HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-6, Page 5^. • - - - , . �r ^� 'f , „y. .«�_."' ' ' I'<.ri "1 , ;„ p,,.awa�5•, ' rIR akar« i�'v °,F, a,::+ 't t ,•I els t xY'm+• 4n , pA F 1 R�.SW d't 'tlV .v+Jl "•.�1. , µ3 +15.i sal ftl y, 4 T ---- f+yu,lblu tenippramrue. llydder, there Future Naval War The limit. . pubhp it , r"Nots are nearly alwayr GROWTH OF TN E wily,well c(mr. heed before dptamlao. Any- fight Between Submarine and I l way, Lr. ltalu/aforl eu+pllariaeel Illy g ging Machine. ouruertuerr by deliberate relwtition, i BRITISH EMPIRE and tinctured that war not .].•nl- • ` YT in atrY persitlsgp. _ rt Ice regrettable that it dermtn of Has. (leu. W. Rosa to Uaeadlan Hallaxlue. Dr. Itatltrford'r ePPIerlaalleal emin- ence Should have recourse to profan- E ity it) stake tills meaning plain. litjt A-NVMiAt*Ph#*WMWNWIttMVMMMMM-..,AVWI VIM y4yy MiNMMMAyM tI%VA AWAMP11C ills pulpit or lu Its represent ativolt ` ,nw• growth of the Rritiwh Empire aluounted W EN15,000,000. Muflcwll profanity to never permlrrible. At . I in one ,If the --vele of the nlne (lifter the fullowing as the tradeper +anti' place find any time and by tiny build ld of e prljwipal ouotatrler of person whatsoever, It IN alwayr ob- tr,nth century. Tiie cutgmun lm- I the world: )actionable. It is objectionable be- - /( M114 - 1,rrNsi0n 1■ that the growth gar l:rtytt Britain ... a40 Ellgllih rhlllulgs ('uulwe It to umleoerratry, and tl,ubly �`i ,: .wvu har/toly owing t -o wuyunrt ; lierinn ny ... ... ... 1.,6 •. r, because of weaknerr, because In- • •3� '• ' the fart in that had (ireat Britain Unito.I States ...... fol " vurlubly It betrays the lack 414 u evn•isi«I lu the fullest extent tl►e F'rAnve ... ... ...... 16.1 virile vovubulary of etymological Ip- polltury plower which rite possesses hwwlu "' -•' ••• •.. 7 gittuuury. Swearing Is but the chwy, lite Empire woukt have been far. Kotw•ILhetanding the gigantic ,subterfuge of him wit, would 4.011- , `) t *trlder made b Berman cOM the exiguity of Ills Inveethe ex- �ti l;n•utrr duan l6 W now, sYl the earl- IlIncoluetivenras Y y within the .rL`- '.4. 1Nwll" tons which ahe voluutar- lad' fel► years, there is still alarge Inrewlexl. f 1 /� ,. i,4. Nurrend4.retl wwld make a can- allstaalNe tM+tnreen her per taplta Tlae good and remorseful lir. Itains-nalrrntrle empire 7n 'Ifevnerlves. !t and that of the In- ford would no doubt be happier at �- J I14bitAnta of ills 1'nited Kin k)m. the prevent time had he taken the 'f tn,iy Imo that &II,mP of these px)sses• Ir ,,,. a werp murrendertal for lite re. fn 1s,lnt Of fndltatr{al activity. Can- precaution to have garnered wirdoin rurity -of jlee F,mpire, or that In ndtnna compare favorably, Taking from the unfortunate experience of19111., L re Aja r:arem the apparent Nnrreuder uar tm`pulatlon All 5,0110,1100, and our 14. Joseph Parker, whore ,[(•know- -_•_-_ ,u1i' 1 __-_ _ ---�_ n:,,, aterply nn ex4.luttlKe of lord- Wtal trade at 386.0(10,000 our tor- ledged. ability and great popularity 1' ' t 1 __ --- - t,•ry. Thin IN. no doubt, true, but Irian trade reprerentm C81 shillings did not drive him trusts public con- ,,:,tt„nw usually surrender territory. liar head, helag larger than flpr- deturintloa anti editorial denan•In-, --- - - -- nlr•n foremil to d41 r,, by tile, ext- laaay;-the tuited ;flutes or France. tkm when on Wait Ir, tnlloguldwl as p.•m•I,vr ,d war. That Brnlraln'm sur• Maritime tiroivih. to protaue the sanctuary with bins - t, nder often wits made In the Inter- Britain'@ all remncy at rent Is pheuxml& &peach. ,..tri of peace is it tribute alike to imnally. P with eotn- I alnd -- 1„ r ltiagnanlmlt and the well -Mein 7 g .•t llw world. Of the territory sur n,fered voluntarily and by trioaty- Leapt upr merciul and territorial supremacy. At the clot+ of the seventeenth con- rrrlltrrll f ���VS CFUWyS WOUS I, aero Vorsica. Sardinia. Elba, and tury the whipping of the world was (estimated tit 21,000,000 tons, of which Ur' ry J �,u•i:y, the loilan lslarxly, the Molu• the , us, Philippine,. anti Java, (utast, pupae, Ayres find Argontine. and in Africa. Man themon Dutch...... owned 4(10.000 Br1. x.000 - Some of�Fran and Others of �, Ila al of I.neeaNk,nr ILAVe grown til ie or un h...�.� .:� .. :.......y uuu•h Importanee since, And if held Scandinavians " L;O.(1W. .. Gold. I.y Itrltain would Is! not hnlm,rtant Germans.....' ................ 100,001 Ptslretl of wealtlL as well AN of Ita1L•utvand allothers " 21"11,000 _ ,.trenglh, booth from a oansupreLil At the elft: of the eighteenth con- euel nnaval point or view. tory (lie world's shipping war esti- KING EDWARD'S CROWN. I ,tonot intention In theme murren- mated at 4,11=6,000, of which Britain ,1+•rs tis thirteen -original a„Ioniwl Uw•tned 1,856,000,. the United Htatea I'lle- Louduu Glotsr.) or the United Kttal(a +w it fs ,,lune 170,000, France M,t1U0. If the head which wottrs one crown tti,lent the reverses which 04 im• At the clout (A the nineteentheen- Iles uneasily, whaA must be the a,u- perlal forces met with in Anterlea tury the ddppiug of the world re- treat (A him who supports the weight vikee them at much it disadvantage ,in to make it alurwt fulpi mmible for prew.+nted "5,000,000, of which Britain and her of three cro wr,r T Titers in only one Britain to ertablirh her A"thurity cohgllea..... owned 14,000,001 ruler In Europe thus burdened, and neer them. Even then, at the he- of the nineteenth century. '•••""• F`rench....... ...... ... ... to 1,`.'.42,070 tie fit del years of age. the feeble ginning l:ritnln's COlOnlel Empire was six 14ranthnnvian... ... ... . It 2,8(10,007 Leos Pope, of Itume. I)uuble crowns t•e11 timers larger than the Area (iermaas...... ...... ... ... " ::,500,000 Italian% 476W Fed wara. by many sovereigns. Tile pe,0ror of Aurtrla Ia,K. K., I. c., of Or United Ki ngtttm. .................. Unft(xl Stntee... 4,1110,000 It-Miselkh•Koalgticln; Ie''Is King ft _ Ileglowas the ('ratury. With the CenturyThe just Morel bps k""' euneh(+r of mea employed In Hungary and Empprur of Austria. !'he f Planar. bmpPrnr wears a tlnl- ratraordlnary powers of cu:onlattkrn Use Bffttwts mprflYtntflr marine M "42,51143, and mon thoroughly does Brl• bis crown; he is also (tang of forum - PW apparent. Thr and ex aslon became ata fill -to IRLSInd left her with of lain hold Igor Own trade ander eon- �' eig llnjoletywit F ire, r! VII. -will if with the royal casino es Colony. the Went IIMlM, Capes t'-oluuy, a tall that 70 r cent. of her entire PP commerce is carried on in Br{tisit rosttB of Iireat Britain and Ireland find great part of what in now British )Itdtll, and her British pM,xxtwN i,llN lel r,sam•Ie, whereas of the Unilod.litates with the imperial crown of India. Of ►inglp there in* part \firth Anaerlen, a hnlf it continent eomm"rep "Aly 15 per cont. is car- ried udder the American ftalt. .Crowl►N a (lumber meattertxl all over the In- -de themselves. !haring the reign of it to also gratifying to nottes that habitel earth. queen Virtorla slip half nnnexel the greater Ixart of K,utlw Afrlcaa, u%me- with the Mcrptimp of population, posts- A crown to a material tiling, not lud-rely a rhetorical expression. it to -J)`, Natal li•elinuAnaland. ihaNnto land. 7.ululand, til„ iperlsm is on t.ke decline. In 188), tea' pauper ptrpnbtion tit the tlsdted Il[rt Ilerea,w ldy tot Irl rf 11;1O value. •1nd greater ortion Pr _ -- -the the (held ('b'wt, _ Klpglinm._�ral In UhR SAtb of fi.l'1 otd t gettd, a _Iqx-cimo, of the stir tube XBritis" find rtwre tluaa _ tan every 100 perwons, where-sa Tn goolslple th',e fort, 141-_-Vsee so o'eY pagan 'lays, the Niterificing priests Ikalf tit lirtt{xh If«Iin, with b 1899 ORO rath, wait _.63 to Priory 107 persons, or a decrease of nearly bound their hea(b with a fillet, or In And th'ltio sere sundry rights ta{n rlghta in F:Kypt find the tntloan Egypt oar }tall, R'Ittr the de•c•rraae of pnu- wreath. The Flamina ur ItnnMwprp No called from the filum With which the mentioned were, fit com mit tate the &,crenae with- alitt Porteits camp also n (e decrerpstmease Pt they brmsnd their hair. When king* of were, no (baht, serure•.1 by roaqupxt, t, secure.] or H not seeore•(1 In that way, were In fifty, In thin Irvt fitly ywars toping from took on tf'Plnwivea the priestly of - pko they P Y y must needs also don the field at the expenlp of British blool. 40,000 in 19:,0 to l'J,ti70 in 1840. ncrrrdotal circlet. The Syrian kingm Her Indian empire Cost her sunny all. Imperial folly• affected a crown which imitatod till• lions; her posM(wmioan In Muth At With all the expansion of £m- rayl of tit" Nun, that luminary be- rfA and her territorial rights In the plrl' and trade and commerce which Ing known to be their direct unced- NavUs are soca to dirap pear, uc- nording to a critic who luta het•n watchlhg recent meNlnnicat, (level- upmint. He knows. tlmt nothing is more likely to become oboolete titan an existing naval institution the momentsomething better to dle- coverefiL And he points to the rapid extil«rtlon of wooden war rhlps pro- pellod by Balls when the Merrimac - monitor fight dplu1onmtrated that with such vtwmelr the Kreateit xqundrour under. lite ablest cum• mandere were at the merry fit b little Iron monitor. 31aA's copypand'ut the ells through aeroplans ag mtu• end flying nod like ntlllsatlOp of ,t water blanket to protect submartne boats, will, dnym this critic, matter ships that float on lite murface worLldtr&, The flouting war ship. he Muyol, Will bP subyet to attack from abotva- and from beneath by enentioro, witieh it cannot reiteh. He draws, therefore; fin iNtpreat- Ing and thrilling pk•lure,of a• naval battle of tits future, which int•ludes it fight between a flying mahhine- atxi a submarine boat. This, he says. W not so Improbable as it sewers. The(' flying marhinp tan, he says, see the vubmarine bentath the Putt, tae• when it would be invisible td, men tun a v(wel, Just us the fish hawk can locate Ila submerged vW- t m. :\M lite aeroplane oars mole with celerity, It Can "MirAr-Orpr tUr- gubmarino until the. latter Is com- pellod to rump to the surface for aLr . or riser for attack. Then It can drop dynamite Innate; upon the Nucmarhne and train rapid firers upon Its t bin shell. ` The submarine, however, will not be quite helpless. A well ulnied shot }rut Oaieot It& bow rapid tiros (Willett can be uncovered the to mont the IxIrJ Of the boat riser above the our, face) would Instantly pelt the (tying maehhlo out (fit buolne". thum Cle,ar- itug the way for other submarines to rim.f to the surface or for a b'Avy of friendly flying machines to Como lip. Meanwhile. there would be no veN- s.lm in right. Trhiscritic dom not, however, uttpr- ly extinguish ships. They Can, he Atym, act In a sublorllnalo capacity. dependent upon the preliminary fighting, which must b'+ done bre - tween flying maeltinps and submnr- Ines to Clear tffe tn(xtthm of harbors and make, navigation safe. It in ad- mittPtl that a big dynamiLe or gun - Cotton bomb droppeal from the air upon the deck Ort flip strongest war sldp afloat might lie likely to dvotruy her. IIorefover„ :1- sub- marine getting home a single tor- lxitlo upon the bottom of alley; it, ship would sink hor. Boat naval offlcerN lever cnnmprvtL- tive nail properly waiting for tie- pwnxtrated superiority before tie- ->epting an -called Improvements) coin - fort theinueh•Px with lhp reflection that command of the air and of tine submarine work] In very far front be - lng aetnally achMvwil, and thet a) ar nennybody can offs Davies will rp- -mnin in rxiRemw for-w_few-yeatre vet. -.1t. Y Herald cruble terrific,. iladewl, with the Pz in mor jaatgmont, as Indicating the wore a laurel wreitlt somrt{mps a fT , re fon of Anstrailia. Britain has jewels. The By� ! / r , -. s%) ,1C_. ' q,-.-._.r..r-.- id growth of British power, b the sen- crown of gold and lie r�. eery little which slip ha& not securer) timent td Imperial Jollity. Britain Is zsnllne Fmpprorw had n crown cion• - _- with Xpr ruin sword. or gun. and admittedly a grwat nation If We all at the top, and thbl mhape Ilan t' - I, �' 1, -- J when either of these rlernentx of u'• rogart lever In her'r.plene[kl Isolation"; ►xrumr arcei,ttW an tl+e imperial /Y, �f -- , curtly bops Its pri-err it Is doubt eh(• IN much grtwtpr. however, when pattern. Charlemagne seems to have =I rye T Zi� 1% I ,I` 1pL.1L.aLe Xi11 M-nblP W fain eery we rPgatrd f►er as the central force beep 'the first \\'Prtcrn Fmfaeror Q, n i ijj - I long some of the puenelw a aTF na i,T The[ [-olmililf Lf "I"'. wtftM try T►N6 *Oro a closed crown ; tho •rh'tp,• A H:. j -� holds. Nevertheless, what 1 yenrm her energy and her splendid states- was revived L another greatI ngr, was a cWtitsial empire •)xtapn man*lllp she has built around Iter. (•harlest he of Spain and rierman __ eta a' �- times greater than the United 'King- For many years her thought of £m- whom the d'reneh rail (1larlentjniut, 0 P ,,t "1 �- �, . ,film has now grown to lip a r lotlinl plre was "Cribbed, Cabinaol and con- stir( by rioancte f. of fiance, who 1 P1 :.Y a - ,- .., V. rnlpirp 96 times Krenter titan tie fluwll" to the lrla id home from which wa not F D - ? tap"rnr : and by R'llll:aul • I nite,l l:ingtlum, also In other wonleq till' Imk(e(1 Out, soaewUmts wltlr tits- for ('ungaen,r. r, fi .. e i i 1, ,/ an empire of tau million slluare mitem.. darn, lhr rart of the warts. in o 4 t' ' hnx grown t., IN, net pat rw of ;yea I Prlaaps the most fermium mown In � ,;, I •.� r ' M intone ywnrw her impPrlal vlal(ra tire Europe Iw that of Lombardy: r .1 _ 5 tw-el-te million wpuare miles. loom Pnlardfrd, and whip steps now, no it ill of gull, hating with- - r,nnpared with Frnnre Anti (II•rmapy ishe,. never now bitters, in - • - _ - , Britain's rolonlnl empire rcen As bear 'I, Cdonlowl raxinnm, PIC- 111 It a l'ir'IrL UT Iron rut ld LU ., 1�IIIIeM renter irl xnrtioaN the col. Te1m1 he made frim a nail of tie True ., � ` g f t mrnt`, of power anfl occur- Cross, Willett nail w.ta given to Theo- � �- t1ni.w attarhel to Frnntr have an Ity. That growth for rngx•ri Ilam, In- linden wife of Argligulf. King of the _ w Arpa elua W only eighteen tlmem the stand of bring tile, Antithesis of ,I homMtnlr, by Pope Gregory the ' area of 1• ranee, w'htlr the rofollMm of vie 1« Rodd by w1pa, k itis fira.at. Howevuir .tlwi arty bo, s/.M - ._._. --- itermnn hnre ons an nrrn pliant to � , __ . _..__ _ . _.' 7 y t Kt-entPst oe�rurity which (xwlJ be Emperor to the Middle Agee was not "- --'--"""�•- tilp timet the area of Germany. given to the drmoeralic chnrncter of King of Italy until the iron crown CONPJDBRATE. I , (irowth of Population. Drltlah inatllutlens. When Rom.' ern- lint been placed on his head. it was Aunt Stfphv-Wily, Tlunmam, you mplttsh Child; you've palest nil that 91 e, growth of her mI tulation his tried the governsatent of n grent ern- worn by Chnrips cherry air, wiien 1 told yrrl to Rave Willie for your brother. 1 1 sire In the patrician claserx, Iles Quint at hie mag- 1 k'Ppt pace with her territorial gxpen- 1 pts niticerpL Coronation by Clement 1'11. Thoapae-I did. 1 onvr.d him the cherry stoner to Flasks a M•nubag. IAoI► In 1800 the population of the K,aerxtrs'hrnrn, eorrupt, hermenate tit ilotogna.Of course, there wait fle- t -- - - -- -- Visited Kiwiless wa,yuuty litken tall 'irb.trary7 and her mnglrtrnlem tyran- tinn in this; the emperors were not - ` --- -- '-- -- --- - Iiu1tM slwut 7'. 1 lipx•m [lar ps,pulA• nirnl. AAving bnntmtlRrt rrayrs 1rPr Fealty tfTRf1 of Italy; m tttrt; ttaty - -•1._.._t 4ldotad_mt!J. }br pa'�S a ,• x- tion of eanl►da t-Iny. In 141M1 the fe,aniviln the r•prrsentatires of her WAN then, fr111 long after, ophy a elivag. (JIIrIIItA btu never mhakwa off ' pnpntntlnh 1/ p6timnt4od At (Orly -nae peoplp, six• q-oUn lost their Confidence, ' geographical expreselon " ; It was l C the plague, but wornovhow or other it tmtlirrmr, Thials a rmark"k, increase nlxl ler (liwnfnll pieedily {allowed. <hvllwl Into a large member of iemi- _ • (kx.w rn)t +It em n very favorable place white we ootlakler the vnat Immigra- Ge�g'' TiL noted an the xalfftr prin- independent duclues. of wifich the % Pla9ae-Swept 1021 for the mprpaul of the Ppldemle. Else - lion to Canada, Australia. the Unit riple as the Roman Senate which he territory called the Staten of the 1 where IM Bengal, Ixiwpver, the Ont- nl Rtatarl and, In fact, to all parts attempted ttx forre tlrr deerreN of A Church wan the ton oral possens!on look Is more .disquieting. Patna, of the world. France, though much Brilislt.Partin ment on a fnr-114ttA�pt of the pope. The iron crown of Lom- .dL eliA-6e, M(,nghyr, Oyn And other towns rand live of a colonising nation, bldrOONed colony. Had he hpenled the democratic hardy In still preserved in the cu- distrii-to nrp InNv nfmx)lutpl In t11p her.ilcpulation from 7:7.1'1((]0.(100 to tetsirncy of him American CotonlNtmthe Lhl.dral at Monza, near Milan. New York Sun: lterttalx/at no time grip of flip pemtllrncr. The m(lrtality aq,m),000 only, and OermAay' from revolutionnry war of 1776 would not In connection with the hixtory of Ince Its first Appearance In Bombay. its these placcm Ilan for weeks past -:e} 0111),000 to sa.lI ,OO11. Dtllrlgg have b -Ca a matter Or history. Bri- tile, iron crown may be toad the in the autumn of 1846, has the been (it tan Alarming character. The -TTiP all No jiitf-M ot100 yrNlrthe �e I-. ta16.,1&:MUIn Aar --aAnJej .j11'1t, try CUrl"q Taets nt the two coronationsIPOlk lr u plague is lipreading. F'rotu Patna It -+datitsot the Emplre basglbnn from demtxxrntlr, b-c:aus+ her colonl:•m, from of Nspulpon�naparte, w o rotrRht t#:prarr f>ttn Aida til at the ifreoietil woment. If one rig di t-ttrp the ver 113,0n0,000 in 18010 to BRO,IKlh,00t) y nature (d their Mrtmm• the aged foope- [tin* Y[I, from home � 1 plahtltlg districts! Of Behar. Ttlept:o In 1400. stntleex are werx+nrily democratic to Paxiatin order that the Corsican lit,ars lest about It thin ' -Is dmply llwIt into gple to Bal1Ua, a somewnut Thw following tnMP setw' forth the thetnselvPx : fins I hnve too doubt General, First Careful of France, c(attrp evprybu+ly has got so need to fanatical place In aIle northwest rAntive eteength of the, Btltlmh Ful- that the Century on which we have might be. Made Emperor with all the l�Coat lnued prentonep, which Is taken >r('vo ineew• d•'r m Wtllin the plague = etre neI Tier four grant rtvafs for fife wro pve_tilat. the Ileceal formalities of_,ancient times. Fur- tine lately ppreait to Bonfires. It leive"Ifty rif the world, namely, ad 49vsrninA colonies As democracies, ther, to carry lout the Idea, Napolei