The Signal, 1901-5-23, Page 5Wr
Acheson & Son
Carpet Selling Extraordinary.
The lust few weeks hurl' witnessed here the greatest sell-
ing of Carpets and Floor l'i,verings our store ever witnessed.
The range has been from handsome West of England Brussels
carpets down to staple uuiuns and tapestries sold at a few
cents a yard—but always worthy and reliable, no matter how
low the price.
boo yards &tgheh Tapestry Carpet, to a large taupe of patterer and allots. cwt
Able Sr may room. I"•Kalar ryas 60 and 6b'. Special par yd 500
700 yards 36 boob's wide, bevy um, Carpet, perfectly reverslbl, and fast oolurs,
Wear *olefins. end tibiae, pun stock Reaula!y sold at 401, op slat per . sr d,
200 Curtain Poles 1S !riches by 6 feet long in oberry and oak and trammed woods,
oomplets with rings and brackets. ops. tel 280
15 Wool Rugs la new colorings and good wort meat of o,w de' ins, iu s re 3.3,
3�.4 earl 3�z44, yard., 11 per squire yart 50, 50, 1.- 1 750
20 pair. este heavy quality tapestry Curtains, 46 iaohe' wide, 3 yard•. og• wt, b
beavy kootted frlogs top and bottom, lar oblides of grotto, terra and reds. Wrod
value at e3 50. Spwlal per pair. .. 2.75
write -Um argument, lodgment led spit
trom jodsmwte-remaedlog the defer, a,,t
to custody, and the rules of oouri +ppb. ,a4'e
'fb.a follow chapter. de'has with "utu-
hlbitloe," "mandamus," "appeals." and
"orlmloel evidence," and dieeuesing "pr.•
Iuu.uary enquire.., " "summary aonyir
duos," and "juvenile chard.,.." I her., .s
also a synopsis of the offaooe• provided for
by the orlmlral code, with the form of
charge appropriate to puh.
The Index seem. very (templet, . Theis
is also a table of the caw. ort. J nod coo,
inflated up"n. The v'oluwo Wets], a Io
over 500 page', and le well pmol a.�d
Wm Wanted to LAJq the rusty,
Bot • dreadful, snivelling toll prevented
her 'going. what s dtsappointment ! fit.
MOO here ru.•e bed .he only known hna
quick y (', aura. those nasty
oolds. Only oea•e e..ry t � brew he Cetar, .
ozone lot • taw tnumoo,s every hour, rod it
knocks the sold right ou•. Carry a
Catarrh, zoos Inhaler in your pocket ; 1''s
very small — ns« t nonnflinnally and you
won't bsve oo!dr. ne'etrh. is • omen
Hsu treatment that absotu•ely puree sot 1.,
coughs, rebirth, Isom rat's rigid asthma.
Ilse beep ext.enstvely need, ant raver untie
fulled. Quirk relief ; pleasant to ass ; sun
to our. Every dollar outfit guaranteed to
cure, or your moor beck Smell s z. iso.
Druggist.. or N C. Polsue & Co , fC ogetos,
W.Acheson & Son
Mill Wood
Questions of the Day Dis-
' The Earnests's. to Mew eintarte-Tbe kind
Nem to Wake • New reentry -The
Trembles le the Tory rests -Biro -
Use Mores.
still retails* its reputation tar prudent, pro.
&resolve administratloo, and is entitled to
another lime of the public confident'''. It
has distributed the burdeo of taxation more
iquably. 11 has dealt generously with
the publio ger•loes, it bee encouraged
industrial and agricultural expansioo,
it hair plaoed "duoation ebrimat of the
times, it has setablisbed the enooemlon
ilea by which wealth pays • bigger toll to
the community where at was made-lt bee
supplied every bust demand, and, after all
sobetantial surplus, Some misinformed
people protest that Urtario is ro rive
and toot the Dominion iection las' veer
from the aitario Goyerumeot depart meats, the lest Dominion Memo:in the vo.t.• c•s•
's • movement worthy of some attention. 10 0'1' 06R•tu R.Rolet --If Provinoisl boon I
is „owe that the it..8 ke arise bad been In foroe-would have alven
60 L,berals and 44 Conservativ• The D..
thoroughly up to -date to exploittag the rich mfoloo gerrymander, the Ivor k trf the Cot,
dietriot known as New Ontario True aervative Administuitioo •t Ottawa, left
regions, nob as it is lo tuitions/ and timber the Lhervil• of the Provides WWI 36 re.
prerwolativee In the' noose of Com..
tinctures.. is 4,..) a new deld for agrtoni.
mons In addition to the 50 ridings which
lariats, ociatelatog great areas of fertile In the Dominion vote, would h•ye goo;
arable land. 1n fact, there is DO Mama Liberal by Provinotal boundaries. 14 other
why the Gams industry end pereeverano• rtii,nrs wore carried by the Liberals In t.h•
provto3tai election of 1898 Thee In 1898
whtoh hae made old Oat ar.o wards. should
(rot find scope almoat se taros in the node. son 19C0. 64s t h, e 94 tldimite oofr t.tiostbPorro.
Vince wept Litmerai at one time
'eloped lands of the north country. Mr.
petty *obtuse lost the erloo,ion to the
antler Ms wing, sad is orivertising it widely
L._ ______ 6", it Liberate ln 1900 Them schisms do Dot
ji° tut,"p:::rp.0Yro:". •0":""""'numa.47 b.', 10;1.. tint se far as Provincial matter. aro oon•
happy booause they are at work, with tate
and return supporters of the Roe.
wages and *very prospeot of continued ern. (i.„,
The Liberals are ou• for 75
Dloyment. Re Imo projeotini a railway ""
which will not octet tb • Province one mot for Rom. The figure+ are encouraging, end
the r000rd of the R011•Goviernm•ut and the
le mousy and which will aid forth*, to
abdiry of its members wil, help to make Oceanic Aquarium and congress of Living Phenomena -I
The above is cut into stove wood
Length and will he delivered to any
part of the town the Milne day aa
Order. received by teh-phene or
left at residence, 1 28 Cambria street,
will receive prompt atteution.
'Phone 98.
Goderich, November 21st, 1899. 53-3m
home of misuv a want !•u lett at this
()Mee not later thou Stettin toy
cora. The Copy for uhaugcs,
wad be heft not tater than Mou• our& it
day uoou. Causal Advertiseweuts
accepted nu to uoou We.tuttsday of
" A bad workman
quarrels with his
A maker of tricky
shoes, blames the Re-
tailer, for over pricing
them, ,at w�iat they
look Observe the Makers'
responsible price on
I. "The Slater Shoe"
loalyer PRIM" go)
Wm. Slums, Jr. • Sok I,eosl Feat.
is Rheumatism of the (ace
Uric Arid left in the blood a ;
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches from the
eye over the forehead, and
across the cheek to the
side of the rose. The
cause .s the same as in all
F.!. ... natism- disordered
as Ea 1 .dneya The cure
wise the same-
TuvaluAT, Kay i3, 1901., .5
14& h'sMcJ<IM'SRe!d's Old
all ffe '''' ,'
allows perfect freedom, gives long waisted
effect, hraeeful curve on hip. New spring
fashions require them, health demands
them. The B. & (2. corset has a straight
1 new B. & C. straight front are
have a straight back with curved frontiocTh., 6e0c
I front and curved back. The old corsets
_ Ready -to -Wear Hats for aerie at ono -third of PRjruhirprtee.•-e
New itailv•to wear hats for girl* Nothing the matter with them We have t00 Many.
and the price reduced to only about one-third
Ready to -wear hats, erero $1.50 to $2.25 for 75o
All rosily to wear hate up to 11 10 fur .t 50o
Trousers - A lot of our old 90i trouser", for met. to hand at the tame old price, 900.
, I," c t th,usors made ot tweed at 690,50d of tine all wool worsted at WOO aad
$2 60 No better value in the trade at 50c tuure.
1 he man nreared in • suit made at
our irons alway• to Ire trim, as It ls th•
auto.dou every man of taste to look.
A large range of cloths to choose
2vZcKIM. 'A77:1
,F:iraylag POI/does
fisa„,11:111 the Jmilw
If you aro oontemplattog getting •
light overcoat tor rowing wear, give us •
r verve you, Prices rlpht.
West Street
4 .-athod.... when they can kiii both Potato
ht and taiga le on. Operation. Otte Isla.
•,..SPAAMO1V11.5.40 spray Masts* Is
4 4101 SPEASSOTOR drives our a perfect
th.rough y moron. the pleats
6oderich, Thursday, Ma'y 306.
Everything New and Original !
Roman Hippodrome !
30 Cage Menagerie!
Monster Museum !
People the new dIstroto wan desirable
them • reality.
matters. On top of Mr. Cloreue's enter
priers are the eff,rte of pulpwood and water . .
franchise oompanits, who are investing
their capital and helping aloud the Indos•
expansion. Old Ontario will share in
• Reefer Men Me liznimeed. bus Ma a Me.
impelsead by means of th
arm way. wabe eisvenieet market.
• have • Margot aloe, at hood, and It bee -Henry liagoon, el ; his fusee, wade the
hem gradually borne in upon us by the papers. R• sometimes reads the advertise
enthusiasm of men like Mr. Bork• that this wont'.
new land ha. mil as rioh and f•rms ea fair Hie beck Wei sore His urine wee of an
as ever were. turrowed by plough in the unnatural 0010T, and be was slok
elder parts of the Proyinos. What hew Mo. wneo be read an advertosernent of
Oalarlo needs to mak• Ita development Dodd's Kidney Ptlis he wondered if they
symmetrical Is • fermlog community, and It would rellev• him.
is alma this line that the Government now H• had mad• up his mind ',het not/ilex
purposes to work. It has fostered the in• would cure him, but was hopeful tip,
duawlal movement ; it remota, for it to n1114. about whioh he hull read and heerd
foster the agricultural end of it, remembor• much, might perhaps relieve him
rug that It woe aericaltare whIels gave old So he made up his mind to it H• d.d
Ontario • firm base for its fortune. Tots ire, earl wise well twuch lutlwistwi the re
200 land -seekers who !earn Toronto at ih• rod,.
end of this month will 'ace • opt, odid This :s how he pots it
oeuntry. and they will have. adran'age of 'At drid, bad I tail fork. 1
they oan •vour• home•trad• In the di snot. MR. SEA° RR BOOK
They will se, there all I Isrlill• y old
1-14 111 COSI
11..-. -
with your health.
Don't vie Drug* *eel Medicines
of que timiable quality. Get the hest
there is at the mute prices that are
charged tor inferior goods.
At our Drug ore the steek is al-
ways fresh, and each article pure, po-
tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription -Department
has a reputation for promptness and
Ontario sod many gilts of • Lew CatIole • Moak ea Use Moraliser. crewman. reser.
forests with game, aod all naturo weitia Marengo Veil and Empire i
them to bear that ibe Government Gorki, rut .cl biomes „rpm proo•ediug.. „el
of building a railway to that mitotic& shich La moils from cooviotonsa, mod the pro.
shell Lie the property of the Proviooe, c a„ciucc
will under Uoveroment toutrol ea to ,he c„,„. 01 a bOub who,
freight charges. The new ooneiry will im pothond it. "coma.
nevi • fair start, uohampered by the du, Lim a, Tomo.. kb.
advantages of tee older p•rt the Proriomf Charles r, of Oigoode Hall, barrister-
WhO will be attracted by the pom Atli:les of Lim,.
wisely In Ite sot' lemeet regulat lone Timm trestle* no the w and ereitim to orirnmal'
ere lost e'rict enough to keen off I,t-siere matters, with fo s sad instructions at to
ran ne'er do•wells sod to attract moo of prooedure In all o es witton the range of
brews and substation. The Temoictiming ceraysterial math.' ty It is also intended
will be reornitod by fins young yeomen from
old Ontario, who wi I be very wood ottizene
hider& It is in this favored district also
the land armee for the menses ol '66, of
'85, and of tho South African war. Ines*
tnen have proved their sturdiness and emir
age In defense of their tiountry, aod will
contribute • •.gorous leaven to the new
oommunity. The Temisosaling expedition
and it* malts are worth studying. ; -"No free man may be taken or imprison•
red but by tro lawful judgment of his peers
Or ty the law of th• "H•leas Cor.
pas' to English Itw is • writ Issuing out of
one of the superior oourts, addressed to the
Donlon in whom custody another ai detains
ed,and °commanding him to bring his prieon•
or befor• the court, with a statement of the
day cams of his capture and detention.
Tile atoms of the oommon law writ was en
hy • statute passed In 1679, In the
reign of Charles Seoond. Hut that aot only
applies to the oasis of portions Imprisoned on
"oriminal charges." The law on the sub.
jeot was further amended and extended In
1816, by • 'delete passed In the reign of
George Third, and was thereby made ap
phosble to the ow of "any person restrain-
ed of his y " The provistone of this
latter statute were lobs, quietly emoted by
the Ceoadian legialature, end they now
form part of the H•eese Corpus law of the
Pro•loco of Ontario.
"Certiorari" Is a writ homed from a su-
perior marl. to an inferior tribunal, by
whioh the Inferior tribunal is required to
to the superior octet* la order that the su
porter oeurt me? review theism*, by virtu*
of its prerogative authority.
lo criminel matters, the writ of Certiorari
is frequently made use of in atd of Habeas
cliffi mit to do& Thmre are voluminous
oitat,ons 4001 H051 Oh Tuttl ClOad11111 re-
ports, and from *melee In thorns law j tur-
ned. In whit% 'nominal mecum; hay. t5fNe
A writ of habeas carpus ir the eppro-
priate inatrument for enforcing tip. law of
personal liberty. The gr0111 ohattar says
Mr. Matter, who I:at odds with his lied-
er, idr, Whitney, said recently that he di•
fared With Mr. Whitney and supported the
Government on the pulp.wood oonceesioo
bowie it was • good bargain for the Pray.
hlioe H• qualified his statement by Saying
\ that he ws• at one with Mr. Whitney on
\ matters of policy. "but what in Heaven's
Sem. sre the matters of policy!" ti• ar•
IMM that peal°. out • small fig, e the
Iremenlmont of Ontario, and th•t It was
really • question of good busintwe
bent Consequently when Mr. Marter sp-
proves the Dominoes management cd the
hoe Government he approver' the Hoes
Llerernomet. bereum he hal admitted that
businsee management le their whole doty
The attitude of Mr. Muter, perhaps the
to indoor' the shooters ot Ontario to anions
whom business ability odhspole tb• Prat" 01
hoth sides of the Legislature. Under Noah
otronmetaness it would be ladisoreet
make any et,-erimente with Mr. ',Feeney
as hese of tne .dmialabration.
Although Mr. Mailer mays there are no
Dehtlos le Oatarlo matters, TOMO members
of coo I '.onsimmativo party bars bees try's!
port Dominion femme tete Proviernal
Ifflavo. °maid. the explicit differeeme he Corpoe proomdings In chapter 1, the writ
'wows provinotal anti federal jurladlotimit of 'Thrtiorarl," -the pr000dure on April'
hid down In the British North America ostien for the writ -the affidavit. to be
marl In support of mak apt:libations, 1110
th• torlerlictine and powers of the mart op-
en mob applioattoos, and the various
matinee bearing epee the eubjoot, era lined.
ly and nonoteely considered sod all the ra-
ciest anthoritlee delimited. Ghent.. 2 de -
maim the writ of "Raheeo Corms'," -its
nature &ad history --- the mope of the
the chimes various matates tinder which the writ may
hist •••• bb• ether fellows he applied fear -the proowlore aeon sooe
Liberal thweeeselet of Oetasts thereof -the 'eters to be mad. epos snob
It hie always been felt In this Vrovioce
Om rose had the right to Atty. distinct%
°Isnlont Mt the two Oosernmonte.
&legions le the pest hare p her he
so A Liberal Government. It most ba re-
membered, held power In (Milano daring
61w lA years that the Conservatism uses
feet chilies at Ottawa. 16 was 'rely when
Medical Hall.
i.h711oadtr.y4i...t grass rotators
,i„Sie,iniefor Ce., London. Oaf
Muster! Pall par-
Mutual Fire iliSitrance CS.
value sr Property insure' op 40 January.
J. B. McLean, ;tree. ; T. Fraser. vloe•pres. ;
Jae. Connolly, U. bale. W. 6. Broadfoot, J.
V. .0 Jas. Rvass, 3. 0. Grieve, J. Reeo,wsis,
directors; W. (; Broadfort, deefa�th, inspec-
tor of looses ; T. Z. Hays, 8aafortb, secretary.
J. W. Yoo� Holmesville • James Cumming
fagmondville ; A M M TSN(. Seeing!! ; R
Emit6. Ilerlook.
Polioy-holden can pay are.smaots and get
their cards recelpted at Yr. Coati. Clinton. or
at McLean Be,,..' Palace Clothing Store, Gods -
The name Mande for au that lo
reliable la farming machinery.
The "KIng Quality" ladies'
shoe with the "Twin turn sole"
is the ideal of comfort and ap-
Twin Turn soles are just as
Bexible as your finest dress -
shoe soles, but they are twice
as thick.
Invented, patented and con-
trolled/4r_ the makers of "
Quality." Can be got in no
other shoe.
No tacks or threads under
the foot, no squeak—greater
wear, more comfort, handsome
Gold medal, Paris Exposi-
Limited, Toronto.
Oar Agiii.f floiertoh le RE George Price.
intending to purchese anything in our
line should inspect dur goods before
placing their order.
We always carry on heed a full
stock of repairs.
We have the best make of Cream
Separators ou the market.
You can get the most up-te-dftte
Carriage or Buggy made 0an-
114. at a reasonable price f rout us.
Massey -Harris Bicycles—Nre
1901 niodels -elegant mounts. Call
and see them.
Secured at a cost of over $25,000. A Towering Giant among his Fellows.
The very Lord of Beasts. Taller Longtir Weighs More-- Costs more
than any other Elephant ever Capttired Alive or Brought from his
-- Native Jungle{ R.A.J.1LM is ost Zakibitiou at all time& in the
Big Tent. No Extra Charge. One ticket admits to all
the Advertised Shows. Ask yourself the question if
RAJAH is not the Largest Living Creftture
that Trill:Oita God's Created Eurt h.
The Most Marvellous Moneter tit the Mighty ens,
Biggest Born Marine Wonder.
1 Lady tiontermsalt Rider in the World on a
The Girl Wood
A Great Snap,.
is oar Wane- Snap, at 6o. a
pound, of which we sell • barrel a week.
This isn't our only snap. as we terry
every' hing that oan be found In an Imo grocery store, and our prices
are right. The farmers know that they
oan always get from us • sr for their
produce. We draw no
Glassware or potatoes, garden -
oholoeet table China. Wit deal ua
of them.
Re iford block,
is our Kim Quality
for men and women.
They have splendid
reputations behind
them, and they have
the qualities to main-
... tain and increase
their reputations.
every pair guarInteed.
We carry a full line of_
REPAIR, NG neatly done. kNe QUAlii
Sole Agent for King Quality Shoes.
The only Lady }POW
Rider the world hes ever produced. For
ski has no equal.
The World's Highest Diver ; ttuatily ffingillomalf backward from the
est t ever dive( from. ,
high -
Bears, Lynxes, Wild Caltm, (Masi*
Trained .1/agnate. Tigers, Limo, Loops
Ottemounte, Horses. Stallion
-Monire)e end
Grand, Goleen, Mlle -Long Street Parade Every Day at
,PN° We give one away With saoh pound of Pure Cream Baking
purehased from us. 50o a ib. The step -ladder alone is
worth the price.
Try a pacicage of our Hop Tea—not a medicine, but a care.
tally e,'-ieted Indian aml Ceylon Tea blen,led in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops Delicious and healthful.
t1A,o Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
Telephone Vo. 91.
Our own han,l-made Dairy
Tinware made out of your gran,l-
6p-ring Millinery.........
mothers' ol 1 -fashioned hand -dip-
ped block t,in, is the cheapest
and cleanest tinware to buy.
All jo.siM marked in plain
figures ; the smallest child can
get the same bargains am the
older ones as We have only one
prim and is the cheaperit.
No overcharging in the shop.
All the latest and best designs in
trimmed and untrimmed Millinery and
ready to -wear Hata.
Call and inspect before purchasing.
IJ. Worsell
Tb• °heap stereo sad einem* 11111111.
Apprentices Wanted.
Hamilton Street