HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-20, Page 6---------
- The Choice Rests With You
Will you continue usin impure. liand-relled ten, %viten a better •r -
tele. grown on Itritiati ie nt ,ottr .Lispossal? Both Groom and
Meeks, ha,e. earnol it repo:Witten fer qualite.
Ceylon Teas are sold in Sealed Lead Packets
only. Black, Mixed,Uncolored Ceylon fireen•
Free samples sent. Address oSalada," Toronto
Only Two HOUrS' Ride From the PAN-AMERIC 1N, Buffalo,
or Niagara Falls.
This elegant tine omen...Nee betel erected lamt year at /1 coat of
111 I 00.1i00. w11:4 oopf,ii4.41 Lot (1 i. pub'', td-- ii1 of July, I POO. and n I -
Chong!' the hotter, wan not entire' y completed tit the oiniining. owl the
fr,o1rnlio end o tit of do. ainummeet feateneet were far from reaching
the 'ante itt terfeetion that feel Men planned. th.• mason prove" a tat -
(woeful (me, and the introits, ogle nti I all. expreetetel themitelt es t**i being
both etelighteel and so rprittonl at the hicuty rof t he !settee it 1111 surrotinie
Knee the cleat, of the teat -oil ef 1900 $10.000 has been etpentled (on
the granule. Nem feneee itt, Vl• been intilt. troe end *Mehl plautol.
flower beds lael ont. toerfeli tennis courtoo. not rioted and eo ntot tein t
they are ',rote...tie front the peeve:ling wine... golf links with intorest•
Ing hazard,. (*leek golf. it new and entertaining game tlett hes orently
Mean, an popular lei England and Aniereet. le.en port lo I, It In called
'The Menne of Vartlon'a Success," cud la splete1l.1 pottier,. for expert.
ea well an heeptinno.„‘ howling green 1e0 toy 130 foet hors :deo been
Added. Thaw are it few of Ma impatient...titer only, many more hate been
week., whieh wnot itt Nonce prevents mentioning
The hotel is, meet delightfully loeiteel WI it high bluff within It ertone`s
throw of beautdul Lake Ontario, atilt •oerlooke Hamilton Bev. told le In
easy &cores from all itante. being: 1.111y E.,1 \ 11111,*1 from Iltintilhote.thirty
nrilee from Teionto and fifty mile. from Buffalo rine Ningare Tana
The tesildtng lig it fire•poof (Irak strueturo, colonial In style, (in -
ie tatratighout in harewoel . 11 modern i.n ronstructioo O11.1 equip-
ment Eleetrielty finelethem the jetwor for teo lighte, elevator', and nail
make n furnace can eupply ahundavi,... of heat when netevaary. The to
tee han accommodation fro two hundred and fifty gerete.
The Keret II' eflarrillerR are Arranged .mingle nnt en iodic. Farb Omer
le aMPle leinelied with levnteriem. pet at it awl mettle bathe, service
en.1 sane It unexcelled.
A npAriAl feature. te the hotel iN ttt. epeoliele dedng-roonj. opening
reit from eaeli Ode en to large ,erandrie. where meal., ean be Anfrfeft,
An ercheetra ham been ...cured tefernieli melee ter hierning e•incerte,
deneing etery evening and In eat erday night hope. The latter will
hp held on the reef. where eeleet entertammente will atm he given
meseionally tiering the week.
traumments In 'petition tetheee, toter.. mentient•d. wheat can aloe be
enjoyed, nre yachtingcaneeing end reeving on tht• lake ir bay, modern
erteteet, ten pine. hillinrila este! and hatleng en t, fine white Hand beneh
Here &loci mill he found Mr reaely fee nutemobiles. as well ex for (7-
eling. riding and driving.
Ransil mouth hams in the hey and book. trent flailing in near -by
errantly cen be Indulgeil In.
Sufferer./ from hay feter and rheumatism will find cenditieng favor-
able 1.. their rel)ef.
rat PA --11'.2.7,0 awl upward,* per .1.ty; $1 2 rind tips -crib+ per week.
'Ingle; $22 andupward*. :ettr, wk fer two in rietm.
W. Werhenherten,' & i;(;•el
71 M. Bogen.
thee! Grn
eniln, 11.e 1 or feed.
• St Aflame ince i % tit -by -1 he Sen.
Ni•w Jereey
• Florida.
- _
' Jamey'," elle said -and her eyes Oinking her herui decidedly.
were whis and her voice was shake "Yes, they do," Ite averred, chitin-
ing--"don't laugh at me. but believe etely. "They are dull. lonely. And
I em and lonely ; I want you,"
me. You are not mare here -1 am sure
he declared, with it burst of yearn -
of it !"' ing affection In his voice. "1-0 Del -
Before he could nak her what. eke
„id dee, don't say y.itt won't come !"
meant. the door WAS t.pened ;
they were scarcely el the hall before 13tbe 811°.-ik tr'in to tu°t "
upon hers and
he put hie halve'
ellotbetn met them. Incited dewn into her face with plead -
"Jaime," sn1.1 Me, "Mr. Bember
In eyee her own dared not meet.
here. He wallets particulerly to see She wardeil off hie nearer approach
yon."to her, nett mak!. speaking very fast:
•All right.' he 'tomer,' . "I wit
1 tell arm, air Jamee-.Ottaes, It
ovum and see him in ax minete.--Ger- "
It. impreelble. Hear what the rest
None here, I want to elbow
you the library." ; I know th•-y will may it le Im-
o -teethe,. Ant don't, .len't, don't turn
Ma stunt. still Adhering to her plen
Away like that, as yen were angry
ni opening the enmpnign by the meet
with me • Yon mart loom I ck,n't
perfect feminine ontteniettion him..
want to be nokinet"
retrented. tier/tidier. let him lead
Then you promise to come, 1 they
her Into the ilbrery, tvhere, with n
pereeptIble start, she remognized the au agree to It ?" saki he, turning
tiger -akin whieli hitiri struek her engerle are abruptly.
childish faney ani reenained In her -Oh• I don't know ! They won't
memory Leer aloe her first introdue- ngr'^•Im euro. 'Iltiw7 win may Yon
tire to Waringhttna Hell. are mad"
Delete: began Inning, reeelling her "Y wplI. norms •nd 004."
to the liniment in it low voire-hle Ilt draw hoe hand through Ille
arm, and led her off to the ararring•
right hand wax pinying idly with the ,
room, we. Ikl eg very quickly n nd
patens on the table and his eyes were
without opteking. The lamp had hen
brought In, and round it the two
elderly Felber end the ecar were
witting. James, who seemed restless
Boll to tbenk time he made nnother
Jut before he died ; but, mut lie was
at tient Ouse enter the Influstace of
desteguing persons, who disappeared
as 11,Rn* AM I surprised them by hon-
ing up, we are not likely to hear
tiett one again. Now, it was cer-
tainly not Ina intention to leaet the
perste' he love.1 best in all the world
impotvided for " Geraldine tried Ot
interrupt him, but he kept her sil-
ent "And it seems to ilkt that Otto
bee wny In which we can eittory out
btitu wtsites in regard to heir is by ad-
opting her in tele tern and bringing
her t., live with ies, whether," he
ne site ahook her heed ilt•-
eidettly, "mhn likes It or not."
There wit.' rt outwit e'io eomplute
mileire A thunderbolt had fa 111.11
open them nil, not iu hie propose',
but In the suggestion wlileh accom-
panied It -'tet live with um." Then lie
pope -lee to remain here among thein.
Was he, then, free to do ao 1 It wii•
tot awkwitrd moment for them all.
The vicar came to the remote
"Your Oen is not a new one.
James," It. el:were:4, "though per-
haps I am the only person here who
hal hoard of it before. On the very
.lay before 'site Meese Sir Cherlem
told me that it wart hie Intention to
bring Mies Geraldine to the Hall,
having learned, I fancy, that Mira
Oretten, her protectress for so many
years, is nn clime to lee•e Copeley and
enter whet the High Church people
ran a ontrent "
ey1.11 were eparkling yeti'
triumph; ani he tnok the girl's hands
nffectienatitly in him.
"Neu hear that, Deldre - you hear
that. Aunt Elizabeth! My uncle
wished it, and his wishes are 'mere.'
to um all now."
Elizek•th was trembling with anger,
awl for it moment dared not true
h ewe( to speakleer thin artful
.1ri meet het cieverly planned hia attack
mm itt 0. try, prestonee of tht vicar
healil shall hia favorite. tier (elate
*acre -epee, VVIV) had wormed herself
'tan hLs nitrate -et rue shi heel dune into
tea uncle's. from elle effects of It •r
met indignation. ',After only a few
tie-antepewee, Mr. Baintor sp tke
egn in .
•' Rut, my dear James," b, began
with diffi knotwhich lila rattling %Noe
wee amble to expresso. ' s-ou must
,..V111! me for broaching this ex -
:newly dercate oubact . am It has to
he done rammer or Inter, however, it
otly83 WPII bt got over at once. I
would nugget th it there ere certain
tiffi m,tleo. of which you must your-
self be hely- aware, lit th, wny
your making any arrangements for
settling ib • family affairs. Au an old
rriene Wil.Alt you lino. all known for
.ny number of pers. your rialto
to me tt nak you to take th .ni
little more into your ioaftlenve
h in you Imo, hitherto done before
yeii have the inevaible interview
with the executor. who Up -so Felza•
eeth tell, me--Admard Stanhope."
' Confidence ••• etheed Jamey', iitt face
eienly iteveri^g. "Whit Theta?'
eon them. not on Iter -e I hnye temc.
thing to say to yell. I had tenant
to leave It. for a little while, until
after -after the funerne yon know.
Rut now 1 ran eine th 're le going to and excited, pulled the bell very
sharply when the greetings were
oyer, and gave the unaceustomeil or
der -
"Another lamp and Horne candlee-
Iota of eandles!" Then he ternea to
his Inuits. "I can't bear this gloom
It (Tyrone's me. You don't min.1 n
Iittlt more Itglit, do you?"
Fleenor looked horroretruck. Mdre
candle/et And at such it thee am
thia! It wee an outrage on deeency
an well as it criminal extrnvagan•-•
lin n dieterhnnee, nn 1 en nil -round
ftre itt lTipl.4t%Jtt remotions, nnit n
skelistem•hunt, arid Ilea% en know.
whet beetle* Mo. I tied better 'meek
to yeei first. I want yeti te let tne
take my unties pima to you, Deldee.
Of entree you enn•t leek up te me
and reimport nye so ice uhi1 hlm . bet
that domin't rettter . we en!' get on
very well without that. Whatever I
hove behaved to other peopla. con
wIII alwaye be able to depenil upon
me just sus if were -ail If I were Elire bet h aresentoti to the order r*.
y„r other, in feet. Ne, dotet ther early. Both the genets felt
eigh • ' howeight her, rernee le. relit, tee however, o ion eoeneoe
rue ehe muttervel little hvaterienl came In with nnother lamp. followopud In which there. will not winch fel to it maid bearing cameos.
merriment. "A men may he it very ''1"Ititt t,t better!"
gond tether. you know, even when Jnnuw; and then he violated preen
he tine been hv nt memo without dent again by bringing up an Itit•
reproitch In-tn ether reeler : go I need of toman from the ot her end of
detn•t wee why you ehteilhet le• -be the nom, placing Geraldine cm it,
my dileghter. Yen, I know it eounde end throwing hinteelf down upon It
funny • Mit I meet bit amething to tweed° het.
yes', leeldee," he went rm. leo voice It wag it MO beginning, denoting
growing fuller, more tender ; " eel contempt for the sacred righto of
-and 11 -11 everything had been al- enertote, easy familiarity with the op -
together different. why. then -why. t (tete sex, ami unhealthy discontent
them, of (etyma it wouldn't have with existing arrangements. Dui it
bran the memo. end we might have was* but the pr,11)($01 7.0 nomething far
seem to- why, ceme to ether ea worm ; for aa neon an he was se•ted,
retrigementa perheps. But, an it is. he began, wit.'" his eyes •till on
I have thought It over, and Oast Oeralchate, wile triad In vain to pre -
memo the only freebie plan. Of lent his epeeking.
eneresse you won't end inc ptpn.• " "My dear meats, I have it ern-
--and they both began laughing in- {mai to mak , to you, a.ntl I take the
coherently. with tenni in their eyea opportunity of making It in Mr.
-"beenutee--beentese, of tvniree. it !ember's preeeoce. becausie I feel eur•
weeildn't io Bet you will enme and that 10 VVIII empport me. Yon all know
live bare with my auntie nnel--an.1 next Opotellim, the little slater I
yogi wont (Ind me much in the way horn.' so romentleAlly end brvough t
here nineteen yearn ago, wax my
-I wheel generally be ota Anil yet."
uncle's adopted daughter." There
cam be merrier! from here, when I
wan a movement on the mart of Meth
have fated yes] n nice. truatwortliv
humband Rut we can take our time the eider !WIWI , hut neither of them
apoke. "Yoe all know how fond he
about that.-
was of her, Rad" -here he lowered
He flopped at 'Mit, end foliate en
lonktng et her. (het OernIcitne wee ha ‘.04e0 -"that. AIM IVAII itt. laat
st•ritvg at him blankly with moist thought no hie death bed."
•yes. Wla anggestel arrangement "JaMee !" interrupted tela younger
mint. In a stifled Yoke
took her breath awey.
"You are nut martinet." Ile tart irp hie hand anthoritntinly.
'Yea, I am. Why not ? Look here "let me go on, went, and we will
-rt in no flaw far r,,h (0 any 7011 come to the diseustalen p)'esently
are not coining, few oat are to oome You know, perheps you eertainly bit
-do yon hear 7 There ran be moth- Ami Ellanheth- that I lotto look
e 11 1,1 It my aunt*
*Rot elreedy for my witelees will, and
lg 111110 ;
ran isel none, btet one he made
www11.1104.8"114"144niteot!CLtirrophog Gorolgtot, tweety years ago. We all hove Tea-
There wit,. anothrt most awkward
silenve, during which nobody could
keep qtetet-till.
'Weil, then, not to beat aboet the
beet any longer, liew tail you -did
i'0,1 manage to get here. in fart I In
the pioneer', toe all (ea nt seeing
yne among to again, wit -we -none
ef us -could rush into tietalls 11
reetly -nor teak' eel, of coeree ! But
you enn nee youreelf, my dear bey,
that it makes all the clifferenne in
the world, thet It 1. it pant which
your reletit e let•e a right to have
iettled. in fact "
"Whit in rerth de yen mean r'
.Inniee, in it low voice. "I
don't understand you."
Well, then, 11 yon foreut me to
apeak out, how did you get oet. oI
pekoe f"
"Prleon !" echoed •Inmea. quietly
"Yea-lertmoor, I believe it yens.
Were you let wit, or -or ita•e yeti -
well-Pr--OFCAlled I"
James looked at the vicnr eteadily
an he crossed and recroomed his legs
noel tnpped the table by which he
wag sitting. and shifted him cont-eol-
tar no he was in the habit of doing
hie gown.
"I have never been in prison." he
replied, very caumly
There watt inatatitly in great com-
motion In the roomthough nobody
epoke except poor Eleanor, who be-
gan to pray aloud in a quinvering
voice for fergi•eneee for Itt. perjured
'' My deer Jamey'," Raid the %ker,
very grevely, eth•iik ;twain."
e If I think till I'm blue In the fere.
oin't fin I it /suitable reply to etch
noneense!retorted the yoang man.
engelle• " I -I can't think what hes
•ea-ne over you all. I beg your tor -triton,
Mr. Bomber . hut really art queetIone
would try any °nee teraper.-Deldeo."
he weird, turning to her with sudden
excitement, "did you ever her this'
story before 7"
Rh, turned a white fere towttrel him.
whsporing in an agony of trembling
lame -
"0 James. lern•t tt. tone, then?"
-True? No. of colleen it la riot
Len • ! ethsre on earth did you all get
hold of IL? Do this is the meaning of
_ Geot h even !”
He. started up frorn tbe ottoman and
'fence against th• mentel pi.tit. with
lies heal in tax hands. 'Phew all 'onkel
it him mutely. not knowing whnt 10
make of he behevier-en.11 but Eliza-
beth. whoe got up and left the room
ta the butler appeared at tha door.
Then. If thin is not trtre how ik.
von aecount for your long absentee,
with, rat ever ~ding your f Mends
Ito intimetkei of your whereaboutair'
asked tho vicar.
"When I left Wiaringham, It was
with the Intention of metering n11
conneetion with & place which I had
hatod Mere my boyhonte and it fam-
ily who hail hated me, end who were
bent npon forcing me into a proles -
'Ion which 1" --he remembered lila in-
terlocutor, and Changed him sen-
tence -"for whelh I wadi Unfitted."
"And yon he me been -'•
"Everywhere - to - to - to the
Cape for the a -renter part of the
Dirt tetra fetel healtation made th•
ricer look graver "till.
And Too mean to say that you
deny -ebeolurtely deny that you were
ever in prtson ?"
"Mast emphatkelly I 4007 tt I"
"I am afraid you will and that .10 -
(tenet to prore, sus two persons whom
we know well, to beg% wttb, sem you
In prison."
And whet aro those two pereoms ? "
Clutrles• Dublin eolleitor. Mn
Mammy, tit man whose evidence 1s un-
impeachable, and Me. Lindley Field -
"I.Larliey FteldIng !" alinnot *loot-
ed James, contempturemely. "la that
the. eoldence yon hew* to go upon ?'•
'Ft ie not nil of it, James," broke
Ln Ellie bet h, coldly.
Rho had mem into the room while
they were telling, holding In her
hand ISOMOI newepaper•enttinge rind a
letter. A wort of deteateade 0e111
tntion over elle man who had wished
to thrust permitting, upon them made
hew bine ey en glitter brightly. she
ginnead over the papers In her
nave dellhorntely eeleating one print
titi mtrect, gam it to him to read.
Ibt Go& it and held it eels* t4
"Ile Of til. comities on the ma tel pier..
Het wee breathing heavily, end he
had to pees hie hand arriliell 11111 ey�.
before he road rend. It was an we
meet of the. trial, a short ram be-
ing rely as Irish awarder. tbo Rowe -
papers kali niOn &Val it much space
- but clear, giving till the names. liter -
elan.° ceuuclted tat the uttumau, uu
able to look at him. •
II u laughed a hoetree laugh that
grated on the ear, and wad, in a
clerking votes-.
"It -at ia n. mistake; It bit too ab
▪ Inquire -Inquire at Dartmoor
or-eie wherever it is, and you will
find that your -your felon Jame@ Ot
way is safely caged."
lttlortiuuttcly no, James," respond-
ed Elisabeth, very quietly. "1 sent
Martha to tioldborough this after
t•l0 the. Post ol(io., to beet if it
let ter I expected fr./In ilia Mnetiel.
in 11114111Ver tot) USW Id mute, hail are
✓ ived. She has Etat brought it 1 will
r1.11.41 1,0 y(10 the paragraph which
concerns Tout"
She uafokted the letter end read-
" 'It is qutto true that Janice Ote
way teme, hie escape from !Methuen'
five weeks ago. 1 heard ef a only
two days Wane, ar I should have
written to you. He le suppoessa by
the pollee to have left for Amitralia;
Lori & Ile has kept out of their hands
tio long, 1 should tltink, with proper
precautiuse, he ought now to be
eXeould you like to read it your-
self 1"
bite was handing the letter to late
nephew, when, with it gasp and a
gurgling 'entre in lee throat, he stag-
gered forward sund fell in a fit.
'Me vicar led (•••raldium quickle
from the room, end insisted. In spite
et tinr prayers, upon leading her tee
at onoe tothe vicarage. She set ilke
ene stunned, apnoea unable to ans-
wer Mr. Bamberea gentle amd loud
speeches& uotll the little Nmfeek cart
tt ti. rensly. &ad Iteginall helped her
into It ts. drive, bier lwtek Copeley.
Juin as they were 'darting, rue'
hyr etreinIng eyes were striving to
elerce the evening mist that hung
about tho trees of 1Vartughant Park,
'she whimpered,
,stetp, stop cam mometit, I im-
plore you :" Reginald reined in the
lolly, and in another minute the Itg-
aro she 115.1 (tinily Peen came up to
them it was James, panting, hag-
gard. ghastly.
"Deltiee. Deltlee, for IleaVClfe
sake nay you (Sout believe it:"
''Oh James. ncia 1 don't -1 data!"
The poor fellow eetzed her Itand
rind clung to It in at:aro:yew of greet
"Thank you, thatek YOU Heaven
levee you!" he cried. hoarsely. "Come
agnin -let me see yoneagain."
"I will comes to mantic," she wean
petal. tenderly. elope to lay ea1.
lie teemed only beef to uriderstand
the words .but they tone of eer voice
comforted him. and. AR Reglitalei towh-
ee tie, pony lightly with the Whip to
put- ar owl to thla dIstreesing Inter-
Ocw. James promeel her hand to his
liot, dry lips. with a look wheel
wrung her very soul. and 'doggerel
back without anotion word. RR she
wam drIten awny from Ida sight quick
ly In the dusk.
A eproin itt terror mizt•I Geraldine
as she turned to her eozepamo1.
eelliat will he do What will be
do?" she cried. wildly.
'Oh, he will tet all right tomorrow !
The whole Deal nese has been
clumsily managed. end 1 don't won-
der it upeet him," replied Reginald,
But in Iteuten fear fell on the girlie
heart that she would uevur met.
Janice Otwny again.
Regineld Member W:LR a man WIllifr•
even temperament placat him nhove
the leech el p tty allege of eel-
nitey, end, moreover, it wax quite out
of the queetion t hat be ahould for a
moment entt•rtain sucn a feeline ns
envy for an emeaped convict who In-
augurated lilm freedom by drunken -
nem, and who then hrul the amincity
to they that Ito i,,ul ever been in pri-
son at all. But, (rem what
ere of Geraleline's fare, an be drove
her quickly In the dunk of the closing
o•oning front Waringleon toward
Copeley. th el was evitlently PII-
tirely ab ere.• 1 in anxiety for thnt
molt unwerthy object of it that n
natural tine:urine's arose in hie teind •
and he saidin his soft voice'
"Yon nre far too good-natured.
WPM Lindley. I don't know alt) man
who is worthy of all the kind templet -
you are bertowing upon ent• who
certainly does not deserve it tithe 0'
"That Is not a vary Christien nent1-
ment," •he answered, her voice trem-
bling.' Awl yesterdey you accueed me
ce being toe severe."
' Yesterdny I hnd remon to hope
thit you were," hp expostulated.
gently. "Torten -by ()teeny hnd not
put himself otitaide the p LIP of mon
pithy by wlint I can really rail by
no other term than a deliberate and
audacious felsehood."
' How de' you know it ie not true?"
ehe asked, hotly.
Ho 'saw by this wild riteertion thnt
she woe not In it fit Ante of mind
to be tnIkett to as a reasoning beine,
so he n.newered, indulgently -
' Of entree, of conrses-how (Inn we
know? We moot welt and are."
But shedetecting wild compeesion
for her pirtlallty Ir hitt tone, sai1.
aith n strong effort to he calm end
col lee tett --
eMr. Bomber, what would you say
fl I were to tell you thet, In spite
af eppearanees, I believe Sir James'
This erne too much for it manes pa-
tience'. Reginald answered, quietly --
"I should he cleave to sly, Mims
f•indiltY, that It was n very remark -
tittle iriatence of the amiable weaknem
which pnta it woman'. Judgment, how-
ever naturally keen, at the mercy of
her niter tIone."
"It IR no question of the af rectionee.
•he said, ealmly, hut in in temelt of
intenal rage at being *mimed of an
'amiable wertkneee." "it It. a met-
ier of weighing the evidence for rind
.tgelnet the teeth of e santement "
"lint unfortunately t he ertdencie
IR on one mete," urged Reginald, eel
alt ti perfeet (mealtime',
began to feel mliel annoyance nt
her thetinney. "It ail gore to allow
thnt there enn not ponsIbly he ^par-
te-le of truth In Oterny'e deninl of
hie having been in prison"
"A Jame(' (Away was put In priiiofl.
we know, hut not neeesearily this
Jammu Ot way."
"Thnt wan nettles: at *he time.
He wets nctnally see., In Demon by a
men in whom Sir CAlltrInfl heel the
grentut eonfidenne, a men of unim-
penchnble eh/treater-Mr. Maasey,
hie itolleitor in Dublin"
"But there wan entailer perston
who visited the prieon, whom u'vh
tinnot. ynti will Rama, is not so un-
impeachable -Mr. Fielding."
"Of retiree hie visit cermet,' for
"I don't think it flOPR. Mr Field-
ing it. Sir .Inmes' grenteet enemy; be
Aimeef any. an, and he la very °lever
awl conning, as mery nne seem"
"lint he in not (lever enough to
Immo., upon a man at well acatinint-
pel with hie eheracter na Mr. Mersey
ie. firoldpe. Mr Mame), htttl noth-
ing to On with him; he went himeelf
to the preen and RAW ()teeny"
"Ant did Mr. Motwopy know Jewel
by eight ?"
(To he Oontintiall
John S. Morgan's Letter fOpen for
Their Perusal,
Nova Scotia Member of tele lhuIId
Waal* ills Case Pubtleheol -An
Wight Year Sufferer from liar kerne
lieceutly by Dedd's hilduey
Belilgewater. N. S., June hl ttipe-
clal.)-The case of Jetta 11 Morgan,
sePituoninItN(I'rbellnplutt Inauprici.ttnir'"interi t lt)::frirne.
every eaten and Itlgl`111110111
ranaila. In a matter her thee there
*should be no eistenction, the benefit
bek•nim to all.
Jain S Meagan for eight yearn WWI
hampered In hie work by imoknelie.
ettetping Continually at wOrk Lis the
cause te a great deal of lattokaelie,
though bit in the %way rune peopet
imagine. Mr. Morgatee Iiittei explainv
the truth of the matter whun lie toy..
1,00.lies 1. etney Pille cured hie back-
ache. It WAS really Kidney ache that
laeld's Kidney Pille cured. It was
remilly Kidney ache that tneubled Mr.
Morgan. 1/4 0
Rackaolle hs the commiontest toymp-
totat uit Keiney inseam. lildney leg-
atee Is the commonestof human tell-
nienta nml Itnittre Kidoey Pills are
thte "ir. Infallibkl cure for all Ki ince
1110'410C Read what Mr. Morgan
dap* about them himeelt.
have been etadeet to lame leek
for elght yea.re. The differy•nt rein--
001in I tried werit nee good. 1 goi es"
thief I ICAO crippled tip entirely Ana
(Needn't clo n tap of work. Another
thing wale it frequent' desire to urin-
ate. altogether unnataural.
"About a year ago, I euominenc,ect to
tete Doddet Kidney Pills. I had run
down in weight to abetrt 1(0 potinde.
teatime the tint I woo item lealtlei
Kidney Pills I gained 23 pound+. My
batik spit better tin I better as I eon -
united taking the pihltt until to -day 1
nau no free from Ixtekache ea ewer I
was In no life. Tete after eight years
of It lacuna/an awful lot to me. I seel-
lie th.• dangler I wait in and 'MOW
what 1 owe to Dodd.** Kidney Plebe
I rerxnume le I Dodd et K itInee 1 'i I le
to aneone who heel backache or any
other Jalopy Cemplaint."
- -
Millions Is China Now Said to be
Facing Mearvallose
Carl you pecture millietuie of people
flosiklag to their rulnal tillages/along
the Pel -ho, atseerbel with the idea of
rcconatrueting their homes rune rule
ti vat ing once more sect iota.; of groutei
thot had been their meanie of crop-
nert ? Everythiug he barren ; ever" -
thing io watt. The once thrifty val-
ley to only it cola inflation of rants
arrl devrertation. TIIP military opera-
tions, are the only signs itt ecttux1 ne-
tivIty. The perniation etando with
mouth agape and waiting. What do
thew welt for ? They tkt met knew.
Wiali• the troops of the were.' wen -
.ler over the fare of their peN)•tere
there C44 be no peace. And tits weekc
fly by, the groun 1 hewer*. for the
seed from the hand if the bower rind
ei-ore wonting. The crud* plough in
jaimmel into the ettft mud of the riv-
eree busk, and growm runty with eget
na 1 disuse. The roofe oyer the noel
honorer ere not replaced. No move-
ty. nt la notketable. tewarcie the re-
e..notructlen pf ellegem and cities.
The chaotic ireeellIthin of things dope
net chomps. The tango .11 heinger
gnaw at the vItalet of mittiono. With
art meant* of prix•urtng their Mom Ile
oessitine of Ilfe. what can theme mil-
lion!, de' T -C. Fred. Ackermeues in Lam
lie's Weekly.
It was. properly tweaking, the tif-
troilism set andel by the woman'.
club fur the dlaeusslon of untslona.
Before the members could bit , Cantu!
tuft order, however, one of the num-
ber eturted am informal talk on •
eubject itotnewbett nearer home. and
the matter .1 mission's war allow-
ed to go over to tint Belt meeting.
The member waled aloft a newto
[wiper and rend an t•ttract
hltg anent. made in a Nekton which
Willi Violating till, l'1011illg Itt w by M-
ato epen on Sunday. The men RIO
8.,1111.41 were ail taken to the sta-
tion Meuse. In Hoeing the account
of the very ordinary occurrence the
paper said:
"The proprietor was held for trial
fer [elation of the liquor tax law.
The Magistrate committed the wo-
HWY ttt jail fir it month each. Ile
dleadiarged the thirty-five men."
"Tithe" maid the member with till'
newspaper, "le ouch it cionmen hap•
pelting tiutt It apparently doesn't
tank %fry bight ats an item of news,
because there LH only very little
space given to itlint it make* my
blood boil to think of the hohistice.
.the unchallenged inimnice. of the
law as it l• interpreted. 'Oourt itt
atelier.' indeed! 'He committed the
women to jail for a month each. He
dieeharged the thirty-five men !'
"There la something appalling in
the' inequality. I should like ti
kn.vw why it is alWaye the woman
who meet bear the brunt of the
moral storm. From the time of
Adamwho tried to make Eve re-
ispenwible for hie downfall. the
*dory has been the stone. Juin tak.•
thin case, for an Instance. Some
men and women were aiding the
proprietor of a, nekton to break the
law by buyeng drinks from Itim. If
that In an offence, why were It. ut
both men and women held t.' ex -
count, inetead ef just the 11(11111.11
If it waa not an offence why were
the woolen held at all ?"
None of the other women were
ready with an explanation. But
many were ahem, to corroborate
the first (speaker. Said one:
"You notire the same thing on th.•
Hinge. The custom ef making the
woman serer solely for the trans-
greesions of all hats burome eto retie -
nem tlint draipatiort never thinke
of presenting her in a light oth^r
than the light of being lent. Did
you ever hear of eivelety shutting
ite door in the fitte of the male 'gin-
ner and "peening it to the women
limner tialtelly. It is always the
re% tem of the eituatione•-New
York Herald.
tette-No; I haven't read much
poetry lately. I think the Mat thing
I read ITDA one oft Alfred Atatina
polemic He -That'• 1the last thing
I'd want to read.
Gentua le only a sutperior power of
"He claim," there wine it time when
hi, rode in his ewn carriage.- "Wen,
I men say the name thing." "You 7
When ritti you ever doothat ?'' "When
I wait it baby." .
Almost alwaya the moat indigent
aro the moot genereale•
"Hello!" exelaimeci the t hu
demi; "hew have you been getting
along lately 7e "Well," repleel the
cyclone, "I've been traveling
through the weed, and Inc mon/ig-
nored to pick up it few thiuge tit
Neter wrin the vole. ni eotorelence
enema,' wit Melt ret rite' t t.tn -idrim
(tarot A Taylor. of Margaret.. meet(
-One bottle of NIPV (RD'S LINIMENT
three a swelling of the gambiit keel
and OfiTIVI a lower worth
Then. W lasynet. or lin thuret. mitred
Uuu' U4r of it valuable horse that the
Vet lind [oven tip. eith INA
tier' of MINAltIrS LINIMENT.
Do not epeak et( your happineeelo
(RIR Item fertunate thou yourself.
leendere-How aMna the fee I loan-
ed you? florreughe-tiee whizz! I
forgot all abent it. I'll make note
of it nowlaintlere-liuppone yen
make* it, $3 twite of it.
It ta better to take many Injur-
ies, than to give one. -Franklin.
It is more easy to be wimp for (ah-
em than for oureelves.-Rocliefou-
Our memorteii are very far
From perfect. Seel regret!
The thine,' we meet remember are
The trIlIngil we eheuld forget.
Faith la the pencil of the wail that
pletnrie hen.venly thing/4.-T. Her-
All who would win joy meet ahem
It . happItwee erns been a twin -
Tibbene, are you going
to move this' awing to memo) how**.
cleaning? TItthene-Not much! There
are tOlk nanny people who move for
'They may he ran through Ida wife's
money in two year*"
"What ranger' the delay
ern tiontety.
the same purpose,, and jou can't find
a clean vacant bowie.
1SSITE NO 25 1901.
up from any sickness, no matter
what sort, begin with a little
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver
oil, P-. "••••••• • ...les'
It is food, and more than
food: it helps you digest what-
ever food you can bear.
tome ves• ••••••.• •••• mor iv.
000TV • 11011101, _ orogplgagusa.V01104111.
ptans pee au
alletiligas Girl Thougbt to Perform a
Klad•imite to a Mita le Church.
itt i:Ahne, gieh., whose beu•volout
There le one young ing•
dapoisition received a 'ever° shock
,4/,ni mr:tv vital irnagHIte 8
.tly ti:
well-dreamed stranger, with it entre.
ing hanging to him coller. Being one
of those generale-hearted, whole
monied glee who grow up to he motim.
prey oil Wiles, a friend to everybody
iu town, site thoieght how glad the
week! be If atone kind-liearted girl
wool 1 do ea mitc•li for her father vet•re
he to get to church with it rat piing
Imaging down lila back, no when the
audit -am TOW for the Ilret heron nil..
ttencluded to pick it off. Carefully
i, ngate tt bit.r
twitch, but It was longer thano
'learnt. Setting her teethelle gate
it pull, arri about it yard of that ter-
✓ ible thread hung down hies back This
wage gt•t t Ing embarrassing. but, deter,
mined, erhe gave ie another yank end
diacoverml that elle wa• tiara reline
underahirt. Her discomfiture wRo
••-) rAllatill tltitt C111,0rOf urn* wonli itt
111/1 e ;Oleo la tee! her iniffeenee nor :1
Dint .4 powder hidden her leuphey
wiles the gtunhltn in tempi with en
enquiring look to erY, what was tick-
ling lila r.eck.
tity CAlindres are. Near-allglitiut.
Aceordirrg to Dr itrudenell Carter.
nn Englab phynician. the Oaten 01
children writ, ilve in towna is rentriet-
tel in range rind pewer by the fart
that they are eekeem able to ens
littig dietnocee. The ether aide of tb,.
mtreet 1. nhout am her it. they hate
the opportunity of liming their eight.
when country children have an ex-
pensei of landscape before themend
are aim able to pins -tire their eight
on an immense ilivermity ef objecte,
ouch ne hals•arews, flowerm, Itt-
oiecte, etc. It I...ke uta if mot here and
nurses; eught te be etenetraintel te
take their cheirgen where the
would tinfn,111W et rengthened by pr en-
tice liver long dietm tiers, no that the
glide might grime up with eyell
fiff the lellynte duties witioh fall to
them, end the Mon he better eble -
among other things -to ithnot.-Les-
lio'i Weekly.
No. Manda dear wet heart never
heard that people tern in leap year
•re particularly fond of froze' lege
Hare Is a pnnerter unite intuit,
Who estyit-now, cen yee mate+ It"
"The man W110 runs to catch It
Must train to run and retch It !"
Howhind Ritritn-Yon are new
member of our rempany May •11 mete
air, your vile? The Other -I am the
MIT/MM. agent. Howland Rantt -
Indeed Well, could you-er-advance
Mill • finer j"
Ilis pelale widow 'teen to be man-
aged like a women 1 one meet may
nothing to It except what It likes
Minorite Linhaeat
!epeclal Trete to Man leraneleoe.
For Cnnaillan delegatee tend all oth-
Prol going to Epworth League Con-
vention, vin Chicago awl Northwest-
ern Railway, to leave Chicago. TlIPM-
day, July lith. 11 59 p. m. Stops will
be MAP nt Denver, Coimackt epringe,
olenwood Mpringe and Malt lake,
priming an near the (inept *revery
in the Rocky and Sierra Nevada
Mountain/4. Through Pullman ;mi-
nce n.ntl troiriet eleeping enre Order
berths earlyne perty will he limit-
ed in number. Fare only LW) round
trip, with CllOieff of rotate returning
Mend stamp fun' illeetrated itinernry
nevi' map of San lern.neleco, to It if
Bennett, Generni Agent, 2 King
street east, Toronto, Ont.
$100 REWARD, $100.
The reeler. of t hi. poper will he Idea -ed • n
learn that there le at lewd one dreaded titans.
that aeleino• hoe been •ble to cure in all it•
isagee aaa that le Catarrh Hall
Mr,, le the only positive our* new known In 'he
medical fraternity. Catarrh, being ticolon,
t etionn I dimmer. require. • ronettt 'it irmal iron,.
meet. Hells Catarrh Cure ta taken Intel nail,.
acting directly the blood and morons
eu risco. of Um equine. thereby dent roy t ng 4.
foondstion of th• dt..w anti gil tog Mei.
tient at reae b by building up the romeltn on
sad mitatkic nature In doing Itt wort
oprtedine have so tunch faith tn Its en rat
power* that me, offer (Me Hundred Dollars
for any coms that it fella to cure. Fiend for lira
of testimonial..
Address. F. J (HENRY tttl., Toledo.
!' obi by Dnigglete.
rimilfra Plan.
Itoberlygeon independent: The To-
ronto Marlieni College Minted have
three subjects for the piekle
within it week. Three of the lend-
ing eriminnle of the eontinent hnve
killed a cementer with, the object of
mnkIng twenty.. The engirt la mitt-
init.; they should h• given a. tenl
limited to one hour rind a half, incite!.
leg ieldromes; t wente -foto hours' to
nrrnnge any beeineme affaire they
max hare awl contemplate the fu-
ture; and inetruct Radcliffe to (tiro
over t he bridles; to the Medical Cel
Inge. Such n proretiere wail.' he
exemplary, white' le the object in
view, it would be In the intereete of
testiety, the advancement of wiener
and nothing more than common hone
sense. Why not do it
kftnard's Liniment Is used by Phy-
Coeducational Ill•trlenony he Risiole.
In Remainsays the London Globe if
a girl &term to study at either of
the it ni Yenta lea et iquette
tint t mho about,' be married. Accord-
ingly elm gme through the civil from
of marriage with one of the men sto
dente. whom she may !lever lois@
004,0 bPrOTP, and perhaps nine 'woo
epee k itt u,gaun Three Inn rringeo nra
perfectle legal, and if tie• 11 Itt ffiel -
Ing partaw lik.• earl' other they ..r•
limited for life, hut iit !termere the
me reap. 1. /11/14ItIVIA their
vermit s coursie IN Unbolted, and low 11
re free to tnarry again.
Kentucky Polk -bore.
There APA two ewe IntereetIng
iirtleles tn the current .Ionirnal of
American Folk -Lore- 'Witch -Finding
in Maryland" and "Kentueky Folk-
lore." Here la n 'temple of the latter
"Many of the negro auperetitlene
ere quite intereeting. An old phenol.,
tear told me with great grrnrity
' if you weet peppc•re to grow y011
meet gib mail My old ',mien end m,
tinI rt *pet and 1 went right net rind
pleinted my replete' nn' they eserne
right up:- atIll another saying la
that pepperm, to peeper, mmit Itt
phinted by n red-bendea or hy a higlt.
t empanel pereton. The negro elect
any,' that one never RAPP • Jetylent
on Fealty, ler the bird 'lets his
enterer, mateety to 'peek kindling' en
thet tiny'
Ask for Minarets mid t•Ite
The health of a community la •n
leambeeman's alma', unfailing lade* of ilia morale
-4 . Ilartlaeau.
To Cure • Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Wpm° Quiioutie Tabi,
drogglet • refund the money If It fail. re ,ure.
W. Moored signature le on v401 Ow. • -
Threw It Away.
After hen ring et I fence in ne
eier between min end ,.it.. In wheel
tee wife hed n dent or provimat ins
the megistrate, honing te tete hes-
hen I. remarked. "My geetd men I
ntaIIi ca•not tie anything ill 11,11
'But elm ham cut it piece, of mt en r
off, air."
••%Vele" antt the magletra itt, ' 1 will
bin I her over to keep the pence.'
"Ten cat," alionted the huelond;_
'eihe's thrown It nway."-Tit-Bite.
Keep Minard*it Liniment In the
consumptive Conect• Isolated.
Teta,' lanintra it. contempt Itt r
tette nal pre -aides trentment See
them etf the mi 'approve,' k frteuch
no highly nutet toile foode,prhpT
et I mule nte end en enforced life In t
liven Mr, reqiiiting them t.• (sleep in
'Ten etickndeir. No ona in allowed to
work beyver I lila ort remelt'.
Treated Free,
we hove made d ropy! and 1.0
romplIcatione a Ipne1•11• In?
twenty piers quick o'pf..
Cures worst eases Weill 01
TilTillont•IA and II) IV,
treatment rays
110•0 ATLANTA.43410
Boys and Girls Wanted
To earn a h•ndeorne *dem wind •nd aet el•cr
nnbehanerentorA timekeeper. for .enieg
y 12 hove. of blonarrh Silver Poll.h,iovttt
thing every heimskeemer will buy. t 'Irani/told
,it,.r nlatmci *mfg., (*Aram!. rer.
',Meertin. steel. ate Rend UP your !ultimo*,
sre will word you the polish. you .11 11 ret 'on
tut tile moneywe will then .and you the watch
thnolo,ely free hy retorts moll. Adders. the
Illesserek Supply Ca., Ilk 001b0011000, 001..
A one dollar bottle guaranteed to coo'lt 01
it.. of lame hack. ,A1111.41 by strain or iitelnry
t ronbles If em knpt by your dingiest order
from Wit.allOWN. larepeteree. - -•
Priessee. bee and 51.011. Stilton. I' ik
letITY ACRF. FARM FOR tiAhlt. FtiftT1--
1' fire in erops ; mond bending,: pOnw,,nn
any tinin APO/ te W. & Walton, rkmrhnen
Junction. Ont. . _
nmwed Truss hop no meal: diner. fate
.11 other.; can be worn oontleurmelf; Pert",
,am fort ; rpIIi hI.. representative. wantetl. pent,
for pamphlet Ti, Wm. Payne C41. hondon.
it a eleallreillelIT'AmetiVrger a,• At-eManaay harrr;"-en-na.l'r(elesTig.
Mice. /mi.:Onto; will no retie er low ntf, me
be carried In vest motet; carrea bet ea: rile
P"Aenrele Mealweter. fitte.:, liet"msPbt.bLowity wearin.
- -
•yeeleare'Ar.,.746;lit'm".1 !red t Iffill5811.171711::11M1. w. entnikeii":
NW,welAt:Ts.gp,11,77:1:4. Tokrui,AND0h7:77.7.
dhrtAn. nn 1 I. d oreinnhetYcOmtli:T7IthrinylLminflt7ki,,O:(111...57h.e.:ttrwl.:NoteTi moerterk, ,i ANI)ormitcr A;11Tn.
1(4,00,..Al.. Tio111:1;ece.afIaDh.Amt.itihrnorgit-Irn.rtnAI,E:
aility Milers acre, near imeneent
t,Rt•IT FARM 7011 -PIAL-1-0-N173-r- Tilt-
inollfirt, la woilletthfrorn. Sille*Flantre'lltear."Ine"ut•tmsf
divided into WO of lb M SI armee to omit. Inv
ehmiws. Tlilit la a derided ea/ma kflan"
onTiAmyti. Er &Arta In all, Ski W etteth kip et feet
mean pasehes. Will he wad in aim owe' w
Jesse_ hae_faritee_ter,_7. a tem iss vri,*",
714-Y7.h4.1171"."4.1eroftnallermal.:it'lkiethlvieldlrlillire"illnota_R 0,01. Wig"' it -ala 16:11.
vole,. Ittanall=n0AT fee retarewea I'm."