The Signal, 1901-6-20, Page 8..ate., '*+am awwF.1 Yi•w.-z.a+.•a^��:!^l�R'-:
8 ThDMDAv, June 20, 1901.
Big Sale
Large selection of newest summer goods all going at
reduced prices. Now is the time to get hi your
The best colored shirt waist,
a regular 75c quality, for 60c.
Bargain, white waist, 4 rows
of insertion in front, tucked
back, the latest sleeve, regu-
lar $1.00, for 75:.
Extra make and quality
white waists at $1.25, $1.50,
$ 1.75 and $2.00. .
The latest fancy stripe, new
blue, navy, and black and
{ I white, with new natural wood
handles, for $2.00 --
Our stock is the largest in
town to select from and our
prices are right on the bottom.
Broadcloths, Cheviots, Sorg -
es, Ilontespuns, Cords, Pop-
lins, Venetians, Cashmeres,
We are making special
prices on all lines just now.
Colne and see where you can
save money.
A choice stock of waist
New frilled black parasols,
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75.
White parasols, Children's
Extra value fast black hose,
ribbed and plain, at two pairs
for 25c.
Trimming silks, silks for
All lines of fancy silks re-
Special lot of fancy blouse
silks at .' 35c.
Extra value piques in all
colors, regular :).Oc., for.. 1 lc.
All silk gloves, black and See onr special white pique,
cream, at 25c. regular Luc, for 20c.
Always ask for your Coupons on all purchases, which
• we are giving on the handsome premiums.
Men's separate pants. The best value sailor hat we
ever offered regular 50c,
Boys' suits, all sizes, all prices. for 25c.
Men's suits, all prices and
Men's overcoats.
Bargains in gents' furnishings.
Special lot of best quality
men's straw hats, •regular
$1.00, for 65c.
Full line straw hats from 25c
Regular 5).00 white sailor fur
Regular 75c white sailor for
Trimmed hats all reduced.
_Children's_ bats 1) 1 -gets
all reduced.
Ladies' new rain coats all re-
Smith Bro's & Co.
Tvg•DAY, Julie 18th.
Artier W bite took to the soom•I °tour.
ales be Guelph on Saturday.
Mises Nis. sed KIWI Barrows 'reamers
lbs'm*.nl*.u/ le Detroit Ibis week.
Mr.. Wm.Urabam, sr., returned last week
from • pleasant visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Elliott, at Leoknow.
Mr. sad Miss Dugout of Salt Ste Marie
Mlah , were the gusts of Mn. S. H,Gr.h.m
doriag the put week.
Mks Tem Gordon, marsh's et SI. Angus.
hiss, spool 8noday at her home here. She
we. •oeempwld by the Mimes Murray and
Todd, of St. Helens.
Pb. Sunday whool of the Presbyterian
*heath, under the leadership of Its stem
d superintendent, H. A. Horton, to anion
with 'oboe! .eoblss No 9, Dunlop, in charge
.f Its tmioher. Miss Eve (limper, held • pie.
ale on Friday afternoon at the foot of But•
Isnot row at the lake. Games were pro-
vided for the little ones and there war • game
of baseball to whioh • number of the matrons
look nett and whloh orestd muoh fon. At
the beach quits • number enjoyed • pleasant
walk and some had a trip 0o a row boat
which Robb Quid, of Dunlop, brought up
with him, his sone baying charge of It der -
beg the afternoon. Jas. [Anklets, Soros
Horten and Wm. Faltord made • special
oesemi/tee 10 Ike oars of the young Idles
dueler the afwmoen, and • vote of thenks
was tendered to them as the alae. of Ike
afternooc'e pleasure, which all pretest
heartily enjoyed.
TursuAY, Juno 18.
SCHOOL -The animal piano. of S.
S No. 6 was hold on Thursday •fteruoos on
the beautiful school grounds, is flee passes -
eon of whloh the motion is indeed lorton
ate. There were • ieree tamper penitent ,tn-
oludinr many of the parents Interekted 1b
the whoa A program of sport. was cera•
H od out under the supervision of the Boer•
gale tisoher, Miss Campbell, and not the
lout eoioy.6is feature of the day was the
bountiful lunch wbloh was provided for •11.
There was also a looth•ll maloh helms*.
teams front welkin No 6 end motion No. 1,
the former winning with • more of 1 to 0.
The return game H to be pl.y.d •b the plo-
n k) of S. S. No. 1 next Friday •fternoen.
rhe football match oonoludd the day's
festivities, nod all journeyed homewera
through the gathering dusk after • very
pleasant outlier.
Tuitsimt, June 18th.
Quite a pleasing event took plane a week
ago het Tuesday on the term occupied by
Harry Morrie, Calborne, It was no other
than • plonk whloh was given to the mem-
berg of the Benmlller Sons of Kngl•cd Lod
their friends. Toward noon the weather
Inokd rather threatening/. hot the oloud.
soon cleared away, sod this fast argued
and Croquet......
11 '
The correct 0150
very (movement
our show window.
All the popular
is very email hut also
You will ane, them in
Priam from 3r to 03
maks to Ricket., in
Two grade., � pprof°lt.ton•L and practice,
from $.00 to Safi0.
.11 mi 1d rpeud than next three months
nn the verse -tab or lawn. Why not boy
yourself ole' id Porter's real &..l green
etriprsl Hammock., with pillow ural
•treteher. with or without valance--
.peeial prices, $1.50, $2 00 and *5.25?
eluding ch;ldrin'e, from 60r. to 116.00.
Wright k TIltson'a Tortola Ball, special,
36e. ; Pra.tioe Ball., 30e
American Fruit ?resolving Powder and Liquid
Small kage., 25e. ; large, $1 00
well for • suoamelet plonto. A large and M•
Ihmilutic crowd neem& led, and atter jnlu-
1"v neat"nal rani. during ,1'e a"Brno011
11' sat down to • I.01.0050 tea spread o0
the ground. t„ Irons of the ton... wi,e.
ample j %nice had been done to keen
appento., they 55510 starred up gamer,
wh'cli were kept up as b.,,, ►s tLs after
n•••n la.t.d. Before b.saki•r 'ID Mr.
Mo-,'., Irl Ansi eo kindly left the hese
and rerun le to Ins freedom of th.• lodge,
we, caned upon for • speech, wh oh wag
given iu that reotlem•n'e able muter, af-
ter wbtob a hearty vote of Hunks was
vn•ed to the hospitable holt acid hostess.
Al or mailer the n&tttu.l Whom the party
brn►e up. each to return to hie or Ler re-
spective home quite oon.aous of the 1,ct
that the <eroees bad pealed away much
too sena.
Porter's Book Store
Court Hewn Squaro, (loderioh.
MoODAY, June 17
David Corbett, erbo tet -led frnm Damp
at Loudon ea Ratsrdey, t. .e of several to
termite/ Incidents. 'lbe stove be used for
Bookie/ for his oomptwy saw serytoe to
South Atria 1s the Boer war. He alto had
s 1 atloas with a trooper who
had recently returned from there, who had
the none with him that he rode In the
betides he took part is.
Our school 1n unite with the Presbyterian
timidity school bad • wiry pteassb' ratio
on Jae Uhtsbolm'. property last Friday ►f
tsrseon Baleball, races and retries made
the time eer.yable for all. The teaches,
Mtn Cooper, did her pert le .wleg after
liar scholars and with than rave several
selections of tong •t the close of the pro- Phe teacher at No 8, Colborne,
we..moug the guests.
*traitor the pest fortnight our 001,,prle
Mg farmer, Jas. Venn,. sold to the Oode-
rloh grata buyers eighteen hundred and
d efy-Sve bu.hsie of wisest that he raised is
1900 oc hie farms here nod at Loyal Phe
blueet goaetlty of it wee purchased .y Ike
veteran buyer of Huron. Wm Brr.ows,
being the greatest number of bushels he hu
tet baught from one farmer at • time
Das!op farmer. ere always to the frost.
Crvin'a LINA.-Oa Wedoeulay of Mart
week, the 18•11 lest.. Alto. Marta, third
daughter o1 T. A. Houghton, of Orchard
Cottage, was wedded to Chu. H MacNeil,
of this plash The oeremooy was held In
St. George's church, (ioderioh, the Rey M.
Tomball, rentor of the church, ofoiating
Alter tise ceremony the bridal couple left
for a trip to Toronto and abo to visit relit -
Mires and blends lo Mlmooe county. When
they retain • fine resident* that Is being
built will be ready to reoeive them. The
young people have the kind wlahis of a
large circle of friends for • brtgbt sod
happy lilt.
L Cumm,ug of this place had jilt re -
dyed a letter from his eater In Scntlool
s..n..oi./ the death of his brother James
Is Dubois, Peen.ybvaela Deceased came
he nugste to 1341, being • ma"hlnlet by
ends, and was employed by the New York
Central Railway Co. In their woek.hope to
Baal.. for nearly fort, yeas. Uarteg that
time l o took out three petiole, one for .
r ilw.y frog, one fora railway crossing and
one ler a prooe01 of welling tubs, .11
of sehiob were very e000ealol. He
retrieved from Buffalo to I'ubols, Pe..
. 004e neve. yearn ago to 811 •
good .opratment In • maohtns shop,
where he reman-d until death took him
away to hit reward on the 281b of March,
1901 H• was a good mao full of the Holy
.halt He was married twtoe, his e(cond
wife survning him Seven ohlldreo were
the issue of the lint marriage, six hove and
one girl. One of hu boys is dead, hot the
rest of his family ars welt and doing well
fortbemwlves. Hie first wile was .tooted
with paralysis. being bedridden for twettty-
one years. Mr. Cammleg war buried M
Sakalo is the faintly plot, Forest Lowe
nemetm►, fifty 01 hie fellow workmen from
Lisbon being is attendees. Rev. Meme.
Wbltsma. and It. F r..mao, of Sprtag•
borrow, Pa, were the otBole00g clergymen.
A Ittsgellaat ler and a Large Altesdaesa
ea see Grenade.
Tb. good people 0000eoted with St.
Augusts' churoh were favored with •
egad day Wednesday of last week, and the
. twafans. at the plonio tronade was •
capital one. A day of solid *.lo mrnt re-
enlist' and Roy. Father Hauled and the
ladies sod gsotlemen who gave to, moot, et
their time and abilities to make the Oslo
a 500.3001 are to be cesgratolated upor, the
Hart' 10 the forenoon the various coin -
Giftless were at work, and by noon the
/nests were arriving in goodly numbers.
At dinner the rabies wets laden with good
things from end to end. and the onol.aght
made by the guests did sot teem to weaken
the healthful appearance to any extent.
In addition to the tab's, thie refreehmens
hnothe did n good business, and the dancing
platform was kept In °mmutation for • large
portion o1 the time. Dario, the afternoon
a speaker's platform was erectd, sod at
the oall of Reeve Medd, of W set Waw►•
nosh, the lnllowing speakers addressed the
audience: Wm Proultnot,R. Hols.s,M.P..
Wm Luse, R Ho Lein, H. Campion,
D. MoOtllloarldy and A. M. Todd. P'be
addresses were brief .ad pointed, and were
thoroughly appreciated by the hearers. A
capital reottatlon by R. A. Mingles, of
Wlsgham, was • feature of the afternoon.
Rev. Father Thelon had, as visiting pas.
tots on the (cession, Very Rev. Dean
O'Connell. cit Mount Fenno, Rey. Fr Cor
toren, of Tee.wat•r, and Rev. Fr. McCor-
mick, of Abbasid, who elpres.ed them•
. elves at delighted with the day and the
wraps of the Weir,. Rev. Father Mo•
Meaeban. of Clinton, sent bb regrets at not
being able to be present. Reeves Dalton,
rf AeNeld, Yadd,aj West Wews11M11r sok
Cerrito, of Hut Wawa -ebb. were also sere
e pleuou..moor.' the visitors.
toe tettowlrg oemn ''w of ladies aided
matenelly in mistime the pie.. e • eetetea 1
Medamtm M. Cumming., .1 R detest, W
Lendy, 11. Kier, Jas. Kerehoo, wet.
Iirouhey, P. MoFtyoo, W.U. t'sllash.e, H.
Motlutro, J Redmond, 1r end the Mie...
May O'Conner, hi airy 1),•, 11 Orb•
bons end Id Mo('.bei. Ti • b..'h. weer .o
sharp of Mr. .u.1 Mr. U Atone, 11'n..
ready, Mr. sad M s. R. Phone, 'Mies
Stafford and Mies O'C moor. The sWieg.d
bawd of Lsekaow n.plW da.eb/
muds (brine the d.), sad p'per MaoD.n-
. Id, cit W.ngI .m, mate the etr•lY .1 mold
tiootla' s music heard time and agate te the
eatbf.otioo of the
We 000gretulete hr
Rev. Faber Healon
andhts ooug reg.Hon on
the ...mows of the day's
(Genuine Gold Medal)
No other agents in Goderich.
Ale:. Henderson, of Vancouver, has been
•ppetnte.! • judge for that dl.triot. The
limns of Jobe 1). Swanson, of Kamloops. •
former Uoderlob boy, wee amcng those un-
der consideration for the same position.
The lollowlog sou &moor the militia
orders lamed tut week : 33rd Hums Reap
mat-Proyalon•l S'e )lid Lieut. F. V.
Ueda"), sad J. S. Stell having left limits,
Binder Twine
SEASON 1901.
"FARMILRO' NPECIAL" binder twine
supplied to Farmers On', at 80. per 1b. In t wo-
bushel, codon, 14 0a. grain bags, bound with
two rope soap halter, and weighing do lb,.
each. length over OM feet per pound, qualdty
and length guuaalsod. ca3h with or..ere,
purobaser parrs fright.
Andros. eiders ) T. GILMOUIR, Warden
l'entral I'rtrt Toronto. Iurlher ppaarrtloulars
aldrew J A M 0ti NOXON,lupsotor,Parllamut
Building.. Toronto.
Toronto. June nth, IIOL Provinol•1 eometery.
For the Sick ....
The ducts' cru du you no good eau
leas his prescriptio:s:tre properly put
up from reliable ingredients
That s,where we render invaluable
aid to the doctor
We compound prescriptions as they
should Io.
F. N. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
Uorner of West eat. and the Nature.
their mains are leseeyed Jeal the tat of
officers of the active mull Ira, Te be wooed
lieutenant supernumerary, C A. Robert•
ThisStoNAL to January 1st. 1902, toe 600
ygLar•ess U. is.
Don't be bluffed by what other
agents tell you, but come and se-
cure the best and cheapest on the
market, at ._.. •r.
Also all kinds of Hardware.
0.d Mesa Mtn Or
11•0111.1.11 ST.
has caught
the town.
There is no
fashionable shape
or color, no idea '
of newness in
shoes that is not
first found in
Queen Quality.
We originate -
others imitate -and
while they copy
appearance and
price they cannot
Queen Quality
in style, fit, and
ty tPk�e"
THE cit iter day we got a chance to buy several lines of new parasols at prices
that were away below regular. Although our parasol stock was heavy we
could not let the chance go by and purchased a big quantity, and are going to
11 them the same way as we bought them, "away below their real value."
Nearly all are medium-priced goods, there are no expensive ones in the lot.
All are thoroughly reliable, good tops that will not cut or turn rusty, on strong,
light and durable frames. They will be here and on sale commencing Satur-
day Morning. Here are two of the special lines. Remember they are brand
new goods.
New Parasols at 75c.iw'i
Plain bleak psruol., 'torte top, will not out or tun
grecs and will 1/1ve satlofaotory weer, very 510050 trema,
bellow rib, steel rod, world now tanay bandies See
If you can rot any better parasol for 111.25 to any ether
more 1n town. Our special prim for this lot w111 be. 750res-h ... .... .
New Muslins,
L.Qen Effects.
Light as
A Feather
Their stylish elegance,"per-
fect fit, and absolute ,ease
have established t h em as
favorites with fashionable
women everywhere.
One pair of Queen Quality sold to
you makes you n permanent patron.
New Parasols at 90c.
Plata black parasols, geed top, feat bleak, guaranteed sol
to tetra rusty, will net rat, light and stream frame. hol-
low ribs, blaok or fumy colored boodles. 8s if you Dan
get equal valor anywhere for $1 50. We boerbt them
cheap or we meld sot mill them .1 IR'e horgatn price,
So new American dress muslins are
among is week's arrivals. They are the
new linen. effects that are so popular at pres-
ent on the other side rf th(linc. There is nothing newer or
more fashionable in light summer dress stuffs. . We are show-
ing two qualities but not much of any single pattern.
Linen , Rsot dime limbs. light.
weight, plalo .round with dot a'(t
mall block pattern to white, blue,
etc., very stylish, per yard 14c
Fete goal.ty American medal Ba-
tiste mamlin, linen efleot ground
with alternate 11.rrow fanny blank,
.ad wide P.Idey pattern stripes In
Iorgootmi blue, toes and silo gree,
per yard
Two Handsome Capes to be
Sold Under Value. - ';'3'•"1
We have two very handsome silk and shoulder
capes that are a little too expensive to sell readily, At the
her than
prices they were markel they are good value, but
take any chances of carrying them over we are will'
a liberal slice off the price. They are exceptionally
garments and at the new prices decided bargains.
One cape was $ 12.00. The new price Is $8.8.
The other cape was 14.00. The new price is 10.00.
We have only the two to sell and when they aro gone there
will he no more at these prices.
July 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
1'nu w1,1 filial It, if you don't Ootleridh on thn ninon days, Onr-beaU$i
fol Swifter will I)., ourrnnn led on birth •i les with .kIvertiets,f Booth i,
Tecta, nee
Beautiful Parades ! Free Entertainments
()rand Decorations!
Horse FAir.
DAY®I' I;rand Pra...,ion.
Now novel free Kntortainm.nte on the
Chantry Fhltl.r' Contest, with $26 00
in Prise.,
Grand Deploy al Fireworks, to
Flower Procrmmion end Mandl tare. Pesti
vat-- find. ever held in Canaria --a
beautiful fenta.tic, novel might..
Special Childreh'm I)ay.
Ma..1nnrwle Rall.
vatriotir (i#lehr&tioor.
Athletic Sport..
Frow Pertorm&ods on the Square by
high -elm. Artists.
Fireworks at night, .4.., etc
%stern Ticket. will In,muni to Iinteri,•h nn June 29th .1.i'y 10. 2nd and Sed,
' return rep to July 4th indium -is, at. SINGI.R FIRRT ('LASS FARE
gtnsl to
Kid Gloves at - --1
Half -a -Dollar,
Usually sold at $1.00 and $1.25.
We have sold a great many pairs of the
dollar and dollar -and -a -quarter glove* Mat
are clearing out at fifty cents a pair. You don't get a glove
bargain like it every day. All that we have left now are
small sizes, but if you can wear in or 0 you should, lay in a
qintIlly teal kid gloves, regular ene aad est dollar earta
;matter qualities, assorted shades of tas end fairs, skies 6$ sod 6
sell, °karma at pee stir
Agents for Standard Patterns.
July Patterns now in.
We are anxious to reduce
the stock of linens. It is a
little too heavy to suit us, so
to get it down to where we
want it we have made some
big reductions in the prices of
a few lines. Good linens are
safe buying at prices like
mu bleseed table lines, 68 te 70
Sobs wide, elm arid 11411YY 1110S11.
west floral patterns, will weer sod
bleach well, real reed value at 600 .....
per yard, rednoed to 61C
'Fine crudity blessived table Ilse,
heavy weinks, beside's', floral pat-
ters. 68 blobs wide, has beta 75o,
sew reduced to 500
$1.00 per Dozen.
Lbws table napkina,large site nest
epet and floral denims, regular ,
51.35 quality, new marked
$1.50 per Dozen
Extra flast nom damask table napkins
fell rind good weight, • good
assortment of neat patterns. rollu• 1.50
ler $2.00 good., now marked
Napkins at $1.75.
Large elm danisak table napelm,
exert good quality, nest dot and
loal destine, wary Ilse goods. flit .1 Int
niar $2.50 per deem, new marked. • u
A new
hose was passed inte stock
last week. They are very fine
quality cotton, absolutely ' fast
black. The feet are of seft
and pure natural ' wool and
will %ever become hard.
People who have 'Tried them
say that they are the most
comfortable summer hose they
have ever worn. Three sizes,
sf, 9, 94. Two qualities,
25c and 35c per pair.