HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-30, Page 2.. — • CAN THIS HK THLIK? THK vourill or 8COrl,AND. I ___-The S�gnall WAN ono mlgu dd a duck'.. nest to sse Me, Andrew Carnagte's dunatlou of 1 it feetther uu a log, stood the $tate- 12,000,000, "W provide tree uuiver- ads'. w evetssr� usout that Ur. Ludwig Mixed vets' make mity odtlaatkon for every boy and aTgRT TBUdi1tDaT 110R1fI1:Y ii D. ■le•'ILLIOQD>Di. J gni. for 4 cont.. err 1.11W fart has girl In Mou%IaM1 oa{)able of l,assing nut vandal any wild rueh to get rte the entrance examioatlnd," ft- r,,g- __ — _ - ._-,--_. of gar ased electric light etunpally gestive 44 several tlungm. The ell t- _PH1IMdAY, MAY 30. IiN)1. %t(x:kr. Nur will the statement of mated ,�*UWI income Ir ,L501101), Mr. O. P. Ourretrun'r alleged dincov- wl�ch If.% ,,tete oral. of the cupitul ! ------ ----- --- -_1 - rum, a otowN the ex )ectati„n of the r TMK ttli>lN1l/\. eryjifutluce• at punk eumexrg till• own- 1 ors of bmeitlug wurke. Neverlho•lelts, dionor Wat the present low rate of �_ to draularum)n with some hes■ions there+ may be mumolhimr In it. tear_ Imtereset will toe permanent. :•Moue 1;. err Purlinlnent in recent years, the retrun's ore smelting furnace b con- years ago, u gift of I" kind would sane which ended ton ThuredaY w:u not mtruele(I Of copper and costs =:1,500. pr"btibly lutve, been fa)vettsd in a i unduly protracted. The opening war It can handle t."5 taut.. of ore per 24 lauded estate, front wluch the inoowe f ern February 8th and the clueing oil hairs in it the lisp lit fuel in un- would tuive been dretwu lop the form Mu,v .3rd -Puy three nod one-half uewwsary, the required beat being of rent. That style of lurcrtwrut t month... Some credit must bo given generated by the combustion of cul- lad the extra tati%ulit+ige u( a pro- �;i" to the .new Oplotwitiou leader, Mr- phur In the are and o%ldistttitul lit the liable ride lop value. Faruw that were ! � Borden, wlo lull.. shown nu dirporitlun Iron and matte. While the heated locate■! in the suburhr lir London, lir i, i to waste the time of the Howe; and game■ arlmn front the hearth of the Ltvrrla)ul, lir t;ltasgomi a clown of " " IL V n Wre-it Wearing to ba rte o1 turnnco, Dnginolmg the d/a►mpswlton cenfuritw ug%) Ilaye rutce been cut kF Innvin And the two Tupper.., �w(`ho" �were sip the urea in the upper portion of up unto huilding lots, and now Ver unmitigated I'arlfampmlary-..roes the furnace, the'maser of the charge Lunn enornnokm islcaner to thrlr Tits• tioveriment war able) to assort' feels passing downward until it uw"ere. lop tlutt way' guilt and tlw menta n that it■ Uexnikxi JNIIo y schools $ltd vituritirm are now richly had bepo very ruereltrful In its pr opr slua. r )lee great hent dei sup of the eltslo11i anal lunllies like the Port- •i� fool.t t(Pn—t lilt ,If producing re%enue. ..lug. Tg b the acts it C(tile li a Insists and Wertafiosterr have (More •19u• kiw•eraw „r cusu,ms dutb•s lend into %lug b,v the nMicul of dile lime Mune) %Itself they know what to,do 1 :old the iron contained Pilher In the porrsebly find route effect i'l 4tlmulat- - with. lint mince !fear) (ioterge wrote - lire e,r suppfled aur the flux. The cop• he■ hook ou "Prugt•e•ro sal poverty,,, ntyr iml(wortm, nasi the gcn,•rul pros , l s lt elow the- rtrdtnto s the M" le haul duce fir IN r ala tc ink b tlwre ft- al appretheres;u(1 that 1L rvat.y i 1 p -,f Ilie ■l:tg and Here is where the rrrt. T►IPrt aur a InrSie sur{idler -d clauglw w.ay t)r ..(facial fn tlr$ syr- ' volae Ie( the in%enlNa vunlem 111. At rprrmr r,rpr ordinary e•xplenditune, tem tsk LuxuUuu, wlrrrb)• hl ..rat an!J a hrunll surplus 1477u,8&I) over r%_ this 1mAnt )herr. ore rutile• rx- mill be taken (ear public reyenu n p•o.liturpm un currea-L and c.tPilal trio, tugerr deh%ering u blast lieu tat taxes wl the hro,luct of nreamts eomWnpd. Further cedar- ueNler the pressure (A $'even labor, in wW.ch case a landed n - tions of taxation or the announce p,uutks to the elntlre inch u1 the dowment mglA twt prone m►t. far- o( r rlrterminnti„n to npldy molten matte, and a very iut#nsr tory ilor a melsoul. Wlatever 11ds rets\ maul uxulixation develw's the heat urcer- ,,lure rurplumes tt. the reduction of r+trY W roucert ilia co, r that iia tuuing Deny leave been, Mr. Carnegie i ••e Ioblic debt would have been %pry �'' appears Lu leve bmacrl ter calculA- yet !n u estate of sul side into the arMOdied. Tip 0oyernmpnt took Lhr Id tluom u{wn the ordinary' rate of in- irrition, howiver, that tariff 0Utbil- metallic etate. Thew there Arp ac- terert on Brflisb e,nsol■. He found r o desirable that there rhuuld cc,wphatixd, in one operation, tle ,out that tho fkhm of the four $cutch Ito ton w ronwt.4g. the ,mattiug anti tin• err• i cwt icor frequent chnages, nasi it aur uairrrritirr awoluet t,t %19,000, a1N1 ifs dwwig of tow er,lyorr to the qtr% tl h, prpvlded for a ere Income of t: 0.- rnat difficult to find waaye of rpending rtuu•. OA•.• great pufut of %nlue tier •u ritlrr- t1W. j r in Ila lid Rml d n 'i Ie neon I tt i, til Y til est (act that insssafuch ser nu fuel chi, more, on public work.. wbieb errs Uf ,arty, kind iY required it makes uu ftp have heard a great deal to thio demanded in %arkns parts of the country of lair IIbout dile young oobi dl!(Pr -ucr Iww fauccurriWe ihr mine r” ye rcl acrd. The scflsx 1 de bele o r tic think R ec t dun, %tor 1 - s dlr n til , i•ht ter 1 , t e can ba t este 1 .awl cot tat !tP lir r r h 7 -air frienetb h:a%"e gone inn fsts! RP- thl•n• ..tett oonvprte l !n!u inp;utm ,Im l collPgew were ante a) be tlmirag lresMhment I)( pxppndtlure. should tae ready fur tis• reliselnpf. Furnacai call wed11 harm, along with sume Soled, uL., la• built of u i s+• tV acSumwo- I uuult b.4oce it i* f,oreed by %hp re- Loculus.. what Id called higher educa- du.ter ole• output of the mine'es ripe• tills unfiter lip )dung mall or womwa ,-urreuce of hurl times "Pit (selling city. The furtince pert con, feted tet alt, o li will e ,rdi Ir I r f fe I fur lh lop ) t t thetrt, to liU(i711op uefr O hN t:pU ¢ re%pnue. R ' Tho Government. did well to reriri t.lN• copiwr dirtrict of Nurth ('aro. ihr resanll that the Ino I it filled with t1le importunitlPs uC tilde suolpn man- jinn. Mr. t:nrretwou In now In tlw half-Assrveni Inwyevm, dklctoria south arranging for itm h•Ing ,met up' wchen nn 1 trncherm, while Innd ctnrerr, wht, are dioatINAP(I lIN)tier' mnchlor tb building for Call- efa i e,.1 n xl en race to Ir im- lierr eat II a m I • e - t il r rt fi n fu niYa w%rtier. In tN• 11 co l o. , e r r I he r u lit t 1 , tl a [ ih til e d era t gg P t' { the •clop 1 . l'a - I n) tel .top muco to r ars Mr r I'" t I tariff. That n alaP to the face out' up lir the• btullding of LIN• sof et• 1 r ,� I rhe i he iven to Canada•m b"Ist son (mrnace, tow oPly nose of et• magic, lhcttgh u Krewl cnptuln of in - g trtctulg the usetul from tele ore, ,1Wtry', Is not a culleg,; man. He tw- ti cuato er. to inereame the profits lir three rppuarntP prxerses were re- i;1 II Ilmlt 1 Plat-■ ui Canadian prab%c- quin•d. Flrsst for ors, 11aa W be rolrt• vn.; nt Lhr bottom soul worked np. _ e■r. 1►114 a.adjualed Shtd[.�elPe'"" psi, whlrfl W nn rxprnsive proves... If any conn miQlut be cxcupra for huld- iy - n Tile m�tall h1-extracteafTroid'-the ing, the -theory Iliac college training +' to high rnte•ti-a and culnWne r„wt ore. Lntcr. by mull snottier e3ethalm w old hAcp, darn wl un- ptoc•Ma, idle %:arkoux me nlw-nrP app► fur ihr murices Ise uselrp lir .letrl- 1 o^ntal, Mr. Carnegie is that man. �f pardonable ley file, a Liberal Uuv- Aratel (Pate from the other. The rn- efinment. Thr. stolen men. like• tine tic'- treatment iia extremely eippn. Ypt wt- fin.) him nnxfuw to leave the it wive. By the ewe of Mr. Gnrretm►n's boy.. as l girt of his notice hand en- stalverr of mentor, will help furnace, !t is clnimpd the expense it awed to take a college cuurde-,mo lhem■elye■, when hey (reel cuuvinc- only onte•G•nth ser Krent. A romJwrnY anxlollr tint hp is willtug to pay fur 1 1 /al of the futility I trying to to with 4:,,000,000 onpritnl law term (Pr- gnaised to manufacture the new- it. He may- not believe that lie ;wool enricfled by IPgI■Intie . They ha%$• Nulplter. hale accumulated wore dullard thus �_ ..till a duty lit .:1 pert lit. rtaniling __ _ __ Ile did, If he land been we•Lt to oollrge twtween them next the t eign corn- PAVIN(i AND PRKACHING. when he wnwn buy, but hr must hoI'e i 'prtftcr, alnt tint uugl to be Rey 8, 14. Crailr. of Tomato, bar nn idea that useful e,ki, it increased Irl e t f lir m ro wllu kali ll r r i h• ti t1• e s n b h ie t lea u i n t ,1 - , r• w ” .f P p o cu ids a r n lap d hi � 1 dtl 1 n o r n r nl ns, ,t Ir y f r S gr Iuninese. aril are content mitt; fair )dist,".not.ta take, a stated salary country newspapers arrive, wee ma) e t result■ are sentiri- r. profits. 4t- g wi future. "Iwlt slat peril Muu.inr ref• lar Inform I u[ the re:ucros whkh e h roe t the t hail tie r 7 h& s tailed Mr. Car ` om so - . yatsd it Ler tet ntr'•'s►!sary expenses u1 idle --. ------�T--a[1�'----. _ !w p''ttlP loft _ --- - . _ - - on to T6-'tgth(SIIrat Pburch. lachtding inLerawt on the 4 Ing of silver-lead'ore, concerning mortgage delit.. had Wen deducted, A LONO WAY ROUND. which -the, -be t-- "%,-u-sera Ile h --Wont- tnke wlmt war left-mr-h IBI A cede Ilotoewltist rereneWlgpf -tile m 1,mallmem and 'its temporary clear- stlnry for the week. Ttder mstw e. Mr. •uiaginur) ere which oreaviotally tcter. ('roll( renwiderm, pnta the church on e Mtmsarer like the pension act, tlne nn-apostolir hooks e) far as paying oari"It toad dreams In tlw radon Can- - affil.... is dPrcrlbeA Dy the London ('an- t amendment of tl.e align Inbar law the pwWr iN irnepruel, Anti Ire r%- skit Canadian News, as folkiwr: ;. ural lit Lite Dumleioes elections Act ,prelrpd his Wilftnguers W abide by wpnl through without much dlbrpnt, til•• rend t.' We- do not rei oRndar nluell Many a living Nor' -Wester r•mem- To the measure fnr increamin sloe of w new de• trture lel thl's )p. upon Whep Vl'h or i malt druptill t l g Iia 1 uy)uu k:nislumd for ntlt Lsul suypllw. o • memberm' Indemnity from &1,000 to Srunme. Every churele flaw w July +%al wlrn mhipusents reached thocap- $T.f�rl err plsaton.'tI ens ]vrm' tlrp rm 4 mar►eltaa,, the eaextrlr light, itALlof tlu• Prairie- Pru%anee iia Hud- ticall no ob tion, and we oto not lar Kau maul. WNe sexte►n, the organ ..'cru'" the). To-do) if rend r Lie• Y jrs' Wwnilm•g TPlrgrnm of ^ U carbndm think there will he any of a serious diet, "nil ms, on, before there is n dol• of flour made ley the Hudson's Day {` character In the country. In our tar fur th:• progenitor, who gets what Company at Winnipeg being shipped { ■ were under- b Ieft aftrr the preferred creditors to Elltflun4 by the Kt. Lawrence opinion, thr member route, Than does Manitoba take ' err wgveureil. Generally. a littlr man• , paal-1 for their time awl. Rbrlr _rt4sk._ _. tier place in British markets. It and ('anadtt is not mo Poor at- to agt,lmWit used lutor are require% Us Deems strange to be able to avid y ,sake, the re%enue lnrgp enough to that a lar o c rerpnirr gratnitiva rrnMp. Ilavi t1w g p. rt lit Lill.. c)nu,lgrt- ralury of the Premirr been advamcm] FAIUMfy til,• peenrher tro, And that ment Is debignel for trading points ) 4t- where the wonlinpds of the Craig of the Hudron'm Bay Company iu the �+ al ehe coon... tlnp, amt a .#i►Ixry - inth-A cOr rrgionp of !north Am- Providedl for the leader of tho Op- oystpm will aJglear. It in trot very priest, The Iluditon'm i y (iompony ,i - lard W get a quarter or a. dollar inteml W trnnmff-r the fluter In the pn)aillon. felt-miMlel taxplyerm from the man w.ho Is In leis �w, hitt Lmdon docks W their %expels t ad- r r IP ael: p r " h 11 r a n • t yr lee A w n rel hu 1 `1 Ler twelse him pay for the iandAys Ile � w•lth Hwlron's Flay, uring it In # . - - _ - ' • id nbrtent Is a tougher problem. VI'hpn place of flour hitherto bought ht 1<iherla In spooling butter to F.ng- British markets. On the face of It, '. en will it W so arranged that he feel.. he It ween m w very roundalww, way of Halal now. lanasklan dnlryat mrtrp for tM ■prmnn, whother he in tea work -to batt to snake p gfw,l articlr to Iwty R proadit., flaw in ji con to in the Brltiri market. Ilprtrw it or not, his wRtldprieg or vM- the (:anait(on Norihwteat. -aaall IL. P Pc iting pro twitie•s will be. checked, one t the l'n tir Ol Paclar. Railway �,1 r _ _ 1"' and the ALlanllc O:enn to EnglntNl, and the finances of that church will then beck n ain acmem the ocean via l vonwumptkrn carried off 2'31r11Nrt1 ter pretty ante. Hudevon'a My to pdnts In North .%m- wons ll Ontario in April Ttv oL prim sellout the name dimtanep from In n•Iee,silo lir congregntkin from . R 1 utimldr lit dratlsl Ver»nlr.J era . R'Innl{wS ns, Montreal Ip. l'^t tbl■ . A fi:%el obligrltfon, Rev. Mr. Craig In rcally the d niekpat and tent method 4.7. The dpathw from ronmumpCo'i In Aw"mnr" a de rete or frt,ekine that 1 R lit trnnnit, nasi w•hnt tw•tttr lrl- "03. April, I1NN1, mete _ oL11rr nlfa)kitprm cnn flnrllp hope• to lute meld Ile hl W the dpyrl 1!rt M► 6 .m,loy. "hnfl%cenian," In n recpnt it meat of trnnm-t ana Ilan and trienm- ItJ Lart year the UpltP,l Mtnlem,Grr- �, tit the Wertnr4ester, called at• Atlantic trndle. ; maoy, France send] Italy combined tPatkrn to the rkliculour limp• That flour is not carried across the JuLll a venel tonnage of 83.4179 tatinme which moms Woos try Atlantic naml hack for fun, but for G : I tona.. /treat Britain, which country psis plane • about the minldter. profit. The Inng mileage in the eh'pnp- p useneoitlan Tnry editors Risk their "Ble," he 1mld, "Ir here debasing sw% way t., get Lire ptafr from the If rPtAiPrs to Jwliwve (s to the Iart moviety, disturbing the church, dl■- point of predation to the polnt of ' stage of decrepitrxle sad decademcc. Krneinj families, darkpriing b6mra, ronermnptlnn. Nnr ill bin tilt,:, of n loll( no pose than 1,445,471 tons. doontroyfng men's bottler send damning long final being rhenparr thein a Kh,1rt their grad... Rational mps—not to haul .entirely new. .% raw weeks ngm • Arabl Par", hanimhet to CPylon mp"ILk About Christina lir^n-might h• wa gn"t"d from Lord Derham'm rv- .1"I -it=-c t.,rmiL' it n"ui trete nor- _4 ,--•„�J,WUmu. ,ta+ sew• port yn Cannot-% a rnmq in which it Mned, and will be allowed to return ngalnmt mfq, oven Aluppming It were Was shown that In the year 18:i4 to Faypt, tate eePap of him m,twition, "It ruched Ili the m .xt cla"Kie•11 whevtt rontl hr taken from Toronto W shark what British power and en- ]dirnmen, nor delivered in n highly u: Livprp)ol, converted into ..Lear, %e lee have done for that vountrY• sr'wlte ..tyle. A"man dylnic rr..m r"n- and hrnfght hark U) Tnr,rrato, fnr rpt- Would .n nothin Atonal plan skin 1 K p Y P , )e I tom tort 11 W valla lnk- t W 1 nn nw 1 1 in w 1 1 1 eec n %I of m w k I i� hn OoM Pn ex -rebel nasi in%erview him Ile mlRht oho t(roes {n wldcfl ills lolrymlcfnn prn- md•rlbed a remedy. A debtor wh.wr Ing n Rriat from ,hP Townahlp of learn ■nmothing to melt him -D tells ls)me w•Ao to b.• mold tinder a mart- Wnrwick In ILmbton Oonnty to the• ehstinaey. gage, w,nild not criticize t1w graturp- mill in tarp Tvrwnnhip of Wratminmlpr. id the frle"1 who gave him money WiUi n rrnrnd trip of tel miles. When r A Oorseaa ek,clor snrs Ile curds to tiny the mortgage. Thr Brltimh moldier. who wore prnnei In at Prp_ mrinn "f the projfrctpd rnllwayp t" mPui*ea la two or three days by plie- Uwin wrrr not prrtleular nbout the Hudmin'a tiny are completed, the Ing tie* Patient in A room Vitally ,'tyle cif the mein who Rave throe food e,itir"r of trade dpeerihod by our TAn" ►IRlhteii thre h rah) lama or red silk and frelodom. It people were even n seg R fkrve enntemprary alit tip nitpresd. little In rrtrnrst obeli the isalrntlon poper. The chemistry of light lie n of iheir mall" Would they b, finical woaderfal rtndy, and it would tw nn- about the manmrr In which thsi map- Tlwy Are nrin%drinor the nice. Cana, 't. aka- to trent the doctor'■ theory �R('' of malvation Is dP1lvPredt' Jinn appiw At til, OIaaRV)W exhlbf• w; with-rldlente, 1'P.rh naive,, hna ImnSInP n roan vying, "stivallno ` r►Pss to the grpntert thing In heaven (r nn Lion, which err• m,nml and of excellent t +i pfovktM ninny n11ArpMr cmmp than are rwrth. alb prfxrure It (lod'a wall- rin%or. having been preserved la sold yell known to ns. beloyet &con lord to die. Wltho•lt wit wt"rngr. ifuw loaW will' it ole before vniktte my Immortal Alred trent h• (•aandinn crwwnan"•rK ,Albert 1'nrl,nv, opokom tit as the EliertallY Joint. But when ynu come Art the ndrna 1 to tell cop how my enol ran be moved tage trf eh'.w lw•n"firent myntrm 7 ;teas, PrOhable PWVPamor to WIN. Fiddly ns tor, 1,• ll tersest of this Chriertlan "Peftlot bod ,,..vagi the dtv%lh ..t O,nt" conn Ir• 1 I I Iikr to not npplPm rcPr� -tny, y' sire ll►nI yoot Nowak at the riahl thinking them Iw•ttAr thm" saelMlne �vh! mays: "Ntolsrty ern parr Lnkr her polt(-h, Art ydalr %mlrr b• well m,Kfi- % llt%pkrt or n d.•", nrntaknlnR nl)i►at o monorso." HP s1t11": ' Tf lies, pnblle lalpd. foot the, t-mpr)asl" in the right ,u1,••lhinl of n6 lawlu•h rAn nmv br (%Ince, new] make no nnintnkn ketrnat term Irl in flnmiltun for 70 r,w f or f lien ht mile meant nap Indi%idnnl g,?" � ytmr iuflcrtL.M Uwne all thl%Rm R tIt j moa trtr•,Imr Im•r marrpamor, i b(•' .I.q, tt,llirW me ahool Christ In and they hnve Lit- hr rr%trn ,fcithoat �.,�g BB1Aa tt wnm virtonlly n pnrnd"x 1 l,ten1e-file mimltPa," No rnrnearnt kill ncirwdn re _ (,�r�� rt, 1 hey u, ..rale Irnm from wplartp silo cornet it wmnld h" ,l iw onlyd. r"ttLng. Cnld atorngr ought to give . men' In Lhr menop f lint ,enc w na til o ,,n. n cony il+ l dl hearer inapt In �, etc' lo. Iwr% ihr flnlrAl hrnMr moat Iwr err np)plew, ecm nt thM LimP.rf year, ter. ' I my. 7irntl ms, n term.' meaning n t,.ld nlwalt henna In flip pwnp•r pitelt for 41 n Inwhel, And lay them tl')wn ..poll conn. nn ural conn slims JParm, I,( %nlrr 11^II rl%oy h• n Jriner• film In Grpnt Rrltnin for R's. At taw, •" ns, Ihe 11"nl vnanh(x)d Prerivel f ("le Alhnuhl n%ml-t, lilt IIIc wap tri P )y prbrw the• drmAnd would Iia murk " H1tn. wnvel-1 continue to top at the ranee• 1hr ,4w,m of idle rlrrnnlly h/t mw"t nlwaym toe expolninood with prcorwr KrPntPr. tin,) the h,onant farmPr mold " hesed of the cherch " Inflectleas. , get rinh. NOTES AND COMMMT& I New Lealand ba■ a white PopOls- tltin of 778,440; au luorouse of 28.- 4! per neat. in bbe decade. TWe 'to - tat ]Nlpulatlan of the falaad Ie 818,- 518. The MsaaLicihurette Leigirktture tins b)' n vote of I(Y_ to M5 defettpd to nuraoure to permit Kurxhty Solt. But In jouny part* of tilt- xtato Holliday Irt"ebull tie +t paying humineese. The foul seat revolver combination tw eluargrable with Another death, thle time In Toronto. And this time the ln)l knew the waapun waw loaded, for lie hinewif last fn the cartridge. Such trngetlles are nut far removed' from murder. The Ooiernment lute decMed to pay tw efpegser of neprs+trY wltnOmm lit the, Investigation into the Paper Mukerm' combine, which will begin to- norrow before Judge Ta■rherean at Montreal. Mr. -t. B. .%)Ierworth ,and Mr. John king will act ns, "uuntct fur tlo Press Almariutiol. Huretue Towpaend vAbiese W the Philadelphia Itomrd that the Inn- ,bn welcome to Lord Milner, though ,cordial, war not Ily ntprICAIJY m). 1'rrlulp+ that W just ns, well for MII- ner. \lit Mit very' Iting.490. +t lila" rectmel Dowry reeei%arl aN h 611,06oal weln+w.• in the felted `+tater. What ha- Im ,oils • of him ? He may be alive err dead, fur all that' the public seemte t" kik,w' or care. Edison flat a new st"rttge battery fu'r which he cktinve great eheapnew anti, almost tntirp indestructibility. 7-6,\ taltitive element of .the cell 1t- Iron n I title neRative muperoxldr of oHek11 Titan hs tupores to 4arnem P \ ower t�c a theft- art tow i fes and p W pros a elect c ourreett. We'll all tw able Mde by anti by. Writing Har . 'm WrILkly' E. li Martin deo et- the "tLe moK in- dit+p,rusable on 'til" -Is Mr. J. Pi"rpn)nt Mor n. No n Ir indls- fan v I u c rt lit 1 we c )..asst e f tr 1 , 4 that there will\be Irm.14 Witt will tth■pnt from lir. nrI "'de•larst/f"al mf )los an's cn ...alive trmefulnersm g ,mP t ns, mf til e " ad Ye d he, N 1 f f % h, tie t wt-rld would probably- slut h n dul- I:ir the poover ; #one Iso,nLld Mare lost ,u, metol Itunl-ernrslad mope ,and "clue epeculator■ mlg'htVave t► or lost m•,re. Tose most v„s"iffistiffcaa Ia- vent.,r of the tele,{rt I>r la ,rator rt- that ever made life coli... r bett for tea fellow.. taker prece roe c ihr, combtae urgnf►iser a.'•a aefs for u( humanity : and thole a e the uwti whom we can Hest infk) to .11 p1 •11.r will). . \, KAISER 109T �� MIIII�NS. Clever Adventurer BuncoesI German Royalties. CET -RICH -QUICK SCHEME. It Woo Kxposod by Hls (leltteg CauR,ht In the Northern 1•sclae Corner—He Had Murk Nerve— Other Relyaltles Who Lose. Berlln, May 127.-Almurt lite entire private fiortunem of Emperor Wlt- team anal the Eavpress find other samilsers of the royal family of Upr- mauy have kern swept away la the #windless perprtrata,l bey Coom torol:►1 Cuunvillor Haml#n. The.operatkiur of Sanden suggest the 5L'0 per cent. a year sClx•me. He Is under arrest &fill the Em- perur'r Iegul advisers are eidea%- ortne to determfue tale rxtent of Hit- Majesty s lesser. Ar nearly as can be learned. Jan- deu gut away with sumsthlng like 8,,750,000 belonging to member.. at the court. Hb UaWlltlew Inclwhng the claim* of the royal family, will easily -rout up that amount. Hi# vis- Ible assets in money ski cul exceed 8100,000. film houses. yachts and stables will probably realise 0100.• 000. t s heli v to ve least Iflr Ma e d e e%1 Ila jt- y 4 r 75U 0 thrum h the ,) ratlun■ i• . ,00 g of of Seamless. The Lan�cess, whose pri- watc fortune it small, Ir Bald to lave been ria d lel u In 1 lit of 8.' W0. h W I el o it a vii le sesrr i h wh h a Ill. y debt, ha■ already abandoned dome of his projects, fur speInIP4L9 Molloy. at which he In an adept %lis note private fortune now amounts to 8.4,000.000 a year. f t oft c eke ll A ser r ills. 11 w r wl lir Pa ter devoEel for mime years to come repaying the family trust funds swept away by the Handen failure. --1(-aher's ketatives la 1'rouble. Illy brother-in-law, the Duke of Mehleswfg-Holerteht. has been lrre- trte%aWy Tuinmt and.,uulea$ he can raiser a great deal of money, which wow• seems improbable, the 'take will be compelled to contras bankruptcy. tar Germany baTjmAlstry-rarrhes with it disgrace. If It had lot been ler the pro - tent elf the ministry the losnps of the royal family might have amtouot- ed .W twenty times at- tmu•h. .lr- ar:ding t., the gotaslp■ In court clr- cles, the emperor. who wa■ n great dlmlrer u( the brliWilit Sandell. ental lir tura over the entire Iron # ,ck flood, nmo+lntimg to lj�S,U00,000, u annEkeen ►n the lurpe of lmcreaslnR Lt meaty (o:d TAe "iron ..tock,” SrIvrAng W the fart that Biew ;lig wt.: h la Lila faml:y funs) of til • ruy- Iwm Cnicera(tp is W have n fatwlty al f mfly, bi flow Invented in gilt of Commer". the Now York Journal allege sxcuriCes and In L.ndon need 'sew P. 1\ oak r nl ts4ate. Of t'unlnrrrcr wlys : .tw til- %nlue of ',, If . flu ken had art•urel rontriol of education, commercial Ana literary, t f he wluld undkubtrdly have b_ still a v sitar of disewsbpt it it sill W onrry d,n hie operations perhatr just as well to day that^the 'ro, 3earm without difficulty. Thee rol- graduate of even a gOnimpre mel unf is p of N fly-by-night )xtlieme of sari.k..aS a nubility by promlitinS verrt:•ty iia ilei* tnaec--errtain - lain ter par pr sterow ratan of tntpr- eumeow without that preparation eot ou Dion . ' Intrveoted to him fur for life to accuornlate a fortune. The Investment s done to his specula- ntr u§s,ftlon of n fortune d- +cods n Nm tFm 1a Amer) Ar ■ewritles. 1 ! i Hr ens ca ht pmt the Northern do Iwany condttiol" mf chararter tiled Pacific turner, king with a lot of habit and o.pp,rtnnity that till- rv- other Oerm,an IsMaltsts, and his Intion of ehlcatioa to it w. And count ";iapsoo followed, n exam'"atIon in- to him affuirm by o of the Cabinet ;Ilwalya Iia, ralote" Therc it ,sturi' Mlnl.torld u des�,eT too aSo dl■(-lueel WtKrt at -nee to that. Thr patine Mchodm the nature and;\ of .rf ilia npN•r- have teepee noxnN►1 horanse they till se""Lls- He w-ts a�rr __ In Isis pal- IoL mina out I b-pe:►r old Inde •'drlleyo- aro at PotiAm fly (` otle, %'on Moltke, the, coverts Tip d d tmdnm. pool u, face the world," that Lr, fn- Willie he, was center ining Herne mLtlor wlte trip teehmlqut*r of nil the guest■ at an Pknh)rAte linfeer. The trad,w and profeesior►v ani tralned in 0 overnor of Potudistm t ttie bro- mntm"roe. Of rnursR such coax ►Inisttr keV to ifs Ilbrnry, soul for too hraare f questlnnpd him tpgl►rdlag\ film af- ore Willy ; tlr•y are often in.incerp. .tw Lt is the Public School* d`ek top' Wive a Svield Kenrrnl rducnt:ol. On t iv t favmdn Lon real school tJs t comma.. mrd,-estlfie isrhoola and o=her Inmtita- tkon,c of opr•Inl training cion haild nn th:• individual may rin)a+r. No lInh- LIP lirh)ol ran trach children every thing. HER LAST THOUGHT Heard s lienCreklednd WasAnalo u td, stave the Kgg. F4m Harbor, N. J.. May .7.—Mrs. P, Katelote, 7a years of 1, list] one of the wookithlc#t reeddleats of Gnlluway towllellrlp, Int, Ion her deathbed yes- tprlstv, ami the minierler war cum- forlinW her with prayer, when there cause upon the dtillurs# the kind eack- ling (tf a hen. Mrd. Knlelele turned suddenly to her son, who stood In tPnrms nt tier ■tell, send cnmlrramtod him to. see whrre the ileo' waft, #o that the ogg dile hit,] Isild he not Ipwt. Then Lhr agsrl womnn theid. DROWNED AT KINGSTON. O(lawn Government Kmployee Meets hoalh In Nis Native Cley. hlnlDrton, Ont., Mny..LB. - Peter Nu- thP foot of Johnston otreet this morning. Hp crime from Toronto due - tax the- night, and Kot oft the train ,t few ns, e p PA from wh tt, hl remnfrn were nflerwnr.ls found' kir. Nugent, %t hn had Ileen rn,Ioy-InK it holiday, war ,In' of the dell Service employepr In the fttntistlenl Rnrtvan of Use Coultome Ilep;irtment, Ottawa, having ' peen tnantrferrel from Kingottin About le y nn r A ro. Omen I.Iner Kinks Harieur. tllwton, May "A. --Capt. Iladowny, flf the Wilson Lfrr etpau)ter Ohio. which arrived herr Inat evPnlog. re. purls that on Thurmlay off YatAp Is. land, the Ohk) war In colllxlorl with till• Norwegian hargnn FLAP. whiell It Iia believed was sunk. Thr lifptwmt of the Ohi) was mnna^tl, flat the fog waw thick and ole rn•w only mile• eretesl In finding oar anlior, chrim- tlmes Panlsen, n Norwegian, who maid these hr JulnJrd from the rigging of the bnrgae•, and that NIIP went down alnrnat Immediately, with tt of n cr"rt, Th• Ohio arrlvoll In port with Iwo- forward romp:nrtnePnt fall of watior. liAllway Alen ilrawaPA. Winnllwer, \Ina, May 2A. -Two tom- ployPrn In the C. II. R, construction Tampa, F. Mnlefant and a mile, nIor. name, anknuwn, are belloyltd to hnvs let their 11%ra while calts%eing In Bhchsndkawnn Lake. Tile Mnnillohm. Onvprwment ham teken,ovor the llnranf th" Navehern lonelfie Railway oaf) will oporatAr them for a short time. I cruelty the royal Null, used frwluaul- �y earned fur tilt• I:witeror as much tr.o per cent. oat the mousey supplied ny tilt• latter. (lilt•.. amble victim* of the crafty iitu-fen nru (;Vaud Master Baron %uu %ll"rtw cls, 4.500) ; Coveut Mu111en- learK, ¢1_1,0(IO, hurter of lire Horme "mint %on \%..andel, $IS5,t10U; Baron ,on H,•u,lrr (wont Keller used Bnrun L%nck,•r. 4'_1,(m,o Paul%. It W raid that xnmP "f Her MaJir;ty''s ladle■ lit hmaur were non, victim+ of Sawlen's lurid wmmiYaw. .til there ladled lwtong to the wronlle-I pb•t.t party, which IUr- rl.w favor with Litt- i,LOIWPra by fal- IIellive wuprewe hatN,rinnoe to the w•r,m)naal g%w"Illness .,f Mer Majesty. MAKES NISHOES WHITE. Alleged Discovery of a New - Magic Serum. I,;; 11. ,t ,It ARTIFICIAL ALBINISM CAUSED. Kana.. city. May ;4—That they might be rld of their color lead beta tw dream lit the black race mince their emancipation. and at tart It up pievers that the uogro'r dream it al )lit to bo realised. Profermur Mar- st.,n, of the Univerrily of Kansa■ School of Me•.141ne, tests dlbnoverel u nleAns whereby bra claimd to IN. ably Gr make tie argr) while. Briefly ret furth, Proterssur John- IALVV.v inched eunalitr In Imoc•ulat- Illi tete negro, with the serum of leu- citis or Albinlrm, a harmterr disp sso which producers those strange o,ld►- tied of nature known at- ilbinurs. Tlw fact that..tlblatem Is the retools, of a disease it n dfrvvery is Itewlf, tho credit of whish hkilIKs to the, profrraur. AlWtwoa have beau regarded for centurion Amply at- anomalies of na- ture. but It little remained for Pro- fermor Johumum to discover that li w 1 ftp a t d t u l else !r sued l b o r t ►cul d se'or tell- + wl lip %)loud tzeu earE-ten i MIA, ns, the professor her named the affection. Leucitis Ir u dim+art only UL tmt ht lm nut a normal misditfon. t )old ffec dun r .it- dlrmses Rsa. tie a t s(- ble" lordly tw' ca+tiel ape} IL rt- rn latJ"eai rnmewhat, losing uply u local 011011tlon and In nuwire yffe•t- Ing the SeReral health. A New Hac•Illus. m t f the At - 1 httsl n o Tlec otk w t Ptw blue'* skin is dew, according W the professor, W a deficiency of plg- nueutury matter, or coloring auD due ace. Fur a long time, however, :! t Lila lack of col- 1 w %r mu osp tin t + isP - (aring iuumer was merely one of the tagarier of nature-. Icy charts•eomp d o> while examining under W1e ml- ctorcr•pe a raulple of the Mood of an Albino who wan detained in the l'atte�rsl%y'lkuspltal .with t► +Nvere care lit t)pllus fever. Prrofetwr Juha- rtum ditsr,teref 'that In addition to the typhus bacilli In thr blond there were tpeclmens of a strange bakeell- lus. tlo like of whish he had never ..cell before. The dlacotery met Profesmor John- su►n W wunderfveR vAMt the baelllu■ might be, sued when the ALHADO re- covered from the fever he declared another aunple of Meer]. Tti rp wore none of Nle typhus bacilli in this munplp, but Baler specimens of thr otranR bacillar were still three. A nunilver were taken from Wu• b:nod and placed, In a golatineo culture and :n ulti )II,"1 and ' c, :atel� Tile a . nv m )n 1b Ilfnea 1 111 a few eLyr a yE.nag R p R won trNleulattdl wham a dpruni made fr•-m tele bactm.-------- The serulm Ironed. Terre was no change lop the general htvtlth of toile animal, but Instill, n( it mirntb Its Pink rosy mkiu hart Lurmel wt;fte and its pyw hull taken on a de•Ided pink dote. Tilt a,neluxluns wrrr eamlly dlrawn, stud flop profes- nor w)nounceil to Nr astonlrhed tml- leaguea, wlw trod tarn watching tier experlmrset wYtia great Interest. gilt the bacillus, which haul produce! tlu• cantltk)n le the pdg war the senile of Kt:• Alhlso'o mlr.r. The next subject was Ise- patient In Use homp%a'I, a mechanic named Wi:d ow, w1n) wan dy'stag mf Rn incur- nWt, dimP:tse. Whisker, w1r. In lir prone Tad been a fine rpe•lanen of the Irish rneo, was Inooalatea wilt► tilt, merum fvn�o% front the Wood of the Affected g,,Insm pit, . faire. 'Ihe Mlrst Caso.-- Snudest In tinder lel►% 1i took twit montlw to affe•t %%il- Ile firmt I"'larir) he wells enitlrely ,for, hitt within ninety dayp nft r flip ard,oent used aWe W retllrm to c" ibutul►tian .the colla JIA•1 Irirmtm+ nn corn, 1nrindlnS til., Royal Fami1 all Athinn with pink cycle. white hair and thy• u" rt- rnL t rr).ur sa a In t b cam r 11 nt 11 nt resdtaf o him t le k I h rxmrtrtnnt interiut earned by their all "pm•rim,n" of .11binoex must become nwney. At Wt- Pala of two lours Man. inem•uhnlel with the, lmlelllue In mots:• lien nomtwMPII thutt he wnm I►ankrept woo lit o: blifore-Ill itnd that the royal funrlm Innd gone l fepgro was the next to offer•him- Witte the money eutrtdtel ten title by If for expe,rlarntal purposes. He the outnmun people. was iaocalated, bat the doctors fo "So yon darpd to mppeulate with that the IPneito irru illi had a eery thl nnvktlge of my naguvt mtaltteher' ai ferent otteet upon him. His ktaky ahoutel the+ (lo%erno:. head rovoring wnm unoftected. Tills, ' How Goold I help It 7" protested Weever, wets not wondered at. ns the lin p "w e eel n. h n mho ton t s e l f n 'w air et- I t a we I "n- rom lU E M 1 U M r► t w W L'0 pre cent. on her money t" llro,ly d ifferpnt In structure fr,m "Rut Bllw Nfnjrmty mold Ile npcer that of the Caucasian. O"Wtwe-rel Y(Pn W Put the roynt lvemts - lint the "ri rvYm Pyre AM not rhnngto lir an li t. e t n Y 1 1 Imat W1 than• dolor, alms nith,nRl1 Ida okln Irlenf h I olored tin" rl„ternor. dnl.lt sill foot tuesnme tow p:IL• ruler ' Well.' 'maid snud 11. ' ff th • Knl%sr of the Albino. was rntofied with :1 per cont. why When Il had blwtchad to n colo didn't he hey Pruer,dan mnmibt" whirh In n white pere►11 would hr "I suppose her thought, the 3 per light brunette, It hell that color, a cent. eorrcolm were good eno4gh fur a heavy pont-Ux,culallon of the serum Americana whits, his /non/•;► wan to prrwhtcod ho Pfteet. The deep pig- tw lan<rl lir tin Itlglurst bidolera." mentat{on of the ns,grn's mkln IIs held White this wasntkinnl Intiorvleve atcountable for this lit, the profemsor. was to pr grwr til! telephone hell ■ rang ave I tis. F'Mf""M "AnW of icon• . mfKled (o!or1e1 von Mnitkp. After LEFT THS SERVICE. ` hpnring of tlr rcmfrwlon of dlianden, _ wird cowerwt In n corner of the room, Surveyor McKver %lets a tetter .lo thea END mr, win) W represented to With Coal Co. ' have haeo In a frenzy of sneer. do• onar. Kvapereir State pante Revenge. "Trent him Ilke t toe lowest erlmf• nal,' Ahrl^ked the Emperor, "and do cwt conaller tlr gaprtlon of ball. &end him to Wr Moublt (the Berlin Tomb ). Lot him b r brought to the MomWt In the rommove prinon car• rLnge. Th• pmbilc a dmija mtratar phall take hMd of him hollmrlold. ll* villa n ndl lolw eta Wrn at i►ner and he shall Iw• peblfrly dlagrac •fl." to nceordnnee with the F.mtwr6r'a common Iia, Itnndtn wnx takon from Ills ban fart hall and thrown Into prl- al)W The, newm or his arrest wwon imprefld Among the notabled of the court and found its way Into the carrw nnl Into the financial district, Thr amount of the royal Irlo,re■ was ramorfwl td he tell tims.p nm groat n$ they ronlly wore, blit the ?Armors were rttrnclent to Atari, a Poole among the purveyors of the covert, srrrtents, bnololPrs and contractors rmpinyt-1 by trip Emperor or amnot- ntr�,� with the charltlite ooaductel an- fle� {he totroongr of lin Emprrote, (talar► Tires of dlmall lateremt. io nr141tion t" sloe Knlem,r'a l"monal lona 4:'.'10,1'1 0 belonging to them "royal pnnepl•y fnmlly felleornW, had hope" wltl"lrnwn from favrwtmeent in Prttatlnn ronin olm And dumped Into (Inreirn'w lainkle. Mnnd"n told come of his frlrnla the Fmfleror find tlrorl of tilt- "stcAllv4lttIP 11 per rent. rite" to bit reinlim-I from ln,omment In high -elms, srrnrltirm nn I Inn Wed for 15 nn) ^0 poor rent prnm'w•d by Itip lair eecurp lo'lneirinl Pntrrprivemm. ftesm o"Itted he attempted to ;,•:., a�,t •.r:°•.x�ars.%.r , ^t'.� u;:, tYe,'flt'�4.`'�, . *7Sr'i.'r7"r kwktOlT:' 9Ith2.{'v,'s'•i)!:C,t'lilt`;51,a1 aFs)-'%,fn'''?rfk�l4*"•'`il.,. w.. 'srJ'%•'' r,�'�.f i.jL�''r� , f' . ,j1 , e •♦ rata r - - b • _ -- .- -ri_` other leading membsir of the staff o the lieologtenl Survey hili secured lucrat ve n 1 u in nt n t m O tl n all 1 Dr Po'■'1 haw therefore tendered his rpelgn. tion to the Minister of the Interlor un Ire whose charge the survey wnm A few weeks ago A. Plow realgmef to accept a position with a Plilbs delpfiln development company, whic haw vary large Interests In the conn trv, nn 1 now Mr. Jamie WeVver, Mptant GesoloRp■t, ham spent In hl rn*gnatlon, to nceepl n twroill•) with Lha Crow'S Newt Coal Company Mr. UcEvpr haw Alrendy Par%eyed fo the Departmeft flip (7nw'A Npw omi firlrks, Am made n valnahl report thereon. The experience whir hp ntwlnlred in thiw eonneirtion will ter doubt h% of censldprnhle Advantag to the coal company. Mr. Mi-F.cer ole+ of the bwrt otfierr. of the i pnrtmont.--_ _ -___ Frll Mian a Mwing. Ningnrn--ln-the-Lnkr. May 24. A ,4atreaeltrC acel,letnt (incurred t'hl nflerrimm:fl dkaring t1hp progrPse of til topsail ronceirt given In t'he town perk by thn Q. 0 It. Ftiml, In whlnl Samuel Illndlr, n In,l nhont mixt"P YPArr (1111. Wall o"verply Injttrel. 11 And anotliter Ind were removing tAlnm 0wivPn on err of the mwings, whet mn,ldenly, When ahlnt eiRhtlopes roe from the grmar"l, Hirwllp roll. Hp wm gniekly picked np nail Parnell In itnndall's (fr"% atrlra and Dr. .ln dermnn ninnrrsonM Irpon Praminmtlo It wait fennel tTlnt h,th tegw war twY.ken nlw,fP Ihe knee, Tempnr•%r, hlndAgPm warn ploseed on this Injnr lia$M and the boy %Akan to his home w The Markets �3 I,esdlt►,t Whrat Alarketm. Followiltg +ire Lhe vlurlug quota. third At mla)rinnt w•, ..coir.... to -day r Curl% July. (Wear 1.. ... ..... I--. 00.7--1._. " Now York ............ U7U 1-1 Mllwatel[wl ... ...... 0713 , 07:1 I-. `St. Louis ............ 0 69 3--y , Toledo ............... 0 75 a.4 0 74 :1-k Detroit, red ......... 077 073-7-s Detroit. w*Ate ...... 077 -_.• ill to 40co In car told un track herr_, -Winnipeg Commerelul. TorouLa e'arinerr• Market. Muy .T.-Tlee street market hero toafay war quiet fur Saturday, put there war n fair amount of acti%lty to small stuff. Prices dowel nn great change; those was u teodpney tw firesinesw In ole lir two Instane,,.. ,rhe attendance• of farmers, was rather' small, w)d there war* toot many lany- err. Wheat—T'wo hundred bushieli , f I white and rtrl cold unclumited lit 78r, and 500 ►x►mireld of guar... sold 1-.t• lower lit AN 1-:.,c. Ihtrley-Otte Good of poor bhrlpy s..hl 1-. to lc lower, at 46 1-2o Per tktshel - (kda-Threp hundred htrheto mild ttnchnaged at 87 1-2 to :w. Huy --Five lolde mold 5Q% lop $1 . hlghor, est $13 lop 814 lm, -r tun. \„ ' elraw was offered. Butler—Funueri rolls m ld freely ,it I 15 to 17c, and naw Kilt -edged b.ts brought 1St•. Trade whir gual, &A4,_�. everything was mold. F-ggs—Reeelptr large nail dlrmand steady. Prices were firmer tit 11 to . 14c, aled lila b lk o1 the gjferinge ■old at 18e. Poultry—Trade dull, with ipso,.. ,If. faring* and {uwr demand. I'rl•sr .. ,t'C tuarhuaged. ,,11 Dremmed Nairn—Market strmly, neg�1! 89.75 lop 89.1(1 per cwt. ,. Toronto Llve Stock Market.\. #1 VZ oatW enol w ,.i ee, o t t+■r( wt- w 1 dour tum .... , i ... 1 i N t . I R wa A [Dort. oo ..,.. ..... 3 Yi �o s Hutehorw'"Woo P rlted ..... 1 'u w s •n Butohom eitttlo. r.holoe, .. ... 1 of w 1 :.t- 1 Hut,-Mri c�tnle ... W :Ir �opd 1 1 du mad:nm, cols .. .. x, lid al G J H schen rommoo lie w - u r e 1-. 2 Y) W x it,",. null., ocnorl. hem, y, per awl.. 3 ;', w 11- n Hun.. uapurt. liorb" per owl.... x :,n w i ', t real .hort.kw e',mml airdlum .. _. D T., to I t dol ht 3 :n W 3 ; dtocters, too W ew ItN,.......... 3 nl W 3 alt oR-colon and be un Ueaa.....»« Y to 7 :YY� Buta•h.•r Ou u. .. ...... " 73 to �� WL1r�it stook Dulls p■r ew4,...... 1 'S Ic a 3t, Yi7oa cows, ea"... ....... y.% opo W I..r : I,—I,. cwe. per OWL .. .... 3 :r) lop :veto do. bucko..... .. ...-.. rl w % ns,. I�enM a r, .r'otI � cwt ( a. alar sop du bvunrd. t►eeewt .. - 1 a) w n fi - do tlprind muck... 3 Su to :, •at ('alves. Der h0. ..... ......... 1 t0 to Y or I Homo. chnloe, per rwi.......... 7.33 W u :y - , Hop, Hght, Der '.....t...,,, a 73 to a in Hart ta.ler ems.,......... {1: w „lit d.w., per ewe ................. 4 h to 1 :n - SULser......--..-..._�.-......'::--ads-,o x o !I Toromte Kid" and Wool.- Hidss, No, 1 ecreen it l -.c, N•r ,&Ql greed 51-2t-, Nu. I green ILearn 7c, Nan. " green rteerm uk•, eurel 7 I., 1" 1 7 1-4c ; calfsklntr, N.). 19,:, Nm.. Nr . 4 deatsme, (dnlrfem), each. AO to T(k• , sire-paklnee, fresh. 90• to 81 : Lull., w, rendered, 5 to' 5 1-4c, ; wool, (force t (),•a' to 14c, nowamhod fl rce W,. ,Ay 4 KnglUsh I.Ive, Stock Market., r Liverpool May ::4. -Here an•I ate t dki U n f ctttt ■ b are leads and uu., ehangt" at from 10 8-4 to 1_t- Iwr i . Ih , drvisniA Wright ; refrigerator l,t•rr .e, is , ll olf"1 t I .a N sit-♦ to 90 r tb Ps' e` f., Choose Markets. Perth. ]lay .1.—Thlero were air -- boxes of cheem • brought Into Perth I ebeese market to -d ay, all white'•. Bis. sell got 830, Webaler 1.85. Price r,nid__ 9 3-4c. Wlucbsster. May _4.—At lin m -•pt - Ing of the Cheese Boars) to -day, tie. boxes wore regl■teireel ; 39:, white o nd 50 cwkirted. The highest price offered for both wuA 8 3-4d•, lit which fig - urn 293 loxes white were split to Weir• buyer for Ateinnoder. Kingml.n, Alkay .^.4.—At the mac•t• Ing (af the Frcntenase (Therese if. &I'l here to -day there were 1.1(m) w1.Ite rhoone boar a d, Waif 900 sold on h„ah� i al N 5 -Br, part at N 1-2r. .,.� I Manitoba W heat Markelo. ` 't Ia Manitoba wheat very little `e Iustnes■ 1s, bring tone. Tho Ontario miller• fo.n't appna to want stilt, /rt- Inke, n• there to no demand .tFW- thpm. Prlcem are now practically con an export rinalm. and export frMRlita are %pry mr■Iprate at prement. Pip local mllla have been payin`-belt-o than Fort Wlllinnn prirI'm !lir Icor radr w r o 1ro� r h nt f r mill, put fry m , 6 lits try iw,fnta, nail till. deninnd .ti l conlinuem. Priced at close of •Inlml- neres yertrr.lay allow n ■Ilght a•l %ane" on A wrote ago, and w••r•• No. 1 ford. 7M l .r; Nu. hand. [tail 751-::c; No. i1 ltar,b 67= 310-__.�_ northprn, 6:1c ; dried No. A hard. 87c. and drlpd No. 11 northern 63r. n't ltd $torn Fort William or fort ti. thur. There is a goat demand fnr n w, ,• ot" for fesrt t d m P Irt►osrm an meal quallllem are also wanted. she ' Tarlo grades are being Timed to fill the lnttr dpmand. Me glentP Prue'..' - unclnngdrl, ns follows: Ontario wll'•. No.. white, 46r per 1.lmhrl ; AlhPrla ,Intel, 41 to CIn; Alanitotmo, grnd,er. r BnUt,y 700. Kerr 600. On,• ltrt.,ry Intl, - a 1-lf/r mnrr, to complete the rJdstd•-.. ad tlty the Meyer wanted. • The Week's Iralluraa..--.. Fahlurew for the went nnn.herrd ,so In thin United 8tatte againeit 181 last - [ear, and 22 in Canada agalae� -'r+ amt Soar. ..- , -. i oillures to May. l.labllitcrof falhsroom in three itsrla b of May were but 44,779,103, -if whafi 81,43",141 wprr in wanuf,icturinc. atttritt-n 1a lrading aniLS�1.lI�r...- &09'ln other oommerci al Iinie". in c stoma weeks Inst year deffenits •oRRrr-. - gaged IrGA11,L'91. Failures for the ' it t-,1 week n n the 1n 0 mhrrea l l f><) t' &tAtew ngninat 183 last year, and In Canada aagfnrt '»'O last year. ,;4 l Cartadtes Trade. ; Toronto reports wholesale trade `'y h Improving, etlpselally fel dry R'n.l", 1 with Prosfteloto bright for the futrere. a Ant Tinde rpports at Montreal nre of at l s favorable tpe•rr• Aral coltectlonm well n m;elntielne.t. Oraln and province &!,IP' wants ern bristle, nail call monry AN " . r dant At 5 per cent. .lobbing t continnt'd Road In all IlnrA nt (11104ire. e nal money Is corning ht well fr"'AL h city AnI country dealers. At Winni- pow trade cnalltions nrP unehnnWrl, e Mat tin weather Is fnirornble at I b merchants nrp hopeful, 4"djoictb)um )cam ern wlnw. vnnunnvor rppw.rtr irnde Blow nn 1 onllortlona pomr' %'If(orl:l r.- portw northern bnmineme natlednr(ory Mit local ran Ilton gulet. 1111A's lir- I view. • funs enA Ormagos for Prelwter. " P l(naro, May 2A.—lm Primp Minot• 1 tpr Wald"It-Ronatrano Wnm Inelli"R from n n yaMat horn to iMy, n Irrenl P militant Natlonaliat noemoo,l Pnrfalt thrrw an nrnngp nt hint tw)t mi"","1 I film. Parfait elan threw an egg of t t'ho Primp Mlnlmtpr. tat( thin n1",e m mlmarid him it In laarnswl that the iRI ornngn he tAlrmw atrtwk Mme. Wit] - dock Rnnosnan In tTa face, twit dill not oprlrnrwly injure Ter. P Parfmit was arrrrtf•rt. v Another tnrhrno rtmamer, the NInR od Filwanll hal boon ladiaehe4 oa til■ Clef I I s.,._ - :� =Im. Pfd, o.: , 4 THE BAD t t. t,.w,..r a,.o,=1 O1 , :1,(; By Thomas P. r i r . I' '1'hc find Man of tha ItugKu, : til,• *Wagger air. $to fllitrce 1� - tnnc�, and oho Wg mia-aho 'r:" Inughed derivively when told the it of the new town warrhal. :. " Dmn't Ker," he iewurkel II 1 sup•rlor manner. "why they 1, ,.I,,.t a b.iby lir at rucklt'-calf N tM•y Nus about It, Joliet nw wull Llutt lir to eltect a little akin •t, gueliw like that feller tIvsoy gut 0 Those who heart) thaw 1 i Inughed. People always laugh A i fount, &WrLO fd of a Imtn la f ! presence theyr $%find with fear trembling. Tbpp tough. even "uy141pr are cwt very faulty. But e, tire, sensitive, anti they stop let 11 q have their wit and lulmo r *fig 1'euple know thin nail are carel uloid gfvfug. offoncl-. g 't Naa_ is Wlxby'r *moon In E little tomo u1 Roundup that til b )Mail w•ur doing him talking. ' i wait quite a crowd of titan pro t of-%cral bud ones among them. r tilt re were stt lir wlv, prebanit j dfu,fe hunora wlth the original only real Bad Man of tba Ilam I ve run %hilt town fur five yk flu• ileal Man went ties with au justlritbl. poll... "an' if I'm gol ►ere con rnl,niu' it I want 'e Kier tut. mar"hulm that's worth (..olio' array ,,U t"'wder till' lea I .h,n't wnnt nn little mpindle-rhe a„mKter that 'ill Pry, till' ran hui t.'11 itN moth, -r, If you crook forger at It. %ot we." 'Plc• find \tau glaucel Inqul, aim ind m%er him listener$. :end uul,lr Iatbto to show their am „f lin sentim-sets, sem^ mural u d a dsent un•t the utherr et- hs r t t I�,oking it. t' " In tinter tart," the Bad Ma slimed, "tlley 11,11 uwn fur mal nn tills town—fells•rr th:tt %•fluid 1 to up sad Arbiot ea It r 1 tat. %%lit men that mndr Imminrw fu usidertakpfe stool help ed ter Ktuaeynrdr. Tlwr mux mom- hunk glory In rleauln' oat mutt m, them, an' I could du It witM,ul c bi- f• p .et. ut thin new w I r rp R Lord• it makes Ire rick to thin I him : Shootis' hie wu,,ld Iia jam i rb„otts' a wall-(' ell dy In' (-tilt, Thi notenera ani showel three .ut6 for the Bail Man. t me I r much a cruel champ J,hnt one sop turf detring—A man who might repeating rifles "tuck above Isla stn 1 plick Lomat Wittig snit of bit %title a bowletAreUso-should Ile 1w'f1r1 to ptt-htmsrti`.trgatn" n marshal ao little worthy of lets !t war fou hal "1 come uupp to town to -day,' Bad Man eontlnu •d it little until, uwlle n vacancy fu the marmlial five• but I expected W final a that 'lid hitprest nn• dight;) wexter nantaga' to keep Ale It while- 1 wiur ficin' him. Th it though—wul, thar'm no honor t glory, an no tnttwrmt hl "nuffit hill min able Weir life. I'd lw t t ,, to kill life w•If-re 1 i w a H i 11adM fleetlVyjll' Illi Ml71 INlh' I cirty . lye► I reckon I'll j -mt t ori anrrutu my knee an' mllank hlu. r o' own.' , kl k him oust t The crowed rAuwed its heart c u wt of Illi.. Ida$ It era", _ rtnul,v _._ ways to Approve-iSythinet ilii Man maM or dill. It nppmted, at tasue IL Wro-I or rmprted hill I,srxu.p It fearil him. Even the bail oven, who) clal ird lop ince rrcditatdp rp"e,rl" net extingatah� Im unity. gnak--! and quailed fur^ this terrible being who peoplr mt,rf•I-v far pamtime nail had IonK alnro lust count of lite bx:r or hl" %letimm. '•1-e,"• Kl•. I'll je"t fix him ivny," the 11etd Mein repeated in%itislg lite enrvd M) lu the li drink with him al Bllxby'r pxl "I'll turn him chri my It& -r g nn' Ilfm, au' then kick film end of Thai's all The attenti ate I ca 6441 to glTe if) n tiling like I Thr name of Ute view• mterwt Roundup wan Dent. lie wan A ,nerd, detleate young rha p faun %•,amt, Itself he iced leen but n a time ids the western fruntipr k •1 vowln)ym and uthpr (ratite um - ristli charmeten are found. _Him ways and' mercer■ - werc 1 et nail a ant o ( n11Y nl_ nn tml R 4 u r ver tr1 with those f til ntraet 1 ulw►Art film, twit his general nt ' once waw visit ralcnlnler] tH terror to the heart of anylklim Ker or murp forml table than a m • Tu loot at him otic would col teat ins woaW be the Umt t . Away from a fight, If there ton chance to run, and falling to world mabmtwgivAy tarn the ' chock. He mina just the kldd of h sit- d d ,In coil o 1 w l au. If the illi M v 1 Isrtl•:• film at all, it w•uuld br % U, she• extent of alappiuK dot He wan nominated for the off t" b 411 t %n mxrmhnl n" n jute. )et- wato tbuugtit to be the moil man In ltoundnp ; and the pe)li Il - aurprlor of s•verytody, a want the Jake by $)rating film. Jt. was kaowa that Iia Is" _-t-ILeted It wall taken fur grs,Stef - -T wua ! Jeclino W serve, bei did nothing of the kind. On th Crary Iia accepietl the trade Insised ht him and calmly Sana `-slim triteatlon fit ' (71WBWrt1ng dntlem of the office to the bei Iris, ability. ' They told film alxrgt the Bad nod bow he had made life a t .- to ecerv.,maw.-.nihil IwA xx marshal of the town --or, more erly tg)raking, low he had moa :I hurden to all those to whom I amt m of t AA ti ndc it n shit >Q Iia li.telled quietly, mmll"d a fnr mil-•, and valrnlp rppated till ' 1%ould Nerve. Then the Mayer uwrk the n in hand unit talked t,I Dent •i, s ly. 1(e, mlm)kp In langenge floe rfhlr than elegant, s i "Irani, you're nuthln' In cop. en Fl "an' If yon're nehla' to ? ,ur life away, nn' air )Pert t,, fb It, 1 Wues" V%e Kut n, amelia'. Vito fnr all those• 1 ht .et- ,%oa act tilt• find. Yon won' ort" min,,tem when the fln, r"mrm to Wwn. No nlArahn lar. no' %ve'%p had n)nrPtanlm r wrrr men--marminala whom• f '%PrP suit Allow at, pnllln' a trlgR win had -tons• th-Ir part fn con live coffin trade Itefore II %ban )on won't nevolant to nn '1" ii Krnmphopgler fn n rattle lood�„ "!M )nn rpmlty think wt "' n"ke'l, Inn(wr%ntly. "Itmnph the Ill "nal•, pneirutly. Thrn hr ntidpd " I'I't think ms,. I knew I1.." "WPtl, I Alhould tie morry to irvmblp with the lint Urn." wail, gnletic. "nail r hap:• t %nyhnw. 1 ttlAnk you for your flea" In warning cop. hilt reals% 11•P (wr,tolp hnve Ple•ted mr, r I will m"rvoo " Then the Mayor wawhed hl" hna the whole affnlr, dime) fell lit w h1S whether the late marmho t r r - , I ,�v,