bible by the Peresaw.Now, whet' the tild men mew the old Mick invn at Ennio Buek isinel kneel Penn and hit the nee-isnw no^k the ere -saw rye/thud Emit anti Ewen flunk fall no the buck new on the sew buck hy the nee mew. he pe•kial up the AV? to kill the old tun*, but the Welt mw Min renting nni dodged the blow anti toentered on the mnn's stumacii; the Mil reree the nee -mw, ergo Ewan Ruck, who wee getting up with the Mick mew off the saw Iniek hy the pee -watt, and kneeked FILIU ATOI the Park SAW elite the saw hnek by the necmrtvr, cripple, Egan fillPk. broke the buck tenw &fel the MAW I ISA nee' the reeettaw. Now. when the old buck enw onmpleteneew of itt. victory tepee thr old man end Fagan Beek tool the bilek 1,4AW and the maw built :Ina the (44•onw. be • tly turned nrovin,l, west !leek nod Jumped Int.) no, gortloo nakin and ate lip what war left of thy fl poll+ Have yoe +me mach Took DOC FORS BAFFLED By the Case of Mrs. Harrison. of 'Orangeville. nide Was t'ompletely Men Down - t Backed WIWI Pales he the Back, ' Head end 1.1mbs— Aerate Rejoicing r.loott Health. (Front the sun. Orangeville, Ont.) Many 'ease* are constantly being brought to light of persons tieing mired by that wonderful remedy - Or. Williams' l'irtk Pills—after doe - UM; bate (Riled to be of benefit. .tinong them may he noted the cam known lady who verities in the neer v entity Id Orangeville. Ont. A re- moter of tile Mon hearing of Men. Iffteritere'm wonderful cure celled at her home inopuire Into the huge' of the ease. Mrs. liorrimatilead aka trit* lopatim tm 04., to testify to (Ito great Punitive power@ of theme pills. elle said: "For mime yettre I have been a cometant mutterer. Just what t..) con me disease I do not limey* even the doctors were nimble, to diagnose. It. I wee completely etin down, I heel rforkine pal= In My head, beak end limbo I was unable to revere mend sleep, and on milking In the morning weniti feel en tired 1111 better', going to bed. My ntomach root in a had conditinn end the least tate violently. lesetorie treatment felled to be of benefit to eise fowl I - ' when a. friend 'obliged rue . try Dr. WIlnittnie Pink Pilin. Thinking that they might relieve me a little I penenred n 'empty and heart* taking them meeertilng dIrectione. From the fleet 1 roll 14 Plre that they we.rn 'olivine me. and by the time I heti taken hell dosen boom I was free from the alimente that had ramie my life 'Miserable. It le noir netern1 yeneR saner 1 took the Mile and not the least Riga of nay old trouble lute tom. the, 1111C of Dr, Williams' Pilin for any portion wise has AI weak nen down nyntem and sure they - will tert fall to he henefli•inl." To theme who are vvenk. smelly tired, 'woolen, or whose himpft Is out tonditInti, int. Williams' Pink Nen tome rot it blebefte. enrifitit when theme who give tilAll) A fair trial to a iNin measure of health amd strength. seed hy all dealers In med- icine or emit by• melt, pont mkt. at re) rents a box, or inx helve for $2. - The Tramp's Ylew • nesting Retort—Bee here, Tom, thin paper we Immo ito elem. In thin entintry, the( elf.TI .111 know what be In writing about We •re the leisure VIA1111. 1 1