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1 reinutttil
111111IRT TBUMbaT YOR1,Oto
THURSDAY, J1; N E 2O, 19;)1.
Ill).. A. S. 11A1(1)V.
Hon. Arthur Bturgtr Hardy, who
dl sl In Toronto 'I'hurthay, .11.1 not
atlala a pettier:hal age, beteg only
lis isle elity-fourth year. but WS life
WAS so crowded with uri•ful ucWeve-
m.atr that fir will lung be remem-
bered no a pail and hva'oerstul ('ana-
dlnn. At the end of hie student hays,
he began the practice of hew it
Brantfor 1 n few mire (rem 11i Llrth-
pince, :411 while yet a young gun
• he attain '1 great prominence at the
her. hie rcrTlees being In frequent de -
man I beyond the borders of the
county In which he readied. He en-
joyed a political Tight, no 1411 gentle
service on the items) in the contrite'
of 1867 nal 1871, as that whets Mir
Fronde Meek/ enmr up to capture
South Brant for the Tories. in 187::,
Mr. Hardy wile the right aro of Mr.
William Paters'''. the Liberal cried•
dote who won liar seat. In the spring
tit 187:1, a byte-eth:Lien for tlic On-
tario Iseletature occurring in teuuth
Brant, Mr. Hardy weed chosen by the
convention tont c'eeted by it Inrge
waJorIt,v, her opponent loving Mr. J.
J. Hawkins
In every eubsequent elctiea, for
more tbdut' twenty-five years, Mr.
Hardy retailed the good opiniuu and
t rant
othbtku South ubtnlnerl tis..voter
friends, though during the, score of
yearn Ir_ was b (office he mould out
often vial them. When be accepted
the Premiership in 1$J6.'hid ruustitu-
ents honored him with- n grnml.bun-
quet, and when p,or health required
him to vacate her high office la tenni,
they carried out a tc.titaunhtl project
whirl' eulehutted in lb, prerentatioa
of 817.010 to Mr. suet Mrs. Hardy.
Htm work nm n legtelator is .k•rmrtb•d
laenetiwr eolumu. TIB T(atu_muurus
the ,bath of Mr. (hardy no that of n
warm rind appreciative friend, one
who Dever forgot a favor and was
n ever slow to perform a kindnrrs. 11.•
was nn uneelfbh mato. aadRhoroughly
4•oowientions In the dischargeof hd.t
Pehlke duties. Those who knew hie
when be waif at his bast nen lawyer
le Brantford all agree that he c,wtd
have attained both -wealth and furor
lis 111i prefer/don, if he hull kept out
UpoTtirs. But he ttniw4•rinTTTei-telT
of duty. tied after .ponding the best
yearn of his life ie the rrrvlce of
Ontario. he resigned 1,1s place, lrbken
in health and poor in locket, but
uttering 611-wora-T eotepitlot. lir.
timely war n tion (of ruutrag••, and
not Oral! to 111% 11.• asked fife 14uy.1-
clam. to tell hilt without rew1'v'. if
there was no chillier def his recovery,
a,t.t h^ nwaited the end with the
eempr'sure id it man who wan cam -
'wham of having than.. 111n Italy and
wronged nobody. When the hlctory
ut tis^ Inst quarter of the nineteenth
century _la _written ]Jte_name f
Arthur Hnrdy will strand high (on the
roll of. those who .•sited Ontario nod
(*hada. for he was n tutu without
fear and without reproach.
broad. The tax would only rr-
rk•t the export of the poorer kind
of coal, whilst the inure valuable
kind would b• less affected. I1lrrct-
ly or indirectly, thin tax war etre
to offal the miners' wager, and he
..bj'a•ted to them being made to
pay In thin way w nimble teat. In n
budget under there circumstances
he rhtatkl Tike to have two ettallt6w
dltplayed-courage and justice. In
thin budget they had neither. 111,
found no coureee; but he found reel
Injustice. And ,then to be told that
they .mart not tgwwwe the budget
bereave It was not a question •"1
fluanrr, hut oaf policy, vvan not ar-
g ument. bat ,Imply Insolence.
S•,11M esteemtvl routeIuiu rariet are
delivering themsrlrrr of weighty hom-
ilies on the probable rouser of the
criminality of the three dntptrrudors
who hare roused such ti pensutlon in
Toronto. and ,everal of them trace
the oil! la thin b i t . especially Itut-
i vlgr, to association with hardened
criminal. while nerving a four-year
term In Kingtalon penitentiary. It 1■
tint Improbable that such associations
Mg a young eel/Maui may form lis
penitentiary are nut the most elet'at-
itig it is nut to b• expected they
,thonl(1 be; and it Ir out easy to see
how- rush asnuc•lat' nen to bit
nttkkd, 'Mort til enforcing auditory
i, I,ffnt•mr!nt.. But our pr`htoua ere
wneh Ins obJ•,tbomuble on the enure
of indiscriminate fronting. of etbinivals
than they have Weil, and n great
drat of. wise supervision iv :exercised
by the (officials. -
But allowing all that may fairly
he ehnrged to steel ursuclutklw there
remnlns tin fact that ltutledge was
nlrendy a bud youth, reckless, unprtn.
cielf, amt Intolerant of authority or
the restraints of the law, and that it
was brassie" of n,knuwletee of bit had
character that the court gave him n
four-year sentener in penitentiary.
14- had nett to enter a criminal kind-
ergarten then ; lie had leen graduated.
H -.-was fit test to drag other" tktwn tit
hist level, an 1 lie appear,. to have used
his lowers. 0'. enlacement career else
closes no aspirations to bettor elder.
Do effort to make his Way honestly
nal rennin hle position in society. His
was a life of wars agalaat order ; of
living by'his wits; of cuneciencelesr
preying upon the unsopb'eticated,
On .1prII 27th the Tamar printwt a
Meg story cf the doings of the trio
in ('hung.., where they brut etnlrir-
ntel a plan of "cedetting." or en-
trnppiug guilt -hat girls In search of
u merino of Livelihood, and then either
aacwmptu4ing- theta- We- suia_us_ ape.
trmntk-aI4y I4nckenoiling them. -Who
!mows how mach elf, those throe men
wrought, or hew many young Inver
erre adle 1 by contact with them "
But such a career cuuld ant lead
to IinPpiaemt ; it could not bring even
eat isfac.lkin of the Mew kind they
,i .ught. Sooner er later n.1114w6,1 ittty-
t-ikrve all fisc{t. The great law of com-
pensation which rune through nature
cant -cot be elighted and Warned. and
' though haat/rim in hand the wicked
ttirril butte arltpenMhni." let the Hor-
arratltr of the telope ly, of theme three
lives go out In all its hb4euueness as
a It#6II trrerityllel:neitiot bony -that
n ew can sow dLMionor and vice and
rmp honor and love and hope and
jet. The trailers:, la set befit on those
COA1. ANI) 81'41&74 TAXES.
Mir Etlwar•I Grey In et I.ibernl Ire•
perialist, that le. he betievem that the
war In South .Africa lea war of de-
fence of Brltinh interest*, and not n
war of aggression. In thla.lte differs
from the other eminent Liberalt Mr.
J ohn Morley, who .en1I hien recent
speech that the queetion Ie•tw•ren
the two rares in Month .(frlen wax
solving itself in a pnrefnl way be.
ferethe war broke (mt. But though
Mir F.Iwned belfrres that war wee
aeres'sary to prevent the bas of
Natal, ('ape Colony awl the tithe
British borse's'one in Meet .tfrl
awl holding that opinion, he Is PrP -
pared to make all nec.•eNary seed
fleas to 'meet the net of t war,
he retain■ the liberty tit criticise
the mode of taxation ado ted by the
Conservative Oorernme as laid be•
tote the country [n Bir idined n-o71i•
Bench's budget . to hue atMroas
at Berwlckon.Tw .d on May 31st,
Mir Edward (ire thus defined lila
p sitkrn on ti financial que,tlon
growing out the ware
They had en toll Its the House of
Commons at theme who took the
line he had token in relation to
Mouth Alden were bound to vote
for tl finalsehd proposals of the
hove went. He believed that to
Imo lit most gigantic eltr.li,nrer,ng Im-
pw'lure for anybody to attempt to
telvl upon the (itnntry. They were
. irtparetl to vote money for thin
porpoise, but when the Gover .nt
told them how they protocol or
al to
411e money, were they totmd teat;roc
Met they had adopted the boot
method ? People talked nlonl
broadening the basin of taxation'',
but there wan n danger in broaden-
ing the Oxen that they tut -Int Itnm-
IIIPT-TTRfir. `TT net. 7,
revenue hy hampering trade, then
they were In the po'ltioa of people
who 10 tk isolative.. whirl' relieved
the pnin, but which would weaken
the nction of the heart. The very
hP,,rt of the empire wnm i1n trade.
The tiger tat hood linen ntlacked be -
tame it won 1d fill heavily aptn the
workingman. Bit the grove charge
agnintt the tugnr duly waw that
"ugnr wan beaming n great nrtlele
of trod.•, Irlor(-1 Into this coun-
try to be manufactured. and then
.'welling the trade by bring sent
out u's n mnmdactnrrd article. He
did not tonydnin N., math that the
workingmnn find to pay m'mething,
iwecnune It ant well that nil s.rtioia
of the eummmmlt7 ehonld realize how
expenviv'c rind serious n thing wain
war. But lir d1-1 look with dd.1retm
in the hampering of the trade. 11'
would not have objrrtp4 hnd the
Government pit a penny. inntenrl
r4 a hnlf-penny, upon 'ignr If they
had been bold and made It deer
that they Intended to mill upon the
working Hennes to make n pntrintl•
effort RIG when. hintrad of that,
they Rohl they were going to pit
tit mtrwh on the nntinnni debt, he
regarded the holget na nn Ignobly
and vexatlat* Midget The coal tax.
tonwan not only nnwlit, hilt 'introit.
ft wit. an export duty„ and the
people who sold the coal for home
enconamplltn et A high, prier were
not throe who would he mate.). Mit
these who seat other kinds of coal
MlcKluley hes settled tgond the
third term (meatiest. Woe what
Ittotpvelt is th$nking t
In tit. prohibiter, State of Vermont
u1)+ultullr .aUmulnnts have. been sup-
p,nnt•vl by (pitons to its. 'Pvernl forams.
It cent infhdrlrrt Inde dipcltio'tl that
the cirn}rumptinn or opium in Vermont
iw tit t.ee rate sof one and oac-half
gra' it day for every adult.
filtnnel, tnrinrrtTrrnt-
tnted with Virturia l'nivcr.ity,and
o (quitter member of the (Loyal Mor
rltty tf t'.inaubit, ham been appointed
by the Domini in liwerninent 'sup •nut.
ten lent of the mines of Canada. For
wine years past he line held n chair
In ityracwe University.
Great Britain Is the Moat..deasely
ryeriiiiid 'ort nR tTii eisf piiwe*`s`
number of people to the *genre kilo-
meter (.8861 of a mile) being 132. The
outer conntrlre are eutlmnted tit :
Japan, 114.4; Italy. 106.6; German
Kntp bre, 104.2 r Milstein, 317; France,
T2. Iftingnry, 59.8; Spain, 35.9;
United Mentes', 8.4; Rafale. 5.9.
According to the statement of the
Pntvisn.Mti --iitRh-
ways, etre expenditure of the vari-
ous counties of Ontario In road Im-
provement' In the Mat ten yenrs,
ewllmtting the statute labor part at
44.w.. Asx. tow know Aso* -i14,000,4XM).
At thnt rate the fent' expre'red by
Oppoisitio l journals thnt the offer of
the Ontnrlo (bovernment to pay it
sum nal to one-half the Munlcigel
expenditure up to n given amount
annually will be an rmb meet to
tete municipalities are not writ Mend-
ed. They nlrendy pay more than the
amount stated as their share and
will not require to levy an additional
dollar to earn the Provincial aid.
Thr s> -called- blacklisting Jtitlg•
menta of tip CMrign ...hurt,. nrr Isis'
formldnble than was supposed. The
Jnigr hold's tin' the law re,ngnlzer
the right of employee' an Indtvldn
alt rte am orgittii*otiona to work or
carne working 1' lint Mao recognised
the right of Nt.rikirr tit cony other
men away from employment and to
urge thrtn not to hire with given
employer*. Ile think.' It equitnhle
thnt the dame Ina/ ',Mould apply to
the employer'. nnl that they ahold
hnci' the anme-nn more. no leas legal
right That In equitable; Mut would
it not hnvr been for Iw•tter to hove
'lathered to the old common law. thnt
mntle h!nekltating nntl seeking to In
JIM`it man'' hutment nllke nrtinn
Maurer. R Patricide. profenner of
riemlttry. of Union College, Mellen
The .Attack of appendicitis
Proved Fatal to Nim.
Succumbed to Paralysis of the Heart ---Had Been Sick for S:ume Time, But
%,.s Better la Health Until the Fatal Attack--Aombers of His family
st His Bedsldz in the Hospital at the End -The Funeral -Incidents
in Hie Career - A Brilliant Success at the Bar and a Long and Honor-
able Career as a Minister of the Crown.
Dates Ir as Honored Lite.
11 ,rt Deoeeiaber 14 ..:..a.. .._.. 1837
Ik'gun to study paw ... ... 1856
1'utworl aye Solicitor .......... 1861
Called to the Bar . ,,186.5
Entered Ontario Legislature 1873
(lueen'e Cuuneel ... ... ... 1876
Preview -MI Secretary ••• 1871
Cowmieeloaer of Crown Lands 1889
Premier of Ontario July 13 1896
Retired from political life, Oc-
tober 18.. ......._..,.. ..-._1899
Died, June 18........ ..» 1901
unghout tette length and breadth
of Canada the announcement
of he death of Hon. Arthur Sturgis
Harbty, late Premier of Ontario, will
be ret,elved with sincere and heart-
felt e4rrow. For ulmoet a week Mr.
Hardy' had lain hotweon life and
death. bulbwing upon an operation
for appe dicitis, performed early hast
Simko- Morning. He had been per-
fectly cunllicbus during the greater
part of tis time, and had borne his
rufterieg with
th the greatest fortitude
and ebeerfulgew. There bad been
several rattle., b his oondltlon. and
in the -early path.: of the week t4tere
was Oven a taint hope 'of recovery,
but this was quickly overcast. Thurw-
duy Mr. Hardy 'rink rapidly. and
was unonnncioue for some tiwe be-
fore the end, which. name at 10.08.
The pause of death was given as
paralysis of the heart. following up -
en the operation. Mrs. Hardly, Miss
Gladys Hardy, the ex -Premier's
daughter, and ll_. Hardy sad Mr. A.
C. Hardy, him runs. were present
when death occurred.
1'nnerol arrangements were not
definitely made last night. but the. re -
Maine will proiribly be taken it's m
the family residence, 88 Bt. Albun'e
rl.reet, iso Saturday afternoon, and
conveyed to Brantford on the C. I'. H.
train leaving here at 4.40 p, m. 0 title
arrangement le adhered to interment
wilt take place le Brantford tin
fifty afternoon.
Hee. Mr. hardy had been ill ei
the Inst day in DGS), and Wan eon-
fined to filo bed with appendieltb'.
The (tenth of Mr. Hardy will coins
ap a &frock to many who esteemed it
an ltnror to be ranked among lint.
(den is. When be war forced by
health to to retire from the Premiership
of Outnrio it was feared that he
W0111 l Dot Ilse many )wars, but relief
(rem the one of office wrought alt( b.
nn improvement In bits headth that
hope was re'Tcei. awl It was thought
that he might long enjoy the rivet to
which his gtutrter of a century of
arduous pub:Ie service entitled him.
Mr. Hardy was born ltecember 14,
1817 ; called( tothe troy 1865. created
(,urtn'a (counsel 1876: first returned
to Perlin/ itt itt April, 1/17:1; entered
the Mowat lioverament tie Provincial
Secretary and Itegtetrar March. 1877:
became Commissioner of Crown
Lank' In Jantdary. 1889 ; hecnme
Premier of Ontario July, 1898 ; re-
,tire'I October 18, 1899.
The Hardy Enmity.
'The l(nrl) (entity. according to the
tr,dlticxa preserved, were originally
went i:Sentry Scots, who followed the
blue and *Sher banner of the Coven-
anters'. boring the "killing tines"
they Iuuldd a_ refuge from -pereecne
tion, like many other's, itt the north
of Ireland. where there wow it strong
Seotcll colony. Almost a century
inter Peptide John Handy left the
Irian home of the family and set-
tled In the cobooy of 'Penneylvadia,
plat before the outbreak of the revo-
lutionary war. He was a loyalist,
nod when the forte/so of war went
against the Crown he determined to
reio,ve to Canada. Wjth him 'came
A',MUt ',MUST!. 4#ereF'the
ex-t'rrtul r, Then a bo'•" Jnr a
century, therefore, Mr. Herdy's an-
o-cestors have been residents of Ontn•
ro. On his mother's shin him ances-
try,tiro In of oynllst stork. 111. nm-
terual great-grandfather wax Thum.
Stare/le, who in 1802 came from Penn-
sylvania and Nettled near Mont
Pleasant, when Brant was still a
wilderness'. peopled chiefly by the
Indiana of the MIx Nations. The
Hardys, who entne In thee, tirot wave
of settlement atter the cline of the
war. received a grant of land from
the Government near (htrr•n.town
Heights, and their home wax an lion.
pilot on the historic day of Brock'',
death. Mr. Rnmscll Hardy. Trtlhir of
the ex -Prouder, wait born in Brent
Moiety Ili '1111'..!, 1118 Lather having
removed there shortly after the bat-
tle .4 Qneenston. Rummell Hardy
was n merchant anti storekeeper at
Went l'lentnnt, and there- in 11487,
oa Decnutb r lie- *ha etay...wltea. iilr
Alien MaieNab't column marched
throoglt the oilinge to attack the
force of "rebel.'" gathered at Scot-
land. his son Arthur wan Morn. There
wan it large (Amity, and tit.. "'tore,
although anunusllou., acnrcely af-
forded room enough for the upbring-
ing ref nit gtrit anal ttntr boy'.
A Karmor'' Moe.
The More was exchanged for n farm
and the future Premier got hl'
early trnlnhtg there. Hr went to
mooed at Mount i'Ieaannt, with boye
like George Bryce, afterwards Prin-
cipal of Mntlltotrt. (:allege and one
of (tnnntla's great 1'rexhyterL•tn 11-
vtnrP. Then he palmed through Rook
Wood Academy and bagnn to ,letly
Ing in the offtre of bin uncle, H. A.
Hnrdy, of Brantford, and later In
Toronto, with the firm of the tete
Ohl •1 Justlae Harrison, of whir!' Mr.
Thomas Bodging. k. C., the orpiment
Mn.t,r-In-Ordlnnr), wan nkat at the
Brei n member. It In Interesting to
note that Mr. Hodgins was alder-
quently or several years Mr. Ilarly'n
dptk conte In the Leghdalur'. Mr.
Gerdy panned an a rolh•ltor In 1a61
Ht. Drat inti' of pdflienl work wan
on 1 ht R111111111 fpr. of Hon. tirurgP
Drown, In Toronto. during loin stn
(lrnt days. He kept tip this Inter-
mit on him return to Rrnntfortl to
prnrtlie, hit for a time 1t ■ramM
nm If the nitrnrttonr of Ina wore
eetndy. N 1' , tied ■uddeniv rnr13 1 ttroogpr than those of peiltlrw. He
thin niorningt. Its had been n mem entered the Ii't. minima Icon &R.
bonvif the t"'nien'r bruit' *Ince 1868. Wood, the leading awned of the
Brant district,. nil leaf Idol In
tow. faint/UN cases, bitdlchittg with
hl. huu.or lint exact ktott I dg • of
the facto the inure ponderous rlo-
qu: ncc of idis rival.
1'rineapks at the Her.
1.uler he stet '111l1yar-1 Cameron,
t'roukei l'ames•on, the Blokes, 11. It.
Orlrr, Thomas Mune and other. of
the wteat fathom.; pleaders of the
Oddest bar. His reputation in
Western Outwit" was great, and
between 18631 and 1877 he defended
no Tent than atxteen persons, accus-
ed t.(u ds
W � e�. On UUtl (oCla ton e ll
held ill briefs. civil and criminal, at
one .tNetze. During the ycare from
187:1, when he Has elected to the
Legislature 'after a keen contort
against Mr. J. J. Hawkins, to 1877,
when he entered the Government,
Mr. hardy cootinald his practice,
but after than he seldom appeared
of Used Instead of 80 sores, there-
tofore the least quantity that would
be grunted by the Crowd, for mining
purposing, (c) mining regulations
which protected first the Over and
limbs; of the miners while at their
work, and ttr4'ntlly which preItlbttcd
women and minors' under minimal
your'. of ago trout working In the
alar., (d1 pruvldleas for staking out
clalwt by prospectors, anal lei for
oho payment of royalty to the Crown
In certain etude. There were also
other improvements of the alining
lawn of whluh spino will nut perinit
n detailed statement. Amongst
',therm, the nary and Inexpeuslve
'undo of Ineorporalion of companies
with liberal provbtone for the nutu-
.tgemeat and cuutrol of companion
and of their stock,
Nati JO* l Parks.
Mr. Hardy created what 1s known
as the system of uatioaal or l'ruvtu-
dal perks. A park to the northern
districts had been '.pokes of for
nanny yeerr, and Mr. Hardy in the
early yearn of Ids Ouwmlr.tlonersl(Ip
took up the project anal set n.ido
oho Algonquin Nutk'nul I'ark, con-
tainhtqf over 1,000,000 acres, for the
pretectlon of the headwaters of a
uwubwr of the ,xtasldrrable rivers in
tlu' north and for prceerting forever
to the people of Oetarlo n wart tract
of natural format an at health resort
anti ad a perpetual 'gone preserve.
The rticcrrs and prupul arlty of this
policy laevo been unexpectedly greet.
He atno htui set apart a tract of
about 3,000 acrto, in dila County of
Kent. In what is known to the ltuu-
de.Ia p -n teru'ia, on the Point out 1104,
a pen tuella projecting into Luke Erie
an 1 covered with pine and other nat-
ural forret, trt'u . Thal is a great no -
sort for the'eop'e of the Counties of
faesex, Kent and Elgin and neighbor-
eighboring menthe. The timber 14 protected
an I perpetuated, game and game
birder re also protocted within the
limits f the park, nal It is being
made a nrPPry for gntne which *III
ultimate , It le loped, spread itself
over all t e c •ptigtutt,s ceunt:ev and
ntbecemlu each year
nmore attrac-
resort r the pub'.b. Mr. Hardy
ul*ao In,titut the p:o•k y of seta
agile a'limber'ly( islands in the (Icor'.
glass pay for the p urpmee of a pub:b
Inuring 'lir. Htr'hv's Commissioner -
Born Tleccmb•r 14, 18:17: deceased June 13, 1901.
Trendier of Ontario July 1:t, 11.96-0:(obx•r 18, 1899.
1n court. It en.n hardly be drnnbtel.
judging frim the ,phenomenal sus:-'
ere' an a routine' which he had
achieved while yet under forty that
had he remaltleti at the bar he
would not only have 'secured. o
greater financial return f.tr hie
-labor them he did" se w Wnieteer, but
he wrtuld hart• banked with Blake.
Osler and lltdlrrtlty an n leader of
the ber. Politbe claimed him and
the Province 1s kis debtor for the
best years 01 141 life devoted to (11e
public service.
' Old October 18th. 1899. Mr. Hardy
was forced by III-Iteulth to retire
from the Premiership. which he had
held since the tetlrement of tar
Onion Mtrwat In July, 1896. Mr.
Hardy left while (4(e a ploy man,
and accepted the offlue of Clerk if
the I'rttcene and Surrogate Regis-
trar in Cadroodo Hall. It was during
hie terinet ..f tdtice as Commbmioner
of erow-n Land, and Prime Mlulater
that the grrateet bf these mervtres
were rendered:. Prior Lv Id* admin-
istratltat, when timber :limits were
mold, the male carried' with it -with
'some limits tI ono -nut m "rely the pine
tlmb•r, but Marlton, hemlock, birch,
t lman,c, .,.Masi stud all the hard and
other woods. The first male by Mr.
Handy an Commlaalm wr wax In 11(90:
Th'nab was for the first time matte
atbj-•et to the condition. that (hellion
trim. (only were. (11 became the pro-
perty of the purchaser, lima that nil
other wood* were to rem:dn the pro-
perty of._ -the_ Crowe.. .At that &Imc
this coalition did not appear tA, the
online or purchaser. na of much lm-
perteoce uN It is now known to b-.
It wait n far-tr•il,g and far-renehing
pro•tla,t. .111 of lhe/Y1 wttth, notably
apeman' went ether
leek. }arch am' Iulydwooda, are sin
many limit," of eonstilerably more
volt than the pines. The mee,ond
sal • was on tl►r Georgian Buy and In
thr Niptsaing and Parry 8atnd dln-
tric•tx, dual contained tis. sante condi-
tioned an hat every male 'since. The
anite mad, during Mr. llnrdy't time
were alto notable for the hatch prima
received.They exceeded by fur the
price* tbtnilral at nay fernier males,
notwithstanding the fart that tis•^
Iitrrhnserm obtained only the pine,
while the, Crown reserved nil ether
tlmb•r, and notw1Uittninling, ton, the
fart that lis incremeni the rtnrm pay-
nbl^ by hol.k•ra of limit," upon the
(timidity rat by 25 p'r cent.
Alanufarlurtng t'Itutr..
Mr. !lardy tint Introduced In 11.1RO
w•lutt are known at the 'mnaoofnetur-
btg Maumee,- viz n eonilitIon that the
pins• llmIrr to he rat on the limit.'
*old moot 1st manufactured in the
Prov Its.e.
I1 th'e bond itrortch of the depnrt-
merit he Intrttlneed the "Intent of
granting leaven In'sued of Antra of
mining irtmla, tIt- Masted being for 21
yen r', aft er which time the loud re-
vert', tti blv Crown The Crown h'
ouch en.r• lora not part with the land
entirely, hit alwnyt retain.' n nub-
atnntlni inir•rs'at In It.
The %lining iluren's.
In rrintb,n to mining, he mortal
through leglithetIr n (111 erraling n
Boren t of Mines., 0.1 rambling par•
clinger.' to obtao a trlgwll quantity
chip a b•g ■nfng was male 1•i the set-
tlement nn 1 development of whet
known tie new Ontario, which now
given prtmlme of playing so Important
11 part' in the future programs of the
f 'ru r . teae.
In n•:ditlon to tiown Important re -
forme ant Improve.a'Dta. ler. H6artty
inlrod,erd men' other new Ilium cf
po'k'y in the drptrtnn.nt which have
tralnl to the preorrvntlos of the
pub'b dam -tin.
bite Work as Preml,r.
After beronliog Premier and Mdse.-
ttnr>aey-General in 1M:wt, Mr. Hardy pus
awed a progressive and . consistent
pst.lcy. lie nettled the Government
House gnefttlrtn by ran net tuutlsfrtc-
tory to all parties. lie succeeded on
the apwraie mule by the Federal
Government to tete Privy Commit in
securing for the Province tide ala•
trot over the Ih•tvihciral fisheries.,
nal thereupon estnbli.dun 1 a I•'lskrrlvs
Department In connection with the
Provincial Gu vertntrnt• Another
legal victory which he ',reared .was
the right to nploint. king'■ Counsel.
He Inaugurated Irgirlutbon Ilmltlag
Mai right of. appeal from the Pro•
tinclil courts, and made provielun for
the strengthening of the (Court of
Appeal by the appointment of n fifth
Judge. He prortded for the better
en Nting of municipal accdmnte, re.
constituted the County l'oundlla, en.
Inrged the right.' of married women
in relation to their property. made
important addition* to the arbitra-
tion .net, the...unorganisetl territories
net, the- mechanic.* Iden low and oth•
er measured; relating to wages and
labor. These were Ilpplementesl by
the net preventing the hnportntinn
into the I'r %Inns of eritnlnnl, dl.,
The work of revising land eonttdl•
luting the entire atrttute law of the
Province wan completed aril ndopterl
during the tn*one of 1807 and 1881.
The Irglisleton W thin end apart
from Inhoriota. rind effective work
of the eommieeon of which the At•
torney•(lenernl wee et member wan
enormous', the two volumes being et
least o
n lite larger r than those
the rerlatnn of 1887.
An important (Meal reform in-
augnrntri hy Mr. Hardy wan the
new revenue Ing Intrrefur.d in the
nees'on of 18914-99. The prin. iple nn-
derlying theme neensnren wax that
the great financial and other cor-
poration. 'Mould be enllr'tl upon to
i•ontrlhntp to the revennrn of the
State to a moderate extent an 411n-
tinet from the intimation of n 01
rect genernl tax upon the people at
}or moony yearn Mr. Hardy nerved
n' Chairmen of the Municipal Com-
mittee. whirl find ehnrge of fill
menattres effecting the mnnlelpnb and
neetermenl mint,.
Mr. IItrdy'a learewell.
Thronghitit hie long public career
Mr. Reedy was poplar among
frlrndn and opponent.' alikein the
lfonse he WAN quick to repel attack."
npnn himself or his eolleagni.a. and
tunny n aherp retort was flying hy
him earn" the floor. But at no time
.11,1 he permit the acrimony of Par-
Hnmrntttry tlpMitr to enter Into
prlvnle life. and hla feeling to-
wards thane who nal on either nide
of the Hoare b well Illustrated by
the word. of hlr' farewell adkrear
to the electoral of that oouslltueucy
whtc1: had ro loyally rtootl by palm
during his long political career --
Mouth Brunt. Atter speaking of
this painful 'mums of his retlriwt•at
he bald:
In retiring frau the Oovernla.nt of
which l intro boon it member for over
twuuty-twocoesecutive years, I trust
1 may be permitted to express my
itoknowludgmeut.' to my colleagues,
pant and present, and to elm mem-
bers of the House, upon both rides,
for the uourtewy duel kindlier* width
here always b.wu extended to me,
during Haat lung poriud. Nu wan in
public Info could desire more consid-
eration at the handy of honorable
members than that which her been
extended to oto during that time,
and 1 used hardly &asure them that
it psi with great regret that I ata
ieboaut to sever wy connection with
them as a publlu Wan. lt'etrut, heat-
ed and rttitrp as have at tinter been
the dltuusslut between members of
the Oppusltloa and myself they havo
always been conducted within this
rules of Parliamentary debate. They
have loft no sting nand, no bltterneos
behind, and It IN to nlet novl'. In qult-
thng public life, it source of infinite
eatlsfaction that I ant able freely to
say that of the hundredo of wen who .
rat with ute during my twenty-six
)Parruf nucinberrhlp and twenty-two
yours In the (overnweut there 1s not
oto living whom 1 cannot meet with
pleasure, and upon terms of personal
Mr. 80113'. chiming words to Isis
constituent.: were : "I leave my re-
oor,1 with you, pot els being beyond
criticism. but upon the whole tux one
which 1 may fairly claim bears evi-
dence th.R I have *aught with seal
as t with come energy to promote the
growth, pogrom an 1 development of
my native Province during a much
Monger and mere active term of public
life than runutlly faits to the lot of
ptt'b Hien In ('moult."
L enc year, n.i n tokro of the esteem
In which he wart heist and a recogni-
tion of his great service to Ontario.
he as 1 Mrs. Hardy were presented
with n magnificent .•elver nervier and
rt cheep. our 417,01)0.
Mr. Hardy married in 1870 Mary,
slaughter of the Lite Mr. .lurlke
Merriam. There ere four ohildr. n -
Mr. -loo C. Hardy, Llverpuoi, knit.;
Dr. E. A. P. Hardy, Toronto ; h(r.
Arthur C., barrister, Brantford, and
Him (iladya Hardy, Toroatoo. He 1s
saw survived by two brothers, Judge
Hardy. of Brantford, and Mr. Eugene
Hardy, of Chicago.
Deep Regret -K:pressed In Ottawa.
Ottawa, June 18. -The news of Mr.
Hard) ie death war received with
deep regret In Ottawa. where the ex -
Premier had away warm friend., and,
iulmlrenu 81r Wilfrid Laurier. whore
the late Mr. Hardy often styled the
and o1 Caaadlan politica. to not in
e o:ty, but the and news was
mptly conveyed to Hon. R. W.
t. The 'Secretary of .(tate Was
grlered at the oelapchoh7 ail-
Arrived at St. Petersburg
This Mornin
Nlal.ters at Pekin Kot Taking
Chances by Admitting 1 linear
Soldiers-I'Ineree Weaker lire&
tlaonlell ht-thefYrol. - .
tat. Peterthnrg, .lune 1•4. -The
'marina ort -da) gave birth to it
Vol Tattles Chances,
I',• ht, Jinn• 1W -The fort•ign
lateen. re declined tut autst•wt tie tido
regi. 's( to ti114on' :1,11011 Chinese sol-
diered 14.4 tin 1,, Coddle now.
T110)' ern der it would no land-
vlsibte to p mit such it step to be
taken before t p latter part of .tug-
. by wltich tis the Interniilbnnl
, with the tbott of the ie.
gtutiMennards, will re left the alt).
The ministers also teed to per-
mtt'tntertettitetat-t to guard the
Forbidden city aetll the 'hinner sol-
diers; rhnll arrive.
• To Meet tie an 6gasdeoa.
'Berlin, June 18e-Ewperor 'tt'i114tm
has ordered the -squadron comManted
by Printe Henry of nemesia to ',prise
cool to Cad's to meet the Hertaan
squadron returning from Chinn.
Pimp/rev dinklag,
Loddon, June 18.-In/ereasing anxi-
ety Is felt regarding the cOndltlou of
ex-t-inrernbr filigree, - of -Michigan.
Mr. !'Ingres, this morting le rumbler-,
mthly weaker than he was yesterday,
I:rest Snowfall la Tyrol. -
Berlin, .lnne i8. -There have been
henry slow fall."
o the
orlon and r
Tyyotean Alps, and rattroltf etlfnthntll-
catkins between Munich and Italy
me Interrupted.
',resting Wheel. alirkelr.
Following are lige elorhtg Ipwtr,-
tkas at dwportaut wheat ceulrea 1,,.
Cush. .lady.
l'Iikr Ign ,.. ... ... 811 69
New Yruk ... ... -- 1174
Milwaukee ... ... ... 40 74 1019
8t. Louis ............070 1-4 11 67
Toledo ...............072 1-2 U 71
Detroit, red ......... 0 74 11 7_
Oetrott, white ... ..
Duluth No. 1 north. 007271 1-8 (18;1 1-1
Duluth No. 1 lord 0 75 1-8 - -
Minneapltlls No. 1
northern ... ... ... 0 87 :t 4
Isle Markets,
Liverpool, June 17. -Wheat, spot,
No. 2 red western winter, (lull, 5e,
lid.; No. 1 ncrthero sprier, dull, re.
10 1-2d.; Nu. 1 Cal.. 'needy, t.. Id.. .
Futures' easy ; July, 5s. tl 3-40
dept., Sri 8t 3-4(t.
1'oontts Msrmrrs• Market.
The street market war ruttier act-
ive 8itturduy, but dealer. algid that
10 was not up to the usual Saturday
'tenderd. The offering.' were used -
effetely !urge and nlmo.t everything
was sold.
Wltent-One hundred bushels .4
white eold unchanged at 71r, and 1',U
bushel,. of gouse uuclauged at 64,•
Outs-Earicr; 400 btsltels rem .0
ter lis lower, at 3811e to 37•'c. -
Hay tied Mtraw-Twelve hoe. .4
hay e441t1 meiltangeal at 811 to .:I.;
per ton, and one load of straw 311,
higher, tit 6J per tun.
Butter -Offering. were heavy and
utnrket was tutlre, with n ofirm
deuand. Price. were Steady to fine,
the choice tuts brought 15 to 17c,
tout In mute carer 18o was obtuse,'
A few .or•ockt were offered and mold
E[K14n-Marto180.bt ■toady and price. 1111.
changed, at 11 to 14e. The great.•r
pert of the offering's sold ut r. ,.-
Puuhtr)-8ttrlug chicken. are now
selling at The to 41 per pair, and ono
moving fairly' well. Young duck.. art
also offered. and are held at 41 to
81.25 per pair. Large chickens are
quoted at 11 to 13c.
Vegrtab'eb-Ilttattoee are still a --
greet demand, and four knob' tcl•1
readily at 65e per bug.- The supply is
very small. la prop oi'tldit to the In-
quiry, nit 1 the market is strung. :New
pttatoee are coming is a little more
freely, oat aro renew/a( 85.7.0 te 4,4
per barrel. Twenty (kitten new c+oi';.
flower aold at 82 per rlosea. and het.
ter beam at 82.25 per basket. Priem
of other lino* were sternly and un-
firewood Hogs -Market quiet hat
firm ; pricer are unclulugedi, at 4L to
89.:,0 purr cwt.
iarodteM Menta - The market le
easter aal price► of beef are lower.
Bit lttmrtere ure 11UOted at 50e
• lower. at 48 to 89 per cwt.; forequar-
ters', 500 ,ower. at 44.50-t.,--$ir1,11;-----
aaI choice care/taws 50.; ktwer, at-
t,6.rt0 to 47.50. Coonnen carcase..' are
unehnuged, at 83.:.0 to 46. Yeiirling
Iambs are lc lower, at 8 to tis- per
IIx, nn I spring in mho nrr quoted at
11 to 12 1-2c per 18. Mutton fa rifle
lower. at 46 to 87.511 per ewt.. eel
choler veal ealrer are 1,:e hewer.' lit
71 1-2 to 14 I -2e eier IG Light %rale
are altChni,getl nt 5, to •'•.
Strrtwb•rrirw, 1'. N.. per quart 11
ti. 18 t _e ; Can tart, lox, 11 lis 13e.
1;,rdea Stuff -Spinach. peck, 10•.
Wiitererrewr, dawn. 21k•. itbnhlrh,
dozen. 15 to _18 l.ettuow. dozen. 15
to'.'5c- Rnaleltr.a, .dozen. lute. --A
g't.. dnn. o . ed, n
t0o. ParzrMev61)t dotzro9(5', 15 to(lam10C. J't.ret'nn., -
doge. b,incheo. 50 to 60c.
Toronto Wool MsrklT:.
The peer extort demand i.. eari'!1
resptn,tbte for the Miners No -h
prevails, In the local market, w614.•
the poor quality of tin offering.. t4
also a drawback. Trade Is dew :ie.'
buyers are doing very little hw'.-
nesr. Pricer of fleece are unclutn:
1 at 1:1e for washed and 8e f .r
oroeto tdtre 6tock 5.larket..
omlUe, oksilSs, pdr eat. fit+ m b p ted
dam tam 4 t to ,'“
hn•nrt w. .err.---snTnc ^Fe. M • ., -
Ilutcher,. due asikd 1 e1 10 N .1
Hu'. -hero' co felt v i , to 1 1n
d.' raw•d 3 dl to
d.. I.nu. . 31131..(-77::
sin ul 3:1I",:::.: ntlltt,eauor6• y. p50550, 17:, w t 'i
IMIL. azpnn.n ear. eq<1.0 to t..
F..erl.r.. .host -k 1 -. 1n t 'et' du
do Itgb+ 141 10
a(srkrr-, x*iii, 1 1i f , -a .ss Lay- -i it
oR talo.., and keife . 3 w, In t to Ir(dt
M etch onwa, suet,. . • .�ii rl M .....4
WI, m.. r e.. per ew4 • 3 :tit b a ..
do. Mnckt.. ! it do :t tit'
do , ani:
I'el ve., per howl
LAnHope , rkntx. per. eat..
8t'g•, e1�oorn tett
Hos'.1(i,ear-ew -- ...... 8
Mans rbc cwt. 8
1 a1
Cheese Markets.
London, Jun- 15. -At to -hay's m
krt 13 tnetrrien offered 1,725 Moe
Mny .tori .iunr t bwpen, mostly eels. -1.
8 tlrr, 60 at 9 1-2o.. 715 at 9 a -Me..
700 ttt L 1-2c.
Brlkalllr, Juni 13. -At ptn
cot the Cheemc bard loin htlitere teerltt-tttyo -
there were u(fered 1,125 whit(' and
1410 eolonid. Sales were: Brent.;',.
500 white. at 9 1-20.; Alexander, 425
at 91-20.
- Cowansvt, Iiia, 18. -At tum mPet-
ing til' the iliF.aatern Townships Rnartl
of Trade today 88 faetorler offered
1 loxei'rMelw sad fire creemerb"
1)92 Aoxte of butter. Rutter .tthtb til
20 I -14,t,; ehresn, 9 1-8 tit 9 1-4t'.
ORAnn.btrg• 8. Y., Jut. 13. -At lite .
me.Ueg tin Cheese Board to -dots
l,ro90 bos c[teeee• Rene M.rlartl°l
t . (ht
i 1
inert see
6 9- rota
4t 16e.
enrbv all add pt 88-4c.
Morriabarg, June 13. -At the meet-
ing of the Cheesy Board this after-
ur ed
noon Bold . 400 at 1th9 .e 1-40. ere boarded. .31
Finch, .f
- nit
•ottA F 15. R . c
meeting of Finch ('heel* Bond Duna .".
held this evening. Number of elieem•
binrdrd, 3,80,), 40i .cloud, balance
white. Prine offered on hoard, 9 3 16e.
for both; none sold, Mut sold tin Street
ntterwardr for 911-16o.
Cornwabl..(nne 16. -At the Cor with
(Tress Weird on Saturday 7t
boreal w w
I were
ttin din acre
r I. T1
vent white and 469 rrrinred end !'s
.Arnerlrnn, The (annadlan while nn•
riJornt sold tit 91-4c. and tit' Amari
can at i.'.
The Apple Crop.
.A Toronto dealer any*: "The con-
tinual arid, wet wadther her pr•'-
vttrtted n nd•Mldernbie portion of the
Moore from netting. ntwl, although io
Is too surly too forecast -the e"nling
crop with any degree of PertnMtt•
the prnwprrtr are nit t*voraMi' for
A Inrge crop." ,Another well le for
wratern ahlppor write* : "Wane if the
bort orevtpd., w-h.leh hk-tomnl Inx
nrktntly, MVP npparrnedy apt Pcs:r
ly, Mit I1 Ir ton early to sal with
any ting?PP ref eertekrty wbet the
fn11 extant r.( tow lama;P by melt
and .'Wernly, mnttMe been.' Mrontrrsal Trade tstBimIbetirea
Parte Rents.* fell 22 rentlmee to-
dqy. F.agnlris* . In ilwanrlal nml
Iwo lip'nl rfrrlr.' shmadow flirt the tali I.
nttrihoted to the grove nnrndnest
rPaniting from the t:oternmi'nt's
nni I-rrlbRlon. pill.', nal (ram 1 hx
laoa�e tai Mgt.batloe.
:t t
:t -
1111 to 2$
1• N ler
lin to AM
ON to On
13 te s s
to Nat
~ i.s
I. in
Prisoner l'hnrgsd With Murder Bayo
11e is Wroegly Accostd.
Lon+on, .fine 16. -Tire Brltb ti
ste.lmer Duke of Norfolk, Captain
Jenkin., from New ZenMaud, hrh.igo a
primmer charged with merrier, rob-
bery. nal at•am, committed at C.tl-
chrnter. Onnnty of E4eex. In 1898.
The Carr porn waee to stovetop n mis-
taken Identity cnntroverwy tlm'att
equal to tltrtt of the T:chh.rtte cn,+r.
In the year psentkinea Arthur
Rlntch robbed na.1 murdervl Alfred
Welch, nn1 ort fire to hit vlrUm's
tnlior whop in order to cover Ids
crime. HP carnival, nn.t no trnce of
him waw fount until he was arrested
tit Wrllingti'. N. 7_, on Novemlrr
6tli. 1000. in rontw'gn.ns4• of informa-
tion given by n woman. The Hamer
waw prwrttIvely Identifies! tit R'Plling-
t.on by two resident's of Lomond. but
he anew thnt he In Cherie.' T.I ly
White. n nntornlize,l American• who
hnd been In the United M'tnt POO .I/MP
114145. Ho alleges, also thnt be line an
aunt nmol e'nmline ('oink living In
('hboago. ani tont he Ilvpd In the
Menti' of Rnehlnaton from 1149'2 to
1149:1, Pomo doeumentnry evidence
alpportw the pr'*,.nrr'a a nim. nal the
pollee are puzzled. The neon In eneteily
M n pnlnter end a m,wtk•Ian, neeom-
pptt(mhmentw which were not possessed
by Klatch.
The Premien Government hne .IP
terminal to relax to a rertnln ex-
tent Itn rr'Rttlatlona w•hlrh 11.,1 to the
etrindon of American 111.- Ina,tranee