The Signal, 1901-5-23, Page 8SMITH BREA).
Commencing May 25th..
0 WING to the sale of the premises we occupied in
Hensall with general Dry Goods, Clothing and Gents'
Furnishings we have removed the stock to\our store
here, and find ourselves overcrowded with goods, Which we
will sacrifice to make room.
Bargains in Clothing Suits -all reduced.
Bargains in Gents' Furnishings -all reduced.
Bargains in Dress Goods and Silks -all reduced.
Bargains in Ladies' Jackets, Capes and Waterproofs.
Bargains in Iluslins, Ginghams and Prints.
Bargains in Millinery.
We want the room, you need the goods, our prices will
Smith Bro's & Co.
Pdlocenttnuod his tripe to Dungannon.
ill bet pleased to meet any from that netith•
borhood who may require his servioes at toe
home °Mos, Luolonow, where ne will be found
everv day in the week eximpi Thereat,. whoa Tellei1AV, 011.1-21
he visite Ripley. Spootal attention paid to
ration of natural teeth, crown and Illgs Tone Johaston spent Sunda, at
P64re work, 0eo. Loy methods ot extract- j home. __
now on the 24th....George Walker, of
Gerrie, visited relatives here the beginning
of thin week.
Norma- TB* loos! &gene, In Dungannon
tor Ton Elionai la al the °Moo of J. 0. Wane.,
J,P., oonvoyanoar, go.. who will remive or
dors for subsmiptionit advertising and job
work, and Is authorized to give root:dots tor
amounts told for the same
T13118DAT, May 21st.
'Sinaloa or COUNCIL -Toe municipal
▪ ot West Wow -tweet) will meet an a
wart of revision of assessor's roll on Toes
day, the 28th of May, and for other munici-
pal besieges.
Ooori Peeersors.--Owleg to the racist
ersathor whioh we have had for some time.
mope ere looking well. Fruit promisee to
be an abundant orop if frost does not put in
an •ppearanote.
Dortirm.L.-Wo regret to hays to state
that Mrs. Matthew Sproul, who bag been
ler some time unwell, IA 0111 weakly. We,
along with her numerous friends. would be
pleased to we her restored to health and
strength in tho near future John
Andersen, who has been suffering from •
ho▪ le weak, but we hope that he will soon be
around and at work William MoMath
Is somewhat better of Me Illness oaused by
an attack of eateme.
Inagua a•VV101111 Wife held in the forenoon.
alliornoon and evening In the Methodist
'bomb. if het pulpit was occupied respec-
tively by Rev. Meagre. M. J. Wileon,
if. Knight and T. R. MoNaw. There was
• large attendanoe at each +Grohs.
Divine envies will be held in Erskine
ehtirch at 10:45 A. instead .410.15 M ,
tormerly, until further notioe, the
lifenillea for the °hangs being that Sebbsth
W NW Is bold in the forenoon previous to
/Stylus servitor. ,
00111NO AND Goneo.-Mr. and hire.
Samuel Lowery, of (ioderlob township, der- people. During last year we inentomal
big the latter part of last week were in oar I leveret time. that wo lead been told that
village on a visit bo their son, William, who for about $200 the road oould be mad. right
mosotly oommonoed liminess as V. S. I for the light. traffic of bugging, but imit uow
They wore loud in their praise of our neat we will only nth the ootiocillors to Inspec%
Lester Robarteon is grinding * few days
under the parental root.
oburoh at 7:30 Sabba.h evening. All are
cordially invited.
Mrs. Thos. Steamers, ot ti,euemoisi, was
the paint of her *liter on•last , Thot
SsIlows, for a couple of day. last week.
Rev. Mr. Tyne, wife hes very ably filled
tile pulpit here that:mat LIMY .8abbathe. re
turned to hie home in Toronto ef
lest week, sod Rev. Mr. Marshall. from
K (aloes, le expected to mouth litre neat
Nightingale street, pitching thiglirst oan
vas tent on Friday evening el leaft week.
Juno Barker le huddler • cement dairy
'This wove alter Tuesday there will be no
school, Ls the teaoher goes to the oouventlon
ist Exeter.
D. Cumming, who recently took tho
ovum' thi. ward, had the pleasure of
meeting Mr. Quigley, one ot tho
takers of Hullett, the other day, aud the two
hail quite chat oyer their oxpori000ss.
of our towneWp real n16010110, J. H. 11 trk•
or. Was Beat fur by Lie township lathers
ot Morris and It.:sst awiraweli to put up le
gear • road machine for each township that
they had reoontly purchased fur townehla
road purposes.
Pori Albert Fe tttttt * 11'. ',trate the Illo•
Ever @Moe the tiood on the Nine•Mile
river at Port Altort a little over • year ago,
widoh destroyed the Hall and dld conelder•
able other damage, the village has had no
suitable place in which to hold lodge meet-
ings, entertalismente and nubile gatherings,
itaid.this waot vise se keenly felt during the
peat you that the members of Puri Albert
Court, No. b99, Canadian Order of Forret-
els, deoided to ua lortiiko:the trek of erect-
ile • building that would accommodate all
ordinary demands for public meetings and
also give • propriety equipped room tor
lode* merlons. The new budding, whith
will ho ot solid brick, two obeys high and
25140 tee: lo SIZI, 1111 toasted on the r‘ght
h tint side ot the Mato street,morth of li Hay -
den's store. The ceremonial in oonntiotion
v.ith the laying ot the cornier atoms took
place last Friday, god Robt. Holtms. M.
P., eon/rented tu be present to perform Po
num wir of people haying assembled to
ialtfor I, took the chair, and after explain
mg the object. of the meeting read • open
inept oontsining the names of the retionnit
neverelga, the Goyernor•General and Pre-
mier of tanada,- Lt.•llovernor and Premier
ef Ontario., the member for West Huron.
\the Warden of Hutoo oounty, the reeve of
Ashaeld, the High Court offioers and of •
doers sad member. of Port Albert Court,
0, . F., and statistios of the Canadian Or•
der ,f Foresters throughout the Dominion
A I, gleam jar stood on the chs,rmant
rR1,1e,'smotatitimg copies of The Globe, Mail
ow,' Kapire, Dia SIGNAL, The Star. Clio -
too New Era, current coins, ate., along
with which tho chairman plaoed the doou'
nu 7.: as hitt read. Rey. Mr. Gel:Moro led
tru.v laid les moo., beneath whioh was
oemented the glass jar with ..toi coatents. in
the name of Liberty, lionovolenois and Con
our I
Mr. Holmes was tilt.) milled upon to
en▪ ced in having to come all the way from
Ottarn at thin p•rticular time, but was,
n er• 7thellsie, pleased to be present to lay
the corner stone. The laying of the stone
implied more than the mere ack lo the
erecti..n of the Hall human interests were
being served to a largo degree. The de-
velopment and growth of fraternal societies
were of lomat years, yet so rapidly had
they grown ayid no well had they eerved
the interests of humanity Chet now they
were to be fetund in almost aiory hamlet.
They wore tilling a long.felt want nod au.
alleviate euffering, Metres' -and want in
teeny homen where otherwise no ottrr pr.,
Vilma had been made tor the future, .,whon
the ho•band and (*thee hod boon laid on •
bed of *Mitre nu or had boon moved by the
hand of Pro vtlenoe to another world. The
brotherhood oi man awl the :atherhoed of 11111...
God were liagely exemplified to the Dater.
bet ot the Canadian Order of Foresters, yet
he was aware. that it was • forge inetiou-
rioo, rod of •etrong and vigorous growth.
actor and roomerafred Mbrioty and thrift
pc/aeries tor dr Intone weals Woolf stratify.
ing. Nearly .8 0141111111 were promm-y mat
ItIrritaDAY, May 15.
David Corbett was translen. visitor
here this week.
Chaa. Spenoo, of the Huron road, Gode•
rich township, visited W re on Stturdav
!Inman 06 Am. -There was Nome loud
boasting lately ot a big egg laid by hen in
ton from • year•oldl bon had two eggs that
weighed tie* ounce* each. They were
weighed by BAIA. Fultord on his govern.
mint goatee The m-aeuremehte were 65
Mabee one way and 74 inches the other
way. Our champion hen boats thee beat
which the eoUnty Dawn Olin produce.
this month and the ooming mow h the town•
ship lathers of Colborne mek• tour of in
speotion over varioue roadi of the township
to goo whore jobs are to be Int for repairs.
We hope the lane fathers will not forget
the short cut round Danko's hill nod will
make more paseible for pedeetrlans by
having a wider footpath. At prompt, the
walking is very hard for young and old
and progressive village (1. H. Reny,
of Luoknow, le the guest ot Mr. end Mrs.
B. 5,1. Crawford .... A good many of the
atlases et Dungannon and vicinity wtll
take in the inammIth melsbratlos so Look.
It and make • beginning by 'Ovine us better
foot walking
Wiener, May 20:b.
ther spatial vial:ore, he gypsies, have
mine book to their old camping grouted on
Ott, years. rime were nu higbielaried
oftkors nod the death rate was only 4.88 in
th• thousand.
blurs/an Dal!oe,
AsIdield, was pleased
to know that his name 0
was saroiled le the demi.
moot buried uuder the
oornerstooe. He thoujiht ;hot the miter
pros shown Ly the womb de of Port Albeit
Court was very otionuendel le, and wished
Vanatter, of Tug IIJIUNAI., A. hi. Todd, of
The Star, and Thee Burrows, all oi G‘d •
Hob, wo.• trolled upon for brief addresses
Court, thanked present for their
promo°. and for the generous support thet
had been rendered the members both by
imen taken up.
Tao treasurer of l'ort Albert Court was
Mg. asked so address the meeting.
'loci nonce Is as golden.
The •111/10f of the national anthem
brought the pea:seller to a dorm
Wo ham been bolded the followlug,
building food of the Foresters' HMS, Fort
Alban, to date teleCreat,b, $1; Wm
Lane, $1 ; Jae. Wilson, 51 ; Dr. Whitely,
Best $2 5,tloes, too
We've L. 1 tolling you • lot lately ahout our Araerioau.made Shoes for Men and
011sort-'1 t alit -Over and QUM'S Quality. (Thega aro unquestionably tho them,
lin 001 Short made its the United States ) Don't for • moment roe sight of the foot that
iro also bate the beat $1 60. 112 00 and 12.60 Shoes for both Men and Women-Shoeg
stylist' enough to please the moat critical eye anti stuRF enough to stoma the tart of
wear. We hese All Leathers All Shaves, All Sizes. Ws oati awl will arm YOU Half
Dam on illett's an.I Worneo's Shoes stoma% 60, and $3.00.
. Weep In and lel We anywise yon with the merlins seams mis ease. .
Way rot this week?
le always relieved, lied its unpleareot eon-
Poleop's Norville' In • little sweetened
water. It inatently relieves the pauses and,
by its soothing and •timulating powers,
calm* the ttomach and enables it to com•
pieta the proems of dig•stion. !quelling
has been proved more than a million times
the best remedy for stomach and bowel
troubles. Neryiline will cure you. 25o.
Toin Merks and his jolly oomnany •t the
Opera douse Monday. Ildiay 27411. Settire
your seats.
Opera House, Goderich
Three Nights
1 he versatile Canadian Onuelian, Mr. Tom
"The Sultan's Daughter"
Reeetvcd seat plan at Porter's Book Store.
Imellasi tickets exchanged first night only.
tat Ho (the speaker) Wm. 110t A Mern•Tarmers Ce=Operative
by Bator sal seoletisa, and there was not
n early ne muoh litigation se there was in
and the tam that they were run aronomioal-
ly was •• guarantee of their permanence.
Mr. Ho linos coaoterted Ins restarts by svish-
intyLlosert Poet Altos% and th• C. 0. F, at
large Vas ntayst prosperity in tho years tr.
• The ohairman, Joesph Beek, said he ba-
klava', to • number of mocierise for insur-
ance purposes They were cheaper thau
the 1,1d lloo oompanles. In the Canadian
Ordt r of Foresters • death claim hod leaver
been protested. Thera were now In Cana
da 752 emir., with a memberehip of 40,152,
•n4 over a million dollars ot a surplus.
Rev. Mr. Goldberg, of Dungannon, who
pleased to be present on such an 000selon.
Ho felt it his duty to be there on a000tint
ot being tit:, pastor of the church on the
1.1!I. He etated that no one was free from
responsibility, but that our oreateat re-
sponsibility was our duty to oor families.
The earnings of the masses were better to -
dry then thirty years ago, men meted be be•
holden to non* now, In view et the futilities
to provide for tho future He wished the
members of Port Albert Court ..... bleat-
ing and 11110elVe in Itte.
Wm Bailie, of Nilo, who is one el the
11:vh Conrt officere, was asked to address
the giolhering, end snoko senli length of
the work of the Censolian Order of Forrest
ere, whioh Istioame an penization Deo let,
1979, with 850 members Detlett the tirst
year there were two death /rooms. end
moony bad to he borrow d to pay t ho
olefins, but never 'tattoo had that to be domi.
Toe C, O. F. was itrictly • Canadian order,
dying side Ws with other Institutions of
better ores of men th•n the aitizene of the
cenntry to the moth of us. Comedian
horstdp had grown to over 40,000, and the
suiplua of rver nue million dollars wee in•
VI, all Paper and
Window Shades
WE tiro idler yonr trade for W.11
Pltper and WindOer Shades, awl if ),,;;
your own interest inn will 14stl.;
t hrough our enormous stock when in need
Bering, se we du. direct from the paper mil:. ati I 'thinly mantifiscturr re,
Is gesntatien and for SPOT CASH, our prices t•n 'teeny holow t.ho regular
reboil prices, and it goes without, saying our Wall l'epere are initirnly different
from those commonly shown, having that etrik ing et ylialt and UP TO -DATE
einot, heanden costing no moro than ordinary out of date atyles.
They are ali shown in patterns suitable for halls, Iwtrirooins, dining rooms,
libraries, drawing rooms and parlor*, end range in price from 4c. per roll to 35c.
If you are In nend of any, measure your rtonni.e width, length and hcight
mid wo will give you the exact cost of papering it, beanies artaisting yon in
Mr selection
All Papers marked in plein figures' W ATCH 01 I It SHOW WIN DOW.
Terme Rtrictly ()ash
Porter's Book and Wall Paper Store
ToMphono No. 100 Court Homo Square, flexion. h
.0,1', teeters WIIIINWA
Prices for the Season of
Red Star:550 ft 10 c
Sisal, standard, 7 c
am prepared to buy this,
eon's clip of Wool, se alM114.
Benmiller Woollen Ells
A Coro Lure tkat Cares
hen used to din., tont, It
has never (whet 10 remove any hard ‘ir
tuft ,sirit w111011 it luta been appluel.
We make it ourselves 10111 gliArenlve
WALK choes
At tho Opera Hotle• Saturday oven
log, when • McBurney Beattie bloyole
was to bo given away by the show people,
two oast. with the lucky uumbir on tam -
beteg the fortunate ooes. A bloycla cag. F,. T. HALLS Light as
not be halved, however. al -id how the cl,th•
malty bo be settled wo A feather
for Vigilant. taillb price, or in ex-
change for roanufskotared articles
We cannot Kai, half enough about the yood•
Ionia ot thew, two boautiful hues. Nothing
made in Canada eownprno with them for
style, finish, fit or wear; the very latest style.
the very inst maierial, and the linnet of work-
charaeterietic of every pair.
Every dry adds to the army ot pleased wear.
ero of our two tan oun Amerivan Shona for Mon
Large Bottle Geod Polish, 6c.
THREE “A'80'
✓ ur tent. NW 111W77.............M..any11119 *0,0! ...--1:41114. 5060011
Falol Wheat
Illhortalk:y e: 9:1:labou..n. h... -.1... ,ill 00 tole 00
0 14 to 6 7M1
Dressed. ▪ P.Boaf, fore quartos liato 13
00 to 0 LIU
300 to3,60
016 to 4 60
Coal, Lime, Portland Gement
Hydraulic Cement, Oh
00L -
Bread add Cream Rolls,tace
hes add Lady hams, Kisses,
J BirlEY & SON
61616,11 MizetwilY:lettlemesd gs ass
beam sada or Mar.
Rembes it rest.
city in Canada.
ace as good as the best made in any
in fancy designing ann ornament
ing and almond
(Sive hit an order end your sat
,,adaction will be assured.
WEST -8 T.
Scralitoll,llard Coal
Ali Coal weighted on the Market Smiles
whore y011 Pet Rao lbs. tor a tom
Orders AA at LIN k
Store promptly attoaded
Talarill011111 111.
11111111LT0111 ST.
We have 25 dozen ladies' Vests to sell this week at a bargain. -
They are part of the overmakes and left -overs of one of the big mills
and were bought by us at a considerable reduction from the regular
pric,e. There is not a vest in the lot that would sell in the regular
way for less than 12,1c. Most are -egular 15c goods. At the pric,e
we are going to sell them for they will be one of the best vest bar -
,:ver given in Goderich. Now is the time for buying cotton r_
i vests, and this is the place to buy them, for you are not likely to get
anything like as good value anywhere else. 'The lot is made up of
300 Isdies' cotton assorted n•rcow an Wide ribs, nook and arm trtmmed with narrow Laos edgtng, cameo 6313 f
natural shatim. sorn, open, eome closed hoot, assorted Rai,. Regular 121 to lbo Oe gale, oommene, ,e Ma. grimy, LDC
Our Toweling Values.
Nre 'haven't been saying much about - our toweling values,
sn' give you a few price hints here, that you may know how
w6, sell these staple every -day goods. We've got a real good
stock and real good values. Qualities are all reliable and
you can judge the entire stock by these :
18.1nob cotton or•sh Toweling, has,'
weight, colored border, • good
Heavy °rash Towelong, Irish mass
pure linen, hall bleached, adored
5c border, extra rood quality IOC
all lines nub eizTowelIng. plaln
brows, grill give Whims wear
UMW moth. Irielo
wide, red hordsg,
for ordinary um
15 inches
The first cor of 1.; Imes consigholl ono firm in Illor4iich hag just been
put 10 stock hy um. Our soving in freight. alone le one moron why We
can aril an low. Then Arvin we 'te got the stock. We can give you
any size from a 7x9 largn 48162 light..
We buy in larde .thantition for Cash, and endeavor to keep goods
that give the boat of *atisfaction
We have quentity of AMERIOAN FIELD FENOING
yet, hut it in rapidly ilteapyintsring. If you hove a feLce Luild get
the beet. and bey it quickly. Th e factory is so bogy we cannot 'get any
morn for throe month..
Twill linen Toweling, 20 'noises while,
ored border, regular 12eo. Our
special prime IOC
18 -inch striped brown mash, makes •
oapital roller towel and wears well IOC
Amerloas glom Toweling, 15 loll"
wide, small oheok 5c
Pure linen gloom toweling, fine gnat
ley, email °hook, lb boob's wide,
amid weight
18 leech linen oleos toweling, good
Quality and weight, medium @feed
ltel toweling 10 west, strong sued
21dech beery weight, reugh finished
buokabsek, makes a good towel for
ivory day tie., will wear will,
cheep •t 120. Our special prim. 10c
If you don't mind having a pati ern that is a little on
the large size you can huy a very tine glass toweling that
is worth 17c per yard for 10c. One towel made of it will
outwear two made of the ordinary 10c glass toweling.
22 Mob (item the width) very dna quelity glom toweling, every thmad
pore linen. largo hies ohms, fast miler. This Is an molinary 17o
toweling but the patterns did not take, es to clear ill out (WAIT we
maks the prim . I OC
Agents for Standard Patterns. June Patterns now
in stock.
• The Om 49 boy Bordirsrs 4141*
Boys' Blouse Materials.
We have a -good stock of
materials for boys' blouses.
We sell the kind that wash
well and stand the hard wear
that the average small boy
gives his clothes. You'll find
these good.
Navy blue duck, 26 Inches wide,
strip« and small patterns, tut
Heavy blue dirk, 31 inches wide,
easy ground with whits strips
and emote, weirs well sod keeps
la miler 15c
Heavy Amerlosn drilling, one el the
beet materials for boys' wear we
hays atter sold, Indigo dye, navy
itrOnnd with whit* mote and
small patterns
a:situations Vacant.
‘.31- knokee work ss tie 0 diens lirmas.
k.11" run had plenty ot good spring water.
Terms reasonable. Apply to J. W ARO.
OODLIRICH. For lisle on reamaabto
terms. the proper. known as the') nary
lands, being part of block •F" in the Town of
nontaining about 33 sere& with
buildlogs and water rights on the River Molt
land. For tonna imply to OARROW ft GAR-
ROW.00lltlion for the veador.
$1 500 c.tist!1;.°ER„„UroNbsse
atone boons with irix-roumed additloo,situstal
oo Ptoton Street. tfalf an sore of load with
all the outbuildlom thereon thrawn For
farther particulars apply to TUC.). J MOOR •
VOR SALE. -LOTS 95. 96, 117, 118. 119
1? and 148 in Hutohisoe's survey. all In
Godortott. For particular •pply to
Barrister. to., Goderich.
Marsh leen, 1990. M-tf
Orglicuit and wages! director of North mt.
Methodist churob. and teacher of pianoforte.
pipe organ and theory. bo pleased to re
mire pupils. Instrnetem von either at
Moho or at Pueire ho mired. Morino
at intersoo's Music atom Weglet.
• SIOLANS and Surgeons OfAme in Bank
of Commerce building. west ads of &roars.
Night calls at residences
Dr. Shannon, Dr. Oslisw,
old reeklmos. Napier et. 13gba w.
'Mono IA. 'Phase IL
Insurancia, eta.
V ASCE and real «tate anew. Offloll.
door mat of P. 0. Ooderioh. Agent tor the
loading mutual fire moraines eon:Bosnia, and
Weeding stook tmentanim.
Montantio and manufacturing risks at
lowest rates. Call at °Moe.
e, Amountant and Insurance Agent.
Boots tend a000nota made tip.
Firs Ineuranos in British and Canadian
la Proadfooll tr, liege office. North
F. allItSPIC1111 sad Real Rotate &peat,
iik Lila Acoldmitand Pima Ohms loon/moos
armour! ou mutual sr cash plan at lowest
✓ otas possible.
Best English aad Caned. to companies rep
Moo next door to (Jarrow a (Jarrow, Her
rioters Harnilum Street.
Model Tailoring..
ILI spring suiting. that our customers were
walttng for. which wo took our repuustdon on,
together with outer lines suitable for spring
amA summer, equally a. reod, Mr.etly first -
Maas work at moderato prices.
Over Parson's Fair.
Publics Notioe
New Wrappers.
We got some
nice new print
wrappers in last
week. They are
well made in the
latest styles, from
good prints, the
waists are lined
with good white
cotton and the
skirts re vegfull.
You all the
bother of making
one of these.
if you buy
Print Wrappers, toll eltirt. Clash
hem, tarn -down oollar, bolt,
waist limed, feet mama, navy
and rod grounds with white
Wrappers m•de from Amadeu
amoeba, waist lined, turn down
cellar, frill over shoulder, plain
yoke, collar, yaks, frill and sells
Winttned wlth loather stitch
braid, amorted, seenrtiod swinge
earl and wbfee and Moak
received the Ontario Statutes, 1901, hr
distribution to magistrates and officials ea
titled to receive same.
Clark of tho Peace. Huron.
Ooderich. May 213111. 1904. 31 rt.
The oounoll of the oorporation of the county
a Huron will moot In the mono(' chamber la
the town of Ooderich at 3 o'clook e./.1 on the
first Tuesday in Juno next.
Mod day of May, 1901, Clerk.
1Coslish tihlre Stu/ Hook
This splendid otalllon was foale 1 In 16. land
parohaand by h's importers. Mees, Pa video
lk Motorail. from the Usk Shire II re Co..
who weed him for two mesons. Bred by W.
Fr 1. rhompoon. of Baron's Park, Dodo ri, Isel-
cometarshlre, Rnwland. He is a wailful bay,
with Maze on fens and bar white lam, wet( -it
MOO pounds, and la In style. action and every
allow point as fine a specimen al ha. yet
restated this oountry.
Ho metered by Sopwell Doke 414.311. bred
by Lord Tennant. of Sopwell. his dam
babrlda% Dostord "ocher of Hi .dgeport 17941/.
y Karl of Kileamore
nopwoll Doke won the following prises :
First, Hatfloid. 11 11; First, Hatfield. I/
Third. Royal Counties Show at Canterbury,
1493 ; domed, Hatfield 1 1. Hlethly com-
mended, London Ahoy.. IMO. Fillies by
Sopwoll made 450 winnow at Lord Vara-
lam's solo,: 0 guineas at Mr. Philo Mills' sale:
900 Mr. P. noll's sale. A filly also
aired by Soperoll Dr .n, named Desfore Stank
bird held an naheaton show record In 149
At the aontial show hold by th• Usk shim
Home 0o Limited, on (wt. Lith, tho let
prise colt +us 'trod ny Deeford Marquis. 111109.
tatting 1st prise la Mame and also ehampion
ntlland hover.
of show, and woe snIA far • large imm to
ROOTS : Monday. May fith. at noon, ho will
Tuesday, to John Youters.4th onn., for noon.
them to John Meyers's for night.
Wednesday, be will proceed to John
Wiggiaton's tor sotto. thence to Mot;aiighey's
tlocomernial Hotel, (liaton, for night.
Thursday, he will 'proceed to Wm. Col
olongba. Iltb tion„, aceirloh Tp. for soon.
thence to Om. 0. ettarde's for night.
lerMay, pronged to Wm. limoss's Hilton
Road. for no ',Libelee. to Tiles bers.Ondozien.
for night sad remain them all day Saturday,
retention to nut own rates, Ridge...0o- Pare.
day noes.
TERM*: Te imeraltis. payable. January
I Imo
66,111.410114 0001L, R. O. ATTRILL.