HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-6, Page 64 THUnfIDAT, June 6, 1901.
Il$ele Ascent New we Ce PRIDIEAh1
OSQtu y Branca
marl. Olothin$
Talk •
Men's Furnisher
Clothier and
of Neel wear, Honiery, Shirts e d
other furleislisp-soil Of good plus's to
buy them, our store is sure to be favor-
ably meationrel, sl a don't buy from
ev. ryboaiy that comer along just be.
au -e they +rem to be cheap, but from
gool re ial•le bonen', anti when you
buy a W. to ds R Blurt, au Austrian
Collar or Christy's Hats, you are sure
you have eoniething that will stand the tart.
bo novelties we are showing thle week tel Ties, iti-, ibedgits
The Duke of York,
for ladies or men, are the wort f.ehion•tble goods on the market. Made in
bow shape, with flowing ends. We have wetly patterns to selezb from.
You can be easily suited here.
There goods are without doubt the uobblert ever shown iu liodorich.
Made in the most fashionable braids, with fancy bends. You can get them
at no place else but here. dee them iu the window.
7.7\T. C. 125RI211--IaA1\2
Bole Agent for Christy% Hata. Next Lew & Stepha▪ nie.
Zhe iguz,
1l rVDL�
me s. teeauaaass.T
THE leadership of R. L BORDRN
doesn't appear to salt the wheelhorses of
the Tory pull in Ontario.
The recent tour of the leader has not
awakened any groat enthusiasm in the
breast of the rank and file of the Tory
party, and the frost is particularly seen in
the actions of the leading mets of the party
In Ontario.
That each and every one of the leading
Ontario Tories has at one time or another
been asked to assist at the various love
feaste there can be no doubt, and it ie
equally clear that not one of them ham ac
oepted the laeitstion. Like their Biblical
prototypes, they each with one sword be
gan to make excuse.
Now this ie scaly treatment to be meted
out in Ontario to the new leader of the
Tory party. He is not perhspe the most
brilliAut leader the party tun had, but he
certainly has demoustrate.l that he hu
more capacity for leadership than any Tory
member now in the House.
He may not have the pugnacity of Hon.
JomN HAoeaaT, the plethoric language of
Jamas Ousty, the time killing ability of
61 Dr. Semites, the vindictiveness of BILLY
1111Na.Tr, or the supreme gall of the young •
sr Torras., but he has proved himself W be
aisle man who never forgets that the lead -
If of a great party should be a gentleman.
1t is to be hoped that he introduction to
Ontario will not diaoonoert him and weaken
hla heart scoop to such an extent that he
will be oonntrairted tei throw up the leader-
ship; rather, we hope that it will inspire
him with • feeling that never did the petty
which he leads need a leerier a ho will be
strong enough and honeet enough to hold
the lines tight and drive the party chariot
true in the best interest* of our common
country more than it does at the present
THE progress that is being matte in
the development of electric power during
the past few years has been marvellous, and
Th. London Free Press has the following in
reference to the great industrial develop
asst al the South :
The Chicago Record Herald is publish
ing • series of letters from Wilber B.
Curtis on the industrial development of
the South that aro of universal interest
He is uow doing Routh Carolina, and he
finds the South to be a leveler in electn
oil milling, as far u the manufacture of
cotton goals is amrernel. He described
the Olympia mill at Columbia ae the most
.complete cotton factory in the_world, as
well as the most eoonomicalfy oonducted.
Manufaoturer'e oome from all over the
iqa world to inspect it ata novelty as well as
a model. Everything is dote by Clot
trinity. The gtrftchho.ret 1* tete Unreel
in the Routh, and is connected with more
than thirty moors. which represent 6 000
horsepower, and light the huildinge. the
oottafges, the city, and run the care of
the Columbia Street Railway Co. Elec.
triode brings in the coal and takes sway
the mage from the turnwe rooms ; it fills
an 600,000 gallon reservoir that supplies
lbs boilers and ale village with water; it
runs the elevators, brings the ootban from
the warehouse to the spinning machine. ;
carries away the finishefl protest, and
operates hot air fans in summer....
Cheapescycfies in Canada
All this is out done ea a luxury, but
for economical reasons. although It cost
=1,800,000 The ordinary expense of
building and equipping a New England
.team mill is about $15 a spindle, but the
Olympia mill coat only $13 54 a spindle ;
the annual expense for repairs is about
one hall that of the ordinary New Eng
land mill, of the same size. and the uni•
form ,peed of the electric machinery pro
duewe an average of 4 per ueut.moe goats
to the machine.
- May came tit like BO ioe cart and wet.t
out like • watering cut.
- A radial rotted is now being agitated for
with Gatench as the main station • The
town wants to move swiftly.
• -The pont has written, " What so rare
as • day in +!" and those of us who
witnessed theeearly days ot this month are
willing to testify that they were rare in•
-!Sone of the old lice Tories are en
deavoring W cut the tie that binds R. L.
Boater- to the leadership. sotings's
plane is evidently too high for the gang•
- The Tory newspaper* hese 'evolved in•
etructions W attack the Dominion eatery
increase, but the Tory members are holding
oh to the increased indemnity with both
- No, gentle realer, we have no kuuwl•
edge of the date of the bye -election in gest
Huron. That is what is known as a Cab
inet secret,.and it hasn't got out of the Cale
inet yet.
vaiALINyteLns ARE SAY tit¢.
moaatala pass 1rum which there le not an
outlet at the further side. He 1e not •
dashing commander by any mess, hat mei
who would arrange, with loflnite sue, fur
battle la • tour be oenout stir up • blare
of euthustasm, for his posses tr•a@mlts no
are sod little 'vermeil.
A 0001) 1'aet:*DaNT rue ONTAuIt.
Toronto World : '1'0. Outarie Uoyeeo-
'*rcs ought to follow the 'sample et by
the State of M1014p u in the tez.uoa art
publlo (renohise oorporatiooe. While out
Uovsrument endeavors to redone the taxa
Bon ot these curporsIi os to • mmim0m,
the Mlehigen Legislature are r•t.ing their
taxes to the gbeet possible 'rate that their
business will stand A bill ba, lose been
paved toy that body lazing telsphuas oom-
pintm 3 per peas en their groes earntuge
It was intended to maks the rote b per
Isla. hu' It was Busily Ida at the lower
rate. TO, rate on telrg.apb oompaulsa was
rased from 3 to 7 per oent , while sleep-
ing car c impanles are to h. .ted on to ooa-
tribute to the state 3 per mot. on their
gross e•romrs to the atare By • vote of
69 ee 19 the YWhlran Le,ttslatur. lees Wee
pissed an ad valorem taxation bill under
which railways will be meds to 000snbute
a hatdeume revenue to the state.
A Bystander, to Weekly Sun : That eery
eminent pastor and preeoher, once ours, 1)r.
R.insford, hu or.eted • seoutiou by pre
fixing so epithet to "rot " Two or three
generat,00s back the probe wee the habit.
ual garnish of every Eoglish gentleman's
discourse. Lord Melbourneoonstently used
it. It rust bins • great effort of eslf-re
stralot to refrain from using It,tudeed it was
said that be did not invariably mooed in
retr.iulog even In 0:s conversation with the
Queen. Tura was • Royal duke to who's
lope t: was so familiar that he used to lossrt
tt is repeating what had been wild to him
by other persee• ; the Archbishop of Cant
sentry, for iostaaoe, or Queen Adelaide.
He was sent to consult the Archbishop of
Canterbury about •o eocleeiuttod bill, and
oa hu return told his friends that the Arch
bishop had replied that he "would be pre
fired if he would have anything to do with
14" It may be gr•ttfyiog to know that
the expression "don't oar. • dam" (gut
"dams") may be used without profanity.
IS oath' from British India, where the
"dam" was a small copper colo, going forty
to the rupee. But ogre should be taken in
probunciation not to sound the "a,"
Questions of the Day Dia
The Tear •1 the Opposition Leaders -Noose
Bbrord 1■ the Tory Rani- N• rrwperty
Man With the Brrdrs show. r• .0
aM N• Fireworks.
i'.,r13 `0
t rase ..
Touottro, play 27
Detroit; J I: What striae@ John
Bull with some foroe these days Is that he 1.
paying war taxes and getting no war worthy
of the name.
tea's Ivan IN Tide slll'tYLI.
London Advertiser : By th • way, when
new Conservative leaders are •niog and
tieing, where 1. Hugh John Maodoeald, who
last year was heralded far and wide ae the
defog hops of the stern, unbinding 'Tories?
Pttlladolpbl• Record : The initial letter
"J" figured prominently In the reoen' great
financial lame In Wall street. In former
emu of @term and stress J. Gould sod J.
Fmk were ooeatently before the epeoulative
public. Now we have J Pierpnot Mr even, J.
Keene, J.J Hill, J. StIUmau,J. SAX, J. R
H. Moore, J. W.Oate., J. Loeb and George
J. Gould -o say no• bldg of the numarous
jive who bought and weld on smell margins
In • feverish meeker, sod lost their money
to the twinkling of an eyo.
Hamilton Spec' a'.'.r : In Arkensee the
man who world drink tutnxlostltg liquor
mast *how • license which outs $5 • year.
If be drinks without beetles he will be Bose
$15 or thirty deem m j. 11 Arkens.s thus
ettsoke the drink coil in a now place.
Hitherto the ifforts o1 the• who would
atato penylo ankaw-hap.-.be.0 directed
tgaiast the 'fiend" whit keep. the "gilded
Palmae of Dastb" aid -sells' ram" to p-ople
The whole blame of the 'traffic," hao been
eat upon the •aloor; keepers, and the man
rhe drinks hae been looked upon as one to
its pitied -sae to be protested from the evil
m,oh'oattuos of the dreadful person behind
rho har.
Toronto lar • Washout wtehlne to dig
garage Mr R i. B .rdete It may M said
that he le not the kind of public speaker to
esnn e'entrio thrill. through such an
mulleins, as greeted hem last nigi.t 10 'danry
Hall He le he.ter itt Perl stoent thou on
the public) platform He Is s doe, creedal
speaker. As • leerier, hl, hest quality I.
tee cautious hab't of mint, whish wakes It
unlikely that he will lead his party Into •
Yr. Borden, the sow l,00.ervailve . der
to the House of Commons, ,will mak
meteoric tour tbruugb Ontario this week
Mr. Borden feels very tender toward this
Province, because it ease • taction of new
Ontario members who helped to elevate
him .t the expense of W. P. Maclean,
Clarke Wallace, et slit. Some of the prom-
inent polittoi.oa thought tbat an Ontario
man ought to sawe.d Sir Charlet Tupper,
mace Outwit, did w mush for the party at
the last general election. Mr. Wall, a and
Mr. Maclean bad their hopes and am ration.,
t ut they were doomed to dinppoio.meat
through the predominanoe of the eld-line
t ons.rvativsi, who were not convinced that
0o country had yet had too mush Topper.
True, Mr. hordes is not of the Tupper
rsmtly, but he is of the 'Tupper cone«)-
lio), .0d when it was patent that Sir Rib.
hartTupper was not persons greet to the
,woos. the 'Tupper infbuenos and th. Top
per maolpul.uuo swung oyer to Mr, Bor-
den. This left one or two embittered men
io the party, particularly the Mutsu -
Wallace oombtsatlou, which had r.orgen-
'rod the 1'rovinolal Conserystive Mums
(ton in Ontario with the Idea of parrying
Ottawa by storm. However, the agents of
are Tupper dynasty .tole a march Sven o0
these clever people. They put up • job o0
:dame. Maclean and WaL.oe, and Mr.
Borden was the job. The truth of the mat
;t•r i. that Mr. Horden le • oompromise
leader. He had not distinguished h meelf
xtreordivarlly in the House of Common..
Ile had no: borne anion of the brunt of the
eget. That the honor of Ia•denhlp.honld
rn' else, but Mr. Btrdsn hae lakes ap el*
setae of them. Holmium equare ounlent that
Ocyernoen► should m000poliae asy
, I ;,cal pnoolplw that are left, beim pee
su.dSame, perhaps, 1.• lloldwlo Sm, that
m u en
the party.veledeceit. anyway, oast
that We re.l struggle hereafter will be 0.-
Iweso policies and plsefurm..
Yr. Bushlike, tour through Ontario has to
mind the Proviso al election bel• nest year.
He uas bard aha► r,0. Liberal u.mpalguer.
• et eta fur "sev*at •ave tar Rues," and be
Root tiv
doesn't want the .rno,eus te get
more then sixty at the utmost. Mr. Bor-
den will be ass1led sod *adorned by Mr.
Whitney, who by this move le ['mutely
allied to 1h. Tupper dynasty. lir. What
tasty was time wholived was to fall tbruugb
the Macean lWalken reorgauls.tloo of the
peel,. Indeed, tbero wore Bowe who said
that Mr. Wb.tney was to be buried, and
Mr. tt alnico wag to versa to hu stood.
Howss.i meet m.he, Mr. Whits*,re•
jetties to she triumph et the Bordeu
movement and the dtaouwse fi.ure of thou who
thought km wasu't big enough for his job.
Yr. W bltsey fres hod a lot of that sort o
thine to contend agoinst. The 'l'orouto'lele-
gram, a Coueeevetty, jointed, hu releu.)k-
e at d him Uwe and again for eleepiug In poli-
tics, and has area said that you othrow a
brick tato any country lawyer's ethos and
suite • J. P. Whitney. Mr Harter has
tacitly *ceased Mr. Whltoey of having no
policy, and several Mmes •uziuus Conserv
lives have removed S:r Vltlli•m K.Ipl Mere-
dith from the bench to put ginger into the
tarty. Uuu m ctheotroumetanoes Mr,
Wblteey has • fellow feeling for Mr. Borden
and will help him all he tea In e1. Oaten.
our, 're., are both men without • policy
and witb • big bunch of kmse. 006 valutathem.
The last Oat int. tour that Mr. Whitneyse k
took part in was • apaour affair
i'bere were with him at that tin. Sir
Charles Tupper and Hugh John Macdonald,
hie lather'. sou The country was over•
whdmed with the nose, the red tie, the
bust, and, luotdsstally, with 1he oratory.
The tbeatrlcel effigies were gorgeous, sad
when the oemp•igo was over Mr. Whttoey
.bad sore eyes from the o.lwuw ligma and
the red fire. Mr. Borden , unfortunately,
carries no properties. He doesn't like red
ties, end the last thing are would do would
be to go 0o a bust. He will have to depend
solely on tau eloquence and ear wining
ways, He will have to explein to Ontario
why Ontario buret oontrihut.d • leader to
the party in the House of Commons,•1-
though Ontario winds the greatest coall&•
neat to 1'.ri smelt and pays the must
texas. tie .all have to seplalh why he 1a
keeping lib polioy dark, or If he has any to
keep dark. /is will have to tell how 1t was
that Sir Charles didn't say more in his vale-
dictory letter. He will have to explain
that the N P. that made Sir Chutes rich
w ag sot National Poesy, but Northern
Peoi6e. He will endeavor to demonstrate
that he does enough for his $1,500 la being
• n6117111,
, p0101 for the peaty wlthost
bothering h1e bead oyer whines end snob
Mingo, 1t Mr. Borden 1. wise. be will not
attempt b tackle the Ontario surplus. He h
would hey. a bard three a:plattg, to suit
h essell and his party, bow Ontario, of .11
the Provinces, gas show a bakooe or, r,0.
right side of the ledger, although •.. ,he
Prov.uoss began huskies', on equal terms.
Of oourse, he a uldn't admit that it was the
prudent management of • !cog succession
of Liberal Adminisuaiioos that had done
the trick. He would acknowledge
the prudence eo
and oaemy whiub y hepus
Ontario to ter van in Intelligens. and pros-
perity, whiob Wive provided her with a
splendid equipment of PreyloolaWl Inseita-
tion., and whish, lar "pita of Incrin4 4*.
mends on the trwianry, showed a b.lanos
for last year of $104.000 Mr. Borden will
have to draw • herring soros. the Orad.
He will allose to the C. P. R. as a link of
Uootederatlon and to the glorious put (for-
getting the delicate) of the Conservative
party in federal polltlte. Similarly. Mr.
Whitney will say that toles Conservative
party hi Osterio are due many of the good
*buses on the statute books. This ie on the
prinuiple of letting somebody else gee the
two good things first and then shouting to
push it along.
Speaking of Ontario tours, it la o 1. not-
e d that Mr. Jas
t,ao0 and Mr.
Davis wa
have ■rted the epe.oh-m•kiog
tor the Government, and eha1 ' 1 y
have s very edifying s'ory t .ell.
The Provincial Secretary 1 ape' •.:. 000•
,Ntueal, last weak war peeks a gratify•
tog facts and figures. The ey....i of let
session mud the progressive legielelioo pass -
.d, leoluding beet sugar Donation sod the
good roads fund, are still fresh in the public,
mtod. le 1s else to be remembered teat the
Mautonllo and North Shore Railway bar
gain was probably the beat bargain ever
made In thin country between a Govern -
meat and • railroad corporation.
SORE -Att.t .
perch on his shoulder'- seemed too msey, t
end still seems, unfair. M . Borden le •
penU.man and • lawyer, stet so far his
littoral:wee In the Howie have been charso-
'gazed by becoming modesty. His lriendee
.upset him to develop into • sttoog leader,
but up to date he has not developed a
polioy. One of Me dis.ppotnt.d rivals, Mr.
W. F. Maclean, undertook to show what •
leader might he it hs tried. and for Nome
weeks he buret •u Mee every day In Parha-
meot to gab is the 0,is'eke the awes untie
1-v ohoo.iag-kgr.-Berdee awdweir. kir.
lean. It Will only when the stook of Ideas
leges to 100 low that Mr. Mai&an lob-
..ded loo • Ieleeer-faire frame of mi,.L
Outwardly, now, the C •'Ivr party
u. the Home of Commons Ie • hmtrnoalou11
tinily, but wi.e people say that the old
gotret is still tssoring, and that the time
rl'l Dome when there will bit aro oompro
rete leaden. Mr B'rdeu Is natio, hie part
weal. Mr. Maclean ba, indicated several
rel••a'e It•rvlW Cares Rho.neMYa
The remarkable streorsb and marvellous
.00tblsa power of Norville. reader 11 quite
infallible lo rbeumatr.m. I' reowesetruog-
er than say ohm guar.+y, ,r. penetraslag
plower nobles it W retch the source of the
Win and drive out the dime N ,rylltne
ia stronger, tree penetrating, more highly
pain subluleg In 114 wtlos than any ..they
mediums be -..dolor. devised 1 ,r the owe el
rb.ummuin. Sold in a- a 26 gent bottles
.eery *lice
Regular meetlag of the town ooaecll to-
morrow (b'rd.y) eyeoiug.
An advertisement may la -
duce a person to try an
article a FIRST bats.
But an advertisement won't
induce a person to use
that article • SECOND
time unless it gives satis-
las a sale larger thea the
combined sales of any
other three soaps.
An advertisement may in-
duce people to try SUN-
LIGHT 4OAP once.
But it a rurality and qual-
ity alone, that makes
people use SUNLIGHT
SOAP cootinuowly and
beep atasetacte►er',
Pastry, Outer Pattie:, Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls,toce
Pie: and Lady ?infers, Eines,
ilacarooas, 1aranIaes,
Brandy Slaps, Etc.
ate aa good as the beat medejin any
city fu Caned..
Cantelon leads the trade in
dedrning ante ornst�aat
r ins and almond Ming.
Give him an order and your sat,
it isfaotion will be soured.
ALL KINDS OF -,110,67
B eek Sere, Beres gore, Manila tore -The
Terrible Experience e1 Mrs. Msssseen,
.f Ottawa.
Orrawa, Ont., Jane 3-(Speo!.I).-The
followtnr written statement,m•de and signed
by Mts. J. William Rousseau, of 1C
Flora street, .his city, shows what some
women oan go through, and yet nye :-
''I have been ailing for three years My
Mak was dreadfully sore My head aohed
all Lb* time My hands were •wolleo and
••I oxo of tell the pains I mitered, No
wards oan dimwits. my torture.
"I used Dodd'. Kinney Pills -three boxes
el.ceethor-loud 1 am well.
'They did more tot me than anything
else in the world, end 1 recommend thorn to
every suffering women." Dod.l'. Kndoey
Pd1, have wrought .nme mir muffle, cures in
acid around Ottawa, but noise more satisfies -
tory than to the oases of M re. Rousseau.
Scralltoil Bard tal
ten THIL MARKET - _.
All P,oal weighed on the Market Reales
where you get MOO Itis. for a ton.
Orden left at WEB h ssaPEARD f3
Sore p-.onp'attended to.
cAIS list
For the next ten days wo will sell
RACYCLES, at $25.00, $30.00 and $40.00
GODERICH, .. .* 27.00
About 25 second-hand Wheels at $10.00
and up.
55 55 t a
-•+r'+ase... 1 0.et tO ruMTrt�T FFn e
Canada's favorite, the strongest and lightest run-
ning wheel mads. Reduced for 10 days.
1901 rlodels, from $50.00 to $44.00
1900 " " 40.004' 36.00
Now is the time and this is the place to
get your wheels.
Bicycle and Music House.
0▪ --
et ,,s _ =#M
Acquainted 1
r- AMP
ego With our line of Bicycles. It'N worth your while and the ,.ors ,v461,
_ acquaintance will Nave you money. -..
The tnrgrwt show of Bicycles rver twain in (lo'Inrich. All fully guarantew'd.
E Our Zine for 1901givesyou agenerous choice of styles and a
y prices. They combine all
the latest features.
• raw Dunlop, G. &J., M. & W., Samson, Goodrich Tires.
E We also have a numher of •rotond hand wheels at bargains
RwpelM axes ito'd carefully and promptly by a brat -class repair man.
Wa have hasp telling bicycles ever sinew a bicycle was a bicycle and are known as reliable
Edealer.. Telephone 92. 3
t it ire
• Sptxial�
0 yards of American Dress Muslins at - - 5 cents.
FAS'( counts.
130 yards of American Dress l luslins at - - 8 cents.
FA,' I' Cl)l.OHJl.
150 yards of American Dress Muslins at - 10 cents.
160 yards of Printed Piques, fast colors - 10 cents.
1320 yards of Print, warranted fast color,
regular price 10c. - - - for 8 cents.
1260 yards of Print, warranted fast color,
regular price 124c. - - - for 10 cents.
These Goods are all this season's make, and at
sale prices, Extra Value.
They are Less than Wholesale Prices. 7"‘:
Come and seg them whether you want to buy
or not.
Bptcial oder of b(
handsome and t
blue, pink, hell(
22 -incl. rich black
triwwiugr or 111
150 I airs Corset
Featberttou0, C
Special this wet
1100 yards extra ql
■naw designs ace
Regular value t
SO 11 IN'rERE'TINO ABOUT TOILMF SOAPS: It is said that a Elation's
civilisation may be measured by ita consumption of seep, and ita refinement by the
quality thereof. We are now showing a fine a.eortment of
Dainty French Soaps
made from the purest ingredients in the most thorough naso•
tier sol lou exquisitely perfumed as tut only be done in that
hind of flowers, " Belle Frame."
This beautiful line of Soaps in Violet, White Ross,
Joekey Club. Peau tl'Eypagne and other popular odors we
eel' at
10c. each, or 25c. a box,
equal to the high•pn,evl Scope sold at 15 to 25 mute a Dake.
A Wonderful Snap ie our Oatmeal 8_•p. A Rte large cake,
equal to any 10c Oatmeal Reap iu the market, at 3 for 10c.
Don't miss this opportunity.
W. C. 600DE, The Chemist,
(Timex Farsllur. wtl•h. 11u.ar,aslnle.s sad
)} THE
Bedford Block.
•sage•eb Bitters.
A Painted Floor
makes housekeeping easier. A dusty carpet
keeps the whole house dusty. A reg can be
easily shaken and the dust left outdoor.
is made for floors and fiocrs only. Made
to walk cu.
. . Goderich. .
Empress stioE
fgr '1
Spring is here. ��•'- $ ' W
0 about com-
Mplete with
the latest
Efashions in
N that will be
sold at as
close pricesas
is consistent
with quality.
Remember you have no duty to pay
on the Shoes as they are made by Cana-
dian workmen and are equal to the best
American goods made.
Yon Waif be re-
quiring a pair
Our etockiis
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
ALL PAPER kftwaisimi
Gilt Embossed, 12 teats a Roll.
Red, Blue, Green,
The Wall Paper Snaps we advertise d last week are being ploked up
No such bargain is IS inch (lilt Embossed Border at l; omits a yard
was ever offered in Goderich before
Wr can show you all the latest American or Oanariian Papers you could
ICA in the city.
We guarantees the quantity you require if yon bring us the measurements
of your rano. We will tell you what it will cert.
American, Papers bo. to 50o. a roll.
The Dopper 0
A c•utry Moho,
From Mine to ha
go -On
Iepeow oorreepoa
Uoesld.rtee 1to sir
le one of the riobest
Within •strip of
collas loos and aro
thirty miles to wldti
est Dopper deposit&
presets the dimmed
mous sod u marmot
This neutrally mm
mltuR eeantsy. 1
been opaeed for etas
yens 10 pepulatte
Parties interested le
ohseeed several of tit
and are dolga mush
of the lased. Seger
read are built, gees
rW door the water
smelter' aortas ay
villages and banditti
• year la which to I
porgies. Thee la
lusty laborers. cess
$52 a montb. Skil.
employment .s $4 a
le no uncommon a
walking •long the is
"Laborer' wanted,
"Carpst.rs sad bri
Board may be bad a
Some of the pr
bsyasd ono len.
Calumet and Huila
o nly $12 50 was eve
the humeet listed at
share being worth 1
another' miss who.
$2.600,000 amouort
000, wblo m 189
dlvad.sde amens to
by tar than the Kio
P.aisoul.-whlle h
gold M Puget E
Ameolated Pram d
meets .l $250,000
Superior ars too on
While the .few,
hem an oppertu.itl
gardlag the *owlet
for from the slew
Lake Linden 1t 1. t
antrum to the psi'
- nal sod data, T
the opportunity 1
po►for.s be Content
nishd by tome oe.
respect. The peen
muttered, but of LI
I11tle .oqualntsuos
personal *beervatlr
highlan' a that.. Is
the mountain, lino
work. For mootb
drills may be •t
oosotersd but roti
panv'..Rteerr, k
se many Int Irvin
of oopper will 1
night the wink h
oyer a thousand 1 -
riots vein of toe
jt tassel now brae
shaft. en 1 Is uteri
.t"Tc°I ed by tit run of
shalt Is o.rried tel
is eoceuntered, wi
branehes off In th
working. deepen.
mine matt be vn
drifts (er taonel
masonry, traumas
wattle instilled.
der two °ooditios
the rook to lay
*hunks et primate
TO... ohusks are
and were at one
lien of running w
from the reek an
lug works, whit
is all probab
visitor ant sem
down the moan
' heft, chunky h
which formerly
tern•tlenal works
below. The earn
• level with the
leg.end the 000te
Into hoppers leas
Taos. are Dowel
wbleb ohew the
d isc of m mon.
paw ism the et
set on a .lant, u
water ran. Tb
mottos stroller
farmer's whine,
laws .l gravity
to slit with hls
' eldest grains 11
heavier partials
bottom et the M
1e jolted to 10m
water sem the
Roem of the 11.0
°aertsl over wit
is repeated omit
stab situs/ the
Ili• move met
Ow partial's o
table, leo edges
than 1t" •
water sod glom
trb1e paten le
ever t►e edges,
earth. whale M.
N. middle of t