HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-30, Page 4w
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80, 1901
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sees( ___ _
1, 1"4 Mole Agent New I Men'• 11*urnlaher
� Brad W. C. PRlDBAN I Ulothler and
OlothlO�L_ Hatter
p _ - -- - a - - w
When , t
11 X ( 3t 4
i` _ Men att,`t'j t1�^"'ii
I It
ay / , ! ai:
4 fr _
k .. _ , ,. Talk. . ..
1 '
y f of Neckwear, Hosiery, Shirts ant
'�'�-mks' ` i other furniahinga still of good plates t
%/ buy theta, our store is sure to be favor
J ..., I - - ably mentioned. We don't buy iron
tK :«i ' a i everybtMly that comes along just loo•
i cause they seem to be cheap, but from
t4 ' good re'itLle houses, and when yo
I _ ., l .i..- buy a W. 1). d; R Shirt, an Austriat
1 .. Collar or Christy's Hate, you are sur
:�""' you have something that will stand the test.
V. The novelties we are showing this week ui Ties,
The Duke of York,
11 -. for ladies or men, are., the wort fashionable gooih On the market Mottle i
1 ' +;-� bow ahape, with Aowicg ends. We have msmy patterns to 4wlea from
ii You can be easily suited here.
1. TLete goofs are without doubt the uobbtost ever shown in Uoierieh.
�1 Made in the most fashionable braids, with fancy bands. You can get them
--"--x- at no place also but hers.- dee thein in the window.
1; i --- -
11 I I � t W, . C_ PR2=HAMIt
Bole Agent for Chrlaty'a Hate. Nest l,ne R NhepFurd'e.
I t _- __
't , u r • the woodbine Raton, recently Said that the
��ut �x,�nl,
i .ams "TaMot" was ons which was given to
It. � the suckers to compensate them for being
m ■oal.um mn put m the erring.
y -The honorable Kgygeot s Tart oge wax
I •I - _ -_ � - - ___ - - `_ re eptly presented with sex onyx clock by
i 4 .I 1.. i _ _ GODERIl R, THURSDA,T. MAY rJ. Ifni his friends and admirer" oo the Tory side.
__ _ _ -. %-- Wocdor it the arucle presented wall a Iiia
ee PUTTING NATURE IN HARNESS. to Ks"oLs to "mark time."
1 ,J THa following, from The Philadelphia WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING.
++1 1' Record, will be found to chime In with the mu tot• Tt•ral.s
i l }{ _ proleut tial is now un foot to harless the Montreal Star : The bicycle may not rs-
'k Maitland River and develop the energy duo@ the flesh permanently, but In the be.
1 necessary in the near future to %uppIv Rinotng you will fall off a little every day.
goes'- : Goderich Land environment with electric Tars LtycuR PaeaL IN.
i light, hest Lad industrial Power: London Advertiser: The British Colum
bin idetuodist Uuntereeoe has doolared is
)i "Winn the sun, the tidew, the river",
I . favor of the liquor traffic 1>•iha takes over
I - aged every other available Power whi'h Ly the Gnveromect. Whether soundly or
`� _ oontaitis in it the basis for a stuck tom not, public t is pion "ems M be moving in
( paniy shall have been properly barnacled, the direction o1 Goyernmeot control.
Bud when the horse and the fix shall be
„_ left to grana in the fields college soph- SHOWND HON' H■ was sato.
1 omores will aro longer be called upon to Watfora Guide : A hoho went into a
e __ + rack their braina over the problem of Buffalo hotel last week, threw a Dakar's
i what In to happen to the human rage I'ck•t on the clerk's desk, and stretched
k • / when the coal supply shall become ex himself out on the reading room not& for ,
boosted Everything in and about the nsp. He was quite Indignant when hustled
Buffalo Exposition which needs energy out, claiming his ticket was goud for one
r: N - to make it go drawn the game front loaf.
�, t> Niagara Falls, and the enonuoum Power ycesR 911wARD eft,
' which that cataract represents IN making Montreal Star : The Quebec Ofrtsl&] Ga.
the country lying within sound of its tette of Saturday last coot voe a proclams.
I __ - roar an in, "incl center of the first im I tion proroguioa the Leglslatare In the neme
,7777) 5porunce. I of '•K1w.rd the Seyeath, by the gnaw of
I One of the places at which Nature's i God, ct the United IsioRAnm of (creat drit
5 energise have been going U, orange IN the aril Lod Ireland. Queen, Defender of the
f If . Soo," where [Ake Superior's wato I'sob, oto,, eta."
table out into the lower fallen through
• a series of rapids. The ditficulty in the rNs 01 B�1VU yrsenoR.
way of the utilisation of this force has I Ottawa C'tux•n 'rwo little girls visited
I : been in transmitting the power otter long • certain Anglican church not • bocdrd
1 distances ; but that problem im being miles from Ottawa, which is noted for Its
11 i k ' x a solved by the electrician". Alnwly in I tinrame ritualism. After the sermon had
°I ' ') California they are carrying the (orient proceeded for some time, one little girl
a Isand over and aske-t the other In a stage
�l , i (x nearly 200 miles, again%tare till of I
about 70 miles a year or two ago -]UK- wbibyery "W When do" he bora it bgge t"
Vichy generated from waterrourses awl Hs doesn't bora bogs,' retorted the other
1 from other hidden'sources of energy will indignantly. ' Uh," .,id the other, ayl-
"i bably Noun tree the mind of mw from densly disappointed, "my father said tney
' t burned insects in this church."
tear of a cal famine." _
The report o! C. H. L1ITCH n.b, the h. POLITICAL PARAGRAPHS•
drauhcengineer. of jdiagara Falls, who ham ---
d' -' thoroughly investigated the conditians of The Bruce Herald is a strongly Cohser•
votive paper, but its Ottawa-rrespondeal
the proposed site for the dam, is of a most says of Mr. 'l'anc'e allegod ut'erances In
i' satisfactory character• and we have even• Parte : "His record at Parts .. song so
reason to believe that the Maitland River amply vindicated In other respoote that one
Power Company is destined tc be 0110 of , cannot help suspecting that his real oBaooe
4' ..--- the si.rougest awarauLve of the prugrean a1111 ' was not so much disloyalty to the Empire
t' ' am Ir team hix refasai to allow • gang of
I 1 t : prosperity of Uodench m years o mine. Keshwh Visitors to tontloos feathering
t =-_ their nests at the expense of Canada."
-The close of the parliamentary "Allied
l � + _ _�, e„ will enable Ottawa to enter into compels- St•alh,\aa'n ruR JeRt.-Tbe utleles as
Sion with [.obdm as •summer sew: t. I •'Rues[& of Today," by Henry Nurmao,
Which nave been a feature of Scribner'
"I, -7 be close of the twentieth t,a,tur may I Mavozlos [bat have Iseeo interrupted for
y several oumbera), are regained In the ,lune
witness the close of the war in Africa, con- ; number with • paper on "Finland," which
-• t •.•. temporuteously with the difficulty in the a lust now the oentre of totereet on a0000al
Phnippines I of the efforts of +hs Russian Uoveromeot to
suppress the F,no:sh language In official
-Toronto, which does not sand one sup• osdnese. Mr. Norman writes veru symp 1.
I!(' pater of the Government to Ottawa, in al t1160oally of this h.rdy people *hot have me
" lour maintained their Individualitywhile a
- tea anxiom to ss its late twice when
Ways P part of the Russian Empire. By way of
:1 '.1 the pie in in sight, contrast to these people of the Norsh to
John La Farri a &cwaut of bis visit N the
-Shortening the cotillion at Ottawa and Samoans --1 he people among whom Snevi r-
'= lengthening the indemnity are enough to son found his adopted home. Mr. La Farge
bring a wide) smile W the tare of the aver. describes and p'ctures Ili m as •o artist
with a rare portio tecul'v of narrative.
age parliamentarian. Walter A WitcknR in this number deals
i'-------�-- with ahappy opt•on. .n his oareer as a
' "-K,Ysas in the name of the Ottawa workingman, He tails of u e Ilfe of a see.
,e• fanotionary known as Black Rod. To I stagehand on the Uni, n Pacific Ra')road,
watch his genuflexions at the closing core aq'd gives a v'vA aeoouni of the manly
monies one would think that hit name 1"al tiro if the men be labor.d with.
sines B Uonn,11y'satgory, "On the K ho d
. should be ural.. the Morn," tells how a Glonotgur flshte man
::i .laded a Brit.sh warship during the data
-From the difference of opinion that when fisherman *we hel'I up for fish
exists with regard to the call at GmItarwh inside the three mile Lint. It u a marvel
made by the Clerquo steamer, one would I ,urdy stirring tole of the sea. The delight
)ii. imagine that the Flying Dutchman had fel humor of Mrs. Wlrgtn's fiction s shown
',•I j •t Its best to a short serial called -The
been scoured for thin route Diary of a Gowe Girl " Eroest S•!tnn
'4 _- - Thompson be/tog to this nam ter one of his
.t , -A kerbstone philosoper, apeaknig of cal" of animal life, the hero to this ono
} i
1V"` �
Cheapesf Bicycles in Canada i=`
i' i4.
For the next ton days w(! will well ` ""i , ��
RACVCLES, at $25.00, $30.00 and $40.00
HYSLOPS, tt .e ,a
GODERICH, tt to 27.00
About 25 second-hand Wheels at $10.00
and up.
Canada's favorite, the RtrongnSt and lightest run-
ning wh-iol made. Itoduce(1 for Ill dayR.
1901 Plodels, from $50.00 to $44.00 . I" ,
1900 is to 40.00 IN 36.00 �,
11 erg+eidatgli
- '4 Now is the time and this is the place to t, 1•``
Ret your wheels. a" ,1
Hkycle and Music House.
r %: •,
J . 4,
11. e 9
J �.. �,.
7 ksw 1& 11'w,tµ'
(°�� � as
.. .. .,�.. ..:: .; .. .:� ,. sees �.-:.., -, y,.^,....a, sees .. ,. ... ..
, u a ; �" V ;.r s r
1 H. ky
!,yto � },
."'•y a 'a •. 141:1.'<,. .. •il''in ':R>.", '� n
bolus "Kraig, the Kootenay Ram." Among!
KAarI,l ureaerr•an ; Anti gillso"Clare' t,' OSP CTUS
Ven,atioe ' by a new writer ; locoing by J. I .T a
K 'I'avtur, end uLhors : and • diooseeluo of a'
sonic of the artutio features of the Buffalo 1 1 -,L.
Expositlod by two well-known arobttocts. " t^
_ ,,�
CLINTON. )i'etKi' ,, ,,, mak" 1 ���� OF THE r �r,'. •5r,4.x ti si .L... 4.1
U Ole" has eolaryod his store and added i l `t` y,:
to *be lines he has been oerryiog. His 1•
,bleu+l•Oss.J ow1ee e, clow app[ vino, , •l to ie i Maitland River Power Coy,'
Key J l:reene, of Hulmesnll+, will take
& rest for a vear and has lowed a oottyta on :r
(Limited) ! •".�
Kamv .bury •treat He well remove to town T..' i �.
o by the let of Jao•. -SMS
ll -
Miss K. Lease Holm" ba■ returned
on hum• She went !o ULiver+m " hospital a ,t .'" , "r Z
at Polladolpbta, to take a course of training i 1 7111'x' Goderich, onto i, vr, '� � ` "`
as cargo, but was obligA to give up. a �,�,.._
i 1'. B. Crow, has r.nled the Biddleoamb• -
u .cure, Into wI tell he will move in a *h ,ft CAPITAL STOCK " 4^la';. t •, ,_ $200,OM
I time. ,rho now stamt w ria very mach I '.r,�i + t
e more uommadtow that t. .� he now tt0- 9 , r a Y •"�' :", ,,. ,�:;
cup." and will enable P. W to wiry a still +.sr•-r•�'�- goes t'
larger stack, which, it s pleasant to learn, '... BOARD Of O/RLoroms
bas lacteal Lasluess demand., , J AMES CLARK, Manager of the Dominion Fifth C•.
A Pham bactca alra ttvu --For wino Lime GEORGE ACHESON Director of the Goderich Engine Oo.
there nae Moen an witamon for the .i costa. :�^" e '
n of a slow pwtom.w in Clin Lou, the present 4,;-0 JAtlfllf8 A. MOINTOBH, Secy-TrU& of OOdefiOh Lumbeir ate -i
building laoaloa 10 several respects tic a*- D MoOILLICUDDY ��,,,,,��a�,t
oommodation accessary. The Goverom+ar, a ■ •op•iello of The Goderich Sign -I• ,i
realrr,n t that the interests of the public t ' JOHN, E, JOHNBTON, Diredwof Chatham Gas QOt -,P11 J`
should be better 4erved than they can be +bga:x'�
under existing otroumearees, has plaeod the
sum of $5,000 in the wpplemouary estimates ei
for the •reotton of a suitable pcatodiw . : --' _. '^*a."t.,_ !'X•'1....'1'
buildtns. This will be a ma ter of decided tANKtRs 4 ���
gratification to the people of the town, .��" �" THE BANK OF MONTREAL -.. 11
who see their longcheruned deal,. within
re•sooabl,oay reach of accompo.-Til,I.bmene' The Plaitland River Power Company Limited
A Nur Wsmuioo.-TMs residence
of p y
William Doherty was the Boone of a very invites applications for the purchase of $1.00,000 worth of
Interesting event on Wedoesdav,May, 22nd,
whet, at 12:30 o'clock,Mles lana M. Louse, Stock Ill Shares of 4I tit) each.
."•'fid daughter of O.
and Mrs. es' deal- The Company proposes to supply electric energy for
was wedded to Ur. G. Erhe♦t Holmen, deet -
ler of towo. The father of the groom, Rev the waterworks and lighting Of the Town of Goderich, from
W. Holmes, formerly of Rat nburycrated tile River Maitland and its tributaries, and has a contract
sirgoE church cad now of London, o�oirreA
It the Oor.mooy, a"toted by Rev. W. G. With the Corporation of the Town of Goderich guaranteeing
Howson, of town. The bridesmaid was
Miss Eth.1 Dohertyy, the bride's sister, and riot less than $6,000 per annual for 200 horse -power or under,
J W Holmes, of London, brother of the for a period of ten year's.
groom, was best man. The young couple
left on ohs 2.55 P. N train for Montreal and The Company has also made contracts with the leading;
other pointe for a trip and will be at home
at their r"Idenoe, Ratteabory street, after industries of the town, which will create a demand for about
Jane IILb• 200 additional horse power at an annual rental ' • $30 per
COLBORNE• horse -power, thufr assuring all additional income $6,000
JoLn MoNardy attended the sale of pureper annum.
bre 1 stook as Ridgewood Farm and Pur
ob.-ed the floe thoroughbred shorthorn The Company also holds an Option on the electric
bale, the Pride of Ridgewood, for the
of $130 This animal has stood at the head 1
e .um
1"Ilt plant in'au adjaceut'town, which, In the eVellt Of its
of Mr. Attrlll's herd for the petit two year* being taken over, would increase the annual returns by from
and succeeded in oarrylor o8• the goo,,nd
prize to a IarRe olus of anlrnals shown a: $4,000 t0 $8,000.
the Liodou exhibition to 1900. We are
safe ,t "ying Mr. McHardy !las In his The Cost of Construction and planI, ;nd the acquiring
possos,lon Doe of the bee! animals of the
shorthorn breed In Western Ontario. ani; Lo of necessary property, has been placed ,i the engineer at
doubt it will prove a bene8s to the .cook ;-110 000 and the earning slower of the plant, when In full
raiser In this vicinity, '"O Po
-• operation, will exceed $30,000 per annum.
new to Care a fern. _ - -_ -
- r --_. -. -__
It ls orae of the a"lest things In the world The Stock will be cl.ailllative and draw interest at the
Io cure a corn. Deo not Line acids or other fate d}' S per Cent. per annum.
calcitic preparations and don't cat a hole in •
Paas boot. It n .l %Ysrt Extractor sed in ply to apply Patn.m's
Painless Vora anThe Opening of the Stock List to the public is in
fibres dos the corn can be removed without accordance with the desire of the Town Council of Goderich
Palo. Sure, safe, palc1ess. Take only r
Putnam's corn Extraoror. that the shares of the Company should be open to the public
- _ _ _ for purchase, and not be taken up exclusively by a few
capitalists. -
000 Payments on Stock: -20 per cent. to be paid on
$59notice of allotment, and three additional payments of 20 per
cent to be made in two, four and six months,, respectively,
from date of allotment. It is the intention of the Company
Reward ! not to alll for more than 80 per chat: -per share.
IF NOT TRUE. App1.c'ations for shares and other particulars ma be ad -
dr to the Secretary, at the Company's Office, West -St.,
An advert:;cineol may lo- Goderich. '
duct- a person to try an _l JOHN E JOHNSTON,
article a FIRST time, Goder•ich, Nlav 14th, 1901 �"l`I Secy-Tralks.
But an advertisement won't _ _ __ _
induce a person to use ---- --
that article a SECOND �AHTELOH', HELLO time nate" it gives elle- .; w,.:1y...
faction. V
Fastin OysterPatties,Tarls, Short �n"� ' _ THE OLD
Sunlight i `'_" ''4 RELIABLE.
Bread ad Cream Rokliace
µ "' ALL KINDS OF <-< .,,
Soap - Pies sad Lpady Fri on, hisses, -
has a %ale larger than the Macaroons, lamps, . „-00A L
combined n: )ap of any Brandy Soaps, Etc. sewT,o..
other three era %.
:fin advertiwment may in. are sew gtx.1 as the beet made in any r
duce people t„ try SUN- city in Canada.
LIGHT COAT' once. CLntelop le;uts the trade in THa RIIItlT
But it,.g4.alltyand rtagel- WEDDING 01
Hard CMsty minima, ihat makeo
pp�eu,le use SUNLIGHT CAKES `
Cl)AP continuously and amu.
always. in fang designing ano ornament TN THR MARK
init and almond icing. Weighed
1 -EVER eROTHCRS Umi-mo, -c- • Give him an order anti your oat wE�soo Net lino 16s. fa �torYi arket eealen
heap M■. NT Biers, infliction will be assured. f� �e
TORONTO. - '-y11 sry Me 11,EE+
D. CANTELON, Orders left at lag$ a figWmAaD'e
WEST -ST. SNre promptly attended tc.
1111111111titttttttmmmmmml11"1 1"1"1ntmttttttmtttttltfd
- sees-.,,_.� _ _ _ ,- - -�
r • �-w
� :,G e 4 -�
. 1__=
C: k " I. , I I - ,,,,R�, 4 � �', , I "" 11 ---w
l v i,x z'xt' 1I*r F " � 11tq'.
I tI j t a. ,l a 1" k� ;,:
o � ,, ' - 'fit rif kl •r`�ii d y b
E w 1' Cl et t,.r.�4 #wry
1. ,/.�� „r
•,.--;4;1-., I.,
Witt, our line of Bicycles. It'.a worth your while and the*.1
aequaiittaneo will .ace .1-011 money. "/ -r•'• "'`' a
Thr largest show of RicycleL ever sewn in (itxierich. All fully guaranteWtd, e,4, ,I
EOur line for 1901 gives you a generous choi�e of styles and prices. They combine all -athe latest eatures.
L w,r.: ,�. t'"� a
t Dunlop, G. lir J., M. do W., Samson, Goodrich Tires. a' i
We also have a numhe r of setcond hand whseb at har,gainL. ^(.b
Repairs exee'itod earefully and promptly by A first -clap repair man. Wellhavehave Item selling hiea b
yeles ever since ieyole wall & hieyelo and am known as rehahle
dealers. Telephone 92.
1. I
sees.:, -. .:f x .. 1 . < - ,..
.. w,w'' a .. ., fir _ .» L.. T, •, .1M, .. , 'u, .. - -.
4: s °`ref ... ht: 'n,x+ sees
�•_"ins xw* n •-r�v-
t 'xi •'k yx ,r�j • j.�
' err. t' , -'t.. 3'fl' .rt
4+• N �+^^k i i .. �w �4
'„Y at 'a4 f R
crit 'y+}"'"''� a.
.h.�+R,• tY
p 4 P
W x [
,� 4 f
ki F'
If: t11
e . i ifM
. . __ . � 1
;�V.l.i,rI�,�lL ry-t,, 'si�7: ,e-v-I�,-i�'
eC1 a -"� tII
,,� . 1
I 11111
i Special -
120 yards of American Dress Muslin at se 5 cents, ..'
FAS l' U'OLOKS. ;;;
180 yards of American Dress riusllns at se - 8 cents,
ISO yards of American Dress Muslins at - 10 cents, s7
160 yards of Printed Piques, fast colors - 10 cents. r"'
1320 yards of Print, warranted fast color, ,,
regular price 10c. - - - for 8 cents,
1260 yards of Print, warranted fast color, t
regular price 12ic. - - - for 10 cents. ` "
These Goods ace all this s(tasou's make, and at �. a;;,
We prices, Extra Value.»
They are Less than Wholesale Prices. '""""°
Colne and see thein whether you want to buy11
•s or not. _ - - _ _ "=„?"""
Ja H. COLBORNE =10407
_ ,
_• ».�.._-.- -
civilization may be measured by its sbaaumption of reap, and its refinement by the y
quality therne, . lt'e are now showing a fine wortment of
Dainty French Soaps _ '-
made from the pur"@L iuvrv.lients iu the most thorough man. i THIS GUARANTEEi-''
uer and so exquisitely perfumer as can only be done in that . THE 1_1
land of flowers, •' V Belle France " ) QUALITY
This beautiful line of Soaps in Violet, Whittle Rose,
Jockey Club, Peso D'F.spagne and other popular odors we 11'r
esh at THIS EXPLAIN THE ,p,:.ia
10c. each, or 25c. a box, GREATEST SOAP
elual to the high priue,l Supe "old at 15 uo 26 cents a cake. BARGAIN Y EVER .µ
A Wonderful Snap is our oatmeal S ap. A One large cake,wx
equal to any 10, Oatmeal Soap in the market, at 3 for 10c. SAW
Don't mi" thin opportunity. �•
W. C. GOODE, The Chemist, Bedford Block. �,_
('ilmaa Versifier., reilsb. a"mff" ale" &ad "emaeb manNrs.
-- - -- - -- - -- - ,-
A Painted F -lo -or '-,_.-,,..1
i''L `ii�:.�,
, ,:.4�"k
makes housekeeping easier. A dusty carpet
keeps the whole house dusty. A rug can to `�' _ _i~
easily shaken and the dust left outdoor. �� _
_ i - - THE m ,..
i \
° &Ecln hooR PA/NT ` =
is made for floors and floors only. Made
to walk on. . ` _^
T-...----_ . - _
reed a ' ""`' "' ..1 ","„
a . te1i f
! ,,�i:il4Yztv-
1 i
i.a v� '" .
.i�., py1
/✓vNo D. DnUOVIE '�, "4*,]-�
, 11kA.-V 9 �1. ��,17"
. . Goderich. . . `"`
-_- __ -_ _____ --------- µby..
"` =,,
"°ESlater....Empress .�_4, Ile774'.
1 -le
•-' es • R rS
Spring is here. w Our stock is
You wit be re- r O about com- ,b, ;
uirM plete with
quIring�a pair the latest -" ~
-�- , E fashions in -
�`� Footwear
N that will be µ A
B00Tk S ., sold at as 1��:
::` close prices as I1 �It;
OR S tis consistent
tett with quality.
Remember you have no duty to pay11
goes"' on the Shoes as they are made by Cana- e-,.-ati `ii,-
than workmen and are equal to the best , x } � ,, ,,.� j4e,4r,,
American goods made. a
, "
Wm. Sharman, 'r. i
Jriji �;�,
- ____ __ - _____ -" ,
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and •MPURE "'t-,.,+
rq. ,
Manufactured by J. M. MacLE00, Goderich, Ont �'p
- -*
1'ti, � Nn,
( .
' c
Gilt Embossed, '."rev
.-' Red, Blue, Green, 12 Cents a Roll. t
The Wall Paper Snaps we advert.iatxi Net week am being picker[ up
•api d ly.
No such Ilargain as IA inch Oilt Rmhosseri Border at 1� eent� a yard
gas ever offemd in Ooderich before
We can show you all the latest American or Canadian Papers you could
Me In the city.
We gruarantm the quantity yon require If you bring no the meuunwrients
of your room. We will tell you what it will oat.
American, Papers 5d. to 50c. •,roll.
"!r$ sees.. ..'
'4J Tii'g..:;'. ; wr_;: F'-
,... �,
,{.jam'* n, F'
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K�f , 13 Carel
` ,A2.
s The last few weel
" ing of Carpets and 1
. ,. The range has been
�= carpets down to ata
cents a yard -but a
.e• low the price.
fil; 600 yard• English Tapestry I
• ,, able fur &oy room, Koga
x 700 yards 36 l
Doha wide, be
clear oolorlogo sad Olean,
tacb 200 Curtain Pules I J Inches i
IT complete wttb rings and I
�•�: 16 Wool Kass In new colorit
I4 3Ja4 and 3jx4J yards, at
20 pairs extra heavy quality
heavy knotted triage top ,
value as $3 60. Spool&[ po
*�� e w F .::
e ♦ ♦ [-
ltdon of the
-r Tas ('lergee aatererl" &m
tiimengel New OwLart■-A
Mvd N Ontario br
Company. On all thew
43ov.rarnest retain* the r
It most be meant ad to L
• the pulpwaod Vey$ a toll
Rog Uovwao= That It h
ready to to oils ent•rprns
- be experlrA in the Ing.
hope, a rarer quality Lbw
The I., at i'na•e of the
asL•, for It has bapoeced it
Ili..* . no I
lief in helpirgh
have sometimes let the Rot
the ManLLoolm &an ivortl
They didn't know a "P1
when they Bow him, or tb
aced from helping him by
that, opponents, or they I
foolish v
d every dollar before It ill
Rom GovorOmeot, while a 1
and soonomloel, ham been 1
. `
It has believed In speodmt
if '
lar to net back Oto or test
She a&" may be for Ibe pet
tar -sighted thing• this Ad,
done has been to euooara
control* trelrht rates.
Mr. Clersae. whom Print
eight N purchase the roaA
region the .lason of New C
as tar as industrial ':eve
north country is concerw
amm* Vo hove b"t diaoot
debt Qoehea, $36"
roe itwe as we waked up
Columbia, $7, 426,262 ;
resouroes to that part of t
was a happy ocolunotloo
visit, $3,1911,1169, Print,
the moment which has oper
Et of Mr. Clotting, the l
"a people of Oct.rio. I
gone &head with as innpiri
the future of Ontario, and 1
macs of the people. In
Sproul up factories, nils
TOOMonmt, It Is net to
porous bomesto■de. The
Oseari., with her each
granted to the Clargue sly
was the forerunner of Imp.
and the pioneer of an *To
prodsotloo which bro xl
c.n"l Railway is Its trial'
Strattea pot It to hie 0006t
Oemfedefinelem iM total i
day, the Government's b
syndicate bas pat
_ "%'d
doss involving the expeodi
lion dollars more In the m
demand on old Ontario lot
way of machinery. foodet
last year was . coulios dolls
is will reach two might:
Cbrguo syndicate, loaddlt.
big colony of f"Lorl". Is
Plano N be at wort 1n 1
plant will be capable of
seas of steel ra11e it day ; a
Clorgue move another steel
gat, with a capacity of 2 C
Too md,r.ol reignite of tl
policy and Mr. Clervae's
Jim oah•r pulpwood enNrpr
River Company, whwh hs
Be macbioery and baJAloa
Power Company, which cc
$1,600 OW In the next ebrc
already spent half a will,
River Pslp Oompaoy, wl
mill as Mattaw , ; and th,
Company. On all thew
43ov.rarnest retain* the r
• the pulpwaod Vey$ a toll
the (iovarnment ; and
- be experlrA in the Ing.
The I., at i'na•e of the
Ili..* . no I
lief in helpirgh
the ManLLoolm &an ivortl
the o.mplem-aL of the
Railway, and els" rhes (
This Is perhaps the best h
by a (loveromeot with a
le doe* not met the Pro
money or In pine tlmbe
rings a land grant and co,
thousand settlers a year
peaple the dlstnota open*
way. In addition, the cc
a public smelter of ,W to
Sedbery mosisg dtetrlit.
control* trelrht rates.
eight N purchase the roaA
, ,
Usbarlo has boon fortar
oeWas of Liberal Proml•t
remarkable select the qe
and prone" -tenet- At
teo,tkey were not wantmL
It will be a long time 1.4
corset the aplsudld fight I
Mowat and his Admitting
Mel rights. It is doe to
all that vast district wl
Oetarlo to amill a part of c
region oent.alot enormous
wood restaurantsand at I•'
acres of "able land, hall
ander cultivation In old
,shit Pres► domain, higge
klegdom■, was mvo
Ll 11 Ooverement.
A good point was mad
of Nowmarket last Nicoll
that O&tafle, aloee of
had se public debt, but,
_ bandmme
surplus. The
,,; ;;''
wblah started on equal N
b4 years ago, have all
debt Qoehea, $36"
Columbia, $7, 426,262 ;
060 ; Nevo Reetia, $3,71
visit, $3,1911,1169, Print,
1W,767. NO one will a
them provleeee ,an vie e
Public Ieatitatl.es, her
Mm, or the triggered arrel
macs of the people. In
TOOMonmt, It Is net to
Oseari., with her each
thaw times the "Melba
with her $3i,000,000
maaaa.umme of O•sorlo'i
ses netbllW metro then pct
smovlet is the easoee of
resolved for every 410116
Oemfedefinelem iM total i
1, *.,y,
_ "%'d