The Signal, 1901-5-23, Page 61; k 4 81 i A , 1ne v / b nes a" .. ,' ._. u-. .A a*ditr 7t' .th,V., lilpm -',,' -- .e .rJt -0JM� k[ atmwJati'(,"t$"trttlt,tlat'tl.Natrt'>kc www cam' 4 Sd�a'•C 1� ,',' NN K r+ 4 e... W .a >. ,. ..,; l ,� •rya. e. ave !,.. .eL ,:.,....,.. y.. ....ala • .tsar , . >•: .,,y. ..t•p-r „.,H,F ::... -. .., r ,... r. •tri, t. r. w Aly^ .-.n: a„ +�, s;: n«. ,r'•,F+lri&,?N4!. �r' x.: .W -Wer#..., a�+'.ww�i vida"i#rw'rg'i^"`.,R:4 eKi . "`r.+"IA. ..'!''�`tv#'.u.'w.ame k..,,.,,"7.i'..►t .,...?.. '.`M'aS'A'r�M:. ..f....mt'.$...:Il`:.. .:A":9a"K!t1't!e,. ."&.-.. -.. -.. ...._-, _ - d _ _ ___ - - --- -- •.Why. you•ovauktu't es+ much of ill not llr- Ledrvtw at all, or nlrg uta 1 ����0N DIS TSA th'r Ilght!" mall ab, liar noon oommiltud a !�1i.li��NON BBTTBBe ► \ AND I tie I No. Y It was Iuorvo again, has waved Air t ame, begun IUs 11 lJt 1, 1, • "1 tNnk est. You are perruur t.r ugnla, tarsi lila dLgruce down, and I i (� 7 utght : all there shocke anti wrprirer Tit up. lie Ir riot +t young man, you I &KEEN UR BLACK have been too much tar you, Joel(Sue," ka-rw-but, that ho Sucked up that' prominent Quebec Gentleman 18 &nirl he, gently. walk In a oquvlct prison, I'll swear I" -� -. ' Yes, 1 think they hnve. When 1 Misa th "olitvl startled for it mu- Cured of Kidney Dibease. A GREAT NAME first raw you, unit dad alit know you, meat ; then rhe laughed a hard laugh. aimed ran away through that gate, I it war naturally the wart of neons:►- I kept inaiginlag till aorta of horrible tion Iter unfurtunatu nephew would mellowed the Advice of ac Advertlse- iko beet made doyr mr„Iline-rolled ('nylon and ]Della Tea. The parlty, things. anti fancying 1: could hear lily' bring ugnlurt any ono t) whom he I' meut, stud becured Results so, Sats - cleanliness and economy of tide ten are resputwll,le fur !t0 popularIt-v. guardian'm voice elating to me, and factory that He best glveu Hie Own thio decrsadng ix)arumptLon show■ that It is only a matter of tame that they were t1Wng ham some harm. Anti token a dtdlke. l'estlmoalrl for I•ubucrtlomi. wheo JAPAN tea• will be a thlnpg of the PKNL . Oh, Jnmee, Warlugham Hall Ir at "l:nhupplly fur your theory, you _ dreadful place! It It like a Krrat• cold hnve kende l4La ht the wrong won. Pulat Au Pic, title., May lq.-line __ _-- pridsun I ean't bear to think of my It is nut Dr. Latbury who lira roblwl caul.) -Hoary 1i+lguuu W better. `` >> Gyle Teo •re sold I• scald lam g"" mile living there, and 1 ilia t mo-yed, anti nrYbed yon -but Lind- ThimijAianouuceuselat will be hailed S A L A D A packets only, •ever In bulk, wonder you ran away. Let us wake ley, the Luau y,uu met lo, the drawing- I with pluarure be lib uuxmiy frlettdr, haste in to him." rtxiun, the wits you declared to be who Iwn,A of leads loug,ullue". 81ack, nixed er Uncolored Ceyles our tonin 1'tx ytvaw, Mr. U, IkatlN. A�Ilas•a " 6ALADA," Teroste• They were standing at tier curlier j y. Well, a( you were mile- agnou leer rnf(er �rseo, >laalpids M app ,.r tier botue, James mo tauoh funder Luken then, puu would be right now." "'Itis "Iskey Cumplutnt. What Ile liar _ atet by her Innocent warmth of wet- "What line he stolen I" arkeo endured W beyond dewriptiuu. Every- ` -� gait,, her soft voice, and the sedue- James, with deepest attention. thing tie trim! (ailed to cure him. w 6a+M►►++l+ii�i+H"k►F++4 m 0 m{• +� tltenuwof her lialf-risen beauty, that, "Pup rs-whether genuine or forg- �" w read maay ured o Kidn y 2 i oa pretext of giving her tine to re- ed I d,n't know, but which concern of how people were cured lit KleKid- Z ' cuvPr tier neer- ton, he war will• lir tall lir.ast deeply. He, find them Uemplaint n the ore of lhxid'r iii o jj GERALD I N E S f ORTU N ES ing to lin r nteww minute• longer with him wheat Ito war strut In with nP'y Pillrl and at hurt appily I to [e meJta oao more try. Happily fur lir. out there lo, the night-mlat with her. your uncle; then he shelled me. two �nr,n, he had at last found the rov-. "!tetter wait tall you have -till yon of them boastfully, and I tell you areigu remeAly btu ail Kidney Wan-' tri -till yew (eel calmer, In fact. It they were of vital Importance. In plaints .Nmew he is well. He rays : i4wioiN 104 will bo, very trying for you, and you )our struggle tugt+ther he left bis I have used Dodd's Kidney Jollb, it was very ruriuur-very curuuur, I which• told her at once Drat tier must not break flown, You known." coat in your hands. and l picked It &04 althotigh al flnit I lead little) be thought, as lie watched the little pleading was tent In Vain. He wan rtandhng with lair back W up stud tLnak out the papers. Then, fayyl, I am happy to easily that taw j bald place un tam tup cof'tile doet"C"s + "Than you will take me in -you tilt, house, and Geraldine atuud, Waith n few minutes mago-ads moon as 1M. I •am completely cured of Kidney j head, over which tete fait half, so, I won't lot them atop me ?" she wkly- bar hand pin,pd miaothingly un her Ledbury had left, � fn fMet - i Complaint. Dodd's Kidney Ptah am n uuairuge.l to gross I,mg rretud butt peened, In a h»v twice of Pur•gsoug .boulder, facing him. Tluwe Inst woriht cattle Ili here and W.ak quem out hf Craad mudlolue, stud I Wuall atwsyr spot, wns c•arefudly brushed to 111110 gratitude, as she moved toward the of lila were scarcely uttered, when ply psx•ket to read, laving first lock• tecoatmen-1 them to there who may ttt&t tell-tale alga, of ad,oa acing age. entrance with a great light of rt,, rhe started violently, and he Veined of the thx)r, suddenly Lkudt"y, wlto bake suffering ay I wuuy" Hud any one else noticed tine one lief and eagerness burning ha her the ocoaslon to silp his arm around must have rbppoet into pie roolu when There have been malty Kidney modi- thing abuit the plkysician'r Iwtauef I,tym. her renasuringly. 1 went out with taw d0etor,. darted clines offered fur rule lo, this Province wblclt hall attracted liar uttent"' , He ox,uld oast, as the light from "IL M all right ; thou t be frightened; (ruin liehuud tin Nrrreu, nPlueod qie from tame to time. Some have fulled he wualt.rred. llr he, strand erect and the lamp above the entrance now I won't let nnythiog hurt you•" papery, and tpahu off through ti.•+ to even relieve, a few others, have tignan appro,•tch+,f like sutcle's ,Lour. Dr. fell upon her, that she wag Is•rutl- "Net; I'm not afraid;' said rhe re- wlmkow. wrenching hir»self oat of my given- temporary relief, but only nue Ledbury was a great man, lie knew, full beyond the promise. of her early stating him falntly: "Let les go in grasp, ted I tried to stop him. Of boo cured permanently and complete - in every rempect 'but shut one ; tits girl)" -fox he krnew who she was. let its go In ; I tWnk my head to gly- cyysrte, I dared not wall out. There-- ly ever 3' cas,e of Kidney 'trouble, appearance and mannerY were ex- know thnt the slender, sweet -voiced IDR way" yon can see where iiia foot went." &&I that one in Ibetd's Kidney 1'111:. uctly what one aauld expect from u womau with melting dark eyes need Why, child, what it the matter I Me walked to the nearest of the There Deems to be ted case of Rhou- man of hatch Intelligence and cultiva- gentle mannerist www titp w!ld ane Wbat frightene'l you A" h0 asked, two French windows, which were. mathnn, Lumbago, Re:iatica, 'Kldpey, thio with Just that tiouch od graceful fit -ace little vagrant with whom lie qulckly about a foot front the flot.r, opened Bladder or Urinary Trouble that title yuactery wh(ch natub Alm' clrary o/f hM s,it In the mud last M►. llprbyu'a ' I -I fnncb•r1 I saw a man running It, alit] sh owed tour neplecw the truces wooderful medicine will not immeou- 1,W words, to Impress the remem- cnrtwherl nineteen yestre before. nway, in tike mist, over the grace of Lindley'# dettent oa W the nnr- ately relieve ant permanently cure„ braat-e that they were v+llulble, with • DeldPe," anbl he, w,ftly, stepping -+away from the homes• on that side." row flower -bed, which ran the length and Mr. Regnun'ds wonderful remtora-' ilio k)v► voice that uuld nut tile- forward Deslde the r,fame of the pxm Sete Rlarlc,d tuwarvl the facade of ,� ►it, frwtt of the huthre, close nattier tion amply pruvw the truth of thin tarrb the mart 'Ielleate invalid, the thou to call her beck a,r rhe put Ute Hall, Anel James tatr n.•el immed- the wall. eillxtemerst. calm face wench gave the idea of her foot asks the step. lately. James took It very wwuy. DWd's KiduP�• Plllr are tlae only rese-rvool power. Then where mea earth Rhe etoppled, without uttering a "R'hioh why did he go Y' he n"kpd, -,Vpw. Geraline raw him," lie sat•1, rr',medy knowa.to science that 'Am hid he picked up that one significant, want au a round, shivering, unit nut with sudden and fierce excitement. liaellnsg At qtr (tower -bed. "'But I ever oured Bright's Disease, Diabetes tuabit T daring to taro. "I thought -I faarde,l in ran o•cwnu,l11't outolh hits. I think he must ot'• Drelosy. As Jams mtoo,l by the drier of tbo "Doldve !" Ife touched tier geully, 4te-tilgh.t acres the grass there I,:,vt- hidden hlnwlf Aomowhere nnsong mirk nxnn, stili uni•ertatu whether he trying to lake tier hand. where the flower -belle are, and they the trees, for i know Isis tatwAd etre olarald brave the rhx•k to lib UWIP But aIle tell back away from him, lie seemed to mnke n Jump In the ulr •always Wu tight for him to run vPry THE TEMPORAL ALGOMETER. by gomR In aluue lir wait for the deadly white, with frightened ryes aryl to run ds•wn the elope.'• (ant.' a -- uusynipathetle eompaWolship of his that Nenrrely dare) to hook lo, I,ib that Jarnes tL •l already left Iter, "lint what art, we to tali? she A Now Instrument Which Measures aunt Elizabeth, :t very allglit "a"" dirs•tLmi. crying: ne•L•,••I, In consternation. Sensitiveness to Pato. made him turn rued. Tb11• moulpl, •• 111 right, nal right'" by unitlrre,l, "Don't tee frfghteued. Wait ; I will "We c•an't ,b Anything. He's got which seemed tocome from hie Duel, s 1% %I right, le~ hand alwuptly null come back!" as tmn rats in the direo- Atony, you sec; aryl you can't do The object of totals Ilttle Instrument dreming-room, tae dour of wlih•Ih wnr tion slam find Indiatted. murk to n man who is out of reach." to to. determine ht what de pee r turnip awa and IM thravt bac v Pe' tame nrzt AIonK olio torrieLor, ion" so, g y Fir halt riot the heart d,wbt tient Tial the roT" wns d tier In their rcneit►ven,ra to Lame" foto tilt ale drI `lid IN•gnn �� l faint that, at n time when his arrva•s to walk tfuwn tin drive, whistling It wise the rutin they s;alle(1 Llndlel. "Yea say tont they"wer0 kis T" psoip, not ►uogaidtinls leu wucli a: were fn a legal exelted state, he lie lead int tum"I the corner of title man whom he felt convinced lie "Yea, but Utey concerud ns -you." classes of people. It is u very simple would riot hnve noticed It. As it war, lied known as W'llllanm, whom she• "Well, tat^n, we must wait till h,• tWvice, couslrtu of a brns" vylin- tlw Accuse when a;Prnldino ohtrted of he turleeol townrl ttwt bracket ewi the ts, hail Pa tit Itis stria and, llr had area cmcar,frig; the Trap iu the turru up wttlh thenal IIt can't tlo dor with a graded Donate attac•hal, wall uotehte Air uncla'r okxor. Li turn 110 the And dnarrlloe.l film ns tnkloR much w1t1 any d,'hp�rs unleas he Sri and with a rod Inside. which works up the lamp w-hb h stood there, eMl that would toot letup him, wrested wns exi,inlnPd lav• the fact that a duefw tb-m h m0Plf : and, then, whist- a •ainst a spring. To the outer end' while dealing se) Ise heard another round utW friend Idm. wire fence, Invisible to her eyes le ever they might cunt•tltt. I Ishould of tine rid Ir fixed a 4inhnel pad; or It Ir tail-yuu-James ?" he as,uusl, glancing back again along LIN, tier gkf t housted the lawn 'an Islas ithi a ch -h bI v h edea!" put cut In and when the Instrument ads cexr►dor, he raw t14yu"C; but as arkarf slowly, still half frightPnetl stud front u[ the hours. wath ads flower- Ithu within ren h of my ttareets:" said petit tutu use.' til. pad Ir preewPd ayWer falnt tudre, coining tial$ tinne uncwtnin. 1xots, from the rougher, letscnre[ully taint tie savngw look roming Again agatgrt the tPmpmrai mwrle lit the front the rtalrcase• made Nm dart "Yes• It lel-James. ikit it doesn't kept grnme of the park b'yond• into Ills eyes- oun. The rcamure it raduall matter; It is mel ted eckamequenee. You PEr P [ 7 row the lalxllrlg and Mc)k down. TIaP Althoogh t]te inn of whom he keen •• But I tell you ih�y wauld rulrt tnPreaard until It liec;,mmrr Jurt' the lamp lnter,,%V% tiff' hhr Ttew ; bat 'will find the doctor, if yuu go hack : in',parsutt w:tp active and muwudar, ym !" cr!ed sh•+, hrritnted by -his Will least bit unpleasant to the subject, he &Dried este saw &roan's figure de- ted will be coming out in a minute, he `w:)r romewh&t short• &DasewllA� of -enc 3ils� ar-Misr--•' He could tot n rgy and interact. sad then the aatle tr rand by igen& s0e the last steps, Doti R�) through stout& too Inahlonnoly dreanccl tp •• Na red, Want, fatal h:a" be,)11 lone;' of n )lntPr ntUu•hal li the rest, ere r Into the outer hall. by which memb,•r the fancy surname which had aay.a a free'use of his limbs. anti Im his noa attd the phydclan lead passed bmpit Risen tier, so lee oto i I short said b'.. rinklag again into silk• in- The fni•ntor of the hurtrumemit N 114'' twenty \ yearn older than Jame*. dp((ert•nce, giver saoahae lrytes•rst,ltisg rPsultool trrk.Ae a few tes before. However• he and stared over her head nt the trees. •!•herefore, the latter I1ne fair hopes " Well, Slim, th' of w. LIndle eoald tea ootlhlnR• "Oh "' sold cru, hi n vo;oe whlrh of ertakMg Alm. The ground staled (p1oM les wh'ch, tie • arc y made with it, Wumrn are morn w'n "Juhrison, b that you 1" he enlled brought Mir a ow ek,wn against his pit,' y gran- eltlre than men. BPIF-exitsatosl wv wall; and Ihesry%ere feu of tears, vary gr+hdanJly the ketole ion) from IDP. or If tie forgery cever ouw•gh roan are tier mo"t rrnbltivc; bubineaa out. the fill to Ute lodge, and inn (eke wall have EleAnor and ;me with wet :a Tiers wns amiswrr. The butler " iheldee, Deldcr," lie rind, tnsimentD Jnh4 was nt the park w'uutlen next, uulvermity women next, In hie Iswtrsely, selling liar arms with Isla any „ apd IAtiI .111 women genet. Pru- rkywit late) tang g•atee. B__at the kepPer s:ald Ike Jnmre khokdl' ,uzzlw __-�ael_ Alanine&& rT.,ni_�=_______ads" oolety, and evP oo the acAAfon o e+ are , - mora rue•naitive than Inb„rern. Girls ng their last brief 1 erview, n much with the Bred) horrible eagernsm he had opened the rtes for the Car- 1 wk h r, aunt F:!lribPt hietericl absolute tear of Set , that Janina of a starving mML "you aro not- nage a few minut before, but he h la a well mchlaulr, who, as a rule, _ nut but feel t t it edam ver gland to sow nhe ?" kegs r nate sure there el erten nobafy Narryletg yuurw•It nlxwot Llndl••y haus well -k)- a parent o• are more y 1 Awl h a pili mar, why d ) i't you, go up sensitive than girls In public rchoolm. Iltely the old rprvaat tght take the "Glad T O, James,, I Dns half erttxy Inside tit but the docto who find Ar- to ply uncle and a,yk h`m nlI nbefut it T with a+oy !"' rlveed from London un ht r or so go- &rid gaga■ In public rt-hoolr are more libart lit shlrkia her clety'. nut, P If It eotleerrlD yon alai] rW) rout Aunt y g Ship /anteel cwt the winds W a whom- vtouml Jacaa went b rk Newly, tienhe In than the boys,. on .the other hand, it I wpill r i y FlChnor, I eupp:w r It euro erns b',m : The Ipxtrument alae shows that the pT, immblhig still at hie Latch, Coot ghanclu rI It. p>re K and h' M the only p)ernun who ts Iltrl that tib flying figure' m ht hnve g Rht aad le rlu y Ipft trmplr lx mors arndtive ttlan the :_lams,& Liao.. t, thD-hw,e )nn,•h dArlag yuIW to beelleve- that It war .among Lilo still bare oak trtem angry to bo_abb W yelp, y _._ rlaht. Dani Lean same d►(fPrenee b. �ameg hurrbd down lir stair -and airmdy hair rnyly, .ries srren w take tier in iia nrnN; blit alit drew &the man whom he penkste•.l to lye- Ikving to fye 11ts enemy. It was oat through the csmitrul Into tin u err a Ball, where he nasal fur there back, nut coldly, but t►mldtt• ; until he was In might of Geraldine Have the Pastore of 6otus New York Churches. then. meeing that be leaked half th•it iie retnetnlie liar anal quick- ler, one be nen. !le had heard n ofleode•J, bite _took lhls_sight haltttla -owed. cod pace __ - d,xor' shut : there tyre voices fn the both here and laughed a little tough . . "Who wns It' DW you see anywiv'!" library, but they were'thore of film pIP&nore. _ she asked, anxicros!y. yosspr soot nod Dr. Ledb80 lie 'It Is the first welcome I've ha'1. "No, DeltMme, I myued titan. %Yell, nt had already noticed the fact that ike ee," whirpeml he In tier ear, nin %iy rate, we )alive only the Gorguns' the drawing -room dour could nut be moo sobblag. to cope with now," he a'hi,t, ns it try- upeued without creaking; no, throw calif- rew nearer to film and PrPm%- Ing to throw a weight oft lair called. u un r nin ted••, twia oho ns r m u g 3 t>e 6 et b o f t her li le o sol h Ilan 1 n n ns [ K [ ,et storm tier /u t r, T ors le r m." •• w'. nxl'I r t•, he uutp hull h,, ant h a l i t r 3 e lar Dawe. tP ' eel e TI w t o u, the entrnnc . 3 p thriugh to the- principal entraw-1. ••io„n't 't t'• mise quaverefi. ••You Jalong rang the bell, and the door -.._ and glurwPd thriugh tke fegun•d ,Haar tealrnlre ern miserable. heti►-eonMF was �iiwr0rl imnum fiatsly lay t!w tmet- lshnPla of the door into the dnrknpes yon ,•tpxrt lose horrid old wltelhee lee. who haat by this tithe rcuiver&I outside. to welcouse y n rax warmly as your tits usuul rtatrly serenity, .laid wnr It was not e) much a hope that Ilttle NistPrT 1 can't know what to pirnpared to treat his nin%Legg he Wight find &imP LrnCC(af IlleCllehll' laly to you; I an't think of any- nephew with the county regmst tion hie the garden, where the thick Digiti- thing oleo rt%xs and kind enough. to lair C'h4rkse' heir, having tome to mist w ,uld have made it gamy fur a W laude happier, be h-tppder. O Us corm luahah that Sir C'harlem' InGu- fugitive to Pscape nm"ng the trees, Junrw, James, I nin- happy nmi once would vintnrally be strong en• ads a'wish to be out of (Ille selulehrnl no wretched both t ether that I ough to hush rip• stay little unplens- old home of file, awl #o forget ft" thirntk I ob all go, mad! 'oil have seen astrteso with " Liao authorities." ghabtly welsr)me, that made him upon him t' mile whiapPreid, her vutce • "The real room hat been prplrtrel the tFh)r and go (alit into tie add growing asxtuus again. for yew for to-ulght, miry he oald, turd darkness, with his hood+ in him "Not yet." as Asim as they were In the half. "We IP)cketa and his head raised t o lire "Won't they lot yon o 11111, cant get any num you would prefer murky r►,uds, muttering: either? Oh, what are th 'doing tesdy- by Le►rlworr;w 'light, it you "Well, at Iran the liar (salt here to him i 1 telieve then is ,,flat.' would Please sleep them to -night, mar. Isn't Awsty !" "Ito ,b I. Dot they o4n't p event We leave not hnd much need of tepnre But his feet bwl mrnrcely Latched my seelog him, And they shan't pre. rvx,mti lately : but Lord Charmoutle the gravel wh•u ha, was arrested by vent you now. Come along, You re• slept there when he was here a tete sight tot a girl. whom he recog- member what you sold. that yew mouth ago, and I think you will (kml Wil by her figure aw being the same would do anything for nay if I lot It pretty comfortable." who hnd ran away nt 11br apprntrh you ser -him ?" rtooptug dower-ov" "Thnuk yon ; yews need ,Halt trool-le half an hoar twfor,•, running toward her. � yourself about prepnratiune for me. film from the. gate'(if the "rt"se-cor- "I renmledopr. lint I shWidn't hove I am riot going ter stay, Just get tour,' (>Upo"Ite. "Opt said it If I hivi Janowtt It war you." sou Dompthlntg to Ott, And have the doig-eart the is are yoga the dkmctor P' Mae cried, :'You wouldn't "' no ,@topped, -cud or plmetorl-1f either brmthlPDmly, ads "on ns she wns near made her atop, t(xi� still In existence -brought round In him. "No, Jame•& ; listen !" she said, INr time to catch the next train to tcvwn. ••Yes," artmweml Jnmea, del'ghteml to voice law, bat deep and thrillitngwith You will hnve to look sharp -it is mrape from hill own personality fur excitement. ") hnvo a methl'l tea half -peat P"en rtow:' a few momenta, nml wlmhing to tip• tell yea whinlll I )utve wanted to tell '"VeTy well, Dar." taln the girl until Ian could find out you all thego yours; but -but you Jolhnaos retired, and at the name who sir win,• Site name clow to kiln ami lx,kod know 1 toullkh't," slo added, nervuur- •'I mom nt Elizabeth carte out of the library. At Dight of fieraldlne the up Into Ilia fnu-e with great, pleading ly! have tilught ntx)ut It &o often, and never dared to any n woM ex pression ofmxietyno her facebarl- Pyee, whose loennty he r•wld partly nlaout It to pay emu. 1'ou know it ion■ cited toorhe calf dislike .alert Dumpiclon. see even In the thick gk,phh of the yaw who wore my only comp.'uaion She did not to Iter, however ; �d cluming Peening. wend I waw a child ; anal you know turning at once to her 4Irphew, she "Oh, with lit Gil Iran low Sir Isow gout you nlwn.y'e were to mP, aM mail: ('tiarh•s ts 7 ■ hr. bitter ?" eha asked, fits gave %ny to me nnri ytel ted " wul you coma ►a item for a t � her volee trembling u Ith anxlrty, nut lea. • misoJ , notlrinR that It vraw n vary mtrnngr .,. ,•«•eat, tient wnart t Luny merle. Tru "Will It tin If I come In ten nils- thing for the dewt-,r to M• tvniking W ware much it denr little thln,r one otos, aunt r alrrit 1n the gar,Sen wlthuut him lint. "He ldn't help It.'1 "No, it must lir now. It ID Import - M vPry Ill," niwwt.red .Chir&, ••Olt nee ou w ail l i was ant-momt Im renal." Apevplyr 0,10 MtmR 44. wirvwrtrri fila" J.Ang �l ocvt► Nvlt-;. 'bin .••RTW •'1r51r'jR'=R 1VP1m9""'-"InIr P, ran obesely &s he could, anal wlehing n" know It now, And ever mince I hale Deldep t" he maid kindly t.) the girl, he did &) that the light wns tetter. beret old riumlgh W known it I have In n low voice. "i ritn't Vtke roil For his curio"Ity wait growing ; Imre loanging oh, longing so deeply ! into the drawing-rom, because there tine volae wns very mwvet and _-f mr maxi uprx)rtunity of telling you, In nnother Gorgon there;' Ito added, thrilling with that ,xissonate feel• ing which the voices that hnd greet- slowing you tient I nm grateful. 1n a whimper, close to her ear. ed him In-doorw so chillin ly Inekel. An ti .fairnes." sloe went ,u, her ex• "\'try well. Only tbn't let her pPr- R clWment growing "till higher, "what- muade yon not to Jet me ■ee him. "%'cry Ill I Oh, do let me see film- eipr ytm hnve dame, "nal whatever Yon know you havepromlmed,Jnmear' d,, please, please ! Never mind y -res might du, It wrrtld lie just the shP whlirpered back, imploringly. %•flat t'iry mA)-what hisatster" may. saw,• "Truest tar," he n:murrd hpr, prpmm- Ile uora want t•) one me; hp sent for Th" young man hpard iter with a Ing tier arm gently, And giving a nip, and they imidd not let me Ro feeling amore dangerua. mum• stormy Ilnitering, nffectlonnt" twat nt her to ham. Ank him, only risk film If he than Inver Innocent enthnmlAem entreating fnr,, prettier than ever toes not want to etre Iloral,line." rtlrring lin hi" Impact, ns he ltxikpd In the Inmp light, am ho followed Ills Rip saw Mo 8tut, and n t1iought at h -r beautiful, eltoq,tent face. He sent 4ni•) the library. ■truck her. was riot n blackgihaM, th'm unluelcy ('&tr'TFR Jtli, "hnve they been telling 3•m4hingm Janwr Otwny, tM14hgh most mepect ah wt me," shn naked• fearfully, nh n py)pIP wool t herr put h!m tender As rwx)n n" Jan14a had lel mooll the i "Sava I r n tient I nm nn Im al)"to nn t t it h.wd n r red R r h li k, tato n e o ads Imp i 4 K h f tie k Idta,l is m ht, sake II t o 1 1 e look 3 ,pod A world nr, n t and len in anal All tient! 11 f w)iliAll ) furl , R Y U iota re gh hl" Duh t'm tam t Int �t R R I a edam Rid D no morn& Indeed, indeed, it Is nit true ! Oh, with mut annity, ti•it thte l,vrly, g,•umtle, light thing that tn,uhl.d Apr. Iter please br•fipve mp! H•)w ran i mate girl, with the mynionthy amt nweet_ white) skill I,m,ked like marble, Iter y.,s believe nip f f only wnnt to mer utvw for which he had Kenn hungering eyes were Clammy, tier upright tigury ,° him hpeanPe I ove lirn will till my was not far from being, randy te) give altook n" mhe attxxl supp)rting hereslf heart, hptter, n th-ns"nnd times Apt- h'm h^r love, arul thtt Imp mutt rot with oine hnnd alPitl the harems. " ter than any ave plea 111 the worl,l! takp. lis gnon one rapid ginls'e at ".Iaums, I hnte linen robbed!" she ,v W, 1<.k . .Iia has bomn more than a father to hr, and, without nrsewering, drew her meld, haparae]y; r„ mP,+ In th • obn•rtoLKI of tin 11011.1010. "Itolmhel ! K whom ?" nip, fnr -fnr lin Ana rtnnr all n father y trioti d., for me. when i hnd nn claim Co mp alung!" bo rtitld, Phortly. "Title man Weu WAS harp five min- • upon Alm at nil. won't you let me Rut, so, h arm,ke, they heanl tot- vete age)." l at(" hunt I will dem anytilnq In the rnrrlrtgP drive round f,) ohm Pntrnne•. "Time ,kx•tew? Al• I nen newt he tier wOt1d fur yon If yen only will, tile• land lh• h•all elixir opton. nnri n m'notm lonist murprdmed I 1 evm,kt leaveswewn ebra't nloin nip; it will haat my later 11 •y land to Ptep I"t•k fur that Im• wnr a jn11 bird:" Mw heart r' vr•lt!rL• 4) istsra them, whllr llr. L"a1• "T1io Ik"•tor : Dr. Iwvtinry ! R'hnt `�r Miry Pit hem rape to tit, win,h)w and do you mean, .inane" "" Bae hall aplsaA hill hand with Ilttle rn,SM bb" lint- ' "Why. that. If ever n man lin l a nervuas fingpn that matin Mm Apart g tr," R'ho Ike tient?" Datta (teraldlna, tvxsvirt's walk, It IP yt14rr worlrt-tr law In s m athr n D uD y p • Po,n nm ism with cnrk14u avaR.•rnar. nnwnel PhysMinn, i)r. Iw"Ibry t" felt het touch. VVlth hend tnrnod "Th•tt IP the great fir Levllwtry" "Jaitere, nre yurl mad? Ib, yon know away from her, h" Instlnrtivt-ly "hr. Iwmdhory!" Ah• repeated v mew what Sou am saying at whom you etound hie fingM upon Storm with a ly. "I -r wo,der U I hive asm Alm ares gwaklrlgt" MID. waroa, GMwerdug pressure, before 1 I seem to know W face," "Yes-elthpr of an Im txietor who Ir "If-' she beuale, anti stopped. Jamsp robe. He hated uiystrrieo. tend Ila would at all tlirlP6 rather hart) lief everything fie p.,>redmed "lap through film fing,rds Sloan bother himewelr aboat paprro awl ,lucnu,ent4. "I elewn't see low yowl can expnet a Ulan you know to lac a hiatup, armI hilt, confederate. to pltay hldc•an l- eeek.all over the house without hpip- lug lhemoveirpe to something. if h� x P Int to .n t k.1 t + red hot • bo, t f lea ro R k r 1>t` of Iris r, oWn erne ottdop you may think yourrelvf* lucky. If I lead been here when thts•'dortor- .,.came, -'-r- -would hnve toll Johnson to keep an eye tr, tap plate bswket." F-lizah:th learned tilt Iter lips. "I :urs nit a girl, Jnmes. without ludgulent or dinarimimtion. Tlipre was no navP,I b worn taNi against I.irmtl^y Flnldtng; nail, if there hnd tevoln, Dr. L 41b:ry hijamelf, whom yon ,ell Ilia oxwtfe derate, told me not to trust him.' "Oh, yes, tl at In an o!d trick," said fames, uv ho warm stubborn aid ,lidactle vn argument. "1'll ran atter him unit mee If h•'m got it, ma'am, mays the thief who Any the Irufy's pwtr-w In file loP•kpt of the 'pal' who 'cuvert9d' Atm while he to(* it." This smile, savoring leo strongly of her nepphew'% recent lteq'latMns, mn,If. F'Ittatheth sheaskler. " I tell ,vow," by went old not ratio - !ng tie` effp-t lain worth+ hid upon Itis Aunt, "lit &wile tlm^ or oth,r lit later life that m1n hnh liens n rahvlct-nM surely i ought to know better than you I" Th) cynk•al coolness with whlnh hp uttered the beat wordy appalled talo lathy, wh) wowild f•t!h 11•tvo put th, lildeawts feet of hie crfm� wed Its pun• to hment out of might as knlg ns h^ j mhnell,l remnln In h^r Luo I2ty. But lh+s• two scatter of fact nllles!opn ewrni,d to argue tie at h had tont fall anion of Nh Line both nt In a Imprixon meat pled IW cnuer. Bh) wall glnd wh •lel It ) waltpd toward th) tl or may• Ing - I nm gal sag up rsyw to mor Uncle Chsrhoo and, If ha ts well prawrgh. I will try km ftmi out nil Ienu for yah." "One nx)m(•nt, .lames, Are you goln66 to take tltlt girl up with you T" "Uerakilite? Yes," sail re, elert- 1rad6. __ .... ... ,,.., Very well. I know you will not Ilmten to tae; the affecti n of an old aunt wh) lien lorod yon since your childhood do m not weigh n N ither's weight against one smile., one whim. per from a young girt. nut i 4.11 you -and you may rrmember it some day-wh m mh m hnm drnilef you no ,.ho h:u date your uncle. when ah^ l tp roblo•,] you nm mlw him robhel um, that title girl whom )Liu are now taking, perhapm to dbeturb your uncl-•'a Net momentm hall been aIle cierme of all our lives !" Junlex 1111,1 atopppd at tier door, nod am 110 Ilstenosl, A oltangw eat" over IIn face, an i his lewmglhg, cappteam attitu a gradually gave. place to ane more attpntive, more erre.t. As mise finished • akin " . h turned him r pt, Pm 1k. y from them, lam at w b h h h heal r P, ht, n starhtg In the flxPd way tactual wlt.h him when Pxclt@ 1 by any mtrong esMtlorr. f'M be Ctonslntrsl ) A lNef.el Gift. '*11koem Jo"le stop that site#- now nlntm chick r N"nt him from tin Ity T' nmltel Fnrmnr (Nmatt otmel. "Yom,' :inmwPrr,l Use ytmnR mnn'a m(atlw•r. "ito Pepm" p14+rfectler fnm,•i anted. ife carrirw It nrmve,l with him nil tie^ Uma.' "Ret dopa M evP It to lrs•t rip by ?" "Nu. Ife n•✓•P It morn thnt. fin aetm It twice n tln.y, onro fnr dinner nn' "nor fnr "oPpalr•r. llr Pny" ht, nln't so ronrtickl#-r ahnat bvakfnest." -- R'nxhingG)n that. Tile on-letRas) WAS eaten nevror pope to gPt than wade 80th tett , � -,-.. ....... _- ..w. . Pretty Things. A dainty dressing marque it an in. dispensable adjunct to the wardrobe of the well gowned woman. Cream crepe tae ob/ns to used for nn ex tremely dainty one, which is mads with a shipped flounce lit the but tom, the neck being cut square slid tow sleeve" loose alwt flowing. A t e to w n t led Ise, x Wrf or linnet 4 lt'o wear be of cream nun's veiling over yellow milk. This has a small yoke of lace, Ute o1P40L df Which In outlined hn Id thread. Down the front, on both aides and extending around the bottom of the mkirt ars wide bnndm of gold Ixnel. Tile aleeviem are of the veiling, with undermleevee of Inrp. Every woman known the ralup of n silt waist from the ready made of fair, suitable for a taller gown to those covered with soft lace for more dressy wear. Among the latter white and• white oombfoed with gold• blue or black all hold the popular fancy. Few evening gowns are prettier than those of printed moassellne de sole. One of palest ivory ornament- ed with tea rosea• would be remark. ably soft and p•Ptty trimmed either with ruchings of glace milk or fine white roses. One o7 tier now bathing rortumes lm of white mllk ftnlmhM hertlttatllinp, made with n broad mamll and open collar of the palet shell pink. Thp rap.to be worn with 1t Is of the sante matprials. lined with oil Fifth, arid made with n long point fnlling ret thm able, after the atyleor of those worn by Nenpolitan flmherman. A Census Discovery. The opnsnu tnkern are maid to hnve made a rrmnrknhle dlwovery in Fop - ping F'or•et, wheri• ten old man, llv- Ing under n bna+h fur nearly 40 yearn, wits fox the first tine" reckoned am. orW the population of England. A Inyer of lenvpo a fo of deep formed the bed on whfrh title wild man of the woaL r),00med. A few stlekm art up- right formed the wale of Ills habltA- tlon, and the Ienyew of the holly bomh nerved for the walla of n revp. lett• had been ten years befrrn the mnat ,-ted-tdss-llte7wl -Navy, (row► aftf•rward" 14 years In the merdtant mndlne. Tbeti`he sought mkt his rPlatiren in tree vicinity of F,pping Forest, who re- relvecl him kindly, but, hying unwill- Ing to trouble them ria a bonnlrr, he decided to find his oven quarter". The forewt nffordpd the moat suitable re- nhge, and therefore ht, line cnmlmPd oil uwdPr n bush far the IaAt thirty ndd ye•nrm. lie liner a mmnll Income from Ills (iovprnment penmlon, wltlrh provldPw the noc emmarlem df life. For Witter hp rnlits on the prmilm In the forest, which Ile derinrpm to by far wtperlor to the water mupplled in town*. He has a vivid reeollpetion of erPple %a) ypnrm age, hit of mool- Prn happening" hp known nothing. - Fn ileth F.reh a n ". R R 1,'Knfant Terrible. A wpll known winger wn" PognRlvl to give n nnmlwr of "Plectiona at a mimicnlo Intely. After thn affair wns ospr unit the gnlNtm were rhnt tering In their nunnl fashion, the hnwteas and Apr little girl. & @,Ilia of &bout the or mit year" of nge, rnmo up G) him. "Oh, Mr.- -,' the ho"tea" r•mnrk PA, •'yon meant b tlrp.l." 1: Yes, you m'p"t tip," alf,"d the lit tie ohlld; "we sere. PhllndelphlA Tolegr a ph. for tie SOZODONT TE 11;r1N' "^YTu.At,Mi W x,'Wr' m°R�,@a?Vti^Jiil +;� ..v, aN +i"n r �, " Nl' � ,.•. #. , yyo. .. .. 1� '.� �L,.+4,1•.'[.,w.vwr,. a, .A.n'&w.rarn«,-..,. +.tk �....:..,.... _. _ :,.-. .. -: :. !,'SUF, NO � 118o1e GOOD FAT BERTHS Have the Pastore of 6otus New York Churches. �Q� '�"�-.._.. _. �_ Now York iwtl)its, 0&310 A dreprlch, are rtgnrded generally sir like prised , " ��„�®� In the clerical pnormwiAmi, us hes twee leo plainly VWWn of late by changes local Tu ted ood �!)l)tJs In health you want &tA ampoule. od the churches. mdntrter hl one of the city', LIK , nothing but food; and your nburci ors it n Inerativo and derlrabh' pwwaliva. Tla• 0nlarier rare large and the often +ulanlut to :is baby wants nothing but food, pwcqulvitos umeba again nr the 0relarlem. It ad raid But, when not quite well, you taw Atte Dr. John Hall hnd au Ineume of between 155,1100 8600(1, It want to get back to where and yaw, of wlr:odi hlds 0+tle.ry aunt)unleal food IS enough. to otrly IL5,1100, the !)mance being made try) from marriage fees ants The most delicate fo other lucadentalr. Dr. Morgan Dix, e,R Triolty, receives a salary td 4_'5, od no tlWt is known to ) elan, 000 and his poryuirltos amount to efulte a0 much more lir diel Dr. Hall r. b -r-r�r , ` SC01 1 5 EiNUISIOIV N COd Dr. Dix ting also, all t twenty H”- Q( antitank. curatre, nonan o,1 whoa gets Luer Oil. War than 11-',300 yearly. Nat Inas than the Incoese od either lir. Hall When usual fOOd IS a bur• or Dr. Dix, W the Ineuuue of Dr. Greer, rector elf St. Barlholumew'aa C'hurt•h, (lir beri,hw large• den, it feeds you enough to Epiort"d rt rulary, he officiatem at more tambitw- restore your stomach; bah able weddityry than ally other luln- Inter iu Naw York. Dr. Ihrulingt7m. Y the same. tar (kroil e hn•h, pro h-lbr cunni._ third oorh the list of high-prlred wlea- The body-builder is food I iters. Dr. McArthur, -d Camehary Chun•h. Is the brat-pald Baptlat mils- `L ^, 1 the body -restorer is icier In the city, although Ilia ritlar.o t cot eganl t t tame }rile romr-of the F.pallsnol)xl re•lurr. Hlr tsar are Q� ' C p [.Y� Vwr®n V L®11tr'ON large, however. Tile cu,tto n of gkv- tl Ing Wg marriage fres let Increasing �� 011. m r e year, oho t) y it the fee ten ustxe rumpllmpatury it l0 sup)puaed It you hale ret aid u, sera for tree les t Asa P• to be to tine bred•. The recturm also sbtetaetewiaw se� BCOTTA B9WNN t heml*ts, get rich cheynes few tier chrletrning Toronto. __ of the little linea. B) when It to re- sec. ■■A fa _..n drug,g,lab, - membered that handsome rerldences are thrown In with the large• --'--- - - • rhyrrhes to uddltlun to the largo, THE QUEEN LAUGHED, tea arloil, It will be wren that n call ,to, a rich city church Ito not to to, deeplsel. It b u pleamant berth, Hti,l _ Hut Bbe DIQn't Take In LaudsPrr'. tee Incumbent to reaw,oably sure of Yarn. it fur the length of lite natural life. Thr late Qureu enjoyed n g til oWry, and Lnndef-era tine artist, .,(- Latest Itlbbo■ Novelty. ten amused 1l Pr Majesty. The great Hurn you &en tier very Intrmt rib- miler owe told Ule following to h,n r It a known lir the tel Pgraph far Majesty and Ute Prince U(mio,rt; Urged by the doubts tot a eullilma- rlbbon, and to it p+trslug phantasy of lata to put a favorite dug to a rd•v. op,lag. lint nevertheleval, fur till' prem•nt It Is having much vogue. It Pre test, I.ar%trrer bet tai= a 1:, note etaloa In nil ocelors, avid hits the black (when he thereutwwi burlt"l utApr n &"t in Winds r Part lo, premeiwe of dot@ and dasher of the song of the the dog) that whoa the•, Awl tvsllke!i_ wires. In gotta it tr de•ldedly effect- to Virginia Watlw ht, wMahl Pimply Ire, and It Is being much used as a tell the dog to retch It, &1141 tile• dog triniming on light nftersuon and wtould do w,. Hating nortriy usrive/ house frocks. Perhaps it !night tie . . at Virginia Wat,r. LerlthipPr told file Just ns well to get raneoue who bur- dog to "retch it." The aouual li o n.1-• . ,lerstandx to read the myrtle legend tad away an hlw mimmi n, and to a it bourn It tha►e who eta d at the adoirt time returned, but appurt:at_ luunh were of a waggtala turn, there Iy withtwhk. acoomnphhembing the feat for night be nuir'elouo merrrtgee hidden wlilch LaitoLwer hnd baciaml 1t. Thio behind theiw rumple kxAlag decors- th'ubtlng mend was dpligilted alt- tiuum, tel Landmarer moaned the d,og's mouth, and out dropped fire maneresgns. The _. drug had col only found tier n„tc. toot _ had run tilt,. Windsvx and,chnagril �.._ It at titer bank. - me Queeo langfted heartily, the 1 cured a horse badly tors by. a Prince war odlpnt. , pltrhfort with MINAIIDS Ill\1- When Latwkseee wntr,grdag to bed MF,NT . Edward Idnllet. Use Prince's, t•quo-rry arrived with a St. Peter'", C. I1. message.."Hag Royal Higimplim m r��m- I cured a Stora• of the mange with Plimenta, Acid lie itairs Mr i.en,l- NUNARD8 Lt NIM F, NT. easier doe" not think that the Q,ic ,a Christopher !launders. betlpves that ateery about tier ,l.g I)Alltou"Ce. sad etre E5 note." mT rare n se w ewe nC with MIN.IRD'S Li\iMF:\T To Cure a Cold Is One Doi ' . 74KNA" W. Payne. Take U:Nave Bromo Quinine Tablsta. AI Bathurst N. Bl ( I diusitte refund the nonny 1f It tail- a rune, - �. . W. t(rove's signature Y m each Mx. ,, �t W*Q Ililk tfa' °t_:Itsf;lvmr4-+�u.�`�rP"'tl.3*MV trill; Tile fear Freckles. 1 An excellent kreparatlon for torr• Ralsibow Hwiery: *Paling-and-rrrrgviag•--fteeklPw-»tad-- title, niml which will,whlten and g,et,se Thr wmelan who imaglnew that all- the akin. la prep.►rei1 thus: black mot"-kingm arc bier only kind noire honer �. { ouneps Dull in large quantities ahnuld pay n visit t., tele lumiery't iPpartmook I+•1)'rr ..... " ...1 can , , The cn look of t,hc big sas ipd ilei jtectlfied epirlts ....:. ._...1 est e pure citric it drachms if aur) muMa as tf u rnlntxyn► wprP riow .. EwPace lit Amber drops running riot, anti natnr,'s, &prang- 'c'^""' Ilk,• Menem are not mtrre gay Shim the Mix the first two by gee a haat: vivactovas tintm of tier nerw season a Diacolvit true aeld In the up ri a and rtorkiugs into, which the up-tn4late ndd tilt• Posence. When the first ix- Wrl thraet" her pretty little fppt. lure is cold, pot the two Loge mar - Therp err grays, ta,aD and 14mcult. 'arid n itate till min led. Thus Is, a 1 g [ calx r red in nt ♦ IPL♦ r n p - a tea v Rr m re Ir t to e J ez I u render tie heads w br+Wrraf walla tiny fig�rw of- ran- nMl white.-wtplln Rlnart, fn Y:V trnsting color,,. Vnolr•nlahly pretty Lelger Monthly. are gray'w aMl tart" in th• Rembrundt rib, with tiny rnow,bakt In pink, with Minard's I.iniraeut ,-urea Dandruff. th,• foulage in gr"n. These little flowers exteryl to the tx)ut top only, An Intereatirq Wedding. thv tops baling plain. _- A curlotum mnrrlage waw recPatly _ __ _ Minard's Liniment R,-ll,•vrm .NParn1- celeliralPl nt (:rowhulptt, Ip Iblae,l, gin• where a r)wnnnnt at th0 age of fill lel to the altar a maiden of 18 sum - Nes Athiwer. _ mere Among tilt L90 guests Invited to the weddlltR were eleven Dolts of VI'ht•n a little more than an Inde- the brkYgroom by former marriages. coot interval had elapsed atter the thin eldest being 60 years old and the burial of hl" fourth wife, Deacon yogagest 41. Tltere were also sixty- Whitrock called an a certain wa@pl"h them Rrnmishildren, thirty-ldne &plaster of the neighborhood, nod farmt-gran,lehildr-a, twenty-one chil- after referring to the weather, the olmn lir the fonrth ge•srmbon Arid crepe. crossed, unerowad and rt,- four of the fifth. cramped hill lank limbs, nervously, and bWfaa: . _.�. _- i[Ir_1_ Ll_--_ for sale et,•rv-.- " Fr -hack ! Maw Fortysmlgt-pr- w7ftefe.-"------...__-_. - er-pr - F'k)rptta-f-i-er-sh ! - am A rr:RP Tardy, but Discerning. n plain, blunt, mail of few wordm. I • What la tnt•t, lot?" -that U, will you--Pr-share my Int. nr"N , Ttwt, Lunn, IN 04lity to know, rnn'- No:" annppei the lady. "i in Just• alone the wrong thing without welting. for &)mptNNly to tell you you've ,!nnr nn blunt ns yon are, Pven If I nin't ill'-Chleago Iterord. quite nin plain. i was up to the day tt-nn yr�Lerdny, dunk- Iemat, In' at your Mt -and In nip oro{nion y � DROPSY !tie falls now. Wclny :" Treated Free. Minard's Liniment Turps Burns, ale. We hag made dropsy and Its rnmplloatloum a apedelty fur _ Unrled Town Uncovered. Curve wonteew". Stiles[ of lrrhaool Irnl rote: remenretina near Tuvtaowuu and 1o, wars treatment Fall■ Caserta have remnitel in the dl&•ov- Pry (of a luriml town of the early DR. H.H.01tggN'9ncil . Box OA. I lavria„I of the Stomata Re•publi, , a A,TLARTA, which closely rpmembles 1'nmpelI. ___ _ _ _ - ARE VOI, IDLE: BiYr WILLING 1'0 mhye n Stoller• deePmtyh to the Lon- ek) pl•nnnnt and profitable work' doll Dally Mail. The town, which Write rat Once to (k Marshall ! hour tie-rn n fnvorilc rrrort of -flint Tna lmpurtets.-_LoOdon._-pat vrPnI wenithy ilontnne, lmrin an exeP Pn Outfit furnlxhel. stale of pr"AlQvntlnn. __ �___ Investigations have limn eeni mensal In n pahlic Wilding td Ding _ _lex A �N TO Nolhingeon .MpWclyaaer` labor andclothemoti—hda) niflr(nt nrtuPtlr deAlgn. It u nearly OVERWORKED".(R"y""Vaihh,xe'oil' harrb fifty' ywrelw Irmg and len rlrhrd with numerdnrtt Iommund. Pcrfowtly WOMEN Ina•. I" negmulleA for)A" rurosans lr pnintingm nn,l Gr,•Pk wtatuP". The prewpat Indication" A,Nt finesnrmenV.AAabAnlvteb'e,o ribbing, im matin vd. \l'ehimiah the reclis for point to the d1pirmPry of A veritablp arrhaPolyglcal mine of Immrnmr makingisatlrining,--i athomr.al,Nmtherrrllw for makin`` a rmrprt rlmner that elven, mrPe without lifllnr, thenrlainml „Alerand w'en It h. rmtorins aplxwrnwoo. Aln the reripn fnr makinr a Tears, Battled Tears. wall paper rbaner I hat cleans wall paprr par (eptly. We amort nal dlr"lleiea how Io mak•+ A ptty"irian wlilo line rmently re- and van b mall nn rsoelpt of lee each, or Ibe• Ihe" orrw• tirnPrl groan Pproin wnym that the ria- Meea"h %apply Co., wt. Catharines, Ont. tives still believe tfiut human tears -- art, a remedy for eprtaln chrome dla- ono"s. At funeral t RR YOU iDLC OR BUSY, AND WANT "Pry the tyottling of mournern' tears Iw ons of the chief k.1 tobetter )oarselfl Write, In 1oar own hand to Manhall t Co., tart tr•perters, iron era t, Ices r� tali& e PrP n nin Facie of 7 dem bat . OvtfitfurolaheA _ t1 r h nrnPr" 1" iris sed e Pest 1 wet h a epxirtgc wttfi whlo'h to lite (W A reran i•ALg-TAR WORRT OT con. and watts rtsreA wltbovt eau by RaelA And oyee, and ttftnr the burial thpso PerfMt Corn Salve. Mailed fret, for tM1 cent. opongem are prpnpntpd to the prlpgt, Address R. H.!lean M, rM Tonne "t., Teronte wllo egrtrpse" tier tpare Into hoottlq, which hp koMm.--Family Doctor, *art BALK A YALUABLR BI'%IN[yM r ipmroiiPpAt-sty Withprlvabdwellingateech«I and afwbM n14tathemilworf�a tloninatnwn The Proper Bptrlt. in 1Nanitnts); or will RAcHANOR low a re)e d r-Irat lWt,or-1 don't. think It alMn- hoow Is)eer Hamilton preferm) �nl� few hundred dollan cash. Box tel, )utPly risrrwmary to oppratp. tarin, Canada. - RPt It raw -BnL I told them thhat It BRUIT TARP FOR •ALZ- ONR Or Tat■ wns. "Oh, well, gnpn, MI a m&tter oT finest In the Nlaman Peninsula. at Inema le milts tram ii"wmlllon on sum els proha@wlonal eourtePy, 1. of mnreo, 'ran. lilt acre& In all at of wbieh is I■ fruit shall stnnJ by w►tat yon %aid."- Life. Rlv�ideyd I�hlot.nf is to in "ran to ,"it V"' choosers. This V a d*MAa4 hoomm n, AAAI•.+, J,mathaP Uarpaater. 1•. O. belt 40, Wireas -._... --- -_ Oaharia Seth .�d Mouth 25' �R ~ Ino ter LNldrort ltyn0.'sm oo al ways a,da need fx ('hllAren i)eg, ItmoesAo oho ehlm. enttene the frsay eared - eetL+ a" Y tae lanae 100 1, ter Dtarlllsaa ee" sx,;" 4..,x0 _ ..-, ave w4 • wtW "-a 2k." .�� a ,, :) B Rf INTRO' ro+ ¢> ,'� 711, , Dr. Ellis Found in the Stom< OF MR. CHARLES F.oldeuce liegxrdlug lit list. Prisoner, Ilrs. %% the Deveaard's Llfe 1 I,•ut.e `ays It Wits .,Irclde or Accident. pc,•,,utfurd, May 16.-' wl prvbuduary hearing u a Vuiart Mrs. Annie Wit ,Alit, the murder of h /'Igir. %jute, by tilt- a, oar ro,lrou, wait resumed tote Pianos M clatrate 1 %%'tikes, l;. C., appeared k u'ld Mr. L. F. Hey,d. k prim",per. lieveral witue &menet in the early pai tortitom, with a view to relatious that prevailed coasted unit the prislrnt eloort part rho evidence p plum and tandod to lel ,vend %amt n can addle anti riot Inclined to be Tien lane Luken by the C youul to dhow that Mrs ►,might to attest portal tapm the Nie of deeear Mr. W. F. Rios, insut sail that he called at hamuro the life of Mar. % d%fele met bias at the do P,I hills Into the parkin. $arch 1_. Mr. White as tree Inguranoe and olndc lmmt. Mrs, White being -siigbluR DA 1�aaenac ary. ;,fter he could on Mrs told her that the (Lump war not faforable and t not take the risk. Mr wa ccem perfectly satin .oil cru"-esaada&Uun 1 tic,t Ike did slot know v p.,uo refujoed to take t it tvar not becauw: ail i arruu�eunept. Thomson Hostelry, inrul R,ll that Afro. W its I mei tb! morning o! Uar, had nmk,A titan W go mel loop husband's IU,•. TIO•i inatter over for a few h, ex(,faialed to tier that lug out of town and wuu lo,, returned. lie callod , faster un. and Mr. R lett alone. Mr. %claim Lull Ili Whit" had gomne to H,un her moo, Oporga. Ito pro —1, g in n,— 1 to 1 �o�u ll r I8th. about 6.50. lir". -Idm nt the door, and L N'lsite bad )shit corn^ in hetn, the parlor awl naw Lug supper In the ndj olni 11'Idte came in after a apd afloat Us, wtuse Lan rause to the front do,r lase pestles.--T1ea- matter over, anti Mr. Whlto AR time cheapest policy, til naent on the pirp•situme to Lha next pony night. ]Ir. , to Sol over that night tried, and wltneas atelnl hall. 1trms. White wits tis Pd it h r hu"tnnd hail loi,liry. lie replied that \Ira. White nsll: "I dl taunt lin would ilo St.' 1 I,m tl:lL Ir N. White v a lel 1 k wa, h,'nr lir 1 y 1,11,1 the paltry c a len,• n M nftrrwards. The nett , ,.err and showed the I• P, tiitp, and poiketed out ietrre"t Phe hn,l In Per bmrymr•ntm on the ferrminr I'l, time for the firmt not Arrived wi^n the 1?.d. lfrma White left , offien for him to rnll of lam went to the heave c tiny, night before Mr. %% oil c saminAtIQ11 ani,1 tut T11d Ileal &"It tier Inompronce hnd been Mr. Whtie. The long PPemed to troahle Urn. mlNdle of It Mistrst every her•. Slim agrr.'ed to met nary pPanyments, And ht, -teal APllver this'polloy lel menta ware mndr. He ---asnala ho umlo"uwd tkn w•ng trot In the blot. file IMn nt that time. Vn vn fir• llle Salley, awl the i I eromplete. lir. W. A. nolilarnke, i Ifult the B:tnrday whife dl A. Mdse. Whiti• o.lfice, and he told her t hove the Polley n* nrior for It. Sin wanted to I dry, and left word for lit tiro Isume ns soon r f'romrs-pxnminrd Mr. rotated tient Mrs. White ch" wanted thm poley. miped to make It hot 1 sons w 10 were c!rrulnlh the effect that she lin INIM"r mina. )tan• Irvingg. rolertor, Irad poll] vlslts to Mrm. PPvprnt timem, nn$ Mrs hoor M h-ing apphratel --bi" She oleo Ad deo4k rxiwdor tient woul I rare 8114 that hear hnpinrM v her tk•cngw satin tniket it#@ other tv)arrk•rm, Tau flint the toId h^r rmpin, powder, and anid that Slant Mra, whit" womi, 11nPhnnd tray. Mrp. Whlt rollertnr", and haat ne with her nes tri frighten slip wonkl not ggo truck ili. Fluke, M Trirontr, chPtalstry in the Scho *tested that he hall rpt.• her. said to contain t tit, late Charter whit" He had trade an &only lhrfew-Alghthe her a gra ni n p. Tdd• tan h t wou 1 , p goo i t leant t hM nn t t 1 nt ministpral. It "img rpeorpr thio whole of rxtrartal from tho ra et,vmaiph. Hp Ani not the *trychnine fawn t. gl,mmnch, Thrt-ePighth Of Irlryohalna wax no rA'ion death, IMat1t Polnonfng waist ennsr4l I nin, b•dnK Abnrinvl fit Nffmting tilt- now,P*. i Ptryrhnint- frwhnel in 1hAt r&n"M d"nth, ted wa* at14arwhM Into it,e front this@ potooning a frame tee mnlnnt^* I Thp symptevmP wnr" A ""%In#"4 aid a owns& naw" In the armor nnr on the rhowt, pondlnl Ceuaily, there was llr ,.a ,) "' m� N .