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The Signal, 1901-5-16, Page 8
8 TYuasDAT, May 16, 1301. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. S&ilTH BR�i&C31 FOR BUT VALLIIES IN 11' Ul ..s Goods and Silks Millinery Shirt Waists and White Underwear Prints, fluslins and (linghams Ladies' Capes and Jackets Ladies' Waterproofs Clothing for Men Clothing for Boys Gents' Furnishings Hen's & Boys' Straw fiats Lace Curtains and Oil Cloths Parasols and Umbrellas CASH OR PRODUCE. Smith Bro's & Co. Flies 1 Flies Screen Doors and Windows will keep them from bothering ydu. Our stock comes frim! stile best makers. Our prices are right. We have a great variety of Lawn Mowers, at all prices. Barb wire, coiled wire and all other kinds of wire. Nails and all kinds of builders' hardware. Come and see the barn door hangerrtha4 cannot go wrong or blow off s. We haws the • •" ,. AGENCY FOR THE AMERICAN SLWOVEN WIRE FENCE Made of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. Amply rovldes for expansion and contrac- tion. ee wires «.oi used. Always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no natter how »dM d '; ith great a strait is put upon it. Doesnot muti- late, hut (festa efficiently turn cattle, horses, bogs aid pigs. we Specia: &Pedal Bargains Special 120 yards of American Dress Muslins at - - 5 cents. 180 yards of American Dress fluslins at - - 8 cents. 150 yards of American Dress Muslins at - 10 cents. 160 yards of Printed Piques, fast colors - 10 cents. 1320 yards of Print, warranted fast color, regular pr e 10c. - - - for 8 cents. 1260 yards of Print, warranted fast color, regular price 121c. - - - for 10 cents. 'These Goods are all this season's make, and at sale prices, Extra Value. They are Less than Wholesale Prices. Come and see thein, whether you want to buy or not. °thew -',w^... Best $2 Shoes,too We've been telling you a lot late! about our Americo 'eade Shoes for Men and Women -1h, Walk -Cher ata! Queen Quality. (There ass, nquestionebly the finest Iasi a of Shue. made in the United States.) Don't fur • mumuut lose sight of the fret that we &leo have the boot 51 50 $2.00 ani 52 50 Shoos for lona Men acid \Vumen-Shoes ce)ltah enough to please the met critical aye, and sturdy enough to stand the teat of wear. We hue(' All t.eethers, All Sltatie, All Sizes. We ami and will save YOU Half a Dollar too '•lett',, and Women. Show at $2.00. 52.60, and $3.00. *rep 1n ud iM as surprise yea with the ageratum nines we eine. why net thee weer WALK AND ,Fi Shoes O Y LIV We cannot re) half enough -.bout the wood. nese ot those two beautiful linea Nothing made in Canada .wmpares with them for style, finish, fit ur wear; the very latest style, the very b,et material, and the finest of work. matuhili ie eharectorietio of every pair. Every day acids to the army of pleased wear - ern of our two boo ons Americ.n Show for Men and Women. WHY NOT YOU! Large Bottle Good Po'ish, 6c. Repairing. J. H. COLBORNELightes P. T. HALLS A Feather Cloth Top. SEE THAT THIS y 1 ' 5 I -LANDED ON EVERY SHOE. TEAMS CASH OR PRODUCR s� t-, : PHONE 86. THE SQUARE. 1 'rE1.6rllo\e: \o IS. HODGENS BROS. ia'anrrtruasr.OF I <r ern e. c: - a sasc.arc: Two Bargains L t «to in Towels for Saturday.` We have two interestingtowel bar- gains for Saturday shoppers. hese towels came to us away under value, and w© doubt if any as gooci have ever been sold here for so Jittle money . They are. pure wear and are a capital towel for ordinary bedroom use. If we hadn't bought them as we did these extra low prices would not be _possible: _as it is we have a couple of hundred sellat prices like these : EVERY ROO OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURERS. CaII and See It Can show you how it will save yeti- roomy. We have sold miles of this fencing. This year it is better than ever. t'liiLalraaaat a1 tryvi"'; McKENZIE & HOWELL „ Th• plaoe to buy all If ,r '' a.r. rn• ay. Bicycle Gives Away Victoria Opera House, Tonight and and Every Night this Week. Buy your nett winter's supply of GOAL now, nod OARLTON AND save money. Do not blame me nett fahll CAMPBELL'S when coals awry up for not OOMED/ANS. warning you in time. F. B. HOLIES. In high-class Drama, Vaudeville aid_Illoe•' trated Songs. Strongest, largest and beet Repertoire Co. of the season. A $50.00 BICYCLE will be given away Saturday night to patrons of the house during the week Come tonight and get a number on the bicycle The bicycle is a high-grade 1901 model McBurney A Agents, membered from the Rmerwon Music and Bicycle Co. Call on Emerson and see it. Admission, 10c, 15c, 25c. J ROPEY & SON Tel Lgarateo -- Y whirrs\ INvitetovs awl F.rtvoot\rt.e.vs. carder. carefully w -tended to at all hoar.. soloist we day. Ceeber wueet. Lot No. 1.-4 for 25c. All linen huuk towels, good weight, firm and strong, will wear well, red and blue borders, 18 by 31 Inches, good vales at 10o. sub. On sale, oommenalnv Sat- urday myrnlog, at. 4 for 25a Lot No. 2.-3 for 25c. Largs bank h L, all pure ROOD, good weight, red, green •.- . los borders or plain hemstitched towels tF'. v •1 give •iesllsnt weer, size 21 by 38 inches, i value at 12io. each. On sale, oomm.noing 8..:.rday, a1. 3 for 25o • e More Saturday Specials . e ITH the towels we are going to give some more special bargains for Saturday. M_ojat of them are lines.that for one reason or other we have decided to drop from the stock. We don't want to take much time getting rid of them and are willing to make it pay you well to help us get them out quickly. These will be ready with the towels. on Saturday morning, and everyone is a bargain. Table Covers. A third or more off, al- though no.fault of the goods. It's simply a case of having too many on hand at one price : 98 only, English and (1erman Tapestry Table Covers, In ortm.oe, blue and gross grounds. with oombiratlgn of o'her Rotor. ling., newest dr.lgna, .iz• 2.2 yetis, oat regular edeas $2 sad 12 25 sash, 1.48 Saturday Cotton Drawers, 25c. Attractive Wall Paper and Window Shades Leh in !ince and re.iyn• Porter's Rook aid Nall Paper lionse,Goderic t. `A,T1'. ii r• aft. your tri ',• fur ",ell Paper at I Wrrnh.w Shari.., a d if )one coneiriir your own interni you leek through our .nonuous *tock w1,. n in ne.d of either. Buying, an we do direct from the paper inial* an I sharpe manuiacturrre, inn quantities and for SPOT CASH, our price* ere away below the regular retail prices, and it goes without saying our Wall P'pors areentir'ly .hfreront from those commonly shown, having that etrikink, •t.yllah and UP TO 1)ATN: effect, besides costing no more than ordinary out of date styles. They are all shown in patterns suitable for hal s, bedrooms, dining rooms, Libreria', drawing rooms and parlors, and range in price from 4c. per roll to 35c. If you are in need of any, meaaure your room'* width, length and bright alDd we will give you the exact coat of papering it, besides a'kieting you in your selection. All Papers marked in plain figurer' WATCH OUR SHOW WiNDOW. Terms Strictly Cash. Porter's Book and Wall Paper Store T..pbone No. 100 B. (hurt Hoo Nur., (lrnlenoh. ir vl� Wldls Cotton Drawers, made of strong, white ootto.,, sell sear., erintmid with six rows of line tie k, end inch !Wehrle frllL�el forifet edeit, 2o', Curtain Poles, 19c. We want to clear these out quickly or we wouldn't let them go at this price. 60 cartels pole, 1m bi•ek, rn.h••tany of oak finish, enmplete with rne•, ender and hark'c., •o'd all over ai 25 , to clear, ohnlo 1 9c. $1.50 Curtains for $1.08. 42 cents saved on a piece of good lace curtains. 10 p.lrs Notttnti.em lane curtains, flee quality, Iecey p.t'eru, firm, .trona net, light, Bora, regular prioe $1,60, on -gala Se. urday, per pair 1.08 Corsets, 68c. I Dollar Corsets at 32 cents leas than the-togular price. Good corsets too. Nothing the matter with them only we have too many lines at $1.00' and are going to drop this one. aiaadtrd dollar Dorset,, the well testi* - ELT' shits Madeira= fine and string eaten ran. len waist, .reel filled, trimmed with wide lees and btby rlbboa. sold ell over .t 11.00 per pair. 68C• UA sale 8at.rd.y, at • .. , ...... . 18c. Art Muslin, 10c. 25c. Frilled Muslin, 15c. -------- ' ' Tweed Dress floods, 15c. draperies for Saturday. Both' 125 yards tweed drew goods, mostly dark shades In neat small oheek■, satiable for skirt. or ohlldren's write, regular 301. and 35.., to clear on Saturday, 15c. Kid Gloves, 50c. We have about 25 pairs of kid gloves that are slightly damaged, so slightly in some cases that you would hardly notice it, in none enough to affect the wear, but in all en- ough to keep us from asking regular price for thele. 25 pairs kid glow.., oolored, lace and dome fasteners, very alightly damaged, regular $1 00 and $1.25 lases, Perrin'. 50c. make, choice, Sa'ard•y are good and well worth com- ing after. Flan art mu 1 n, hand.nsss floral desires, sof' Ilniwfi, lull 36 inch.. wore. Neuter 18'. gash y, 125 yard■ to sell oan... V., irdny, at per „.rd lOet n11.1 ouneies, mo lin, tins quitey, will watts and ester well, ewe shades, Tory wide, me k• a 1co marten), refuter 250 , .elbng Ss' ul:l.y oar yard . 1 SC. Rain Coats, $2.25. A very little price for a rain- coat as good as these. TAP .4 rain 0,.t., h•lvet colter, double texture, plaid 1 nine. double breasted, fawn shed... A teed 54 00 ear- 2.25 meet, slew ceiy to.ell Suurdsy, Men's Linen Collars, Sc. bac Caps, 12 doe. men's linen (Killers, assorted 25c. heights, turn neer eurnris, teralar 120. Mu'. and a nut ha' peaked elo h cape, to 20o., most of them the latter,Auks Kari broken plaid., sold all all slue, oheioe, each SC. over at 50o each, ohoioe Saturday, 25c. Dollar Tweed, 50c.. 45c. Tweed, 30c. We are not going to keep tweed for men's suits when these are sold out. That is why we aro willing to take so little money for these. 1 end tweed. neat stripe in dark and medium grey, tend weight, 'eau 30c, lar 45,., to °leer 75 yards tweed, all wool, dark oolerl.gs, will mak• nnbby sults and give excellent wear. Reveler pries 5100, to r� clear, per yard SOC. June Patterns now in stock. HODGENS BROS. UODBRICH. • DUNGANNON. Da.0.,A. NK\vTON, DENTIST. HAS discontinued 8's trice to liungsnnoo. WAIN pleased to meet any from that neigh- borhood who Inv require his services at t • Lome omoe. Luokaow, where toe w.tl b u f coot every day in the week ezoep• Thunla', wb so he visite Ripley. Special att. -rtoo veld to preservation of natural tenth. orows and bridge work, eco. Roy methods of eztraor- i .R Narks - The loos! ageaoy to Dengennoe ee•Tee BItNALMUM thwolo.OfJ.0. ht'Aan, ! N., 000v,yaneer, ice.. who will reoelve or dart for subsorlptlons. advertising and job• wart. mad t antborleed to win receipts tor a•nwnts Raid for the same TDeepav, May 14 h. Sserdeo. -Farmers to this vicinity are well ad. vetoed to seeding and with motioned fair •gather will be tbrougb In a shirt time. Many of them ire preparing the soil for root crops ; mangold•, potatoes and turnips. Naw Beaisiee -N. B. Gerry. bardwase m.robaat, Blyth, has opened a branob store a the premises formerly ooaapied se trooery and feed store oo the east dd• of S,athempteo street. The besieges is befog e n looted ty J. E Hebkirk. Aa there to a good extent of flowery i t all d,re3tlooa he- t ween here an 1 other villages, the business .uould weeper. DIVISION Cut RT.-DiVlaloa Court was beid here one the 7th Inst. His Honor Jade, Doyle presided. As Here was a large.umb-r of oases to dlep"se.1, e•sss el wki.b took up oouid arable tame. 11 wee well r -a mldnigbt before the court was olo,ed. Tee legal fraterulty'we. represented by Messrs. Hole, Proadfoot, Darrow, jr , and Seeger, of ood•rtob, H. Morrison, of Look• i ow, and A. McDonald, of Blyth. PzesoNAL.-We are pleased to Zero of the oontlna.d impruv•ment In health o1 the totemmed editor of Tum SIGNAL. .... Mr. McSwea. of Uoderlab, the veteran salt mabolacturer, was In our voltage oo busi- ness, derma last week ... Robt. Mclean, net Uederuoh, who Is widely known as • horse zed settle dealer, was here last week, and, we are toformed, said out to the far- mers in this vloloity upwards of 51,400 for ,attle which were brought bore for ship- ment and putnrlog. Among them were quite • Dumber of erselleot looking animal. We were pleased to are John Mo W Maxey, of Nile, to our village last week. The venerable gentleman, althoovh an on- Logenavian, Is fur his age quite ac..ve and cheery. He is nicely rseessrleg from ea injury whloh he bad the misfortune to re• odes last winter by a fall.... Wm. Welsh, of Stratford. Perth, agent of the Ezo isior Life Iosurenos Uo . to plyinv his business in this suttee of country. From snotoer oorreeponden , Mies Rose Brown Is visiting Mrs. J. H. Gig. Jas. Wilson, of Loudoeboroogh, Sunday - ed 112 our burg. Mrs. Ju. Trimble is ids a vent to her daughter, Mrs. Ju. W byard Mies Cordon, of St. Helena. was the gout of Idles Kate Sluolale one day lest week. T. M. MoLc&n left on Monday for Se. Thomas, Dakota, We wish him sones.. In his new home In the West. A loge oumter attended oonfirmatioo service. la St. Peals oburoh last Monday morning. 'There were nineteen o.odid.tes confirmed Mrs. J. C. Pentland and two obrl Ircu and Miss Rose, of Rook Island, 111., are so an extended visit to the former'. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson Epworth League anniversary 'terrines ant tea -meeting will be heli to the Methodist ohuroh, D.ogaonon, on Sunday and Moo• day, May 1901 • .d 20 h Services on lbs Sunday at 10.30 A r, 2:30 P. M. and 7 r M. U.. Monday eveomg tea will be served to the parsonage, after which a good musical and literary program will be given In the Aurae. Adml.doo, adults 260 oblldrea 15o. PORT ALBERT. TotsDAy, May 14. Mrs. O. S. Brister and ohlldren„of Brit- ish Columbia, ere home tor • visit to Mn. Relater's parents. Mus Eta Petiole returned from Leaden last w. ek. Mrs. Wil dams, of Ooderioh, le spending • leer days si las Mr. and Mrs R. Orabam. A meeting will be held In Christ ohuroh on W.dne.d.y afternoon for the purpose of org.ala;ar • Ladies' Ald hnol.ty in 0000e0 - tion with the cherish. Thos 0. Hawkins left for the See today. Miss Yates, of Uoder,ob, le vent las at Mr. Haydeo's. The Foresters have made arrangements for the Iayirg of the oorn.r stone for their new hall oa Fri lay '00101°6n next. PORI ER'S HILL. Mr,wn*y. May 13th. Toes Ankles lost • valuable cow last week. Mr. Hurd 1. ensued ID moving and rale. leg John Cox's harm. Arohis MacDougall 1. .lowly reoeverine from h.• Illness Mts.E . C. Patter has a very sore heed. it le feared blond pniioning will set le. Miss MnCtmksy, of the 4th 0bo.eesloo, Sond•yed with relatives le this vielnity. T. A MacDonald hes been In Godsend' the past few days repairing his property kbero. Robert klllett, who moved te Underfelt shoal two weeks ago, having rated las Hamllien's house, hes parnhaesd the beau and lot. The young gentlemen who .ant to the Suit a short Wm. 550 ha) • r.oelved week an the Am.rio.e side and are vetting $1.76 per day. It Is reps 4sd that (lolda Neatens is aloes se *NM as sealers shalale W maw 1'• A • Is Ile seas W lsjs'lri calved al lib re • '• '.111 1.et '1.41► et ►lay, Vrfte is soar, May 13th. A,b.rtPet ter, of Winghem, was la 1h, ylllag• o. Saturday, Wesley Denman was home from Wing• ham last week elek with the grip. Mr. and Mrs. Oso Mand scald yelled relatives to Molesworth the week. Mr. and Mrs. R. U. Uwmefe, of Ford - glob, Yelled at Uee. U•eemore', but week. John Paterson, of Meleewerth, vetted al Walter Patereoe's la Hlu,vals Oa Btu. day. Mus Barbara and Rev. Robert Thyme, of Souris, Manitoba, are vldtleg relatives le the village. LEtBURN. '1'uesuar, May 14. !,DUCTION Stevtcrt-Oa Tuesday of last week Rev. Jas. Hampton was 1od•oed lo. to the obarge of the Leeburo sed Caton ((loderioh towaablp) Presbyterian oburohee, the servtoe taking plaoe to the ohuroh hen. It will be remembered tbas Mr. H•mllten r«Igoed this charge some lime ago Is order to f•ollltate a proposed re-arrange'.'.t of the field to this dlstrtot, but ea It eau loand impossible to carry out the pro oneness. Mr Hampton bar resumed e pastoral diary* of the 000gregatlons Lodi. Dated. 189 servlos was held at 1:30 r. w. Roy. J, A. Andersen, B A., of Oedarlob, preelding. Rev. Thos. Dayldsos, M. A , of Varna, prsaobsd ; Mr. Anderson toduot ed the minister sad addressed him, and Rev. J. A. Hamilton, M. A ,of Londeebore', addressed the people 1be congregations of Iwsburo and Union bate agreed to build a manse fur their pular to Ued.riob and steps are being taken to Dory out this agresmwl• Goodyear's QTY RUBBER GOODS are the finest in the world and are all guar- anteed. Hut Water Bottles, 51.50. 51.75, $2.00 Fountain Syringe., 81 50, 51.75, $2.00 Combination Synttge42 25, $2 60, $2.75 Enemas, 75c., $1.00. \Yd have also all the other standard makes. An.treeptirma Il tine lite of Atomizers from 75e. to 53.00. F. B. DUNMASPhm.6.. DRUGGIS T. Oorner of Wee* et, sod the Square. THE O©W BY-LAW. e peeist !depart el the fie.lag of oar tear. Meed attune se ('weldor It. Oyez oyer.. oyez : All manner of oozes nod horses who have anything to say !- reference to the ant metalled "A oow bytes passed by the oorpnraMea of the town of Ooder•ob." drew Seer. spin Weir at/e.tlee and the, shall b• hosed. Osgood save this ooze. Io reepon.. to the above preelamatles by the bovine wrier, width was heard - berating around our town a few days ago,1111 • mass meeting of the aforesaid wee held In St. Andrew's ward, Sunday morels', to 000sider same. The meeting ander the circumstances was largely attended, no Ices than 9fbeeo of our bevies and three of oar equine oittu ms putting in aa .pp.aranoe In one of the open clots of 'rotted In tee said ward --all property.owoen, and entitled to vote. The mulling appointed Joao:, a retired trotter, ohairmao. He had only been turn- ed out that morning for • week • pasturage and airing and looked somewhat the worse for wear, but being an old ringer soon got the meeting to order and proceeded to busi- nees after stating the obiue ot the meet- ing. The lest summer's minutes were read and &depted, when the following reu. lotions were anaolmmtly paned : let, That the chairman, Jona', be re- quested to advise all oows and herein with• Ie the mnololpallty who have been °beery. tag stet now bylaw,aliered to be peeled, for the purpose of p Ing us from roaming a1 large le the street, and publlo highway' of troderloh,uoder the pales and penaltien of flees end Imprisonment., that the .old by- law Is now on longer In force and sever was Intended to be enforced tot, That those Rowe and hones who may °outlaws to ob 101.1 effete' bylaw are objects of oar profound contempt and pity, and unworthy to be entrusted with the rights of four -footed citizenship. 3rd, That a -otiose toe damages be brought against the said norpor•ti,o for loss of elm., la getting In oar holes, sleep, general debility and meatal worry, tented by the thoughts and tsar that said laroieal bylaw might be o nforosd. 458, That we here, now and forever, assort our right as lour -looted °ltlzens of said corporation to enjoy the same liberties and privileges we have from time out of mind enjoyed Is the placed old town, nada' She glorious folds of the old flag, of equal rights to all. 518, That all oar toar•footad Mendes( the neighboring municipalities be invited to at- tend the ehtegolea of the defunct bylaw, a taltable memorial stoe• to be *rooted wltb the losoription, "As honest bylaw Is the n oblest work of man." Phe tn.Khev thea dtsesseed slue itvMI three bawl. for Joao:, the effioeat ohalr- man. NILE. MONDAY, May 13tb, Mies 0 Hllller, ot Beomiler, •pent San- - day at Nile.�- W. R. Treleaven, of A,htidd, spent Sam• \". day at NII.. Miss Mabel Bailie bas returned from spindle, a few days with friends In (lode. Hob. Fotutrr•ats•errr. - The Nile Foworth League Intend holding their annual tee• meeting oo May 24th Ad ' trees are Io be delivered by Re.. Jeerer \ Mese, of (lode• riob, and Rev. Henry Inc. e, of Li,tswel. Mr. lime wee the flret pastor of Nil, aharoh aed the Leann* think they are very fortunate In searing his services. TM following elocutionists are expected : Mr..' (Rev.) Japer Wilson and Mire L. Arrive, of Ooderloh ; Mies A. Fsrg.eoo. of Aabara, and others. Mink a to be f.rniehed by the Nile ohoir and oroheetra, also by W• Arydgee. of (loderloh, and others. Tee le be served from 6 to 8 r. r. The pressMss to be see of the beet tea-essotlogs we have ever had and thou who bate bee. regular attendants em former years k.sw that that Is says( a greet deal. • aeras,. ttessyy ter inertia Aad gee .Tway te be relied apse, is Pat. g am's Palsies@ Corn Retraces', safe, sure .ad always painless Nearly fifty belta- Oleos peeve Its value. Beware .f mob. Oct P'ta.m's at Araggthe, or If yes lennel gel i1 we wall send i; to you by mail opera receipt of 2A sats. pest paid. M (:aa.da er Units States. N. O. Pews i C.•. Wear sem, Oat.