HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-30, Page 1THREE A'8"
ar.c., AA DV' T8 Arm
vrA •
Tx -LE xADA.raiwcop zsnowssza./...pka4. oF _Row ocouri-r-Ir.
Goosamet. 1111, 1001.
9 el to 64
roll Wheat
110 to 110
Flour. family. wir °wt. • • •
✓ OW% patent. Per ..... 1 40 to 1 60
a° kat 00
Bran, ton.
Shorts, • ton ▪ 16 00 1010 00
1 00 to 1 00
Horeentnge, pot ow{
Ilya, per bush•....... •••1 0 40 to 0 30
Buckwheat. pst bua 0 40 to 0 00
Oat& • bleih ••••...... ....... 50 to 0 11
Pees. 0 bush • ........ 56 to 0 O5
Barley. per bush 0 37 to 0 M
Ou to 8 ou
Hey. II too
Potatoes. Om* 0 10 to 0 ti
e 13 to • 13
Rutter. ...........
flipseen. oer ...... ..... 0 10 to 0 II
TIZi fried% uslbaltiL 011 to u to
60 to on
Bides. .• ........... 0.) to 70
Lamb -Skins . 60 to 0 :
Live Hors 16 to 6 74
Deemed Hogs 00 to :
Boom. .......... 12 to 0 le
15 to 0 16
1114to 13
00 to 0 V./
00 to 0 00
75 to 4 50
00 to 3e0
Isard. per lb.
Deemed Best fore wiener
Beef. Mad "
Wtrdle. Siren
° Ordinal/I'
littuatione Vacant.
UT kitchen work at the C Souse.
Ulf rua Med plenty ot good spring water.
Terms reasonable. Apply to J. B EDWA RD,
leas 5 sada oonosgrions aad 3. ED. Oolb was,
or Ooderiek P.O. len
For Bale.
▪ 001)LRICH. vow male on reaeoaahle
terms. the proper. known as the
lands, beteg part block in the Town of
tioderloh. ooetaining about 33 mires. with
buildings and water rights on the Hirer Mait-
land. For memo apply to °ARROW k GA ft -
Row. itolicitore for the vendor.
$1,500 "8'
.1,, will purobasse that lave
atone house with elx.roomed additIon,situated
on Plotoo Street. Half an sore of land sel th
all toe outranldinos thereon thrown I, r
further particulars apply to THEO. 1100K -
HOUSE., Bayfleald P. 40 : tf.
'LIORHALE.—LOTS 96. 96, 117, 118. 119
12 sod 148 In Hutohisoo's survey. all in
Goderieh. For particulate apply to
Barrister. to.. Goderich.
Morels Ha,. MOO.
Ore:must and musical direcitor of North Ste
Methodist churob, and teacher of pianofortes.
pipe organ and theory, will be pleased to re-
oeive pupils. Instructora given either at
Motu, or at pupil's home, as desired. Studio
at Emerson a 3duelo Store. 72-11
nRfil. SHANNON & GALIA)W, t'tiY•
• SWIANS and Sormems. Offloo in Haat
of Commeroe building. west side of Square.
Night calls at residenoes•
Dr. Man eon, Dr. Gallo.,
old residence. Napier O. Elgin et, Is.
'Those 114. 'Phase W.
Insturanak eta
V ONCE and real senate agent. Moo one
door east of P. O.. Oodertoh. Agent tor the
leading mutual fare I neuranee eons pante' and
leading stook oombaniest
Mereantlie and manufacturing risks lit
lowest rates. Call at oglos.
TT • Aomuntant and insitraros Agent -
Books and a000nnta made u p
Bolldims rented aad roots oolleoted.
Vire Inearanoe In British and Conadletn
(16 In Prondroot IL Hays item Mirth
street Dederick. 41144
1 . SURANCE sad Real rotate agewt.
P iro Lila Amid ..... d Plitt* Glees I neuroses
& domed on magnet or cash plan st lowest
rates pownble.
Beet foolish aad °enaction companies rep
Mee next door te Darrow & earrow, Her
teeters Homilies kneed
Model Tailoring.
ft.P spring molting* that our onstomere were
waiting for. which we back onr reputation ea
tier with other Hose suitable for spring
e nd summer, eiousity a. mod. Strictly Oret.
Mem work at sooderate prioes.
Oretr Proorob Fair.
Publio Notice,
-A. received the Ontario 8tstutee, f
distribution to magistrates and officals en
titled to noon. @erne.
IRA 1.12W1A.
Clerk of the Peso°. Huron.
Ooderielo May MM. 1110L 31 b.
6.4 ColjN TY 00UNCLL.
The oounoll of the oorporatIon of the county
of Huron will meet In the pennon ohamber le
the town of Gorlerich at o'olook ton on the
fleet Tuesday In June next.
Dated at Loderleh th'• W LANS,
22nd day of May, 1901. Clerk.
THE STREET tett. —The oronmIttse
Margo of Ms first of July celebration this
y•or met again Mooday evening, end ap-
Vitiated sub cumnottees te lurther the ad
mourationt et this work. Toe street fair
appears to hav• taken hold, and if our
people put their shoulders to the wheel it
should prove successful.
who stole a home am rig beionging to John
Cuontoghain from • ontirolt shod near Brim
Deis cm or about the 14th of April, wra son
Mooed on Wodneedsy by His Honor Judge
Doyle tie a term of two years leas one day
iu the Ceutral Prima, Toronto Moott le a
man well up in years sod beam • bad rec.
ord. He took hie seotenoe to • very mac -
Mud fact faahion.
Won elf Mlles DOROTHY Epos. —At th•
anou•I oratory mid elocution onotesto of
the Owen Sound Collegiate Iustitute,
week, the medal donated by Crowu At-
torney A. G. Maoksy for the beet elooution•
ist wag woo by Mere Dorothy Ely*, daugh-
ter of tbe lam Rev. Joseph Edge, formerly
of Ooderich. judgeg commented very
highly upon the oharsober ot the mutations
Riven by th• °oat...smote
THE ARMORY. —The visit of the muulotpel
deputation to Ottawa rematly has apparent
ly brought forth fruit very quickly, ao ie. for
as the armory is °encomia& The oontram
for Ling up tbe building on West street
leased liv the town has been awarded to
Buchamos & Lawson, and the work is to be
Demobilise' wohin three weeks A large
'asinine of military accoutrements hro ar•
rived at the elation for the use of the regi-
A Warr Itmego —Moron Proadfoot &
Hays, acting for Josephine Canto] and N.
M. Cantu'. ot St. Joseph, have issued •
wnt for 365.000 and other relief against
Napoleon Vallee, of Montreal, in his own
;negro ma as executor of the estate of the
lat. of Montreel. The
claims emmereted in the writ &TO in oriel.
oftotion with soros property •1. St. J
aud other transactions between the patties
A Scoria Tiur.—W• have mooned
from the New Bronswiok Tourist Associa-
tion • copy of their 1901 tourist book, a
eery attractive publication emitting forth
the claims of Use Prompts* of New Bruns
wick to the •ttention of the tourist sod the
sportsman The little book is finely II.
I . tort with views ot Otero of Interest
and of the lovely somery in the Provinoe.
Anyone interested may obtain oopy of
the publication by addressing Charles I),
Shaw, socretary New Brunswick Tourist
Association, St. John, N ti
A FINK ANIW•L —h. C. Attrill has just
made a spleodid addition to the Ridgewood
Peek Form brod. It ie • thornnethred
sherthorn bull, coming two veers old In
Jens. purchmed from Alex.olmith. the well.
learn breeder of Maple Lodge, near Ansa
Craig. It rooms from thoroughbred and
prize-winning Sootob stock and is • magni
doent *Attempt. of good oolor ead grand pro•
portions. Mr Attriii was very °ireful in
seek log • suitable animal for his herd, aod
toe cortately baa procured one thin le woeld
be hard to beat.
offioro meow disposed le do his duty in he
way of *Morelos, the town bylaws, and we
hope be will oontioos lo the good work
until them who would beim the effrontery to
pot the town ordinames defimos are
brought to their menses. With the object
of 'raking after the fellows era. mimeo -
duet tbeeneelves on the &Imre on Sundays
he will In future @My on duty Sand•y men-
tor until 7 o'clook,when the niebtwatchman
omit:mom his rounds. Every rood citizen
will be bobind the town offielbis in the dm
°barge of their datiee.
eras obeerved in Ooderioh by the closing of
stores and Motorise and by the empension
of Madam 'morally Flags were flying in
all directions and there was the usual con-
sumption of firework. by the younger Mem
hers of the oommootiy. Otherwim the day
waa very quiet lo Goderloh. the wet
weather. wee not !movable for pionicking
or driving parties sod consequently there
wore few of them. Quit. • menber went
oat Of town by train, • large crowd going
to Mitchell to sin the races, whioh, how-
ever, did not oome off on m000nt of the
omen or. May 22041, the marriage of Harry
F. Wooers, manager and secretory of the
DRS FORD M A RQU IS, 1811311.
English Mire Still Hook
Thls splendid mullion was ft:retell. IV and
purchased by lOs importers. Mauve Pa edam
MoDonoll, from the tlek Store it re CO.,
ieho need him for two *mimeos Wed by W.
Pc 1. Thompson. of Baron's Park, Deaf° (1. LAG
oestershire, 'England. He le a bowlful bay,
with Man on bane and fear white legs, weig n t
1000 pounds, and is in style. action and every
other point as fine. specimen es has yet
reached this °Gantry.
He wee sired by Sopwell Duke (14.3111. bred
hy Lord Verelem. of Sopwell. hls dam
bbertA Ileaford ',echoes of Iii.dgeport 17947),
y Karl of Kilegmere
Sopwell Duke won the following prizes :
Frei, HatAleid. It il; first, Hatfield, 1113
Thled. Rotel Counsiee Show at Canterbury,
1891 ; Sowed, Hatfield 1 I. Highly nom -
mended, London Ahoy., IW6. Fillies soled by
Sopwell Duke matte 430 gums.. at Lord Vern-
am's sale, : 0 fulmars at Mr. Philo Mille' sole:
WO /Meese at Mr. P, nen a sale. A filly else
strati hy Mower' Dr ,st, named Destoro Blade
bird held an neheaten show more In 1494
At the manual show held by the leek Shire
Horse Oo Limited, on trot. 11th, 1900, theist
pries mot was sired b1 Doeford Maroon*. ISM
taking let prise le Marne anti also champion
arise of show, and wee sold for • large snm to
• Midland buyer.
ROUTE : llooday, May 6111. al noon, he win
roomed to John flowerhy's, lth oon .0orlerfeh
foe steno
Tuesday, to John Yoneiratth one.. for noon.
then to Jobe Stewart's for eight.
Wednesday, he will proceed to John
Wlerginton's foe nom then°. to MoCalierhm's
Commercial Heel, Clinton, for night
Thursday, he will proceed to WW.
(Sough's, Ilth oon„ Gottrieh Tp, for soon.
themes to 010. O. Sto rdy's for night.
nodal% proceed to Wm. Ilescrues Huron
Road. tor no ootheene to Tilt e bareeloderien,
fer night sad remain there all day Saturday,
Morning to hie own 'titbit Ridgewock. Pere.
tic_ ere will remain till the remising ICA,
IIIRMS: To iwessrellill, payables January
*11.00N 000K, R. O. ATTRILL
Publie Notioe
notice that anyone bath's' off the
islands, using or tampering with the ferry,
shooting or treepseing upon any pert of our
property, be arrested and prosecuted.
ROA'. C. ATTItILL 221f
the undersigned up to Wedneeday. June
50,1911, for the construction of about Kt 10
sonars feet of granolithie sidewalks on the
tomes of the town ot lioderich. A cheque for
three per cent, of Me amount of tender must
a000mpeor each tender Specifications may
be teen at that° wn clerk's °Mee.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily rho.
(opted, W14 MITCHELL.
Town Clerk.
Boderich. may 22, 1931. $1.116
OCAL impRovemENT.
That the council of the town of Ooderich
will undertake the oonStruotion of an artleedal
stone sidewalk en the following street. known
as Britannia, north aids. from Wellington st
to the crossing at Keay@ et., • leng-h of 450
fset, 5 fest wide, a total or OM square feet,
the probable met to he WM
The above walk le to he oonstruoted under
th• provisions of the Mantel:re MU and the
Local improvement Bylaw No. 7 of 1803 of
thin municipality, and unletio • petition
against each separate improvement or work,
slimed br • mstoeity In numner of the ownera
rommenting at leaat one half of the real prop
•rty to be assessed bs presenteri to the commit
within one month from the trot publication of
thts notine, the proposed improvements or
worse will be nnderiaken an/ spootel memo.
mentn therefor will be made by the council,
Chairman Board of works. Town Clerk.
Doderloh. May H. 11 311t
lioderlob Elevator and Trsualt 0o., to
Miss !demi* Mecham), youogest daughter of
Andrew Mechem, ensrobant, of Kingston,
▪ soleenoized in All Soints' ohurob, King
sten. The °Mutating olergymen were the
Rey. J. W. Jocose, brother-m.1*w of the
bride, of larnworth, end Very Hay. Dean
Carey. Mos K•te Meoleen, sister of th•
bride, was bridesmaid, and the twat man
was rAwIn htlooers, the groom'. brother.
After the wedding breakfast at the home of
tbe bride, Mr. and ?dm Mooere took Mein
for a trio to Montreal, lioston and other
sestern cities. W• extend our magratula
tions and beet wishes on tbe happy event.
A Yee( Stilling CALL—Yesterday mono
log Horton N•wton, one of our most, res-
pected to ensnare. suffered • strok• ot psral.
y•is and after rermioing unconscious dur-
um the dey died at 4 o'clock la the lifter
noon. 'I'be very sodden removal of one
swim appeared to be in robust heoltii is •
g reat ehook, not only to his relatives and
immediate friends, but Lo the townspeople
in general.
%%ILL NOT SELL OUT. —A meetiog of th•
shareholder' of the Huron and Bruoe Loan
end lovestment Company waa held Tues.
ilay after000n to minder a propoattioo tor
the salts of Got company's business and
assets to the Canada Trust Company, of
Londe°. The meeting did not oonaider
proposal favorably and on a yote rejeolord
it. This means that the oonipany will oon-
time its business la ilmierich as heretofore.
A Boi Comte —Fishing with • pickaxe
is • little out of the oommon order, but it
menes thee big game oan be taught to that
way. At least George Morrow found It so
the other day. He wee hauliag stone from
the river last Saturday monsieur and whit•
ha was working with him pick In the rim
near tbe bridge he °aught eight of • stur-
geon of immense p:oportions He went
altar it aod stuck the pick tato ite head.
limit Rot away from litm and went some
distaree doyen stream, °anytime the pick
with I.. end Miming a trail of blood behind.
He followe4 it end at net landed it and
brought it op town. It weighed 92 pounds
and measured 5 feet 7 inches in 'meth.
Roberteson has purchased from A. Saunders
the residence' at the corner of Britennei
road and Cameron street. for $800....Finley
Mol.eariao, who with hie bonny re
maid to town from Lochalsh, por•
chased • residemerfou Cameron street from
Mr. Saunders, laying 4500.... The commit
too of tbe Leebuni aod Union Presbyterian
oongregattons have purchmed for a manse
Om mat ball ot Geo. Aolomoo's double
brick house en Erot street. The dwelling
hag •Ireedy Men rimmed for sem. tome by
the pastor of Mese oongregatione, Rm. Jae.
Hamthoo. The purchase intro wits $1,000
...James Haw k 'Gaol Port Al bert,bm bought
Dudley ilettosiO minim on Colborne street.
Th• prioe wits in the neighborhood of 4650.
.. _John Molotyre's property in Seltford
eras sold at motion to Jobo %alters for
Dosuislote DAY IN GODettcH.—The Dun-
1nion Dm celebration committee has been
organized as follows President, A. idol).
Aliso ; preeident, W. C Geode ; seo
ond •ios remittent, Joeeph Kuld ; mormary.
N Smith ; commuter, W. T. Murney.
la addition to there the following are mens•
Mrs of the 'minim committee . F'. Emer•
e on, lit fieorge Priori, George Stewart mod
Mayor Walnut The whims whioh the
011112113,140 le woraing is te hold a strait fair
and twelve' on July the 1st, 2ad and 3rd
The fair is to be held on the Square, with
booth. in front of the stores, just outside
the walk*. The oocupant, of • bootb, who
will have the right of selling goods therein,
is to pay so much per foot for the frontage
h• ogee. There will be a program of arnuse•
meats of all kind,' to continue throughout
the them days and, it is expitotied ehat visi-
tors from outend• towos will Wood in large
n umbers
THEY WILL Go ev TRAIN —It hen bee°
decided not to oarry out the idea of maroh•
tog the 33rd regiment to camp at London,
and they will go by train as usual They
swill be away twelve days, June 4 to 15.
'there will be a number ot changes and im
prevenient. ibis year in the amoutroments
of the men They will be furnished with
the new Lse•Eolield rifle, and the old faith -
toned knapsack will gave pima to the Oliver
equipment, a new carrying outfit, which.
beim of hrown leather, will be much more
easily °leaded acid which hoe the farther
advantege of beior much more mealy
tarried Flannel Marta and straw hats will
he issued to the men, which will greatly
miasma their °minion in hot weather.
The money grant received this year from
the 000nty council aim will be • oonsider•
Mon which the men will take into isocount
in summing th• attraotions and the
drawbacks of oamp life. It la expected
that the various companies of Me regiment
will assemble here before prooeeding to
I °orlon.
following, from The Windsor Record, re-
fer. to a young lady whom hums me for-
merly in Gorierioh. Her friends here will
he heartily pleased to learn of her moms
to I er elocutionary studies Mime Kather-
ine Niebergall of Victoria -aye last mooing
told her grad n•tion exercises at I Ihaffee hall,
Detroit, in the completion of • full oourse
in elocution in all its branohes under the
direction of Mrs. Nubia and •saistoota
The holl was crowded to titanium room only
with Miss Niebsrealris friends both in lie
Ow and Windsor. The program, whioh
consisted ot several selections in heavy
dramatic mom all parts being taken by
Mtes Nteitivereft, wee etteeedhortle well ren-
dered be her sod vory much appreotated by
theaudienos. Mies H. Mendoos Smith, of
Wyoming, and Was Caroline Niebereall
assisted in the muslin' part of the pro-
gram A very pretty part of the even-
ine's entertainment was the presentation
Of several 1.rge and beautilul bouquet. of
flowers to Mime Niebr tgall ty friends. Tne
molts! was ono of the best that hoe loon
held by any graduam from this school and
vitiated oreitt on .11 concerned.
bOT IN 001/111400.
Linder and pursuant te • power of sale con
Mined In • °errata mortgage maeo to tho
vendor. dated the 13th day of March A.D.
111P1, whioh grill he produced et time of sale,
there will he offered for sale hy putilln•uotion
by Thos. tinndry. anotlonser, at nie mottos
rooms. Hamilton Street, Ormerich, on Satur-
day. the Itth day of J1160.1901. •t leoloek e
the following property, vie • Le rooming
number 4(45 in the town of Underloh, In the
county of Hiroo. containing over of an sere
of lend
This led le the third weet of the Collegiate
Inetltnte anA it extend. from Ploton street to
Britannia rood. There in on the lot a frame
I; loner dwelling hones. with kitchen and
simmer kitchen Rousted. here aro A11001. it
good fruit trews and the garden la George.
tioeally rood
Terme of ele 10 per onnt. of the pit rehear.
Money to he paid tel the •eveleit or him *Niel
tors at the time of sale and the holster', with-
out Intereel within thirty day' thereafter.
1 he prnperty seil he sold enhimot to • te
served Ma
ror to-ther pertioniers apply to the sul-
lenest or to
Vend or's golioltere.
DaMd the glet of Mae. A.D. 10014 111-0
Bertha Daly, daughter of Thomas
Efecnieedville. The oeremony took oleos to
St. James' onuroh, Se .401111, Rev. Fathers
MoCatte, of Soaforth, and West, of Gode•
rich, ottioiatine. The poutilm interest to
the pleaeaut moot wet ahowu by a very
large attendnuoe at the performsooe of the
oeremony. TM groom was rosieted by J.
A Burke, of Goderioh. aud the brideemai
was Miss Minute Dorsey, of Serforth Mr.
and Mr. aOuneell arrayed in town on the
early evening train the same day and pro
moded •t moo to then new home on Market
street Mt. O'Coonsil during Ms reeideuce
Uoderich has made es host ot friends, who
will jolts heartily lo 'wishing him and his
bride the fullest measure of baptoons end
prosperity. Many submantial tokens of
trieodship were temierel wed.Lue
inoluding a handsome reel/Ong Mar from
lb. groom's young gentlemen friends io
town. Tbe preeentotion of the latter t,00k
plaoe on blonclay evening at the reederioe
of W. L. Eliot, the gtft being aociompouled
by an address of congratulation, to whioh
idr O'Connell made a suitable reply.
MOTs FROM THE HAltlitili.—Th• big ele•
yawn has had • May ocek. rh. ate. Joba
H•rpor errived from Duluth on ThursiMy
with 110,000 bushel. of wheat ; the str.
Myles, oo Monday with 42,000 bushels and
tbe Advanoe the same day with 45,000
bushels, both from Fort William ; anti th•
etr. Pasedena Turoday with 88,000
bueheis from Duluth A larg• quantity of
coin has •Iso been •hipped out... The
Ciergue company ha* alrtaly plaoed • boat
on the mat shore route, al promised, tem
first trip being made this week. The boat
ie the propellor Oestfrege. a fast and my
nest but not large vessel, fitted for tioth
pm ...... • and ft -right. Sh• came in Moo•
day tottering at 4 .0cloolt and left •t 6. on
her way north. She will make weekly trips
from r 'n P.00 At'hur, calling at
12:30 mon on Fridays, bound south, aud at
7:45 r on Saturd•ye, hound north....
Ilso Alieo @dipped 9 oead of uattle north on
Monday, Frank Allen going up with thetn
... Abe steamor Pittsburg will comnienos
ice summer tripe on June 24:h. running be.
tweet@ Sondasky end Sault. Ste. Marie....
Some repair. are being made to the north
pier,...0,. Tuesday the chief engineer of the
Advance, while at work on th• boat, fell
acmes the hatoliway and broke several ribs
ot CoUN,'IL. —U. A
Hurrows, the Breslau orpet manufacturer
who is seeking induoerneate from the town
to remove his menufaatory here, taiss
eat •1 a 'meal meetiop of the council
Tuesday afternoon and addressed the cowl.
oil lo regime} to the matter. He inks tor a
tom of 414,000 for twenty years, without
-fleetest. repayment to commence at the end
of the sixth year and to be made at the rate
.141,000 a year. A free supply of water
bad ensraptum term time are other condi-
tions. He promisee to employ thirty 6y•
hands, to put op • building worth 65.000
and to install such s plant es would bring
the combined value of nuildine and plant up
to $18,000. The council promiged to take
the proposition into consideration and let
hum know the remit later on. Some legal
matters also received the attention of the
council A writ hod been served on the
Mayor by Mrams Proadfoot & Hays, set
mg for Mn. Citrons)* bdoGonald, who
claim. damages for th• breasting of her arm
by tailor on the sidewalk on Montreal
.treet, the •idewalk not having been
kept clear of mow and loe. His
Winehip was sothor.zed to oonsolt
Mr. Gerrow in the matter. In regard to
the actioo token agenst 11.0 toWn in oon•
neotton with the dumping groonit at Wright
•treet, Mr. Gentile has adv., '..t the
place be °taste.' uo, the fence rerocvel and
the people prohibited from domting for
bage there in future. lhe owned decided
to see if they mold come to an agreement
with the plaintiff' on ornolition of their
loose this.
L0oAN Vs LAMAS,— At °wood* Hall lost
week Mr. Justioe Loant gave judgment in
this motion which was trod at Goderich
brought for construction of will of William
L .gan, decamped. Clause 3 of the will is as
follows :—"I direco that my «lie Jane shall
have the free use of my house be Hayfield
and also the free use of my farm on t he
Sabel line am loog as she remains unmarried,
also that my daughter Elizabeth shall have
the privilege of mating the eforesaid her
home to live with her mother if she wisher*,
but in the event of both getting married or
dying then I direct that said property be
sold by my executors and divided the same
as the residue " The testator directed ell
the rest of his real and personal property to
be snld not later than two years after his
death sod di•Ided among hts obildren.
The testator at the time of his death was
living in the Hayfield house with he wife
and daughter. but the farm, which is eleht
miles from Hayfield, wes rented, though
there wee not a habitable house upon it.
Jane Logan ha. removed the furniture from
tee house, and is residing an the A.
Held, that the word "aforesaid" meant
toth properties ; that Jane Logan took •
lite estate in both properties 'abject to de.
termination by her marriage, and that
Elizsbeth Logan took • joint life estate
a ith Jane in both subject to • like deter•
niination blame: •. Greener, I. R. 14
Eq. at p. 461 : Soouler v. Scouter, 8 1, P.
at p, 11 ; Fulton v. Cummings, 34 U C. R.
331 : Judge •. Spleen, 22 O. R. 489. Or-
der woordiagly. Haferenoe to Master at
Unclench to take amounts of rents reosOved
by Jane Logan and sell properties. Coets
up to Miming to ell parties out of estate.
Further directions ano mato reserved. P.
Holt, K C., fnr plaintiffs. W. Proodloot,
(finetentral, ter adntt defendant& T. T.
Garrow, K C., for infant defendants.
aod Mra. A. Saunders spent • few dove in
Galt the past nose visiting relatives. In
ots t tem with • !DONAL reemit W after
his return. Mr Islander. etelte of the
enemy with which the bytaws are enforced
in Galt. somewhat In contrast with the way
in which things ham been going lu 'lode -
rich If • man rode on th• eliewalk or
drove on the boatmen! he wonid be brought
tes time very sharply, and if a oow were
fnund straying on the Memos the owner,
Gyro If he wen the mayor of the town,
tiO1 very rolokly flod himself in the
Pollee 0.mre. l'he hylaws marl• In be
solenoid, and the town oftioeor are not re.
scooters of persona, The town, hir Sam
ders mid, le progressing rapielly and at the
same time subetantially New lameness
are helm established sod now resitiential
streets are Wog opened op, and one thine
he noticed Is that the hones* going op are
not hoilt •Il freen ono pattern, hut ere 4.1
various style' of arena...Item Alvin. the
omen • moth better arepearaftee Moos where
one sem all the now feebleness modelled on
the earn. plan lint alter all, no said, we
bays right here le floderioh th. prettiest
tows of them all
(YCniseill.i. -Dais - Os Tueed•y JIM'S
D. liCeseell, settee reckoner fee the
essety ise Harem, wee neurried te Mlle
les the Maitlited River Pewee Orotpaly'e
peejmn will los vigoroudy promouted.
Tt e Pao* Maeistrote yesterday hod
Nor por000. before him fur Miowing their
move tu run, ond • young map was up for
roluoine to ' move on." They wer• timed
for orate and given a warniog by Mr. See-
ger, oho mates that in future persona who
violate the bylaws will not be let off so
Dr ti Sinitii it i, 1, ef Cismand, Obio,
the great specialist. who oame hero to st•
tend the daughter of Wm. Swaffield,
Britannia road, has returned to Cleveland.
Anyone wishing to ouosult him either to
peroon ro by letter ma do so free of charm
Hie ad Ore. i• : —36 Kirk •t., Clevelenii.
Onto, Miss Sw•theld, w• are pleased to
know, is improving rapidly.
word and doctrine &mold them, anti at last NEW ADVERTISEMENTS-- MAY 30
be adorned with the robe of heaveuly glory — Pegs
and wear the crown of hfe. Mr. Anderson A Pawed Floor—N. D. Rong•le. 4
at ono* Invested himself with the handsome f‘lfolio Dome. stn. —1,1444 & Shepherd8
gown and in • few words min eased big ap- Window Shades sad Wall Pepee—Gee
preciatmo of Gets 0411110ml mark of the Porter
lone and esteem of his people. N bee Sten Talk —W C. Pridbem
Our Little Froinds—St. Cleo hoots
Help Wanted—Mrs. Ilea Bustou
Che•post Hicyulee to Ceoada—E B.&M. H. 4
Announcomeot—O F.: Kim VVio barn 1
Tke Grins Reaper Mae Seem Very limey Dur-
ing tke rase Week.
MITVHELL. —On Mooday Philip Harold,
mond soo of James Mitchell, ot .12he S ar,
died at the early age of fifteen years, after •
few weeks' .1.nese, the cause et death being
an affliction of the heart. The relatives
hove the universal eyntiathy of our town.
people in the sod event, fullowtng se closely
upon tbe bereavement which they sustained
only • few wrote ago, 'The funeral, which
was priv•tie took plsoe yesterday afternoon.
Parrettsoo —Oa Friday, M•y 24, Denis'
Patterson dted at his home on E.gin
avenue from the effeoto of an injuiy re
motet &bout • week before while helping
to unload a grain yeses' at. the elevator
He WOOL 10 step across one of the ropes and
was caught by the steam shovel end oarried
some distance. Tbe aocident did dot seem
serious at the time, but an internal iniury
developed from whioh death ensued. The
deorosed waa fifty-three yams of ago and
wee a seller by calling. although for tbs
past ye•r or two be had been engaged in
other work. His wife eurviros him. Rev.
Jas. A. Anderson oonclucted ehe service@ at
the funeral, which took place on Sunday
ELLorrr.—On Weidn :cley of last week.
after • long illnesa from • oomplioation of
troubles, Jewel May, mooed &ambler ot
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott, lamed •way at
the age of seventeen years The funeral
whioh VIAs private, took pleas on Friday
afternoon from the lamily rewidenoe, Church
street, to Colborne oemetery. Rev. Jasper
Wilson oonduoted the services, and the pall.
b .. were H. B. Guest, J. P. Broom, W.
Robinson,Herbert Davidson, Spe Goer Guest
and Theo MoGillicoddy. The demised was
not koown to a great many In Goderich, aa
she has been ill almost ever slum the remov•
al of the artily to town, but her parents
and other Motives hays, the hsartfett sym-
pathy of many Meads in the loss of one
near sad dear to them.
Friday, May 24th, Mrs. Bell,
wile of Willis Bell, of Weat Nawanosh,
very soddenly at tbe borne of Mr sou•
tu-law, Robert Johnston, Brytield reed,
where she was @teeing. She seemed ea well
aa usual that morning, prepared the break
fast end °leered up after the meal, and
shortly afterwards, t. h In sitting on the
doorstep, rod without any warning, obe fell
over dead. The remains were conveyed to
her late home an %Veit W•wanosh and on
otnedtseryv.were interred lo the Dungannon
years -hs was born at Oaring
The deceased was eget h.ftcya-emiK
Mule, , Erieland, and lame to this oountry
*tth I. fr potent' In 1856, settling lo the
oounty 01 O. tario Thirty-eight mats Kilo
she wee o. ...nod to Mr. Bell. mid for ten
years tliey lived at Oakville, Halton ootinty,
and for the past twenty-six years In this
county. She leaves a family of four sons
and five daughters.
Boom —After an illness of loom months
the death of Alexander Bogie occurred eerie
Siourday morning at the home of J Bryd
free, Fast street, wh•re the deoeased had
been boarding. Death we@ doe to rianoer
of the stomach At the patient's request m
operation WWI performed a IOW days Odom
hie death ; the operation wee sucioessful
in aocompliehim the immediat• objeot aim
col ot,but the patient waa too far gone to de•
rive any benefit from it. AN "teed" Bogie,
the deoessed was one of the moat widely
known men in this section ; and pinto-
ularly in Colborne township, where he spent
moot ol hie life, and in tine town he was
knowo to *Most eyetyone. H• wro •
widower, 004 was In his fifty.third year.
Hie brother, David Boyle, oame from Of in•
nosota, and hie sister, Mrs. Struthers. from
Wieconsitoto tend open him in hie
Ills funeral. whiob took plaoe on Sunday
afternoon, was one of the largest in Oode.
rich for years and was attended by a great
many of his former neighbor,: in the towo•
thin. The mervioes were oonduoted by Rey.
.1. A. Anderson and Rev. 'Lissom Wilson,
and the pelt b chosen by the demised
himself, were J. E Brydges. John Knox,
John Aodrews, Edward Maskell, James
Hardy and William Clark. The interment
was made in Matti .nd °amatory.
You ottn't make • mistake in getting your
tailoring at Podium* No matter what you
want you will get the oorreot thing, and the
prices are right, too.
I dogs have died from poison this
• •
London Prete Prom : Miss Jessie Wisiker,
of Goderfoh, has been engamot aa meneg•
rapher to Knowles & Co.'s estahlishment
Lee & Shepherd the other day bad to
shoot their hon.@ which had its leg injured
short tin e ago by • cave in at one ei the
fountains en the Square.
.1. J. Wright, the genial proprietor of
The Point Farm, is preparing for an early
opening of this popular WITOVOT resort sad
roman to have • gnod se•son.
Two cows belonging to Thos. Warmer,
blaeksmith, were @Gook on the railway
track near thp bridge rooming on Tuesday,
h fatal reiults to ooe of them.
W a Metre to direct attention to the warn.
Ing notloe to trespassers on the Attrill
property, whim appears in oar advertising
nolomna. A great 400 of anneyano• has
boon mused in the paatoind in the future all
treepaasen will tie premolars&
The Mark• hem.' entareainmenta •t the
Opera Howe Idondley Tuesday wed Wed
soda, t,1 this week were very well patron•
IyAd. A vary good °lase of oranedim Imo
pot on mart the sproolattles were bright and
A. C. Stewart len yeMonlay fee Pelee
Wood, to rush the rompletion et Clark &
Ce.'s eeetraet there. sad will retain with
ide setae shame the thee et July, when week
ClintonCollegiate Institute has challenged
again for the Hough cup and the match will
be held at Agrioultural Park tomorrow (Frl•
'laTyh) e"0". footoall eeam delemeed the
Brussels teem in a meitech al the Agricul.
tural Park on Wednesday eveoing of lest
week The game was a good one and was
witoessed by • large orowd. Score—Gods..
rioh 3. Brunel. 2.
It has been ..... ged to have the bicycle
ram•between Alex. !delver sod the two
Stratford riders. liumber sod Rutherford,
run off la Goderloh. The exact mite has
not yet been fixed. but it will be on mime
evening of the week after next..
A series of bloyole ramie le to he held at
the Agricultural l'ark for a bilicHurney•
Beattie wheel doomed by Emerson's BO
oyole and Music Home. There will be five
handimp ramalor varying distences,open to
riders of lidoBorney•Beattle wheels. fb•
first will be for three miles aod will be held
on Wedueaday evesologi of next week, start•
log sharp at 7:30 o'olock. No %erre la
multi for entronoe to ram or admission to
grounds. The oommittee In °barge will be :
Dr Whitely, I.). Johnston, Thee. Nairn,
N. B. Smith and J. S. Platt. There shoeld
be a good turnout at the Park next Wed-
nesday night.
The goo olub celebratad Victoria °ay
with a match between shies captained by
(Ihes Garrote and H. Hutson, respectively
President and ylos president ot the club tor
last year. Th. vice president's team won
with a margin of 14 shots. The more wag :
C Garrow 8 Vioe President.
W. Symoods 8 (leo. R. °Shiny:ends 10
W. Hutson 13
E. R Watson 11
Jul Andrews 4 Rev. J. Wilson 5
N. 11 Rougvie 3 Kay vet t Mittel 10
Fred Shannon 9 R. McDonald 7
43 57
The match took plaoe at Sunset Park
whioh wa• fogad to he admirably
suited tor this purpose, and the Members
are talking of erecting • olab house on the
grounds. A regular weekly @loot will be
held at the I' otle on every Friday evening.
Rev. I. B Weliwio, of I. hen
reoeived an invitation from
Methodist chinch to become their t, -
Mr and Mrs. Nell win's many friends "..
this vioratty would welcome their return to
this part of the oountry.
The melons of the distriot oonventios of
the Woman's Missionary Society. tio be held
today In North street Methodist church,
OulOMPOO• at 10:45 A. 01 ,r2:30 sr. and
710 e. reopectively. The public are In•
vi•sil to attend.
The arrangement under which Rev. G. F.
Salton, of Hamilton, formerly ot linderich,
and Rev. Dr. Rose, of (tome, were to ex
change pastorales in June, 1902, has be.
modified. At the regular roasting of
the quarterly hoerd of Centenary Meth°.
dist church, Hamilton. a oommuniciatine
wee read from the Dominion ohuroh,Ott•wa,
*eking that the transfer of lir, Rose to
t'ontenary church be deferred until the mar
1903 The Centenary Oboists were heartily
In favor of Rebating this request. and a rem)
lotion .was telegraphed to Ottawa ooneent-
ing to it. Thie means that th• moment pro.
tor of Centenary ehoreh will stay in Hamil-
ton the full term of five years.
The thirteenth year ot Rev. Jamas A.
Anrierson's pastorat• in Knox ohurob was
dinged with appropriat• /*recite last Sab•
bath, at both Mete of 'worship. The pastor
himeolt preached, as he always doe. at
these anniversaries. At the InOrnIng ser
•ice hie subject was "lirowth le Orme,"
and at the sesame. "Power through the in
dwelling of the Holy Ohost." His people
remembered the omission and at the C. It
meeting on Tuesday evening that society
pfeeented him with a set of Ro• Andrew
Morray's "With Christ' aeries. and at the
elms of the Worinesday swoon' meeting
the adios, to Me name ef the nongregation,
presented Atm with • now milmt goose, the
01.1 nee of thirteen years ago heeler, seen
its host days Airs Csptain Gibson and
Slim Nina Arra...hen made the presentation
hose who heard the former In her proma•
tattoo mooch ran testily that she did i
well In email both exquisite and eiceinen
she spek• of rho noble work of "our minis.
bee" in his efforts to magnily "this
ths arme of God." She impressed the hope
thee he mishit long he spared to ematesiso
. .
Wanting—E. C. Attrill 1
Good English Bleached Cotton—Hodgson
Broe 8
James Thomsen trisitesd his Waiter se Ber-
lin leset week.
Mies Martha Wells 'pent the 24th with
frioods in Exeter.
Arthur Netted, of Toronto, @pending
holidays in temp.
Ure Stewart is eneaRed in agency work
in Oxford county.
(7. A. Nairn specie ...... 1 days in Chic•
ago the Past week•
bliss Nettie tillOy, of Ht. Thomas,
visiting her Meter here.
George Carey, of Middlesex °minty, visit-
ed at LOS rectory lam week.
Jas. J. folotdatO wers, to Exeter on Mon
day on profeseini..1 hu•inees.
Mrs. Ern. ' Heston and children, of Tor.
ooto, are at Ridgewoed Park.
Mae Edith Bonen. of Detroit, is spendIng
a tow nionths M. her home here.
Sam. Cerra°, of Loudon, mode • holiday
visit to his relatives here last week.
Mee Howell. ot Onondago, visited her
son, M Howell, during th• week.
Mrs. B. J, Knelt', Stratford, visited at
the residence of Joe. Griffin last week.
Miro Mary Elliott, of London, is spend-
ing a tow weeks among her friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Clams. ot London,
spent • fete day' the past week with friends
Miss McLellan, of the Collegiate Instil•
tute, visited her home at Stratford last
Paul Turnbull, of Chath•m, has been
visiting hie parents at the rectory this
Mrs. R. Lennon, of Mount Carmel, was
la Goderich last week attending the obse-
quies of her granddaughter, Miss Lilian
Mr. sod Mtn. Chas Cribb and ohildren,
of Seaforth, Melted relatives Imre during
the week.
Miss Irwin, ot Wingham, moot • few
days here the past week with her friend,
Miss Berth• Rusk.
F. J. T. NOM west to London yesterday
to meet Mnr Naftel on her eeturo from her
in the States.
Wm. Pridham, of Toronto, spent • few
days the met week netting his relatives
here sod •4 Clinton
H. Morrie, et the Bank of Commerce,
London, formerly of the lioderloh branch,
moot the 24th in town.
John Elliott, B.A., of Leamington, was
to :own for a few days last week attending
the fuoeral of hie oleos
Miss .lemin MoLoren le In Toronto study;
log violin wish Prot. Anderson. Site will
return some time in July.
Mrs. J. C. RoberMon and Master Groot
Robertson, of Toronto, are visiting at th•
residerin of W. R. Robertson.
Mae ham McMillan, Mrs. McQuillit.
and Mr.Bowman,ot Lucknow, spent Sunday
with it e Misses Wells, hayfield street.
Omega limit h. of Mmitto Woe. k Co., bee
retracted to town from Mensal!, the firm
having °loved their busineris in that village
Mrs. clone., of Fox Lake, Wisocossin. with
her son and daughter, has returned home
after visiting her oleos, Mr.. bi.C. Swanson
David Stoddart, jr.. and family and Herb.
Storidart loft this week for Portage la Prat
rm. MAO., Whet@ th•y will Illnk• their hom•.
Mita Ella Deans and Master Frank 1111
temple, rif Wingham, spent a few A.111 413
town the past week. tho guests of Idr. and
MIN. .1. W. Velment.
Mrs. .1. C. Imig anti little (laughter
Evelyn retorned to Soaferth on Monday af-
ter a •Isit with Mrs. Greie's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Admen.
Rm. Irvine. of [Avows', WOA le teem
en Sat iirrirsy. ff• was presort Friday even-
ing at • ohooih entertainment, at Nilo, one
ot hie former proloral ethane*.
Arthur Myers arid danghter, Miss Linde
Myers. of 8,, Willioms, were 'estate at the
North street M•theolist parsonage aver Vio•
toria Dey. On their return home they were
amempaeleri by little Hogh Wilson, whn
will remain at Ale unole's until Me. Wilson
and hie family are settled In their now
Strat trod Howes Mr. and Mrs. A
Elmer of the Island Reirenne Departmstat,
Orderieh. wore in the oily yesterdiy on
their way home from an extended trip to
Ottawa. Menefee', Cleveland and Buffalo.
F.gener is no• of the moat gethostaatie
fishermen of the town en the lake. h•
woe a @slim at the Broom office
Eggs I2o. W• offer 20o. per lb. ler the
best. and liJo fur the second beet tub of but-
ter we gen. to June. '1he judee will he •
butter export unknown to my of the men -
politer.. G. E. Kieo Wingbom.
Id000me, May 20.
Mrs. O'Brien and Mater dolaw, from neer
London, are visiting at Rosewood Farm.
R. Fuiford on the uorth pert of his farm
frontage has put up a neat wire Mom 1a
one day the old rail tame was removed, the
poetboles dug, poste pot tn, the wire
itrebutied and the work done all by four
Three weeks ago fdlobeel J. Healy, for-
merly • well-known resident here, returned
to our midst after en absentee of some
years. H• bad matmoted illnees of se
serious a oharaeter that uo hope of memory
oolid tie held out, hot, animated with the
sawn lope of meeting tains Dear and dear
to him, end wishing to be bans(' cm the
basket of the old Maitland with loved ones
who bad proceeded bim In death, he under•
took the ditEoult journey homeward and
throe weeks ago arrived at the residence of
his brother Joseph. where be died on the
16th lust. With true Christian fortitude
be awaited the Baal summoos, hearing hie
suffering cheerfully and always being
pleased to sea those who duriug his
tIlaires, many of wbom were !floods of his
earlier years. ii• prepared for his sod hi
the fetish of the Roman Catbolio church.
and at the alms of the funeral mimosa at
St. Peter's oburoh, Goderloh, the pastor.
Rev. Father Wait, in on earnest sod for-
cible address which was of grays import-
anoe to ail his hearer. referred to two oen-
tending alas thin troll humanity ham to
meet daily throughout this transient 111e
and unceasioely try to avoid end with the
deorosed, If in Gm poet he had not guarded
againet thefts things of whioh he spoke be
had done what he oould to amend the errors
and had died • happy death The funeral
then proomeded to the Romon lOatholle
cemetery la Colborne and the remains were o
listened In the family plot. Father Wesiii----
offiolated at the grave and the pallbearers
were Wm. F. Young. of Loyal,;12. Canny,
td. Foley, H. Chisholm, Jas. Herron and
John Stewart. of this plaoe. Beeldee near
relatives from this 7101011y others from
Hullett and West Wawanoelo Were propene,
also a number of neighbors and friends.
TUESDAY, Slay 28111.
Wm. Fotherineham, of Tookersmllih,
flitted his daughter, Mrs. A. H. ()tunes, --r,„
and also his oouain, James Linkleter.
With the latter he enjoyed • day Salting all
the Godertoh harbor.
Mrs. X. Baeohler, jr., and children wb•
had been ylsitinr Mrs. Baeohler's father,
Hugh Chisholm, for the past three month.,
hove returaed to l'ort Hares, 'Cob. Mrs.
Haeohler's brother William wene back with
her on • visit of seine days and also to me
Wendel in Detron.
TUX:WAY, Allay 28ia
A monster picnic under the auspices of
Aslifield R. C ohuroh,Kingebridga will be
held in the beautiful grove of J..1 Oritha
near the lek• shore, on Tuesday, June 18th.
A errand program of addressee and amuse -
meets hos been arrenged for the day and
evening. Hoo. F. R. Latobford, minister
of publio works for Ontario; James J. Foy,
K. C., M. P. l'., Tomboy Robtoffolmes.
P.; Robe MoLean; Hon. J. T. Garrow;
Major Book; P. Holt, wards. of th• Downy,
and other prominent speakers have @limited
their Intention to ta pretreat. A progretel
of athletic sport, being arranged for. A
large Mooing platform will be erected and
pipers and string instruments and the Luck.
now bruits band will furnish first•olaes music.
Dinner ani supper will be served. and re-
freshments can be had at any time during
th• day, Admission, including dioner,250.
All are heartily Melted.
TtlitSDAY. M•ir 21. r
John Omen is home from IMOMOM for • :•1106 •
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hawkins visited
relatives in Kinoardine over Huntley.
Mr. Taokleberry, of Kinlose, is here
visiting hi@ darohter, Mrs. Armserong.
Mrs. Chas. Wellington sod ohild, of
Vienna, are here for • week's visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McConnell.
A Leila.' Aid Society has been organized
In oonneotion with ()brim ehoroh. The
following are the tames : Pres dent, Mrs.
J. B. Hawkins ; pres., Mee. Hoary
Hawkins ; Mies Hisyden ; collecting
oommittee, Mime E. Hayden, Sadi• Haw-
kins, Anon Tigert. Linn Feder.
TrESIMY, M•y 28.
A Kraal maul° will to held la Wallaces
of the cons reoation of the Roman Oatto
olio oburoh at St Augustine, on
Wednesday, lime 120h. Au lateresting
grove, East Wawanosis. under the austpleee
Platform program has been arranged ler,
and • number of prominent spetakera ham
been moored. inoluchog tbe Dominion and
Legislative represented'''. A series of
games and ammements will also be previd•
ed. Dinner will be served from 11 • r. Int•
til 2 to and supper teem 5 te 7 r. es. We
understand that • geed representation of
Goderich businees mon have signified their
intention of being present. A competent
committee consisting f It Phelan, P Kea' Il•
ly . .1. (abbess, sad W. O'Callaghan, have
Marge of the proceedings, under the super-
vision of Rm. Father Hanlon. Admiseieme
mid dinner 2.5o. Cordial invitation la ex-
tended to everybody.
HATI'RDAT, Jane 8tts. —Unreserved fine.
tion Rale of • good, oomfortable dereilllog
house and saves of land in Meru, all the
atioticos rooms. Hamilton ot , at 2 o'olook.
.10111O HVILOP. proprietor, T. (107iDeor, one
1101.MK5 DOHIRRTY. At -Lilassewiersolla.'
the resides.", of the bride'. hither, hy Bev
W. J. Holmes. rif Imadon Whey of the
groom. aseisteici hy Hay, W. Himmel
Clinton. MIAS 1.011111 M. Louise,
danehter of W. Doherty, Zoe.,
Holum, dentist. all of Chutes.
nom M. en Ocelerich. on eaterday. May Melo
1901. Alexander ROAM, In hie fier4 year.
MILL At the maid imam of It. Jeloseteasia
teary Ana 18611. beloved wife of
field road. Goderioh. on Friday. ld
Bell. mod 06 roan and 6 seethe.