HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-16, Page 5THE SIGNAL : G )t7^RtCH °PITAltll►. THUNKUAY May 16, 1SO1. 5 Acheson & Son New Carpets. Bargains oktp,i jfl fir;,. in Carpets.46,Kety.0,,.4:ii. 11E wonderful business that our low prices have gained for us in our Carpet Department has forced wilt) en- large the space for these goods in our store. Specials in Carpets. 36 Ioohes wide, heavy, r.versiLle uoloo carpets, semiotic' drudges In latest whitings. at per yard 25, 50c. 30,40 and .... .... ........... 38 Inches wide, all pure wool, rases Ibis oarplt , and colors clear, beautiful and w ted fat, at, per yard, 55, 66 and 75c. 27 Inches elle h;uvb.h t•pustry oareats, good dement and la'ut oolor combinations, for parlors, dialog rooms, hedrurms. hells, et,., at per yard, 35, 40 and.... .... 50C 700 yards English body Br 1+ Lar• pet, new goods and In .operb de. signs and combination c,lorioge. •t per yard, 85, 90, .nd 1 .00 Heavy Scotch Linoleums in great variety of designs, at per eq. yd., 45C. INSPECTION INVITED. W. Acheson & Son COUNTY CURRENCY. Oodarloh towsshlp : A Cooper hike agate 1e.o copiloted to his bed with rb.um.tlsm. Brussels: Drurgtet Deadman totwds . odlug • slumber of his bees to 8t. Joseph's Island for this season Seefortb : Robert Winter sent 200 very Sae viers op to his reach to Colborne to pasture, on Tu.ed•y of las week. Brusesis : Wm. Blesbill has colossi a bit• gas with Mrs. Sage for the Walton hotel and will take pommeloa on the 3rd of Jam. Brussels : W. B Malmo, State Atter- sof, from Langdon, Dab , formerly of Bru.- o da, le *gratis. in Ontario for • short tams. Seafoeth : S. Dickson, pestatat•r, hat sew potatoes in his wades, whioh measure six inches le length. Who con beat the poetmuter ! Mar000b Mies Jessie McKenzie, of Mar- eooh, hid little Willie McBurney to L^n don again, where be was undergoing tre.4 meat for his spine. Clinton : Cantelon Bros mode the usual produces ibipmeet to the entero market last week ; butter is quoted retail at 12o to 13o and eggs .t iso to 10.. W lesbsm : The stonework of the Dew Methodist church Is Dow more thou bell oomplete, sed will be ready by th• 24'b for the Dorsa stone corm:moire. Clinton : The other day Mrs. Granger was uofortasate enough to bete a ladder f.11 on her loo'. Inferior t he Lille toe, whteb beam her confined to the hoose, Geo Denstedt who Dame to toes • fere weeks ago to esg.go la the hardware bean's., rn'd out to C. Hsr,1i.b A Co. end Ill for his home at Blyth Loodeeboro' : Mise Agile Riedel disp.e• od of her household furniture on Tused.y of last week bb• now intends making her home whit her brother Thoma, of Auburn. Heeealt : 8 Hardy chipped hie furniture from Hwall our Tueday of last week Sul cad faintly left the following Thursday siorsleg for their new home at Careoanlle, MIME. Grey : While ene•ued In driving some limos stakes Thos. 11 httaeld had the mhrlor- Ino. to bale two of his Bogen Iv eroabed. W• hope be will •Don be ell ✓ ight, Brussels: The r.'tdenea of Mrs.Fergoson, A1es•ed.rlekest,has bats purohaeed by Mrs. Tba•n, of Morrie, for 4625 8h• w111 take poweeeslon nett fall. R. N. Barrett le the prem+ tenant. Exeter : Mrs. John Meteor and family wise have resided here for th• peat two years, loft iw Csees Fork, P., whets they will tete Mr. Meteor and make that place 61.1* future home. Morris: MIM xdna Wallace, of Morrie, left on Monday morning of tut week for Newark. New Jersey, where she w111 be met by her brother Erato, who bit • good intuition in that olty Brus.ele: Mn. Rol.• Moeutoheon and ehlldree lel on Monday of last week for A *meds, N W. T„ to rejoin Mr Mo Catobeon who toe gens Into t.rmlog w an extemhe mole there. Wine hem : Oa Sunday May 5th, H own - are, d.s.btsr of J. F.. Swart', was servilely bitten by a dog that grew jealous boo*uee tee , bald was petting soother deg The of:ndleg minims wan 1111ed Ct,n •on : The olfielal. of R•vrnbary Street church were stating out the ground for th• new Methodist ehuroh retinal*, Hiram Hili who bit the contract! for the beodvoon, will bsv the sed tweed soon. H• ue.sl.: Adam and tare. Ke1d, of Leos don, 11.1 , wend taking • holiday trip to Lenter!o- to .pend • pornri of the sem mer +:'h Mr and Mrs. Black. Their ofd Brew•' f, tend* wish them • rlrasant time Seaforth : Hugh Robb, alio was In Ih• re• • groom v bus u n here for esus y r•, left on ii'•dn.ad. of tat week for Detroit. Mrs. and M:e. R tbb Tamale here fors time, until Mr. Boleti s.l.ote • loathes for • new home. rt'tngltsm : The (Alegbsm weigh 'ogles bays b nen let to A. H. Carr for the ensuing year. Mw Garr will be welghmastrr .t the melee on the market sod also •- the sales at both railway yards. He pay. • rental of 4136 00 (Jlmten : Toe grime ears *hoot I • take+ with rho • who are In the habit of ur tea aemei ,e of any bled t a stray bullet woof through the front window of J. B. Rambill's evildoer's the other ey, *blob might have proved merlons. Ewa W iwono.n : Goo. Pegs has a hone whioh gap him • rather warts tub Ltely. He was showing the little 1• .y her oolt whey the horse grabbed him by the back of the nasi .+d neve him • orients of wood shakes, littler blur eN hl• feet both time Clinton : W. Dodd' went to Weedlseek on Moedey of last weak to attend the funeral ret his half-brother, John Daimon, who hae limn • resident of that place for 1 yam Mr. (ln.men was formerly s well kerma resident of Blyth. Zurloh: Martin 3. Hies, youngest sob .01 the late George Her, died on Monday d lam week,st the age o1 16 years, 7 months and 6 dye. HS died at the resedwos of his brether,Fre4 W.,.ttr an ilte.a of Nome months from ooeeomptlon. Rester : The funeral of (hpvle Gentle 9 Kemp was lamely attended en Sunday, My 5th. Aervhm war held Ie TrIvlbb Memorial obureb Dimwitted was • native el R0•l ad, .sd was In his 64th veer. He Imes. • widow, awe daughters soda ese to mown his lees. took the south bound train to visit bus sis ter, Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins, heater. Morris : A tow day" ago Robert Moffatt, olthe north bouod•rv, had the misfortune to hays his right leg broken •bo•• the knee by • kick from • bull A gander wit In the yard and the bona• aimed • blow at at but Mr. Moffatt received 1t instead, with the ab,y. r.eslts, - ile will be laid up for some rima Sralortb: Mrs. Archibald McDougall, of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, died there oo the 21st ult., •t the age of 75 years. Mr.. MoDongell was • resident of Seeforth In Its early days, her husband having been a mer. oboist here, end they removed from bee to Pebbly, Oatsrto, and from there to Mani robe. Mr. McDougal Is .1111 llyuog. Saforth : Word hes been reo•t'ed of the death at hordreob•upon Mendip, Blair dos, Somerset, Norland, on April 23, of Allan S. McLean, the eldest son of M. Y. Mcean of The HuronExpositor and former member for South Huron in theLegislature Mr. Allan McLean was a young man of ex orptioo.l promise, and had achieved much during his too abort life. He left home some wren or e'ght years ago, and II,"sd" for a time 1n the Argentine Republic. Lr'er hie •dventurou. spirit took him to Loodon, sad cher* he oiled an Important po.ltlon on Tree Financial l'imee, and also noted as Lon• don correspondent of The Toronto Globe. Only • kw 111ou'he.e0 he was ett.ckel by consumption, the progress of the dismiss was dutreu:ugly rapid, and be died In Somsrut as steed. He leaves • wife and alibi to mourn, with his r'il'es In Can- als, his untimely death. THE HARBOR MILL. Destinies Elevator Company. He waro seerstarytreasmer of that company until last July. Yr. Malaw loaded the dirt Lung•, •.118,• 000 bushel. of what •blpp..t In bulk Item Fort William ea the Meanie, Si. Meguus in 1883 in wheelbarrows to 12 hours. After a retie -twos to thu 14.h1:n mite -sty deal Mr. Mc(J•w went on In @peek Al the Manitoba and Northwest Drops, end a•ld Hutt !ruin what he could g.thdr it hie twrruepoudent@ the wheat is virtually all to the ground mud it never went in In better oondltioa. There Is an 'nor.aes to the aoreage of over 12i per Dent.. so with an Iver.. orop, Manitoba ought to be in a pealtie° to export from 45,000.000 to 60,- 000,000 bushels of wheat this year. The t,loderiuh mill will le supplied direst with Manitoba wheat. Mr. Robert Ma (raw, brother of Mr MoU•w, and a prat tical uutier of 20 genre' •iporioous to the largest and beet mitis in the Downier', will have *hare* of the meohaoiosl sod of the buslome. re Break Up a Cold All you require le • glue of hot water, • little sugar and thirty drops of Pulrou'e Nnrvil:ue. 'Take it real hos, and in the more ins you will wake ap without • nuld, When d*pressed or tired, try Nervilios ; r wall tt.ne yuu up better than stimuleit.. N.r• Mine wards of all .take••@ and keep. plop's well. Large bottles 25,. SMILE WHENEVER YOU CAN. 1a' Leu things don't go to .uta you, And the world seems npeide duwo, Don't weste your time tit (fettle', But drive away that frown. Sines life L ott perplexing, 'Tie muoh the wisest plan To bear all trials bravely, And smile •heoe'er lou oda. Why.bould you dread the morrow, And thus b•.pnil today' For when you borrow trouble You always have to pay. It is a good old maxim. N hiuh should be often preached - Don't cross the bridge before you, Until the bridge Is reached. You might b• spared much .iebicg 11 you would keep 1e m)o•1- Phe thought that good and evil Are always here oomb nod. There mutt be something wanting, And though you roll to wealth. You may miss from your osshot That preotous je•,••ei-health And though you're strong and sturdy, You may have au empty purse . (Arid earth has maty trtrls Which 1 ooOsider worse) Hu. whether Joy or sorrow Fill up your mortal span, 'Teel make your pathway brighter To smile wheni er you Dan. 11 LELBURN. foreeAY, Mo 7. Win. Tobin enjoyed • pleasant wh t• Ooderloh township this week. Chao. Young, of Taylor's corners, tied* rloh township, visited hie brother, W. F Young, at Loyal able week. sena. ANOTHER. -lo Colborne item+ of lest week mention was merle of the eucoma Q1 three (cholera of 8, S. No. 5 at the On •arto Agricultural College at Guelph. We now a1J the& over twenty-one years ado A. H. flatten attended this oo!lege for two v toter terms and pulsed the examio.oUoos •acceufuliy, obtaining the diet( ms •eee• merit. member owned by Protessor Mills, A IIOftIE CURE.' Con.umptives Need not Leave Their Own Homes to be Cured. The Slocum System Or That mesmt Is offered yen AA-' etplutely /area A consideration not to be overleobed, in the treatment of consumptives 1• Air expense in quest of health. Some .' out medical mea are now advising tl.• .r patients to go long distances in the hope that change of air will do them good. AI lut of solemn nonsense is being said, and written, about change of climate, and it• lufluence on the patient. 'Stick to low altitudes", says one. "Go the mountains", . Says another. How is it poor perplexes Sufferer with sore lungs, to decide among these different authorities ? The fact is, people die of consumption in all climates They recover from it too, in all climates, II they are treated properly. The only positive cure for the disease is to kill the i germs that produce It. This Is accoss- plished under the S}ocem system Ot I treatment. The disease must have noth i Vg to feed on. Teat is the principle eeederlytng the Slocum system. You can , try it at your home. POSITIVELY FREE. Tea n roar sick Meade w love • oars es•ass se Treatta nt. Simply writs to Tits T A. Stamm CsaarcAL co , Limited. tit Rios at Week Term 1e, elites post oaks ad mono aloe @deism. and W tees medicine (The Mecum Cum) wW w promptly •eat. Wino er long ler teem &twee@ atM•geese eW Nelsons Is (heads, seeing eleeam7 tree offer to lmencas papers wet please dead ser maples te Ile 'reveals Iaborsterlak FOR TH(klx WHO BAT oetOse. 1.union Advertiser : The melee Bode s saal"us advocate in • 'saddle medloal jeer nal ; sod now Domes a saentiet who profess es to be able to deu•'ortse Its breath, which scoording to the medlusl, autberlty 1111. Only fault. TO ADVEHTIBERS. Notice of changes mast be left at this Once not Tater than Saturday noon. The Copy tor' changes mast ee left not tater than Kos- .10,y dtty noon. Casual Advertisements accepted an to noon Wedneaday'of each week. Imte,view 4b a Woman hoar with a _A masse. The Mol and Empire on Saturday pub - Oohed the result of en Interview seam S A. Mo(3•w in reference to the plane of the coma petty whioh h.• taken over the Goderich harbor milt. The Like Boron and Maoltoba Milling Comp•sy, Limited. was Lnoorporatedle February, and was organ tad for the pur- pose of taking o'er the 041101e and Hutch- inson mill. at Godertch, iooluding the .d Joining elevator, as well as the salt plant and appurtenaooee. The mill will ha'e• es- pwlty of 1,200 b.rnl" of Sour per day, end will um only Manitoba herd wheat. It le Dow beteg thoroughly overhauled and r.n• ovated, and the best mod most modem machinery that money olio procure le beteg installed. All the machinery In the mill *1 present le for sale es room must be mode for the new plant. The mill w111 be le rat Meg order for the fall season. Toe town o1 Goderlob Is admlrabTj%fs• abed for such as •oterprlee, as It is one of the beet distributing centres in the Donna Ion The town is the viscera terminus of the Buffalo and Lake Huron 9rmnrh of the (LT R., and Is oo the direct lane of export by both rail end water betw..en the great wheat beide nt Manitoba and Northwestern Canada, and the great shipping porta on the Atl*ntio seaboard. The herb r at. (:odetoh has bap rt•ceivine s no ,c1 deal of atteitita from the ()inurement of late, .ed 11 stew' rank" among the best on the (creat Lokoe It hes a depth of twenty feet, and olio sadly acmmudate t1 a largest vessel, parsing through the Soo aerial . The (Iovernrneot has spent wlthm the lest three years over 4100,000 on the harbor. Mr Mo(Jsw is of the iiplulnn that the Dew B aur mill, the grain elevator, having s eap•obfT 01 orgy half • milieus busbab, and the moor/. ll:' ready expended on the harbor, are sufllmeot to icsure the attetition of the Goverum•n•, .id that added Impronm rota will b, tea le to the teatime from )ear to year. THY .IODORICH KILL "The 'Like Huron au I Mantteh• Milling Company, Limited, is capital tad •t 4400 • 000, and already over half thfitful hes been sold, and the balsa re bong c tgerly ought after. The mill proper, 66350 feet, Or Merits IILIIehfeh bee erevA too .f OVIIV 80 feet It IS ooneuooted of atone for the Bret OVA @agile.. Ti. elevator enjoining the Lund Inv hes& toil capacity of 200 000 hu.hel.. In addition to this the oompaey he. • lug, storehouse which will he otil,t'd for pack- ing rooms. The oomp.ny's property le dmeotly oo • doable Peck of the (1 T. R. aid fronting oo the harhtr, so thatshtp. meets can be made either by n4 or water direct without oartse•, A twenty -:00 ear esn he leaded us too mtsuiee. A 510 5A1.T MOCK. Adjelntng the mill property ie the tale blook, whioh w111 be thoroughly repaired and Ioarsitsd to a capacity of 100 barrels per day. Tne salt, Mr. MoOaw pointed out, will he manufactured by the exhaust steam from the engine, end the net profit* from this snores will nearly Dover the entire cost of fuel for the whole plant. The whole property hes been granted exemption from taxation for ten years. The buildings will be lighted throughout by electricity and • oompleee sed •fob•ot Bre protection system will be provided, so es to reduce the oat of ,osoranea to • minimum. The charter obtained by the oompsnv Is • blanket one, meet oomplete and comDre- hendye it allows for the ezp•n.lnn of the bo.lnsss, shoal! It be found necessary, and makes every provision for the d•yslnpm•nt of i he oompany's works. MASAOta lerelAW'e (lease*. Rroeegetd : D. Rem, con of Mn Anna Ems, Ottawa, has gone to Rentl.n l for the "mom He etpents to mob'. en,+ogh to '"nese him by handling stereeptlnen .leve of t0oeadlas seesery, for whioh there Is to le oesslderoble demand In the land el the heather wintry. ribbon Cllsterr had the honor of s tits fennbshsd vulva 1n town Ts.edav of lest week In the parer of Hoe. Thee. (Irem- wsy• of (lry.lai (busy, Man., et-prtmtar of Ma.lteh• He hal Arleen down from n"Mrieh early be the ..,sl.. .ad •f►a• laving hod brsaktase M the RoMsehor7 Mr. 9 A. Mu(Iaw, the manager of the esw enterprise, has been In the grain and milling business all his life. H• spent over eighteen yeas to Manitoba an! the North- west, fourteen to the milling husineu, and fear years to the grain business 1)nrine these years he eontrnlled th• headline of over 60,000,000 bushels of wheat Mr MoGew Is an srpresldant of the Winnlp•g Orale grabenes, and is new a member of the Beard of Trade ane Drain Koohanee of Winnipeg, and • director of the Dominion Elerater Company. Mr, Me0aw was oonns0tsd with the Ogilvie and Hnlnhbron mill at Gnd.rinh for six years, end form 1882 to 1896 Mr Me Oa. wall asennlated with the manaiemest of she Iariost milling.nbmrprlees in (heads. la 1897 Mr. Mo(Igw, together with 1'tem- talsg Rohde, of Meelsob., established the IMa president of the oonsge. lee Der u6rs'e is dated August 1888. W• might e.y that A H. Clacton wee the second sta. .lent from Huron oesoty to atteed the col- lege Thi... that hear followed b:m Iron . S. N o. 5 have kept apo les repot faun. BLUEVALk. MONDAY, May 6th. fobs Colette* visited to Molesworth tete mer k. Mies ,1.•nut'• Fr , of Turobyrry, visited Mrs Gen McDemaid this week. Mies Hanel'. Gordon, of Brussel', is .1.it. log Mrs Joseph Pugh. Geo. King, of Wingham, visited his me- ter. Mrs. (leo. McDonald, thio week. Andrew Holmes and children visited •t David Holmes' near tt nigh/int this we.k Will Roger, is home from Montreal, where hshas been learning to be an elec• meter). Mts Wm. yewart and little daughter, of New H•mbore, ebbed *slatl'se bb the vill•gs this week. Mr. and Mn. Fred McCracken aol ohild.eo, of Bruwele, visaed at John I;ardner's on Sunday. BENMILtER. MONDAY. May 6. BerrMlLLIR NrisiRY -The ureal de - levet y e•livety of y stock from this now well. !sews nursery took plooe eerie, the lam, two wtelt s •rd the proprietors report • vet sr .sociesfa' oprings output. Bloc ell I5, usual teams employed by the firm a lame number of farmerrigs came to• get stork and • conifer stream of puro'teser+ w••' naming through the altar., some aim ng even from w tar north it. Welty an,I e,ith' from tbA vteiettr N- Jsde.M, • 'l'A.. Brun le now,eng•4ed en e►ipoiog svergnwa ,.n t n • oak or two w1! de •ver omens eu l bedtime plants. of which they hive • large tbsertmsat .- __ -. - . _. Commis Csurrsat.-Tie rewash p Clamed has j ,' pnr•+h 1.t 1 from J. T, (ill-• r.•e the tem eau of laud adjo nine the I re.. rot chum •r), . the nlnt femetary b .e, h.. o me to.' en.a,1, kind It has feet ft mud r, tea_ e.re to loon•'+ . the arse by res nous n it n .11Aare.will ow t m ►i g t 20 1 I y b• s erdet for the o •m eery commit tee to ley ns: the 0, w purohses to convinced with the bud, whioh is perhaps the pretifeat .n 1 he., (ln'I'. acre ante:d• the Oates and r•Bnc•s ar,d:t upon the taste end go ahead anttoos of the council of 25 years ego. A. a re • country oemet.erins ere very Minh neglected end it.eem+ es if it well nobody's bssisess to attend to the plaotlog'of evergreens and otherwise be.utlfym, aha surroundings of tl.e notion nisi* of the pioneer* *ho have made the country what It 1s today. There is something that doe. not look right to ere ooetly irritate and mottle monument* .,rem• •d by loving relatives on lot. tnat are over grown with "eeds and in Nome inaauoes have not even been leveled of Th• cost attending the oroper care of cemetery lots, 1s so trifling that It 1s surprising that the .,tete of thlope should be allowed to exist. Tits WoriLee MILL -The fleet fleeces of this year's clip of wool were brought in from Underlch township on Friday, just ten days earlier than any prsyioa. year. Oo rsmuklne to the person who brought them that it was rather early to shear sheep, he told os that his sheep Were all thorough bred and could stand the Deist better than the common rehhlsh the* ran about th• onhomeslnn lines Wirier ap • Ilring as hest they Dan, and of course we bed to bell•,• what he said. This year the proprietor Ie making a grand stride to be a%% f th• limes In the number of new and really hand - , OTS designs that he has en sth:hie, and • specialty this season is • new hied of lona fleeced home open cloth for lady bicycle rider's dresses, dyed In black or In the beautiful &Iselin., dyes that are new aro atm• mon. The enentlty of wool that is hronebb to the mill le large and we do not think we are far from the mark when we 0.v that fully nine tenths n1 the slip of wool of the e nvoy of the three town1lps al Colborne, Ashfield and (4u. b irloh finds Its way to the mill In stohange for th• mannfaatured srteles or le hoo.ht for ovate as the seller may wish. Old "Jess,' as the ernol.n man U osI1•l,IS now • renognl,sd "Ineeleatlen" and many • farmer's wife ensues every year with her wool and hal a familiar chat with the old chap, wheels memory dates from ever forty years of wool f+nying atterlee's and who teows a••rythtng worth knowing about the family marten of ens ball eh. natives of Ih• Ielnehlle. Pquarr "A bad workmantool tools." with his A maker of tricky shoes, blames the Re- tailer, for over pricing thcs at - at they Observe the Makers' responsible price on "The Slater Shoe" Wm. Sharman, Jr. • Sole Local Agent. 11 Fiat Pella haft SPRAY YOUR CHARDS 11 One of t be most danger - owe and repulsive forms of Kidney Disease is BOPS for which Dodd's Kidney Palle are the only certain cure. In Dropsy the Kid- neys are actually dammed asp, and the water, which should be expelled Is the COM of urian, flows back and lodges in the sells of the gbh end puffs out the skin. Remove the filth whir., plugs up the drain. Rc . ore the Kidneys to health. There is only o . Kidney Medicine UODD'S KIDNEY PILLS R.t B. Smith's Store `J M CKI M 9 .S PMI's Old Stand Hulks worth $1 25 for 75o. Ws have a bargain for you In sew Fr•oob 1V O, s4e•aartcadr hN.wlesartaw:y.s:ron.,luHriuog to m•u,s, hello, castles and blues. Nothtug value at 41 2i, to clear at lr%illlnety►.-No matter bow Dion looklug you are, we have the hat that w111 make Toll aloe, tanking. No matter how lean or 1•t your puts., u, we have the hat that will mita, whether' at 41 25 or 425 00. Aoytbleg you want to mi,hnery and jest a you wont It. 'there a no groat credit In glyiog heresies uo Summer Mlllloery to the tall, acid thou it's no bargain to you at soy pride wont you don't w•ut It. It takes ee out bat• palet thin way early in May. A stylise up -to date hat of dos straw braid, mads In the newest shape and •I•Z trtmm,d In the bright of fathloe. Good value at 42.00 acid 82 25, Au up to dee het r•1 the latest des•ge rod good materiel, m.!• hats .red $2 +,raw .hep•'. LnoLs.. nice as the h. ghe+t pti-ed •cad well manna$3 OO w 4350 N : »„ ..e cute. At tech ..... .. . .00 Corsets, -W. owl b.v. • 'swirlier of thus* 41.00 end 41.25 corms at per pr. 760 C1001111111`. -W• wlltmentlw Doe lin• or nne prior, of MOD's suits -:[0.00. 610.00 Lo. k rroui•:l asst had the heel you win .t 412. i0 •civ Weise ani atm. In sol we .111 boas It tor r Men', suite from 43.30 up. New goods. Boys' suits from 75., to 46 00. 8htrt waists et manufacturer's prloe. Half Price Chemtees. -A lot of ladles' cot,oi and cambric. chemise.. Good material, well mead rid nicely trim- med. Nothing the muter with them only _they are slow sellers. To clear . - VST_ Mc=21vZ.e Half Price ti DON'T TAMPER... with your health. Don't use Drugs and Medicines of questionable quality. Ott the best there is at the same prices that are charged for inferior goods. AL our Drug St, on the stock is a1 - ways fresh, and each article pure, po- tent anti satisfactory. Our Prescription IDepariment by a reputation for proluptn. s and M_Curae_ya- - --, • JORDAN ORDAN Medical Hall. P4ilhp lieu! Fire i.saralce Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- DRTY INSURED. trained Property lustre I 'up un Joe try,. IIJf /J.Me.til.ee OIF1CRRs A50 titRa•CTOge. J. B. McLean. pre.. :'1', Fraser. vlee.pres. Jet,Coneoltr, Y. lisle. W. U. Hreadtote, J. Watt. Jae, Ivens, J. 0. Or eve, J. BeasRwele. diercto's; W. 11 Hrov1fo,t, deafo tit, inepeo• for of fusee.: T. I, Hays, ecotone, seore:ary• reasoner. AtiVio t, J. W. Yen, Ilelmestele; Jamie Commis`` ltgtuoodellls: -IL..1lo3Clt.sSe.forth; with. Harlock. Poi iryho!dersoaapay suts•mant • and get their cards ',reipt O •. Mr. Coati Clinton or at 1asLess scow' Palace Clothlea Store, Gods - doh. MSSEY-HARRI8 Tee Dame stands for ell that Is musses he farming mwb,nsry. tatending`to purchase anything in our line ihould`ynepect our goods before placing their iiffnler. We alwaysirry on hand a full •tock of repairs. We huge the bet make of Cream Separators on the 'dr'et. Yon elle get the ,.t up-to•duti' Carriage or Buggy n de in Can ...R at It I'eason4'rle price •m are. Massey -Harris Bicycl -New 1901 rho(Ie', -elegant mounts.. Call and see th, in. THE ` THE NEW Empress SHOE id r r;'JI• Spring is here. You will be re- quiring a pair of.... BOOTS 0R SHOES,,, THE Slater.:: w w Our stock is Oabout co m - Mplete with the latest Efashions in Footwea r N that will be sold at as close prices as is consiste nt with quality. PI," Remember you have no duty to pay on the Shoes as they are made by Cana- dian workmen and are equal to the best American goods made. Wm. Sharma The "King Q shoe with the "Twin to • sole" is the ideal of comfort an ap- pearance. Twin Turn soles are Just as flexible as your finest dress- _ shoe soles, but they are twice Pia'c rs Rt0'T as thick. - Invented, patented and con- trolled by the makers of "King Quality." Can be got in no other shoe. No tacks or threads under the foot, no squeak -greater wear, more comfort, handsome aG olid Qmedal, Paris Exposi- r C-7';,• ' don. TRADE s'0 MAAS e $4,00. All dealers. Ye d. by The J. D. KInB Oe., Limited, Toronto. TURN -SHOE } ,ING Qual l Our Agent in 1;derreh le St. George face. Mn+mmmmmmtttntnrtOttttttttnnnrmmnttttmm tmmtG r s s lntefligent acrd tiers/' e will make your orchard {irfll ahtc. 1 he nonmotor jp the troth of care- ; tut experiment sod is keit tis'@ Ll' -$ to date. Met the world to epee e».. petition no, the Ineit.tlou or 11,-• notsrlo e.ire!emeut aid w••,, •ward. -Thr. .h••dn ,nein to you. The 1pnnm:nr fees def.eted -Alt ewoti"r• bream, collating .,rade ft , , beam lutea. All p.•t• bee, 1. .. shit. Sere. airy p,r rent b, 1.1' Moat economical ,.more toto:t .n goes farthest snd.,u',J sEecli'-:- :• m..1, throws anything/ /ruin nn+Gty , spray to • solid etreom. wltl A... ". whitewash or paint four teildluge. 1 Tree treetkie for your **trees, TNI IIPMAMOTOR CO , len Dvr•, vet. .:"" -'t•" Sr1ll salla, ourcoais The man n d In a suit made at our store always looks trim, .e it in the •mtntlno of .yety man of taste to look. A large reeve of cloths to chores from, It you are contemplating getting s light overcoat ter spring wear, give tie • oh to torte you. Prices right. H. DUNLOP West Street Mill W6od FOR SALE. The above is out into stove wno.l nen;th and will he deljver(vl to any part of the town the rime day are ordered. Orders received by telephone nr left at r(aidence, 128 Cambria strati, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 99 PETER McEWAN. (byte rich, November ''41st, 1898. 53.3m A Great Snap__• AGR\ Is oar Ginger Snap, at 5o. • pound, of wh,uh we sell • b•rrml a week. Ti b isn't our only n. caw snap. o • o •rev everything that oro befound to an of to -dole grocery store, tied our p''c.. •r• right. 1 h termer* t ',ear that (het min •Iwys get from • • :or thew produce. Ws draw .,. • a Iogmmite tr■d. - every•.ft o" + 01 *aware or potatoes, merles .t.. oboioiet table China. Wig deal in a. of them, T. G. TIPLING Sy CO., Redford block. O ederleh. HAND -MA1E DAIBY TINWARc... `.1 /► klNti ljUrlLi 1•Y SHOES $3.00 t = $4.50 per pair - every pa guaranteed. We carr a full line of = TRUNKS, TRAVELING '- BAGS, GRIP , etc. - is our King Quality for men and women. They have 'splendid reputations be h i n d th.m, and they have the qualities to main- tain and increase their reputations. Our own handmade 'Dairy Tinware made out of your grand- mothers' of 1 -fashioned hand -din, - ped block tin, is the cheapest and cleanest tinware to buy. All goods marked In plain figurer ; the Rmalleiat cf 'T l can get the i(atne bargains as the older ones at, we have only one price and that it the cheapest. o overcharging in the shop. J. H. Worsell, The cheep stove cad forearm men, Goderlob. REPAIRING tlyd ST. Sole one. Ne QUASI E. 1'1 fICE, -•I INiN NI s4g Agent for hint( Quality Shoes. ►ll►u u u uiu uu ►u 1u uuiluiuiuiliiu WA.1T A STEP -LADDER ? 11'4' €rjrn one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking Powder purcliamed from us, 30e s Ib. Thi step -ladder stone is wort', the. prise. .. Try a paca'lge of our Hop Tea -net a medicine, but a care- fully se'n'•te'1 Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific mantle, with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to huy your Garden Seeds. We have e full alts. rtment. C":77.7R=M" dt CO, Telephone No, 91. THE GROCERS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR McLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR, A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. ' ttiikA .aa . u ',t''lt: .141PW.'tkll4''i t a;' .N`4b115. 'u'i' 41z: i -