HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-20, Page 5•v tm•J.r` K ..}
�KK yyy d 4
�' '4° M.a�,k ,ga'* .t _ s }"„" �a��3r,.trt - ( x•r "��'�t'�"
bandwwe end commended f d all
idw�r Ja
t-Iwwluga or dres/w R ..5 quality
W. Acheson & Son
....Stylish Silks at Sinai Price....
Sptcial offer of 500 yards of f•t.cy and plain English Silks. very
or gt,o wear, • colors, such as pale
blue plot hello, cardinal, brown, green. Special , per yard
22 -inch itch black Bengaline Silk, medium cord, suitable for waists,
'tear guarantee1 A gular $1 - r.2
150 pain Corsets, in nearly all the 1,eat user -B. tk C., Yatiri,
Fttathrrbone, Coraline, Watc',opring Regular $1.00 and 1$1.25.
Special this week, per pair
ertrrAkkl.:.an.ttar za
1111$11/111 Tapsstr v OarpSta at 150o•
800 yards extra quality English tapestry Carpet, in a large r targe of
new designs and oolorugs, suitable for any room, hall or stain
lar value BOc a yard, special
W. Acheson & Son
Blytb : Harvey Bheno bar take. • Istel
Mee as solemn' la 8. 11. Oldley's sleek
Seafortb : S. A. Dickson has passed h
.wood year rtemiaetloo at tie Toros
law echool,
Clinton : Mr, Tt•dele, of Uinta'. le tb
.iter of w automobile, lb* drat ons broug
foto this oouuty.
Lendssboro' : L Whitely ss
ly hes paned h
boat ,zamii aim in medicine and 1s no*\
full Bedie4 M U
'teeter : Dr. Aad.reoo hie tetanal firma
Chimgo.wh.,• he stoat role clans latheoe
pt 5red0.1. cones, In dentistry.
Keeler : Dr. Rollins was In I)atroit
few days ago assisting in • very Milos
*proration upon bis alma, Mn 8. White.
Se•fertb . Mn. Blackwell and daughter
o1 San Fraeoleco, are here just now %lbia
at the residsoos .f her tether, Aloe David
Brawl, : Albert litany, of Indies Head
N. W. T , who left Brussels twoly• o
man sn ago. is hero hooa • betide
WIngh•m Joe. Stuart, who has teen I
R A. Douches' drug stor.,bw gone to Chi
cogo. Wesley Mon•go[.ry,ot llorris,n►es
his place.
Hallett : N m 11 ile,
acid me of his b.nd.ome
J. P. Ferrier, rel Betas,
wee $150.
Brussels : Dr. J A MoNsothtos has par
cbas.d the file re ddence of Joo. i). R�na)A,
Tornb.rry sore.'. The perchers prise is
said to be $2.300
Wlagham : Wali,, son el .1 Weeds, bad
the thumb of his left heed eruM.1,ed by
gettingtt sRht In the solo N the please
Cahn the Usf1•ototy.
Gond" A Roberts, of the Bask of Ham-
ilton, is holidaying these days and Mr.
Doyle, sou of Jodie Oeyle, le dlllog bl.
plat. hers In the beak.
Wlpgham: Rey Mr. Palermo. of
u mowedSoboesb.r,,mowed the o.11 to Wing
ham Bapsbt abate!' and will tab ohargm
about the third Sabbath 10 July.
Hallett: JY, Spell, of Hallett, hes a
Wive which Is over tweety•elz year, old.
It bite boon . tuthfal soryaat, and la yet a.
. melee ss many youneer enfolds.
Ryth ; Mn, W. W. Siam..is book from
Natohss, Mississippi State, where she nes
bees residing during the put winter ;
will remain here daring the summer.
Clinton : Mn 8. Coate, who spent the
winnerwith her dieu5hter, Mr.. McCallum,
at Crostini, Ohio, bar returned Le town,
.ao.mpaal.d by Mr. McCallum and Mild-
Cll.t.o : Rey. and Mn. Goose have ar-
rivedla town tostay and .re now looat.d
1n the reotory, the reenveloo having been
.0 far completed as to enable than to get
almost ended.
Rana One of tie• bset-koewn and
meet Mehl, respected residents of tie. town-
ship of Hoist,*died on Tuesday of last
week. In the person of James Rltohie, to
Ids silty -first year. l'
Gerrie : Mr. .M►ok, mother of Mn. Et.
.Rom, of tows, died oa Tuesday of lest
week .t the home of hereon -to -law, Andrew
Delo, on fbe Grey Intraday at Che ripe .n
.f Slee v fits pleas
torth : Jams. Un
la, shoemaker, and
.n old and highly respected teeniest of piea-
forth, died lest week, hawing resbd the
[teed .es of eighty seven years. His aged
patine survives blur.
l being the mrf.ge esremosy of Mleba.l,
sou of Jas, Kelly, Morrie, to Min Mary,
• only daughter of W . H•luhao, of East
log W.weno.b. 111. bride looked bwsulul,
arena In • wedding( °meow• of orm e111
with white hat and ostrich plumes to match
sod oerrying • bouquet of white ger•nlume
sod lilies of the volley. Her brlds.mard
was Mier Mary Blake, of Hulled, who look•
.d pretty les • similar sesta«*.
discontinued his trips to Uu0C•ohoa,
W X11 he pleased to meet any from that n b•
borhood who ma yy roguing hls serrioes at the
borne omoe, Luo now, wbere ne will be found
• every day Inthe week ezoept Thornier, whoa
be Hsi* Ripley. Spatial •ttearlun paid to
pprt.sooeerrration of natural teeth. orowo .od
• brldrte work, oto. Easy methods of exU$ct-
1 log.
of Hallett, bar
Mork drivers to
J The prim paid
Taokenmith : W. E. Routledge rolled at
this office and showed as sample" of 1.11
wheat,grown on the farm of Herten Crloh,
264 o*0 of 1'ockeremith, m tog from
4i to 6 feet to I.ogtb.
Me Klllep: Mise Asnis McPherson mid
hen Whitfield, • well to-do young farmer
of the 12th on.oesmon of Oren, were united
to marrlege at the home of the bride's
parent', 14:h Ifo*, MoKillop,
Clinton : Mr. John Carlin, an old and
respeoted resident of Swelorth, died at rho
r.sldeace of her eon in Stella, on 'l'und•y
of last week. Mrs. Cattle's maiden risme
was Mary McCann, and abetted resorted the
✓ ood age of eighty-two year.
Varna : Mts. Anna Dowsen, of the Baby
Ise Ifo•, d•tebter of Henry Dawson, died
ea Friday, 7th Inst., at the early age of
twenty three years. Mies Dowses was a
very popular young lady sad highly esteem-
ed. Shit war a member of the Methodist
' buret shah.
Varna : Whits Mr.. Wm. Elliott, of the
Bayfield read, war leedies the turkey. •
few dye axo, .he met with an amlde0t
*blob will render her usable to perform
tiny dutiss for .0011 time. A ram whioh
wan around bunted her and komk"d her
down, thereby brooklet/ her ►ran.
ftrawln : Jae. Leckie has parobaad the
corner lot opposite his property, William
street, from Mn. J•e, Forbes and le build
In up the let eed aIle of street. from earth
e 1oavat.d (roto the collar for his sew rea-
dout*" He mermen mean' hie preeaet
dwelling betide site swoon ss the new rise
le ready for 000upatlea.
Hdmeuyllle : A very platters evening
was weal on Tuesday of tut week
se dee tome of Mr. .'d Mrs .10e.
Margate, Huron roll, by t11• mom
ben of hie old ohm bare .ad • few
other friends, when Mr- .al Mn Margate
were presented with • b•ealifsl attendee
liable and oaks dish •e but • dight Pekes of
tiee high esteem le which he, as elms d0.1.
ss tied both. w neighbors, were held.
Rawls • dna. Ed. ([r(moldby, of O.
Y%ued, ache Teen of age, arrived 1a bona
ease sewing Iceb week He wasted to sew
with hie mother oo the early tele, bee eh.
4hoaghe he had hotter stay home. ,ins.
ed. took is lore his head b mak• the trip,
bw•vw, so bearded the aft rsene teals,
without money sr pont, 1■ fae4 41d set
bother weir' his shoes end steekinge ea.
Rio etelberet here •1. 2:10 P. e., lead the
lad at 4:17 echos*.
Morrie : De Mead• aerates et lest week
8t Mie►•.1's K (t. eaeraaeratesan► was the saw M
• VW* k.isseMI.t ••a ham event. 1t
Nonce-- The loom agency to Dungannon
for Tea elo.at- is at the olio. of J. O. Wasp,
soar. asses, to.. who w111 ready. or
den for subso iptloas, sdrsrtis.ng and Job
work. and Is antbori.ed to erre remlpt, for
amounts sold for the same
M000AV, Jure* 10.
Owe -Owing to its mid wether In
May cad the early pen of this
m.•oth crop. de sot look so vlgoroue se they
did In the early pert o1 th. ssesoo. Fall
woes& will not he es good in wee etpooted.
Qo t. • iarg.,•ree will net yield on an
avers,. hall the usual quart t(, Spring
elope, eh •old warm weetb., moms is, may
give a good yield.
NOTile -Your oorrespoodvut left bom,
the latter part of Int week on an ezunded
vieitlug tow to ravines and friends an the
townships of Elms, Fullartbn sod other
pl re., and le have g • pleasant limo and
mvyi.g gored health Mr.. Thompson
and daoght•r, Mus Alio*, roeetly removed
Leto the,. r..ide•oe, recently purohued
from R. T. MoCela, of Tb..salon. We
wish them good h1.tt11 and happiness for
msarTe•te to their new home itnw,
kir. Perris, of Wlogb.m, and Reylir.
Roes, of Brussels, exchanged pulpit* l•et
8*bb.tb. Mr. Rom at the morels, no
,Ire preached from John VI.6, sad In the
e vening or the word., "lib uoto a treasure
bid to • fi..d," M.. b. X111:44, The •t
tesd.ate was vary large sspeol•Ily to tie.
* molar.. ...The bow Methodist church•
and also the brass foundry to W logb.m ere
Tepidly progressive to oompleelon, there
bong a terse samba of nom employ.
TUESDAY, June 11►h.
Dormino/I Dor Cn.aoaonox -A greed
oelebr•tloa will be held la Lakeview Park,
Kistail, os Dominion Day under the aus-
pices cf the C O. F. of Kimbell. A mend
program of athletic .port• ha. been anointed
tor, and there will •'eo he boating and
dossing for those who wish to eajoy them.
Uood mono will h. provided. There w111
M • •read o•llrbompl►o proo,..too .t 2
o'clock r w. Refreshment' o•ii he had o0
the grounds. Admission to lark free.
The C. 0 F.will m•roh to the pert to •
body at 1 o'olook, All vl•Ittog brethren
are loyltd to join to the proomeloo.
Mosnay, June 10
Mr and Mrs- Thoe Ttohbourne enjoyed
• pleasant yielt to relative. In Oodertch
township this week.
The moot death roll looodes two 1a
m.li•r fame. Jame. Carruthers, who be
for. finally rettllog fn Ood.noh resided for
men yr.re In L..baro, was • general
favorite with all, and we extend our dupe
eat sympathy to his aged pertain and
family, Mr. N.wtoe's death war a sre.t
shook to SI u ens often met him at hie .tore
at Porter's Hill
MONDAY, Julie 10
Min Clara Folioed enjoyed a plainest
,I.It to friends at B.ydald lest week.
Mise Aonle Campbell, of Sh.ppardtoo,
was the guest of Wee 11.1oLe0d Thursday of
last week.
H Chisholm and son John attended the
funeral of the ,an Mn John M•ol)oag•l!
n ear Porter. 11111 Thursday of last weak.
The Doolop arohlteot has been at the
Point Farm making repair* to that favorite
mummer resort. Mies host I. getting
everything ready 'wound house end grounds
for the r000ptlew of kis samearguses',
Ttir icy, Jona 11.
Miss Shaeffer, of Milverton, is yielder
relatives hero.
W. It. Hawkins and Jobs Green an In
London .ttsndlo$ mmp.
Mr.. MoWeinesy, of Osier valley, is
spending a few days with her eau Jamie,
Wm McBride, of Ishpeming. • on.time
resident o1 these parts, Is visiting hero at
The Forester" are making preperstloos
for a oel,hratlon on (lanad•'s natal day. A
number of the wheel' et this eloliity .111
also hold • Mania hen that. day
Mr. and Mn. J. K. Hryd1ss and family,
•1 Ooderloh, joined some friends here o0
S•terdsy lest, •no had • pleaoent outing
sotwlthetasding the oldness of the day.
There will ba a elrawb.rry soots) in clic
' manly of Christ ohsrah, l'orl Albert, oo
Wedated•y, Jane 2611, nese, the aatplo.t
of the Ladles' Aid. R.freahmeate will be
swami, ate. Yon an oar/lolly Invited.
Tie steward 11111 I!srtalred.
When Palma &0e., Kingrten, offered the
temptlo5 reward of 11.000 ler • cow o1
oa(arrh, brosehltis, asthma er throat len
taloa that meld not he oared by Catarrhs
mss. many erpeoted that It would ems M
slanted W, tin advised however, that
h hen sash universal rsal sat-
Iff•etlnn that no ma has been able M make
the o1.1m. This eepledss this theory that
them diastases are leoanhle, for oyes the
went ranee yield to Ceterrhme.e ; It eaves
Nen every time. Ogres by the labeled*.
of mdleabed air *hle11 le beathed right in.
b Mn Leg. bre.e►ul t .ben and awl
purges. 4'warthog's.) Is pleee.al and
safe se woo ; galek to roller. ; (same -
teed to ease, Map 111.00; erIfb
e11 else e.••
ah deuMlns.
r dare• "'L4d• r,. e` .. '.� n:a� 'i. l 1iv
} 1h„
11 vanes, Juue 1.1
Yana Kaa.a,■ -Lan week a p.r, y 41
surv.yore from 1110 Cando C twin ,y a .re
aureate. the property knows es the Y.B.
Reserve with tee obj.ut to vuw,so wet hear,
of oettine It off foto farm lots '1'h•t dtm
property, oomprlsing • tr.ot of .b..ut 1,000
acres, le situated on both •idee of the Meat -
land river sad would ou doubt fetch a hats
figure if put uu the market for sale.
Ta■ CaaoToar
Lot. -Ssyertl mea and
teams have been seemed in levelling lbs
new °solitary lot lately purchased by the
tuwueblp, preparatory to laying oat •tai
• urveylog the lot.. 1t will now be In order
for township fathers to beatify the tiround,
by planting diode trees so as to m0. the
old amenity adjoining, et blob is indeed •
beautiful pleas ..d le the •Jmiratlon of •11
• tr•usere who bare 000mio11 to pen that
Fist i I'nosrat•e. -Aa lnspnlion of the
orchards Io this vlot.ny reseals the foot
that the apple crop will sot be up to • loll
.rerage, ..peaully with the late "ranter
varlette., Tbn sold weather sod prolonged
wet spell during the period of bloom madly
n terf.red with the dtw.minotlon of the
pollen and as • 000..uuonoe the fruit bait
not ret as well u might have been 010.oled
from the abundenw of bloom cu the tree"
two warts ago. To enumerate varieties,
the principal apple grows her., the Bald
.Io, will be a very light Drop indeed, and
the e.m. m.y be sold o1 the Mona, Rune.[,
Ontario, ()nosing and others. The 1.11
Yart.ass, Kibetoo, Cranberry, Ho11.oJ,
Seek., King, 1'alm.n sweet, etc., fur some
reason or ether aro showing better, possibly
i"caoae they were fertilized before the late
a.1d soap. The spied' will be the moat
•buodast of .11, sod they w the only
variety that may be and to some up to the
average of former years, Plum. promise to
be • good anoint orop, and 11 that poet the
ouroullo does not sting them there will be
an .buod.noe of this delloloas fruit Chia
fell Peen are eery light, the Bartlett.
sepsoi•lly, and the moot of the late varieties
hese eo show of frust at •11. Cherries
make • good elbowing and as they ars ex-
reaslvely grown bare there will be • large
quantity for ezport. Strawberries will be
to semen In •bout two weeks. Ties slew
blossomed wall .ad the intimations wen
Hist the orop +ould b. • good one, bat the
seven (root on Sunday night has blackened
the berries sooner bat and trey have out off
some of the early once. Cornets, goose-
berrles and 611 small train will be plentiful
enders promtaiog a heavy yield.
Tr -saner, June 11, 1901.
Mr. Peel, of Sault Eta. Marie, wee the
guest rt hes ether-iu-law, W. C. Potter,
lest %emit,
E. C. Atuill end sister, of Ridgewood
Park, were the sawn of Mr. and Mrs,
Harry Morrie Monday of tut week.
John Unbind has traded his driver with
Mr. Landry, of Uodsrloh. John tells the
girl. there 1. as tear of • r y now
Mr. Tabb hu added [mob to the appear.
.no* e1 his res.daoos by putting in a stone
("Laudation sod remodelling lib verend.h.
Mrs. (iso. Rios and children, of Bowman-
ndle, are visiting at the home at tas lady.
p,rean, Mr and Mrs. Ssmuel Laneeld, of
"Sp.Idoo Coatis."
Hiram Brindley bar purchased • dos
thoroughbred .ertrehirs pig from John
W►;tere, of 8•Itlord, for • handsome sum,
whoa' will preys a benefit to the farmers l0
this vtolntty.
The masons are busily engaged 01113105
stonework under '1'ho., hallows' baro,
snorts will be • oonefort.ble banding whoa
oomplet.d, besides adding much 4o the ap
mar•ace of his pl....
1'renb.y, Jun. 11.
Ed.l'oalten, of Ripley, visited tits parenm
tut week.
Clayton Dad visited friends in Wingbam
Ibis worm.
Adam (wi4.., of Deka*, visited relatives
hero this week.
Min Lana Ssell, of Wiagbeen, visited re.
turn ben time week.
Albert 1).nmos, of Mount Forest, sons
Sunday at bis home hers,
Nl.s Knight, of Ripley, visited Miss
Mabel Coulters last woes.
Mn. Mol..en, and daughter Maggie, o1
Winghem, are tooting at John Johnewn',.
Mia Eva Stewart, of Rosenfelt, Manitoba,
is visiting relatives to the y'clo,ly of B'ue•
Mr. and Mrs Fred. MoCrwken and chi!.
den, of Brum..l., visited til Jobo U•rdloer'e
on Sunday.
%Vested, 500 tabs hatter, Cash or trade
Get into that 1920 oson better rem, ergs
20 (i. 1: Krmn, W(ngb.m,
Aloe. Moues has Rona to Belgrave, where
he will open . oobhler'. shop. He rested
his home to John Aston, of Turoberry.
• Costraner Wits rade n Lathy
ie•retmeet-rte Tell. About It M • Let-
ter to ab retried*.
Toronto, Ont lune 17-Vipaolnt) -W.
.1, Keene, of 86 Ltppinoottstreet, writ..:
' 1 w.. eery sink, and at times mold nut
•feud to my work at •11. I had
pains in my book, In the region of my kid
"At last, • friend suggseb.d Dodd's Kid•
nay Pills. 1 had not maob t•ith bat de.
Bided to try them.
"I immediately found relief, end soon was
well enough to resume my work, but I kept
01:1 using the pills.
"I used altogether seven boxes, beton I
was satisfied that 1 was oomplet.ly cured.
"Sias. thee, I have sway bee. mak •
single day, and have not had any return of
toe symptoms.
"It gives m* great Wieser. to write lo
praise of i)odd's Kidney Pal., and the good
they have done me."
1)14 0.07001 ever loyest $3.50 to better
edvaotage ?
The Ontario tisvermt Inman a Wahl(•eaats ea
The Hoo. Mr. Stratton, E'rovloolal Secre-
tary, and the Inspector of Prisons have de-
cided upon the prim (eight mete per pound)
at whioh farmers can be supplied with bin•
der twine from the Ontario Central Prison
for the season of 1901. This year there 1e
only one quality 1,11.4 will be supplied, and
that the beet, of whioh every ball and every
mom is guaranteed, and any farmer who
parobases this twine and dose not find it
sstistaotory, oan by returning it have the
prim paid for the twine returned. This
condition, however, Is not likely to arise,
for there is ne queet.ton of the quality of the
twine supplied the farmer -ft is es good as
the hoes twles that will he placed upon the
market this year.
Tiler* will be, besides, • dsolded, and, to
the farmer, profitable, Improvement In the
mode of paroelbng. Heretofore le hes been
the rootlets of lander-twtoe menof•oteron
In ship in ordlnery jute bels, whlrh were
melees to the farmer after she twins was rel
calved, and the lashinee, of loosely twisted
tow, were also sealsas after their temporary
purpose wee served. The weight of them
sacks land bulldogs we* six per motof the
weight of the bale.
But t111e is now °hanged as regards the
twine teem the Central Prises, and then
w111 be no ant per cont. len to the farmer.
The twins wall hereafter he shipped In tee -
bushel, 16 oz. settee grain bap of semitone
quality, which will be of perma•set nes ie
the fanner, as w111 .t.0 the lashing/, whioh
°oastet et two nine feet rep" baiter'. with
"impend riag ready far ase. The valets of
the /rale her is greater than an equal
weight of twin., and the some applies be
the banns. The twins balls aro twelve to
the bag -of • needs of five buadred feet be
the posed, sad et seldom quality tkn.gh•
eat.-Tweate Globe.
Who fails to sow for fear that be
Snail out be bere to reap,
Mast 11e la bl..k utteuunty
Through .11 hu dual .leap
Phe hard who emit, lou4, long a•o,
W hes ea one lest au ear,
Seam on for love of singing, though
Trey muffed who uh.0ued to heat ;
Today oleo oath I.lo grave end bow
Beside his mouun.ont-
Ws laud the noble poet now,
Who ooulda't
WY hie rest.
Who idly stands aid eh.k« lila head
And sighs and murmurs, "No !
Ere meting time I eb.l1 b. dead,
Wby bother, teen, to sow?" ez'
For him no ,batt •ball star ries
Tu olalen the pilgr.u.'s 5sa•,
No love shell segue whore he lin,
No honor orowu hu days !
Who plaits has hope, end though he may
Not see Lb. frultlul LI),
H• hes for.eeo • glorious day,
Aad erlampbe, alter ail.
toe 14, Kisaw
soviet sa roeber..
If yens little boy or girl main home
wltb a sore throat, the first thing to do to
be rub the throat and chest with Poison's
N.rvihne [ioa't be Oral tome Norville's
Ireely-a whole bottle full wouldn't burn or
blister the toodereet *klo. Rob in until •11
'skim up by the pores, and just before the
child goes to deep glvs him • glen of hot
water loco whioh 30 drops of Norville* has
pretlously been stirred. This le • sure
ple.,ant and speedy ours. Lary' bottles 25
Notdoe of oranges must be left at thls
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
must be left not later than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advertisement'
aooepted no to noon Wednesday of
each week.
"If wishes were homes
beggars would rids."
Good in tin the: won't
make good shoes.
Good trsateriais and
rclla blc work cost mond.
"As good" shoes can't
possibly be retailed for
less than the Makers'
price, stamped on the
soles of-
"1The Slater Shoe"
WM. Srarteas, Jr. • Sok Leal Agent.
Farmers' Co:Operative
Company, i,inited, 's-mci
Prices for the Season of
".1- 01
Red Star, 800 ft Luke.
Red Star' 550 ft ...10 c-
Spe.1al Manilla, 500 it .. 9¢c.
Sisal, o;d 8 c
Sisal, standard 7 c
( Il,.,- 1 rr r ••• 1141 ,.mar awn mak )
- Toe I,L.1/1Y. --.
V ett\eva\ W\YttCiOT'F 40 'i,
If so ,�.tt\O 0A.InstVtl, -. tom
eases. earefelly-atleedrd le at all
h ,.n. night •r e•y.
It full line of
Screen Doors sod
Lawn flowers,
Carden Nose,
Carden Rakes,
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
-..gym aswsr
a specialty.
Sprue smis, overcoats
1 he man cr....d le • suit meds .t
oar seers always Inks trim, al. It Is the
.mh,tien of .very m.• of tasn to Ink.
A large ranee of elelb. Pe nhnn.e
If yo. •re oOStemplul.g getting •
11.111 overao•t for opting wear, g(ve no s
Masses • wive yes. Priem ryh'
West Street
be the deadliest sod mew
ptilnful malady to wink
e tutktndi•eublee1 Dew'.
Kidney Pals wilt ewe, any
e ase of Bright's Dlseaw
They have awry `a,d Is
one single case. limy arta
the only remedy that weer
has cured it, and they sow
the only remedy that Bata
There are imitative elf
Dodd's Kidney Pim-yip
boa and name-- keit*
time are dangerous. Tb.
original and only �attiae
cure f'r Bright's DGea..ls
Dodd's Kidney Pilie are
My cents a box al W
with your health.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of quoitiouable quality. (Jet the beat
there is at the •auto prise. that .ire
charged for inferior good..
Al our Drug Store the stock is al-
ways fresh, and .ich article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Department
has; a reputation for promptness and
Cfk Me 1,
Medical Hall.
Mier Retied Fire lasarsee3 G.
Value et Property Immured ap to homier",
1901 Ri,Mli,g11,N
• h , viowpro., ;
Jos, Connolly. Y. . . ,
Watt, Joe, Ivens, J. O. Grieve, J. B••newels,
di- exon; W. rt. Bro,dfo4, deefo.'th, inspec-
tor .ram keno : T. 1. Hays, Beafoeth, secretary.
J. W. Yes, Holme.vill• • Jamas ('umnlln4
Bamoodville ; 1L McMillan, Seaforth ; .
smith, {fetlock.
Polloy-bolders tan pay assenwenn and get
their. Dards reooipt•d at Mr, Coate'. Clinton. or
at McLean Bret' Palace Clothing Story. Dodi
T • stole stand, for all that 1.
reh•'do In farming mach. nery,
Intending to purchase anything in our
line should inspect our geode before
placing their order.
We always carry on hand • full
stock of repairs.
We have the best make of Cream
Separators on the market, ,
You can get the mo.t up-to-date
Carriage or Buggy made, jn Can-
ada at it reasonable price from us.
Massey -Harris Bicycles -New
1901 models -elegant mounts. Call
and see them.
BERT. P A.R130Nt3,
A Great Snap ilia
M oar tamer Snap, at bo. •
pound, at whish we sella barrel • week.
This isn't oar only soap, ss we mrry
everything that can be found in an OD
to -date sromry ,ter., and our prices
are right. The farmers know that they
oan always get from us • seep ter their
prodam. We draw the Ilse at se
legitimate trade - eot t • I • one.:
Oloeswar• or potatoes', . ' , .t t ,.r
oholoeat table China. We deal 1.. -.1
of them.
Redford blook, O.4.rlell.
ei1 Gonds
Oil\ Stoves
Gasoline Stoves
Ice Cream Freezers
Dairy Tinware
T10RIIDAT, June 90, 1901.
R 8. Smith's M cKI M's Reld's OldStand
Ou account of the cold searou shirt waist selling
baa not been as brisk as we would like. Here we
are uow right Into the hot weather and here are new
up-to-date shirt waists at a fraction of their regular
White, block and colors, regular price 75c to
*3.50, reduced to 50o and $9.50, with all be-
tween prieea at egwl redactions. Have the
newest and save money in the having.
'rhe hew straight front corset in white net at 50e.
Straight front erect form corsets, white, drab and
tan, at 5(./c, 60c, and 11.00,
1111.00 1111 $1.25 corsets, the best makes, for 75c, in the 1t. B. Smith store.
W_ I v 01
I am prepared to bay this sea
son's clip of Wool, tee w.ual, at
Benmiller Woollen Mills
for highest cash price, or in ex-
change for manufactured articles.
Mill Wood
Thea ove ie cut into stove wood
jen,(th and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria streets
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
(:rderich. Nove:n',cr 21st, 1899. 5,5.3m
Slfoe Style.
When you wear a •' law Qual-
ity" shoe you get •A the style, the
8t and finish resod in tits best
American shoes.
The "Kiss 'Quality" In
the only one in Canada that make.
Ladies Shotes better than t1.
American irtlde, which Domes into
Canada wit& a ss% MV taken
out of its quality.
The "Cog Quality brood V
worn by the dart dratted Canadian
ladies( it is • true [tote d mhos
Tashi , of torrrrtem , in dew.
117 yles, 4 widths, all sines.
B nded "King Quilty,"
ltd medal awarded at the Paris
Position, Igo°.
Med. by TM A p Kin. 01•.
Liniltod, T*,*wea,
11:8/00o. Price, Agent for (; oderioh. •'
Our little fiicofls
Small patrons wh ) are
pleased are our best ad-
vertisements because
they unreservedly tell of
their pleasure.
and tyle are pleased almost
wi out an effort when they
our stock of "KING
We furnish footwear for
all the family at figures to fit
the fancy of the most frugal.
Trunks, Grips, etc.
REPAIRING. Try a guess on the Pan-Ameri-
can Exhibition with every dollar purchase.
,74111 ST. GEO. FRIOE,
Sole Agent for King Quality Shoes,
Eavestroughing `
Metal Roofing and
strf, t*atv'y
SOS e u
J. H. Worsell,
The cheap eters end lases. ratio,
We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased from us. 50c s Ib. The step -ladder alone is
worth the price.
Try a paclrag a of our Hop Tea -..not a medicine, but a care•
fully sleeted Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hopi, Delicious and healthful,
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds, We have a
all asst. rtment.
Hat Bargains...
"r; t, 4ar`k.
Havjnq purcha.eel twelve dozen hats at a groat reduction they will to
sold et the following low priree :
fiear'y-to-wear hat at 25c, worth bOc.
Ch fire '
n s ready-to-wear hats at 15c, worth 35c, and at
worth 11.00.
Leghorns at 85c, worth 5Uc-
Leghorns at 75c, worth $1.25.
Also the latest thing in, the shirt waist hat. for 75c,
All millinery reduced for the balance of the season,