HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-6, Page 77.44.111C'' rtO Zs, eritettosi, THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. moo odd to the visitor. Theorem, ranter la 4 tilt 1 plasm are so stoop that troosportatiou by SItit trolley la improotioable. ...obis etre lisle" seed resteed. tlitoated at the hood el nava totatiatti rem, Duluth as the gateway to the treat '14.1fti L L. Spacial oder of 500 yards of fancy and plain English Bilks very handsome end CORI uttuded fur gu,d wear, all colors, ouch as pale 50c Aso, blue, pink, hello, confine' brown, greev. Special, per yard , tdta, 22-iuct. rich block liengaline 81.k, turaiwu cord, suitable for woiste, tr'tnuriugs or themes. Wear guarailte.eil. A r gulai $1 25 quality. Special 95c tat A:* q 4144 150 I airs Corsets in nearly 1.11 the I est u et es -11. di C., Yatisi, Featherbone, Corolla, Witte .spring Regular $1.00 rind $1.25. olk Speciel this week, per pair M1 644,17,1' ,w4,,'n44.1ittl.4sx'S Raellah Tapiliets7 Darpeta at ea,. 800 pitch' extra quality English tapestry Carpet, in a lirg-r r.rige ot " noel" designs and oolorings, suitable for any room, hall or stairs 5 Regular value 60c a yard, special ....Stylish- Silks at Small Price.... 41 ...lita.',..:.•.;•,'.0.....,::',.FA':',',..1.'.., L: 1:'•':', • 0, 'PI BUFFALO TO DULUTH. W. Acheson & Son '4! .114101.414.4 The GOppell. 00MMT.47 Sind Ita Wealth 4 y4. i4 2,4444 444t 4,44 4 4'. A Cornats7 amber Thaa the Almedillts- .1k 11firem Mine t• Smelter -Ashland sail es Illhellik -Taking en the Return Car- ge-lin rho Mame roamer% .4; • 4'f.t vat. iSpeoloi correspondence of Ten SitelISL.1 Oossldrirtog lie size, Kerreensw l'esinsola of411414.1 '714”e 116430% Wet 44444; 45 Is out ot the cohost district" Ill the world. Within a strip of land loss theta mte iles loog sad •versn rring not ore Duos thirty antlers to .1410 are some of the rich- est copper dsposIta ever discovered At promos the demand for 10. motel is trei.r aloe. mid M morseling by leapt and boned.. Thla neutrally moose grost aotivity in the mining mantry. Though tins region has been opened for many year', in the toot few pars 1141 pepolaties has nearly doubled. Parties interested 1. Standard Oil hove por• awed several of Nu. hest-paylog properties and are doing moots to exploit the tesouroes o f the load. Every year new linm of ratl 4,3 14 4, • 14: 94 r: road ars bu, groat warehouses sod docks See •loor the orator fronts, stomp mills and anteltors spriest op am 11 by imam, while villages ..d tomtits vinare a, Iiitso.r toa. a year la which to assume substantial pre• parties's. Thom ie a sosrdmead for lusty labelers. wanes r, babel holey 152 • month. Skil.ed north Ws dad okay employment at $4 • dsy and upward It Is no u000mmon occurrence to sea whits walking stereo these...rot half-. dozen gime, "Laborers waned," "Teamsters wanted,'' "Carp...tors and bricklayers wanted," *to Board may be bad at 118 smooth. Some of the properties are rich almost losysad oonooption. The par value of the Calumet and Boole stook Is $215, of which only $12 50 was over paid In. Today it is 10. 01,0.., !feted stook on the market, sash share being worth MO. Tee ellvidenis of another Mae oboes motto' *took is bot H.600,000 amounted la 1899 to $10,0100, k• 000. winIn 1898 tho same nuo. paid dividends anosuatiog to $6,000.000. Blotter by far than tbe Klondike th• Reweenaw Penlneuls--while hall•milliou shipments of gold to Puget Sound downed elmoial Arrootatod Proem despetcher, copper ship- sb wa$260,000 and W00.000 from Lake Superior ors too nuoierou. too moatioo. While the roomer la being unloaded Doe hod an oppectonit, to learn somethine rs. g arding the 0005017 and possibly to visit Tillt NISI, for front the steamboat rending at South Lak• Linden it 14 bat an hour's rld• the e ntrances 10. prinoip•I shaft of the Cain L.4 and Litchi. The Hiltilett It!t too opportunity mak• the trip Moo praetor.. be content with • deooription fur- n ished by vomit on* snore torionat• in 101.re respect. The primary principles arattly matersd, but of th• multitudinous details little armaintoomi cut be gained exospt hy personal obeerv•tion. FrI1111 the top of t0. highlan ' • shod. driven into the boort el the mountain. hood as a eastern hy timber work. For months a dozen or more Deem drills may bs •t work and clothing be cu ormotered bat rock and gravel. The cow pany's rtegtoser, boorover, box said thy. at so malty feet from the earth • eurfse• • lead • roPPer will be enoorered. Day aad night the woik is carried on tili 10 11111, over • thootand feet from the snoshins, • rich vein ot the mineral Is ano.ivered A tonuel now branches off from rfis down shaft ant Is °Dried along • ootiese govern ad by Dm run ot the °cover. Tbe mato shaft otrried etIll ,le. -per till another lert Is e0000ntered, whereupon a s000nd tunnel branohes off Intim way sre the oaderground working. deepened and extended. The mins must b• veotillaieri and draine4. the drifts (or tunnels) lined with timber and masonry, tramways laid and iodating ap• Paratue installed. The clapper is found uo der two oonditions : Ent, running through the rock la layer" and Antos ; mond, *hooka of prooMolly pure metal in pooketa. Thom comets are usually round and smooth and were at one time subjected the so Ban of mania' water. Thor are separated from the reek and met diroot to the smelt- 4are, while Lb. mass copper noes TUN WANT MILL. 1. all probability it ta here that the visitor first Am the mistiest. It I, come down the mountain los the lake shore In short, chunky box oars similar to %hoe* which formerly carries% salt from 10. In ternational works to the steamer at th• pier billow. The barrow gang. track eaters en • level with the topmost floor of the build- Ing,and the contents of the tiers are emptied him hopper' headline to the Amur billow - Tease ore powerfully tionstruoted machines which ohew the rook into oleo.. about the N ue ef an oatmeal Rake, lbw parbloles pass from the stamp into °hies' boo, set es. slunk throne% which a stream of water runs Tim box haa • sharp, jetting 51.0,00 .15111., to that 905.5.114 by • formor's wkinetring rosohlne. He Dm same Uwe of gravity *Mob enable a platter miner be Aft with his old fashioned roadie Dm «.14.. grab's from the river seed, the heavier partielso of Dopper oink to the bottom of the tank, *Odle the lighter reek le 00 the surfeits and strsot by the enter ever the lower edge of the tank. Bea Of the WAND partials,. of (topper ore parried over with the rook, so the peerage hi repeated perhaps a doses times. With Nub sillbes the ;delfts grow Si.,, Lad line/• 112 • more "aerobia" pewees is required The sartallse ere Orion Oared *et a eirealar 0004., tho edges ot ',Mob are slightly ht"her Masa ,otre TM. la deeded with water "tad Mime a Measlier snOtiovi A. the table "abhors herelwey, th• loot*, owlshos **or the "dem, werrylag with It No lighter earth, while the hereto, or/ppm. mottles to the middle of the deprerwles ea emigre - gates around the *entre of motion. The Muscat Is oollectod and praked in borrels, preparatory shipment to TIli extLx1NO WOrttLe. Formerly mulch copper was soot in miner- al form to Detroit At present, however, nearly .11 the copper mined oo the Roma new Peninsula rod000d at the Dollar Bay work. or sent to Buffalo, large smelters bookie been erected sloop/ tee Niagara River at Black Rook. Dollar Bay Is a small town on Torch Lek., important only bosoms* Dm Calumet and Elsola's reduoing plant 1. here l000ted. The turnae,as are neer Do dyer frost and admission to the property is easily obtained. On every hand toner great °blouse's, trollop out dams alouds of smok• by day and after dark bobbling over with ruddy clawing vases. Ths °closest parses through so•eral forearms till at last the cl•- aired temper is obtained From the fornao• Go molten mart runs into mOkill of vsrions e els and shapes Ingots wombats; twenty pound• pooh ars psoked sixty to a barrel, hot bars and squares weighing 150 and 200 paned@ are shipped without cooing. Bofors leaving Dm works eoch ;Moe of metol under goes • severe test and If not up to the re- quired standard it is sent bsoe to the for IMO*. Provided 11 passes the examination it le Crooked down to the wharf, there to .wait the arrival of the boat which will tarry it to Buffalo or Chloogo. SEATS Tel 111.4)01)1111.Although shipoisots ore mods nearly every day during the summer months, it IS no 0000010s sight to see from throe to four bundred borotis and fifteen or twenty piles of reflood copper on the Doll.r Bay wbart. Tim instil is weals from fifteen to twenty omits a pound, sod as each barrel 0001.101 1,250 net pounds and mob pile from 4,000 to 6,000 pomade She raise will vireo artrusi• free* ;Immo 1..1125.000. Possibly ta• richest oar s° ever earned OD the great Wise was tbst of so Anohor Boer which had cm board nearly $450,000 worth of rapper. Th• Cohn Transit beats, captained by Goderiob born men. frequent- ly Mad $100,000 and $250,000 worth of (topper. the Dollar Bay plant is but one of several located along the shores of the twin lakes, and the 101..l output from 1.01. Dation each swoon us something enormous HOOGIITON, H•NCOCIK AND ASHLAND Soon after leaving Dollar Bay, the lake n arrows to a river ball a mile in width Oa one Pima is Reaciook and opposite is Houghton On the heighta above the °Dies ars Dm 0011.00.. 10 'sayers' mines, wbila along the waterfront ars located smelting works and large omit docks A lupe °um - her of boat. 'Mit therm porta smolt rear, • Resist crony bringing cool for the mines. Al teat all the freight billed for the Porteg• has been sent whorls, and th• atArerner, operating behind her the copper faoed inland write's, hostels. to greet this drip nom of t h• open sea The so.oary by the way Is very pretty. At times the obsonol room between bold mountain 1.1 then anroes verdant "ellen The laid twit, or two of the river journey teed. through • °banned so narrow that only at mio otn plasma any two boata posa_ Rare the hooka and tree', ore often riot more than fifteen or twenty f•et &stay, and the wstery laps re erimblm olosely a wagon 10.11 thronoh forest Fondly, the boat enters a oom- modioue harbor on the lake thore, the Pound of the imagines redoubles and the o ttoman. nese ono* more to the surge of the wave Long after the harbor 0.. rook be. low the hotoom, the pecollarly shaped Pl. Ian of .mak... the bills tell where busy delvers are toiling to enrich mankind -Tor the ooppir tram. Ashland, the nett pert et eali. ittnTilit tit Dm foot el deep bay, across whose month m 1 blonds torn, • Littoral busk water for 00,) of the most commodious havens oo the lakes. Ashland is a otoot lumber port, tbe out annoally running into the snot..of millions In the India may he seen groat Range of saws boozing through ✓ evroal logs at oar', while ingeniously in vented maohineey readily boodles tbo heaviest timbers the refuse is burned in huge (nematodes, whote net-oovered dome. °notionally glow with the Internet nett from below. Aloes{ the water front are miles of dooks ooyered in many noose by lumber, shingle* and high plied thirty and forty feet deep. A great quantity of Iron ore le annually shipped from here, Some of the largest boats on the hikes rolling. for °argues. The freight billed by the stranger oonsiets principally of comont, hardware and groom, supplies, eto , and after it has boon dlsoharred several hundred tons' of pig iron are looderl. Timm, "prts' ramd hare of oracle Iron, weigh- s' roli-75 to 150 (TriliiiTFTWOr rose) finish sad olumsy shope, they are awkward to hoed's, though they make ex• rollout ballast. THE APOITLI1 letattini Instead ot retnralog Motet to the op.. ii Ish. the steamer hogs the shore, pitmans through the Apostle Islands, A group pos- sessing much picturesque beauty. The 'Monde are ot sonitstono, and have been oot by wind and wave Into many quatni and pretty .hopes. They are heavily wooded. so4 as yet their beauty has been little mamd by the axe of the despoiler. On the mainland Waabhurn and flayheld are parted. Washburn lies on a mountain slope, and from the mbar its streets appear as Abbott. wlading aoross the 0111.14. Hayfield le both .long the shores of a shallow bay facang severs' of the Apostles Retorting from the hillillar Malted the staam• sr strikes the drip -water blebwsy traversed by boom bound to and from Duluth. On *eery heart are other beets -tom* bound •p coal and pookage freight, others bound dews with Iran ore, grain, lumber or flour. The up trip Is now nearly ever, and soon os tba benison appears T111 taNITII orre -Doing+ -lyino at the foot of a deep hay and along the Mile of • mountain Moo which rose Moss by Me water odic Whew ap. proashiss ths harbor at night 0041 tiara of s00.$1, litgbD, nosing In half moose along the Mirrored basks of Dm hay, form • very pretty itemise. In Dm ditytione therms,. in • Meek of booms dosesedieso after the maim* of • flight of trope awl 001141. .50 Is W eber blasted ales" Owe sok, Asps list isithwimit 1. noseartrily a great brambly plan port. Ship 0.. no largo mosulacturior latoresta and outa de of eapplyroo lumbar told mining Oswalt and carry tog 01 ib •xtee . 47• wholesale 1/101140a.• watt its., 11ii,•1 all 6rue:urea an dovotea toweird• trawl ferrule from oar to boat oad from etoosuor to rollway track the enormous tomat' wbloh mortally eaters her portals. The water front extondiov for thefts or AMU MUNI along the bey 1. probably Die most interest. mg and thy 0011.51. portion el the 0117 Here &re twenty or more groat pram el. waters, I with • oapauity of three million bushels each ; "teat warehcesee, • tbollimind bad more feet Ions, duubl• decked at that ; large oorl 1000., •xteu.tys ore chute*, •nd mis. ot lumbar yards Two or three mile. from Duluth is Soperiorobe two woo being uounected by • inagniticerst bridge aorosie the bay lo Ouperior SIM great sbipbuildiug y•rds, on• inenoeflour wilts and exterioro lumber yard". Baby of the hisitoonor boats ooute here t load Iron ore, and I1 is on ovary day *roue. o lio to Me one or more of these leviathan* waiting outside the bailor siotratom for Mir 000111011• Thirty or forty cows of flour ors taken Ott at Superior and the steamer returns to Du :nth to complete her oargo. Corlood atter oarlosd 01 flour acid brae is piled on Ib. Dollar Bay copper and ton afterton of atoned solute° oo t he Ashland pis iron, while -natty bundles of Pacific Comet oder shiugles 011 the rornainion spasm. As last there is Moe for 110 WWII, mid with • port - 10g emote to friends on the dock the steamer proceeds to nip into the thumani and odd Miss which separate her from bar bona. berth. Too only stop un the way down is at the Soo, and with favorable woother Matto breakwater should be passed before dr• have risen and set, H. T. BOOKS ANILPERIOUICALS. Tan Naw Ssoesu Sorra Boos.. -A new book of sacred gouge entitled "Battle gongs of the Croat," by Jobo M Whyte, the well known singing evangelist, has just been published by William Briggs, ot Toronto. 're. collection cootalits all of Mr. W byte's Popular songs previously published, in- cluding swill favorites as "Can • Boy Foe get," "Will He hot Game Bach,' Mares ob d• SheeplolO" etc., and, in addl. Ma, fully one hundred eottrely new songs. Mr. Whyte's oomporitioss have a haunting oodles°. all their own. This naw book of his, attractive alike to Ito title, contents •nd meohonloal mak• up, will no doubt prow. • wiloonie •Isitor to Coradian homes. MOTHODIST Mat/ALUM AND Rzviiw Fos JUN.. -Thu. number ow:items DO Iola than ton Illustrated articles, several of them very oopiosoly illustrated Conspicuous .mono thole are "giudeot lots at Mods& burg," "Our Prison Problem," describing life in the Kingstoo panitoottary ; "Th• Commonwealth of C•ribboa," urging the consolidation of the British Wirt Iodise, Honduras, and tirltisb ; "Sall Lake City," "Charles Wesley," and other inter riving and attraotive papers. The filly. Omar) volume, beginning with tbe July number, will have illustrated articles on "Atfred the Great," otiose thous•ndth anal versa:, is oolobratod Dos year, by Profess:, f;Md wit Smith "Builders of Nora Sootto," by S,r Jobo Boone.. ; "Soldiering to Catt- ails," a character •k•toh of Cot. G. i. Dent son ; "Yocbt og to Cooed.," "Progress of Te.00to," •14.4140.06411 of--Astolutaciturs," 'Naw Orostrio," "Progress In Science.' "Oolor and SsLot," Ars Pears,' and natoy others. Now Is 111 good tone to subscritor The proiodicial• edited by Dr. Withrow re port on Morass. of reran thousand daring the post year. Toronto : William Briggs Montreal : C W. Coate.. lialifox g Hoards. 4200 • year ; $1.00 for sir months. • HOODIVIIMI N1'1111111 -No Boer Prost O 1 •rtietia printing has ever bees aeon ID Canada than the bundreth number of lb. Canadian Magazhe, Three soors of literary poblloattons hews been started In Cooed', and only two or three 'survive Th. ohlef of those is The Gonadial) Alarmist". Its hand• some cover pictures • stalwart young Man haying just immolated the obiteltior on • statue of the flours' "100." It Is a fin• °deception tor • oover des voted Is 10• work of D. F. Thomson, a Comedian dem:goer wit h • reputation There are • number of esc eml artiotes and ttortes, sash au "A Coss. dish isChtm," with nernwrous Dbe,togirspits tak.n 410,4 rt• oar I "A Canadian Negro V. C." illustrate -1 ; "The Soak.'. Paradise," by W. A tremor; "Etcher, Graet Habbertes." by Llent.Col. 0. T. Nelsen ;. sett "Wild hrerhood." a memo story by C. G. 0 Hrberts, ante illueirs- qona by Arthur Holm' TO. s_peolal art- icles of the month Include : "A Ceo4sy of troilism Magesouts." "A DOOsiiii of Cam. dim Proem' "A Devide of Crossbar, Art," "Tee Purneee of • Nttional Magesier," "Making One Havirsi Magszhes," and "Literary Reiointscacioes." The number 0on. wee 108 pogo. of reading matter and .57.0 17 itiostrationsoind is something which may he treasured by every potriotto and educated oit•reo. Lentos' HORN JOVIINAL,-It would rim to be a mrry exeetting reader who Gould not cc find something special Interest in The I se tilore omit thorns! for JOA.. '!-Al.tleert," the Outlining new Gerbil by Elm ,betb Knight Tompkins., is b.ene, Florets* Mors. Ki ngsley toile entettaitiogly shook • tome crow in "The Young Gentleman °. the Wondliblid " Clifford Howard auntie some “Love Stories of the Zoo," and the Rao. D. U. Weals record. some setelog experienoos to "People I Have Married'. ; while Wm Permit oonoludise "A Story of Beau•ifal Women" with II lIvely a000nat ot "Th. Dashing Kate (bus and BD Great Ambition." 'throe strong and theoghtful payers about women are "The Ameritran Woman and Dress," by Hideo Wattorson Moody ; "What ot the Woman Herself ?" by "An American Mother," and "Women as 'Poor Pay.' " by Edward Bok. To. pictures in the mavens libeled* W. L. Taylor's pathetic, oonoeptloo of "The Pees, ing of the Far " a beautiful reproduction of A. K. Colemon's pelts photogreph, "Autunsn In the Forest," mod • double page filyiews showing "Where Golf is .PlaveAl" , whii• • page each is spree to -*Ma Wellesley and Bryn Mawr" and to some striking portrait photograph. by Miss MatbIlde Weil There are may usofsd mile's. to this Moue ea cooking, the fasbioas, Dm garden and other domesttlo matters. By The Curtis Publishing Com, pany, Philedelphia. One dollar a year ; ten ciente a oopy. MUNICIPAL COUNCIUS. souniu.n. If yes ere contemplating getting a light overcoat for spring wear, give us a Amoco to move you. Priam rieht. H. DUNLOP Powwwb 0. 00I4(. SS *tar Relflorta. Ing hill, 46; Joan O'Rielly, work un hill sod bri4ge, 0. R 6 mm17, Ai; H. Itimoot), repainao three saltrerta. Jake trauma 44•1\4441; $4 1 J Coigellyg. oseevostos 2,41.50; K. A. Cerrark, lopao• ing htli and bridge, 12.b0and for sacolloo able 47.60 Nut :,o,,,4 Ju..• 22.4. irt . Storni mu. 1111" MOW Whalers maps! Catarrh is the uorniticoest of all clusorders, and nut uue permits 111 1511 thouroul pewees the rioter without having • ostorrbol ot, took of atom sort. it 11 danoorous owing to its tendanoy to u•v•lop ingssuulption Con be mod and marcla.rly eradiestied from 1011 .7.1.00, If proper 1.10.45 aro ogo. ployod. Ito g 117 established in mote ports et the easel pssaastes, bromo .41 rup...od Wog., to moo it • reams 17 mu. bir outolotod that too b. 1.1er.04 Aurora to these pear'. Cletarrhox ino goes istt 10. •,r breathed 5111 v., aud ta sum to reach the trouble. It is inhaled into ovrioy air cell of the Inuits. Um throat, timid pas - seise and bronotual tubes. 1: tills the germs, hosts the ntembranes and cures the diossee. Doctors rmommend It as the most suoceeelel rowed] Caterrlo,xonis falls ; 11•V•14 h6141111 ; always aurae pormao- ontly. pries 41.00; small size 26 mots. Druggists or N. C. Poison & Lo., Itiogston. Oot. Clinton A tmettog was held last week to in eke preperstory arrongemento for soter• tainiog the Huron Old Rays wiles' they vita ('lintoo on July 6tb. Ta. intention le to make the day so p1 1. for the visitors that they will long remember it. 'the fol- lowing omit:it:6Mo committee was appoist- ed with power to add to their slumber Captain MoTaggario J. Rumford, %V. Jack Goo, J. Bell J. FairOtlayur Jackson, Dr. Shaw, Captola Cocotte, 1). A Forman., 1), Ctuatelon, R. Holmes, Jae Scoot, J. W. Teel ,W. P. Spaulding, 0. Johnson. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changed wart be lett at this Oflioe not litter than Saturday nooti. The Copy for changes mart be lett not later Wan Mon- day noon. Casual Advertittemente aooepted so to noon Wednesday of each week nt'aetot boost a flarad gees.' iploc ioo nos* don too fink valet! A sale policy for Makers who brand their own price on - "The Slater Shoe" 'how Wseor Sole Local Apia. BINDER TWINE Farmers' Co -Operative Company, Limited, BRA.NTFORD Prices for the Season of 101 Red Star, 000 ft 10}c.. Red Star, 550 ft 101c. Special Manilla, 500 ft90. SWal, oid 8 c. Sisal, standard 7 c• (Thos. !Woe 150 aot oar own make ) too; L e,et • to:* t V`lo THHASDAT, SASS 6, 1901. 4 1 "'0,',4$1,$,SitlJO Store Stand S Reld's Old R. B. Smith's 0.14 1 are simply kidney disorders. llosk1'1 Alter the blood of all that &h.:m.14,117a there. The, blood passes through the kid - aro ovary threw minutes. If the kidneys do their work no impurity or coulee of lie...icier can remain in the circulation lunger than that time. Therefor. it your blood is out of order your kidrisyre have failed in their work. TI ry aro in need.of stimulation. strengthening or tfiselOrtair. On. medicine .1 do oil three, the finale end moat inei, .1.5*1 Mood aumals• Uwe Is Dodd's j Kidne Pill S110elx,reettlitirate DON'T TAMPER... with your health. Don't, use Drugs and Medicines of questionable quality. Get the beat there is at the mare prices that ore charged for inferior goods. At our Drug 1 ore the stock is al- ways fre,h, and each article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department 0.. a reputotion for prompt/loss and accurocy. . . , F. JORDAN Medical 11411. Melillo, Masai Fire lassrasce Ce. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- ERTY INSURED. Value of Property Insure! ap m Januar.. Wel 113,01111.11075.1111 mer AND DilteCrOlii• o -.V0... Joe. Connolly. ta. Dais. W. G. Broodtoot. J. tt itt. Jas. lErgai. 1. G. (Were. 7, Beasowele, tlir.ctore; W. GI Broad fo tt, deafolit, inseiso- tor of looms ; T. E. Hays. Etraforth. eicrotary teetkinner. *011t11, J. W. Vers, Molumworitle; Mimeo ClInnalatr Istria/Weill" ; 11. Mold It in. Seatorth ; R Smith, Barlook. Polley -bolder. ass pa" armaments and get their cards recelpted at Mr. Coots'. Clinton. or at McLean Bros.Poison Clotblad 81ore, Clod.rioh. WILSSEYHARRIS T. r r Artie stands for all that le reliable to Mooing niachnery. ...FARMERS... intending to purchase anything in our line should impact our goods before placing their order, We always carry .on lewd a full mock of repairs. We have the hest make of Cream Sieparstoras You can get the mca.t uplo-date 'Carriage or Buggy made in Can. edit at a reasonable price from us. Massey -Harris Bicycles -New 1901 models -elegant mounts. Call and see them. BET. FAmtescatrei, *01117 I am prepared to bey this sea .00'Iollp ot Woot, as ueual, -the Benmiller Woollen Ells for highest cosh prioe, or in ex - cheap for manufactured articles. JESSE GLEDHILL. WOOL- _immpewnetersew SIITME suits, overcoats 10., mate droved to • suit made at our store attempt looks trim, as 10 Is th• arneatee of every man of teats to look. A large range el oloths to olmose trete. Ooesoll mat May 25th, all the members present. Minutes read and approved. Toms being iso appeals against the memos - meet roll, on motionol Hunter and Stotts ere the roll was aocisptod as returned by the 11•••••01% Bylaw No 7. was duly passed, ern - powering pathmasters to remove (or hays removed ot the expense of the owner) aoy obstruations from off the highway, such as milk Meads, femme, Amboy, stone. firewood, loge, poste, buildinne of any kind. The following amounts were pod Jas. R. Hackett, repairing onlvert, lo; sa. Baird, reveille,/ 0017.11, 31 ; 11 8.1101411, repalting brides, fl 78; Robt. Haney, plank, $63 ; A. Finlay, plank, 346; W.. Etaiwart, plook, ;04. filloDeneld, $40 12 ; Geo Simpson, repeirlog °elvers. ft R. 3 aed 4, 44; D Cameron, repairing solyort, ti. R, 9 and 10, $5; K. Hob repairing *mob - solo Daman, ?eyelets, eulogy% and *5500.0, 43; 8. MoNain, repairing bridge, 50c : A. Mol)esolii, repairina brid(5, 60. ; Jaime Rsrkwell, repoli :Ai culvert, 750; D. gam, grovel. 42; Rot...flood, tetrads, oeleses, 43; Joe. lionnots, repairing WWII% v . Nall Adorn. reptilrIng hilt sad ap' ;OW West Streit Mill Wood FOR SAL -E. The above is cut into stove wood ten.p.h and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordenwl. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 118 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN, Godoriolt. November 21st, 11329. 63-3nt 4r44.4r 4 47 'If „,t3{44 71: ; Great I" oar Ginger Snap, .1,50. • pound, of a hieh we soil • barrel a week. Thin tan't our only snap, so we oarry everything that min he found to an uo to -date grocery store, and our pricier are right. The farmers know that they oan alarm,. grit from us a snap for their produce). We draw ' .1 no legitimate trade - Glmwars or potatoes. gagcbm ' ohoios.t table China. We deal 00 of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Bedford Meek, Osdsriek. HAND - MADE T AHE. Relieves al 1 lotto. OsititOtit 4„. 44, :44 1.44'ild Pressure allows perfect freedom, gives long waisted effect,graceful curve on hip. New spring fashions require them, health demands hem. The B. & C. corset has a straight front and curved back. The old corsets straight back with curved front. The prices of the new B. & C. straight front are ...... 50c., 60c., and $1.00 Ready -to -Wear Hata for girls at one-third of regular prime.- Oa New ready -to wear hate for girla Nothing the matter with them. W. have too many, and the price reduced to ouly about ono -third Trousers -A lot ot our old 90c trousera for men to hand at the mate old price. 90e, lteady to -wear hate, were $1.50 to Ilan. for All ready-to-wear bit. up to $1.10 for 50e :4;jr,,, Wes I,t, trOUSOrS made of tweed .1 000. and cd firm all wool worsted at 9200 And $2 50. No, better value in the trade at 60c more. rrert rerraresitrar-«..146.: 44-a" 76e 4. Quiet Stock I's Putahlo Stock The cow that...orbit). vi...lke • 0 sad from tlyria: ; that l• kept clean si..i 1 itt,,.,, Aral 10 lor" spit better milk than nue th•ti . L.111 Iy di • Li, 4.441 sum:teat dice. .t., st000tt....ion enolti.g•iitieeptic .pray with the S3 .0 11, ...of woe a omit wilt to p your .tock free from flies dining the summer, eh I they will repay you tesfolii 1 v leettet service, toriessed weight. oplo • LK, TS, SSIIIM441.41- w,l4 10. 1113.0.41 )'10 stabiss._hsu,le.),.ers. 9O1CV.01. ; spray r•or Ulf n L.( 11(0 1.,. Spamotor (-Ad Wztcr Pend 41 .1.11 yo., 1041ra • art Oue holt Sao oot tory Faint. Will f 4411 I ow 4‘. and puul- try 1110.1. i 9.4Itl.,.U5111S, The Sprt.zioter Co. LONDON, Caa, BUFTALO, N.Y. Far ;Move .77// Otliers. That's the standing of the " King Quality " shoe for Women. Many Women imagine that they have to pay a big price when they want a fine pair_ of shoes. That's a mistake. " King Quality" is the one shoe that gives comfort to the feet, wears long, fits snug and nice and looks stylish. Sensible Women buy the " King Quality" shoe. They cost $3. ar.4,4 D. KING Oen T000111110. ,'rot lertah Is 81. George Price. .$44 . 7444 04'4;4 "41.4' 141 Our own hand -made Dairy Tinware made out of your grand- mothers' ol l-feshionet1 hand -dip - ped block tin, is the cheapest and cleanest tinware to buy. All goods marked in plain figures ; the smallest child can get the same bargains as the older ones as we have only nne price and that is the cheapest. No overcharging in the shop. J. H. Worse!! no Neap aMove mad hews lees, Osestish. ti.o•,44 • • .10A 14 m-, Small patrons who are pleased are are our beat ad- vertisements because f !,4 4\ \ CROWN PEOPLE ir lesitire: v they punreservedly tell of • V and style are pleased almilviosthci.g:rec°g1(z1712r; without an effort when they J see our a t o e k of "KING . //hi z.„. QUALITY" SHOES. - •.... :-... We furnish footwear for all the family at figures to fit T V* the fancy of the most frugal. Trunks, Grips, etc. !NO QUA 413,3 '• - ' n REPAIRING. Try a guess othe Pan-Ame can Exhibition with every dollatipurchase. „,„,114741 n kietwallr ST. GEO. PRICE Sole Agent for King Quality Shoes. 1 WANT A STEP-LADDR ? 41' fOtHit We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking Powder purcLased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone is worth the price. Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care- fully 'elected Indian and Ce' ylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially prepared Flops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a full eeek rtment. 4.1414 3777.712Z=YY dr• CO. THR GROOM& Telephone No. 91 Spring Milliner 'V.;,m,,`'''T"--.rrtit Y...,,. ......... Utili.14 4' All the lateet and best designs in trimmed and untrimmed Millinery and ., .,-.1.,...,,,.. ,1 :...f° ,,, . : t. ready-to-wear Hats. , - , Call and inspect before purchasing. t MISS CAMERON, ,.. Hamilton Street. '4" ' Apprentices Wanted. oio •••••-otoillr.4,;.