HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-27, Page 5W. Acheson & Son
Wash Goods, Silks and Dress Goods.
1:1ereis • email tut of our new Drew Goods and Muslin' for summer
wear, moot correct materials for reliable service or houdeome ap
peanuts. Prices are lower than the rich value of the good. would lead you
to expect.
Silk .)reps de Chests, 42 to 44 inches wide,
in black and white, at per yard
$1.00 to $1.60.
Cord Dimity., in white, blsck, and plain
colon. at
15c, 20c, 25c.
American printed cord Mealtw, feat colors
in neat wait or dress patterns, ot
10c. 124c, 15c.
French Organdies. plain, black, white and
colon, .t
15c, 25c, 30e.
90 ptw•e. Anderson's Ulaagu . Uinghams, In
stylish plaids and checks warranted fest
colors, regular 90c 25c and 30c goods, all
at one price
36 to 38 inches wide black Grenadines, in
many patterns, beautiful rich black. at
par yard
A yrF,:,t^a/b�
W. Acheson & Son
Hawesville : H. Elford oommeaoed
maths his bay last week ; title I. un.
sally early, but be a always ep-to-date.
Birth : Uoaa, McNally has a smile for
everyone, and sveyue bee • hendebak•
for hint A !Where 1e the cause ,.f .lf Die
Clinton : 1)r. Gaon bee been appointed
examiner L mt,dtoal end sunroof •*fumy,
la ooasotles with 00. examinations el the
Oetart. Median College
Holmeevllw : 8ale.m.a Jas. C0000lly
odd the May teaks, 130 box.. of ak.... of
Helmesvlll. Cheese and hisser Maal'g U..
e Jobs 1eoao, ot Loudon. for 9to.
Emotion : Mn. Ass Koss, el Ottawa,
termites of Bruo.deld, le the author of
religiose book, "Tho New (.•wens, • Leek
Ifeersl," which will shortly be published.
Manley : A .bort time ago as Master Petr
Moffat was smog • iaok hallo It slipped ..d
•Iruok him la the lett eye, seriously IoiaHa/
IL He hes beim la the h..plt•I •tag• re 00
Blyth : Ed. Kro•011ag, of Morris,
sad Mrs. W.,Egr/erl, et Blyth, were quiet -
1 mimed at the Methodist peonage
Lesday Stereos of last week by Rev.
Wm. P.nMll.
liod•Heb to : Henry O.kie 0.. boyhl
Inns hes brother Jobe, o1 1', Ion•pe/, Mani
Wba,tb• 67 .:re lot situated o° the Maitland
oeeoesolo., beteg the north half of lot 50,
known as the Oates farm
Wtasb.m • Saporta bays bee■ current
far some time to the Afoot that a sew an t
e ttensiy• furniture factory will he erected
ta A legbam, by • oompaoy oompeo•d of
James A. ('line .cid ether 1.11.1 oeptl•Ilou
W Lgb•m : A happy met took place at
the reotdenee of the bride's father e0 Wad
aridity, Joao 12. when Mir Elessor M.7,
Ward dansatr et Thee Hares of Whs..
tae, was married to J. B. Monsoon o1
Colborne : What might have proved a
series wades Mpp•s.d a M. Flick.
With.* he and isle broth., were llteblaa •
colt L a gasplow, It reg awa7 dra/gtaa
the plow over him. He Y doles as well s
w be expensed.
Gederieh tp : Mr Root Aobmen, of
W 14th sen., bad • splendid sow killed by
Ilr/btelng en Frld•y,June 14. it wee valued
at 040. Awthr person who suffered els
la the is... way was Joh. Woes, to (airs •
cow b7 Ilghtela/.
Mates : R. Holmes west on Eta Guelph
O. A. L. excursion 00 Saturday, end spent
Beads s1 Braetfrd with 01s enter, kin
C. Farr. He wss the s17 Demists rep-
roeestaMv eatside et ►b• Brent memt.rs
wise attended the luoer.l of the lade Hes.
A. 8. Hardy, .t Brentford.
WIsgoas : A very pleases ersot took
plasm .t the Dome of Modem Roggen roe
Wdssadwy stereos, June 19th. whim, 1a
the presses el the lmmedlee members and
friends of the family, hat daughter Miry,
was united Is marriage to W. J. Farquhar•
sen of this tows, Rev. A. R. Prior alias%
(Metes : A ass eam.d Weir was
bteasbt In by Reeve MoNsoghtm from
RWts7 aa as tamato of the hoose of refuge
and he la found to he a very undesirable Ia•
mate, s setbing ons he dons with him.
Ho has he.. trylog, or !elected, to oommlt
shade, having out Ms threat, which r. -
oared s sew seltobr, He le still at Castle
Frweb,bet 01..rs.ehoe.1a far from being
Tnekenmltb : Whsle Mies Carrie Johns
was s the ant .f w.trmg tome seine, one
of the •elmtla became ferocious end knock•
hair down ; abs oorrles • blot •y•, bat had
it sot been for help's, bands it might 0•v
hens worse. Sant elms ago the sem•
beset put her horse throngs the side of •
dr(visg bore, lofftotlag such • wound that
medle.l cid wee sammoned to apply some
. tltebes. TO. new was 'Woo d•ben.d.
Chats.: Dr. end Mrs. W. A. Blackwell,
of Clhot..a1, Gila, are enjoying a Sett
with Mr. .ad Mrs. Alfred Rlsokwell, of
Vieeria et.. the dower having Mn Canada
tweaty.8v years yo, and hie wile haying
e cus visited ea thls aide of the line until
t0• Deftest time. lbey aro ea • six weeks'
trip speeding part of the elms at him father's,
Jew Blskw.11, Holmryfll•, and will also
tate la the Pen-Asrlsaa hsfore rstarelag
Holmrvllb: At the reset university
et.ateaMent C 1.. rater name oat meowed
la gonrd predates in Violists Univer-
sity, and fourth 1n both •'Vlo" and Vanity.
Clout. is ort.ldy to be oo.gretul.lsd on
las 01p► steadies, especially when he has
Devoid the work In "soh shorter time than
la geereily taken. A J Oowrtloe has also
bees euoaseeful la Se doe! examinations
at 1.11...o, baring ..raged 894%, wblob is
• decidedly geed showier.
Zerlab • O0 Saeerd•y,lbtb last, • elegem
hem Cavalier reseed Mr. Hermes Well L-
IsIR eg him that hie broths, Jobs B. Well.
ked issued away. The deceased was se of
NW ons settlers la Mils township sad shoot
>a yeses ego he removed to North D.kot•
where be oleos resided and p•..cd pseeefal•
ly awse en the morning of the 150h Jess, at
at the age of 66 years, 7 insets end 25 days.
His rowels were laid to rest L Cavalier
esmeMy en Monday lasl,Jase the 17th.
(listen • Jetts W. Rill la here fres
Alper, 11110b., and paid • veli to Mr. end
Mrs. W. 81mp.en end Mr. and Mn. iL
Dtgelo7 se welt ea other Meads. IM le 46
years Noes 0. Id/ these puts, 1air's mill
wt haelny thea built when him p.rear
lived es Me hate Roe and be wee the first
to drive . teamMnyh the hash from Den
to whet le a.w Lesdsbre. Re is es hie
Montle end west seer to Brussels Mt vett
Ida brother, James, and will alto visit
triads Is Myth.
Autogiro : A very pleases* wadding Meek
et Me hems of Mr. and Yrs R. 8,
Yoatlss, Mas, en Jose 1200, she
sea parties 'oho .Mir Ansi. R
Lem. of Ashore. sod Jobe W. Bowler, of
Meshes Moo , • pre•.roe• Tonne termer
Hybl* hes mails eo.Mk of Msalla, The
bride was smseed ►y her asselo, Mils
MIMS Bina& while the peen wee snp-
ported by his browser. A Dumber of fri.eds
from N teotps dad•hoe sthe
attded t
meddles, The 'side( • daughter of Mr,
sod Mn. J Knox, Ashen.
`.AT(7•DA r, Jas 22nd.
The roboul plonk for No. 1 scollop was
held yesterday .t Usage Lalthwals'. sad
was a grecs susses Three basdred people
were provided with • gea.ross supper, end
afterwards . program of rtoltatlons, wage,
*ribbon drill, etc , was altos by the olll
dreg of the shoot. Th.,. was .110 a pro
gram of sports for the oblldren, and the re
tura football massa between the teams of
No. 6 and No. 1 *mottos was played, the
Ne. 1 team by • wore ef 3 to 0 wiping oat
She nmssbnaoe of their defeat she pre
vies. week. M1.. Trudgeoe le the Nether
.t this s10M.., end she a.d Moe* who as
tested bet ere to be 000gn/alated upon the
pl.•.•at time whlob they provided for so
Monger, use 24.
James MeoM.Das went to the Paa-
AmoHo•s exposition a1 Baff.Ie last week.
Mies Fstbringham, plead by her slater
nose, west to Detroit last week for • visit
of some day
H A. Horton returned on '1'nor.d•y of
fest week after • pleseet visit of some 3rys
1. the ClertoCuy and at the Hub of Huron
'1 hen was quite • large tonsils of wool
the other 4.; made la one of our orohards
by • y•.rllog sh..p bolting from Ire sn.srers
jut as the Ae.oe was nearly .8. The shear
ere being yon.g moa soon caught It for the
Asisbint tough.. of the .h•.,..
Somto,• from every home in oar 'sotto°
took to Nth., tit* moonlight mansion ort
*ha l.k. at Uod.rloh or the trip to Detroit
by water, and ell report • most pleasant
time. A anmber of our reedit' alto took
1s,10• Ktn,ibndge pronto Tuesday of 1st
Monp4y, J0a. 24.
Ws. Jewel is shingling his barn this
week, stinted by Thew. end Andrew Cul•
set, of Nbepp•rd►on.
Last week Mr. and Mrs. R. H. MsU.n-
.1d, of Detroit, with Mies Ulaffie, were
session vies ton at A. C. Maal)eeald'e
here, and at Dr. W. F. Clark's, Uoderiob,
•a).ylar our lake air and seeing old friend'
la this seas.
Among those who went from bore ea the
Detroit e:oanles were Mr and Mn. James
Veins and two daughters, Mrs. Alex. 14..-
1,..4, Mr. sad Mn. John Clark and Mi.
E11. Clark, Muse Ban Corbett, Michael
Tobin and R B. H. William. 8.m• of
them had the pleasure of Seeing Mrs. Wm.
Nelberg.11, formerly of this pito* ler as in-
teresting ohs shoat Dunlop. All /lye
quite an laeresting report of their trip mid
the snout on the boat en the homeward
This week olo.se the Sr.* half year of
study "1 our college •f leaning la charge el
its present preoeptres, Mies Ev Cooper,
ut Clinton, who gees to spend her Solid's
IC the Golden State of Osllfer.t•, where
she will visit • married slater residing there,
S6• hs prepared two oaadid•tes for the
outranoa and four for the earls examlos-
tios Satoh take place to Uederlob shortly.
to the other grades of study all her sobolssie
hays made good progress 00 151 .*neraI
ralglaotl.n of the parents and Fn•rdlan. el
the motion.
The nuptial kms* was tied on Tuesday
evening of 1st week by the Rey. Meth
Turnbull, R. A., reeler of sr. O..rgi.
o0arob, Ood.rloh, at the readies* of A
Allea, when Annie, hls only immerridd
daughter, was married to Norman McLeod
of Loohaleb, In the presence of re1a11yse
and friends of the bridal ooapts. Herbert
Morrle,of Gelrbrald, was hest man and Miss
B. Vides, of God.rleb, was brid..mal4
After the ceremony • pleasant time was
pissed around the Setts board, wishing
the oewely married pair syry asses in
the voyage of life beton them. The happy
ooaple have gone to London for the weddle
trip. Amos/ the guests at the wedding
were Major end Mn, desk, of 0allford, and
the Mimes MaoT.tlah and Mose, of
1lrproer,Jews 18.
'MIO: (Rev.) G10. ttlllu,"u1 Pandits, is
Thriller relatives here.
Mn. Hardy, of '1'seswser, visited .t
John Burges' last week,
Mies RIM, (lr•laa.r, of Molmworlh, vis-
ited at R. M, Done this week.
Idles ,Jessie Robrene, of Wrests",
visited relations In Rlsevb last weak.
Mn. MoAlllser, of WLgbsm, •1.1101 ler
daughter, Mn. Wen. Messer, last week.
Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Oseemors, of lord-
wieb, vldted at Urge Cammen's last
(:has. Cooltee and Mrs. ,Toho Macintosh
..d °hlld's visited .t Thames (belles' oe
Mn. Jee.pb Warder has returned fres
Satisfy hes mother at Little Bata's, Vie-
tetis eosg*7.
Mn. J. J. D..mae and Mn. l'eeook .t•
Ymded the wadding of Mies 'Sean King at
Toronto 1st week
same 4spares tress slyth, Out.
Myth : Everybody is r.marklag how well
Mr. Pollock is lathing sins his recovery
teem brosohltM. H• wee Wok for .,alto •
lase them, bol Catarrhetens oared him per -
featly. Whet Mr. Polish says in fs•er of
Oasarrbezoss 1s harked ep by many other
reads*% of Blyth who have sxperisnesd
the greatest benefit from Ito as. Catarrh
sees• le really a sere oars 'far brenehltle,
luau ad threat tumbles, and as srh aro
..by.. a rank among lbs sel..Mb1n dl...,
rtes of the age. We Stew of so remedy
Chet ren hassle( en many permanent mires
ea O•tarrhease., and Mast that these wins
seed soh a remedy w111 try ie. Druggist's
sal its two slee.. 9be. sed 01.00.
ASA w.ew'e tn.tltate-Aaaa.t lreeal.a r
Mose Meshes al Mile
Tits Waal m10tlog o1 the West Hutue
Farmers' beaten was held at Nile
a the 19th 1st.
Presidio* James Snell cave an Iotereetlo
resume of the year's work. '1 be member
ship Is 376, an loo,,.e over lest year. res
meetings were bell daring the year, the at.
Madame .t ass In the atteraoo. being
1036, end L the eye.l.Kg 2200; the averse
.Owadense Wog ea. -/lard mete than lost
year. The tresaarer begs the year with •
001.uo. of 024.69 ea head, •.d the rests'
from eartos soros swelled the to 0383 34
the .xpeadllare wart 0246.25, leaving
comfortable balance ou hand, to which the
Institute expose t• add at lent 0200 as 00
result of the Raps Mesta' Farm etounloo
The executive elected was :-Preelden►,J
0tt.tea ; 1st vise, Rod Young. Cr
low ; 2.d •loan H. Monts, Loyd ; Neon
testy treasurer, F. C. Milord, Holme..11le.
Dtreotors tor 00e municipalities are :-Ash•
6.1d, James Hayden, 1. Andrews, Jos. Mo -
(ingot West War/mesh, J. Genes, U.
Howatt, W. He111.. East Wawaaoeb, W.
l.00kbart, R. 0. MoC•w.o, A. Currie,
Colborne, H. Morris, R. Voting, N. Korai-
eine. Hallett, W. J.oktoe, Jaa, Basil,
W. Waite, Goderiob township, J. J. Col.
well, Joseph Whitely. Y. C. Elford, Tare -
berry. ()ars. Wilson. Wlagbam, W. P.
UHersoa, W. Clegg, J. A. Morton. Blyrk,
k. M.taalf, A. E. Bradmton A. Jaoabe.
Clinton, U. A. Forrestr, W Wetr, 3. E,
Bl.ok.11. (iedrlob, A. Mop. Allan, Tbw.
Nat'l, W Warnock.
dletirkt meeNor. Nes 'meats la 13•••
teeth Is J•aaary, 1902,
Mw Vincent ane two gee solos lu hie
merry etyle to olio. oar meettag,
The *Marta. west, very kited w belpiag to
.aertol. our Innis.
This was the largest end most wtba.la.-
tic m..ting we have hold ler slaw tilos
rhe senses' $lspspl$e It'a1ae.
They Utes from the formates* of gas
owing to Iopropr digestion. A very
prompt and •!ij*ant remedy 1s Pei...'.
NervOine. It relieves the detection M-
oistly, and, by Its stimulating whoa ea
the stomach, .ids digestion. Nestles
our.. dy.pepsio pains by remsvlog the
saws Norville* 1s also highly re..m-
mead.d for smote, uollo, summer r-•rn.
• plaint anti lag.mm.tioo. Sold to large25o.
bustle. svrywhen•,
=At the 5001• place and time the W.m..'s
!militate met, with • fair .ttendano..1
delegated. The president, Mn. E Etlord,
of rlolatsevdl.,wes In the 'bait sad gam se
eaoelleet .ddrese oo the aims of the
Women's 10.U0at•,
Th..eontr7, Mn. Coll. Campbell, of
Uod.rleb, pressed the followlog report
"At OodKtoh on 1Jeoember 2810 lase •
m10tlag of toe ladles of West Huron was
amassed for the purpose of organizing •
Women's Institute ' Uos,dr•ble interest
Wee maltested and a partial organization
was •8.. ted. On February the 5th an -
otter meeting was Dolled, edtoers W.I. el•o-
ed and to. Wom•o'. heaths of West
Huron was t•lrly Iaaoohed. The nooses of
►0e work has gene beyond our expeot•ttttea
The members have toaod the meetings boils
lotrestine and instructive, and the load -
tuts promises to teems • most useful or-
ganization for the betrerl.g of our homes
and she spreading of knowledge pertaining
to domestic soleow. At our drat meeting
tw.ab-.imeo Casual were hods In for
membership and the Int has steadily in -
mimed until now we have • membereblp of
eighty two. Darlog the pelt Ave mouths
fourteen regular m10Hogw, with an average
•tteousoe of ferly•Ave, have bee* held, as
follow: • Fear a0 Godrlob, three at
H•Imretlle, two at W1. ham, *brie at 8t
Helens, two at Rested. For the better
carrying o0 of the donee, branches have
been organized at Uoderloh, Wis6.m,
Holmesvlll., Kasai' end 8t. Elides, The
fel/owing papers end addressed bare Sea
read by the members : W omni a lastltotm,
Mn. E. Elford ; Should girlie have en
•lloweooe !-lues May Salkeld ; Home la•
4oeoce Mrs. Ct11° Campbell ; Cars of milk,
Mrs. i)a,,* Todd, St. Helens ; Tb• aim and
tbjtot •of Wo...,. Institutes, Mir Mc-
Donald, Be. Helens ; How ws lose le wen
our household duties, Mn. Blohen ; (bre of
poultry, Mr*. Charob ; Women's Istituto,
Mrs. Wm. J. Currie, Wingb.m ; Reading.
Mee A. Andrews, Goderloh ; Care of milk,
Mie Green, Loyal ; assailer • sentry
home, Mrs. Currie, N logbam ; A happy
boom, Mn. Joo. Ll.klaer, W,ngh.m.
in slew of the fact that we have Dot yet
been organized sty months and that the
watt bee been Dew 0.00 lo ofboro and
direotors, w•1es1 phased sub the rewrite
sod are a0000reg.d to look forward to
'realer 10001es lo the future. A. E. CAMP
Mu.t., soretuy."
Officers for the mooing year were elected
as follows • President, Mr.. R. Elford,
Holmeeville ; vice preslda0, Mn. Jos
!Snell, Clinton ; secretary treasurer, Mrs.
Goll. Campbell, (loderloh ; directresses,
Mn. R. Holmes, Caston 1 Mies Uergl.
MoPh.11, Porter's Hill ; Mn. J. F. Link -
leer, (Ninsbet's ; Mrs. Wm, J Uarrb,
Wlagbam : Mrs. R. M. Yvan. Carlow
Mn, Harry Morris, Carlow ; Mn. Wm.
Rohs, G.deri.h ; Miss Green, Loyal ;
Mn. I. Seibold, jr., God.rlob ; Mrs
George Andrew", Godrio0 ; Mrs. J. N
McKenzie, Lawler ; Mn. D N. MoKeezle,
Loaner ; Mn. R K Miller, qt. Hslss ;
Mn. Hugh (Arvin, Nib : Mrs Gra•nm•tt,
Nile ; Mn, R. Tebbast, Holmeavlll•.
Report of ate Mlstrlet seetlag by a Mem
bey et the Order
The ,ems-anaa.l meeting et the Royal
Templar" of Tempraoc• for the diaries of
Huron was held In the Temperance Hall,
Verse, on Tuesday, Jane 18th.
Tbe morning session opened shortly af-
ter 10 o'olook with 4. 0. Mrs. Campbell, of
Goderlob, L the shalr. Mboelbs10a•
business ens dispeeed of eon tilts session ad-
d to meet at 1:30 r r. in the .Nor
O 000.
The afternoon session was very interest,
dog. The oommitt10 00 emperenoe work
reported as to the lest means of looreasing
and holding our membership. We should
make outsiders feel that It would to • bene-
fit to unite with es, perhaps more so ter
their Influents upon ethers. Sonl•blltly
and good programs In tae oouooll room,
personal owlets* and open meetings were
strobgly reoommended.
Committee on stabs of the Order -While
some oouooll. *bowed s dere.se, others had
gained largely 1s membership.
O. opening and resuscitating °canalts-
Ooe ooaoell had surrendered Iia charter,
two new ones bad been Instituted by J. T.
Weetoott; o0/, Farquhar, with • stoat
A spwlal oemmi►tes, assisting of k. A
Wanles", M. Vincent and W. Iwwb, •p-
pelntsd to oonslder and report 00 cemma.t-
o.tlon resolved from .l. A. Austin, et To-
ronto, Orsini (Jeuaotllor of the Province,
reported In sob.teooe as follows :
Bre. Boobanan'a moods" through the
toast* were successful, not to point of num•
Mn, but In strengthening tempraooe sett
meat and enoourwlog many who were
despondent. We endorse the wisdom of
pushing the Royal Degree, but strongly
reoemmeod that the Select Degree be to
* stated in *soh ootooil to give permaneom
to our order. We reoommeed to Christian
men sad women and all desirous of taking
up 111e Insurance, who abstain from mloo.
hello drinks, to insure L A society proclaim-
ed by the courts In our recent soil against
the Eoonomiet Co., of Toronto, after three
days' "videos, to be sound sod the *tato.
meow published libellous We reoommesd
end sailors. what to termed our "New
Policy," whloh Invites all Io sympathy with
ear work who cannot attend ear moieties
to beoom• 0811.1ed with our society by
jelaing an associate members. Remedies
00. sngg.stIon of Meal optle0 for the
oea.ty,we ..shot recommend 11 poles near-
ly •1l the townships would °rr; It. l0
some *sentry hotels, where toe readies
Irma the liquor trade 1. smell, and no other
plan would work well, we surges that the
liaises be pleewd a1 as eaelde limit.
nn'r.t en TR■ .41vye4Tlnn,
M. Finest, district representative to the
(amend Oeasols, gay a very elaborate report
of that hotly'. pre:sidings
A arneg nommanlnet(ee was read from
W. W. Boohenan sizing op the eendltlee el
e sti swell la the distant,
i. T Weseetl was appointed seaety or-
Miss Lewis and Miss Brows, of Orepo*,
were lestree•ed a °franly0 • nate/ moiety
1a that plain.
11te secretary of soh ns.tll le • mem
beta a pregr.m ,•mala.• a erratalli• far
as anertaloms0* es the evader/ el the sue
YArrapar, Jews 29th -Summar sae of
born, busedes, phwtos end barns cem-
maol0g at 2 o'oltok r. u. sharp at the
0aotioa room., Hamllto. etroot, T. Ons.
017, •101100101.
THURaoAT. Jane 21, 1901.
aro tk. emir
�Kidney Brt
easS was
pi. IIs carableOwW
�d'. KWa.7 PIM.
cured 1L Doctors
themaivon eoafass
that without Dedd's
Kidney Pills Hes aro
pun ag•aLW Dia-
betes. Dodd'• Kidney
Pills are the first mediclee
that over cured Diabetes
Imitations-- bo., name sad
pill,w .d vort.s.d to do •°,
kithe medicine that M
Na. Mamas, Jr. • Sok Local Ages t.
- THE 1.EAUIVu --
war.. a etor,! t00l0Jt
Orders rarrhlly"a'te.ded to v ■11
bears. slabs .r day.
Owe« Street.
I am prepared to buy this see
son's clip of Wool, as usual, at
Benmiller Woollen Mills
for highest cash price, or in ex-
change for manufactured articles.
%Ve Carry
full line of
•,ta 1
Screen Doors and
Lawn flowers, ." n
Garden Hose,
Garden Rakes, 1 `
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
a specialty.
Sprue smis, orarcoais
The men dressed in • salt guide at
oar store always looks trim, as It •- Ito
ambition of eyety man of tette to look.
A large of sloth. to oleo..
If you are contemplating getting a
light evsrneat for spring wear, give 1111 •
oh•noe to srvs you. Pesos. tithe.
Wel Wrest
Mill Wood
The iv -oven is ort into stove wood
ten=th and will be deliverers to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders received by telephone or
left at rrsidenoe, 128 Cambria street,
will rwoisive prompt, attention.
'Phone 98.
.Ordsrich. November Met, 1999. 1x,4 -3s
with 'your health.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. Get the beet
there i, at the game prices that are
charged for inferior goods.
At our Drug :;,.ore the .toc'c is el -
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
00. a reputation for prompt° fes and
Medical 11»11
McCillop Ilataal Fire Iasaraacc G.
Value of Property Insure] tip to Jannarv,
1701 113.1141,073.I0
°rricems AND DIRKCT.,I01.
J. B. McLean, pros. ; T. Fraser. vie., -:etre,.
Joe. Connolly, N. Delo, W. O. Hroadloct, J.
Wet. Jas, Boas, J. O. Or oven 1 Boonewess,
dir, stun; W 14 Brost to ot, tear., 10. in woo.
tor of losses ; T. 0. Hays, 8e.forth, secretary
J. W. Yeo, Holmesvills; James commis
6amondvlllo ; R. MoM it .c, Sealort0 : R
Smith, Haricot.
Polloy-holden can pay asee.sments and get
their cards reorlpt.d at Mr. Coati Clinton. or
at McLean Bros.' Palace 011i0lom Story. God.
The Dame stands for all that is
reliable In farming machinery,
intending to purchase anything in our
line should inspect our goods before
placing their order.
We always carry on band a full
stock of repairs.
We have the beet make of Cream
Separators on the market.
Yon can get the most up-to-date
Carriage or Buggy made in Can-
ada at a reasonable price from us.
Massey -Harris Bicycles -New
1901 models --elegant mount.. Call
and see them.
J373711T- P.S.11.1301,413,
A Great Snap
1s our Ulmer Snap, at 5c. a
pound, of whioh we 1011. barrel a week.
This isn't our only sap. as we ovary
•eerytblog that oan be found In an no -
0e -date grooery •tore, and our piss
are right. The farmers know that they
oan always et from as • map for their
prodooe. We draw the 1 r c At so
legitimate 0r.d. - evei) 1,,.,. sot. :
Glassware or potatoe., cardio slut r
oboists table Ohina. We deal in .I
of them.
Redford bleak. O.derloh.
Summer Gonds
Oil Stoves
Gasoline Stoves I"M'
Ice Cream Freezers
Dairy Tinware
Metal Roofing and
J.1-1. Worse!!
Tb. °heap stes end faros* man,
1?. B. Smith's M cKI11/I 'S Reld's 0/d
Store Stand
Ater • .uooeaaful season in two busy stores there us a big lot of desirable
remnants of all kinds,
Starting Tuesday, July Sud, we intend making quick work of these oddlneute
by means of remnants of the old prices.
Remnants of Dress Goods lengths for waists, skirts, dresses
and child's dresses. The goods are A 1 and the prices what you
would expect to pay for rubbish
Oddments of Clothing. a'f�
Remnants of Prints, Muslins and Wash Goods. r,l t, citta .yiki'
Remnants of Laces and Embroideries. g r#`.Mid
Remnants of Toweling and Table Linen.
Remnants of White Goods and Shirt Waists.
Remnants of all kinds of goods,
ou which you can enve good money. It i* to your Interest to see if we have what
po wanobjt and you ean'tt e11 till you *CO. They are no use to us now and price
Comethe July 2nd and come every day while they last. Some can't last long at
Notion of °flanges mast be left at this BINDER
110306 not tater than Saturday I
noon. The Oopy for changes;
mast be left not later tihan Mon-
day noon. Oaseal Advertisements Farmers
aooepted an to noon Wednesday of
each week.
Binder Twine
"FAHMKRs SPECIAL- binder twits*
supplied to Faeroe's Only.t 80, par Ib, In two-
butlnN, 00(400. 18 oz. grabass, bound with
two rope •n.p halters, and weight's 6010.,
each, leusth over 000 feet per pound, truants
and length guaranteed. Cash with or_.rs,
purehaser pays freight
Address orders J. T. GILMOUR, Warden
Central Prison, Toronto, Iturther particulars
oddest* J A M t e NOEON , Inspect or, Parllamost
BaUdLgs, Toronto.
Toronto. June 8th, 1101. Provincial Secretary.
' Co -Operative
Company, Lii�. t
Prices for the Season of
Red Star 600 ft 1O}c.
Red Star, 660 ft 10 c.
Special Monilia, 600 ft.- . 9iic.
Sisal, old 8 c.
Sisal, standard 7 c.
(Thew letter two not oar owe mak.)
Xing of them all.:
The " King Quality " shoe has bees
awarded the Cold Medal -the highest award
at the Paris Exposition, where hundreds of
makes from the best shoe factories of the
world were also shown.
The lady who wears a "King Quality"
wears the best ladies' shoe in the world.
Beauty of finish, handsome design, perfect
fit -appearance, and comfort, with tete prid
Matte by The tL 0. King C.., Umited, Toronto.
l sur Agent th Uu. tench la St. G,..nee Price
Shoes t
Measure up
to Your
.0101.-M"r '. BNIYa
We Furnish You Two Comfortable Feet.
Common sense, aa well as style, can be purchased reasonably at our
counters. Good wearable shows for all torts of occasion..
High grade footwear et prices that yon cannot heat.
Don't fail to sew our "KING QUALITY" shoes if you want the latest
styles. THEY LEAD.
TRUNKS, GRIPS, Etc. " Repairing neatly done.
Have you tried s guess on the Pan-American 1 If not, why not t A
Ruses with every dollar purchase at this store.
, BT. GEO. l'RIOE,
Hole Agent foe Sing Quality Mesa
fix,,1111*' away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone in
worth the price.
Try it paekag• of our Ilop Tea -not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared llnpv. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your (Darden Seeds. we have a
full a.v, rtment.
Telephone No. 91.
Hat Bargains •.:
flaying purchased twelve dozen hats at • great reduction they will Le
sold et the following law prices
Reat'y-to-wear hat at 25c, worth bOc.
Children's ready-to-wear hats at 15c, worth 86c, and at 60c•
worth $1,00.
Leghorns at 85c, worth 50c. xr11v, awe;., st•oa
Leghorns at 76c, worth $1.25.
Also the latest thing in, the shirt waist hat, for 75c.
Ml millinery reduowl for the balance of the salmon.