HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-23, Page 211
The Signai
OT11tY 1111.1116100411' MORNIN0
RSDA Y, M Y 211, 19411
W AY DI V 111)EN
‘t. the half 3 early meeting of the
Greene Trunk Railway In Lemke', Sir
Cherie', Rivers Wilwm, President,
Mated that the gress receipts were
a little Imo+ than in 1900. an I the ek-
'tenses lo011114.14 hat greater. Nine-
teen lien•Ired had the largeet Kress
receipt.' in the esimpatt3's hintory.
end the leiee of materiel was elle
eau 4. of ite•reneed The
eleareholdere tonsidereil the results
eatisfactory, and the repert war
atioptel without opposition. Fixed
eletrgee. bond intermit, and a del -
+lend firwt preference in full, and
two per cent. 1011 eccone preference
Mock, has beets whIA4 sleoes
that the. cempan,y grndually ereep•
leg up to better results. While
the Peed lent said he was unable to
pay nue-tiling definite as to the dis-
tant future, he belie% co that there Is
it future brighter than tiny the
Urani Trunk halt expecte:1.141 in any
period in elm p st.
After th fusion eith the ilreat
We 'torn tennedi it • ly pre.e.
•the opening o the competing lines
between Moutrei and Toronto, the
shareholders Mei di 'demi"' on all pre-
ference stock. whieh via never been
the cane eince. The rogress Can
/1.1a 11:11I made In the la few ,%ears
indleater an era of proem ity iin.1
.ktvelolittunt. that will at tr. et view-
comerte to the lemedecei. au this
et Ill Inereast• railway traffic. end
partieularly panesenger travel, t r
Its.a 1 business of Ontario and (411/.1..•
44 III 1141 greater.' rail the stiareheill-
ein of even the ordinary mock may
uot think it hopeless to look for a
eilidenti in the rrtw/te futtire. If
Manitoba had Mood still. the Unita -
/Ilan Pacific would not he ',flying
five per cent. on the eceuneei educe
end earning much more.
The revelation of Montreal is es.'
thented at 400.000. which shows a
'weenie growth. and Quebec., which
ive lisCe beard dew:riled as a -grit% e
yard," allowing remark:sir:4. 4.11
ergy, no that the metrepolim leek
ing jealmiely at her 84 n preepectIve
real. What iS regoireil to make
the erand Trunk a es/lying ienweri,
to all who have inrentel In it, some
hely year's ago, sonIe Withont re-
turn since, is more population in
Canada. particularly in Ontarioatel
I he weet. The shareholders Id the
company, of vritom 1 ilf`TO, tire
tens of thomands. car! lost promote
their Interente by (bromine:: geed
I ensatrante from iieeat Retain
-t attain. It does not matter
they go in the weal, as the •111.11
tion tft one Proiinee will Irelp I In'
Through On a rie and Quebec .
e the roete to the neabonel, reel that
I ;
le the directien the principal WI.. is
traffic Dikes. Tbe preportion of
poet weralmisrel freight it three
O. one of the former. Tlit. Only w.ty
le, equalize thie in by increasing the
population of (enterer and t114.1C1,41
Prn PrOrinrIt/.. 30.1 neat) return
freight e g.ssIll Whiell will lie re
'mired ler use wear an I consump-
tion. In thie W(47 emisey weeedested
earn will be partly and ear -
Here benefited and rhartilioldern
reap accordingly. Sir River', Wilem
le an eminent financier and at the
head of the Grand Trunk he ean
render valuable pervice to. Cateula
and lain railwny ening his infle-
ence in the dIreetion 111ve' indi-
- - - - -
LEAD 1101'74 1 V.
We are net ecterably inipressel
elth the pre:porial of Wt. 110011Aillielt
Government to tiny a 1.44:iiis to 1 11
1'41111'11V the refining of lead, tl igh
we are aware Hutt it will le.
Inr In the mining dintricts, 11 rel emeriti.
the large flame of inveeters 1111111n g
rempaniew. Induietrien which. like
the proverbial tub, fit 1 11,1 upon Heir
own bottoms. are greetly to b. pre.
ferret] bec-nepe it in a theitinct hard
w hip that selfecteetninerm 111,0111/1 118 VP
to help carry Heir weaker brethren
111 the lead.bennty wheme, the Ann
ger that hew given the reentry a
fright In ennneetkni with the tree
imuntles hew 1) -en generic.] sterile-mt.
Nobody worried about tie. iron been -
Oen while the output wan !mode -X
couple of hundred thousand duller..
could 1113 meetly eporiel from the coan
try's large nnnual revenues. nut
when the big /Sydney and Hetet tite
MarLe erhemen for Iron anti Meet
1111 Kinn; We're- 'Titinfricn-lrfhT-Tr-tt'
seen thnt the Leen hotlines might
✓ un away with millions of publi,
money, the harmiemmesa tle. my»
tem wee not quite no nppnrent.
With regnra to lend. the bounty is
- heated to IP 100.000 in ney one year.
n ud the busentbe are to be peel at
deellning nettle until 1906, when
they cease. Thnt 1.4, they will Crone
unless there happenn to be n 'drone
lobby and a chmplaiAnnt Parliament
to effect their renewal or extension.
Like Barad'', baby, in "MidehIpman
Famy,"' the lead *minty In only n
little one, NIS we rntber 'OA the
twat had neYer been born.
Oredt Britaluer expenditure IA n
large one. bet France In striving to
set a atilt faster price. Iller budget
kw the rurrent 3 enr In 3,600,1100,13)14
(3730,000,0000, need it is reverteet I hat
next yonnr's will be ee,600,1X10 great -
•r. Of this the public stela abworbe
62:61,000.0(k), and the Army and
Nav,v, 11206,000,01k)
that Robillt dent is bad for if tine
totes, it will be Mealtelm tient will
suffer. Mhe mnde her tied nod shoed
be aliewed to lls upoa It.
11 V. CANNOT VOHIller.
Nicholaa Flool lint% ill 111311 no rele
sou to love Hun. Clifford Sifton. who
organised the 1.iberal foresees In the
N orthu•eet for the hot eleetioe.
drove 111aiU1 fr ta• flo se of the
114iume to the l'rers tlailery. Neter
ally, Datin waned to get back at
eifton. and tine Is siouple of his
idyl!. 44 'Wing it. in the Toronto
sir Laurier, who saw that
t lie tea er nment (vele no: preset.% 4.
diecreet eiltsuee Roy longer. threet-
rat Ste. Siftmei to rho • and take the
▪ mpiewibility 011 111111401f , the aiiii•
Wier .4 the Interior heetime a mark.
rontended the hill wad only ;tit
enabling bill. that tie. Gtoernineut
dhl not make its •If resissesitee Ily
itassing it all of %vital' ia surely
transparent. In sp,a.king of the bill
lo• mail.. it Clear he WaS 844 .1...ek-
ing for the leo er t. Is riot this
iereat neumense? nil the lite erre
tie'llt It Itil /III 01 v1.11'11.11111111: 111/1,;01 I iy.
Ile actually Amid that if le. were
th • Local Legislature he would hese
. Teemed t men mai.. and yet lie
ss ill sot.. for It here! T1114 one ev•
....Cy a rolf. tantalite to Siftoa. Look
at face. It im 11411 11 fai'.. It is a
mask with a Mail behind it. 'Cheri. is
a corking fielnetto rim.; 1 11 his inice.
Th.. great tliteg for Sifton hack•
geound-that dreary-ovaial. of years
sill. tile 011). bright spot of the Hon.
'rein %Mite's energeti- achninixtration
-.ignited that backge I lie 111141W14
L.110k111g• nt 111 YlIkr1/1 1011111illi.4-
tratIAIII, and at tlet• extent te which
liasi introduced the principle of
spells into (.6 erything. 11). is pee
haps the inost diangerous man who
Mei held effice in Canada ; hut 1111111.
VirIng him with his pesieceseirs. the
.‘arliesit of whom did ao noteli e%11
that le took n 'loose years of flglit•
leg in Parlinment to undo it ; .ceern.
rimg him nith a man like Dewiltiey.
It'. tilitors well.
Mr. 1141%in may hare been taught
be 111,4 mirror that a face i4 not a
fa,» 11111,1s it e5tettis from the tip
tho chin to the lock of the neek.
therefere we Will make tie remark
mem his criticism of Mr. Siftoiee
imemeral appearance. Put %%het On the
Terl-e think about the, ibtvin state.
(twilit 4)f their ma na gement of the
iterior Department ? .te "tire:ire
• te of years,' he C.all I it. air John
Slat. oneld was Nlininter of th • In
eerier from 187a to 185.1. and we
recall t it lie Polinittetl, when laying
the repor of the Department opal
tie. Intel o the Home. that he hail
not himself r 1.1 it, but We .111 not
th.rik 13arin WO I/I throw stows nt
eir .14,11.1. even th ugh the reel chief -
1:1211 Hwy have tho glit Dewilney a
better man than IPas' 1. Nick i; get-
tirig t•, le• ZI 11.0•11 1111111 ri. •
11.1N 1 ItAltelE 11E% I 'ING.
1 Voe long' will it teke earlith %hetet
re reeoser from the effector 0 the
eel.: Net hnig. • The oont le
Stir tee were rielier row tar. afte
1trati tire., had been before 11031.
.1 C.1 Ill IS already showing' signs
recteme.ation. tipite of ail the
epeniards did ileepoil the Oil irel
11 fere the United stateof took a
leirel in the fray. TIIr Journal of
Ceminere. porno; oul that agrietia-
t era relhee weekly frem t ra s -
e ri of 1.nr. The !Mil le not de -
p. roy isl t he a ()tole tray necemsiir
aeopiwttereaner-fet -41ttibtingii-441143 repbte-
4..1 more en.411,6 t 1M11 41.1.81A lor4.3lltifl 18 -
lir 'rifler the del:oft:Ilion, and
the grortrel ie tpt to ir,0 refreshed
a sesisenniee of realisation. and
reeperel to inibierquilit wile
ila•reaffed protection: In hie 8.1 -
before tile Areetemy of Pelitical
and Satin! Selene.. 141 Philadelphia,
11r Charlie, M. Peister, 111•wsiciisq•
0.1.respOlident Who hail /41`rn a west
of Cuba in tie% 'met eilix years,
K il•I he was surpriored "Ulla 101,l'oil
to 114.0. 4'31.1%1 Whers. evidences ed re-
enter.' lion." The plantera appear...1
t hy the war few of
them 11.141 1111•311..„I• 11) replant their
hurried era:item. Dia the ingeir ere.
this -veer is the largoet ite mix yearm.
Viso threw opt sacks of sugar 1111 VC!
kilt II •Pll reeeived in New Yerk _from
11•1 111'14, the first sugar cargo eser
-Hhiplied freer, that port. The United
• rititipany haft cotliblisiard a
milt there. and here:titer It is expect-
ed Hint Saner, will hi an importaat
purt. Mr. Pepper
Heel that balikern and railway men-
azera were surprined at the anateint
,,r etigiir plantirig; they did not know
os. it wan 41,030, bet the farlie•rs
ma tarred it Ponehow. Mr. Pepper
rimegnized thin an tt VIndiCiltiqn of
the Ciarrne from rho charge 44 tro-
'Merl lethargy, aria he predict's! that
they %voile! learn to wet. mere to
eat, hirger and better eabliis to 115 1'
In, more kitehen utensils thati ',In-
gle pet, and some extenelon of their
v a Heine.
1 11F. ArTAt'll ON IK113%%',%11 I) VII.
The seizure of William OPrien's
pnper for a wurriletis nttack on the
pewee. c,1 King Edward is new very
et 1,103 disclosed, nee there are not
erg Menem -wee Wry -44/te-prwreast-
lug %I 11.4 Iligh-han,lect, there being n
rewriter women,. 44 law which 1411011111
hasp locen bahrwerl. Itight or wrolle.
tweeter. the divp 'mitten Great
Britian nppenrs to be to approve the
and Rummers metisod follow-
ed. It le the gentiral levee...den that
the coaree elander wan intended to
lead te ' martyrdom" long -
!tenet nemt, during which the tide 44
nbune might flow unchecked. Few
Can/Winne know how often bite gut-
ter journaln the United Staten in-
,InIge In just merle lerutalitles an
O'Brien'', peeper reported brt anti for
which it wan melted. Part of the
*Teed wan en follows.
"Ikotlit tipen kneen before an
eel end haid-headed roue -lover of
evere woman et felt featuren wile
nppenred In leng11.411 society for,
ferty yearn, Mcluding titled demote
ant en yet untitled actressea- the
gentleman perjurer of a
historic 'thereon earls the polluted
hero of one Of tile 111014 Inaladorolis
e erier In 7.4ebee rotten 'Nana,' the
(entre of it Wore of the moat din-
grneeful wandale of the mont eon-
temptIle* type, down In front of thin
Eng.Inh king. whose latest meek. pc•r-
formaner, wax to rationalise on his
n olemn meth the Cntholie
week] n• pepereitit leen Idolaters,
knelt the Enlist -born cardinal,
prime of the rhumb. with a duce -
went that might hate been preeent
te. a !Alive*, in a 141/Utherll plants
tion fifty 3eitre ago, ben nut by al
Uncle Tout poor but euntented, of
lbw Mt Beecher Stowe's great +store
whe week' hate worn les black eke
coripped eff. ley inlet. rather
than put libe mark to a. document
thitt signed heel prevented b,y
Cardinal Vaughan and the Duke of
Norfolk on Ills solemn oath. We ett
11.1.11e3e lie attached the folight
est weletunity to the perforenamee.
'But the fact remaine. tale old an!
destmeetaut of a ream of
ere lllll dream find pratstical prof error.; ef
itidoeus inmerrality asset erated that
11.011t.i..1 tie- sacred doetrines of the
Catlitill: faith were 1.14.11itrone 1.0.
muperetitious. Ile liar not vet re -
...tribal. Ile hoof not mad is word to
ineicitte that ise did not thoroughly
.iie • the termil of the ontl
framed in the .110 11 of Titus. Thi
oath of II perjurer ha no "ewe %lie than
Hest, of Hee reigning king. but ol
bentled kneed the prince of the t•Iturel
knelt before this unutterably about
Inable person. Let te. temeole our
eelveti with the fatO that the pre
were. English tettleee•s,
ere repudiated."
emit language is Most unjustifia
ble. and from blackguardly roomette
of this haracter the rovereIgn ham
ri right to he protected. If wrong
Id 11 belinked kind Ilan been done 111
ninumarlly corking up O'Brien'e %lain
of 4418140, 11. Way 141011111 proylded
for equally expeditious work with-
out, teelininst wrsing; le the future.
The way to amash "the maehine"
is to vete against it. no matter in -
what disguise It comer -Writ and
But yfer weuld not (Ur% 4.` till' people
vote agninet the Tory of
1....irer. Orgallita ion Ls il only u heir
peopl.•-orgaliit • agnillett Tory rule
ItIrpsr's Weekly cartoons tie. Wall
street I-item/1413i precenting a
huge wetting bear annot with a pair
of thearm wintemplattng 11 Komi o leg
flock 4.1 tunes Nent throegh
ete- line remarking significant IN
that they leave treat -getting • toe
Roberti; dorm not iwopose to make
113, important change/. in the train-
ing 44 the Britieh seldiern. Roberta
id Ili a better prettify to judgeed
the ,requirenientie of the age in mil-
tary matters thwn we are, but n t
Ili:5 distatiCe it would appear that
the experience a the lent year niesa-s
nerd for mono. changer. in methods.
The (bell and senart appearanee arr.
all swell ettestgli -fer pence tencei, het
iii war the man who, can move meek-
ly. shelter hairnet( readily and sheet
straight, is the one who needed.
Sfr.. Max .6-tierartz. of New Yerk,
raising a row Over a pair of sere,-
((weep-% The Matter ef their
intri ie0erest direm not werry
r;t1.1.er 11, eirrio.e0tances tinder whi,•,.
ti,ey ear into his pessemster. Ile
hook his 1. her t.. N leirk he. -
peal. ivItere 1- wire " sitcre.otftilly
,,peri tuff on. 113 ng ;after few Aloe
kit exn mina , les parent's Is..iy
3118, lose)! t he WIII .•••Isi11.114 (if the
f`wrp110:-ITtfr71-1mrt e11-frefto-rhterfra
he ever:item, haiing 4,11 drepp sl
int. the subject's abate' al en r 11
forgotten 1.10, eXci intuit or
tho h,oar. Yonne; felawarte "pee',
thiit they wry have vont riblit, I t
the disromfort of trim ',ornate an. •lie
is) naturally* very angry alkyUt it
Hen. Mr. Fielding* wheelie the
r...taldislintent of a mint at Ottawa
ha* breta railormeil by both Pide.4
the Honor of Commune Besiden Winn-
factilrieg Silier and .ellpper 1•01110.
till, Mint will make Canadian gold
eoing of the denomlnatione of $10,
and $2.:50. and in ite metre titne
will turn out British sovereign++.
There will be no effert to force
wed into circulation in plare ,.1
isank hide end Dominion teeter, and
unclertakitig on the part cif tile
flovernMent to furnieth n market
for the pr.whiet of the Canton/la
gold and Fairer 111/111r/4. It Ix exported
that the honks wIll IlMe Canadian.
instead of foreigli gold. ler their re -
tart ex. Alr. Macioce.. suggested the
coinage id *Silver (baleen. Ina we do
1.1.1 think they W4/111.1 be preferred
to the itt b11114, which are far more
reervenient te carry about, theugh
their popelarey would melouldedly
Ise enhaneed if they were a little
The commerrial reports ngree 'that
Ow prier of Canadian wool is merle
to bo very tow Me year. The repine -
/Won sevens te. be that other Colin --
trim nrr now prexliscing the mime
kin I of Wool that Canada haw been
noted fer. Aes beyer pute it, '•24
nsorked teenier" has romp ewer the
woe trade In Altair/din, Argentina
all In Montntin and other territoriel
nectiens where large numbers of
relieve were rater! primarily for the
leAer Fla 'tire& 'ttt
y ridding fine wool were grown. tho
mutton le4rne a remen.lary weridder-
anon. Now the sheep are raired for
mutton export, whieli lila been Stint -
ti t 431 by the refrigeratiir traole, and
Het word iw tenwitetertet ne n wen of
bye -product. The sheep raised for
'mitten export trade are howls, being
crossbreds, nod the wool In (entree.
Thum the wool Known In the cone -
tries, mentioned IA now entering more
directly into competition with Can-
adian aortn, And our wool Is feeling
the effecter of the change the att-
ention:* While there la hnr.lphip In
the eituatIon, there is .nn offset. The
chenperem of wool In Canada Is like
nn nelintional protection to the manu-
facturre of vrooleas
'The Can/Winn Clovernment lins de-
villed to look lett, the printing paper
combintition, which leie been rebbing
the mewls:It •r publishers 5% Ith I lie 111.1
ttl the 25 per emit. rundown deity. Mr.
hinter' Tnscherente 44 Montreal, will
eonduet the Inteatigatlen, bees peer
noir Import• of printing primer were
worth 411 RI 3 15, upon' 651vIeli $18,1 17
eufe sew eolleetel. We exported
wool pulp to Mr, N/11111•• Ilf pee 16,01n.
11 our manufnet had nut had
'Newt" a aloft reap In the hem
notrket, belling their paper t
the domestic Cl14161111114r for 2
Pee event. more than the prl
In other countries, they would len%
made moire wiper in Canada fer rale
in the Britlaar anti foreign uutrkets
for by univerral velment 11,, other
toontry Ita• seek it Newly cd the New
material aes Canada, end no country
lure better freeliel et for mantifactur-
Mg both the pee, Ittel the paper. The
upshot of this inteetegatient ought tAl
bin that paper will b• t.letaper 1:1
canathe and a great deal more of It
it'll he produced here, both for home
and for foreign cenetimptIon.
California Suigeons Cut it
Out ind Left Cavity. .1,,
Tit:nett:cr. of Saute Aua. tilt t7..elitie.rirtirt..)
moral cof what wile left ore dieeuseti
undergoing an op. ration for the re -
h It too salt, of being alive after
&tato Ana. Cale May
Taylor is tvrenty-six .yearro 4.1 1.
About four "erre ago he ovena. 10 11111
4..encluelon thitt he had coneemptlet:
an I committed a Leal p`iy-siteue, itte.
trierted lam in the regular way for a
on• for tuberculoces the•
La ter the p113,4 ei .n heel' centleeed
that Tilly101•41i1114 1311•4 affected witl
hy cyete, an I change! the treat
Recently it was
h t., VII to rent I, 1111. a fee t Mae.
Tayleree physician has tlei lased it
woe) method of He:owing the pleur-
al easily while Hi.. poem -el of heal-
er:: ie going ..n. Ills a Mei en t is
rubber tub. ith car, el 1111 13/.•
1107C1' six St•st•!1 teng, et.
taelirel to fin order:fry fericifieirt
eater bag. dust /rimer. Teylor
e mot on the right side je a ,xtifeeu
ized rubber t Woe. which mark.; t
centre of a toils or nestle, and then
term+ on the water, which contains
a diehrfeetant.
After turning the teazle around
set era! times. 34 1 /IN lo thorinIghlY
irrigate the I:11 ity. it la veitildrawn.
T111•11 Taylor gather, liiirr.elf up and
cough* end there testify.; from him
:Ode a column ef water like a min-
iature geyser.
Mr. N. Rice earl: "I Ite4peol 1.1
perform he first -..eratii'm Cie
(.11 Sr of Perry Teyii.r.- Ile was r,
bled first with pleuritic eyete eix
years ngo. exceeded tIlri••••
y1.1114.4 Inter /1110W11.1 Ilia treert
place)! to the loft, the right cheet
eavity fillfel with air mil the right
here rellapeed.
aspIrated s.•4 era 1 iniem to
rentor e the air. no Huey, at that
hire heing pees it. Later the ea...
develop inflahimatem and rfrolSi311,
:11141 fIllid WW1 removed by 'mimeo'
and drainage tills .s. It was tit::
feuiel to be a 1.•11-41/1 4,1 da t i.1 cy et
adhering le lee pipet -al cavity. I
deeds a 4.1.t1.1.1.1 Wil•rs rerierved at the
eperation and continued to paes from
tbe drainag.. lobe,
'The eyNts Were perfeetly epherie-
el .1 111 111 a!! Stagos cof 41..1e.1011111.•111.
The are' stipple -1 to lin ye tern
ill, J....shave,' in Tay ler's . eteraneli by
drinking writer front a pool te wlitch
doge 11:411 armess. T ..sierations
etrel. 414'Serib,41 WPri• perhireeel
Ilr. J. II. took, assistad self.
blaht of Ile de. .4 11 OM Man
Leap lo 11 11 Walk.
15lagara Valk, N. V.. May I 9. -This
aftern....oll, 4.3.1 o'clock, when rev -
era! !Mildred people were
the uf Peet:peel Perk. 41.1
0141 man, who appears to hate beee
Wi•Illani lardlist eif Bramptoe.
remenittel suicide by peinglier ititu
le river, bet a few feet bark front
I 141110rt point. At thrill Hoot the cer-
ren is frightfully swift. the river
feat. the inepulam of the swoop 4.1•4•11
tin. ik of the American 111.4. /Ind
t1111 Mal was hardly 'as the water
ere he vr xwept to death over the
brink of th hale. At elm time of the
nutted.. Peel t went wale lined with
Men And n viewing the fall'',
esiel eaglet bider them. enereling on-
ward to mere (lea he the man planed.
It we« nll eel n that the full
meanliag ef the tri reely wee rsot
comprehended before he boiy of the
11111.14141 ilifrappParP11 Ornr the precipice
and wan Iseiden from sight In the
!spray cloud.
!tight where the man entered the
river, wrepped carefully in n nap -
len was a orpectacie cane wit lo
glasnee. and a card bearing the
name %%Minim Otteclhentee, Brampton,
Ontario, on one side, and R. More-
IY. 233 Victoria xtreet...11 the other.
Th 're W11/4 Alin/ Ili 1.111 111 ttttt rind
terra of a focal hotel.
Enquiry at thin hotel reveal,' the
ea me of Arillain tlardhonme the
regleter. Ilin deouirlption correepotele
with that of the eiliehle. Hy left the
betel nt 2.30 o'clock. He Iva. niety-
yeere wore dark clothes and
heel ea greyish beard. Hie body will
probably he reeovered.
_ _ _ _
Sir Ell. Clarke Ateneks the Foere f
Not C hating the Sociel Eve.
London. May 19. -At a recent
large meeting in the Weetnerine•r
Town Hall. called to conisider the
public morality ef London, Sir Ed-
e era Clarke touggemted that the po-
lice eliterld have pewee to mummer'
women to show how they lire Ile
!PIK. Winn= easituesetta-keell
known to the police elreirld be .111i -
/141'0A 10 1111 Act eIntilar to that
permed recent :y, wormer...1
magietrntrn to imprlean men who
were Ils hig en the pr,Verde wo•
melee' immorality.
teir Edward attacked the pirIien ..1
Wrist Orel few ranker; le prtlithe
neeommolation for the traffle in
'ice. Ile enel tlutt the enly progrems
reeent years in the matter •if
purifying the swell element wee,
due to the lenelon County Cormeil,
which exereloted authority in the
matter of lireneing mimic ealbe and
placer/ of aintinannent, 11 111,1'111
these more decent than many thea-
tres. It might be neresettry, he stild.
tinsigh It would be regrettable. to
tranefer the control or the Metro.
polltnn 'mitre from the Horne MCC-
retftry to ttre County Connell.
The Mow Seeretn.ry Pteiuseil the
meglistrnten aral the pollee for their
Apparent inaction on the greeted
that Inilltleleal easpell tended te show
nett meek- opinion )11)1 not wippert
proeccutionn of these temple. T1144
Home Secreenry and Mir Edward
Clarke agreed that wimp ',trestle In
Londen were worne than thorn, of
ney continental eapitsd.
Helena Fertztng. 28 yearn of
age, Who keepe boarding house, In
Holyoke, Maeo.. wale allot and sere
onely if not fatally W01170101 lest
night, by Freink Bernard Pelts. a
yenta( Frenchmen. who troweled with
her. The slice,ting le thoeght to have
been aecidental.
Hessian Fly Has Injured Wheat
in Southern Countiee.
The following bulletin am to the
creel ef Ontario lute Jura been pro -
pared by the Onturio Department.or
Agriculture. based on the reports of
ite regular correspeneente. l'ito re -
porta 11ZO na to conditions un tat
of kitty,
Fall wheat -But for the injury
thine by the Hessian fly In the amulet.
woolen' part of IPro4itICH
wheat eould be claimed ne te, most
previewing. env. l'ufert %snidely es ery
county Sunlit of a tine drawn front
Hamilton te Snr111/1. lute ituffer...d
cosiskierab:y from thy fly. and a
few townships a little to the north
hate ale. been hilted by the peat.
Softie Heide %eel be plougliell up 011
this amount, but not ro large an
ecreage as the poor condition of
the wheat would warrant on ae•
couta of the grain haling been
"beeriest down" wall gram". Outdid°
the ceenteme affected by the !les-
bian fly fall wheat look* Well. 4011110
lejury waif (half by ice on low-lying
poorlyelritismel Janda. but, am it
tulle the erop presents a luxuriant
appearance -tile growth hating been
&nest ten rank in places in the fall
-and several vountles neer be ex•
pert (el to glva yields Well Ilp to
the record.
hei e the Fly Is, Prevaleet.
In the annual report of the Age.cul-
tural College for lieal Prof. W. 1e -ch-
imed thee refere 1.1 the I isitatiou 4.f
the liensiall fly : "Many oomphante
refron 110 regar ling the preialent.e of
the Hewer n fly, an 1 observations
adow that It is prevalent la 11 11 the
eoalilltiN along 1..a.ke Erie, %it.. F.'s...4,
Si 01, 1:1g.n. Norfolk. I Ill !twin& %Vel-
la') 1 ntni Lincoln. T11.• When t crop of
NIticliosex, 1.21'101(0u. Huron. •ford
:III 1 Brant hese ale) hem! badly at -
Lecke 1, at) I occasionally eetnplaints
have vome from. Perth 4tri I Siene.oe,
Bruce. Srey, 1Vollingtort. Wat ear°,
Duff vein, but lie counties vied of Te•
nre prneCcally free. The mg,
open faller or the past t wo eari have
been ery fn yore ble t he breasting
of 8- rolan flies. Iteperte4 of the dates
of eon ing ef the fall wheeit in the In-
fecte 1 distrIcte meke it quite clear
that the time of the 0.)will4 or the
Ntlinlild be postponed till the Ifuot
Week in September. Where retch tete
towing hae 1.11‘.11 41011e the Crop itag es -
cap:, I t hr. 11s. If 14 often mainteineil
that were eown after the Malt *reek
'n 8 -pternIt-r dens. not prolitee yleld
count to that pro -limed from seed
move ior that date: tea, en the
ether Iran I, It (law not take mriny
11 sedan fleet te make a Iiittlerlftl
dix•tiou In the yield of en ieftwted
Whiter rye -.111 Igeng by the r,•portar
or cerreseven lents, very' lit the rye is
being rainel for the grain, In toot ef
the crop being eat for green feel.
Where grown, however. the crop is
dffr rlhed nor leokiter. Well
Clover .-I1 nlay real I et the clover
that the crop rem. out of the whiter
alesta the retention ne It en-
tered It the chimnge done by “IlienT-
111:`:- hang very Coe-
respeselteitm do not ne•nt Ion 11117
Injury to the env hy lemetn Clover
he.1 toon given a go si st.irt
timely ralmo and warm weather.
nod were prexent Ine nn exreftent
apiaiarallet. (..wr,sp..ndentos wrote.
Irrult Trees Premier 'Nell.
-Frette-Tretereerrttereviertern pertinn
of the province, where meet of the
.sreharin are to be found, fruit trees
hove tmome through the winter 111
eplemlid roorli t len. 13 the ...mint 'see
:thong the 14,. Lawrenne. however, en
•iee Mornie In the spring 1113.1 the
4•11.rt. esrenking off many of the
brand -hero and in Honor enters killing
the 1 4.f fruit treee
ill the diArleti iir • ids
ported to have died. nite Or the
verve" linm net been given. ()relined;
were oierrine lutes Nemo efo eorre-
sieeidente wrute. 11.1 nearly every
ellen. .4 Petit wen raring protbive Of
generone yi.•1•1 ehould fond end
heavy rain.; keep o'f during the per-
iod of 'setting," riltheugh hem- stet,
flint It Will b, a etenpnenthely "eft
r%...,4";(st-elie,"rnticalillnt:'"Y•nelAen1Punp,itiwr'trie 'eft Pt"hre-
Pt tri.: tr lir(' 't err:Pr:IT a rt hut this pent ,k4sa
the prenenee le the
1144 uprear to la• menoem nett wee
yeer ago afti- mettle') wan made
of injury to fruit tree', by fl:.1.1 mice.
A Review of the tilltiatIon an It Slay
Alleet the Memoirs,.
There ix no chang- In the rituatien
at home. 4-T110f41 imeltielw (hitt
terceight aleria try the etorier previm-
ity of liel•leve of luta 1141:111•311/1 elip
the new clip of Ora:tele wool. .1
great deer t het rlip 14 Still
held by large dealere In the 1•01111 -
try at ',rive.* above tin export
aisle. leete•re here 1111 1' knowledge
of at Icnint 4103 000 1440. of the 1104)0
(dip whieli lie offering, hut it le ire-
poenilyie at the moment Le work nny
NA. rIIKIrt :It 11 profitable price -a
feeler which out many 1101(10101 flat,
to Pay nettling (.1 rt margin for in -
leered. eepenne awl email profit.
A letter 'Nen the large.mt mil!
Manwielluse.t tic re et•IVPII 11 few days
two. lay Mr. E. 7. tarter, commenting
merkett reedit lone, nni I: •' Imo,
been offered Canada fleece woe In
Boston for the pent montii at 26c.
-60 tee:n-1111d 1111313 11/01 b011101t It
berate., /do net want It. I 1111N•f•
ISAMU 111•11 1 of hankrilpt W001 In
i'hiladelphia and Iloaton -Kent, 25e.,
rosier-tr.] lrieli terror 2fte., atm. Irish
easel -sup- kleetepeisiest -keg,
.27e., all delivered Boat on end ft0
drips, cannot Imy f'nnada.
'Timer Klee,. nem renel to conelderahly
than lore Toronto.
Another letter frets a well-kn.oen
Amerlenn buyer quoted a prier ler
Canncet firer.. whirl' nomad require
tate reverter ttr get the Wesel fer 1 3c.
or letto to NhoW atty profit.
.1 marked elleinge line cesne ever the
wool trmie In Austrnlia, Argentina
and in Montnna rind other territorial
eeetione where large numbers of 'deem
ere caged. Formerly the sheep were
erased prImerily for the Wool, rind n
small gentle of animals yieliteng flne
word were grown, the mutton being
a eresereinry conelderntion. Now the
Hheep nre reined foe mutton export,
which !inn been etimulated by the
refrigerator trnde, msd the wool In
romeldered not it sort of bye-prollitet.
The eiheep raised for the mitten ex_
port trnde etre large, breve prom.
blether end the wont le ronree. Thns the
nnwwint ef woe! grown in the 'vent ri sio
mentioned Is new entering more di-
rectly Into Competition with Ovine -
'nen reetn, end our wool Is feeling
the effort', of the change In the sit-
nottion. A firm In !Averment,
te Mr. Carter reeently,
"The fortiori neettone eoloninl
wont,' opened firm for merinos and
fine erosehrwis, hitt eneree renew
brads showeri a decline of bre 751 per
eent. !Sinew the opening there has
been keen enmpetitIon for the finer
premien et ices whieh *how n Wight h
a ranee 14 medium and onaree
cross brads are Millet at loner
!whys them ever losowe les tike his-
tory of the trade, and they form
the bulk of tiro offerings We hate
tu say it, but tise outlook instead of
impression does the reverse. Meg -
het would are for tete time being a
dead letter -cleats knocked out by
these eroubeeda"
Fleece -Tits market. shows 130
change) whatever alai kwal dealere
are quoting Canada 1900 clip nomi-
nal at 13o to 1443.
Pulled Woole-Are slow and 'irked
are the same at 103 to 1743 for ampere
191. to 20c for extras
How 202 U. S. Presbyterians
Regard Revision.
Labor Troubles Its Russia- At One
Factory 250 Arrest• Were Made
- Validities of the Blots --Spanish
Liberals Win ho the Kleettous.
Philadelphia, Pa., May 20. -With to-
day's session ths actual work of thrs
Presbyterian General Assembly be-
gan. The repart of the Revision lem-
matise hating been mete. the spic:eil
order for Thuretity nU1.1 th,Teafter
ante! the queetioe noising tee Con-
fession of Fnith should h., finally
set HAI. a ettafige Wail Wade -111S tilt/
regular order we that reports ull epee -
Lel committees. 141111 church boards
might be oftaitelttial and &Acted upon
before tire Armembly should_ proceed
to discos.' realoaan.
Tim river t eh ,) wet! lb:it a us were
went reoeived (COM Pretbyteries
as eollows:
tquLettl'ioL r1e).vediei.i..0 of the confession
2., roe 1111 texplateetory statement
iquestioa 2), 1 1.
3. For revialua of the confession
soul un explanatory statement (quo, -
teem 1 und 21, 1.
4. For a inpplemental statemeut elf
ductrIne (queetIon 3). 52.
stea.temtleurntrervier looducietrinclain iequulesplmteinseuntietall
and 83), 15.
6.„ For nn explanatory statement
and a •upplemental statement seem
them 2 and 3) 1.
7. For a substitute creed, 1 1.
S. For an alterstatoes 411.004, 1.
O. For 'some chaage..11.
10. Negative vote on all foer ques-
tions, 4.
1 1. Indecisive vote, 1.
12. For a distillment of the weste
suberet, et).
13. Preebyterles in the United
Staten not reportmg. 13.
14. Presbyteries 111 fureign
not reporting. 16.
The totes show that 63 Preeby-
teries favor (nee Henan Noe. 1, 3 and
5 1.03 4.) reVP110 1 of the confeu
slon of faith and 6,1 Presbyterime fa•
vor twee Romp Nos. 4, .5 meel ti at •:e.
/401.. focal of a supplemental tits te-
IneTzto-tlay's 'ardor ',reveled for the re-
port et the sten ling eommittee
sessione for freedom, the reports of
the tx.er-low of m nisterial relief rout
elocetion end of the speetal commit-
tee 1.11 JUIPCIal cammittees. The inat
revert Mee-m.11410re,, emceed In Impert-
linee. Only to that of the committee
..n rent/sem. as it recommenes the
creations, of judIceil eeminiestenn of
Presbyteries on I 8yituls, and a ;per-
manent eurcial commlocien from the
ro enberehip of the leeneral Ansembly,
to Mt me a eourt of final apprise
Messiah Imbue Troubles.
Mt. Petersburg. May 19. -The strike
here is praCtically crushed. A eery
Inrge nnmber arrests' here been
merle. 250 persons having been tnken
Into rersbaly rit one factory alone:
Over thirty. possibly a hundred per -
1.011,1 wen, W411111411"41 In a ntreet fight
when the 11woh @annex! the police. Re• -
era! deaths ore reported at Kean.
thenscatefl, aa a result of the strike
riots. The agitation among the
stedente 1. unquestionably partly
renponnible for the troubles.
Spanish Liberals In. •
Madrid. May La-Lntext replete of
the remelt of the electkens to the
new Chamber of Deputies, held yes-
terday, ShOW that the capital re-
turned six Ministerialists, ocen Con -
secretive, and one member of the
Nettle/AI Union party. According to
the L'Correo, the followIng•nre the
genet/II renulta of the eleetion:
Libernls, 2e0; Coneervatltem. 70
Neel lent Connery/Wren. 15; Demi-
dent Liberals 18; Supportere
Romero, 10: Republicans 15; Car-
ling. ; National Unlenlets 10. Cat-
ainntists, 4: Moulalints, 1, and Inds.
peal( nte, 21.
Iemelon, May 20.-Ifr. Andrew Car-
negie has given £2,00o,00n to efotab-
Ilesh free elf:cation le leer Mattel'
enitereftlen : Edinburgh. Glamecier,
Aber teen and Bt. Andrewe et.pe-
Intro tient the beneficiaries be his
"Ficottleh fellow -countrymen" only-
ne Eng! sh, ookinials or foreign-
ers. The fund will apply to medien1
no well an to e•nnmerrinl eritrention,
n.n I will be placed In the hands of
trestere, who will pay thr expoines
of Poetise, pturiente benefited ender
the. scheme.
Areideet or the Theree't
L'Orrton, 16.2-`1,ord Kitchener
reporter to the View Office ein ler dnte
of Preterite May leth. no follows:
"An nrmorrel tenin hen been ditched
eolith of Amerlean Nfiehr
R•oth. of the Small Lerveseariree, Wan
Wholenafe 1111111410e.
London, May 20.-eergt.-Nlajor But-
ler, who hal jest returned frees
Smith Africa, hue night shot five of
her children killing fonr of them Ills
wife ne 1 baby escaped.
Vest lining at Leonia.
FIrtelnliatl,th, May 20. -:The Tobeeco
stakes, n sweepstakes event,
for three -year-olds and upwards, at
a mile. proved an attraction greater
then the Derby, If thn erowd In
el tend/ince nt the Letonla track on
Betnrclity wn• Indication The race
wan a pretty one for the Drat war -
ter mile, then loot intermit, as
Orem-ion pimply mninteined the lead
triker In the fleet eighth, winpfug
easily by a length sled a half from
thr favorite, Trinity Bell, who wan
et length In front of Jurtge Redwine.
The etake wren worth 111 1 030 to the
winner. The traek wart fast, nn
shown by the time In the strike,
1 40 1-2. and lin the lest race, 1.4 I.
Winners: Anelme Termer 9-5,
Faneywriod 8-1. Grandon 10-1, Car.
mind 18-1, 0. W. W. even.
Oen. Ifaseardo witb nen ,
as mwrendored Mote% Joseph
P O'Neil, of the Ent,1% forantrY, at
fintt Militants, 8esnibalen Provence.
The Markets
epeemse Wheat Markets.
tinyFollowing are the :ualoe:itg.1:111:!,,tn
voirionrecarnt .1..ftipu... r.t.a. woli.ren3tuc2ioit, 7est
let(Nle'ilcvaLougYL:76; --77-2 1 2 14:3111 r7771! 517.-1
(*troll, red 0 76 1 2 11 75
itetroit, white. 0 76 _
Weal:er-s-: :Market.
There wan a good deut '..1 aetaine
ott the ',tweet market here on Wit
twenty. 04 nil kindle of farm pre_
:ItliaKileiy1r,2--..T50awt'ett87tyli:Ik).84.50da 7,61;1 InullurilL1111g:NI.,,,1
g"gtir°11)au811 t"ticii:ulterWT-aillsoilluratienl°1:1:urliedwlareVedre"b:1;ehlit.1161 1..:61a:1
qunntltiee were retailed ut 15e te
Eggeents-oLar trwgeo obtIerrelngs aced tacitly
.k.mand was good and all the ',netts..
teuseged at 72ke, and 700 husittes„t
isedute: .°11111(ilititaurwniegegedetirt.litiutual'aed.beftorgriuleese:7rtaloge,t1:47t1):",tri',..i:Igtei:i..,111.,'1,1,
the inquiry was excellent: Lino.
tendance of buyerto was large Th.,
war sold. Prime ruled stelely
there were few changes.
Wheat -One load of 1•14.1 1001,I
d'ilcrke were !mete.
at 1 lc to 16e, and el kens et ne
to 80e.
Potatees-Market ate r, 011 1
.ennll offerings. fieverat Wits q 1
at 35c per bag.
Dressed ilogs-Market noilete
'whew etentiy at $8,7•0 tu •i'J\ tor
Toronto Illdes •nd Weed.
Hideo. green. 41 to 7..; ;
to 7 1-4e. Calfokinik N I, 9.,
2, 8c Deacon's, dairies aii-11, CO
700. feheepskiirio. fresh, 90: 0. el
tallow, rendered. 5 tit 5 Lie. W.e.
fmkeetoestk.. 14e: nnwanhe
Torento illetry
ter -There as a fele .1,311•114,1,
with reeeipt• nsoeisrate. Peter 1 ree,
sell at 13 to lac. aud Inree
at 112 to LZkee 14/41 110146 14,,r 'to
MAIIIUM, 10 1.0 ftek erelIMPry,bot.4.
oc71i.0 1.0 18e; anti penile. e,
,Feeges-The definite' is g, est f..r
elude* stock. with price* erne 1441/o
tntione. 1033 to I la, in case lot• N.,
chips. 81‘
Cheese -Market quiet. Pell cream;
eeptember. to 9lie ; new,
to tle.
Cheese Markets. __eel
May ite-4 11,0 '0e
beefs. Ikr1r 1 to -lay 1,7.10 n-,11 . ,,n 1
eolore,1 elleefe were offeror! Tie
antes 'erre: Brunton & in IC.
Ho Is 00 Bros. 1..1411, Joe. Aleinntli,r .1.11
1,0 I'll 411 Chr101.111 en 125, all at
t,rrnwall. May I 9, --On t r
1,175 cheese were isoneliel /111 1
were sold ; 1,1:17 Canadian ithil/
hfsatght 8 n n I 38
8 :tel
ton 1011, Mny 1ht.-At m tt-
ket 1 1, -factories effere I 1.177 3,
first half ably cliwse.., 85 1 wit t. -.au
:12:2 ealore I. Pities 1.8 eel .r.• '
le I-1 fle. 211) white nn I color(' 1 3'
Waterton*. N. Y.. May 18. 1
111.1 of .elleene on the Waterteet.,
l'ereixtres reeteolge to-Ine were Tint
1141‘.411 at A 1-8 a.) 8 3-16c. 'The CIA
went at 8 1-8e.
°elites...there. N. Y., May 18. -xi II!,
1111-ptIng or t hr Cheese Hoer I this af-
ternoon 819 b..144+ ere,.
bon clot. !filo/we 1-16• , Si
wales On curly, 1,040 boxer. Nell el
8 1-M to 8 ;*-18.• . ng 'Vivo
Cowl' nor Ile, 1:tie., 116111,1, 18 .41 t I.,
r I to- lay 19 facteries offered 11-11
btrtsw cheone ; five crennierice
1/01.114 hoittPr • 6'10 buten eheee04 s. 11
nt 8 1 -Se : 111.061.
Month Finch, May 18 -Ilegetar
useetiee of the lettesh Cheese flei-r144
herf thiveresirg; 1,3'81 (•h-tme leard-
ol. n11 white. i'riee offered on lo•,r..1.
R ::-Re. An! meld nt 8 7-16e en street
n fterwnrier.
'temente 1.1ve Stork %larked!.
Export eat tie. °twice. p.0* cwt. /1 se 9 .1
domedlam 1 to On
Keeort row.. . . . 31.5 to 0,
Hotel:ore' eattle irked 1 Lt.i r•
nut Atone 0011s. 3 3) rrr I 8
Rinehart' au4t4.141 good... ' 34. re 3,4
do ine.1.01m. 3 Ho to 3
nutehnr• eommon.0ser rent.. 1.51 t.1 3 .0
uselsoneort. treaty. per est., 3 ..4 to 1
thll!..ocww1.11gbt.per este3 :el 3 :I
Fowlers. oh °rt. onp 4 4: to 1 -;
Voorlere. medium 3 75 to 1 2.
do light ....... „3 el 40 3 r
Aterkeot. Melte me Ina 3 te. te e'
oft colors end heifer+, ...... 2 ati 2 e
Hotelier rinfla If it rn
Light week hell. per ewt. I /5 ter 2 44
%Glen Lewa. re.els. Mai of este
l'w•sa per cw2 3
dn. hocks .... . , ... 333 10
..... 443 r4 L. : 09 10
do bernrerd. per rwt ...... I 101 In
(14. Spring each . 10
Calve". per newt 1 el to - • w
entre cheee, per ; f./
3111114., light. per est e 7i in
Linea fat. aor est ....... 6 7.1 to .10
noes. per rwt 4 ,o 10 1 .3.
'lbws .
• I no te
!trade . ' on 'trade.
Buelnues conditions at Montreal
are oat L.fnetory. There line beep n
fair amount of sorting done by the
wholesale trafle (lam week, Ina it
expeete41 thnt with the first appear -
nee of wnrm summer weather an in-
creases! 'femme!' will he experienced
from the retell trade of the ecemery.
Couatry remittances have been fair
MI.! week. There iv n goo I Jenvirri
for min*y anKI ratan ars etwely.
Thorp lino heen re goof Porting .1e-
103111 (Or the summer trade In Whelk".
1111 b. circles at Toronto thee ;Trek
The -whole 'envie of tinrelem1/411"
henIthy 80111 !Rion, nnd the otitl.
for the fetuses promisee considerable
PAPnintrion In many lines over prerema
Yeere. Money Is en good elemntel /411,1
retool nre steady. 1
Bumnees nt Lon.lon continues or
fnlr rohone for this meson. I n 1'T"
are firm in most Ilnem of staple
Reverts, of trade at t he cone( citien
are only fnir. There is a tendency ell
the pert of traders to act In a %me
orerseurentive manner. Thent 1111 been
no Importnnt fbOvernent lately of
monde for the north.
At Winnipeg. while the con 111.1,04
nf trnde appear to be generally linal•
thy, treaters are not Inclined to 41. -
count the futnre, preferring to wnit
till the mope awn More advenced and
the outlook for wheat, which en fnr
lutes tree very favorable, le more err -
At Ottawa there has been a moder-
ate movement In wholemele depart•
meats of trade.
fluianees nt Hamilton continuo, of
fair velem', for this ineswen. Thr're
have been n gond many nonntry haY.
env In the rehoirsinhe heelers 1 hie itocit.
An! entre have been ineere. Thf, ."1.1
leg treats for the helertne (4 the pres-
ent month tor eipeetei to b, Inree.
Traveller's net with fttll neetelen ++?"
tieing well, the Mealy ainreet velem+
*smarm/ring perehrworm for delivery
In.ter Remittanons are fintlafee-
W. H. Hogg. Managiw of the blink
Montrani sat Regina, bar ac-
cepted the managership of the
bransb at Peterboro, Oat.
y.:7 -1".Z•1111222211.=
14', Aunt Phcebe':
I Crime.:..
B 0.1 M illtedfear M
51, suede...re blood hied Alien lu re- l'4111 11
bi41111. oll at lust. Worn out with the dear.
021),,..t.1,1,,,tu,c114/uoultxf silleria1hromendtlte tiverailmatiounie itubi",:..7.11.1.
perp1.0 Went agencies Into whore mem
.litteliee I had been beguilded by In- only
genitque athertieeimeate. 1' 4.1eter- "lel
noted to walk 'whey 11.. aud make my wt"Ntl::
SW11 'election on the spot, rather (ley
then treat to the manager et taste gi,1„
in th,. eelectkm of that all-impor- illy I
Zit l'g'11"1. tit 1:0"U•iittilleatlittnigi treeillr0Y . WaW1.141)UironIflinlyrtl.:1" 13,4%:.ifti,".1:k1.-1. ,:,(1,11,,,,i.
;,:,f1,4111,1b7ettelogri, reltAfttemys, sititatil.sesititri, lir, lei : lei.. er„
cieepr.euleing attitude of 60111e, arel • Mar
Ile ..rer-folainewl for 1 he "w ee af ter
Map" betraersi by tier blear eyne ygoll I
snit 1WItChlLg 11414/ 14 ethers. klually, _ ),,,,
turioug to 1110 ninlinflef, 1 +liked: told
-tette ytei no good, okl-faehheted etc. Free
grn''.."th'rvaltlitarruhrrtrvt'ior7", condeeeending •' le
I his
beede, the woman ressiled: "Oh, It e weed
colonsi help you want. Ur It ? VI'r or..•tr
eel." very little deniamt for thut new, 10.1h,
,111.:11 %,:::11 hoes4e•e 141m)e.ocue 1.44.4werelit gt,l,r1 Sitheer: ,211,:eil
11,4 very young, but, if you are not we f.
4171;614,..,Ihn'il...,:iih: 319;317PteY: gnongt07171443*•Whal4,. 1owielliimp.ligieW"..ri
6.*, .14°11:1'41'ith3laigbe.uullutaareduey in,1.1 witin.,:!:
jsitok"11. :4bilide of departed traditional (init.
intiii- or toy owl' oniklhooa days.
p.tritLuinlrury affamilatogthusw)i
sisa 1 engaged Aunt l'hoetw, %elm worl
'seined a retncaruatiou of the "ma- ceeei.
ictu,lweitidr,g.r,iu.11,1ind.bettlatealhee.dmeevrrainiuinerrt,i1.4.) : thrupoihagul b...i4.11:. )1,14,,,,:.;,k:
41 11 y Ore rporuit of ste nwre prunsing my 1
1 4 eradln, -then r/01111411( InVer to ehee
eeere I was tting, and, wringing :ei:11;
eu et'en, the manager called "Moe- v,,,,,
1,,," nint from an meksining room mate
entlir 1 tiff 14,04888 4 Di Wilt 018 idle had w,,,,111
lii: h. ,,e,:it,,:sr..r lOidortin,r!bgniioetwlab,leacr.kutupianin3trnrh: 1s...0v.
Vt!eteh.rtitta teartIte'r.. Aunt Pletebe had put lee,
1. •r hamlet In r apron. exclaitned: 14•41.0
lioNliii.,t1r.iillithOlitallIndir1117111141titilL;enTtehearm111 1'117; (vs.n•Iiiell;
ecr•.eint. I cook! not help noticing 14:141.,e1ro:
lee e but deornettang whieh the 0141 •• 7
ti,,,,a.t...twtherneeemireesireunt,acituciwoniwitlakobnly Amide! ni...,:el
e ma 'struggled alieentingly in vain Ilitte
r.... baby Meer,. etw stood n long me •
time loolditik down at the child in
emcee!, and. unlike the majority of r,,, r
" fi
.11,..4 Julia. else
i.si knowod yn' ttle Aired was
t .k care of by ft orderer 7"
elVtly. Aunt Piton what de you
• ''. I,
1"Tinquten7"ttre oat woman Id her etory or t
ene avihielt I shall give in au near-
!. imr Innen wends as po ible, Ne-
groes at the south -who, hot nisei n
I, •81 powitionaii no •house rants'
in caltured families, tio nest iresrak In
eie lingo genreally accredit .1 to
1 .i.en by dialect writers. Thot Is Heti
hs floki Isamist neel "leevielown n
i. -rump; gbeyrienrestriowally. hemild AI nun': t tie.tr,,eci..... ti...,n
, :awl, 1•1410h tinrkeys have a apeech ;we
p eulitir to triter's...wives tleit in trel- .sely
11,1741. that 'spoken ts3 white people llor frinl
1,1.. bnrbitr0.000 torero ilialeet ef. fie- le.e.
"1.4.1. wantin' tr. tell you, Misr
:lean. ever alma- 1.%•11 IWrI1 here, bat
1 WAY ownroil 4.03. I didn't know how
7644 an' Mary leen Oily litemband,
would take it. Bet now it kW' meetas
like I can't keep it in any longer.
When I look nt the baby an' think
how the little In'eent lamb levee me.
I wonder if he'd ever cone. t4, my
/irate any me', If he knowed theme
hand* that meth an' (Irene an' feed
him now haat kill el oremelmily, an'
that a white hely like him OW:. 111/1
an' 'bout yo' else -an• eeof' talkie'.
tee like yen." the .41,1 women added
edit te pathetic glitner at me'
elll tell yeti all '11, mt. it, 3114,4
Jelin, if you'll let nie, an' en.tylw
lion I won't feel IS 1 Is.1,1. nal' I Wish
.y.Kril pteaste tett me. mrenns, ?Patty
i hether 'you think I itale right or
%teem, (4,r Monrqiuiem now It arems
I, - 11 woull drive me plumb crazy,
:111 I'M gettin• 'frai.,1 te go oat in
t he (lark by nlywelf, like Whell I
.I1:01 n, little gni
. "Y141 We it WW1 this way. 1 had
lit en Niisse Mary Cusler's nurse when
tare WIWI a fieby-an' 1,0414( '14). bite
14:611 born 1 wee iseamstreen nte
lemee'gal In the • family, 'carom me
llli. My tne heed blotter 'II to the (ere'
/4 rs-'rourse ev•ybody known who
tee Cuylers le -lore the war. an' 1
eas a fun -grown woman %%lien 'man-
epation come. I didn't lo'lleve In
I. a i Ur' a weal hcrme, jee"cauee I
te„ineigyict. i'tbkielgesailnot. 11.,,f oatithy, nitighgepree.,ionnor
jar' niter frees -tone coine.
1 had been brought tip to be old
etesule maid, to d i iter hair, an'
'Zvi' thharrt 741"1"ertir 'eliftell'oritliZeinh't '11:,rtrd atirrii
loop fr) many servants. no I was
hese-gal an' he'ped with the newia
tie Mins Mary wam born. Then, 84
/tante Judy. wheel been mammy te
the oilier Chinni), watt dend by thet
tine., I /delved rIghe in. na leek
titre o' Mho" Mary from the day nhe
ear horn. I tell Tim I felt print,'
to he the mammy 0' such a child.
1.'1.13,,eirtethanetvernowwea... a haby like 111114
31ary. Mho wen the nueertent little
thing -but It ain't no woe to talk
The old woman's voice broke pal
Italy and phre turned her head aside
for a moment, then errntanned:
"Well. I ice' raised Mies Mary. Ole
8833113 IVAN Kittle' ole, an' 'totter
lircaltin' down In henItli. AO Ale
--Ilene 'turned -the sidle *ter/le-to see.
she known' she could true' me.
Miro ItInry wtten't any too strong
hereelf, not delicate estsnetly, bet A,
*meter frail, so ole wheelie never /rent 111
her *arny to bo'din'ofettool, like /111:.
‘10/11, thr other ehltion, lent niter 'sheet e
, ledgeewed the eehool Allan Berith Rced t
keit for little gale, We lift.11 allt•Ilf•1114,141 t
fIfit.r..14:111meci.ri,.hanotifi,itn' be.rotilinfole-mytelne3l.riei.ntinlinn.2 t
eahein' (reicher, till by the time slio
Ini:aelennieiigiplitete,:nmiim•PrtmreatrdyP., there wroon•t 31
61.:1„:1fltoIrn ttlinnvt nm-7ttellsr-twtwIti7true'tlePtle1"11:1111,-1
etrtrrim:riltnrriptin mtiwi'wro,nmre.mitnniong.tnetoythni.in,t11.71.7h,:e)itip;tnief irtinh: tirnsnieer,:::Tmek.irfin,),11+,z,(1.31.141::: ir.i
handn-bee when Mare' Itleberill neer-
Were for Minn Mary, an' elle knoweil I
it ... 1.‘41.0,, r, ft.. hitt.171,1„,‘ rn,it wflarontr roulette speewrt evil:1;1(qt, :
nollimf.i.g.,fity rich eveelsoly mid, lout 1 .
innewed that dldn't 1111VP 00 Infliterme 1
viwnlirl.). NittlinenhaMpiartyt).itIut inwmasartyheto,nfran I
rv1unicii!hir.....'wl'h) ehwinina irnIn: tfino0r tot nstPnikteltItirerr
hi‘nippie yn .1:1.e,01.:Itheeatrhdritamt rmuesteph .innrie:hvi '
l- Well. the nintaghitthe-;:iir'idhrttrntIrsrintowrein:Isidenn1111*-.
lirhe:ekihnn' nfliere-hf‘trhntliref"1"sn °M(wnincrlyn. tolthe"rnine-
ahr, yens engaged, 1 rectum 1 wen et
q. IV
1/1 I/
/1 11'
t I