HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-6, Page 2a tivw•pAy, May 30, 1301
The Association mei at 2 v'oluuk M. r ,
Yr Blei,wHeld le the chair. IwDeotor
w..� T' m tented the roll and sixty omit Leeching
an.wei.d :u ,heti cones
,.:.. BROS.REC
aThe rew:u tuna of the U. E. A. were them
taken .p gust dieou.ssd,
Ne, 1 rse.latiou •.,ke1 thee no person be
geentttd a u.rt. tluate to te.oh until tae. -y•
me )"era of age. Atter mu, h d,soueioo.
this .tet eetsrred 1, 11,0 teeuluuou ...mrntt-
'Chet»et4..ptu •.1 dt.ouseton, "How can
we' secure iii.',p. Odom weak amine our
pup is+" ties tetroluc.:d by J. 8 l)elL•.te.
who claimed that to flet lu'iep,odeate
among pupils the Wader should be
thoroughly oouvvnaot wltb his stair •01 .be
thus exhibit to the pupil. am example.
Pupils should be seated separately to tie
move the temptation to oopy or assist each
other. Employ the hl .ukboard for ori h-
metio On.lsad of the text book. ludlv.dual
auawel■ in the else should ' e misted upon.
raguaat test examnatl0.. should be re-
sorted to, Pupils should be entourage(' to
think for themselves. Question■ should he
of saob a nature 00 to require original
lhoagbt and answers. Questions should be
toed* praotlo.1 and asked In suet] • manner
kMto be clear. The (Mild sbould he ode -
wed not to he • days to soy tell brick.
"School Pualebmmu" was the subject of
the sett toplo,disousatd by Mr. Tigert. Be-
fore paelableg the oupil the earner should
ask the question as to the moral effect, w.d
punishment Weald never be indicted to •
v,.dictive spirt. Punishment should 1.
*stunt! end just. Mr. l igert's paper was
wadi reoelved by the teachers and showed
that Mr. Tigers had elven muoh tbougbt to
Abe subject. In the discussion which fol-
lowed Mr Boyd took ooca.lon to express
'tensely Ms sentiments against oapttal (oor-
pur.l!) pual.bmeot and he thought it the
duty ot teachers to eduo.te dons that line.
Many punishment. oaoeesarlly tntlioted at
sohool are necessitated by 0egleot along that
line .t home.
It Mart Stew .rt, pnnoipal of the
m• -del soho.1 of I:oderioh, them proceed
d to diocese ".,ohool locentives.' louen'
twee mus: be educative to thele result..
Emulation is a v-,lusble inoentive. SF mu•
Wives often engender jealousy. The weak
• hou'd Dever be bandio.pped tor the sake of
the clever. Improvement is aertaia where
the pupil 1e induoed to do better today than
yesterday. Selfishness may be cultivated .L
the expecte of self control. Praise should
be o,refully give°, but not for simply doing
duty. The chill 'Mould be trained to love
work and invited with .elf 'Detrol. Use
ex tepee of men of success to etimul•te ef-
fort. Moral perfection is approached only
wgrl action is prompted by the highest mo
L.pscter Tom called snootiest to the
o.e ocss of the "ghoul rooms to the Exeter
public sobool and eodeayored to impress up -
• the teaobers the importance of trying to
Indo:, the trustees to hove their school
rooms unproved during the vacation so that
the stanol would present a more •tlraotive
app earaoce. He also impressed upon the
teachers the value of a good dictionary.
A lhscussioo followed a to the beet oolor
for t nting walls, best blackboards and other
Moved by W. H. Johnston, emended by
P. Gowans, that the reports of the delegates
to the 1). E A. be reoelved and their ex-
penses paid; .leo that the caretaker of the
Exeter public school be paid the Decal tea.
The motion was adopted.
Commencing may 285th.
WING to the sale of the premises we occupied in
Hensall with general Dry Goods, Clothing and Gents'
Furnishings we have removed the Mock to our store
here, and find ourselves overcrowded with goods, which we
will sacrifice to make room.
Bargains in Clothing Suits-aII reduced.
'Bargains in Gents' Furnishings -all reduced.
Bargains in Dress Goods and Silks -all reduced.
Bargains in Ladies' Jackets, Capes and Waterproofs.
Bargains in f luslins, Ginghams and Prints.
Bargains in Millinery.
want the room, you need the goods, our prises will
h Bro's & Co.
Annual MalItalla OE Eke oot•
atIon Hold at MN
1111bitnitelions leen Mop 11101111111 et
esil le Teachers sod oams.-rooll. Z.
Resolutions. Oilliera Iffeetod fee
the TOM.
Exeter, May 22nd, 1901.
The West Huron Teachers' Association
mettle the Exeter public wheel, the peel
dent, Mr. Bloomfield, in the aisle
hir. (Iowans sad Mr. McWilliams were
mite. was formed tie follows Mies Mary
Rust, Mies Wilier), Messrs. Ellpatelok,
appointed to dreft • letter of condolence
with the widow of the Iste Mr. Hagehaw.
Miss Bertha Runk introduced the sub -
leo. "How eo develop • taste for the beauti•
fel." The sabeet should 14 taken up as
leader to observatton, thus provinf of great
lump bo the pupil in after life This study
tn time proves • cress growth elong the
moral side of the child's nature. Seedy
should be beguu In kerne 1. Use the
addenda/ as a means to deal with all the
aspects of weather Growth may be taken
up by planting feed., sto. Get the pupils
W. tell about what they aee. Mr. Boyd
was opposed so the Intent:Notion ot the
temetthing of domestic soteeoe, agriculture or
manual braining into the public sohonls.
We want In our imbibe schools to teach our
boys and gels to observe and then express
the result of their observations In suitable
leer/neg.. Mr. Boyd :avocet the teacher@
insp-ot the rooms of the publio aohool
and observe evidenoes of the style of teaoh•
Ina in the Nisbet public school. The preel-
done thought no subject in nor public school
tended to develop happlome and good feel
Inc in the 'oho.' more than nature etudy.
I. Kilpatrick was theo introdued and
Mamma, •'Nature of home work arid
method of correction.' Mr. Kilpatrick ad•
vomited giving of the roproduotion stories.
that is, the mediae lesson. sbould he repro•
dated in the pupils own lansnage ; review
lessons should be preferred to new wort,
re.writing and imoromng of compost
Mons that hav• been previously handed in
for oorrection ; abort exercies were prefer.
able to long the lessons should he regu-
lated according to the •Inlity of the Mad%
the subjects in which the cla, weakest
thould reoetve the greatest Otto. ; in
correcting compote time they should be read
ts the class. With regard to home work
the speaker thought the teacher should do
share of it or the school would "suffer.
D:fferent exercise bot ice should be used and
all work given should he examined or OM
neglected work would be the result. Tbe
eubject was further discussed ter. Joisa•
W on recommended specially to pared bows.
week books, as Cuthbert's En' see. Mr.
Delltatv wiss opposed to too meat and too
diffioalt home work, and to give junior
desert, home -work was wrong. Teachers
should do their teaching the school and
not we Bette children to Indulge In so moolt
mental wdery, but develop the body and
not (vertex' th• mind. MIN Rusk would
not 5101 juner pupil. home -work ; parents
should lie reeponsible for their children
befog kept off the street after four o'clook.
and this duty theuld not be put upon the
teacher,who te exneoted to give home work
to give employmeat, to the obIldren. Mr.
Fsir wield not be too rigid in •xamining
the work, such as onmnooltions, but epelliog,
oommas, periods sod fitterrogatton marks
should twortIve careful tantIon. He did
not believe In home -work all unions it be
tO read gooi book, to inor their know'.
edge and develop language.
"Report of delegates to the Ontario Eda•
oatIon Assoolatioe" was thine taken up and
able report. wore gi,en by M . Bloom-
field and Tivert. Mr. Bloomfield skive an
excellent and exhatative report of many of
the most Important papers discussed. 'The
proposal to raise the age limit of teacher)" io
entering the prefeselon wen a subject thet
a▪ lao did the making of the Bible a text book
in the school. J fl. Tient gave • •plendid
a000tint of other witiresees Riven beside those
referred to by th• president. Both reports
were well received by the teachers and
showed that the two delegate. had paid
assiduous attention to the work of the
E A Mr. Boyd, who also attended the
0. E. A. anti had the honor of reading a
paper st that meeting. also spoke of the
proceedings of that institution On motion
of My. Floyd, seconded by If N. Anderson,
I the reports of I h• ii•lematLe were laid over
for comederation at the afternoon eession.
NE --
Window Shades
and VVall Paper
In the even ng a very ouc.oessful enter-
tainment wat given In the Opera House,
which was attended by s large ami ap
president of the Aesociation. occupied the
ohair and, delivered en exoellent eddies. on
"Ike relation of the public reboot to
oltizetehip." The address was an eloquent
tribute to the sucoessful work done by pub -
Ito sobool teacbers towerde the development
In the children el good citizen., end also
an ..... at appeal to teachers to be faithful
in the discharge of their duties, ospeolally
in instilling Into the minds of their pupils
an abhorreooe cf the demoralizing practices
indulged in by goo:ailed smart politioiana in
Bloomfield'. address was purity of colzen•
▪ and hie closing romance eloquently
described the capabilities of Comedians and
the renames of our oountry and predicted
• brilliant future for Canada.
Inspector Tom offered a few timely re.
marks upon the work done by the teacher@
of Weat Huron, and highly oomplimeoted
Mr. Bloomfielt1 on hi. exoellent address.
Rev C. Fletcher, M A.. of Thames Rood
Presbyterian church, Usborne, gave •
splendid address on the importance ot the
teacher's work, end humorously referred to
the evolution of the methods at pretreat
adopted by the teacher, eapeoially In teaoke
hog :tad reading.
In addition to the above. M. Vino:ant,
I.:leer's favorite vooalist, g iv* two excel.
lent selecttons which were received with
oreat enthusiasm ; Miss Wilson,. one of
the Crediton teaohers, gave • splendid
recitation which tolly sustained the yotour
lady's reputation as an ectoomplishei eloou•
ttontat ; • very beautiful "ribbon drill"
was perfurmed by • neither of the little
girls of the Exeter public onhool under the
direction of Mts. Bathe Rusk ; • olarionet
solo was given by George Eaorett, and ex-
cellent selection@ were rendered by the
brought the eotertatoment to • pirate at
reasonable hour. The whole entertainment
was not only • credit to the iodiyitiaal per-
formers, bat groat credit to Joe the teach-
ers of the Exeter (Matelot for providing the
itscroolatIon With With RO enjoyable fano-
Ray 23rd, 190i.
minu regareing the death of the late W.
fi. liagahaw reported a latter of condolence,
with Mtg. Bagebaw, which, on Motion of
Inepeotor Tom. atioended by Mr. Strang,
was ordered to be Inscribed in the minutes
oed a copy sent to Mrs. Barth ate. The de
eased woe heei in high esteem by his fel-
low teachers fo
• terling cheroots and lots love for hie °hoe
ea work,
The disounion "tiehool Gaines" woo
he kindly dePosttion. his
lotr•.deo•d by Inspector Tom in • very
to" et address Io weeeitoy of good, Well
veru.evs, seoh as tout 11.11 •ol o'her Sells•
I 0g •parte. 'o drivel p go. 1. e. song em,
•utoNuo• as et..) .• to unite n o'•• in, noel
In school won It. The '•.cher aria .rimer.
aged 10 .usage in u d take so 1c'eree'ia
thee. •port, ti .1. A .td el ly rapt L•
m.o'ed Mr. Tam's re. 't+
W alk, ly elvteg the
methods adored to -'b,
IRua or 101411«9ail e1j4
atm.iuo tie e• n el __ -
W. MMrK.y pair nip 1 of Nene 11 l' 8 .
then took up the geese.00. '•Ate tl'e preemo
r•gda uiuw regaroulg ll.e P S. L. •1 1 1 o
toter .ud rove many p'i tie .howl00'heu
. seatilt•ototy to erecter, the teiaoipll of
ahioh were: 1. Ih.tribu•loa t.l *1e greet
was uetalr. 2. R totting some evolled
nit r. Water during every meth unjust.
3. •t'he nous• 'Mould a+ver Ewe years. 4.
Too many subjors attempted at oaea b
Minimum of time !titan Lo =Neat Nt au
examination. 6. SubjLc, .should be divided
into two groan" and only one group taken e
W. Baird, prlaoipol of Brumfield P. S.,
who alio had heed tasked to deal with the
topic, thou outlined hu view. regarding the
same. Mr. Baird endorsed Mr. MoKay's
statement and eatd that he believed in the
whole ex.mtnati a or no examination at all
The pupil will not take interest In sub)scte
to which no mallow ion is held. The five
subjects as at present ars • (Wheel' y. The
grant should he distributed 0°0014141g to at.
!iodate° ot 125 day. • year, that subject•
should be divided Into two part.: Part I. -
Grammar, literature, arithmetic, oompnsi-
tum, agriculture, drawler, reading. Port
1L -History. geography, algebra, euolid,
book•keeptog, .peill.g.
After disoueian the following retaliates
resard•.og the matter was then adopted,
viz -That the re.olutioo regarding Lb
continuation hoarse, pawed lass year by the
Association, bare affirmed with the ddltloo
of the following, viz :-That In order that •
sobool obtain the grant It is neoewry that
oton pupil should be ID .tteodance at lent
120 days In the year, and that the grant be
bawd per capita Instead e1 in group. as •t
The election of officers malteds, follow. :
-President, J. H. Titan, Duoge0000 :
vioe president, Miss W elrosd, Exeter ; sec
ret.ry•irea.urer, G W. Holman, H.ytsld.
The executive oommtttee to be °empower' of
the chairmen of the looal divl.len..
Moved by Mr. Tom, .weeded by Mr. Ti-
ger?, that C. A. Tsbutl be asked to re or-
gao'ze local divieioo No. 5, oomprtwing Emit
and West OVaw.no.h, The resolution was
adopted. It 1e e.raestly bopd that the
local divisions will take acne as soon .s
pouibls. ,
H. 1. Strang, B. A., took up the next
Item of the proemial, whtob was "Should
Luno be retained .s .n obligatory subject
lo P. S. teachers' examinations •" Mr
Strang claimed that Letla ghoul,' be retain-
ed heo•oe. It 1. useful :
(11 For tr.lotng.-1st °bwrvatio°, 201
refleolloo, 3rd memory. lllawratloo of
(L) For knowledge and' nutters. -lei,
English vrammar. 21d, will give a wider
and more .aerate vooabul.ry. 3rd, Eng
lab oompositloo, varied wave of sit w ng
same thought ; chap" of wotmoe .true•
tare. 4th. English literature, Mete • bet-
ter undemanding of many references and
(3) Profeeeon.11y.-lest, It affords e
Mai test of time s of work of teaching.
god, It give' teacher. • wider oholoe of
position'. 3.d, It 10orsaese the resew t
telt for the teacher, bods to rats. salaries.
4t1, It facili1.te.* teacher's entering •0•
other profession 1f he wishes.
(4) To keep 10 menet Ware either, 1.t,
Those already In the profe..loo. god,
Those wishing to gofer it, they have fair
note. and plenty of time to prepare on 1t
without neglecting other important sublime.
Mr. tom claimed that no aerrous objootloo
oould b. raked to retaining Latin, only it
was very ebjeottooable a have bee Deny
soles subjects forced upon the teacher.
Mr Anderson objet ed to It being oompul•
w ry. Mr. Boyd spoke strongly in favor of
paying more attention to soleuoe In ,1.w of
the fact that that branch of harems is des-
tined to play suob .n Important part In the
development of the raseurts. of our
The resolutions of the O.}' ' wtrc taken
up and discussed.
No. 2 resolution, regarding . r siding the
model term to one year, wee not 0000urred
No. 3, that graduate of the Sobool of
l'ett.gogy, not having model or normal
training, be Dot permitted to teach a pubiio
school, wig ooncurred in.
• No. 4, regretting making Latin oompol-
gory for junior and leaving ex•mmatlona,
was not agreed to.
.y Ith reference to the balanoe of the roe
lotion. the fnllowlot were adopted : 7, 8, 9,
10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 113, 23, and No. 11,
13 rejected. The other@ were not 000sid•
The following motloo was then presented
and adopted . Moved by Wm. Moh.y, .so-
unded by 11 N. Anderson, that .ay person,
subject. of Hi. Majesty, who 1. at least
eighteen years of ago, of good moral char-
acter and who Deere the pre.oribed exam
ieanette, may he awarded an adient's oar•
tifloate,and one who is at Seat nineteen
years of age . oertlfleate to take
obarge of • •ehool whoa, ge at
tend.00e doss not exceed twenty-five, and
a principal's °ert,floee to a Denson who Is
at least twenty years ot age and has Aad at
lost one tsar's expertenoe
Report of the re.olu'to0 committee as
adopted was as follows: --We, the members
of the resolution committee leg uo submit
the following resnlutlons. Resolved, in
reference to rattling the see limit, (1) that
in our opinion he desird remits oan0ot 1»
oht•ioed by age restrictions. but upon the
basis of sckelarshle, and therefore advise
that the age limit remove as It u,
(2) Tho the rtquirement. In rhe suhjeot
of spelling on the onto -snot ooarss .re too
extensive and should looted• part. 1, 2 and
3 of speller an4 fourth reader.
(3) 1'he% the rebates oo the Canadian
Teaoher u members he disonotloued and
For the month of .1 litif Wo intend offering our entire stock oi Mao,
Shades and Wail Paper at the following prices :
6 -ft. Shades, 36 itecholl complete with good spring roller, Are 29C
Genuine oil opaque Shades, same size, complete 39c
The iffrOri Made, with lace or fringe, complete- . 49c
Special line oVsnadian Wall Paper (new), 4c per roll ; with bonier to
match, 2c. per yard ; ceiling to match, Anew rico. nor wall, 4c per roll.
American Wall Paper.
We have a special line ot American Wall Paper at flo per roll, with coil-
ing anti border to match.
Extra Special Value.---Americao Wall Paper, manufacturers' price 12c
per roll ; our 'portal close pnco, 9c per roll, vri'h 15 inch frieze and
to match.
Any wall paper over will be taken hack if not trimmed, and money willing
ly refunded Watch out show windrere nod Savf% money
Store Mogen at 615 P.m , oyeript Stitnrilaysi and eveninge before holiday,.
Porter's Book and Wall Paper Store
Toisphons No. 100 13: Court How Square. Godsristi
pro prepereti give very low quotations on all
Best $2 Shoes, too
't site inn '1 tell ug you a lot lamp about our Ameriau•made Shoes for Mau sad
(1 omen- . he '•alk-O,or and Quenu Qun!ity. (Thos are unquestionably the so.
Gn s of •hues uuulu un the (I,utwl states.) Don't for a m011S00 low eight of the fact fist
esu ohm Siwe the, beet 51 60..42 Lo and 102 50 Shoo for both Men and Womuu-Shu'•
•oylish enough to please oho moat entice.' eye a�itardy enough w stand the lost of
weer We mite All leather. All Shiites, All sires. We can and will save YOU Half
Dinner on Mott's and 11 omen's Shuns at 49.00, $'d 60, and 0.00.
amp la sed let we surprise yam with the tweeting valises we offer.
Why wet tax. week?
A Con Care tut Cures
when ‘..sed mem-ding to ,lueetione. It
hue never failed to remove any hard or
.oft ...Nit foil atm h tet Isar lawn appli,d.
We make it uur,elvie amt guarentoe
F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
1' rrer of W .t at, and the Square.
that the membership fee be 95 oils and each
member furatabed with the minutes of the
O. E. A.
(4) Keeoly.4 that, In view of the prowl.•
tot place taken by Mr Rob , Parke, for -
omit! prlooipal of the (Iodench Modal
Sohool, in fashioning the personnel of the
profession to Huron, and to view of his ro-
ma promotion to the taspeotoreblp of the
Chatham oity eohools In addition to his for-
ormer oharge to West Kent, we lbs teaohsn
of West Huron. assembled In Exeter, de.
sire to oongretulate most heartily Mr.
Parke In his wider sphere of uulolae,s, and
that our secretary be estimated to forward
• oopy of this resolution.
Mr..lOrana was then caned open to we
reef tee questions deposited lo the ,tuesnoo
drawer, which he dtd ie a very satisfactory
and Instructive manner. Mr. Tom also an•
wend several of the question. submitted
and the balance were disposed of Troy sate
f.ctorlly by Mr. Boyd The treasurer's re-
port and that of the enditon was then pre-
ened and on motloo of O. Baird, .bonded
by Mr. itelgaty, the thank. of the Auoot.•
non were tendered to thq ti notices of Exeter
P. 5 for the nue of their building, to the
Exeter orchestra, Rey. Mr. Ifletvner and all
persons who waisted at the an0ertatoment
oo Wedoe.d.y evemg, and to our retiring
prude', for hi. , Nxl!e•,t address. The
Aseooi•tlon thro .djouroed to meet et Sha
oall of the, re -•i rive.
ltdoeD•e, May 20th.
Thee. Elliott is engagei with Joo Coe.
S. IlloPhail visited rel•tives in Mapes sta
Wes Roby &oriel/ returnee from Offm•
ton lase wosk.
Mrs. 0. W. Potter haa reuovered froom
her severe Moose.
T. A. MoDonald baa purcbseed a saw
Deering hay rake.
Mite Aigy Cox ban gone le Kincardine,
w here she is teaohine music.
Oar well-known Woos mason, T. A. Wit-
ten has taken the ocootraot of building the
fount:lotion of Jes. Alexander's house.
Mr. and Mrs Thee. Potter and family
b▪ atsmen visit to E C Potter on Wedsee.
Ite 4,3 else kleo tee I Mee Hear, Isle's
AND oes
OVER ...
We cannot say half enough about the good.
Dees of thew two beautiful Imes Nothing
m.ide in Canada ourepare0 with thew for
style, finish, fit or wear; Ohs very latest style,
Lilo vary boa material. and the fittest of work•
matship is charaeterietic of every twin.
Every ,fay olds to the army til plea•el wear -
ere of our two tan nue American Shoos tor Men
sod Women. WHY NOT YOU!
Large Bottle Good Polish, 6c.
O•_essaw. Jaws f
Fall Wheat 0 SI
Stour. family. wows__ 1 14
Flour, tent. per ewt0
floriat.oe..._.............t 11
............... 16 DO
Horowitz" per 1901 Oc
. Rye,per bash.....,.............. 0 Of
Huowbeat, per hash 0 t(
O.ts. 7 bash
Peas. 0 bomb .................. 5.1
Hurler. tier busk 7
Hay, 7 ton
Potatoes, 7 bush.. ...
hatter. ....-..•.
Obsess, oar lh.
P. T. HALLS Light as
a•.I M•our Alfred Pol'fer, el KIppe., oa
Ft .Jay.
Tb. pablto school board wtll meet next
M.taday evening,
Claude Fisher, of Beemlller, who has re -
wetly reLea.d from attending Viotorla
College, Tomato. was t tows as Tweedy.
Coal, Lime, Portland Cement,
Hydraulic Cement, nhar-
coal,Firebrick,3ewer Pipe,ttc.
V7e Carr
a full line of
Screen Doors and
Lawn !lowers,
Garden Bose,
Garden Rakes,
Spades and Shovels,
Paints, Oils and Var-
Elm fresh Impaoked. dm-.
Lamb !Mlle
Lite Here
I tressed HON
1111000. •
bard, per Ds.
Dressed Beef, forts ~kw
Dressed Faroe ISM "
Havant. from the let of July
middle of Beetember. Apply to Mi
WOOD, North street.
kitohen work at um C
W anted.
rua arid plenty of goad Wing
Terms ellallOttablo. Apply to j,
6 soda, oonoessione feed 5. KM Oa
*wear. ranee Jettended to sr all
beam eight or day.
ratarwesr NO. VI.
fad MOOS WIL4T or
MilLiati.TION sr.
A Good English Bleached Cotton, 10c.
AST week we opened up a big shipment of Cotton,
Sheeting and Quilts, 41irect from the English mills. In
the lot was a line of fine bleached cotton that we arego-
ing to sell for 10c a yard. It is an extra good quality for the
money, and you'll find it much nicer for fine work than the
ordinary makes.
TWO (malty blesobed COON.. lbglish make, servo. Van thread,
brWlit stisakels Sabah, wry to wow with e.nd wilt give szottlimst
pot yard
The Lawns
These are two IMMO e val-
ues of the lawns we imported.
They are specially good value,
a little better than you are
likely to get anywhere else.
We would not be able to give
It8 good for the price if we and will be found very good
for conimon use. If you need
an extra quilt or two for sum-
mer use these ought to fill the
!The Quilts
Two lines of cheap Quilts
cisme with tlw linens and Cot-
tons. They are not • cheap in
quality, although low in price,
bought them in the ordinary
0000 LAWN,100.
flood quelity wore Lawn, free
from dressing, round, e•en thread,
will waah and weer well, 40 Mateo
wile, sacra v•ine, Dar yard
Flee quality Victoria Learn, 40 Inches
wide, close, fine, even thread, suit-
able for waists, aprons or children s t•it „,
wear. Special value per yat d OC
Reiter Lawns ie Victoria and Suess as
20, 25 ing 30c
The first, car of (Dues consigned to ono firm in Ooderich hex just been
put tn @dock by UM. ()ur saving in freight alone is ono reason why we
clrt sell no low. Then agstn we've got thts stock. We 01111 giore you
any sire from a 7x9 it largo 48x62 light.
We buy in large otianttfies for Cash, and endeavor lo temp goods
thist give the hest of entinfaction
WO have a small quantity of AMERIOAN FIELD FENCING
yet, hut it in avidly thwippearing. If you have a fet.o0\111. build got
tho host, and huy it, quickly. Th • factory is so busy we cannot es any
more for three months.
The place to lib, bli Hardware shoal).
White hooey oomb Quilts, English
mak., 10/4 size, good weighe,
soft finish, will wear well, each.
F:oglish make, large 11/4 @Iwo to
fit double bed, good weight, Elm
aod free from dreselar,
A big shipment of nobby
huy them now, before
are a few o our leaders.
White shirt to•let., nee*. of rood
quality of lawn, 019 soft tanked
onff, pearl battens, back ni rows
of fins tucks, 6 rows of looks and
one of open insertion flown eaoh
eke et frank Estes geoid seise,
Hendsome white muslin shirt waists,
mati• of fire muslin, trimmed with
mind ripen ineartions anti tillAIDR,
very stylish germane sr eeeh .
shirt waists came to hand last
week. They are the season's
latest styles and come in a big
range of blacks, whites and
colors. There are many dif-
ferent styles and patterns and
of most not more than two or
three alike. The hest time to
the assortment gets broken. Here
Bleck shirt eyelet, made of tetra
good quality, bright finished bleak
fine tooks down owiti side of front, oo,o
too rows down batik, earth .. . AMU
Colored shirt waist made of fame
'tripod chambray. whit• and eon
treating ordered stripes en plelk and
Moe grounds. soft ouff, writ miller,
pearl battens. fame =lore, *soh.. . LA/L1
Chambray rt waste, In pink and
bine, aoft miff, 12 row. of tures
down top of sleeve, front and book
of Muster@ of wide and nerrow took.
Agents for Standard Patterns.
Thin Black Dress
Goods for
Thin and light weight black
dress goods of all kinds are
going to be much worn this
season. There is no 11)0M for
even a doubt about that.
If a dress is wanted that will
be as cool as a muslin and yet
a little more substantial and
will keep its color better, any
of these will be found good.
They will not turn rusty, are
stylish, servicable and mod- ,
erste in price.
Natty stripe grenadine, neat dee",
keep Ita oolor 250 •,
Flee black moms °loth, every thread
pare wool, will not turn @Teen or
e ntity, 36 inches wide. Very Stylish, 50c
light weight
Very Imitt summer weight device, •
little heavier than • ntin's wellies, 50c
36 inches wide, all pure wool
Light Weight, all wool material, "oft
Awhile betimes a wehe's veiling end
Is▪ h summer drawl, 40 Inch.. •wide
Ail wool grenadine, small broken
check &slim make. a very aged
and servioable dress, 38 lashes es
39 Mob all wool grenwIlneeiwat, small
deidirn, In stripe with small spot750
stylish and wears well
Handsome black grenadine ell pure
wool, floral and moves • h pat 00.
tern, deep, rieb black, 41 wid•
46 lenh all wool Voile, a Herat Sheet,
wanly stammer Annie laorio ehat
matte • very stylish and (tool
1.00 summer ecotone, per yard
Thin Wool drool goods. very light in
wetelit, draoes and fold* al"li, 111 60111
pure wool, 42 Nether wide, per 111
42 leek all wool plain bleak delete..
very Hem wairrlii, awaked, • earielei 50e
able Neptune, per yard
All wool detain., very fine quality,
111 White, 30 tooth. per yard Of
For Salo.
G 'MICH.-Tor este on rea
WM, property known as the Di
lands, be part of block "V ' in the 1
(iodation. staining about 32 sorer
buildiags an water rtgbta on the Kiri
Lard. For tenni, apply to OA
stone bowie sitiomed addittone
on Mown Street. H an Bore of lan
all the outbuildings thereon tbrowo
H01:81, Hayfield P O.
JU and 11,8 in Hutotilsona surveil
Ooderloto ler partionlat• apply to
Harrtoter. Gad
Mane lith. ISM
Organist and musical direotor of ),
Methodist church. and teacher of pia
pipet:1,10LO and theory. will be plea=
°sive pupils. leetrootion given ell
audio st pupil's home. se desired.
at 'emersion s Musio Store. West et
of Orimmeree building, mot Wile of
Night calls ot mildewed,
Dr. Memnon. Dr. Hallow
old residuum. Orwiteir M. Lain
'Phone 64.
Insomnia', ota
V ANON sad real 'elate &MEL Of
door east of P. 0).. Choderieh. Agent
leading stock oomeanies
towel rates (all at office.
TT . Accountant and Insurances Am
Hooka and a000unta made up.
Handing. rented and rents oolieoti
Firs Insurance In Bathe sad U
la Proudfoot Hays' alio
stew Ciodarise.
rl 3. T. NATl'EL• GENERA
Fire, Lite, Aooldeatand Plate Glass In
effected on mutual or cash plan st
Hest Knatilsh and Comedian corneae
Office next door to Oarrow Gam
asters Hamilton Ittreet.
liodol Tailoring.
fl MMus: suiting@ that onr =stow
waiting for. which we book our repo&
Welker with other nose suitable for
Midsummer, squally •1 wood. fidget
Mae/ wort al moderate prioee.
Panne Notioo.
mitioe that anyone bathing
islands. wing or tampering with ti
shooting or lemmas dna upon any par
pert/. 991 tss arrested and or
A 000rt of revision will be heid ot
day, the ati day of June next, at A
for the Dr pose of hearing oompliOnt.
the proposed aseriemeot and scourer
frontage measn-eminte or any oihi
Malmo Realest the raoetilly advertise
Ilthle walks which persons interested
sire to inaAtyy.bigkgrp be jifw
Notice is hereby given that section
law No of lab will be in tomcod after
lima= of this warbles. Said eel
"That no doge or bitches =all rut
in the streets or public places withir
',oration of the town of Gorierich.
months of June, July or A Vane, w;
Ing sufficiently or properly mural,'
1111 @soh dog shell be tonna rennin'
within the mid corporation rerun
'revisions of this bylaw. the Mayo'
Jostler, cf the Peirie In and for the(
Huron Is hereby aothorize4 °ate
doe to be destroyed by any constablo
Peens officer."
1,07 IN 001.4RICH.
Under and pureuant to a power of
tithed In a certain mortearm mad
vendor, dated the ilith day of Moir
OIL which will be pet (need at tirne
there will he offered ti • sale hi Pohl
Thoti. Hendry. sec Meier, at tit
home, Hamilton Street. Ooderloh,
day. the Rth nay of hoe, 1001, et tea
the fonowine property. via : lot
nnmher One In the town a Ondere
ot Ian&
This lot Is the Odra "teat of the
Inaltnte. and it extends frOni Pict=
Britannia road. There is on the lot
story dwelling boom. with kit,
minims, kitchen anneTall. Thorsen,
lirood fruit trees and the garden
tioriany goner
Terms of Rae ; 10 per Gant, of the
Memo,' la a. tmittt to the eitatior or
tees at the tone of sale sod the bola
ent interest within thirty days thrr
The preperty inn he sold outithot
tenet. hid.
Roe forth*, Partionlar. a"ly
loiter es to
lad am Mist Ws. A.D. IOW