HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-27, Page 7L 1-71 »d i,Sl'§':1, ,1'"`?ttr'tt:Cri( #4':1'�°T"i:'J*'+.: ,;�§;F',iti"irs,,'a :','•= , ,�.u. i..n„,t_r:•:. rr? ,..,_•... ,ata, •v.::a...W,.. .... e.r� „>a:. ..::ave a •ere In garrison on August Lot, 1 fiuurrcopies of a proclamation signed May ;Rt, speaker In :tlmoet as gloomy FRENCHa total of but 9,940 elflcerr by J,ouir 1lutla, eluting tht hu u vein fu regerd to the ocratIour of GEN ami moo; relnfurce•wentr from Aug iwould cut b:+ rerpourlble fur nue Sir Tendon f11oue in the North- GEN. let to Oct. 11th, 18)11, numbered 12,- ' berghcrr who had not rurruud.ret by molt Trauwvaal. Ile guys : "Ciereerul 54(1, ,o that when wear war, declared ttau 1th Instant. llllxrd'Y uwveweut minuet fairly be re - HUSTLES Britain had twit SE,580 trou(rr In -- Moult. Arrlua. gurJ, tut having proved the main Further Ar reLUfora•meolg were rrnp 1"'"Yrs! Ituudle r Work, that the intention wee altogether from Oct. 11, 1899, to the end of Loudon, .eon• SL- i ,k,.ppi1:h from abortive." )Illy, 1800, wll'h increased the total Ilrtr1Nmith, Oruuge Jiver Colony, re- Thu' Ir faint praise beetowed 00 number tent tothe beguilingI udlu K ports nett Oeu.I1 with (tion the operation'', tions whilerI e the corres- pondent s- iwndrut udltr further nt that Ifthe orlglnul gnrrlron, to 265.13_. By lamplellr aid L... ILtrIrYr ',olivine'', April :'0th, 1901, there had beet. rent line returnee here, utter trtversing the primary ehjct't was to enclo'.e Sloden Attacks a Boer Convoy from home and the whinier 347661. the mcunt+Ilnnus diettrlct situated 1n (i'lullrauidun1-(lenerul Botha It war Up to &pill lath, 1901, the killed the ti1a11gI• let ween F'lek.,burg, fru:lrtted at the very (tutted. Af- and Captures it. !lumbered 4,17.2; wounded, 17,_09; 11'4111•Ilem and Witzl'w 11,mk, during ter deseribing the Ncheme which filed of dimeare or woun,la, 10,956 ; die- the part 'wren weeks. During the alone reetnl•t1 to offer hupr of r110- IMoaJed or dlschn gad lu Mouth .1f -'j 'rntion4 all the melte lu the dletriet cetlN, the corrrmp of lint writer: rI. u. 1O,9"6; 10 hoepdtal, 6,68:,: Ill We". b1IW11 up, poem, ploughs :stmt "Unfortunately w. do nal appear I otpital In Mouth Arrive. 1:1,797. "l her lup!emeets for the prtp orntlnn to have troop,' available for mo huge There left South Afrl•a for Eng- ,1 foodstuff.' b^Wg broken. Fifty-fel!a movement. tlulte 1;1,0011 men, half PLACARDINC CAPE COLONY. bond, net invalid , S;pyl: gl(sk, SBeers were killed 4,r welllld,'I Our u( thein mounted Infantry and env - wounded and deed on (xawdage, 47., 1oted Cum'ulu's were five otLc •rs and eery, would be required to voter the 7•.9; there returned to Duda, 90; to 'I;;ht men killed, forty wuu,(feI and 4axt itren de•w•rib it. Where the the ruluulnr, 6,1i7_, flog miring. Tile dlelrlet tr t4ertivl 240,0(10 odd wen new in South Af- The strength of the forcer 00 May by the ooIuturw La oue of the great dice aro dtotribute'1 is a mystery 'tore '1'treats Ai•tlwl '4110.0 .t.lug let, 1901, wt...519,416,. made up of grain -producing and milling lintre11 to all except there et headquarters. 1:81,0(2 regtnlitre, rIN,821 colonials, of the (•441011 y. )during their menet But the enormouH extent of cuuntrY lat'urmrllune Kruger Meeks Hague 5:(,101 Imperial Yeomanry. 9,885 t1,^ columns not with continual ojgs - now lend by UH, the largo number of Court -('o wiles' ('uuslrbular)•- relunitlerr, 'Intl 20,104 wUItIst. ritlea from 1'Nnrlol•', lt:lut•nhurh H pests, and the very extenelvo Iinr•e and other eumwnndoeti, who permute] of emeenunicntlon which It lit 'twee- Leyde (lune to Englund. ('atm Town, June al. -The Tren- t .1141r uxual gu.rllln t,t1 tier, resp to mn[utnDl' +1m1 the military ('ape Town, Jun- 14. -Orn. F'rrucll, ion Court, w1.1•11 Ir sitting at Burgh- Gen. French 1. in command of the opvratlunr from one end of the mlls in the whole 4,f tl 4r.dorp, to -day sentenced C4,ntman- +1etivr (4(erntl whop hoe been appointed to direct the dant Mtrydom to two years' l,tprlr- ('nor ('ololy, while Col. Bcountry to the other duub.rs rt- ute eon- trnrallons In the ('114" Colony, Ir In- moment at hard luting. fie Ird n mem- tluww m to control dee, nM. before, Wein the punchy of then tlemeavuilablt. for action on a large 'rale. Lord luring new. Ilio into tlo operations ofm141110 1n the battle at Mtorutberg In the midland find eastern prole incest. KItehenrr might 'hnv.' 10(1,00(1 nd the eol4,nlal former. Itelnforrewetltr Ire the early part of the war, and The detailed ret) ortm from Middleburg, (Menial man at his itt41 0rtl and yet our ea oxtredlggly active Lupe Cape (b!eny,mh"w that ('4,1. W,' It Sham, have none tut many to 'pare for have recently lore' peered tut, the rebel, Acting \Irl•-1'Onmumlaut '4 the 1711, Lenten', after a tiger-., 'bile work.” melody, and large, counerted wove- KOtse, another Cape rebel, wag owl tight march, covering over forty -- ue•nt4 are Metal to be executed. fined t_ '0. net "s nttn,krd Van Itwc•nrn at Ituigtr Doren Strike Heavily .lgatl. 8'rxken's Mounted infantry, forming-" \'11.1. NMltlellgt of Hr•ynrnlMtrg. 1'11' (radcm'k, (ap, ('ninny, .111n- C:3. -In Spreading Onllnotedy. e'rwm,w, who were c•.mpletely taken the ndr(ulo(+ guard of Uen. K.Illett'r by surprls(•, made but a.feeble resist- !en engry(•lvniut 111 11'111 erkl,1,1 nn I oudN, Jane 51. --are that pro -Beer ,(ung 50th ole "tut"' 1 ..t (shirt me" I1mn, recent!) e-,plalred ra Boer Pally New' sups It henry tint the "bur. Twenty -by -4 p:huprrr were klll,•'1 stud tutu nr,rinlly wounds. I, „ ray. The burglars who were ave- meldeon le rpren(ling eintnnlm'y In t'H)tursl. ;nut had f•xtr tutu M.•rie.111 wuuude.l. , nmfxenying t1,^ convoy were r atily Clip.: Colony. 1t says that It la In the fight at Dlepfonteln, nnrlh- Y f1' 4,001 tit Iturkly Lull, Lieut. -col. Sen- Li reloll( len, 6p nr•n of tiro ('u1'e n•infer,rd from tii'ir main !met "tn 1,, that about 6000 lnhalrtuntN T1'(ITtel 11f1100 were ,•.lplured. cant. y,+uel of t, (•ape ('ninny, mn'tly l,iu11err' hell, Ilruiilg with bin hnkm'1 rape luulow IN rP oil^,I to have been ;woe n determined effort to ramps- Ions, have Jollied the Boer commano Monmtei Rifle', lemldem a detriele MI 1 meld of the 9th Lnuc,rt and other w(undtel and one 11..'r was killed. to turn the mutny. Gen. Elliott Mime- dome __ dilly rent f,.rward it portion 111 - trl.u4w, made 11 night march nn'! IrelirW'r Mounted Infantry, n'.1 the Foreigners 1e beer Forces. Nurpriee l the Boer Iaager. Lakin a {fuer Delegates (io 11 , amen charged impetuously, and the London. June 21. \i r. \L•rrimau lett mu were then driven oil, after R1ehlttn'w , Jun" _ii t14'l.. Carl en. my fled. Ile[, hnu,tnn'r report 011 ter upl•ra- Y pan ie-et/*ken, making nal !lir. 8 ei or 1-11 England yeSter- de15(ernte fighting, iu which the I'rrrer tone of the British cud Byer forma but little attempt at fight - ,lay few 8.uth Attlee one t"rinlly eon - ea belle rides were co mideruble, lit the war in South Africa Is to tae ing. The Billie!' oapturil 20 prl- soled by tor. Qtuotte+ Hall denonstra- published by the War I)rpartm.nt, It Is long' and pnrtlrulitrly interest- ing. C'aptnhl Relchmain praises the Rock's character, his figtrt:lig quelltiem, owl daring, 610 eritiel.e• the absu•nee of sol tier qualificall ,rut. H. declarer that foreigners were the nggreadlve feature of the Boer army, The report continued; "Volunteer.( generally Inv. play I1 a 1''urld,rublr 'art in Obi wnr. They were meetly fend/rivers, .adventurers. ,teajcurt, active, retired rend ex- filmes' Of for- eign armee". The Berea are louder.' rather than ee1,11-'ro: they erre not merit Riven to 1'4.11111g it position to 1 ho Inst. The froreigners, on the run. teary, neer posted, would hold Otter ground. "Wherever 1.((enslve operntlons were nnlertnkl•n the foreigner had to Meer the brunt of the fighting in the nmenult en &,don kop, elan. SLIh, Mall Train Wrecked. ('ape Town, Jute, 18.- Au necideut ..•rurred to 11,' Cape mail trate at la's menace' to -day, 10 wtdIIt helmet! ..f the lass.•rtgerr were Injured. The ('oisweltle,, A War Office return Kites the total retorul'tle. 111 8.utlt Afl len ,luring May tie 1111 011ie:-t1' 411141 511.58 neon. one Inuelree and silly -tilt wore kilt..I in actio", G9 oiled of wounds, 4116 died .4 ,Iitcaw, nevi 1'e were accident:illy tilled mnklnt 11m, tial 'teethe (or the moth 781. Nest I'ay £50 or ,loin ('mnmrrdu. It slower tut:: F'tiu"he, the Ro'''c-,m- .u•utJrre, 0.r' hue} pltlard:ng !'ape 1-ul0uy wlt4 to prom lentos lion to the ef- fe.•t that o accordance with the pewees uttumea when the uorthcra if rt 1 i (..pt' (Wanly wad ❑uaexcd to 1900. the landlug detachment coo - 111.• Orouge Fie' State, twenty "Moto; moistly m( foreigrert. In the mention nate any Iwrgo'■ reporting abortive attnck mn Mntoking a de - 1 he wbereft belle of any hoer UOm- Inclement of foreigner.' ler!. which nur11kr *1e be fitted e50, or In de/null wen gent for that purpose from Pre - be cuwpitle 1 le neeeinpatuy the Irwin, and Orn. Snym'tn, the worst commando on foot foe three 11ltonth.. .4 :111 the Beer genre -Me, failed to According to the beet information mend the reinforcements ngree•l upr'n there are ubtut 5,101 armed Boers In "A careful intent Nati .0 of the cot p a Colony, and they continue to se- wtrength of _these I cure$ PAW rte. -rot -tit that t1,, 1.- nnmb'r del not exceed 160(1 or -- 1400. Th- Hnhl:touter corns, 1111nn- Kruger Seeks Pepe. Court. bereft 320 men. and the Italian corp. lun'loe..Tune 18.-.4 despatch In the numbered nbmlt 7e men. r.•prement- Mur'dug Poet from itras.ele says Mr. Inc I }even (efferent netional(t I^N, hruger has hnd SP% oriel jutervirwm 'under rrMnmaml tit Capt. Itiec.:rde, with influential meenher' of The who had been with Ag(limtldo in the Hague trihnfal, with n slow' to itehtr- PhIIIpelnee. Tl'• Seendin:nlan c•.rlry one them to inter tene between threat numbered 40 men. TOP Irish brigade Britoil's atilt the Transvaal. wee romman'tal by ,Col Rinke, fur - Thr 1'Innn 1.1 News stye jr. Leyte", morty nn nfftr.•r In the ltltth Felted the I:ur,pean'gent of the Trust.,ctu.I Staten Cavalry, and numb-•mtel ab sit will come to Lortilen mpeeinlf,v to re- 150 min. Ttw (iernetn (-orim 11(11n - present Mr. Kroger nt the pro-itoer bred 2021 men, rind there wan ale. rt weeding on IVedne1(1ay, nt wheel French eerier, of 55 114'.4*. and n no m- Tirsars. Saner stmt Merriman. t1,. mien ('(.rpv of 25 mei. and an 4uv•ri- meter e,nIssarler iron !'ape Colony, ''"n menet enmpnny of about 50 men will speak. Another was that of lite 1rlMh-Amrrl• --- cane, whk'h hnd reached Pretoria under the glean mf ambilrtnee Noreen. no 1 they being member, 14 the nm- luhliOeP organized at ('tdeagn." ('.meet Obtain Fre,h 411114, Canadian Ilard Luck. Ottawa, June 14.-.4 letter 1,1'14 04 from n member of "C" Squadron 4,f the Mouth African Constabulary, and dated !fay 12, contains 414)040 Inter; seting reading. ''We had a plPrisnnt trip acro", the ocean, the weather toeing all that we seek! wish for. But we had no rhnnee of M.•r- ing ('npe Town. for we wore marched off the eller equipped with tiler and ammunition and nerd di- reet up reentry In flat ears, fifty min Ito each rnr. We had to limp telling up. the British tioverument coot trotnrporting IoM tr,Hgw i11 ismer, utg .'oeehei not they eke In ('nna e. The •un would nearly roast yen dur- ing the day rind the cold would freege you nights. We -eery Hoven dnyt on the tonin. They red um en bully beef and bard tack. •On the fifth day we arrived at 1.14ybrend road. n 'm,,11 udhtare "entre They were expecting an et - reek (lintIR l I Nthe 1 h n Canadian,' It ere nmr•A nn patrol. We left the ramp at mbinight and mnrcloel five nlilen and returned wit hoot firing n that, Rome e( the boy* were pre(ty w"11 Utast up nfler It 11 vertm pretty hard Lurk to he Ment out en that marc!' after not hitvIng a thence to 0\errt.e aur hullos for fire 'Inya. ' The Boer's wracked a hitepit:Il Oltawn, Some 21,-(Spec•tal.)--Ilen 'rein it few mere from cola plttrr, ern! O'Grwly Holy ham been recalled. heal It. w•ne going very slowly at the The elenernl In out inelecting ramp., lime. nett rmly the engineer and fire- ctn,! no 11, the Minister of Mllltin, nn(1 men wren hurt, ronmeil11en tly they Pmd'1 not tie *Pen "Lest Monday' morning Gen Kum\'m rnl(nrdIne the matter, lint neverthe- brigade of five thousand teen rind IPM, It IN aoprgtnol t , he eorreid Irentoplirt wagon:* premed throng! That the Af,iJor-(lenural commanding oar camp on their way to Ru,.hmnr,'t the militia, who Mtn only been n Short time lure, hue been recalled. are 'ben. three Homeland --- m0n etntionrrl herr nt Heidelberg. London, .1,1 no _1. -Thr Sun titin id - We nre camped at the fart of it high 4"tflOon ngaln prints the Hommel tenni t'T'k' ennonneement, whish It ninths .land. ' We mtill us, the ,inifornw fronted 14, that. (irneral Rollin, the Floor 1••11M In noontide. 9nr nniforme were r•mnmefeler, after tie, a teipt rt( Pre- •:ort'ured by b•Wet a few mole. from, relent Kreger's l,`ci14100 not 10 con. I'r.•torin, NO we 11a4n to waft for an emir nncthfng. decided to ignore the ether mons, wheh relay tekn mit forcer 1'renldent of the Trnnevaal teenthe. Kitchener hart tnkrn 'aur tee, 41nrrender. eernr., Arc him own troops. anti II' The Secretary of Mr J000pl ('hnnt- h:'vn to net um infantry. We hate berinln leetared that the rnnlnrm of elesit four house' drill it day, two the merrenMr nt (innerat Rnthn nre 1:"arm digging trorgeh re and fortify- nnfonn.od. ing the ramp. and ',Very nenonti night The TIm..4' own corremp(rn4ent at "II g,inrd. \\'M Itasn hem tient 0111 Middleburg. Tranavn,J, rnhlem • '' I eel Iwo rm'enAlnla n1' aseorta to con- have boom Mee to learn the npinlons e'en going nbnut fifteen miler. bet of .r'veral prominent ihltelunen in the men do not mind It much Pretoria. with re'gerl to the mewedneem.,, conJnct 01 the wnr. Theme 'ten, who nre old Inhnbttnntu of the Transi- t -oil. have no Inherent love for 1114, London. .Tune 18. --Thr Sun. which, Int for their own make." anti their innwever, has not heretofore been reentry'," nre nnxlnno for the tormin- eter`refihle nn Ibis mlhje.'t, Muse "tion of Ionotllltiir. They agree that Mr. Kruger has actually rats that the only chance of bringing the led to Gen. Hoehn, eleenn(ng to eon- war 10 n lip -wily end. In to prnelnln) (•0(11' Mtything, and beat, In comae- 111''t rift n certain (late the forme q'Irree of thin d.m•lelon, (inn. Itothn of min still nn rommenro will be eon- nnd the enmmnnranto agreeing with ill1ntrd. Tlrim 1•(401(1 bring "1wn) hi. 110(1.0 views Alts'' derided to re- the eirrrn,t.•r of it large. climber of lnt4imte Mr. krugl'r'n nntherlly, nnr r•ninnnn(Innl', timego 11 woel.l not n further ennaultatkxn week f nt.he'm affect the forelgnnrn nr Parr lenders reprementatlye and Lord Kltebener 11114'11 1411 Rothia and Where who linvo will he arrange) for nett week. no property. itrlirey, they believe, Work of Pellet, will fight to the end. The opinion ingernoll. June 19. -- .T. n. nP entertninerl of Botha by time, who Wolfe writes from Bloemfontein He knew 1,101 well In not favorable. Is with iA4Pn.Powd1'S Pnfl.'e w oto A Mtnntlerton (enpntch piny!: 1)r. perming througet Dn Ani' 1,n ans., t,- F.vertr4 n Beer 'teeter, who Ilam h"on (11Y) women pprrinernern He In engaged hrnnght In. mtnten thnt the burgher, In looking after etueop and rattle. :err heartily tired of fighting, nnr! wnnld Surrender to it man if their 011awn, Join„ 19. The War ()Mee Iu",drrm wmd4 potent' them to do me dors A return of the military forma Two eoloilnl troop. nvt'r that they In Routh Africa (or 1899.1901. There toned le the pockets of two dee 1 I.,ndon, .Tune 20. -In the House of Common.' to -tiny the Hon. William St. John Rrrmlrlck, Secretary of State fur War, announce:I that Lord Kitchener had been requemt04 by the etwernm.nt to telegraph lrlfer- mall'n no 10 the rate of mortality in the meneentratfon camp'. Mr. Itriolriek added, in reepen414 to an tng1111y from Tl r. Lloyd 11Porge, tion! Nereid dirt WIM prelvldl'i for young 1 111 limn where, 1'r t i,I., ',mold be den-. Irnl that it trite often found to be in11...oihle M furnish them with fr"NII milk. (11naulens Returning. el'olronl, J1111. 20.-4 elite robin from London u,ye: The following 1'annrllnn 41000(" left the ('ape for England by the etrrtmehip Roolin 1' N e r. n tl n the1 6t u i not :L gels. i Ity an. Tloml"ien stud (Stlinghnu; Snrgeml Roam nee 76 men. They are due al Mluthnmpton on Ju:y it11. Surgeon '4b'tlonnlrl, ref lite (:I r1:1(Iin11 W`nnte, a'n . left Cape e Town for England on the ntenm.hip Romlln Castle. t)'(.1RADY-HAI,Y It FCA 11. LED. In Thla Likely? Major -(erten l O'hirndy 1117-- recntted--*7-i:ultntt4 Meaer11, bougid.e hortrs, amrnnnitlbr4 t1)n for their failure to excite immu- ne.' rifles, a quantity of clothing, lar hlteroet In 11101- femme. .'herr eaddleM rtn.1 bbtroke•l.'. (fiefs among tIi.' nrtice pro-i1ler The number of ttnerm killwl, prism- faction were with lh'•m t , the Istel, ere, and surrendered during Ma ' and there is much orgauizing :161.11)' afln 2,010 m.•n. am(eg them, but Nor.' zeal than oils- --- -_ c•retu,n. .ln ny erronetms 111(. m•ne1'N Italie ay Areldent, hate` been drawn en the continent from the 1'p teethes and r.No(,t len n., 4,f leeelen, .lune 51.-.1 ,lempateli from Mr. Lab'tuelit mem mee•tmg, and the 1'ret'iria 1ay8: \ Seri„h11 railwayItoer IPmlerm In 1Ldland have been g K accident oceurr.'ti in the vicinity of greatly (nctwra '•.1. The war N neve [ r t T1a nn the, 110trrabur(; Ung!: mennli'hll(:, inn remained lisle:lily .\ train full et teepee uta.' run into 1 un4tangcd. :I)• Wet ham apparently by u train rooming\Irmnl the epgw- teen crippled, if ,vt wernlyzr•,1, ter- mite dirert1nu. 'fireelat(('r, tra4el- the Iron of lila ro.140•4', which is ,tit- ing nt acme 1114(4•'1, was mounding it (1, 1,11 for him to replac o, att,l the tone at the time, :Uel it dammed ndv:fntnge gained by the Rogers in into the troop train with great 'terrorising nn I-oLit. if .4untrullan (le- l"rrr•. ' A number of truck.' ,vire tarh10 11) has -Men It t'ngw,rru•y gain. .mamlpvt and nine Moldier,' w•rre kill- Ft Ilene,. that the ltritI,h ars• grudg- ed anti 41041•ral telterm edam,: ally wearing (1'.c4)4 111 • resistance of tile Mere Ie rintniMtakable when the For the Hoer ('enrpers.., 1 nrrrmon1 Mews reported Liv Gen. Leedom .Inns 51.-\I r. rtrudrink Klt,•lu'rer In men. nmmuni!1'11 foul in- formed n 411144111111"r ill the 1tvltse .'nttl" art` adobe' up There ugly he '•f cummone to -day that out of freely warp, [..'v, but the flghti:y( re-- war - 63,000 p,rmnum In the (uhteulraliNn teHlree: of Ili• w•o(Nk•rful Dutch w'nr- ('ampw of south .1frh•a, 34.000 were rior, err npparently well nigh 04- rhllilren, I II+111.,1901, --_ • Refer' Nailing Mr. Merriman Said: War Service Hrcognlzrd, "1 Reline the British workingmen are at Illet discovering that they Lon 1n n lune .1.-\fr. R rl 10k nn had twee trickier l 1,nt ) the 4 t• 11 r rhc�• !entitle -el hl the Manse of ('ommon+, have Mel to do nil the fighting stmt nil the 'darting but are getting few. reward!. South .4 (riot will he Icer• rr and wagrt vein h" tower. 1011:11 neeburg will mover rev her former tiny.' again. Craddock, Cape ('elonv, ,luno 114 - The 'loot aell ment of the ('411(01.41 Mounted Einem, which *Am al larked by the 1kn•r14 at Wntrrktouf, .lune _O (when the Critimh lost 11 men killed ape wounded, and an men wet:. 1.11011111, )441M pureeing Commend - and Milan. v4 hen /:,'Iteral Kritzin- ger wnrprt.4(»l the Inflect camp nt 4Cnlr'rk o,f, whll,• the commie! lreo)p ere wire endol14ilg, lip). Tee fight !fet- ed lou and a1 half Inns,,, I(Ileh,a"r )lakes No Itepurt• in reply to a quemtol, that 11 has been decid,'d that vnln)teer '1141= cern who have served In South Af- teen mLrill he grunted honorary rank in the army. London, .111110 24.-t\'}wtlr#rr mny have been the extent of the graana! nitrI11,411 of She iker four.' and r, - motorcar x11(1 the rexlmeg111'n1 11 1444.- ment of the Brit loth postilion In South Africa during the wed month, the general 41411ntinn ham Iw(')1 mm 111Ito altered miner the end of Tfny that rr•- pwirtm einem! by English ,'orrONp01111- d0nts which are printed lo -lay may probably be token 11. reprrernt the rondltfon n( a11,1mg uuw nm aectirnte- ly nm when they left maple Town. The correspondent of the Dally N(n11 nt ('ape Town 'feriae n statement that im rnlrnlnteti to dispirit the meet njr- tlntl.Hr If It ran:b• re'iaTri1'n*'ivefl N1111111111. The letter war, written about three weeks ego. The (erremp,nalent n( the Mall see* "Tile Boer 111aNfnn of ('ripe Colony 1N flex eloping in n rather 'written man- ner. The (torr betide tire getting re- erdtm, nnl what IN metre, they are getting herpes. Thr•y pinked 11p 110 fewer titan 5410 at the remount 0nrnp neer ('el.dwrg 10m0 t Ian n w eek met. The in4n,lerg are ownrming nil over the enNtern and midland: di,1rtr1M. They number anywhere from 7,000 to 10,000, and nre having a merry time. They wronk trait., kill rolnn- Into, and piny havoc, generally.''' Recording the rupture• nno! Reeking of Jemratown by the Invaders, thin enr- renpnndl•nt abet the meriting fontnrr of the 1neident le that ,1naw41tnw•n In comparatively cl0s" to Aliwnl North. where there were 4,(10(1 British tro01). and an nbnnlanee of gene and trans- port. Ile Tontitown. 'A glare., at the 1111111 will m110W tont n large portion of t1,„ Colony 1' 4irtenny In the !ferule of tlrr 0(40)11,4. From Perot -- mold 1, \\'Illownetre end nernse 10 Krnhnrllt rind en to Nnnmgnnlnn'I, Om Boer ie the mad in prrslrm11lnn. 'MP stew progr1011 of t1,(' enm whew Dom the Brltirh point of view rnn.en l.op Mom( rafa,Hen. The ne thorn IPa allow nett to no new., to he medi'L- r'ol. nal It le only by interviewing re - rent nrrlvnle from the front filet nttr' ^an get fitly real conception of 'lint le taking punrr." Tor cnrrenpondent of the Mlnndnrd, writing irom Pretoria, wider date of rt111itort, 1u11'a ':'I:= -L ,r,1 Kttl9gfi•r hal. u: yet rent no report of the 44,1terk7teof 1111.1inp. Recent event, Ill Cape T'iTony went to prove the Ito -r lnsaston 1,1 that t•,entry to b' serious. f'. S. 1 ratio. In south Africa. London, ,luny "I, --Thr John.nn-•,- lurg lerr(•mpmelent 4,1 1114' Daily Tfn11 eontribwlc, a lung letter to I1114 otos-r 1n which lie demo -rhea the .4m•rt-1,1 trod, Incn:lun of the fond, :dim1, he ulleg.•m, by' itritish apathy. The c.,rreepondrnt masts that Arnert',1141 are quietly buying up Kaffir m11:1r•e and nre pluohIng their effort,' in ('Pry direction. Mote 4npp d. Loudon, .Tann 2I. -Tire Mt. 1'rterm- burg rnrreapnfd.nt of the Daily Mrllt 614lvs that r111194'oi labor than In the Iron work, and tenth fneteriltie of Mt. Petersburg have free' ulpprr•n,rd 11,4 the military anthmritlew. A Nolst Lel, efedrid, .Tune':1. - 1111"o•11ng nt f hiekt're mat held 3enterday for the pure -tee of prolnmling ngnlnsl the hokilfig of t1,'• Jubilee prcx•eNmbnn %'lelete anti tier, •al speeches were mete, and theme pretend ett the meet- ing nfterwertlm 'mended the street, alloltitrrs ' the renvent.." The ernw, hlaNrd the Infnntn ton - belle, *hese carriage wan forged to chnpgn its route. The prerempi,nieta were etentnnlly dlap0r00 t by the gen- darme,. !leets ilia,' ellelemde. London, ,lune 54.-,4 dewpstch to 1 a nt'41. regency trout St. Petersburg, doted to -day, purport., to quele M. ' DeWitt'', the Interim' Finance elite biter. as guying that the statement , healed by lioeretury Oreg.., In ex- 1,1anation "f 110. United Stater iTreasury Depart men U'11 acetol in Imposing countervailing duller on I mortal"' Russian p aeluc1r, rhuwr the que.ti1.11 1s not fully uuderrtrxod by that rtatlwmnn. M. DOWltt41 cermet. lluYIto tat \r liege would ltteu- tlofaIIy mimieriti the people of the United (itrtt'H' 111111 therefore Irmo' only e'onelndo that Mr. tinge Ir not 1111ws1•rsd of all the feels of the care. Nut to be Ignored. Iwxll)u' Julie e e1. -111e f iut s 1 w t_ 1 halt,s art le le from Ole t'ilnl'a 1 eerreepotident, dealing with the "whew. 44 a Pan-American n meadow- atlen against the. United Stater. The writer rape the probability of the rtalizalt'et mf the lieu 1s re- mote, but that ll would Lm 41 111111 - to Ignore it .'altogether, cou- NLdering Ito popularity 111 iudurlr.al and menmeretal eirt•IeN. ILL NOT BE PROSECUTED. Court Says Kaiser's Assailant Was Irresponsible. NE IS AN EPILEPTIC. I,elp,.tger Hank Forced to S.u,peud I'a)uu•nt, Owing to stoppage of Dresdeaer Credit AIILtalt-- Eng - lees Salt t'ulu.t Denier the Salt Ce pithier "fury. Leip»ig. June 25, -The first crimi- nal rr"tiun of the• Imperial ('curt rittiug in earnorat',-:key feel led tett l0 proMe)ul. 1)ielerich Weiland. the mr111 who in \Lerch Ins( (brei* u peens of iron at Emperor 1Cilliaul and mounded him In this cheek, \Vel- l:It•1 was pron(uut-e(1 by ploy incialla to tut all roi1,11114', who committed the 'a11wuIII t (1(on 11114 e(aj.•ste "'111111 In 1111 11'rr,yunM11111• Condition. Lal uldn flank Suspends, le [wee, .lune 115. --The dire'- tors of elle 1.. 1Lrjigl:r !tank announce dell owing 1" Nlu1yragr 4,f 1Ilr Ure,etl: r ( 'rrrht AnzlnIt, In ronmeglrnee m( difficultl•m 111 dla•uun1Ing bit't, the Lllpzigl:r Bank OM compelled in the intrust of its creditors to 41u4peed payment tempo! aril). The direcloro Ma. that If the cummitailrn can let liquidatvl quietly the creditor.' will suffer no Iorw and the Nhnr- holdrrw only hop:, ter n frl4Irable outcome. The eapitet of -the-- 1-114414 [n 114,3)00,000 utrirke. Doesn't Know or It. I.1 erpm,•.1.'June .5. -The Seeretnry of - the Salt Union or I':nglnlld 11e- ,1a7rs 1i' know'm nothing of that 1111:4,11 joining run Interunliesial trust, 1,, ilt(•hid, 1111• National Salt (e., of the l Itilrel Shirrs, and the olj+alt Malt Co., of leumada, A VENEZUELAN_ E N DICT AI'Ofli Castro Imprisons Judge Who Puts Law in Force. PRISONS FULL OF INNOCENT MEN \\'Iilrmmtnti. irt:4)d ,it Clrncoa, ,tune 1 1. - The I'remetent of the Suprema court of Venezuela, lost Lopet, nue loin Neeretnr',', have I1114.11 erreotvl and l,,keu to prlro' for has rug attemir' eI 10 put tete operation tltr ('(411,, of \ rneznl'I;111 j„,4 10,.. 44'1111.11 lugoNer mu .in.Igen the r,hligatlon of %ikiting (Le prltionn 'ltd Hal u'fy lig l 111.1111111.1% I'M that 11111 prlanrlers tore not mulderted t„ nrbltrrry treerueul 14,o WN' Itic111 pereonagee. I'reaidint F'nntalnes tl'itett the 4'ar- nrnM primnna In the ptrh,'rrnn strew 4,f his .Intl, stud found mare than forty preprints who held been terrn,tfel with- 'ot entree and were 1411(1'('rellg thecn`- tlnrl from fit1' 146 0( to Nitle('ll 1114t11h ordered 1H Hrh nn inquiry to he nutdr and1 for t set rnl of the prinn- rrm he Mot nt liberty. Thin otroler ham been cancelled iry the pr'Itlnnitl I'r••11ldent of the Rrpuh ie. l ienerel ('n111rn. and the..h11lge ham been nr- reHt901 and thrown Into prima. SPIE OF DOTAL WINES. S Contents of Queer! Victoria's Cellar by Auction, MAY REALIZE ABOUT £20,003 New fork. .1tiont .S. --Thr snit. of royal aInes nt ('hrlllr'.' rtllrnete»I a large throng of dealers, n,ii. 1 'rrtlulne'M I,r,ndonrorrempoIoIenl.. Tien aggregate meteor tier 1,1(1', tiuxr11 hro,rglit abut (14,71 ), [KM! MIK 4,, about C2I)15)) fur the shire Pentium Htl,k. \1'hile the stenion wee well tot- 1elele,l. (1,.' bidding wan mn11114. Pon- ffnr1 to n few Inrgn derriere. It nom imolrrmtoo,l t hat ale nmldrrnier qnn n- tit,4 of the wine 4)1141 perch: sed fur the Aumerirn11 market, 'rhe Ovines were pale M1111 golden sherriM: from the St. .Inmere 1'nlnrr rellarm, Iwtt11e1 I n I RRO, 190('_, 1491 and 1 e91. RASH MR. HARSH. Ile would ('a11 Upon Mrs. Turnhenl ft •,'rived With oi reboot. itirrningl,an,, Act., .lune 25.-Lnw- v"r. do not have their monwny .strewn with rims: In nils pm)0llrnl It ,4, perlee larev Wellen they No fn r '4rrstrhr the bmn,Ia of Penmen em le elomenmtrlte their affection for mar- ried women. Ifarry HnrNlt wan the nnterprim- ing brad of n ,green grl4•rr,v Iml,in.Hm until he decided to reedy at the feet of mmeket,.ne. Be line "hewn n de- rlend regard for Men. Anne, Turnham. wife of J. \I. Ternitnm. She rr'jrm•t fel Ills nttonllonm. Ili Informal her 04er the telophene that he wool,' rluI( her root night. she ntivlmal him to atn.y corny. whet, he inslet44l rind metenree at the gut•• Me. opened tiro with a grin and mend hint In the Ingic harsh, who In ales. married, cook) net walk home. FIREWORIS EXPLOSIONS Many Persons Killed and Injured. PROBABLY FOURTEEN DEAD. 11.1f nn (lour Later School I'uplle Would Have (teen Caught Noir. row I''4uper Heroism of Ihr Itescuers-Mlreeneu Injured, New York, June 51, --Many persons were killed and a numbs iujure,l to - oho v ,nm the result of an etploelu❑ among a Inrgn quantity.of (4reworket an the store of Abraham hitt memo; at 1'a(orHone N. .1. The entitle of the (14ploeion ,n not known. The property lose will not remove $a.',000. rvnuwn And Supposed Dead, The dead are: Mem. Lucinda Adamson. Mrs. Charley \\iliam+, hurried (r Llg to rescue her hush:eel. C'harh r R'llliutus, cripI)!e, unable to get out of bol. Harold Ialtuuburg, 18 mouths ol,l, 15011 01 the keeper of the Oreworle stur<. 11rury 1:lsurrer, sit works toll, 'those uuMtlltg 118-1 illu1004 (:4rtuful; ,lead are: Mrs. pert Bautbcrg. Charles Bamberg, it MOM htl 01'1, ('111111 01 11144)4e, Thos. Au, tree' Eh in, was In haus,• .111'1 41,1 10'1111 since. Mrs. 41:try Hoarser. .lusepi t-:lcla, tutu week.' ole, child of Mrs. Andrew 1.I%iu. Niro. -- Burns, net been 'ince ex p'usa,a an.1 kuowu tti mase been la the house. s Clarence Iturive rix years old, moo u( above. Mrs. .Mist FInt,ll0l ll, net seen Niece expwsion nut known to have bt'en in the' houee, etre. .111111.' Lannigun, Hera 1,. enter kir ru4+u•tuents a few minuted bc• fere explosion. Two n•pneeto of 41rr. 1.anniguu, were with her whelk She entered her rouwtl, their 11an11r1 net yet sumer- Flails injured, 'Theo metre.] :Mr.-Jeitup, ears. J.' Jen - is up, 1. flambee, orrwge Moder, Nish team llilhn:ui, for, luau ; E !ward Slin- gerland, Mr. runt etr.o. .101st Mceilule•. The e\p,ue.un 4,1,•Itr:e,l shortly nt. ter the mien hour. and many or th • ecetquunttl of the buillnug were out for ,Il11fe•r. The building leo which the (oxide -dot' eecurre I w+ts :t frame truc- ulent, four eteriiw 11igh. 4v ith stores un_theagitil Patter. The noddle story was IIellped)' t 1 tr,•rg:-- reen- fl11ullies 1cc•upie l flats in the buil !- Ing. Sc110,11 'Sul ldilig 1)oinirgrd. ILnl( all hour Inter the result,. went I have been frightful. and 'eight have rolled up n dent!( 11d1 into the Intl• for adjoining the building wnr+ No. a 1111,04,1, in whish were hundred, of children. Nut only tori the eclool dnuaagel, but large quantities of wreckage veer'• hurled into It. .\H It (4 as, Nome of the rrh,el children play- ing neer the u,•llla,l-hmere were in Jurtet. Ai, greet tram the force 111 the rt election that ra Loy playing In the Strut half a block away w'1H lifted from foie feet 111111 hurled against fn ire fence, and one mf hi,. Ings broken, There wtut a trolley ear di- rectly in front of the 'building when the r•xptnmion occurred, and the burst of Oarrte blown out into the street weon:lie t the skies of the car 111111 singed the hair of tion' who were In it. Stunned and Darned, off the heat. stud began to throw wnter into the upper 4)00711, when. without vending, the wbulo upper part of the bulldles ragged 001 - ward end f.11. The taptnln and two u( 1,1s teen were Iwriest under the debris. which was blazing Twu kitten m. were Instantly turned ou the wreek:lge. Oat of it ill it loo- m t Mo- ment era 4 11.11 ',1 rte Allen a 'i e- 1, 1 1 n alk r 1 n a ' man Delaney. y. Ruth were bruleed,►al Lurnell..but. iurtrad of reeking safely they attacked the debris with their hand.' to rew•ue Eddie Mliugerlaoi, who war milli beneath it. Ile woe tinnily dragged out badly hurt. III bin ti 1 1 Was As r l:rlyylr. Mrs. N. \\'llllauw' JIM 1/1k/1.1141 watt a cripple. ills wife Or rump wed t, have remained i,mgrr than 11111' x141,1 With 15nfety Ia un effort to save hlw. He mus toll 1141 burned to a crimp. The (liunl•tl bad the building d,enu- ed long before the firemen arri%ed. anti fee n time It k'okrd as though the building would not only be der- t.ruyed, but that the Datum' would Into d4,win Tla. (41114 swing lu- lu Slntcr •[swotturlreet, aro! Woe 1nt- cuprt11 a so lhrealerwd tnvved out. The firemen feeght the flumes luck, and, nitlumitlt the two building.] be- tween the wrecked nun end Slater street were rontewtwtt damaged, they were 111444,1. The building in S% Well the explosion occurred war burned to the ground. M'ourteer Thought to be Dead. til bOur'' murk111141 flbeu fl Metre had (1,c llatues nut, - gan the work of coelhtg the reins to get at the bottle*. At tirat 1t war th.eght that bat three persona were Wet. Mr. rind Mrs. 44Illtumr a11J enc of the Jtittenberg rhtldrr'n, but It Meal tx•caitre• apparent that (It herr had lust their lives, (611(1 Orally 11 became 810)0)41 a certainty that four- teen were dead. The centum Street Department (urce Wile ordered to go to work Charing rorty the rubbed'. I(ittnnbcrg *91 pr ,blbl) be arrl•80' 1, pending the in- 4r11t1gutlun. Aire. Zimmer, 'nether -ill -taw of 1(it- t4nbr•rg, Is known to be dead. It le Nrdd she mus stundlug at the rear of t)le "Lure tutkitig to it travelling .a1(wtna11l when the explosion oce•ur- red. 44'tilt1 bvaine of the Helmsman it not ktu'wn. Many permute" 'nightly injured had their weenie dreerred at the huHpitale and went to their Jr er. In';'%trrson, N. J., June :22. -With 1•le4eu Neale. recovered and with sit vermn,rr lnlesirtg it Is believed that 17 'Ives were lost is the fire which fol- low -al the Pxphwioll of fireworks In Iflttenburg's store at 441) Male vt-wet, yesterday. The 'march of the ruins wax tontln- '1011 t1,-41ay by the /solve and fbremer,. It Is bellteal there are still neveral Implies lei the wreckage. The perilous 1[110%11 to but dread rind *Mime /pottiest 'lite been reve4ered are n.' follows: Mrs. Lucinda Adamson, etre. I'ntrlek Iturnn, Clarence Burns, a child ulm,ut mit %farm old ; Climber her Williams. !dm eh/trier William.", Harold Itlttenburg, t4 months 111d, Annie ltitt(rnburg• 8 year4 old, Willie EIraneer, and Mrs. .\111rew Cbl In, A head. muppx,re,I to be Ire that of elan. Elvin, war found ; the trunk IN teeming ; Mie. iutlth Bomber, Burton Bamber. NIX weeks old. The wimsing are: Joseph Elvin, two week' old ; Mrs. Annie Feldman, Mier. Annie L:innigan, 18 year. old: !Urn. Mary Buffy, Mrs. Mary Eleaoarr, Mri. Slmen. --AL SL- .Inapt'' Hermit/11 It was maid to -day that elle Mice -eft who had been taken there are doing well, and that all of them would re•ocer. T41ey are Mr.•and Mrm. .Jaostlp. In- jured Stent the head. burned on body ; Ross ('enrlelly, Iwuffering from shuck 11114 v)nl11111on11 ; 1 I)amlwr, burned about the Mead and fare ; Joust 4tmenn, a twitted boy, cut and burned ; 4 oorg.' 7etder, n Pinel ley. Madly cute allest t'IMI head ; Ni- telvlaN HOtman, rut on the head; Ed - Weed Mlinglani, n firemen, burl by falling walls. Mr. 111111 Mr*. .1 141,11 Mr- IIInr1e, wow• were horned nbollt the face and body, and wlie)rwere taken to the immortal, were able to go home lent night. Dynamite, Too. ft In maid mutt Itlttertherg Ilad More(' In the vette , e f h *store M r or it nanlbwr of (i,4nnnllte torp14,10pH, mu* nM are tamed be the foreign population of lettermen and PnmMnlr In celebrat- ing. When the Indy of Min. Pat- rick Burne wen recovered her mix months' nod holly wan clamped to her Ittenmt, alld r0 tight wan the em- hrnl•r mf the 1111omt fleahlpwo arum, tient meth('r and sort were placed 111 Moe mime coffin. DEMANDS FAST TRAINS. Tlavr vele were 011 t1,1• uppar floors of the bunting when the exptnvlon took pinre were either gtunne••1 1111 I then burled to death. or their 411. (aim wait rut off. After the ,\pt wio'o there were a w`rle! (41 emitter 0111,4. 11,11 thin came the arr'xl 1 bog "'pine. loll. which tuns muffled :11111 dfonole ",1 uifl fecurrei In the erllnr. Every buildigg in the nrlglohnrhno 1 ma11 Htrg.hef of glass. Families sent eit at their dinner were thrown troll' their chair..to the floor. lerlgbllul 144.1.11, In the Steeple.. Then there war' i fright 'went. in IIIc MtreelePnr ev loft runt til of their shit lien nn.l were moon m1Nh1„ ,lout looking for them itu,nor4 spread t4).')t a :wore of children were (wing r'arrled away from the moiste, by pollee wa:;nux, the nmhalnn(r 11111 grwerrm' wagons, w -h1,•14 Were pressed into 011r1 1,4`. N11,11 114'111111' dice flames were hurling teen .'eery purl of the wr. eked building. Every wind ow permed to be emitting ilimro n min- ute after the flint expl"don. Thor'oo w'ho npprnnehrd .111•• budding from the mar maw it frightful night. woman nppenrnol at one of the win down. She wax (4 mel:: of (bonen. She helped out and fell tl'r'ugll the 1lento, In the yard h':( /tv At great rink Ale on! denoted farther bit, the yard. but it w:oi toe) bite, 'Che (prep wenn .Ir(l)ping from her believe awl Mhr was lend. Rha pater mowed to Ir' Mr". \\'fllhamw, 1118111,1 1)4,4•1 4.).•11, I1 rrulr 1,1, U:Lt1L.-1 Dtarl.y MLA in till. yard when tIle 1xpl(wlnrl look peer. ile Mn w' 1 110 own 111,t"nllrrg r•hlldren In the rear rotten mut meted into the Itonl('u for th:•m. Ile gel one of them 'tel earrlr,l It nut, mill tried to gn leek for the ntl1r. Irrct the room oven (hell (one m:l44 of fire. Dooley loan bridle weariest in remelting the (tm.41 rhlld. From the front, tire. Jessup and her !mo em] '4 1'pi"•r1 from the w1l1- ole.w mf t1, •Ir hum • to the MI'i,•a•nik. They were :rated at diener, rinl to- gether inn t,. the front wiminw and leaped snit. .irwmnp nay; the explo- eion permed to force the (Ire through t11P flee.' mutter their fret. Firemen Ref relied Many. Olherm of 1 h tenement were 'lean white hanging from the window, ready to drop The firemen (same within n fele mine tere nntl 4wen ty p1•rrnnt were Olken down throned' fire enol mnmk0 lee lho firr•11141. Mr. and litre. John efe(11 nllmbrel to the legis Mtnry of till 1Pnr•nterlt, 1111,1 111111111 the Ir rw•np1 rut n(r. Hr /limited out of the front *term* and hung on with 1.n" Intel while he held MN %slh• will) the other nnli1 n 1141` net tette weetred• Then he dropped hie wife Into the net and followed hImM01f. ik)th were Irn(ily burned. k'f'rntrn gloried by Falling 4 i,nh.r, 1ilute t1,^ ren'-n'o were fining on the Ila m"n were fighting the flumes ('apt. Allen Ind with n hone tine In lin effort 1,1 keep the Tire (rem the tipper 110'1'., teller11 w,a eel I menti Were pian-•ol in. The men bee berth). taken their podtbon en the Mhlr- walk behind a pipe of hetes to ward Marty -floe )111e( „n (lone 'Foo slow for the King. Louden, .lune 23. -The King In fie- lernilnel to Wave something More repel than the rattier moderate run - 11i11 (rehire 1 I 1 r I tm f t1'` 'e 111 F A K O 1 N fl t Ilam j1' 7 1W011 N1,C11M(11 r t/ 1 1 n I , travel I f 1 '_ n r ,t f lv e mils, en hour, but Lief' IN not felt wnnlgh for Will. Thlm in n mutter wide,. in very emelt 0xerriming the minuln of 111ffer- r'nt rnllwny' (11441111M. for no one but they can ;meet how much work, nay, how nte,•tt anxiety, much an order en - 1111h. It will, for wnr thirng, require more careful etten,tl,n at unstrings and jun.linn*, b•eatINP the Inl.rvnl nvrllla.bl0 for danger signal: will bre .'hurt"ne,I. Hearing In mind the 4ma11 nnmlrr of Hl'q)png114 made whrvn royalty trivrl. het wenn the metrnp''t1. and Balmoral, telt in a mutter of meriting (rne'ern for the rnllwny manager., who' hoot. Icon aecu4t,tned no long to lake thlugl more .rarity than the Kite{ It inellnpd tx) allow them. BARQUE COLLIDES. ('awaits an11...Mevetel..ut the.l:re Drowned. London, Jona 2:1-11144 four-mn.ted ilrit let barque lealklanel.lbpt. Grne•1et white' 'mend from Taconite, Wardle Fobrunry 7th, for 1ptrenotown. In at- tempting to nlenr the, r'ek,. of silly, Ireland. today «truck en tete Rlnhop rock, her Malnyaril actually atrlk- ing the Iighthnnu•. She turned otter aria meek in a few minutes. Two lifclm.nte plot out from (hr Iw,Ntgenrd station. One rearmed St members of the Crew rind the cape thine' wife and oltfld. The second lifeboat wbk•h went out yrnterday t(. rewire Illi. remaining mrnober, Of the reeve of the Rritlnh Verger Falkland, w'Meh wan w,rrk- ed off 14gtly, returned to-dn v, atter a !cement urarrth for weedier mer%1- worn. The eeptnln, mate, Ntl'w•flrd, an.l three seamen of the hrtrqur were lint. Net the 11e118Aolbetle w, London, June 2A. -Prof. Idlrin Roy hnnkPaterlifter e1anllning the ok,lla n lid ,kl11 of t he okapi disco%ere! in 1h. M.•nd,kl fnremt. by Mir Hurry ,1ahn- piton, the ilrltinh ('no11nbminner to the lige min Protectorate, "apo It In net tlu, lu'llndotlerium, not et dietlnet gonna. \ir 41, R. etadole, of \Amine., WW1 nominated by the Liberals of 1 ...tidos. for the t 'eglo IR t ire Alumni - Air. R. K. .tylmwor*tlt, M. P. P.. havens decided to retire,