HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-20, Page 7r,, .-poop-�,..�m.;.-.-.a.-..__.....a:-,........m.. �.w:.., w. w. sea-+n.sew.re.'aiso', Ar wvNz.,,f.^. pf.M-%l.*,X� tel'110*'41-,^:,;ft:-Twit 4t.M:FY:#tui"i'. 4."IAs,:a,t-A t,spit,lfFesf:.,);Mr�;r,,, fi'-0'.:F.,` o.'4"'9,',�i7=oo,M,L1prs'�i1W,q,.. BRITISH PRiRO� TAKEN BV BOERS Atter a Severe Fight Against t Great Odds, ht r ka r t« CREAT LOSSES OF BOERS. !Story of the Viakroulelu Fight Iporbilshlres Recover Uuus by '� r;ryeset Work The Henry of Ccu- reutratiou Campt• fold lot the Cpinlaors. London, Jule 1S, --air Henry Camle- bell-Bantterman will ask the Gh veru- ment in the knurls of Commons to- morrow whethdr It will give full information re to the condition tet �nrfairs In a)ulh Africa. It will be n burprlse if be elic•lts anything very definite. What Intent people would like, but do not expect the Govern- uteat to glee, is the exact truth con- c•ereaing the basis of the rarMmm pence rumors, which aro daily becoming amore nutaerfM and more emphativ, but which are bewilderingly dlrergent. 'inhere is dally some fresh veredon of the mismloa to Europe of Mrs. Botha, wife of the Bose commandout-general. The Intent comes to the Morning Pest from Brussels In thio form of a' mum- mery of a statement issued by the Transvaal agency there. It says In eftect that Me*. Botha is not actLag its an intermediary for the purposes of terminating hostl lti-•s. (`file Ir vis- iting Mr. Kruger as the emlmsary of her husband to explain the attention !n South Aft" to le]m. The Initia- tive of any peace negotiations is In Mr. Kruger's haaais. Keither Gen. Icahn M)r say other Boer leader will ithundon army except under orders from Mr. Krstger. The standard's Brussels correspond - rut, however, attributes to the same source a statement that negotiations etre possibly passing between Gen. Kitchener and Gen. goltalkbw.ve , although Stir. Kruger has nut been informal is that effect. From other Boer and prA-Boer P,rnlread un the Continent come stor- le•s which altsomt comport be•llpf that negotiations or tenative proposals In that directi-m are under way. The ir,rrespwmUats In 13outh ,Aforlon con. tribute to the rumors. Ane deelnres that the Commit of the Netherlands, with Gen. Kltoheoer'4permission. hni r•tarned to Ptanderton from Prp- 1„ria and resumed! negotiations with the Boer lenders. The Cape Times optimistic ally pre. diet+ An early puller, Aedarinfr tient f lee Boers are only anxlous to surren- der. . More ud;;;; Cypt"r"-. - Pretoria, June l_. -General Pmtlt+ upy's division has e:uplured a party of Suers. Including n twuthrr of Acting Presldprtt W-Lalldatrger, cu the Swaallaad border. Many Boers Die. - T.Amdoon, June 1_. -The natty lrr*ff to -cot) print■ Ptatlslles, with ashes, showLeag an enormous death rate among the Boer refugees nt the t're- torta race course. The race cusrNe has been q/el as a refugee clomp since the rer"rention ,if Pretoria 'by the Brltimh leader Loord Roberts, nimmet a year ago. Thr report gives the number of dpattm at tee mann (hiring the post ttirM• wpekM reNper- titely as thirty for tiro first week. t wenty-four for the octe&otl week, and twenty -$Lx for tlly third week, n t„tal of eighty. The inumlocr of re- fax"m set the onmp Im 't,l_ 5. Tlnhn I Toa death rate is 433 n tinionsared an- nually. AIIPRP,i Kwmlup. Berlin, June 1:. -Thr Magdeletirg t:sex,-lte puhlboth"m n letter from Jo- tinnncehurg, which mtatPR that at r"gular faroLue Is regime among the' Rritlsh nal Boer poppulation there. tear day recently 1S hoer women A dl children In an encampment died of hanger and want. Entire families ere dying of starvation. No )Ionated Men :Need Apply. Alostreal, June 13. -The Star pub• IUhee the foidowiDC special cable from London : London, June 12. -The Impprliao I overnment's refusal of a Canadian rorpm In the subjdct of Llniey satn- bourne's oklef cartoon In to -(lay's )',inch. Canada Is represented hold- ing out a written offer to Brodrick, %title on the ground lie papers eon- totlnung seek headNpes as "Heav= British Lotsese" 11levere "Fightleg,' 'Renewed Activity of the Boer%, Itrodrlck Is made to say to Canada 'In view of the present-er-promis- Iming-um-outlook do South Africa we ran now afford to refer you to our ednnten of October, 1899,, to the effect that no motivated men need apply " i Formerly of Stratheonm4. hind on, Jane 12.-A recent cat 01,10, Rod; shows that Captain H. M. Ar estrotlg, of the Devon Twoatanry, 'I aP kit led at Vlnkfonlelre. Me was e win of Major AtmertronR, of sher- hoarne, Warwick. He went oat from Vanillin with Strallwona's Horse. and was later granted a commission as '!1'Mit'mtR., tie- t1ltf TAlttlin ft'.'m'80rT. owing made a captain n fear{ weeks ago. He was 82 years of age. New fork, Jane 18 -A despatch to the World from London says: The British 0overnm east hap de - 104"I to levy $2.50,000.000 on the Trnnevaal gold mines to help pay tile• coat of the war. Mir David Barbour, formerly FL- nnnce Minister for indla, who was rummlutoned to report upon I he taxable Dap wily of these mines. Ad- vined Colonial Secretary Chamber- Inln to lest ;175,000,000 bat Mr. "Mita irrdatti, after consultation wftB turd Milner, Increased the mailman to the amount stated. This action, when It Becomes known, Is certain to rause txtnrterreatlon among the Kaffir stootthoMpre, who fnneled started unusually early, &all It ad hoped they will greatly Improve the crop prospeots. A turbine Hurt Test. L( M/rl J 3 - Y 11 rum urn 1 Ties Nn al a d Milltttry Record, comisionting ou shot three weeks' trial of the Srltlwh tur- blhs torpNdo t,oat destroyer Viper, wWch war coylucted under regular service oomeditions, and during which she developed a speed of till 1 tanvts, road was pronounced capable of gulag 81, says her coal consumption was enurmouse tet top speed, which, flu, paper adds, militated agnlust the plan w Wch the Dover-Calalr Go. it now malurlag, to build two turbine clutonel steamers and reduce the timo of crowing between England and France to 15 mlautem. The Vlper'd trial wets pnneouucod to be eumpletely matlutnotory. Although sew war handled u,y an Inexperienced crew, rhe showel n remarkable Iw- wunity Prow breaking down. The Viper war steady In all wedithers. Tu Close muuu. Pekin, Juno 12.-Lldtoaliuses point to u prububle. definite settlement of tluo Indamnity quertiou at the next meeting of Mlnlm,-yrs, wh1oh in expected to faits place Saturday. The Mlnlwterr feel It Is absolutely ne- citsmary that a rlr(mg front Would be muds to terminate the affair. 4 Gerphaus Prutest. Berlin, Julie 1:1. -The report of the Brttlah Trasevaal ouncessium commit- tee In severely v owlemned here by ties 1►holu proem, ter betttg high handed and denying priveoW property rights in wnr, against the pra(•ticie and the cry of all civilised countries; The cor- re`apondelet of the Associated Press leaner from u rMoble source that the German llovernment teas instructed the O erm:lny embtirsy In London to pnotewt agafiast clic- ro.s wrong we(11- totel ngalnort is large number of Garmlut st(withoilers In the Nether- lands South African Railroad when- ever It appears certain or even likely that the Brltlrl, Government will adopt the commlltee's report. Oer- many takes the ground that the Ger- man stockholders have an undoubted right to full compensation from Great Britain for their shares. Germany recalls Icer own proceeding after the wnr of 1STa71; whan ohm prrchased tet a high {trice the French Eastern Railroad, In Alsace-Lorraine, ell. though the road aided France to every possible manner during the war. London, Jesus 14.-A Into issue of lies London Oasette says that Major- General Sir C. F. Clary, K.C.B., K.C. H.O., lie placed on retired pay. Dated Feb. L 15101. Gen. Clery had charge of one of the divisions under General Buller at the outbreak of the war, and failael to distinguish Ilmeelf at the Tugela River. 0 Been Corrylag 1 agoers. Pistermaitils burg, .:ane 14. -Fifty Ifuers lender a renegade named KeD- nedy leave raided the house of the Icon. Dirk Uym, member of the Natal s t ve lot I Awe for 2u ulnad Lwgf mist i Y carrylug off all his cattle except a few vows, which were left at 1M• Uys' eatrpnty. Before leaving the Boers told Mrs. U 'r to � tell her bnebuad that they laud raided Ws cattle because tae had twice broollt news of the coodl- tions or surrender over the Ione, and load thea been duo cane of all ly (AN the Natal border, ales that now he had gone to attend the Engllsh rtlud they were having their revenge. The Buerr were well lewonted. had u god supply of ammunition with "sporting Muumers," and had new clothing, ode baing dreaded In. u khaki uniform. AB of them carried short duggsrs to 'their, batty -._. - - Boers Drlses OR. Klerkrlorp, June 14.-lcela,l? of the .ttiwke tea Use c,outuy tet Venlers- durp allow that the Boers were deter - m Iip,l set all risks to obtain pesses- skic tel It. Their plan wax skilfully lotJ.�They waited t1:1 Lite meeting of tied fu 1 aaI Milt • le.oaroys with their eswrtw near Wttpoortje. When the contoyp reroaratel to return home. the ettemy, w'ho were waiting In am- Inatlt, orcrgsie I the site of their lute camp, as 1 theta. interposed between tee ernruys, ants poured a heavy fire into the rear of the Veuterael orp mee- tnle1. Tae Pot( befetroom escort, hearlair Thr ean,n I of airing, returned to till- awifstugce of tide convoy, land found it wtr,ng pnrty of the enemy occupy- isW tsame rough ground, used adodr- ably covered. A detachment of tie Imperial Light Horse, a company of the North l.naoadeire liegiment, and one of the Welsh Fudl:firs deployed, till, first two to the left, the latter to the right, nal skirml+hed for two h ours, gralmally approaching the enemy. Then, fixing bayonets, they adratioed with a cheer, and the fine step! -tipped lime tout the position. The Buers, nut daring tie wait, b?Ited Incontinently. Liter, wh: s hear Kaatfouteln, the convoy waw again Attacke, batt It wns eildpnt that tie enemy were oil y hal"-hearted, o: nue they fired at very long range and did no damage. 1letnl.e have now been recelve.l of neither oi•eperate attempt on the part of the Boers to wreck a train o. the Delagoa line. The Boer leader Kindest led the At- tack. He wasAresned as a British of- flcer, not 1 all IoM followers were like- wMe attired In khaki. Hlndon laid sixty catrtridgves In ppoidtion on the line, an•i whin n train approached they exploded under the engine. The driver waw k l:P,l Inatanlly, and the flremma ams many others on the train were injure I. All the pimpengers were Invalids, and belonged chiefly to the Wrlah Regiment. Billiton then ordered a number of the Boers to the top of the carriages, from wheeler they could fire on the ocoap•tats of the art nrpd trucks. The officers of the escort on the train M.' , A l ffitht'fft-leie-P-1 T5'L'1fMSY"t7fil Boer raid, W"Alrig all who attempt - Pd to carry oft loot. The Boers, were bpmally PDgngerl in searching the. onrringen and stripping the sick an 1 wounded men when a mliont wnw hpnrl of "Fix hayoorts "' The maraWlerw, seeing that another armore.l train had now arrived, Im- m^dlat.ly decamped. They retreated to the ndjolnino bash .and their hur-' rigid warht was hnmtened by the Imr•wt'ng whelir (roto the train whlrh had so opportnmdly come upon the euros. a Tits anti krot of the Rearm wns n t'. of fihaealts. It was'evt.lelit that they were match d]sgmisted al the (all- ure of their attack Tae Injury clone to the line was nort sprlops. ae1 the rnl's were ran"ly re- pnlrrl. ' ' that the Idea of taxing the mllepa, -- which are moetty ownead In Ragland, Kruger mad Books. bad been abaedeeeid. An then. very $told mines were the real underlying Brnppeln, June 14. -Tine mwrespreed- ran$P of the war, many have main- tabled, that Pnt of the tndepcondenee Beige nt Am- wtPr ares lelecrnphs that for mono thplr British own-ra shored made lent n Inrg^ rinyp pant ?MY. KrmRrr has bPwn In where ort IPawl of Ism heavy burAen t at rdirect enrrpetiondoonco with the Boer Thp WPlreane Nrin. leaders set riLord Kite! Transranl. He adds that toots mer apater- ItomMy, indln, Jnne 11. -Tice Mon- n of t ir•mt the tranwmlsslon of the dnepatrh- a",n Ana Fxoken, all h es g"tween Mr. Krngpr and the Bcrr t,ro to a dpspslch to the 1.n(ror pally Mnll from Rlmlw ie fa_ isadprs. - The node of the Consul- irornMo mssernn tend etwrtPrl thPrP (]wnernl of the Netherlands Im being )ano' 1, And rain• werp Pwory'whore 'ate' rtlNd'te1 In lmlin P,trppt In aha northern p,rtl,nw or Iho PtenInh. __ Mrs. flolhm and Krbn@r. The monsoon raise have the The Vague. Jails 14,-1Mrs.• Botha prisem. Many Brltlsh troopm who are n llltbere of wA)uudp(1 hoerm being cer- p .rote - +. •, ,wF' e+,. w , y..... , -., � &.. X' poop. ... k u4 l, ,,tx,,, f ` 9„ � al. L a, X� r .., r .1 S.i. -, 9'i a. x T . �r rlel away. it Is now ratlmated that ter arduous operations in the "r �'„ , C , stones x. , ''i k,k+ " ?". b ., n itu .. *;V� ,a lofi,.,C"` ..e . rvr".^£�1.'.1 :. u bas arrived here, sad Is dowiciled at a hotel ueur Hchoveulugen, whence who will visit Mr. Kruger them after- n.Rw1. Honlooveuiagcm am a flatus t hinge, uled papular bathing place, about 8 uulow frons 'rho Vague. War Compeasatlou o luiws. Pretoria, June 14 --A Llllllar) lbeu- mission has been nppulutal to ('0"11- er ,ell clalwd fur cowupolumaticea in Mkmth Afrtuse for damage dune by tide British troupm. The Cowmlsslon Ir compwod roe tot - lows : Mr. Fleetwood Wildon, C. B.. Cbair- llalln. Col. Morgan, Director of Supplies. Col. Wickham, Director of TnWo- port. Mr. Flynn. financial adviser. Major Huneberg, compensation of- ficer; send Lieutenant Cooke, secretary. The preliminaries have been dld- cuused. and the claims already made are chore on three thousand In num- ber, for damage sustuined.prior to the'suit of Starch last. The total sum claimed exceeds n million sterling, but the British re Rinses have not yet been able to submit their claims to any appro- (-table extent. On tho return of the civilian pop- ulation several thousa sed additional e;alms will be submittal. and it Is confidently expected that the ,iet- tlpmetit will take at least a year ter two. . The appointment of the cominlm- slon forms the completing fink In the adjustment of outstanding claims for damages done In South Africa to tits property of Boers and Brit- ons. The London Civilian Commission now bitting, and prepared to pro- ceed to South Africa, if necessary. Is couaidering the claims of foreigu- erm. null the new milltpry cummlo- sloNh. lugl-ther wet another one shortly to be appointed, will practi- cally cover all the ground. Many cases have occurred of dam- age to farms, buildings and property, Including standing crops and stock, which may rightly came within the scope of theme commissions. h«ttlon, June 16. -Lord Kitchener has cabled front Pretoria, coder to- day's date. as lollowd : "Near Welmn,aorumt, twenty mile■ south u( Middleburg, ':i0 Victorian MoNunted Itiftes from General Beat- ol's column, were surprised In camp at Steenkowl$pruit by a superior force of Boers set T.30 p. m., June 12. The enemy crept up to withi■ sdtort range anti pored a deadly fire Into the camp, killing two offiowre send 16 men, :Sall wondlmg four offleers and 8s men, of whom twenty-eloht were sightly wounded. Only two officers and 50 west eseapoxt to Gen- eral Itentom's camp. The remainder were taken prim mer* and released. Two nom-psau were captured by the enemy. Fall details have not yet baso rerlived.a •- -- . DeWet Agate Sellers Defeat. Loudon, June 15. -Lord Kitchener tologrsphs the War Office from Pre- toria under to -day's date am followm "Bitring the march from Vrede tOr- ange Rivet• Cobmy) Elliolt'a cohuun Pnongel the enemy antler DrWeC as I possibly trebled If they gain a victory over nay BrltWa force. The number of a or prisoners under guard exceeds twenty llouaund, tend they are aoxlous tie bete the war fou u r en- ep 1. A oonedderuble r e f rte r dared Boers Is now under inroad for tlee protoctba uT their farnW ahef herds, net IV Is also lunxluus to have terms of Ise a.rranowl. The Dutch districts of Cape C'oklsy where Genteral French M now in eons• m•In 1 are weary of the depredations hof Boer ruldem when they have to feed and clothe them. told a decWve victory over the guerilla boasts is ex- pected In that quarter. important sews from Gelmral L'reach t iwked for I. the next ten dnys, by which the plclficcltloa of the country south of the Orange River will be offectel, The sources or resistance of DeWet, Botha, Stet a• leearey, and Schalk - burger are well-nigh exhausted, and they woul i slmnhme tits reep:asibl Ity fur a wtrrealpr it S1r. Kruger. with the fanatleal falth ht the final trl- umlde of the Boer cause, were not an utmrtinnte ala man who has secured hi•, own. asefety. War news rwmatn meagre, and the reports of peace negtotiations Are illusory. but experienced men are com incoil that land had been slght- not after a long voyage agalndt strong head winds and many cross currents. They are counting much apM the moral effect of the great- ly needed severity at Pretoria by which burghers on parole, escaping tinder arms rind being captured, tante bonen co ndemned to death. They are convinced tlyst the road will be lel sight am soon tee the Boers find tart that they cannot run with hares and hunt tr-ith hounds. Several versions are given of Mrs. Botha's Interviews with Mr. Kruger, but there is Do authority for any statement. Mr. Mi ambprinin re- malnr Inscrutable, and Ieprd Milner reticent. (- Gales Town, June IS.-ylr Gordon' Spr4g, the Prime Minister of Cape C'ulogry� reports . that 150 Boers In the v\klalty of Calvinia, In the west- ern part of the colony, under Com- manda t Stunts, surrooundel a Brit - Loch paLol of '39 men. 'rho Brltlsh had two killed, two wounded, need twenty were captured!. The Boers arc being•, closely puryu:dl. A force df rebels at Katamas, in Gordonla, some miles to the east of Prleska, In �lhe Capr Culouy, num- bering about F00, Itas moved to the southwest. . Col. Doran has: -engaged 100 Bo -•re in the Midland clot: �phe burgh- ers bad two me klll. and three woanAed. Another part of lichceper'a com- mando entered rraysburg on Thursday and looted the stores. Tho chase after'\ Commandant Kritsitger. who broke back (rota the Barkley Fast dellrict,\Ilan not am yet lel to any result \\other titan keeping the Invaders moving in sev- eral detached partied, eshleh aro rprrad over the Albert and Maraid- burg district. a-. . Wearlag Theles (tut. d tch er to a tela row I,or Kl em scants Bloemfontcln, sends the'Juliowlnp\re- port of Boer casualtlps stuce hie 1 st weekly .telegram, exclushc of t e ktdei and wounded accounted fur 1 the fight with lit. Wet, msntlepeapt utulertake to Food them Io trwisted The Wbered Split. Thr divlrilerio lot ties House of Wilt - ,,&one on time motion mals by Mr. Lloyd -George (Welmh NalionalhuU to aJjcmrn the house tea elm getertlou of treatment of Boer women anti olill- dren. which was rejdeted by a vote of L'58 to 184, served to aooeuluato the egellt In the Liberal ppaarty on the Wv- erlement's war pplhey. Bir henry Campbell -Bannerman, the Liberal leafier, supported Mr. Lloyd -George lot denouncing the policy of mucentrut- 1I�tg women uud children in camps, anti wtth Sir Willlnue Veru,u Harcourt (Llberail and the Right Hoes. NVIIIlam Byron (LlWrnll voted b► the minority tan Mr. Llord-(►l-orge's notion. About 50 Liberal Iltt(rvlallrts led by the Right Hotel. H. 11. Arqult11 (Ad- vanced Lltr_ral) and Sir Edward Orey (Liberal) abrtalnted from voting ar a protest ag,clnst ties Bannerman-Har- ooart-Morley section of ties House of Commons identifying tht•mcielves closely with ties extreme pro -Bunn. The Cape Couslitatilun, London, June 1T. -.t deapmatoin from Gre�ct Reluet ways t,luat re•portr from Burgerslorp, Murreyrburg. 1'varston ata! olrewhere state that lhtw petltMon for the ammpmusslan of oontstitutlonal a ovpruuuont In (Jape Colony Is bring readily signed by till classes. Two Dutch papers strongly support the nuovpmenrt. Mrr�lurgtirM H. Smith and tho Hun. %Jr. Horlwptdt, who was n member of lice fichreiner MUNINtry. nip rep oriel too• be cnivvamring with great unec•ess. In an Interview, Mr. Smith maid he had always had great symlxathy with thea republics, but would never be disloyal to Ida own flag. He had strongly cortdemried the intasion of the colony. He was con- vlocel that the time lad arrived fur the elitatnation of bol'h U P [fond and tow South African League, which lave fulfilled their Mission. 4MUROEROUS FARM MO Killed His Wife and' Fatally Wounded Her Fatl.e ". ,, HE USED A BAR OF IRON. Ithaca, N. Y., Juno- 16. -James Churchill, a farm-hand, who worked Dear Ithaca, early this morning mur- dered tits wife, Minnie Churchill, at her father's hettea in Newfield, n villarge nine miles distant from this place. lie mutilated let)' Lend with n topavy bar at trots while slera slept peacefully tNriode her daughter, seven years old. iter father, D:udel Lfluturea, who was over tl0 years of ago, also fell a vic- tim to Isis Sunil,-law"b wrath. Sirs. Churchill dtrd two Mourn after the assault wan committed. She wets 30 years old. Tete old man still lives, but will everv►ve t a few (ware ►t- Is lou thought, as lair skull has been free- turt-T Churchill himself attempted suicide by taking nn ounce of Barb clic acid, but was retired, and S'eeriff C. B. Braman armorted film anti brought his pri.i mer to Ithaca to -night. The crime wam The result of e.x- rr Pevi-rp fighting Killed...... --- .... ... ... \ '4 'Prate! from her hustxa,a(I tau monitx captured n convoy of 71 lo.dp't Wounded ...... ......... ...... ...... ... �\ 14 Agip. He left home, anti came to work wngair, 45 prisdmers, fib rifler• 10,- Prkonere-..... ...... -.-. ...... ..-.. "6 i foes a farmer scene Ithaca. Heturby Mall rounds of ammunition, and 4,OD) �yurronderd...... ...... .-... ......... S n set he load fully Londe up his mind cattle. 9111mv raptured...... ... ,-.,, It to revenge himself. lie (lrrt walked poop.. \ "The Bspers left 17 killed asset 3 gmall-arm ammupltloD, rounds tf,'_ into Ithaca, w4uere be xecureat tics wounded an titre field..Over carnal- Wagod...... ......... ...... ...... ' 194 V iNnil, tbeu wuLltexl out to New(leld, ties were S officers a di 17 men kill- Aorses.................................... 1.5W `first arentng hhumplf with tits iron ed, and 1 officer anti 24 men wound- Cattle._.... ........... ... ...... 3,000 hear. He gained admittownee W the b '-----. .__ .-.-. .. - Arpong_tile latest prbwaerm cap- human o hie father -b -law through Laren oy tine lirltl:h (i -Yr. 'I'engber- the tleila anti attacked hoe lrtfe-ole- Boer Coemandart(lives himself Vp gem, tits Landdroat of Mrs. Botha, fora sloe ld cry for help. 'tale the wtfP of the Boer commandant- acres n the little girl, who er Klerkedorp, Jaop 1d -Col. Williams' Reaerat, who ie now in Europe. Land- cannel from the bedroom awakened column has arrived after a fortnight's latest Von Bruncdlst, of Ylet Retlef, Minturli, wh attempted to light a emm"alful trek. At Leeuwkop the lies also been taken prisoner. Inner las the toh'pa. While he war twee sighted a party of Boers, who --- P,ngnged in t� (Jhlirch111 struoIt him nhhtndoned thirteen wagons contela- several bioww. he Ilttle girl ran to !STORY OF VLAKFUNTNIiI. lag woomen, rhllalrem ams chattels. n nefohbor's for NpR anti w1►en the On May '7th another eomvoy was nelghtnr pntrred the 11imr later, rha Gallant Derbyshlree Recovered Ighted. The enemy made strenuous the own vipttgis ere lylnor uncen- efforts to epsonpe, anti went across the Guns With Their Bayonets. nclous. ChurcbtH wa In a seml-ouq- drlft over lir. Vaal, called Koodoon Ltandem, June IS.-Dewpatches from weloua etu". ` drlft : but the wagons got blocked, Johannesburg report that the anew, Sheriff Neztman, , l)Ii�riot Attorney and there was a fIy�lit. wtrinled lD tine engagement set Blood tend Coroner\ Bm n droro out Thr enemy Itned ll oth brinks of the Vlakfowteln have bean convpyol hPre to Newflefl a fpw `heor Infero The Hier. There were newly women anti and are now comfortati hod sol In murderer wall brcmKist Irmo the city children In the wagons, from beneath tike sixth General Field Hompitoti. oft, a cat, but will fully rioroveor. He which ih^ Senora fire . regardless of it spreparm duet Lite fight, which ndmlttrd that the not wAA\Fremedl-' till- mxfety (of ties non-combhat.amts. wait (af A Latest Mh-glllnnry nrttare, toted. He Ii all years old. Owing to their presence our men tool' , ---------- worn oleli plot"� n.-+Vlxtfonteln, 15 mih•n gent to refrnlu from return- went iA 5nauwpntirt, Tranrvnal. Cot. TOM O'BRIEN ESCAPE° Iigihe fire•. 1►ixon'v e,ottwn, which haat been Ie _ From the opposite ala, where there close touch with the enemy fur the genterced to French Penal Cottony wpre nn women, our troops killed and there previtsm days, moved ,)ut wcwialed as neral of the enemy. froN camp on Thursday morning, as fear Life. At tilts licAnt we brought n pom-pom information had been received re- Loodun, June 16.-A report was cure litto action, and the enemy Inntnntly gtarding sane basted gone. The rent set Seetland Yard yestorday that rrer$ad to ter, 'rnanevnal nide, aban- Ton O'Brien, the notorious American lMmra were found In conmWerable doing thirty tendon , thirteen carts, nambprm In the surrounding roun- uorendrnoo man, sentence.] in Paris to ruwl other vehicle•, 5,000 rounds of try. and It was deemed advisable to lite penal colony of New Caledonia Ammunition and twenty rifles. A,r life for the murder of Waddell In return to camp And there awalt Wr rel+o mnere twenty-seven prlmon- the (lure die Nord (Northern Railway relnforce•menta before an attnekon pun. Tlrra wear, also many rolantary the enemy was made. The column btatlo0. tuns escaped and is supposed narrrn(ipre, •pmcng 'the latter being wap only alxmt 1,400 etrettg, Ix•Ino to b. Iu Lonluu. - (kpmmnauwlnnt Potgieter, Only n fear weeks ago the 9-oottand compose! of eons companies of the Yard nutherllle? were Inform •d b the Drrbyehlre Rrgimrwt, kms nom a; � 1.000 Iloers to SnrrenAer. Frriarh IxAine that O'Brien lad diet lent of the King's Own scottlah ^r in prison. Tlutt repiort, it Is no mup- DnrMan, Nnln], .lune 16.- It is re- 'leis, the 28th Battery, sone 11100 pwerted her- that tile, murrPnder of l'epmanry And scotliwh Iforse, with pa.ed, wns set Millet to relieve the 100 tarn Ander Commandant Van of ler details. NPw Cnla dnnLth nffidalN n( the odium Renatxlerg at .Ylrtersburg Is prollmin- In the meantlmn.the Boers hall act of losing such a prisoner, one they my to the surrender of 1,000 men fire to the veldt between the column erre tePptempf soler pnrticalarly rigid In that district. and the camp, and great clonda of s Atetill e've. nnooke ardee, tinder cover of which the YAt all evinta, two officers of the enemy ndvnnrrd me the right orf the l aris secret police are In London tu- Boers Vigorouatv Active. tiny looking for O'Brhn. rear of the comma. They then made As O'Brien hap sworn to Imre the London, .Tune. 1T. -Whatever may a rush n.nd mucce•ded In taking two Ilfe of Inspector Froest, who arrested be the truth In regard to lice re- gisnp, killing nest of the section in him leu arveral yearn ago, that offl- ported pe ace negotiations In South charge. The enemy aptualiy turned err Is going atwout his dntt^m prepared AfrVa, the rommren(loes In the field the opens on our tr«ops, but the shells - are evidently not a party to them. toned to rxplode,, rota the pins tend not foe a mawllno with O'Brleu. In addition to the defeat at Stern. hoan withdrawn. kohl Sprult, repp ,rtrd fly Lord finch- At thin point the. I) !rbynhiren wprs MRS. EVANS LOSES. - pn -r, whish offsets the report of ordered to retut,, the gime. They cat- - the defeat of Oeneral De Wet near rind them set the point of the bayonet 'the limp Nc Right to the Ketste of Vreee, there are reports of via. in n most dashing manner and mplen- 1lother-In-Law. oroua neth)ty on the part of the ,)idly uphold the traditions of lien Brl- Doers, empec•Lnlly on the border of Toronto, June 17. -in the high the Ornnrr River. and CADP Colon. tleh infante:. Nearly Avery ik.., near Court tete morning judgIDrnt was source that the Boers And Cape enemy retirdl, and the mimm� reaeh- rebelb there continue to Increase in ed camp wilho,t further loan. it 4a numlw'ra, end Commandant Kr►ltln. believed that the enemy numbered ger, on June la, told a farmer in 1,:500, and were part of Dplarey'n the nelghhorhond that the movement force, tinder Comemnndant Kpmp. of the commandops southward was The land task of burying the dead only beginning, rind that the Boers and bringing in the wounded wan sue IntPwl to compuPl the Brltlstl to 'de coenfully accomplished. It was foul, 1 vamtnte Cape Colony an they have that nor ensualtlon were dU killed, 6 the 'two republics to the north. The meaning road 1'_'O worded. Boer tnc(Lrm are the same ns for A iopr attreched to the Doer ambu- montl,n pnmt. They avold conflicts ta", which waw collretlng their coped when poo,sdhle, snipe at every op- tint] wounded, stated that they had portunily, and mnnoenvre for nor- t st 56 killed, and clear mpn saw lame prisem. Many Brltlsh troopm who are n llltbere of wA)uudp(1 hoerm being cer- now 0, Pfetorla Arb tron"Ing AT- rlel away. it Is now ratlmated that ter arduous operations in the the loosen rn hath aldret were nbrmt north, whirls have left marks upon them. They any It in very difficult thesnuer. The hoer lasses throughout to loeste the small hndlem of Boers the country fron Msay 'l0 to May 27 which conceal thplr stock and were over 400 killed, wounded, cap. stores in Inac,remmihlr ravines. i1 I. tired or surerndered. one c•oatlmtoun trek after hidden la Cunrentratlon Unstaps. enemies, whose. fresh borers enable i,-onrl, n. Jnty 17.-R^plying to gDPe- them to Poiclope when Iterated. Ilona In the lioune of Commons today -� I I Nr. flrfwirl••k, the War a orptary, maid Anothse View-�-44.. --- them were, 4OT111 "persons In -tie fo,wl,n. June 16. -Tho record of the 'vone,`ntrntnn e,nmpv" of ties Tranm- military operntl me In the Transvaal` vnAl newt Ornngr Itiver Colony. Thi Sot rogranted nes satisfactory by mill- dentis In theap cam;m tax `the month tnry men wlthont rMnr,l for the rv. of May namtr•red 9tt women and a19 pasta or Mrw ftahn•s ,Ilp,,,nwwy. Mr. rhlldrPa. The nnnoon"anent of the $adfour's estimate of tie forces still mortality was ree��eBI Ad with ggrronmu ftdwn the Irish In the (IP14 ngAlnet the British army o w M panful r t tea grM Y �Rer- a std 1 es pmflalRra, and delete of ' area limp " r. rod DAA M B rk'k P roe id d atPd, nal he M epnpnrPd for rapeatlnR that the a ithordtt" wnrP arranging it. it its wit faPllrte:l that moral than for thr rplpwar of tie women awe five ttw macro I R -tern aro nneler arose rhbdren who limit friends to racrlve them but it altBomaft their number etas bas tlbmiQ OMM tot• ole Oorgepc l +l,�Y'N, s '\r ,t Sr.:it, ' f''�,y fro � N , f JA , 1.,1•. q {{ . �.. .poo p, • d' w ,.,1 , , w {'�". S W l,eµ'� X "' � W 'i'. tn, P Y M " �i . 1. ,,. ..., i ppoop poop. ,. a poop , poop , ,poop N vk. fi, 1 �"/ rk, f. 4^ R M�V:...",i.. Ya �y� l f 5'* +���y� t b 4 k' ^i ,,; and special trains triplet Toronto, Fenian against the executors of her father-ln-law's estate, In which she, sought to have It declared that she was entitled to a portion of the patnte. The court found thnt as Walter Evani died before blemoth- pr tits widow hall no claim on the ss- tatp, The ease has attrA^tel wide at- tenticle beeanme Mrs. Evans spent a term In tlje penitentiary for tr fag t >as von the o p 1 h'usixin 1, rel on wdn/e emtnte slit made the claim. This point was not, however, raised In the action. TRIPPED ON THE SIDEWALK. south Ups Nan Herelvell Injuries, Which It"wiltsin Dpsth. [Awlsny, Ont., .rune 16.-Harrlw Mul- Ilgnn, a rpal(hnt of South Opel, died from a frartcro, of hh sku!l, mu•ctnLned w-hlle walking lititni from LlwMay. Ito rilnehrd hill home tatdly cut. Pre- vimWy to him limth by wan 1't n de- Ilrlewua state, nod continued to ell out : "Don't Mnm'e anyone : I tripped nn the pldownik.' Thin Im believed to harp been the rater of lata lnj,ry, nod the rnronrr did not think an inquest ftecewwy_ _ . Ootpperwsgrs the Ametions Fa•tern- Wilt of (.Amor will #till the InternA- tiotMl Aamoclnll•,n of itlachinleln ho Peery way within Ito power In ton go-t0r for the mlo*4ww day. wwaiit _ ;, .Ra1 .. ;d11 - li d aide'; 3 kf Niff" ' it� . t '�E'° ` %I , ".- 4 -it , LIID �T BB3�a Ja s N. Preston P. R, jar Janes RrrMy, K. t'., Mr. 1'how �- . cracks Mr• Joseph Stratford. Mr �;., i "~.' --*- Thomas Wood alt. Ms. (j�o Wilkes, flu. z. �4 :,r, Mr. C. 11. W.I.. yes �1,r ;'. y- "W"b s{',,a3 Hon. II S• Hard, Barri at .y clh e • • TI lPf u w Ju er oho rn e finely, brotl►sr lir. i h, ,r, : ,yup ass A. C. Hardy, was; lir. E. L.Gocdd 1�: M, ,° nSSnS SYLda, am Intimate friend, azul Mr. A. J ""' Brantford • `, Wilkey, for many years a partner of . atnary abundance of animal Ilse in a Mr. Heads' It the practice of law , ,,,, Ilio flower -hearer■ were : Maness. � t` , IN I��B1tSB COIIC0083B. U. ;esrge, 8nddy, Har ,tngtus, gal- mond, lspreer. Moffatt. Flesette. �:, lirant, Scarff, Biataole, leirse. Henry i, . delwppalatlon through tribal wars Yelgh, C. Wuteroum, Foster. K Cook• years ngrr-Thatrw ere Wolin Animals -_-- rkutt. Wallace. Robertson. Wilsom T�'wl many Present, From Toronto, The floweret were placed upon a heavily -draped fire truck, and a''> ,� thine ga•ntirmeD walked beside It. In ••' PamilLon and Stratford. iulditoa to those brought from To- o k rondo, wreaths and (Mowers were , .� 0 of sphran and Antelopes. which ap. went toy the Clty Cuugcl. Lee Brant ,) - . ford Iwlr , Mount dloreb Lodge, A , , 'w OB/ll 11MANEIB's TBIBUTB A. kl '' M.: poste Loose, A. F. at �. M•: Brant Lodge. ♦. F. i A. M.; r� 11N : + c�' the Board of Trade of Srantforde ` ,", "i The body of lion Arthur S. Hardy wood bursa at Brantford un Sunday the Council of the Township oI Brant, the Council of the Counlyo[ a, ro a` '' afternoon. Ten tl meand men, wo- Brunt, the Volloglate lastltute Board X1.3' sten and children lined the streets the Separate School Beard anti Pub- a, i,. , oar followed Itis body to the grave. lie School Board of Brantford, the ^i ,,; and special trains triplet Toronto, Brantford Clulk of wbt4h Mr. Reedy wandpring in thin henutlfnl natural Hamilton and Stratford brought wasoge oL the ohlttst membenaanti many cUlzma from there places to a grout number of Personal friends. °-" d.o honor to hie metuury. The casket some of Those Presest. • ° {' lay hwide U{e barristers' table in ,ea +r?rrr i,� �, the (kart House, amid great masses Among those who came in on the a. lr,� of fluweroo n gluard of honor from Toronto spoecial were, lion. Geo. W preserve. the ."Wh Batlnilwi keeping watell. Road, Him. }:. J. Diei'Is,,Mt. John RICK e,' After the Masot a ceremony, the urdso,, M.P.P., Mr. W. A. Charlton (,;i ,: Iwtcemslc,n start from the Court M. P. i'., Hun. Heuutor Fulford, Hun ,0.1 House to Grace Cit 'h, where a full Senator Jones, Mr• Wobilrt Jaffray; a'" choral nor%tee war els. A■ the pro- Mr. J. F. Ellis, reprt+eentigg atop To- �, c•esbien entered the rh MII the organ ronto Board of Trade; Mr. J. S. WII- 5, ' gars lurtfi (huplm's hmerA[ march, listim, Mr. S. T. Hasten., Mr. H. H. witltItsdeeptuoxomroun nnt,like;the Dowart, Dr. J. It. Elliott• Mt. J. 1► ' ,' heavy mot lune of pa tag death. Warde, Mr. 11. G. Cur, Mr. R'. IV. and its buoyant rung of hopae. Ellis, Mr. H. E. Irwin, Mr. C. H. Chan : "Peace. Perfect !'ecce," vas muug, noir. James Gorrie, Mr. J. Kerr O$- , and pbaim xa. chunttdl. Yrl clpal DY- borne. Thowts Hodgins, X.C.. Mr• D. ' ..'+ mind read the lesson, aft which E. Thompson, K.C., Lit'. 1I. C. Osbaroe Mamter W. Norman Andrews sang Dr. Charles O'Reilly, kir. J. O. !!ben 1' with feeling. "I Know That MjF Rr- $torte; Mr• L. F. Heyd. K,C t deeper Liveth." After the minister's Among those who came by special s 1 address there were snag A dole[ ^f T., If. A B train from Hamilton ' thanksgiving, a favorite of Sir. were Hoo. J. Lf. (}Ibaten, Sheriff Mil- ,, `,.�'i. Hardy's, the 135th hymn : dletou, Joplin Dickenson, M.P.P...11 : § "Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia, Kennedy, Dr. Griffin, 9 Tinsley, W. t ^ Eats The strife Is o'er, the battle done, IL Wardrops. T M. W'llll&meet►. CWdu ' ` �T Now u the Victor's triumph wqn, Green, W. (hetenley, F.. Flshrr, George -,, °. O let the song of praise be done. Vanderllp, Dr. Russell, 11. F. Oar- L;. atlleluta. - diner, T. Clappiam. Hugh Murray be ohm gupate of F.mppror Wliilats "Drath's mightiest .powers have done their lf. ('arscallen, M.P.P., Frank Mho+- Kelcan, K. C., T1. H. A. he, flan Hogs `,, ' 't"" », worst, .its ; J. V. Teetsel, K.C. aripoointel to wureped Prof. Ahern ns Ante Jebvr forth ell■ foes dirrerstdl, A epM hal train from 8tratkrrd M' Let stouts of praise and joy out- - brought It -PO aoatleuielle aa►rtsg t ;, ,., l' iuret. Alleluia. them bring John Brown, M'.11.Y t, ; After the �oucludiog prayers of Mayor Stanip. James O'Lorane (Police rc,I a, the stately burial service of the Mugibtrltele. J. Trow, Dr. toeev lin (President H..Perth Reform Alecto.. d' Church of England, aha body wars daitba), px-Mayor H«id, .Icahn R'hltr, 'x 1. carrlel from the church ami 1 h pealing of there strong majoe chords Hoa. Thtoms f}nllantyne, Robert - a'l�aw 'q, ^f i irilo $dxrow width make up !toe Harding, Hobert Freston, Judge N.1 A. M. Backlmghtam. „� ;; -" • `' Dead March lot Saul. Hew. Dean Mackenzie dolivertod a From tinct came Hon. James Young w ; °£r at tiisouurse, Ln wttloh ire spike of the Tthomes Cnrsoadden, M: A., J. H. Cam- perso•ml morrow of biro people of erose• M.D., Wm. Hunter, H. M. Must , „ Brantford. "Mr. .Harty waw ktruwn and ad- .till others. b'ra'n R'oodetoct there aero pre t* 7 49',l mired ar un able etritenman lhr,ogtt- a nt e Oft. Ano ew set r P hullo H.P.P aft Cann,ds, M Brant and Brantford nod Mr. O. R. Pattullo, a as hes was known permicaWlyl and Tho Masoulo service at the grave ( ,* loved a? A male raid se a frLend. It In the centre o[ ties beuaUf�tl (}teen ". will be hew privilege of oNuerp to wrpal Cemetery was conducted by ,m et eppyek of him as Nae hart worklrng vast O nd rte Master Hugh Murray a �r. lawyer, tAa able shad aliquent ad- " voatto in politicw, tho untiring work- rey er, Lice forcible, eotd,suslcrtic plat- t , committees and oft tine floor of Ute• Onturlo Hous,. One work of his In th> Uoternment I stunt allude lo; ham magnifiwrot tluwght for bis arunlrymen fur all time In reeerv- Ing tliuno gratin Provincial puMlr lrtrien, they tire a twomument to late generous leenrt, lie rowelled taleso for all time from tee gramp of the mouo- po(iat anil the speculator for the use of the people w1tom he loved µcol served. I repeaat. all tluese mnt- terr will be dealt with ably Aod fully by otherw set aleother time. This aftormenue i would simply speak sof him ser tiro Caaneutltasrt citizen and the friend n9umn we In Brantford all knew ams loved. • " 1537, the year In which Arthut Sturgis Hardy was born In the v11- lago of Mount Pleasant. was a mom- (xnble one In the hlelory of Canada, and Mount PIpaannt In those earlier days ons remarknbk• (or the excep- tionally 1nteUlgent ebtas of its set- tles, the excellent etnn(birl of itm selrools, and the beveral men halting from that Ilttle hamlet whip have made a name row themselves In the world of ' Canada tend the United Stutem, one] nu name among them till W more honoerd than that of Sir. Hairely. Th^ bright, ettergptle. tally Is woen found in the law offlos of his une-le In Brnntford, there tend In To- ronto he rompMtet hey elnention for the Isar. Notwlthistanding his eppectal gifts ant fitness for the practice of the law tout hln rapid and remarkable sucerm, Ise oratorical Power@ sono brought him to the tmtice of his polit- L eal Imarty, anl, ar lap told a friend, he• enjoyed the freedom anti Activity whleh n political life afforded him, ,uud It gave him au opportanity to serve his country. Brantford leas known him heat, rr- pp>cted Joint ,been proud of him, anal lorrdl him, aim! to -ahoy we mourn for titan rem amorether hart of Ontario ran. From the fact of tiW dutlpa of Intp lying elderly In Toronto, and mine wholly I, Brantford, I wan not thrown very frequently ter much with Mr. ilnrdy, Imt wherever we met he $always imferpseedt me with film kind- D(de, courtesy, and Inn more than ane o•endon I wns indebted to him for him helpful I fluenee and considern- tlon, rind my exp ertenee was that of . very enemy, I believe. He never rp- ftuaed tee dlo n kbwtnems to anyone who welught film help, wl-,n it was In him power. ]n thin way, i am confident, many wilt mfeer a gtvred frt.-nd. In him there wax a remarkable absence of the official mannerism of the ordin- ary public tuna. No one onuhl know titan and not be iplpreaswd with till irmnriulll♦pp-,gift ct Winning mese. There weer :t clharm In hie pers,malit,v and grnetuua courtevy-, nal we know )now very ranch that haw to (to with a sann'w sueepsm In life, nal where It tie the naturni outcome of n cool awl kind heart, nes It wan with our dear friend, It M tore, pew- errul for Row]. The dayw of hLm oenrthly tire nrp elrrsl. The eventide In reach - M All too aeons •sot•d wlirn we look hack np,n It hole: fleFting It sepm?-- nrr'a sleep In thee night, an the green in the fiPll, nw a solder's watch. Blit esu fat ns that life ham been In Itm motive springer tra o, right, pure, go oat, at, far it In akin to the great (iol- given b1eAl fife, ; that life haw no Pven- tlle, for' It M part of the life f the, Eternal. That life cannot tile, Il is part of GrNt'r life. 1 'rha C•orteoo. The funeral was conducte,I by the Mason•, Awl intent be ranked among the last Impr+rrsive et•er Pepsi !n ColWUSA: ` The roots from• tee court- honse to the church not from 1M. chnrch to the cemetery wns net met- fiitenttj► mile to enotme Ail of the car- rinows to take part. At the head marohwl 400 Mnanga in full rerSnllA. The tar of Brantford, the City, County send Towwrle]p Cnnricllw, the Pallilc not Ne'parnte finc�wd Bonrels the (7quwdl of Shuts, asp the Brant- ford ,rd of Trade Paoli attenisd Io n booty. A caters of honor from the lu,fferin Rlflcw w,tv nlsI In the pr. - r nv.lo, o. Tier pull 1w•nrerm ware: Non. WAN. Patorpon. Mr. C. B, 14074 M. P., flE S QUEEfl SNQyII. . a v. ,.: ,, poop..,.-. ,, ,,;, Y . .r. . v..- . ,poop mi ,v .. , _ .. .. ,- .x. f 7' ,, .. r .xy6''' ", a"t ,' a t; a i n , , r 6, A Natural Zoo Discovered at', �Q Over in Uganda. 'n;,J,, y pox OV4 .,. qp, :,r, a WILD+BEASTS TAME AS LAMBS s{',,a3 e.. a .,vr.,.. ,., ,. M. .a.�a London. June IS. -sir Harry Hsemll. fou Johnston, Brltlsh Commisslol•er " s. t 1,"°, for Uganda, line returneJ, after an alemeace of two years. In an Interview „�; `"' yesterday he. described tine extraor• qq atnary abundance of animal Ilse in a +` part of Uganda. He says there is a Inrtle tattletale of �°�,) ,1 country between EI(bma rNvrtts sus Mount Etgon that Ie entlrwly units- hnbitwi by human beings owing to the '` delwppalatlon through tribal wars s•'' t`. years ngrr-Thatrw ere Wolin Animals In that section that here so long bpr•n nmm�estPrl by man that tlwy are rad tame as deer in an English pa rk. - Sir Henry anti his. party went tlhrough hereon of elprehante and cars rennet met rhinoerrosea, Willie t110Y pasaeil'for several miles among herds 'tr1 of sphran and Antelopes. which ap. k<' , ; proaNled fenrlresly to ;.Iw in ten - . yards. Lions were constantly encoun feral, but they weer oo tAtey with&,:it ihnrtbeeetm and se'bran that they (lid not Interfere with the caravan. It 11N : + c�' was perp ttlat the (ratty found the ` ,", "i mew girnffeaptnra known as the hot ladothprlum, which was supposed to "n" : be extinct. Except for tits pterpose, of oMnln- , -= 4,4, Ing apmodulans for then Brltitle mnof-"ft -.''x the party foreboro from shooting , , a gnme. They found more pleasure In ' wandpring in thin henutlfnl natural gh�,, "logical garden and watching the temp need linlf-tamp creaturpa titan to �.t;; r M In,hdgp In any klllinq, which wonid .; leave open so eany sun to be simple ierahwv,As,- butchery. ,ea +r?rrr Sir Harry Johnston Intends to ad ,,�=� visa tine Govetntnent to mnintnln t1/P a. lr,� ellatrict as a national park Amt game nurses, preserve. • __ Mall Clerk's Pumlahn•pmt. �t��ry S nfF,1 (r�rm pr , t.�, Montreal. Juno 14.-Jomrpl F.. Con- . - Ptnnlln, the postal mall clerk who aq "e,17 °I°'> wns fond guilty of rutting oprre ,0.1 a mall sack and abstracting there- , `•„ from s package of reglstrrp(i let k tprn, wits aenYPllced to mix yp-aN Y a -,. In the penitentiary. In pwnselng apse tence tile- h•argqal jndgm maid that he fr''1' was Pmpowereed to Inflict a sl�atomee ser PMRJ mparrittudee fyor are, sIM Yp�al l'te 'tali-ro( fact the thhobse- Ntmen,dn tile] nest seem to have fully reengulsedl the gravity of his of- ° frnee. and that his prevlou clear %' actor had been eonsistrestly Sood. t Farmer Commits Selelde. Frederletoo, N. B., June 14, -flap! - eel Hays, n well kndrwn farmer of Doyner Ridge, ikmRlas. York goon ty, ecantnl tel suicide yesterday by „ has in . He was oat Ia thv fl d g R worklnR with hes siras dnI{gg . forpnoon. He lett home, went late i, -, the barn, tleml a rope nrau.d his seek ;t ± and hang htmsMt to a leas•' wife f,ettml him dread Body thtia am ,� proded atrost halt an hems ft p. Ire- 'Q+ canard waw atamt stIrty-three wR '"' rl of ane. Ha had ant limen wHl o�late i; ,a.^f and his mMd to scapi meed to mels flee. 1 affected. ; ear , A rrilew of (Irrinan troops will by ir,." ( :,' held set Mayenro, on Angnmt 14t h at ,I`' :� f which King FAwnrl and tlieCzarwill a� ,�,.,'Lf.t be ohm gupate of F.mppror Wliilats Rev. O. M. Howard, R. A„ a gradual 4 otto of Toronto University, has keen '�''A o aripoointel to wureped Prof. Ahern ns r, x , 0; professor of applogptirs In the Mont• ' ' rPnl Moro,san Thotelogloal Co1Mgp. e � le' Mr. WIT a•g, mate of tM old• est nmd bps mon ellill" , of *a :f t terlon, diet tat htn resienc e, Ken`q k;(f : ntrMt. at noon to-tiAy. DeeP=01 w • In h d 1 b i-; wet , n •par an P r w os M is 2"4L ptry.fyom Omnge, Irelastl, M ,, g ,,y a v. ,.: ,, poop..,.-. ,, ,,;, Y . .r. . v..- . ,poop mi ,v .. , _ .. .. ,- .x. f 7' ,, .. r .xy6''' ", a"t ,' a t; a i n , , r r . ..:.. poop:, , 4' .. ... .. ' .r I, ''1.1-. `+ �a 6'9:.�, t „ r,, d .. . ,... . ,, - , ,...F - a ,x r :. A r ,. orf'. " "hn .. ,. .r , t e � [" . ' ' t F yY'(c 'dt4r "wl . �,#�f ''f }.I �,ji ! �'l9a1W+'U•..,,,..a` a 1t (��,". iY,{ H Cp1�� y,��11 t` .'_o J,' ,,,a ,� h•.w ... e t . t ( ^ iL�4 e.. a .,vr.,.. ,., ,. M. .a.�a ��S .Fx',. 1a`ig i•�.,�,, qq (�,. tt �I