The Signal, 1901-5-30, Page 3,
. � ,I.
arae llw, vyueat, anti, with not the very NNeeNNeeee�4...*#*e*******r*1*e*****4*N+ell**N= FRAGRA�
hlunu.•IrrAcross Itkwithfhim lwa►d l uing,
THE` BAD MAN 11,a dn%vu un come oWty sad kid Io*t I MAY CONTROL A RELIGION I
un the other.
O F T ti RANGE Tlu a Dent ket•plag ht* aw li b
rung;• with the Iain Muu'fa login 1. ta,uk t Alto*4 Farlow, of (lsl"Itural, 111, to.Su:cet4 ,Irs. Lddy.
res : phcu Uf pie, -1",x ll,l ubuul
, three ft,et hmig let 1 five air Nix )nut el.
By Thomas N. rlonllurt, In Leslie's Weekly. will,•. Next fie rtf•f)!w•.i Irick utltdl lie �eeeee Clla e 1 eeeeewivee Frame ieeeeeeee�♦edeN�a�ed+e�e• a
lead Raiutl,l exactly taw right fiuvitlu)i hnuNar Pity Itelm,rl Nttrr: Frew 'ecru fir Ices gifted aeu wusieluar, undh
to Donato hlv effort" tale wort t (fell- fnrnter buy to ruler leas been tilt- lut%lug u natural ear fur OHIO mild
tire. Th: n, with n flow +uml a fw,llle Iwrux•u), lull cut%at being fuudllur I� the TEETH alad BREATH
'I'hc I{{,'I Maul of th^ Itaugu, he of I Wooley enutlgh W pay fur his uvvu "Permit me," lie 'bertut to brrluw heir/ly tout Ilfu Ntury w, often re• vvlth the ort+ of unu fir uwrP igrtru-
the rNyagger air, Na: flaTcua ne ,Ile f marul us whether It would have to values flu+ Btul Pau Oue of tilt. wvnrls- profited le AMWU'nn Mallory Shift 1t a1)Antr, Tile fwartleutar instrument In the =OZODONT LIQUID e s d 260
tu%he, laud Law big rix-rhex,terr, I Ixf awtJucted at aIle exfoenow of the cost favfirs Ine htul ever recetvrvl In Ilia Jut-, (-tome W be uluuodt iar Ine%Raba(- which Alfred enk',vlal mored, Nur the
tuwti. , Ilia life. la els horn• lie organized tier Far- • • 260
luughud derisively N lieu told the fiuul' 'plot• Bad Uns had sc arcel • Ill► Ouen the Bad Mau looked 1 a at m' aIle "Ix►art of hertldry" b, the tow (luull filt'u it tN►nd, moble tt, it raw patent Box SOZODONT PONDER
of the new town marshal. ) q auuair (of Eurapte. .Alfred Furlow•. Y
iwumcrd to tilt crowd fit Dlhbv'r aIle crowd ato Ilk* atI, i tinK It 11wy bn wl1, dill Great credK lie tltw 150
Dufi't Nee.- he remurked f11 ldv rlt,U"a whnt Iur intaintbus were rete- Wight cow to her Illi in the hour wile tumor aril a repent. 1.4 t ttiwu of- 1ltattrker Ito Ito own our Lara LIQUID gad PONDER . . "
floc to the naw' ruurrhul when that %,l hl+ dire gxtrewity, Nut aloe crowd 'tl natural IoR14 N"lilYpe•rr, IN Noun of tilt: flna-tot." 'P111r blood frlayed un
Nufm rice mentor, "why they dldu't tilt% to t wnika-d Ia ian had Ila her (A fall; d! that re wtart n itil- hero to becorme' the Nu leesw,r of 1 1 till state (welt l rug ht the oily toed �t the Stores or Dy Mail, puatpsld, for `the I'rloe.
el, ct a b.ob fir a ruckln'-calf while igtt Etkly any til* het. Ill taw l'lu"Is' %'[ AXentist's Opilut�n' QB an 8IIt180pt1C and by and
Y star. lou lilt ILut Mau retxoQnitaeNt him urNt that hLv re fir n bad min funk hopnrr over ill the other ed &its
l'hrbt, ticlMtlrtr, run ulrfY "feint Ndnled fir
ahoy wua utwat It. Just uY Null deur fit n Knauer!, The crowd fell Iwc•k n w1av over; ew It elan to old, umd nu am rho klGatg by Ix•Itig u1N moo wta8h, fMet-) for th0 Care 11ud pros0rvatlOn of the toe and
little 110:1 welted anxiuur to ser nue v f ate), evell, to waste on him„ srtth pride" to this truly ,tmerlcan the titute bund un like uccaelun of
tlu,t fir to elect u Illtlu rklW milt � ) •)le Lrntfatlon as la port Ills uwa, I COrdlall recommend Sozodont. I consider it the i
run bygin. It would bey to a -)Iver- Datil all ht• Quit front It wits a cold, Ila- till, ICrbrtskn Sttato Fair n 1Kti1. �l1m� Y
Kuellu' like that frll••r tory Kw,t•" rbp-romethlpr out of the nit of feeling htormr-In ugh thnr luluto her Silt It Jn muco► rdtfor to place a j dODt1�00 for ohlldr0n'e 1180." [Nsma of writer upon sppllcatioa_I
Thusu vents h,arvl thuee %%wits leen• kill) utero tai Iba•luw than to attempt the flrrt year atter lite I'uil{ was rrr.
ags—lu sae tilt! new uwrrhal heart Nick. Thug -)ties the rabble turn g uoce.l truer Oulashl•• t.r Lh►v Ili• HALL & RUCKEL, MONTREAL.
laughed. people always laugh ,it tile Ylalntwl. uprul (11:, olighly In the hour %%11,11 to park the next t•lo<.loe of tits eoi- \ professor In ppnmanrh topnwetl
fuuuy anyygr fir n m;w In whore Thr Bad Man Jrpw Ido plelul, uu,1. the mighty fella, live of cardinals at ltoxye. Tile rub- a night writing h0wul at •nuxvilie
ject Of tl►tm guess. Jtr. Farlow, had
presence theyr rtund with fear uud arbrlming ills flervewt mlrIo, glared ut Lent kala on with the pane boad tad offered a number of j>rises Ger •
tremblin Tbpy laugh, even I( kW Dent with a %Iclonr leek that was Iwtll It was In griinter", then Ne- Wueia lin his part lelmoury end, prevent tate bet work tbne In the different a11nn+ euntn,l. And It may los• rtnt,.t ��p �' nal
g' ition to warrant Jots selection. that the ax ur the toe ultmtkm l�� a
Nuylugr ere out ver) funny. laud mill .calculated to blrtal hits. Ural s. a curing unuther hit wloce !t t►r bug i h bell til wtm of l Ttcn work, which Nus W td K+► J
Tlerr, t* vu doubt of Ido ell Iblllo Klrcvd pracllcall) ubwlutc wvny' to
fire sensitive, nail tlwy rk, tot like to quletly watchlmg the Buy 1[nu, a ax thorn waw a ptoce o! It 4nrgo S y Ion the Leat lot nose ebse fit hlrl term ltd haat. a wwl.uuau
hu%e their wit uud luumur rllgbted. grnUe rutile Ilghtlug filY thio, later rautwgh to wleMl. He kept this up fir ht* fttnors fur txftlt the lurwr I
of'hrlMtol. lbuttg F'itrlow J)lu,,, Wee
1'ruple k,low L►dr tad air careful Lu fele until her arm :echcyJ, aril he war and tho work of tine plwltion aw ,.hisN ant at itm close carried off Nufulaee Is lierored Capable. gvrtRY THCkaUAY MORNINO
a%uid giving. olf"ncr. "ion YU:1're title new mur,hul, air Nrtvlthle.+s from vlolent exertion. %iowelt from Lose svienitrt elalld- 11'llhul the uulldxrk L pnailiaing f BY Il. 11r(IIL1.ICCDDT. ,J
every our uI the Kase>a
:t Nur-in Bllxby'N ruluou In till. yfr"" the &Lot Man thundered ill tuner Then fie took the Itul lean by the Iwint; Tlien, torr lie hu" the 161- FIlurtly after this In the IfOurw'Of from ilia- K-ieatiet "tun.lTx,iu/, uud -_-_ _-
little tuwu Ill Roulwtup lima the Mid that almost shouts Lilo building. collar field jerked him lie noir feet• and, %'anlage of pusitlou, being prurti- hill reading lie became lutererted lie slwul•i llfrtxl Furlow txe eletated to I Term. •f foul.eerl tin■,
flail wu* Juiug Ilia talking. 'Cheri "1 have that honor, sir," 1Mnl r- ltrrldlrg him so, marelaed him out of rally nest ht title of airumertiun, ate. I 1 , is
1%'t1N eine a cruwd'of filen prevent, Plied, Pweetly. Iv there auyohfuK I the Naltxflo, dealing film a kick, first ParLtlly since liar. teal+ly Iwrr',IE Luo'+ -ik811 ler. Rent W Dorton and took u lthwlN•forc hhu. Jhu'e "til tttt�hritll+ Taroemohth.,wdr■toe •.. �
('Itrlvtlul 9•lou^e. In thwrpring of the wwioiuu there nor grvil xnril f-� i
V cin du for declare,l that leer lou ei-dwoor N ill Ire Import intimate) iso arm a
rr%erul Dud ones among thew, halt you?" with one toot Iowa then the other, Yrurtoe of malady under M1rr- hdJ-1 7 algt 0001'.. is
Thr Bail Man scowled dtarkly-sal fit erpr)• st iter lie 1111,1 fldmlletl than lir took n thoruugfuy equtppt- i flat tapable. l l as
the rr were lulus. woo prrrnmtd ti, a -i/. ThIN hP continued (fir a man. Oaeyaal,
-)lime henries with the original aloof ofnrkly al. to a(prarenll) c:a'It a aha- three biuckv down the street, and .ill told, ect•PptIIK y[rm. t:ddy'" wf- rw)rm:al courw• lot the M,aNPa%^1111r1it$, While uinlert stat-) rrniewhat retiring. _ ____
ga, do%" over the room. "No, but thar's then, cum letely exlm.►ate.1, bo lel ficttal dictulw of tate matter. Alfroxl Metfi dlytolval College in RoPWn. Mr. Furlow tw nut luaiogin ckt•i.&%e- Advortlolna Rowct,
utdy real sled Minn of tb:; Itnu p I
- I %e rule the" le,wn fur five years,' "Onsethdn' 1 rail du'for ou," he aaa- the Br. Man go. Furlow appt'nrs Lfi hu %w brlglel pruN- crest au l nsaa Ili- am men wha-a dx re- Lapl and otber ca+nal w4veru"moar.. Its•►
Y Ofler to t:ntrr YOI1111•a.
Uu f;a,I Man %.rut un with au xlr Ill' lowered. , &mxelhl0' I'm akin' to do iu Anti lire Dud Man went. He went ptctr In uta churt•lo line fit noir I riot .Ir-wnnbt, kir it rt-nrlilce nod re- le%a far flet Irk •rtio ,. all 1 s o lots per ono
t1b. B able 'lhte, "filo• if I'm til' I 'bout n Wlaate." lmmptllatel;�, he want eplrlledlY, find sly, There waw in Ills make-up that cu:ln from- OPwN1ut1N•r .,u)torfrt y, bill ,Ceay,h eib.eauowt ln„erti in. ataaaarod by
1 ( g!► , • which wouhl t1A%'e wade hhu r. nuc- how eourng(+ to f:acr fany emvrereucl.i3 a wOnluretl w■le.
►,.eo leu nu,ni a' it t Noun a -w L., "Indeed, T11rx10'ne much obatvrl to he went mtntlght forward. with him Uldebt of Night Children. [t
1 n vew.dul Iralilieinn. Willie the tum %%hen neceWnary. While naturally a Bits naw csrdr of six Ilea and under, Iis per
iar tut murfahuln that's worth wattle )QU• I'm stere, Dent raid In tits suet— eYc•N flstxl to the front and with not it% wire Ik%InK In tlentrlce "long ertu )rpt, he is ► In ilia u r lb Fear'
,olid ruay De. {N,wticr fan' Irnd on II)- exdite way, "It its vers kand of yon, ocnp look betekward. talo far as Roond_ :1lfrixl Farlwc was the nldevt of i I p Ad.erti.ementd of Lo•r, Found• Bleared
I don't wont no little spindle-rhunki-0 rn I nm n total stranger. May I up knows, lie !s going )'et, fur trolls evight chUdren, brrru un a farm at F'nr,Vuw was offered the numtnntlon tattdoar. ltUurtions Yao,a0. tiro. Lx. w'aatad anal
rowmtr•r tont 'ill ca- -, nes' run hum- Us' tnqulr(, t11e nnlnre of the favor you taunt day to field ho ham never been Orauge, near Gultwluurg. Ill' Ills !rota the Democratic party fur lhp AM fender of the firm( Church fit 913,•11104. Chancop \Y►nad. not eximrdinr e
propene to du me ?" Ner•n, n,r e%eMl henr%1 of, by unY ung parentage was practically Vank", n(five, of touTrer,ntende0t of w�hoolo' Of Chrie4, I'lclentbrt, fit Kaus Im (•Ily, 1p Ita"" "irx oor8als wnP! rrsrm.h. llalo rot loo
rm rf m"til•-r, if you crook your ,I'lle haat Man leanw• and essentiall wrltnn. lair father, Ua c+,nnty, Thin wits .tendered tx-at (: very {x,pular in the asocial clr-
fw eve rut It. \lot wr." 1 sRelnef aIle 111 that limn. Y i av` jV ,:101+1 A Ilgrd, /1 for arra m^u1L, fieo. po eab
1Klu• lied Mlnu geuu•rxl InyulrfnKly bar num Indulged In a cold, derisive The new nutrmhaal thought he rath_ • Williston Farlow. was an nrtlPnt Mur on account fit hid N'lrCemem nx a carts within that ehur•h, uud while- sr("e"' ulnnlh. Leer rwtvraln prpdrtlou.
, it(- user kir If lwi•r.,41 :old tile% laugh. Thu crowd• of ounrr, Jolwed el. enjlryexf ills iN,rVtfun, xw her sen rel tlrthexllst, and for th;rty yertl'o w•as teticha r, aNtt he declined the• proffer nut Riven to much indularncn In a)clal Any Npo.•i.a nrrtt• e, the uh;eel tet w*lek le to
1 la with film. ►n t
aim Il:o%p to mho N• their tttpyrn%rl )' hb:R the w,aJ )tun fiat ht* term, out ll film next r•ied n c•Inpm leader in tL,tt church. Itim with tin nkN. .lftnr lenvtng ]!area- plmrwirrm, there Ix nnfidr. rviJorx•r I araloo on pn n�e+i�o n.l deo oof s �.enw
rf hi" sentim•str, "Olu^ murmuring 'lid wear very funny. that Ile ea{u)r them. who"P%er he• Went and oearred wernrn aptly.
rate an in -)report to if a toffic permits• himself to telt%e houlas Iona Local nfate ea In n res f
their assent un•t file utherr manly "f don't Rutatsl you meed to inynlre," 'date agates. The duties of the Office panel p'pdoaeodatpd
looking it. hP replled, "for I reckon you'll final loin treconae so losing m to be, mono- work IonR r-rnnigh W utcntduunlly word, n nutl(i a hw thorn lox.
int Mx,n pnnm h without." dO wet.. I,ocwl numb I (n o tetany or I,AAx ty p4 lwr
'• In timer Tuan." till. Dud Won r• " g tonotw and Irtsoone, anti hr advised Is 91111 u ITnehelOr, coots P^r wbr'1, KO pwI1M (fir tee. than u,r.
Numrd. "tatry Ield men fur mur+h;alm • Ye@ But, really, I mhuuld like to the election of Nome older man Willi ` 1 Nouoee fnrehttrehee ecd other religious anti
In fast* town -fells -rd tb:nt would stand know," Dent Inslataxl. liked a quirt, peaceful life. qtr. Farlow lair fi latch(- fir. Iona hi" l beaurolent imsitutions. halt rate.
up atnd sbewt sill' la; *halt at. They- 'R'o'll(] you? Thrn mebby I mo'lght ---- -- ufa(.r [w n matter fitout %vllirh hr iv
wuz men tint made Iptriners fur the ;w w•1.11 telt yon," the ILI', Van maid. J dpolv•lly Inclined, even nueung hi:l
"If you Nus W'lth ft Bf, aloin you. A NERVOUS WRECK 8obarrlben.•il wiltereeelre Trt■ plexal
nlmk rtaten atwl hal N•d to .tart m..ol inUmatr frlru lv. liar 111rnd Twl r- reaalartr 1.y mad ww ern for a Ly w.
i bot fir y"oo ain't I'm grdu' to faro e0too nail Il[x pfmlerm mapldy hhu his araintins, alta fir the feet at ee early a date tit
utu%eyards. Thur wax rum• hulwr wt you Over my knees and N Ilk you. . podetble.
honer eirele, all I lit- nos devoted to When anbantre ed avldreW le detlrFd. lx,U
glory in ripanin' tout ■utIt neon nw M I11t,ro. I1:w yuungerl brother Ir hen thooldsodthenew addreuehou:d besivea
then kick You Out u' tuwa."
Ihrm, am' I crould Ju It wliM,ul loran' fa%Orftr aeecrrinry, %%hale the other __..—
Wy beef-rrr et. But thin new clue r: Rrnll}'• ' Was the Condition of Miss , , � 1 twolhpr, William S. Farlow. ha left to
P' 1 res Dll►hee1 ttotlee.
"Yee, realh "
Luna• IL Utile* m wick to tldnk of kook after flip Ia,dituliun In Knetw:er J_r, ),o Toneel. of CMeariek, bite been ap
lira: 9hnutip' hiW Noun l ( jir.' Ilk1• •'Bmf I don't think you ought In ' ���' iM point.edl.xal Tra.ollinsAgentfortheTown
Gillis for Eight Years, t It} an a wit kit, of N•hlch hp Dprnrng 1
du that, don't ) know "" � 1
rbw,(1,t1n1' a wall-rywl dyln' radii,' � fhn head since aIle ulherw of aIle fam- lblpa of Ouderteas, l'olborn4, Ae►aotd rod
"T'llen Ise MI' yen don't think alikC Wawwnowb.
Thb ifori rH nal "h"wed It " �ynr ., i,t have• male: Il Cit their home In-
rtnr.l of lin ltwlN ('fly, L(N,al poetmaaen over til• dletrlol wee alae
lhot'N ,VI. I think l ort." empawarod W reoelve .ab•eriptluus to Tax
frothy fur the Dad ]tan. 1t toa•nlr'1 "t l,rl'pllllls•. 1111'11. IL IN :1 romp def-,
roc•h u cruel shame that one sal txdd In i►et'Pronnt nppPnrunor Alfrxl Far- aloxsi_
rt•rrloce of ofdnioD. Corp Able mindx d
not during -a min %vile miLht ,•nor) the Ilett Uurtor.' and Iloopltnl r low un:ght bwenlle,1 a ltfinllaa,mr man. ♦Iloommmloadono anaetbe fe4 re�ed
�!/ u. aoOILLICt DDT.
oflrn difh•r. N', doufit y"rwl hence fib- /�/ fI'� Iwlr M dirk, aim iNl In hlnckntw"' Tels 8aox
cementing rifler Naneat tinge her carr, ",(-sive-) am much. But, really, haw. T Trrntmrnl F'mltcdto111•Ipltrrend Ay
nes 1 lark human (Ours s,ut fir hl I t nth lilts rxc,uxtnche Ilghl brown. in (-tater* I Tslephdse Ctll 70. OMrrIN.Oa<
1%ith a bowie -knit► -should Ix• culu- 'VI not 'think you should treat me in Fthe limit Almost Lust (lope of % he Nr mellum, na,1 Athletic. Har melt r
i rftrri to pit•htm•rlf -agatnst n t.,%%n that Deanna%. It wowld be tdutts nn- �-- __. - _ _ I f� -- i dp rXArw3*TDs Tri%-iTresm Tw-fe nc, to _ - _.
merdhal so little w•trrthy Int hip tol,wi. ptettuant fur nip, don't ,vow know '• Ever IM*laa \well_ Aataia--liar r I / mreleety nod he N nervously active, , fr'ill:R+iDAY. 11 %\' :ill. 1'Jt11.
It was too boat. "Rather sa, I Knees,*' tile- Bad Mae, Crnrest Advice to 011ier Sufferers omit alN-nyw t%rtvy it lot graceful•
"I eume to town te-dal tier readied, evilly. "Reckon you won't
Iliad Malt Conlintantl n little r►dl), "lie find It nes pleasant a• satin' peachex Olw of tint- meet common. fit the �� //�/ 'Phe (.hust U( Atrlle, TRAVVII-r.lT(i Q!'lDl<.
make a vacancy in the learrNal'r Ill- :en' coram. nu' roroo" other LhInKN i Niotlo time one fit the writ lied , Who heard the ghtatlly.drunimer of ---- --
face• but I expected to find a man ns flight menton. But fur all that drend"J. atlroente which affitutr alae //L ('orrt•teht Cndtle b,•at the death-n,if GRAND TRCrH RAIL*AT.
that aid hltprewt mr rllghtly, nn' it's R•,+t to b e Jorep, tbn't yew knuw•." fleuple of this country ll. nervous de- ` /J of the Irate Earl of Airlir. f Ilia Raw-
sm,rler manage to tech nip awake 'Bat. my dear air. Purely yon- bility. Tho tutaurer leadll•g .w the ll� �'I el'il tallowy) in ever ilia, heridd of . AMITIL ,`
while I waw ffxln' John. That feller, a) fur lame spoke lnttnldy nail xuatada- ���j I / -)(-tilt lie Ihr• Ugtivyos. A► bygdme teen .,.... 11.Mara
th-mulah-wal. thar'n late honor nor sive[,%. thpu, hill eyes o1m•uing wide, troill,1e un+ %arloum, overwork or I �'IIVII �; thucr there %'%•Ila a .IrunJlr.•r. N'IN) ��►((1.111►xaEzpws, .,,.L0►WL `
Rkxy, tan lox, tnttrewl Ile fanuf(iu' u'lt nu,l hie (nrr tmtinR,nl nn exprr•mmkrif worry being uwaug the most prolbl // I ., 'IV r trunimmi for flat, •'itruny If lus:: of lfau snA,fipro+s*",.. .......MM i
kir mir'ablr Iilllr Ilfe• i'•1 ew^ my •,(tiorr„r. Ile• added in xharp, lnelmico• taint. But N"eule%er the cuwu, the , A I lirly." Thc+ :wrwtcltll pl•ryer 1)(- nya�
writ -respect It i wits to kill little. ba-. teller: '•Look tont thpre b,•hiu,l yvwt, mffllclivu IN nue thut wake" Iii•• u fmulml the F: rl of tINgP• dnyw, and'
e4a'x fWOtro)Jd m)' rtruxlin' an w,- gnlrk!" lmaden. ducata.ufferer (fir. yelre was ��j�/�///r, ry(�//// aBandFxpres■...................... f. al.4
vire). `Ar I reckon 1.11 pert lure& film Thr land Mlau, aluneuvl lot thpad Nils binrguret uillis. of Nhim 1Wa.1 �S �r� w,lr ale I up in hfN ogee drnut uud wit st.d grpreaw..................... f ,..M . ,
Doreen my knee an' wantink him, then worts. Wadded . alurl-ami tuts ese Crew. a F:, i. Illi life Nur our vrf al O (IIIaK frvam ilia- luw"er. AftI-r vainly I Iftsad .,.ilfwm.
nark him rr11t n' tlrNn." oldster. With an oath Ila- turnama bark mural ,ncerrinnt Delivery, and mite had ►tflendiner fur h{R Iffr. Lhe T"m,r Ilttly I -
The crowd tAuwed Its lit•arty uppro- -1111,1 enw Momrthln he w•Ieaa't Ps- 'v,fue L) hook upon her nindltion nk drlm.mer threnten•sl that ilia glinat DFNTMTRT. .
%ad Of ills plan. It _tFaM .rrra a1- R is uratrk+. wNru Lr. filliluww'- .Plan_ - ,. -._ - If whmhl httuut !hr f ilv fox lever - -
_- .- --laa•a't4ow --jl'u her ,hp iorcrtrt , -� - .?fICII01.s0lr.'L D.Il..
t%njr W nppnnP enSthluv talon Tlisf hen n •If (-eking xlr nl Inln the P111v Wgre Ircotuglate to her notice, un't ('ver•
Hun faald tr did. I1 ropproved, tot Ire- to thlr lira ivin 1, . end has It that Kenrratfon nftr'r ' eecx•rsl, ecpnsOv.
caws It IOvwl Or eras wetwl film, Nut mluslP fit n Tol@tol held etr•adlly by $ K. nerve rerlorng bi ` / t•R Ronm+o{rpowtte tk• f „at Amo•.
t the Ilse-) Of ten Mw marshal. arae 11 lug. she now ower health and r genr-ritlon the dead drummer little Gold railing, l row■ and Breda• %York a
lasaawve !t faeLral film. Even the ocher happiness. Mims Gillis tells of her p�1U1dirid tlle_.4TMt lulht to; Earl_ And Q(,�t fslty.
dad men, Who elJwwl to hnce muds 'fisc Bad Maar eyes alpenedl any him �\� ('aanttes@ AIrI1P, and thr- troll o srYeral ittpWienea
erldltahle rpcordx nw extin shers of f•rw^r Jaw Ilw rrmwh"d nn 11111E sm nn'I ewer as folbwa : "For the 4f
gut dnotrptKL punt right yearn my fife has been one ZN -hits .lnatn hits Narvwap h lase lops .ePw- ylltTortio rfRo no) Diener ici , i -O.- m• al
lunwolty, goat:-! nrwl yuuilex) he Iwe to file beer low hP could get. Hr ,,( ri.nvtunt mhiely. Hy nervous ryw Tp.ivl.fmm Miyu,O.•robdrificln,i%e.
s��� , turiev bl fuelled the face@ of many T
G,rr tilt* teMfilr belreit who kllleft @ rmed to huge nuthlmg Wray Ju"o fpm Naos ilJtnttereJ. anis I wax redo - _ __- tulnalr•m of Glttaehy CnxIIP. J1Ja 1K. YABRIL I-D4.-fir-fFTAL
people merely fur Innotime nu,1 who then; and the marshal, trxr, renualuewl a4I to u mere lytiVal wreck. My -Z--'� In 1415 a viadtor at Curtnclty wall Semon -luteal alto) apyreFeN1 olattNhe
Id for all danMl operatiooa Pro"wrvali4a of aIle
load hMg of ore lust count of item nwm- ailr•ud fur thr- n►oment. Thr crowd truubk. legan fn alae Of the nilmpntN dre•milug lar dinner. A tntluu wap ' natural tablas a spom&P . Oflles: Cor. tveM
lmr of hl+ %-)dime. hesitnt,d, feeling that the time for that N„ frequently afflicted toy res. I �_ beaten lmrneath her window. i'11e '1. !!dlqu— (upx� ]lruaneaas Wells
•'Tem, Par, i'll jl•tot fix him that pa)intt hu,naR^ to the find Man wan acv trritalto fin t dluoumruged all tier _ - Kealy fastened In surprise, for Y far Vlllo rl.pmW on Wedne4day wfternoona, at
wry•" the ihul Man reaNwtfd after {rudng, but not yet_ finite Nur• that tine, on1 Ilio did nQt seem worth ns rhe knew there were nu band"- 1 M m., from May to Oct., fn•tupire.
inviting tate crxawJ M) tar tale away to it war Bata to tranmfer Ito hoemawp If%inK F'or@-even year* I waw sander .-,----- -_ ALFRED FA1ItLOW. Iswn :al. the eastde. (fuillg duwm to ' Telephone No. et•
drink with film al tlll§by'r r1:1wIl`w--i•,.tkar,.aainh wL _ LreUtmlrat_Jk ,'kS:tWm I -g)-CA, Went. y,,,�i„„ - 4 to ,k •,f ' lir liaid to her JJtXt.'
"CII film) Illtn inYr my k&M-i an'►INtllt '•Itat, n■ f rtarbxJ Lo rnuutrk, my to Boston and entered a Iw"pical Imo IN IL that-plttyr rho f nunsip 1g;+PST}-V.W&1 LD.a.-D!w•
film. au' then kit t him end tof town. drnr rlr." Dint reNnamnl. cult I}, aIN•rr 1 tenon turd fur Momp Lhur. -- __._. - - --- - ---_ a tal so .06�. 1 obis ;W."od rrob
That's all ba- ck hi lNl 1 cin af- V Nkfl . Ily Ixiturn the en fid ah nrlaelsi.otbastrunt Ould and vallm-lwla.
l '•rnrely yowl have no roraua,n to trona- \%-hili%there the treatment tewpnrar- pother. white rhe of ewlrse atten t• 1.11u•rtt- Mt-taphy"n•ul (i,faege 110 rr. Tdie ;:oil annexa peau and xhicnn'I artl/ofal troth sO*nt! on sold ^r p"""' ,tut
1'441 to give to n Ming like lhfit." hie yonraelf'Mon my •►ccotrtlt, ter till. fly henefited alit-, but i.rxm my ruudt-
Thr named aIle 111•w mmrohal Ill ,el ills Melh,xliit Church. meas as Wlrlar,a wrist and IN•gnn hill referee Ttue(i ntest mmild polio. hide herfear• bo,* SwetwlatuwUonslres to Ine -'•el.,
r%(ent )Ila •,lerneimied; M► f think I then wile wcxw• titan ever. Finally u:ti-iashh,ned, -hare)-slplld Itapll•ul .all a tcae•ber'of elas"em In Chri"tlau The facp 14 every Ogilvy fit the table vatlen or t, natural Mat►., omee rn kte.
I;oanda{`► waw Deno. Ili• wets a pale- stiall leave t:r'dowline color kind Intpa- iny_ nprvuuv trouble I'tt.tcok the form ul anal n t rk•nl rte,.l1+40da w+.u►ae,- `'a'it:wca-, li« trav-Pli" ireoom city tat h, -Old sew Wert, m eau
ltared, Il zeas yiwtnQ rheyu from bract ; l -oft. eNyt whir Nr xpirpar nn• xloaraub wbhh culttrtxl mwrg rnffrrlug JI wst drnr v trhitr. Within n week i)Igwrclt"xrlou tCcd"ue•itx>' sfsernonn. n,
a of owl he h ed been but n whirr[ Tito farm uta whit N the Furluwu iftJ, givWX iustructiuna Lu dart** fir the (',slats' l,sk W twr elruu.l. 'rhe t p.m. tranorMay totktolx,r Inrhuft_e.' _
lime far the• lutilrrn n up where tr•Ile•fnl, fret. senator flip ein'umpt-m- than word" can tell. When thus nt- %%f•rc• horn wmm n fertile ,nail %pry they %yore termed. Lull" were w:ul'' lltmm�or ivet the rppotrouf Cor(nehy _—
little on and other ffr1lnti nal rF r"w• 1 bpfae%"e yon► mora are-frc ,torr- trovileI 1 felt am tlol�:t Wax Iftproof preNluetive Nur. Tlc* elder Farlow upon him t'r trweh throughout \o- (•astb, • _ �- --� LBGAL
trunk chttntcters are frond. r If obnt It wookl bo ix•tta-r fur yon t,v teeing torn aTwtrt. t would frp- arr•umulatnl n culanfurtable cumpe Lrast,t, (i►lurado an I Dutu(a. Thim A few ypisr" atr-e n yOlnlg E'l
- Gr fore the r quenlly brrome un'ltonacih'l ndd romp- true and w i Iwmbitlrmlm tie gl%v Ile of %cork very Detach tnlur e,l lila 1( K , t AAtI•nlN, 11,0.-tlakltl fTRlt i
___ _ _likes trays and' matuarre were pnln- !lie W user(- fit dlw,wing mo lhrxvt N"ould remaan Int ndltlon Y fir g r ifallncrn, w INr wit to vellrwt with l,nnl E. e4wr. Notary te. con" Oreo NedMW
fully quiet and unnaMlsminK when Me fntvr yon eontempinled. I hnrlly lila chlltrrn the IrPnelit Of film ill,+i Circle of ncyunlntnnepx any created OKllry, the pldPwt�xott, lot tato Tul_ Hwl,
cnnlraetcvl with theme ..f the people think yi pn wall do me tits honor of for half as hots. t lave M ptlmes txluentlonal facJlitien within re>aach for him :fit l flupner4 soak rcput,tNou rat Ill. st' ph,xding I Pal, file head *
N•wontla find an many an all of thePP "mm of ails means. w•hic11 remelted in the potrtbllNhmpnt 1� O. JOdNSTOY-HARIftRTaR, e0Ll-
alwrwt him, and him genpral I plopar- R mp to•dny." In n wept, and two one who h e not d Itaenphre, Inlwsed . way. ThP m
nnc0 Nnw tkrt rnkulntwl lie mtrltr The BI►d �[nn was rwrt wo note of Aenr (int:'i-hurR waw the ofd Ln- of the Knn"nP Christian Mclrnce In • • a L,r. ('anmbd^oe , fir ondr u
Plmilnrly "uffwred ran lungfInr the thernn ('ullt• . tit Knoxville. To tldi atltute u( Tu ka. with him fit its nlRll was wlf o and knees had wrap. OrON,in C.OUL Walon and tlt wndrew
lrrr'or to the hotel of stu)tasing Ine tl•It hliasrlf IM%v. Na-verlhPlrPp lin K' low)R sot in fiefrn'e he Pm tfirltghtw aaFo4ta.fladwlek.Out- Ma
tired. worroat, depressed ewe ng fie Print him rbli•mt non, Alfred, sifter limit. - TIirl he Ionia him M'otilerrcuP-
gerur morn fermi Ldblr than d not m ltle n m,i%emrnt to rnfse him pie- which fdlOwed. DcxtorP seemed of file nte,xftiuer lodge. T n lop the• ROUBTOOT-It- iTA �A�tttTffITSR1
- tar letter and fiiiml^(] In tle wren- dortel for a number of Sears
Tu limit at him fin'• would eoncluwl• ted, hat the marshal promptW lint a Lerlr unable loo do uaythinK for nae Klan came time kNaR roll of (-drum. ,wllalora notartea t^hfir� prnctms le the
-otlmt die •►onki be lite first to jet stop -3'o that. _ _.._.-__..--_- - ---___ try mrlload Ott -Orange. Alfred loere (•els (:all W_t4wapao__cll:,-- Tharnccmldb^.aom[r:nklnli:. 11•hu YsylGalai:ee►I,kr, otaae:N
rttid ttlVre y*arO of mhw•ry can ria rrr dt ,k n Ltitln- . Rmh rfnarce: finit rah .t.. nese
. away (rim a tight, if t1wre was an) "-fust i Her, your guns on the bar," for tt Ttlen I began inking R TiT . iRrS,; Aifre-d Fi�7nw nict�aeJ n ecoid h^ ploylnK rnit of dfxprN u such dw•rel ra' +t. nfflle-. rivals rondo to tendwas
Arturo to run, and failing ll that he @alit, nMl third elsilT away -Tempa Dr, t{Iljla tmysi Plnt I111x, and In n a o 'u" tcuuu �1pow
- i , _Jkndatpae b►iyf e►a F' --alt _ n ltlf*ht ire 'alAEprt Trott t)gttec• W, PROrJDTO(vT. !L C. ILaTx.
w•Itolnrxhip, Islas xltlll In debote nn) r N)nlne tai It ROt+tedel1 there flat.
Nona11 pohmlosiv •ly turn the other them•" efwwt whaM found them hPl MC me. - 1 - Irapa- I" map his Fully awwwev-. iL
cbrPt. HP areae Jt"it the k41w1 of chip Thm Bnd Han. tiler one lurk mt id fidw nulnrnl ,rcnlorient p�%verN.- tt hila uuudl.d til.• /wlciety w•htah Nam kaoxn !'tARRow oft GAItROW, RwRItIA'fRItB•
Trion nnulhrr dnetor told mP hP r/nd'1 Nuld err him that hp bfitivt t ill the dead drummer of tbrtaehy Ca XY Atlorn•y", eoli.atorw. k•e. GodoM:b. J.
wh,Nm, If till' i L41 Mnel Phuuld ,10911 W tilt- thrratrning pistol-finirel nil the ,are nae. I otclryx•,1 talking the Jollies, iar„ m" b low WL+ Mllevlhe Cealiti 0l l'hr hat tie. Thr Farl ed :\Irian -)led hl TANI-
lmrtle,+ film mt ill, It would ba-• ualy tea• pr1110c fwx Nisch It^ wu" pllglrlP gr4tw it the nleuntlmP aldeyu hod r.G.rrew,QC.,(harl«Uarrow,Lt-R.__
rlr low, p'tlr fume behind it. rwfimip- nn-) Ilk(- lh^ rkr; do the fnMe, while ,kPa wit!►!a aria+ tN;in-u wiwt. - -
t" ilia• eztpnt of xlnppiuK lli,t hICP. Pic:A • fid•pld. (fir rnmp(-Ulifut• grown up lin,un,t Mr. F11tluN•, fir H1LIP M(iLT. O. �.. DwRRtBTER
Rraxping lot the ahlt(k,w T Inpf the - \Yhen UI a Luber fit the Furl of N P At
NP wad twrolnaleJ for the uffltw of OuPlaesas Nuteeprise Mallure. • read �r or tier sucl@ty. u tattle of 1lueloiter, cameo u►lin eta O m kwsi
"You @huDld rPm0%e vunr hat'when mubstnnce. Iosram Mtn in al. wretcltpd AirllP, wl•o fell fa !lswith Atricn n
t,,wif Inarnhal nm n Joke• betaine he In flip rum xtny o[ entlemen;' Dent comdirlon lips ever. The plain were the A year b:•forr he• was to have greed- n llerrentx whir were prominent fig• PldeCmlrtnr)no Rquwro. Ata*IF Marra N
wam thought lie Ira thr mowt tltodlh I R 1 short elm• ago -)not Il IN Pald runt IewraM.oflotoreaf_ _ -
wenr on, "'and ns yen hn%r fulled to ,.+IIP thin Lunt find rept ilii axe me nnlFxi him to m^I with ismer hal arta In ivag til caret vl Ia Keo amuN
man fn Rounds r: and the ole. to ar i l'It Artawl t file drlsrounpr did not wxuul hlmdram.
I {xv P der ab I'll rrnxo%P It fAr yarn." and i determine,( to Ipegtn them revervea. alp had Meld haw firm and w ,R, 'alk^n t u• IIM t< nn,l ball rrr iCK1N80N t HOIJIrB9 R RRFFI
oke "'lrprlrA of ,everylx,dy, carried With flint hr slot the Bad hinti'm n nen. I conldnupd br ink(-• them fair hmd hpen Intbred tal enter ns a wart- f ill, It may" ba-• erne. PPNuryso . tut not D ,•,•, Iiolloltax•, ben,n4le oDt eta
Ont the joke by elpethor atinl. When K 1 of vvhut 1p nu N• the Kvtrf ti Cit M•alell It on ill lw•enmlon. Dnt ler �(essytol n. MOee, %veal, LQY
lint fn,m I(]x head. Thin e^ nddrrl: nearly n'nr nwnthx, til^ trouble grad- nrr in n Mltdnr-mP enrpriwlNe, ahfcl` , Y rrminlryiefJ,+ ivtll not fi+ denlavl their w• 4 DICBMIRON. DUD HOLi[10s.
--.-JL._evg," klown that list hull been "I are n fl un one of our earx. 11»Ity iut Purely L••u%lu at-,, until I iN•vism, known ,1x tier• Farlow k )tan- oil(' of t i- Hoo l lute I rt,el taps u. --- -
--.,. united it well tukeu fur ranted that y Y R hlrnl, and it natty bn )hut ver Phnfa RAR. SMAGiER - BARRISTER, 80L
g r %11„a fir to remove, {t.” still nr,a• In nlmopl Ilorfa•et 1pallh and doll (inntrat MIPr(•handhow Compo►ny, n► ono of the meet hirKr•Iy r•aipitulize.l Ofl1
- T woufll Jcv line W wrr%v, heat el. T1wry was another rant I rr ort fully rrlrnw••d from what I lot trite lln,•it". Ifa. Thr «centro Furans- Imd trust urmpanipm in til • wevt. Mr. paste hr•rir that flip Nppclrlal drnuo C Imtor. notary and pe+nn,n,rwysn^Pr. d
did uutling of the kind. On lien con- ,ant Ibe }end Han felt ti Mtinfngimn• tamp tlofight would prove n IIfP o[ lwt hero Mhrwlrvl and toklllPd In fila- StlNvell, Waw Wrtm n premotor of leu w -to heard nt Colrtnohy the fifty be- on IlamillOn "treat opt(- it. t tOColb nae
trur) he necepted the rrumt rr- anIbm stlong the rim of lite r•nr, vodn"tnnt mixery. I cannot pernise Dr. moolnet cf extrnml%r dutnean affairm I1tLIr ntrilify, ht eunjunctlula with Mr. tore thr Kafartnt cmvntryman fell in Hotel• taim atr4 prtvw
Wotel, I;. wt i par rent. I?winds Partneri
r pd hl him and cul'lol% annnupt',.'a Wtlltnme' 1'lnk ptllw tm ht illy, nr,r ntwl the NuYlnPwm Nam 1Pil Inrgely In FaNuw, Met•ur.d c:pntrui ur the Ly- )+owath Afrieu.-Twxtdml M il. *OM• cashed,
V "Oh, loo thapkw. at all," Dent Haid. t ccum. buthllt lit Heuser-. ' '
____iiu hltention fir diM•hnrglltg tilt• -it fx renyl IC easare, I' amNurr i•nn T fern fiir»nRdy ure there wTio 1114 rtalwai Thr Ttwatt_wtla_that t -Hl -...-s«. ; • 0. WAnD.('Ovr9YAtictR.ti.AIV
y pj R martvl w( til' 11111 dear ira 1 rp•ro'A rn^t Qarpelying (llwagovar a I'iairwle. J • romma6slower for tak,
dutfe. of the ()ffiec to rhr hpwl fit cwrl. \h' f Mee you `flnve a "mall fir„ nllawr to trot their wonderful Mr. nrk►w• w;aw left Iwoldiflg the tin- t>s awd r,afa tq
join abilit i%,fl "e the al•lp of our face then•, health r•wtc%rin %irlllex" Wlftien Alf the firm Thlot hp nfter• n1 ti►ryla ear^ hall klx )wn lox kyr run) The re"alt fit Lhp reea-nI eensam will sac°anlxwnru or b^ll. nMdavltw el. eO ,ar
9 y K Linl.w, depndLlon. fir enlemn d4elaretlMe la a
They 1„1,1 him alx,ut tilt• Bad Mian. d4•rmlt rllr W open It for yon. at Fn thirmafiu,t* itself tho'lxanlm of ward mild obllnr fur dollar. Hull, 7111" limit thrlo b•calae' til* In nil blltt whow that 01 w
-and hew hp hail made lire a burdt'n 1 loume of w'ornhiio for life Fnrlow••a ilyfl Y awQo Mn•renin`any arUen, east el. mesa( --)ler r
orally nerofn nitentbp," There %%lox rn,w•H It ham h•^n provrd that Dr. For Plxtern mncr•rx der yMlrn }IP Wmp fn r -+1 -sly UIP MPfrw1-) CIL) orf flu^ Plot- the Ilio,lo C�ur�of Juat!ce. the Court of Ap►eei
urn x n (h r e lownxhlao anti (fur- rvrngregttion. ,\ undffentio.i of lel' rro nttl t is the r wnd ficNlnl of wo for Ontario, or In any Con ty new Dlvadne
kf,every mats w'ho had e%vr tern itoother cruok...o(..._ pidlnL..Lhan_ 11.1J1kamy',Tllkik.Pilla,Am..L11CYJ�Ateat. tl0Cl AuuuwauonaeantuusAndWei*
mer"hal of the town --or, more pr„p 1",nl n,ldP,t, "Therp. the tariff will h1oOd hnfadrr rand nprry reastorer mefl- astir int m^ rxr err• ern ( r, r r crowt r, I, t Ix/pl fir n ern a in ax4ruteA. Ilerldenne and Y. Q. wddrwe►-Liu
----- pily fawakin flow he find nlndr life ax,thrr y tl:,tf m J(rinea In togpthrr.,iml erect• ' s*oi
{ K, you lox, mire. My deur err, In sena M•Irne^ hum yet dlwevpverlvl. TlIP to asupeoad biro. lar ons retlrtxt from '(x! n chtltdt, whtrD It ton(-) tq h^ tilt .tiler., Iw nu oilier luw•u, fir gill a inn, ant- >xr@Il
n burden to all thoor to whim he h:nt there any other IIttIP favor 1 iwndd pills art pTx•nilly nml directly ulonn this offire ufi'm having with hill (4 ach rel honxc of woM1t1) Ia the for that usaftor, In tile. Britlxh lalem _
nwL made it a thing of the Image• Ne ren•!rr gun? Dtan't hesltate, ter men the hlo,xl and the nr•rvew. sited thaw lnnally for a new u,rmo In lila wept ( whlPl, how arrttrr Nutter PaTpole,l G. LOAN@ Axa IMtJ1pA1r01L
Jty. it eomt *75INN). It Wei" fiall,ke I _
y y It if tiler, Iw, foe yon nor vault,(- true(- the rx,l .,r til^ trnnMe, effwt- Oirnp ,l Smmll Rrocpry finer(-. and drdlente.t,on (9)rlptman do it. fifnngow drI"kinif woofer 11 wf Gln- — _
li+tened uietly. totalled a fnr-stand tl,n--------- - -
Iilile, and ealuily" rPivented that Il,• w.`h-mi, tit th^Nr trininR :Itt,.,, in¢ thOr igh and Tx•rmartpnt (•ores. After ties• follure (4 tie Harlow- I►ifr9, itq I Alfred Farlow wean daffy guano Pula Pllrfxl*N:I i Fmlt a Imes y JyJL a=T vs A [.A1LOIt AMO1)t-
unuid "erre. li mit. Qeftp welcome•. I manurt• you.^ tither m-dh•inew mf•rdv art upon the RI11ubill M errhnndi.r. Coonprony, Nr. lnxtnJjp(Fnn fire'erdrr of tilt ronRrr. terintramt t'o 1i (N Lrnnlun and lawny do a oz"so , W amity %
Then the 1inyor t,",k Ihr mntl''r Th:e Bn l Minn. w•Itfe join form nN limo Nymptomm, find worn the paatient Furlow a renal if "mall (meery "lore arntlwl which Wormill OUlpr grrnl cltlex.
1 1 Trpr-d t11Pre. Mr. Apply t* Darrow a Oatrr*w,
in hind nn(] Wtlkwl to UPnI w•rinnw. rawrx uxing tlwm tile% igen rellp.e (N ersirmr every" eros knows that
mw ,1 long and Irlx pyrx hnnRtng wnl. In ale town tri KnOz %II r, which h^ Fn rlo W, ltP read^r. wnP rn llrl fiy Mrp. ^t wr•,
Into n eondltimi :fir awed nP txifore. Ner[rxm iXVII Ktdrine, "Patten '
I). Hp mpokp In ImnRonge mur• for mnnlge l to gn"p, 'For t11n1'a woks•. conducted file a number of ywlrP, nm- Faddy to breorrr her llwaslatnnt nue t ,, t R.atx'LtrrlE-uli�fs 1:A4 I� sa w•
,'ihle than elegant, ,I,.n•t kill me." Thr -re Its tin fr, 13hl,r dill• to Inior Mfn,d "IPt*J by IIIn M)'1 .\Ifo/d. Tr1►m .lvilx tO lit) the jNltltl0'1 11a (:IlN Deman ill II IIKIIIg 1;111` 11rLhto1laM ►Itll", {p Ii111N- Re w nee. liMl lfwua a*A td..aey�I,ewal dr }.
\l.,7 tC(,II. d %f'on't. If yell wer,• fir went nrrirn whi,•11 thew,- plllm %%•alt )die Drwt exla••rirW'e ort AIfrM Fnrluw Ihr l,nfdlrntlrin 1.Ommd:L)•r fo. the e 1
"lknt, you're nnthin' to mp.' h - � ,qnw N frdtntnln-bend. itht It l+ ,1ufabt- Aswnr.,a,-merrr{r•renl
,chi, " mn' If ymi're nehln' to thr"v% %e•,rl h It i might, lint not yin are rel r ure. 'ni al. • Arlon nrr me k fir fill h, rpnapetinn with tiny rolatillnhrxl fill If the pnxt{pl inn dl(iit•allii N run- ill y o lend nn atratrhtJesus. at rhe /owed{ -
Vtut^ of 1(nwwtrluvratm. Thin lwu it nu s/ tau., -t *oI�r , in an way Its (-wit Lewd
)our life away, stn' stir jewt bnun,i nt,t I'll merely o- nnk yon nil there i11>* nrr urged lie glee tIlly mrdlcl°i' :' toltainpPa. lint Ine wax wit wholly ton, while Ilia name Implies that It In'cte•I with the mnloplylrtk of IILt1e asprruwer. lMh,e: `ox,rind dOwr from R,luars
Ln lob It, 1 guecM I've Rut n" kick kirk y,m nut wf tmvn. i'll whnw you fair trial rind nrr cantlonre /ta;ainnt awtlnfled with oh^ work rarol the rrua. ba- fvonnned In It" w Idwret orf m milihrn Twoftir dllh venter West street.Onderh•A. fDut,lf
I mix el. iar rho Lmatch
cumhl'. 19t, tar all thnl, 1 hmin !,• the numrralum imllntluns will. h seem • dntwa thirty.tuur lallww away urn
(lint 1 inn nTiprrry4m l kind Intra Twit* 1t raftrlret fiT htNiatarc: Hrntr HaMmelrro,Ptta tar rlrtnnl%v much _-_ . _.. tint
it% yen art til,• hen Yon won't I:INt ,Irrll'•rw onr f Thr g,nu,nr ldtly nl- , inure Liman that. It 1,1 the factional IIPR I grnenllly niprrr•rinU•d. \ e IPmv lhfin AITCYTO UXRTwo. �'' as
tl •n b% rrnJrrdnR Pun tlN• Gnnr %leu the er to ",m lin fxrtnfae!r1 upon h!v 1 17(1110[1110 gnPunw tire, -)nil% uri", :,. OtI
two Wlnatpn when the ftml 11nn wnyw twe,lr the toll num•, "Ur. \1�i1- e,f the 1'nhlleat.on /'O:nmltts•r fur the � I{jtROTtAl1 Gl/YORT. ♦tJCTIGMpit ♦1(11
pn,{NiN••,1 to Phots ml..' father to cl„Nz oil the bnalnePn nml 1
' "mill to town, No nitarPtmt ever Iinmti link Pilly fox Pate Pip plr•' ,,,1 Whole rhureh, an tier- O ornrg forts tier Ilqubl %viola" of at. t MAN A st L. (>= A
Th,•rr win n i%hlmkl•y-Mlrrrl tring to migrate with lib fomlly t") a tleorr rRnnizatlnn Of * A IA le(M seer@
lav, nu' we%'P Iowa mnr"hnlp taint nl ,in(, "file of tau• r„nni. with primo the wrapper nrcmhed every Ix,t. n HnalylrhrrPOttw its the Ntrpnt thnnt h ,Inngta Ann rd trwuaoa.,aAaaw
p mliy w ntt h 1 g4 Thu farm! hi nrafm•t to rk fallen,. theme et ntnw Oa s. aWr sw..ed ko r
moor• men-marohwlm wlwor finRor" rmptp Iw%rp near ft.. Pointing to The,% went tq BcwlHee,.NMlb+, pMf whit- the entire ehnreh 1• govPypnl. 1 YFstulNtbeue,r.y s►y
mere not aloes at pollin' n trlRRpr stn' five txirrrl. Dent xal,l tit the Bnd •� Rew(net II(n(a• later(, II%ed f<fr n number of yearn ('Aatroas ,thewp RoptA Itrewth. Bien ew toy'enn�efl,te, Fltwt r�� oai%dm� OHN YNO G1lyILRAL 1QNS,
loch„ had dung th••Ir port In hPlpta' lean in tutee Pu gentle• lox Nr h• nl %IwRvw nme nm fine a thr(,n,i mud the here mono ench eontributtag to Oos*ldering that thin Church o? mileM tate water Ix ivNlvoyMl lhrouRh J .maL,ml�alaaeo•,f1 �C� L
nn the coffin trade. itrfure the land ,,,,tat kind: n,"lt^ low the garment sill n11,•w. tilt, anppo►t rig them fnmtly'. tint- of (-hr1,t, NelentlNt, truly dates 6f1*It tie rk•r•p Uemud*, nn<rthrr (•war m11Px 1•sasnd Laneadwrwh,o erp4rld*ed In fy ser
\Imp cell wrrn't mm�llnt l0 an mlMh "11'lll cull 1i1^11x^ fb M^ ttlr kill-) Wheri lhreallin ywar nredlr mike Ihr fiver ik11ighters nJM► as"IwtPr1 ly iyo7, anal thnt fiurinR. tie, first ncn/wa %;Illeyw In Iron T.IoInT, nmi the
!I. n RrasphopgMr {n n Cattle "t:%m-- n"•nes t„ toy ynlrrtoel/ R a w, ►w le lea r I!•
parr r,l:lt hurl the• knot roti Ihr end hrvrhen off frim touching "rlst Rant B^nLefor w Dltr- lwewt __ irf ltd al.aN++ will% tba V eaMw@idelb eat
Ig'de\" rel math ynnr inn,• ,lownwnr,l 7 I will Inv thlH Tx•r{v1 yt,nR3 Fllydnw wn4 If9t �, y IrctrpaRmtlOn remnindrr orf 'the daxturteP In „pin Wnne �ntsaaeaA fo kis. a@
t hr reel. - grow - w-- Ilia T( +tg6 jl -7l. fwrt Pitl'� rano•. ol.L or eget b► paQpa.w
'•mks von really thtnif tw!` Dent Ir,f ftrtnln yin lunger thin T can tO Ihr frwt fur wa a mad nwaas Lo e+ %amarwttrriy n/Dw, ttn reltttnt rtd " ►, .r+.eP.0.,esrofelly �wmak '"
T'ho rile rur frilling IN our •In I n y p f,$W*t sta'rnstIs M rrlonrtaM*. lint arlmin it t'lhts form a eon%rynne • O, is
naked, InnOewntly. awlp." n,tvntice the lam'ly fam,-baits, arnl at CWA in not mra In aft. Jt IF "wen,.• plxwild•cr.vt C19 Nt n mile, fir our
"Ifntn qunrtrr tilt IrnKth of file w{gr to y R F 1 MOZ CloselyAseltenddr, u
ph "' the Mayor umlfterl Im TII^ Rrwa \Gin hr+mltnt^d. hilt lount. Ihr marine limp pore film own way for Ln
nLVently. Thpn hr nddrrl "\u, I wax lnplstrnt 1,rvrlinR hlv fie trgmmld R nMl taking rf lot with phrno:nOntU lou"In holt mlllinnx In all. ��••'
1 i I%imU,l In (Wring n Pkrrr. torn II and the fotwrr, Into which h^ looked with rapldity. }qve yei nt:r a npw mild even
drnl't think Mr. t know It.." strnlght at the Rn.. Nnes'n b^ad h^ aMenrnpCp anti youthful ennrnR,• Ri Chareh orarnslsntirrn and Xovprn- J{•ki11� pTflt p L
plane the fnrhtR "'*ad' the plenvrs ba-. Klrnlor nynixlncr wtr fv%mpMtM
"R'PII, t phoned Its xnrry to huge Mild: •wnM nos n cl.•rt, lnaarht Prhod near beryl hav0 tlr-e.rt IIPveM l�
tnnlblp with film ftm l Mmn." Ik lot "I 1N, r on nrr nut ,in tr, reftiae fern Nnwing It On. 1 pMlsrr• nflNr nen^ yenta' Inlxrr, mn that, wNle W* amm, spy fN�ly
"mill, f uiptly, "nnd i aur T won't. ml. N•, ilmnll a Perviro- I r tally think 0-ithern Ph"oll nlwnvN h^ m^t till Fannlrlr+, ndl frN►fluet(,d n n'lmlrr of tlohatrlY with other fnolOM a.( iull lwwYw lot (le etart, (illampAw mny
t p` omntl t»mmerelnl enlpr{wtvPs ncne of Rrowtle, natal It atan•ke tc►Flny nn n
the right Ili hilt ai-vpr WllIt n P ,fie nbl'• to d^h' n 11 of dry wenlh4
lnyhnW, 1 Llnank you ftt ,rune kln(1- you wnnl•I Tx'lter Rrnnt my trifling whirls hrswpvrr, fill^d the rrpnflre- pnrr•nt al's"'i well- n' r,i►•• rt tdlP what yuwre ".let%
np"" In wnrninR me : lint replay, "afire re,llvP"t.' n1•rvtle, live n large pin. meat" nor film nmilltlrrne. , t- l.'4 Mwn iltl er. f.rwlllnMrlt wrwr n month, lot -)euro ht "TIgN t(•p
the Txv,plp have Parted mP, I think Taw Rn•t lith INAP-1 al flip i.tnl in nrwing a oenne pall lire "lltrhem PI lrlwr for rel TrrsaPrvnllna nal par- whk•11 Mr unr xPPmr In Pv t,' pu%d, Ay Idltltk w
I {M'r' yoMnR %rotheml, till•
i aHl omen(-" tIpPO lot faint. nil flnnlly cnnrin'lr,l rGrrrly tngrlhrr. Ant lightly, Infntbri //►saalsH MP o1bM,11wxA. TrPtruitlirw 1t nM.n hap ample prml- __. ,
afttltt rot sfHntnleiwtf Itfs:1 in • fid Debt Ire n xlef l•tFrn tare t", frnlIP% lo► ,Maid, or. -V I. the mrum
Thou thPMny ran+Il re atlPilwon of that. Verba or it Wnie^ h^ hitt^r. R,, thron high(( rumina rent tw pull the In paaUlrlQ• n1M irf lila varJfFda O'cl" Itwwp of action nil nlinR Ihr whk+ rntilr :ix o1( •a Inn olurM ns Jen �k t!) lkr, ' fv ttuvt til Thr
Ihr wheal. afrnlr. Incl fell G, wnn,1t,r Ir^ itstlkn,l Orrr fn til^ tuirrrl. though thrPrl.1 tight, nos thU cnhsrN Ihr ermm y'mthfni Mterprimps, to woe I MMthrno nrr 1 ,w Nerries . They
RI re lfllr. Titan' nip Mnrtitkvn• wnas. O a I19 irxit,-a ia, ivrr, Han P mop eikern, Ty erep. frena uvea IHv."
Inv shatllor Lhr new mnrmhal hxJ tdxrr Aur mD nor of rrllwln ure In to drum%. mryl►Wes. tI'Ya *anima faNly weft! wllleh Jlina ('Mdy'a ewsessaoF wMl al. t M tort vru the• ver sur.
I(i J 1--Chkato TtlralaP.
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