HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-27, Page 20
d:.•... 4., r. +...,:....a,1,, t r.:t,.r•a..�•.t,. •i., & A"u .,,:.'ql.;, :cosi-:^� iCM"".'-.-,`-rIR ,f."sl`.'d%t V,1',;7,n i::.. l,"1,";Vf.i7b.v ,i>6 YvItu'lT7e. f"i_F_,mV^V :.r.�1_,w ;,z P,Kf :^�A�
•� a nnd 1,M+ teaann ell tits t+ ave t the NWTE:m AND COMMENTS. UNKNUW� LADI►S SUlCI�E.
Tire S� �U� Neots wero a/mp•Ilad to Iwire their
v vountr and follow ill:• wealth which
0 ruas.laaar watt dralned Into England TIB• pope- 'Phe woman who la flow seeking
lotion of F,nglanl Is unnaturally A dltor(e /runt youug 1'uiltull onee
NTBUT TBUIWI)AT JroLaRl" awollwt by emlKrlaton frau, Ireh111" Jlltrd Join twin Itrulher. She will pro
aT D. welmucuDDw. t :Ind K.otland, blit it the \ ealth elf Imabl) furor a �n.,r opinion of the Found oe�d ICI Bed ill a
- •— - -- - - there ri mulriem wire retuinal at
THURSDAY. JUNE _7. 11lU1.. home tho popuiat`•oa would ,•snide totality. Niigara Falls Hote!
then• also, e
------� - _ We lutve no meuuN of fltwltag out About VS1,000,000 Incrmur in our •
t'Curcu 'ANA N'I.Lbll I:ItIKY- whether 8cotlnel'm population was aggregate foreign trade in the lust
f$NcKs. line million or two tuililone, lit the eleven uxulhs it a luJr showing A1141 INI i IALS " L, C," ON CLOTHING.
F:nrlmlxt msy ba tfi' dole of lithe Cnitia, but the state- the crops are growing dry uud night
"lvtyllevadaant Niagara Falls, out.• Julie 18. -Last
l-art(e•r" In the Britlrh Empire. but nw,nt ulnve quoted with regard to and an army or workord are baddiug evening a well-dressed body .walked
tine pre'lumi aanl latrlepr Ir tw,I the uvlcot her Im+bume lit the people who unit ma nufaceturing. lilt,, Ute Park }aide lain, rltualtud tear
"whole ismm,tiatg watch." fur both tune• moral ant cd txttlaad durtat -. _ ___. the Queen \tel ori,, Turk, uu',1 war
The British output ad caval in 1SKK1 shown to a rtxMu fur the night. No
\\alive nn 1 leo thunl put In un occn- lite past two fientarlew to singular- wits 2.35.181,:100 tons• the lncerage dote connected with the hotel noticed
",ail claim fur rt,e •ifudtion, wh'1 • I,v Intrrmpetr. Many of them. ,,o uu) ih4tg unusually wrung in her 'to
lrclan 1 to "alwuyo with ae.,' Re- doubt, went to Englund. lint many out{nit per Iperton cmpl„ywl under- mentor. Abut 1) u'c!oek tittle wora-
ground was 882 fund. Theme figured tug rhe war called to see If "fly
ventl). It was pr piAttd to have Wasive more went to the United States. or will give a aught 14011, of,theeuor- breakfast wait wanted. Nu ypraver
repro ental ail tilt- n,yul arm+, tart ram,, to Unnitela. It war Wit the moot dralu on the -fuel supply of the being received, ole of the em4PV.,W a
Nir .%. I'. Fox-Pa%il-r ,,bjecte•1, on till- fault lit Uglan,l that Scotch wo.- I'nited Klfl looked over tate trunw,nu and saw the
group 1 that the waclwno t, of tilt- ltd btt-mon apt other land owners geluku that gust ew Item woman lying on the bat fully dressed
bear to ,veal. in tier street cluthing. A key. war pro-
drag• -a would be "the thin end of the rl:•:arwl the crofters off their estates► ' r _ Uucel Cued the dour opened. The.
w e,lee to a selmaratist po!ky for to make nem for obeep or deer, thus Itllsda appease to be brat on rr women had been dead some hours.
walems ' Mr. J. l'. Roberts, of UI•la :un, rotnld•Illag them to emigrate. It talh►tloa against that fulled Stater om the dresser were two small uu-
Mead BrIIke,atys that Is ma,nrldne. tlu- writer in tine Glasrtow; Herald for dif►'rpatinUy taxing Iter buuney- labeled empty bottler. Alongside of
fur tie dem:re of Wfileva, far frum r-, woad 1 conn, tet Bova 8ilotLa. to Prince red altar export+, and ham rallied the thrift war A If'%lo odermle ryringe,
duticr up mnuv articles frum the where the land% undoubtedly placed It
ceAlltg, le to be united and retirement- iitooarl island, or, travel through fitter umiag It to 4fpatroy Iter own
ed with Yagland, Scutland aml !re- Itlengurry. Ltinark, Oxford, Elgin, finite] Statee 50 per cent:- While !rte. She had deiib:•rhtply chl►,,ged the
Ins,) on flip. t+,yal arms, aul n',t 1C) tx• Huron nail Brae counties In on- title (tatty, falt"hUa\e Adaericaa export- pillow from the head of the teed to
out•l,ee b them iu lit alt Tho In- tarlo. Ire would' uncertain what has Pmt will airs put an additional bur- tine bat tum plod' IoW .door. sod slept
) J'• lit daath. Metlarry, the cuenner,
duru4 of llse ouluules iu�te:ad. tits lm.(%.dne lit Me-thind'r population• thin 00.0'me ituowlan eunromers ; bot was notifled; awl pronounced the ron-
rogJg-/tint--b"te._haai uea,.ua_LhL Lare_1s_hardl,X__a__Wwp Canada it butte way, of getting. even. tents'pf the bottles to have bonen
royal arms wuuhl be ,a delfb•nste fq• without ita St. aa:lrett'a satiety and) - err �Pho_ tilt wumun IN aux]
ain't to Wal,s, as I the c dualsts know A New Hangaahlre titan has be ke wlapre r onme frum a�epm to br u
fn ninny pnrt4 of the tinkled States amodrmned to laity 111,!170.16 lit a mystery.,
lierfeetly well that they be'wm;: to tic otchnx•u are ale thick ns black- The following lit a full drrcrip-
lhut rood "F:mr.r• of i:reater Britt- local druggist for piL!tline andexre tion: About�20 yenrr of age, clean
p { laerriem. Mr. Carnegie nod Lord of an amputated Ire. That iPe preUy cut liter, mallow ronaplrciln, ahwrp
uie” user the sop, nn,l n ,t t,. lhP Ftrutlslroa1, are sty _ wr `mcan4 the ss� ,alty w1wa It ll- cosmid- lilted love.' haz •1 grey eyes• dark
Integral part of the -1111 United King- , n:)• 1ctd •henaen ,rho hair done well frown hair, Intake ,in !eft cheek #n
%rat that flue Iamb is urrle•rd fur
Jam, ecw,h ale tk,re AYulrr. !t iw n,1, for tkemrrh'er, and aalialaitnrel Yher Ilnt- from more, weighing xb,nt lair
purposes lit locomotion. and would or 140 pogndtt, "5 feet, rix inches In
praxlt•al policy, 11 r. h,b•rls nokH; to Ixarrr lit their tuUlve IutH1, nn lib make a pmaor mantel ortntmeat, and htl;ht. wore dark straw round but
cnida ur throw cull water un Novell ail., O( the Atluutlr. Tho ubiquity iN Inlriumicully 1,.t sit #into catue fur with roll of dark stru.wn trimming,
koyuf raatimveste, the .AFruuliug lit of that wutrhman her lad lit lir hear) dark blue serge drerr and
yN•ahnr MLJlterofnt Hutt, oleo At atnatttmical. demonastraltkon. Thr
wIlkh Ip the iirlaacO costs vtrlu- Etou Jacket with bald om tack, light
all uuthum till dud# m tuns,, g -u9 t drmggigt Re.t tho bort of the deal. blur chambray Nhirt wnlrt_-faced
J g• J toot the North No_c *hull lie dna• __, ___
Lhl•kl) %viii olio• hrilld, two bluok
teal. tu%ert.t, :c Sr•otr_hman will tin found /come G, lel, 'papers maaaifeet alarm underskirts, w hit,. borset cover
' It it 0•twougtl feu U4 Wwat till rid perched upon' It, - - aver the report that n Gerww►e syn- with yellow ribt,on Ince/ urounit top•
� 1,r a a n Ir r r m
dragonJtavla m torr u- oil 1 1 r, Nein t+nth t death 4 •lac, aftwit
\\'p fancy tho N'elmh grlevnoce dl.•ale Ir recelvlgg grants u! land
tow tort king ill U►e ew_l,•at BriWu-,. 41et, �, w•Ith thl:k eolt,r, tdna;t di;k la•It
W woke. th-Ar lust rtr.oughull Us• ubmt the uhmenc• of flip rad dragon from the Government of Brazil limit atfth buckle of oxidize•1 oliher, pair of
Lag Jrl%4mi WiW►.•r tr•fore •the Cern- from the royal e.rmr buds as more fa foanding large colonles. , Brazil mt•t-1 grr:y R.A.- thread gloves, lilac
quidrfag ltutuanxl. oust of 1'rlav • Llew , cubrta,atinI basis than tine scotch even guaranteed interest un the 6S. dark purple pnrupoi with four
ellyn ; ai: J, by tho way, ULe-' unAtoru , rowp lir drhlte p,,lk,t ulutr around
W alto as much eof w 1,h ua tilt, ldmpla,nt about the wealth of the aynli•utosInvestment. The papers outer eft g
Q g4, puVitethook conininin 8
dragtou. What. tuait + Imct. g is north bring drabled to tie South hl question want to know If Germany' venth aal nail 'fit.: avure high turn-
b:raldry ale reg-;.. Wx.iEzL Wr hlag .+m the r cult of the Union lir 1707. meuua to flout tine Munrye doctrine. down linen collar loaf Mark satin
. o,un c..wmuuxl Wrat iK bo rcwadh.l, e, o ol f of a :n n o Su *e til sk B a 1. Tile e. string tlP . on the c,lllur was the
TIL { n ng 1,h } gll It market t pito ey a r zit r
alH1 W%:on tIH•ne ley atl/t+gJ of lt. Eng- -� muk.•rm' name. Fr.11ow'Pe 4 Cu., Ueltak
land itis War p,uot ltdt!__Mit fibl•ra I- the prmhe•te of Scotland must sponge would probubty be "Mind your
__g Ntyle,,rise 1:5; white ca"els, nwede
vewiritle in hwuay, way!, u I hove Ir•rn highly advantageons`to anew arfdaies."-- b). the Kiri tom_ 1 . bleack i
Wiroagte 'no preovilentw. ral-tapeiniu. the latter cr,mpany, amt English cis- -- outlook hos" nn lea cyaa�c gar?
tuxl ddddogryatru.' .la to nntiyultJ iWrs to the lfighh,nI Ilnv- . the rep- factor Nicholas: Aga#u hr i* the iialma term, n black back eircu F comb to
tine WeWh were the Lrduafdtnuto.or IlUttbn nt lasing koofnh with their ti,f n pretty little. real chunk of fent- hair on buck of ht-nd; In the bosom
Britain long before the Lon.a.•lay hawbea, v Of her rlairt dal*t.was foalltil bird's
In".l under V' imiun. What . Mr. iutidty-nnd aft'erNall him praying fur
t+llve - _ _-_ l-yp linen napklit, with letters I,. C.
Fox-Ihockxw trays, alS,ut tie• nov.•: •t WAIINING '1U 11014/tKSI•UN- u elmatagr of luelf! we're norry for worked In oto• corner; also white
meat b snr 'u polltlnaol bi,d fur rep- I)I..N'1'S. Jon. Nick, but don't tome hope; e%pu apron with Woo• nl'pare•uliy anaproa
ara UAkdo and a trivial Ippon In -Uw• that woul l Ir+ worn by a wullresm.
rtlW.-nit nuto' le mum dy ,re -.nitre \ Cliatoattfalr, N. 1'., tit - lenebe, , h, the MeP of the 01.1 raw, 'Three
Ix g 1 1 f Tlw lo;ly wtar lukwu to (`tsdp ttatee
,_jinn{.- It, M evident 1►e bmow,t but Int• \tt•m tinker, wlir. it suite; F.. B. 'ray, til flora and out," ('ouragr, pld fellow, ltort.•'s totabii+hment, where It firms
tie of iii4-ori ort Kse F-• fLi ,y y' -a: tdfr N'; w �niey w- a Irle4-,,lf • -a:a_ ke.,w ,. l'nse•al. ___yJ jd t-Nf atfua. _-_.,
Weigh people, Nowhere La Lhe Val- ti wile rsetotl thirteen Lob a Le-. +
tell Kistg4kom dkr,s totally roid-Ove n poo fulsp of me- rkWt. lou hull the R y
warmer welcome. Or art+ the Inwr aiee worn" culled front film love Ietter* fore it mingle girl cause to rejoke his lel
batter Obeyed amt life mare snare atilt tabulated in nyder that they may 'old heart.. There have been dicker TWO MI I f ITALITi11d
timn In Walar. Labor disputes in Inn• ,rodnow- n ,rr, men than you, Nick, who have lived s
Iaed it" we have, but Umme are 1 1 p r imprn4mlun upon the
jars- Soon^ of fly- lettere idle el-) tO to a ripe ukl ago. C9eer up
gWto apart and hnving northing to C
.fall with loyalty to Uro Crown. But have Men written lit her by Mr. Ely Brltnlq'e natlotal Jebt it n lar e
wily do Engloah agitators of tit's total rcc.•lved during the co artshtp g Michael Gallery Fell From a
worst type--ruiitu a type• nr Wntnv - - -_- _ tine, but it In,less burdensume than
woatll ha nowham•d W plofuee-�•ome d•dsittaln mach words-appltled to t1 that of France. The population of Load.of Ha
naxil fav tri ro:v ea+•dy or dinrurd recipient at tbvw.' J•
and large• Us-, welkin -n to proonyt - Dear.. � Prec�+, Llrpnler ltlan hn�4�hers nrlibiMlr. r
ror:k-w. munh to tie• wortrmrn.. own I--..______ IxaK ' g q ig
injury awl Wn onmmerce of the tet, n el, whiiefier natio ill debt In nut much FATAL FIT IN THE STREET
rdantry t Rot of roir.int th •op ,,Rita• 1f„n,•y, Fik hnntresom- m,ire than half F'rance's debt, the Toronto, June 14.-A run from a
\tins must forwent strife for t1101r Th;y 11mn rontntn llmpNe uJ ' cll%e”
MM" j manual charge ion the Brlllah people fomad of .hey an Saturday afteraquo
appli• 1 tr. Mine Baker: bring about C2:3,O13U-U , as ag:olrc4t +''k Bloor street, near Jarvis mlreet,
traneca�48.01t.110..TJm.Boer w•ar reaultcrl In the death lot Mlrlutel Gal -
eat amounts to anmrlhinR wi,iNm Aon ruble, Engaaging, t�T "a`vvelhknivurtr-ttrrn-sir tin.4--4he-
in all f to hr triose err- Sweet, will increase Dritain'm debt, but it St, Lawrence market, bot with nu
eget Captiv tin will also add reutl to her terrl- laarti ular ilomr,'
Inwr than r-prParntntuon on tic.. •'lttrnrtivp, l•apt►ruting, g Y
Sri°ctive,' Fumeinating, tory and power 1n South Africa. Uallery waw Sated On top of.. tale
rnywl rmr_ Corremp atAtNo of liar load, and was 1
r wlnalnfr, $ewilchinR. 1 Iter) off by thw+ewinR
I;lasg„w Herald rompinin that there Another of time letters which will In Lombn, En land,'mueli {nleror of the wagon fa turning from taw
ern n/ Ke,vprnmt,nt works in Scot- bn czhtbltod to the lrWl tar the ■alt R f attract car trneka to follow it trolley
a rmi, l go en meet her iron robbed Ir taken In thso new light treatment (-air to papa. 11 • fell on Ida lnpnd, mtr14-
mnrle' few• that dread dlress(e lupus. Nu meds- k1w the nmtt:r•:It with t "ifle force.
by Kngleind year atter yessr, Ito rp- I want to say, dear love, that Iwill Dr. Haml:tc)I, of U+rrurd street, was
inn ore nt/et1, sure those Intended to
pr-rnntntivps In i'nrllnment n.lt ort- nlwnye 1,r ten•• to ytru, and will do 041 the fwweing at the tial•, apd rrndaretl
Ing together nnd bnving nn more my beet to mike ,you a husl)und of g'rneral health. The trent- prompt mrdtcnl AAsl•ttance, tut Gul-
Inrlurgirr than 71 gilt hots. labi•led wnryn yon miry- ill proud. Whp,, we ment is not only by menae of lamps lorry tit+d witloout regntoiay convel•:um-
:Ire marrYarl it will be the happiest odwttxntratigR an latease light on the np-d ah(rtllt after being aubultted to
"Llberal” nnd, "Tor)'," leo thmt the ,yay oI our liven, W,Ith.nll M1• lovo fuhl- 1 tion Ufnrrt- HoilAtal. Two fruetnn•s
whipt, might mount them in f lip vn rl- k1+a+m to darltmfr, I am stlways vnur pailant bat there is- ��' � fin° 44 tttp Boer• Ot loot Skutt.we re fuutaL
,,wn pelota };el, air treaUnrut by which the rays 1,N Dwwattd wall about fifty years lit
nus dicislons. Justmd of hoeing n 1,n'
leader of Ahelr,,)0sd , whom alt the The wsadiug duy_waa set_far. S.pt_ lipinn, caught on rock crystal ]eases agl-, Anti Ip suppcmW to ,have 'x••en
19th, If)00, but nt 111%. FI • )1,r r flaw/ dt-ptived orf tlaetr fira't, {ierform a fariner. .Hs -was drlvbrg for 9yl•
Scotch members tdould follow who,, y K n1, venter Brwl•u, of No. 1,061 Dafferho
matters In whicJi No„tlrn.f in rape- sodMltntlru It was postponed until n similar duty. Experiments have NtrFet• nnd the latter afterwards
(ally Interested ore up f„r dl"cummlon, Jane n1 the, fwYlsent .reaar, nail now hie ben going un fur somn monthn, nnd rl:alm+it the• ),,)rm” OM wagon.
tape N th►nlaf UW- ti"ta w1N, have iFatal
the memlr•ro „t I'nrlinmpnt /roto fA mnrrl�) tip ,uHollr,r wnmrin.• Only Fv'a Aooplatle la'1t.
north or the Tiseeit "tire oitontent to oor thing deem, to IP, faeking. Thr tett under lite near treatment tare in roti lady mim•11 Mrs. MuRxn Mar-
plar the meek pert, until go flat fa fair plaintiff should hasp a"itngpd the eltred, l in, hiointc ,ro Duchene mtvct, fell to tan
_ ap.pleclle fit mar the corner 111
hard In }nRln lid, nnd fdp lir her int p'•t Mapww ulplwbctically. 'tins howwe has aA yet trw,n dist (Jaren nnd Parliament mirepits am
be p•rmitted to mpead ti little of __i Witunlny morning, land reverts me
lent of flip ontatlfet. Tlie advent ,it carter n her face. Rev. Father
their own •mnnrp In Wnrir oie,n coon- 7
lihtmgow ham found that small- the 'Iprlrie ear caused t► droit► b) Treacy was JMAmlaK tat tb+ time. He
try. Thr Gtrvprtwnent eetuk,tts tor, h•ew rolled an amtonlAnce, nnd [and her
:tlrl Murch. 11NKI, show Wkt Soot- {ac ll- exp+n-Ivp.,The total anonb+r far butt lbs• loth Alrkwai-war hat
of person treated to doh- hits 'been dnnp onlch to rdhee the morlts of rrtposeil tO St. Nkhncl'A Hospffal.
land, after pitying all her for rx- When mix• firmt entered flip howpital
L8XI. of which 131 proved fatal. hre'Mlertt. A New York pmlmor may■ M"• Martin wnm lb ughl to Ire dying•
awl/wpm, tranwmlttpd._tu-idgglt►nil eg Deo r,rg are clivi gbdvr lltprv+ is a-1trlSk elctwatuI for good tut rant d fora effort tlm The rally
H60,(K)O. Iwult year tits wove a gee' t treatment. The Rritimlt Medirul anlmah, nnd prim • nr.und hormem, lit wan limy temporary, howpTPr, for she
dw,l moor• ter m1lRomr bf ticott Journal e, n tilt• extra ex rntilture proper Re, Arc+ full 5(1 grew worme, nal died yveterda after -
Y p 11 Y pT cent. Y
nHlnay ons "prem In EoRInnJ ser war hi her than they' were three yearn nano. 1)anth, tM tkm+term soy, war
111 comp to from ti2,000 tO Cr8,Up0. K du+ to n r Mx and not to tbp aever-
fill t e ir. Now,' the Ertgliri people In at „r treatin the it fit P 7,
alt their tntr#nerm, nrxf prlvnte lea R p,tlrnld !n R+'• Thr here$'t gnulntlunm for work leg• of tlr nrtpry. a_rC ,
lltiotiw of Ilfr, asrp nm h,,nurv,bin -and -"-lsal"UMt the..(wn- hrtrer•w Tire $150 to $250 for 1;100 to A cnINESEdAME.
fair d,aoling ns any p. -ride Ian Europe, tap . 15000 tit !8000; cost dt I -,'M wtIThtm, 81'7:. ter $2.10 fur 1,130!)
erect R temporary woo den pnvil- to 1,411M. and $223 to $250 for 1,500 Toronto Police /lafnk T►vty t•bylnfr
lint n+ a gur,.rien ent tilt,) are an in 7,800.
nmjuot people. nnd r^an only he den II tons a d of extending the reception Ma■ -Tan.
with am the lrlsh� do with them--furre 11 nn $' m, 7'000' cost of the preven- Cansida•m aggregate foreign trade 'Toronto• June 24 -At an early hour
tfve m sores -Including vaerinrr this morning ns, excited Chhutman
lhd•m to concrJc to rinuH,r wh;il lion and varctnatloo-Ca0,00J to fur the f►sral year whICA will pod rushed Into the Agnpm Ntreet mtu-
tbey deny to p,mtiee. • +u the last day tot the current tion. nnd to Sergeant Varlr or.,m.
C83,C100. i Ir Intcmlwl to charge Y
Rpterrtnt to Lhp rp11-11m rrU,rnm, mr.hth a pxpprtoml to exree•d 8100,- planned that h° had been robbeetl Of
another correspondent says: one-third oft Id to lie current year; (M.000 Practically none of thin $110 while playing fan -tan or scome
In 1801 the population of Scotland anti to g'r'ad the rrmalnder over Iarge trade In done without profit, other gamr at the prpml.tem of
ons 1,ff08,4.i6, n 41, c1irN, ,,f holt n the "ntceMlnR foot Years, daring Kwong Yo•ot l,oy, dealer !n chin,
and with (lie Improv ent of the tea nus
mllltnm frum 1707. Am I 'It"V! iltwirl '�� Ct #i looped tote eoty-wNt pn RroTrl's Rt 8�. }:amt
drawn attention I) this point Wfore, JuY immunit from much a Memos, trant•ptsltatinn flletntt'e tilt profit Queen street, The celestial wets
Y D will be Inrreasel.when Cannda tie. tirhl until Inr,lbetor Mtpphens nr-
aarl nm mumP hlmtorlan� Imre Rh C° - stead, apd tin officers dexldei tO
very eLLtrernnt flgur•m with st vb•w In Tia 1'. et 1'mebytr n Genrrnd .ia- Rlna to rxixwt train and Steel in raid the plane,
balloter up tlr father the,ry that scotF- mrMbly committee npoN'hited tit revflr large yulantitl0m. it will nal lake Taking Cerosthhlem Markle and
�`wasJluletllat%LJ 'IIIc°J ('root; nnd the Chinaman wt's vialmed
law itnion of 1 07, I will Illicit a my T71iR•"if71'-M"11wK'a r,TrTkdi,A'-
iirevotm to allow that Heotlnt land m'ctlgA bohup,t 0 Met dol alt 1'tttt- in t•am9ln'ol pxpertr And latports, • �I prow. or Cnmmnnm that for tine (Irnt
Inepcetor Stephan %tmlted the old- flvp rrxmthm Of the year :33,183 horeps
CJOC1,000 Inhabitants, dot tie Jim, of burg. Thr Lunt It titan ulml:,r aken l4 a particularly If tariff reform goer duan• nnd ihl,rr roun•l +phut aO -pre landm•1 Ili writ) Africa, unit that
the Uniton, nnd Englund under 6,(AW,. big font anti tic• ptble wit uPc'rr disk apaer, oiteliesthelx right to the milet of x tloq const of eonve once from England
1)(a). The question momt keenly de, knew the Ston of It. 1'rrhn it im '- me gnlge, Thr fareignpr -ntrl to be re• Orf rrmounts Avera '
heolk r- mmbmiin.thelt/utt.hlhtand Fang y 1 Dealing with the wo(M market the nd'onrble for the theft 'tat the C•3;,• Rod fl-om C30 t°
Ilmh rnmmlealo6dra wan the number of a" w off T79It�1t ahevr117 ixat. Th' m- New Yost JOurlYal of Commerce ns,vo : AlmpPy wa,r nowhere !n tie trete, and __
rrprnmnntath'e fur euclu Itutntry. lxrs d the oapmltte' are n tut lit the offkwrm left, after taking the THM 1N6RHM A'1 AIINMI)9AOAlt.
Vow, til' hletorhtn 1,f tits l'nloa, n runt m,•n, hot tiv'y Are dogrnntlst "Tia pt'smsnre exited by Wu• �knatlk named of those prieptJt nnd olrlsing _
t• nfempornry Da Foe, foot* it thus: Amprlcnn wools has remulledl in low- til- Ntrnnge ppawraphernalia aged In (•"Item's Audi Well Cared for 5lor-
kpiin. It )oil tnk' an eallmnte n1, atlas m pknM11 he not n Mhnlnrlrri"I . 'lel ores tot dom"Iltlo tlid' Rnmr, i'rompen►lonm for Rnm-
1 hr w•„ dr n► both skntlogm, we -*hall of th' t -111y Istatlallem Unreliable,
i 1 Arwmn:tat. T)bre wIW be some ng M Quar- b'1nR tm fOl:Pr Annul 11630 In e m-
flnd t-3 ntlnnd esteemed to contain lively tlltd 1:4 thus committee room, t blonde 1,O n 2fl spot tmmis, nnd ell wits 411-11 secured by the offiverm, Lon,lon, .lune 14.-.\ (Jpmpntch from
twn millions nnd EAglund at the limen of medium nnd Low woolm dare Another lawn,'. tk,rubn
nol pulse tiu,u n few wig" will deeor- y day; tint Lord Northeotp,
hhouloi ur,ly put floor six," Tills In iyerm' favor. • • • PrMpn fire in I:OTPrnor of Bombay, made n rpeclnl
Nhouh surely tot tai nnd tot tyre to tit' flat mplaplxwMeal Rr'en. w111 � d4pa•tor ArmetronK nnd n ponle of
the nnmertlnnm nr tine.• fnlme hlmtnrip- Illry sherawiI r perllapa, Pitt If wt JC mtlrhe (IPmOrali$M ns the remult of lit% conhtnbtrs from Wilton Avenue )„t1•nry from Texoma to AlmoadnaKar
the s ntlon or five Hinton market. i ollre Mtntlon landed In on a nhmher lit orler to %troll the camp of the Boer
which pot tha p,pnlnt6m ,,f Ne,,tlaml will b• a enn tot compromise. the ° of young men In a Stable fit the rear prlmonern. Aim 1•:xrellpncy personally
In 1707 no least titan I,IKKl,1Nml, b r Nrveral 1"..fl)i contain men what staxxt Sheep notion are urged to well thin year Of Stonti'm hotel, uu time corner of le"PPtAin I the "nnitar) arrRr11lemente,
it maml tit, admitted by e,vrc maul ready to. mend Dr. 11116 01 t° the stake raliwer tttwn eonmign, In the hellpf Queen nn1) Lrelle atrppt& ahput 11 fill- hn"pital the water supply And
of erns that Ilse tentl, :lit the tlu,r . that if flip wood nmr•hatta Own the VL m. Raturdn They hail la•p a the "lef•l11nR �unrters. in uirles niatip
thaw Ihome v the i,cd 2( ) ar iftef, 111" also whtarvRnruld heal nonnkirAl fxlrently rlIg at,d In la,n,e kind ooff ,'f the prlaonpra elicited no coaa-
th e I trust win If ngm) yearn :after I,- wat.lan. rt It an' lie el- soSUas( Into nulrtgho they will Pviner nnnto srntnhllnK, ,r, they wrrr all locked Nnlntm. Tlipy nppearat to be thor-
Ttlr pnpntnll 1) of 71. :I rl fn ll+(lt 1 wnl'•II 144 nit nnd waits' mislag Int,reitst In tawe nwtrket nrNl stet to Ip, SomN from pan silo were found toughly cOntrntat nnd well cared for.
:',o Mrl•d i,, DIn l tel. n sirs or neer 1,1'10.111. it'") Ilp the priciest. From 10 to I:1 00 them, flat nn gamin a, In live frvouar of C(immeud NG W,
L0 per rent. In alp erntnry. Thr• realm in rt- t g 1 rnpbrr Re,imond in endrnvoring to lhnw
rf/rot Of flip iinlnn wnm to nnrlch — -' (onto l In Irp tin rrevnlllnR nnlU, wr„ dimoovrrprl,
Thr t,wto It11•nnad want frac I.rud4 p'r,l,nN Jon M+xilnnn." Thrwr figure" err• tint AhmellnnRnr Is not henithv.
}tiRlnnd nal odd oras firs tn1TRRn* P,dnmenrlyd to the attention or the I,nrA'm I"av Altamnr(t at Wark nalnlM from a report of Majrr.(I,ttn-
M her population, don't Lml",veri-h :,ltd Ilv Ir I nited Rtntem t;ovrrnnr In two ,,r three rather ohtonr Tory or- filer. R. Y., doted 1RT:I.
Sentland nM eta -p her ptynth,tl,h, to la,xrles tr, know what In .ho nbout It gsurm whlclt bon brd.n lar{ofng nn I'"lit t'nllxrne. OIIL, ,Inns 7:'1,, -Thal i„'rf tarr,rRp Ffnmllton, fndinn tiee-
decrease near[v half to mIlLt�a,. To the venal , Lnrd'm Day AllJanrP people err lon-
a,me to the prement day. `d.•,,tlmnfl \\ hnt with 1'remi1ent M,-Ktnlpv ,,rank- f1 nr•nt.lmo nnd pk•turing tins frinning to mlH.w thplr wort. :\ vyhr- r'•tnry-, replied that there to nn Int,an-
I;a> R10eRr1)f1) Pyrn of inns trnAp, the Unitdet Rtmirs nm n wtml-gmwrr"' Linn of remoTing the Boer prlonerm
hem flow nlrorly four nnd It hoof mit- ptrndl"p while It yin the rant wnm Imonrel 1,O -slay nnd tiler'ap- from AhlneittnnRnrpmntnnment. which
!Inns, or more than donT .,I in 11,K) Nnticaml \arnd+,flon of \Iannfnc_ P R p•m,r Can- lain of file "tr•mm�r t'ennmylva nk,e- iPe nor of the hpalthle"1 nnd auo"t
ndlnn NhrryrrakSnr And mlllpr• lir will have to n 4l- pN1)p
,,yyears. y flap p,pnulwhAt of };nKlnnrl tnnrs dirnlP fniktnfr nhmt it, nnd ___� -- y fo nr for trloui, talar Rnrrimon station, In lanolin. Malar
Is newrl� afv tlmrm whet It wnm In re him Ron'In exrur-I,mo, At Fnrf finmhter'n rptti,rt In L'7 veArm nM,
1707. Am the ferandlt of the f>♦•„t Ito It newllr nenalrel colony clamor- The interring gear sof tilt- mteAm„r }.rile 1,.
Y hyo in h• nlln%T • f to nolo M. I' fir"Ter morrow. Tip ronin b 1wl-en n.rHi wn- morin tw(nre fir ennlfnry
M Aa great as tlr }Wali+h, whero pit It, alp vrw"rl wnm In-a'anlN,vrnAmhl'r thar1e myl%aMa li$'s barn nthnlnfr Irrtwrrn Imprv4ramrnim weM rffarferl, whish
had the pnp°Intion front, ins it 1/ I'• M pr„treliO1laAtl cony w. 11 far lex- R Pnfrnln Anil 41Is port on Rund•.p halo -lore molal tip turf tell, lrnu,
clear that it has ah"It. Ilk Wrloek int night nmf mho aftrrmmlhm for lip {sant a"vpn or TLr mrrfnlOva elthe flro
ggtrn 14. EngtanA; cuo,A for forting a tilt •Mky. ran aground o11 tine past hunk. right years. mknte.l arm
1 mialendhig, And�Include ut171aa arras
Over 200 Boers Disposed � o
During the Past Week.
Lord Nrthues duel t v Vruaaltary-'
The IS,ler 1,o.p lit lull• Itue1
Pr(.users Aurluum fur Peace -
\lure Cathadlnn Huy fur Afrivad -
1'opt. Ugllvy's Jub.
London, ,Inns 21. -Lord Kitchener
cables tin war Office under td.-duy's
slate that dlnSr his last report 41
Roe” havo bowl kille•,l, 17 wounded,
and 1110 prlsonrrs taken. eleventy
LurthPra sarr•n o,rod, and the Brit-
fish also captured 41,800 roundo of
hmulf-arm ammuruti„n, and 161
wagons, bol,}.•s hordev tint] stro•k.
Made •2(1,11/ t•rlsuaers,
Bla mfoutefJt, Jnne L4.-U.•n. Bract
IlumUton'r redrent movempat* M*
tween Petraimburg and the raIfway
resulted la the eupture lir LIRM `puts-
unere nail n large quantity of Stcwk.
During the ryit•ratiuny the Burgher
Police nRala r uderael g•Noa service,
amt, fol by IAeut. B.a)'ly, cupture,l
as Boor Imager. I . .
A t/rv4ag levant. '
Cap, Town, Jus,) im-The Cape Ar-
glom of a 14crat date g1%'en interesting
d •Lull• of tho ourpridag of u Boer
Langer nt D'witrecht.
Capt. Lakin, lid the C:ap:e Mounted
Rifled, acting with sc:,bell'm column,
accomluud.d by only' un, man. amom.
plished the feat.
The langur was mltuatel W n deep
valley, and the turp.rlre was effected
ut 4 o'clock In the morning, w like the
moon Wats stilt 'rhlning.
Copt, Lakin daNh,•d into tho Inager,
enll#ng loudly, ' T: to op, gallop ! ' Tile
(flemy load atready'sutdled, And were
thrown into confusion b 0-dit cur men
arrlr(-d. They tnite.l from Lhe longer,
leaving r Teryllln; Wain) llrm.
F'oortsen Users : wcr;e c,ptured,
Clare lit whom were avuunded.
The BrK:rs, a44-% rid hundrds Petrone,
ooeupc -u fiTgb rfdf(i•, but retre•nt-
ed.soma rolled away, followed, by tile,
Lumeerr, Act] keeping up a r•argu:ard
fight. Our burner were however
beaten, and the pursuit wan not car.
rigid too far.
It ill” evident that tho Boers bad
participated In the jnmentown fight,
Tiley bAtiaged to Aritalager's - nnd
Lethor's co foome, ea.
)laaueavrws 0 o IAalr.
London, .tune 14. -Aa later^sting
paper, written by Jertiv Block, the
Hudrian Cuanc,liur of Statr•�nil luem-
-ber of the Radsli n Minfatr• , of Fia-
oaoe, on the lesmons lit the Tr tiPevnal
war, was read at the Unitted lel %vice
Institution title a(ter000n. Tholnur-
diiin Z'uugcinur'- et- AriMf lin south
African war find proved that military
service ale Israeli" tu-day wits ab-
surd, ami that the sacrifice road+ fast
Liar continent to support councrip-
tivu w•.,s unnecedsnry. T;au your
rhpw'ed that the theatrical mlaectacle
culled muueravrrs was is uu way re•
hotel to real warfare.
Hare Canadian Hay.
Ottawa, June 1t. -The *flipnientm
of hay frum Canada lit South Africa,
which have been in progremn now for
if verult mantna, are evidently eo goat'
Jmfnotur•y to tine Imperiral authuri-
tlem that they have asked life I)v
partmcnt of Agriculture to sPndt
1b,UUU additionaal tonal, to b-) rblpp,el
(ruin ,it. John not later than the
month of August. Arrangements fav
saawring ifte 'fodder will b,• entered
into nt uacc.
l'apt, 0,11113"'. Appointment
JJuntrea 1. June :.'I -\ few an a agu
ii dun nafHuarel tftat t'uptaln J. 1,t.
C. Ogll%y, of the Royal unna•11•i,a np-
giment, Inas bmu fapprnted to a
, rraptatlwy !n the Uordon Iilgh maid.
Crs• Information reached U,Iltin Ile•
pirtment today that (apL'aln Ogilvy
i.1, pmtel to the .First Battalion.
wftich is at_ t IliA{�_
Fla i� r►r3e- lir-repi,riTur duty at
(race. .
Lord 31 lhatu•m Morrow.'
Losid",n. .lune '-'i .A member of the
37th BosttuNoo Imp erhp Yeomanry
thou writes t„ lits reloativats at Buck.
Ingham from Worre4tPr. on Illy way
to the coast for embarkation for
lid one :
"There wnA n mcenp of grpnt enthu-
ninmm at MAreki.ng station an our
(;enrrnl (Lor -1 Mpthwn) came tin wldh
its g4rml•hye staff shake flautist. Dot hp
never had a chance to mpsnk. nn the
Ve,annnry rherred tlem-elvcm h,arme
and fluid lip 1 nil by carrying him elf
romd oa thrir mhouldprd. Favor old
shop, he wt<d sorry for un to leave
higm.'a►n,t he broke down tad cried
like a child when we came away."
Horne* Ment (Out.
TA"Pi,n, Jnne 24. -Mr. Pnnlrlck lit
uutrhle the town. Durlug the faumve
- '���-
of ISJO there wits u heavy morlallt)
,Itte,tyret the Lod peunte
fl,,uteml tutu the town trues the
the t
The Markets
drouth"tfreetood districts.
A petltlou signed by a thousand
!hoer prisoners lit Bellevue camp bar
bt,ea rent to Steyu, Schalk Burljer,
LerdleR N'hea.t )larkeln.
Motion turd Uewet ami the kettdlfig
oommnlxhonts, to the effect that the
Following are the Cturla s-
- little lilt% arrived when husli itlem
'Motu lit Impurtuat wheat CeKld,uul
r,'r tit.
should cense,
Tu homer General lereuch•
Chioago........... $.-- 811tl6:{.
New York ............ --- 4
Lof:Rlou..1une 21.-A mu%emenl U ua
Tolemdo ......... a, . O 68 a-4 U I.'2
rout n1, 111dJlcburK, ('npA Culua,r,, to
Detroit sal, Nu.�" OAUif-•L Ul{N;;.{
prpreut (tt-neral Frouuh with uu ad-
Detrolt whlte,Nol1 069/3.•{ - .
drerr nod a ill of plate.
Duluth, No. 1 nor. 0661-4 0Off:fb
l:u'ulh, ,o. 1 hard 0691-t -
Burger'. llrulh•r (implored
llluntutpolls, Na lit
London, Jnne 11,-.\ 1'rhum
northern ... ... .. ,-,,lei
{wleh says•thnt as ruuro,) hum arrival
l'oruuto Rarmersv Marke6L
there from Carullaa, bringing In t.'6
Julie '•' -Wheat-Throve huadrwl
(prloonere copture,l oil the Swaziland
by Lieut. diol-
bushelm of� White And IOU b"WIPIa of
bonier -Col. Pulteta•y's
red sold 10 to IY,c lower, ht 68t, t„
pion. Among them ll- u brother of
6il(e, uud 400 bushels of R(xlau add
1're%Ideut 1.4•hatk Burger. The rear-
l(o to 11(0 lower, n1, t{ll(('
, guard %van attacked by n dmaff party
outs-tievru huudrel bushels old
of Boprm,`who, however, were driven
%e• to le lower, at a4e to .14%4.,
err, Without her oa the British skle.
Het) and Straw -Market for hay
war moderately active and priced k
worn steady; 15 loads I/.d1 mgehuoK_
ed at ill /o �t,ell_
n eas r,
wn* Quiet pad cutler, two 4)aolr w•II-
Life 5Uu lower, lit $8.50 .per tau.
flutter--tHferlugr were; heavy affil
Lord Charles Beresford Com-
d1, mans excellent. Quraf.ty Of Lu(ter
wood better anti higber prices wrrr
obtalrud. Cholee rolls sold at 18, to
ptains of Inefflciane s
18c. and for it few, gilt-tvJg,rd lo,,
wad obtained. Medium oitlality
told tit 14c to 16= land crocks brought
140 to 75c.
Y4gr-lttrket firm -r: odmall lots
London, Juste Yl. -The Dally IIWI
told freely at L"c to 140. and ale i
occa-i-mal dozen brought 1,- ups
publish�dl a letter from Year Ad-
ply war w n exhausted, and thorn
viral reed Charles Beresford to a
trams a Ifern demand.
(orrN.pUndent. complaining or the
Pdullr)-Iturtar+moms was t•DM'il• len
want of proper strenflttl and efrl-
than usual unit several Cf1Uk- Into
t►eucy In Ureat Brltu n"ia Mentes-
found buyerm alt good prh'es. ('111-1
raneau fleet- 1n title letter Lord
end brought 6oke to u r pair ,uol
Charles Buys that life duty ns sec-
aprLug ducks 8t to $1:15 per pair.
and lit command of the fleet prow-
Turkeys were rathe►dull, and wore
vents hit giving his reasons publi.,•-
disposed at lie to !lb pile. Ib.
ly. lie further rays that hr haul
\'egetabl-r-Trade was acts a end
(ommunl.nted him %i•wm on tine hull•
,i I1 lines of green vegetables, were
ject to the proper nulhuritler fn a1
It keen demgal. Potatoes allo.el
strong nal clear Anitltrclazuu lan-
freely ; prices of old stock were• aa-
sange as he can command.
changed. at Aic to 6 so per Iwe. Six
At the beginning of the year the
luted" rod at btk•, Newt p,tatiled
Britt -la squadron iu the Medltrrrun-
were More plenttful, anti ►he Myr.
eap uiml Rtd gen, under tine c,Iromapd
ket was weaker. Prices urp low,•r,
of tL.e-.tdmlral Sir Juin A. it,h,•r
at $4.50 to F6 per bbl., nail X1.73
and Lo" L'barles Beresford. ct,n-
to 8� per tounhrl,
dated of: }:leveil tdtttleahllnt,eight
Dressed Hoyt, Market quiet, will,
ceulat•rms, fifloent torpedo taut de-
pol•t,m ugehunged. at, *9.'.,,5 to tl.a7;i
stroYerm, three torpdo Wells, three
p•r cwt,
igunboats, two sloopP, six speclul ner-
Drewal Mento--Hlndquorlrrl nr.
vibe vessels. Iu the number of the
tlppf fire quoted Lille lower, ae ,
v1, w,els, together wait, thio eom-
11M.73 p••r cwt., ,and choice earca,y
element of ltd personnel, this fleet
C:a+ tower, lit $6.30 to 167.2:. {s•r
shoufl apparently be a match for
cwt. Million, id :lode power, at f6 to
any hostile fleet that Wold be ,,p-
$7 p•r cwt. Other mt,als are rtt•udy
posed to It In the )feollterranena.
and unchanged,
It kind always been like inwiry of the
Toronto Krait Market.
Brilihh Admiralty to maintulu the
reputation or flip Mediterranean
Trade was more uetl%e olid slow,
fleet ale the '•star" squadron lit the
recelpta were the h• avlert or the sea_
navy. auU Lord C a rl.•s Ber•aford'a
mofi net far. Alwout :t,(KK) Iwmketr of
strLelur-m will le twnrWered a meri-
berries were dilliverel and[ theyhotl
our Ind{ctmenit,
%Pry well. Sevpral hundrptl bamk4o.
&am* him appululmeub as recumdla
however, contained mmall b errit,v of
comma OI of til(• stlundr„n, two years
poor qua"Rt r; anti theme twought- �ttv..
ill;o, I.ord Cha.rlem hits been devoting:
5c. The cl( odmix gootati",,d were :N•
lutnme]f with Runt energy to the
to 8t-, Cherriew were offerid more
task of br,nxing flip fleet up to ,he
freely anti prices ranged frum Vote
utmost pitch of efficiency by drill,
to $1.10 per basket. PrIcM of other
Lnanoeuvred atcf d,scipline. The
fruits are about steady. .
ground of his indictment wi 1 be
Toruate, Arlry 1Market,&- .
found In the failure of tilt, Admiralty
dosing the Inst yens or two t„ kwq'
(latter-Rscelple are fair anJ the
up to the mhiptaulMi 1,g programme
demand gotud: Pokind rolls job at lit
Ho 170 ; good to choice tubs, II to
Ial,l flown, so that England has to -t
her relatlrr pinition of being able tit
16c ; Infericir, 10 to 12c : creamery.
put onto the high span a fleet value,
b,xer, 18 to l8 1-3't-, ggrl rood, I:r
to the combine•1 fleets of any- two
other naval powers.
o -Th
Egg" -Tip market ams etremalT• vefth
Then, aRafw• owing to the 8•,uth
m.•I11 IK at 11 1-L In I2c
African war, alar war stoicism at the
dozen In cant+ lote. Crarkd-f ergo,
naval uarmrnuh nt (;kbraltar Anl
Malta hare. room Objectaof ecotiomy,
l'hrede-Mark' t quiet. Full %ran,.
first boadow 1 replrnlsbod w44k wean -ata
sme-mb". Joe; do. now L :lel to
_. ___.-____
nmmnnitinn so fuav ns they would
- ._ _ __ _ _ __ .
!lave been otherwise. while Rusedu's
-Teronte /lfdea A84 11'osl.
development of her Black Mea fleet
Hills, green, ; 1-S to 7o ; cured, 7
And fortresses heat atendily ndvnnvel,
to 7 1-_O. calfekil s, No. T, -ilii ; N,•
Tile rer-,etit a"oomblp of the Italian
81,•. tleneoru, dalried, esela 8J to r:m•'
not French flretm nt Toulon, with that
rU,eepklum, fresh, i i ha $1. Tallow,
presence 11f till, l:unsina rluadroa In
renJerod. 5 to 5 1-10. wool, flepee, 1:;
the same watprm. drew the attention
to i Ic; unwamheal, fleece, 8 tis 1,h•.
dd Brltl,h nncal authorlties In the
Mool{tterranenn to pnealbi ttlem of n
Toronto Lhe stock Markel+.
roa'Itlon whl,•h would cn•hanxpr Brit-
R"porl catUe,,solve•parcwt. #.t leu toI3At
1,111 snpremnry b, tw-epu Clbraltar nn 1
don"IWm ......... .. 17.} Io .: to
F;x a,rl row+
A lexa tedNa. �
...... 1 of U, 1 Y.
"Wither: r.ttle po-ked....... 1,sq w 1 ,,,
--------- --
,,.Leben' carton, ablate_ 1 or te, / :>A
Ifurrher: ti•ttlo /avis... � .w, leo 1 lit
do d„•• :-... ... sal h say
,' . ,,,. to :r
IIWII-.O:Dort. h'rary, pet cot., 3 ;.} W { St
pull., Us uort. iltil�.low cwt... 7 it) W a ;.i
Froin*. •,hon-kesa ...... ..... / G to 1 :
do, n„-Ilon. ... ............I ,l:sl is 1 -1
do light z 4i to .1 .•1
dlkw9a .,a"'=
Arranging for Dedication of
-d ltiis::::::-.:: ,au ,o* '''
oT-niton m.d bMerd f Yt In z ir-
... .
M,Mr Dewy, e•ea: r:-- --errs,- 2. e, 41, ,.,ams
the Canadian Pavilion
wimp, awe. foes ewL % Ut 1,q
..... .1 T
An, bWkm................... .. r .il In ., nn
Inn 1'111!+. +'alt I,, :4-1
I"k M, -pr►/sfr, del........... 11,D to I ,*
c al von, per h�•d: ............. I no is xm
Nnan, ck,11#0M iLer•I .-........ 7 f_,.to -w'ar-
k►'1o. "or,. f•,d a"::ae -•a'
Ottawa. June 24.-(Mpeclal)-Ar-
.............. ..
Rrmrh.IZI. per owl.......,.... a Q, Ito n to
Rosm, limo. ;pw owl. .......,.... a TLyN o to
rangrinentm arc undar way foe the
yaw., rvr cwt ............. 1 to N I . o
Mtaae. .... ................... a lav el ---m •s
dedication of the Canadian building
Cheese Markets.
tit the I'nn-Amprirnn Expamitlon• In
Belleville. Ont.. June 3!!2. -At Ilo
114aRait, ee Itnpatovion IM). W"S'..tn.
Belleville Claeemso Board ileo tterrt»
lltttchlnamt, the Cunadluu (`bmmts-
(fay there were ta!rarted 1,6813 wbiiI•
mloner (tail Cipwrgc, D. Cameron, on" of
ami 400 c +tonal. The 1n#lowing s alit l
were made: Magrath 400 colored 9 -
the An(ericun Comi lousion, were here
7- .200 white 9 a -4c ; Watkinn. rao
nn SnUlydnv a,.elnR tin Prrmler with
while 9 IL4c ; Bird, 830 white 1) 1.3 -
it view of having the (4e►arnment
160; bodaace reJased 9 8-4e.
reprymemted at the dedlcr►llon care-
C�owanevilfa, June 221. -At the F:."i`•
monied. Sir Wilfrid proml+ed to do
Board 0 Trade ta4mly 51 faclatro-
what lie could In the matter, al-
offered 11,273 boxes rhtem'•: hoer
though the notice wnm somewhat
creamerdee offered gal b)x,w butter.
hates: 1.170 boxes cheam t► 11 t-F6e•.
mhort. It Im pralbable that one of the.
Ministers will b) In altendnnce to
174 boxes elaeeme at 9 r,4k., 164) boxes
rrpredonl the cabinet. The C'ahndtnto
butter at 20 lr8r, 680 boxes rho sr
rrsldidnl In ttnffnlu Iwv,• token b
9' G. boxes obsess aL 9Il:11h,
treat interest in Lite Canadian build-
x�t bitx/e L11Peee 8L 9 :,-8r, -.MI
boxes cheese at 9 x-40. 61 terve*
Ing. nnd Use likelihocrl in that there
will b)
cheese at 1) r, -8c, 11x7 oozes cldwP
n very large (',father from
thin aside join with tl'Pml In Lite dell-
ai 9 1 -`Lc, l6 boxes batter at LOO: 12::
,cation ceremonies of tile first of July.
chadene, at 1) 1-33c, a0 boxes butter
ao 20 1-4e.
Pa"Albly "note of the military hands
Lomd•,n, .lune. '2••.. -At ttr(lar'n morn
of the Dominion will b" present. Mr.
Hutchinson left for Iturfulo lust
kPt 2:3 ferforled offered 981 fn,%er
flrmt limit i11"
sires', ma my enhw•
livorRP 1;. lteurtps, of New York, nn
"I"' l'I n1,"1Litlt+1111I177T IDYL i 411`
rd ;' llAlos. 7:, at 9 5-IIc, 210 t I/. 0-
160, 60 at 9 3-4Q
• -
of Che naw Aaany
lM4Titliabase li►rwt Ct'msp.
Office, in V•amcmt•
veer. J. B. Farquhar, of Vanenaver,
Riaft:*S, Jane 'lx. -Reports fr In
fins been Appointed h:n asmimtxnt.
1211) points In Ma hobs and the Terek-
Fit►her Fallon, left to -day for IA,f-
fordo frathereI by catutditin I'n,•Yf'
fnln. A ltrwe crowd of bin Admirer,
rallway Nt,ati11 ngmtg In,li,•,Itr float
amnembl••rd nt the, rallway depot to
till$' will be the meet b)arlteOltr liar -
bid him Roal-bye. ile wan prement Pdl
rest In the hlatory of wrmtern I an -
with a pars • of gold and other tokens
adn. The ontlo,k In even brighter
mhowinR rempect and entpem in which
the), 1t was In 181)3, when the erne
ritlsanm of ell denominnllnno held him.
114 'chant, oats, barley, rte., rlitKrr-
Kntfvl over 60,00(I,INI(l bumheim. Nn
dialling" to crops from an. rnumn
%Thntrvpr In r"p1xr,ritd except from
enc fmnlatnl
ppoint, where lir grab
inn l
richt. Wattehanma Mufrered Inlrn$'r
"lightly jnral onto,, nail rroni
nIs Or where the average ilild will
Aaotq for an IL, ur Sad a iImIG
br rrineprl anmitwhad by Io•umt" fit",
Tor+mto. tinae 24. 8. Hughes, n Kilt
w ire worms, but the damage, Im
w•ntchttntn In Tnyl,r.`to,tt'm locations
mear"Ply npprPelnble.
lnrtory alt tiny street, wan nutrition
('lamp P"tlmatrm indicate that
looting n Mannon"' awn tat" fourth mtd)ry
vehrnt will al rragr, 1!S busholm ll-, Uoe
of tilt- building thin morning, wh,,,,
errs, Anil Am there are over 2,f10fllmnl
Ism finger ons naught In n rag whorl
.cryo •onler crop In Mi nits" nine,
remalne,f tIv,j,p for nn hour nn I
magaitlxfe of tin ylr:d, If prrmrnt
,i, hnlr n prlmoner, nnd enienvorod to
exprrtntlnno ore root IoM. costa hr dam
Ret mr.mmne td, Won by shouting FI
Ida "tlmnt«d. The yields In IhN
rally P. C. ('atliwrs Idrard him• nnd,
vonrmer Rrnlism will probahly be cos-
with the it I of n Rammer Joy. n %vial
remp,ndllnfirly large
dow wan broken and the Imprl-ones
-"— " --
mon r-nrhntl. Hughed wad taken to
gr mething Idke a Blow.
the Emergency }t„mpitnl, wlirre him
hndly mnnRlal fingrr
Flnime, Man. ,Tune 24.-A terrlMe
was dreanrd
ile wan folarfrilly faint from film long
wind storm, aran,mprinl'd with limo
arml raln, vlmitdd tilts section on Hn(
and palRral Iial,pi n" "Mott.
nrAay neon. .iohn TNxIn'a hOnae w"-
1e 1 rail Inas born arrratal by
nnr,..frrl at Royal Rrhottl Hon -c
F nu
the F'r41'rol nnlharlIlaw" nt Billing",
J,,I.n nirnry'a honer wM Mmpl"tely
Mont., MurgM with complicity In
anet the alnrp waxwoovr•
two h1111drrdl feet, into
mtenllnR (1 rkW worth (If catte
And other
fttxa tl)e C'rbek itMiwpau.
aR- was Annp. The trope fsrflrrp
eoealderabty. I i., 1 I I t
a" Cil' x t a ",
x, eAv .., 1.
r S �.
----- - - -- - - - _ _.._�.�_._.�'.. cliwaar sem- . �'..> ..Ism_ f ,i , .law, ,ed<_rr:.��