HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-16, Page 6"vow CEYLON AM) INDIA TEA, GREdN OR BLACK, DON'T FORGET THE FAOTEI. nritiali 'trawl% tea is utieoloresi ol eleene. it is mnehlowrolled and soreuine no adulterant". Neither .1 APAN ser CHINA tone wooers them diesseittveletice. • "SALADA Coyle. Tens are sold in sealed lead packets only. sever la bulk, Black. nixed or Uncolored Ceylon Green. Samples on application. Address ..SALADA," Tereete. GERALDINE'S FORTUNES 44•44444.44••••••44+++.14.41+.4•44444-444eHellee -Matt le the me of wandering woman to know thorn. So, half Wien - about, tiriug pelmet. with hunting for,• man you are Imre not to find ? For, If Liwiley Fie luig really liar mei emelt causer to fear you 101 yuu litios• represented. he le certultilY a mile off by tele time" 'Me wee IIIJ toldently true, tint was raid lo ruck a aeorilt'e tuns of collo and autiorritatire pentilasio 1, that the young man, Who', wile 'llas Wan linrdly Jolt to the pr e clearly. from some enure or Oth.tr, Elisibeth had certainly taken in her In a Mote of weak. mental diorip ine„ nephew wilf n lie Mut outgrown the yielded again to bee aro he lied i ff need of It. But a, Mali duwebroken before. auti wink down Into the :.•h r No James now wads euel-i not be lust. he had occupied et the begliming i 'And you we yeti -were quite right." the Interview. he continued. interrupting her pro - "Now." said Me, not resuming her tort. "Nothing you told me wheu I meat. but standing before him with 'Witt a. boy, in those friendly little In- tel. hand On the berme, and speak etweruents to consclentioue effort leg very evarnernly. "if Lindley ehould which begun by telling me I was good prove to 1.111 the inall you suspect. foriothing, oterstereed the truth, yt.su will bale my fulltwt sympathy I e urn you. I tithe you may reason - and all the help I can 1,0 v. yot Hai,' \take pride in litivIng Judged me en tedy so 'rely." toward aucli Just puniahmeut am niay be in our power. Bat there Us quite 'Itinism, Jammu. how ran you talk auteher motive he may have had in such e winner ? It is met en- ter not wiehing you to we him. and lInd titer unfair. W• were o•er- 1 fancy It wee the stemicious artion whelmed When we heard of it -I niott of overturning the lamp which led "f 811" you to onivtake Lim for the Man 'When yet hear.' of It !" 110 echo.(1, you have so much reason to distill... tuining to It A at her. ''Wleyt (ild Liadise, ha., as 1 told yo„. t„,., yon heart II, w did yoll lietir le tenuilly, half inioluntarily, 1 drifted off, und-andie did no good, sel 1 sup• puse you hive guessel, as I dere say pm prophesied. keen at the last, whoa 1 bed done something ut college to dirprovo the gloomy forebodings' of rev future which you let me heir se much of tee I woe 0 Loy. )011 never wire mu crelt for much but atraight limbs and strong lungs, 1 funcy." Vetting to get your uncle to leave "We hear.' al about it. of couroe. the. property to a person of his In hell a defeil chuosiug ; Ilff would never have dar- ed to do Mb while you were here. and your retnrn hoe naturally de. oweerted Mei." "But uot to much an extent tie to lead him to do anything hopelesety faulleb." 'Ohl Jame... 'looking up nt bar with mcn•e ehrewdriess In biw bla. eyes than she had exix•ctel. "1 knew Ode man Lindley-Willianno- what- ever hiall natne Ir. Ile ho am clever UN he can seek. If ii hail been u maere matter of getting an unjust - will mades he vroithi Mix.- fazed -It tett. It wanted the fear of a ene se Much at his throat to maks lien raise such a scene am that which took place in the driwing-room Piot now. You need not Ire afraid of MA lefluence over my neve nny longer : while I an) .At the Hail he will keep et a safe distance, ell answer for it." -14e-sereke with- tainty that who began to recover... the likelihood of Liti•lief • olcia 1,, get the affair's of the family Into hla own hands having ti.en more deeply laid than Me had stemeetel or etiUrne. shrive .femee lent beene in prison when the news came of Line- ley'a oheritable visit to him. they bad ewe no wane uo meemage eif oryrupellie be seeroweto- the yonerg Mali in Ma minery Mel degratIntion. except through t•zir ebarlee etilici• toe, Mr. Maguey; and James had sent uu word back ; therefore 1110 neenne by vriech lio Itad (Mien from li.S bright. adventurous netnlesiel to the depth's of a cowardly crime load re- mained unknown to these. "James." gale rite, violet,. lower. lug her voice to a solemn %%Moyer, "do you mean to tell um tett tt,u suspect rouse hand of hating :ielitier- ately set about your ruin ? Be frane with rue; there is no wite in making up a "tory to ine-I hare weicien,al you without one. arei pie have wy eyoupathy in nuy VW" wy wenn- sort sympathy. my paor, dear boy 1 - Fibs laid her white hand -which had a-ontierfal capabdittem bolls for Wee - nem and noftness-caressingly on his curly brown liair. But there wee minting In the,eroft touch just thet ' thee of warm 'lumen feeling %%Anil) monde the current of aympathy froni one heart to another; and Janico, menelllre, responsive, impressionable, remit:toed umnoten. -Thank you. aunt," he repeated, inetlectIvely, but witlieut anything warmer than (setrtemy. "Wlint elited.1 1 make up a etury for 7" he continued, .atinPlY. "It eCtuld not help me now -l'in done fur: but it was his fault. WO did It" -with a fruit outburst of enter. "Heaven known that Is trtio enough ; and heaven know, what lie did it for -I don't.'' "We may be able to find (AO I.: we go to wort molly." . "What le the um of thrit 110W, Me work le done, Its litia wrecked my sae; for heavan'e ',Ake, 1st um talk of something oleo 1- said Ile, getting up to Walk atieut. "I wanted to for- get the inbiereble bushiest ; to come esurnewhere where nothing was known of It. where I etallt1 get"- lir stopped abort web a laugh. uot a merry one. The idea of elpecting cense!. atIon or welcome or (empathy worth tbe bating in tha laa old Wine eel - deals struck Merin ler true light as quite ludicrous in ite eztravegauce. ille aunt was burning te hear the whoie story, Which, if nu hamper In- terettlag to ler tioptiew, might lower anneiderebtelpireetara-keviee.fee- her„; r.' oh e, therefore, with elaborate deltronstration of wakening affection in touch and look and tone, followed him, and maid gently. as he "tapped In front of a book-ense, with he eyes e fixed intently ou the. Mirk volume,' eief eiihben's "Dewiest end 1.'101". "II iw creed you think we should ii1/41. k ew nothing of it 1 Did you litin- gi your welfare -you, the only re- tiree ing representative of youth 'Ind homily our decaying family -could be a matter of indifference to us r. Ile did kok down at her then, but It was with a rather cynical espree- skin. flowerer, she went on, un- daunted: '., "When yule disappeared from us so cruelly, witheat une word, one hint of what you Were going to do, we wee* frantic with anxiety abent you. ere made itimiirlee, we searched, di le I I t bt I 1 t he ne weim perm Mime D.! We 11:111 11e "Was it in the thought, being out itt tiny rat '. (tvI lute youreelves that hanging mutter for m y el my word I would ra been." "Wish. heel, Jettnes''; don' thet Lindley -hall I far. whom have taken anything t .10 with- that t" "Why, el teethe he WO '" James, turning upon her with y mince. 'lie had everything t•i with it ; it wits he wh took li awny fruit Ile, that man who ha called himself my Ira•tel, %vie, buil lived upon me, hal me away, eone what he liked with nie. He luta been the curse of my life. an4 Name day - Monte defy I'll have it out with hint •21N-1 -Mr. Manley - '0u surely ael net er heard el it f" W iipaw.rd 1 the come rt - tat eongiatie was not a self. 1 give her it lind talk like It man said do out of my way. and ilodge me and (nowt. tne ns 21 fox deem the hounds: bat 111 hunt. him down at lust ; *Lee I'll meow 1.1•1( no mercy. of te begs for hie life on his knees!" • 11ie float stare in front of thin with which lie spoke, ns if lan eyes ectually wow himself In the art .4 taking a sengitinnry revenge, alarmed him aunt 'mart mere thee Ma worrecor-the low - ravage tones of hio s,,Iee. She forgotten until the words, "It was he who took her away," recalled the fact toll her mine tett there lied lwe,t1 Woneill cumotrtici in the murder, not very creditably to James. 111e young man. after his angry outburst. seem- ed to be anxious to recollect hir tier Yr. Tele was just What ahe wished to prevent..311e said, In her tiottemt v•orloo- ' You were very fond of her?" ' yeti," a nowere•I lie, breifly ; lie palmed lihr. nil impa tietitly over Ilie lunit ne if te intimite that lie whited to phalli. himself free of the mablect. "I ghoul,' like to tste my uncle; e I /lee noW ?" he nakel, in a differ- ent tone. d'on't know ;• the dortar la skill with hint,. I believe; Wit 1 will go up tend find ent. Come with me she added, effeetionatelt . puttee: her nand threugh his ermeanxious not to hoe night of him until elle li kt1 ere portecity of hewtelting that .very delicate subject. Lite manner of hie re - iron. ot• emcees froru prison. S. th..,y went uperlinire together, and b • waited outskle Ids uncle's 'Dor whilo glizabitth. in sneerer us her knock. wee tuintIttel by Dr. Ledbury him- self. Ile glanced at J6I11011. whom she at once Introduoed cot har nephew, Ciente:try to her etpereatirm-for the hut even to ford oruvinced thtt 11, wen an aecompliee of LIvidley'n-th-• physician Mem-A unrpree. no more Internet thin weuld eaterally be ex• pectee of a ntrenger in th• renew stances. a, came out moo thi land. big. hieing closed lb) tedroota door after -Ifni. end said gravely, In his low•o!ced, uhrupt manner. t hat he deeply regretted that he owed hold out. no live; fler Cherie" wart oinking fug: hv could 110 11111h1fle furtier for tien tiro it neekeeper had recei V1.11 frem hie MI nerweetry inatruetemn. lie was bowel to return to town tett. night. Mr. Otway heel better rot enter his Uncle', preneue• lintll Ste Charke bid been prepared for the eight of Ifni. Mr. eltway would excess hie tibrupt (hip erten,. as ley must not nese hie train. Ile lorwod, and Elizabeth ac• commuiled him down.atelre. ordered th it the carriage should he brought suast4,4st...asses.r.aw4-4821sesatiatly Ammo Lionel him ahout ler brotteses temi. For it wan hupessible. wise in pee ewe of th's mare to suspect him of compleity in any Wet. In *hi' void. calm face, keen eyes, upright and 'livered bettring, th.fre wile aorta. tbbig which so naturally iiispired re- elect, that the Prat weeds oho had with Wm no they welted in the library for the announcement a the e'er - liege. dispel*, her suspkvion• and made her ashamed of them. As lie "tool before her, tlei the very same "pot where her nephew had steed a few ,minutes before, she instinctively °prepared the two men. as lueniehlue most striking (entrant. Both tall, breadly•built inen. with famine denot- ing great pewee, the me moven' liettessly, and walked as if the effort 0/ dragging III, treat '.11robe about were trot worth the trouble it cost Curtously suough. se she thought, 1 eves at the moment that eke was making the comparison. Dr. Ledbury turned the oonversation to the man with whom sbe was mentally cute Waiting himJ " teat 'linesman whom 1 hel the pleturere of meeting juM now the ilePb"w of whop Cbe.ries titles as If be were dead?" Elizabeth looted wirprised and ante lone " Dem he speak of him eu? Then 1 am afrahl It will Moe my brother very mu. h we lent. U'hat would you welee? It is tb. come; lie uur ooly nephew." " Puce fellow!" ejiculetel th, physi• elan. la a very Jowl virtue, el If to benself. Elizabeth looked at him inquiringly. " Pantos' me. are a Judge of facie -to be en la an important pert ce iny profestemeatel I was "willfully seruck Oil expression of hir. Fine young felow b. added. More llattILIY. 40 torn tbo ma'Oct. be lied eveeeltie astonish d &nil even alarmed the lady ; geld. slowly, after u mounentim pause- " bitty I sok you tu tell me bi what way kW exprearion struh you ? It is a matter of tit. (impart intortot tr and 1 thield like, if you will ir-t Ito kind oh to geatify curlesite, eouipere., ectir Lumrtestous krowletge vf him." " Rem tu!..4.-r, it to a (lel -Ate ubjeet for us.?, air Wara you thr imorou Won eraa a painful 0.2e. &miles. 1 e Wm only fur au ittria.10..- Cio on, If you "Well. then. ea the glimpse, I had of Wm -please remember that. it wail no more. awl we %%ere nvarly In the dark -1 war ulintat startled by what seemed to me. if I way use the ex- prestion. a hangekg Moir, us 1 the wearer of it, luid recently been sub- jected te SOMA deep iturniliation-uay. alore-degruilation.'1 Elizabeth started. "l'artien mo, I have pained you. I tram •fraid I should. Aetna,' ledge that you tensest fumed my frank - o ego. .41,1, lertie, we were in the dark.", "No. no; I fumed you to be Irene. WIll you tro OW Don't be afraid of paining tan. rbeg ; it is only facto, and not impressems, that can (10 that. Will you tell toe whether it strii..k you -perhaps I am peat; Leo far e ven for your strange skill -that hir exprcsatua was iune of uumerltee be- guiler tent ?". The physician hesitated. e.141.• of course : it 'would hate epee - ed a magieilin te tell that !" -Not quite, 1 think," he respiteled. "The larinati•face much more easily recut elute people imagine who have otieliel It mily cureorily. I slid not pane° se much became' I could not answer you as becaueo dared not.' "You urny dare any lenumuni,•atien to 'nee said Elizabeth, quietly. The physiteine keen eyes • me 'hers. and a genre WM him that tier Wiest was not. ill•fouuded, on lath subject, et ell evente.. "You are strungeniteleil, nuelem.' tw paid. in a tone ne quiet es her own -1 rhould haye deviled. I nm afraid, Wet the degradatien expresser.' i the face of young Nfr. Otwuy war not unmerited." In "pits of tee feet that she had u prepared for tele I.:limb...Le ew a sharp breath as his last los fell. She Iterate, up at Iiiir Y• 04101444+44414.444:::: LOW CHIGNON'S I liEgir FAILURE UNITED STATES ENOLISN. • A Piew York Paper - Pleads for Its Purity. REIGN BEGUN. But Not Fatal Thla lime. foe Moody Treatment Saved. +140+011•0114•••••1144.4411444 The relge of the low chignou, long predicted. had, cume at last, and it bee base generally adopted, al- though NOON women of fashion are Will refractory. The aerometer) of the Princess of Wales to the thrtiue of regent' was the sigma tbr ite outurecration. Ereseroes le aware that the new Queer) of England bad for many year. peeve/ugly adopted *Me atyle, arid, am a matter of fact, euvereigos can hapoire upon their euWeete their style of dreaming the heir, air well al fash- ion in other respects. Om can recall te =lad the long heir tut worn by lerancole I., the merle of the wig with Lords XIV., the baby hale under Marie Aatotnette, the tireek style of wearing the hair that clone ito favor with the Enterers Josephine, the bandenex and earl paper. im- posed by the }:wpraer Cucenie. Ali these ways were adopted be the wow. of faabion of their reapective period,. For tbe benefit ed Heraki renderer I will record tlw remits of virile that I kayo paid to . hair - dreamers' 'Memo: On tire Boulevard Ilausennane, at the establishmeut .t la Madeleine, 1 was told tbat there war a gerwral teniency to a lew coiffure, with the clegnue 011 the nape of the ueek, re- calling to mind the *nye of the Sec- ond Empire. , Broad, soft wavee are now being 00nOtructed Into ligiit, puffy band- eaus, which In no way change the moat aspect of the lace. The chignon npra extremelt. low, and is com- pered of soft tresses, frequently false, In which for the evening garlande of floweret are Interaperged. This style le very becoming and very young. Sometimes, even, the flowers' fall tee.• the neck. This, it appeare. Is a once to the direction of the curls and -anglaise/I" worn by the mothers and grandmothers of the preeent gener- ation. At Doetleiel levee aesured that, al- though ail girls/ have DOW adopted the low coiffure, there a.re many woureer whoee resistance it is very difficult to overcome. Here, alio, I admired the epeaking models of hair - teeming. which will obtain the suf- fragawt•of a good many women who have not yet made up their minds. Here. alto, waving, in all Rs grace, Is respected. Moreover, combined with modern hygierie for. the hair, which hare tweeze so much more gen- eral in recent years, the natural col- or of the hair has been resuroed, and dyeing bept In reeerv• am the last resource for hiding grey hair. The return of the low coiifure bringer about a great change in the ornamenting of the hair. I therefore paki a %lett to Mlle. Camille Brouillet, who haa Made n special feature of the (testate moo t -piquet, flower* etc., for the hair, iernally in harmony eel' the garlan la of fiewers welch the dresser, oti W nt last year's exile/Rim canoed to Moons In all the lo.lowe of the bpecialista Muslin flowers are the mutt styl- loth. Small pompon roses, evoking the Watteau period, nre usually pre- ferred by Orlin in tiny wreaths, surrentellne the chignon, end 'iter- ate n falling In cascades -over eine corsage awl forming epaulet tee. The Empire dreemeo, so miser worn this reason. have brought in flower trier - ming* for the Mete breaking to some exta nt the 'stiffness of the line; gar- lands of (wholly, mixed with maiden- hair fern, for inetance • roses mixed with lilac. narturtium, etc. teed relate Appedr no_haee haltheir day. When bright ookeed flowers are no longer worn ladles take for choice Mercury .wings In opangled tulle or wreaths in tbe "Ceres" *Lyle, in spengled foliage. All these flower* ere made at prenent in very eubdued colors. with foliage in the earns style. of a pistol tender green that Woke as though it were fronted. The game class of flowers, In soft end extinct Made.. will be found. moreover, upon spring hate. -N. Y. not mole tad me wonderfu the rominintieatio 11 1 put have I, MU -for all that you hove knew already -hat of yottr tomer of rending tear,. fellow -veer' arse. Can pee" 'the Anted timidly. f •innted oat,. ainumt chill- i/oh eonfidene by tee phymieleree akin. and try the ?olivine 'renew et serve -I power th which he 'moraine(' hetri•^Ntft 'Ott .t1J-111E- Illture-,- We" Dr. ledbary Uttil. -No, only to ti extept that we all can -given a re Ailf type o! char. meter. yor etin prop sey pretty well the ecrarile it will tat " he muse of my -And that. eir,lroe. n ephew, The aintle lefts 1..111! awl he grew euelenly read bete, WINO - wore' with eagerness* of % veto heraelf unconeelowe It her ?wart sink In spite of Itself. \ "1 cannot tell toe tent," liens - were], very gravely. and almoeten- audibly. He looken torware tbe eel glanced at his watch. "Y mien excuse me, Mee Otway • but-', "One moment, pray!" she 'beggel, her blue eyes finahing with strange excitement. "Olve m? ono nore prouf ,t1411. akin, I Implore you! Yco have met here-yau have Been with my brother -a relative of ours-" :etc paused, and Dr. Letibury looked down searchingly -for every glance of him was searching -Into Iler face. "And you what to know what I have retui in hie expreasion ?" It wag hardly it queetion-lt wag au Liesertkon. Elisabeth signed as- sent, with her lips parted and her breath corning feat. "I am met itagarding me leech In thim cent., se I Wive had the honor of speeding some time in tbat gentle- man's society. I may trust in your (Iitoretion, Mla• Otway " "Yee limy. Indeed." 'Weil, than, tkon't trine his." She trembled. Mlle was going t took Another quie:tion, when Ir. turned to- ward the dour and raised hie hand yterningly. "I can tell toe we mere. Miss 0 1, way. tare may yea know a great deal blare than a etranip-i'a eyee ean read.' And lie passel ail into the hall, juort es Johnson was epproaehing the library to amemince that the carriage was at th,a Mine Strange feel- ing of superstitions fever s•ited bete, already much exciteo. In spite of her ntrength of nerve. by her In- terilew with him, ne lin mho with her ; awl toycli of till eold, grew- eneweichttlett her 'WV iter-tronen of her own hazel ira often chilled oth- er*. She shuddered, with rilmont Renee of relief. at the door closed, end she heard the carringe wheelo roll down the iirlie. hearing Away the phyel- eyes and the mainwee twist' from Wnringhant Hall with He glom anti its mysteries. i.•iitite face vet. Elea - on hie itch odic *raid. For Six Years a Newfoundland Man Suffered teem Heart Trouble -Un- able to Work, and Suffering West Pale, He Is Diseeurened-Crodd's Kinsey Pine Slake • flew Moo of Hint. Cape La Ilene, Nfld., AprU 29.- leemieleD-Many think that Heart Dusease is lecurable, but the fact that it hr curable. Is proven by a case that recently CAMS to light In tide plate. Mr. Thos. Baxter makes the following 'statement : "For over se years I suffered in- tensely with palpitatiun of the heart, and hail to give up work. I could not (lo anytialeg at all. until 1 New el an asivertigement Hutt Dodd'a Kidney Pills would cure Heart Disease. I gent for seven knee, and I bevel used five of them, and ant now completely cured. I eire do my work again ea well ea ever I could. "I am not mapit of a 'speaker. but I lutve tried to write my 'eery eh plainly as poreible, and um doing so berause I believe that Dodd'e Kklitey Pille will cure any care of palpitation dr other Heart Trou- ble, and I think everyune auffering In tido way should be told of the remedy, that I found too imocessful in 1117 caw." Mr. Barter's' teetinionlal has been %elate/telly given for publication. He can have no object in giving it, other than the hope of holping some other poor sufferer. ex poluted out in he letter. If anyone doubts the genuineness of Mr. Barterer tertimonial, or the toutir of any statentient masie therein. they are at liberty to write to him u.ne find out for them - melt I'M. Mr. Barter I. only olle of many in this neighborhood. wito,have been cured by the tote of Doddie•Kidney Pills, but his cader is one of the moot. etrIking. awt evidently proves that Heart Disease la the remelt of Kid- ney Derangentente and can bo. cur- ed by Dodde Kidney Pills. Deranged Kidneyn increase the heart'. wink. an:1 t•autre palpita- tion and other heart troubles. Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid- neys, Anil thus relieve the Heart. Special Front Kingston, Oat. Eingeton, Ont., May 13, 1901. Please announce to the readers of tbat leave just placed hi He hands of the drug trade a 25e. elle of that now famous remedy esitarrhozone. This will be welcome nee," to si great many. am It will nave the* the trouble of sending to Kings- ton tor it. If your druggist hasn't it le eart,re it trent N.C. Poison. King. - tole we (1 •T•rit ng tr. cots I o n tidings of you. It Wee a most unfeel- ing thing for you to titi." There was truth In title anti Jame. knew It though. Indeed, want of feeling was far from having been the awe. a his dieeprearance -Yee, yen, 1 know It Wall wrong -I know It was," he said, restlessly. "Rut ecru meet imegine how intolerable the t ht of Petrel tl CI h hul ; even sow, glee yon houg ng ite Mire become to me my word, 1 nes Inclined to think 1 did better than th•t." His ellen mem see reekrain slight start at thle aleWal. "1 knew 1 wee mint for It, I kawwf t 000141 never nikkoi pet end INA/ 011014i madder or understand! me rnyitga held Its first vowel, mar earveres; be W 100 011ie he tempera- ftrm. perbape to herdsmen, In ket morni . sad it Was very hint, while every motion of the man before her seemed to suegest the reserve' power of a nature whose fricultlee were all well under the o.ogs mend of an Indomitable will. faces of tea two men illustrated the netittast still Wee poWerfulty , bath would have been reckoned handsome. But James' gond looks were due more to the gentle, winning explain, @ion of hie dark.hloe eyes and some- what weak reretth than to nigelar• Ity of feature. while lir. Ledhury'a eleer-ent, face. from hle high, fair forehead to the thin -Upped month which WRO '1011WWO onnesaleill by tawny moustache and even -trimmed Maid. wee. classical In nettles and 711XPTER XIII. awerVe How Saultatioe Lengthens Life. The good effects of improved sanita- tion in modern daye uud the general int•ervere of knowledge in regard to tbe lawe of health are shown nowhere co,ncluelvely as in the extension of the average de.ratem uf Inimen life. Sixty years nap MO expectancy uf of a male cldhl averaged hoe than 40 yeare and thee of a female child years*. At the prestent time the aver- age for males im nearly 40 yearn and for ferealets 4e. Thia !Deane that near- ly three yeare trove been added to the working lifetime of men and two yea -re Ant a half to that of women. There ta encouragement In thW for all who are engaged in teaching 'Ind preactang the gospel of good health. Iv:orates.. preeviiee and Indifference are akiwie giving way to enlighten- ed antI common-sense met lode eit ear, ing for the body. It le trot unreamon• able expect that by tee end of tire prement century the average du. retiree of human life may he raised te at tweet fifty years.-Lemliee Weekly. P4PER COFFINS, Will They Snore the Poor or Inc 00000 Undertakers' Prophets 7 When Miss Eliseleth Otaway ne- eompanied Dr. Ledbury downstairs ohs left her nephew standing Irre• solutely at hie uncle@ deur, warree not to enter, and indeed unwilling to du so. He had been quite as rtrongly Im- pressed as the rest of the household by the physician's Melting appear- ance and roterwed, dignified manner hut not In quite the same way *filmes erns a weal/ man ; but hie Wualtilera was moral, not Intellectual -It lay rather In indecision and in- dolence then In lack of wit. And he was struck by one little peculiarity about Dr. leelbury, which had been unnoticed or differently interpreted by the rest of the fame,. Ile *Aunt - erect across the bending, leaned over the baluster., sal welched the great man hn end Miss Elisabeth de/t- rended the Metres*, with dignified step, reel disappeared into tbe outer hell on their way to the library. (Ito be Onetlened ) There is no Wen with soul so dead, itaYe the Philadelphia Record, who bee rot eonsetimer turned a thoneht to be' future. Wieen the pomp and elreunistaxice of her existence ha•e ended he wane' to knew that he will go to the loot rest with' some befit - Ung dignity. Kipling, Who once vile- ited ao American uodertreker's shop, cried out agment the fraudulent clothes which the trade pats upon its awl Whiter only meter them la exposed pluses. A broadcloth coat without a back, paper collate end paper stets with dicky fronts `raise • feeling of rementment In Peery self-respecting breast; Rua tailor - ling melees a MAD really dread whet Stia.keepeare called Me "taktng off." Ms latest aseatet con a man's na- dye and inalienable Ogees at Ms own funeral coulee In the shape of a paper rofftn. Now, we would not say right off the bat that a paper coffer In as vett orielindle no a paper collar (.0 a paper shirt, but the Idea Ravers re eitiesperelie There te net emery te paper coffin. Indeed. tire inventor, it Brooklyn dontor, erho was ignited with the Mica while retetioeting the Adirondack', boldly enes that It is 50 per cent. cheaper than any other coffin -which condemn. it on the spot wed forme blet to add that It' le no per cent. better then other coffers. It is eery doebtful, we think, wbetber the free citizen.; ef Amer- ico will look with favor upon thin shoddy prodort of the undertaker's' art. Malt will not be skimped on the kat day, and whether he in to be put under ground or is to be reduced toitetwe at the crematory he will re - rent Any contact with papier mache. He erUl elot be trifled with at a time like that, eepecially when the hills met be pkjd wit of big own estate. Slang Weald be discouraged, be -1, cause it impluveridees the isaguage, freeing Re users front the neceerity of cboutring worth acurately.-New York everang paper. Van wbolloyed the fleet ball for tent racer to tie centre field. Het- bach foaled to Crews. Theater lifted a Mich one which teeltach palled, and Van (rose to elegle's low line lick. He *leo made a grand running catch Deletwantir balloon. Dolan toss- ed Hickman's murky grasser over to Delebenty. Strang Meng Cross' flip- per." with a stiff dinar. Flick beat out & but grounder to tlangel. Wolverton died Bernard te (tassel. on a weak dribbler. Deleirenty footled Taylor's witbbler and the latter got a life. Van eleetted out e beauty to 'eget. Selbach merely slotted to Dolan. Van became Quakerish and fell aadeep; he warepromPtly 'tailed by McFarland r quick 'heave to Delehanty. Crone 'swipe tilt the left foul line. Donobue died. Warner ebucked Themes' bunt to tense!. Slagle bit musty to Tou- ter and !steer got near firet. Wolver- ton ferried Strange grounder over to Delehantt. leek Dogged the Dum- my few a triple tti left ceitre. Ber- nard glued to kleFtirland's booet. Flick got over tire purl on Wolver- ten e long fly te Van. Dolan [(Meter- ed. Ganzel lifted one welch Flick elotehed Bernard hubetered. Ber- nard fuddled on Thometi warm gras- ser. 'Pile Dummy wide stevped Mc- Farland's glen parer, and Delehanty anti Flick ambled tome. 'McFarland died. Tay lor boorted one 'retch Dono- hoe nailed. Van popped up an easy tine for Crow. Thomas utoped bach'e rise. Dolan got a free tele. - Mame paper. A Beautiful Volume One of the newt timely and inter- esting a recent is the 11901 put on bale by the World Publishing Co.. of Guelph, entitled "Queen Nit:tore." It le a compre- hensive story of the nobleeife and glo- rious reign of our lute latnenteal Queen. Including a condensed history of Great Retain. 'Pile work le writ- ten by John Coulter, • the eininent London historian, turd John A. Cooper, the editor of the Canadian Magnsine: and they have spared 110 effort to wake it complete and accurate. The book contains over TOO paged, anit le treautifdlly anti appropriately 1111111 - tented ; the letter prers is good, and the blrubng is in keeping with ehe general excellence of the volume. It is a work which shook" find place iu every patriotic Canadian's library. NIAGARA TO THIS SICA. No finer trlp ern be tateu than the water roufe TIOWII the let Lawreuce, parsing through the Bay of Quiete, Thousand Island'', and running the rapids' of the St. Lawrence River to ltiontreaL The Ilamilton Muntreal Line steamers leave Hamilton at 1 p. m. and Toronto at 7 p. m. Tues- days and Thnredayr. After Jude 5th, the boata will make three trips per week. the additional boat on Satur• day. We offer very low rater on the line for broth mingle and return telt- etm. The Toronto Montreel Line steers - ere leave Toronto at 3.30 p. m. Tues - dupe Thursdays' and Saturdays from June let to June 15tle Incentive. and from Jane 17th daily, exeept Sunday. Steamer Toronto anti the new steam- er Kingiton vrilemake tbe service on this line.- They are the finest boats in fresh water. After leaving Toron• to the first port is ito•treeter. King seton. The -emend Islands, and the ra- pids of the St. Lawreuce to Mont• real. Between Montreal. Qiebec. Mur- ray Bay. Tadousac, and the Hoene nay River, and it is th2 finest trip on the coutenent. The boats on this Ririe cannot be murparreed. The Manor Richelieu Hotel at Murray Bay and the Tadounac Bete at Tailownte are the finest, 'rummer resorts, in Canada. Both of thew botelle are owned and operated by this company. Fee fur- ther aformation tO ticketa. fold- erol, etc., apply to li. Politer. Cheffee, Wemtern Pmesenger Agent. Riche. lieu & Ontailo Notification Company, No. 2 King street met. Tororito. Ont pee 41P feet eed 7.• Ire Sep good prepeeeµ largely ettired2 Catarrhowne Cares Bronchitis. Stamped. "That abeent-mtnded looking man le • wonder. He ran tell you the exact dletance to all the planets, their relative position. in ewe and atmet 'este- " Yee," answered the goofier. " If pon want to amp him, ask hint how far It le to the wareet grocer's or to the poetoffiee." 111aerd'e Liniment cares eokle, etc. A pupil in the juvenile department expeonialisd Me teacher recently by desertbing a circle as "A. straight like that's crooked all the way Neer& ' It. 411114 The Stupid Ass. We hear of a Men in Kangas wlio cleaned house -six roonte-In one day, in order to show his wife that. he could do It. The was a eery demoralizing thing to do. The man trim fele Ignominiously to build a coal ftre, in order to convince Ma wife that it in no use to ask him to do such theere. proceeds more timely In accordance with the rent *eft of hie sex.-Nnw York Mail anti F.xpress. Nervillne flees bstiefacUos. Polsone Nortiliee, the new and cer- ise* paste ewe. 4 eten0•441s. Mon In every inetance. There is abun- dant renoost for thie for it performs nil that ts claimed for it. Nerviline in ft never -falling cure for cramps, pains in sides or back. lumbago, sore throat, toothache. NervIline Is In fact a sure remedy for all pains, both internal awl external. Medicine deal- ers everywhere. Pekin Delte Pekin la rich In remarkable bells. the finest specimen beine locatee • the Bell Tower on the western ride of the Teeter -City, and ,,the To -Chung -Au.. er Temple of the Great Ben, tiepin(' the city watt. The latter contains the great bell of Pekin, Mot by order of the Ens - ;weer Yong 1.0 in I 4 1 5. and hung in the present tower by the Em- peror in 1578. This gigan- tic object weedier as 1 5 feet in height. ir 0 lecher' thiek. and him n circumference or 34 feet at the rim. Ir weighe 5le tons, and fa an* Conn from the liwidlitat outrae in Chinese charectern. How thee huge piece of mete! WON raised to itn lenient peoltion is a mystery which has never been speed. Inventor of Retired Freer. It le not, we leery. generally known that bottled beer Wile ftecitientally diecovered by Alexander Nowell, head master of Weetminster whore, air- men 1543 • he wee eloo the &ether of the Catechists. 4. curious collection. -The Laneetk MiaardW Linisseet cures diphtheria. Would FIll tbe HIII. "That meter doesn't teem to be as large as the old one." commented the property owner. "Do you think it'll So?" "Don't worry, boas." replied the gra Mitre eenployee, reassuringly ; "It'll fill the-blit.'-PhHadelphia coed. Critarrhawne Cores Bronchitis. They breathe truth that breathe their weeds In naln.-Klelard 11.1. Dear filre-I have been a crest gni- ferer from rheumatism. and, lately have been confined to niy bed. See- ing your MINARD'e LINIMENT ad- vertied. I tried it and got Immedi- ate relief. I ageribe my restoration to health to the wonderful power of your medicine. LEWlei S. BUTLER. Burin, Nfid. is=amitFuyi„.., ereniveitedlit le.SIJE NO 20 1901. onV Cough Stop it with SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod Liver Oil. A little coughing fs nothing -the tickling, that makes you cough once, is some dust ; not the -least harm. You scratch an itch, and forget it. This cough is scratching an itch. But the cough, that hangs on and comes back, is a sign of an itch that hangs on and comes back. There is some. thing that makes that itch. Inflamation: a germ ; it's alive ; like a seed in moist warm ground ; it will grow if you let it, even in children. Take SCOTT'S EMUL- SION of Cod Liver Oil. and the germ will die. 1.. ,tte /COTT & SOWN& Cloadats, Totowa soc sod 11 on all druggist& Pelisses Does' the Trick. When yon know you are on tbe right track do not let any (envies den tamer vinion er diwourage vuu, for you cermet tell how. elor,• may be to victury. 'lave parlesiee, 'and stick. //tick. la spite of every hindrance. A Chinese mullein he mere so discouraged by repeff t (tree/ that he threw Itis book nwey in destine. While in tele despondent mood, he saw a poor woman rubbing nn iron rod on a Monti to make a needle. ret ruck eby the wonderful pa- tience of the Woman, he went back to hie studies wit it neW del erstennyton end becanie one of thc, greatest grimier' In China. The Queen's Jewels. The resnaiwier of Queen Victoria's splendid jewels, other tetan those be- longing to the nation, we's left among Her Majpety'm three daughters; nee Prince's Beatrice ham received a number of orpeetal bequest., as well, including Moine very fine furniture which adorned the Duchew of Kent's rooenn at I:reemerge and which ball remained there Jule tis they were (lures& the life time of the Duchene and at the time of her dote)* more than forte yearn ago. 'Po the iluchese Of Fife, Queen yietoela to- que/abed a well-km:ere portrait or the prement King wive a cited; nod quern Aletallilra hall else recently presented her eldest daughter with beautiful miniature el the 'tete Queen, kerne(' In Jewel*, as a bIrt.b- day present. aigaatare te every hoz of Um gsmeille Laxative BratacrQuiniae Tablets the reesedy ewes ft opal re ewe dee Catarrhoeone Cures Bronehitie Vain Regrets. " Hardly more than a year ugu,," leapt the Minne&polls, Kan , Messrs - ger, "the paper contained whole eel.' annum of biograpby, poetry ttn.I cue - (keenest dealing with the deter af mirester's wife in this ormitity 711., preacher wrus married again the wee day, whereupon we regret all _that poetry." Miesrd's Liniment Cores °tweet Is awe. Tie Mee With the Pell. 'Tin not the man of valorous mode All ardent tor the fray, Who ie most certain to eecure kien'e plaudits, day by day, Home men may toll nod shear the eh ever While °there get the wool, clike allef1141P. ofe-weve yield- eerie - The man who lia. a pull. And yet the one who glory holds Beyond hie rightful 'Ware Mee feet he wits beneath sword etoorpended by a heir. And he who leads a placid life Of homed effort fell Need feel, peewee. no envy of, The man who ham a pull. Catarrhosone (Ares Bronchitis. The Resomet. '' wife and I tossed hp last night to gee whether she'd get a new spring bonnet or I'd get a new bolt.' " Who woe ?" "1 ltd." " What kind are you going to get ?" " Well, else hasn't decided yet whe- ther to have it trimmed with flowers or feathers."--Harper's Baur. - - Lielsment Cures Distemper. Bad" for the Heed. Mrs. Blinks-Heatinche this morn- ing, eib 1 ihrorpli ! What Califfed tlint Mr. Blinker -le -or -don't knon P 1- actly. bet I remember I had a wort r ocei ruin so off le down during that long prayer sa:,- day before twert.-Exchange. Plot a Hestoalen. floyeir-What an ane Welch le! He la forever Liaise about Boothe. I hate a man who is ftlwaye puttied oe atm Smith-ThaVe not it. He has Iwo toned ont how to prone:mete lend naturally be likes to do ft. -Boo- boo Tranwript. SOZODONT f fk• Told mb 25' Catarrbosone eures Broachlte The number of poor relieved lee year In Great Britain war persona GRAND TRUNK TO The ran-fimeriGan Exposition uanakhmautst to mow. Ii4,1901. The Grand Trunk le the Direct and Popular Route from all potato to Buf- falo. Elegant and Superior fierelco. Parlor, Pullman end Dining Carson through trainer. For all information as to rates, train eerlice, tourist literature. up- • tO agent', Cfrand Trunk eniersy Syvtent. • C. DICKSON, Dletriet Peewee* Agent, Toronto, Ont DIWPSY Trestet1 Free. " • hove made dropsy amine oompliteations especially lee twenty yeller. Quick natal. Cures worst emu. nook of Srettftent•La and 10 Per treatment reel DR. H. H.OREMeemetres Box 0 •MIAllta,tia. OMB 10111 Sera on Trisl at wholesale peal. 11 set winds. toy Mosey retaadal. klaaranteed tools rna de Neter work tem asyethermacbla• wket. • seed swedes he meets to handle. lot money made. Thema& is wee for terms aad prices address OTANDAZD SUPPLY 00.. alimatItaa. Oaf. 4 RK YOU 101.1, OR BURY, AND ir ANT ee to better yourself I Write, In your own hand. to Meridian& tee importers, low don. Ont. theet fernehre. WOWST of -( ()RNA IFjatui •niterigte cm vtdifie ir mom- MiTitte Perfect Corn Salve. Malted free tor V •••itar. Address IL H. Sena. fee Venire el.. Toronto. 1..VOlprot fimArtLir _ wthTpriAL,Liseditwl..LinElirl':flusla.ed-S ainnellstitaleitobsi;"4"4:11 willtlh;rtelillwAYSISOalCti"ffinril'04 trod.'" hula:: (raranadam:tailhon preferred, arel a fr., hundred Malan( cash. nov 211I. Millis. 1 1, QP1CCULATOIth M113111/0411 S. i'LLItl" as7boultborenstotstrmotharier. ofidtaesirtorina.o4infmcskehafirtIg pampidete and personal lettere eon twining foil Internet:Son wnl be muted to any tuldrete n• re"1111.1r, V.026. "61102"3114t4 diktetrigult netarPriffio.. '4.°Ere ' 1/0140 WORK -lie TO Mil WILICKIN, 10 oVt; serelle."4to al; WelairrViaivIraoar allir0rsvO°sIrto: hap will add el to to year weekly Incomes iltaaripLIvOr meet any defiance, Ad. frillited.reeioN:iteWbrabe.itageerie:N.u.17dR nii.niti:wiTtoodeS069...111:8:17:trin.i.pidA:e.ligioting.K.; h -nekton, Kesingent and handiest Made. ......... plumbline one sootiest us: inlay farmer areas "A"Ww-argeneritlnert°I.dbea"aoratta.10,„7,1:7:071.frao.sed. ib:dadriimisessIL.thietteets FltaittRILY014 SA L11-egj Of TRil: *Mew a nines lAws IfOlten al two roe L„iallisitreseliniv...krath.wie,",: itoi-L.frik.tklaai 41= Oeterli ibis softens anarb=ist wree4areleZtestEriee =Vali relk NW Mir° tar THE PARTON TRISED1, OWARIEWPORe 11••.••••••••••• Evidence in the Hurdville h Case at Parry Sound. IA SOAKED PAPER FOUND. if he Wife tied Sow Attempt to Shield tho Old dasi-Not Su Dad Now Oa I hey Painted 111114-Perten te Reporter -either kvIdeuce 0 I he Crewe'. Thee, y. P Parry Sound, May 9.-A. charred, oil smoked pile of paperii foand le the ruins of the Parton home. lu which iii‘e tellers& were burned, relieved the auenotoier le an otherwlee feature- less. iniertigation into the charge of murder .s.galnet Joeeph Partin& to- day The teiquiry went un nil tattle 1.0,1141114 WWI all but coaciuded When tenriteble A. E. Om WU pro iweeli tier cottp. the Venally Altitude.' 'net evidence given to -day W as, •A 1 11 tile exception first mentioned, • ,tuatipix.rint we to the Crown. ere inehately after the tire the Parton Heys were moat outopuken in their nail:irks, and it was AM If result of the that Alf investigation was iseld. %%len confronted in court. however, it oar another matter, and thou) 111).41. ettlk12111111ta Were tlaUdt impart - a ut lack of nenno:y and re. ticrecc. widish told dietiutely In the eh, mane favor. Tite Parton boym, elle. compelled tu the 'state- mentt me kr their lather's vrucity -awe pre‘lously, del their utmeit • teite it (keen. etre Porto:tee - ..-1 elmilar disposition, awl it leek- ... I ns though the evideuce Willi 1101 ▪ r..tug enough to Warrant a coni• mittal. The fInding of oil. o• grease seikel paper., while in easel( by no :menu conclusive, is a point white ocsiever some investigation. The bundle consisted tor a litrije number of receipts' on a spike Ole, whore .eine• In the lionee Iran upstairs, “way from the pantry or other e mcee of oil. Partially burned us lloy nee, the Crown believes they tate been used am a' sort of fuer or letillor. The idea thet they were lee accidentally. or through con tact n ith Nome other bursted material iii,..yonintt.lihontgeoefitiotehriesart;t1pneriwaseetratinerinedirin. Tiltinedr The Crown'a Tbeory. lu reviewing tbe omelet° of the peononer tike Inotive of tiro crime for %%tech Ire &tamer emoted does not weiew immediately on the onirface. The theory of the Crown appears ic 1.• that thir general habit a re. ,.44,,Tdillg 124e eblkirer: tie a burden led l'Aro t the extremity, when he war .tbet verge of neivitg to ferry etaind, of taidag tide mane of wee eig them out. T111 0. theory requires :wee that Parterre cruelty to arid hotrod of teas children hied enlitee tO the time of the tragedy. lc the witnesses box. however, the ehle seen declare thin 111, brae. reargeff' when they grew up. The Crown Mu not the ineurance leg to stand up ▪ na the preaskoes were uninsured ,,Inng07011 theigipOtektilerinhanall_1,prethveincyey w,e_ ;mime re and Alfred, two of tbe sone. haslet but recently bought the herrn foi 51,000. The deetruction of the pre miens wale therefore, no great fin andel low tc\ Parton, while, admit nag the Crown'. theory, it Wilbur duped hien ot hie children. The Day'e Evidence. - Tele evkience to -day failed to es Labial Parton'e nenement• 1m reediately preceding tee fire. He re tired about 10- o'clock, Me wife Int viesliately idterwards. Mee. Paella wan awake until 1 1 end then miep onakoned by the alarm cif fire fret her dna/eater. When tree Jempel fres lee Iler husband watt asleep, accorr tug to ber etatement, anti had bee cr fence retirlog. so far as eh erou'ait tell. rt le irtlil peindelle tent h eel.' have rime COelfe back t eel while rem rlept. she being at th ',ice of the bed The blea thAt tt fire was accidental receive,' eon merest In the irtatement thnt buten retoveitipe in passing throw' the ceiling wee not protected metal. On the ether hand. there the direct settle/we that the fit Melee out eimultaneounly In the nj mairo beet bulkUngs 111 the I" seem on the ride remote from tt Pipe hole; In the other part no fli led exerted for two -day... Tee stir were provided with a lamp rind the: etheretay itnettytiLifhat it Waal put le Declares 1 im Innocence. Ilefore God In lienven I ton inn al.rnItan! 8131:01. mlnavoulilkal Inteni,kiiceenint.1:11 ongel in heaven.' It wag with all dew emotions as these that Jose Parton, ncenimil of murdering Ills (I eliiteren, pretested the basselemsne of the rimer to -day. Parton war Tt.e,rtvitIsower wel111.1(n.ht:ineniote,hirt bower, befc his trial began. An he skruchel in the little room ellottnd by the other for the porpowe ho bore every nppei :knee of Infirmity nee abetractedne lin frit It neceemary °to(' ;1%11 evithe drametic relieve. ',erten lie „...alucuruggelsaseatbnildior, r:LitaLherimersawree very lined fenterer, n fnee rind et trilka with a Pelee -nese nppereit born of age, but lilm logic reel ryas( Ing power were propel -leg. Ile nrst% iwt 11.ttrIttiRstoyll 17,111i fire, hnt hie ecovereatIon reveille( man very Imre. and alive to the terennity of prenentleg his deft,' eilobitihe.eni!witithfriece411wwnt4ultinik(;)1 wern needy end bore evIdenee n )ml atthle dr:7: 11111 Mil 1IC prisoner picked op an PM moiling tuba lying ott the dee*. '' Hove you nay theory at n11? yort mnorpect your neighbors, for '' I here some pretty bad neigh%) They have bothered the life onl • T:erbee7ebnr, thr°eywIlingre jt-I•ndineuiPs 1.761011 r7a, somitn marnialnine;71nnttothhonanr ftit)hrh‘tinnommn:71; the (4r1 enontry. Thny burrow at nitizoi,:;:i'111:0minoroemionimeyao.tthoolote hoe;uhhml it( ims 16 enit an e col: ye. 1:1,1enri nnt lipn owl I wanted to. 1 got tired len' ',Hew. you say other theory 1 iiii:nri.71,.,1"ilwinivorenkfahyliali:1471wi,inilhorityhyle.f;olernancit0 on. nylonlit4"1110frtiLit. Y"IfItAtra°""in welt to bed at 11 &obeli. i