HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-20, Page 1ACJ jl THIIU "'A'8" Aov•re AR. ACTIVE AGENTS WHEN FLACK° IN THE SIGNAL THD LEADING N37WBPAPE i OF HURON OOVNT V . 4 FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. ' 2835 GODERICH, ON t'AItIO, CANADA : JUNE 20, 1901. THE WEEKLY MANstaT REPORT OOOaa.OII, Joan, 190 Fate What 0 m to Floor, Gamily. pee eat.... --..,_-_ 1 10 to Floor, p.Not, per nest...,,-.._160 to Brost V tea...-. _ _- -_„ II 00 tot nings. per cwt .•..•.._••-. 11 OMO to Scree Ity per bush .................... 0 40 o Ba.kr btMwbeat, F 0 t0 to Oa00.8 boa .....•o•••.,....•••, 00 N Pao 0 bosh. ... 56 te Barley, per bush 0 37 to tri. ales 890I9p01. Po6•toc.. a bash 'w•..••••-- 0 1! w Meese. or Ib 0 10 to VIZ bola hapaeh.d, • IMG• 09 N Hides•• r ,... O~0 110 .. Pell W ...... 16 to IIv. Her. oboe............ M 10 Dressed Hoeg 60 to Heeoa,*I... .>12 o Ham Haper 16...x...........•.. 16 to ( Drama Bper0 f tom QYlegr 00 to Dressed Beepeerf..t61.d 001 •• Ordlsars 00 to st 10 60 00 00 00 60 60 11 66 88 60 I6 14 11 10 00 70 16 90 00 !8 11 00 00 60 60 llltuatUONO Vacant. GOOD DINING ROOM GIRL WANT ed at once st the Colborne Bona Apply to MR& 0100. BUXTON. PO -U For Sale, FARM FOR RAIL -A FIRST-CLASS farm of on bnadrsd saes sitnated north of town plot. west port of lot 16. L 8. R, Ashdeld. rave &ores of good t'mber and the balaaee ander cultivation. It is well fenced thoroughly underdnlned, and well @applied with wooer. Buildings angler ot :-Baro. 80x /0 ; straw hare and 'fable. 00.30; hone stable, 30.16 • groom; and dr1y1 ng .hd,19x1 t ; frame dwellng-how,.. One sad a holt gory. sit 41. kltebes, 18E12. wilt stone foundation sod splendid cellar under wool* building. Thera le also a wood weedsbei, IlettHemmen beat d b furnace. For farther partioelare apply 00 JOS. GRIFFIN, gaoler, Odorlc h. IAND FOR SALE IN TOWN OF J OODIRICH.-For sale on reatteabler terms, the propertyknown . MatJllerr n lands, being paou 16book '•F" In the Town of Ooderlob, oornololag about 93 sores. with Untidier, and waterr6ren ea the Royer Moir 1ard, For terms apply to BARROW t. BAR- ROW. .011.1 o, for the veadoe. $1 ri i cat if OR ON TRR11S TO w 1 r gait wll: pnrotsa hist leer* stone hog. with .(x -roomed addltlo t,slta0Nd on }Iota Street. Halton are o' land with W the outbuildings thereon thrown la. For further partioul.n apply to TRIO. J MOOR • HOU9e:• Barfield P. 0 33-lr. 'LIOR SALE. -LOTS 95, 96, 117, 118, 119 J? and 148 In Hutchison', survey, all 1e Ooder(oh. For psrdenlst s apol1 to PHILIP HOLT, Hsrristor, to., Bode:fcb. Mara 11 Us. 1900. dl0-11 Musts. W.OLENN CAMPBELL. (kgaost and mato& director of North et. Methodist caarob, and teacher of ptasoforte, pipe rasa had theory. will be plowed to re v. pupils. Iastruotloo glom either at Madto twat pupVil's home. as droned. dtudlo at Rmerson's Melo Store. Wast -.t. 71-t1 Medfsal• DR.9. SHANNON A GALIA)91r, PUT• HLCL&N8ad0srse.a.. Moe in Bast of Commerce building. west side of &(hare, Night hells a residencies Dr. Bannon. Dr.Oalow, ebe reside.... bootee st. Ade sL w, 'Phone 84. Phone M. Iasui'sass, still. CRA1, S. SHAW, OSNSRAI. INSUR- ANOS and real .state agent. Oma, the der east of P. 0.. Goderlah. Agent for the leading mutual gra lass ratios oom note + .od leading stook oomtal.. Meroaotlh and m*nuf•ctartng risks •t &mem rat... Call at oaoe. QTR. ROBKRTSON. • TT • Aoau.0Ot and lantana A..nh and .000001. made up. Idlep noted and rata atloid, Fin Insurance In British and Canadian Companies. street 10hroadfat & Hayti oA.e.lutrrth FJ. T, IIAFPEL, Oi.NRRAL IN- • MUR CS ant Baal Friars .pat. Flee, Ufa, Amid/stand Pate Mass Inatome .Reeled on mutual or .1.6 plan at Owen rotes Doors Mo Heat Ransil and Canadian ampoule' rep resisted. Omen next door to 0•rrow & Barrow, Bair vistas Hamilton Btroet, Model TalloPing. JUST RRCE(VKD - TRK LiNE OF spring saltings nun our customers won waiting for, wbioh win blot our reputation ea, togntbr with other I1.eo suitable for spring sod mummer, poally • , good. Strictly dnt- &ow work at moderate priors. W 60. 8TAPLBITON. Orr P.non,Fair. • PubUs Notice NOTICR-AB WE ARR 'RETIRING from balsas, we reonest ail prions to d.bted tons to settle their s000aoto at once. Aor amounts owing by the firm shoot I sun be sent le for settlement not later than the 9706 Of June. A room hone, three ri u end horning for sato DOWNING & WSBTOBY. 16.10 Bir Flour MI11.' WARNING. -'TRIS i8 TO GIVIL netlne that .crone bathing off the Islands, using or tampering lath the ferry, shooting or traps@ dog upon any pert of our ppttooFat,. w111 he arrested and proseonterl. ATTItILL FJ tt Tenders Wanted. TENDERS FOR TAR 2-fitaYihN Our • Oaollies reddenv In th,, Town of 0 de rich will Demeanedso' later than It o'olok A. it on Jnl led, 1001 Tenders most be ad- dressed to W. lona, County Cle. k, 0okerIch. The bntlding will be of stone nod shout O0 by 40 fat In size. The footerl.l on 6.11 1 to he need In the bollning. Mans and epiolgmtiote can he seen at the clerk's nlgne, Oederleh. Tenders most be seethed and ma•kd Tender or oration of Baler's r.ei4,nee. Thor low rat or any tenter not n+neoeadt 00009td. 1' HOLT W. LANIC. Dated of 004.,loh !hie 19th day of Jane. 1901. Nota« to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the mater of the Rnate of AL11x1ND"R Booth, tom of the Township of (Wheelie Is the County of Huron, Yeoman, He Meed. NoMss fa ken•/ r1.e', pnreant to the Ito 1044 Mattoon of Cantle, 1107 ehapter 129 rs find all creditors other, j1.vleg Malmo stalest tie Wale of the alit Atrx•nder 100g1e. who did on or ablaut the 93th ser of miry. A.D. 1901, are required on or before the let ay of A06,,at. 1901. to send 82 pat Pro paid no deliver to Matra frond toot & (lay., of the Town rat 004.rlrh, In the County of Hnres. Relleitors for Jame* ('Irk Hogle the ex.enter of the Wt will and teet,ment of tin said 4001.4.4 their Christian and sir names, *40,,..... ad dot Minion, the toil &trttnnl•rs Of Weir alaime, • statement of their •nnpaote and the nature of the eanrlty Of any) hold by thorn, And 1e.jhgr take natio' tbat afro snob lastm,ntlo 04 ell the said *rooster will pro seri among the parolee outo tlast/ Woad lhe s. tlet 6..... havving. mrd only to the elates of whisk be shall flhays vs .0 t.ev,, aad tb*t the "Id 00..wtor .111 ass b. Ilstl. for 14. sass hest* .► 017 9100 thereof 1. a.7 Doreen or arseas of woos* $alms settee 'hell all here hes reoSlve.1 M *at lh9 Um** ,Deb dl.t,,b.tln., Doted Isla ,.! Jetta Aon ap Mei aa:oit+ D; A*8, THE ASHFIELO PICNIC. A Grand I00y, s Grows 0weeea. •ad • regal liras tiatheriag. The ploolo o A-hdeld under the a.1plas of the 000grok•tlon rat Khsgesbrldre oburob was ow of the most •uooerlul ever held In that Mania of grad planter. 11 was held in the beautiful grove of 1. 3. Orli:ho. and better grounds could not have been selected. r..rly In the morning the various oom- mttlees were at work in preparation for the event and by noon • large nambarof ptoolo. ors had arrived and the tables wore Orae• tag with the gad things prepared for them. the early afhr000n brought hundreds more cod by 4 P. w shore were not Ir. than 2,000 people o0 the grounds le addition to ebe dinner tables, which were four In number, snob apable of seating 200 parte, there were several refreshment booths where sell drinks and la Dream were dispensed, and ithlob did • tbrtylog trade dorlog the day. The dnotog platforms, upon which the AehOeld orchestra dispensed good mado dada's Ibe day and *.onto*, with boor managers Tom O'N.11 aoa D.. Qoina outllalog Girt policy, was • groat attraction n ot only for the SO.ap, bat for others who 000ld trip the dgbt l.atutlo,eaob as oar old friend Cmrll. Dolton. The Lsoknow bra bad dlsoeurs.d hrmooy during the day, sod not to be outdone by the band, repre- sentative monotone of Soodand arid Inland wore prsssat to ►6* persons of Ptpr D. MeoKey and Pamir Dolan. wbo made the glades *oho and re esho with melodies of love and war. A contest for • nae* Wawa*. Hon, J. T. Garth a and Mejur Rook, the rival polldml oandldotes, was oils of the !attires of the day, and the assiduity ad p•r*ever• h os wbiob the fair canvassers pat into thele work was enough to give ool.ters to either of the modtdates as to the in to whieb real oanvarso0 e6oald be dose. Vote early and rote often •pper.d to be the order of the day, nod at Gloss It looked w e if "'rang rffora were bola mod* to ,oaf! the ballot box in favor of one or other of the candidates At the close of the poll the elaN*a was deekr.d la favor of (.grow, bot from ominous expressions bard It 1e within the possibilities that an appeal will be mad* to the next ooart of oompstent jsrhdietloo, which tt le expsol.d w111 be held In A,hfirid at the nett snood m'stleg ahnat this time next year. 7'h• gold w••ob foil to t6e proud peeses- elos of our eeteemed townsman Dr. Shen - sop, who wait an enlhu.l.t la visitor d&r;ng tt. day. Up to the tilos et golsg to press w* have been alibis to get lb* name of the lady wbo obWeed the o.1bion of the "Two te oompay, gree le a orowd" v.rosty whlob wee the desire of "o may daring the day, bat we bops that whoever get* It will get all good look and happiness that • ou.6ten of thct kind invariably brings The platform bas le the •fter0000 ionated of • mamba of brief addressee, by politicians ad others, who were debarred from 1.181., polltir, whloh they knew e met6tng snout, and were oompellsd to diem are re the good, the beautiful pad the true, subjects en whlob the amigos politica* is ruppeoed to bit al as Bat thin took ad every roe managed to get through with a whet• eel of boar. M Dalton, the able rave of Ashfield cooapled the chair, and 1ho following were otic ylotime on the 000asloe : Hugh MOPhee, Hoo. J. T (avow, Joe Bon, R Holme M P., R. McLean, M. (1 Cameron, P. Holl D Mo(tllloaddy, Dr. O'Hagan, E Campion, J L (2,0.1, A. M.Todd, Wm, Proadfoot, Wm. 1,►mpbel 1. Tin auooess of the plaid le deo to the oos of the pastor, Rey Father MoCor- mloe. and tie energetic committee of work e re that so ably booked him op before and dartos the day. The •t00nd►noe from ()ode. rich was very large, a4 ns.rly livery bora and rlr and private •.hlcle 014w0 ea, premed foto service for the 000aeloo, Laokeow, Dungaa000, and other onion were also 'strongly reprr*ntrd. Amongst visitors praest W. naiad Vory Rev. Dean O'Connell, of Monet Forint, Rev Father Corcoran, of T.eiwatsr, sod Rey. Father Hanlon, .f St. Augustine. Following are tee names of oommlttw, so far & we hove bees .8!e to obtain them : Oommletre of Management - M Dolan. J. J. Griffin, M. Whiny, t, O'Coa• nor. John Stiles, John Long. Tooks% Takers -P, MoC.rtby, 011. Will, Thr. Ford, Rd. Flys.. T+bleo-Madams. M. Bowler, Flynn, H. Meth.*, M. Whitby. Lonna. O'Loughlin, Kenady, J. Foley, F. Robinson, J. T. Reilly, J. MoNrmr•, and Mises Kate Sullivan, Maggie Re11(7, Mtry Bowler, Sarah Mont', Annie Dalton, Dora Dalton, Rlla Dean, Mary Hogan, Annie tlnm,, Kate Wh1Ity, Nellie Re 11y, Kota Bowler, Annie Bowler, Maggie Bowler, Nelll. 8.111 - van, Cassie O'Oonsor, Bridget (banner, Roo Hogan, 1.'u • 0.Ita, Maggle Ltm- bortus, Minnie Ibolan, Hooch Hogan, H Lei, Mary Ooartony, Anode Rsesey, a Liman, and ethers. 3 (2h,ALEO TENDERS. - ADORE-9El) kJ to the undersigned, and endorse.! "To der, for Supplying Coal for the Dominion Buildings," w111 be r•n►Iveel eit this oMoe veal Saturday. Jobe 21n41, 1901, Ioolnslvell, for the e nrol, of coal for the pnbl'o buildings thronlhost the Dominion. Combined speolflestloo an4 form of tender can he ohaloel on •pplleatl00 at the* (ma. Persons tendering are notified that leaders wit, net he 000114.7.4 melee, m.4. few the print, form 'applied, and signed with their actual signature•. Fah tender moot he .eeompanled by an •o- mpbd cheque on • chartered bank. made ppaaleble to thn order of the Honourable the Blnlster of Pablie Works. retool to ten per ant. of emotion of the tender, wh(nh will be forfeited if the party tient.. to enter Into • non met when 041141 upon to dorm or 1f he toll to enmplet.the work t'ontr.eted for. 1f the ton. der be not •a.ptd this @hone will be re- tnrnd Th. it0p•rlmeot does not bled Itself to co- apt the lowest tender. Ity order, JOS. R. ROY, f(eoretary. Department of I'nblle Works, Ottawa. June 6th. 19 it New,papure !i ertas this ad 'entertain without aothorttl film the Dopartmeot will sot avoid ter It. GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM 111'1CIAL RXCURS10Ni TO THE PAN AMERICAN RXPOSITiON, BUFFALO. JUNBFrrw11101. Spoof& teals" will nave at follow* Fan.. leave N 00 Sedate'', a wa A. ■. 1 m Itolmealle, 5 90 J 45 ('llnlnn 5 3) ! M Seo/rwtk. 846 1 10 DoMin6 00 110 MltoheII. 610 f 10 M ehringvltio. a 21 Nan-Am.Me.a (monad. Arrive 1110., w. itseorslse tl,k.s are vend only ping and ntenleg on ehnvst dates ereept from mode rleh and golmeavllle, from wh1,h points Sokoto ars valid returning on ranter trains mat day. Pismo 01 Rten,0en train imam Pan Am.r1- esn Orates. *tattoo "Alter the MHIl.,t Sleatrinal IllomInatioo at 10 60 r. w ter Heir*, fold.ry and all Intorntetlon 1 N A h Sawa Trona Railway- tI. . 0.F ONA gent Potarsgw AISIt, Boothe • - Mimes Jasephl.e Md)santHl, Mary C. Dalton, Maggie O'Neill, Mary Mo• C.na.y, B. O'Neill, Hattie Young, ad Mere. J. T. OttO,. M. 0.81•11y, Joe Dol- ton and M. Bowler. Canaan' for Cane -For Hoo. J. T. (farrow -Misses Martha O'Notll, H•ttt• Nobi*, Kau Sulss, Russ Coerlaey, Kate M.Phoe, and - MoCartoy. For Major Book -Mime. Mo0rory, Noonan, Jennie Orlliia, Miscast Dalton. Angle Hussey, Nellis Gilmour sod !ds Flynn. THE GALLANT 93RD. Welcomed by the Means r ttederloe on Moleeralsg treat tams, To Biggish", the 000ael00 of the anabliah- 1og of 16ii new armory a the b.adqulrton of the Huron volunteers, the ofoer, and men of the 33rd reglneot were tendered • olvtc teoeptlon upon their •rdyal are from the t,nsdoa comp o0 Saturday We Th.8peoi.0 train 000vering the volu0tan was expeot01 N atria at 10 o'clock In t6a monolog, but it was not uotll 11:40 that It actually rriv.d. A large crowd bad path• end at the station, and the Mayor, membra of the tooth 00000ll as well as the O. C. 1 cadet corps, and other prominent oitizeoa were on had to welcome Lt.•OoL Vora, and till men of the gallant 33rd who had •o well uphelj the oredit of old Huron at the dlstrl.1 romp. When the soldier" 6.d detrained, they formed moonier by oompan. les, with the regimental band at their beod, and preceded by the atria/pm ooat*lolog the onto roapttuo party mrobed down tows, the two oompanles of Collegiate in- stitute ads!. brio7log up the reg. The line o1 much was down Eat street, „ around tae Sgaare,and then into the Square. The regiment moved round to the north ado of the part boor, Mors, atter R. R. Sallow. had taken 8 shot at them with hie amen, they were addreard by Mayor Wilson from the stepa of the art boos*. His Vnrchip said : Col. Vrooe, officers and men of the 33rd Huron regiment. Allow me to weloome you oa behalf of the corporation and resi- denn of Ooderloh to your county head- quarters. We are pleased wltb th.laot that tale oar you hove so well upheld the oredtt of the aunty •t the .oaa.l comp. owner! o.11y and o!herwiae, and It to a great sat•• faction for as to koow that your eaonfioee have beeo.pproolated by the aunty council, who supplemented the Uoverom.nt grant for your matauaena, We Kaye in Huron 'arras of 1866 and veterano of the Afrloao w.r, ad It re • *teat Bati•faotlon for o. to know that we have also with as the mew of today who wear the Ktnp'. uniform. In oaolaion, soldiers of the Klo,, allow me N nate that the freedom of the oon.ty town is your. and that we boy. snob and/lance la you that the own 0000t.ble has boon ,lyse • b'rltday. Tile Mayor 0000laded afar expressing the hope tat this was only . prelude to future Volta of the Rollout 33rd, by tolling upon Hon J. T. (Jarrow. Mr. (Jarrow said be knew they did not desire hitt to make a epoch, but be joined with the Mayor an4 other mina. f0 welcomIng them 00 their Warn from the anal drill. He thought that there was not enough buena sakes Ie the mulatto. Every yang man ou/(jt to take a corral. amount of drill and jos the force. Saab things helped to form animal character, and we should be In . position W deleted our marry It the time should Dome when it wall he aeoeesary to do so. There were all kinds of battles to be fought during life (he (60,361 the men wbo fought, the great- est bottle I. this country were this pioneers who ohopod down the foram and cleared the land). and victory would be to the man who p ed, who dal big duty, who made h.yh hie aim. WardenHolt, who followed, oomplioteot• ed the men upon their splendid •ppe.r.noe em the march ad vpon the way In wbiob they hod .ogal•t.d tbem•elvee at oamp, as told by the public Dram. He trusted the day of war was far distant, but if It should ever come he was sure the men of the 33rd would notbe the hot In the field. H• hoped the .eaten of the Bounty anal' had helped somewhat to make the anal drill • little more pie&.a1, and, spoiling in be - hall of the aunty oounoll, he was glad II the county Brant bad been of aistaoae In this way, Robert MoL,.. "poke west. He was &I.d to welcome tin nfftoere and men of the 33rd and hoped )hey would long be .pored to come to Ooderloh on similar oanoton.. He had made • visit to the o.mp at London and was plead N see the ordor observed and the creditable way In wbioh the o.mp was oondooted, de declared that it wad not lair for the men to have to go down to Loo• doo at flit; ante • day and he Loped the dodywonid nome when they would he batter K. Campion made a oh.raoterlatlmlly witty speech, to the mora, of which h. re- o.11ed the amnion of 1866. when be went down to defend a an at the harbor park. He had a doohle•b.rrelled goo with him, he didn't know there w&. mach In 1t, but nobody doted o touoh the meo .11 day - they knew there would be trouble for any- one who attempted It. Mr. Campion .poke eothadutlwlly of the splendid record of the (:aphelian volunteer throe, and .lar de. preeating the jealousies which sometime& roue in the force ha closed with the lines from Pope : Honor and shame from on aonditlon nee ; Aot well your put there .11 the honor Iles 1). Mo(JIIIioully, who w.* celled upon nest, .nnnunoed that .nm. refrahme,ts were awaiting the men and he thought It woo about Limn for talkie* to Md. 604 est. Ing to begin. Noone of them, h0 believed, hod been up eloo. 4 o'clock - Lt Col. Varo'e-Half-p&t 2 o'Meek. -and they would be ready to take an extra hitch In their belts. Alluding to. remark mads by a previous speaker regarding the extra $600 Indemnity voted to themselves' by the member, of Parliament, Mr. MoOilll• middy recalled N.polane's saying that 'Maier had a manhol'. baton in ii" knsp• sack, if he could only wt It out ; and the mon betore barn all had • Mono to go to Parliament .oil poo►at th. 1600. A M. Todi esu ebe la.t speaker. Hu spoke of h ■ form*, ooneeoNnn with the tegtmenb and the , ff r a which he han made, std whloh, ha believed, had born fruit, to fester the m Ii'.ry spirit. He hoed that the militia would In hours emote hater often. Mon and receive greater 0naar•gement. I,t (.,.1. Vernon spok. briefly In reply, thank.:. the Mayor, the Warden and Others for ohm very batty and rnrdlal r.- aptonn a.d for th• many kind ape:melons whinhlimy had employed. Asthe ofl)arnom • minding th. 33rd, be wu proud of his regi- ment, and he gated (Jen, O'Orady•Haley's ammonia at the logpeethm 11 London u evldenne that 1t was sooend to none In Can ad►. This gent *lyes by the aeon ty oath ell h.41 enahld them to allot better men, and this year there were mere Toadied of Bean In the r. lmat than ever ester*, Th. Colonel onootaded by calling for oboists for the Mayor, tie Warden and the .1tt..e. of Oldorieh, whin+ were heartily given, and wen followed by equally battysheers for Cho Colonel himself .ad for the lee. TMs the m,, *sated es the gra, were eer.•d with • light leseb.00 of bleeuIte and shoes* ad I.messd., the w•tworse bels, the membra N Ws teeehu-orgaalwad Maness Nlghftt.gel. brew* .l Deesessie of the Emplr., Afterwards the meo Vat ed the armory on West etre.►, where they received their pay and deposited their arms and s000atnmsoa. The 8eaforth company and the regimental band lett on the 2:30 r. r. troth for borne and the Pompanos for other minions left shortly afterward by special trod.. xtn,w. Come •g.1*, 33rd. F, Brophey took • posture of the corps of waitresses elide they had 6.0.►ed their work. Tb* ohapl•lo of O. regiment, Rev J. W. Hedging, of S.nlorth, looks every Mob the soldier. Major Yoang'• floe appearance on blr handsome charger was the subject of m.oy admiring uommoou. The raglmes►el bad play.d sorest pieces on the Square after luocheoo,maoh to the delight of lovers of good mono. lion were about 250 mea In the regi- ment ..it. r.00bed Golertob, The Motor and Brussel' companlss did not nom.. Joao before marohlrg book to Ibe.tattoa the netting yoluot'srs gave three theme and a timer for Ibe young ladies who had saved them at luncheon. The boys were several shades drker Mose they Dome hums thou when they writ sway, and some were growing fresh outlets Old Sol had had fall play on their features. Down .t London the 33rd was ooted not only for its manorial strength, In whloh It took Bret piss its the camp, but also for tis* splendid size of the mem oompooiog the reit meat. Geo of the boys of No. 1 company, hav- ing aid that he had badly Bey steep Fr1• day night, woe &ked what they were doing dosing the alghe, '•Polling down other fellow.' tent,. and keeping our own up," wee the reply. London Free Prer : Tb. Thirty third (Horn) Regiment, on a000unt of their ex anoint manwnyree, whloh reflect coedit on Cot. Vero, and his staff, were exou.ed nom ona-b.lf hoar'. drill Wednesday morn• ung to the "marob pat." A square blank value belonging to Alex Young, of No. 1 oompaoy, was pot on *be special trate et Loadoo, and was miming when Gotten/3h was rached Mr. Yoaog would like to make ooa0eotoas with It again If .oyon. Dao pat him oa the n,bt track. .. .._ AROUND TOWN. Ngw. MOM TRW HARBOR -Tine hoe been • qa et week a4 tis harbor The err. Usti - triage was in Ftldy and S•tarday o0 her remit. r calls ; the abr. Koit.ge was to port Tuesday on the way from Chatham to John atom's Harbor ; the sir. City of Toledo ar- rived from Detroit Tuesday evening with an excursion party and loft yesterday morning for Detroit with the Ouderloh .xaursloniste, Mc(1LL EXAMINATIONS -The results of the examinations in matelot, at McGIII Univer.ny were pablla6ed last week. Two former aad*rat• of the Goasrloh Collo/rote wen +moo. the .uocesefal wee In the first year examination : A. J. Dickson, of town, and J. C, Martin, the latter taking bonen In I subjects ad "landing eleventh in the honor 11.t In the aggregate for .11 sub- plots. DIATII Or Ax (k'7'011NARIAN -Oa Thurs- day loot the tumors. of the late Mrs. Jane Wilson. an old resident of town were interred 1n Maitland cemetery, Th., deoeusei paned .way the previous Tuesday oig80 at the bome of I..-- son l).vtl. Brltaani• rood, at 'he odvet.cwl are of eighty- three years. She has been a red dent of Oodertob or 'falsity for about thirty five years the loam three sons : James, of Clinton ; David, of town, and William, of Forest. CHARomD WITH F.AOD.-Cbrietopher L. Paget, oommttt.d from Blyth on a charge of obtaining money under fates pretenoes, was before Judge Doyle on Monday for nee tion. It Is &Ileaed that he represented him- self to be the agent of the Aome Home and Lam Comp.oy of Tomato and by tats mans secured 115 from Edward Hackett. 01 Blyth. He elected to be thea without a jury, and the ma will be heard on Wednesday, the 26th. Toe aocaesd has been residing to Ktnmrdlae. L. E. Danny Is .ottng In bis Waft. 'I'1MP1RAN,'C Sr•AKIRA -Rev. J. H. Hector, well known as "the Black Knight,". and Rev. P. 5 MoKitlop, M. 1)., of Mont. real, are to yl.it Goderlob the aiming week In the Interest. of the Dominion Alliance. The former will preach next Sunday moro- ing at V,otnrta street oburob and In the evening at North street, while Rev, Dr. McKillop will preach at Union and Lathan ohurohes. Oo Monday evening they will (nth address a meeting la the Temperas Hall. This meeting will common,'. an 8 o'clock, and all are Invited to attend and hoar stirring &Adrrse* on the Important subjoin of temperance. There w111 be no admission ohage or collection. DR. 000.1110' RITIREM BNT. --The L,n• don Free Press had the follow or para. graph l&1 week In in none on the militia camp: This will make the last year of astive esryioe of Surgeon Llnt,.(;ol. Holmes, of (Joderleb, of the Thirty third (Horan) ragttant, se prior to the next Damp he w111 have reaohel the are limit. 1n '66 be joined the Huron regiment at Ite forma- tion, and l0 1870 was medial nffioer on the gunboat Prioos Alfred, 'chins patrolled the St Clair rlv., ad lake between Sarnia and Windsor. la 1874 he was made Surgeon Major of the Thirty-third, holding that pantos voNl 0994, when be ear promoted to his present rank, that of Surgeon Lieat- Colonel. the highest rank !e the **rola. His pleasing manna and aduirees w111 be deeply missed by eflio.n and men, NTIAMOR Myi. Aasnnxn-The str. Myles, bound from Fore William to Depot Hating with a cargo of grain for Rtohrd• see h Sons, of Kinston, went aground on a shoal while entering the ehlp ohaboel lead - Ina into Parry Sound early en Tuesday morning of last week. She was tele/nal by tags and reached Depot Harbor no Itrlday. The Myl.. ran harI:ashore en Three Star shoal at the entrance of tis ship ohnnel leading tato l'arry Sound. The captain was not ail. to pick op Seng Harbor light in the 31.1. of the eon which w.. bhlnIO, In his syr. The steamer ran on the shoal at the speed of nine miles an hoar, and went, ban d She sustained 000sidersbls lajury, bat her pompe were able to keep her from ROM', until a wrecking tog with powerful pumps came to her release. Al. ter disobariiog her aro, the Myles was taken ta Collingwood dry dock. G. T. R. Orrtrtau - A party of Grand Trunk Railway officals on a our arrived le (loderieb Notarial' night and spent Sun- day is town. The party woo ampoeed of John W. !nod, freight traffic, manatee, Montreel ; John Pelle., gooses! freight agent. Memaal ; W. R. Davis, passenger trafe manager, Manes); Dr. Alar. Hoe obtain, MOM mafiosi efgar, Matron ;.1 R QO.ek, general MRgaga Ment, Toronto ; C. K. Demoy, dlvutos lral,hb agent, Marna/nett .1. H Hansa, 'Hanna freight Seat, Ham • Otos, ..d P..1. I.yenb, train muter, Moot tori I)erina the day they aegis •totted 1y Mayor Wilmot and .iter dialyses, and al sbewgh ebe dloe.s les of hankie.. mastery 119111.0611011ed by renew el lfh day wan na. D. M9IILLICUDDY; EDITOR. deretand that a hint was 000veyad N 16e of- ficials if they did not bee It of 1 hemselvee as to the uouesbiry of • new •tattoo baddutg and other Imp,ovement. bore The party, who novelle t by special train, lett at 5:30 Monday motuiag for hlooardloe Tun DIMWIT Exct'nstoN-Yestardey'• excursion to Detroit by 16e sir. City of to ledo was potrooleed by • bigger crowd than ever, and the eyed' • trip on Tuesday was the moot euoaeel.. yet of these anal affairs. The Oily of Toledo armed In port from Detroit oboist 7 o'clock Tuesday even lop with • large party of exooraiooists. The ireniag •zoenlon, w6l.6 as usual was so - der the avian of she ?dueled Rooisty, took not.boat .1381 handrail persoos,wbo enjoy .d • delightful trip. Yesterday moroing at 9 a'ulcok hundre) telt for Port Huroo and Detroit, and as the monism le tine the Iodiatlons are for • most eojeyable trip. The spatial troth from Stratford yesterday manta, brought up about 150 (MADS TO Tun FBONT -The Meese, Hv.oior News of May 29.6 (for a copy of which we are indebted to our friend Ueo: g* Solvwrlght) has the tollowlog paragraph re gardlog Canada'• showing .t the great Glas- gow imbibition : "From Kusela to Canada la a far cry, but you may do it with ease to the exhibition. You hardly pass from the echo of the snags Russian tongue till you are greeted with the homely English, with that math, ebarp riots in it that is peoollorly trans Atlao'iu Th.. morning 1 me4Mr J. D. Stewart, whn ie looking alter the agri- cultural products of that gnat sad &airing oolooy Canada le everywhere In th• ex• hlbltloo. So• maia oltlot building all to herself,he& sod besides hu one of the beet sites, in the Industrial Hall 'W• .r. bent on balag to the front everywhere,' ob.rved Mr. Stewart, and they have owtalnly got thor., Among ebe exhtbtu of the motion ars • great quantity of lIloodyk. agate. These look very in virtue' and exalts the ()rapidity of the onlooker." THE STRwrr FAIR. -Tee .trent fair commit.. met Frday *replay last sod mads • piano." for tbs'oarrying through of the three dye' o•.obr•don on .July 1.1,2.d and 3rd, committees belbg nominated sod est to work. The offioerr sad commuteo tor the event are as follows : President, A. 4.D,Alra. ; drat vice president, W. 1'. Goode ; esoond vloo president, Joseph Kidd; sanitary, N B. Smits ; treaearr, W. T. Moniey. Executive Co0o311-13, M*Ot111 caddy, O A, Nairn, St, George Pring, Geo. Stewart, 0. F. Emerson, Mayor Wilton. Sob-,mmltsee--Colldra's Games -0. A. ?fairs, John Knox, Joe. Robinson, St. Oa. Prole. Deeoratloas-N. B. Smith, Jai. KI td, W. W. Maoyieer, M. MacDonald, M. 0. Johnston, W. A. MoKim, J. R. Platt, Oso, Stewart. Sports and Attnotlon.- The eseootivs Fiaaw--A, Map- Alla, N. B Smith, W. T. Massy, Philip Holt, W. 0 Goode. Horse Show -E. 0, Atty111, Dr. Clark, 1)r. Whitely, W. H. (Jaudry, Ed. 8warte, J,. D. O'Connell. Mr. Marshall Prnoeesloo,-W, W. Maavior, G. F. Einer .c.,, Geo. Allan, (loo. Porter, 8. E. Rick, M. 0. Johosteo, Fred Shannon. Booths- (!.. Porter, J 9 Pratt, Mr. Lewitt, G. M Elliot, O. F. Rmmon, W. C. Goods, Mr MaArtbor. Mr. 14oArtbar, wbo 6u been in 00000ettea with street fain for four years In the Uolted States, has been en- raged by the comm1tree u general maoag.r. His officio will he on the Square and be Dao be p.1a1Nd at any tame daring the day on the solo 01 and wi11 be plastid to *lye soy arleta..,.o or advice, Tilt. Ur" D C STRACMAN.-Flsg. were Galt-ma.te.l last rrlday aftraoo0 when the (anent pro^.t•tion, mo,I.g to obs 01.110 of the h,gpipe., bore to their loot rating plaa to Weirdo/a:1 osmeary all that was mortal of the late I). C. Straoban. The last robots of respeot was paid by a large somber of oitian., including oho members ot loverosse Camp, No. 54, Roes of Scotland, headed by the piper of the Camp, R. 8 Craton, and Court Godertoh, No. 32, Collodion Order of Foresters,of both of whlob ns was a member. Rev. Jas. A. Aodsran, B A., pastor of Knox church ad chaplain of Camp loyer- n ese, was the of :dating olrgyman, and tis funeral oeremonies of the Bone of Sootlaod and the Foresters were performed .t the grave. The pall -borers were Sheriff Rey nolds, A. MoD, Allan, M 0. Cameron, Wm. Looe, ooIoty clerk ; D. McDonald, clerk of the County Cort, and C. A. Nairn. Among those who ams from a distance to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mre (leo. B. Seymour, of New York ; Mn. Keyser, of Indiana ; Mr. and Mn. A.G. M&kotmh, Mr. ad kite A. J. Meek and W. W. Thomson, of London ; W. Taman, of Mitchell ; Or. Clark, of O ills ; W. H. Maclaren, of Hamilton; Dr. E. R. 'and Mrs. Hooper, of Toronto. Tho floral tri- butes were nomrous end be&otifol and in - eluded a wreath of white roses and palms from Koox ohuroh ; a pillow of white roses from (Joderioh Knitting Co. ; • wreath of roses from Court IJoderlob, C 0.F, ; • HAIG from Inverness ('amp, Sas of Sootland ; a wreath of rase from the Godrtoh lawn howling slab ; a broken oolumo from J. M. Dillon, London ; • column with the words "Gtr Broths," from member* of his !wally ; • pillow of white and pink rn.r, from his nephews ; • plllow,with Or • d J. her," from hie children ; a oro.. o, , .-. from W. H. Maoist -en. Hamilton ; . a . with roma, from Mr. Thomas, of tondo, besides maty others from friends In (Jod.- rloh. The labs IMaeld Colvin Straka was born .t Oaldathel, loyerness„Soot land, fifty nine gran ago and at this ago of ten years came to this country oath two of nil misters. They settled first at London, sed • 1.. yam later Donald o•me, • young lad. to this town, where his his thenosforth was spent. For some yore he managed the large mormnt . hominess ot the late Jamie Watson, and afterwards for over thirty years he was engaged in the grocery bud nese, for • portion of the doe In partner. ship with his brothsi In-Isw, domes M. Rhepbrel, and later by himself 1n J..• ury, 1896, be sold hits basin's*, and three years ego he was appooNd to the position to the onetime service which he held at the time of hie death. In hie personal rotations he was kindly, @onerous, genial ; and three qualities made for him may warm triads, who mise the theory roma and the brisk, bright manner whloh were always hie. H• was one of the mo at softs" members of the airline an4 bowling nobs, ad In the rink or on the Iowa wield always be annum! en for "a good *hot." An enthndaellc Soot.mao, he was • devet-.d admirer of the "land of brows heath ann shaggy wood" and level tis memories of the old land. He was a Preehyterlan and for Moen oars w& ens of the managers nI Knox 'horoh. Four deters .nrylve him Mn (1 B Igymoar,of Now York ; Asn. A 0. 0406(0 ash, of Lon- don ; Mrs. Kevear, of Indiana, and Miss Swowhen, Mtn resided with him --and two daughters --Mrs. E. R. Hooper, of Toronto, and Mess Nin.. ANNOUNCEMENTS. (let *ems of that g•ho(ss white CeeMle seep at ('en'rel drug More le is deo. The Honor /harlot manta of the 1 O.O. F will M held on Tuesday, the 26th lset.,it Koster. W ■ Go? 'es AGAIN. --Jae* waled • hookah of Cleveland, $60 whale bo sell as $40. Mere this way quick If yew west a 6aegelw. *Mae.o.'s, Woo as. LOCAL NEWS IN BRI!.-. Th. plonlo..aeon to now 0n hand. oat your summer outlets suite at Prldnaw'• and you will hare the best that oast b. got. Regular meeting of the tuwo ooanoll to. 01M -row eveulag. 173 duke,. were sold hen for the .xoar- slot N Guelph en Saturday. that "Klondike Violet" toilet soap al H W.' drug store b .pleodtd value. 'Pry le. A 'somber 01 muds students ate t.klog tbo examinations of t6. Conservatory et Mu•io at the T.mp.raue Holt t61. week. John tisanes the well known Kiowrdloe resid.ut, was married rwently to Mrs. Ken. soy, widow of ( harlot Keane., of Bramp- ton Arch• J. Dickson has ban appointed temporarily to the position In the oostoms mance mode voosnt by the death of 1). C. Straoban. The regular meeting of Buratto Coattail, R T. of T., will b. 6.1d next Monday evening, .t 8 o'olook, to the small room of the Temp.raco Hall. Joseph Horton puronssed for PRO the bow and lot betatron Pluton street and tiritaonta road which were offend for sole at •notion on the 8th Inst. The London Advertiser the other day answered • question put by sonSoos in Uodorloh by stating that "Jambe, the famous eleobent, wee killed at St, Thomas use Sept. 15, 1.85." Architect Fowler has hose enraged by the tomato ooun,il committee to prepare plats for the new *sol terldeno1, 11111 in this trot 6. an advertisement fur %od.n for the building of the some. News has coin. .f the sudden death of John Stirling, Nines, Mao., formerly 01 obi. tooth . T8. deoeae.d woe the only son of Al.., Stirling, Wolf. attest, The rela- tives have the sympathy of their may friends o their time of sorrow. Mn. J L. Aitken was pleossd the other day to reoelye new@ that her father, Abroham Wilson, who nomo moats" ago was etrloken with pralyds at Maple Creek, N W. T , is new better and bas reosv.red his etr.ogth sufficiently, to at up l'uesdsy morning David Keld bad to .newer to the obrgo of allowing tom horse to Gua at large. H. broag6t "'Idiom to show that the horse bad broken out el the .table, ad ander the olroumetaoes oho tn*gistrate required elm only to pay the costs, whlob amounted to 113. CHURCH NOTES. 10 the Hamilton Methodist ooutsrenes • tow transfers have been made that will be of interest to Methodists and others In Godwin). Rev- J. E. Howell goes from Bumrille o Hanoyes Rev. 1)r. Strongman from Palermo to Cooboro', and Re.. Ass - u0 Potter from Paisley to Georgetown. Rey. George Richardson has Men super - animated for a year on .onset of 111 health. raihrwr ATION TO Merl. WILION. At the Wednesday evening pnyermeet- ing of North street Methodist ohuroh last wak, Mrs. Wilton, oho mob named wile of the pastor 0 the eooIregatloo, was pre •.0td with a address from the ladles of t6e oeognralion, aeoompanlod by • handsome purse Ontet0log $26. T6e address, which was signed by Mrs. Christopherson, Mn. R. W. MoKenxl. and Mrs. William Aohssoo, was as fellows: "DISH. Mae. \\ 1 YON, -10 stew of your opproaohiog departure from Ooderloh, we desk' to .sprees our setae 't the loss whieb will be nooasloncd by your r,moval from amongst as. During your short slay In Ooderloh yr n have endeared yourself to en by your heathy kindliness and brtghlnees et disposition and by the deep tuNtse► whlok yes have always manifested in the weak of our charok and the welfare of its psople, slow showing a cheerful wtlllugoese to assist In the Master'. work. Oortbougblaandpray ers will fellow you to your new home; and wherever your lot may to the future years be oast we hope and pray that our heavenly F.ttor will preaerve your health and bless you in .11 year ways, and that noggin but happiness Mil be the portion of you and your.. Aa • memento of the years during .Lich you hare called (Jodorieh "home," and ori • @bohl mark ot our love and "Wean for you, we &k you to aoapl this parse, whtob 1s •oaomp•nlsd by the heartfelt wish that yourself, your estimable hoaband, our pastor, and yor family will len, be spared to work for the Master It whale, positions you may be coiled to 011." The •ddreee was read by Mts I;hristeph• anon and Mrs. Man made rho presenta- tion. M.o. R ilium replied In an Interesting manner, stating in the coarse of her remarks that the three years whloh she had ,peat In Goderloh were among the most pleasant It her remembr•,a. Mr. Wilson alae mode • few remarks, thanking the ladles ter their kind address to his wife and oodoreing tier statement as to the pleasant time whloh *hey had spent with the Godertob people during the period of throe years whloh was draw1ng to • oleos. COMING AND GOING. -- Miss Wynn 1. spending a few week. In Toronto. I. Viylan, of Chlo.go, is visiting a1 hl@ home here. Chas. McLean, of Stratford, ■plot lest week In town. R, 6, Smith and Ed, Swats were k Lon• don this walk, Mies Melina, of Ravenswood is visiting friends in town. Mrs. ('handler, of Toronto, 1e vlsit(.g Mir Kira Aoheson Misr `!-Ks.z1o, of Parolee, is vleltlag at 8t. Usorge's reotory. Mrs. Looe ie vldting tri ads In the north for • couple of weeks Miss Ella Fisher is home after a lengthy visit at Saginaw, Mich. Mr. and Mn. Wright, of California. re g uests at Ridgewood Pare. Mrs. John 0. Clark and eon, of UNroit, are ben for a few weeks' visit. Mrs. D.Jnbnson te soendlnr a tow weeks "haler friends at Harriam° and Woodstock. P. W. Judd, of London, 0..lsibing.1 the rssidena of his brotherin•law, R. E.RmIth. (Ghat Andre r., of Saforth, has taken a position an c'nr a in W. A. MoKlm'. otos*. Mn. H•Ilinraks with beg lo9.at Sou re- turned on Toeeday to her Immo at Grimsby. ('has, Croft., of London, • former (lads rich boy, w.. In town this week oa bush nes. Mlu Fr•uks hes retortion to town sod re• nmed charge of her oleos .r tho oentrel shoot. Mrs Biggins and Mrs. (lodNll., of Wood- stock, are gnats as the rssldbee o1 Tho.. Harris, Miss Nellie Harris hes returned from To- rento, where she woe attending Mealtoe 1'el legs. Thos. Masson, of Toronto, le •(•pier at the home of his 0070000, !edge and Mrs. Mere.. Mrs. Elwood, el Moe4mnls, N. W. T.. and . 8lldr.n are here vldsisg the lady's mesbee, Mn Sleet, Mr.. Aigle No Teee& m.mrcw.m....wr•a,n n,.ar ^t:.•, • ,,,..gr.teliikt$C1Ifesreciencenass 7 amorally' se a NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -JUNE 20 Pap Binder Twlae- J, R Slrettow, Yrev, Soo., Torras 8 1)Islogroom 01,1 Weetsd-Mre, 0. Sae - ton 1 fender* Waatod-W. Ly., 1 Hemmo.61, Fees, Etc-Periet'. Meek Ston 8 Binet Fatr-Celebr•tloo Gam 8 Yxour.loos to Pa Ammo., -F, F. Lew - now . 9 Nada-1>owul.g A Wessell 1 NoHa to Creditor.-Prs•4 &Bays21 Par..ole .t Maisie Prier -$supe/ Bra fl AaooaowmeoN-y. IL Mak1 We got '.m Again- &, B. & M. !I. 1 Bit Bel. of 8smmer Ueod._•8m11h &w. 8 trip to the ParAmerlo•a expssitlp sod Niger, Falls, Mw Hideo Strang returned ea 'leeedey from Soranoo, Pa., to spend holidays eh bar boa o here, Mrs. J. H. Williams and Lindsay Williams left yesterday oa a 4119 u Olerelad .inti other pointe in Ohio. Mn. MoOilltouddy r.►arod on Timothy from Watery, whittle' she bad been 01.1 a brief visit te 8.r awe,. Ralph Saimaa, of Molitor Reek, HamU• ton, was the goat over 8U0day et 6ls refs. Hoe, Mn. A. J. Mean. Dr. ad Mn. Molwod, of Calumet, MIMI., re visiting at rhethome .f Mn MoLeodso mother, Mrs. E. Asher. Newgate street. Mrs. John Clinton, of Mlnneapolb. Minn., and Mir Douglas, of 8t. Thomas, haye.oeot the week to town, the goats el the Idiom Polley. Wm. Prendergast, of Toronto, tasp.oll r of rpar.te eo13001e, was to own last went io his official 0.p&1.y. Mr. Presider:teat le • Huron 'bid bey." J T H•vill, of The Michigan Farmer, • Is In own speeding • few days viatica with (Hoods. Hs is • brother-in-law so the MessrsNoireof this tows. Woe Kate iiobsrgall, of Windsor, for. morly of Uotlorlob, leaves is • few days for Europe, where ebe will *peed throe months pursuing heir elooutnonary studies. Mr' Halliday was one of the paroeagere nem Detroit on the City of Toledo thio week. Shit will be a000mpcotod 00 ►er M- iura tomorrow by keg muting -lo low, Mrs. Carlota, who will visit bee eons In Detroit. Mr. and Mrs J. J. Mercer, late of Aorta•, wore visiting t6e put week at las residenos of Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Graham, Mn. Moroer's parents, They 1.11 oa Ma- lay tor Wewklw n, Alberta, where Obey will take up 100ohlag. Arobd. Sande, of Salttord, who has spoon a month In • plasma visit with friends 1• (Henan, Niagara hails sod Buffalo, rotors. ed borne Wodoesday .700(0., delighted with bis outing. We aoder.tand It 1. Ms intention shortly to take • trip to the old country and the oontl..nt, which may lar for two months or mon. SUMMER SPORTS. rI Following were the .cures made .t the -- weekly matt0g of the gun olob on Friday evening lest, twelve ben* the possible : 1L. Naftal, 6 ; 0, Ramon, 4 ; E. R. Wotan. 9; W. Symonds, 5; O, Oerrow, b ; W, Rat- ios, 8 ; Fred Sbsr..., 6 t G. Symonds, 5 ; A, Rosgvle, 4; C. Williams, 3 ; N. D. " Reugvle, 3. Tb* Brat of the series of mess for the Mo• Bantry Beattie what gown by &morose mine o8 at the Agrloaltar.l Park Woodpile. day evening of last week. Tbe envies wars Fred Stophey and Koyvett Nat tot, at scratch ; E. Mobrlde and Riub. Young, --1' at half •most. start, &0d Frank Phi, oto minas start. The rho• w& for throe miles. Young flolsbod brat, an eighth of a mile ahead ef the rest, who name in In • bench, o this order t 1:Imph.y, Mo• Bride, N.ital, host. 'Then was a large •rowd of epesta►on. The bloyele ram between Humber and Rutherford, of Stratford, and Alex. Melva, of (Jedertob, h& bean definitely rnsged to take plum on Friday evalsg, Jane 28th on the Agricultural Pork track. Tho race 1. N be for Ns miles. The Stratford men re u etrt amnion and will be allowed N change pain, while Marv, will .tart on the opposite side of the 'rook or a quarter of • mils behind and make his own par. Title w111 erasure a lIrdtnught mw. Then will also be an epee targe moos amateur h.sdlo.p real for good pram. Th. admillilie loo w111 be ooly 10o, so everybody eine se and see • big .vanlsg's sport. COUNTY COURT . A Long Motet --The ■enring of Oases 00 NM Wet Completed, The County Coon opened on Tuesday, Jun. 11th, before Ells Honor Judge Doyle. The first mss was Gooier e► .l. ve. (Joylsr, an action on four promtr*ry orae. Hon. .1. T. Uarrow, K. (' , for plff. ; W. F'roadlwt for deft Verdict for defendant with oats. On Wednesday the hue ..t Farmers vs, Andrews et a1 , also an action on • premie - gory ooh, esu postpaid N tk• ihamber sittings of the County Cart Dayldson Vs. Township of Howtek es.1, was an action for Injuries mused to the plaintiff through the all.ged town/epos of detendats. I bridge le the township of Howlok was Wog repaired .od to guard the appr000b to 11 a ladder was placed with one end on a raBteg over a culvert ad the other end ran the grand. Th. pl in• 11ff drove on this ladder In the dark and was thrown oil 6!. rI, and .nstalo.d oor. talo (njarlee. Hon. J. T. (borrow, K C . and R. Vanstos.(Whi/ham) for pie ; E. L. Dlokloson (N Ingham) for township of Howlck ; Anson Spotton (H.Me1es) for third parties. A large number •1 witnesses were examined and the ease was not none alndod until Thard.y soon, Moen judo - mint was given for plantar for $100 and rate, the d.fendaet, Robert Jamieson, jt, o0• of the onntrmotor., being made re• spnneible for the jud/dn•n'. Wolter, v.. Dene was another wtlen on ,. a promissory nota or In the &hernial ire p.s eeselon of th. tote. R Van,te.• for p18 1 R, L TNaki,son for deft. ,1.dgmenl es• waned. The (Joar1 adjourned Thurday *.ening until8sterday,wh.m 0)00dr; vs. Mislkeeell, an batten for the prim/ of two haggles, Way take up. Wm. Proodfeet ter 1!. Rae. J. T. (furrow, K. C., and L. 0. 1)8.ksee (Exeter) for deft. ,Todgmens was nerved, The Coags did not sit of Woodsy. Os Tuo,day themes. v Brows, an motion ler tin rift of a horse, was beard, to. I. 11.1,, (Broeeah), for pill ; J. P (Mabee, E. 0.. (tit milord), for deft. Judgment weer*. served. Te. Ours wird MS arele se Seherd•y sett, •111 e'Nenk A M. lNti MARRIED. MA('NNI1, HAUGHTON. -At At, Oese o'. .hurrh, (.dates on Wda.1Aar. Jose Ha I9rb, by R. Mark 'terwbaal, LA,. rerNNes , of res Armors. Ohm C. Ma•Nell, esesad .on of the late Ala. Ma.Nest t. A e; Maria, (bird domino' of T. A. Rushee% Of ahard( Ibt, e* -all .10.0,6,.1(, Out.