HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-20, Page 44 TauHsDAv,: Jut, 20, 1901. thole Agent New ' l/�, Men's Furnisher 1Oentury setoff We C. PR[DBAIM t%lo bier and Bons' OIoiWOj 1_•• Hatter W. O. & R Shirts. Wo buy our shirts direct front the manufacture,. Anil glitter ISM Vas pita the middle maH'r profit '1:It« W. (I. tb R. shirts ire without doubt the le et jar (%a.'wle,tal'' At ult. fr•v.t im).... tali gouts, •p.»i fN+tong, will- aerie, vel gwuau•• 0 1 in. to fade. Price'+, 41.00, $1.2'5 ln,t el O. New Century Brand of Boys' Clothing. Wo cru rule agents for this celebr..t• Collar Talk. 1 e.1 bnt..r) of 00).' clothing Thew, Thorn ltuy be Nowethiug peculiar clothes hive three special featurcr-- about your neck,;,or your style, that FIT, QUALITY, PRICE. Menu maker you prefer • particular sort of fru'ture d from pure x11, wool Canadian collar. t weeds, made in a manner that cannot Come right here and get it. No neck is too big, too *mall, too thin, too thick, too long or too short for us to fit. have a number of samples to choose We handle the celebrated ST Alt 1 from which will be mato to your order brand Austrian collo, wade from fa' 14.N1 per suit, dlzot 28 to 33. Sum - extra quality linen, hand made but I P' ton holes, which it u claimed will wear mor coats anti pant s made from above out two ordinarycollars. Price, 20c Koons, f3.00. See the rummer coats each, or 3 for 500. for boys at ti0c. Knickers 40c and 2i1e. b»+ equalled by ordinary really -made -N. Once you become a customer for the Century brand you will have no other. Herider having these goods in stock WP W., C. PR=1-1._E�1� 801 Agent for Odg4 t 0S Hata. Next foe it Shephar▪ d's. lite $i i, u PVIUOR[D r EVERY THURSDAY MORNING MT S. MeeiHAeeheV eODIIRICH. ?BU DAT, JUNE Ilk 1001. HON. A. S. HARDY DFAD. THE death of Hon. A. S. HARnY re- moves from the political service the last of this Big Three who, previous to the eighties, aided Yr. WoWo! to rule Ontario, and to rule it well. - YLIML, PARDaa, and HARDY were names to eunjure with in thee° days, and when the mets who owned the names were behind the Little Premier there wan no ohaoee left for hie opponents. The death of ARTRCA STURUIM HANOI re- moves • strong figure from Canadian life, and takes away one who, while w politics, hal made for himself a host of friends. Ile rover posed as a taint, or put on the .mug countenance of a Puritan, but he was up. right, and barest and true, and his word war as good as his bund. He was square and abuve board, and aro friend of his ever hal occasion to questiol a statement made by HARDT outs that wont was parsed. Like Jrlr BLona°, He never lied and he I.eyver ,hirkol, I reckon he never knoweil haw. This peculiar brand of honesty, ear foreign to the mere politician, wan* strongly mark• ed feature of Mr. HARDY'S .•harautrr. 1f he trould not do what he wee exited to .l0, he never hesitated to say so• and he never shirked behind an evasion or en absolute falsehood to_,get temporary relief from a trying position. And his friends loved him for his kooaaty of speech and absence of guile, sed stayed with him from start to finish. On his ability it u not necessary to dilate. Suffice it to say, that he had few superiors to forensic or parliamentary oratory, and his platform puwere were exceeded only by his peerless honesty of expression. Now that he in gune his old time op ponents will doetanly ju.tioe to her abilities, and his friends will lovingly cherish his memory. SNAP SHOTS. -With snow in Scotland in the middle of June and frost -bites instead of mosquito bites in the United States, Ulla- may easily claim to be it the banana belt. -It doesn't do to offer a premium for lying, and when The Toronto `Star putt up a prize for the biggest fish story we fear that it does more harm aro an hour than the Christian Endeavorere will be able to counteract In a year. -A young man named Anintg Le CABAtxea who to puddling in a moulder's ' hop in Chicago, 1.y. that a young woman of Toronto wants to marry him,and tays she is worth 8600,000. If much a young woman live. in Toronto, and haa that much money, she needs a guardian the worst way, if her present act is a criterion. -A Hamilton woman who was accused of selling "spade guineas" to the chief of polios reoently, .wore. that she was the Duchess of KEST, ami that she wai aro swindler. The jury believed the lady' and brought in a verdict of not guilty. Now would be • good time for the editor of The Spectator to pose es the late Jl'LIU8 0 AR. mrG Livery . - •sire ONLY 4 LEFT We have only tour Ouderloh 111• .1011. left. We will sell them a 50 fitted with Donlop %tr . Two Recycles .t $25 00 and $30.00 Wo will cc -Infiniti our saleof ■cllIINEY •'E1rnES a *lite 00 and 1144.00 for & few days linter r, Peened hand wheels at SI•.4eaed ne. EMERSON'S Bic/de 'IAN Music hese. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. HOW MORRISON WON rt. Toronto Telegram : The Hamilton Spec tater and The Huron S mnrl may •near, but The Ottawa Citizen's "Bret" Morrison won his captaincy le the tale of dangers which would cause Private J. Robson Came, op and i'rlyate Dan Mo011llouddy to woe en Imitation of two gentlemen in • foot rens. Ile IIA* 0 14NA1'. Hamilton Spectator : Dr. Cour. toe, edttur of The Christian Guardian, is willing to al mit that he down t know it ell now, al- though he wad quite sure els years ago whoa he became editor that he knew It all then Ile °emelt:Ds about the hardship of the editorial p.eittoo. And he hes had ter please only one denomination ! If he had to please everybody' be might have reason for complaint. A POSER. Stratford • std : A good start' 1s told of Beojsmin Fr.oklto, which is suggestive to uuunectlan with the question of the suffrage, at which our legislators often tinker. Oyer a century ago B.ojemin Franklin discussed the property qualifica- tions for voting to I'eo&ey'lvaou. A mea owned a oonkey of suffroleot value to en• able him to vote. but before text drat w th• dookey d eJ, and the mite's vote war refused. 'Now," admit Fra.ktto, •*Ir o voted at the previous eleotioo-Lbs man or he dookey !" • Till N('»DAY 1LL0gte, London Advertier: Th. Teepto Qesr has made a dooeyery of & oew Not eithetandmg its rcotnt dmoovay, the malady might be looted epee se obeoeie iaasmuoh as the "time" element • se the chief ohaoactenstte it connection with it. It is extremely periodic in its nalaro0am-- low oo •e it dues once a whet a little before eleven o'clock Sun- oy moraine, •ed •gals about seven o'clock In the evening. Coo. stdering Its prevalence, and its epidemic range, more especially during the rammer months, we *.gree with our emu'.. ,gentry that the subject Ie worthy of close Inyott. nation w Haar (lout Ix bI,curyTgn. - SI, Marys Ague : 1t war James M. Barrie who wrote of the student. of the Scottish university In Sentimental foamy ; "And now ye drums, that we all oarly an our breast., bei your beer over the hrsyeat eight ever stets m u small Soot.', towo of an autumn morning, the departure f its 11 ,ht Ng lade for the Lets of Aberdeeu. Let the tune be the .weer, familiar one you found somewhere to your Bible long ago. The mothers we leave behind u.-leeye I ehtnd qe oar their knee May it dirt through your boos., brave boys to the end, as you hope not to be damned " We are amongst (hors who think the "old tune" will .till do mon fur the Scottish uotverntle. then Car negie'e boated ndlltoes. Till .•x'01 MK TOrSTN. Atlantto Monthly : If railroad rues are so manipulated that they eumetimes favor the looalitles In which the plane owned by trusts are situated -and what disinterested student can delay this -why should we bat tats, in season and out of season, to agitate the questlou of the 000trol ot the national highways! if patent laws ars another re. lienee of the trove, why should we hesitate to throw open to g I use, in return tor • reasonable oompeuration, every patent that Is employed here fter for moa. imitate ends 2 These remedies would at least mod erste the exactions of many o1 the trusts, and no further experieooe of greater know' edge ought to he Deeded to demons, rate the wisdom of employing all each means that e land so near at hand. 111x1`113 1011). (.)hlo State Journal • The powwows scarcely Neve them a passing glance u they entered the oar. He took • sea; by the window just like • long time married man while she rat on the aisle. It was the part ot • shrewd plea. Atter tan stations had been passel he began to read • nosssvaper and let her ask questions twice before he answered. This was • *train, hot they were trying to establish -• record. Suddenly he jerked forth his handkerchief to mop his brow, and with it Deme many', many reales of rice. Some fell m the este and •Mme 1e10 on the passengers about them. In an instant the couple Iwoome the targets of half a hundred searching eyes She blushed prettily ; he looked like a sheep. The wellies flirt of but hwderohiefdid the buai n ese, and, as hunter simulation heuamg sum leu, they held *ooh other's band. during the remainder of the journey. A ('RlAt'HlR'e 11011.1NH ARDI'MKNT, Hamilton Spectator : to one ot the de oommatlonal gatherings now to progress the subj.tt of sports and game. has been taken np, sod it has been argued that these amusements am inconsistent with a serious life. One ol.rgyman sent (thele dose not mention a sioole in.'sn.c of kioking • ball around a field or hit ling It with a hid. That le • very l.nl�.h style of •raiment See what a (rads to : ()brut never men- tioned • single tnstanoe of a preacher of the gospel dressing • eatery ; haver mentioned • ohurcb orr•o, or • paid choir, or • hell upon the steeple, or a clergyman officiating a1 • funeral or a wedding, or the singing of hymn., or a mot teems no • church, or • nearer mitt In a high piano In the senor eery or • black moat or 1 white ohnker, or the drinking of tea, or the ebservnoe o! the ant d.y it the week as the t ahb.th, er the establishment of ladles' Aid, King'. 1Iuuahter., Christian Kedeaver, Epworth Imams, Wlllieg Workers of other ohutoh omelette. ; or the selling of seats in the tabernacle, or - bat that w111 perhaps he 1 ...ugh to show the foolt.hoo., of the area • meat A Qt'CATION Ina 1tnllAt0(514 Toronto W,ehly Mon : Rs.ss engge•t th• question whether, apart from the evert, w hloh 1s an ohj.ot In Itself, there Is now any nee In brooding hor.es tor men speed Mere •pend might h bre f h j THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. - ONTARIO •.he racer. 01 what ate are the .pet lel vallllea of the racer + He to rppanatl) goo ,I "uly for the track A lung march or , lir ivy ouuntry would break him d.,wo. 11e has to be eor.Whed •% en If 11 a track ts beet V. le • long march he would be heat ee by • good halt, rod probably by an India° posy. It eau hardly be said, there lose, that, all round, he is the paragon of bar race. etraio Is put upon tem before he bar *Valued his lull strength Whitt. be Moues .1 bite afterwards! The horses In Petaled weare told,baving nostralu put upon them 1111 they have rusheei their lull etleeeth, last to • great ave. Is there soy thing to the more legal whiob,wben crossed, Is very velu•ble! O. Is there se orjeot In 1t byosd the sport, which no doab'• is, like ether sports. • eultioleu' object In Beth t It M for the expert 00 doted*. MIbS1ON WORK IN INDIA. as aservlew wink Ire. 0' goes eltver, e1 Ow Mike* ■I. .Ma. lks 0011100. WOW of Wevtntluetsr eon. taloa lie following Interview with Miss Msrbs Uivor, M. I). (sister al Mr. (R.. ) J. Hamdtoo, of www): A reoresentaIlve of The Westminster milled recently nn Mks Mario° Oliver, M. D., of tae Iodore Mardon, •t be, home oo Burnside tarm, near Avonbank. She had returned the previous day to enjoy • fur- lough, sod 00. dt.ighied to he among the cones of her childhood ono* more. She had spent • fow pleuaut days in Swbtoer land and Venice, had met (needs In Kug• laud, and had been greatly invigorated by the *ea voyage. It is fourteeo years slam shti fine went to India, and while greatly enjoying the work there with its large op- portuoltles for service, she has lost nothing art her strong attachment for her waive Ceaeda, and the home land never seemed mon beautiful to her than It did that ex- ' quisite May morning as we sat near when the Thames winds Its peaceful way between Its beautiful tanks, and to an atmosphere fragrant with apple bloseums ted musical web the bum of boos chatted about the duuny Oneut. The cooversatlon naturally 'turned to• ward the terrible experiences of the famine, with which, at a phyuolao, Mks Oliver was brought Into such close touch. The effects are pill felt, bot the famine in its molt ,cute aspects hat patted awry. The nut• look for the tmmediete future Is quite hope tut, and matters are fast assuming their entree! condition. • It was more strictly oe1reot Io may that the famine had turned th..r,mls.iooary aotivity Into new channels than that It had cheated it. Their force* had be1e turned toward the relief of suffer- ing, whioh is • very practical side of Chris tian work. In Iodine the f•mioe had not been fel: in its acute form so early as in the surrounding district., and large number flocked there for relief. 'Dm bad sheds emoted on the mie.lon compound for' the suffering women, and es soon as these .could he nursed book to health they were employ• ed In grtodiug grain and cooking for the new inky. of sufferers who were brought to. Thu orphanage work was alsc a vary impair eat one and bright boy. and girl. are e o Christian tyle trainedmne .her f l ns gbnrat [ leve, 'Cho menthes, of 1 hos. dry • &moue the victims ofthe famine and the fryer le l.kr & hfd-etiti.-nigbtmare, and it was i l,fico'S to escape the harde:lag fe6ueooe which fa- miliarity o miliarity with human misery 1n lis mull re• pul.ive form tends to bring oo. It is hard to retest this» scene: without • shudder. "Yete" aid Mies Oliver, "the Governmeet .lid nob,y tor 'h•• relief of it. suhj -.+1e It to almost impo.sible to understand fully the magnitude of the test which confronted It. The heart of the great Cortico rhumb, + no, was-t°t0Aed--wg -Lea It--eeb- thy help which flowed in from so many snnroee the sufferings wbould have hem m6011.1y greater. 'oVe are slowly but sure ly learning the k;oship of the whole human race. The Ooverum,nt is will carrying on (1leosty' relief works lar the way of held• ism roadsaed tanks, and a this work our own Dr. Brcbeoan le engaged lo such • country, however, when the mar's of the people ars on the ragged edge, and the swarming population presses so closely upon the means of subsistent° there will always be the danger of ' he recurrence o1 theterrible experiences of t•mtno "Of the effects ot It all upon the work of our mission, ft 1s too early yet to speak with conhdeoce. The woman are enoourared to return to their villages u soon u they are able, and 11 le hoped that they will carry the leaven wlth-tbem. A number who are now In the homes are being trained, and It .5 hoped that many will become affinitive (Bible women, and that the centres of Chris. tan Influence will thus be increased. They hive to be dealt with se little children, and their faith when they grasp the truth 1s that f little children." Speaking about the ditticultls. of the work, Dr. Oliver says : "There to • great deal to discourage, but there are also many gleams of light and cheer. Were It not for these the burden would bre.. me lotolerabl., hot from time to time there are experiences wntch prove that the Word will not return void. The great hlndr•noe 1■ the same that is mo with everywhere, viz , icd.ffer area to spiritual things. I1 we could offer them • rellgion of forms and one which gave direct promos of temporal advantage It would be more eagerly accepted, but • religion which noels with spiritual testifies acd demands surrender of so much that u dear to obs carnal heart has to make head against • terrible mass of preju hoe and In difference. Th, attitude of maty ot the men of oulture Is largely one of easy ind.f 1eren.:e to ail forms of faith The position taken by many le that 411 ro'Iginne are et bottom one, still that they only differ In the methods of approach. There must be much patient Need -sowing before the h,rvest is reaped, but in the midst of so much that 11 depressing the herald of God's evangel is m.rd ly the preside., of the Mas11.'s eb:dieg preeeaoe, and le bearteaed by Ike eromlse that 'la doe season ye shall reap 1f taint nos.'" MANLY SPORT S. From the Mall and Muter& to one of the religious auembl:ee new being held. a vigorous prot.at wee entered &groat eposte and armee up the grimed that those eserones are in000suteot wtlb a snout lite. "Christ,' said the rev, weak- er, "dos. not meet'oe a sinal. ts.taooe of kedging • bell around a held or hitting 1t with a tat." Tru• it is tart ball mimeo are not suggested es presonb-d to the scriptures. But Its squally true that there aro many utber matters uommun to medaro times to wbieb there o• 0o aau•1 .0 to these world book.. II Ike world wore to *Nohow every• .bine 001 •oeoally sot ford. to Holy Witt many barwlee• preottoe$ sod neatly bteetio- 101 0005 wool, be atm/Wooed. There. is to he sure, a *obael of thought *limb teeobeo saosttot.m. Numerous worthy mw have folioeed r' prociptlogr, ted hays separated from what ars termed the fi volitlon of this ale. But 11 all good people and all wbu wish to be good wen to declare tbemolvee out of the world the mauegemeot of df.ln and the influence over tr&ouotlons that ars not exol&eIvely religious would fall to those who are bad. That religion was de.lgned to make moo gloomy &ni to deprive them of the physical • ud mental pleasures of life le much to be doubted. Some of our forefathers may have entertained this view ; but the later 0000eptlon of the subject teaches that 1t 1. by &pplyiog nigh prinoip',u to what Is done in the world, and not by abaeaoulog the world, obit the world Is mode better. The uremia, of .ports and game., the throwing or kicking of • ball, the contention for the supremacy In the field or on the water, mat not lave epedfioally stated Scriptural au tbority. Bet they hays the warrant of ex- pertsec. and of common erose, which thine' are by no mews 00011.ry to revelation of the more dirsc0 type. to the formative period of life ills not wise to press exounce. ly upon one power. A sound writer says : "Cultivate the moral only and you bars •o eothuvaet, perhaps • meat° ; earth vete the lotelleotual only and yeti na•s disease; cultivate the pby.ioal power ex elusively and you have a ravage." All lbs powers require attendee. and eerie must be ewrlfis.d to the others. As • mat. ter of fact the cultivation of one helps the other, to that It nivel' mind and body the Proper balaooe, The greatuees of many of Swan's greatest men is raid to be quite es much a bodily affair as a mental one. 1'hteloal s1•mtn• name with field sports, and meoel eminence rested open phyuioal strength. Nor was th1s the sole advantage of the hard fought giros, for the rivet- changing verchanging conditions foresb&dowd the bat- tle m1 life that was soon to come, and gas* the alertness, the decision, and the prompt• nese lar action that are suoh important fac- tors in the achieving of euooe's. dot then 1e something even more important than the strength and the wuteu,e waloh come from g..od sports. There is a moral code in the Rama which instate t1: it 1. Weer to lose then to eh.a1. This forme character, i red it to :be character of the man ah^ r. pose the o.tion that stamps character upon the nation itself. Tre young man who has partlolpatd In the err to of youth will not ha• bad olti&et... On the ooetrary. he will wins to, the ftoot, bringieg manly qualifier, with himand d dee•I.ptng a worthy public spirit. Such u ' he ex,,, rano' of Britain ; such •1; so is the experience li ire. Manliness •o 1 quired on the field means mealtime' in all the relations of life and is jnetly en mel- d'o for re+ohing to 11e infioeooe as not at all to be despised. Cara. t Cera : ('eras (leader corns, panful corns. eel moos, bleeding cores The kind of ports that other rem.dur have fatted to our. -that's a t oed many -yield quietly to Putnam's i'ala• lees torn Extr•oror. Putnsm's Corn Ex. tremor has been • lone time at the busing.; exp.rleocos to iwo just know M do it. *1 druggists. 1$a COSLre,i Motelt-Maar farmers is O•larlo appear to oe seder the impression that rearms regulations adopted by eh. 0.11 arts Government 10 r wird to the dotruo tloa of the oodllsg m t 11 a .,-pts tree, ale oompuleury apes all pettier. These rest- e latlons here lase mals to suoordanos with the provbluos of the Noxious lemma Aot pared is 1900 This Is a local uptio0 w t and moms. loto force oo.y (o Ihoss u1ua1- olpahtiee that adopt it by bylaw. Ao erounioo wader the hoopla's of the Milverton pubao Ilbeary will he run to oloderlob on `Saturday, June 29th. $5,000 Reward! IF NOT TRUE. An advertiseuont may in- duce a person to try an article a FIRST time. But an advertisement won't induce a person to use that article • SECOND time unless k gives satis- faction. Sunlight Soap has a sale larger than the combined sales of any other three soaps. An advertisement may in- duce people to try SUN- LIGHT _SOAP once. But it 1e go.allty sad qual- ity gleno, that makes people use SUNLIGHT SOAP continuously and always. LRYRR 0Ie0TRBR$ LAMITSa, Seep aleaesaatarers, TORONTO. CAHTLLON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties Tarts Short Bread and Cream Rollet Mace Pies add Lady Villiers, Kisses, Macaroons, !ranges, Brandy S&aDL Etc. , .-; are u goal as the treat male,"' any city in Canada. Canteloa leads the trade in WEDDING CAKES 1 _ m o] dssi,nIM moa ornament and aiuo i is Me of Mas. Man that is born of woman Is small potatoes and few In & hill ; In infancy 1 � is Nil of oolio and ttd1p tri, and In ge ne 1. full of ons. word. w.l r •.st ...sin. In youth hle mother takes 1 1011 mer knee and ewr.teoe his life en a dipper, sod when he is a man grown the sheriff pur- sueth him al the days of his life. He epre•deth like & bay tree. He getteth tote office, and his friends oiled to him like fits. to asugar barrel. He.w.11eth with vanityt and ourteth foe for a while, buil U hewed down at the next convention and is Mast Ins to the salt box, and his name i. Deuab. Out of of foe and out of trleods, he soon salt busted and lieth down in the now pastors he, side the .till waters of the brook. Be dieth not of the world and gosh where It M warm enough without cloths.. The last end of this man is worse Than Lbs 0'515- ' cling.- Hutto Reveille. alraad freak Railway Tourist Mask. The (;rand Trunk Hallway System ha. loaned 1te summer tourist book, wbtoh gives an immense amount of useful loformatioe to those planning their summer trip.. Th. book 1s entitled "Routs. and Fars. for Torn," and include* the different routes to t he Pan American. to addition to this tea eral pages deal with information of interest to the traveller, a Ili of side trip. end .teenier and steamboat 0000eottons There is also embodied in the publtoatioo N oomplet and oomprebensbve map of the (-eautiful.oenio district. in thn Highlands of Ontario and of the system and Its connec- tion.. THE JInn*o. to January 1st, 1902, for 11 5 • eClaI argai ns The newest thing in Summer Corsets, Just in, - sec. Some special makes in Black Dress (foods. Extra value in (iinghams, - - 10c. and up. 160 yards of Printed Piques, Last colors - 10 cents, 1320 yards of Print, warranted fast color, regular price 10c. - - - for 8 cents. 1260 yards of Print, warranted fast color, regular price 124c. - - - for 10 cents. These Goods are all this season's make, and at sale prices, Extra Value. They are Less than Wholesale Prices. Come and see thein whether you want to buy or not. 1 J. H. COLBORNE TERMS CASH UB PRODUC . PHONE 86. S0.j1 THING INrEREiT1NO ABOUT TOILET SOAPS : It is said that a nation's .ivilirrtiat may 1e measured by iia consumption of soap, and itsrefinement by the quality thereof, We are now showing a due aseurtmeot of Dainty French Soaps ,rade from the purest ulvrwl,eu4, nu the moot thorough ruau• THIS GUARANTEES tier anti au exquisitely perfumed re earl only be done In that THE land of Newer•, " la Belle Fraise QUALITY, This beautiful line tit Soaps in Violet, White Row, Jockey Club, Peru l)E+pagne and other populrr odors we THIS EXPLAINS THE ,alt at 10c. each, or 25c. a box, GREATEST SOAP equal eo th.• high pn.ol Soap. wild at 15 to 25 cents a cake. BARGAIN VOLT EVER .\ Wonderful Snap to our (Utmost! l:ap. A tine Isrge cake, equal to rev 10, l latmool leap in the ru trket, at $fur 10x:. SAW 1 1 kind mins tint opportunity. W. C. BOOK The Chemist, Bedford Block. llama: ineesMara 1.IW. 0aawfsas ,hosed sad $uax•ea masers. Bargaln Prices One him an order and your sat- isfaction will be &enured. D. CANTELON, WEST -8T. HELLO ! ,: THE OLD RELIABLE. 'ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THi 11Kt4T Scrlltoil Bard Coal IN THE MABKKT All Cord weighed on the Market Boated where you get LDOJ Ibe. for a ton. I TM. LEE. Orders left at Lsa N a8>1P80BD'8 Bars promptly attended to 2tttttottotttttottttttt!t!tot!ItteltotlottotIII tottttlottotItott?ttt1tttttrtG Oa- diss▪ - tr -� ,1 a a Get Acquainted 1 a with onr ane of Bicycles. It's worth your while and the acquaintance will Sati.y't,o tnoneey. GODERICH, CRESCENT, HYSLOP, TRIBUNE, RA CYCLE. a The lererwt'hnw of Bicycle,* eter sewn aro (indench All fully guaranton(t. Our line for 1901 gives you a generous choice of styles and prices. They combine all the latest features Dunlop, Q. 6t J., M. & W., Samson, Goodrich Tires. Wn alnn hate s number of second hand wheels at bargains. ItPpxtrs Hxw' )cwt carefully and promptly by • first-class repair men. We have l»wtn selling bicycles ever since • bicycle was • bicycle and are known •s reliable dealers . Telephone 92. ' (IEOe W THOMSON & SON ah o more n en e hat when fano of the hnseo was lha greateor IM speed d oke lalycle sew Nvah t►•t et •taw 1 •eater• 1`N, / SCREEN DOORS & ON ts: INQOWS We are offering the above goods for the balance of this month at greatly reduced prices. Call -.in and inspect our stock. N. D. ROUGVIE, Cash Hardware Store, Clod erich. Should be fashionable, of good wearing quality, nice fitting, and keep its shape till the sole parts from the upper through long use and wear. Such a shoe is the EMPRESS, of which we have sole control. .,' We have a full line of cheaper shoes in stock.' year.' Wm. Sharman, r-. Slater Shoe Agent. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR McLEOD'S ; SYSTEM : RENOVATOR. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and 'MPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLE:. manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Ooderich, Ont. WALL PAPER SALE For the next two weeks we will give 20 per (tent. off on 011 sera of Wall Paper to clear nut the balance of our stock of Canadian Paper. This means you keep 20c in your ptxtk..t of every dollar's worth you buy from lila. This .mane 10o paper at Ito per roll, 6c paper at 4o • roll, M. We jumped into o large wall paper trade this stetson, and we intend to keep things red hot if prices will do it. KIDD'S BOOK STORE.