HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-23, Page 1Or- • A
i4oisers. A
LOOKIki- vow?
A/DI/N.7'a- /NT El VTOP.A.P.Bilt. 1-1T.T1-3.0 INT 00 TJ INT '1"
/1 it A %JCRS W AN I ED 166 ACRk.1 0 t.
1.11. run sait v'entr of mond satins waist.
Terms reowstabio. itotdr to J. B Elitt s Bit
lora Sand& espoosaluas I gad fg.1), coma.,
or tioderlitia MO. lm
For Rant.
rip° Lltr --TRAM MAY 16th, PASI URN
I kn ion ' he "Bis Meadow." for terms
11 spig7 to iLB4It WIVE/N. %UMW. ISM
▪ oottesso on Mimosa street Good
spring water and soft water. Also astable ou
proinilaw. roe ara apply to J )IIO
BROCEON !ODOM. South areal.
▪ south half of lot 61), Maitland Goa on,
Godertoh township, coinerision 67 • oral. Two
gra 1 orchards on the proP•rt r will be hal Id
od also The plsoe is wal (mood and thee" 14
an &madam •upole of water. Apply to W M.
MoMoTE, Ooderloh. P.O., or to CURTIS
OTSVEN13. Clinton. lm
For Sale.
- - -
GODKRICH.-For ale on reasonable
terms. the propooy known •A the instiller,
land,. Wittig pert of block .-F ln tbe Town of
tioderloh, oontalning about 91 sores. with
buildings and water right. on tits River Maio
toed. F'or Corms apply to G A kit° W & (JAR-
ROW, solicitors tor the vendor.
$1,500 "s". OR ON TERMS TO
suit. purotutite that lave
Mime bowie with six -roomed additiooatuatod
on Muth Street. lislf an Dore of land wl th
all the outbuildings t herme thrown lo. IN) r
further Partied.," aftpir to THEO. MOON.
1101.1812, Hayfield P 0,
VOR SALL-LOTS 95, 96, 117, 118, 119
.1.1 and 116 in Hutchison" survey, all In
Ooderioh. For particulars &pole to
Barrister, &o., lioderich.
M•rob 1116.1900. fattf
hi lista
Matters Logaged the •ttesties et
the Testa Father. Lam Ft May PiMht.
The regulat meeting of the town oeuuoil
was held ou Friday evening lost, with all
the members preeont eempli Councillor
Humber, who is away on • triti to the
Pacific Collat.
Eugirt•er Kelly reported that no thongs
oeuld be mad• tho witter rates of the Or.
fan Company and tbe Blayne and Huhu
Company, and the oollootor was instruoted
• oolleot the amount" doe.
This sexton ot Maitland cemetery report-
ed for Maroh and April. In Mardi Ours
was three lotermente and In April *tent
01 the sieves intortnenta reported only five
wore of parsons who died in town.
Th• troseurer• stMetnesta for April wm
as tollows
Bateau» from tdoron $ 483 50
Resident taxes $ 417 04
Non-resident taxes.- 163 39
Wotan: rats. 209 98
Electric roan% 367 40
• pay•blei 1,500 00
Honk Laurie. (refund
front granollthiol• .
Maidond ounstery
Oriplaist and =retool direotor of North et.
Methodist church, and teacher of pianoforte,
pipe organ end theory. will be pleased to r.
°sire pupils. Instruction given either at
Muesli or as oupire home, se desired. t ed.
at Bemire/on • Music 13tpd. West-st. fi-tf
SICIANSiutd Bergson'. Moe to Rank
of Commode building. west side of Square.
Night cant at rudeness
Dr. Shonoon. Or. (Tallow,
olecresidenoa, Napier at. Merin st. w.
Phone 1.4. 'Phone 96.
Insuranoa eta
V AMOR sod reel *stet* agent. Moe. t ue
door moat of P. 0 , Ooderioh. Arrant for th.
beading mutual tire ioeuraua oom tante, and
lesding Mock oomtanies
Maroons!. and manufacturing risks at
lowest rates Call at °Moe.
1 . Accouninet and Mendota Agent.
Hooks and a000unta made up.
rented and route oolleoled , -
tire [sopranos in British and Canadian
In Proodfoot & Hue °Moo North
stress Gortertat.
. itURANtti an4 Real getout agent.
Mr., Life, Aooideotand Pine Meat Ineurona
efrisouri on mutual or cub plan at lowest
ra te. Pala bla
oar Kaolin and Canadian camomile. rep.
°Moo next door to Ostrow & ()arrow, Dar
rioters Hamilton Street.
nodal Tailoring.
spring suiting" that our customers were
waiting for. which we back our reputation on.
together with other lines sultiOle for spring
and summer, equally ac ono& Strictly first
Muss work at moderate vetoes
Oyer Pareon's Far.
Public Sotto',
received Da Distort° Statute's, f
SWIM tion to magistrates and otholals mi•
tatted to reoelve game.
Clerk of the News, Hares.
ettamich. May !MIL 1901. 31 et
V.1 001.1f4 I Y COUNCIL
The oonnoll of the corporation of discount?
of Huron will mset In the Cannon chialbor
the loan Of Goderiob at ft o'olock r.m. on the
fait Tuesday In June soot.
Bated at (Iodated' the W. L tNi,
!Mei day of May, It )1, Clerk.
74 97
6.3 50
- 2,786 28
Salaries $ 189 66
Printing end advertising 74 Et
Fire dispartmoot 7 06
Public work. 122
Charity 61 62
Hank interest 63 32
Waterworks maInt'oe.. 636 50
Waterworks ospitid .. 3 30
Electrto light maint'oo110 22
oohools 672 40
idisoelionitous 40 70
Spate! graphs 120 25
U. C. sod U. expenses10 34
13,2169 78
2,103 78
Belaidle ..-$ 1,166 OE
Ills wilt of aummone "'rood upon the
Mayor in R. Radoliffe's suit against the
town for lujuries 'natality(' by falling upon
the sidewalk was submitted to the oonnoll.
Tbe matter wu referred to the town Imhof
tor, and the Mayor, filr. Martin and Mr,
Murat). were appointed • committee ter rem
molt Mr. Garrow In the matter.
A oommunioation from Hin Eloolleacy
:he Countess of Mioto lo regard to the
ostibliahment of oottoge hospitals as
memorial to Queen Viotoria woo adored to
the spoothl oemotittee.
F. Barlow Holmes wrote oomplaintng of the
moaner In whloh he must:int out from tooder•
111/ tor the 'apply of ooal. flestated that the
oottnoll bad aoapted a tender at 7t octets per
ten higher than bis for M. some Don IP
Dad by the some firm front the very same
mine. Toe oomoinntoation was received
and Mod.
An appliootion for the position of street
oonstablio was remittal from W. ii. Bate.,
het the appointment had already bun made.
• oommutiloattoo was remitted from K.
Ransford. asking that when • orator
pipe te biting Lehi to the oattle yard opposIt•
thou soltblook the pip* be mode lora.
etough to supply than with water in oase
they shoul4 wont 1t. They thought it was
only a fair proposition for th• towo to pot
the pip. without ohargiag them anythitig,
tlity hod loun paying pretty tali taxes
for years mod had never reoetved any favor
from the town. Th• communication wits
Petitions against the oonstrootion of gran
°UMW walk" on the east sole of Waterloo
street and the oast side of Victoria strut
were reforrod to the publio works commit.
Us. In both oases objoation was made to
the proposod amoternont of the property -
°weer' on then straw for the tull cost of
the improyemect. In regard to Waterloo'
twist it woo olaimed that as tbe Collogiato
Inetitube wee situotod on this street and as
th• poetoffia is in tbs immodiato vioinity
the *tout worn as muoh used, if not more so,
by pedeetrians sod woo so much • "leeding".
street as some of those on which sidowalks
hod been oonstruoted partly at the town•
The following aorstuots were referred to
the Bruno* committal : Garton-Diuthila
Company, Keokuk, Iowa, electric arresters.
$50.82 ; Geo. Stewart. relief, 11 : J. H.
Wersell, work sod supplies, $7.42 ; N. 1).
Ronevle, hardware, $6 66 and $2.84 ; James
Morrison Brass lianufuturing Ce., Toronto,
repalrino fog whistle, 110.50.
Tomo of Ooderich
Take noCtse that the Court of Revision of
the Town of tioderlob WO hold Its fLot mating
the oMoe of the Town C trek In the Town
Ball. for the loorroite of hearing appeals
mizitoolorsattir yloirtiirc:111. 0.1 tit:./own.;1.
the ath eisy of May.1110 n'olook in the fore
All pull.. Inter sated Are rerinetrad to al•
Hoderich, My 14, MO. Town Clerk.
old It Itan ittolootell Malign Wand
• (Met. Oka W. THOMSON Ik BON.
Knolleh Shire Stud Book.
This splendid stallion wag ("slot in int and
purchased by Ive Importers. Mew. iireaden
Molionell. turn the Usk Shire litres Co..
who used hlm fer two seasons. flied by W
11. Thompson, of Baron's Park, Itosfo d,
datorshins, England. Ile Is • bentiful bay.
with Nate oft Mee and 13..r white le,m witiont
Met pounds, and Is In style, action and every
other poi it. as fine a 'pralines ao has yet
restohad Mit molars.
Hs waistcoat by Sopweli Doke111.3121. Ilf01
by Loni Veritem, of Sopwell. his dam
being lasford ”uchsee of Hrldgeport 17917),
bred hy Sari of Elle•morc
ttopwell lotto woo the following prism : -
First, liatfleht 1101; First. Hatfield. Pal
Third. Itotal Counties Show at Canterbury,
Ift93 ; Smond, Hatfield T '1. Highly com•
monded, London Show, letr Fillies cried by
11017.141111Dmee made 150 go nue at I,ord Vern-
lam's fa•14, : witness at Mr. Philo Mille' sale:
fg guinue at Mr. Parnell'. tale. A filly ale°
Sired by Sepweil Duke. named ;ford Black-
bird held an in, neaten show mood in IN&
At tit, oonnal show held by the Usk 8hire
Horse Co Limited. on Oet. 29th, id* 16. 181
pito ealt wall sired !afford Moroni.. /OWE
Mahar let pate la clam end also champion
Milo ot show, end wall sold for a large sum to
a Midland baiter.
HOI;Tit Moeda?, May nth. ot noon, la will
proneen to John RoWerhy's. eth omt.. prieh
for might.
Toesdia, to John touneratth oon., for noon,
MOO to John Rtewart's for night.
Wedneaday, he will prommi to John
Waplaten's for noon, these* to Motanghoy't
Comtneteinl timel. (Melon. for fittest
Thor:Mai. he still proceed to fol•
elongh'i, Iltli Goa., 4i Wiwi TP for noon•
thence to (MO. tJ. laut4re for night.
Friday, 1-ormed lo Huottree, Moron
Road, for nusft.thence to Mt'. bern,Rolerich,
foe naht ast4 remota &boreal! day Saturday,
returning to hie °Olt • •lasasteidgewoo., pare.
*1701,1 Will rentals 101 1010,4,41r Moto
del 'moo,
T : - To lasers Ma, aiii• Janitor/
w tuioN cooa
v.. Li. *mum.
'Situations VasanL
Mat. Appt1 to Mrs. GALT, Nelson
street. It
Publis Notioo
1 the undersigned up to Wednesday, June
ath,19,11. for the conerromitn of about 10,1
sonars feet of gran -liable sidewalks on the
street. of the town of dotierloh. ohoone tor
three per cant. of the amount of tender mutt
&dampen, each tender Speolfloationa may
be seen at the town clerk'. oftia.
The lowest or any ander not necessarily we -
Town Clerk,
Godertoh. May 21, 1 11. 31 &
That the comoll of the town of Goderich
will undertake the conetroction of an &Mann
▪ one sidewalk on the following street. known
a Britannia, north side, front Wellitaton 41.
to the crossing at Kama at., a length of ISO
rest, fees wide, a total ot 1290 tonere fut.
the probable coat to be ittr,
The above walk le to be oonstructel onim
the provisions of tho Municipal ant ono the
born Improvement Bylaw No. 7 of lala of
this municipality. and onto o. • petition
against each eeparate Imorovemont or wor k,
signed by a m Alority In tionC.cr of the owners
representiog a least one hair the real pr
✓ ay to bo assessed ha presented to the council
eithin one month irom the last publication of
tha notioe, the °roomed improvement* or
worsts Will he undertaken and spool ti assess
meats therefor will be made by the Conseil,
M altTiS, WM. MITCHKi.t.,
Chairman Board of WOrta. Town Clerk.
tistdorioh. May 21. 19)1. 31 h
LOT 1/4 CIODAA10111.
under and pursuant to • pilaw of sale OM -
rained In • certain mortgage made to tato
vendor, datod the 13th day of Mareh. A.D.
Ital. which trill ho prodnned a, time of mato,
theue will be offered for sole by pubilo ¬ion
• Thoe. riundry, auctioneer, at Ms %notion
roonu., Hamilton Street, riodorioh, on settle
day, the llith day of Junto,11 II, •t o'olook W..
followilut peoperty, vis running
nomber M3 in the town of tioderloh. In this
nonnty of Iloron.nontaining over i of an aoro
of land
Thin lot in thri third word of the Collegiate
Inatlinte and it extends from Picton area lo
Itritonnia rood. There it on the lot • frame
store dwelling honee, with kitchen and
sommor kitchen annelod. l'hore aro ahont
*owl troll Wets and VIA garden la excep-
tionally rood
Torms of Sale : 10 por mint. of Om purchase
intlosy tO b4141414 to the vendor or M. Oolici
tore at %ha IlMe of sale sod the balance with•
on, Mars*, within thirty days therraftew.
The promrty ho gold enhient to • to
sordid hin
roe further martinet/ire apply to thus ano-
Ioniser et le
PROUDrooT a HAio.
Dated the ittart of MM. A.1). LOU
Tito 'rotor and lloht oommittes refigiMa•
mended that the aerobe *skid for by Jehn
F. Androwa from the mina on Britannia
rood to the weigh acales at the U. T. R.
station be put to, Mr Andrews having
ogroed to pay $20 per year, the rata to be
Partible Yearly in advimoo. The oomzult-
tee reported that they had decided to have
the light at the oorner of St. David's aod
Victoria streets placid ta the antra of tito
strut. Tbey hid porohasod • oargo of
coal, 600 to OM tons, deliverod f. o. b.
woolen in Goderioh harbor. ooil to to thou.
fourths Weal Virginia lump, at $2 37e per
too. The report was adopted.
The report of the finanoe oommittes,
reoommending payment of a number of so -
°cunt., wits adoptad.
Bylaw. No. 7 of 1901, °audio:ling tho ap•
papa:ant of Theodocs Hale as ciaretaker of
the Square and Harbor:Park and to enforoe
the town bylaws, and defining his duties,
was read three times and passed.
Bylaw No. 8, p driving on the
boulevards. and No. 9, to authorize
tho borrowing of 17,000 in addition to the
amount already authorized, were read three
tinter and passed. Mr. Naito, dlaseintod to
the passing of the latter bylaw.
Mr, t'onnon, of Loodoe, being porinitted
to address the oounoit, plaited before them •
propes1tIon for the establishment of a stove
foundry hors, Ile salmi • loon ot $5,000
for too years. the amount to be paid book
at, the rate of 11.000 a year after the lapse
of five years ; also exemption from taxation
and • fru nu. He was 'equated to put
his proposition in writing, whop the council
will take it Otto oonsideration.
olerk was Instruotod to 'drams* the
layine of a granollthio walk from Koavo
street to Waterloo on the north side of rirl•
tennis road, to licitly(' test in width.
Mr. Noftel was eppointed to act on the
public) work. and water and light oontmit•
toes la the •bethatt of Mr Humber.
A list of names submittiod by tile oemetery
sexton indlosting tits headstones thin are
e ither tails° or leaning was referred to tho
' pain oommittee.
His Worship mentionsd the foot the the
Bell Telephone ( o.'s bill, in oppoottion to
whiob the aunoll had sent a deputation to
Ottawa, had been withdrawn trom the
F. SmasTit's MiLL KUNN1Nu.-F Smooth
now ha hts fine planing mill In reenter
operation, with full staff cd hands. He Is
workins'on a number of jobs at mount and
is prepared to make estilmai-s on all kinds
of mIll work um budding aud to oarry out
oontroots for same. Thi. is another notable
addition to tbe town's itst ot activo indus•
Crag JONI 1n.-lienseetuag Fork,
whose adviunages IA mouser resort aro
bitoonnno mors widely known with each
swereed/ag year. will *pea on June lst for
the 1981. -A. _gentleman from
Indianapolis, who Mr. Harolink staidirta
thoroughly fitted for tam posittoo, will be in
°hart*, sod the prospects are good for •
samosa 01 atunon.
(101N0 TO MitUIOAN.-The following from
The Wingbam Adyinoe refers to a fotmer
roindast of Godorioii : After ovor twisty
veers of faithful servlos in the hardware
nor., Stone block, Jas. Loutitt hae decided
to rear* mad remove to Battle Crt At,
where several members of los family reside.
He disposes of hie hdubehold furniture by
%nation on Saturday afternoon, and will
leave Wiogham soou after.
members of Court Goderiab, No 32, C. 0.
F., will oelebrate the twenty second asui•
topiary of (hair order by attending divine
lerV1041 Viotorio•st. Methodlit church on
Sabbath, Juno 2ad, at 11 A. M., when the
Raw. J. W. Robinson will preach • special
sermon to them. bdembers are minuted to
meet in tbeir hall on North at. at 10:30 a.
"harp and maii3h ts the oburch. Visiting
brothels are oordially Invited.
der our sympathies to M. Y. McLean, ail
tor of The Seaforth Expositor, the In double
beravement which he has suffered within
the past few wake. In a previous issue we
mentionod the death of Ms eldest son, Allan
5. McLean, In England, and • week ago
Sunday his brother, John W. McLoan, died
. 1 Ploton, Ont. The letter woe *drier ot
The Pioton Times and woe a man highly
*stemmed in tho community whioh be
inutes examinations to high schools will
oommenoe on Wednesday, June 26th, at
8 46 u Part I. junior leaving, bogies
on Tuesday, July 2od, ti 45 o. ; l'art I ,
jualor matrioulatioo, on July 2od, •t. 8 45 ;
Part II., junior leaving and mentor leaving.
or honor matriculation, on July 4th, •t 1.15
to to, and Part II., junior matriculation, on
July 6:,11, at 8,45 A. M. Notioe so to In-
tention to write at leaving examinations
must be forwarded not later than May
HuRog OLD BOYS? ExcUlttION. -A well•
attended meeting of the Huron Old Bop?
oturodation wa. held in the Temple building
on Saturday *roping, whoa 15 wa• doolded
to hold the annual incursion of the associa-
tion to Clinton on Saturdity, July 6th. A
oommltkes was appointee to take oharge of
the arrangetnenta for the event, which
from preaent Indioanown promtass to surpass
the &Donal outing" et former rears. A
band will scoomputy tke old boysoand their
friends to the westorit towto-Toriteto
A Ci.avitn - On Seta/day
Oodarlob bad • visit from Charlet* O. Grant,
the well-known triok hioyole rider. He
gate exhibitions on Doe Square In th• after•
noon and seeming, advertisloR the Mo•
Borney•Beattle when. He oan do almoot
impossibie thinos with the bicycle and hie
marvalbous feat. were watched Ly large
orowde. He (tarries a number of modal..
ono of whioh Is frit riding down the Maps ot
Um Capitol et Washington. He promised
to return to Oodarich lo a few wont. and
ride down • ladder teem the oecond story
wlodow of Emerson's shop. He would
make a first•rate sttraction for the feats
proposed to be held the first three days in
WORitigo AT POLON IRLAND,-Th• fol-
lowing, frem the Pellet Island c .rrespon•
disco of The Amhorstburg Roho, deeOribei
the work winch te beteg don. by the Gode•
rioh "mummy : On Frid.ay morning, Clork
& Co.'s roan ',mord wtth teams and outfit,
to oommonois work oti tho new Government
dock fettle VVest SA., The foroe are nowt en-
gaged getting out blinbor Oa P111114111111/0 MO-
Corati‘ok's propertg on the southwest 00r.
nu of the !stood. They ors hauling the
ttarar on the beaoh and will float 11 op to
whoa, the dank la to ba oonstruoted. Oa
Tuesday, the Imps,' al brought note • neat
bor ef oars to be owl in oarrying stone Nom
Eugene MoCormiek 'e quarry to doat ; sho
non akar will tio relatd for this porpees.
Mr. Sprang Is in Warms of the work.
Lnuoi.. -At Osgood.% Hall on Monday
()hist Justios Feiosehridgit RAMO 1414,71141ali
is the nage of First Natchet Bank vs. Colo-
nial ets ippon by plaintiff front artier of
local Jaime at (Joillorloh stayirm proceedings
nottl ahoy the deb ormination of sm softies
bosween the same partioe now petals* is
the DistrIcit ("extra for the parish of Oates, -
die, la the Slate of Leninism, U. Se A.
Held, tan ass betas se gismo suersalsed•
Ha to .4110. 57 (10) of the judiosture aot
the Eoglish the rule. load down in oaten
otted for plaintiff as to existeumi of subston•
tial reasons millirem the plalutiff in Mina
lit both muntries au not apply here. No
further material is tattlers required. Aro
peel disuilesed with mato to defendant lo
any event. W. E Midtiletoo for plaintiffs.
J. 11 Moes for defeadant.
Wove or Moot 1111111CHN, STRATFORD.-
A will.onowit and highly respooloi roil -
dont of Stratford passed away on Friday
(ironing at 6:30 o'olook In the paraoo of
Mite liebeeoa tamborooduer of Mr
Hepburo, Ontarlo•st. While norslog•with
a pri•ato busily at Barrie during the sum•
mer of 1899, Miro Eletiburo contracted
molarla fever from whloh sbe suffered until
her death. Mies Hepburn wag bora in Ire•
lend sixty•oos years ago, and mine to
Amerloa with hor pareote, setthof in Now
York in 1848, where they radial fity about
Meth you., afterwards removing to Strat-
ford, where the deoe•sod !nod wtth her
brother, Mr. William Hepburn. Sbk WAII a
kind heartod lowly and was eatoented and
respeoted by a wide oldie of triads. -
Stratford Beaton. Toe decreased was an
tont of bibs Margaret Skeltoo, of town,
who attended the funeral at Stratford on
AN OLIJ•1111E - Arrangemente
•re being oompleted for the holdloy of a
monitor plonk on Tneaday, Juno Dith, un•
der the auspices of the Jutland Roman
Catholic ohurch It vial be hold in the
grove of J. J. Griffin., mar the lake shore.
A splendid progrom of addresses aud amase•
meats is bang arranged for the day, and it
is hoped that in • few days the namea of a
number of promirent publlo men may be
mentioned in oonneotion with th• program
of addresses. Athietio motto, • dimities
platform, mato by pipers and stringed in•
'inanition aod by the Luoknow brass bend
and other attractions will be provided. Din•
nor and supper will be served •nt refresh -
menu will be availoble at any time during the
d•y. It will be one ot the old•time plonics,
with amusement for everybody, and the
public generally is Invited to attend. The
following commIttee ossistiog Rev.
Father MoCormiok In arranging for the of.
fair : Morgan Dolton, J. J. Griffin, M.
Whitby, T. O'Connor.
BURIIID AT JULY. -Retorting to the late
Geo. A. Btker (father of Mrs. C. A. Naito),
whose death in Ctiloago we reoordial last
week, Friday's Galt Reporter sad t The
Italians of the lath Geo. A. Baker, who was
killed In ...hiciftso oo Tueeday, arrived in
Galt by tbe Grand Trunk at seven o'clock
this mailing, and oll that was mortal of a
man whou sunny dirpontion had in life
liroUght smile. to the ft**. of thousande
1•1d to root in Trinity ohuroh oemetery at
half -past ten, after • short service at the
oburch,at which Rural Dean Ridley offiaist•
ed. At the (nand old friends and relatives
wrote preeent, the pelt bearers being John
Batman, Adam Cranston, A. G. Ehnen",
Prof. Bolter, George Pretoria and J. P. ,Isf•
tray. The Brantford Courier soid ot tne
deceased He was ao exceptionally well.
read mon and while here was given oharge
by the Beers PubliehloR House, of Mingo,
of the oompilation of nu Bout County His.
tory. So well did he perform this taek
that he rims offered a permanent palliest
with tho tirm and had moo° been their re-
tiewer and mmitiler. Keen of nit, affsble
in manner, the Hind ot all end the enemy
of Done, he wo. deurvediy most popular
among • lure circle of acquitintanoes.
Spalding was tu on Friday front Chicago
with 67,000 buthels of corn ....no) soh,.
Kotabdin arrived on Saturday ir hi The. -
"non with 540,000 feet of lumber. the
largest load she ever Galled with. 140,000
feet were unloaded hers and the schooner
/-ft with the remainder fur iallsoebarg on
M onden ....The otr. Advitote oame la Sun-
day eight from Nort nem with 44,000
bushels of wheat for the lioderioh Elovator
Co., and lett oat day to bring down an-
other load ....The harbor sawmill is running
and two rafts arrived Sunday soaking with
more minuted for the busy saws. A small
raL was brought down from )(Mull by the
tug Huron, and the tug Seaman brought
one containair 800.000 foot from Stokes
Bay ....The steam yacht Siesta oarno in on
Tuesday for coal. She la on her way up
the lake from Stmts.-TM str. Neosho
arrived ca Tuesday from Duluth with
96,C00 brothels of wheat for the Elevator
Cu. Th. is the biggest cargo so far this
noun. The Neosho drew 17 feet, 6 innate
att ...Tho t,orttromeot steamer Hayfield
was In port Tuesisy night. Sails worklog
on tins side of Point Clark and will be in
bore frequently ....eset. Raptor le mining
his pleuttre boats in trim for the mum
... The tug John McKay, the sectood
which Mutton hal built this swoon for titer
Dominion Filth Co., is having her maoh'pery
placied by the cioderlch Engine Co.
many admiring oornments. While this
port too tho pro...lettings wai Leine corded
oo, musioal an i other selections weirs ortvon
trom gramerphooe. Altooether the •ven•
Mg was voted o eeeee nausea, ana as thus
was a laves audit:mos present the Loathe
malted a haudoome amount for Its into
*Lamy food, in aid of whinh tho eatertala-
mint was given. It may De that befor•
lono nu old mon wi'l enisist• the example
of their joiners by ‘, aging on an entertain-
ment. We hope thoy will do so.
Till ANNUAL kilioncio.-If one were to
judge front tits attendthoo at the annual
meetings of the tinaloal Society, the interest
nth* oitizens lu the wellare of the town's
mutual orgaulzotion la very smtli indeed.
At the muting Monday night there wars •
dozen or fifteen present. Tha to set very
emourseing to the few who have so loyally
stood by the band for roars sod given se
malt. of their time to its ann. Offioers
wore *looted for the yoar as follows : Presi-
dent, Stieriff Reynolds ; vioe•prondatt, R.
5. Williams ; seiretory, W. J. Palmas ;
treasurer, C. A. Nairn • liEfaUtlY0 •0133-
mittes, A MoD. Allan, NV. C. Goode, Jas.
Robinson, A. Saunders, N. B. Smith, with
the other °throws and the leador of the bond,
[dr. Jordan. The financial stateminot wart
protented and will be published next wont
tram oortroleted with a statement of !Uhl&
ties. Applicstion is bolog made to the
town oonoosi for a bandstond in the Square
and for the lighting of the prima band•
stand In Harbor Pork, whiuh may be used
during the summer
THE Nog -JURY AiNIZI ConaT.-Mr. Jus•
tics Maattiabon presided at On Higti Court
sitting last wait for the trial of oases with-
out a jury. There were nine cues on the
docket, but only throe were •ctually tried.
The Court °penal Tuesday afternoon. The
first oiters on the list was Danoey vs. Scott
st al., which had bees stalled. The most,
Williams vs. Boon, was postponed on so -
°omit of the 11164e. of the tLfendatit.
PhIlip Holt, K. C., appearal for pit and
K Campion, K C„for deft. Town of Gods -
rich ys. llodericb Elevator aind Transit Co.
wt.. postponed, a „; omission belay aimed
for the examination of witnesses fn the
United :lista. Oarrow & Garrow for piff. ;
Proadfoot & Hays for deft. hdurobleon vs.
idurohlson was an aotloo for alimony, the
norms Bytom in Luoknow. Hen. J. T.
Garrott. K. C tor pd. W. Proudfoot and
P. A. Maloornson (Luoknow) for deft. AO
tor nu WWI bad precut:Id for two hours
Hie Lordship suggested that a farther at•
tempt be made by this parties to arrive al a
settlement. After consultation moosel sa•
n oumed that • wittier:tont bad bowl reach-
ed. Jowett ye. Jewett was another alimony
g otten, the porde. Wog radiate of Bay•
field. Philip Holt, K.(J , for plff. ; Hon. J.
T (Jarrow. K. (2., for deft The judgment
wail in laver ol plaintiff, with *oats, the
looal blaster to ttx a proper *um for ali-
mony. William. ye. Babb was all aotlea
mortg.ge. p Holt, K. C , 1er Al
1. E. Valiosy tor dote. by commit of aun-
t ljuigment win; enteral for plaIntiff tor
$2,479.54, tor/ether with outs. Babb 5..
Babb et al was on sotto° to set astd• •
frauduleut oonveyanoe. L. E Danoey for
plff, ; Philip Holt, K. C., for deft. By ma -
suit of counsel trial wat postptioed anti
tat June sitting" of the County Loath.
Stewart yo McMillan, an &cities to justify
s low, was mottled. Woo Proudfoot for
piff. ; Hen. J. T. Ostrow, K. 0 , ter deft.
Wililatot vs. Cook took np most of the lime
of 0.• 1:oarr. The sotton wais taken by tho
pl.itro II to mover dismays. for a defeat In
an sleOltIc ilght plant at Zurich installed
by the dtiondant Cook, plaintiff elaimino
that the plant was not as repasentod.
Wm. Peoudfoot and H. J. D. Cooke (Hen-
son) tor plff ; Hon J. T. Ostrow, K .
and L 11. Dickson (Exetari for deft. Judg-
ment was given io favor of plaintiff for 1300
and oosts. The Court roes nanny aka.
noon on Thursday.
meottog of Ahtneek branch, Doughters ot
the Emplre, no Monday, thirteen oew mem-
ber. were edited to the roll. A ohange was
made in the day of muting, it biting deold•
ed to hold the muter meetings on the third
Monday of moh month, at 4:30 P.M, Let-
ters Irom Mayor R•denhursti of Hate.,
Mayor Wright of Collingwood and W. Sar-
gent, of Barrie, were read, desoriptive
tbe proentodingio Ultra in relation to the
building of hospital' in the towns mention-
ed and of the great blessing they bad proved
not only to the townspeophe but especially
to those living in the nerronndiog oountry
at a distance from dootore and other help.
In foot, to loch an extent were the advent. -
awes made as of by these living in tile
oeuntry thit in eaoh cats the s000mmoda-
none were found to he inadequate and the
aunty counothi oame forwaid and helped
the towns to enlarge and maintain those es-
tablishments for the oara of their sick and
maimed ono.. Miss MoLellen read an ao•
moot of all the hospitals anii other institu-
tions helped by the Provincial Government
during the past year,sol Miss Strang read a
description of the Return muting of the
Daughters ot the Emptre held at Govern-
ment House, Torooto, on May let. It was
moved by Mrri. Reynolds, seconded by Miss
Hutchison. and carried, that • protest
from thie bramoh of the Deughters of the
ginned be entered against &Howls, D.
Americans to ereot a monument at Quebec
to (Jeneral Montgomery.
Tilt You'd° Moo KNTORTAIN.--Trie en-
tortainment given in North strut Metho
dist church on Friday awning by the young
men of the Epwortb woe very sno•
oessfiti and the young men demonstratei
that they were quit* able to proyldo a stool
program all by themselves. The numbers
inolOded p:ano iteloottens by W. Glenn
Cimpbeil aed Jomite Beattie, • due" on the
goiter and mandolin hy W. W. Mitovioar
and 11. 11. Tilt, an autoharp ono by Geary.
Stewart. • vooel sole, "My ( lod arid Father,
While I *ray," by Chao Humber, an ex
hibitton of rilult-swinoing (large L.
Allan, a retotation, "The Hells," hy Rot
deeper Wilson, aid • we& trio. "The Ti4e
of oo.." by Charles Adair, Will Hewlett
and W. Glenn Cempholi. Every the Of the
numbers WW1 • QOM one aad was niceived
with heady spplaaeri. The do5re of °hair.
mon war* porformed hy Will H Habilitate.
The eyeang's entertatement wits conolndesi
by to. guying of isfreshments whioh was
dose in exoellent 'ATI* by a carp' of young
awn attired in white emir, whims mart.
seem sad •staisramb wove the seb)set
Sim v Dooltiros Fiat Co -la title ass
judgment wog given st Osgood" Hall last
week on an appeal by defendant" from a
lodgment entered for $1,500 for plaintiff
upon the answers to quietions submitted to
the jury. The plantlil le the administrotrix
and widow of Edward Sim, deceased, and
rooks to r000ver damages on behalf of ber•
se?? ant heir infant ANT Ed ',gird Sim wag
employed on the steam tug Seagull in °stat-
ing and packing fish off Providence Bay,
M•nitoullo. Tbe base in whioh flab were
puked ha4 handles attached to either end,
end the deoessed Oa tbe h day of
0 dober 1899, inserted In a handle ono of
the Iron hook• provided for use by the am
pany and was dragging the box to the other
ond of the vessel to ne stored, when the
hendle oam• out and his, unable to reoover
his balsam/ell overlimird aod was drowned.
Tr., plaintiff allege. that owing to defen•
danto' negligenoe a rotten handle woo lose
audit, attached to the box, and that, oon•
trod to their duty under station 26 of the
steamboat inspection aot, they neglected to
carry on the I at a convenient place
at leset one life -buoy with a proper
having line attaohedoind the dammed, who
wu a good swimmer. came to his death by
reason of • detect in the oondition of the
wty., etc., within the wort - '• nompen•
slalom for lojaries art 11 1 !,:ry
turned Into court with thea e. ay
were farther Interrogated by the J .• 1
in the result found that the %oedipal no. -
not have hien fatal if a buoy had been In
its prover plsoe, and 'that by Inspection the
defeetive handle which aimed the occident
might have been discovered, and that the
defendants had boon negligent and deoe•sed
hal not At the clam of the plaintiff'. au
/these was • motion for non•sult wog
renewed at tha note of the evidence. The
trial Judge held that the plaintiff had no
oanot for aotion for the Fuson that the
buoy was not In ite proper pima, biteante,
hoving regard to Tompkins v, Itrook•Ille,
31 0 R. 126, the obligation impoted by goo.
26 ivas for thy benefit of the pedalo gonerally
end not any tartioalar olaso ; hut that there
was evidence to go to the jury, and it was
for them to determin• whether the delen•
dants were negligent In not having some
supervision exeroised so as to see that that
lianrile wits placed upon the box as would
resin the foree used tn drsgOing h. Held
that plaintiff was entitled to judgment at
common law (apart from tho workmen's
compensation sot and elm 26 of the stoam•
boat sot). At law the master mud exorcise
due ears as to use of proper materials, ma-
ohinory and plant. The nnopetratilotod
intrigues showod that the fish bozos were
oot tit for the perricree of their nee by ago
son of defective boodles. nos question
whether deoutimi knew of the defective
handles and voluatarily undertook tho risk
was not left or asked to be left to the jury,
and oannot now its rolled on ; Muir •.
Oreenwood, 6 0. R, 28. Nor would tho
evidonne support molt a finding 0 the qnos•
t ion had bun left to them. Ile onntinued
in nofentlanto' employment after they oom•
mimeo,' to noe the boxes. and >hot is not
eolointety undoriaking of • risk ; Smith T.
Raker WW1) I A C. 326 Appeal dismissed
with meta, (Jarrow. K. (1 , for defeadante.
Lynch-Steunten, K. 0.. for plaintiff.
Tho Neatest of ramodiee will he pessimist'
hy Hitt nie•ereet of nomeollans, Mr Tom
Marks, and hie jolly nompany al the Ilpers
Ilona next Moeda, night. l'Ian DOW open
at Porter's book wore Ladies' tiefiets ei.
ettaffiged few Bret sight ealy. Prime 10e.
150 md ffEte.
At Brumfield last Thursday sventog the
Rov•re, of Brualield, defeated the Clinton
Oolleoia.• Ineuttito football team by 4 to 1.
Ths gun club wffl. hays • shoot at Lana
park on Victoria thy (tomorrow) at 9:30 •.
Evoryealt weioome to take port oa
he anal andittons.
Tbe Western Odiarto Horrible As000nt•
len held • meeting of the executive in Lou-
don lost week. Ihe following olubs were
sPreilented : Goderioh, L
114801011, Psitrelee, Seeforih, Walkerton,
Windsor, Woodstock It woo decided to
hold the sixth annual tournamont in July,
ommonoing on Tuesday. the 23rd, at if
e'clo,.11 The Interost in limn bowling oon•
laud to grow rapidly, sty. The Free haat,
not only in Loudon, but in all the towns in
Ontario Fivo or no new clubs hove or
ganired this val., 41 of whom will likely
•ffillate with tbe W. 0. B. A., aed thio
year's tournament. trout the preesot
outlook, promises tor to mud anytbing
tiat ha. been aid before.
Saturday's Strattord Herald bad the
following : The following letter rooeived to•
day by The Horald nails no explanation.
The Stratford boyr should look alto, this
ohallengs, as • matehed rue would prove
an interesting additioo to the sport. on the
24th ot May. The letter is dated from
Ooderloh May 17:
Sporting Editor Herald :
Deer Sir, -1 me* • loo.1 In THE DODE•
RICH SIGNAL One Week, oopled from The
Herald, saying that I woo trying to get cm •
mitohed ma with Malt. Hombor, of Strat-
tord. I am at • las to account for how it
originated, as I had not thought of rah a
rams. However, I world Itk• to ride •
match in Stratford on the 24th, and would
either ride Humber lodlyidually, or ride
ton miles against any two Strotford riders,
they to at the end of fiy• miles, pro•
tiding a suitable purse is aloud. A Mo.
On Monday The Herald hoot the following:
Stratford oloycle ride's will look after the
chitlings of Alex, kfalvor, et Ooderloh,
which appeared in Saturday's Herald It
will not be possible to pull off the event on
May 24 and the first raoe will likely Mkt,
plaice in Godertch. Messrs. Hamber and
Rutherford will likely be the Stratford rep•
oormittou 'Tito. HOLDS ?HO me.
Last Friday night tee 0. C. I. football
Players defended the Hougb oup in • u.stob
with tha player. trona the Seaforth Collegi-
al, at the a, ricultural grounds, Although
fathe evening was rather threatening a very
air crowd was pretreat to help our boys to
win, and win limy dld. Seoforth play•
erg pat up a very good game but found t be
Goderloh okaps more than • match for them.
Following wer• the teams :
Seaton's (7. F, Brosafoot ;
books, A. Mobdahon, T. Miller ; hail books,
(J. Pybos (right), H. Ebsrhart (contio), R
MoLloohlin (left); forwards, M McDonald
and K. Jackson (r1Rht), J. Hogg toontre).
H. Hinny and G. Hamilton (lefi
Goderich C. 1.-Gosi, 8. Pritchard ;
book', J. P. Brown, B. Pumas ; half,
books, O. MoDonald (riatit), G. Cooper
ioentre), 1, Yeo (left) I forward., Mo.
Dowell and 1). Allison (right), El.
lainire), J, Thompson aod El. Snell (left)
G. Allan and H. Bunton= were umpires
for troderich and Sea! ,rtb, respectively, and
the referee was lir. bang, of Berlin.
The first von was roofed for Godorleh
shout 28 militias from tho "tart and al
though ilederieh had the beet of Doi game
right through neither ltde footed again der
log the first half. whloh ended 1 0 la favor
of Goderieb. A few minutes dter play
was resumed Gederieh scored &oat°. About
a (outer of so hour later it loskort as if
the score would be run up to 3 0 The
ball wee -abed right up to Seaforth'e gosl
and the exoitement grew &poise as "rot von"
watohed tee the bail 'hoot between tho
goal post.. There was some mat playing
on the part of the Ooderfoh boys in (audios
their opponents and the ball waa kept in
the viouty of not goal for WM a time.
The •xmotest goal, however. failed to
materialize at that time aud time was called
before any more scoring was done, leaving
the onp in tbe passional of the Goderieh
Collegiate, soore 2 0
The trousers Pridhem to making up at eo
much tit s log are becoming Quite popular. 11
you need either • whole snit or a gosh. of
trouser' for summer wear Pridham lather man
to consult.
Tomorrow will be a publio holiday
Mrs. Janus Warrlok, Huron road, seoared
the haodeome parlor suite given by Smith
Bros. & Go.
Money order otlioes bays been ostablished
•1 Farquhar sod Jamestown postollioes, in
this °minty.
R. W. MoKeesie ryas in London ler • SW
days tho past walk.
Mule Rota Stikeld leaves today on a VW
tu Lando° and Soaforth.
Will J. biloCreath left last week for NeW
Bruaewlok, N. J., to taa• • posineo
compositor to • printing house.
Rev. J &spot Wilson, Rey. J. W. Rabbi's%
3. H. Million and K. W. McKenzie stomas
ed the Methodtst &strict meeting at CIL.
ton this week.
Ftev. F. V M. Holfinrake, of Orltostry, was
iu town hob week visiting ha wife and eon,
who are •t the home of Mrs. liollinrake's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Acheson.
Mrs. )(award and Mrs. A. W. Ooraell
returned last weak from Toronto to spend
the summor in town They were itooein•
ponied by Mrs. Edward'. grandobildron.
Amato the towbars attendloro the ant
'motion at Exeter this week ass R.8towart,
Mimes Wiggin.,Franks, Rusk and Stewart,
of town ; Miss Trudgeon. et Godericdt
lownohip ; Messrs. kigert, of Ihuspanney
lied Kilpatrick, of Ashfield.
Mn. Pilltr, a000rupanisd by her dangistelso
Miss Pillar. of Klogston, returning from as
wooded trip of eight month., vialtino
sons in Cariboo, Ll000ln (Nebraska), Texas
and far•off Artigna, arrived town cm
Tuesday to visit Mrs. Pillar's lister, Mrs.
Walter Hick, of the Huron road. sail
other relatives, bolor• prooeeding homes
Just one --a snap. A gent's Garden OM
brand new bicycle, regular prioe PO, to ite
sold by ticKgstin HowaLt. for $40. We
aro going out of wheels.
PAN ABIRRIOA 1, tittIrrALO. - Duet
haa room. tor visitors te the best rosideottal
plri ot the oity. Europe early. 164 An•
derson Place. Terms moderato.
Wanted. -Eggs 124. One ton butts"
wookly. We have al/ kinds of turn, front
Crompton'. early down. We ars sole
&gent* for the alebroted 13alley °ore. "Fog
silo tourpeies it las no *quid," so shy Juo.
MeMillan & Soas, the largest eorn pro•
duoers of Canada. 0. E. Wiagham.
Ensign Hoddieet of the Oalvation Army
will give a lantern and graphophooe arovio.
In the Wraith' this (Thursday) ermine.
1610sioyd23..ritl,,it,Tptieve impowrozoleerow..i,l1 be mt.
Looture on the Jews by Rev. M. M.
Ooldbertt in St. Peol's ohnroh, Duaguinon,
oa Monday evealog, the 27th lees, at 7:30.
" The Refusal of tbe Jews to swept
Christunity." Admission 25o. Tbs pre-
oeeds bo devoted towards the °hunch
Th• annual plottio ol the girls' inter -
modiste Bible otos. of Hum ohundi
held at tbe Polley form on Saturday last
sod proved tti be • moat riojoyable affair.
About sixty pupil. with the amohers, Mies
Polio), and Miss Morrie, spent • delightful
dternoon In the woods and arouad the
mot:wit ond barn. Lomb was served on
the leo& •sd about Asa all ['Warned beam
voting the tint plonio of the seamen a great
amass. Miss Polley kindly provided the
vehiolos for the anveyanos of the alias.
The Ooderioh district eoevention of the
Woussn's Missionary Society of the Menlo.
dist church will be held to North -et. ohurok
on Thursday, May 30th. Three eicesIona
will be held, to whieh a hearty invitation'
Is extended to The morning Issesion.
beginotog at 10:46, will be spent la &Got-
tional exiirotees,sal reports from astaillarles,
mission bails, oto. At 2:30 outlaws front
sister societies., missionary papers. discus-
smioto.e,usuntddoireewtrianhtd,roatwituor nodoonad.noAliedl ,b30y
In the auditorium el the cburoh an addles'
on mieslonwry work will be given by:Mat
Wright. Musio by the obeli. All are In.
Onoe eyery quarter the missionary de-
partment of Vitae:trio stoat Epworth League
takos oharge of the Leartua meeting, aid tho
regular meeting last week was such so oc•
canon. .1. Million. prudent of tho
mleilonary department, watt the leader and
every member of the department took part
in some way. and the result was most in-
teresting and profitable to thou who wore
present. Before the meriting the members
of the missionary department met and ap-
pointed their offload, as follows : Presidont.
J. H. Million ; reoretory treasurer, Ulm
Laura Drew ; eanvassing oommittee, Miss
Emma Bean, Miss M1111110 Hillier. H. O.
Boohanen, Walter 8:1116, John Walters.
This year the League hes contributed $24
to the forward movement for missions,
and tor the coming ohurah you there la
prospect of a large 'aortas* over this
Mise Bill, teaoher of 8. 8. No. 9, W118t
Wawanoth, intends resigning her posit.on
at midsummer.
Ws are pleased to see Mr. Straiton, 0.
T. R. station agont, at his sgain after
hie recent ilinew.
East Huron Liborals meet AD lirmsels on
Tuesday, May 2.8, to nominate a ono:tidal,.
tor the Logiolattire.
The Jane sesslon of the oounty atonal'
will begin on Tuesday, 4th prin., at 3
o'olook In the afternoon.
Wm. Borrows & Son'. hors* took • run
all by Itself Monday morninc but was
oallantly °spatted by the county treasurer.
Sir Thomas Kennard. Who linows
oddrees 1 HO WWI a pioneer 1,1 Oflatang
Canadian oil Bolds. Write M. A. Jim's,
J. P., Bowtminville, Ont.-Csnedian S' MOM
mon, flowmanville.
The G. T. It. excursion to ad•
vertisod for next Tuesday has totem canal-
lod. On Monday morniag's opeetal stout,
rion train only two left from limier/oh, aud
half-mtlezon or so from along the has al far
as Stratford.
Fred W. Judd, of London, wt. 'bolted
his brother•in•law, R. E. Spill), hue for
some time last somata, dO1 very atli to
the moot Pharmacy etamitiationr. t•king
third plum in the honor 1141 and being
awarded the College sliver nte,1,.1.
Brom Wation retturnsd home tut week
from Toronto, where he wadi atteniline the
College of Pharmacy. (1,1 Tuesday ha
name aopoared in the let ot suooesstal
oantildatits st the final oxamloatin lc We
understas4 that hie intantioo io to go to
Now York to ponce has profossion.
warts •re Tonglitio.
That is the reason no one lo olamoring for
a few more warts -make them fashionable
and • remedy to grow warta would quickly
ha merle a finaocial lia00401. Yee, Putnam's
Corn nod Wart Extractor nominee them,
works quiekly sod without pain -any drug•
gist will tell you more about this remedy.
L.otrr Hoyt Farr.- Andrew Taylor, es
well keown in and about town, wait run
ever hy the B. & G. train Wednesday night
of last week at the °rooting on the Sunlit.
ton sideroad. WhiW Charlie Layton and
Amos Townsend. of TuokersmIth, were !u-
terine, best* ties "debt down tha Stapla•
ton eiti rad a horse sudeleoly clashed past
them ot foil Posed Thor. appoorod to be
nobody In the vebiole and enspooting oome
mishap. as the upward hound train had jest
passed, they hurried on and at the railway
°rowing, lying near the mitt's -guard and
beside the track, they found Andrew Tay•
lor, who had been run liver and bad both
oornoliately severei from his body. He
Wal wilt* c01,113101141 and said to the young
men, "Novor mind the foot, 119 me lab
your bogey." They it onoe did se and,
driving into town as rapidly OA possible,
took him to the hospital and commoner! the
doctors They also tolepOoned to his
brother. Dr. Tityl t, f Goderioh, who ar.
rived during tho night. Dec Dune, Stott
sal Gramm &aoudad btu Ts t I ,r, wbe Is
now holding kis own as well se ooald ex•
pseud. It le not known hew the amOdent
happesed, but it is 'armload that, the horse
h000mIng frIghtleod by the flead•Ilikt of
the l000motive, shied sad threw Mr, Tity•
lor le frost of the tricla.
Dr. 0. Smithdion11, ad Ceveland, ohlo„
le in town this week attending tho daughter
of Wm. Mw•flield, Rotunda. road. who he.
WWII troubled wit& 000semption tor op
ward. of five pert. Dr. Smith Geoid doer.
that he grill 'Moot • itoro of her 0,440, In/l,1
Miss Othraffield is now on th• rout to re.
Joe Marks, nf tho famous Merk• Bros.
Dramatics anti Vatutowillio C 1. in town
oemploting arrongammte for • throe
moot in the Opera Hottee, May 27t
2851i old 89th. atimaing wit\ not queien ol
oneetedlea, "The Sultan's Daughter," Oyler,
a somplet• 1111•11141 of dram* and apical tee
sr *ton performacoe. Plan DOW Open at
Portor'• hook store. ledlea' tioltme
ohanged tor first sight Aely. Priam 100.150
sad 260.
FORESTER -MoK AY.-I&Imeltnityr, en the
lath Inst., by ROC A. McKay, D. la. ram
ter to Wise K. Molise.
HEALY - in Ordberne. Thereday, May
/MIL 19.3, Miehool J. Hisal
10,1,101T. In Godorieh, tot Wednesday. May
1901, Jossio May Billow monad
darighter of Thomas and Mary !COMM
aged 17 years, 2 mosithe.
Thr tonere/. Private. r41/1 leave Du limply
reelflonne, Church areal, oft friday, May m.
at 3 1. W., Colherai mimotert.
(lawny. fn Goderloh. on Tweeds,. May 21,
Jolla Lilian V leterta, easartil daughter et
JetteghlirifIln, 844A 11 rnart. smith@
and 11 days,
Toe tenant will take plane trent the resi-
dence of her father, Godarioh. as limb/.
lbw 211rd. at 9 tor.. to fit. Peter's R. O.
tar to 85. Joise•hli R. 0. esonetwil