HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-6, Page 9_ _. T—� — -
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of the authorities to tura the uld! country will ratify ao aitch deman4a Thiry have no dttctore. and litany are , and its called fr(pttenUy at her 11i AM EIiJAN!9I rx
Bib BflITISN tL"a &r ' seomagry F:nglugd lulu Aouuutrdl lir wrru Awdn by lien. Betlut up x dying. f SOLED WITH t1,
•y. r' ' 1 tetntry. They all knew^ the value of previous occasion, Boer marpendsrr cunl�nue to tusks Borrows Money bruits Klaroeo.
` Ff
the Teomuary and at any rate hx tn,uWe tar flu Brltsh. Thiry Sauer- U4 two different oceaMunr, It Ili ai-
(wuld speak ut' what the Yeunaary liners Again (Act Away. ally avoid • battle, bat wall tar IrBaxl, Barnekoff requested lusus,esch n # r, a
C land th,ne In Muth Africa. They came London, Juue L -7410 gum of the favorable cppptsstuulUnw to attrok C C R R C tme dpformdrsg Stltr Cable tlwt he rx- 1.a1 S - ,'
t; CASUALTY LIST 4t a time when titopugtel troxolr lutnrt Routh AfrlCau •moll partly Dy awburla rad Isms ELECTflIC WiflE ptLteml rempllultodv from Uae KI(xr i VA�Y DO
+ t%„`� were mart urgeatly required, aid capporatlopr lad muCIL all they are badly off fur cloth- t &lite. IA tUW mnupel+ hu Ir said to ;` ' V Y s f
that rho linen hare tleuls avoided y have secured $10J, fur which he gu Jr'
they hndl duAe their duty 1p quite u laR eAd d*,tp. ihr lira nil their %e ,, t
Firitlrh runt y. p - Maw Cpble qutca a able Im slxl,,v
+ IeA1W mtnner. There wits tfln akhl to kill, flt order to ctrl the
•l tT ,.. +• t.r,.' - Lord hltuhuner h:td planned to l y
greuteat dlfferes o between pa%alry- dead• (4yst fluoq after securing the last . ,,
levee thew to winter la the Northern Venturesome Lad Electro- mussy Barnekoff dirctpppoatrrd ami
mea w10 Aral antryoaslly to fight L'olwwnodAAt BP.rI \'ll ,en. "4th a Thousands Greet and Ap-
Truuxl•nal aril tight there, lir at [_ puthing wns h(atrd u[ h"n by lilts
va tout tint Igfwitrymen whd find w►nrWer It t Au ever of wen, U d(xl
Causes an Outcry Among the sufaetlmew to lie put on punler or lutist to fluid thew until after rite Ing ab,wlt to rr(ap! BrKimb ('.able u1lh, Maay Lith. Oil that tiny
lasses la under to onub!e thew to Mouth Afrlcnn winter, when the troops between the railway at Caro- cuted in Mid -Air " Witt recelvwl a letter; lu which he lit- ?
London Dailies. b°w” °N't 'a a""'t °°''"A"' '"r g g• 1 prove His Claim.
_. more tiv*c fly about tho country. Thu lluu aAd F;rmelu. jilt ncu►dr (t Alin i, farms l J,tr ho w,l� about tv de tort aI _.
Itr. al's line would alwa a remain cutnlr,o, +%hitt+, when It wait calculated that but rums of )till welt urn durreuder- file &kit Irrauclaoo. 9 r i' '
' nal the other would always remain the)' would then conte mouth and rue- lAe I — -- - It wits upon roceipt of tbtt nllerlve its yt(a G+4 •' I r
a ° „ 4' , .. , „•,,, uJf": ; Infantry. regda r. Certain gnop+ Ip (flu 1 u t- -__ , tuft Ulm Cu Wa cam" to the ronelu-
Coder prosect coaditluvw, wheq errbnrg thstrlct are ulread,v enter- Kilrheaer to Illwar. duA that rhe fl+wd been swindled, wed ,
they hill] g%ot rlfltrs that could rouch Ing the British finer and laylug down Londap, Julie add 'Che War Oftioe wootit1AI the p/lice. Thr deteetiveim, NOT AFRAID Of WOMAN
BOTHA AND THE COMET '� Janis AA l kill men at that dfr- (heir arnfm. bat the great wajorit) firwt trnewl BNarw%koff 3,108 w '
tupoe, It would be toll for envuliy 6 g made the tulluwiLstt +utuounceutt+nt
7 t)f the fl •htin Boers evadNed the ol- til -night : "All the lufurivatiun race&%- Rhodes avemier and xt thAt
to expre themw•h•es on borrrtrlck tion, diolit !lift) sections of !runt :10 el from Lord Kitchener rurpeutLng Sunday (iulfer, llemher of u Ychoul they were Iafurme 1 that Oluct, the - _c,
aq I tie knocked 0%er (old m,tke theta- to L0, awl txa•npad to the rout" recent enge,gemeut" t)1 I`outh At. departure of the lrlraser many
-- -- 21010 uaPlPp till oombutants. They thraogll the wellhead of the Brllimh rho Ana plea oeWmunicatal ta► the Iloarol, Arrested. to Youkers, N,Y. women had called to make inqulrlt•e ,;
wanted them to understand that drug -nut, reassembling lit to (lid- nor to Ids wherea bonts, lirmrrkwble l'erformruce of powle,
ItoerUeseral TNIa!♦�a�e Trtl Sterles publlu." llralgnite, tkn New fraploslve' A'I were groatly diitlnxilnted when
Ye,masry might often be culie.l upon la ndim dirl,rict of Cala+ Colony, where, ---_ the ChlcAgo Zloulte llraler--Nays �
-Ilablagtou Drives the Ilo"s Ile- cul Igfnntry to take a plorlttun, sr iurt"ud lit the North Tr+uir%nul, Lurd bald to be s Wonderfut Discovery Informal that doe find left, and rw!v-
lhP Ilelleve Krugor I% Cousolteel' (,silo the Ilene wt r, we t nx thPy' Ila. Stands 1'eeriess, Ilia Mos- ,_'!
lora !!tor -- Two AlutralLas' y half dose (hut day ; and that KlLcheuur ul" hove to Z,l t Lir po P _ .
was the only change In the Yeomanry "•Inter campaign. TJu(• Hague. June 1. -The rtorJ7 thng New Yort. Jude tl.-(ie+urge (ham 1prgr 1 to go. It was learned lhst for
Imo.• Pitesky Yl/bt-litoberts and Yee- drill that was ,ienrrsl lkotlos b in commuuksatiuu dive, of Irvington, a boy of adven- wteverni drtyw BarnPkeff molded at senses of lbu ('orrarat.
l': proposed -that Whep Uenerul Uelarey U unlikely to reek
marry, A,comarJ they should be ready to lit- tugtoraln thorn, rill thv hoer lendr!rr with lir. Krtaeer, through the med- Wrwag sglirit. kix,w enough nbuut 3.10H AFlehlgnn av,,nue, awt from (Iiii-ago, .dun•• S.-' l nor t e pllyrf•
,'' tack on foot. They must be table to ium of the IJuteb C(.ndul at Cape eLctricit there m')%o I to the Norw'oad ulairt- l
t;'' hare cuuwbtrntly chasers assns lheY Y k. kliuw• drat wbe•n Ilnu wl, prvu•Ucal lied wdrltunl emdrU-
loq:on, May 81. -The H:,uth Afrlcnn 4htx)t uA well os the enemy. Town, lad firmly beliu%ud here- •At latest "-urs !,1 midair and lir., inaulut- went where tie war arrests.
kswv bort. INst rne)a a screru lit- Iw,ItL a,f ts• visit u( F:ll r
r:iwrlsJty ilsta, which filled three 4x)1- HP notlaeet tftat they had alt got the rume time but Httle assails+qca Ir ,,,1 fru" Ude y' '
fork lir that delivered by General ,- with ut van gpto
rlflrN Instead lir curtained, and lie give" to the relartt that the Buto a Lnxlh• wiry wltlsvue In Th. nN, at -tk-A LI utt Ikrn y told Ale
omas of the Tlgnee, recall furdWy it) wa■ very glad, Indeed. to see It. Re- a.i. by lit reviving ti tart \\'vdu n- commander -!n chief w u IfD to y jury, pro t
day, bwlde reviving the rola tem- �� [ %&ding Uh•y tu+actt tau oilw•r %%'ire. tin ` Y null na lit tar• Aullto:lum yerienby
Ifie British m14I that the Boer w'ar It fore lie lett 1•Fnith Africa all t1w p th^ aged Preslalent to cunnant to Ur• bxo of ts•u wwoeudrl the MISSiON10 1 M KAY DEAD. +Itt:•rnoon. It waw tw• keruerl
envalr per ort the! •cult -red Brltlrh toluwom, Y 1)01rs O' the
•Kill is full a1w1 flerY uctlum. The y -the Lancers, the Dragoon tree ec lite Bforw it) (•idilh Africa and rn red w�zr+r wlf Ilia iwtul, nwcb al icrtlwwl "tlhlAw" expect"
(hoards, and }fur"aarr-CAULP to Ilam w""Ieh are ulOving wilh(xul, (()cut knot%- the ntcerrlt fur ouucludflag peace. K h
heavy Names of k;Ilei nn•1 wounded lodge of the txwlutry, will rel,enl 7 k -;m tad. . wurpriwc lit Ale cowpuu. Utm Ib%+'te went 1pryun) estreilt"
nnrl begged tial their cnrbinem P St. little hnlrod der t",• Ihitrll 1pvllevc t':pw b lone, Ulxw H p anlwumxd binirPlf n thro
are 01411Y the reran of eseasesionta m ht be taken awn land that the Ld,rd hitchener from lranrfertoIng that tit(, Boers ore ready tN, murron Famous Canadian Missionary
1K Y' J Law6 night (ictxg•• la l a w'irc lu arut, a krgler,•r in lho excltiani%e rule
wh'eh Lord Kitchen:!r lilts nut 1prc%I• might h(, gNen llp(j rifle. The raid a+rlxlgh non lu eject law Boers frau ,ler taut thele hs cal n• x,r/ current
l'a w l'oluny. TJdr lou arae wit p !oi) hands, mud alt" tiir, ti, told hfm orf uwuklud tl,ruttgU G0 Ion ugoylt lit
..tw'y reported. Thin tact has un. it orbs no use for them to vntenvur 1 p y that Boer agent" are lu Holland tx.y frlr do 1►,, would lmxluce Ilia Juccumbs to Cancer. (xtrtl, molr*Iting that to -John All,%•
to com pete "•ltd the B(ers unler+ mmitlnue fur months. bo in horde/, which Blurt b(l ready t-larbrlr R
Ln,p,e•t • flood u[ Isdip,utloq cud I The Boers are. criprpdel through hark J g e -A by ixxisse e. li u trod Own. Itir+cl(•-w•uw 4) Iry Lhe ruler of
lhrlr weapon■ would carr( lir Air fur xhlppsent ber(re July, though it dry and a Lrlrgrnlall "ire. Ile utoxtut- aw+n.
.'ntnlsm, of whlclt the pati -war ad theirs. film wits able to 1%e them of suppiles, An I the British are han- Ir not stated where lir bole the uui- al t&- tel
R dbnp ed b Ittvlmg W decals firs egntt>fl lgMr, wlia•11 rt(,ol 11'lUI gc'wtclr• Tbw•ir l]enounced Px
i.orty enjoys qt) monopoly. rifler• and he had learned since that I p Y wain are to be landed it 5oath .%f- ninoet, Li fro'ut of Air fwu•w•. U.- had SOMETHING ABOUT HIS LIFE. 6ahlixtwd Nocl-ty and rrtablinthed ' ;
alxt im of their army to gw1rA their
'I hr 8l. Jatae/ Guwttu uA 1 ihr tiie� had Anne ndmlrnhlr work. tics. a tvirc In liar hstitx. anti Llu, hr oJulrclew. Swinging bar nrnna, IIs dr•
trtures nq 1 their lines (if cnwmuulc'l- Torunly, .iund, a. -TAP ;(r it , ary lit
1 ;1f1 ]fWl 1)ip 'w tlietln it) it N Ie,ntgldp ; -:rt•edel lu lidvl+•• id ---- t4ircw Deer ihr tr,l,ey wire. TheS, nwuok%1 of hw fullow.•rr to llr" If trey
Y st K lite men to ectal themselves out tins. Th ltuatl.)u line prutukerl the t the Fore n !fission rivanl lit the
wtrnsg lattgwtge against "this utariu weary chillnu population of K,utb liners tireree IluReds. n•uchtng c.rlG cit tai; c,xrae new of dlY vel] 111Al, awl ►n great. m+►ws 80(111
more. When he went to South Af_ 1'rPxb lrrlan G'hurch 'last 11 In
ung p (icy of concealment." The even- rhn hP Inl•1 dawn thv rule lhns the Africa to cry out ngndarrt Brltimb Itrudreld. June :h. -Ur. 1•Itwpy'er, Uo.• poli•, Usoorg'e lsw-nng the O"er J [ assn, WtMeerl and odui/drra al+reqs to
mrthots, ns1 lhn aorrt*ltondrnl of wliu quite teceAty IrIt Bot'ba's end of Iris slwrt, wine o,Pr the hwt%y recehetl a cablegram from Fortuonin tdr.ir feet.
Ing paper term with ouwsluu:ardhour filer were not to IpP closer than wax the I'+ill hall (Iacette title sent n IPt- ,Lewy, declared etuphatltaally thus. the ►aired wiry Ulat suppllPd electric nnnuunoing rho death of the flim- ' I PUmIl pooripow." ho declared.
.,( atisetw of all chased. complaining pace" when udvnncing to Lilo :ot- ter to hM pwlprr, r yisz that the ltoerw were well let( anal confident, light fox taw! tuw'ai. Iswtnnty turn• "'ill Canadian tnlmrlonary. l',•%, ti. L. •y;,►1 haw laieaow,l my wort. I nm Ula
,n similar strain. in several Journal- tact. T11At wan very sM)D wfterel RrIVow.a 'commau!er-In-chief lc naw Ammunition and m"►ugtster cattle waw light. (hr►r•Ke alis between the Mackay. He load beep muffer►ng fur nrsryt(fsr of Use m%emtut of Nalva• ,I
to ten, and then to twenty. .f ii(ynt- nionthe from cancer of the
,ortk snarlers the (pig cnataslty table --- known aw "KiWtaruer v! chm,x." were atiuutlaA:, anti tar weuliu Aar- en,Y+( tL• "•Ctrl] t+omgrwthlg tflc sire tkni. lrvtlhug +tad holy living. \\'hnQ !
D' throat and hlfurmatlon war rroriv-
IN r%rp mads rho b.wig aur n dewuud Coamrndaat gwanepoel's Dewtb, G,p¢urreutly: the new 1 ra er.n' vert lad brei tN,mtlifnl, while the trip anti trollrJ• wtrwe, an'.1 tl►P ligflt uUter church brdirltifd the oil%enlist ;✓ -
our tnrthse henry re.sfuroemtrote, l,rollel by (l,cil IUwdes flare rinrtwl Brltlrh were p,werlrmr U, .fertroy !t. aanx! taxa lira 1Mrn tnandm. The d,ym sib x lets daces taco tial haw car All (oAiw,r rhltrrhrw are tndntedt by
rue cus4atlty tat glare the first Craddock, Cape Colony, (Jay Al.- ;a Joint ag,t,ltlrpn that he l9 the 1t wall difficult to vattiluato the below "taxltooml nlrproc,ah. The 1x)dy of we. hopPlo!sx. fie wall well-knu%va loll. Tlsr ('Iaa�rLlnn l'ntlxsllc Church L�!
It her now been amcertaineol th I( rtrosx man the country wants. This Ntrength lit the stuttered ct)mm,tn- Um• toy Kluft 1oxr:xlxrl front lir plarc• throughout (asudn, anti rmpncictlly lu in ZMM ululM upaaeloL (loll.
w. went a se%ere Lgut, In wflNh Aur- thba Province• anti it) lair deith the
tralnan tr•oor a ar to hate our- t•''mnle"daut Mahan'r cnsualtior In agitntf •a IA tieing conducted dutllnK dot but the Trait %atierr along) rx1 tar! ctWp arm d th,• polP nrnl "Toru }cxtrw ct(fo i nnnoun/xrl flat p
1 pie the flglit lit Maralrburg were four Imr,l Mllner'w ubw•nor and agnL at llr miwbertA 8,000, Irtmil],•ti the Free oAvung rout with ti►r light coming 1'reiiliyteriali foreign ulixnlun rnuve I wills tJr% nerespluager of Use covenant. -5-=
tiroo in" o ga tt wee killed and rl ht wounde•1. A mill) interests. To ruld to tale lr,wlh' w, the Stuto forcer, while the Iwlmber of farm tir! bnnoW. Then lite boy fell lattice one of its mart ardent lrork- Nc.wl l km,w tlwtt that Axert,ngor Iv
'17eP mte sagag"d wore thf Llh anti t
ell" \1(,e,t AtwtrnlUo M.,untel tufa!- who was brought In today by Cul. l itlnn tyre now "t Catio Tuwrt and retivid in lilt- field Onto rtnldlly gruw- lwildl .ug, burn -ml and wnsokir•g. w'iU1 vrr, and the world prrhapw the most nlNr F;Iljxh Elijah nthw+nrtrl un earWt
hi+ llaaals fairly Intl w•:1 L'' a rrim r pr(wuhlent rnlssfuunry figure of the a lsecxx"t tutor• in tilt, florin of Jo hit `'ZI
try, apJ (hay fuuRllt lflv enemy ill Hrnnikrr'r culuwn rintax that hr Lrnrdtn Arsov tr,tlt tau a(lrrarfitrvl rad- ing. ( I'
''rula•luarrerut. The 5th Battalion +ens standing near ll.mnuendoont torrwc•ntathes rt) Eiiala d to apell t„ Tim only Beet' trotmblr wall scarcity A .1„atwor AALI Ur ►soy hail Morn kill- latter Imrt of the nineteenth cen- th, Bnpt4vt. All taw• prop hooch" tell of t
iia.! Lieut. Forrwrt Load Hergt. F:;onls SiwanPput•I when that officer wa•, mord, the Government ,ag:llnst Lord of clothing, but they wire hupru%l", good b•tantly by tlw Nh«•k, land what Itry. IoW tJilyd milling. First ho was tar• +u
t:J:e 1, nsd file mon wounded anal line •1x,1 dyad, the bullet lwening through Sri nor's ndmRl]rtrrllb,n or the Trans- Ing ox -hide to repair tlw•ir defec•t'�. lib vomta(niun" mistook fur n daring list leaven a wldAw, a native of pngolw,t, wrcoti,l U14 pr&r•,t. end the
lfl LaP sit. The 8th Hattnllou heti tour Ili" forehead. lite commando, which yautl. They doclar•e till lit" civilian of- Dir Kruger, spe"10,19 t{e u depute- iswrtng In midair wain rxlty tow ant. Formrwn, whoa he tivarrled fn 1878, third time, le W the prophet. til" ,,
b mow to the north of Prarsion. ha+ (iel-tis, exec t two, are rr,q.tfl,v oar till" of German sJ-wpxathliters with vukdvg ax►vaanoat of a tnly twirttd two daughters, utarlted, and one 1'rl»t and Llr_ rulxe lit Mau. nod by `e''
tau• n killed anti Il%e wounded. Llrmt, P f+• ,;
1 orrewt war a *.)a of Hir Juhn For- elected angther leader. lectionatde on the goominf flint they the Boer", declared that tate bursts- and comturted by a lowerful electric x011, who Is studying fo)r lite mintr- tor, genes of (loll I shall ise %fiat. f ?t'A
r•wt, the late Premier t)f \Cent Aug- -- are rw,mlndoov of the enpltal,ole and er forcer cuujd kee p lip the struggise current, try. t+tk., my lwwWun wdth mo church. I
iralia. as 1 now a member of Ills Fed- New Yorrk, Juise 1.-a:elwnll Kitch that fhry Are latvAucing rcguln- fur we%eraal years• The Transvaal Runday I:otfer Arrewtrd. George Leslie Mackay was INorn in wWtm1 kx (kri. i tell yowl you muwt _•},;
Rtltt'w nceionnt of Llse battP of Clak flog. that will ruhl tha Wind, except Gorerumeut, be nd(1rd, had nt !tad dJr- NP" lark. Jllne :3. -Thr oiler of %"res. Oxford county. Ghlarlu, In „try (;,ill or {)^stall Tt+e (io l of F:Ii
. rat Cabinet. fad �f
__ Id..."n serves W light up puMfr in for the great complNew. poral it ,rodigious i wLntity or part- the year ASIA, hill fnlher bring n }•,b wUl irons (town $Axl and tax+
1 i 1'uukOrN, N. 1., Anes nrrextrd ft"nJ"- Scottish HI hl '
p,r,wt Door torn in the Bo•r w'nr, The Ahlnllnn In lip r%tremelr l]lffl- munithen utRt nn'ig,cux rUoreed lu K linins, who emternsed tttrtxlw of ido+sol.•'
Sloths'• Message to the Burghers D min Ada.oL-. a member of tilt• 14mtrd
s++Y■ tb• TrLun.•'w L,po.kul ,ornrppond. cult one for La.rl Sfi:uer, %yhn iw naw c,,umtrY Kurth u: rho wytfwtnwb(•rg• fn,m RuthrrlandxhlrP u. l'nuadn In FSnt t"r %v.ndl-r opf all mute when ,xJ=?
('arolfAa. i[ny 31.-.t laearrtgo fru" alU. A Rrttbrl edllerr molar Iw oa fur• ihr gsleet of Gd• ai,11ltroePtsr♦ tflnm- of Edo<ntlon of that pints, ua n 1tiW. After
+ anti fueeeesrible to the Britlait ,•!large of rlrtvin graduating In artsfr(an th" throng cot thousands lista to tea
lips. Botha to the borghrre wits lough in Lnn(to't after fighting from barhls At SR!,bnr). P.irmnitharn• Revty. 1 g got( on' S(inday, Toronto Cni%�Rrwlty, and fn theology (it%* to their bAlof In iMwte sty the -,,,4
r,vul in the church here the. Huutbty The Rundny "lar law crunnd., Megan from Princeton eeminar7. and tat- third F;lij:ih. the ruler of inankind. As
CuN rirw) to Litlerobffrg line illcn pre- The Gorprn ent will undoubtaidlc nevrrnl weeks ARrr, nasi hew feePn
b, torp the Brltlah uccuplel the oltcting iliac star o^.earns rurwtxner wnpp,rt hfm oNAp+tad the lmluslriouw --- Ing a pnwt-gradnatP courm% lit Ed- na,l:lt. ibwle mhontod hip gnwsttoria al
Seheeper /Ieaten /lfr. )swhed by MAR Aide find o r wt Ly an- -`'`'*+
town. The English, hP acid, were of the campaign would take pilaw' work Of Dr. Leyda, the europens t )1 Oo•+ inbargh. Nr. Mactny, In 1871, wag thR rmwA Yrs'' "Nn "' "Tea W
\\'illuw'merc, tape Crilony. June :3.- other with fierce d,nvrKJ. It wax '' ''�'•
aashrodlewl in war with ftuaela ; plague on tb: Mae of Inirban J,ohnnntrpburg nttrnt of the Trnnwvanh. Ip diaemin- "rat nut sit tfllm fillet torrlgn AlIs- No"' alms bract the lanmweM In re -
war dwtro In t"e wo;diern. Stood ItailwA Jn tar! aIvinit of H.Ideiberg atin� fbe text of the interview" be- Cummctpdant `Scheelrrr• with, 700 started bicause of Sunday buseball ntonary of the Canada Prenbyter-
7 t 7 J gtat•1r uuiwon as DowIR wnntrd. Am- -d �°
tl,r rest were beim hurried hum••. AM (ttandertoon. Bock d tlwwe rot tweeg 1•or(1 Kitchener and Com- wcu, attacked Willuwmere Saturday, placing. Ian (hurch. Arrived at Formosa, tie
t but wax beaten df after nine hours' ons thr*ta who nlcwx) were nuln)' whit
Tile &,res had completely destroy- fair" word• within the theatre of w•,ir mnNhrr-In-'life! Bothe, PIRon-Vi that A New MsploRh•e, settled In the town of Tamsul, and Morn evidonen doth of fin:turinl prow-
erl the railway In (range Itiver Ced- defined by tarp" officer montliw ago the lwrwmnl antipathy to L,rol Kit- fighting. Kew• fork. Jung 3. -Thr 1`rrsx anya rpt it) work to learn aha langi go, -"
. uY, nix! ills BrltlRlr werw srbtlgcN! tro cls tbP Inst }1qv oltteb. rbogit+p tw ono of the greutcft Bars to N flluwloxrro L a village of some a o.tiweoriia with tM bPral:w w t4 t)aa pperitl' nal] wpcial and aoltse atdnaal all-
trrk to the sec•. const. tic uwned he Tis_• natural expinuaL4tK1 of the tile. rcltlemepl of tho war. mise, in the dintrkt of the *note mace, Mallllltito, till• new• PxploetvP. In%sated _ _ ff- - -- - _ _ J _ _- vuutn)<sA Tfiere wart• wrrauw tent F,_,
flail thiru ht of mak" ace with f ttin b uuat oils• now• after nn -- ,trod In the eontre of n riult 1pamttoral h)' Hnrdw m Maxim, fin* IR rso otkolotei _ crutchos and worne who otoolved with s-
[ [ !x 4A s a �llaidgeratdv-condo- l t W thix ter( _ broken health. Yet th.•re wun trot +;:
Loaf Kitchener, but thanked find other L► o ata M t I
1� int hr- -aTrP adv e• . m Prmr. n lir nTitRees are returuing to J,-han• London, 3unn a.-Thtwlgh nu ufri- the Ihrnuff RPluet, it) the %icinity "ucce,rfnl tests at the Swady If -..k __ tone ruses of dim•ent. � tow'
ItlRI s blaxml-rel coipel algesr.d, mwdlrg In amn11 gnwLpx anti t►x e!n! dnfnrmntion iw forthLoming, in- ')( whi(h SrhPdprr rrc(,nKly operutcd, pro%Ini grxuulN. The Nce;rrt of ihr Iao%vu) to thR fnriure t
weaning war : the comet now x,•en Boers Mee beau nmking domperate gnurle" result in allowing that the p11d couwcgneul,y Lunch nearer tbo vxplloo+ivo has been ,told to the Govern- a, or the gin n of jury' to hit a film.
Moor white, atoll rlguilooll pence, efftrtea Go fritiOt•e•n them and to pre mlatrmemt priut-.1 !n 1!t)• Daily rep-cuodt than tact town. tarnt by the Inventor, and the rx- "I thank (:%rd for the victory I-
Mlofeh would shortly be Shen than. cent rovtalmpUon of indltrtry fu the Chrunfrle nMot it week tgo in re --- pksicd,, it 1+ thtxaglrt, mu. r(,co"i- a -i he nh,titlrti.
afoot with Il indPlwudrncr, Goild tett. Viakhant,eln waw praftabhy ward t„ thp• number of wddiern ser%- liners Nulls At(aresnhc, tions+• warfurr. Jt IN stud t., tor• \'cu ekwturN, yon negnlrrrrm, )t)u
morn drnl]l) in Ilfl cluinicU r than thie%rm, neo indrelr, 1 chulle"Ur own
Butlin made a ximller nanoum•e- .kvtl}fm 1 bad Fou. a loud warning to Ing mentenca•* In I.,rthtnd Prinnn Cap, Tti%co, .tufa• :L .Ium.wLo.Mn ig �! `�
agent at Erruph,. Thin Is cunfiraw-,I LM• r•dugpwx Uwtt the war has nqK aur car4,un offd,mra ora" vomr•whnt L1mdiU•uel My Ft)'111 ' rom114a,,,ln 1).Wlte,,yet m1. N;►fcly,own It b- bond s9�' B ,i r,f �(xr to cans, up herr oil this plat- L •),
friar ionone elearters, rn:ke.l anti tMt Johsnnetsbnrit aux pxaptga'rateal. rThere ass- arrant 40 JawwgLuwn iy u s►wtli %a11aC+ In.tlx: lel t":yl - g . / /
thn ttnuite•r uttechin to Its .� form and drbatc with 111,•. Yrrnl tits'- )
rLUI an nnkafs iol,esw d tesldence. of thPSP prisoners. whu+r rhu•f of- .%IL"+tl tiorUl dbtrirt of (ii p.! Culuuy, lief• ly 1cN,i &Tian (Tins Inearr •il In 1 Torr tLiril(.0 nuM rnA't bo lawn wtth-
Col. Maxwell Klard. No Informatios. fr"rr wax xleepinq till -gentry duty _I iliide•,+ frornt Ik,rdro++hU around transporting ordinnr) black px•w-der. a ,� oat terra or live without you. The l'l
111wa1 \urlll, flay II1.-Cul. Mali- Lr.ndano June 1. -Thr rd,ticence ill In fpunt" .tfrtrn. which town mush fighting Wei phoc:) Thr tenlN indicntn that the rAplrwhr -- aP Iwxoeup,iths xuy the allopaths ars
well, of rho It I Erg nnecrs, who the Go%Prnmont rP calla Lha &tt- The• (9ronlcle "tate! that three i) tilt• early part (rf the w•ar. will pierce n i_ -Inch "aryR) is,"I nick- /' i, �� f/ f(wda, and the onteopalex call bath i
Las dlsll (shed himre� n■ r lead tic ial \'Iafu4teln anti that, mllf- IIfficern and about 100 mw land)"•cn -- el-ste•et nrnw)r pdutp, still explode oil y�,/� of thorn f,xrl", anti I agree. with al' r.
ngu ( of thpuu. Yotl don't like that, Ph
rent bark farm R.roth .1fr�a for ('s t re of l:Ps. 8wariz. the nlhd,r aisle wlUt o,fflctent power / it `U�
Pr of the Colonial dl]%inion tinder then. tary events or solve importance, P P ."
puniNlimrnt. TLP ma}Felty wPrrsaid to demin,y e•vrrythfn(; %cI111 whhb it \%ell, t'ro'll hoc" to Ifxlen to mors.
Brabant. anti law •latter) Iwen which have recent) oe!urral at St 1n.Nxrtun, Jutet t -TAP cu turn u[ i
e, m andivi ono of the man yft In widely xP y to bP onilnar7 offd,ndrrd. b•it tflr P o„ma” In cuttncl. ( ! /� If )-#u wlwt it) tai f o with oto C11 .,
t 7 Y t IlAratPrl pants In ,yt"lt, Comuutndan0 Swans. n^lir 1toWrt- i �
, ,Justus. Is dead as the result of n %!rice', haw let to ennxfdernble nnx- „fficerx were xaid to be guilty of Mon." fnrrn, wait ori- of tow rnlnRrdtt Tile Inventor thinkm the m oral of �{ l lout} flnlf lhR rental frr the Audiltr
fall from his borne. h•ty. Title Is in nn way Allayed by tresxonably nbling thR Ho1•rr and imchlesto of taw cam ign fn the thomR developn,pntts ix that the py1- /I slum. But till America lad laughlugal
one n( thew wax flat influential that dermis battleshl usuat ) and iw �� �rxu, Jcu pack of cowards -cowards-
--- taw ntrwrt o/ the War OIfNe to- &lgetern TranNcanl. 'M M fad ! i ); /��� ,„ward". Medical sc,ence don't pi- f•'
le to the i nestlon r-eardin the hr awreee ono In veered. the names of Col. Rtewnrt went a xquadrrm p! pedo tedel r rite "moll, "wilt ars- 1 r .-_ i i�
/leaeral Ilablrgtun•s Culwms. ' J• 1 g RII thyro N11 'f' t�'
neo•urecY or rRherwlxr of the rer,Pnt PPrrpsPil• .to,lutnrmreburg ltt)unterl itUlew, nm,ter Ix!tNo butt lir lorpx•do gunboat mud 1, � � t• , , Iwt. Hcience mPuha aecld,nllo, ktwpw-
Iwrndon• Mny 31.-Ilrw tchow from According IV, the Daily Ifni'., cone
P" Ruer report t"lit thd, Brltlrh were h.,•ut~ IAtker, W oaupY an nr(foining erulser. IPdq•`, anti y`ol have ego knuwleal;".
hlersedorp say Ger eraf Babtagton's Bo reel r tethad near Pretoria m of tit(, noldiers, accused of Rleerping Jtlll. As hilt fore+ apprupchrd Ute toy - • /. % 'i� (+tow ytai ve got it. Zion home% Is not ..
column, fa returning to that post. Wad el f "feast 441 kllleal. etwound- on daty, A young vofunt^Pr, was ,A Uw, hilt Brut. Baker RAW tartiRp �+11� ' ' "". ' .,
had an exciting timw. The advance per Psntrnce•,1 to right years' Iw-nal arr%- 1 r (l i O In /// / /�+ �• - n enne.tnl nn4 1'll n"vrr +tpply fors r;%�
rel anti 1300 larronerp anti Nlx guns. (rf fter•rr ridhlg ftp Ur• other sWP for IF U Ittl r//! / � � "scare"
t••,nststed of :'3 New Ze-g,lanJers, Fi17 Itude fur thin offence. Thls, hoc•- taloa x,we sof an ing the ilrftleh O S 6 L OHIO '•," _J "They noknot him," Dowhil ron-
Thr rte *h►rh the WAr Offh•r puri >r r
w'ho, as soon an they rifthted some ..,,ttchanfPp: "We have no official In- e%pr, In probably nn d,xaggerit ion• ca,nlp. TIP, Britirell oiriox•r muds o tanned. •if le wits lee Christ, fond h"
I',0 13uei char et the enenoy, -- RF:C. 6. L. M.A('KAl'.
fig, ff furmatkon," AAs aronswl rotas tafn lately Iwt rN vi r rUwpn.Nlti.m o! AIN nail] 'lir.' ill awn rim o1 lhnt. 11'!11,
whRi!gpuh the IAttwr fled. (M the [hang". . Why 1►Id 14111ner Came Iluu"e7 open, witA taw• rewult that three far- - - - that i" twit- (ting Ium pure of. i nm k3
lift lit the New Zealander" wax n H L,,rti Milno+r does not came hom^ ti%r t)f Bot•rr were completely hur- tt 1 daytime, and studying the chnrac- iot the Cllrlrt ; uo, I um nut th.r 'c+.
+N.st;-lit Alusibalsn, cad on the r1Rbt I:indnn.' Jnna 4"trfomc are for hbr health. why did he, rrmv•?' trr+ett And c"I" tre'd In guao"wnitn+. nswered a Marriage Adv. term from the books at slight. with t•hriwt. Yet John the Baptist wew is
rite Imperial Ligfit Burne. Tata! entire agnin excited by the lack art details The plain. obvl(nx reason Sl] that ht• F'wl.•11 INtrty or t*, ~Illy µ'n.r totnl. Itie help of flim (;Masse servant. F'lij%e. evil hr dl,ln't know I1, %hough ,I ,
went tye for fallen, thou pom-pom Join- ,,.pretinK the, tlntlle frAight lit \'Ink- found hilurelr ill a fl%lx,! lemefllon. lie ly unaware, of uv1 prerlen;R of rte and Lent Her Moncy. Within five usiVnithe lie had master. Christ Ifimn-if toll] deal Aftmorwitrif i
hig in accelerating the rnenty's f(Itlte,n. It In not probable that the lied Ipft the (bpd, Colony. which Ilan Britlwh, anal when pllmmcmed xurrrn el the language sufficiently to thnt ."in waN "
flight. Twomay-rice ioers were ,1rly- War Of Oce Is deliberately avlrpreae- now• another Uu%ernor, anti where ,km+, wit{1wMut as whist twang tiro 1. - prPacll flim flrnt sermon: and In tiny, pH,*le (hon told of .lerhn'n romint
ra lrate the armx of Col. IHlbn's Md- Ing ,impr►trh on fr(Fm GPnrrnl Kitrh- hr had nn longer any huriroltetion. voommandant Swartz and iris 187;`, received )also first oonvrri I"dorr flPr,m. who he Raid hail nM �.,
limn And were capture!. The whale Pnd,r, AMI Ihxt a porirnSn eeverxe hnA IIc• 1+all gong to 1're turin. Rtorm- rrephe'w were tmoag ihr prMtanPrn. HAS At VENTURFR ARRESTED. Ilam-(9ahgong-lioa. who in paw Ib, tnhw,l _ A Dilkota dh'om- nftrr thou ,,'k
„r Ilia convoy was lPenrel by (ion- occurred. Uenernl Ktichenrr lues footelo anti Johnnnenbnr anti hall Swartz ro'mfeomed tfwat nitflewegh he chief among the native prenehern d (•hlengvo manner. Hand, hP sold, was ,;,fW
eral Babington. The burghers In tine told the story of the Iotttt^ briefly, emanmel the civil Administration of land tarn r'rtfht&ng for 19 month" ('hicugo, .loupe :t,-F'rede•ri.•k INar- the sixty cliurchon of thou misslon It ,,rental Olt n wn,rann. Then turning to
.h+tries traversed by the C4,111mA f,xltlnnn11p1y tad had Aver teen m4,41', ;,0 yearn old, who o inlmr to North Forrmwa.
anti Is not Alstrosed ter mannite the ihr annPznl pro%Ince*. bat no rl'ril hie w•lfr, .Dowl•e abontRd, hnLghlnR;
.armed arm letely dishewrtoned. and Lrat 1 ,x•fore. IN• the owner of the Hnr%,•"L Home 1,1 to ear iron ttir rim^ of t 1(, Anis- =.!i
P Im xrtnBea of nnytldnR a.onner%e1 dminlstratou wap FswiblP, inns- lore Y 1 " Vow n men who U eftafd of a wo-
expreeatnt digsatlsfactLon with the w1f1, the cam 1 n, tilt ranrwrt with- A The fl,"I rNsonerx were very tip. Mining Company of CIIIP Nt111P,,wlt, Nlonaary's arrival. flvz to r"onr wore. union ►inn Amm�thintr the matter with 1;'
(p+ R marsh ax PyPn 1hP mUltnry Control
a.xpmantbtat, whoRe coloneal fabric I- fr,ld the, lint of caxwnitta•p. np nth- did nut exleiid hpyond Lhr line of lrt+tl. Tlapy eclarR that 4wnrts will (+r•r'nuill1` t, rise lwrlNr•, im n clPcer INtptis"1 into th" ('brfrtlan Church+• Alm. DLt yon rvPr know me to be
-Itorw tlley &to. Apparently ilrglnnlrog ,Risen of Mr- Brrmlrk* may explAln railway. hP a grrttr towr to thea ronnmandn^ts, cunfi.iPm•P nm" win, for ettnr tlnw nmf ntttwmKtr crl.•R were ralxel ;ofrni.l of it woman, Pht"
_-.Ru see through- Tread was vary scarce the rem ng III a or ehP for(4eMI* 4w Poli Ito Wom-_t'" bQ4S Aad_ thisd,- (len- loon leell' eftsatged in mWillAliug young ngohnit ihr• 'Forvign Dr%U," Ibe `-
ft iw srttl'fitw-}Stre44ewcy dMt irnt Mrx. Jkewle ,talpwrretl inaudible.
h. thR ho,urw clalteol, awe mPLollea !tall, the stro old of rel to p, rind et ,u11 ":411 Lord Kitchener. buL r,rnl 1^f0 M taw+ riPld, wum(,n m,tTrlmun4tlty lnaLA.•J nut of ftlnrkM•nnkd Fparlmrinn," road n xtrppIlW lmlrkward until Its stood l;;,x'
%nrnulto Num,l of womey. wns itrremU--1 lhrent %ram mrd:• tat Ir•nting the ran' ,lin rile ,n front o1 hfm w•Ife, hr drwewt you:;-
nod sent beilgg neon. The stox'k wag the dptnllw lit ehp battle may lit he ,R„wever that may be, there witA
tnkRq D the a,lnm•n, nal the wo- 111nt night Ivy (letrettl'em. lie now %ertx, till- ht•tryrtr l-ottente-I thein- I1.'%vn and xhouted , c t ”'
7 ncrr,slblP to thgo few ntrnRgll11g rn thing aur him to du. IIs w•nN nut S (�jY � teafu lit the tea ..
Ileal limit children brut) ht to Largo re- LOPS U I O-fAICATION "(ry•�)pion n (left at centrnl rlittion, melvem with )-#•fill, j•erx and taunts find ,.
R u,rrespalrletts rPmufning In Lhe tyauteel. 1 r'(h - voter. ,ptd yon an? know pts
f'1Ktow Kamp, whlclt late received 1100 flrNl. Ther" Ip visa arrslPt limon .. wll-n Ile' rrttt"lou hPtt lwnrltng Iwr nnr'h man r.1 Mt trrtwrlra ntjtr an,i(to to b+ afraid :d u wottutu?" }""
y R The warmth of hin greeting In Cher In%art tlkon. at ronfrsxlon of hld faith fn clear,
accessions In a want. military men, since the Borrow nre
_ _ London, whish hnx born mit diff(,r_ Th • nnawer npopnrently xrttlerl•!A him t ,
known to hove been firmly rP ulned. Tata prrParL woe made only after n (erimhv tunas. Then llr. Mncka,v
P rail estiAlatnl by Aiffrrent obxPrv- - cad h.• tnrnrd to the "mbJect of bis C1,a.
Dewe(s A%oveerPats. bait there. Are xtrong snnW,Iorvx thnt erm that the truth ahFnt It Is hard- C f Iden Nwar u b the dd,aved to In lata. Otwo- to n -Il a clue I i- it main 1,C,>,dlra,y.
Of' Machin&. ($ Officers Foo "h�h Itnrmek( ff woe &raced to ret- kb, whrrd, T:w-I ha n, tl a "rad man ►
the Brltlsh wPrR aRAln off tbelr 1 attainable, +ens in an cnflR er1t1 A1mhk,urtWR s:,ntt aLle bnnrvlin rf [hc rill: " I will Tie blRgrr in ChirARo than
lemolon, May 31.-A (Iroopntch from 7 7 g yt•, wits Ntrungly In fayur
(':aro Tuwa ss s that DoWet's llr. guard• nsd that the '"envy loplars Iargrty parwonnl. ,,11 Qpq ,(r1((�� i r%rr war•" ho crial. "Elijah ha
t Y U to ,Dpi 4L'J• louww, \\'hr•n (anal hP wan ucl u n M ('hrifltLanity. 1\'hen llr walls wcrR a.
"tet r,•nl end, In evm n *Itp nn were oaamnel by their being titsanokeA lived 3111ner•n Luck. P t f • (, y lin anti xhnll r moo -on e, all lhinga. r s.P
ha+ J pa J pppzp•cteAll• UelarPy's mmmapdc Vv'' Ing luxurtourly furnlNhel npalrt- nlxot thud• fret high, a erMltrnny of (•ry flnitrl11jnh oral Alun :dry It," and
Pao or«•.rrt of a0 men was n wogde•ttul The rlrvaton of Lor,l Ailluor to _ nw•ntr in the Norwood flat building, poltfivrx aid e� uNtnblem, moral, trona trip
r I rrormance. Leaving { reap be hap bcdila aHawer flea range of n th • adonRrngntlon orlwl "Aman.' " t)1c1
largo dlxtrleL for a Inng pwrfod, the ppenigr creutnd n nnnder of flew Thirtieth ntrert an 1 Indiana nvrnnc, pit fret in Ihtng-Kale, rarri%ed iaml Cb int n•storr all 9" he crie. " No," ,
palimpll ftarth to htmrio, and thepte re orales In Utnt line. lie Ir tbst first
w�n,xx th" llr", awns NyIritrrgm. whIIR tianernl K1tMener hnx n,nxld_ NOW BUNDS WILL. BE ASKED. (4grltekuff nKPmplvd to Pm(•xpo when rFrl]rref ihr wf•rk l•r rwamr, nal] worn ,.;,m •tie reply. "Ant Faijrth." hP gold,
it idol avert !t Alcorn. imprrrtnnt to clear ninn who wns created a peer on a • he 1.•nrnpol of the presence Of the Tnn-I'lenn rrfu+r,l top tel dir laud til,
Ing wrrulhwest letwepn iweruRl, "wan nrnt l.. n•nlord, all LriLngp."
tortotis of tfle Tratnevnal, Fndny awl gazetted till- following Tor.mto, .dun,• :f.-Tbd, ron%rnt")n o1 ek•t••('U%ea, hill aur captured in ihr tilt- prefect rrfrrtel Lhr r•na" to, the
ether %Rnib Ift••rv• loss(, wpm•• n•(rrr•nt-rn
nal] l,lchlwttdirg bP InitPd fur n few Tlea«ht-igoa,)rd LIAld,. Hr is the firxl Ih,• Iute•rmlt+oval Alnchlnlmtr' 1'nlurr luolhcu Iradi 61 uU cl'r%alvr, ISrillhh coaxal, alai n ktal that tits -,.ww
"--tY,ym looser Marilm,Ro, andThetare jii8- liwpw►wl iNallk-iluselw wLo Las t J' Ile h I.. Bi}i}Fth, wn.4 Naen f+,wte, Amhl thou t
been wala.omed home at BPrkliIt mars w at Alin P%er takeni Air title wns ..p.ar•d ILSQ nwrnlmt %cllh I -0 Monti liolet (•1aMe, n NtenngratAlgor atlhmonerp h• prrcrnt. I from 6n111-
r""I)Pd somlhwrwrdx to Boxhur -nod 1+' froru lilts to Ingo. fie in Moo first ,i. I, 'Iter front the Vnit(,ti Station, thing lit folk mud 11nulfnct streets. ing it favi rind inking gnom Il s tri" Innghlr•r of IiM f"Ilow',•rN, nh•aw•r•d him
, atend, rpp,rta that while l,fiP war g• I Lol'nlo lits n ramk•cille nrllrt Ivy mlm- r'
1'hilippnllR, w7ver" he to seNl to lave inn%' bd, endnl by xe temlpPr, the bolt otole)nmm� Wiwi. ha%ing led,n re Ntr%u,r nnti Cal"L113 in nttrndalrr fa the cc,mplaii lit ligltinnt floor- river by nluht. Fn ods.• o.f this, haw- %�
hHII au Interview wild+ Hertsog, P vel%ed on ht% urri%nl by nlmep"every Tilt• linkxa t+ rimin film(, p -r ell( .itn ever, the handl wan flnlrhPol, sold "'king ihr seP11ets nl o tlxe.onlr inl(IA- g,,
of the Army will Me nt,"bad In Swath g K 1 ane tit flat the ill)h catty Rhe INnmty 4: (len, Imitating til- mit-en-Ing of a
-- Africa for twelvp months. This In n n'Pmtr•r or the Adminlslrhtlon, wan tit o, fr%m :ul,(Nt(t ml'Inisw hntirrR ors• of many %%ho hlavR hero swim- wrrairrN Inollloterl. Rtntl, un whish ihr n_ •wlyanstallod
Crops! Town, May 3L-DOWIR have n of ihr wont experienced Ren- wnrd by th" Sovereign. and the flrat %rntkan. Ttr• okIMtktPr were •wel- elnimr Lq hnva Irnnrd Rnrn^k,pl'r ntwPpnpi•r tirtirlw to give Proof nn T'u fit7-
r.•achpd here of %lite Pplendid salt" praIa in the field, wlvo twin not guag-xt• w'it"in mpidewy In%ited to (line „grim try lh,• Slnanr nrrl mPmberm r,r #I(Jtl t)f her an%inRN nfN•r Alw hall oxitlinv of thln gnat chapter In the -
tr) of two vae11 of the Ta+mAnl an made n slnRlP mlptakr, RnA has awl sleep t)0 WindRnr UaRtle who th,• Corinw•il, anti aft)•rwnroha the e.,n- lw-(,mr• Pngage-I tt•o mnrry him. Itar- lliht'wY lit miRNl.nln whd'll Dr. BI[ Frrnrdr i yens.
1„Ittn lit, whorl wire altnl•krrl Ivy shown exrNlPnt lid nt throe wns axommnnded too stair another %t-ttfom went int-, :-xrr•uttyr nPent,,,l. n,kl,ff, IL 1r mrold, dimnliprnred nfto,r Ninviany d•'werlhr wp Rrnphir:ally , •;
}' Ku+” �' n ht. Sfnn) Im(wFrto.nt matt •ra will c„m•• In Ain tnxchlntln trrwpt, From 1 arte. June R.-Thp Prix tilt .hockey
out the cam I m pe tiring the wont•y, nptwithmtan ling R o,!
Jtorrs at (iaagaltoek, neer Ctadox t. iw+ [ _ Clnb (FrepY h Ibrbyl, of tY7 r){O,<r
ThP meq were cut off froel the --- "p, N+ A.kNti(wt t•, idle 4'w*4k*RO ATI.p- the'fret that yrwtrrdny wap the Antp FRP Fnrm.Non, , 8;"l" prrl PlntR
/)veroata rd Ilia Lester. a net for the weddip nK runfill P lou. n.v atgC 1 t-:: miles, wan
n;nin INnly while unrlrr n h%nry 1PamAary nurrenArr• Y syr frrxn rte xtrlkr. R. mit from t' III Iw.w lh: nn- sup on Nnnl]ay lit ('hnntllly, nn•1 wan i'`
onus fits, ap;1 file liners ka b the ('np^ Town, JnnP L. -Thirty -torn ('all• Town, Stay 80.-1 aymnwt:•r During tilt• hull two yenrm through Advertlxr. for a \1'Ife, dauhtel nainnioxutry, *lilt hill ('hinex., by Roston. .faun Mart II. twit$ our-
1Benry, t)f U►• cruhePr Bntrnrouta, dd,faleotirrtt of ofriverx '8,9,429 blow wife, wd.,rt ' hx martial, tont he ttCC
fiWithes. who took refuge tehlnd w.miPhotla•'s Yeomanry land an •n- iLMs CaMc mod! h•,r ronpinlnt tad, t)n nnI Tld!rw third. ThlttRsa boreAa 1,
wb;o waits placed under torrent for tvpn embettleot, and It t, pngo„ned to � alight llr more fiprrrmo o1a of Lhe
'brPe-stumps nine inches In dam•• gaRrmPnt with 700 Boprx near Doe- overstn in hl, IectvP at Port F:Ilzn• llr vire that nil limatl Anti eneral IRdlo,! r►erernl tines ugu, anti at (•lilrww• de, WAN mrahb,d and In. ran. The ricbprY of thI favnrlte wan
tar, Brecht. After one of the British had 7 [ '1 g (h+• Lion• n warrant wits xe•tirel for l'ag very popular.
In th" ensoln duel Lhe Ta+min- Assn kills f and five woundew. the Mth. jmmpedi oce•rbonnl anti dro'.vn"I nlficl-rn hnin111nR tondo nh+all prrnl'1O Ue arrlwt orf tlra n11Rge!rt nwindh-r ault+el L1 FIAnRKnh anti how nfbr _
[ ldnnelf. Ixxndx for the proler perfurmusee of waralo in thlq Gibraltar of heathgon ..
h(nN media splendid practice, horery drtnchmPnt Furrenderood. They were --- their (b,tion. Bnrrxkoff, nrrorHng to tb!• polfeP, Ii•rn In N(rth F'errrtloR:a t1M penal mpn Nis KmlwrwPa Is llolA, e.:
Rn1 mPo fsllln The [klair aLtlrkrd nutwwygrntly rPleapeal. roam• UP Cldengro Inst F'ebrunr old
R __ 11. pt. floyd Accepts C otnnitssl"u. Th^ goonvgontIon will nano vote, on Ih,• lit. Utat tme Irpw+rtedl nn aulyersinr- t'r Use rite pont %he4r vldting rnnlx I'h1eArR+l, IIL, .fun0 1. -iiia F:minrrtra
them thtolpa farinttely. The TalismaA
1+'•nn Phv)t their own hormdt rather horn Back to Doly, Ottawa, May 410: l'a d, of quPrtbn of ntolMhing pleee work, ami with A ,o PitAitR to Asn H r ware a fora of the Kwnesoin Irby c ntnA
id• fol ne11t In Ux! pnapeww in welch hR llr• w%BIInR t.. alt In n pd*Inn dw%Ir anti Irr a prom want AmerN!ar1 hwrlry caridl- ,,
Ttr(rnto haw aruepLerl n comnliwdu" horrnn«1118 ihr dues t>f anlonp to 7:, rtw ntwl hknxelf nn n wealth earredh In Conor through till wtrepts •late, wnamobi yestordny by Frank B.
thnn Net them he tea tired, and London. Jnno L,-9 ha Wer OfflcP t Y minP ¢+ .
o,we K ' In Lhr tioetUg Afrlcnn Cottstnlrolwry. rdmtx n mtwlth' uwtrr Ut wrnrch of n w1fr.
reel taehitsl tine rondudeg• annuonrPs that Liras. RlarkmurP• Wtr•n In nrrlv,w in Totaronto he will — mor Usk ren ; how, wills ttw• see do. hors Metre far n eter r l pr'd it agile
Oto" or them. Trooper Warburton. ford^rl of Mtrathcona'ot Ilnrne, ha, ento, aaad l nnawrrel stag with lar- rot Uw• Fren s,, hM riot 11 I writ• ay (the Mr. loan rip bu e'r. bill wa ye F,. r
w"" shot thrum h the head, anti Ale den all liar M to Anty In }+Doth siren his mit}rite. ,, A Nrw Amphltk•alre. nen0. cad irt•r a lerpwtAnR wft)a Bar- wtmyM fie tl►• mtrett. nal] (h. Mackay the 141 me of thou dtyet. but cal I'1h" ' +
[ [ New Nitwit, .lone :1. -Thr nnuphitha•n- (le•koff wags nrranR+d. Tilt• w,tire lira
:G nnglxanN)q, Brownell. Narrendrrrat of tfrica 11LrwtM•ora, ArrlvP In Utt"w'a• ter ref taw! llndfw ours S' ansa 0un1„tl f Iritrgrsrlf tnkgon pw4slxlr.r. wnpn Vr* York man.
ter flrltlK the Iwai shot in haw maw _ _- t 1 Inftwrapel IAnt HAreekof/ toll Sliest _ -
Ottaa'A', MAY 30.-Tbrr•e treo xrw btitdl wilt h erllvrrta"I into till . it Jou nnfflrlrilt to ata!• that when i
arias, \Chen hr ramp cwt one r,wntrl , 1 r+R ('n Mc Lha! in noLllt.o to h •Ing 1 llr• 1►r. . neksy wage lit ,vn111• rnt furlough 'yPrmlan, Itwl of Merrlrsw. , 1
,fine. When flr(A st)tit o Alm In B ware Talk. Anti two ttna;r wr•retranto of Strath largr•nt weld, nmplalthoentre in the ,44ent orf U►! mining axon alny he w'nN
thR AhonlAo Lr,ildon, .lane 1, d n. m.-11'ar nrwP o,rnn'ls Horpr, 1nrl,Mlnp� Tronp•r •1. nvx Ica thlfl mnmm••r. lraltnRr mrnl, t 1 In 1811 ;, liar atntistla-g or th^ ml•. ('hicnRo'. ,Mar 1 Trrminu, w Ill mol
ThP Ix t i+fl+
IIID !don, ng podnlR it) tee pAr nr%t- FPlto►n G1lrnatw, Poa of .fmlm Gilmour, frr Its rpP b an apaerelxtloil, of h' own••r of %nl,mlrle mind,rnl r1,lhltw won piwrwwl two kprrlgn ordAlnM In xtarted In tl+• Amrrlrw11 U•rfiy.
tv/ra skirl 1 dills men of + Y in tie Urn11tnlon U!"I'ek tiltstrlrt ref molommle►narb•ts; tau nctth'o oritAl"P-gp [fill trainer, Ed. Mo(•n•, fine declaled '•
•%^rylMltg excslrt thrill lrrwoaPrw, nasi ilY of lhlm renwwal of tbR Bter (,t- Ottawa. and fld,rRt. Bingham. of whish P. T. 1 owrsn nal] J. ('. Kenn^dy Alnarke nnA rnlnnblr prrrrprrtine nrnr rrrlloAfoxntrirw, f{0 1111ordalnrd nnllrr lhnt hP eR11neot win mash In the wpgt, oar "
ihr TAsalnnlanfl Rtlafl,v Rot Irwck In fort lu pe•rntP t•rmn of ir►aPe. (fen. Nelerxl. B ('„ nn olal Ottawa Ivry. lir err lh • nln%'InR mph Ito, hnva leen rI lir I►nwarrnl ('(ty. Hr exhlMtnl mnnl prenr,r^r. 't nstN'r Fs1bIP wonrrn, 1, +till flag sent Ala rtrinpoe to the Paal.
camp% ,whet! Warbsrtc)n tiled• Finints, with (sen. Buthn's aprretarv, rlve)1 to Ottnwn l,n•day. It^rict. Rich plated, nn(I n 'ranteaet for the Con- pamphlet” anti pAp•rA, 0111:1 sAH hr
_ Is al Atander%on. 7hMt vlMt sarmn Arrlrrn. O. ('.. ores PzprPate!d on the xtrnr•tNrt of n loroncp track within lh(, sane Lo Chfcn u to r, 7RA native rxMlmlmlrnntw (mRN, 1,- whprn Tetminns flan a nnmbwr sof
to here ronll dlproned,rtrd Kr11g- "Atm' tram, lent did not mme. nrrnn tins teen laced. The track will R 4otdo" of d w le bar �ramsla 71 tl. hl go)l] anti rear. well eyp,l in•men w Trrminnw was � r
y P F►Iw xhnrd,, In rw•eLratn mine,v, anti wJ1fld' IAr astanopelq In lila rhnrent ; ;:,nRR hap. well pAaywl In the wlgtwr Twwrks. .,1
Tae Yesaulnry Mill. Pr and bFR Pntrnsngp, who are bury --- rtdoMy h- of nine ,Alm to the mile, Jan• hnd dee11P'I bo fhn,l an mvionhb• tlxa.i nrmhprw; HO did
,,, TAI&Jon, May 81.-Tbw cx/mmander. 'In e•splmining that there in no truth PrPt(rla. JnnP R.-.1 numll•r .N Iter fest wldrr lhn11 liar Inekrr oral y.*alit *email r0• n wits 73(1 trexttow-ritw at tho ,oc+spglsal, IW!,- Kingslae for 1'Aree Yeran.
lnchipt pill a silt to 11Adtalnton, In the nalsitrriP.l reryne"t for patch Bf.•rs who wt" rapt"Pa1 by imtax411- over'Wiwi- rltrtwirlretril, and hAAYr4 Ulan ('AMr wan impwd•ewe.) wil41 flits, 17391 rnotMhnfd.d eY th• "tire" Chittham, Jllsw! L.-('herl••w Melaon � ,fid
erhPPe tAP Royal (tl ,tttPwt•rsh'M Hm- m«Ilatlo11. and that thou bforghrrr genre fllfler mon nwnr Pleterab11rg. ,rwwr ntreply then tiny trail k roar are l n.•k ,r. tin•' aft. •r pp%prnl nereting- frr wk-Plo n Iwtrpoore #:.•111.10 rap. alit, tb• fRl-yens old Mtrytlar, who )t.
wtrm Are •m'nmpetl. And wltnpnxPtl n word, nerpr Iq better wplrlto, or mor^ M1pnrvn"I, wwto f,sund to hat" n In the gAtrl^n, Thr ovAl all) 1pr t.( ala• hrbl illi^ InIN^ %hPy were Pn• (rtlwlL.l hr nntIvan fad.. t.h" M),pl. bn't- Into irr. (illfi'w hOlrp at Illro• j
4lannm ficht soI a march ppwasit. remdI041 to fight to the Pnd 9ho ldrnsmnof roands of ammunitionearh. Amffirl^nt strength tq permit five gnged sold tbt wpditing waw rpt I''., toll, 11"R9 rodstrilwitr+al by t•feV foreign h•irm a few nigbt.v Ago. pleadAI guilty s ,,;'i
inr,l iho1+•rtae )a aeMreaa;nR iha J1nR„ nowppaprrs "Per Alto Algn pramp- They atatio that the Boerin In the mr tnr%plring tawobit" to travel ,lure 1. Flr Art") • Uma nrtPr ft'- en roommunity for Ute I1og11tAI fiats. Ix fore JmJgP RPII AAtntxlAy W s/tA ad N.b
m"fl. tilwpPllw,1 the minepprehenslna what 410N eeeftad as the nPwq, aged nrwthKrt part ref thou 'ltwseoaal new amnnA It of ll►c hlgbPpt p+r+p"1Me RRg^m.ae Ravnekr.ff M sell] u, harp lY that M a tvArsonl tasonutnrns frtr Crwnn'ty (Trutt, AM1 WAR a•nton"wd b
u? ;'.
that there was a desire us the{ patrt the 1A)"doa Dally Mall says the aleffering cossldtrably tram favor. tl111" been very at4enNvw Orr Iib Intended say moo. Lhree yenta in Klarksm peniteatlart.
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