HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-27, Page 6CEYLON AND -INDIA TEA GREEN OR BLACK, A Wise Housewife thitt JaWel had had a fit of some kind that aftereoon un being atiow• a the letter from Mr. Massey which 7 matte his own denial of his crime use- less. Reginald way uot surprieed that the young man bad retired early. However, he remarked, as if rather surprised: "Fie keeps very early hours, Meal" "It iv exceptional, Mr. Sir lamed has hot been very well to -day," unti- wered Johntrun. discreetly. "Ila" the doctor been to see Mint Wasn't it the doctor who cause a abort time air° I" "No, lir, 00 one heel been since the vicer and Misr Oera'ditto left." "Oh, well, 111 cull again in the morning and bee how he is!" Sometitiug war going ou- that was eiident. The quertiou war, where / It was an awkward undertaking to prowl romiti a neighborhe house in the character of • volunteer detec- tive; but It was too critical a mo- ment for the calmest of men to etand upon ceremony. Reginald had noticed a light in the library, and the curium: faot that tene of the 'Matterhad either been truly partially Mooted ur elite tiad been partially open since the cluelug. Tier fact hal been easy to die - cover by t the perpeutlicular etrearn ul light that mune thrtmett the white bid,d. Whose Johruton shut the door • ite g lou I d , re ine ushering this, went straight down tlie drive be- tween tile flower -bone and paused out kitty the park, to put osetible watohers off their guard, and then petered round (ever the grass among tie: trees to unother enteatie:e to the garde*, leading threw (Ile g rate- d 11 Der to the looks ont for the family health and the family pocketbook. If she Ceylon and India Maehlne-Made Tea 'the gote the pureat •tol moat aeon- outic•I tea to be Mei SALADA Ceylon Teas are *old In Sealed Lead Packets only. Black, Mixed, Uncolored Ceylon Greta. Free sampleo sent. Address "Salada," Toroete Only Two Hours' Ride From the PAh141MERICAN..81iffalo, or Niagara FallS. THE HOTEL BRANT BURLINGTON, ONTARIO, CANADA This elegant. anti commodious hotel erectal teat year at a one% of 41100,000 wee opened to the public on the 2nd of July. 1900, and al- though (lo. Mame was not entirely completed at the opening, and the ground", anti out. of door antunement features, Were far from reselling the rtate of perfection that heti been planned. the retateen provel a Inc- o.ufuI,1111e, Mid the patrone one nn,1 all. expressed themeelves as being bean delighted anti eurprised at the beauty of taw holiee and iturrounti• incr. Alma. the chew of the itellat011 of il.00 $10.000 haa been expended on the grounder le hew femahave leen built, troop and stouter planted. flower beds lael out. perfont Lennie cototteertnetructot and eo lueateel that ebey ire protected .frore the prelailing whites. pelf link'. with MO -rent- ing hazards,. Clock golf. ti new ann d etertnining grime Gat hate recently become no popular in England and .kmerte.a, hal been Doodled, It la milled "TheeMeane Vertken's Success,' and Is a splendid pracelee for experts as wail aa begin•ise. A bowling green 120 by 1:10 feet has also been added. Tilien. are a few of the improvemento only. many more have been made, whleli want of apace preventn mentioning. The beets.' la most delightfully located on a Ugh bluff within • .100.'.throw of beautiful Lake Ontario. and overlooks Hamilton flay. and Is in easy tteesen from all panto behig only aix milee from Hamilton. thirty mike, from Toronto and arty mke ifrom l'intfttle and Nagar^ Fella The Melding n fire -proof Wc et ,reurture, colonial In etyle. fin• Wiset throngletut in hartiwoei; la modern in conun etrctIoand equip - remit. }:lecteteity ftarraehen the power for the litchis, elevator.' and rail belin 11 furretce tetit pimply stbuno tinnt ut he hewhen nereasary. The ho- tel has aceoenneeintion for twn huned so dranti fifty wing. The &rumor,' elinrobere are coranged teem.. end ,'n ...me, Fete' nooy 1. amply it/Implied with lavatories., pHs ate and public- baths. @ernes and matiltntton unexcelled. I. A 'modal feature of the betel le epacloua dining -room, opening out from each nide on to large verandan, where meal,. can be served. al freeco. An. erchestra late been secured thrill -melt mimic for morning concerts. dent -leg every evening and for Saturday night hope The latter will be held to tile reef, where netec't entertainment.' will oleo ' he given occasionally Ilaring the week. Anueementot addition to those above vaentioned. which can alien be enjoyed, ar• yachtingerantwing end rowing on the lake or bey. modern croquet. tett pine. blillarde. Pad and bathing on a fine white nand beaeb. Here neat will be (mind ?Hie rend', for automoblire. aw well as for cy- cling, riding and drivIng. email mouth base In the bay and brook, trout flaldng In near -by streams can he indidged In. Nuff from luny fever •I'ld riwumatieni will. find conditions favor- able to their relief. - Rates -10150 and upwards per (ley; SI2 and upwarde per week. single; *22 and upwards per week for two tn a room. • M'ACHEN H 'SEM & BOGGS. R. Bona. Hotel Oxford, Avoo-by-theMea. New Jereey. W. Wacheohusen4 Motel Grinned -L. fit. Auguetine. • I Florida. GERALDINE'S FORTUNES -Sm. Sir Charlee rent his nephew 02er to Dublin ou purpose to see OW lawyer about some business of lair , James duly culled at the "(rice, and it wee then that lie disappeared; no- thlug more WWI heard uf him until les name nppeared lu the paper" an that of one of six men charged with the murder of the farmer Hughes." Ger- aldine ne "Ildereti. "That war within fifteen 11201111La of 1.1. dirippeartince, therefore, there could be no difficulty about recognieing him." "1 believe Mr. Fielding hal thing do with 1t,'' m•rristed Geral- diue, Soueettilng to do Ith it is rntlier a vague charge. He cannot. however, lave had anythingd to o with put- ting otway into prison, beeline/. I happen to know that he wins inl,n- d011 wben the tocutint of the lialriler nppeared In the papers. and that be had been in WWII for rem.. time. It was Just before I first tient (nit to America. and 1 was staying with an uncle of mine in Cromwell itteiti, utak- Mg preparation* for my jeurney, and I used frequently to meet Mr. Field- ing, who ware uaual, jo difficultita, and trying to induce his relative' to help him to start some financial spec- ulation or other." (lerakilne listened very attentively. Iteeinald Baniber true alt excellent uuthority for facts, tied impecially for facto; concerning the Otwile Dint ily, for Sir Charlet hail 110011 111 the habit of confiding in the .'t'ar,who In all flatten, diffieulty relied tip - on the judgment a of len steady, seribus SOC. ''Then It eA;Uld net have) been Mr. Fielding who got some man to take e* the name of JanOtway and then got hint into prison 7' oruggeeted Lier• aidine, foollehly. Bet Reginald dkl not laugh. tier remark was plaintive in ite lack of reason. lie explained gently--- "That WOUld have Mine re. tome to .Mm.Or heron to isaybude are. widea. the reel Jaime Otway WWI MOO and free to ,me forward told prove hte identity vehenever chore. An It II/Ippon/1 It was I who pointed out. the paragraph Mout the Trial mur- der to Mr. Fieldirng. I Wan going up to the Penedo My otion I.the Go tiergrotind Railway, And he got Into the name earringe. When I maw the native it did not occur to me for the moment that It could be Sir Cherie(' nephew. rinti I "lowed the paper Itt Mr. Fielding. Ile wee tuoton Wheel. unmatakably netonialteri. and, after looking nt the an- nouncement for a few momenta. he weld, with *mut pillow of triumph, 'Then. Tno not the only /ramp in the family. I've kept out of the papers. et 'Ley rate!' Anti lie Intl at the time t hat he prhould rind nee him if he could, rot of eilrio/I- Ity as nitwit es (eget...melon." '"Thee why does dampen nay that Mr. Fielding Is ha greaten enemy?' asked treraltline, much lettyled "Isom he say that I am afraid poor (Away le in tine moat tuithink all mankind Pia rmernieta. I think that nervous', depressed "tate lie la la le the stirred preetible in that pe bad been recently in now groat trouble. the effect• of which are sport hlm Mill." • " Yea, but we don't know whet that trouble M. To -morrow I will oak him to tell me.- '•To-rnorrow I echoed Reginald, in n Narked tone. "yea yes ! you not Ilene lilni sok me to wine to Waringloun to t" -Are! would it, have °eked me to Oolan alai Yee Ilint if he did nut in• tend to be there 7" "Cert nen ly The q met ion isi, wlit•ther lie will let (tble to carry out bit. intention .4.4 nonaluiug.- -Why not 7" "11 your 81'mm...item la uorrect, and lit. has really nothing to fear from walk -an io ruea,cor principal entrance again. Ile tried, as he toads ha way limner the trees of the park, to see wheth- er 'hie disappearance had Hams/ew- es' any lurking figured to come forth; but Wan by that time, being ra- ther short-sightot Leu ler olT U. tits- tinguieth anything at the library - window. When, huwever, he hail made his wuy cautiously v)tan.1 to the.. principal entrance again, and thence to the corner of tile Masse, where. conceale.1 behind a fir -tree, he had a good view ol the facade 1.4 the building, hie pattering was rewarded not °only by Vie sight of three men crouching wider the library -window, one of whom appeared to be looking In. but be hearing some of their worde. For the-firet few minutes -1.e could make out nothing intelligible, nor could he undertand how it nmn could see through a linen blinJ. Growing bold to he became accustomed to iiir matition 'und felt his liecurIty, liege flak! pressed himself NO eloaely into the fir-trou as to be within a few ,yardr of the three men -for the li- brary was the first room 011 titer aide of the house -and time he recta:Mee] the man nearest to him, one of the two who wt -re crouching dowit and n ot looking in, by voice anti figure we Lindley -find. as he kept quite etill and held his breath, he heard the Mall farthest from lihn, the second crouching down, say: "How long were you warder while he wad there!" "Twit years, or thereabout." "Then you couldu't make a. 111111 - take f" Not exactly." "Thom yOu are satisfied 1" whis- pe.r4e.olitl...1,nloiilrey„.. "Then your work Is done;, mad youra"-to the other istan-"is :di be- fore you." "Yew, sir; but it is pretty plain mailing now." "Then come away where there ir less •t. 01 being seea.!'---- Lindley raised himself, softly, care- fully hid the traces of his visit by digging up with it bit of Mick the u toki hie feet had pressed down, and. 'tenpin' on to the path. made hia Way toward the back of the Insane followed by lila two tomponinew. AM soon an they had turned the corner and were otrt of sight, Re- ginald stepped quickly to the libritry window. A. elit recently le with a pen -knife in the white blind. and en- larged Moat enveyelo to have n good ilew for one eye into the mom, (Mow- ed the nwaor by which the warder 11141 recognised the eecaped convict. The window Wan left fastened ; and OW fact suggeeted to Reginald Oat the slit for ohnervatieu htui been cleverly roma from the tettelde. He looked In and saw that, tut he had expected, Jame. Otway 21111 the only necupant (4 the r.ani. Ile had evi- dently been writing at the bureau. for he wito standing before it, fanten- lag down an envelope ; and Iteginaldh cysts'. calmly observant peen at eliat cent:log moment. noticed, from the rapkilty with which he matched up a pee an.1nerawleti atenething to, it, that the letter was not intended to go by the post. &MI the next guess he (mule was the WIMP written on it, for James preased flea lip" to it as he strode hurriedly acetate the room to the dour. The few moments' louse which Reg- inn1.1 had matte was not the result of curioeity, but of coneternntion at the young min's tomcat -ante and manner, of coneequent hesitation us to the beat wny of making the atart- ling announcement the eater had to hear. For James' face was flushed, hie eyes were heavy. Ms hands trem- bled as they held the pen ; he was evidently the prey of some strong ex- citement. Reginald wondered whether lie had been forestalled in Id. warning. Him momentary delay had lost him Ida chance of speaking. for James left the room NO quickly that his friend's shale tap at the window was lost In the opening and @Mating of the door. '•-fnittes I" he celled, but It Wall t00 late. Me went back quickly to the en- trance, rang the bell, anti, while welting, tore off the blank half sheet of a letter he found in one of hie pockets, rind wrote upon it, In such Trench us came Bret into hie head, to the following effect- "! Mom just wen three men "touch- ing down nenr the library window, watching yetir movements tbrough it hole 111 tile b111141. One of them was your worthleas counin. I don't know whether you have any reason to he altirincel by the'', but, me the occur- rence IA rither mummer think it bet- ter to ncennint you with It. They have dianpreettred; but they have not gone awr.y, for, what I have heard them any, they have gone to hide Omelettes in weather pinee near the limier. They don't know they have been /42P11, for I Wfin in hiding. If I van tin of arty nee to you, yen know I am at yonr larvae. I nm going en omelet a (-Mar In the park before re- turning home.. fel you will know where tet find ton lu cane rei want me. 11 ft." 110 watt ntill emeoreti in writing the with n pont-Il by the light a th,. bali amp, when Joinueen opentel the door. "WM rat glee (hie to Mr Jemmy immediately. plemon, Johnotem," he, impreatievelv. to the old nertnnt "Yee, air. I it III certainly tke mt 11 I Inn we Mr James." answered the butler. gravely. *Mese uncertholox interruptionn to the pearefilineen ref his evening beton rather nentered him "Your retorter haat not yet prone to bed, I knowleo tire en 01.1 friend a the family, Johnson ; antine yon value the pence rind eftfety a Its mwentani, don't fall to deliver thla at once." t lie 21011Ce. t lien, of (entree, there in no reasun &garnet it But, if my tiew ef hia peoltien le the right one, tnen there le the strutegert possible reason why lie attain inake hie etay :us abort as 110 can." "Then, if he is still at the hail to- morrow, you will believe that he no influent ?" tonid Mire in trininpli. -I won't pledge myself to that ; but, of ((puree, the longer lie Maya the etronger is Vie argument -the sole ttrgnment--that Inc has nothing to fear In staying. But, if yon value lia liberty, I warn you earnestly not to put Intit to the teet of lobelia tilm to tare the pollee. A nein might easily be ninth for the sake of rtanding well Lis your eyrie; hist I know you would met like peer °Linty ter pay mush e penalty as lie would have to pay 11 lie were caught.' "I believe that he has no renaon to fear being etright." am persisted. eteinchly,"'atiti I will On my hest to Mauve him to petive It to -morrow." In nate of all ner loyalty her voice trembled a little oa that last word. for Rho remembered the fancy she had hail. while irtnniiing with Jnnle• tin- der the cedar tree that nfternoon, thnt who could see the tiger.. oe • man lurkey; In the black Window enert by tho• branches uretri the high wail which stint out the atnble- yard from the garden: ff the police were. Indeed already watching the bolas! Suddenly her faith gave way to tieepeet nnxiety. anti Met Owned ine ploriegly to her commotion. "0. Mr. (lumber," elle whispered, elf be renite has dews It rp In brave -too braie! I warned lilm thin et- ternoon : but he took no notice of what I ne11.1. Perham...et thin very moment they have calight 111111. for I maw it men -at Inlet, I think 1 ilid-cemehing hidden emir the 11101 to day. Oh. what WWI I do -what can I do?" "Yoe can do nothing now." he an- emone], gently, pitying her Mato...ea. "But, too mon an I get back. I wi'l go etralght to the Hale and see if nnything le going on them. and, if I get n chance of *peaking to (-A- way, I will do no." She thank.41 him warmly, rind wan filmed Mime. weepierl in Iter fcers, for the remainder of the drive : but she gnve him an eloquent log/ en elle lade him good -lee, to remind him of les promise. The reminder. how- ever, wan net -Mime. Ile timer beck na quickly aa lie could to Wnrirrgliem, gave the :met Ileto the chance of the renrage cenchmlit, wile wit./ a ‘1Illiabi0 re [Miler. not too 'inn/Oily to make hirearlf lisped in the Mein.. end gar den, n rel milked tip to 1h.. Ilell It oceurroi to Min to inquire at the lodge 11 tiny eel- had been through tlint evening. "No, ter, barrin' twe nrelertaker's men, sir. and Mr Fielding lertat- enyn, I think It wars him, alt, but he I passed rather quick." Reginald went ntrnight nyi to the hone., fowl asked If he could ste. Mir James. • Itheard from his father the 'bar I "Mn r Jnien line gone to bed, air" It wee only nine o'clock ; but, hay- " As he wild these worne in very ' low 201013, creaking door SY OH 114. Ord -.9*"./e9ferri7. it to open inside the house. Johnaon, in- PITIFUL CASK OF stantly mollified by the eell-judged speech, promised to take the note to It his mitater,und itteglutild retired into the park, keeping %vetch tet the house while he smoked a cigar. As he sauntered down the drive for about the sixth time, preferring, with his liabiturs1 prudence, the gravel to the wet grata, he heard the bound of tt gate opening neer the house, and a wise of wheels and boota He turned and quickened L.. (Mee toward the house ; before lie got very near, he heard James Otway's voice say, "Ail right," anti, just an the phaeton turned the corner of the 110Ulle anti came In sight, Reginald saw a utan'a figure crossing the garden quickly to- ward it from the other end of the house. It was a mail -phaeton, and the hood wan half up, so that Oa (tom - pante could not be distinctly seen. The horses were whipped up wharply at that mommit, told the pursuing figure, altering its course, made straight for the lodge. But Reginald gueered the object, and, throwing away lihr cigar, turned and ran In the rs.inie direction. He W111 not it particularly good run- ner, being indolent and without much staying power ; but lie was lightly built, long of limb, and heti 1t good start of the other man. Me reeched the gated a hundred yard." alocad of his competitor, unfastened thein, visiting, anti flung them wide, Just In thue for the phaeton to dash through, while Julies, who wits driv- said -"Thalia', old fellow. etsod- by !" as tine man in pursuit ran up juat too late. "Ceeifteund you I" he exclaimed. an- grily. "Who was that?" Reginald made no nnswer, but turn ed to mounter Men toward the ti• enrage jurt tut the Mtge -keeper eatue cot eleeplly nee whet wIt• the matter. .k moment after. howeter, the man. whom Reginald then recognized as the one who had looked through the library window, and whom he un- derstood to be a warier of the prison Where JAMEY, had been 1.0tifinftl, eatue up. and, toot -fling Itti Ilat troy civil- ly, re id - "I beg Your pardon. sir, I itm sure me gentleman .4 your stamp would willingly Impede an officer of the law in the exettution tref hie linty." 'I don't know," returned Reginald, thoughtfully, "when it iir a linea- tion of sitting another gentleman of my "tamp from being impeded in the execution of his." "Would you ,nblige me, eir, by tell Ing tne the name of the gentleman who drove out j1191. !NOV 7" "lipon my word, I didn't see him ". "But you know whe It was, air." -Well. end If ea-?" "Then I should be 'men obliged If you woul I tell inhie near.. You see h • gone. a. 110 harm could leippen to hint. even If lorm wrev letended." "lhirigineyou... am don't feel justified Tio "Thank you, Mr. May I trouble you fur your name. end, and:um? My name is Banther I am stay- ing at tho vicarage here." "Think rim. sir. Gooi night, .Ir.' " Gaol nIglit." it.ginalli returned Miele. einceeele elati to htve been the wane of help- ing his Lamm lent and unitoky friend to evade tht hand of Justlee, but geoi- riaturetily marry for Hr. bitter 'lirip- tiotittiwitt his guilty flight. WO111.1 „./1 retor Oeraldine. With 'Ole latter feeling. however. was mingl st 11(11 cultural inatiefactio i at th. corit inne. tient of hie own prediction. and at, tlw providential removal from her titigh• tiab mil of a men whew) incedety Was alutunt contambutahuu for it being like bier. 'Unfortunately. tb being here -11 not took at. Hee matter in a peeper light. She cried herself ot Weep tbut night over the rei'or-tkr weer', weiddeeerved misfortunes, and W.I/2 thonuo next 1 ty natil th • afternoon, wh tn. two •t, -I by M tot Orettotes moot truettel nervant. who ounibigted th- dulare of ladies' need end uppw beeme•neild. elm 'darted by train for (hedbertergh, whore elit• er a cab to Waringb im. She had neer; wily i,ri.ih not mily to refruin fOtent defending laintwo from Miss Grettonet attack's, but to join In dinvetraging him in hone of Reginalti Haunter. Foe ell that, ate sat well back in the cab, that .he 'might not have to delay her arrival at the Ifnil in order to atop and speak to Reginald, when 14110 caught eight of him welkin); *slowly along the rend Met outside the park wile*. But he was not go ncar-eighted as to fail to re3 iitr and, while her heart beat (met and her Py0.9 morkied with Impatience. he /evened the mit an.1 (-ante up to Out window. She WWI t00 1110e.1 et- / .te/1 1.. thoilltlita of Home one rim to totive that lie t11.1 not look quite NO calmly superior to human emo- tion. no; usual. "You are going lip to the 11(01. Man Lindley ?" he asked, when sits had nnewered hie greeting.' rather et-eet ly. I-1 want to nee whether Mies Eleanor 19 any' better." "I am afraid you won't find leo t pry Well to -day," lie petered "I ton afraid you will find them all in some anxiety.** She looked nt him with enithlealy nwakened attentiouthe terlor tig- hts; out of her face. Reginald Inokel dc.wn at hie tricrta, as he athlete in a lower voice - "It is all right ; everybody is well n nil wife init-Jarnee"-- -What 7 Make haste. please:" " Nothing only--Jamee :isvny Inet night.' FM. eild nothing for a few rno• meats, wail h. did not look at her , but II imard her breath tinning in rh nrt. (perk gnaw. " Went away( liow 7" sit wh'e. penal. at last. Ch, he la all right; he went Ely Wm...eft!" -.1r, nnswerra; neremertturty and, looking .nt last Into hir wistful, nnxIota eyes, ha felt for th.) moment thtt he actually envied thi escaped convat James (Away. '1-1 didn't mean alant you; hn la quite safe by th'e time." " By thte timer She whore!. In mix iota Inquiry. t'.�. There weer. wens. men here inet night who tried to atop him: I think tem wee it late -tier. .ind you went r'ght niout Mr. Fielding; It wee Iry who brought them." A eutiden Oro woke lit the girl's mad eYle. How .1111 ytet find out all this?" , ask after a promo. D .1 you think Iehould forget my poomlner hi naked, rcprottchfuly. ' I cnMe etiet!ght letek h^re Met night.. :19 1 todil you I @Maid do. I new and heard the men, wrote a note to warn Jima, waited in thl pork t.111 h clone mit, notl opened the viten for th phaeton just in time her him to &De through before one of the men ellnle up to atop h m. Haven't I kept my word et you 7- "1e0," said mho, in a choking Tree* "thank yon !" wotild rather hnte wen her low imelettindly gretehil but It wan ommething to feel the warm prey. - nitre of her Mind, to see the soft light In ber entre even ter tide too- t Ma rendered te hee--no, no. not rive I, bet - well. this contempt ible prettwe .4 here! (To he rattans/1 The aifference beternen n rometly nntl n tragedy 1. nwrely in the vrey It Is sated, A LITTLE GIRL. Child at the Age of Two a Crip- pled Victim of Disease. Edna Rathbun of Hampstead, N.B., Veil aad Hooke two Elba Injur- ed the Kidueys aud Diabetes Developed Dodd's Kidney Pills la curing Kidneys biralantened lejured Opine. Hatumitead, N. B., June 22.-(8Pec- IM)-Little Etina Rathbun', ut this place, has had a toad experience fug an child so young. She ie now nearly olevell liars old. Eight of her few altort years have been peered under the seddert cloud pursible in life. At the age of two the child met with an accident which left her with twu ribs brokeu, spilt off at the back- bone. Though they were set and healed law little body did not straighten. For eight years she could hardly walk, belug almost doubled up. The accident affected her Kid- neys and Diabeter set In. Diabetes ito a particularly dangeroue form uf Kidney trouble, in title case particu• iarly severe by matte of the hike rim to the opine. The family doctor was, of course, coosulted. He diarrnowel her mese cor- rectly, but coultint cure It. She was sent to the Public Hospital at st. John in the hopei that the greater skill and facilities there would avail. They could do nothing for her. The authorities advised the mother to taketthe child home to nurse her and gi•• her gtoti care while she lived. which would not be very long. The suffering Of the little one was heart-rending to the fbother anti frienthe She cried with pain night anti day. The Another grew desperate and determined elle would find a cure for her child if it took every cent mite ponmessed. She saw Done. Kidney Pills adver• tired and Immediately purchared eome. From the first they were bene- ficial. The Little girl commenced to get better. Every day 'sot- an Im- provement. Dold's Kidney Pills were doing the wort. Six boxer in all were used, and oace more Diabetes was conquered. Not only that, but with the return of health the opine commenced to straighten. The little girl I. mew til neat physically perfect. Says the grateful mother in her own words: ''There is nothing to be compared Dotid's Kidney Pills. We thank God we ever heard of them- Edna 1. now fall a color, rune and plays about as smart no a whip, , where open she wan a puny little thing as pale aa a ghost"' The Longest Mee. He was a telly sailor lad anti had come to emend a few dart in Ids native city of York. " Yee," he remarked proudly. it. Me steaniebtp company wan being re leered to 111 remplimentery term, "ours in the imigeot line in the world, stretching as It doer from America to China." There was a momcnt's silence, and then the bostess-a liersi working Moot -chimed In: " Weel, I Mena ken If ye've ranee tee bounce sae much. for ditei not my class (clothes) line no' stretch frae pole two pole?" And Jack good humoredly took a book seat.-Loodon A uswe es. NiAGIAitA-TO THE SEA. No finer trip oau be taken than the water route down the St. Lawrence, passing through the Bay uf Quinte, Tbuusand !elands, and running the nephew of the tit. Lawrence River to Montreal. The Hamilton Montreal Line steamers leave Hamilton at 1 p. in. and Toronto at 7 p. m. TUele days; and Thuredays. After June 5th. tbe boata will make titree tripe per week, the additional boat on Satur day. We offer very km rates on this line for both single and return tick- ets. The TorontoMontreal Line steam- ers leave Toronto at 8.30 p. 111. TUee. day., Thuredy4s anti Saturdays from June 1s1. to June 15t11. Inclusive. and from June 17th daily, except Sunday. Steamer Toronto mid the new sterim• er Kingston will make the service on this line. They are the finest boats In freeh water. After leaving Toron- to the Brut port is Rochester. King, ston, Thousand Islanda and the ra- pine of the St. Lawrence to Moot real. Between Montreal. Quebec. Mur- ray Ray. Tadousar, and the Segue. nay River, and It ie the finest trip ren the continent. The trate on thin line cannot be purpaenert. The Manor Riobelieu lintel at Murray Bay anti the Tad/mate Flotel at Tridentine tire the fineet /11111171nr retorts in Canada. Both of theae hotele are owned and operated by thin company. For fur- ther Leformation nil to ticketefold ere, ete., apply to 11. Folder. Chaffee, Western lermsenger Agent. Riche- lieu & Ontario Navigation Company, No. 2 King street mat. Toronto Ont. Crazy People's Cutlery. Cutlery for Menthe' was recently adrertined fee by the Initial Admir- alty Office, and it brought to light mime ammo& cutlery that, while made regularly in filieffleld for the most twenty yearn rer more, in but little known The kniven have per- fectly duli. round blades. with a small eutting area about an ineh long, situate4 In Melt way that it can- not be tined exeept for the purpose Intended The fork terminatee in a *mall round bail, on which there are three prongn about half an inch lime The idea in the manufacture of this unique eutlery, rourne, was to (Ir- vine knives and forks that (-fluid not be 1121Pil An Inntrumente of attn.:Ms upon nItendants nor for aelf-mutila- --------- Keep Minarcr• Liniment In the House. SCITHERN'S LITTLE JOKE. How the Oisieedlite W- on a Name a* a Veatellogrelat. Goo of the patella ritliter of dotheru'is elaborate Hue wee the way les which he worbed up to thane He preteutien itt hav• aocialentally dhe moored that be powwowed the gift of the born ventriloqual, anti nr- ranged sin eeperluteat un the me easena oe a supper party given in we honor at it pleasant houre in a Loutiou suburb. 'There weir it foultalt kLud of ha.nger-un of sotheem's, who loved to boast of hie liotinutey with the famous coutediau. lie had often raid: "I wish yuuwoulti het me help yuu 111 0/10 of your praotIcal jokeee Mr. &Altera: elhathern butuured hie dear°. Mr. Edgar Peusbartios telly the rtery in bin "Memoirs of Soth- terti.'• The comedy mart. for my purpose, be reduced to a poragraph. You kn how loot the profeasional teutrllo- i1u1.t Mot talking up the chimuey to en 'imaginary mau out the roofeoth- ern had arranged for hie sdavish con- federate to mount the roof by a lad- der and May the part of the voice on the roof, which he did to perfec- ttoo, anti Hothernee emcee.' as a ven- triloquist Waft voted Duthie( short of Mar telitruis. Supper being tom. the party adjourned to another room, at which metal Southern weld "Hood - slight" to lila friend above. at which eue It fund been arranged that the menace should be roucluded. Stothern hash Mewever, Molted against his man. who, whets wiehed to deecend, found that the ladder was gone. IV hook or by crook the deceived confederate found his way- to the chimney of the sneaking room, where the 'supper party were setting down for a lung evening .Prerently a voice was heard calling tinwn the chimney: "Sothern. &Ahern I For heaven's sake tome up and help me! 1 can't get down and it'a raining like mad!" *Ahern Wad taken aback for a 1110- ntent. but only to be in ecatualer tile next at the exclainatione of his friends, W110 coosidered the voice only another example of Suthener skill. "You wain you could do nu more. your voice was tired and here It is ittrong- er than ever!" &Ahern, accepting the compliments of Ida friende, nutuaged in it short eentersation with (Inc voice on the roof, to let Ids unhappy confederate moderation that as 'poen tar possible Inc wou1.1 go out and help lam down. After a Gine, just when 0 Ahern wai about ftt rep out and relearbe his friend, the host went to the elem. ney, add, all the more to eutplittsize fitthenee rummer, as he thought. vaned out : -.Are you Mill there ?" Title ma the last strew Upoifb the raln-drenebed back of the sufferer " Oh, go to blame!" came the angry reply, anti with It a- piece 01 mortar that rattled in the grate -you're a beast !"-The People. • Strawberry lee Ceps. fttrawherry Inc mire are enema the noveltien meted to the mation Eill any Anal' retina gammen thet have rather wIlle tope with 'draw - berry nyrup. Pack them In ice and salt, and rover alth woolen cloths or it blanket. het them totem] ne- tt, the syrup has (mien ail around the enpe to the depth 01 it unarter of an inch, not more. Then turn oat the nnfroann eyrup, repack the &anew* and let them Mend nntil the 1410 is firm. Jinn before teeing. turn the Mal enpw met, fill them with nut ice cream and nerve quickly. Misunderstood Rim, endeffstand tlint you have it great deal of fret work In your homr.," mold Mr Seeelt. to Mr. lien• IPsque. ' I'd rattler you armilti not drag my wife Into the eonverwation. idr," wait the dignified reply. --Baltimore Am. erlean. $100 REWARD, $100. The renders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at lewd one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in .11 lth stages and that le Catarrh Bali • Cetarrb Cure is the only meteve cure now known to the medical fraternity. t atarrh. bolus a moat! tuckered disaster, require/in .2:smelt tional treat meet Hall • Lista:eh Cure is taken inter wally. acting directly upon the blood and roucom surfacer et the emir eat thereby dooming Me folio/I/ales a 0.. diocese. and 44 • log the p5. tient •ss' by building up the comititutlen and asso natural* *Melillo worire The proprietor. hare so much faith In It• curative power. that they offer One kluadred Dollars for any mac that It 1.11. 1. cure. Send for liet 04 toothaonals. Address. F.i CRENICY & CO., Toledo O. Mr sold by Druggists. The. Aa React Answer. '"Witir -tide man Dennis an entire straoger to ycni r melted the erten- examining counsel of a witness in an important case. "'Son f" said the witness. whose Mitred Nee was crtemeil with wrinklets of anxiety, for he tutd been warned to be cautious and exact la hie ans- wers. The lawyer repeated him queetion. "Well, no, aorre• raid the Wilmoa with it midden gleam a enlighten- ment ; "bit eouldn't be that, for he hen bet. the wan normear, but be was a partial ntranger, weer; Oi'd niver aeon him bettor." Stratford Olt Ang.. 11193. Meows. te C. Richardson & Coe tient lesnen.,Nly neighbor'. boy. 4 years rad, fell into a tub of boiling eater And got welded fearfully few da,yor later hti. lege swelled te three timee their natural elle rind broke Oat in running /toren. 111. par- ents could get nothing to help him till I racominarsie.i MIN %FM'S LIN- IMENT, which. after uning tyre hot • ties, completely cured htm. and I know (4 neveral canes armee' here nimert an remarkithip, cured by the Name Liniment, anti I can truly nay I never handled a medicine which has had an Woad It Nair. Of KIPP!) such unite -real otatisfaction ,t M General Merchant. ISSUE NO 24 19017 1 you are lean-eitaltaa you ate leen by nature -you need more fat. You may eat enough; you are losing the benefit of it. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil will help you digest your food, and bring you the plumpness of health. Especially true of babies. -ova. yea /see ••••••• aa• ..• .• h ewn • 1,01.,17.1,14 $....IsexagerhaLreemmo. HOW TO BECOME WEALTHY. Advice a Yemen Man Received From •a !Elderly Physician. In a New illampeldre i•Ity there dwells an urtogenarian phyeitao who, in addition to hie wide imdicsi • ts known far and wide as a tile - waster of blunt Malorophy. 'The ether nay a young Malin of WS aequatutance culled at ha office. -I have not nese for pills this tame doctor," sald the visitor, '' but fur advice. You have lived many .1ear. Lu title wutid of tull and troubir‘ aid have had mut-h experience. I am young, anal want you to tell toe bow togot rick - The aged practitioner gazed through ha glueees at the young Ulan *WIG a della-rate tooe said: "Ve., I can tell you. Yon era_ young and can necomplish your oliPet Ut you wUl. Your plan 1. this: First, be Industrious and ecenomical nave as much as megabit., and mond aa little. up the dollars lea put them at Interest. If you folluw ,.ut these inatructione, by the tinle lee reach my age you'll be as OM as Croesus and as mean as 11-1." -Rut - fah) Couonerciu I. Not a Case of Mietaken Identity. 'I am not expecting any package," said the lady of thp house. "This Is the number," persisted the ariver of the delitery wagon, ben - Ing nt hie hook again. 'Newels Mig- gine, ain't It 7" •No. T47" "Tlint'a our number." 'Then it'. for you " *I think not. It must be a case of inlets ken Identity." 'No, mum It'. a CAW Of beer." 1 Ask for Minard's ajJ take no other. Clever Scheme. Mr. Honlorkeep- My dear, here are it couple of new omelet I want you to tench Bridget tosing. Moe Hotinekeep-What immense! Mr. Illomeneep Not at all. If ahe meet .ting at her work let's Ong, Omar. doleful Owe of here. Now, thee are lively and if She keepe time to them she'll get through lber work quIckly.-Phliadelphia Pres& Rinsed', Liniment Lumberman'. Friend. Anything to Beat Greet. There Is a more or lime fenny story told concerning the cmiy 'Twin In the history of this coentry 'rho really All variously threatened with a third term. Ile WA/ (treat. Thecry was than when Ids name was men- tioned: "Anything to beat Grant!" A frenzied revivalipt wan telling a no lens frenzied congregation that they were nil upon the verge of Hades. A akin in one of the hank neat • autidenly shonted. "Hurrah." Plowiebedy ant- ed hits why, tun lia saki : "Anything to beat Grant." -N. Y. Telegraph. A Comilderate Res. Plutocrat -Yon will ruin me hY your wanton ettraviegancto. Hon-Ritt, father, I want to stior• yarn the decigram. .4 dying rieb.-Man !Vendee.% Esaminer Sensor fer 164 Teeth sad Month 215* We gigantism is ea every tro! of the *maim Laxative Brooki-Quuane T•m•te the remedy Uwe «wee a mod to sue dos Queer Election Cries. Aocording to a Weigh paper the following waa the "cry" of an ca. titualastic relive/1~ In a recent School Board election In the vend - parity I. Note fee the nutueic de year coal. -Llewellyn 2. Vote Lr the tune who drew, your teeth Ma. grove. & Vote for the man tele/ Nal make your roffin.-Skym 4. %et" for the man W110 will bury pm Os Rector. Three of the four were set -- tearful, but the Welsh journal tt the board will lux•e to be burled yeti: - out a coffin. Minard*s Liniment la used by Ity. ricLeos. Writing for Nosey. It Is odd that a young .,Giver it (11t front recently wrote 1., he father . "Dear Father,-Kintilv send tue 14101) at once; {Ott another leg le ft atiff anigagenwat, withoet mean*" The anpwer was. "Mv Deer Sole . - An thin le the foortli I�g yinl leave hat according to .t our letters. you °night. to be acme:toured to it • by title time. 'Try anti hobble abase on any uthere eou mity 11112e left. BROWN'S 'DROPS. 1750 The Old Scotch Remedy toes strains k Worry trouble. Brow,. Dri.te tame Ea k. are /warty &leer • f surely cure you. !Iwamoto Wole esel de. opti rlretilar sent for 14 rent. to pay pacione sod postage. All elms sent met melon melte price l'Oces 25csic anti II tin WM IlittOWN. Proprietor Suttee. Li,. PAN-AMERICAN N'ISITORS ram make advance erne/cementu at the ma swore no Proof Hotel Columbia Accommodates res Send for booklet Itestee--$ I .400 wad Upwards. The Continental Life 1 Insurance Company HEAD 01. FICK, TORoNTO. A•tborlzed Capital - $1,500,009 The policies of this company en/ - brace ertry good feature of Life In- surance contracts, and guarantee the hieheet benefits in regard to loans, cash eurrenders, and extended Moor- /ince Good agents wanted In this dint net. Hon. J110. Dryden. Geo. B. Weed.. President, denote! lianalisfk Boys and Girls Wanted To earn a handaame steen,vInd and fret silver emboli. guaranteed Umeltereper. for ...meg onty 12 boxes of Illonareh Silver Polisht. some thing every boomateeper will buy. Cleans itoki silver, plated ware. Herman silver. boo meow, tin, Steel, etc Send us your edema .. w. win trend you Use pettish. you NMI IL relent, us the mossey. we will thew send you the witch absolutely fres by retool malt Addrote the Mosiarell Supply Co., it. Cathartaes. ostIt . GLefiliWANTI0-"mmoKr'BulTLg Parcel Carrier; 1(1 0.7 bar no MOW& beek lee (waists; will net rsatle or loesi off .2,2 1.efirrieff in veal:rocket: melee Itt iie Per teat malt; Nampa by midis" Niete At-melt/mfg. CO.. Box 03. London. Ont. - - 1WANTCH MEW AND WOMEN To eOGY littera; IS to DI weedyworth'( eveahers, work mallod apptiesUoo. Teeth Nevelt, numay co, Toledo, Ohio. 11-11AN AMERICAN -1 nova routt seeneiy furnished rooms Inc Pan Anierime wieltrwe In ray privat• residence Settee ill Canna Pert dlatriet, 1 mInntee from nisln entreaty* to toxpeettios; breakfast If desired. Rates steeper lay with bath Adelman J H. flamaa, Mentherton avenue, Banda 7.'1" SALL- anorr 4/1 ACRES; e M11.1t 1 frees Ofeterleti, lame errhant Hellos lie plat aloe mall Mole beak Immo outbuildinit. fenreS aad in good mediae* Inning water. Apply R. Lenient, Goderich. FARM iron BAIA, FORTY : good buildings, pnesetetion to W & Welton, ficarboro 1GlITTY ACM .11: *VII hi 10 nitro. Oe FOR RUPTURIX-1'I WM. PAYNE IN proved Toes basso equal; differs tr.tt. nil ethers: ean be were essetintrowdr, perfect monifnet: reliablerepworeatatives wanted. moil Inc pamphlet l'he Wm. Payne re, Loadow Ont /1011/ THOUSAND &OROS IfOR MALI - N., thirty &dere sera saw Nomad' Harbor. Jam C. tireless. Better. Pe. ill_UlT VAP. M70SALM- ONS Or Mt lnd Is e ‘sPenwaie sitineastenete Rm raae etwea =A"*"1.111of Wbl le trek ypoehee$11 b...M 1e ewe 'steal to 111•61421111,0 We el isle 0.s10a tc it*. Tide te • Maven eeta=in Osu/peeeer47rt=k Onioria _ irfe.beasnejwinsse farsk _e Whedew••=b1.1 a g-6--w.brirftemmr.. .0, a