HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-6, Page 4,P
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The Signai
D rwalnam
■TORT TKU1lenAT MOR11ti1f�
tilt D. Il✓'iLUCUDDi. .-1
T1,111''41aaY, ,11 \E 0 ISKII
to 111. F::Ist Middlurex speech, Mr.
II,.r"Ivn w,11d thief, "whoa ilia Libenrlx
u moa Il
i ewe they did n ( f
e 1 er int s r
to l'hantre one, kA or litth• of the I'ia-
rat 1.411•.1 lad dawn by Sir John Mne-
dk"wl,l nearly a quurlf•r of aevutury
ogo,” Waw it no ehuuge lu wipe off
x Ific
t Iia r Is ill the
lila larlf t A ler , {IPC
dutieew•ith which the Wirdounid tar-
iff ah(ba11• i:d I Wabe dl no change to
put barli.• 1 worn and hinder twine on
tier L. --e list, for the relief of the
farulrr,i I Was it wo0haage from the
Mamionald policy to reduce the ous-
tuns duties aril Imports from Brltalu
by tmep-tblrelf With all his (talk
about love for ttie Empire. n flat pnte-
tk•at Step did the aid IN,ry leader
Parr takp to rbww that ho land wort-
r"gard tier Brltt.h lateraato than fur
tfiesroor the United Sealer f TineTury
p4icy wills : "U Ca ladni x prolecl-
ltP tariff o'tNluugerei Rritmh Visa-
wtr•ti"11, lhl-n eta mush lite worme
for British connection." The Liberal
pull•) ix to leo Adjust the Canadian
tariff that our lmmiplr .bull ha etx•uur-
l elm
N' h o
' f t w Br v
t u tutu 1
! u b
ager J
buy feeNu thew. If Mr. Bunten eun-
tol dieerker any difference between
lhesal two plictex, ilia ryes uuart be
' blinded by Dutab ,trial the power of
sin." No wonder the rain clawed him
under rover at that stag^ "r hi"
alt err
With re•gnr41 10. Immlgrtiti
Borden said hs• la•lie•lel the Ii�,vera-
luent Is prying iu, much nitrhtioba it,
quantity and robot "n.nlKh 10 quality.
/'ontinuing, It" met, . •' I hate#• no deur
,alt •ell abut tis, filling up of .n/r
Northwent. I b lie%*- tile- \„rtliwe-mt
Well be fllleel lite in gu,d Offer, also) if
ties• l+noper p,Dcy im ,pnrmut I It will
le,• fdleol till with the ri.ht kind ..r
imr'pIP, bit 1 *ay It will pay till'
im"lle of thin eountry to w.%(L tea
awe fifteen sir twenty oearok fur til.•
rk•vplop,ment of tiutl country' rnther
dins+ have It filled up will' n rind" 1J
p-clfe we d., nut desire iu thin r.,uu-
% 1 a the s
M „ mil t 1 1
try. I .b not wi h l y K
r. ,
%p Ir a h
n,e our, hu n
art w 1
titin 1
1 1
lwvNlght hem next who ❑ler rills.•um
.,f till@ country. Tholr rn1 ritm lw%c
I. -Pit o,tornam od alt t he prem is not in Ila•
trout. We'rere Kind t„ Welcome• 1111011•
it th-y prole to in• Kao I eitisowx, hot
, - we orswt.l-rice-ripe- 41w+a 444"Pus ..f -rota
main- stfa'C fm:a which we, cum.. I
leave no fear bot that will te acc..m-
l4ishrd In good lin►'• it proper mums
arp taken M tilt G.evernment if Moos
country to enrournR" Immigration in
[ftp quarters a( which I Ilia%" almliva
aryl • that lila l;.n*-ramrut i" n„N
wasting-meerel than ”"n mtltleC, w'ur.e
tial: wasting-mlobey to drteD.pltlg
leumlgrntion froom geulrterd wht(11 iu
�,- the great Imply a p1111lic opouon is
\ this n,untry nrr alt,V-Siter undt-Ar-
/• 1 t„ l -
' 11 N, rt ( fl 1 lel
aM wllk•la wi
�aMP 1
r u 1 ove.l
4,%r tree rermlitlonm in 4,h \ r& (
'oris, wordy, words. Tito- Coterie-
m,•�t grts the b•xl immicrantls that
can Isle gl+l,.rttpl the average duality
M mmbd� Ire Citalu+t-Otpact l.a -:take
etre who dwell to pulact"t t., rime to
the Casadlses .Nurthwfwt and retire
ishent on our prmirions. tee do not
want men from the Engllat of Snitch
efllerr, no 1 we cannoli get m:Ily men
frim the fortus in those countries, tin-
I"w the m!gf•ativa shall be stimulated
Iov severe agricultural depression. ter
by catch clearing olfferatienbN as made
the name of the loam Of Sul11erinnd
famous at one time. $s would be a
. ._piAll-MVIA lam wilt w "tbilwr'for
Arltnia*e calamlty in a ler that It
might le, torso into ('an n'a oppor-
tunity, The MrnMmitw, 'hu came
frim Ruwlm t,e MAhttolr' - •tire. of
y earls ago. Sal the Mornim . Wit()
came aeras lite lo,rler into A rte
clearing the regime of tier Int. arc
t;ocerMpat, may M)t 4,r i•tc:U t-
tlerw ; holt, Purroun led by Ang,
Satega, they will inNmKv farsim limner
real msrist greatly In the tievek)l)-
abt'at'tit the co antry. Tire main, may
4,r amid of ttr, Iloukhllbors mud linll-
chlnn. it will covet Mad mon.•y title)
lyra troubie to cowf•rt theun into
gt,uJ Cfuua,li0n#s than wer" rt4wbded
In prrfrndng tim-murpMw'rntiun upon
th! (rishavrn who setttci Yctaorhor.
rugh anti the t1(ritchitt:o who #settle,)
Lanark. Irealrf., we have railways
now om1 farm machtnery. mnkinK la-
bor lighter. harlmhlpxt fewer und
itwdntion kwm. We woeld not move•
s11t11kNls of Galkeinna into Caullifla hf
we auld, &nil we cannot move fall-
Ilomr of Britcous Ina Canada, If we,•
wander. But tho immigration p41ry ter
th'1 preseaat Governtnpnt 1►nn Polar
reignites to, snow. Til•, Northwest
waited %pwr or fifteen years, while
tint Torlw were in office, send r•mnin-
wl a (No" t, WA41 rix, rxrepthm of a
f+•w wpaoto. Now K it filling tip with
ltrt,pli-, from the o!her C'nnaltbtn pro
vlea re, from Europe and front tate
Ur•lterl stat -w. Thome people will help
tis, lrrrlatta er our fae'teert •". Tlipy
will fulfil tic drwlgn which lite men
had In yew who mins' t the North -
wee& Territory from the llmlbp:l'a
Ray Itompeey.
Mr. itfrden wnnto to wait. Hp
waretis to leave Lhe praNrle" unorcv
pbd until we can get the arum not
Itis Parth'a p+pnlntkon to Inhallt
tivata. if that M tier brat nwrrmlge
hr has for Ontnrb, Ito may ne well
phosting hook to Novn srotta.
k air ('beef" rtivies Wlls,rn told a
li" 'Itixouto rPportrr that the writers- of
! ; Oftwd Trunk sttorkn hnd npprpl'inted
by about r15.000,OU0 aluce tier
l eha"ge of mnsagemPat, wbllp t,hr
rtDlke of operating ptprnmes hotel hePn
ties et the latter pert, and will use
them unless Montreal supplies aowl-
By this thue n large crowd land
thing bettor. awl vAiesper.
Thera is users than a graln, of limn
While all (eeadiana are interest-
to the latest Canadian trust.
ed to attracting shipping to the tit.
ahrinka frown publicity, except whim
Lawrence route, there are two aider
Yl'rrlage Isar trot guar all alt
to the question. The wages to be
lltalrlose In Franc"• Oa suu,bay laid• ou,
earned in loading and unloading at
feels offle'lal mer►Ird 1511 couples.
Montreal are a comrlderation, and
TIdi Joan di,ldeudo of the Onturl,)
til r that
C sal uI supplier to Lhe NU1s
ruwl tjaetiro' hanks,will tulul j1,918,-
etane to Montreal mean au addl-
wnr $1,72i,112S.
Tint .ill(-
tl,wa to Irsoada's home market. lick
llrlt this iv the grv,wU►g tow
the other tend, the running alt trains
driving rapidly away.
drum !(unlrtaal to rile United •taus
( Nes
, e m• o t e,( tun In 1.e,
if the 4,p row u 1 K
bottndury, un 4,116 why to Por%tAl+d,
ow thiole Idund 1IIWCrrdr u way may
Involves a (urge expenditure In
h,. tlkneum •rod to uaeke the dnn,l lour
wager, etc„ whldb (a►nswkiiii earn.
Irrr rraugerous to naligalluu. If owt
Tito Urand Trunk canuut adopt n
really useful.
Ilinte for Its own kwu Pfit Ur con-
venleaer, wltbovu doing good to the
The aurrlrtfMl censor figurer mlww
ctuntry, and it would require moms
that the population of tike United
fine tlgrlring to urrertull whether
t•tulem le 70:303,387. TWr Int•lude-
1JaerldM am a whale Is a loses or a
the p+D(tlatinn of .�aska, Hawaii, Iu-
Raitwr by lite Orand Trunk's use of
411air Territory and rrmert'atiou.i.
1•„rilawl ter a summer port.
but not.' Porto Inco, whose popula-
- - -
tion 1s glv%i ale 9.1'1.213.
Over in Mnasrechoo-tlr they have
u •ymGlma of fnrmrra' teiep4tlncal
llr. I;uldwin Smith durst nut take
,vhicla L sale to be very popular. The
kindly tob the muggestiuu of conacrip-
chlarge• Ia $6 !b) $f,2 a year. ant mU
tion to fill tho ranks of tllr Britimb
moeceasfill s1u%t lila first, venturlw
artery'. In the Wt•plely Sten, he trlls a
Iwo%/lel to 1W. that several other ex-
Imlthetic story of tier t•ruel pralrtler
t•1wAgref are bring urganiatrl. Form-
e! (Ito purr gang i.-thoe old days,
log ron't what Jt orfvl to be
uad %style:
Mr. Brodrick Inoue nt ronoteription.
F1'dgration to the TrmimeantinKuc
1,•,rd Region pr,t•lAinrm 1t. Cowque'st
e-mnelry ham rill in in eurmwt. and
wilt have+ cost ttir rongnrror dear if,
in addlti„n to ill the expen,e• told
the sarroer that Tuflwuy from North
'f,'+1 tel [llr
. ,- del t 1
.Ail Ire iw 1
1m, �'.
1 , f 4,t 11.
s r (lett L le lwtlpr (
ILsI 1 Ntl IC
4 P
11/a'emMll y' I,4, l'llllrt'flptl 11
�. (r N' (Ile rPlllP ler tlll,t f4N (llr Iller-
hax hither4, terror twirl- hateful to
chinos and mm�lfaclurerm of Unts-
+It.• pe- ple of EnglaAd, or, It alumt M•
wtii. with otter reumom. Uooserlp-
rho. The lotto in that distrk•t Is
ti„u i” the li"uvi tet land wont noxi-
fertile :and c11enp.
num of Imposer. It tako•s the youth of
- - -- a
se c-.uulry from industry at the tine*-
It will to- Interrsling to noite tier
when their Irahltt fire- heiaK florin-
rse of tilt• fatuities in the carious
[til. It "ithdnawm thein (roil their
hemea, front domeatic ittftilrntr; 191141
Protinclw its slkuwu by the new re,1-
(r,in rum•lal rowtntint”, an,l exponen
r"I+. in Noteof the talk of the vastly
t?wja tit the ng" u( pam16fun to Veto
greater ff•cuadily of our Frf•a:h-
Influence alt Iwrratrk und garrison
t'auadWn h•IkrW-cilitrns of (;uebvv
life. There huge beau warning roo
veluti•,ur of lstrnc�k life In
lI1P CPa/tln of Lt191 mbuwal tow( tilt+
the• c.vre of tho Freuttir •truly.
average family- wavy nue muelk to rx-
e.liew ally with regard to Wtp troops
c,vm of that of Untarim The averngr
in AlKeria. Military mervlee is cone-
lumpy all the oouaniou %vnr 3.J . ur
e/re-mh•d as a ach..ol of dietdpdinr.
Blit it luny b• doubtdvl whsither "nrr
Urrb 5.l ; u( ljaurlxr, v,3. 1•riu^u
11llnrion.to 11 rill(• let force it really It
lAw•.Ird folan I ltd the• lamt with ail
frerinan'm hent training for willion
A%ptage alt 5.8.
ob.dient•.• to the hie . nermany- I"
if nnll"y(. .liar L.--TIu• Isaly of
the seleuw, eolontry of Uw system.
t tleNtth Africain lou)oer maybe llr ltsl-
Itut the, German runeacript remablt set
p-rktl Military Ratilwuy-e .telcalai.-
:111 trent" in lllm town tuid, mail army
crutsou iu :Iout Africa ruple ..m u
n w- tis 'IIm
a in commm�l•/ktl n 1
kr i u, h
'1 1
In Ge, tsi.ti.,,a. . e,....- ...,.. _ -----
' t , , 1 r
Inuu(•. Thr Hriti+/!1 c,-nsrnp In I s a
re uu to warrird cw u•tw uu which
,r Ibe y
c.91ukdian t'unrrript. if Canada IN to
Iotrttralnr4 am tip increase• of fatuily
Ike• inched.+- if, the ingwrhal aylsLea•
tan- tip b• given. TIN• form tourhttrr:
might hn%e ti ae-r%r ubloork t suld help
..N 1f,. --Thin fide Jnyullun i" to t e
to, till till. nlllitary hemldulk of Brl-
tiAl ltldiu..lt _]tae lwrilly for II
_►u1N+li••d front tiul • w tint:•.' it "I"'ald
(lilt ln",plo rmlgrate.l to the liew
1.. referreel to the Delmlrtu eat tUr
:ne interpn•tation um to wh•thrr it
Can IAwd Raglan h•• right iu think-
ii merely n suggewtiva or n rumwAnd,
ilig, as It a airs. 4,u, tk1nA. toll .•„m-
pll.o-y scr%lrp e-xidwl well •1 ithiit the
anti for iufermutSol aaf to Ybe menu
It%ing memory of m,iny p•r"ono In
Litc tog "from taus to tinw•."
F:nglanrtf In lilt, riKhle"nth'eentwry
trample werr impr"s"ad hurthp nruly.
In New York the health aullwort-
Th^ lerarti" (t"lllnns"t ,Wive too the
tii4f have disc:)vered that a totachror
tim- .ef the .lmorlean War. lint
it •»n11nn- tryond I Wollotinx for the•
Asserted Mines Rae had vomeraleel the
uolitln has Ing tern pumprndoml by
taet, that leer parents have loll)
Art 'if Pnrhnfa •nt Imprcmtment f„r
been buffering from suballpgx. Dile
i• %%'i -
o: r kens dein .Mol un 1e, I
ria r 1 y g
lir,m f ('.. tool "'Ido • i( b*l,•d .wan n
.krinre•o obit lshe uurl,ed thrnl
Pe-arrrinl too British lounkanity Awl jam-
tlllr,ugh the attack herself und that
tar:. its niffar.,l efAr-& "n tht, rhar-
the only trt•aUrn•nt gist•n wit”
n. f,•r f,4 Iter• rrewto wa" nm„nK ilia-
„lenge hathls nn t the ntbninstrati,m
rnamrm of ter• nnttinr ❑t the torr.
--_._ --_
of crtmm,uf tut'tar. The heath ol-
fivers 4,k, not unreservedly anxpt Iter
%l."let."1, N. It.. "rrearto to 11:1%'('"1111-
story, last aatpel:t that a fellyririan
1”-1- ti trig. A hrn( irtg in the• Tran-',
If.•%a bnrtr a party to tete criminal or-
%. S . News, •r,-lli"at by the Munclloll
ereey ubovrve t. mad it he in found
Terumo ripe, rmula xo lllowx : "Mone-
they will hake nn extensible of him.
tin M-ernlly en the flown Ilra,le Ad,•n.
!n sten muaLterr the interest llr
Women arta Children i unk im tier
Inlllte anlety trabscemd* the In-
Streets. -)torp Urnnkpnne,m In the
cll%idaml right of privacy.
Lal"t Three Works ThM In the Lant
Instead of wenrying their brains In
Threw Tears." The article neater thin
helping Mr. Chamberlain to odevkae u
SL4J,r LJ=headinit.gmsCatoa'_that
there i" nsrre whiskey drinking
mittPe ori the Impreri:ll Privy Council
an"ssmg that per.ple at the prement time
U. cattttdlnn rcqukreine11ts, why do our
fillip tier ,eparr pent, nail that tem-
l':tewkdian "tatreanen toot arrange to
p•raamv "rltlneut i" In n law filed mit•-
get akog w-Ithemat amort to thateourt
pre.swl e•,rndilkml. "Tip Inset toN•n to
of appc'nl 7 A jwlgnrnt 1f, the Supreme,
tear wiLlwas to this atata alt affairs
('ottrt nt Ottawa freight its we -II h•
i" WN"•l4n'i, whatre the Sweatt Act i"
final. Our own )w)ire"P know mor(
ldal f -f with like n fillet ball Im•twrrn
nlmmlt ('anndn asset Canadian lawn
thre 'wet' and 'dry' ritilo•na til that
jhnn tfw BritMh )et►grs ever can
(dare, beat within n few werkm things
liana •. Tile aprya•at to London in n
mie gvue• 1a, to the b,Ll,.nnd tier
ntrdlelm PTpPnae, mad its pffe"t h to
'1 unk� firs Iwr cvnnnnNf nlght and
Kite a grant a41rnatage. to the richer
11:11 dill lien 1'iL\' ('i#sIM'11 h:ut tMten
ter two ltigant". Tile "(aN/L tit the-
diwn mint; the bxlttrr und ev •n the
throMe" theory in 4,t mere figure if
Mayor ,( the city him owned Straight
"i"rell. ('arutfit owlghl to d.i her nwu
np-thin -Her rvFfi4mm flea" -not And
flow IAulneee drum hottt)lff to top.
w."1MI 4,t enfurar IhP law. .Most
Am ottswn TI^eprttrh says that
lilaeyerm. if hey dao not w•ioh their
minndtt/ettlusly will' the nppiinl-
tawe t.ro ewverPly cnfnrrpd, will
ment•of Mr. W..1. Orrald to thn per
mheltrr their fifficials momewhnt, by
"[tion of Dtitu y__Mlolpter ol_Inland
1101orting that they are (king the -it
ptecrmle, Lhr 11lfICPR of rammission-
hext to amt the tkumpUrattd mach-
et find aN)lirtaht arimmbs41nner fare
(nary of tounprrancill hrglmllttion Into
aftulishled. Mr. F.dwutrd MtAll reruns
fo.rc": hilt in Afuelrt we have un
from tike mmmissbmPrahlp Into pr►-
inminfxe id tilt• Chlrf�tagintralp of
vale life after 115 year- faithful lmtr
till. city lstating hyk0y that the of.
Ifo• w•rvlve. Ii In likely that n chief
ricers are nut carrying unit the lay."
litprwr of distilleries and t(d*ux•o
Wn alto not knew what to �itake of
facttirlea is Ill 4,r appottnted, at Mr.
thin dory air ,tint, Nose demoidenee.
(;eral,l will fret now Ir table tit Ipavp
flea' sill reisewtm star" that In Ontario
(MdRwa. IlipMoonsetbn,give"grveral
the am,, of Inloxlvating liquii'* I"
m„ti"fa/•lln► ilk Ottawa. won am it in
rtr:ctynn",y lint wtemr"f,r 110.0. alaitlg.
Il,% merit.
('na it h,• itself four Lerunr Law iN
h -Iter In Mees n•multa thnn lite Wr,tt
Thr thwission that blacklisting It
Act ak)wu by the sen f
-- - - - __ _
N•Kal. given heat week by n Chk•aaao
materially ralkea•ed.'He xp.kr of the
,I lstentjos %o eoarplale the double
trsiukdtflf of the road bPtwrPn Man -
West and Toronto. And "ferretd
brletty�tb the Faso rig Portland In'
ststld et IdOntS'^wl as sin (spun port
,o }colli the trombone Of fits remarks It
may be Interrnal that it all flppenda
t1obe Montreal anti the (fnrprmmcent
wllsthr'e Orand Trank frPllph+l In shlp-
;�, ped through Nbe 1(f,.' Lawrence In
l�° oommer er via Ibrtrand. The (friend
fel Tavist hue Its own tprmisal faclll.
i"rel ler t-Iw• mrtdrrl*"f soomP Untied
States colxoerws Adept allvertyrr tier
a vnnu be, manage nr offlre w•itlt a
tertiary •rf 1{I_"3 a mo.ntdi mail enm-
m►tmit)us. fart of tow• plan it to said
c'ofralorta in l.hp "agent" tanking a de
iaaolel, ref right bwwtred doNArp @Peter
Ity for meek wQi!eh In to tee ltlne'.l
►la lit* rare, t'aantabin bsikm are then
Ila:t'�jtrcI Uv tier Agpnt, who never
Ina rw of Nle crsenlm►ny aghia. It ho h
jolty that mrbmP of noose sharp•rm
do eM taol be Mren a long term In
priwmr. A p!An to permnw In all
Cairo tm to eerie M bay n log In
A l:dtP-ape wrist yoke get, and If
y.w Inll#t mA1tP A dnpr+lat. step thftt
ytet ltnle a (teat murtgagn an real
restate ter prrrW gnatabteas olapsny
IsrtM to sem " yVr-
11 U ,all very "•tall to tnik rivoret n
Brithfh )itefrorrmer-which wliaatjwf
Britain must go back to the aloagh of
ptnlwrihwl-In Canada ; belt juet trj
it in Vnl(fnrxl i Tell gut gagll*hman
that yfwl wish him to t n amt on
hill wheat on that Cnn ori who test
hU laysllwto Anil lot thplr* In frPNy
cony fr• enrbblal to Ket ne'/rp for thPlt
gfwwk, and will he brromll onthn@Inm.
tic ornr yoolr bensel Of "loyalty"t
Well, perhaps.
,1I 1 6e,; "' - rrW'i"k,A'Ifttl
In the dowdward path oatiorml upon
when the viel us baron wets given
y11nell-Ipgnl standing. The decinlons
nrr• tsloadly In dPflnnorp of indhiduAl
righter. A mnft eluottM have Mgai re-
etorrM ngnieMt rithpr blatklimtPrm ter
bo)votters, direct or Indlriect. If a
man wimhes to work or quit work,
to hire ler refrain from hiring. 10 sell
or to keep, lite In"( should preserve
for him thee, Agit to do so, If he hnn
not voluntarily bargained away the
right ; nnol any Iran err` body of men
capitalistic air otherwise who speka
to prevent the ri f-relse of such rights
(olptht to Inert the fore of 40. Ina.
Alnelkllating Is As wtxmlt ns lro'rott-
far: both are nommaslnn' it•rmp,ng ;mml
Pnell mennerm mrrlrty. 71er proplt'f
phren for bomealter and bhnk•Ifmlrr
Ile behind prison hire.
Ih diacrtmming the gmPaliotl of tier
ntw4ltinn of the firmly ematpron Ilenry
Lfwemlm %-Icon may* in Hnrper•m
Wrekly : " it ,(' r* "mi lint anty
turns ito back on the oplabae .and
OTTIOPIParr -d Its offeeim In rpepprt
too IM! ranturn, hit It Inlerferp" In
"thcr ,ellentP mnts.f.a ' s • Thp
arms Is AI the vinery of "ivlllana who
di not rare for 4,t• or who prey Wit
It." Think of that, will your, yr chil-
l. .
►ten rtlxmll-ol who would arrogate to
lt"rrt•1rPr more rights tluku the mere
prying of tater. You leave au burk-
liess to chirrup when low army is lu
querllon. The army dome nut exist
for the good of the people ; the people
exist to supp ort tow army. The people
Uf tike limited Ntates have nut yet
udjouted themselves lu the cwwdltiond
which mllitarlsm it rosreing upon them.
iot the Ilan -talking Nelruus will
bring them to le proper state of
humility by find fly. Give these time.
• lo, a t'
1 r I u eu is working.
\,-where im there se lsameale me) dim-
lroarl nr til. Americans in) Iilm•ral
%IeNr of the prltUrge all perruuul
mareens. They are m.) 11hernt am 4,n,
e%• a 1
. e raw v u tote at/r ►
k er !to•n
ph atlas ; W om t intluiry whether tike
Surero" talks Never nttalnpd by melholdls
a.trlt•tly Ipgillwate nn 1 houuratele.-
al"tl% City Tribune.
There is mash orad our a hinter
ot,a lard of woralr lu beth the Slates
ani Cabudsk lu tike matter of ertl.
lmtting suceema. Thr aordld rtnud-
Ilyd of tlW dolkar, -wbrh oulr arlgh-
tor" hive elevate l ilio a good lead
"tfbmlied will% "In owed we- Truset," Ir
receiving tau ouch n•cuguilton In
Canada. Men who Knew rich by
meth)dr am dtrllum•st um bulk -rule
Bing or !burse-*traling. although team
,li,ngeroom, are tax, often lucked up
to) -teen held nit atm uu examplt, to
til:• ,10ang. Talo oftvu the wane,
wlow• ,.terling hunecity jore,%enlm hi.m
fl,nq Ltying up a fortune by means
thlt would keit luaril"daize with lie*-
la Itur 4,m a flet a std k
auI re•gardd ale mluw. Money Ix nut
v%.•rythtltg in life•, aa•AU atm It Im.
It Should nit for .allowed to obst•ure
real worth. TI*- lack let tike age+
Ia Iaek ,-f manlhuwrm fn that regard.
Tho f-wknatlu,t of n salt cumbitw.
w'lth n capital rto.•k of *140((1.001), to
trwltr,l the entire Output of malt in
Cann11a. "Itttld bs u mignal fur oho
abuliliva of the easto+p" duty ow
n:al:, whirls to 5 ednt.� p•r 100twakwile
rfu salt In bulk 110-1 7k, voot* Ion malt
W bags, trarrAN ur utterr packnge•m.
Thr revenue fawn imlm,rted malt in
l:Klll unposinlod to I•mm Miall 117.1 M.
we that roe'al nut lar takon into ov-
couut at all. Still IN "n article of
*-%ery-day neces"Ity, and In the 4441
daym when exclm*- taxirm were clou-
W o, neurly every vonntry tuxod salt
hvat%ily, the Implicit rufnetimex drst-
ing Lisa people to th:r %erKe 1d rebel -
hue. Canada Can. prrmfrn-r snit on
udc1111lag.r,tum te'ru►"i iunl thi-rr fix n.,
re:amera w•hy' our p.•uple should submit
to :a hold-up. Ta.l duty, um we ha%e
"hewn• it bot needed for reveuvr,.
and ll rhtwld not b • retained to en-
able eunibibing capitalsts to "earn"
A dividend to 68,t100.00U. Let tier
loos ,ids have cheap ..alt. trip ulatttrr
"herr I( ("News .front
Hon. Mr._ Mills' Important
Mission to Londo Ta
;;„ l
Ottew•n, ,lune a. --There wan un tw
laertuut suppling of llr Voievoin*-t to-
day before time Minivtrrm AeloaratPtl,
monlr for h.+liduys and others fur
twsttlPws trip". Mexsrs. !lilts, illnir,
Fishing unit air Lunen Devices 4enre
this week fir F.rlgland. They'
gee by wary of Burton. Mr, ,)Ulla will
represent Cuteada Ana Newfoundland
nt the otonfert•nce in Lemion in.ref-
erf live to Kiting the Ik)UIJpi,,o anti
Pinar of til#- othpr' tolonioos re oremen-
taton ou the ,htllClal ('ummittOP of
til^ laticerinl Pri,oy Connell. Air. Mill"
will Ir Away two ninths.
D, Pottinger. aiPp►Pfal Manager orf
till, Intereuknlal i asilway ; F. G, ttu*-
oe!I )lr. F.. Tirrin. Traffic Manager;
F:. T. Horne, Ass"I*taut t , the man-
nKer : F:. S. Smily anti D. M. Condon,
\lonct.m, limit H. G. Flood. At. John,
carr• in tier city. They are litre to
have a mnfproonve with Ur. Blair hr -
lore the Minioler cif Raklway'm Irave
fur Faslinnd on privutP hl•duemm. 1•:.
T. H )rare In n flown, appidntenenl. 111•
wit" tplecN•d by Mr. FI (1. Rurmell,
the manager, tin him aPmixlmnt. Nr.
Horny hills had n bargr raf1wo.% ex-
pprtaance, principally iris tow Unita(
F7tatem, if" w•nes ono[ in lhr Bniti-
moire I,n.l (Thin, the hplaware. Lacka-
w•nnnn omit Western, the (Itleagn land
Southwestern and other retail*.
�T TT)i,-(4Vn"t -t ee(1nK ( hex nu)rn-
Ing nn order was panned nppdnting
G. N'. Dnw•monl, 4,t -%i. {'., nn.l re-
oently Liberal organiser for the Pro-
vinve of Oratorio, to tr inspet•tor or
p•nItenllarips, nl a aalar,y ,-f 76'_.100.
There nrr n,ow tuts) inoopectorm ; f►n l-
gham oltrtvart i" the other un•.
Messrs. Fielding. Blair and Dwvip"
Ipnvr te.-morrow tar Ent9irind, Air.
Miller left to -(key. They till go by' the
$lame atecamer At Boston.
Calpt. McKilheormy, of the Alnrine,
Department. has returned from
Kingston. where he wam tngalrinK
lilt,, the loss t)( Tile Empire State.
Tltim "trimmer liw•nmr n wro-c*. and
nh+11t mcvpn hnndrerl prepmrngrrm find
n onrrosr rsrap•. Mr. McFllhenhy's
TA"col, which wm* envier! by n Kings-
ton (Iran. The rotation nmd eoolne**
of the enptnlo MivP41 the pmsaf+nxors.
(.*slat Outcry italsed Agslnat lite
IA,mdon. .furan L.-ilfhp laser of n
Parliamentary paper on Frllay ones-
taining nctnunts of a number otaox-
prrlmemtm performed on living sent -
mals during the year 1900, ander
neen*e. has ralaPd thre usual outcry
tram the inti-rlvl*e•tk)nlatr• obi
point ti "thowmands of tortural In-
mx,Pnt• domrl*.Lrules," etc., but the
trport of the In*pectox under the
Crowlty t" .animals Act xltiws there
Is no Rroond for thin complaint. The
total mumbler of IrPnn om who 2'47, of
which 63 did mot pert rm rtp.rrl-
Inw)fntn, The Brennen were rrvrm-
mr^drrl by men of Lite hlghlowt nil-
entlfir standing. The total rxp•ri-
Dlraix were I0,1M, an InersaM of
;:070 over 1899. The npprinrnntw
of the nobler plague km responsible
Ayr part of this lecreamp.
hinOs& nrr very plentiful this year
In the ,.net* of western Ontario.
A G. P. teats tan nvpf swA kill -
Pa) two effrmt Art Active past of Rat
Pn rta gp.
Mr. ortnitg ice blueing ter tAmil tilt)
- I was a fool brim 1 marrieff at.
Mrs. Rngginn-well, "I've fcnP
y0nr bp"t to motels this%- trrpl tem.
tion ever lifts.
.- ,. ,I"- ,", ...,. ,
KHENEIV R Wife Victim of a Medium's
1", t Ls&dlag M'bert Mukets.
Cunning Trickery. Following ate the closing quota-
' i tivarat Important wheat clebtrert,-
-_ - day : . .
C4WI. July.
Mrs. McKinley's Condition SHE BATTERED HUBBY'S TILE (yk-sts►------- $-'--- so7:sr
Now !York .. 0 811 1 __
New Turk, Juice J. -Maud [lull$, the Milwaukee ... ... ... 076 1)7.. L{:
Gives Ground for Nope. toile of Willium Clifford, tow vaude- Kt• Louie ............ 0711 7-8 0 74 7.N
To e.b .. .. 1-f, „:'.
%Ilio wtufdlun, apbloearrutly forgot iktrolt,red......... 0761 1 o7012
yestebda`y aftirinxlu that milt+ lied Detrolt, white ...... 076 1-2 --
SOME RICH -PRICED STEAKS ait,I 4,e' a alymaraWirl ,rom t'llnbrd Da1Fath, Na. 1 OOmtll 676 0711 l.4,
uwd po-„ede.l w ►..name ,a- coon- fluluth, No. 1 hard.. 079
t4,nanoo and leaxt►mh blow milk hat as MiW%OftPolls, No. 1
tlt.ruWl eWl hupplly mated to 111m- northern ... ... ... 074
rih • 4sdstctl ou rxerrlring all the pen- Toronto Farmers- Market.
New York Ilu(chers Mount Vegeta- roffativt+r of a wife, although she hots
ugrr.t W forego [hent. Mn l'Ufforl Jubs II. -The street Imarket her„'
luulanl by Rais1uX Prices !tuna to -day was well alienated, nod
orolwe•gat•ntly feels qulka hurt nL )lire
Guce tip '1'yu Wreek on the limit lluth'o cunduet and wall we trome the buyers were numeroud. The prima.
Causes Twu berths mud IuJurese dLvisProo tit or” that deprive- her of pal autivlty was {u batter earl cim,,
tow right to t&wl)er with , file taw- which were offered -freely, and winch
Navy. tures. found a ready male. The poor ro:air
Nome fimr ago Mlse Huth into -m- mused) a falling -off In the deli%e-r.
Warhington, June 3. -Mrs. MCK10- fel Mr. ('lifford that although tibey, lea of grula road hay, and there Iln"r
Ill physlclans were in ocalk"Itatiob had berth pleasantly nearrhwl for res• were quiet. Prices showed little,
alumut an hour tittle morning, after 'ernI yearsl and had as a naNbveuir of change; grain and bay were ub�,ut
that aaeor)Atlon a moven-year-obi son, steady and oM were utwluutKe,l.
which Strretary Curtleyou gale out aha. was nevertheless couvl[wed that Butter was firmer, and poultry Nur
lite following rtatpwent : ul. Lr uuku was a mistake. She tied quiet, but steady. Pressed hut;.
"(lob torr Itlty, Sternberg mad i1eejd,o,d that It woe best to dial Iva ,were urrotwbge(1.
Johnalou were joined by llr. Osler, the buwld that unt” them. Wheat -Two hundred bushels ,4
Uf Bultimore, In consultation at 10 rise Medlun In ft. white sold t1i higher, ul 7_c; life
a.m., and rep'Kt that Mrd. McKin-
ley'ki eoaidlton In am fit%orablr ala Mr. Clifford, strange W say. had busleloOr rod ,,lc lower, all 71`4.; telt
expected. There w ala Immstifilte op- litany objpctistuac. He did not sell. burhole of goolee, iia higher, alt li,..,,
l reheosifen, and a Slow improvement prole' Of Marr Ilutll'm sp4rituallatIc and 100 bushels of spring, leo biKh�•r.
tr IookrJ for." dews und diol nut look (avorAWy At 710.
Illab-Prlvafl bleak. Ulm"I unyouc Intermrlldling. A cer- Hay -Deliveries were light ; tat,
\eke. York, Juuc t.sTLP butthrrle took- ntdtum•s act- in trnnsmittlag fonds skid about sterAy, at fort )mer
to %flea Italia Aer sol" from her first tdl. Nu straw wall offered.
of this city have announce,( un in- hu.+lmutl advhdug ler to !rare C)if- Rutter -Active anti hither. (;,It.
crease In the price of meats. 'rhe record and marry tb4 co4w4Un war edged lot■ scold np to W. und In ow,
hoereaer will gal pato effect this kbokftl upon by Mr. ClUforrl 4,a• two camos L'lk: wits ubtainl.d
m"rning. " The wholeewl ers leave. III- with momethhaK alt mtW 4clon. H•• t
ere kst"1 tier prkoe of .area ssed to 1 K5 t I ci of butter Lound buyer[ at
.•v. -n hiodtP.t that the mPssagrs vers IS Lu 17c. Ties supply was lurgc :i1vf
8::-1 enol 9 errata a pound. ilia in- tu,gWf, wh.4•Ih leu+ inrrnaeeol Alike Ilutl' there wits a steady demand.
crease. of about ,-no cent ,ever rul- tiutt alt• Witold hardly speak to tier F:Kgoo-Slead,v and unehang"d; ih,.
lug prisma. Retail pricer will bead- hrdsand.
%auc(rl at fodowd: Tb• a rel t, Unllk the van If -01P prices ranged from ll to ItC Torn
Sirloin atrake. advanced from 16 ) K infer fur L'3 crate waN the cuuuu us
null 18 to 18 and 2u create a und; unser In tlw,Pr. mp coot t and M qn out ry
u t
P M11 A R
Ibe' mnf,[Krt In our nam txcoetnl J I'1Nlhry-Morn iu•live; chlcD•nr ., 11
Iu,rter hour" from'20 and 2S to 22 Ialst Saturday night. when thct
and e.. cents; round ■teak from 16 el.r+lel in Muntrrvll. 1,11tm ldnth then well al 110 to 80c per pain Tgyrk••,.
to 18 ernts a pound, and roasts ,ilirr 1l ate ngreenMnt permitting air. %tarp seater to !a nnnll rujopl+ .,,bl
(rum 11 I-2 and 17 1-2 to 12 mnJ Clifford to no! Itis holy octet' a "'erk, " .a 1 n 11 8n
18 cents a 1"und. tent prices re- anti tory part, -1 In a very Friendly t•eget;ables--Active Anil "I"'I "
main lite same, but Iamb it scarce fnpWson Aar. Clifford. R is tribe. felt with heavy offering" surd n g•m.1 d.•.'
and higher. aonrwhat itltlud when Ike bent Into Ifo:lid. Prices ire unahnuged. -
Swaar Up Agmin. Mt.,,m Huth's aleartueentm at tit- lu 1)rp"16,• H.4tm- Market rl,•a,l� X0
. to tt9.25 cowl. 1.
New York. June 11. -Arbuckle Aron. o)nbnn re(rntly and fossil toss mPd- fl+•; Iter
have athancrd till grades all refitted Inert tiv-r• In 1►artiAl undress enol per Toronto Llve fltuek Markptt. r
cougar 10 rinds. Ther Ir still flrP fertlr at lion-. [mat 1(p hit ll• nntla io,
It , tuyafrt nettle, a ...... . er eat. t.; a 4,r t
print" ander rep prices of the Am- fins. a► and contro.letl hlmmel[ N'lth do+mndlnte.......... .. ..... 1 1., la ,i
orients Sugar i e-fluing Cumpauy. a mestr•rly attempt. Kxtert row. ................... tel w r rt
Then Sho �n Twrn Ub eMpd, b@tehen' aaf,U ► 74 leo J 1.
Death ala the limn, j brtehyn'utUae,cis .•...... 1 t,; to i:,
Wheeling. W. I'll.. ,tune 1l, -Tyre Testetday Miss until was passing Betrb,ere'uteCtle fair.:.......... 1 eke w I'Jt
)erd„um are rol Darted to have been the corner of Thlrt,r-flfttm street do enw-. ... 31 6, 1:u.
1 7 o b. 1. 00 .,'
1 d 7 4,t
) d nl in
a • e ane r. ('lifter t k
killsd and a nuneber iAJar(Mt today whit h M g fbrl{s,asarort. smeary, rer�ak-. 1 7r ler a t:
lu u wreek.en the Pittsburg, Ohio to a very beautiful vouelG woman, Bulb,esaort.ltmht,leercwt... to to :I:,
Va11ey k tIInclanptt Balfruad near alit of tow profPwton who hnlla from Feeders..bort-kart' ...... ..... 1 rd to I
Puwhattaa, Raltim+te. Milan doth halted tine Cab doliskt �:.; re
--- no.l called Clifford to her. Then she dw:ken-M-tonNi►�......... 1 ,1 le .,
oR-ooton u1d ad(ee•s......... s is w 3 ,.,
fw+mMw.--Torre-on-1'hP war-dtftae epAre-anvelvety to hint emJ LMAhlt" Ytld►asws..wee..:-::-::---ee+sri+---W
J" making n e effort to allay the pub. that rhe haul changed her entad and tiaolbuckn.. Icer rwi ........ a tii W I� a
Ila• uneadness, oiccaelloned by the would pot perlult Idm %O ape the eon Laatbn,arrruu-ted, per ewwfo....., t :r to
sr►ntinese ret news from South Af- at all at any tithe nail that she dlx- du bkrnranl. per owl......... 4 w w I
rica. Notblag ba■ yet Rome through approved of title conduct In talking do spring, each ............. 1 w w e
lo-llluminato the Alaklonteln affair, to wginPn more bpautlful than her- (�n+f• per held ................ 1 m to ,emit ,
oho only de tort on tthe sub t self In open daylight on crow41nl II.wl,rtrror. ser eat.......... 7 ii w m „1
"pa jeC Naga,llrht, I/ar est............ f 7f, U u,e
since the first offiellal announcemeat Broadway. Hoole, tai, ear Own.............. a z, to n m
heing n tbrer Ione message /mom It,was not the way for a hflahandtlow",terow._................... 1 w w a .,
U,rd Khtrhener lemord this morning tip ort• she Vold him a m able beat halm '(tap'•." '•••"•'•" '......•`•' 2 w 1 ,i
giving (hp names of three additional wildly In thn face m.td clawed at slides as 1 Wool `
officers killed. hint with h,r•r Weely mwnitvred "Mills. Pricer list roof -e 1 dully by 1:, T, e ;fr.
.. . .. . . - .. .. . 1e,- 19{fe..-.1-�.---V..., .,.-. { .-.,-.,,- _ _. .-
re ma u, we, x ort- ulna r r .• rvnn
uI Tia:' s h
r en t 1 1 e, a a
7.pPruet. Tea 9't►T.-SIa L„n 1
wt err e,.1 p r wl h IP
(Irneral Methuen, aglow rise town t1T P' ►ab trunk tdrtl t I r
Wa• bplsteKerl aneltcally for several lnrtw,f. hrpnkirw iilm milk hilt east
In h *
trio 1 h rwtth
,a t k K
m l tier old 4,l t i m e mrd lent, •war fbl
a a t I
1 �
1 I
11Mce the I►rlver Orllrrs.
A degateh Mom Pmoria nn-
By this thue n large crowd land
rx,unc 44 that the constabulary Imre
gaitbored and Tra"A.Applatedltlg-Lhe.
captnrrrl Abl`Ain Malmn, wm-in-lkw rig
b,tep. Mr. ('flfford, wilt) naturllly
the. Int' "ewerul Jiubert. Malta was
ahrinka frown publicity, except whim
un ens ptic progreslelce politician
upon ole *t.nge, Inn►16tid thmt Altar
irfore a war, find mince It begun
Huth htu+uld renpe her puuchkng trig
lie )wall berm very activo agnlnat the
excreine send called to the driver to
British, Anil halt filled several impar-
goy 0n. ,
tint rommnnda, including that of
••hive this w,Rnan to the F,nlel
PlPtersbarg, until the British uu-
R)vPre and drop her In," hp amid
ctepled the place.
"AF. Ay, sir," amid the robabotes,
driving rapidly away.
Act Unrourtuate Affair.
It In root known, howpver, that 4,r
Tien Trin, June 3. -There was a
carried raft his instructions.
serious affrity yesterday bPtwpen in-
ternallrmnt troops. tioner British Fee-
siliere wlwo ware atoit"N ms pd(eoo
here land preventing French mrsidlrM
Carpeulers, Woodworkers "ted Tin-
frum hostile breaking. were nttaeked
with bayonota And bricks. The Fumll-
form reppmded by firing Into the air
Ottawa, 3mir 3. -Th" atrik' freer
Thin bro11ght a number of fiermnrlm
lint. etriwk Ottawa &.,Illy. OW hun-
to the still of the Frenchuepa. They
nnnahered Ugrrnlher Lill) men. Five
,trod mm hiaaP w0,d workers went on
Fnalliera fired �Agnin, Thin tluhe kill-
1etPikr tri-tMy for e,0 Pit, "mt. tnerenap
Ing a Frenchman send wfnintftng
tit %vngrp. Thr firm" nffert(m1 are Ibe
three uthrrm. In submrquent fight-
Otlnwa (ear C-nui•any twenty--fi%e-
int: rrolr Fuallterm, five Germans ;Intl
m,:f: Thal'k(ray 4,k Illiklmi thinv
oar Jnpanesr were wernndr+l.
nr•n moot th,- W. 1'. F.dwnnlm Ov., lirly.
Thr ;arrival (A n German officer
Th- men elem:Ind rfwo, nits ,u of tbeir
unit a strong guard ended the frac.
arri„n. ma w, 11 am ini•realse-s. %tt.•m ctm
to meld' the mutter amicably failed,
;ter tier evelloyerm would not eonmlelpr
n lei to In(:-eneo•s, Mer woul41 thry treat
la-Ith (it- uolim.
Tlr carp nter,l 1l Ulm sty nrr aIle ,
4,,u .1.rilm t,ai- ::-'- �14W ** 4P.ar. Wool-.
ea.)A, av:age. Wooly ,•: til" In •lel ,; •t
alis Career of Hypocrisy
Friona 17 t,) ,-In .•e-iltt .ala he11r, wild
muni, 2.,
get oentm, and an Pff.,rt im
h•ing rigid' to get til • larger •tmoaut
Crime in S►,. Paul.
for• all han,11, N ian, if the rmpinve-ra.
� --- -- - - - - —;
'ulna._Arn--1�w 1% [mess ews-W 12 V*-nka
an Imus, RAY tont til,• others are nut
wo:th it. ar"1 they refuse to lady the
"nm" rnt" to all. The rartwrotern firat
(riled to get nn nmlrh►,le aottl*-ment,
Sl. Paul• Julie 1. -.after privinx n
tall falbA.
traitor to Ilia romradew In arms In
Thr thirty-five, tinsmiths wise went
the Phlllty/kilrw In a selfleh endeavor
"alt un 8+larday nrr still out.
It) tnitignte- the rlgorm of hill own
prisma life, the Rev. Lesbsldu"
Brown, of at. Paul, is thought to
IIu41y of Nlsslug Winnipeg itmn
11nc(r fallp,n A violin to LhP belom of
Mound In Anelelbulna Hever.
the tamorgfm&41 �-..
nrowri lax
n (trent.
if nnll"y(. .liar L.--TIu• Isaly of
bull th,rn In Minlrrnl. He wan n
s;lie H tet
William Jotveyt, wb) leumlmd o t of Ilia
01tallmit ret �Hamline 041eKr, grarhl_
Is'to%.• in Ills night mhirt Inlet Thurm-
atl.el Isom there, ami wax nnlalnpd n
day at A A. m., was ftenld fl,uttIng
minlntrr In the M U111(t tet Cha,rrh
In Ge, tsi.ti.,,a. . e,....- ...,.. _ -----
thodlat (tnurch at Noirtli St. 141111
fetor vmrm ngn. He wake tan fenmrdl-
air woried star Irl &hilt villagp, het
I Sion bonnie' engaged to it panty
young woman, ttaughtor n( ons of the
ptllnrn of him ehurMl. Rut rumors or
strange conduct noon ttytan to eir-
catatr, rumors whldt culmiantecl lb
tier minlectior'a Arrest, Anguat /1. 1N9'T,
on it rongolaint made by lfnrrlrt
RugPrmon, 115 yearn "ll. who oh+trR-
at the minister with rape.- Briwn
wnm relrnoptt fin i:r(N) l01. and fled.
Thp next heard of him- hr wait in
wattle+, Wash., where lie wan em.
plovied in n restnnrant. A nw►vm to
extradlle film ratified him to (Pave
thn town, rind he wan next heard
from at Itonolnlle. Hrt find "hippest
tut a watt". fat' M army trIanow"t
1"Ptnd err lite Phillplpilnes, and was
plot 4lf 111" "h1p nt HrarOlnln Tinter
charram ler Inrepny foul the officers'
0tatermbmm. lip wax not proms Illtpd,
rend moon nfter obtained elnpkoympnt
In H"ndulu n" a school teacher.
Next he, wn* heard lel in Manila.
wit"len he wins ersepinyP"1 no n bar
tender. Then he drmtippPared, land
no further dpflealta nown kens heard
tribal him, nitlKmgff thforp have been
rumntm that he wan m primoomer In the
bines► el lbw il"plaw. IVnv► cmmml a
stole,►• told by Albert Sonnrh"ea.
thnt Rrown, tq curry taw with the
^ativf+m, bmarnP w traitor.
_ ____ I
The popmlatlon of Italy to aow 82,.
449,784, an Interventon of �4,00Q000 In
the last twenty years ` -_
ung nso >,b ticleom+k, near te. ca%salt•y
narrnck.•. Tb• lxPllc,, under Curow•r
i1OTtwu'* lneteuetlonm. Imwrdintely
tax0c rharg' of til., rennin#s. The un
rortunnte min wow mufff•ring from
tyl)Iwrel nt ter tlnl� of the atranitoo
tlLcht. allot It kg salipndP,l that Ir
thr ow• I' nr►•lf lair) the rite• In Ills
lellrium. H,• seem 88 yearn of age,'
and lonvaw i► wlkow and all nmall
rhil-(ren. He pmigratei tar Manito
Ikea L'0 Fearer Agro from Toronto.
Iflri•mau on /'. 1•. R. illeamshlp line a
Fatal Fall.
Owen Brut"1, Jun" _. -At 6.30 thin
eve"MOK 00 W1111Ain I.wppin, arta of tsfe
(trent-n of taw 1'. P. It. Meanwhip At. i
beta, waw Mi ming dryness We gang
plank, earltilt W. vnappol. lilt Ao't
mhpg mod And h+ fell. When pirkn t np
iL wmls found that he Nall dlalnrmte41
hire ncrk, and Ir_ died a few miAatp"
Intro. No ore• awe th1r, nr6ident Pt-
apbt• on• of th•• roll"I ,!-nice, though
for" were mtmsaa 1:d) men In tier
oldjtnont freight dlerl At aha time.
t,nppw, waw a oaauve rer l.en(b•1,
Faiglnm,t, nremnrrisll, Ana WAIN ahoei
forty Follow of ago. A miater, n Mics
(Irl td . rviddoset , t tier rtlhst(p of
Hept►ewth, Ahmlt twelve Ac111M fawn
t4n%a town. .
cpnl;f pd Primral.i hof the 11prll^ pp�1
8ehroel, s moo,,9ag Mr. J. W. con -
awe D A-
a t F , t .
} ler, n sl r root
Hl twat No. i greco, 6 I _e ; N•. _�
gre n L 1.2e ; Nu. 1 green mleerS. 7, .
Nu. t grpro vicar, is ; cure 1. 7 e•, -
7 1 -lo ; cll11W. tae. Nu. 1. 9e, ; Nu. _ ., .
dcea:,.nm ldalrife"a, emelt 61 t•, T•,•
Apoo tsk;se, irfs_Ph AM -,-0.0-1 .1mlle'r.
rill -Pro, 1, :. tU 3 I -1e, ; wtm,i (Ie,,. -,
1:1 to I Ic ; unwudtwl, fleece, N t•..w.
. Toronto Dairy Markets. a;1
hue ler-T11c o mousse 1 f.r out ll.r .l
govid. rwlrs,inller for rltekr. grin0ti:-r.
:text pule-■ rule firm Iceland lilts, I t
to Ills: thnlc^ lib. It to 16e•, mn•I
info rror, 10 to) 1'2c. Crearmotrr, brise-,
180• ; und ruflq, 18!j to 19%e. .4
Cheese Markets. vj
0wilwull. ,funs 2 -At lite Cher.rt
fkalr,l on 8-iturday 1,771 ehreme wen•
laotrtrd. .all were sold exce11rl al
711" offerings were 1.t.87 white, Is:
rolorrd arm) 49 American. Tear ruhna:
prig• for whit- was 87-16e•, two 1,ai
l.rinktnK S1 -2c. Lnrt year at obi.
Ball' 1282 white chePso wore w4ti :11
U I I-Ific•.
11'ntertow o, N. 1-., Jun,• 1. - %1 14
Watert.ow'n Prtahu:e Exchun��ttcc toile:.
til'• mol•s wire 640 large while t:.%rJ
at 8 1-8r•. ou lie- curb 4 20'1 our,:,
"'?I'l•• SMd :at 8 3-8c. ' :SO small w,Ill!•
at W 3-4c, anti 1'JU twins alt A 3 -It: .
Sinton. N. Y.,.rune 1. -['her.:•, earl:,.,
N i -P--. small 8 3-4e. Butt••r, its ,•, '
1!17 W
thrlMlltlwlrg. N. Y., Jump 1. At tis,•
mt4ttill -A tier BrNtrd of Trnd,• t,• -
day I Alli brx•+n of eheeep were Nonni.
nl. Highest hid, etc ., two silicon. (lit
r nrle .all mold at 8 1-8c.
(«wetnwvlll" Jane 1.... At. the �- 'f- -
Paxtrd today 30 fnt,tiren ofl•rr,f
^_ 16:1 laoxPx ehplese. 7 rre imprirr ;{91
Nixes butter : 1,064 boxes rheese .nbl
tit R 1-4e,• ; 140 dotes butter m„I I at.
191-4e; So Loxca butter sold at 1:"•
-to"rulf+n. innTo 1.-At-to-rtm''x "t"-
krt iit feertvrricr �t)fferotl 1.1.191 fa.t.•..
?Illy chrome, oaalored. Rales, +to :.I
8 1 -Lc•.
MnrrirblrK. June i. -Four Lnndr- I
and ninety-nine eireeme were Immlr,lr,l
here to -day. (lest Mrl, 8 8.8ar : n.,n,•
Rrllevlife, Juno 1 -At err Chepomo
iknkrd to-llny 21 faetorlPa uffprrd 2.a
erelorerl anti 1 mo white supra-. R'11,•.
_r,Or) white al 8 1-2r awl 2:N) c14„rt•d .
nt 8Is-16x. ,
1lradstraela' oa_Irr--'-
A fairly WA sorting trlade ham Ill
dome at Montreal Mils week In teas as
rhos IMerf, hlthougil the wrnllwl,
througlk the co11alrr how ,fell b•rn
mw:h nm to canwuri„r' otere-hna;•r nt nil
rtowr%er, maker it imprrntive fur ru
tnllere to sort stocks.
At QuPbre biallom U generally' r•-
Porte,l fnVOrnhle. Fall oNtlProcesatttint•
to rv)mr In. Largr gttnntlthes of xrni.l
onmtlnne to arrive over the Grrnl
Northpra. The Inner'+ rpannrees ar,•
b'Itag hpnvfly taxed. Trade set Toro -
to haw beep n little mnfti active thim
week In spite of the wet weather
Gwibg to the InteAsbw of the @Pim„1,
rPtnllfarry have Hees forcel to leend is
An"'” ower@, bleo:►'"a they exp e”
IDcrensil(1 activity In anmmwr gnarls
n- wx,a as the weather grill hook
Trnvellpee out with fall sampples oro'
.rPpnrt! 9 a fair Alunant of trumblueol"
for thew tlmebf the mention. Trade at
iRamliteb trills weak ham shown Iffln+e
OW1110a0n. Travellers etre sending hl
usus' nen orders for the current *Pil-
Onm, and fall luainrrev b alrend,v IxinK
b -)ked In r!0nsldernble volume. fir.
tallPrs haves )laps fairly ilnsy and
hive basis ropirnbhing mtce'ka to inert
the Itnletmllate urates of ensitomern
Imhnr ler well employs.] na,l welt pnld.
and the factories and mill• are rkn-
nang full llmw with ordprw In *nffI-
cleat rolnmm to beep them [may tier
AOAcP M"ths. Country remlttnw,vf
nrr fair for thfis smasoa.
Jbts:asim at Wlnnipeif has Assnnse•1
R more nhwwrwnt alpmt, owing to thr
Pmrinragln rrpnrts of the growing
wheat nRf the larr•ggefb voimatow ,or
these. crop itirea ly taAotp. Thorp h*a
upon A fair amount or trade passing
at i.00rlron this work. The JeriRht retrt -
fnot far the crop M reawarlaff Anil
tradelw Ara jmblimat over the pros-
peele i pr baaiIML ) .
,.tom- --. A�'•
A� r•
§'�� i -t �
"e. 4+�:.y �4 d._�
n , , .. . r ase. Ow. W. Roo
Tin growth of the Brltlrll Bmpir
W 000 of the maexets of the nine
cur 1i
ire oum
mo^ 1m
e Ill 7
le, e
prewalon Is that the growth ha
.i*wll largely owlmg to ooneluest
tow Ant V theft hat Great Brtal
exerelrod to the fullest exteut tie
military pot►sr wlJeh she posaemf%
tow t:ay►ire would have been to
grrater time it W now, us the varl
,max immemobns which she vuluatar
Ili• surrendered would make a con
"sr'ratle empire lm themselves. 11
may ba that some of thew porters
"Ilan were aarremdorw fur low lee,
rarity of Llle Empire. or that it
-mils rVVrt tan ex�eluknge of stern•
N'ns nWreF7
t,wy. Til{n la. nu tktabt, true, bot
1'lttrom usually marrendser torrltory
N Iwo forced to do slob by like, col
g,•uclw td war. That Brilalb'm bear
,. n.1rr often was mndh in the Inter
frim of peace In a tribute nuke to
1,t•r bs"Relit ialty and tike well-being
,.f tow• world. Of the territory sur
,.•ndpretl volueetartly and bar treaty
were Corsica. Sardinia, F lba, Strad
I;yily, the Jainism Islanale, the Main -
,.u., Pl►ilippinete, and Java. Vuba,
puencr Ayres and Argentine, and
Krhagaf in Africa. Many of theme
l.e-"emmioom have grpwn to Ike if
r A / If h
e enc nl
, lel Im
11 1
, lbtbr
1 '
toy BrUnin would b.� an Imporinnt
o.Nrrov, of wPAlth, as well ns of
btr•n%th. brAh from a c,-mmeereLil
memo a naval point of 1tew.
I ,its not mention In thfwa murren
pp -ow title thirteen orrKinal aduntem
,.r tea• 1'nitetl stator ata it it ;1ultc
r, i,lent tike reversals which the Ine
In•rtnl forcses met with In Amrrhvl
I,,nee them at such fi dlmadvitntag,•
, to male It &,rarest lmpossible f, w'
}tritain to catallieta tier authority'
,.ter them. F.rem then. at tube IN•
4uanlag of ilia mlaeteentla century,
l:ritulb'a colonial Fmplre ane "ii
level tlmtea larger than title nr•„
,.f tier i'nited King.k+m.
.. I3egtae/sg the Cealury.
%%'ilia the re-utitry just closed her
r%tra ordlnAry powt•rr of (Vonittith,1'
ono rtpnarlon t►cnme Apparent. Th,
I.•nrr of 1813 Ilett her with mist u
til,• West Indies. ('ape ('oluuy, n
great bast of what i" slow hrbtinb
11'.1111, and her British ixta"armk)u" in
t nen
h f n ron 1
r len n nl
Ana I
\0 4,h r
e ei n
all LpapmrPlvAs. Dnrimg 4,h r g •
gaeeat Victoria 01111 111116 stenrxet U(
greater part of Rete fl Africa, bun,
ly. !Vats( fire11mus calsnit. iknout.,
I:oml Zululand, tiro Kr*-ater lx,rtiu,
Uf the 001.1 CO,-Lgt-. tits - hotel,
4,,f %De Niger Aw, more that
halt alt Brithth India. N'it!
baaelry poopaerminnt In ('hrnn'Anel r, r
twin rights In I%Kypt and Life ri)ud4u1
Kum. of the lAra•xmintim mentinm•
w.•re. rte doubt, se•ure.l by rongne.t
"r if not mpcureml In that way, wt,r.
J1.1d At the pop erwp alt firitirh bluo i
)Ipr Indian empire root iter many mil
Lour; her 1lpataetto'11 In South %f
ril-A mad_ floor terrltorlitf rhrlit• In i h,
Nouth n lin re-Tlkeff mc.o�I rA", itt Mn.I t
ret 1 hP t
d rel t I 1 t
cp. l e
P r In lel
ma r
d1 a. Br
rrptbh of Atstr i
%pry little w;hlch she has toot xerare
with 'boor iiwn Sword: or Kurt. it n'
when pother of theme rtelrrpnts obf S,
rarity loses Its lowers it Ix (10,1111
---imp it mho will b, able to retain ver -
long some of th^ lwim*aoilnas SLIP nn%
falif. Nevertheless. what lo') year
ago was a ealonlal empire tlxt.•,
times greoater, thaa the Unitse,l Kin
seine hits now Kro:vn to It" M mien ;'
simpler• lilt times 1(rsentr•r than tl,
1'nitftl Kingdom, or, in other won
nn 4-mplrp of twu Al lliwl Squire Intl--
him grown IAi lo• nu cteglre ,
twelve million trluare mil.•
Compnrwl with France and (ietena"
ttritaln'S rikybinl empire- even n
paries greater propnrtiO"N ; tier len
onh,m attarhpd to Franae have n
nrpa pq afa to pnly elghtepn times th
nrpa of Frants:'wMlr thr caW I" .
I;ermany hays only an arm equal t
five times the area of Germany.
Growth of Population.
The, growth of her population Ic
kept price with her ter Artier p f'M1 i
cion. tel 1800 tile, p,p
united Kinwileo waelualy ]Ulcer m
Lens -about i 1 2 times tot• imTul•
1 on of ranmda ta+lray. in 19i n tl
' p,opdratlnn he "JIM rod at forly-.,1
endlkrmls. Thin'le a remarkable IlMren
whpn we ooMder the want lmmiftr
1 ion to CaMda. Australin, oho 1' a i
nl sta.tels, aryl. in fact• to all twirl
of the world. France, lhouittt fail,
liven of a mlonbsinK natiuu, IWTOOe,
her.pcPalAtbu from 7,000.000
::,.(1011,(X)0 only, awl (:erm'tay fro
,'Isi(A).000 to /I ,11(10,000. lharl
--Tip an too trrt64 et I00-YPArm the 4,m'
- tllaatioa of the, Empire flew gown fr„
11 5,m)(I,tm In 18.10 to .3m),IIOO,a)1
lit low.
Tho following tnMr Pet" forth ll
r0lative wtvength of the Btdtlmlk 1.1
lore nn i tier four grant rtvn fbr 11
be)verelgnty of the werkd, "nm••,
Ittlp"l, f"nited States. France Il
(:ovmally :
b,. Macs. 1'opulalk:
Britimin Em -
para ... ' ,-. 12,(100.0011 690-000,(1
Rrvwtnn F.r
p)rn ...... R,fl44.(= II Of V)(
Vnitedstatrw 11,650.(10(1 87, )0,116
Yrnvic-e and
rokahlm« S,oftfitJ0 , ofis 0,0
-j ptien ^ i,l(.---' ----- _. -..._. • - ----
We, amd
colomlrls . 1,-o,81t,(100 70 (10(1 4 11
Industrial (irowth.
not the power of the B�rit1011 F:
f.l-.. I..'m 4,. M .n.a�nrmd alone
energy be smarmy midPrl, and no n
Vo►+almamt In the arts of les lie
ie the arts of carer. An Il.2--t i
nr two on tblke plaint will xWfMr :
c(nttwy ago the value 01 all the r
Ann, line" anti WMI11.n 9tOCAN I1rm111n
by Britain Trac 922,000.000 ; till"
eragp Vallee now• M L170,or10.00(1
rl.11tlwy ago the tt)tal conrmmpt
of taw ootton, wont and flax In
!arteriole of Great Britain wax ^-f
(mK) M0 Iba. ; in 1899, tho com.or
1km war 2,617,000,0(10 Ills. in ill
hxhmstrletl alone thPsre are !200.0(
(100 Meeting Invented In capital, 1
at IPAIrt ri,000,000 people pmplo,
nm o+p'rAtors, Another Illastrotl
Th" rrlwarke power ptnployed by 0r
Britain In her Ind mtrteta In It,
yblet W44wo ItPT Majesty *4w-*"wl
111rnne, ft4w,m btpd to 41,000 ht)l
pawfor. In 1890 It nnwmntftl to
1nK ntwtforsab er, wrtln
mean as being equal to the w
of slttawe mops, DNtwln base not
toy the eiparmill l of how late
power fox Indmlstrtnl purp,mros. I
0110,(1(10 Impe til her nwtwM w,
1nIT "Welty.
tirowth of Trade.
1':rinally rpfnnrkahlp half born
010110011 at iHritAln'a fotplgn tr
At, the ek" m of the fin Monte n
tit' taelal rnetelgn trade or F.ng,
rim')nmterl to t7o000,0(l0 sterling
Anent ngtfal fo ihp trmflp of tier
minion of caeadw last year), h n
that flgerw malty of her slate.
thOOOt that British trade was,
swolllely lana {1 l ; Ila 19M her 4,t