HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-30, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. TaOIMINT, May S0, 1901. W. Acheson & Son Carpet Selling Extra rdinary. 4f4w The last few weeks have witnessed here the greatest sell- ing of Carpets and Floor l't'verings our store ever witnessed. The range has been from handsome West of England Brussels carpets down to staple unions and tapestries sold at a few cents a yard -but always worthy and reliable, no matter how low the price. boo yards Brtgltish Tapestry Carpet, In • large range of poltere• sod tutors. suit able fur say room. Regular value 60 ped 660. Special per yd 800 700 yards 36 laches wide. heavy solou Carpet, perfectly Ible sod fast colon, clear colorings sod oIwo, pure stook Regularly sold at 40J, sp.01.1 per yard, 300 200 Curtain Pules lej Inches by 5 feet long la sherry and wk and trimmed woods, complete with rings and brackets. hpeoial 250 16 Wool Koss In new colorloge and good ••.ort lest of new domain, In sizes 5z3, 30.4 sad 311o4i yards, •t per square yard a0, 50, •od 750 20 pain extra n.vy quality tapestry Uartalas, 46 inches wide, 3 garde loom. with heavy knotted fringe top anti bottom, In shades of green, teem and rode. Good value at 93 60. Special per p.tr 2.76 bee INSPECTION INVITED. .W Acheson & Son MATTERS OF MOMENT. Questions of the Day DI. - 'sussed. Me l'lergse £Dtorprlw and 'the Deviling went et lirw er/erle-e Vast Territory bayed to •.lade by air Oliver Mowat -The FreelaeW ItDaDew. To1WNTo, May 18, 1901. h moat be .000unied to the or.dit of the Rose 0eysrnoesnt that It hes always been ✓ eedy to re size enterprise. 1'bts 4,. per haps, a rarer quality Lbw one might Ira. anise, for It has kippered that Goveromsatm, have sometimes let tri• good thing get by. They didn't ksuw a o.pt•la of industry when they saw him. or they were dsoon/ wed from bslpmr him by tee clamor of their opposition, or they Were wised by • puny-wlw•peuod foolish potter, that.qu..t• ed elegy dollar before It was hat go. The Roes Goveromeot, while it h.. Wee prudent and .00nomloal, has brew progr.esive, too. It h.s believed la speeding or glvtog a dol laz to get book fivs or tee or . hundred, es the ow may be for lb* people O.• of the tar -slanted things this Administration hes dose has been to encourage •ut»ta0lully Mr. Cl . whom Principal Orant bus railed the Joon of New Ontario lodged, as for as industrial d.velopment l0 the n one country Is oonoerutd, Mr, Clergus seems to have been dl.00vered about the same time as w• waked up to our episodld r.•ouroes in that part of the Proviooe It was • happy onnyun0tloo of toe man and winos bus hew 108 mlllloo dollen, and tbnt upeudiiare to Chet time • little over 107 milieu. This is, the liberal Governments, which have held power In this Proyloos h.,e handled over 9216,000,000, with never the suspicion of • sr►odal, and no low what - s y er. V anox. THE ROMANCE OF ST. JOSEPH• Me Latest Abseil the Magic city and lis Fee miler. (salt Reporter./ There 4. written on the Hebei Grand recline to a pima m•tter•of feet hand : Mr. tlenelae, St, Joseph, O•t , that gentle- man befog • gusee at this popular hostelry. The story of M. Coating's Ids rude like • romance. He Igo( Freooh Caperton parent- age, ped was rased in • seit.emeot of !quoits Csosdlane, belt fencers, hell Poker., on the shores of lake Huron in the mothers part of the oounty of Huron. The settlement hes lye,( bore. the Dame of Tiokerville From hen Couto. set out o Gen a lad to .sok his fortune. H. name beak • few years ago, 11 not a wealthy mail, at learnt one ooatrolliog raw, wealth. He returned a mw with a0 Ida. Hi. idea was to build • any where his old home bad been. He made large purchases of land. Saw mile were er.owd, foreettt cleared, timber* sawn and hews, brick sod building material brought In end the gigantic work bees. Tolley the place, awn, it would rem, bk• mist from the earth, bus Immeose brio. building., warehouses, stores, fao tori.. and .o hotel, end work hes beau be pole 00 a wharf that .111 b. asoesssry, M. Conine says, before many moons. This metropolis to embryo was aimed by Its founder. St Joseph. Whet M. Cantina meson so one know*, some oh.raoiertz• him w • looli.b dreamer, others se • wary osplt.hai. He pursues his path with unerring °oo.taony, a resourceful, silent, mysterious man. How ales or foolish hu plane may be the years to oome the moment whish bus operated to the hone- i will show, but b. .111 slw.ys be bl.seed by fit of Mr. Clotho*, the Government, end the people of Ontario. Mr. Clothes kw gene ahead with an inspiring 0008deo00 to the future of Ontario, and In his wake have .prong ap feetorles, rsilroede and pros• porous homesteads. The pulp 0000easion greeted to the Chirps" .yodlosls it 1894 was the forerunner of Impert.ot lodo•triee, sad 15. pioneer of so ever -widening P010 producing whish brought the Algoma Central Rulw.y 1a lt. train. As Hon. Mr. hu own people, for he seem• to h.v• in fused them with hu own energy and ylgor, and, in ho rive them work, and the obliga- tions o1 pay day are regularly met, they think M. Conan* noeeweed of • grand Mee, whether tree or false. A BAD HEAR T. 'meter. Newresadlasd Masi sae to telt Work - P.latatl.e the fats tom. la ►ho past, mhaetinarIM have both Only friends la Nine of 44.Lrw, but Dow the mlseleaartes bay been driven . o.y by their own act. Let u• out fur the tura awed from them It auger. but rattle/oily 1. oomp.eeloo, as the Muter did, 41 gis• them, for they know Dot what they do." TnI. 1. the hour of dukes... Dye the light will d.00. China will be conquered for Cbrl.t, and Matas w111 be shorn of his kingdom and Power. Where are our sympathies? Whom shall wormiest R. P. MAcKAv._ Stratton put 1t to his oen.tltnents the other Cepa L. H..., N84 ,May 27.-(Sp.oi.l) day, the Government's bargain with the Mr. Noma' Herter of this plaoe has been Glenne syodtste has pat In mottos opera. to • bad wy for some year. He had palpi- Nana lovotving the expeodttor 01 0101 mil- tattoo of the heart, ped had to quit work altogether. His friends feared the worst, bat Mr. Barter himself never quit" gay up. Hia suffering wee great, and he became du- oour•ged, but when • likely remedy was •apgnted he at o0os gay. it • fur trial. However, nothing did him •oy good, t1'1 be noticed • teattmooul for Dodd'• Kldoy Pill. up • ours for heart trouble. He rewlved to try ons more. He did ■., and b s well into today. He wide : "!or over six year• I •offered intensely I mild do nu work. 1 and five boxes of Dodd'• Kidney Pills, and 1 •m cured oome plelrly. •'1 believe Dodo's Kidney Pill. will our• any owe of heart (rouble." Ile dollars more la the neer future. The demand on old Ontario for supple* In the way o1 m•cbinery, foodstuff. and se 00, last year was. Milton dollars. and Pilo year 1t will reach two million dollars. The Chargee syndicate, lo.ddttlon to ire •Irwdy big oology of 1.o,orle•, le baildtog a steel plant to be •t work In September. The plant w111 be wpabls of turning oat 600 tons of steel rails • day ; and In the fall Mr. Clotho* says another steel plant w111 be be- gun, .tth • alp•oity of 2.000 ton. per day. The indirect resales of the Covetnmeot'. policy and Mr. Clonois Impulse .r• sew It other pulpwood .nterprl..-the Meseta River Company, which has spent 9500,000 ea machinery and butldlags ; the Keewatin Power Company, whish ooDtr.o•• to expend $1,600 000 In the next three yeses, and hoe shindy •p.nt half a million ; the Blanche River Pulp Company, which is *noting • m111 a1 Matta.. ; and the Sturges" Fells Company. Oe all these 0000eesions the Ooveremeot ratans the right to the pine ; the pulpwood nye • toll of 40 o -obs • oord 11 141. Goy.rnmsnl; and Do pulpwood eta he exported in the Ing. The 1.'..r thaw of the Government's be. 1n1 in Witter/ Ihoer oho help then selves is the Manitoulin and North Shore 15.tlw•v, the onmplement of the Algoma Central Railway. and also the Clerga. entetprue This le perhaps the beet bargain ever made by a Government with • repay enmpan7. It doom not nest the Proviso* • cent to money or in pine timber. The oon.pany gen a land grant and contemns to bring • thousand settlers • year for un years, to people the district. opened up by tin rail- way. to addition, the oomp•ny most erect a public smelter of 300 tons o.p•nity In the Sadbary mining dlswl,t. The 13overomeat metro's freight ret*, end reserves the right to parches the reed at the end of 15 years. Othello has bene fortuo•t. le • long sue ewles of Liberal Premiere who salted to a remarkable •stent the (o line' of prudence Lod progreas'yeneb. At the proper time tae,they were not wanton In •rggrwtyeee* It w114 be • long time before Deserts w111 forget the .pleadld fight made by -i r Oliver Mowat and hie Administrating for Previa Mal rights. It is tine to their efforts that all that vast district whioh we call New Ontario le will • part of our heritage. This reran eentaine enormous mineral and pulp wood remount's and at least sixteen m Ilton &ores of arable land, bsing more than was under onith•tlon in .44 Ontario last year. Thin rr*e demin, bigger then some Euro ppr,eew�n� kingdom', was saved for ()stun by • IAber•1 (everameet. A good point was made by Mayer Cane of Newmarket lest week, when M showed that Ontario, alone of *11 the Provinces. had nes pohiie debt, bol, eh the eoetr0ry, • handsome surplus. The other peevinoes. .hleh started en equal terms with ()starlet, 34 years •gohave all piled no • pvub1N debt ()mane, 936,460,548: British Columb. 97, 426,862; Meottobs, 96.701,- 960 ; Noy /tootle, $3,711,802 ; New Brans wtek, 83,198,869, Prtnoe Hissed Island, 9468,757. Ne the will enured that any et thew previews ran vie with Ontario In her "thus Isetit.Ness, her dae•tlen&l rutin Mee, .r the general prsperlty and onnteet- e'et et the people. In the matter of ad veeeemeet, It 1• net tee womb to nay that OnWie, with her oath ripples, oat show three time the means that Q0.bee oat, with her 935,000,000 pohlle debt The lennat.t,eat et O•tare's e•anoae he. been semethleg moee than prudent. 1 t has been •mealysg to to extent el vain that him bee r•eeived for nary dollar upended Shoe Osafedu.Nem the meal Hawse el 1h. Pre - METHODIST DISTRICT MEFTING. The anneal seetl.g far Dederick District afield et Ciliates Last Week_ The annual meeting of the tiodsrtub du• trice o1 the Mathodl.t church was held in the old church on Retteubury street on Tueed.y sod Wedoesdsy, May 21 and 22nd, The ministerial melee was uoovened on Tuesday Mornlog, R<y Jasper Wtlroo, Uudertoh, in the chair. All tb• moisten to the wtiv• wotk were pteeeol. Attu devotional exerutw., Rev. Mr. Dever was elected secretary ; the roll we celled, and the es.mtn•aoo of nineteen' cbuwter proceeded with. All the minister. were plotted, 0o owe being fouud &trainee the moral or religious ohu•oter of nay et them. The wawla•llon tote the status of the t o0ug men on probation took plea, Rev, A E. M 'Thompson. • graduate m arts, who is pursuing the B, D. course, was oo- enimously recommended for ordination. Rey. Woo Ulifford wee recommended to be continued on trial •e a probationer, having travelled two years, and entering upon the graduation and H, D, wares of study. Both these young men h•v• taken • very bige percentage to their octanes of study, and were spokes of In the most flattering berme as to their ability as poncho's, ped adaptation to the work ot the ministry. The superennwted relation of Key. H. New. combs war reoommeoded to b. oouttousd, Rey. Jamas Graeae, who has bow very sink this la' spring, and whose health is not fully restored, &eked to be .uper•anuat•d for one year. Very many .xpreasloo* of sympathy were extended to Mr. Greene, and these who had known him for merry years spoke to the most appreciative way of his godly character, his genial dispel. Pon and devotedness to hu work. Hie re quest for rest was recommended to the eon. terenoe. The spiritual rendition of web circuit on the dl.trla was p•esed In review, sod • very interesting disousvlot took place upon the oeowlty of • higher religious life in the churches Gu Tuesday 'yo0log • public unsung was held Addresses were delivered by R.vt. J. Wilton, T R. Mu Naos sad Joo. Kennedy. 'hese .ddresses were worthy of a moon lamer wadi nos Obso see press/A. (% I000ND DAY. WHOM WILL YE SERVE 7 There are to Chine • censiderable num- ber who hey found oongeoial 0000patlon slow the outbreak, berating missionaries, and depreciating their work. I 5.%e belnto me • little book Io whish these charge• are oolleoted and answered, by a oentIoneo who lives In Shanghai Accurdleg to their Jelrtos, these mitunon•r,e. are selfish, hying In luxury. without tent, and are vindlotiee. Tney ovareeWrists the number of their convert., who, they es), monis onnyetsion ,Imply for the loaves sod fishes. They lean on the gon boat for prote.ttton, and in an ohjeotlonabls manner thrust an objsemon• able religion down the throats of the Chinese. Now thew charges and many more ow be answered, and answered fully, without mouthing infallibility to mission- aries any more than to other men. Bet whilst their enemies are eo 000aptd, what ars the missionaries done • Well, 183 el them have laid down their lives, and, now wearing the martyr's orowo, are doing whoever the redeemed are doing before the throes. Of the reminder who reaped, some oome to the home land, but the ma. dority ars at the coast, standing at the door readvl.o re anter &ad minima Work as woe .s y erml*too Is gives. And In the meso• E.mw whet! The women have held a toe• faience in Shanghai, presided over by Lady Blake, the wife of the Governor of Hoer Kong, in whish they prayed for the women of Chili, discussed their needs and how hat to relieve them. The male mlsslon- arme also held oonf•reooes for prayer .e4 Ruble study --that they (the missionaries) might he then selves spiritually goiokened, and thereby Chins blamed. As opportun- ity offers, they send letters and messages of sympathy and encouragement to the soat- tend sed persecuted °novena who remain. Is that *elfish er vindtoNv Others are employed gathering up, low• Ingly, the story o1 the ma.wnre•, the herote ce0r.ge and loyalty to Jeans Christ, of missionaries •ed converts alike, and the many Intervention. of (Id's hand, deliver no from death those whose time had not tom. It Is .d, hurt rending. butt alert ons. For example, eighteen enlpeetwn stoat to in no a journey were warned of the risk, hat sald, "We go on • oelpert•er bar, (led'• will be done." Only four of the eight- een referee. Their homes were looted and barstd, and their families mloat ed. They who weepd did en attar pees log thrnngh terrible privation• The whole story .111 never he told, hat eneegh to maks w rejoins in the pe.ee of redeeming 'pans Was ever asy eeentry more &inlet.d and mere le soul of sympethy than poor China today 1 The terrible mouths tit war is now snwwdul by see of the worst famines en reward le the tan northern preen**. e1 Shear earl Shawl, .rope bey failed ter the Hlyd Hese, sed the enmities is ee desperate Hao It le said .analhsllem prevail@ Ameget SOME OTHER DAY. Then u• wonderful thistle, .e •r,- ruts` to du Some other day ; And harbors we bops" to drift into bsins other day ; Wltb folded hvude-the oars that trell, We watch and watt for a Iavurmg gale, Ty till the folds of au bile sail Same other day. We know we must toll If ever we woo Some other day ; But we say to ourselves there's gte :tome other day ; And SO dell/MBA we 101tat en Urt,l at lett w• 804 wuhdr•wo The strergtb of the hope we leaned upon Some other day. And whoa we eves old and our row is ran Some "1 her doy We fret tor the thing. that might have baso done Some other J.v ; We trate the path that l -ads us where The:Mark, nog band 0t g' im despeir Leads us yonder out of ' he here- Some other day_ ttJ Tri rah or Were fees �J Just thous the dose tantalizing of all pains oomw from sore feet To get relief bathe the feet In warm water and then rub them with Poison's Norville* It pene- trates through the pore. of the .540, 1.kw out the wreow, reduces swellloo, 10011or- &te the tired muttons, tense ap the olroulo Hon and prevent" the feet from beaconing son again. Nervlllne is a protection and safe -guard against the pains and aches of the entire family •od cures rheum,' ism, neuralgia, toothache, .to 25 (lents. time to be - Goderich t,wo.hlp : D. A Furre't•r, 0f Clinton, boa 'eased the south b.lf of lot 50, Maitland ooaoeee on, fur gr.xlog purple's. TO ADVERTISERS. - Notioe of (manger must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not later than Mon day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted no to noon Wednesday of •earn w,utk The se000d day of the dlstrtot meeting war given to the oun•Id.I&then of the tem rt. nittler of churen wins The schedules whish report the tia•nci.1 condition of each t.routt were rood. 1t was found that the m.mbor.htp on the dletrlct wa. 95 of • net nonage over the reported membership of last year. The giving. to the missionary fund showed also a euoeteotl•I Inc,..... The report of the work OD the district as a whole was very satisfactory. Rev. J. Kennedy was elected atotutical secretary. Toe Rev. A. L. Rowell, of Sealorth, was •Irute,l to represent the dutrlat on the (i attott•.g oommttt e ; R,v. D'. Gifford oar the Mood•y school oommtttes ; Messrs. A. 1. Cooper and 1). Tlplady were sleeted lay repteeent•ttves to the conference. Tbe esulnuen el the eeo.tse baud o • bury street ohurob &eking permission. se .011 the old church property, and devote the proceeds to the building of the new church w,.e forwarded to the coofereos. A resn logos, referring to the pooch!' removal of Rey. .1 W Reno from the district, at nest oonler•o:e. and expressing the high esteem :o ohtob be is held by hie brethren, and petat . for ms future iuocess, wee moved b, R.v. W. G. Howson, and amended by Rev. Mr, Peahen, and oerrled with enthu.- :sew. V.ts of thanks were also pawed to the pastors and members of the two Metho- dist therob• ot this town for the k.odly way lar which they had been entertained. The ot.oir of Rottenbury street oburob was &loo referred to in the same way. O0 motion 1t war deolded to bold next May districtmeet. mg to Blyth, and the tiaaoolal district meet - log out Septemt.r In 3e•forth. Thos oloisd cos of this most harmonious district meetings ever held in this section -Clotho New Kra. BARGE ANU GREW10ST• The Se Khmer, res.dered en Lake Enron - retrieve Drowned. Chicago, thy 24. -'14*. .t..o*b.rge Stitt more talk today between Au Sable and eish Point, os" Lase Huron, satording to telegrams r*aived here, and thirteen out of the crew of liftseo men were drowned. The "flower and firemen, the only sur• whore, were resorted by the Columbia .red taken to East Tawas, Mtob , this after.'uon. The B•Itlwore was owned by P. H. Fl.mi„g & Co. of Chicago. P. H Fleming & Co, give the list of those on board the previous trip as follows : M H. Place, captain, Cleveland ; Mrr. M H. Plow, his w'fe, stewardess ; Mi heel Bre there, first mate ; Edward 0. en, wh.el0..n G. W. Stott, watohman ; Herbert WIomg. watchman ; August Anderson, deck h.u.i ; George McGinnis, deck nand ; John Deigers wooed steward ; P. Meroe•u of Chuctr., het .erg neer • Thome Murphy of Mil. weeks*, wooed engineer ; W . M Pother, Bremen ; F. Krueger, fireman. The own ere n.y that It any ehsegn in the ores had been mads before the trip wh•oh ended drat e notified of the • not been trendy they hays foot, and believe the list of names given to represent there who were on hoard when the boat, went down. The B.Imm�re was Guilt at Olbrslter, Mob , In 1881, rated Al 1 2, and was valued at 940000. Her cargo was valued at .bout $5.000. yews iw baso a ass cold Are you sneezing and snivelling, Is your head stuffed ap • No need for tint. Just hes Ostarrhozone ; it is quick relief, and sure to cure. It never yet tailed to cure any (tough, o01d, bronohltls or oatarrh Thousand■ have used it with uniform .no - ow e, and that ought to he proof enough that will mare you too. The pleasant germ- s madle•tlon I. breathed from the In haler tote the nasal passage", throat and lenge. It 5444. the germs and heel. the Gore membranes ; It mares these dl (thickly and for all time. Nothing In the world .o satisfactory as Cat•rrhrznne. Druggists .111 lot yo0 try the templet" dollar outfit Remember It to g ted to ogre or year money bath. Small size 25o. l)ragnlsta or N. C. Polson & Us" , Kingston, Gar. boretur t I Wm. Sharman, Jr. • Sole Local Avert. BINDE TWINE Farmers' Co=Operative Company, Limited, BRANTFOrts Prices for the Season of Red Star 600 ft 100. Red Star, 550 ft 10 Cr. Special Manilla, 500 ft9ic. Sisal, old 8 c. Sisal, standard 7 c. (These i.ti.r two not 051 own stake ) COUNTY CURRENCY.' Rayfield : A happy event took plane at the 'widow* of ,los Brown on Wednesday. May 1515, when his second daughter, Mies Rertha, pew united In mention to Walker Murray. Gederloh. The ceremony was per. formed by Rev. R C Jeeninge, alter which the onmpey, a few (host", repaired to • daintily prepared repine. The young couple have the gond "mhos of their many friend.. \\ Ingham : A serious anoldent happened to Thos. Deans, drlye, of Glllespt.'• see wym,. On Wednesday el Iut week, nab Ambleelde, be dropped hie whip and while off the waggon Oho horses went to the adde el the road to oat grass, musing the load esti PIM.ldew•ys. Mr. Deans pot his shoulder to the lead to pn.h It bank whets It fell over en him. R. war meth braised awl ea. 101 hrnk.0. Pinned down by the heavy bozo* and anahle to help himself, he lay there for .early se hoar until help ar rived. The oontdeet will Isy hint wild• for some time. Oee of the features of the 24th le (lede. rleh was the display of begs at the Reek .1 (smmeeee h.11diag. I am prepared to bay this sea soa'solip of WO; As win's], at the Benmiller Woollen Mills for highest cash price, or in ex- change for manufactured articles. JESSE GLEDUILL. 0 L ti BACK- ACHE E f If you have Backache you have Kidney Disease. I( you neglect Backache it will develop into somethings, Diabetes. • Dis- ease or iabetes. There is no use rubbing and doctoring your back. Cure the 414 limos Thera is *My ore kidney medicinu bet It curse Ba. lochs every koro-- Dodd's Kidney Pills sainfaft pro sails, overcoats The man dressed In • salt made at ear store always looks trim, as 1t le the •mhttion of every man of taste to look. A large range e1 clothe to choose from. DON'T ice' TAMPER... with your health. Don't use Drugs and Medicines of questionable quality. Get the best there is at the same prices that are charged for inferior goods. At our Drug '- ore the stock is al- ways fresh, and eat.h article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department has • reputation for promptness and IOcur•cy. F. JORDAN Medical Hall. McKillop Mural Fire Ingram G. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- ERTY INSURED. Value of Properly In•urel up to Jannar►, 1101.. . a3,Ma,EE5.SS • 077101/1/ AND DIR1CTORS. J. R. McLean, pre.. ; T. Freer. .lee•ere.. : lee. Connolly, U. Dale. W. O. Broadfoot, J. t'•'e't. Jae. Keen•, J. O. Or:eve. J. Reonewels, directors; W. O Bro.dfo H. dealo •ih. Inspec- tor of loess ; T. Z. Hays, ew/urth, seoretary . reasurer. AIENTS. J. W. Yee. Holme•ville • James Cumming Rgn.ondviile ; li. MoM 11.0, aeaforth ; R Smith. Harlock. Polley -holders can pay assessments and gat their cards receinted it. Mr. Coati Clintop, or at McLean Broe.' Palace Clothing Store. Rode- rhab. 11 you ars 000templeting getting • light overcoat for spring wear, glee ns • to eery you. Prises rlghe. H. DUNLOP Went Street Mill Wood FOR SALE. R. B. Smith's Store L / 1 M cK M 9 C Reld's Old Stand MASSEY HARRIS Tor name stands for all that is reliable In fuming machinery. ee.FgRMERS.e. Relieves all f l ift cgs s Pressure, allows perfect freedom, gives long waisted effect, graceful curve on hip. New spring fashions require them, health demands hrtm. The B. & C. corset has a straight 1 �r front and curved back. The old corsets have a straight back with curved front. The prices of the new B. & C. straight front are 50c., 60c., and $1.00 Ready -to -Wear Hats for girls at one-third of regular prios.- New ready to wear hate for girl. Nutmeg the mother with them. We have too many, end the price resluoeed touuly about one-third Reedy to wear hats were $1.50 to 192.25. for 75e All ready-to-wear hate up to 81.10 fur 500 Trousers -A lot of our 01,190, trousers for men to hand at the name old price, 900. We hate trousers made ot tweed at 690, and of tine all wool worsted at *9.00 and 11118 50 No better value in the trade at 50e more. intending to purchase -anything in our' line should Itispect our goods before placing their order. We always carry on hand a full stock of repairs. We have the beet litake of Cream Separators on the market, - You can get the meet up-to-date Carriage or Buggy made in Can- ada at a reasonable price from as. Massey -Harris Bicycles -New 1901 models -elegant lnounta.�Qall and see them. ERT_ 10 85Q1•713, AOI(NT The alcove a cut into stove wood length and will he delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders retwivpd by telephone or left at rreidence, 128 Cambria street, will raeaivn prompt attention. 'Phone 914. PETER McEWAN. (nderinh, November Mat, 18(10. M -bin A Great Snap.. . our Ginger Snap, .t 6o. s pound. of whichworth • barrel a week w e e r e k This isn't nor only snap. as we parry everything that o.n be found 112 •n up to due grocery store, and our prices •re right. The farmers know that they tan always get from us a .nen ter their produce. We drtw 1 It no legitimate trade - ev..) . -• e Glissware or potatoes, g&rdru • „ , • ohoioset table China. We deal m ., of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Bedford blook. Gederloh. IIPFn M•s4• e~e m e:rl v uyw11 a'f Y i TiNwAllli tri;„,,,''s asses orglaktielts It will KILL Wild Mustard without injury to the growing grain, and without cost. The cost to kill it the old way means the lou of season's crop for seven years, nearly the value 08 the farm. The SPRAMOTOR will kill 'it, and the increase In the crop will pay for the machine and Material each year. We guarantee it, or no pay. It will do other things too. i Write for our new ,h..riklrt R kr. " A Gold Mine on Your Fal to." i! .z It's fres. • LO■Dna. SPRAMOTOR Oer. •...Webbs•yMeor: "I drank Question. you satisfied with the shoes you If pot, try a pair of "Kids QuuIJrY." They are the most desirable shoe on the face of the earth for women. The "Yana Qu um " shoe is all that a really first-class shoe should be -comfortable, easy on the feet, stylish and durable. Buy the King Quality shoe at $3 • pair and get satisfaction. Mind. by Tess a, a. WINO 00., Limited, TORONTO. Our Agora so (loJerloh is 81. George Prow Qllr •1 1 e tell S Small patrons who a pleased are our beat ad- vertisements because they unreservedly tell of their pleasure. Our own hand -made Dairy Tinware made out of your grand- mothers' "1 1 -fashioned hand -dip- ped block tin, is the cheapest and Cleanest tinware to buy. All goods marked in plain figures ; the smallest child can get the aatne bargains as the older ones Aa we have only one price and that is the cheapest. No overcharging in the shop. J. 11. Worsell The nhatp erne* and harness mos, (ledsrt•5. 9 ext.,e CROWN PEOPLE who recognize quality and style are pleased allnost without an effort when they see our stock of " ICING QUALITY" SHOES. - We furnish footwear for all the family at figures to fit the fancy of the most frugal. Trunks, Grips, etc. "'IN REPAIRING. Try a guess on the Pan-Ameri- can Exhibition with every dollar purchase. TRADE ISINe Q uAtol i ST. GEO. PRICE Sole Agent for ging Quality Shoes. WANT ASTEP-LADDER ? IT• We hive one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking Powder purchased from uv. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone is worth the price. Try a package of our Hop Tea -nota medicine, but a care- fully sole^.ted Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful • Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have s full allot rtment. S'ratTRrtY GSC0 co. THE GROCER'S. Telephone No. 91. Milliner • • ipww,.00+u Spring .`....�..w•e All the latest and best designs in trimmed and untrimmed Millinery and ready-to-wear Hata. Call and inspect before purchasing. MISS CAMERON,.lisat Apprentices Wanted. Hamilton Street.