HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-27, Page 4- 4 THURSDAY, June 27, 1901. THE SIGNAL : GODERIUHSONTARIO Mole Agent New, W C tDe PRiDHAIM satury Brans Boys' Clothing Ellen ■ Furnisher Clothier and Hatter MAKING ax... AN EFFORT. People wau1 to 1,•et away Iron] the uoiey, 11011111111n nal, le,aalful chum of the men who only make claim; and don't supply the gaols They like to deal here, where what we offer is ot the higheot quality and what you gel ie the beet Here are some prices which ought to interest you H ycu ate in teed of a suit of clothes Black or bine serge Bulls, good trimmings, well •mete. Fnuch lacings, regular uric. $8,00, reduced to •6.25 Nice gray tweed Butt. 'noel quality well mode and trimmed. Freuch facing.. regular price $12.00, reduotel to • .•.... .. - s8. 78 Imported wonted suits, matt• by Ut.lon ailon, a very sightly gull, regular prim $1600, reduced to .... .. .... ... $11.08 MEN'S FURNISHINGS. There is always something new to he seen in this atom. We ares coutwually el,li, the latest m tads, Dollars, outing shirts, ,eglive %hurts, straw hate, light caps and in t.+. t almost everything pertaiuiug to the comfort of mut during the hot weather W,. C PR2�HAM Bole Agent for Ohrlsty'■ Hats. N.•tl Ls• .t •-hepharI0. *5 POaLIH>D EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Sy fs. mesuaawe�'e •ODIIUGH, THURSDAY. JUMI V, IMI. WHAT OTHEHS ARE SAVING. INS 0001UTIT WY'S ADVSNTAu•. Derham Chronlole : An •xobange truly remarks eh•1 "the homeggrown, band - spooked, bare -timed, bard.6stei oouotry boy makes • muob better fighter in the bona of life than goes the pampered, high - uttered, Dressed sroueerd youth of our Mesa sed ►111.455, whou ololbes bays a1 ways bun dwbod with a whisk broom In- stead o1 • shires" was m■ WUMT+ Samford Bums : Hero is • owes for the higher orltie6. Al Portage Ina Prairie, Man., • meas oommisted selnlde In order to sed she bards. of his orlpeled life. He Justified his as1 In • noes wribsas before his death, t. which he used the quotation : "Drawler lova babe no man than this, that • men lay down his Iib for bis friends." Seely this le • new epplloa dos of the un ! T5■ OTHSB Siva or TX■ .!Tette. Ottawa Journal : Up west • man and his wife have bees find for thumping a d•r mord* bey who lived with them, into • mum of bruises. And the avldenoe showed that be wase'• • bad boy. 1 t the poor Ince beggar tool Screed on them and done an I.1.ry, then would laevo bees another Drees *horns •boob the "riffraff' and 'gutter snipes" of old Neglud being allowed into Iris ooaatry to adulterate our fine selves. The dialogs are likely its not that waifs and stray who give tremble to this oo0otry have eeasld.re►le stoma. rian TMs YAN. Tomato Star : A Toronto man has re• solved sakes Prem she *toy of Hamilton that unless he goes cep and out* any weeds growing on the etre** on which he owns property]__ he will realer himself Mable a • Oa* et 120. Ws gather from the printed mottos received that Hamdtee is chiefly Inabled with the following notions weds rOs•sye daisy, wild o•u, reg weed, bur desk, wild Glover or sweet ()lever, marsh- mallow, milk wed or r loon wed. deed*. Ilea, narrow deek,'olden rod, yarrow, mob lea, wild lettuce and shla1155 of all ktads." We wsId advise Hamilton to pave the e treele as • sun Dare far weeds. nue mime. Hamilton ypeeassr : Did you ever think M Me amount of time eens.md In winding up sass watch 1 A anemia fellow, with • little span time en his hands, has figured W thing out, and here is the result of his ealealatlons. It takes on an average Bites, smoasde every day to wind up • watoh. Hub MNy the 366 days by anima and you have 6,746 secesds spent is one year. Allowing 16 yes as the average lib, • man would spend 191,525 eeee.ds, er 3,190 minutia and 41 sessada, se 22 days and 20 hears 10 wind• tae sp bV watch. Let us go • little farther wile the ealsala/len sad see what It costs In mesh to keep year marsh wound up. Com- pete sa aas.Ymsael5outsanhourbrthe Wheats oessamed, sad 11 figures out $52.60 Ice pod hard eh. What 11 omni that muob lis key a watch wound up we mast sosept Bs beldam that time is money. Till SAMS 01.0 0155. Ottawa C11ttec : After all the alk about kiss msemslly of the militia corp ssohswing lam wad feathers and getting down to ;alto Nest work,Uis sheeting and field operatloas. 11 la ee.enead that the erp that are moat gref ckeal 1a ceremonial peradss •t the 1n- spostlass will be ohosen be take part 1n the mai review at Toronto In she f.11. This mesas that the amp of Instruction w111 be devoted mainly to the mrsoblos of useless saesmeal•I to the neglect of preotltol work. 11 Straight sheeting and olever field work e rn the highest attributes of • useful real MSS% why should not these be made the e rlterlul to selecting corp for spooled bestir! Surely the bslr-app snt would rattier review a regiment or battery with • spluldid aheeltag rmoord, oven if 1t did mot leek gales ee well, than the ellob55/,twt rtIG Livery T. , tire ONLY 4 LEFT We have only tour Gsderloh HI oyolss 1.11. We will .sell them •t 5 aped with Dnnnllopp tiros. .. Two Raoyd55 at $25.00 end $80.00 We wilt continuo our � • sale of & WINO ' Pm PATTIES a1 :89 00 and 144,00 ver a tee Aays loans., ..Send hand wheels at Stem sad 04. EMERSON'S arid, ted Mic Inn. groomed outfit that our promenaded peat to the rum -tam -tem el Wu British Gress. digin. DAUGHTERS OF THE EMPIRE• The Orga5ltutles Is Nudes Brat ryl.a rregresa la This Taw a. At the meeting of the Daughters of the Empire held In the court room oo the after noon of June 17th ten new members were carolled and reports giyon of five new •hapten tormed among the eahool children chiefly One, of young ladles, Is called the "Florence Nlghttngde" and has sixteen member* already. Toe nonce of this chap ter with names of the otlioers obossn hal already been given In this paper. The other four are as loltows : The "Lord Roberta," fourteen members. Regent, Miss Wiggins ; secretary, Mus May 1 hompsoo ; treasurer, Miss (lady@ Hoggarth ; saodard-bearer. Master Jauk Swartz The "Vtoto,i.o" chapter, with flinty members, has for *.wont ('call bur ; swrs- tary, Willie Wooten; treasurer, Miss B•11. The "King Edward" ut'soter -twenty• two members Regent, Miss Parsons ; vioe ✓ egent, Ella Hrimlcontbe ; secretary, Gran Mot•w ; treasurer, Miss Parson,. The •'Maple Led' ohaotes-number of members unknown. Regent, Miss Lillian Maodoodd : vtoe regent, Isobel Proodtaot ; esontarv, Ria Jordan ; treasurer, Jun Tom ; standard-bearer, ti1..Iy. Eliot. le was then moved, seoondet end carried that the ladies h.ns oue nr more booths on the S.iu•re oo the 1st of July and sell re- freshment' in order to make some money to • Id la the building of a hospital In the town. Committee* to attend t ttii Gwuioary work oonneoted with the undertaking were drafted, and 10 is hoped that all those who were unable to attend the meeting and thou whom 1t will he impossible to Inter. view personally will Dome forward and help, for the sake of the good object which all must 1551 needs furthering. Then was pared, oo moll, n of Mn. Macdonald, ee000ded by Mn. Morton, • resolution of 000doience and sympathy with Elm Nina Sheehan, a member of the hranoh, on the irreparable lies she has see Wined to the death of ber tether, and the seoreary was dirwtd to forward to Mies Strachan • copy of the same. The muting adjourned. O. t• ANDS. S Two Days 1 en.ty ('*.,esus■ Meld Lar week a1 ('11.0... The annual convention of the Heron County Christian Endeavor and Sunday Sehool Union was held In Willie Presby• terlan church, Clinton, on Tuesday and Wednesday, done 18 and 19 The Bret day was devote.) to Christian Endeavor work. W. H. Kerr, of Brur- sele, presided and those on the program wen Rev. .1. A. Anderson, of l;derloh Dr. Gifford, A. 1'. Cooper, R. Holmes, M. P., and Rev, A. Stewart, of Glisten ; Rev. F H. Larkin, of !teatortb ; Miss U. Mollatt, of Myth I W. Harvey, et Rear; Miss Match, of (arrls ; Mrs. N. M. Richardson, of Brussels ; Rev. G. K. Bradshaw, of Hamilton ; Rev. K. N. Baker, of Stratford. and the president, Mr. Kerr. The euretary, Mies Washington, of Clin- ton, reported ninety -live young people's, thirteen janlor and two Intermediate sootohs* ea being affiliated with the union. In the afternoon the "Junior Darden" ex groin was given I. the town hall by seventy live of the (Ainbon halo*., It is • very pretty exeroise, and the hall was packed to Ila utmost capacity. The Chun meow for she Uhrteboas En- deavor Association are : Preadult, J. 1., Tom, Uoderioh ; vice president, W. A. Harvey, Kzeter ; secretary, H. E. Rorke, Clinton; treasurer, Mtea M.A.Metch, Gordo ; Junior superintendent, Miss Maud King, lityth j executive, F. M. Turner. Goderich ; Rev. Mr. Hendersoi, Henmill; MIs. (;. Moffett, Blyth; H. P.Uhapman, Wiogb•m, and W. H. Kerr, Brussel*. Wednesday's program on Sunday sohool work was taken part In by Rev. %V. O. Howson, Rev. Dr. (atfionl and Rey. M.r. Dunlop, of Citation ; L. Harold and J. U. Stoneman, of Henan ; .1. K. Tom and Mies Nairn. of Ooderloh ; I. Hord, of Mitchell ; Rey. 1dr.Ourrteand 0.0. Manro,of Auburn ; Rev.A,LUeggl., of earkdals,andJ.A.Jwk emit. A., secretary of the ProvinoidSabbath School AsseolaWen, who met the Heron as• sato silos for the first time. The oreeldent, 1)r. Towler, of \jagh•m, 000upied the ohdr. Tbs seoretary, J . G. Stoneman, of Henrll, reported lel uhoole doing active work. The efficient appointed for the year are ('resident, J. M. Tom, Uoderioh ; yioe presldr55, Itr. Towler, Wim/them, and all the preeldente of the loosl aesoolseiooe .smeary treasurer, .1. 1'. Stoneman, Hen ell ; oorreapnding ssoreary, I, Harold, Hawaii ; executive -the ofliOen, ministers of the town In whloh the oommtttee moots, organizers of Iotol organizations. The .55lone were all well attended by the two hundred or more delegates. FOREIGN MISSION NO rFS. dose his work, leetlog in the mission sixty ••ongregatlou aad dtty•four native gree.+h tire trained by htm.oh. The reason there * r. mut more ohurobes Is that the corblhru dart o1 4or11oea is urau:tcelly osvered 1'1111 work that remain far his seuoes* r. t. •n build up and develop the charoha Nue.' ed by Ica. Such • lib. Is so ti, titles. and t will nave* be forgotten. The Rev Niihau' (held, who has been .ssotistsd with Ur. MsnKe , le • atrouv wan, end will wow asaeme the blodeo. Another appoint Mot will soou be wade, and thus tilo work will be malotalued. 'The t'hlne. In Canada are steadily Ia- 1ve41110g la Dumber. Raiding do cavitation ax to =100 doss not appeoiebly affect .ham Whatever may be s-,ud about the (Alamo problem (rum 1' a I.bor saodpolot n1cluslve measures, these is no d..utit as to •Ile church's duly now They are straits ere suuoos,t us. The gospel is f.•r them, as for us, and the chunk) should Beck to wit, it to them. They all sop ' to returu to Chios. The majority do ;.turn. and as .any es have been taught the truth In Cauca take it with them and swatter the ,;ood seed in their Whoa lend. 1'be foreign misson uommlttes of the Pres- .yreran ohuroh has decided to start a mis. Aon io Macao. Ubiva, for the express pur Jose of following up work done in Canada. Cho oiliness themselves want • mission there .tmongst their own people and will nelp to :uppert It. The Rev. Alexander Don, of Dune lin, New Zealand, has beau called to eke up .hs work Mr, Winchester has laid dew t in Itritteh Columbia, Mr. Don has hest to China and knows the vIllanes from which our Canadian Chinese note., and will thus be able at oboe b toneh them ymp dhoti* illy. 11 wuu:d se • vlorioua thins If the 15,000 Chinese to Canada now were eo In- fluenced as to reoogelze Jesus Christ as Re• downer The result In China would us lo- oaloulable. They are scattered In colonies all through the land. Tho ohurehes every• where should be ou the alert to win and 000yert them into workers amongst their', own people. In many towns and villages. earnest Christians are making an effort, but in other plaoes they are entirely us kilowatt, Gout Dews comes from ludie as to the re sults of the famine. Already many of the rescued ones are seeking baptism. The few that remain in many of the desolated vtl leges now welcome the mtwinoaryland listen to him os Dever before. The ploughlog ot the roil pentodes the harvest. The harvest will Dome In doe time Ler us not weary In well•doing. Then sow erg and reapers shall rejoice together. R I'. M1, Kav'. t'oole Isratuoo Life Budding, Toronto. 1 ,' Four Headed more Ohaslwlth these of !tel.'s Kitunen. The Ker. Phoebe A. Hamaalurd, who pre .. !d.l averted that bks praotico of drink Inn and 'mottos amea4 tea women of New f'ork's hest mutiny was s wldssproad evil. KERRY. Oh, ,t ie not hen, but 1a Kerry, the roots of my heart are wt, And It t5 e„t hen, but In Kerry, the dreams of my hie ars yet, Kerry 1 loft behind me to • borrowing gl,•.m of light, When 1 said vood•bye to the dsir old Isnd •u4 paned out into the eight. The eau hrl wok lu the heavens, the birds flown borne to thou nut, A 0111d waled out of the thickness, • raln- ol•ud hung is the west. Dien wag ..o glimmer of !nigh uo.', no sh.nwe on earth or sky. Wheu 1 celled away Prem Kerry when the best of my Iib gone by. Ob, there le no place like Kerry lo all of the world I've ssw. Nowhere has fairer valleys, nowhere has hills so green, Nowhere the word of friendship Is given with franker grace Than there, 1, the •ore of Munster, with the true heart's blood ef our rope. t)ohons, affirms ler you, Kerry. it wishes were soils and 'Fla 1 would be million to you with orbs of joy on my ftp, Hawing the white wave. by me, and watch- ing by nIgbt and more, Fur the first glad sight of the kladly land when I and my ram were born. My hand* aro so weary tollmv .lweye o0 the stranger's floor, There are no smiles on the Noes that look from the s,nnget r door, The poor of the earth'* not wanted szoopl I by the poor 1 know, And my loves are burled In Kerry with the dreams of long ago. FROM THE TRAINS. Pasee.pn (1,1 Hllmpses el the rte £men- us Szpesllsa People travelling from the emir and west will o..me within the zone ot the direct In• thence and sant of the Pan American Ex- position mile' away from the great acid glorious epeotwle Reel! Surrounding the setting of the exposition there ate enmerons Intern that will rival the u,treeueoe of On greet show for public attention, and rspeoi.ly Is this true ot Niagara Falls. There is no greater or more wond,' fnl ayye- f•.ut In the world than the F.IIs of Nia- Aar•, the beautiful gorge, .n.1 t8.• daehln' tnmultunue water, of the '''h Mpoul Rapids I( they are alert, long before their train stops et Stagers Falls, psee. nvere over the (tread'1'ruuk Kdlway will Dome la sigh' • 1 Gni ,00bty *beer vulva -tow9R-1,... soh,. b seerahl(ght signal' will be flashed t.. the Eteotrio Tower of the Expsttton, In fanny one can picture the beam of the. powerful projector extending way off to words Hamilton, (Jut., to give glad wet. onme and greettag to the incoming trains 1s•tcn with humanity anxious to see tils tall. and the a:potation. Speeding soros* the wonderful gorge the train will parry Its pesesngere in full view of the Falls of Niagara aid the Whirlpool Rapid., white the remarkable gorge will stretch out on e ither side of the grub** railway steel arch bridge In the world. Thle bridge of the Grand Trunk Railway at Niagara Falls is one of the woods: of the looallty, and met- ing, es It does, one end In the domain of King ♦Award, the other to the Uoltd States,lt forms a portio° of the Industrial bond to the Anglo Saxon union that torose • realization that no matter on whloh side of tee Niagara we reside, we are all Amery cans- Ilan • A mertoa.s. The Gemara! Assembly o1 the 1'reeby Arlan oburob, amongst It. many dudes, survey. the foreign mis*Inn field. The death of Dr, George 1,.011. MacKay In For mem makes this the Reddest Ionise mission report ever presented to that body. The Presbyterian church l0 410d.4 Into tiro ~Wong for mlesloo purposes the worn and the western. The .asters section found In their Ant mN.t.e.ry, Dr. .lsbn (kiddie, nee et the heroes of missions ; • mu whose life hen Len an In.piraline for bait • unary. Hs labored lo the New Hebrides with wood/mini revolts. When be landed en rile Island of Aedtyam, In the New Hebrides, there were no Christiana When h• 1.11, he Wold MIA no heathen The Inspiration el snot, a man did mach to m.k. the mtt.lens of the mistn..eNne .1 eh. rharoh • unease The w55/ere ..tine was equally fortunate le flailing le 1). (1 1.. MariKay, thole Ant missionary, another here Hl land, In Termer, Iriasdian amasgst a hostile people, la 1)eeeavber, 1471. Re now ley* ":.°fact i "lour ■endred" Mothers Stored. (Thom The Poughkeepsie Netts I'ress.t the millionaire matrons of eootety who aid and abet their daughters In s0oouraging young msu b the use of dears and cigarettes received small quarters the other day at the panda of the 1)emarest unionists, and the women of osw York's Four Hundred who themselves smoke cigarettes wen pitilessly arraigned by this unoompromldag local breech of the W. C T. C. Miss Ellen Miles precipitated the Mona sten by addressing the chair as follows "Last Friday evening, between 11 and 12 o'clnok, I saw a beautiful child, who might hays been 12 years old, and who was osrtal0• ly not more then fourteen, holding In her hands • large tray on whloh were spread all kind. of cigars, cigarettes and every known article of a man's smoking outfit. And this ohild, tossing her ourts from out ber 'yea, was begging every young man and every old man she saw to buy 'the best smoke ever they had.' "Where was thht young girl' On the etreete ! No, to the Waldorf-Astoria, in a bazaar held In aid of the Woman. Collsdge Aid Association by some of the most proml- ncotsatiate women of the town. "1 toll you, to strike at the root of the oigar evil we need to begin with the mothers Theo. for these du I love you, Kerry, of kludged aud home bereft. Old memories due as my Ills to me, and the scene* of the past are Idfr, Where the winds are freighted with ami song., and misty with drifted .pray, Amid the stream's met with • friendly word In Kerry so far away. Aod there are the wee white daisies, half htdden in the waving gran, And the seamy cowslip. dancing In all the alts that pea. Red popplem flaunt their banners In toe golden .lepbbs of the wheat,' And, oh, but the oral green earth was good under my whtng feet. Ah, sure, l ate haunted f by drumsof tattle land, My soul is sick for a kindly word and the grasp of a kindly hand ; Kerry, of .elver water. ; Ker -y of moun- tain. all, 1u ell the would I've journeyed 'round there is nowhere Ilka you at all. -tet-Taltlese C 110v1.a4, JACK CHINN IS 1 EE TOTAL. %01 a Drlak ter Throe Month. Sever Aga/a -Yeti t. Oblige Yls Wife. v'run. 1.1. New York flu . The Hon- John P. ()bine, uaterwlse known as ".1aok" Chinn, at ow time a mem- ber .a the 1:,,.bel Sate Central l'ommitlss for tee t:trbth Congress Ittstrlot tet tacky, arrived •t the Hoffman House tast night. Col. ('hum a of bowlsLnIe fame, a mamma, racehorse starter, and Silver llama ocratic politician. Col. Chinn alwap* stops at the Hoffman Haase when he is i. town, When Goebel was shot in Frankfort he tell into the arms of "Jack" Chino, who was walking by his side. Col. Chinn depreciated at the time the nee of . bullet, He had frequently gives open expreestoo to the opinion that except under extraordinary olronmsaaose where attack nr defence muse neoeeserlly be made from a distanw a goo or • pistol le the weapon of • coward, and that • knife is the; true emblem of gsotlemaaly courage. He' bas the shoulders of an ox. He is one ot toe most ph:dare/qua products of Kent,' ' Ida and one of the best kn. wo oh, tit' on the American turf. He o - ..flak on whlob ars fourteen nolobee, -bbd as repreeentlog the tate of monde* b. bas met with the bowie knife. Col. Chinn was asked by hie friends to drink last night and they all ossgregated at the bar. "Seltzer." said Col. Chinn, when his time toms to acknowledge the hospitality. And white all the others took what they word he told Chia little story, which he said there was no objection to print : "All ids trouble I ever had is my life Dame through whiskey. le my early days I started with beer, and •t various sages of the game I tackled champagne and then we wont on to brandy and whiskey, and sometimes 1t would take • week or two to straighten your humble servant out Three meatus ago a little lady down In Kentucky (my wife,lf you pleue,gentlemen) sagaested that 1 had had about ail the fan that was ososesary 10 this life and .hs asked me not to drink any more. I have regarded her wishes ever sines, end I shall never take another drink as long as i am •llys. Let all the boys have all the fun they too gel oat of whiskey. There's nothing to It." 'there wasn't • man to the orowd who Itr elated upon his taking sorbing more than seltzer water. Lneipsrled happened. Lest evening • gentleman who was sit - Clog beside his suburban window casually remark, "There goes the women whom George Hnwn's awfully 1a love with." His wife, who was is the book room get- ting suppose ready, dropped • plats oa Cbo doer, .tumbled over the baby. a16 rate like • door to the window with 1'. hors , Where ! Tall u • Quick l" "Th. oust with the lung •lost last at the urns, ." Thete the woman at the wtadow said in twos of deep disgust : "Why that's ()sores Brews's wile." "Yee..t•otly," 1.0arked the brutal hos band. 1'n. ■ the disappointed woman east bock end gut the .upper* ready, bet ber us. sally sweet disposition was we-, fur the satire .oer.teg, $5,000 Reward IF NOT TRUE. Ae advertisement may in- duce a person to try an at ti ie a FIRST rims. But an advertisement won't induce a person to use that article a SCCOND time unless 5 gives satis- faction. Sunlight Soap has a sale larger than Ike tombtned sales of any other three soaps. An advertisement may in- duce people to try SUN- LIGHT SOAP out. But it is gelidity aad seal- lty •less, that makes people use SUNLIGHT SOAP conlisuo,wly asd always. LEVER $ROTNERS L111R1Y. emu fdaasaa.tsrere, TSRONTO. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Rori Bread and Creat Rolstgloce Pies add Lady Fidler:, uses, Iacaroons, Iaradloes, dY Soap, Bic. ace as goal as the test ma.le.in say city it) Canada. Cantel•) Leede the trade in OAKES in fancy deelvning ano ornament ing and almond icing. Give him an order and your sat - Wootton will be assured. D. CANTELON, WEST -ST. H ELLO !.:.. THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF.. OAL ALWAYS ON HAND TH1 BIDIT Scrautoll Hard Coal IN THe MARKET All Coal weighed op the Market Sales where you get 9500 IM. fora ton. WM. LEE. Orden left at LU k 98iY8Az'0 Store promptly attended to. Ow- Go- Ow- - Me - dee -- Get f- Ow 11t m t111/1tit 1T1 tit m tit tit tit t1111fltt ttt Mt, m ttt m lt1 tit t11 tit!! a a a a a a Get Acquainted with our line of Bicycles. It's worth your while and the. acquaintance will Nave you tonnes'. GODERICH, CRESCENT, HYSLOP, TRIBUNE, RACYCLE. The !menet show of Bicycles ever seen in limlerich. All fully guarantied. Our Zine for 1901 gives you a generous choice of styles and prices. They combine all the latest features. Dunlop, G. & J., M. & W., Samson, Goodrich Tires. We sloe have • nunober of serried hand wheels at. bargains. R.cpnin PxPc Iteel carefully and promptly by a flrstclass repair man. We have boon selling bicycles ever since a hicyclP was a bicycle and are known em reliable dealer. Telephone 92. 0BO. W. THOMSON & SON lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlll111llllllllllll111111I11111111111111111 1 SPECIAL BARGAINS The newest thing in Summer Corsets, just in, - 50c. Some special makes in Black Dress Goods. Extra value in Ginghams, - - 10c. and up. 160 v-lyds of Printed Piques, fast colors - 10 cents, 1320 yards of Print, warranted fast color, regular price 10c. - - - for 8 cents. 1260 yards of Print, warranted fast color, regular price 121c. - - - for 10 cents. Another lot of cheap Dress Muslins. Every one is a bargain. The last lot of the season, These Goods are all this season's make, and at sale prices, Extra Value. They are Less than Wholesale Prices. Come and see thein whether you want to buy or not. • . Tu tir:410 J. H. COLBORNE TERMS LASH telt PRODUCR. PHONE 86. 'CYETHING INTEREiTINO ABOUT TOILET SOAPS: It is said that • nation'a civilization may 1e measur«,I by its owisumption of soap, and its nfloemptt by tM qurlity thereof. We are now showing a fine aseortmeut of Dainty French Soaps w M. wade from the introit uuvrn.lnnut tet rho moat thorough man • ' THIS GUARANTEES ...•r Mel so requisitely perfume} os can only be doe in that THE land of flowery,lea Belle France " ( QUALITY. This beautiful hoe of Soap in Violet, White K .e, .I.s•key flub, Peau D'Kaptwun and other popular odor. we THIS EXPLAINS THE «.11 al 10c. each, or 25c. a box, GREATEST SOAP ..quad to the high prtix.' Soaps sold et 15 to 25 outs • Oaks. BAKIIAIN YOU RYER Wonderful Snap is our 11111111141 S .cep. A due 1 urge cake, equal to any 10.- Oatmeal Soap n, the m uknt, at 3 for 10c. SAW. I )out touts 1111. opportunity 600DE, The Chemist, Bedford Block. tikes: /•v Meas• psltab. ossuaries Steed sad 111swsae0 Skiers 1 0 Bargain Prices ON vu kwa.rae„„ wast CREEN OORS 8 WINDOWS We are offering the above goads for the balance of this month at greatly reduced prices. Call in and inspect our stock. N. D. ROUGVIE, •as, 1 Cash Hardware Store, Goderich. should be fashionable, of good wearing quality, nice fitting, and keep its shape till the:sole parts from the upper through long use and wear. Such a shoe is the EMPRESS, of which we have sole control. AVIS .10P We have a full line of cheaper shoes in stock. Wm. Sharman, j Slater Shoe Agent. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR McLLOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. HOLIDAY GOODS. Hanimocke, 75, to $3 50. Crngnet. Tennis note and halls. Baseirall hats, 10e halls, 90c Gloves, Me. Spalding's Haswtlsll Onide. Footballs, 45e. Levees. Ntiek•, 36n. FOr She dma11 Folks. Shovel, Hoe and Rake, 15n, On-nerta, $1.60 Wagtnns, 41 50. Sarin Pails, &, Wheel harrnws, 2fie. Carte, 25c. Shovels, 10o. Children.* folding Page, 5e. Baby Hamonnke. Good Reading Npeteini lire 25c Navels going at. ifee 160 Wee. copyright Novels in Lending Library 10 read at 10n. KIDD'S BOOK bTORE.