HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-27, Page 3• + y ,. .. , ,.. $' i rlo-y �` , n .j, fi,� yta. ,M a' -•y •+. .. .I [% " 1fr - _ �- � , yy,� y „ ...,;; 1 , t..............•..'t•...*.t.i.;i...♦�}................. F ire ... . ~... 2'18 850 L7,985 STRANGE STORY OF THE M�1N WOMAN. �i^� Furfur C83,`rSa 5,994 • 1-rARLIIwR C�NSUS Ilu,klltkll�. S9,W1 -I- - --- + } {uvrrlr•ear 69,901 220 i{ Klncn gs ... 46,980 5,8110 __ ,- , j{ OF OUR COUNTRY. Klnrir .. 6,961E -- lUrtirud- br •I,l .... 69,s5s --- 62e f Ltennrk .. .,1 aa7,H4H 1:3",910 -- - ��ia� Llnitthgow 6;,787 11,079 Nulnl '?72. 186 First Official Return Was In Ibbs, Whir the Population Ork'r`y ...... •`7.7-13 --- 2,7:50 / I'twMes ... 15,0611 816 -- /' Was 3,a+s• $ i'erth .. . ... 1:x4,-135 1,070 -- %, "\ Itenfrew 2118,416 87,606 -- / t....t....1........i4....4..+....+t..#.it.t.t..t...�•• 1Gwr cunt T7tere are perhaps few countries fn 1 New Wutions,... t........ 193moo Cromarty . 744,148 --- •';378 , tho world which have had their P opo- Avolttitx,la (Mata Wlealt) 5,391 Itoxburgh .. 48,79.4 --- 4,707 8•Ikirk •'•4339 4,:473 „ f flaeb tdward lrinud (est.) 8;,000 • • •• •-• --- � �- ltti"p runnTerl so many .lues las has Shetla d . .. 2'7,755 --- 056 f� Cnostla Btat the difficulty of watt- Total..... ..........2,:38::,456 Stirling .. .. 141,!+94 28,173 -- • rusting with any degree of accuracy HuwP or title detlail figurer rtx,w up Sutherland . 21,389 --- '07 i the growth of population In any one, otro"agly against fi4fure* of the pre HThe'tu .. ,. Stile l 3,47! th•uadr' Is very great, a fact wbiell, cult d'ay• 'rhe aur,unt of wheat raw T►te d Ili of tie a figge towns urs 1 / ,/! e■1 bl Uper Oulltda til 1651 war 12, Juw'luJet lis tis+ atxrce figurer fur the ' . Now"err, s nut doe to Gay Intik ur oarufit", And t count a re .ate 1 676,608. art +ar••rugw of l6 bttrtx•Ih � Y K[ [' 1 eehmtcc@. Tile circumstance which Iliad 1.; psiu"d" leer At4W. In IA,wer l+ 4,462,374, wh (-h, Witt, the rilllgdttg rldefly eonapirels�to produce this rt- Canada tin total crop war 3,480,. population of 9,583, IMLkev tar+ total wilt s that, prior to 1651, the 84:3 bushels of wl&twt, tut average of Population of the "entry 4,471,957. , . nurueraturse were lis the habit of ala^ btlalaelo, 50 pounds per acre. In Of tlic :53 soawtletl lY record llwrsusew �� 311 (panda tin acreage under wheat tar' remninfpg 14 halve diminished Ir d laking them ceimaw of nu two portfolio wIw 1,186,:411 ucr.+r, and the total fl(tt'rrs. tThw grwetest, growth !tits rte+r/r /,/ /r/• �• of the 11ritWb North American pis►- crop, 16,155,016 humlm•Im. This Ir a taken p luc'e fo Lanark twideh, d - • ravrsluuw lit the came time --a ceusuo Ilttk+ Over hair the arrenKe And crop voters-,, fnelenter liYatlguw), the Pxeess 1, u( AuulllA In uua year, away, And them, whdell will likely bee sowei And fear over the tart cerielur timounttag to 111 , n orator of Quebec: fl, yr.Iarr haler, vowted In Moni".t. this year. Tu put Iwr than •'31,949, lir more Ulan one / ///�,, tat In unless lis tau Wea u( iN-011U. thin the prxillrtiun of wheat half of tho total increease of tar+ / ^ " jbe tl art Oritarto In 1000, when till• harvent whole routMry- Othrr large Increaser /," the pxop,alntun u( all that tnrrllury nitmxrola■t G, R0,IH6,IXl0 law lO mlrrw ' - «ler_ Hwtfrpw, aT,&►6 , FifP, -17,985; i a\Illoh ht w tmrlstRl,utar l'aaow/a, u r ltn Advance that haul, been tuAdr U, Ayr, 27,747 ; Roiling, 23,16173 ; Aber- .r// gtxmi deal of erlitu ahng and calcu d«mn, 10,85.4 ; need Ihlmlxirtoa, 15,- �• i :�./ . lating ill proportional, utast be done ; ort- )true. The tutftl exports of mitau factur4w for all CAmuln In 1851 war 646. Tho'largest dludnuthul teras oc- / / utaf to n couutrY hke igrants, txiu- $,16.638, while In 1900 the curred fn Rroxburgh, 4,704, Anil HPI- - 1,- / IIlliftly sec elusi L64 the:mat uta t mer klrk, 4,379. (lallhuemr, 7,558, s'xl I ski i, ung V /O rrect re tie the creaser of as"Yawl al t crop_In Tar• o In neer ago unrle•r a Ln Oatarb la 1851 N'Igtown, 3,471, Iwavu Glue cofwWrr- hu l:ug acorrect rats, u( Imcrer►ss fur Mf' ,� �>- a term of )eat•sa It the population was ,=74,476 ncreg, anti lm 1800. ably dimin►rlxd. / / / �/ &75$9' 6. la 1851 tlw+ amount of % of ('anuJa wemr•e char to tee represent- Censor of f.rert Ilrilrin. /./ ,.1 by' the tame of MPo'm figures, that 457 tester wheat In Ohb wear 4,487 ',,�/ d 1801, wIlun the }x,yulntlu11 waw 487 acres, rat taw cnryr mnr 14,2127, TAP rvn.ua figures fur Grant Brl- , ..Illy -196,lSW, would bis but half till 361 betels- Thur tlxugIl Ohli )tail A talo nod Ireland for the past cen- / % utr•l lis height ; that fur 1851, when greater acreage- ,hater crop than the Jury are: .1 teen population wine $-1,882,450. 2 1-4 wirilr of (anode, let the crop wan 1901.-,«. ..... .».» .. ... 41,458,810 1 Mi88 EI,L 18 GLENN. Ixchew: that fur 1891, wheu the aitrd,Serably Ices flout the crop in 1R91.-- .»«. ...... 88.104,075 I.yrulAUun wnt "!11K;..W, three Camda. A curious feature in the re- iASI „�--.�.:a....... ...... 85,3411,48'' Parkersburg, W. Va.. 7Pport: The erat hours after burial. These were um•hwr,; tlmt for 1871, wleu the m, port in the list of mahufactutwm wait 1871...». ... 41,845,:471 1 P- 9,772,299 of ora le No , trial of )fine Elite Glenn, who for about to dimert cur. My coming to ulntiun civ :3AWA,(Y_W. three fuel" fo+rtrs P gar. The 1F61...... ...... ..,,,. ':9,321;-1814 )earet masqueraded! am a roan,' and life spolletl their plans anti completely unl n half ; that for lost, Wilson hke otbor maoufaeturetq sat tar as mperl 18;1..-.-. ...... ..«.. 27,724,056 wflo.p rano was roferred to ,roster- horrified them. do order to ncoi•l pro- pL+d, wprr Matter, chpo.. P, cider, flan 1811--.- ._..- » .»»- 2T,086,45U i"gminlwu waw 4,aCd,81U, four iucht+at no4m tend hewn. Thr Ices are Also 18'11..».. .... bro it set fur T HIlab fihe wail idgre d tar ide m u with it ihr,r atm) that for 1891, when the i tela- iw •..... •..-. ...... ...... 24,89.5,485 lrP lntensting. Wlrvat ens cutis t 4 eht6 1 1.-. ^1.27 ,187 brought here from R'llrboro, 111., un Agreed o hly r e tt with A sfhpu- tl,n stocmi at 4,tlaa,9a9, fouls end flue- � •-•• •••»• •••••• •••••• n , harge of forgery." Intel nonlhly remkt11nre on ruutll- .ighthr Inches- If, Ila in estimated, Iingm anti oato i shilling per Mlmhel, 1801.»... .. 16,845,648 peas :3 shillings per bnmhpl and LAY A ltemrrtrble f4lory. ll"S thot I lease mho country. tbe+ 1"(m, the fel 1901 prover to Ire 40 shlllin r papers have paid n orince than I have traveled tf it g peer tcrl. Tito OntArfo ' Tflr. newer great I,,a6tt,I l(, the figure t heid have to wurap I lend carted r ca. Incer ill Ix• lands flue Inr'hevr In hal fel. Tbr town+d,lpxe, with tM+ larRwlat rrturnm ROSS AND WHITNEY. deal of attetutlou to me;' rhe raW to- g Europe, Asan And Afrl til 1 should tarot great r -rare of ldarebtc war fur a•4r•nt la 1H ;1 w-rrP F:eglaoring. In _, /ray, "and if they only knew all of my Got have wparlyd of the pilrnrrunt taken In 1790. The ulntiun then tM e,xanty of Ha1Nm, with an raver- Both Party Loaders Rateemed 1b;r Ufts they would have a great deal WP excltemeot of my nomcu0c care r. waw 161, y l0 1841 ,1141 hod lis- 'aa" of mi ly. 241 1 ; Ib 8 ion.; o an- Late >•r. Ilrrdy. mute t e p► e I have ulcer talked to' but, I heard the volee of to brother rrwWPd h 61,7:10, nvd At the'larl York rvStpty, ::4 basalt 8 Ibr.; HIPn- a new►{rtper man tefure. i have y Y ca111ng tri me from arri)ss the ren. iwlm. Oxford rntmtt 2f bush. And 5t Rort• Q+o• 11', Rote, who addrt'r- (lever tn(kom! to •aaylarxty about my .7, ;5, T ten jean +ago, it ens 1l now thm TM total ex art of whaat and it at Lys iso Theirs- life exrP t to my attorne s. They' During alp my life when 7 have leen ed s meetia -.'t.;• •lion ix,yeorm a of whlet lis auw Pa P Y mrvatel from him Ilia form Invisible I,ntnriu six years afior the o ulu n"'w• tvirtapulwi In bualm•la, Amrnmh- dal aftprnwuu, feear:l up ]taw. HarJy'o knew all ulaoat me. I have never well- acus K el to 10,14.:,081 lmwwwlo, 'latah by a priaate m•awge, received tell anything about myself fn my line been by my sltie. t flee century wan Tu,1T8 Thirty- late that evening. lie had in- (rook. The fltml chapter of the look "Why i pleaded not guilty to the I,vw yes arc later it hart Increased by Where Darvelopmrnt. Wait Grrmteet. tended to return from Brookville to will tell whir I am. cuml it will gdvp charge to which my brother ,tad 46,:2;7. alt 1 to 18+91 it waw 2,11.1,:321. While then figures Ol 1H:,1 mhow flee Ume•ral Aasetably At Ottawa, but my reasons for many thing., pleaded guilty Au!1 for which I en First Otllclrl Ceastas. how Canarin tens grown in half A Ineitend ho returned to Toronto by "My tame• Is }Alis Glenn. 1 was born tared the Chester ltenitentlary 1 Thr first offic•i/al cense of Newt century, there are N,me inereames tae- the International lAmited yenterday. lis Ohio. Ido not care to env in what lin nut care to any. But I Ito wlsit 1'r:u,cr cur taken fh 1665, 1•iO )'ears twoon 1881 and IHt)1 that art• too Tbr Preader PxprermeJ bis dts e're- cuwity. My fnther!a name mus F.I111, 4, de-rlarr thnt 4 was unjustly trrol- nfter t1homplalu landed, when the iaPt to bdoverlooko,l rte they trod lo, grrt rat Mr. Har1y'r death and his tilettn. I had a brother beeitk•r 111)' o.t by the Nest Virginia officer w•he, Etirt;rean p„pulaUon was found to elul,w where the development hall dre•lwst sympathy with tale family. twin brother. My Mrento nrp dead + bn,ught me here ill male attire. I .'oamimt of '*118 Inmilke, ur 7.215 per- liffan greatest In the last quarter of Ho find, lie wild, hero closely armocl- anti my only Immediate relntivoo Im my 1rleandied fur wumen'■ clothes frim tle la,Nw of all ager. Montreal war the•. a ceatary. In ISH1 ll•Mtreal had a Atel with Mr. Hardy for sixteen •twill hMthPr. H -Is name Is Eckert It, I Urne my sex wan disco YPred, and I largert Pbwe, with 625 Inhabitants, 1xgn11atloo e,f 155,-117, In IF01 tbp yf+rlrs to thio lfovernmrnt. He rooki Gloom. T am myself de.Ad-that is, 1 never reeeived them uutl/Judgo .tAck- Imlt the DGAIbtry' about `tICbrc war number was 210.15M), rut IncrPnsr of bplar the- stronlrpst tesfime,ny to Ills Gln IegntlY dead wm urderel that Miry should bP given Lr r em ich cu r e t- uoerP t16k'kly ixrylulAU■f. rin•re erre, 1111 p'sr cent. il.rontn haul tnrn•nr■p sdncern dpcul4,n to the {sablle in- "i cum 41 genre old and i lent" h/'Pee m h u euro ,dim rafter T Ih•moldes, from 1,000 to IXW trooprs in the came, time from 96,196 to teri•st nml Ills anxiety to advance legally dead fur twenty year" In rouachel here and decamp nn lomat,. lis garrimema alio were out included IN),�,pO. an inerena- rd 88 per rent. IPglaleallun that would ban aliko ad- 189.4 I wras It trance medium ill Ohio, of the fall. But tlipy will never run• a le ler' t, e F.. t G P in Gar cen,wlm. But, Ira\InR dere Tinselly of Vnnt•aavrr dk1 nut calls., vn11tagrx,us tO ,tee ProvineP and crP- 1 went "oto « cnUllepllc stale and 1 L me h .tuna 1 i . I nn, whit tut Of account. tltn• nlnleo outnumber• exc t ale A dltaWe to tho part$. ph3gletanx pronounced maw dent). I • Ir Phargwl with Lite. forgery - fur .■I the fwaaler �y 8:0 a otlwprtrpS,r pAsee r,( forret In IAHI. -fpr. Hanby," declatretd Mr. Rolan, wear suddenly awakeneI farm thiN Px- whlcit 1 nal to he trie! was a man. lx� a ml In 1891 It had a population of legal whirl) tertlfiet in the wild .lard "wan II Wayne friend, sed a man istece to final ca)mplr oil, ndI" b)• ns .feels own wltnisxem w•1.1 (►roup, Gad f1,e93, no increase which defies com- lofr oar tM• pluupt-.w. It acs* eslimnl- w1,o,P word could be received witJe men. An my farultlem returned i rem Glare E., B. cllenn wnN a man And I pa rix .n. Vlctorfn, B. ('., increased t.1 theat there \core fr.l unser than 184 tier rent., trona 5,025 to 16,841, mho utnrrst aallkleteP In regarJ to cogu:zel snmr of them ns rtledirAl ata- nm n wnlaan, n fart whlrh ewM Hie IIs) ElrRopealew In Al4ulla And (:ups batt Al'inatpreg alarM tl►e ally transaction, public Or private, df•utm who disinterred my body iwv- State doom trot doubt." greatest rp- Itrelun. w4111r the Irmllran }mgaulntbo Ax ('ummixxluner ill Crown Iwauts he _ ___- _ ,d New Franey war 11,70U, and of n,rd of Gill, rising trout a position ,odd lbw foundation of aur present i:. }♦....►..}..;moi of cconq,nrntive InslKniffenner with 'Gradin, :',:,Uta. In 1JYe ::5 year• Lhat park system, wldoti wnm 4lpclah•J by relnalnwl of tile. seventeenth cen- 7,1)33.; 1e"PIP to by :a city Of 15,642, n member of tie United States Con- • tury the w mlatitm of New France anincreas+o(2111n•rcent. ThispuL The Live Hog Trade i ,) grwm w b" nn nduiecrme•rtt wbtd► In wan meta,.,■t eight times, And that A'Innlppir ninth in the tint of Cana• Itoplr e•ntillel him to here than or - ref Acadia forur limon. In scarcely any ttl:ln citllae, while In the reason sow dirary fame. He Glc) evinced filar clear rnew, was the eoatall of the lludOT- way Winalpeg will pr+hiablY tett anxiet to dere K gnu y l,p the tat ___Sonia Ptlllalter$ itis ;8[eMlrs and Feeders. +� people fn both Cando end Acadia, movie tip to sixth pinus, exceeded by atit rrrllibreee fif'tkP 1'rtlrhlOb, aIIQ --- __..--._-.-_--.--- �. ak.ne in lite some )ewe. Marnlreal, Toninto, Qnebpc, Hamilton• - Malay of lite colunhlatlan roads which ----------_-- v Cotatlag of C. F;, 1.ayaliats, :,nal Ottawa. while VanrYuvrr wild were constructed during hie time +♦�;i �6� frwelve eptwllres were taken In the motto tip to about Winafflog's position were proje+ctltt with that ubjpct in i in tho last esasnts. Victoria. R C., slew. N'hrta 1'ntvlaelal W crptnry hr The ctmttlltlonm hurrouniling the• improving gradually rand ,her" is a watchenth rrole,or Ott ecu "a h, tobastastly growing demand for it waU h4■f set tense lrullw," leo this Ir,wevwr, will ant rRww A corre*pottd- Iwd chfarg.• d the IiceW,se brhaah. nod 'g mallet }tet naw mrrm In le 3 n Areal Britain. Thr• pen•Panisc o/ rounlJng .d norsor fn C'tenadil rolled to Ing Increase. taw auw lit pre@efrt with regard. t" prulirr tco tAl* w•ns,m only. \Pert IieelNe" I" chiefly bis iiendlwork. Aa softs twi year Is very . Th IN m- nunkr the {mryrulAli,u gr,.w. Indigo tmbMg 4rltywarA 'readeaey. In the hUtory or the hnpun trndp pared with a year ago. Thar 11 aY wars, th.• .l m,rtnlMNl lit the Ara- Thp / urstion of alt- Attorney-Otonernl tile• mtatatem were 9 1 PrntPlrtloa tet oonufkintvd to 1817 ...seer flim di- t" this otwlnlry ba\c mush high peters 1 rrlbed by sums ht the .rode to be. ctluam, tit+• tryry"xsilion need ut the snmP rural to urbrnl pxryntlntion I" an, in- bren pald fur live hogs atm during .title to the higher pricem which hate the t i Ire snmail nhder"Job , when amp f.,r me.hr'li\rnerm u( the iir,os trrrrtlnRunr. and the ihnw venau"en lhP peal few we.Pka. Fur fa eery prevnUwl for corn. thus cutapelling the tun bMky rMnmr•s m ,of 1 rAm- pm-rvnlm ftritimtl ruh.ni.w to the euulh of l',nndn show n strung oily"•ani px,so tar• rrrFnel stntutew ,rf 1897 nee statist pend ,amt yreu prfoem rrfat•h- .farmers to find morn nttlablefpets .Pastel lis keels rkawl, the number,► tplrb•aey. The city poop dation of oxonaldere.l. cul the *even ch,llar bah,. here only for prodmcing bacon. There are a In Unnalll, land to IIImk,' the CrIne1M ('nalada Ia tilt different Pem m* per- "We have lost fit air. Hardy a man Ito drop again just nm quickly. few sections of Western Ontario, lit mum$j• tinteem aim. plftepa show Al, lmiv ens an foll,rfr: 1871, 1N•8 per vii grpnt ronergy nMl great npry,lirn- For several weeks now we leav" hOwwOel. Haat Gra atW In bad >fl-., reclso tkx•reame. The tint big Impetus vent. ; 1881, 21.1 ler creat. ; 1891, 204.7 Clone. Heed le pur ti -A a literary lint] unamunily high )S-leep, and Pole loth a■ regards the Lupe of that was given to CunatM'm develop• per Lent. The errantry population eoursro tae could ha%e nctbk•ved mile. every onp In the trade meem4 to tee logs and their Methods of feed- suent was at the close of, the ►mer. doerentsel proporlkrlstply from cess. FAr he bad ee•rtninly a literary wondering how kung they. are going lee[. fray war of revolution, when. by the HI.2 r cent. In 1871 to lnrlltact beyond elle ave•rngp. :%a n to keep up. Packers are. sremtngly I But why durVt the output of hong Treaty of Patin, Keptemtwr 3. 1784, 71.8 �r cpht. In 1891. Tfito Llbrral std a x f the Independence of the United politician, lx,wever, he list an much In the dark oil this y our farmers Increase? Either xtater of America woe acknnwtetlg l "err 11" mrale And 494 Ipmalrw in ..lade for himsNf a lasting rx4mi• in m''tre na the protncers arc, and emit their breeding methods are bad or St The people fica wait a the Sleteu each thoomand Inhabitants In 1881 his nallte Province. a kind of a week to weeeek Iwldness IQOr have no faith in the future of wto eferred to live under the BrL- anif 600 m+aisa asel 491 females pis Mr. J. !. Whitney teolfgraphel flat• im bring transacted, no' one being the business. As to the- former mach thousand In 1891. In 1891 70 folk.wing fmM MurrisMarg: " Tb,. nhlp to diagnomp with any degree" there srem@ to -be room fur improve- tiuh flag airithu mho i cls Bt, Juba per chit. of the people of Cannt]n mudde" death Of Mr. Hrardy ham teen of certainty what the future will went. There appears to be a len- irimi the Maritime Pruclnctsrasad Qae- ptAtlft 1^ead.- Tice targe part of th" N-sMx4 ts,-tsl•'. Pwplk•ally- tete were bring Porth. Preheat high valor@ dPhey on the t of to many Imre, and Lake Ontario Into wtist lis ,m.w Ontario, them a port of Quebec, 1%) per -cent. were rIlWlren And In very far apart, while, personally waw may lee maintained with slight vat- 1'trmers to r"tn only young- sows r Canada. ,fronts• in 1R)•il 8:1.9 torr rent. of were warm frirn)s. i'trr,k my spot Iatk,na tilt- whole of the meralion, or for iole*11ing purposd�. These, Ats n tla• pt�talatlm wax ('nna4Nan herrn, in the Lpgslaturp during the nrm.beru thoy .nay take n sudden slump %with- rale, do not produce large litters 014 Docuneeat Nested. 11.1 per Beet. waw horn Is -British of 1888 Anil rf-eAved a kind welcump reit Any prrvioum warning to elther anti It takros a time time to get Intel doe yPorm ag.. An "Id co-n.us re- dmoueaalonb and the remaining 1 refrain Mr. liraMv the sane• aftf.rnoon. packer or Prrxpacer. barge hardy. If farmers would keep lune was found ant, ng tile- arrhivl•r per cent. wns foreign Morn. There Tills little nttenth.n imprpmsed me An unusual feature of the mltun- their breeding rows longer Gia trot ut the Court House, at Muutretfl, fyrmres were Dat sllgbtlyrhnngrdln very much tarn, and nm time imtmmpd Clra this mrnmon, And It Ir onethat exchange them so soon for younger ,vhirh givee About nil the ialursan- 1391, +taw follows: Poo•,, to Cnnat%, my esteem lex Idnu increased. lie was it "me to tie appllcablp ol(me to the Onem thorp would be lar er litters t1m that s obininuble cunrrrnlak 86.6 per cent ; hewn In brltimte pJ"- of n social dimpoadtiun, very bright flrml year of the century. Is the and more \lguroum pigs, By retalfe- t hr poopmlatlon at this period. Th msrlonm, 10.1 per cent-, foreign rad witty In conversation, and al. somewhat hand to mouth budnrsn JflR Wrtr lxwt GWgre and keeping them realm wan taken in [71M in "01111 1L,' burl, :t.3 per rent. Tile religious wnys rendv to appreciate the soxM ,that s being done by the, Eng11Nh until they nrr older a great Im- wllieh Included 4411 taw( what im now cellmix aho\vs tiwt conditions Are points Ot others. The news Ot Ills trade and the susceptibility of that Pro\emPnt could le made lathe way rullo'd Q,ueliee, part of New Itrunp- rather stafelp In this relgard in ,lentil will Awrtk,an In the minds M trade to be Influenced by pearely Of In,•reaming the mupply of hop. wick, and alt M•Outario. Concerning (•anadA. None of the denominatioots mafiy men recollections of pleasant local Ant toompornry conditions. A Hot farmers fare now evidently that: year 1Tlk', n no", in one of the rluange■I more theta a fraetilin of 1 half-ho"lrs sp•mt In social cumpanl9n- dull day when lracip s not brink waking up to the ptontablenomm of liter cc'h@Yd retarna htntem that •'that bhlp when pantknl TIPS►@ and m er- 'welna. to Influence the rP lar rafmiug murr hugm. of Intl them loam part d per rent. ben lite IAA, rind IA91- bnao lea inarkpd ,leerpnoa in Clip nuen- i ff,uelxr which naw forma th Thr flgurew in that Inttrt year were seen+■ mer" thrown ankle pntlrely. trade lir It never did befrrtr And Provinces df Ontario may b• scull to ituymnn r,uthotln■. 41."t r cent; "i du not care to nllu,fe to hi" lull.- pricer have flurtonteel according am her "f "rrwx marketed, rhowing that lint@ been Without inhAbitante." It , ofI twel nrP ler train tnR a Ig 110 nun, Neth(xliwtm. 17.:.4 ser c"lit. ; f req• .reel career, except la a geapral way. each day'@ trade lens b"f!n brisk ox wns• therefore, on the leeoming of lo terintlm. 15.6:5 p Tis+ present s loot the time,'nor am dull. Of course. the very high pricnv cul twrlre mown far fere, last purpri em. p per cent.: AnRlI- R'a'heard of n fArtter In@t wick who the- Cnitio.d Em raw aaists from the I wllll tot do so, Thr tit which would have n tendene to corlaall Df rens, 19..; per ernt,: Bnptlttm, end Thirty y a/xlt ton QTVTPr'm yard need mrlert- if the 8tate4 , b 1 In the pnA pals ren(.; i.olhornnw, 1.12 perrruE, phi -ww'a .aawa{a*p1 ar�fawp -aatt MaYlug (ae the Intoes Gad to Iimlt of(twpvM sows for breeding Purpomea. Irthe beatury, alt particularly In Nonr „f tier other (IPO(IMIAAtt"nm which he teff f(r a tamp held him In humdnexa largely to the present, lint Add this to along the right line, the years Immediately following 1784, each 1 cont. high esteem, sod. In my capital", thdm doer not altogether account ler leav oakeirloh being thea It mlonid Hutt OntnrM wns ftrat p,errP14t1 by PMp"rly maw. ill. Hlardr was na able (,.r the infhtpner purply local Inn- leave taken prla(r+ A jests or twO IwPm)#ts M Faro n descent. Thr Increase In Complexity• nttf t,` t� binrtime And ablll age,, land ttepn the "xtra ,,,apply would ppn ijr dillonm seems to have OA the F-nK- •4d eeusm found In Montreal gives It will thus lee open Clint Sech ly Iw formrueP of hs )Late trade, this ,,reason. tiny#- barn on hand for )arpsPnt hdgh 'TIIP population of Canada do 1790 net renml* lines Inereaael in e(1mplPTtly' p"bl4• diltifm. go wall al(ort w+N1 The Fwrmer'a iia/Tint. valnear. 167gI1, a1Nd an estlmato ler( 10,009 nal N oxiulnal«t need nllavi dant the wnlrhhtl ns n {tarty IPaulnr, need n 'w th" atrfnb" M• lhewe living wo•st mclence of itatdaticn becomes con- crry ready anti very forribl" d"hntalt, But whntecer may hr the Inflapnce+s italme Fore Hogs. a•( the Ottawa. Other dnta n\nilable affinity morn interesting noel more lip left .,f11rn h poor man. T am afraid affretbW It thlm winitio l It im gratify- Wr bl'I1Pve, howrcwr, that it will iolfieew thr tntnl len nlntion of ('non- cnlnable. Il menna of rnrefull evil• that w91nt I'have,anH will sound mors Ing to know that the farmer la t - I P y Y- Ko' Irny fnrmprn cern now MO gat Into the .il►.1n 1801 at •19:.,000 ami ;SUOMIl0. Ierted Census reports. the wealth, o'r to w torenal. If so, then I will have ting, good prlr•rh for Ilia logs. And raining of hogs gn A much larger , In thin Nleseteenth Century, of one country mny tee ramp nerml tnotntly fnitrrt to rnnvrr'tipy ,0P7Lg$(pr ttld•mP fitpllr vatlr"m dr► ttr,t d►p,1M1►► lu *ewM then tlery helve fern IlMtyg. In 18118 a gpnsrul lMosma wns wlift that ref another. find the die For mealy rrnmon", mnme of whictit I pal• Peculiar to Canada Alone. 'Chs Though preetent high values mnylnot i tributlon ut that wealth nlmnng hnvp Indlrnted ntm,vp, 0th"ler of whlOh Dnnlph fnrmrr need iter ffarmr•r td the bo guurnnterd fur any groat length taken Over lint or Brit1AA Awprira, must far Faft untounh"d, Ifeel hs loss Emerald Tale Is also real n bi (If time, the outlook ns fear nm we. a+Ith th" frillnwlug resat.: tis• diff"r"lit clawspm oaf the or.mmnn• P"R R Ity nmeprtndne■1. Attention Is to ho a pr•rmonnl ane,'• profit out of the hog produring Well- nrr table, to Pptlmatp it, sem ma to M �,•w Rrunswirk... ...... ............ .1,;,000 drawn to the - ixa 7 Y Prince EdwnM Inland...... ...... 96711 grant nraturvnl Indian- new. F:w the st ear rat least cel favorable for profitable prlrps leln upon which All wealth Is ha*• 8houlit ('urates Wed? there has been nu Memo, PrOfItfahlP for a conslde•rable time to comp• ) I'Irer Ciannda...... ... 71),17H a■1, and by tllp intrllagent study of laufnesa few the Canadian fnrmrr There im quite n margin between $7 1„•wPr t'nnarla...... . ..... 2..(1•INN) 8hrolld eurntem enrerry" WWI, dt dp- than fhr raslag M Mtge. And the per rut. nnrl I len H.•utlA I1Wp7)...... 65,(ilN1 flume freta Am prepentet the public iwn•Is, Ir they are In rmpi t Of n oil fIl per cwt, whfhh Im no leewo duan the atntmempa ran dP. p grro \varee in is that naively Into have not pmrlu4pm rmer tau• ffor Ltuai the n\•• private irr+rrlry�, Or if the bells Inn morn rctenmlrel I ---- \dmr mrvans. and gat into those- linpa gr'M' Y ntn the Mama- Prngr• fnrmrr Inn nffonl taw, produrP Total.., q�!)7;} frrlag n hnntla,mr d,rwor, then "Yew. txmw than the hacr. thl boron len "' n o Ir I hr f w rk wh h cul I result In forth y r. nn.f « K n tic b r tat v all len TI i m era " Rul t r tm stmrweol that the prenenoe tO h Bquen of Wlti- Thrxt h the ninrket hotel Men brink chnn a do the oonditinnn lit prempnt erlllg tar Rant emM of humnnilys ehrrter ''haw trJfs•n free oust. ( ler- g [ the 1'. ). L. half raitwP,l ('nnfk t„ Ilrr, Ilhert ,old file "trauit or len r. f '� li mi artico rmtr Pxrw,rtm of Lt,ieo n nrr got'"ndng tier mnrkpt Would hnve! 411 take a stride forward. ('nnadn'. y 1 t tnnitieroT stntdng, batlesp"ahllely "Witt toil l6r•rPnAng ver matiorlafly In tnkn phtre to bring n drop lir ,-O per pinews. prhvntely, hs view nem nrr the unwit► l:ruw th dering Uta not half •.'len Ulry fort few• s«tees meen. a bark there ham ae+nt In prtre. lvraN rapid, INIU it la not rally tt4gpt ,k,m, t^ stay tier leort. of early mnr- not been the gnantoty err Wil -on 8(+ Our A,dvlce Io to rnfnr more the tignrrs for all tie 1'rnvinrPs lir SCOTLAND'S CENSUS, rdaµce on the ix,rt of rarntew tale„ p1,lPPr,1 cxtt lit lhc• r•onntry th t !leer hngm of flee hnrnn tyim. Fred Nem `4110niPm at one tlmoo. The figures for lulvr nn immwllntr pnrwpmr.tt of Minix was, during flee c(.t•rrmproding period with the foredo that will prn.lnrr the (aht/lrta nrP oArtnlnnMa need whew the ---" nhlp to nlnlntaln a WUP nod famlly." of )ram. ear. Thi* will roma am n howl y profit• 11 Ne• .nrr lie bout Nalf Nllllnn In alit of f ell A w 7 q Fmtrnn follow, And the RlPhcop s ont.h nn" ltemtle+r need n ng Inerfoaspm: 1811, 77,(x)0, mnrprlar err meen} who hnvr M+rn IP4 nAln rwnrkrt le wseurod. For mrv"ral 1824. 151,04)7 • 1912, _61,0111 IH t1, T"n Yparm. of the F{.iwtxrpal Berth whd haw hart l,. M•IMvr that oar ecpxrrtp of baron •vrarm back tile, rrrinda of Inw prleps :4'11693, fin Im-reASP Or 11.4:5 paler Tiir IteglsfnirA44• orral for Hr•otlnnd to ache like warning. Rowevpr. It U wore growing \rr,y Inw. bernAmr or hnvr been tits ocrnptgn, not thea hon imanet n Ntntoment of the vennum witisfnctory to kw)vr flint there, do ties, Increnww In the nulettwr rd park- elle, nnfl they hnvr• M•romr caliph rout, Over the prPvhntm year ; 4611, n drmua I for mnrrird Ien•nmtrntw, for 465,1157: 1rion 96L',(e tuilnrrpn,w•,.f (p -rt v.,mn The it -f far the dip- the IIIIAtc of WinchewtPn gore nn to or r•vtrbllro-open were the rWwtratlotl l+sm frK A t thn r year lir two, IO.54 er•r rent. Thr f: liotitt in ;jeer- frn•nl runnflmu the i nevi l It Ie 'P (mrvrrnl len-opmrntlro ix,rk rrtt•rlre mh.raing n tondrnry In the markft f"t 11.4 fo■1 will ,,nAji•rt t,, rrcl"lon, oto A(d' ( thnt pxtrates "rrlivings lv dee- i yrnr Thr rrnl 11 grndurtlly toward lint• nrr : 1841, 611,A91F; iMt4, 6!'O, "g dart the len meat t., te r rnmtrh TY1 nm fuller wlvt" ten rnmlhlters far Ilvdnixe tm•Inpp formly hl i prices all 1351, R410.281. cel-_ fort ,{ flee atu,ttt-r Iv that .herr nrr gh or iroflLnhlr Thom w2mr msrrMmt. Tho, of clourts., vrontpw nn tier Ypar n„Ml.-Farming W rrle4. gatWNAr lit the onrmllonm 1'op,atl9 1 in- va o,n,;Iakr M diffirulty, ns, If n canal nrr. enough hugm In th" rrmntI !vi Of the putamrrntrrr Owew in tpn rr•wre ('ounlllD, IIx)I rrennp. rrpnso. kteP the tnrtr.rirs cup lave lit Mho --- ----- r ,klPm trot marry Mfnre promotion I g A BLA>ship ROAD. i allxt]d tart 1lrankMl that th�.v dldn•,t Ahrnk•e•ll..... �1,HR!1 19l,t.r:4 -- wcw•nt time runnin to their full "TP In tier srcv,n,l onartor of the ren Argyll 7A, 166 --- 919 e' owq n rnamn arty well rlelion It , nparlty, reel pnekrrs who hnvr n An "TPeriPaMx) fatWe.ilant. In n talk • • ». hitemWf cutis n mnrrirml lana when It turv, when from 1H -1d to 1H12 n Pru .Ayr ... $54,11a 27,717 -.._. ro•anttar Ilett r.i F'ngllmh rumtmm�rm to r+Ak eM Fbo mlixhl. of r.mne•, un ler- nimn,l iter rhnrr!eg land rnnnac of hntlP l,nm• mnr LrtkPq putty Jpnr for 1!i Iinnff .. ... 61,41141 ---- 216 soprydy nrr rornPrlird to p'a'v h her ?cars. teens (u ilr'reomP me within A glcrn norm mnrre•wn, maid that most of the R10.. k .:. ... IR Wll 1,MM tim►, Ilse enn!rt grnorntly rely nn Mtn Petr r•,, In ortk•r to get ml thi r I Tbr+ flea. rl(nnnn Mnken with any Ilnt,• ... ... ... 1R 659 235 -- nMP nrr fnlfll haw rOmiso.-R'estn� g'm"s to hnhl the trnr)p All thlm Ie grant mors'hnnewnt t„ -slay hn,l thpit thing Ilkee modern romplrt.Pneen cram CnitMarmm ..., 83419 .---- 11,!. r le, in f riur P f„r the fnrntv•r m Mnrfit• Willi, on long atnrt under conditions which wnrr no In 1R5f. TAP population ltglrrrw lett f4nekainannn 11,4191 --- 1,11!) y' tam It rnwllnaPm n•al hnvr llltlo Inn. hettrr thea thump of nine-1pnthn of 'IN'I are Ih,mirarton... 111ftx) 15,t1da -- A ebureh In Naw Jrirmry hnm �rrn_ ,'ern sur t., how the parkor is going fhr munrill APnlors; that by Indliolry I PP"r ('wnnin, ...... ...... ...... 952.(x)4 Dumfries .. .. 72.MG2 A17 -- cd n naraery. whore babies wail lip to fl/nmro him oma of thr beulnpos nod thrift, nhde.l by ntrad,v, persist- I"rwa++ l'AnAda... ... K4),i61 Frllydoirgh .. 417.65A 11,277 -- cared L.t whllw the mrHhera Attend Vowilty Imprnvlag. lent need numetlmrs hernlr nrwepanprr 11ova Bcot1A....................... L"M.000 Fi ... ..... 44,757 1,::86 -- the slervbe. ndverllaing, almost an.v small mpr- gN The Qnnllty of Canadlaa MCha U chant Calk reach )lreattle s. tT PAYS TO BE HIMEST. A Offaaertrative IYlbate to the I.atl A. So Hardy. IMMRW rd f'emrdar. JrM 11.1 Brantford on eaaday presented al object lesson to the youth of the elty need county alike. The obsol"laa of the late W• Hardy denxonslartot orae thug it nutnttlg. Pine. Thi►t li the regard. c+onfldesc:e and ea=u the community at large law Jesir4% In lift, Gail flee genuine rurrow, ant rogret of the pwiplo W wirhod fill at death, then the only safe and start way to attain both cod. it to live list Iwnwrablr, upright lire. Il pay lis he hourst to prluciple. It pllyr it tee just, whether to friend ur foe it ploys to be truthful It pays it Ire courteous. Sunday's funeral obsequies were+ tribute lis the worth of gtxxlncin. 1' was a tr►bule to right-dolug• Uurlul nearly a quarter of a century of po Utica) life, Mr. Hardy' may often hav teen Accused Ut lite heat of part; attire of out '•hewing straight t4 the line." No man Ir par ect. Bu Sunday's wonderful outpouring of I whole country'" love And esteen shown that much that was sal. agalrlol him was false, taut -it untrue It la the• great heart of the peupl that lit the Phil re uegulgP4 the than from that 1 rue -that miska twiieve trop fhr genulue: and the vol.•.• of th great people tells been lilted up nm tl to witn it prozlal and Ix•yoild u per adve-n(ure of a th,ubt: a good man, ni lion"* r�tr- n h,vttble malt: And co hP rleelu him het lung "Joel near «lite usher of his fathers," ufte a wonderful find tneopiring lritute t hl" memoly the like, of which hit aeltbm (teen mien In Canada. Ata who'erlll now• begrudge him We w e earned rest 4`We Cao Do No Moeef So Safi) Three 1)aclors in Con dlultalion. Yet the Patient line (leen ftemtured to Horlth rad Ktreoglh Through the Ageaey or Dr. W 1111 -1168• Plink Pills. Among the .many many �perwmt thruugtout Canada with owe goo ti health -perhaps even life Itself -t, Lr. Williams' Pink Pills Is Mrs. Alex Fair, a well knows and highly rill- leem"I remittent of Wrest w4linao lowndttp, Middlesex Co., Out. Fur nearly two years Mrs. Fair wan a great sufferer from tr'oublea brought on by a severe attack of la grippe. A rooportatt with called was cordially received by both Mr. aai Mra, Fair and was given the foltow- Ing facts of the- onese: '7h Cline rprldg of 1890 I WAN attackel by la gripapr for wii1M_ l I war t reatel fly our fnm- IIY doelr.r tut iarilpad Of gratin` bet. ter f gradually grew worse, until my whole body became raokpd with paints. I consulted cone of th'e best dnctars In Ofptarb aml for nearly eighteen mnnthm followwF Itis treat- meamt but witly,ut any material ben- efit. i hwd a terrible coughs which caused Intense patty In my' head and lungs ; 1 became very wank ; aagld nook sleep, and for over a year I could ovely talk In a wtldsppr +Incl Sam(• - times my video )eft me. nntirely: I Game - -tan reagatard my . twndltina nm bepeless+ but my husband urged fur- ther treatment fund cc /Nr advice our family doctor, wlth two otheRno hold a cunwlltatiun the result of whl h wa■ that t!r�. prrrwrturwed lay "or Incurable. Nllalmwn Advisee. me to try, Dr. WHlmams' Pint PBIs. but af- ter having already affront over $5(M) (n doclor'm MIs. I dill fret have .much fatal left Is ntiv medlcltw taut ns A last rerrort 1 tinnily decided to glee them a trial. I lend not taken many fluxes of ChP pollaf M+pore I noticeol an improvOure t In my condition and title encouraged me to continue their tine. Atter Lakin). the• Pills fur e•v- erad raoaihr 1 waw len mpiptrly re-- stured to healt'he The cough oilcaf► geared. I net longer muffered from. the terrible Padilla l once endured : MY voice bechme strung lignin ; my appetite tmproviod. arm, 1 www able to obtain restful slepre once moire. While taking tM' Pills I galn- ed :17 polapls in wet[ilI. All t4ttx 1 owr to Dr. Wllllat- .Fleet Pills And i feel that I carsibut may Pfwmgh In t4lpir favor for i know Meat they hacr, certainly saved my life." In charm of thin kind Dr. Willinmm' Pink Y111m will give- froom vertalnnnd mleelY reulta than'any otter thrdi- cine. Thpy act directly on the blood ttas reaching, tits root of the trou- blp an 1 driving every vestige of ds - ease from the sytstntm. Wild by nil dealers In medicine or sent post pall at 541 cent* a box, err tsitc boxes for $2.60, by addroomcing the Dr. WII- liamu' MedleinP Co., Brockville, Ont. A Deed or Heroism. in .Italian Fo\ipdo'N new h,"rk, "Thr Bright Ft►de ,if War," cuntainm .,•,,- Oral letters And articles dpaling with single dpeta ,rf hprodmm, I1"ne murr signal than that of lite Tinomplton, or what t'nnndban rnut- Jenny It Is nal stated. •'One, of the Gordons who cam th(.rp" wrttpm tar story. Hproo In nu extract "Aust 5.110 In tits morning 44 weoundetl Man about five hundred yards awny wns seen to Ile trying Ur maks for our trenches. nndpr fa ht•n\y fire•• but wns nt )Amt nb- Nervel to fall. Now And then, be tween the volleys, lip wan au..a t„ wavr his harm* no 1l, far nmNmtnnrn Suddenly from the left of u■ a form wan meen to climb the Parthw„rkm in front of our trenchoom, Jumping down to mako straight for II , Place whprp tier wounded mnn�r alNmlt 110 yards frcmt Cho lre•nchrm. i'ttprly regar,Slens of the mratft-rdng fire w•hieh teiaxed about him, he ran un, and lit Inmt reached the wo unded man and trityl to lift hlm, tn,t It wits too ,Ates, for the po. r fellow lend breaathe!d bin ,amt. Hering It wns of no avoll, him wonbl- hp remeuer wnikel Iwrk over I he ground he had rover rd, and nllhoO,rh huitette whintle■1 Around him teen." tore up the ground In Pvery dlrpe thin, IM romdy regained Ilia trPnc•hr•, with a pipet Murk Ilrtwpenl M. lPfth. --- -- - - - tirowth or tho Kier. One of the Intent w•ipalifir ihe. rlem le .lank (It feliman en,r enlIin. cion trr grow long nitro, ihn nest of the to -It hnm renehpd mal nri.. Thus, rt Lilly wino i, nm small, shell- 11ke rnrn lit twenty wl11 IInv" lunllnnl learn lit forty, amt rargp pars lit sixty. Vet there nrr many lm•r NUNN wt"l platter themmelvrm filial thfy arp team Ilkrlp tee intake, d onk:•ya (if tbenusPlvPa ns thry grow older. Thr only way to nvofd gossip In not to hnvr tiny npighMrrs. Tc, frown In n mlrrnr will (,not n sprkxtm rPflnrllnn nn nay glrl it s smaotimos a ticklish job t„ live os tick. ; it _ -_-- , µ, A �y,,•I,. ..i �.': f or,.^ i ,4, ,. i -, 1 �,. , ----------- �--�mr� FRAGRANT NT a periNt liqum denllff'M fe tN Tath Ud Mouth S030 s00If7'TOOTi� POPOWDEL ZIk ��O UWD Li" aN POWiIER, tIt Am 40 8toros. or by Mall for the prloe HALL A RUCK[L,t MONTREAL. The Signal is rusumisee •ystty 7'MU11bleAY 110111111" iY D. LouILLICUDDY. -tea Torma of *nboarlralsa6 One mouth, In adrauoe ..................j Y Three moulbd. • six wow.h.. .. ..................• M uua year. ................ . 1 +e Advarllaing Ralw. ,pal and Olhar cartawr ►dvorUoer«onta, lss, per I,ne, far flet ia.rrtlo ., an l 3 oants phi len! for eacpha .104euaost le.lrtl,rt. 1te►aeared b 111". w come of six noes and mobs, i6 w frone- Advertlsemetto of I,a@t, Toed, at+arM Situations V&O.at, Sltuee,toOa wawtld flu.lueu chance Waole,d mot sahsedlnd "_uouWrolfe if `lnostl► Honees on Sale and Parma ed Salo, ■et M erooera s lloas, it for oral Mouth No. rem Nb• "Iftle it m,nrt:h. Lrlr r ad vra le formiport6n� Alay special notlre, the ubJwot of wade► la to promote the poouniary benefit of uy Ind vIe. nal or oomw,y, on be owratdoeod " ad rear la. mpplit and uharyred aoossdln Lawn a"Ott h. unepnrN( �rpa ana act Dr word. no not leo ler tbu f6u. n 1 r 1 I,n I.ts p of c q On wry readll\g type tee coni per word. No 01ad o for Iwr loud 010. NoUoea for 0buro►r sed otkar rttildletr aa/ beaevoloat lastltutbns. half rab. Subscribers who fall to nreive Tara 81064 rogutarly by mall will condor a favor b v agalnulr wed the tact at u !arty • t� r pomlbls. W tem • obange rd addrer s dr4od. bolo mha old and Che now address should M aflvoa rublmabor's Notion. J. 0. Lo Tourel, of Oeder", keas ►!rs N pointed Local Travellings Agan) for tbu Towa- Gookerloh, (blborno, 1.0 ►m. ships of Aekdeld a" W ►wuoak. 7.N P.m. Lural p0mtmaat lea ores tJ.a dYtrlot an ally s.ea ,in tired to noels• ►rbaeripttore to Ter slams. - A9 oommanloaheue must be addressed 116 P -m, D. MoOILLIC�UUsDD•�Pre,aia eelepb.ue Oa6 >a TOedaar4►, Omt, , `t4, THUWDAV, JI'NF *-'7, 11.7)1. ll �, ;,r.;c TRAVaLL1NU CUILL OftANUTHU\[ RAILWAY. *r«G Aaa'va ....... ...... ..:-::::, :m-t...lLMam. all and 1.0 ►m. Ixoil................................,,. Iki...mb......,Jrui�r-,'.,... 7.N P.m. WGad[xV+T+ra.....................IaY s.ea SWAST. Hsu and [slmrems....................... wfled [awess...................... ?As a.m. 1 u .-a ed.. . . ....... ... .. . 116 P -m, u ZINTINTAly. �`a NICHOLSON, L. U. S„ `• te[aTAL a+'aaaar, Room. Opredtto thee Post OM• . Gold Fllllaw, Crow■ std Ilridsa Work a apecfaity, Y Yaara' [sperioroo. •'llmc,•.I,r•ed .,n \x',vint.day afternoon• at 111,111. fru 1, Nay to Ucteber 111011atrr•' LM. 1dA9t[ D:1)>! LD.Ili R-0JAL o 9, ,*Zo-I�teot and approt m.tthhoe& ase,'. d1Z oparatlona Pre.ervadaa of � nat ural Loath a speclalt Of Leo � Cha Wool M. and Paean lop I; Katragoa es war Oiwt, rlostml on Wr,lnraday nflarluoun, a4 1 M1 m., from alfa) L, Oct . Inclusive. Telsphoo. No. 30. JM. TURNRULI D.D.S„ LD.a---0Jt*• e W ZT. (I_trlr arwlatod wYa• Ile, Dlxoa, Of 1tu11Lfaa1 II OOId and Wtw*W teeth uteantRd on gold or al l bam m. Ppor•W attention giver to tho �r�aon Tatlow or -Ileo natarwl bet1, OOoo 1• 11.• limea's sew Nock. a IIRf "Ofamclesedon xx'udn,wlay ahernuodd as 1 P,m. from May w tk:wtm,r Inch *two.'* - L IMAL, CAMI.10N, (JI.Q AFIRIHT is oitor, Notary. a'a tMl2 L adloal Hall, Square, Oodwieh. A{{ O. JOdYSTON-HAuulSTltrt. 80LJ- 1. stuff. Comeplo.bmo , ae, Pomo// Y Yaw, Oale.e: ('0l,• Hamilton owl St. Aadaow vrrooM onlevich. O,.t. stn R-__ __ OT a 1iA III solLmtor.t notaeln pub le tm arltlme .;wart, to. Omen: Nast► y,. yp ddw Hl ale AL oolea I'rlvate Rends to land � lows" rales of twleremt, � I W. PROODFOOT. R. C. M;L GAArtOW Il, 00"� ROW�ISAR T. Garrsw. Q.C., Cbm=�..ro. ' low raM of InUwmL D1Ct:-' leitaer". « PnBA uta Mona totiaut 0t11oo�•IItII.Y]t71 L L D OYINON. D fULAIL SLAOER - RA RRIJITI a, 11 feltor notary and ennverM.ml O& on Hamilton 6Wet Oppositfte L bOd, Hotel. 00derleb, Prlvab aa�* mort`agwe at 4 par OWL IsteseeL FarOsl noteo eaahad, j O. WARD-CONTSTAIJQa Rn- cur J d cnanbelame r for taklms recolintunpemo of .call, &Malta or vim Mora, deopo.l tions or oolomo dwto estansy in s ceonearnln star notes, suit w for..00lYam "m the Hob (',curt of Jusl4oa, theo (;cart of Aaaea" for Ontarlo, or In any Oetu ly at Df rWw Cet rt. A 11 Nansaatlooe nitrvfo r executed. Ruddomm mall P. O. allt�o_--= aawnne, Ont » LOAN@ AND TIOVU "m .A4 i(ONINT TA L[ND--A LAMB AUOFJN9 of Prtars" Penile tv Iovegleamg •" Ire. es rate. and expenr oil 6 amwtpaea ypy to O.nmw It aures, RADCIArrJr -OCNtRAL i(1aVll- Ra an,.. Well WAta6. fond Monier immmlmr 0nL Only Ant -claw romewntee reptaronte� wear to land on sittrralgbwt(loans. rat the Invioae borrower. 0110iv1 hs, $"old der from ems~ woN otroat, Hadreipb. AOCnGNRZU G.___ f7vl10YAa o1TYDRT. ♦ )� 1 iwnnnoa AMtt don nmd Ill otwrioa Mmtanl�� 1sL Cw M l,1 oast of lk! osmmtr, les tp d Iwed�aloo." aMomrm �+'te - . "a ueea"mlt ie ktm. xi0a'e or soma" be O rradall &PCbtss b Amrlem@�, �! Ital�ok� LANs f/m ..I , eewyss, �sgl"� 1111 -►,,file Achemp. "t tlirdaghl •v,nl mili.l one of Yuen ,.lit -of -town ruktonsprm wan coming 19*nm WitIt yoll to dinner t" said \fee. `tk hnppin . "That's whnt i did may. my dwnr." r"Pli"'I SkImPPI), nm he ant down in ties' howl dile" y he tint] lnPklrd frrr many a rine. "lett lit the Inst mile- utP he h"tnd It Imprn"IDIr to o-Omo.'• -_ .---------- - NO, MAndr, dear ; It dn"sn't ler_ gttlro' A canstrnl Conductor to lea/ e rubber hand. n• .. +.- . " t' 1 ' . 1", i ' at g+ ),e lPr,a4 - "°"m+ ams ww vgy (°> { a., fl ,,, 01 a ...., ;,I ,,,3. ;�..✓+.flea 'act . ale -':..a.' i�.�.�f�aiiF'�: �-.d ' � 4�,� - 1. •k rfk tt�r g� '3 �Y "�l b s :+Ilii. leu r � '"` - , - A: , ° hix ji `Wt: , .. Idol"" ,,. `a.� a+ l Eich' i `�i tem . l" n l •,•Y,. '' '."'T t, 141, �5`:1.i 1:Rt n,-, tt,^, A a- a