The Signal, 1901-6-27, Page 1•
N t"lADv'r8 *ng
... 1901
Come to the ijoderich Street Fair and Trades Carnival, first and only is Canada, July 1st, 2nd and 3rd
000wtoa, June 1E, 1901.
(Fall Wheat
flour. family. per owl....
ar,r lest. per sort
• toe ..........
per sot
Bon b i i. par bash
0 bask- ............. ....�
Inv. per hush
sew 111.
rasac fresh aapai)1$4..• demi-.Wsad .r.
PP.1l.Spa ..._..
*seed Hogs
1................. .�
Ib. .....
Ham, per ..
(Aral, per Ib.
Dressed Beer rote gleaner
0 et to 81
1 10 to 10
1 60 to 60
U 08 Int 00
I6 M WM 00
tele 00
ettflle 50
b 60
1177ttoo 00
80 to W
M to 00
13W li
10 to 11
00 to 10
eo a 00
60 60 09
tm to 15
16 to 0U
50 to 00
11 to 18
15 to 10
Into 18
00 to 00
00 to 00
75 to 50
00 to 60
• 1 ohurob • prayer bunk, rod morocco
cover. Romeo to Mrs.Heat sot to the woo
For Sala
farm of one ha.dred taw situated
north of town plot, west part of lot id. L B. R.,
Aahrted. nee sores of good t'mber Sad the
balance udder cultivation. It is well fenced
thoroughly uoderdr.l.od, and well snppltetl
with water. Buildings oonslst of : -Rano 80e
40 ; straw barn and s'•ble. !p t10; hors, stable.
30.16: granary and drlvl ng .h ad. 40.21; frame
dwelling boos', one and • half story. Heti,
kitchen. 18.12 «l b .tone foundation and
splendid cellar miler whole battling. There
1s aro • goo.1 wosd.he 1, 13.14. Howell' heat
ed b furnace. Dar fortow partlonlars apply
to J&1. 0111 r Vl N. gooier. Oodwloh.
JJ OODKRICH.-tor sato on tp•sooabie
terms the property knows as aka 1)ie'illery
looks bola( port of rock "7' In the Town of emulates about 37 soroo with
bundle's and weer. Serbia on the River Man-
hood. Iwtwine apply to OARROW itOAR-
ROW, solicitors for the vendor.
$1 r C,00 (.ABH, OR ON TRRI!S TO
W l v Solt, will womb... that 1•rge
atone boon with six -roomed addltlo..eiluaty*
on PIot4 Street. Half an sore of land eel t h
all tie sotbmldloo thereon thrown in Fo r
AGEe partioalaop I, to TllttO. J M00
K, Balg.ld P. 8. 311f.
L'OR SALE. -LATS 95. 96, 117, 118. 119
1 aad 148 In Hatoblaoa'a 1. •11 la
Bodeeeb. For p•rtloul.r, apple le
Berrlat.. te.,
M•roh 14. 19W. lwtr
=tat and muloal 411.08or of North st.
Let chime. sad towbar of pto.oforte,
pips anima and theory. w111 be plowed tors
Delve Peptic Iaetruotloo given either .t
stela eon pupil's hove, .. deleted. Studio
as Zmmea.'. Made Store. Wsst44. 71-10
NlCUN8 and largeooe. Oaks le Ronk
Commerce building!. west std. of Squar.,
dight calls at twldeooss
Dr. Bbaanoa. Ur.U•lbw,
old esdde.o.. hooter st. Elgin st. w.
Thome et. 'Phone 00.
InsuranoB, ate.
ANOS toad real estate agent. Moe. tae
deer east of P.O.. Uoderleh. Agent for the
ceding mutual floe l oeuran ee cornettist and
Wading stook oom{.tooies
Mer.Otlle and manaf otarlag risks at
bewest rates. Cell at oeos.
WR. R. RUBERT80,$.
Aocoa0a.t and iiwuranos Agent.
Rooks and .0000nte made up.
Buildings nate and rents oolleoted.
Tire humane. In British and ('aoadion
Com nlea.
telae -In t'roulfoot & Hays' encs, North
street (Ioderlob. 42-t(
r BURAN ant Real Berate Moot.
Vin, 141e. AedAest•nd Plato Glass In.ur•tos
effected oe mutual or sub plan at lowest
rates passible.
Rest English and C.nadhln companies rep
';Mlloe next door to (Jarrow & (Jarrow. Har
rioters Itamllton 0treet.
Model Tailoring.
wpr4iig melting* that our mtstomero were
waiting for. wbloh we book our npat•tloo on.
together with other Ilass sulr.5le for spring
and summer. woolly •, good. Strictly first
elm work at moderato plass.
over Parson's Fal,.
Pubpo Notloo
r 1 and prohibited from dample* refute
tot the place a1 the red of Wright street wbleh
has hitherto been need for this purge...
Br order.
OMerloh. Jose 11, 1/,(t. Mayor.
from business, we reon..t all persons In
debted 80 us to settle their 00000080 at oeoe.
Any woolnto owing hr the firm shoo) 1 else
be sent is for settlement not later then the
17th of June. A yonnr hones. throe Hoe and
harness for sale.
36-78 lits Flour Mr1I.
nth* that anyone Nubia' off the
Islands wing or tampering with the ferry.
or Mesita Ing upon ani part of oat
SD'sTPRiLLarr..Wd sad Drage tea
None, to OrodfiiRi
in the matter of the Leese of At.axANnER
/000m, of the Towaehlp of Colborne.
to the (Bounty of Boron, Yeoman, IN -
Notice 1. Mortally *lose pursuant to the
vise Statutes of Oatark,. 1607 nhapter 116
(bet all oredlton sad others hawiso** otolms
ogalest the estate of the said Al..andor
Rothe, who d1e4 on or shoot the 16th day of
▪ Map, A,U. 1M1. an regalrnl ea or before the
Ito day of Ainnt. 1101. to aced by poetpro
paid,or delve to Messrs I'rondfoot k Hays.
0' te Town of Oodorfnb, la the (Nasty n
Rare.. Rellelten for James ('lark Bogie, the
eremite? of the lot w111 al teatameet othe
said 4e-ssa..d their christen and air names,
tddrep dead dwnrlptlen. tM fail partmnlara
of their Maims. • statement of 'hear *oeoaoe
and the moors of the.eearity Of any) held h7
And far W,. tako stoke that gator •nob last
mentioned data, the said assentor 1.111 pro
need 00 dr0Mb-'te the asset/ of the et.owswl
moon701.4 �LMto the pontos
'stilled whioh h. shall o. (h.
Sava .pltee orad that IM saM t.water «111
am be 4 for the IMM oeeeti se ear p/de•er1t
thorn/ 5* men or worsen et w
Sol see here nee raeelro4 by
e wen esiek dlatn191111
A Brief Neets.g of the Town Fatkers 7.1-
d., Evening.
The member. of Geo town oouooll were
all present at the meeting on Friday ••eo-
lag, the Mayor 0000pylag Ma ohalr.
W. T. Muroey applied for orator and
sewer 000eeotloo for ale property on Rrl-
teoal. road --part lot 8, oeno.eslon A. The
water and hphl and the publlo works nom• were empower.d to •ot la the mat-
Ao •pplloatloo from Mathew Johnston,
Uameroo street, for water o.inneotioa was
not to 110 wart sod hght oommltM0.
An appllo•tloo from Thea. Fitzsimons for
tb.itlon of o .racer of the ooaatotton
pas 1 n
of monolithic walk., at 81.25 • day, was
.ant to the pnbli3 works oommittes
E Camploe wrote objecting to the Soo•
@ Wootton of • granollthto sidewalk on the
south std. of St. David's street and the as
. eumwt of his property for • portion of
the same. Kel.rred to publlo works 0om-
Ao applioatlon from J S. Mar@hall for
rebate of water rata for six month., he
haying not u..d tbe town water during this
period, was referred to the same oommlttee
Two petition win remind ask ,no the'
ooaeoll to amend tiso oow bylaw oo that
oow@ ooald be staked on tism onmmoos with -
lo tb. town 0o motion o1 Moser% Kaon
and Naha! 111* clerk was instructed to
notify the petitioners that the oouooil has
0o power In the matter.
611. following 'moment. were referred to
the 8nano. onmm Utes • Wm. Kirkbride,
drying fin bow door times, $8 ; W. T.
repslrlev watobman'e and town
olooke, $4 50 ; S. E H,ok, relief, $1 ; The
8'•r, pnntiDg and advertising. $21 31 ;
Win Lw, batono. ou 03.1, $230 58 ; Conk
di.uGeneral F7wtrio C., Toronto, wire,
$56 66. and sundries, 81 65.
Toe court of revision reported that they
had met on Thursday evening Thu had
• pe'Itlon from Mr Cornell and others
.i.laa the 1.ylag of tis. walk from Region
street to St. Thorns", «b'ob was withdrawn
upon the matter being uplained to the
p.'Itloe.ra who seer. present Mn. Elliott
and Mrs Wlltlame,o obj a•.d te th.laying
of the walks opposite their respective
properties. The oommltt a r.00mm.nlM
that the waits ady.rtised and petlbooel
for be goose on with The pet 1100.?. oo
Komori ',reel would to have the walk
made • foot wider the «hole length of tis"
street Toa report was adopted.
The report of the (eanos oommlttel, r..
oomm.eding payment of • number of as-
0000ta and reporting the treasurer'. state -
meat oorrmor, was adopted.
Tbe public works oommlttes r.00mmand-
ed that a000mmodeuon be provided for the
band by Mooing • portion el the Square
sod plotting lights and ML la po.ttlon for
the nee of the players They noommend.d
also that the oo..... o0oa of the granollthlo
sidewalks wbloh here born advsrtlfad and
p.N(loned for be prooseded with. Tb. re.
port was adopted.
Moved by Mr Martin, seconded by Mr.
Humber, that 200 Wine of owl be reodv.d
from the F.Irmoet Coal Co. In oompletloe
of then omitoweCarried.
The sum of 8125 was granted for the Do-
minion Day aelebratlos.
Tb. ooanoil then adjourned.
A BoeiNaes CHANn■ -,1. O. Emigh has
B olt' kb restaurant haslet** to W. (1
Brown, of Stratford, sod is retiring to
private life. He has leased • house on
Colborne street, where he ono ale family
will welds donna ohs summer at least.
Mr. Brows w111 nation the buskins to
the old stand.
Doom Or Mite, Jotter Joe's. -Oa Satur-
day the death of Mary Kllzobeth Harp, wile
of Joho Jones, overfed at the family rest
dean, St. 1)Avld'a sunt. The donned
WWI le her flltreneet6 ye►r. See hod not
long been • rssldeoo of Uodertob, haying n -
moved here with her husband from the
'Malty of Nil., where they had been en-
gaged in farmlog. The laeora1 took place
to Maitland oemetery on Tuesday alternooe,
Rev. .1. W. Robinson 000daotlo/ toe far•
v0 Ho WILL A..Dvr 7- Daughters of
Hoe Empire purpowselllog refreshments
from • tooth os the '.guar" sear Montreal
street en the lot of ,)Sly, and as they will
n ot have time to Gave the town they now
ask all thow who wish to aid to the halld-
deg of a hospital In this plaoe to send 000-
trlhutlosa of *ream, tet, wife., lemons,
oak.. sandwich.. eta , to the store lately
'moped by Sturdy A Co. on the ooroer of
Montreal street and the Square on the
mornlog of that day.
Ae.'tpgNT To L. H Dlcgsnet.-L. H.
Dies..., the wolf -known b•rrleter of En-
ter, met with • painful aooldeoI at Hensel) s
weak •go Saturday He had been la Mien-
daeoe at the ()minty Court In (loderlob that
day and was driving home. At Hawaii h•
remained ler • white w111t 111e brother In•law
and while there is some way he walked Into
a deep oellarw•y and In the fall dislocated
his loft ankle and hrob• two small bone" in
the foot. 1t w111 be some time before he
w111 haw the nes of the loot.
risme a vs. FIN MOAN. - This wM 10 appeal
to the melons from an order male by Jas•
tines W•rd,of 1)oogannnn,tedFiol•y,nf Asb-
field whereby an Information NM by Peerc.
against Fioalesn was diem'ased with seena
to he paid by P,eroe. The statute requires
security for costa of appeal to be given efore
appeal oan M heard. Faros 0.11.1 to pat
ap the scoority and his appeal to the see.
Mons was nu tolled with noel•. whioh wore
fixed at $10 00. to M pall l0 14 dye, 1f not
gild Pewee may be oommlted to gent C.
:I emir for Piero" : W, Proud foot, for Fts-
Koos CHORr'H GAan.N PARTY -A very
plwant ani tonne al • was the natal
held last Friday evening by the Young
People's Mnelery of Knox ohoreb The
M.otlfel oharob lawn, on whioh the affair
woe held, was prettily d000ratod for the
nooeeloo, anti the gayly trimmed biotin,
the oonl looking lawn, the fights wed (h•
bright.Irewes of the ladles alto/other mad•
• delightful meas. Namerom t•h'ss wets
Planed about the lawn for the serving of re-
freshments, and vi"(tors wore gently be
galled Into portiere with their flys nent
phone The Moths for IM sol, et saatites
and fancy work also did • thriving basins.",
•sd the total proceed. of the events* mai"
• very respsetahle sem The Marie. Rand
eras in •etenAan* and proylded emoslleel
made throughout the ay6lpi.
Situations vacant
nI'I H K POiNT TARtI.--SRAaON OF 11101.
Help Wanted -Dieing rotted glrtt sham
her mold* and • lonedr as. 710 per month
«(11 he paid to those who anAwstan4 their
dntles. ladepondant of wages mese are as
goal Mule* positions. J. J. WRIGHT,
Jaw Bath. Pmprteew.
1e VAeSUiiSM beeme ANN/
DID Tap Howoas -The Mlnane% Prom
Aeeooistlo. vleltod Toronto 8010.4.7 last
and were hospitably reeved by the olty
oorpor•tlon and the Canadian Preen As•
e ootation Governor Van Zen6 and hie
staff a000mp•oled the Minoesots Alton.
Toe party were weloomed oo behalf of Ho
oily by Mayor Howland and Ald. E.
Strachan (ter, and the Canadlao Pres. As•
sool•tloo was represented by ex•presldoot
Willison, Toronto ; vice president, I) Mo.
Ullltoaddy, Uoderioh ; 2n4 view prwldent,
H J. Pettypteoe, M. P. P., Forest ; and
seontary,J. A. Cooper, Canadian Magazin,
Toronto. A luno*. at Mo(bokey's, • etroot
oar trip monad the olty by the editor. and
• visit to toe Yatoh Club at Oentr. Island
Governor and staff wen rt of he
bythe t
program pulled off.
Tall HnRON OLD BOYS' V1,IT.-The town
of Clinton le making •rnogemento for a
hearty widows* to the Harem 01d Boys oe
the 6th of July. On the arrival of the trolls
Iron Toronto at about 11 A. U. the attires's
✓ eception oommltteo will escort the in
oanloolets op town when • Laoquet w111
be given and • formal reception tandemed
them. to the afternoon • program of epode
will be (earthed out to the park, whioh will
onset of baseball acid lacrosse mamba.,
loot rause, tog -of -war, oto. ;Throughout
the performance of the whole of the above
mentioned program, muslo «ill be furnished
by braes bands. The farrow regimental
band of the 48th Highlanders will acoom•
pony the H. (1 B.'s and will play to the
Mounds in the •fteroeoo 1n the eveolog
• grand open air 00000.8 will be given by
the Highlander's band.
To VIslT THE OLD LAND -Two of oar
o tarot., D Ferguson and A. J. Cooper,
leave tb,y week to visit the old wonky.
They both leave today (Thursday) for Buff
slosod thence will Ito to New York, where
they will take the steams City of Rome,
mdmg on 9 tturd•y for Olagoow Mr. Fer
goon w111 be •way six wool's. It la tele
first trip to Scotland since he left It forty -
ave year. ago During hie •beenoe Robert
nogg will act as market clerk It will al-
so be Mr. Cooper's 8nt visit te hs native
land since oomiog to 16ts 0000try fifteen
years ago. The jovial seedeman 1 every•
body koowe, is • son of Indeed, but he has
relatives In Kogland and Scotland also, and
will spend two months touring the Islands.
While away hu warshnoso w111 be olossl,
but he will warn l0 time to attend to the
early tall boeluso.
Fob T111 T.MrgRAN'g Caret. -The
Temperance Hall wM filled tD lbs dorm on
Mnodav evening, when Roy. J. H. Rector.
"The filen height," and Rev. Dr. MoKIl-
lop gays •* In the interests of the
Dominion Alliance and the cease of temp -
Wood' Mrs. Anode Watson, preddeot of
the W. C. T U , occupied the ohelr. 1)r.
McKillop spoke of the work which the AIII
• sae
is detag awl of the legal aspen. of the
fight for anti liquor legtdatloo. Rev. Mr.
Reefer's speech was more of the style of
the old time Wmperaooe address • fiery on-
slaught on 16e liquor trefo, with maob
originality of empress] in and goalot humor.
Mr Hector preachy* to Viotorla *nee
Methodist church Sunday mornlog and In
North street oherch In the eveolog and was
beard t y large oneneg.tloes He Ie a bard
hitter and though guilty of many Motown.
c'es of speech his • cannot but be
prodaotive of good.
L'AAwo'rr1oo S4IOLAR4HIry - The
thirty 8nt annual oommsnoement of the
College of the Aeomptien. Sand with,
was bold last week, when the
preseot•tlon of scholarships and prime
was made to those who had summed -
ed In winning them. la the list of the
e aooe.efal ones we notice a law names of
Huron 0000ty boys. Thomas Hussey, of
Asbbeld, woe awarded the Von Antwerp
prize sod the 1'teroao prlw and woo honors
le the oompetIlIoo for come of the 'oboist.,
ships. ,lames Hogan, o1 Aehfiely, won the
Coneon prize and Fr.00u 911)., of l.alortb,
the Meonler prize, the latter taking • good
'Wading also for the CMgrds scholarship.
Dene*. O'Connor, of Wawanoeh, took honor
@ Wading in the competition for the Kilroy
scholarship. the vledlotory was given by
Mr. Haseey, who has oomnleted hie worse
•6 L'Aesnmptlon and will oow go to Mont-
real to continua hie studies.
Tn. Kor'rt*oc FAoroiv.-0o • rise, to
the factory of the Goderloh Knitting Co
the other day, (1., attention of the AIONAL
reporter was drawn to the reoe0t addition
to the manufaotaring plant of this bony lo-
stltaUoo. The oomp•oy purchased the
knitting plant of the Ever Ready
lire's Stay Uompsoy, Limped, of Windsor,
together with the followtog Canadian
patriots; No. 22,673, for •n Improvement
to lungs; No. 32,977, for an improv
moot In ket.tteg machine ; No. 32,978, for
an Improvement In louping •tteohmente for
knitting machines. The newly purobased
plant 6. @pedally adapted for the manufao
tare of heavy lumbermen'. stocking.. The
maohlnseareplaced to position and ovary.
thing is about ready for starting oo this
new line of manufacture, whioh will add
aoestderably to the total of the oompany's
output. To make room for this addition to
the plant anti give loore•"ed •000mmodatioe
for tin growing requlremente of the nom •
pony's bestows. • fireproof storehouse of
good dimensions is beteg erroted on too
henry premise . M,veaty•flve hon le are
coest•ntly emplo)ed by the oomp.oy, and
the value of the good, manufactured and
troll is InoreMing largely year by rear.
Manager t.ewltt •trends oarsfolly to the In-
terests both of the oompaey and of the
large spoiler of employee. ander his
A !Won't' Lrra *Nnrn.---We have to re
oorl this week another sadden vldtatlon of
the grim rower. Everett Moheaz:e, ono of
Mr. and Mrs R %\. MaKanzle, was nailed
away early Tartlets), morale', at the age of
twenty eight years. He had been In poor
health for a long time, bat was usually able
to M about and never complained of hr ili-
um. He went on the e.nnnlnn to Detroit
last w.ek Sed was brbht and cheery as
omal daring the trip, but on Fr1Ay, the
day after his return he broke down, and his
,offerings were intone. until &Nath. The
ranee of Math, as reveabd by a post mortem
e.amtn•tlne, was • etriotnre of the Int.. -
flew. Tha deowed young man was • law
yer hy prnf.Mls', having fie.s railed to th.
Iter ih 1897. H. pr•olsod with Mr Sono,
o1 (Mates, and afterwards with the late K
11 Collins. of Rester, anti two years ago,
t kink log the western obviate might benefit
Me health, he went se Indian Read, N W.'1' ,
and opened an oflloe those He was forced
W give ap hie work In • few months, how-
ever, and returned home, anti done then
every *fleet hal 'm.s made to resew* his
broke. health, hat In vain His symps-
thstln, •ffeotlusato niters, enAeared him
to mono. who.. A.epeet sympathy goes eat
M the gets( etrick.n wrest. la their great
farrow. H. will he inland and moon! 1.
may einem The funeral w111 tike plan
frets the family rends..., North street,
Ws (Thornily) • ereo n, at 8.'ana.
Res* hinds .f E1(IW fedi
sa0dles. Risk'. Uvug 81arw
Prldhom, the p.opie'• Bator, 1e kept bast
thaw days turnoff out natty sults for hot
weath. wear. 711 sod appeanuoe the beat
and prloe. right.
Freels Wowing gums, (all flavors) a0 Co.
tral Drug Store.
The oolrance examinations are *.slog held
this week at the Oolleal•te loslltute.
A number from Godwlob atWoded Ring -
hog Bros.' oiroae at Stratford Iasi Friday.
There will be good sport at the Agrloal
lured Park on Friday log Don't miss
W. T. Marney 1s preparing to build •
resldenoe at the ooroer of Hayfield and Brit-
annia roads
'1he shoot fair In Uo.ierloh nut weak
will be a outgo. sp..t•ole that will doubt-
less draw largo crowds.
Hoo. J. T. Carrow and 1). MoUllllouddy
•n aoona000d as speakers at a plaoio to be
hold at Teem/rater po July let.
Buobanaos & Lawson have the 000tr•ot
of building • story -and -shall frame dwe11•
log for Jacob Stoke. on Home street.
The 0000ty ooaootl will meet on Wedaes-
day next, July 3rd, at 11 o'olook A. M., is
oo,.lder the tendon for the ereolloa of the
new gaol resilience.
At the 1 meeting of the 0.85rio
Medical Aeeool•tloo at, Toronto last weak,
Dr. J. L Turnbull, of Uoderlab, was elect•
ed one of the ylos•preddcots.
Mn. Robert Hwdersoo hes been 000floed
to lhs house for the pant Bre months by •
anmpbo.tloo of affections, but her hien is
will be please 1 to koow that she Is now able
to take a short walk out.
News was received yesterday mornlog of
the death, at Windsor, of Mn. Mltohell,
wife ot Jame. Mltohell, of Th. Star. The
deo.ased's Let vtslt to lioderlch was at the
time cf the fatal Illness of Mr. Mito1.11'.
son. • few weeks stoce.
Robert 'toadstools wasat Wlogh•m on
Moody •tteodmg the ino.ral of Mrs. Mary
McTavish, relict of the late Duooao Mo
Tav*.h, whose death occurred then ole Sat-
orday. The deco seed was the stator In-law
of Mrs Henderson She leaves one grown-
up daughter to mourn her loss
Dr. U. Smith Gould, the great specialist
from C.evelaod, thio, will be In town 8.6-
arday, Joos 29 h Ile writes to take Miss
Mweffietd to Cleveland w1166 11M. She hu
0 Improved ander ale yre►toleat that ob.
will len able to go. The doc'or will be the
guest of Mr. and Mrs Wm. 8w.fft.ld, Brit-
annia rosd for • few days.
(;has. Rates is laid up as the result of •
very serious accident whioh occurred last
Thursday. While he was presdoe by his
loot beoame ought In the machine, and the
foot and leg up to the knee ware .idly
crushed. The firth was severely bruised
and ens of the bones at the ankle broken.
Under the doctor's oars the injured limb ts
dolor as well as could be expected.
County Attorney Ira Lewitt has ..Delved
so loyltotloe to be present at the oelebra-
tlon of the 200th anniversary of the found
log of Yale Colle*., to be held to New
Have, C000sotloat, In 0o'ob.r next. Mr
Lewt., who le • member of the 1844 olaes of
Yale (one of thirty survivor. of • clam of
oyer one hundred) say. he will s'renl the
oelebraUno of the bicentenary of n ..!ma
mater should alroametaoose at the time per-
The l'r..hytery of Horn will moot to
W IIlO charob, CI 1111012, oo J Sly 9th, at 10:30
A. M.
Next Sabbath evening the pastor of Vic.
tori• ,t. oharob will oommeoos a series of
sermons on the Book of Revel•oloo All
are welcome. Sotto tree.
There will be . special musical service to
North street Methodist church on Sunday
evening next, when Rev. Jasper Wilson
«111 preach Ms farewell sermon.
10 North street Metj)odlsl oherch name
Sabbath morning Rey. Jasper Wilson w111
preach • memorial sermon on the Idle and
death of the la'.e Everett E H MoKsnzle.
At the mooting of the Woman's Mission-
ary Auxiliary of North street Methodist
ohuroh oo Tuesday. Mn. Turner was pre-
vented by the member. with • cnrtlffosto ot
life membership in the sootety.
The sacrament of the Lord's Sapper w111
be dispensed in Knox church next Lord's
I toy morning. The pr.paratory aerHos will
be held on Friday evening at 8 o'oloik, when
Rev Arohd. MoLean, of Rlytb, w111 preach
and the new oommanlotots will be re.
The annual Anglican Sunday "Wool
0onv.0'i .n and rnrt-deoso.I meeting for the
county of Huron le being held t5•y In
Trinity ohuroh, H.ytleld. A number of
the teachers and o(fiosn of 8t. George's
ohuroh and others are to attendance.
There 1e •Ian • meeting •1 the Women's
auxiliaries of 1ho wooly
Th. ooroer alone of the mow Methodist
ohuroh In Clinton, to militate the pretreat
Retlenbury street eAlfloe, will be laid by
Mee W. Doherty at 10 e'olook A. M on the
lot ot July. Tne •trm:tore is to he of red
p A hrlok, Instead of stone, as atfirst to•
tended, and will be knows se Wesley oharob
in memory of the founder of Methodism.
The friend. of tlotorl•st. 11ethollet
Sabbath sohool •re oordlally Intoe to at -
land the sohool at 3 r. M next Sabbath .t
ternenn in.tead of the re/alar quarterly
review there will be • special servloe. Re-
ports will be given by J. H. Mill).. and
Will. E. Elliott of sabjeol► disallow! at the
recent flaunty onnventlon at 011eto., and
there w111 be special singing.
Sunday last was "Flower Sunday" at Loth
Knox aharoh and North street Methodist
ohuroh. Flowers were to profusion at both
ohurohes and the mornlog ser7lo.w were de-
voted to the Inters.," of the weboo*..
At North street ohsr*Bh In t6s afternoon,
ln.tead of then Hood Ronday echoed .moles
and lesson, a program appropriate to tits
day was given. Th..uper.nteniest, W. C.
J'ridh•m, gave .n address ; an essay on
"Flowers" no tied by MIs. Grua Wilson ;
reoltetlons were given by Thiry, 1ewIi1,
Nellie d•mle,nn, Grate Martin and Gr•dw
Weise ; there was • solo by W. Rrydg..
and • Shorn. hy some of th. girls. The ser.
vice was enjoyed by a lupe number.
An Interesting discussion ow the temper.
awe questinn was brought on at the meet•
Ing of rho Angltosn synod •t Lamina by •
raoemm.nlatinn of the oemmlrt . on tome.
"ranee In favor of the •pitons.
Under thl@ ey.tem tits Government would
take charge of the sale of Ininoloento tad
resolve any profits from inch eel" ; the
gn.eromunt amines Intrestad with Gas sate
would emotive • salary eel would awl.. so
personal boned% trona any Moreno la the
tr•llia The dlreet advantages «hioh it r
ergoa would mean from tele system would
he the dtmieslee of pivot* profit, the
•MIINos of Goa treatise ennui sad a goo•
oral redsetlea of the amount of A tier.
Th. roeemssoadaltea less dl with
pen Mramlmem, aged le ono 1.004 fIW
the proposed plan of Oov.romeat sale had
many friends. basally It was dsoined to ap
point a committee to oloeider the worklog
of the ystom u on ,trod w116 the hoe los
System now in vogue and to report ab the
nut synod.
The Itlowraoy System of the Method*.
ohuroh bring. about a obanie this year In
the pastorate of the North *trivet 000grega.
tlon,Kev.Juper Wlleoo, M.A ,who has been
In charge during rise put three years, belog
replaced by Rev. Dr. Daniels, now of
S.r01.. Wolle we boor none but rood re-
port. of the Inooming pastor, Mr Wileou'e
departure must be regarded with feelings of
regret, not only by the members of bis onn
grwatloo, but by all other., of whatever
denomination who have•
heard tile e roast
preaching of the Word of God or who. In
pertiooal aasorlatioo with hint, have telt the
touoh of his kindly nature and the lotlaenoo
of his broadly oultured mind. He will
n ot readily be forgotten by the people of
Godertob, among whom be has always stood
for everything that Is right and good His, helpmeet In Iii. and the members
of their very Ioter.tlog family also w111
leave behind them many rem.mbr•ooes
of awfulosss and kindliness, and the wish
of all their Uodertob friends le that they
may hays oontieued happla.. 1n their new
sphere and «h he future may find
them Mr. Vl Ileo goes to Rtdgetowo next
week, and the olosing sermon of his pastor,
ate to Uodertob w111 be preached text Bab -
Datil 1010(07.
A. J. Cooper was In Clinton on Sunday.
Mus M'ooie Hillier is visiting at Credl•
Mrs. 0u. Harland le visiting relatives to
Mies Jaffray, of C.11, is the Boort of Mrs.
C. A. Nairn.
Goo B. Morrie, of Gulps, Malted his
home over Suod•y.
Mise Erwte, of Marlette, Mloh , Ie viutlog
the Mime Cousins.
Mies Louie Colborne made • brief visit is
Stratford this week.
Hyden William., of Toronto, to @pending
holiday@ at ht. Noma here.
James Reid has returned from hie visit to
Detroit with Improved health.
Mrs. Benson Co. and 11t/1e dauphin, of
Leamington. are vlsltiog In town.
McKee Morrison, of Detroit, le visiting
to town with his grandmother, Mn. Haw•
Thos. Beet, of i''okford, Mloh., la visit -
Ing at the hon• of Jobo Salk.ld, Bayfield
Mn. Ell.o Shannon arrived last week
from Teooensee to speod the mamma' Io
to on.
Mrs. Adams, of Wisdom, le v,.Itlog fl
• few days ot Shit 10111111•0111 of W. R.
Mn. Alex. (Lehi( l.rb on Frld•y for a
trip with her son. Cape. Atex. Craton. en
User. Ionia.
Mise O.rtr.d. Collin@ has returned to
)(motivates atror • obit at the residence of
A. P. Molten.
Mrs A.M. and Mies Emily Shephard sed
Miry. A...brook are taking a trip «6611 Gapt.
Shepherd on tee sir. Olympia.
W. Young. of The Rodney Mercury, orae
la tomb for • few day* the past week, .81M
10o at the home of Mn. Guilty.
Mn. Dalry (see Evas), of Toronto, Is
visiting at her old home here. Mise Frain
Evens also is home from Toronto.
Rev. E F. Arm.tro .v is In town visiting
his falba' sod friends beton taking charge
of bit appointment at Toppervlil..
11le. Ann Henderson 1s home from
Wlnih•m (where she has been the put
swoon) *pending her summer holiday. W.
fore returning for the fall season.
Mrs, Daly, of S*aforth, spent Sunday here
with heir daughter. Mrs. J. I) O'Connell,
and Mn. G'Coaeall .Wted her former home
at Seeforth for a few days this weak.
Mies Hattie nommen I.11 o. Saturday to
Melt friends at Petrol, after «blob she
«111 proceed to Rodney to stay for a while
with her brother, Rey. A. R. M. Thomson.
Miss Jessie Simon* and Miss C. F. Brie -
gel errlyed last week from New Yerk.
Miss Brlegel rented Wm. Ursea'd dws111ar
on Waterloo street and returned to New
York to bring ha' lather hen to reside.
Mre Chas H. Oook and son, (;has.
Arthur, returned to their home to Detroit
last Wedoeedy after • visit st the home of
Mrs Cook'. mother, Mrs. 4'. A. 8oholze, of
Saltford. They were a000mpinled by Miss
Hindle I)vIne, who will spend • few
weeks at her old horns.
Mr. and Mrs K McDonald and Mies CIO
sin, of Detroit, were among the City nl Tole-
do eroanloebe last week and while to town
wars the gusto of Mr. MoDsoald'. slater,
Mra. W. F Clark. O0 their ret„ -n Friday
morning they were a0ooml., i t 57re
Clark and Muter Rob, who I.
few wink in Detroit and Windsor.
The doderloh howlers Intend to seed one
or two rloks to the tournament at Mltohell
on July 1.t,
The gen Slab will hold their weekly shoot
on Thursday, this we.k Instead of on Fri-
day as usual, and on lbs let of July then
will be • @hoot at 9 o'olook to the morning.
The Godericb turf club Is preparing for
the most sanoeeslal meet ever held In Oods
rich, to he held on July 11 and 18 The
two dyi program will include • eerie' nl
renes to one nl the Met hall mile kook. no
the Province and by the beet horses in
Western Ontario. The pareos ameant to
$1800. The Slob le working to make the
two days the meet .aoe.mlal fa Its history.
Hick's Drug Store ler Tangleleo! stloky
and fly pekes pads.
When you visit the lair nest wen don't
forge! to 1e. the oelebrued Rlatrbford Or-
gan, east en of Sgs•re, Oodenoh. W SLUM
8wurtgt.n agent.
The proprietor of the Maple Leal Grocery
@nee&e a hearty Invitation to visitor. at
the Smoot Fair on .duly 1 2 3 to osll on him
and make themselves at home Any par.
osl. left In his shares will have his enefel
• teatdoe.
Al partial wittingtheir solo hilts printed at
this oMoe «tay. a free notice Inserted
in this Ilat ne to the limo of *alas.
MAT0RDAT, Jane 29th - Summar sal. of
horses, boagtes, ph•.,,ons and ha'new onn
meaning at 2 .'.look r. M. sharp at the
annttIn room., Hamilton s,rea►, T. Go.,
DRY, •aetinn..r.
The trades paras on Moody w111 be a
grand paaerama of mamboed.' and mann
interne' display., Meds, desarabl bi
*yokes and terrine. sad Taney floral Ale
ply, el all kiwi.. The eel/ automobile le
en meaty will be • fifteen et the prone
hetes .f las 411.56 Carnival to w Meld In
bedsore." Neat Week.
Oet ooples of the ohislal program and
eeod them to your friends.
No doubt there will be many outsiders
who would 11k• to remain in town overnight.
Everyone who bite a room to let la requested
to notify the committee as soon as po.lble,
that visitors may M 0000mmodaWd. Word
may be left at the oomm101ee both or •► W,
C. Goode'. drug stere.
Specl.l single faro rate, o. the G. T. R.
have been •rr•ngpd for all potato w116ta
aioedy miles of Oodwlab. Tlokete good
oomine on Saturday the 29th, or the tollow-
iog Moodsy, Tomlin or Wednesday ; n-
turnlo up4
gto Thursday, 6h.
Excursions are elpy*ted from Stratford.
Berlin, Harrleton and the bootie( and Hen -
sail dlseriot. The Mllvrtoo .roor0ea,
wbloh was owning on Saturday nest, has
Wen pat off until the 3rd.
Every year on oeleoratten days then
haus boon danger and trouble from prows
driving round the Square. The oommlt-
tee realise an earnest request that no riga
be driven round the Square in the attn.
n oon or evenings of the fair days, so that
the parades and •mosemento may not be in
Read the program on pap. 8 of Tug
No fakirs or gamblers «ill be allowed In
connection with the fur.
Tule will beth, first street fair inCaoada,
yno't mien it.
For the floral parade on Wednesday a
number of ladies and owners of oarrtwee
bays agreed to Some out and take part.
This will bs one of the most beautiful Mo-
tor". of the three days' fetes. Anyone who
le willing to Iola to the parade r Invited to
apply to the oommlttoe ter any anie85oos
that may be requited In ih• way of snrvee-
tion or otherwise. Everyone sen bele to
giv• this t • brilliant sant by dr.. -
log to costumer and givrog the town •
o•rolval air. The oommittee has laid In •
stock of 000fettt and serpeottnee,whlob are
and by everybody on oarniyal 000uloo..
They are of all the oolors of 1ho ralohow,
make lot. of fun and oreat. • pretty effect.
ateationaem Wb. Aro 414
Or have thin hair, should oall on Prof. Dor-
wooed at Hotel Bedford, Uodertob, on
Tuesday, July 9, and sea hie wonderful de-
•los. 1n toupees and wigs worn o0 over 65,•
000 head" Erplaoalloo and demooetr•t1o■
from Private apartment' •t hotel. Don't
fell to see hie nee Iove01100, p•tenbed all
nor the world.
Mo.DAY. June 24.
Harry C. Hawkins Ie home from Chlo.go
lar • 76.66.
Mu.. Mb.., of Toronto, ie visiting Woods
la this yictoity at profane.
Mrs. Jepson, of S.Oforto, its visiting her
restores, Mr. and Mrs. N. Cunningham
Mn Vandal, of Chicago, is here on •
Tien iso her daughter, Mn. Alfred Stoats.
Mrs. MoNally, of ihtog , is .pend•
Inv. few days gout, her mother, Mn. Jas,
Eliza McMillan, Oraole Crawford and
Minato Cunningham oame morns Friday last
from the Galerloh Collegiate 106016585.
Among ib 'ee who took •dyaatage of tee
exourstoo frnm Detroit were Mies Brown,
Wss Alio. Hawkins, Jae. McMillan and
Mr. Moon.
The marriage of Miss Martb• Lee and
Robert Sottoo, of Brantford, was solemn-
ized to Christ oharob bore on Wednesday
afternoon lost. '1 he oeremooy was pit,
formed by Rev. Mr. Goldberg, and Mrs
Ellen Draper, oaeln of the bride, anted as
.oterpreter as both kiss bride and groom aro
deaf mutes. MI.. Ethel Sutton was brides•
maid and Mr Hall enpported theroom.
Mr. and Mrs. Salton Telt on Thursday for
Brantford, where they w111 reside. Mr.
and Mn 8'are, of 011ntoo, the 6611sem
Thompson and Mrs. Johnston, of 1)angan•
non, were amour the Invited gumto.
MoNDAy, Jana 24111.
Mees Nell Stewart visited friends In Gode•
rloh oo Saturday.
A. Ooartloe, of Holmeevllle, spent 9uo•
day with friends here.
Mr. and biro. Moodie', of Saltford, spent
Sunday at the personage.
Andrew Mollwale, of Detroit, is visiting
his brother, David Mollwalo, sr.
Wm. McKnight is visiting hie daughter,
Mrs. H Phillip., of Appleton* Mloh.
Miss Olive Helper, of Zion, was the goose
of Mb. Annie Urumme/t last Sunday.
Mn. Fred Jervis, of Baltimore, is visit-
ing at the home of her father, R. Mailw•fo.
Mae Sara Moholght vldbed her Mend,
Mies Duff, at Mabel, Friday and Saturday
lost wink.
I: ohard Kabllo and slater, Mn. K. ('lark,
and H. Solder a►teoded the lawn soolal
held at Holm...11le last M tidy evening.
Kev.Mr. Wilson preached • very Iostrno-
Dee sermon to t he young Iodise Monday
eveolog, taking for his ben I l'sta', Sheeler
3. verses 3 and 4
Mn. ,las. SWw•rt, of Uodenoh, with
Mn. Ronson Cox and little daughter Thelma,
of Leamington, visited at the home of ('has.
Stewart lost week.
MONDAY, Jose 24.
('H011011 Pic/etc,-A very .nooeeeful pl..
e ta was held 8atamav afternoon to (Norge
Walloon's Mantlfol grove on the banks of
the Maitland, under the •osplow o1 the
Methodist ohuroh, Sabbath sohool and
lwagne, There was a large attendance and
•11 seemed to mein themselves heartily. In
addition to the usual thing. whioh engage
one's attenliem at • phonic a mueiosl and 11t
erary program was rendered, Rev. Joho
Kennedy, the worthy pastor et the oharob,
presiding. The program Inolnded a ap.eob
by the ohelrman, an anthem hy the ohuroh
choir, violin solos by Miss MaudCrorter and
Mien Lily Moi., • ribbon drill by the girls,.
*ono by a gaartott., recitation. by Cameros
Jefferson, Mise Mary Pentland, Mee Kilo
Orox,ar and (1 .1.7.,..e, elsla swinging
by Mies Keb000a Champs', • veoellidset hy
Mees. Naylor and Tisdale, sad a Cook Rnh.
In drill by 1ho 0eyo and girls There was
also • football maloh Ie whioh Westfield de
fsabwd Auburn 1 to 0 There was a rain-
storm Aortnw the afternoon, hut then was
good Welt., and the .arm passed over
quickly and did not mar the nooses of the
day's eating.
To Mediae. 7..r Meo4 Measure One alas
isn't half so hard neither is It so Painful as
before the letrlontion of Paktum. Palmier
Oen and Wart Rltrastor. la Sweaty -fear
lean the eon le removed. Prey and
Not aro well snared ne everybe'fy,
bmf It can't be deep aal.m yea ata Petaam'e
-.thea are not sourly se geed. Pataama
M He b.i8. All Amnia.
-Thew are the day. that make even the
iceman sweat.
-01.6 Nut has taken an io-work on the
bowling groeu.
--If the Provincial elections were on now
there would be a hot time in Ontario.
-Now that the spots have got off the
suo, some one should knock the Spoto off
- The luau who tossed we would not get
any warm days this summer is still
grumbling about the weather.
- The cheap fans and free meals at the
Agricultural College, Guelph, are popular•
I0.inv that summer resort just at preeent.
- Col Into, let us grasp your good right
band. 11 there were snore men like you in
Parliament certain people would not in-
dulgo in the little tin god business, and
imagine they wore kedged around with
divinity, to any gnat extant.
-General O'GRADY HALEY wants the
volunteer to be always in fit for dress
parade, and Col. Perms believes that a
man who San shoot well and itas a close hair
cut is good enough for Canada. For ou r•
selves. as a military expert for. lo, these
many years, we don't put stress upon either
the drew parade or the hair cut. It's the
mat behind the gun that doss the work.
-%%e want to say right here and now to
the esteemed General O'HArat-Ga.oY or
O'GRADY RALLY, or whatever his name e,
that if he gets to ' putting on lugs" and
e ligh ing oolooial• its he did in the case of
Col. UEBMei aieently the "goblins will vet
him" Se they 11al his predecessor. (,ae
aol0wle and HoryoN This is the freest and
best country on the footeitool, and won't
put up with the brazen methods of do pot
generale even if they do wear bran on their
uniforms and faces.
Holyrood, Oat., Jan. 12, 1901.
McLeod'. Laboratory,
Ood.rtoh, Oat.
DIA.8.a,-With the greatest of pleasure
I write to testily the uteri,' of year System
R.00va,or and Nocella l an Needre1.11
* ending good norms and all that weld be _
dose for my boy, he ~tautly wally 0575
died only for your rennin. He u new 1.
perfeothealth. My boy woo at death's
door with Booht's dlfa.s. and some ym•
proms of dis1a*a. Hie fest se.. h-od.
e wellM .t times. the !Goal doctors holed
to help him. We had to apply bot soli
ooptionally over all the {Mote of his body
to seines the pain. His jotato often termed
bleak. At this time be had • false an-
notate, • oravlag for fwd all the time •ad
tor oo1d water as well. Ws hard of you
from • friend who had token your m diol..
for the same trouble and was oared. Them
my eldest son went to Ooderlob for the
medlolos Int October, end as my @Mk by
began taking them, Improvement fellowad
every dose. He 1s oow well, stout and se
active as ever 11. was. and going to 'mewl
every day.
I am sure that you w111 hays my beat
wishes as long as you ilve.
I am yours truly,
Mae. M. Bows.
Thoreday el last week Jobe H. Inekov,
with the road machine, was a0mmemed by
patbmaster E. N. Hhaw /e malt
and remade the road northward el
Tobla'n bridge. Homo. Honoe, A, H.
Cl0ttoo, Goo. Fulford, D M"Leod and Alex.
MaNevin were the men employed la the
work, and on Friday morning Mr. Barker
had four teams bltobed to the m..111.s and
finished op the job neat and trim.
The well known bridge at the lost of
Maol)onald's hill on the road from (lode.
riob, whioh at various times In the past has
been rebuilt and repaired by the email
o oanotl, should be polled down and • stone
bridge pub in its place. The two leag
timbers oa each dale of the bridge make It
ts000voolent for lbwe who wish to drlye
their stook to the river In sammw Una.
For the next two months then will
not be • great deal of heavy beamly
and the matter oould be ooasldeeod at the
epeolal seeolon of the oouooll wbloh le thertly
to be called for another matter.
Agree Perfectly, Is Tbssr Warne Praise et
Bald'. Messy F111..
Nap•oeo, Gat , Jane 24.-Q8psolal).-It
is pleasaot to on a man and 11*. wife agree
as hwartlly an Mr. and Mn. Slane Warmer
of this town agree about Dedd's Kidney
"1 went,* like to r000mmend i)edd', Kld•
nay 9111. to everyone 1 hear oomplalalog of
a pale In the book," says Mr. Wormer.
"i was se lens le my book that my wife
had to lift ms out et bed. Tee deafen said
they oouid do nothings for me I was loll
by • friend to try a box of Dodd', kidney
Pills, and found they helped me right away.
i recommend Glom be sveryies, and al-
ways after • trial the people are ready to
reoommeed Wi others. My wlf. Inas owd
Bye boles of Dodd's Kidney Pill,, and says
exactly the same as I do. Neither she nor
I fool safe maim we bare • box 1• the
Come to Oedwleb roost week Rttd mea the
street fair.
WILSON.- In Godwin . 1111 .
day, Jane ILth to Mr. toe �R eassBa
Wllaoo. • daughter.
Joao l/th, at the r..(denV of the bell.;
mother, Huron r'oed, Deder(eh, by Bev,
10. M.K.y. John Bdwin Preeloo. 'n 1d*,
oldest A•n``htar of Mrs. Hobo intimates,
both of Godor(eh.
Mcr,g'11) A1.1.E8. At lbw .'511401i. of the
Iwidr'.Nohow, A. Allen. In Dunlop by Rev.
Mak I'urnooll, H. A.nttor of Rt.
(tarmac's church, (aodw•lmotor„h. ea Tleatelay
7renln. the Ittt.h of Juno. Aenl-, *Meet
dar1*hear of A. Allan, to Nor nue Melees,
of Ianh•leh.
iORI.EN IM)RTIR 'M Wednw.lay, Ja
11111. 1m1. by Roe. Jew. A. Aad.ros., hme
A ,
AN rnrlen to Isabela, daub
ten M John Porter, Onderleh team.hlp
Melt MN7,►E. Is Ooet.rleh. ea Tasadey
morning. Jame 11th. Everest t H. Me -
bootie. wred M tsars and t .ee.1ma
Th. funeral will tate also, from
donee of teir. eoat= IV!.Beane. N ee Th
al/v,at. e