HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-6-6, Page 1fi
• 't
THRILL "A "a e e
. ,,.r1 ADV'Te Alt,
tett and hying Machine.
r m
FIFTY-FOURTH Y E 1 [t* -2&33
Carried Over a Dam in the
Schuylkill River. a palest Wield dentltrlee ter tic
`' Teeth estd Mouth
I'bilndrl;liin rejesrt : A rowbtutt. SOZUWNTTOOTh piWping. Tic
e70UNZ`Y:utuliilltlr ' merry party of eight ' LOW LIQI)
e pnuplr Rite "wept w'er Flat I AL all tiaras, or by Mau for the pries.
u In tlto BDhuy'IkUI litterNtlr MALL • RUCKEL, MONTREAL.
anti 'beton of thous- Ink I
•Y -were druwped. Tho
GOUE11,1CH, ON 1'ARl ). OAN ADA : JUNE' 6, 1901
O,__==. Alae 6, I20
Fell Wheat 061 to
Flour, amtwt. per M1 iw tbo
itoor, pa U 00 tol
H+aa. ti too...._ .....
1bsr1.. •too ' . .. w.. .. 16 00 1.1
Screwing* per owl
R1 per bush.........,...1
B wheat, per blah
Oats. boob
Pic, huh ,,..... ••..r.,
1)5rler, per bush
H•7 • too
Potatoes. 1 boob
Sutter........................ ..
Ohese. oar lo..........
Eras fre.h .opooked, dog
Hides. ........... • w..
Lomb -Slims .-.
Live 1 0 'b
Dreo"s tkafa7
lora. per lbb .......... ..
D . ed Heel. Nal " r
1 Oo to
040 to
0 40 to
S0 b
56 le
37 to
0 to
10 tea.
13 to
10 to
O2 to
00 &i
eo 1.
et to
00 to
12 to
00 to
00 to
75 to
00 to
Tun Chaps.-Tbe P•n-American shows
spread their canvas Iaen Thursday on the
old ratoket grounds It was proollo•Ily the
same show as was biro • year ago as Lemon
00 drus.' olron. Th. weather was threawuteg
DO •Il day and ib. •tteadanoe •t the p.rform-
50 attoes was not very large.
31 New Music Bowe. -"Battle Songs of the
as Cross" by Juo. M. Whyte, evangelist, Te -
60 ronto„is )net out, and by Tne Clinton Nsws-
25 Record we sotto. that on. of Clinton.
II mueloal young ladles bas oompoa.d some
II selections for this book. Tb.s (s MIM M.
Mode Goodwin, who tea theory pupil of W.
Gann Campbell, of town. This oertatnly
rt Buts credit on Mr. Campbell'. t'a:biog.
Wtuayon. V ssnti.
WANTSD. - • 000D esNseAL
servant. frees filo 100 d Jul le tis
middle of September. Ap$7 to Mt i. E1
WOOD. No th etre st. h
kitchen work at fns C'Worse House.
W anted.
run and plenty of good spring water.
Terns reasonable. Apply to J. H. E0 W A R I),
lots 5 asd 6, 0000esslons 1 and a. L D. Cul b x ire,
or dodertc6 P.O. lm
Pbr IWO.
DODERICH.-Por sale on reasonable
term•, the propert known as the Dletillory
lands, being part of block "F' In the Town of
lloderlotL oonalning •bout 33 sores. with
bundle's and water. Anhui on the River Malt.
Iced. For terms apply to HARItO W t OAR.
ROW. solicitors for the vendor.
D eJ salt, will purottaes 040.1 large
steoe bort.. with six -roomed addltlon,sIttu1d
oo Plown Street. Half an &ore of load wi th
all too outbuildings thereon thrown ie. For
further rtioulan apply 10 THEO, J 1100K-
HOUSL Hayfield I'. O. : tl.
RSALK.-WTS 96. 96, 117, 118. 119
tend It6 to Hutoblson's survey. W 1n
Oodeefeh. For partioulu• ap ly a
Barrister. hto., Uoderich.
Marsh IIt6, 1200. 6 -14
0.1111st and muslo.l director of North.et.
Methodist charoh, and teacher of pianoforte.
pipe organ and theory, will be pleased to re
es v pupils. Instruction vas either at
studio or u pa il's home, as . Studio
at Emerson's (Mello Stora. Westwt. Tiff
BICIANS and Sargeot a. Omoe In Reek
of Commerce building, west side of Square.
Night calla at resldeooes
Dr. Shannon, Dr. Gallow,
.Id rwtldese.. Napier 11. 0401. es. w.
'Phone N. Passe 26.
In.uranotk, tato.
ANCE and real Nate •gent. Omoe. one
doer east Of P. 0.. Ooderlob. Agent for the
leading mutual sire losuan a oom°sous and
loading stock comt.anion
Msso.MU.e sad maauaoturing risk*. at
lowest rates Cell st omoe.
VY Aoosaaaet and lasur•noe Agent.
Boob and accounts made up.
Buidings rented and rents oollented,
Fir. (Insurance In Britsh and Canadian
tJ60 In Proodfool s Hari amoe, North
street Ooderlah. t2 -U
BURANCE and Real Late erect.
Pira, life, Aooldeat and Plate Ola•" Insur.oce
eR.oted on mutual or ooh plan at lowest
rates pawl Die.
Best Roglah and Canadian companies rep
Ocoee next door 1. Darrow tz Darrow, Bar
Asters Hampton street
Model Tailoring.
spring multsep th.t our customers were
waiting for, w61oh we book our reputation on,
together with otter lines eult.We for spring
and summer, egally a, god, Strictly drst-
elaes work al mderste pr1Oes.
Urrr Pareoo'e Fair.
Pubtie Mottos.
Mr.r Ousav■ Tal Law. -Two mea
were taxed $2.60 'soh in the Polio' Court
on Tuesday for allowing their bones to run
at large. They pleaded Ignores*" of the
law, and the M.gistoate, who desired
simply to dmslster • wuoing,let them off
on payment of ousts. He wishes It to be
understood, however, that the law must be
oburved and that those who violate it must
NI expect lealeaoy.
BUILDIN, Norm. -F. Smooth s adding •
oeooad story to the (rams dwelllog on Elgin
•venue 000apied by Mrs. Oliver R
H. Cut% le building, a solid brlok ware.
boas*, 70 ft. by 22ii It, .t the rear of hie
store on Kingston street Chas. Reid
has .arced tb. belok work on Mr. Wells'
house oo East street. B. C. Munitions s
delog the o•rpenter work Wm. Green's
neat cottage on Trafalgar street 1s nearing
11 hxcututor Tu Dllrao1T.-Tbe steamer
Lilly of Toledo. of the Whits Star line, w111
roe • oh.ap excunlon td Detrolt on the 19th
of this moo:h, returning next day. The
f.n sur the round trip will bo only $1. The
steamer will Ieev. here at 8:30 A U., E.*eern
time, on the 19.4, arrlylog •t Pt. Huron
12:30 nod .t Detroit 4:30 P. r. Returning
leave Detroit. Tboreday, at 2 r. r„ 1'%.
Haroo 6:30 r r., •rrivls, at Godertoh 10:30
r. a. ('he return to Detroit will be made
oe the 21.t, for whioh the f.re the one way
1111 be $1 Go the Tuesday evening betore
her trip a Detroit the City of Toledo will
run . moonll,bl'rounle l oe the lake under
the •aeplon of the band, the fare for whlon
will be 25 otos.
Corurt'rua Areas OtTo A Naw RCN. -
0.1'. R. Cenduotor M. Algae returned
Thurod.y night from his western trip.
Wbil.-away he etteooed the meeting of the
Grand Dlyi.00 of the Order of Railway
Conductors .6 Sr. Paul. Minn., and visited
his ester 1n that ally, and also spent ten
day. with hs daughter, Mn. J. W. Martlo,
nn Winnipeg. Oa Friday k. left town to
ake • new run on the Grand Trunk, be-
twen Port Horou and Sespowloo Bridge.
He le ploeod to oharrs of a Dew feet mala.
e at of she mast ImperMst ea the read. and
tbe appointmeet fs • deoidd promotion.
Mr. Algia'. tamily will remain hen anal be
Btu noon the most ooneonleet polot for
ehelr future resldes.e.
notice that anyone bathing off the
Island". using or ampering with the ferry.
shooting or treepa.,lne 000n any part of our
will be arrested and pro.eooted.
D . ..oATTI(ILI. 321(
A court of nyWoo will be held on Thurs.
tare the'Jib day of Jane next, at 8 o'olyak.
for the pr Does of hearing oompaf nut agaln.t
the proposed seeese.101 and aoouracy of the
frontage meaoo-emrars or am other oorn-
ylalnls nggaallmst the morally advertised grana
Iithle walks w61eh persons Interested mer As
sire to make whioh aro b law oogIrnlzable by
the or . WM. M1TCH*) L,
Ho reio IA).WON CArr.-The voloutNre
lett on the 2.30 i•. ea. train on Tuesday to
ake part in the anneal Inlato6 at London.
An •dvtlu oontlsgest lett Monday morn-
ing to get tents e.00td, oto. No. 1 oom-
p.oy le thirty-four strong, with Lieut.
Maovloar In oommand, and Lams* C. Dun-
lop and Bert M•rtte, No. 9 comps0y fe to
oomm.od of (,apt. Uuadry, with bleats.
.roots and Johns. Ths company authors
thirty nine men and s supremely happy in
the pesesuioo of David Corbett; as 000k.
O'her offton who left on Tuesday were Lt.•
Col Varooe, Major Young, Major Halm•".
Last• (Lett, (.tent. Jordan and Lieut. Mo
I'hall Both the Uderioh and the Dun
raenon oomp•nles, jud,ing from their
m.ke up, should make • good record at
o.mp this year. Tbe London Advruesr
' aye : ' The flet quartermaster to arrive on
the grounds and h.ve hie teats ereoted was
M.jor Book, of the 33rd regiment." The
boys will be In camp until the 15th.
THs `SALT CoraINL.-T6• following des
estate was •sot out Irom Buffalo oo l6.
30th ult.: "Ib.000solid.tlon of the Iwo lead-
ing 5.lt womanise of Canada was •doom
plished here today. The Canadian Salt
Company and the Wtodsor Salt l7.mpede.
the two 0000srns w61oh control praotloaly
the entire Balt output of the Dominloo of
Canada, have Men 000wlld•td under the
name of the Candlan Salt Company, with •
capitol stook of 28,000.900. Donald Smith,
presldest of the Bank of Montreal, le tit•
preeident of the oombloatlo0. Tbe bcard
of directors s oompoeed of Sir William 0
Van Horne, T. 0 Shaughnessy, of Moot-
real ; Arthur D. Bissell and Frain .'o Mo-
Unw, of Buffalo ; O.R (%o0kburo,presidoot
of the Beak et Oetarie, and Thomas Taft,
of Montreal. '1'he headgoartere of the new
0000e.n will be in Montreal." The Iooal
.alt oo0osrns h..e no definite loformation
ding t.be reported oon.olld•tlon, al-
though we undersand that negotiation*
hays been going on for some lime.
Tile STRErr FAIR. --The aanlversary of
the Dominion of Csoada le to be oelebr.td
to Goderlah this year by the holding of •
trades oarnlvl on the street. of (luderloh
Aurins July lrt god and 3rd. It Is pro•
pes.d toget up a monster eat-of'door ex-
position u, street fair to 000sist of ethib-.1.
by morchaoa, by manufutorere end by
producers. oovering all the multifarinus (n-
du.trles of Gnderion and vicinity. Already
forty townspeople ha.e contracted a t.ke
•pace and "root booths on the Selaare and
malotalo ..me for the three d•y.,.od It le ex-
peo.ed the tint r. Square will be filled, both
side. of the street. a the oommit.ree has •
Dumber of .ppllo•'lons from outside moou-
taotorers and more will oome In Anntber
feature le t.o h.,. daily parades of various
kled., • horn show, sehool oh(Idren's per
Notice Y hereby Moen that section 44 of By-
aw No got 1776 will be enforced after the p0a
Beatles et title warning. Bald Nealoe to ae
40110p.. :
"7hat m. dogs or hitches shall rue al large
In tba streets or pnbl le places within the nor
portion Of the town of oodarlch, wltble the
months of Jne., July or Angust, w;thont bo-
les emm teoti7 or properly mauled, and 1f
e rr snnh dove shall be tonon ronoing at large
within the Bald corporation nontrary tothe
p!rovisions of this bylaw• the Mayor or other
Jawlo. of the 4'.voe i o and for the County of
Huron (. hereby anthortred 1. ranee the ea'd
dog to be destroyd by any constable or other
2 -11.
Under and pursuant te • power of sale esu
lolosd to • certain mortgage made 40 the
vendor, doled the 13th day of March. A.D
L 91, whioh will he pr. laced at time of ea1n.
thors w111 be offered h • sale by pnblto atrntten
M Thu, Onndry, an, loner at his *notion
rooms, Hamilton Stet, Soderloh en Sator
day, the 8th day of Iris, 1001, et 1 o cloak r r.,
the following property. vl. • 1,et running
amnia, 406 In the town of Od,Heh, In the
0oant of Haroo. °attaining over 1 of an oars
of land
Thu lot s the third swat of the Collagist*
10071111., and It antsnde from Pinson street to
Brianna rood. There 10 on Ma IM a frame
Ij story 4welling how's, with kltehen and
summer kitchen aneeted. There are •boot 13
g ood frail trees and the garden s sxaep-
y0n•lly rood
Term' of Salo : 10 per rant. 0f the DDnnhoae
mener 1. b. paid to the vendor or tole s041o1
tors at the time of sale and the bal.nee w,lh-
ont Interest within thirty tiara theeaattn.
Tisa propeirty w111 be sold subject to • le
senor Me.
For htrtha, pareleslare apply b lba 005-
loeue er to
.de, free entertainments oo the streets by
btgb-olassartiste •t frequeot laterrals,.asb
day many bands of masao, grand fireworks
displays at 01got, th• Sy uare to be highly
deoor•ted ooe eveatug. It Is proposed to
have • a noert In the rink sod the last
sewolog • grand m squer•de ball. 'These
are • few of the features proposed.
WeDUED AT KtNo. otsr.-MIM Edith
Pembertoo, youngest deregister of Mrs. ChM.
P.mberwo, was married la the Cburob
of All Salon, Klno•rdine, sou Thursday,
May 30th, to Geo. Carey eon of
Mre. (Kev.) M. Turnbull, of Uodeirloh.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. M.
Turnbull, rector of St. Ueors s Uudsrlu8,
•tested by Rev. Chas. Miles, rector of All
Saints, the cburob being beaalltully deoor
• ted for the 000Mlob. rhe bride, who was
riven away by H, D. Cburob, of Toronto,
brother -in law, was handsomely "owned la
white silk, with yell and orange blossoms,
and oarned • Inge bouquet. She dos .►-
tended by Misses Dully Andros,of Torooto,
and Gladys Lo.00wbe, of Kino•rdine,
charmingly attired. In attendance •Iso
were two little pages, J•ok Soougal and
Arthur Smith. In sailor ooetumes of blue
and white. Messrs. Fraser, of Loodon, and
Turnbull, of Ch•th•m, sated os 4roomsmen.
Mr. Guff, organist at S1.11eorge'e, Uodertob,
pre.dod at the organ. Upwards of fifty
guests afterwards partook of • obolos de•
jenosr, supplied by Webb, .t the residence
oo Prinoews atreet. The happy ooupla left
by the afternoon train for the Pan Amerl-
oats, Buffalo, after doing which they go to
Europe fora sew months. ReturningB Ibey
ake up their residence near Londoo, Ont.
renewing 11. ragout for • stood In th•
Square from which to give tis summer eve•
ping 0000er1.. Ceraiuly, ]t the bond wants
a sand, It must be provided, but the quM-
tloo whioh hos nor yet bean satisfactorily
settled is, Where le It to be leoatsd' It
Memo a very simple matter, but there •re
• good many rides to the question. Not
only the oonvemeooe of the bud but that
of the publlo as well must be oonsldered,
and then there is the objection that the
bandstand os ordinarily built le far from
• rtstic ani that In Ise Square It would soon
beoome ail eyesore. 11 the 000noil had
plenty of mousy at la disposal, no doubt a
handsome structure ouwld be provided
that would be gats in toping with
the surrounding., but failing this
we think the best wggeetloo that
bas beep made is th.t • baloony be built out
tram either the east or the west side of the
court house. T61ia we behave would meet
the wishes of the players and then could be
co obje.aio0 to It on the score of unst"htll-
o ees. !t would •leo provide • good piece
for public "peeking on uslebnttoo days.
Aod it wouldn't bankrupt the town 4Ve
de Det ase any better solution of the problem.
Vetoers 1041016.*
rap w M lQ UNA A.D. Y2" IMI
STRAY (7A1.1". - GAME TO I'Hk
*melees of the nnderel.ned. Win. Moore,
les oonreselon, E. Is. (7olborne. oe or .hout
the 10th of Mar.. steer calf. The owner bo re-
quested to prove property. pay . exp'ness and
tate the animal awry. WM YCORE,
Beomlller P. 0.
Publlo NOUoo.
hews retold Till HARBO..-Th. itr,
O.eifr•g., of the Ulerpue hoe, was In on
Frldey oo her regular trip south and again
on Saturday •veotng found north. On
Yatarday evuing in some way she bumped
loco the wharf to front of the elevator, do -
tag s little damage to the wharf but none
to p.r.elt. The loot little steamer made
the trip from Sarnia a (Mderloh in 4 hours
sod 40 mlonies....Sunday morning the err.
Myles when uomtog into her berth at the
eleyBtor bad a log oanght In her wheal, and
becoming unmanageable ran (oto the wharf.
The prow of the boat and the faoe of the
whorl for a few feet were both somewhat
damaged. necessitating repairs. The
Myles had 42,000 bushels of wheat from
Fort William for Riobardson Bros , of
Kto,aloo, half for export and half for 00-
tarto miller.. She olested '1 useday evening
for Fort Wilitam....To. Bohr. Mary S
Gordon arrived Sunday morning, light, to
load salt for 410rs Bay... ,The aohr. W. 0
Goodman arrlye4 Toeeday from 0440060
with 22,150 bushels of oorn and after ds
charging at the elevator left Tuesday night
for Alabaster... The sir. Bayfield le has
Ing her rudder -stook, wblob was bent, re-
paired at the engine works.
THE BAND'S FINANCin.-Folio wins Is the
6010otal statement of the Goderioh Maelosl
Society for the year 1900 01 :
1900. aecuPT'4
June 2o4. To bslsoos trom lir,
A. J. Moore (tinning treasurer) $ 67 97
June 20 To proceeds from Iske
incursion.... .
July 31 To prooeeds from band,
Codi rardeo party, 1I5 00
St, Georgi s ohorch 5 00
('atholic ohurob...... 5 00
Knox cburob 5 00
1901. Mar. 25. To prooseds
from dram&lo enteraa-
meow gl
April 1 T'o grant from town
" " To subscription' from y
oHtzens a
1 I't.'RL1(7 the town dvertIMs the tnilow
log sections of Rylaw No. S.,00mmonly known
as the ('ow R)law ,
Whereas ander the rovisions of the Munl-
olpal Ant its declared that the council of any
town may pees bylaws restraining the running
•t large of animal•
And .her... It le da• 'able to restrain the
running a large with, i the ..ld town of
0o4ertnh of rattle, homes, cheep and other
animas within the mcaelne of the saki Out-
nta :
1. Thwwofore be Itemoted b thernnnlnkpal
onnisol of the maid town of Oodrrinh and It 1s
hereby enacted that from and afoot the date
hminafter .tared for too coming 1n foroe of
the bylaw, It shall not he Ise?, for any raw.
ot, hall, horse, sheep, p'.. or any other ani
mal, wlthln the mimeo's( of the Nati Stel ae.
te ran or be •t terra In the high ways. rtre.te.
lanes, park', or other open spate• .4401, th.
limits of the laid awn of Ooderinh, nniest
e ach animal •n bsing at large le In the Im
th mmediate i•on
me..Ia1. es
m and nnAer • 1
trol of some per an or Derma• eapab•e of ear
sgR for avid oontrai'ls, the same.
1. That from and after the fiats arorwrld no
porern own, n1 or to tel po•.es.lon of any
suet •nim. 50.64 nsrmll sm h animal to be or
rem at Lowe within t►. limits of the said
tows. not trete onnh Immediate can and
DSstnl as •lttend&
rata. IlliTcliiLl.
35 15
29 00
20 30
200 00
99 00
$442 42
E7 ogle DITi1RCt.
By instruments. repairs sod
m 0.10 $ 78 18
" ,1. S Platt's s000unt520
" W U Prldh•m13 60
" F- .1 erldham 8 00
s. Telephoning 1 00
" Careaker of bell 7 00
" Band .alts 100 50
1901. By H.K.,Jordan,le.der 200 00
May 20. By talsoo. on hand 28 94 442 42
011TerANDIN4i LIAkl LIrlesN.
Amount dos old Annotation
Instruments and mono
Sundry small uoouute s
$ 45 50
49 65
25 00
doom for such plus so cut nod disposed .4f,
w64o4 ere now fixed at $1.25 per tbuuund
'1'aocs4c ]N Ta■ Fs).'lRADE. -1'he lead -
log esg-dealers of the 1'rovmoe and the ad-
jaowt States met In couveotiou for the first
time at the Roseln House, Toronto, on
Monday for 16s primer v purpose of tatting
to a law -suit to whlo6 the loterests of .11.re
involved, and with • seoondary abject of
Iorming an organisation for the proteotlou
of lodividual dealers in emergeoules each as
the ooe that mads thlo present g•therint
o.usesary. Macy prominent members of
the-gg ezportiog trade were represented at
the meeting and during •!most the entire
day that they were in session they duous.ed
toe suit rou,ht by U. U. Wilson, of Sea -
forth, scatost Wiliam Mel•trum A Co , of
Montreal. The suit, whish le brought to re•
cover unsated damages for • breach of •
patut,means • great deal to the Mr dealers.
Mr. Wilson olalms to have dlsooverrd .nd
patented, some eighteen months •go, a pro-
u.e. by which a' er treatlog eggs witb •
solution of lime to preserye their quality
they or. put In • solution of glyosnou to
premsrye then natural apper.oc.. The pro.
con bas baso wood by almost sy.ry •:porter
of eggs la the oo0ntry, and Mr. Wilson's
ol.tm of • royalty of owe out upon every
doyen treated by the prooess has boon the
cruse of the mooting. Some eight million
dozen egg. wen exported from this country
lett year, and .bout 70 per oent. of this
amount were treated by the glycerine pro -
mase. One Toronto firm alons exported one
million dozen ergs, and 1e liable for the
royalties tf the wit of Mr. tt•ilson lesuoess
ful Althougb the MeiJrum firm, against
whioh the wit 4" brought,wam not represent.
td at Monday's meeting th. nue will be
strenuously fought, and prominent dealers,
looluding many of those at the meeting as
well as others. will bs o.11ed uo behalf of the
defendants. It s claimed that the glyoertoe
process was Wed In this oouotry six years
ago, and th.t It was even thou in common
uta In Denmark, from which ooantry the
bat teotpe for the preservation of eggs
CARsurHatus. - Ao old nod reepeoted
reddeotof awn glowed away on Wedoes
day, May 29'h, io the person of James
Carruthers, of the Horou road. Death
was the result of the wearing out of the
ly.tm rather than of any illness, •s the de-
oeaeed had reachvo the ripe ose of el.bty-
two year.. The remains were interred In
M.ttlaod °emitter, oo Friday afternoon,
Kev. Jas. A. Anderson, of whose ohuroh
Mr. C.rruthers was • member, 000duotlog
the f I eervioes and the pall -bearer.
being Root. Imre, Alan. Stirling, Mr.
Robertson, Robt. Orr, John Emmertoo and
Thor. Heed. Mr. 1Jarrathers was born to
Aberdeen. Soot" ed, lied 0am5 t3 C.oada In
1856. He resided a *hart time at Hamlltoo
and then removed to Oakville, where he re•
rosined about twenty years. For the past
twenty-two years he h.d been a resident of
lindench He leaves a widow and four
daughter : Mrs. Rost. Ball, of Uoderioh
township ; Mrs. Reins, of W tadsor ; Mre
M.w, of flkepperdten, sad Mies Carruthen,
at bees*
(ACHaen.-Rev. User's Cochran, 1). D.,
1)-..0 of the C.Orge of Liberal Ara of the
University of Southern Ualiforna, did on
M.y 24th at loos Angeles, to his six6y•el"hth
yo.r Dr Cochran •vas at one time pastor
of North street Methodist church, Gode
rich. The Christian Guardian says of him :
"In hi. boyhood he kosw the .,enc^les ID-
oidvot to bush life In V1 •.nnt 0., .. , but
a oatuta! craving for book*, which was both
quickened and purified by hie °novelsiou,eo
abed him to triumph over limited means
and opportunities, so that he became oh* 0l
the moat wbol.rly men to the ohurah. All
tbrougb life he was a moot diligent stu Cent,
and amMaed et nr.. 0f Information such .•
are pussMasd by few. Beganiog hs minis.
terial life as junior pnaoher on old•f..hioo-
ed oouotry ouoults, he steadily advanced
till be became pastor of tome of our most
important oily obarre*, ohurnan of dle-
trtct, and ultimately prom/out of bs can
fereoos. l0 1873 he was sent with Rev.
Davidson M.c'lonald to found our mlesion
to •lopan. There bis ripe scholarship, deep
de,otloo, and manly Christian obarooter
were . power for good, nod won, in no or-
dinary degree, the oontldenoe and respect
of the Japanese. When Dr. Cochran re-
turned a Can•d• at the time of hi* tint
furlough, he remained for several year* In
the oouotry, holding imporant pastorate*
in the oity of Toronto. At the request of
the board of minion, he returned .goo to
Japan to ak. °barge of the educational
work, and for the rest of his time •broad
was dean of the (.holly of theology In our
oolleg.In 'Ibkyo HI. Bervloes there were
0t great •alae."
$120 15
for the allotmant of the Intorno' hand
croon has. lust hean fr•mod and passed by
Order in-Conooti Under the.• theenooM,-
fal applicants will have the oholoe of any
sed now open for 'ale or leeation In any
of the township, north of the Frenoh and
M•It•wan Klyers, and Ink• N3pltoing, nod
west of the Quebeo boundary to Manitoba.
A'. present, the Department of Crown
Leodo eat4esa1e. this will emhr•nn between
75 and 100 townships. Under the terms of
the bill only one appllo.0t may be touted
to the rgoare mile. As .soh townebip pos
101140500 area of 36 egoare miles, It will b•
teen that although the are• actually open
and ready for settlement s • small portion
of the whole territory yet it gives room for
esvrst times as many soldiers a w111 apply.
The regulations and forme for tilling In will
be printed In • few dap, and it Is possible
that applicants may be tarnished with •
map to •ssir8 them In choosing their land.
The regulallons provide la • general way
fe declarallons as a the se v •
r r toe in 1h
field of .00h applicant, fir.t, by the appll
set him.lf 1 .soondly, by a oemrd. Is
the field, and, thirdly, by the senior sur-
vtying commanding ARleer of the corps in
which he geryed. Where some of thee* are
'mpnenble other mean, of proving olalms
may be aeread upon. Declarations ars •Isn
required by two dlneten.ted perinea that
the land applied for is wholly neno-
eepled and ,.improved, and 1h•t there s
e o avers. rein n, to it
t Tbe missa ►ad
mlnsrals pap with the land rrant, toot the
p'e. limbs" 15 reserved to he Crowe. Thy
locates, how,ver, may oat wb.t pins he
meed• for handl.. or lee ming upon his land,
and may ase, out and r.mey• any other
peso Weber mso'esary le nleart.g 84.1oad
fee ealMyati.s. by parkas eed y Oros.
human patlenoe sod reelgoatiow to tbt "111
of her M.ker,.nd, wheu the end bad indeed
fame, of knowing she died, as she had Dyed,
• true "ch11d of Mary .' The tuner•( took
pplaceoo'1'bursday, May 23rd, the Vounv
Ltdles' Sodality, of whioh dsoeased was a
member, marohing 5omlde !be hearse from
her ta4er's resident" to j1. Foresee church,
whore high mass was celebr•tod. Rey.
Father McCormack, of lttp sbrldge, who
otliola1.d In toe at.senoe of inv. Father
West, delivered an appropriate discourse.
The oholr, of which the deoeased was also •
member, rendered the "mass for the dead"
admirably, nod Miss N. MoDooald sang
"Jesus, be her rest o1.rnal"-a favorite
bvmn of deceased -exceptionally well. The
palIbearers were J. U. O'Connell, S. W.
Alexander, Fred Shan000, J. Butke, J.
MacDonaldand A. Lyon, -who were replaoed
on the arrival of the future prooeselot
of upwards of ane buodred nod fifty oar•
rtagee 11 St. Joseph's cemetery, Kingsbridge,
by W. nod A. Ford, M. L.mbert0., W.
O'Loughlin, D. D. Flynn and '1'. 0rl 40.
The oukst was opened •t the ohuroh te
give relatives nod friends Io the parish,
where Ger ohlldhood had beep spent,
00 opportunity of looking, for the
last time, on ooe who win be-
loved by al1 who knew her. A "spiritual
bouquet" was oontributed by toying friends,
pupils of St. Joseph's school, the oholr and
1-oung ladled Sodality, °onelsting of offer -
logs of masses, prayers, oto., for the repose
of her soul. '1h• floral tributes oonsi.ted
of wreaths, hearts and other de.lgns, from
Sean of St. Joasph, Mies Megan, Mn, N.
T. Klely, Mrs. A. M. MoUregor, Mteses
(lean, Judge Doyle, M. 0. Cameron, Mrs.
E. J. Koettl, Stratford, and others, all In
thoughtful appropriateness with her name,
"Lily." Donated was aged ntneten years,
eight months and olne days. and, beside
her father, leaves three sisters and two
brothers to mourn her loss. -Cor.
MAt'Ksv.-The death of Rev, Dr. te. L.
M•ok•y, of Formosa, has bean miaowoed
by cablegram. Tbe deceased was the
world-famous missionary of the Canadian
Presbyterian church and one of the fore-
most figure" to missionary effort la modern
times. Hie name has been for thirty years
linked with that of Formosa, for It was 1n
1871 that he first went to that I.land,
whioh was then a portion of China, and from
welch he had since returned on but two visi1.'
During all that time he threw the effort of •
spleodld manager and Oise religious zeal of
•o apostle (oto a work which has made hs
name famous throughout the civilized world.
Tbe oablegr•m which cams to Dr. Warden,
Toronto, read simply : "Dr. Maokay dead."
He had b.en "offering for the past five
mouths from Danner of the throat, and for
five or six weeks It had been known to hl"
intimate friends that) reoovery was impoe.I•
ble, Two months •go he sought medloal
aid on the mainland •0 Hong Koog, when
•n opmtlon was performed. but without
permanent relief. Dr. Msok.y was • Can••
dtan, having been bora in 'Lorca, county
e! Orford, on Marsh 22, 1844, of Highland
5°utch plu ate. After rsodybog • thorough
University tralolog, he was ordained by the
Toronto Presbytery to 1(371 and In the same
year went forth to lbs island of Formosa
as the Prot mWionary to the heathen ever
Mot out by the western sublet of tie Can -
oda Presbyterian ohur..... His work to Yor•
mw• was highly successful. He was the
means of establishing betwean sixty and
seventy c6urohes, • hospial, schools. and in
addltl• n oollege, called Oxtord College,
!or t6• •r•in:og of the native minstry and
for t u h,gf et utiisation of the girls of
the slap'. '('here are in additon thirty-five
B.ble icor, •n and eight day .obool. ler the
eduo•I ion of the children of Christian homes,
all .abashed by Dr. Mwkay. H• further
(ement of hu interest In his Bfe work by
marrying s Formosa lady In 1870, and hl■
family cooesa of ooe can and two dangb-
ters. Tbe latter are married to Chinamen
and are engaged n the mission work. Dr,
Maokay will be remembered by many t0
(ioderloh, wb-,re he spent some time 00 the
000asioo of .soh of hie rsturo visite to O•n-
• d•. On then occasions he and his family
were the saute of Mr. nod Mn. James
Stewart, who were old acquaintances of Dr.
Mackay. Mr. Stewart first knew him when
he taught In the Ssltfurd publlo school. he•
fore he went to Bormoha. Hs first return
to Canada was in 1881, when be spent two
or three weeks hen, and in 1894, when he
made his last vi.it to his Dative lead, be
' pent several days her• in the month of
November, an occasion th.t is still fresh io
the memory of many.
hswroo.-We meotloned briefly set
wee, the sudden death of Horoo° Newtoo,
whioh took pleoe nn Wedneday afternoon
of Iasi week The decreased was •pp•ran0•
ly to hie oval good health oo the morning
of that day, and was to the osl1.r of his
house cleaning out the farnaoe when he
was strloken with apoplexy. It Is sap -
pond that while stooping ever •t hie work
there was • rush of blood te hs head whioh
brought on the faal stroke. id hen found
he was 00000lOtou0, and he never entirely
regained ounsolousoeas, death sneulag • few
hoar• later. T'he decease 1 was held to
high e.teem by a large oirole of friends nod
uvluototanoes, •ad the be d relatives
have the sympathy of .II In the sed even,
whioh seem. all the more p.iotul from the
ououm.tanos that the deoew.d hd baso
only • few months 1n hie new borne on
Lighthouse street, in whioh he mlcbt reosoo-
ably 40... @spooled te pass many happy
year,. Mr. Newtoo was born fifty-three
years •go to England, bat for forty Bye
years he had heed either In this town or to
Uderloh township. For some years he
000dncted • store In town, and afterwards
for tea or twelve years he kept the hers
and posboflioe •t Porter'@ Hill, retiring Irom
business and taking op hie reeidsoos In
Gderioh about Aye years ago. la religion
he woo an Anglican, and In politt°. •
.annoh Liberal. He leaves • widow and
two daughter@ to mourn the lose of a loyiog
hu.bood and father. The funeral took
place on Frld.y afternoon to Maitland
oem.(ery and was largely attended. Re..
Mark Turnbull, rector of 9b. Georg@'@, oon-
dooted the .eryl,M, and the pall bsarers
were deceased'@ four brothers, Ch.rI...-I.,
of town, Clement, of Porter's Hill, Rey. W.
i.., of Norwtoh, and (4sorre A , of Wlec-
ham, and two brothers -In low, William and
Thomas Cox. His.1.ar, Mrs. Dnokham, of
Chia,o. and nephew, J. H. Mol'henon, of
Detroit, also were protest. Th. msmnsrs
of Conrt (ioderloh, No. 253, I. 0. F., of
which deeeesed was • member, attended la
• body.
m ween l'hlludrl-
CHURCII unurr, u get 17
- ' 17 ; Mugrh•
W. W, Stoddart preaoher•ter, 18
•t Dresden, Oat, • Baud,
W. W, Stoddart will 000upy tttll1W2
of Nanton•,treef 16.thodst ohuroh alts
.auto.. next Sunder.
About seventy members of Court Oode-
riub, No. 32, C. 0. F., attended mervloe at
Victoria et. Methoelbt ohurah oo Sunday
morolog. the pastor, Rev. J. W. Robin•
eon, preached an appropriate sermon to the
The Huron (Aunty 14.bb•Ih Sobool and
Christian Endeavor Union will bold their
oonventloo this year In Clloton on June 18
and 19, Every Sunday School and ('hrist
Ian Endeavor Society should see they are
well represented Ly deh•got.,. The local
committee is making elaborate properations
for their reoeption. Ao ...!lent program
isarraored, looluding some star speakers In
the 1,0710oe.
The ()fiol►s of ♦totorla street Methodist
ohuroh have inaugurated • new finanolel sys-
tem, by w6io6 the quarterly board and the
trustee board will be supported entirely by
voluntary giving". That s, no personal
•ppeas will be made and no reoord of lodl-
vidual airings will be kept ; the official" will
simply reooly* what le put upon the plates
and at the end of each quarter give • sate•
meet of the amo0ot so reoelved sad of the
manner to which it has been disposed of.
For a number of years the 'eats la this
church hare been free, and the oongregatlon
has shcwn snob ba►rty goodwill is ,usafn•
Ing the hnaoolal requirements of the ohuroh
that the new scheme is entered upon with
000fidaooe that every nsed w111 tic provided
for. Oa 1u0d•v last • oirouar woo ds-
trlbuted amongst the oongregatlon an-
nounolog the new arrangement and asking
the members each to doolde what he or she
could give for the year and make wwkly
000tributioos to make up this amount ; and
it any were unable a give ►hs contrlbsUod
every week to make ap the amount tune
time during the uu.rler.
1'he synod of the dlocmm5 of Heron te oaU-
ed to meet 1n Bishop Cronyn Hall. London,
on Tuesday, June 18th. 'Then will be
divine urvlca, with holy oommnnioo, In
the 0.16edral at 10 30 A. r.. and the synod
.111 assemble for butt ne d at 3 r. r. The
butane, of whioh nottoe s given In the
convening otrcular, w111 be (1) T6• ooneder•
aslon of the proposed faoon on inad.gsate
oolleetlon.; (2) A proposed resolution re -
Fording the superan00a ton and widows' and
orphans' funds of the severs( dioosaes; (3) A
proposed canon relating to the order of
d,aoons; (4) T'ho proposed 'anon In regard
Io seloot vestries, by Judos Ermalinger; (6)
Tbe proposed oano0 o0 the admission of
women te vote In vestries, by H. Macklin:
(6) To define the authority of the a:stoutly
oommlttee, re clerical obedl.ous; (7) And
regarding synod ooll.otlons, both by Rev, J.
T. Wright; (81 Regeraing fico ooe dollar
per family rule, by Rev. J. L. Strong; '
Regarding the better oboe. vawos of Lent, by
Rev. W. Heodersoo; (10) Ts provide for
oonferenoes eo vial wb)eoto, by Rev. (1. B.
Sege; (11) (iesddsration of rep.i dlog
reorganlzallos of ►be Provlaci•lW ol. The
executive oommltten will meetM isd•y,
Jars 17th, a1 2.30 r- r, -
To the Editor of To. SovaL t
Dasa Sta,-In This (7oderf06 Star I bave
had published ooe or two letters re the
benefit to Private Aoetlo Chisholm and In
n,y last lettar, published to that paper of
May 31st, I explained matters fe what 1
considered • satsf•otory manner. The
people of the town will, I know, aouspt my
statement oo being oorrsot, but The Sar
does not think It s•tsfastory. Thle I can•
not help, neither do I oars anything •bout
them or their opinion. Atter this letter I
do not Intend replylog to a. y m. ri of that
paper's irrspoouble oomm• . ',
Von will see by Mr. Hall's Irate. in that
paper of May 31st that hs was requested t v
Hs Honor Judge Doyle to assist Counoltlor
Knox ]n the oollaoting for the presentation
to Private Austin Chisholm. 1'his scbeme
I knew notbtoc of urtil the money was
oolleotd,and yet The Star wan1. the Mayor
to oompel these gentlemen to furnish •
ststemeint of •ffain, What right have I to
ask these gpentlem.o to furnish • sttement?
None .t •11. 11 The Sar wants • saamano
let them oak the gentlemen who oonduotd
rho wbeoriptlon 11st for It. Now, as far as
the snlertainment Is oonoerned I h.d no
thing to do with the detail work at all and
if there has been wrongdoing, as The Star
says there has, It can be found oat by 6•v.
In, a proper statement from the proper per-
The Star says Choy still think this Mayor
was chairmen of the oommittee. The edi•
tors of Th. Sar may think what they Iske.
They may think they •re mlldonalres or
prososrous politicians, I cannot help what
they think, but what 1 am saying just now
s basad nn foot. Only a few days ago His
Honor Judge Doyle In oonvsn•tlon •bout
the malar Bald that I was not obetrman of
any oommlttee, I was simply asked to make
the presen1.tlon.
Gairrt,,-nn Tneed•T, Mav 21.t, toe
angel of death carried a her storeal reward
Julia Lillian Victoria second daughter of
Jos. Griffin, gaoler of Ihs county of Huron.
Nearly foar menthe ago deeees.d contract-
ed a cold, whloh settled nut bar longe le the
ferm el peentn00 ., and finally terminated
In bar death When it was realized the
rsooyory was impa sible, her sorrewler
Monde bad th. groat o0nen1•tlno of know
lee eh* would be wall prepared for her d
Teat Isle haw heavenly home, u 'h. had
10... her ley Illness with •Image sopr
t 3
The Signal
41 rc •Ltsaeo
u. wetitL .ICIJUDT.
Term. or Il.beerrpttoa,
Lat• Psth, u, rd •►ooe.... ...............$ M
61UItnJ;tlr,, M
So)vont S. 4 M
C.,urt of Itevt.--.
Cow Byl.w-Tow.In, Jnte•s
Strey Stock -W. MS'-. I,ertleern.ats, 100.
t 3 .:wise car line
Hee.ared ty
twelve about •cab and deoldeo ,om M
Ile rule for the future. The wore
follows: (:soros Symonds, 8 ; Fraak•n'b
ham, 1 ; C. Garrote, 10 ; W. Rutuo, 4
F. J T. Nrftel, 3; K. Neftel, 5 ; H. Rul-
eon, 7 ; N D. Rouvle, 5 ; h. R. Waon, 7 ;
F. J. Sb.nnoo, 6 ; R. B. Walker, 0.
uoD•lucH 3, OLINTON 0.
W ben the ClinWo footballers retarded
home after their first game her. they spread n'e`
the st.ry that they toad net been treated E:pl'4
fairly and that 11 i8 had not been for 06e o"r"
referee they would have &ikon the Hougk `,,a,,,
cup borne with them. So coofident were >.b,.a .
they of their .uper,or ►Joking abiat s that
they sent in • se400d °hallsoge, nod the
m•toh Dame off at the Agrloultural Park on
Friday evening lat The referee this time
was J. Jaok.on, of Sealant), • geotl.man
who s °erraloly cap to his baslness, ane the
wore w`as, toetead of 1 to 1 as a1 the first
game, 3 to 0 io favor of the Uodsrlob Col -
'plat. Toe *core to e.oh nue really show-
ed the relative morns of the team*. In the
former Rams the teams were very evenly
m•lo8ed ; but a hos that thew the (I. C. 1.
boys have shown • ste.dy improv.meat ka
their playlsg. while the Cllotoatane have
40.w •t • •asdst,ll.
The teams were as follow.: Clstos C. I.
-Uoal, W. Botrd ; books, J. W hidden. R. "=`"
He1yar ; half back*, R King, A. McLeod. «oi
R. Mo1'herson; forwards, A. Alkenbeod,
H. Miller, 0 MuMordie, W. Coortloe, J.
Uoderlol C. 1. -Goal• S. Prttob•rd ;
hook*, J. P. Brown. W. Paesmore ; ball-
lsoks, G. Cooper• U MacDonald, I_ Yap ;
forwards. O. Mol)owell, 0. Alllws, Ed.
Bryan*, J. Thomson, H Snell.
Fifteen minuto. .Iter the game cam•
menoed lad. Bryon• mode • brilliant run
down the field, carrying the ball .1116 him
and worts, the first goal. Twenty minutes
afterward* there was a scrimmage ri,ht In
front of the 01.10, go.l and Thomson
bunted the bell through with hL Wad. 1■
the soutH. he got • bad klolt is Ohs eye, but
he *took to hs woek This ireful the 5005-
1St for the first lout Bofors the .eoond
half was finished it was getting dark• but
the game kept gettAgg hater and hotter,
moos to the eojoyment of tae spooaton.
The U. C. 1.'s alowed superior relaying
throughout the game, but they m.nsgsd to
icor* only o0oe Is the .eaond half, Allison
doing the business.
Ttreoregano' of the redoeia around tewm
on Tuesday morning made things look mfll-
twry for • while, but br `etting your tailoring
•t Pridh•m'e you can out as god • figure os
the beet of than.
The ladles w111 find .omothing of interest
In Miss Cameron's advertisement In this
The County Court and Oeoe.al Sessions
will be held next wsek, oomme0aiog on
Tuesday, 11th Inst.
The annual crusade day of the W.C.T.U.
will be held on Monday, Jane 10th, In the
Temperanoe Hall at 3 r.io.
We are glad to su Mn. T. McCarthy, of
E lgin ave. •bout again •Iter • severe •tack
of rheumatism whioh oonfind her a bd.
A good many of 14. hood players aro at
London with rhe volaoteers, and on this
account thm will be no oonoert on the
Sgu•re this eve ting or next week.
la.t week W. (;leap Campbell sent In tic
applications frope hie pupils for Conserves
tory of Mosta examinations. The examina-
tions will be bold here some time ►hs
J. C. Ooveaey of Toronto., was In town
on 1 useday In the) loteresn of the Dominion
Alllanoe to srr•nge;tor temperance moat•
404. to be held here io the latter part of this
The West Huron Formers' Institute will
hold ite annual excursion to the Onelph
Model Farm on Saturday, June 15. The
annual meeting of the Institute will be hold
at Nib on Wdoeed•y, 19th Inst.
Miss Franks receivd • mnmm•ge on `luo-
day oon1.lping the sad lotelllgeooe of the
death of her f.ther at Maple and tete on tn.
early train next morntog for her home.
The news was Rata unexpeoted, as Mies
Franks had had no word th.t her father was
Stratford Herald : 0. '1'. R. Fireman
Wyatt, of lide.loh, today brought hs
family to %hi. pity. Mr. Wyatt's head•
quarters having bseo changed to this plooe,
he w111 reside here permanently Io tntare.
He le now classed u a driver and w111 run
on the locals out of 161, otty.
The following students of the t)oarlO
Agrloultural College Irom Huron oouoty
wens eeeeeee el ee ohs reeent stmmttom44..e :
Io the Bret year -J, Wilson, tt hh.echuroh ;
J. M..Johnsleo, Carlow. Second yyresa•r-A.
P. Kitchen, Bruoefield ; A. Atkioeoe,
Egmondviile ; B. C. Uilpio, terns.
The solatloa of the whole matter le 1hTi
The Star, I wnder.tand, s after O•pleln
Orant (polltlnally and every other way) and
looldsnally wan1. to draw the Mayor Into
the little • e
es . New
R If these is I en
sot em
•re •Iter Capt.ln Grant -and It looks as if
they were --why do they not aims oat like
men and damsel • satement from him or
any one sloe who has oendnelisd the sff.lrs
A, far as i •m oonoeroed life Is too short to
reply a any more of Ih. oornm.nt, of The
B&ir, as i h•.. something more profiable to
•tt.nd tn. '1 hey w111 have to drag some
one ales lea the game. os I am through
with them now. 101000), spare the time M
r 1 10 a0 fart
ep y y her oemmee1., brei I be-
iley everyol. will arse .hh Th. Bar
that • lat.ment ought to b. prodoom4 and
prlated, but It ought to be demanded Irom
the prewar son",•. and net from m'.
Thanking earn far the epoe. is ynn. vola•
COMING ANO 001140.
R. E Smith was •t I8. New Rambla.
noes this wsek.
Miss Attie Johnston, of Barra, s vlatting
het relotives hero.
Mies Helon Polley retoroed on Meeday
from a .aft to London.
Mr. and Mrs. P.T.. Hall. and eon left Mon
day morning for Kltmyllle, Mr. Halls hay•
Ing reoeived word the previous evening of
the death of hi. father, Jame. Halle, who
resider] at that plane. The decaased had
bean In falling healtn for some time, ant' it
was known that recovery was not to ba
lonkd tor.
The hand oommenoed th. .ummer series
of outdoor oonoerts lost Thursdayy evenm,,
playing from the balcony of the Britl.h Ex
change. Notwithstanding the c,olnes. of
the weather and the oount,rabtr•otinn of
the °iroon, there wore • goodly number of
auditor. In the Square and the program
rendered was muoh enjoyed.
v7alter Hearn, of Ktear, was wit"
"(a ode In town over Sunday.
HO, Pasmors, of Detroit, made • brief
vu/0 se the old home last wsek.
J, p, t-trown was up Irom Stratford te
spend 4,.' day with his family here.
Brno* Vietown left last week for New
York City, tortahe • poe4Men as dewi st.
Fr.d. Rantob..d the Blank of (`ommeree,
le spending etdW,ys at ha home la Sea.
Mise W(nnb Boll lenowefrom Ilamiltee,
where she w,45 w,Madtgg the Normal
W. H. Polley, of Q0ebee, Que., was the
guest of hs brotbr, A. M. Polley, daring
the week.
William and Albert Johnston 1efe os
Manday ter P.Imsretco, when they are
0OttaM up es tel•
Mrs, S. P. H•ls attended the funeral of
her brother -In-law, James Halle, .8 Eltm-
01111 on Tut',day.
Thos. H•rtre nod MIs. H.rrs wen 860
attests of Mr. said Mre. Robs. RMm..,
Clinton, over Sui.dav
Mfr Hattie Sym nolo reamed te Toroo•
N en Saturday atter •pending a few days
with kr relatives her.
flans. (Jnrran lett on Friday for Sash 8M.
Marls, whore he has a po•ItloO •t manage,
of a olotbtsq es1.bll.hwent.
MIM Str.os left on Sat0rday for Oleo
Morrie, where she s supplying In the pub•
Ito sohool for t6• month of June.
Rev, Jasper Wilson, It... J, W. Reines.
eon,Geo. Acheson and A.R M. Tbomeoa .
&Wending the iwodon eonferenos of the
Methodist ohuroh •t S' Thomas.
ya-. and Mn. Henry Relto., of Windeer,
were here the put week, heving been called
hl►her owing to the 1(60ee. rel Mrs. Re1
ton'. f•k ter, Ise l.te James (.rrs%kere.
Peroy'U4.arlan,tnvlltn1 paaeseg.r ages,
of the Miwarl, Kansa & Texas Kallway,
while In tows a hie week no business for his
rod was the pea st of ble eouel0l, the Misses
Froler, V: sllingtoil street
Miss (lr.o) Berang, who wan aken 111 l
Toronto while wrltlag nn her Uelvenity ex-
amination., returned "erne oo Tsesday, an-
componied by Mr.. 8Man►. who h.d been
to the elry le at8nd•ooe spt'n her Ws are
plesesd to lure that M aI,MlVa0R s well out
the way M reoovery.
Tae U. 0. 1, football teem drove to Rru'b•
eel* Mnndoy evening to play the retorts
t e t
•soh wi h th e•m of the av bo
m ► saes.
Brusul. won wlfh • .nota n(3 to 0.
The hlcyrs race for the Ma(tornsy Beat-
tie wheel offend by U. F'. Ernorson, whtnh
was to h••. taken plaen lase eynlnr, was
postponed 00 aooawoe of the rough n0nd1-
Hon el the trek. It will N held next
The football eeoeon is(Ivor, as the (lolled
a1. boys hats N bookie down to study, and
thars well be ire more games unt11 the fall
In the meaatlms spnrh will M doofA•dly
dull. Harebell le (lodorinh sums to h. as
dead as the proverbial deer nail, and lactoses
Is not any dead lent fnrgettee.
able paper, i sm, Years Maly• Tbe gas Blah had IY regular weekly sheat
4ioiesleb, Jw 6th ta01. Jae WIIOpp. eo Friday .voter. Th. .8.elan task
A lawn 50oial will be hold on the weals.
of Fnd•v, June 21st, under the •a.ploss of
the Y. P. S. C. E. of Knox ohuroh
Eggs 12o. We offer 2Ao. per Ib. for the
beet, and 190 for the second best tab of but-
ter we get 1n June. The lodge will be •
butter expert unknown t any of the oom•
petitors. (1. E. KIN,, tl'ins6...
W CbtSTER.- In West w.w•eesb, on May
1118, W. 1). Weleeer. aged 3S years, to
OAIIItUTIIER4, -Io Galeriah, on Wedgies-
day, May Alth, James (7arruthers. aged In
y'are, 1 month and 3 days.
- I G er1o1 on W
wTON. o d d ..e.
M.y 9Dth, Hondo Newtgn, assA St lean.
FRANKS.-Suddenly, at Maple. Henry
Franks. (father of MIes Franks, of GOderich
public school). In hs 74th rear.
i001D0l;0At.1.-In Oo4eHnh township, on
Wednesday mornlnq, June 6164, amey
t'hisholm, reheat of th. late Jobs Mcl)en-
gal1. •wed 76 fest..
The funeral will ake plane from her Lte
ewddoe rs, (ant 1Ans. 01 thnmfia,, Jnne Mh, ed
1:30 p.m., to Maltloed ('emetnry,
MAPES--KRNNEDY At tel. nefdesee
the leriie's father. Mailltad .1, 0edestob,,
ea MneNal•'. Mar 166th. Itlbt, 8y_ Rev.
los. A. Anderson, 1t. A.. 1.00)5 A. •pea,
of Rook I0••d. 111. to Rmma 3., d. .
t0r of John Keened?.
swenIn1. Jona 4M, at Kaes eanreh esgesri.
bb y les.. Jas. A. Andantes, R A.. Is
Olevte M Marta Dp.rbenker.