The Signal, 1901-5-23, Page 7Y• -^`R ' ..a .sv —.-.. r • �r •I + ' -. - _ ._. ------- `--- __ .. _ _ __ __ ___-_. ___ II WNTIOHO'S voloval Ile did nut know that small ba ill ae trues top ru to IN,ttuw on pur,dv (xomw), )title lues In the Orange ciwrMRSICrAMIQE OOSE f Qfl BQTN %,w r ,It etryuhutito Laken graduallyplyto used' orr lines, a wffsnifter Of :111 with- l'uluny !u a htetractluur to cruse MKiNLEYwr"'i prxlucu rlckuls, lu reply to COIONiAIS SUffED IOSSe until id.tkal o.psl lenttiupr, ata wltlr- the Ornn u River.XlrIlryd the wilntrwt cold Lhut the out lut+reared es dlturs. eoverul Brltirhast,kdotes ogmmouly tired w•erechlor- pro paLndr hove Dean, SENSATION vtorm . � that ile.t t(rt4n w.,athr i mare nwbtio-tied. __ N GREITLY IMPROVED rill el,iurui(•. The taste u( I ,eful view !s taken of the war sit- Father Despondent, Takes rtryohpins war very tatter, ;hot a A Railway From Durban t0 uatwn. Thr c(wrtrrlr,uth•at of the Jub:emreeburx Nurnesl 1 I Krulu In a gallon of water would Times at Pretorlit, who hue hitherto Iantk.p, May :O. -A despatch from 1- Iw dletlnotly bluer. One wouldnut Iwoi•u arlmlrtb, akrrlarer th+tt the Child With Him in Death. Johannesburg. PP Juhanr►ertwrg rnyr that city is lie Si er. fo 4,ur ve its bltterit it how- _ g� cud rrully agents pear. Tile first pinch gtaulug W rerumr Ito normal c(mdi- »ver, fora fetlw w[nuttrs, if It were of winter and the hurt that u cam Lira Moot of tine Storer have Wen nut taksq In solutluu. It will' I a vii n in the bu•+hveldt Increases their Ell's Found Strychnine "-"It tak to find out how much uwo difficulties fur merr then those Seo atoll, nod two more wirer hove HARDSHIPS ON THE MARI.H ahoudy re•started, while fouroth r She Cannot, However, b@ THE MOfHERIa AW�.UL SHOCK. Dr. them wits In the linlac of tfi» stone of the Brltlrh r(Knn to prove to the milker are ularost ready W reroute Durban, Natal, Na Iluuat Version, V. Y., 111uy :'O. -Tai• .,eh. htr ehplpr, h• wild, war often Y 1T. -A ryn1L Tnuisl-uul btrraerr lieu l,gwlerrarrr wort. It Ir generally believed ttiut in the Stomach U*od mediclpaJly, built lot fluid forin Cato 111111 been estnbilanen With u ca #4 tile rlrugglr. For "Farcy two � Moved for a Week Intl file torsion )its run tit cls Tsars, J - I Alki as plus. 'He had heard of too le � """I's their cul+ Initiative has been ti the maJ'r re of refugees user• 111re at 1 V itnl of l7.UpU,OW for the cur rote, tlu, Quart were rmltted to return Jutm L. Hnlgte Indutetl the Hole lirt,wK been kllftml thrirugh wrung and it Its { 1 stur11ued to nttf w deet railway (le- Us" rorumo work !t would have a fultuw to drink a solutluu tit eyauldo prlva•rlplluus. {►coporwl to build Imwpol• strurtlon by u few drrp•r,dtwr. Yol- \Ir. Heyd, UH behalf tit the derelicts, ately a direct railway trunk line uutury eapltuiutlons continue ill u Very discouraging effects upon the Ut potnarinm line uther ulght ; then, [ dream dully, :&till now are Spreading Fitters. t befuru the Idil'r cfirr of ug,rliy could OMR. CHARLES WHITE. %l1'11 Y (if tiekone ce torula trues Durban G, JeIlano(wberg. WILL RETURN VIA OREGON. bring.i,uy help, the father drank f lhPwy of the defence le that the ting through lliu hilly. The trntits up to tlw nurlhrrn districts u( the —'-- dtceu►wed came W his druth by Nut• ortatllo Rlrre C'olouy. The eorreop,nd- t 1 tit(! poison. \Vheu the dour wit* ride or mtuadventure. tris route will maku the trip to ont asserts that lathe rem ltsof LVr,! MANCNESTEflS N�RO lU� Ix' y —' twelve lours, wh:eh to about one-half Kitchener'-# coming netivlt resemble ► broke» u n the were found dead THATWASHINCION Tfls6E0Y th° present time. Cud will also beat drat of flea lust mouth only U tow three Wore Ylellms of the Sleet wi (lour, c17tr{trt in each others t•;Ildencr Itrgsrdlrg the F.fl,.rl, of harried fnnetticr will remota In the ---- - arms, Tlie b„ 'r little fingers ri , ilio tralltm use the other route cup- flold by the tlms Sir Alfred Milner Works Aveldeml-l'elruleunt Ulr- y B K Vire I nuc Prisoner, 11rs. %%;'tip, to Ifave sitlerubly. The syulf►cntu alru pro- returns lu South Africa. • u tiny dull with which It" was wuat the Pe,-eased's Life Insured Ire- -- -- --_ loolPs to drodgp the buy and tion- Father -in -Law Doesn't Come tlllrttuH Discoverer Dead htlll clutched ploy , 117 ole tutlu•r's Lund war *truct wbnrvor and piers. Big wen C.npo Town, May L'0.-Malan'r term- Flt IRRIIUs to the 1'h111pplwrs. clFor t n guard AAPL Irurr says It \Vus r Cru til Down With the Cash I'w two years 1luigh, who wry 111 Woman Confesses to the ore brlund title !•Q!temc. asundo, wh:oh W r(li ortod W have h t•rulda or Acrldeat• A proclamation hos been issued at been reinforced, Surrounded a Uri- Son our t"ucisco, Cal., an el --At an twenty-eight yrnee -IJ, Ids wits, Pretorlet providlug wuuielpal govern- tlrh {u►troi south of Mariewburg. At- surly hour hiwlay pu change held bruu Mary, win, t throe ycarr lite junior, ter an engagement flint lasted 'i8 Cull is rut nttraaalle brunette, npd µteulfurd, May Lill.-ZLe atl)uunr i�lll'def of Joseph Ayres, meat for Julntttulerburg by u Town + rtaobod In we COnndltlun tit Mrs,. Yo- Clarler, the owl, have fired to a Sl)prelimiuury hearing of the charges __ I ell, which will be nominated by hoary, the patrol wain oapturell. The AND SOCIETY CUTS 'THE PAtR. Kinloy. Although her ewtditbup has 1 Qw-un .lune ar,lt, u, tit F'irrt tlw Uovprimor, Britimh committee wore AIR killed g ,retry pgmlurt Iles. Aunts White, charged --- -unit ten wounded. The Boera • lost x.trA lop, 11av a. -Thu Duke of )full- greatly Improved, the phyaidaar Innes al uuu.+ amt 6,16tway tween t' plates th9 murder of tier buvband, EXPLAINS'HOW IT WAS UONE, V"Itiallwlfo Lu.e 17 Heti. four klllpd aced elslnt Wounded. cheater no! film American Duchera, Unitarct holt way between r W pias uamgd n ween as the shortest par- titer New Ituchr.11e. A year nine inn• ('h Is. \hilt•, by the adulitilrtratthts Calm Town, MAy 17. -Lt an ell- Cora wantdu►t t.at,Vitu umbmmhed a fornperry \flat Helen Zluuuerman, of Sibiu t,wa In which She cau gather other eh;I,I waw born to Mrd. Haigh. i Washington, D. l'., May '-U.-Nes. J patrol an thwort of Veulterrt.ul. The tit p,douse. was resumed to -day, be_ gagowent with the Boer Invudrr■ 1 l'inclnnatt, have Itself their hoped tit atrun •tit to make the tri uatl to their nrlRhtr ors It wait ono of 6 p across the J..Btrrntae was accreted late tido at- s„nth 0f Mnralabur lust Ilundn Utianth h:sL two Wiled and four g coutlneat. Thr I resideut and Mugs. An erpett 1►trikkrrprr, the hpsls►nd g Y ._ be -fp nb!e to out nn early Swath In , the haliyieeol or frmll4w_ lure l'ullcs Ytrglstrnte R'uplyut. Mr. tPrtwKra for the murder til Jov. Ayres, the culos” defence tall rix men kill- wutmalr.d. Wiltos. K. C, appeared for the Cr n, tit:. ed and eleven wounded. Tlao Burrs e•rutkwne to avolot en- British high tiro rudely •haltered. McKlillev will go direct iron t41n cam ene kr ed b Robert Vushman k ` Tumeg dPfNlrturent clerk. tt11u D 7 T Cud Yr. L. F. lleyd, k_ C„ fes rhe hits tunfesred. Tile warder of Ayres, --- KIIRamentr crib the British troops. F:ugtue Zimmerman a parentl • rata Francisco to Gunton. At Mrs. Yc- I f ) Co., wholesale dpalsta in hat trbm- Culonlols Walk 370 Mlles. Their• role Successes consist of cnp- to a Kiplay's (Ad hulue, Surrounded by fu- ngs, whose daoe of business fit sold protester. Several wltucrrrr were a ppreeluto tile duller devote inK on ml f it was one of tlr_ molt myrte•riouw carer tures of isolated foatrofs. wlldur facer :end with every cope- to he In Woes photo, Now York J Cnpprr• fPowu, lwy 17.-.► iwlumn un- _ _ him sew parent of I Ihtchae whore font, It it Bahl that hos rico era. Blot► amine•. In the early part of Elle of that the polt,:v of Lists city ever tiavo der W,Jur P-,rls has returned W K m - litek , Is ►uf rin;t fru-# sertoum lack P Clty. Ile wits of domestic habits, wns 3,1100 a Monlik____- tion would be worts rapid than la at tw,mr Perry •,cora and with his to-nturs►, with n view to ptovingtlu kl+t-O r1tflM uprq to unravel. tlg esti berlry from lfurlwl, whither It ri of luplms. For- leapt► Ztmwerinau low tVuehln tun. g' reL,Itaas that prevailed between de- nn<I lying un lite f-orr of her r,(nu, cortpd a ton►oY. It met with ops Cape Town, LILY _0. -TMs total u:irt gir,um nllkP up rho .lural pair K wife attetl.led 'the Congregntlonal erasad Cud the pris ling - Fur the n hotel over u -#cult ugu. Tuo dual portion ns It nixtred It destiantlon, float unruaLt�es In April wens lU3 sea 1 thele crediturr by decliulnq to Tho Ore{, -un roto -#111 b inion for (porch lu Pelham. His one great pws- I.• dMg I►t,u the ruo... was'lock,d but the ltuerr were dlsperhed. Their kaled, 118 WOWWe•1, "lid captured, develop a ge•nerotir streak and settle the trip east. skso *am his uvssweaalaYY Tuve fur t au It wild at tint ru rPd that g ' Secretary need Mrs. tiny expect to the Ind wlrrat h� took to di•aS with I:e.+t part the evldruce wW uplm- loss is uukuown. On returning the U, 19:1. outetua�l(nq at•euunts. It rt,:nt and tended to allow that de- it I » care of suicide. 151001 rtafur prpu Y Y boors, I --- leave. In11uwliutely fur \\'aohingLon, hien. !�„ crotumn was ti nerd b rift Mr. Zimmerman fmar r:lllcl for \tow waned wur a wan addicted to drink, out fief twupw geicp the Orrt clot but they scattered when it pone -pow 1.0,000 Ilurr VHI,uners, lurk on tho Teutonic• after offering I/'hero Important mutters ort state When he reached Hume ON Saturday, :Imt nut inclin7wl to br iuduatrber- to tit Irulke. opened fire to(t them. The British had Calm, Town. M.1I _o.--TIee ofFeiul twelve sltlllingr use the pound as u a'v�'ttt tluu nittvition of the, Rotcretar>. uiy(hl be w erred E41 be happy, and Tho- hue taken by the frown tesla) Krr. ,ttine'r confesslua wad rp' a few casuhltier on tho lutter vc- Gazette giover lire total numb" of b"Ohm til auttlentent w ilia the Pulee's 1 ustivadter-general Stealth Cud Neo thin pleaao-(t film wife, for he had beta uro.htors. Thin hair leer u declined, tial rotary Ibltchcuuk awl rleerPLnry Wit- depreww(f in spirits few a few days. wuut to mhow that Urn. White hall tlrely I Iwltury.'At se few' wluutat carton. Ihrcr prwucrr air lU,lt;r, sou will rprnllu with Lho Yewrldent He laughed uncal ..«,•ht W etteal certain iururanc,. Jxlrt t1iD1 'ntteyD671f-`I- A'�t'=utL►l-tseauP- --..., r - _- � the docilkI naplratlupr of the ?uwlR ttg JukeA at tine dinner -_ a, ere, who were released by rebels and �- p9- - biltuii" even though the Vny of dispaMrts-tr tsWe-m-nd •whea-ifie msat-wtp cif-IttT up►m tile lite of d,x•rured. tefephunl for linj,u Bylceoter. Aawher llatek tit BWI. milt w iiht7'DM* ltdrTTed ATvrn delayed. hr w►Id to Iltll:• ('hnrlL•t: 1'Itt•1 of 1 tier, say curt adrift in 'Khawknr country, 7 1111. W. F. Boer, insurance ng -,at. ylaK Weut rhe w»► frret Ifpo. The Dtilte 4e prevent from CIA that Ito polled at the bourn.• to otntzag to Its off1w, and rh appear northwest of the Trntwv.wi, on May London, May '_0.-G,tierkl iC'tcb-' taking htsxent int the House of l,ordn 8rcrrWuy Long left yesterday for "(y►t1o, now, boy ; let's play hide l th•ren leu niuuttw »fto-rwurd*, 5, have reached Ianrhyrdurl►, 180 ever, undoor date of to -Jay, says `until film bankru rtcy liti.;atiun im ret- Colorado Sprluge and will pressen to unit reit." bt«orr Uro Isle ad Yr \VhiN•. Ile■. miler from Pa uetber road edition, tlsat Shari. Inst week bis t•edtiuMN I R'aehingtun as 11001 Ill possible. Ho ran lye the st:elrm, and when len 1% lilt met him lit the dour and Nhuw._ R h •a NII" res clkta(1 the uffure rine Said 1 B . (ilo-4 tart the coups are compelled to eh • had i Mtn •laf lit which I he w4 h. -Il lkfp`r Colony, after maknug their way n•purtrtl that 19 Doers were killed, Iter on an alNrwntw,r of ChIN) mnlf,. Hod u Gue.l N,gbl. ra'lel '(:(erne," C'hurlle, rleouting with r•t low iota tiro p+lrlur. Tbir, win o,• tti uiakrI Kh� n1, she wxs time it use touts for 37U miler through Bush, 13 wowNlrxl, ?.:1►l unpt,tred, ewd 71 tlw• bukr by his gran !plutlti,r, tho :ken Fraw-Isco, May .0. \t 9.L0 Rel'. to7ldlPd up Lho rtrpv. The- rrNIth- lit I11_. 1e,& lihlte tit an tolCI • Lyre*' rwm wl h film when tie kill. Iu7tnlaud. They endured terr.ble Nlarreadered. Two Lundred tint% Duclotsrr of Dcvoashlro. a. til. Secretary turtelyou gave tart Pr, listening brluw. heard the liltf•o LII• Insurance, end Cued,• an rIr{diru- ing took Idacr, aid th,st tie. Rollout- hardships. twelve rirlen, J03,000 tu*r►r1a Of rmnll g th., foCowta dot ern is HarrLr r hrlllhmrnl. g: Mrs. M(•Kiploy'■ phy• fellow's tuutatepyv on the InndlnR tm,H, Yrs• White bAng Pia ned anti ing wur the res of his cwt► mi"Cou- "-" i►rtur ainuee*titfon, and L:86 wagopr - nician refn,rtPrt that rhe has find the above, fit t then she wonaero,l that wJlhiug to nPfdelnrY. A few drays IIotha and KrB r.• were ea tared, fp ndiftt Oa tv a Ms'. almsrtwat kat out amen tnatlu t►w bedroom tenor rlwuld ulosx b,v �° ,,net. Bho stated lint Ayres )lilt' i P Txart ntLgbt wlpoe her 11111erat and that after he culler! un Mrs. White anti Luuduu, Kay 1T.-1 am told that uumber of horses, cutup uid sheep. a marriage settlement on Ilia daugh- her ss IN ver sn hind film. The boy's whout told her drawn th+ oitt u n her, that rhe prnv►gtt' y urractor told Iter that the company's 'rep-Irt 1 :uuoraf llutha, ar auoa aN he iearned ter. lip t there is no itineedieste prior- y he bead towed his father. "a heard wits not favorable and that hr could wimeeUStru gr w1l We sued it ant reel of the it taut; on their tin- Three More Victint•t, Lit the Struggle wblc purutrd IC war tuft tote Alfred Nllure war about to Ileacy Trerwu llenteurer. i Prt � them tattle• for n ,Inutr.. and une.Lil feet. 1'utargstOWU, O.. May _O. -Three out tub the risk. Urn. White dill discharged WIr•e d ferppt limen learn South Africa. rent a mounted Barkley East. )Iny ;.'O.—Ali ia(lupn:. then there warn ■ilPnro that appeal - Angry er- toot asem perfectly ontlmtied. wewreuger W Lord KI ltener with clainks o clic Paly bel till.ay. more victims of hie- accident y f the all straw P( Y •trlkips him at vmtch ImehurRe, the ti tial farmer names Vf .IdgI ire 'tuts P:1 their cli►lms auuld ho pall In Luh, Ibny evening at LJre-Ohio plant of the W )ter. .Ua cteosr-exatuluativa lir- liters raid iwlK •ehot vt !lite / She says• t vk w W the rcolreotpg Of peace me- been cunvictP.l here ui sluts h treason National Steel C'omlNtp (i Tlw next moment *lie heard her a ,« iwo pR g nes fie w,1 do R.)Ui Mr. 2lwnurwan y lett a their that he did at.l know why hie tom- that the Cafes for het wldctt -#err KoWltkrur. Eoihn w•antea to cuiN- null sentenced to two ears' Iw Irl fleet tworp'r lulus raised In u Alert. ��' Icy rrtutted to foie Lho Ask, but P uttnbiute with'lie. Kruzer. lest Lurd. Y 1 s,ys he w,11 (411 ,WdaR until luno rum- lnJurhs dnrlps tb� night. They tire 11 p• heard were till from her, •war ale., ummetet, he atwitiou t,r u ttuu of lllc shriek of agate liven ar she u w'ar put becua*.: of ►he ftuuuelul Kltdhpgcr sold he could have nu deal I>tumlw• prcp,elt n !r acsrgeted. Even i9rnunr Ma{[well, Joltn toidetrrz turd twunded li , tlo ruloldtnq. 11ir. IYIll li .yr that Clio". _mother taau named V.irs I the st'I his yell dlPd urrun•ewep(• wrgY with ttic es-Prerldeut. Wwro he sires nut nIre to du uwrt• Puul i;usbaw. Horny fu n heartrendin arm. Aetihn t tr after the situtitlug at% - panni ter. who vi4is roun•i guilty of having ttatn to tiro e'S outatundl Three other employees w•ho were Tlwiuuaa }lorulry, insurance agent, thio i thw wiuikow (If Ay a' room taken tii urns+. Iwd Week rrntenetrl 1 . p6 put her Ian nct un the �r knob all" *tit that Urn. White limit m.t him Culonlrl C'u-liperulfus. 1 Accoagtr, Ln Jural whl recover. oa VI nna dthvn ttile P -enc oP Ind- tu�.Rtx m+antha' impriruumentI with Ho w� r niter that Ir (Woo he will Inventor flood. haled u Iwlund a or insan eked. Tilheik ..,s tb t morning o' 11urcU l_th, and ,der.• Cad catered lite Lvuulun, JJny JZ-tyoe7tLing in the Y she tuuml the dour wnR locked. parlor • Irtu- a e of E250. rs)IIllet'- LISILAor_ f ainselu, • FalrhavetL Maen.. May. �O. Weston h:ol nafo+t hiim W go up and Ilisiure ,krw of th• second floor, vwa,l ilrrrhgP ofrt'ommumw Ilei !riBbi - _ _ ticreaming. rhe dnathed tbw0 stalrw Iger hurbtnd's IUe. Tn,• talked the bolt of tine Government, Mr. Bt. Jo la , mother of Masscheate nna oU1Pr itow•lare 1, the dim(rnerer of the Rett her ,"tuts stroke d Jud Knr- Y through the parl•,r, and trick a tlur , 11eUewen•r Ducress. ustuetters of Lhr Duke'*.famil and � -- n,atter over for a few usmute(,.and rtOrrwny of the hotel U, her n Brodrick, the Secretary of Bente to: Y: method of refining petrolpnm, dlerl lrtrh, win, Ihan next (kxrr, and other h • rtpintsrtrl to tier that air Ivnm Rti,' War, mudo the fullowtn n nlficant a'll"Ib1aP with them to _. mince the gilt lk=P,l Lao yearn. Hla tile• nr•i bIN,rm. Ther betlrnom door WAS I room un time fotrth floor. She t m B k Klr•rt,t4,rp, Ynr X). -Lord Nrllt Tart lit q lug out of town and would call whoa stat''m'� : nest roo rtes from Bulfffontdp, that due al entwrprise. aovpry broltght him tum" tin•1 for- broken (town. w•nrine l her hnpslr, urndreslne(1 and P" . Ins r,•turaed. lie caltv,l lit she h•su11,. "R'e prlpxow, to attach to the he bar ri•ftuptnred Tn•m thio Boers a Tlila. (k,es oat meet Kt h very tune. There an tile floor wan she father. Inter ilei. and Mr. Whi.to wen home tl iamianry,' I lope at no dlrtant heart • a roval from'the ow.swer lies. Bakelite wait entirely self-poa� , unto bell lit to iter O Battisty,, 3 PP NIRWIng Iw Pfilllpptnr+, Isla SIIn In hlr arms, bis Iles g17teS W ul,mr. Mr. WbLtp ttrld film that Mrs. tette, elmllar forces to tors colur.lal en turr(1 nl %Illcot'r Nek. four UmhwNS. Jj;ncP nhp InhcrlLP the the yOUMtator'N. Ikoth were aw-on- Whito hold gone. W Hnmllto.l to vimlt apedP'I whpa. rlhc m7edn her rvoafrmrkon on(rr who aPrvw.l fu 8vith .tfrlca." P fortune of -her brother. Fre Island 14naUn, flay hotly ti nebelotlally and Ilfl sot exblhtt nay rlblra�sr of B(wrs were inlet Holl risvernl taiga n•epoortr•d that a txxly of n•hPlr, un- RI'I:rnm, ThP gv,blr•t in WIP man's h.,r sod, (lsortp+. Ito promNeA to Carl rlther rrrmeat air tet nnurunl 11x- I unlrrstwwtl What ih+ /'.Oyeeauaest prlsonern. At�tfng nn infnrmntbn Yttaca, she Ass (own1.:tic lip, tt der Angelem, attacked n detach,,.lit Itamlw VIM the piliftil story. On the . un Tarmdav, the 1 P p pxire•m to rmrhr with the evionial ncelapaf from the Irtdli encs Offi- tile Zimtie family Inellnp( W mantel was a Iiotrtle In which there !lith, wtrott 8.50. res. ,, ,•1 tont. Hite IN aimparently allont 3_ rarer stn +til to Colonial-w1'do"" lie B Icer ern' her funds mill with 10 sr( AmPrkaa tr,>,opr, supposed to be ydlrs lit, f:en. Babinl(iva bow uuparlhcrl �9 Yso {t to have •hien at the door. an•i W!•I him lir. :tel ewrofwrati... of cid n Krui In month Camerles" Province• klhlac pito in tincon, Ito. Ylwr then arm See•) to ,:,la forc:vt w Ith the Im I D null kl.!e 1 H hundred mop. Trip tie ca Nr Whib bad Jest from- in. lie ptentor,l px clot army roainte nns: r of lite MancHPwt" two w ddlprs na•1 one nativo scout, P y' HnmllWn In that State• and nftpr_ hria, Iiie.vor Im rbl nition, ever• s ti t o the tam I} h L Inq an 1 onto the pterk,r awl Naw ,o.u(oor ent• I►r' t leamaiv n ,_� � Iwnmrhol:. •Bot the i)uchee+-l'on11u,opt to Dr.•tit•htt ler Van Totten, Ilse wg Roup{-# r In th nd}.Inh1R r,o n. 1111 words t o Itiehmon•l, iCinn.. whisre hPr It th name, elm" they PtpreR11 n t rapr►at moire! her rt•lop sA ar to ser and ttitlnq oteP aoldler fwloloaPr. T iia hu.IStnd wnrrnenKpd ire the. druf;bu+i' ., ... nxio-t tioeu 4■ a:'rte. The Inmurgepta ore still In lettere "nrReon, Or lttonat \'croon. When len \\'InitP came in niter n fevv mhisted, 7 tot to Mo beyond col• why rho Should rn#kVr the tUilghter , fleet acetest he Sohl Wuut the time stew. .Liter ahs hall ronclnded tier -�n!ni dr rpt In thA mutter. fok,n or till- mining town or iiaraeolp. .pd abrwt Wt• mule• time firs. Bush I•returia, ]lay f0-4'ol. xtn ft, -r ni elm (tall-inao that Por, tool Rod, th Camnrbnap. T'he npareaL ng f m•tmteaient this woman cam plarrx{ N., for nw,dlcnl aid hwtl to wtnatxl. rtorno to the front doer and enters'1 eolwun tan n is stn lit ofev tmt +lice all fthe p earns of lhst curt ate off lint the wom,;al who, hod lost a Non aw,Ipi arrest and seat W lite lWuu (n n T n. Ma 38. -(:rn. Blmlcm t Are lltilaa. thirtS mllrs the lwtrkir. T4z matta_tvat_tLt1�rJ -. -- P T tatrytag ant n mrertps of rperatldmF for the present. nal wow widower nt the ssmx nNr of fi(•telltJort vXi•ir nu HrP'C' trszs Mi hlri- aver. and 1[11. R'tdtwe ngree(t W tnkis iil(i,iiT"timitf tRtZOndndPd.R-rrrce-cam• _ - 11>Ifft - --- - ----- i`�T'p�»>I• - Atl f.uiorT,Tlf-tA Asrh►foCd meat npf•titstl NIn phyatrtnn'a mill. th, ehrse{oomt Volley. the rlrmt pay- - fill concert m•Ivemrnt against tLp burg in the went through Ito Nsb• All L,a lon )last Innen amused lit the -- - Weeping hyeterlcully, rhe pitmsml frons un•nt on the prerMttm to be wads, 01 PAID CHIMAY'5 .DEBTS. Brx•rR In titP Northern TrauRvanl. eb.nekal to lite north, anti purring Ijj' �(ji R t!►:• tN•xt 1 night. 1Ir White ngrPMl Thr• Rritimb c timrew rugaeod Iw i1- torr, Tot,•aborg. -t11P late IAoer nriw,D of tho ('Indnputl mutt bit at Al Y f1 SEEKS OiV�IICE (onP Navuun :u ntlor r. kr gu ov ryUt t nLghL to lr• exam opetfitlofle rue 1 n whle arc heatlnjBuartera. which were found to the wvmc time «ympallry. Ir •rlwian "Fur two month• John has teer•n Lewd, and witneos stel,ire(1 Into the voicle In Chicago Cornea to tier Aid resisting all tb e(,mmltud(i'N'th,lt for tic Itumtliatk-le, to wulatI . the deFlounden't," Rohn Sobbed. "1 think bN ire abandoned. The I1otlr baso htir- 11ueclleoters are sulr}eeted. Mr. Zion- ---- w•as dementod by averw,ark. lie Ilan Kill. /1re. White was th+trr nal ask- %%'ItIs 080,000. o priaal them a 1 capturing 1,000 pllal was dists,rurel lu- a remote ed If h r huAMnd I,ad taken the rimers and great uantitloy of au r. nhristm Kava Lhr ave $LOIN) for lser•n working Leo taint . after hl+ Folie ito rr 11toil that he bad. nod \res Turk. ![ny :'O.-Ptiuesas (1d' lim stuck and w Kona In vnriouR vp!IPy• I Chtivtmnr, and gave the Uahe«r o p dutlPF Ill thio of(ux•, he would 1 Ing l T' P may --1,r Sladame ds Rletuet, ss mhe P There was cul one aa•rfuttr fight r150,0LN) in lmindm. Then lie took Wllile Qu_ �Jraga rletlre$ t0 hrr flooks holrbo with him, nod delve 11rr. R hlto mmla : '1 dl l nut NIIuk dlftrlcts. (:Pn. IttixF n,dm tmI the in New course the Watch. when tiult len wunld do it, It wen under !las lately been signing berself-IW► , alien• In lhP c firs with ('rel. frtek the lou.bit whcun it w,ts meq- w away lit the figurer ontll lungafter Lhr, Boers wor driven from e:,utp a C hent, sl.x,d that Mrs. White wan tile Irene• recently had $010.000 of her debts I,Iumrr ern bur left f Ilk anal (tell• Rested they Ile nonxf to finnure the midnight. It was tut clones appli- t„ inry. 11r. White wile exnmln(,I, palrf by an uncto in Chicago. cave-# lq which t py toll thele flim pukes• _ _ ration that turno,l him brain, i am Kitchener oil Ifs rt;h Tho hoer Ufass were coureu •d. We had five' nirnl 1, np-1 when by mollis u r b nml the potlr•y camp ithoi t ion day« Tills litformaUun corp Pe ill r► let- et)mmrAnlar, GPn. gnu \ J,en..ab,lu• wonnwdrrt, Incimltu �lhr(•e Irttfeerw, \tt�r tldr Air. Zimmerman snuggest- _ -_ f Isrnlnrt �. aftprwar(1r. TDp nett lfay br went ler ir(xn Icer. Just recrlved by Ed• +Irrewl evprytlflteK, Irut Nu cetalad lu R' r.I Investing in tho IlancbPetrr lento to film I oupperer, he decided to tnko Tremendvuat gnnnNt tort rtretnod ,.\rr amt allowed the tao:fey to %froo. round Gerson, whit, meting for Ptre mnklnR Iia ei 11 with n rear vii lips were lutea, d man rum. to develop their coal aryl Iron pro- THIED--�ti N HERSft:f -wnh Tllm nor boy, whom len Invisd on Inhitp, and pwrinted out to bps the Brothear's7 of the New 1:ork Theatre. mewntr(1'nrn, Tttn Roc did nut Letts y ioertlfa• lir put mineral Pxpertmat in' l(h." ` !ut,rrat aha hn,l In ae.ping tllut the vMtted the Princeam mt this liotp! ilk+s have been Druus t 1n. \'t •nn:u. \lily 19. -'Ch, latest rumor tank• n atnrwi tut any poigt -_ _ work nal then dtcbnrrd all nrgr,tfa- !s,yments on the prr•minr» wpr• m•Ide. Ciscil In L dock two week* ago with y-- ' dotty Off. Lll regard tit Qnw•n Drage of Nisratil STABBED PRISOii 6UAflQ7 9'hp tune for the first iwuyro,mt Ind the object of getting ''er and Rig" ICrugcr•s Farm Irseith, flares hull Active Ie t's, ('0101.;. The Mnprhesiern tend thrlrcredl- bt that Nhr attrmritrl to- 1,';' " her• not Rrriral wb^n Lhr )n. mF,m mnn her huRtrrtnd, to nppwtr I,n theatag�. 1 imdun. Na 19.-,\ mon wh r(-- Cape Town. May L'O,- n i rine torr nre mttil hoping Mr. Zinswermaa spit wh,n Rhe ronn,l that her rMpd. Mr's. White tort word lit Nap Flu• dpclhenl at that Lime, blit prom- eebtty Succeeded In lntcrllewing ir. supurtr that dur►ilA �hc will 1►poome cenetnwk-bats IJ1ry- tit des' ufflcn for him to rail at"r tills. nasi lio-I fo think the m•,ttor •iter and Kreger rppMrls tluli len lr inn 1' Part week the rcbatio In the `Mirth- Dot believe he will. lir wnMtitnlhrro d DM mimte'r'a hes wont to tM hotpe On the Sntnr- write Mr. Germon. Hiro •ltd an, and uPptrrH olrt of the "I on child for liar ex{k•eted one waw dix- dny n f ti�lore Nr. whltr'm rlrntl, nft,•r trtlin him of the n mrni co, iy cuuf4l"►te. that the Boers•w' ! i• P" cbl 3' y cuverwl. it W Sola th•►t as a result Plunped a Krife Into the Offl- K P y win It tele Pod, 11-r is nut hilts sere ucUlr. Two Rrltleh puEfole ,11111 1'o O' On' crolw ltamisall,n ttio- Ivitnpoo, of Also,(") of hor dphte itgaln de UP !=X -A w wlsr, of this Sit• it r•nnom ly nt. said ititt t p ppe wry 1s Lt1t� ip ountt,.:.. IIo cunsldrra .were ullucked by rup:•nor [omen. „ 1'rivato 'ry' ki I Nli from Hele re- ) fltldi arrnpgem lits fir- other tti a lir herr err tow s a ChlsaKo, diay ..tl -A step 1st. well- claf $ Neck. the inRornnce had been wade Ivith other mtwRe. � fluff that •,coley Dad tx•ert ptistti(1. do"t7dape(1: Suet tttP other waw cnjt- SaT .lh.+ Sr•rrL•ui 1ItulNto-ry boyo re• , He was anxious to know It the war •reds Unit nubsequedtly re{eamett drewted, dudlsii-hseking young fellow ,N,Ivrrl W tr•ndr•r their reml nutiota Mr. white. Ti1is kine of the Collin Her family wrxdd raise serious cb g In Etoutl Afrfcn haul hnwtened the u,ltsrerr tlo not'nppcar Itcllned to. r,•turl talking to a Jrrtrt� u( frlontis fu and W Rda1wP tM King to obtain n - &e•me(] 10 trouble Mrs. Whttis, who otacire to her nppeernnee, She 'm1.). heath tit (4goon Victoria. Ile new, of r much -resistance• `Juek Y.urkdesnluua, �o. f12 1 State Airt,st•cn from n:rMn I,r,7. n Oa ncconuL &look* of It nlmomt every time he met She. plainly Implied that who la. Jnil Q B WAS A DESPERATE - ENCOUNTER. declnte.l that he dill not b•liece t)wt A xrlurtt►► t• torr ofwrntfnu Ip Lho eet, at 2•o'cluck Sluahty Asurning, of tho Rt+andal. They will alto rp- 6or. rite onts,,I n, mp r the d notleff- rlrnv not In n as tit fol tr.o Oot1 would desert Ilia chosen e, Ie nolg urhood of Brand Viel. St•hPp �f commend that tb+ ...rr in.mpnlm, and h^ rPax,lvrd nal Mr. (trrwnn ham rnMat to her that P P P_ vriMn . bi(;, brun,lrrlwuhlcred min Qarrn Ito I,InrP,I 7Yrnop4i, May �U,-DRP ar the Con- -the B,wrr. Pr's mummM Inn been kept mov- elou!ohea In and be i i g flat Yrlsua rd ill deliver inn* .Ib ihrntll Ciba d,rtT arrxn rvnpnt can fro •mode nue her gn n rroa ok ..set a It tWo- rapacte Inn pie In oonrrpt. P' y g \Yltcp one G[3ir. Iirt,get'r entoar• lltg In hp 9►iII[:SOOtti7avpsdy in .the ,del! _� s � _ nna s. l[irhnet Clancy. mrntn warp mndr. Hr Ind them be- merely to nplwms• b tllp 11"1V of eagl►-ie flgllt snya,lle _--- n su erttrl Nutt the miracle Grnnff t •Inst nnlf aomprs,rt Enat dlR- - _ VvTtu lileii wi !i}*i t3tragdinn Iivnnitc• r.7aRm hp 11mtwretts7sd that Mrs. 1Vhtie the thpatrn is In a-boi_whlle, Alga W - - - _ - lAne". _ � __ — — -- ____ wh* wouswe tv`1Ate fttr irr. Krueger irot,r: lerrnion. p.f- Jf a v6F,- . rK,rn le _-'-- , — — trttaciert try n rrmrlrt nam..: w„n not In Lha fi•ilt flnnnplal MM11- giver a vl.rlin rer+ltal ton tIM wttegw. _ i'- mo - , t,o:1 li t thmt limp. XA salon waw given Hr u pow awaltlitf0 n reply to this a -tis rwrmi•wTulT oL�u7ina, lir. Krugrt lu hiu•n da idled Eo tt h11adred mita. sturkyI r,' len yellnl, mhaking n , \Irholwa Clark on Saturday H(tpr- replied: "lllraclo; Isn't it' u mlriltSlr Th- Boer are very tu;tire In the b r t.I- the ln,lley, and thr, contrnat wnm latpwt offer. >Y re 1 toot le th* air. ”[ ata lick t tnonu. and Ruvpr ly htablmd In the butt 15.1100 men Are holding _3U,- oast,•ru diet tit . '19nPy hilvo hopes pay wevRllt, In wil i onto, nod I'm the lonek of the neck wiull n Inc unite. InNit.W.tA' (10U lit hair?•' reinforrnl by mall bodies from (len worst m.ln newt of the Rocky Mown- Clark was sentenca,l s•,mo mtsntha \(r. \\'. A. rlolllnrnkis, htlrtletet, snit ' ilcit tin the S•tunday before Mr. HYPNOTIZED INTO ETGRNiTY. ---- Orange Itiver C ony. probably to the tains. R)W.-te,idy p'Pame step Oa any- ago, wltts a pnl annnPd 1lbbael Mk, -r - 1v llitp dl' d. Mrs. Whit• r:e ed lit hi-# - iGttd cif"11M'1 .Pers. nntptr•r'of SM - fon. - Tne Mvn.lrrw int na 1 hint` mm rfmtr.' it nnyhntfy :',- ritt, fair tapping the till of it. 1iov,- ,-(fiep, and Itp toll her thnt also c•,uld What IthrrAe Inland Plooplr amc Abou( London . May 19.-Tlw arrival of appear to b • mer nq the ("entry hares really Vivant m•, let him swnt me `-, man. n grocer lit 17,) Uliphtnut mtrrpt, I,:n,• Lha Policy na hest ns Nil•• pald the Death of Thomas Ilottoll. dearly LOW) volunti•err ut South- ,tenth of VPutcrst their base. It nue un the Jaw, and I'll Ile Ilia frlewl of 417. G,- it. Alen wAnted tit pay Mr. ilan- umpten and the corthal welcome of- In assumed that tf v were unable for lifot r wtlnt to fight, and l'm ban- On Biturday moruluq i lark was R'aonaorket, It I.. M i,r �U.-"H,vp dry, M4 left word fete film to call ford W two romp:utkis lit qt. llnr- to Obtain snpplitts In Lhr nonlhcrr, qr-ring tor thm tAtxtl tit sum:+ well- poi W work da Lho wuu,f-worktur notle�d over the great Divide." that part of the Orungto Riv 0ololly, nod mpnn: lit the Iw,tne(t nR at x,n un hr, (•uuld. Wu'e Tuvvn tL•tll nn 1 thn Tuwcr, Hutn' ,Ig rrererrn wha rrully thh.te he chirp wllq► an exporlencoJ v:(,avlrL to f'rcrs-exnminrA Its. H,,Iftm•.kr is what people here are saying .of !rte are Lnci•ieeto lodisatlag Litt eke ally iw wrier to ons scrap.& tttk. ' Yl,u're a sl.po{up expinln his daisies to hire. Ilk, wa, r.lnted that Mrs. %VbIta told him that Tl pinus Bolton, of Fits -erg, Who warJoe slowly but rtratl' cowing to an itve-ail-ihe Crl11p Culowy, d to lwip stud(-." bowle(t Moran, directing Ili � `Na *I anything lout Industrious, +, IIP wets &len wnntell the ,ollry. Rhe aloto lore- Ivan one torr the subjeote uoml by !'rot ctwt. Despatches front South .Africa rrm'1rk lit the nforrre:tl'1 cnp nine. � transferred W the broom alai Thi■ I FlmrheP, wlNr Iw mnrPly p r(rl. T d P rwolod to innkp it hot for roma r- Plank Faraaw,wth find his wife In point to the site*:! dlrortioa. The Tiler "Your momma wanLv you nn,l you chnp pe rpvmtloua dnring o pont t Jir rssemed W annoy :,l.trk. for Nuns wlin were eirrulatln n rumor tO their hypnotic denwrnstratione at peat Agn 1+ th:•_waning sympathy L,r lull better Ivo lr+,epe, hat before you % he dawdled away his Mme and to - K we,•k were all r,f minir Iterp tattris. Lhr effect that she had mtolen , Lhr the f)prr:t ItatRe last night. the ilu,•rr now In Use field with par• make your Mcapp J'm gdry{ to Ktve tslverl a rhaTp rppr►maprl from OWtri Tha.Boeri..Asumeter. are ke can- „ g._�. _ .-__ - ._.- 11,04or points, ioftou cru strptchewl betweoa two pore}ran operntt6fl(1. BAR." oT mtB- tlnurtlly tin the prove. ('of. OO Ingo z-rrtr II tpang m reap a nloonstnt title 1:1Aney 11nry irvin�f rvihwchrr, m:7!'1 thtet shP rhnits: with n d(N) p,nnd mlone rent- Ina Rip Rtlll atr►rnl[nq (esti, but Itrit' hn.aehnm(xl FrniehPr tram uc•nr J+t r.R- ter fY,t hnnR nrnnpl wRlauna ttt this ILr. Quirdt an a flash (lark reached for I,•,d pnld vinitm to Mrs. Whlto'S h•Inso, illp:on hill holy. Tito hypnotimt pill(] Ah commanders nre no longer hum- hour of tho mirairyf." 4 ar• n knl'e, tout not without the guard town to Lho I'Ichdty of IAtrghprsd ,r Mvrrnl tlrtvea, nn,} Mem. 1t rtttr hdd nothing tvnrl.l anon} hM mufiJp( t. Fin {w ant by trrmrherdM splen, 8nJ they --- \Vlth tlnPae words lloran nwnng te peter irinlf the action. W th it mi- . , her of b-ing arpir:lte,{ from hrr ham- a local binrkmnillh wam melecteil to have inerpnervl facllltisto for finding I/wMr+n. Mar ::I. -Tele nm+ ho Mvago t ow at the young fellow. who (den rush ('inncy elos,•,1 In and crop. bona fibs wine► a j,l tlewt eh� kad a kit flu aWua wllh u ala(IFs Fa iia 931,A1e r t 1fin ,ptlaunat. who >►Dltlfd i«,wdpr that -#out I corp dninkeuns•atm. IkrlGnt'ol head real gave way when captures n mpn, nrmm oast R air 14tgae (-otirlrm th^ r:•p,rls tlult \Ira. o+nt roar n a ng n cis y. n ot- ,,, , hili arm-# aprun•t Wto former and onn- nnd Ihnt hese hno-lrtnA wnm J•nMrtn r( the hammer f atNl Ilis droppist/ t,o fresh Incursion of Bo•r.a Into ('npP 'n murpwlRo h!A twarvsy fbmt mpt -'..,� _ wgr(1 to SID: the kali• In the hart 19rrtien, wits orf tfr.-Wrrrc*ermam nt- f hpr trecn qaP ahP tU1kP,1 ftrPly with lh* rhx,r, ttio tone rrnmhtn hlr Coltis)7 >w r>rpinln+rl Icy trip n"c•eeRlty o c the empty air. Thp young mann �„y' �- =z _. o hM nest. Tien rnrn rl film other ioarMrw, Tie" witnonn waH B for obtaLning au Merit, Unit th• num- grnernl, wlvr iw now Ron rnntP to I,nt Nidr�Ftr) rd •Nati}', rtnd then, �� __ _ Roo prls,ner'a ISP t P arm waw n Iftr• l fire n m"run4 mtah. that NIP told h••r rmpinyrr Moms, the hP•nl. tier of rfildcn to InRlgnlftnnnt. If t!le F.urrrfoo, Ia rrUruxt•rl with nn int- whit M:,ran wax Ntnn•ling he.wllder ��' '_' wlwln near -b oonrlrte mrizwd him and ix-#tont mlmdon. brit infurmitlnn nm y {v,wdrr. need Rnl,l that Flip b1ime,i Vsrdon Ploys I Merr. bits•. r"mnnnts of the oommanlo•n are not r�1. h Rw_nrnr a right, wld; h rut it hnbly saved Classicy's life. Uusl MrR. t4hllte wrxil•1 mordrr ht's 1.(nubn. lin 20. -is the ptp(cb overtake when botly rurpuo-{ the to itw inception air obJ•rt Is r•fnmrd. im, r�"" y p deep g. II mer WN• mte-#kynrlamnn's The 1p_frter w s removrNl to Isla Mrs. ewrn , whop, nim wHv ter Uw LJUES Y UILtG.t. Lnfotrind tiler. ►imp. 1\'hitc did not like alu:nal tonrnry at Ited(+nv O1 8otur- ►Srltlmh nre Rrndnnlly (irprlving them Pyr. n mrtxrq(] hxoth mol wprr '' IeotM, nnI n C I of wounding - lollretorn, anti lour ACtpd mu roti h •fay harry Vnnlon def• ted Taylor of forarm and wenr[ng them Ont b !Sort grrwernl, wlNo hit-# iwr•om,i mo . _ _ Re` g y lit IL Iwt n 1 henry-, fiat llortn found with Intent will len• laid a with her ns tri frl hlon tier no that h 7 li and n W Tho first 18 drivin them constant) from afetion Irn,nuinent In hrr efforts to bring peen Dra t W corrvrt. The hervl:ln gmnnRt K T p Mitt'• R T hili mtrP h {xrwrrlrss, as he rnuld Q K' ('hitt, r))'I Wolilt not o truck there n cin. hill" were, mode Vardon In 7:.o Gr eactinn. Tho reftige cam nre ab -#lit poneo. In of 1 tah extrnetlon, court ,h wlrian. hn+vevvr, brought q: 1sT M trot t.•n(•h a ntdity o{.ponent. i y ThIR Is tate third time that (heard ler. F:ItIR of conic, prnfpnsor lir and TUyaor In 8t. VatdOw piped per- 11:l-1 with wtwtrn, whoop Lltherol. hes- heart,, the grant-grnminlrre of IL1,Iwrt vw tit, urnn ont tit the dant Pr. ('lair • Ilan bias attacked b a con- rhpmlmtr ht Lha onto,d air tumor if fret f Th• 1. Va IA flare were fiends teed broRherw arp lommpro. F:mmost, Shp ones Wen," Pillion the Menntlmr u• dndp was hcwtl Q g y S 7 K(' Irl as 1 ❑pp�r- tit ng until Yorna 4 face QWPrl Ihngn th"roupmrn lxnr11 int(, vlct. Mntrrl that ho hall rPCPlristl n mpnlyd mndr by VRr(lon to 7N and -#tydew &ail whose wrlor for the Boer cause King. "OnP cif the 1WINt lraaUfuf tears and begged the Kin to fur- - _______- J:ar, Ronal to eontnin the visrprrt of in !+L'. Taylor wnm nervainm and also le yielding to Intestate hinging fp- the WOmon fn tile Trnnsvnnl, and thrillgh Ilewan n masF o blotnl. Than F%I,,r q1y R of io now tem mother of n nnmprona fnni- ph is A a eft n d right on Moron's mif her, Unseating film that err hrr- F:mcwpPA 1» Ofticlal•a Clothes. the loltis (Itchen White on the lAlb. +vim nnlnrky. Hrrrr»1 lit talc loot; is return eke Bargdel+s. rd Kinch• rhlt and Wle on t fell to the fl^or. a+'If Md h•isn the lirthn of decrpNon. He hold Spade an analymbs, and hxont .tr,pploi an the edge of the hole. H isvwr't work cannot be Will Ant, Imt fly, .411 Still a very rhnrminq and With that th" yo ntrangs•r nn,l Th^ King Fnl.I ho would glare her him Toronto, May CO.--I,iulu F'rPpc11, a throe-pighths of a grain of atryrh- drlafnq egUO !ed Vnrinn's. but the It W dosse mecanicalt suit thorowRh- eOuwly llttlis wore:vn. 8'1^ (• n highly' him filenda w•nike,lI , nut of the nnmwer on th • follo:vinq dny, hat re youag wonlwn Wiwi i, Marring a ulna nlnP. Tills tact wswlld allow that latt+•r'm n rnottin find uttip i District after �strlgt of the ,•Illlnred e. hievit will rand, ineRlrnl, tnrupd nn ht,ur later and a%aurrl the gpnth/' term In the 1lrreer V,•rorm- g P g 1 of nrtlmtle tw•nt, and, In SImrS of front door and dine mrd. .tory rnr thett, efr'n Nwt rmm that iaorp than thlw ynnnttty Ind M•Pn Ad' were sopertnr. Panton rindphed A up 1Yn11aItea1 anA thn OottM►tff► nrrt.,on When Moran flanlly •a m„ to hr Nnt 4nrcn of tdF fnrglv(mfsrw. i enini tprwl, It Inning Impoealble to on the byis "IOR. of the orange RLvNr Colony in urging ponep, n moot snerrnnfol find propulat lip In ltPwlldr•rtm•nt., and finally King Alexander iw firmly doter !twtltutton to n v(.ry clever maunrr rmOrpr the wh„Ie of It. T'him woo swath, sad tie Hatrs.bllag harnmap(1 booteRa.'Move Who ku••w the Bothav gasped out; m[nr+l to vlguro11mly rrpraen any lit- on Frl,ln,y isvening. iVhile the nttenl- ItpgSFtrred HN11 Net stales. by cetstrtaes,tnoversert. nt lmwnr IOore.lhc war began de- tempt nt r,•aolutI on. iL• line given a.tits were nt tort, \line French. who ptlraetRrl rmm t.h* r•nntrntt litlh(• "R►nwt hnppt m Go it nal who Roto seer. Hp hatl not yet Pxtraeteil Tnroat,,. piny 20. -Mr. (loot Ross, and t lhp fiery nR bolrrq Ip haood Nara. Orders that the• n IMili of this bn grxRlit)-rking gltlt*s c Ahlood t milt tho-m 1ryehninP arca the post of IhP r nal tfimtPm very Rimllnr tO w nx1 M na Is Nint man wile rtr.d Jlm g or the en Ams mtnnt t'ost-mantpr, says t1N+ rr- MwPeletealA Adrocnton Coasrrlplion. g'f Mothn"' Knrvngrrrrgrvltrbrw d►nll I,r nets+L fr^rinlon•lout's c1,thRe. null •('•mach. 7TrrP-Plghthm of n +;talo P rhes F,agllnh Pnlnntry fatally. Mrm. , rar4tilly watched. wnikr,f hofdl,v out Elio front d, nor. (It slrynhwlnR wan not sulfa i,,r'to pert spat ont that the regJatered New York. Key 19. -Th Lomlon Botha known, Friglnn{ and Me F:nR- "Tlwt was .nim Io{rp, (inn- _ - , Two home Inter she was revnptnr(•,f mots( Mg far Ottawa and {xalnta Raft rprteSir►M1isnt u[ thio Rjenlnq 1 ant IWI well. Kok- was in thin rtmnhtev ,t 'Llan IIgI1SwMght," wild this tt,•ti- h(rnthrona AIA. Ilernler, n Rpilwon,'A perk, and In now Inn- rsnaw death. loath b ntr rhninoo on tit* C. P. it.. on :Saturday -WAA- Cabrillo: 0^h. Rretor Mnafonnld, Jnst rler. an he hel red Mara to n r olr, nein nfnq wolm rnnerY71 f T Lhr Tittrorh- slaTpIP oUlrelarsnsu..and hag rclatiles 1 P intl4o tinct In clisa„ eonflilrment on a h mtoltel nt tip l'n'nn Rtntlon, in a rrnla- k rmm R,nlh Africa, hAs pnt,ttMy' In lemdon• • Re' 1lfrtrm•� tnn•t' tjr,t:ntic VI- (Nlr.wa rispr.rt less" fltrrstiirnwrl ,ort or beend nn,l water. Tlir womnn nine being nbworl,n,{ In the Mor«I ,unl rhiovond rxaggisrntion. This Crag Stoll- ndvrn•Ated rortarriptlon, hilt It In Rig- ____ - lint, of Shot Elnrrl•(nn Ititrrr•t 1•o ro hnw w rel ten Uriptnin Bernier, algal wns committp•f to tiro Mprear in tip- nlforting till* narrq. it wan not lila oil rontn!atrrd mercbuntw' aa111 a nlfleant that Mr. Rrtwlrek th.rught 4ItmltMn, were, told that a onat7 w. -t f,viRit first willingnnas to nreept the ermhlrr Inst for mlMlln'; scc►rnl hnn- i•tryrhnine f(rnnd in lisp mt,imaph enrdm, stiff the. ,Alan runs ohwbly it inhPnt.. +hirin title wrrlt'm tip- i>etVet Ne»r Cape 1.11,10• Irl ' Ihfot ranepd death, Mrt that which iK q ng kilted In Itntkpp mnlom. an. 1'ri.ldrn•v of tiss conimiltrin of \r• ,tr,.ti do'lIrs• worth of rnrn, alike, nnI not two ,tollarm. TM retirtPtrd mall Antes, to hldl away hill enrip thrpnt Clip, Town, \Inv '_O, Fright loin Ire(] they haatoned to the Srene. only fn Ianrt,•mrnlp In ronnretI ,n with 'he other rnhlnMma from thi• (tepFrt- vesa AbF(whrrl Into the Mood. i onthF j�' oteh ornnld harp been a matter of that enint"ifoory wnrv(re was Ins rlt- fl4wrs hnrp rrosmc,l the f1r^xmp ftl(pr find Mnran with him epdrlt ut torly .rnplmral rvitr,lltion In mrnrrh of tits- mental -#totes• frnm thin polannlng c,rrlrd In time MIndris(]s. nhlr. If th, arhpma send not nreppted. from the rk,tthwent, nn:l hnvp rein- brokrtt. .rile t•nfr. \\'hen hn letirnm more __ 1. _. "_ _ Lancs tea Tlnlnnt,as to two hour• _ tt'hnt U ISkol,t tin hnigrn If tfi, (Mv- inrerl the mmman{no-, In this Fast- They put film On a,enr an 1 a(mi him lit et the drtnlld „i thn prtgr,mn.) John L. Etwmp!e, n prots►,asst fitm- Thr mymptrrms wsoris n (calling of tin Mr llnrmnrt, Minister of return orrimrnt'n nt-my xrhpmp fnlls Ili, nn ern districts. hnnre. h l l.orl ,ltrnt.hruna -#111 Ir plrnsPl dpi, N .1 , ntMrno-T. "PAR nrrpstpd "Puln(ws ant a RPnmation t,f Jorki- tion. otrrrnwly ODJrctoe to Mayor [row overwh-Ling iarFµp demnnf for Lnr(] The Intefft rollAhlp rrinrt 1 xntem \t•,rnn Im n rwltehmnn onild,,v,r 1 to s lmr•r;hn t•, the pcppnato food to day by 1•Idte,1 at•Iter A"rpt Npt- nmm In the forma nal Iwpta, pronotro inn -1'. pr(.pomnl to nhargp tops Into Kiterienrr ht flip hon,1 of the War ifs Wet npnr P11111pp,ole, In Ornnorr f by the Rtock•vard.4 Tran.'t r•„m 11,• Im nmk••1 for fwi pntlleiWirm, oh, r1r* ,Jstrcthe, rhArgM Witte Coo- t'” the rhewt, ppndlnq ai(ftw•ntinn rortnln Stadion Is the Pabur acbmi (Ntlep, with tree basis, lie wownld hes River CoIrmy, and not fnr from the pang. Rnd is well known nn the lhnt f1 ran roras morww liters of the r Melty Ib the rosIntppimiting of sJ0 usually therm press no teodeney to scams. expected to reeonellkute Lha army ('mise itis, with W horsemen. All the South Side, ametent hat w(wlsl be visitable. United Hutton tramistrry notes. . 1. I I II ' ­­, • 1, , r' a � I I, r I I L lls� tI " 1. I v`"moi 3 Z.I r ' ­, I �11 , I . . _. _�__. -----.—I--.. - - —