The Signal, 1901-5-23, Page 44 THURSDAY, May 23, 1901 THF. SIGNAL : GODERIOFI ONTARIO A SUIT THAT FITS 008T8 NO MORE THAN A SUIT That Doesn't Fit and tl "twos to get a Suit that tits is here, where Clothing must OOlfpe np to a bif;L ..lard of excellence to be allowed in stock. Yon will find in our stock of MEN'S, YOUTHS' and BOYS' CLOTH- ING, nice patterns, such as will appeal to the taste of the wort particular. It will be,xreatly to your advantage to buy your Clothing here ; having been so many years associated wig] the tailoring business, 1 am iu a position to give you more reliable goods and tetter fit than you can obtain elsewhere, and our prices have a velvety touch on the puree. Ca'1 and in- spect goods and get prices. The Duke of York is the name of the New Novelty to Ties. They are made in bows, with flow ing ends, and are fastened to the collar with the .new p.ttent Steel Shield. These Ties are having a large sale in the cities and are hound to be very popular this ssaron. We will have them in our -window oo Saturday. We are continually adding to our Stock the latest in Hats. Shirts and eVerything pertaining to Hen's wear. If you want the latest and Best you will find it here. W.. C. 1PRIR1-1A T T Sole Agent for Chrlsty's Hats. Clothier mud glen . Fur -molter. as maple syrup, oe the hsayy brows sakes of beeswax material that are called inapt sugar. We are turned to be oenoludou Diet the exosetliog cheapness of 0ummetotal tugs, u the real mesa ler the groat telling Off L• the flavor of the maple article. UANADA'e UIWWINu'HMC, London Advertiser : Those prophets, who in 1896 wept salt tears, met•phorioally, fur the tate el the fattury operatives It • Loberel Ooverom at were returned to power, must feel pretty stupid these days, whom they uuLe bow the manul.otorse et the oouutry have prospered under the revised tariff and the British pref.reoce. The Wort mfurioatl'+n is that the Montreal Cot Lou Company will build two new uottoo mills at Valleyfield, Que., which will give employment to over 600 bands At Shaw• Rogan Falb, the Canadian M. 1'.'s, who rs- oently tuck • trip to Quebeo oily, found • chrlvlog town of over 6,000 people whore, three years ago, there wee only a spleodtd waterfall and forest trees. This Is indeed Caaad&'s growing ume. Hl'r1C° AT rt'NakALJ. Toronto Star : 11 le • poor mark of re- spect to pay • departed oit.zAta to start oat with • luueral end bock out after driving halt • mile. There is • lot of humbug In Lown. and villages in 000neotlon with funerals—visitors who come to offer *yin• pithy and count the handles oo the ooffio, to obeet the wide and see It she odes real bard or only ball hard, and men who hitch up and drive solemnly with the eai promo ' Ion through the street., where their at- torod.00e may be publicly motel, and thea male . circuit home by the bock streets when the outskirts of the town are reaohed. h is • heartless business, and It would be better If people quit .h.mmiog and went right &bead with their business until their own turn roars. There Is perhaps tot • oleo. in Ontario that does n.tt need to be Aced book to honest ground in Its relation :0 femorals HEGREA f PAN•AMERIC.'IN SHOWS. abut zgnf�ii, at mason =VERY THURSDAY MOMN1i:0 •v. -1c-- ND*RZOa. THURSDAY. MAY ilk 1141 ter of the alleged ' spade gt.ts,' that functionary has trot sept in hi. ,..ignition. 1 His friends say he is made of sterner stud —King Errrann VIL h.e signified his in tension of celebrating his birthday. on May 94th, instead of in the mouth of November. King EDWARD doubtless heard ,of Or. Hoaasy's resolutions in the Canadian House THE 24TH OF MAY of Commons concerning May 24th. Hereafter to he Observed as sus Isdward'. •Irtbday. Luodoo, May 16.—King K1,. s2. 'w►•' was born N •. 9, 1841, bee decided that his birthday shall he oel.brated en Hey 24th at eacb year, thus continuing the bollday os Queen Violon.'s birthday, hitherto ob .*reed by all the pubho deparimeate, sad giving an impetus to the uolosld thevea.t Io observc the date as Empire Dyy SNAP SHOTS. —1 he.ppearauro.1 Ottawa tine wanton` of Sas. BARafrs, M P., didn't discount the hoarse boom of the Chaudiere. —Politica never were quieter in Rest Huron than at the present time. Is it the calm that precedes the 'storm ' —There are a goodly number of Liberal politicians who believe thie would be a good year to pull off the Provincial elections —We beg to uomiltatc the esteemed NICKOLAS FLOOD DAVIN to a place in lrr. dant' nY ATa1IR11-'r8L14ftlet- Of antlquee." ' —Major Jos Bees claims that he is making a greater canvass than has teen. And yet, we cannot see how that can be —The finding of the Senate committee on the Coos investigation isn't very .atiafac- tory to the originators of the investigatory), —The leadership of K L Boating has caused our old friend KcYu, Lt TAYtuI to hide hu khaki whiaker, under a bush.L ear to speak. —W. T. R. Palarroi doesn't wear angel's wings or live on angel's food, blit he will measure np to the standard of anyone who Ms abused him up to date. Binet Toronto heard of the Maitland Rivet Power Co.'s plans at Grelonch that ally has been trying to get an in- dustrial tao.ection with Niagara Falls. —Wonder if OftoNHyATsxltA couldn't give a job to CuAaua Turrea, June Han - OAST and the rest of the boys of the Ohl Brigade who were put out of business in 1896. —When a local resident, a native of the Ould Sod, was told about the attbit oJ River Power Co.'s project, h • said ' Shure, that's what Goderich wane— more power to ito elbow ' —There le a .'rap going on in Toronto as to whether the statue of the Queen to- that rtat of Bir JOHN MAc1MNALn ,hould h..e first place As conal, the Torten are tip- ' posed to the cause of loyalty — Now that Col. tier Hu,HE. has bun..! Mut hatchet with Hie Excellency the Coy - Geo., would it not be a tool act tor U,1 bar. to turn his .word into a pruning hook so far as General lit -Tres is concerned? — Notwithstanding the gibing the Hama - too chief of police has reoeived in the mat • TIiAT SATISFIED EIPRFSSION Las...._ le not eopyr,5ht.vl. ;\ ou may wear 0.. It w fr.e'tn ruler. of l�c Livery WIEEIS We sell or rent them at .esu.nosh le on pprrl1roa Mday ToM•y. w.dnas'1ar. Thnreila . friday or Sat nMay of earl week r .very r.meina e'' -alt on Sandra EMERSON'S N.7 elm and Mamie Hons.. —To listen trot he esteemed Hailand Em- pire berate the pobtieal machine• one would almost be led to believe that there was never a Tory political tneo hint, that flue aflarJNU11AM ix a myth .reit that ALSOK W. Wain/ft ,.. hong business at the old star,! —E. B. Orta denies the report that he is Co be transferred from the Rouse of Com• moos to the Legi.laturc, eo that he might Ice ready to assume the Provincial Tres. surersbip in the coming Nfltrary admint,- tration. Mr. O.LER need not have both- ered himself with a denial The story is too absurd for belief. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. A CACo& Fog BxJ,i1,J1 N1:. Detroit Free Press : When she British taxpayer looks over the budget be mast be g lad that Mr. Chamberlain itn'1 twins. THEY Wena RAM. Toronto Star : Now shat Mrs. Cauls Nat.ob's attorney hu set up the plea of lo• o mit}, in her beh•It, where does Mie Immo those Precipitate social ►eferet,tt. --:l w' 'afro who ismss out pub-:cly and ,ioolared themselves &along lite. admirers! THY WAY To MAKI BC1INg*t, Toronto Star • The rate for long dut•ao. telephone 01015.5.. In Germany 1. 23 oe*M for • three-minute talk, the object belay to encourage and multiply such messages, IN stead of keepioy the prioe 5o high that people would only use the long wires in o&ss of fire, flood. or sudden death. 'ANADA UNDER LINYRALI,.V. - Amherst Press, Cooatryttvs : Now the 4.y of a hotter hope aid o,ofidenoe bas ,Inwood upon Cab.ds. We are put ..Llog Dar own literature, taking tare m.negemeot of oar own m•oul&oturing tutersen', boding, our own capital, keeping most of our young life at home and showing ourselves and the world that we have • bright destiny. MTANDAILD OIL DIVtDINUS. Toronto Sun : The Standard O.! Com- pany bae just declared • gh.rterly dividend of 12 per coot , p•yeble Juno 15. The last quarterly divots:ad was 20 p.r coat , so that he dividsods fur the sax months' ',tide og Ju,. 16 will re•ob 32 per cent., or 64 per sot t,"r mouton As the capital stook of 'he Y• oilard OSI Company is $100 000,000 :he dividends for the current half year will teach $32.000 000. The shoes of the cum p.ny are $100 ea.h, and l,.at weak the once reached $842 per st.re. Long AFTER TIM BOY Kingston Freeman • If . man 6•e . fifty utter bull•pup,l,e will look after it osrefolly and not let it run all over town •1 nigh But f he has • boy it is uiffersnt ; the bov is turned loon .t • tender age, to gar to the bad—and yet people wonder where the members of the army .l beaters, oig.retts nsods and gambler. name from. 'l'hey ars germluet,.1 from the pure seed gathered at home and sown breado.et on toe street and .ileya. The boy ought to be given an equal nano* with Li, uultpop surely. A ()GOD LAW. S r.•10r 1 Re.00n : Ma.s•ohu..tte hes pooled is tow a ntoh will put • damper oar the pestles of shooting live pigeons or other birds for amusement. The enactment says: "Whosoever keeps or uses a live pigeon, fowl or other tiro for the outpost§ of a t.rget, or to be shot at, either for amusement, or as. test of skill in marksmanship, or shoots •t • bird kept or u.ed as aforesaid, or b • party to such .huot,nv, or tote any building, room. field, or premises, or kaew(egly per - mite the use thereof for the, purpose of suoh "hooting, shah he punished by fine not ex needing fifty dollars, or by Imprisonment In jail not exceeding thirty days, or 1 oth snob tine and Imurlsonmsnt." A similar law should be passed in C.o.d.. TH1e CHAP Ilan A SWIM? TIME, Ton. Bowm.tivdle Statesman : Maple sugar has net now the rich maple flavor of our boyhood duos, because the &rtlole sold hors i5 not genuine. thew of us who have plodded through the sums beth and know how the orodaot of the maple was m&nufactsr.d In to the tonth.otne syrup, taffy and sugar know wh.t the real Colon pure Is. The boys and girls of t his age .round here know nothing about the fun ata "sugaring nil" o - the old fashioned "taffy -pull" to the sugar. bush, and the await lips we coed to smack enllhe way home with the "neighbor" lassies. 2Vs fancy the auraem,king foulness meat be rather • tame affair when robbed of the sentiment and fun we enjoyed to connec- tion with the old sugar -bush .t home molts A6(rT MAn.g art, AR l'etrelea 'Pepto : Our aerlooltor.I editor vt owls time studied farming/ In Iho bosky wild. of Wes:min•ter township, where the hard maple is • frequent addltisa to the woody slorist of the (sentry side, and In the oourow of his studies naturally learned how to bow. • tree, drive In . spite. and in dne time drink lore* quantities of no and heal the b&lanoe to the plane where th• thrifty hnneew(f. mid •large e•aIdrne re dues/ th• sup to the proper oonslseeoy. it eras not then customary In flare, Me protiums with 1..d lay's. burned pork Of any fnrelgn material at .11, yet the +veep had a fell maple flavor very pleleg to the palate sod in marked ,lushest to the medals of eem.n.roe that owns at 30 owls • gears et Met'ess5lese twlealeal Delleetlea OU Barak. A einous wou'd not be immolate without • menagerie, and no one knew this beget them the manam loungers of The Grath Pm - Am, dean Shows when they spent about a million dollars, depleting the jungles and formai of five 000tlnents for bets rare and fereelous, strange •od beautiful, to people their vet menagerie, vs bleb is moaneeted wit heir moos ter three -,bag circus and fro mat hippodrome. Will be seen at Mode• rich a Thursday, May 30. Cage upon nayn and roost of them, filled with every straw • and awful beret known to the zooerapber, Chief among the amphibious, carat. aous,bl horned,spllt-hoofed mammals is 11• i terrible boy•lepus. There areer elephant*, oamels, dromedaries, de, bean, nowt, tigers, leopard,, grizzlies, serpent., rept! e, and, In • word, birds and beasts of eye, kind. There is also, In • very at- tract,, s part of the menagerie, the cutest htlle baby hippopotamus Imaginable, and four I, tie baby hone ; and lm the unique de- partm.ol, amides many marvels—too many mpint N nae to detall—a ant camel, the tallest aolme alive. Rajah, the giant elephant, the bigreat brute that walk* the earth, the very lord of bets ; taller and weighs more than any elephant ever oaptured. Exeter : John Allmon has finish. '•d the tree planting around the new part of the cemetery, also filling la the gape In the old p.rt of the grenade with young treas. la all 134 'pram wee woes pleated $5,000 Reward! IF NOT TRUE. An advertisement may in- duce a person to try an article a FIRST time. Rut an advertisement won't induce a person to use - that arliele a SECOND time unlash it gives satis- faction. Sunlight Soap has a vale larger than the coml.in,•;1 s:/r, of any otb,•r three soaps. 1n advertisement may in- duce people tritry SUN- Lica-1T UN- LiGr T 8OAP But it IN guallty and usual- Ity stars. that makes peoyle use SUNLIGHT SOAP continuously and always. LEVER BROTHERS UMiy1D. lama Manufacturer', TORONTO. t PROSPECTUS Speciak ' SPecial Bargains . # OF FHE Maitland River Power Co'y, (Limited) Goderich, Ont. CAPITAL STOCK $200,000 BOAR() O/ O/REOTOR8 , JAMES CLARK, Manager of the Dominion Fish Co. GEORGE ACHESON, Director of the Goderich Engine Co. JAMES AJ McINTOBH, Secy-Treas. of Goderich Lumber Co. D. MOGILLTCUDDY, Proprietor of The Goderich Signal. JOHN X. JOHNSTON, Director of Chatham Gas Co. IANKERS THE BANK OF MONTREAL. The flaitland River Power Company (Limited) invites applications for the purchase of $100,000 worth of stock in shares of $100 Bach. The Company proposes to supply electric energy for the waterworks and lighting of the Towu of Goderich, from the River Maitland and its tributaries, and has a contract with the Corporation of the Towu of G(xdorieh guaranteeing not less than 86,000 per annum for 200 horse -power or under, for a period of ten'years. - The Company has also made contracts with the leading industries of the town, which will create a demand for about 200 additional horse power at au annual rental . ' $30 per horse -power, thus assuring an additional income $6,000 per annum. , , The Company also holds an option on the electric light plant ill an adjacent town, which, in the event of' its being taken over, would increase the annual returns by from $4,000 to $8,000. The Cost of Construction and plant, and the acquiring of necessary property, has been placed by the engineer at $120,000, and the earning power of he plant, when in full operation, will exceed 830,000 per and m. The Stock will be cumulative, and:raw interest t the rate of S per cent. per annum. The Opening at the Stock List to atepublic is in accordance with the desire of the Town Council of Goderich, that the shares of the Company should be open to the public for purchase, and not be taken up exclusively a few capitalists. . Payments on Stock :-20 per cent. to be I a' on notice of allotment, and three additional payments of 20 per cent: to be made in two, four and six months, respectively, from date of allotment. It is the' intention of the Company not to fall for more than 80 per cent. per share. Applications for shares and other particulars may bead - dressed to -the' Secretary, at , W Gest-'at, oderieh. JOHN E. JOHNSTON, Goderich, May 14th, 1901. Secy-Treas. THE 111E Sr Empress auE Spring is here. You will be re- quiring a pair uf.... BOOTS OR woes.,, M E N THE Slater.... Our stock is about com- plete with the latest fashions ifl Footwear that will be sold at as close prices as is consistent with quality. Remember you have no duty to pay on the Shoes as they are made by Cana- dian workmen and are equal to the best American goods made. Wm. Sharman, jr. 2tmmt111t1ttttttttttna1l1it11::t!:: 1111tttttttt11111tttttttttttttr2 .• - AP— Oa- 4110-▪ - ea - 40— r► db- no— No- ea— MO— Get Acquainted will, dor line of Bicycles. It's worth your while and the a('tlliaitltanco will Nave con money. GODER/CH, CRESCENT, HYSLOP, TRIBUNE, RA CYCLE. The larco't .how of Iticyrles over neon in l)odorich. All fully guaranteed. Out -line for 1901 gives you a generous choice of styles and prices. They combine all the latest features. Dunlop, (i. & J., M. & W., Samson, Goodrich Tires. Wo oleo have a number of second hand wheels at bargain.. Repairs exoc it.Nl carefully and promptly by a first-class repair man. W. have hewn .el!ing bicycle" ever since a bicycle wee a bicycle and are known as reliable eal dorm . Telephone 92. GEO. W. THOMSON & SON a a a 120 yards of American Dress Muslins at - 5 cents. FAST COLU)th 180 yards of American Dress Pluslins at - - 8 cents, FAST I'OLORi. 150 yards of American Dress Muslins at - 10 cents. FAST' COLORS. 160 yards of Printed Piques, fast colors - 10 cents. 1320 yards of Print, warranted Last color, regular price IOc. - - - for 8 cents. 1260 yards of Print, warranted fast color, regular price 12c. - - - for 10 cents, These Goods ll* all this season's mike, and at sale prices, Extra Value. They are Less th : Wholesale Prices. Colne and see thwhether you want to buy or not. JH.CO BORNE TERMS CA'H OR PRODUCT PHONE 86. SOMETHING INTEKE'TING ABOUT TOIL OAPS : It is said that . nation's civilization may Its measured by its consumption of soap, and t1a refinement by Lhe quality thereof. We are now showing a fine rtment of Dainty Frenc Soaps made from the purest ingredients in the most thorough ad- 1 THIS and nd no exquisitely perfumed as can only be done in that'° land of flowers, " 10 Belle France " This beautiful line of Soaps in Violet, White Rose, Jockey Club. Peau Ir•Eepegne and other popular odors we sell at IOc. each, or 25c. a box, epos' to the high•prnasl Soape sold at 15 to 25 menta a cake. A Wonderful Snap is our Ortmeal Sap. A line large cake, equal to any 10.' Oatmeal Soap to the market, at 3 for 10c. Don t moue [ins opportunity. GUARANTEES THE QUALITY. B EXPLAINS THE EATEBT SOAP N YOU EVER AW. W. C. 600DE, The Chemist, Bedford Block. climax Furniturewmbes Furniture Ponds. swarm* ad mar asaalaeslt$oss.•, Don't,Forget..: that we are Headquarters for i Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Poultry Netting, Barb Wire, Black Wire, Barb Wire Staples, Thorold Cement, Portland Cement, Nails, and all Builders' Supplies. Sole Agents for the Celebrated herein = Williams Paints. N. D. ROUGVIE, . . Goderich. . . s PAINTS, OILS and VARNISHES, READY 11IXED PAINTS, STOVES and5TiNWARE, TILE and IRON PIP E. Plumbing and furnaces a specialty. We sell the Goderich Bicycle for $35.00, less 10 per cent. for spot cash If you are looking for ...TRASB.. do not come to LEE & SHEPBARD'S. We carry nothing but the newest and most up-to-date stock of LEE & ShEPhARD. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR McLEOD'S : SYSTEM : RE OVATORI A Wonderful Tonic a.,.: Remedy for WEAK and 'APURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLE.;. Man )factored by J. M MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. WALL PAPER -,; Gilt Embossed, Cents Red, Blue, Green, 12 Roll. The Wail Paper Snaps we advertised last week are beings Picked 613rapidly. No such bargain as 18 inch Gilt Embossed Border at lit dents • yyardG was ever offered in oderieh before'. Wo can show you all the latest American or Canadian Papers nee in the city. Wo guarantee tit. quantity you require if yon bring us the measurements of your room Wo will toll you what it will crest. American, Paper. fie. to 500 s re' 1 ea Tea weld KIDD'S BOOK bTORE. MaiL.Vy,�' tiff.