HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-16, Page 3BRITISH VALOW IN THE BOER WAk. JUllan Ralph's Thrilling Story et Korneeprult Fight. Julian Ralph, in him book, 'Au A.m- erivan with Lord Roberts' Aruay," de- votee it oltapter to the valor of the Brilleh. lie *eye : The matylsi for the beset exposi- tion of thie high quality which this war haso provided iit an account of tee fight at Kormosproit -with which un engagement that has taken place call compere In Hennes' of examples of thiss inueh prised force. begin with Colonel j might well Peeler* visit to Latlybrand with tliirty-five men of the 10th Humana. There he was welcomed lay the tricky lioere and entertained with lavedi that thous/ands of Boer* were near waitiug to attack hie little hand. ite gave the order to retire. and in= Meetly the false-hearted people of Jim place epened fire front windows, 414stre, and walls -but ho gut off with the laocidrost, and slid more injury teen he siefered. He was in Oeneral lireadwoodes command, which was Broadwooti aware of the massing of memo: thoustinsi Boers. Tile consid- erable tranaport of the force (of newt 2,000 Olen) W Ike ordered to retire in advance to Bloemfoutein. while the combatant. goerded the nook loading 'vette valley: In which 'nutlet Nestle lime This was before linealwood had heard that another trots lirttreifort to jolts the Lady - Menai ftree. and lie Milli W441.41 to Itoberte. apprising hint of lee plight. The fieldmandial sent out • SufflOtellt Nippur t, but the dis- tance from Mktemficlitein gave nit selvantegio to the tioers. In Broad - synod. little armY were 'e00 1,t1c j1;ttefakt, 200 of tee 10th Hussars, en- der Colonel Pieter ; Bri- gade irf Mounted Infantry. ceneirt- _ lag of the first regiment, the third regiment, the Burmese regiment. anti Teter" mod Roberta' Horse. With !Kat id thee force Brotenwood fought • emell rearguaed Actaeon from noon until night, holding beck ehe Boers sue be imagined. At nine o'clock .at night he ma.rcheal hie men oat of. the worker Itemiser the itliostrloY, two hours lifter the wagons had outmanned ,A II had passed some .hille 3.000 yard.. behind thiar place of hiletiae, 441141 trout one of thewe muse oinele et daybreak. awrikentng them Thin attar'. change,' to fr.int what lorry general would do, he ordered him eon% on-tlut.t le to any, be hind, towards Bloemfontein. Ile sent Roberta' floret+ with the wageno as an eiwort. end with theme he oleo despatched Batteries Q soul the Royal Horne Artillery. Quickly the animals e ere itexpanned ane et idle! off. while the main body of tine combatant.. faced abent to get into touch with th, enemy. The nest Boer 'reap. the ranat dramatic coup and the 'cleverest hit 441 Brier work- in thin ar. The Poem were in force be- tel Brtin4144,44nt Me all in (rola. 11 Ile he hail retreisteel from Thalia it large number lout i ost on Ida road to Bloemfontein. 11 lira ty firing en the ewe I him ridge of slight ite•I hint f root seeing Its ((tin Cheater Atneter.,.1 ger& beck t» find a text lie knew to lie hiell ins ft ree had the ennvoy. It y morning Alen The iini- timed, and iv. on all tie 4441414. 41 wof I net 144 the riflew of the soldiery on the In the meantime Itoberts' Honer were riding ito to take their plum in the line, when they were met by a ouguluctor 44( A. B. C., wile had tented In the spree nod ridden hark without being *topped or fired att. ' For heaven's rake," Ite shouted, "gu back. There tire• Beers there." The unower lie got wee, "Don't be it 1061." and t hey advanced. Innweillately motive iirlyer mow hack at full ..peed, Boers! Boers!" Not a 'shot had yet be .0 fired. glee war taking piece on the right of ch.. 4.44neny. On the left the two lotteries; en me along and. find - the wagon., to see went wax going on ahead. In Mae await n mole of the Cataley had 4136116ml Ilia rifle at the pit of it Ilkier'e U Battery leading the way ^dere into the oral. -alengelde the (vin- yl/Y. reached tite scene :Mei es the' Boers rose in great numbers. cry- ing out in good English. "Oive up! We've got yeti covered." and the like. [low Tretteely Was l•rovolteell. And now came the cioudbursi of shot. A apergeent-nuter of the Army sterile loose provoket1 It. He gave up his rale demaed. bee when he wets handing over hie revolver he clapped it, to the head of hie Boer captor and shot him dead. Then the Boers loured all their eines with a fire that eanseet be described -it bleeding. terrible fire-oue so thick that them who stood against it say terry cannot underetaue bow une wan got away. The Maurer bul- lets flew like roper of lead from near at lien., upon those in the sprint, and just, am thickly tierters the ielitt, wimre tunny of the troops and the audit hotly of the convoy were. A panic which followed war like a be. of Bedlam lt wur mainly a Mane pole of the homes anti melee which multi nod he rentrained. Those who e ere well back on tAirt veldt law more rideriew hordes than they hail ever seen en batele Lefore. They raw it atm l' Battery 'without a man nettr It being ewung right mei left along the veldt. and letwk tie horse, limbers, and everything Mita' It. Men too were dripping In their tracks, and falling from their saddles. witilet la- the tore-. ground stood Q Battery. all but de- serted by Its men. . Tao Bons were albooting arrow the British In the sprat and killing earl, other. They Mot rx refugee mother and baby on one of tha carte. It 'teemed as If nothing mule eNrAps• their ImIleta. They endeavors' to be put. and ordered to one side the men .01 I: Illtitefi. who had been obliged to eurrender. Ir ever the human eye sad ear anticipated the hortorto -of hee It was there end then. Two Tom- mie* hiding ender wngon were pined by n Boer. They •Iragged him between them end pttnIMPIIP4 him the Permit, drew him pword an.1 rut oae Burr down ethen be wounthel an- other nneetherrefewas ithete-The *er- go nt• major nf U Battery. who bad Men pnrleyIng with the Boers when the firing Minn. cantered out of the *welt awl the uther battery In safety. Major PhipmeHornisy- end lols town. of linttery, esti:bled on the rine in the Nee of the ful fire, and then the- edge of the oporialt tad seemed their rms. They were able to get four of them. Three and the One gun cif U Battery, which 'veered from the emelt. Made np a hatter, of nve gene. These Were actuante-rained on the Poem nnil fired for n' long time the Boor rifles were ne effertiVe am If they were firml nrni'm length. Gunner' rind °Merv! dropped. Mit ties.. who were no'. hit kept on The tin house. were on it rime groniel. Oda Hee was n Town r.1 this drift raced nil the pnnie•strirken heroes. and it %yam here that thy men begn n to rontro! brought with n violent effort nut of 4.11:409 All n•-er the iehlt was the mad tine steeds of eoldlers. The cerifiteion in the drift was awful. Hermes and wagons ran other home. down. But t Inet order tame oat of it all. the meantime wt. have left pert of the *convoy end all of Roberta' In the heart of the drench - In of belleta Major Dawson. ling the Horse !tenet thr or - emitter, end replie4 simply. it, Onllop !" Thee is also the peroest eat Tamer says who had serrentlereti -ere shot hy the liners. wholly false. An I limners were told to ow who were Melt did -even mnny Pe -from a creme ing from nn dowapour of Wiens and raking of Maurer bullets'. The Burnoose Mouuttot Infautry. Crulkaliank in continued, form tol up at the front edge of the rise, find gave the Boers idiot in etre/tale lik.• molten leash The New Zeal/mud- Mounted I floe dhl ma well in cover• ing tle. final lin., the retiring fore... IllianountIlly awl putting their mounts' under coier. they bleu 1.1 away at lie Bocre-staindIng. out in lie open end in the worst. of the fire -me if they were defying the 'Math that kept settrehtng the whole eldt with Its snaky fingers (len. Brototwood lettrni41 the filets, he felt, aa did ery other itol dier there, that all were trappetl. Mitt that there might be no way .m1. To surrender twourreit to no To filet a way out. tool. that ttl.P. weir the single Idea common to all. Broatiwood came into the torte,: tif the battle anti rtempede and brought hie command to order. mut thee to safety. HP sent the cavalry and Dome mounted infantry arrows the Korneepreit te the right of the Boer position, to flank anti enfilade them. HP erre:wed for the covering of his retirement with gums stud riflemen -and he got hie ftorto away mickly. nee with the least hour of life that wail !smoothie in it dltuallori which evened en of- fer tweape to no one. Ile •ieseevee tie. thanks &lid erotism of hie men- trymen for the eenittema. the intro - panty. and tee skill with which he thus saved five -mistier of him (twee. Had Colville's. large force. which was chew at hand. come to his relief - even had he known that Iloernankop. lying In the line of hie retirement, WR6 in British hands'. he would have got back his moven rum. roe a- week collecteel Ineattowee of valor OR the part of Ituesbler in- dividuals in this tight. At the end 1 Walt overwitelmee by their num- ber. A Baer. speaking after the fight. mild to nly Wry able comrade. 11. Oltanne, "The whole force •4 Boers wan toncited with admirittion of -ehe ',tented behavior of 3,our trove. We looked upon that form. confese If it lead been a Boer force. It would have given up its &rine" Title, then, is Pelted' valor. le the reader able to jedge by these ex- ample. of it wlutt its commercial value ix, what it weighs in the reale* toothed what it emote'? In title case et /saved ft little army be- came.. practically every Man in that army poneeseet1 It. In other Cnafte., It hail lost .nearly as heavily. Can any one, then.-etrike the bite ante T LIBERAL PRINCIPLES A8 Defined by Three Canadian Liberals. Tooth Powder FRAGRANT SHORT SYMPOSIUM, In a bandy Patent Box (newt 2 Lars* LIQUID sad POWDER. 7k mall Mere& or by Mall tor dm prim, HALL & RUCKEL, MONTREAL. 5° Whom, It is rumored, the Pop e favor. am his etwoessor. RICH, RED BLOOD ENOCH ARDEN OF THE YUKON eel tie pestle Ile lien 444y. lwh and sent to tiny out isf a trap Into luel (wattled the Pe fire against the tr mile were quickly In the long line of wago king over a nearly f pritirie with the multi oi Ahead was a ifliaat T140 emelt (4 the MM. IOU won have teatime* It. th•ough it tie hide from Broatiwood what to bilaWn beyoed it. The wag eitme first to a 'nth" wend , nearly dry at ream -bed. nntl th OW they losd-to elionese for a cross- ing brought them into the Moon fire. Tbe feet of the hundrietire 'elf animate churned up the limit bettmn into a mire. and neven wagons stuck there. Captain Atcherley. of the .A• P. 1%, siuMMOned help of About forty men of Robert's' llorse, who Mayed mall it wag nowleve to May lateen etemounted, with their :teen' stairk• t41. tugging ftt the wagone in Nein endeavor to shift them. Every Amin of Crow wag et hero. for 11011P d their Ilia wail wortit it pin. They antationa of one of their offl, cervi, who kept on nhouting. "Do not !ante ft pennyworth to the In the enenntinte tbe reek of the long tomtits' lind goof on,". SVir 1111111 4.144114 rime hey441INI the first er little owlet t» the Korneeprult, the larger .1 t he two sprees. and the plore of !Minding the await nd veldt foo ran - 'steeply tlint Hwy I.,th with shot. The on the farther honk o The eeeond, third anti Absolutely Necessary to Health and Strength. Tbrourfh the Wood Kvery Organ, Every Nerve and Every Thome 1 n the Hotly Is Nour.shed If the Blood Is Impure, illsettae 'rakes Poseessies of the System. . If yell want. to he well take care of the blood. The blood is aptly teemed the tied flui nal it is4 thrOttgli it att. seery organ and every Orinoco( the body is nourielied. If the blood becomes' impaverielleil. the entire eye - .tem en user a breakdown, and whit t Is termed Atiglemis, genernl de- bility, or even cone...a:option may be the result. Prudent people occlusion - silly haTteelletenie het tee purpose -of keeping the Mood pure, but the ink- well are Orme to whom tide nrtiele in chiefly %nimble. nu it will point out 41104y an I verily menu* to renewed health. Um. Jeeeph Herbert. who keepa n grotery at. the muter of let. eauveur. (ewe tells the feller/Mg Ins r coentem der to the-. why that the in the epruit I believe thief Imre the p of the Doerr them.e the Bewr right. Uroadwood Are' It was then thist eenern wood mine over the ridge. hie einem/to' to begin na,gal fight rui is overawe' in nny an fire In front, on (Tie righTeirflireffl riglit rear, nt 1,000 yards, with nw an I horsier with Berri Moot- ing Boer., with e‘erylx),1 else in the .1Ireort, mntlekmt confusion. this little 14.1 lb& force remain., tinder perfect diselpilne defending itorlf in the open AXIOMS the nmetierme, fire ef a hid- den three to 1411P. Under them eircum- brIllinnt ft retirement no human brain nal nerve could devisee rind execnte. Tihere is not a mnn who wen with oadwood on that dny who ior nut Ihng to follow him anywhere -even toll's, Inferno. if the Boer. do not glveeep when they are driven there. The \fieir mites which micaped the orl,,to Cover the retirement of the mottnte.I inert, and to try to recoter the two they Were obliged to nixie Ion. 'the tibell ))1 were only n. few tatter. of the orig- crippled thing. Tint what nwo were left mit holt upright throngli the l -tilt a sign of what they lind expert enim.1, or of whet they knew ley he - fore them. They 1 reed, bleed t he position of their dlimoter, anti epened flre steeliest fire Boer leng-rn nee mew IleernP•1 to fail In the middle of their little 'tree nearly the whole of the Mennted Infantry Regiment W3A Obis to retire, nn 1. them. tieing the Inet, the gene Men retired imeinining to store of IKoken health and renewed tiger.: el stffermi for many months,' seed Ore. Herbert, "from nn Inlpov- eri .l.ed 1•tinditlon of the blood, cou- plet with extreme nervoltsness. 1 was fiery pale- end felt languid and ladle - tweed too exertion. A dizzy sensation un arising quickly from a chair. or mining down stnlrs, often troubled sue. The 1;sod eeereiee wuald leave ewe almost out of breath. and me heart would palpitate violently, % line :It tither times I would feel n emotheting sensation. Often any face ani arms would swell and puff. and the nrms became almost useless. I ehoetored more or lees for the trou- ble. but did not get any real benefit until I began the use of Isr. Williams' Pink P111t. 1 had 'been ming the pills only n few weeks when I found myself glowing stQ.eng 'r and better In every way. I continued taking the Dolle for nearly three months -for 1 w1N determined the cure would tw tinrmtgdl-1.at esouw'tIme before I rile - mutinies' using then I felt In letter health than 1 had en,j;oyed for years bplore. My sleep IN now, healthful and refreshing. my appetite excellent, anti I feel equal tit atmoltt any exer- tion.. I fellthft Lowe all the, to 11r. Williams' Pink P111., and. It. *HI always give me plensure to rPenm- Ilenit them." It Is the mission o1 Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills to make rich. red blood, rodtieh ' the nerves, Mayes vert vete- one orga$N of the body, and thus by reaching the root of the trouble drive dlsa.ee (rum the system. Other mull-. eines net only upon the aymptome of sere hen ench mesticines aro dlwwmtln eel heTronfMr" PtilrnM -often In an nggretated form. If on want health nqd strength be etre p n get the genuine with the full - 'Dr. Williams' I'iak Pills for People" nn the wrapper around hoc. 1f your denier sennet enp- the pills will 1w Pent prat )(ants, n box, or six heves y alklreseeing the Dr. Wil- lie Co .Brockville, Ont. Ca/nes-Back and Claims PHs Long Mardad Spans. 1). 1..411.114411411.4011) PrPnlier 441 Prince Edward Island. writer : Terms of Ilsbeeriptileas It I MAY manthe so 1. Beeman I believe in the ancient Oss I 110 moth+ of the Liberal pitrty the world "Freeway, retreuchmeut and 2. Berliner Liberalism Ole\ a 1,es Lite 1/1414.1smi, and pats utowy into the ptiekete of th.. Bogner and the nrtl- Ian, by creating a Just and equitable enstome tariff, by reducing the tuxes'. by placing a ditty Ian 111‘lif les rather 1111411 nimensaries. 3. Because the Liberal Party ale- airer a fair anti bread reciprocity treaty between t'atiallit and the American Republic .and freer trade with the mother land. Becau.ce the policy of that party la to erush the hydrneheaded aster ettlled "protection," with Its reesulttints--tnonepoiies and the enrichment tif the few at the expecte'. of the inlay. !I. 'treeing'. gives to the pure usittaluistrittion. keeping Intact Lb.! independence of Patrentnent. an•I 'reserving Ilrevincial equality in Church and elate end in their smetlement of difficult iptes- lrebtlialsese. notice. ti011e, avoid racial religious strife. and promote lrarmony. good will. and fellowitaip Pimoug all races. creeds anti el/tomes. T. Becauee under the Liberhl ban- ner, the great question of prohibi- tion half heel' tellullit t., a i..te id the !oomph. : the Superanmuitien Art haw boon ; and he the repeal of the Friebeltiew Act. the (me- rit -lee hall been exteeniest and nian- N. Boater I believe in the policy of developing the row lames of "'hie May iLLDIO °VIDE. Cattail* of owe," 111141 of opening lap mar litablie land, fur 'settlers and mit for enewulaerm. teriateas of elie Liberal Porty. tat- z. prem. Becauee, In a word. Lib- lea : er,allent lietgateeemoos with good Mali sad 11111)Yese of trade, increase! tof reventre, end The Signal eV 111.2111111D IIVILRY THURSDAY MORNING "William Harrimm Shaffner and dike, Hoover bad moved on with the May Hoover, both of U. K. L., throng to the newer fields of Nome. were to -day united in the hely bonds of matrimony, at St, Andrew'r Misch h, the wording of an 'tepee - teatime news item mope:trine in the New Westminster Vphitilbiallii it:Sat- urday Mat -an item t lint imemingly tells all that there•im to be maid of the iermal eonsummat ion of a mitring - time eirtirtship. A stranger reading the printed ee- ferenee to the ' happy event" woad have 1144 difficulty In filling out ail the pleasant little details quite to his own enlist aetion. A. ettatt,14 betaking acquieecence-the novelty or a., trip up into canaries for the- wed- ding -and the usual tiovellstee mitten' of the ambjeet, "mei they were happy ever after !" Anil yet thee! who can rend be- tween tite lines will from the skeleton text given by the Columbian put bit by bit together a Mary emit a. a novelist might use relnetantly, cer- tain' in the knowledge:that he wowed beoccuemi of weaving into his fiction the utterly improbable. Neither Mr. William Hurrieon Shaff- ner. nor May Hoover enter!! the ma- trimonial alliance throtah Mr. Vert's good offices in the first flesh of en- theeitbatielle riaturilny is. Indeed. the "meow! in which they have been the principal churnetere playing the 'same partn- eri -vory.lew r -an. say. it eat not the first time that they leave held each others' handx at the altar, and puebl- o! their troth with the giving and receiving of the ring. How it MI comets n.hout Ito this pe- culiar fiteliion makes the story. ' May Hoover, now Mrs. Willem Ilarrieon Shaffner ail severely as a repeated marriage can make her. waft in her girlhood Miss May Deploy, *natives eof 441W of tee smaller towns of Wnehingten. She had not yet reached her maJority when whe wax wooed and wed by Mr. Hoover, their marriage taking place five or nix year. ago. from whin!' date elle and her instebeind lived apparently in har- mony, their lenerinetee augmented by tlbe arrival of two pretty chiklren tei complete the meaning of home. 141 1M found in a day In tho cold etretchee of the magic Yukon. popular infection -finally it came hie 'turn, and returnees to his :settee.. home one. eien.ng he capped the cli- max of hits withes suspicions as to the way his thoughts were tending, with the announcement : "Well, I've decided to go, too." -- She knew without turther explana- tion what was meant. A week Inter the hesitated Waft one of flee bemired mneklitaw-clad tree - Imre seekore on the deck of a Klon- dike Mennen pulling awny from the Seattle wharf. on the wharf nod watched the dis- appearing crnft nate it rounded the poled and /taped a course Into the • lei comb them loot tier wan the epruit. tote tiers were hidden behind the • ne wade' of a double cattle kraal builtIlltingly on the slow+ beyond the stprdit. lending W11414P1 in the long convoy st mot wifely down the 'Trutt end tip) rly eerier, the drift. 14everitl Inrite heck 'engem believe! le /goers Melted Convoy. They had no rensein einspeet the truth, which wore (lint ‚Wren hundred a Dorms were almost clone enough to bre:, t he In their coven, (nit fittifil thew aiieltrr ram^ n few who, like Picea- ,' dilly 'policemen handling fi blockade,' it mit lineed holding lip thee. ban+, end ',elec. -Stop! Tee nre storramled. You can th) nettling. Drive there-. er they met " Drive over there"; or "There -Fro until we ten eon to The negro driver, del nattier r. the earte lifi41 ihroWn their rifler' hind them- an they genernlly .10. and theme they grave tip when ordered to Imre Mown In nwending the forther 'r oide Thum. with it number of (telly's, the wagon, rnme Humping. )(nine - le 1,1g rind humping down int., the lit th, rliN end the Poem@ risk. uo and pr erying ...it that it wax '1111 gellnp, or iseiPn t4) (Vit. t1114:4 liP-no nee tlightleg," and demanding theta. bombe away older that Internal Pa le ply yo paid nt linme' Med Merely filled Oftouble. TM fnet tItat I has been *track who hail plenty o time and eapItal In %letting the coo ry, discovering where the "gaiters" re. end took - vestment or eppetilatin This hil &bent ea fat as tine ran In the way nt commendation. 11 ;Mire clear Hutt any investmen made in person or by trusted agent nre pere ellinnees. tench the same if one 'thank* bet oh ell nnhne„ hong running in st rm. In Set Fran and would write from Mere. lie did not. eo other woril direct or indirect wete load by the waiting wife until n her hushrouCti brother told her the story that had comes to him -the old. wet rtory of fairy castiee crumbling into a grave beneath the northern. Hoover had, wetbe brother wrote. ginge with the mercury eao low as to be beneath contempt. His conetita (kite had been undermined by over - Work and exposure. and he had pollen by tho wayside, tuna- -body been' coorrigned to a trench scraped In the frown 'now. lAitoe, placea, all detail* were given with apparent certainty. of correct - areal, and Sire. Hoover retwired the romeniseratkme of all who knew her. upon her widowhood. It cannot truthfully be sale that leer long sepnreelon from Hoover and the many weary months in which no word had mime from him. had not in innutv.r 'ventured lib-. wife the bet- ter to boar the Wings of his death. Her mourning was *hurter than it might have been, anti 'tome four month" later tv.r heart re-awnkened to the pleading,' of Mr. William Ilnr- rieon Stieffluir, to .W114) In Nix Menthe 0,04 slie_w_u_wedded by n clergyman' prepared a home tn Plaine, une there lir. and Mr.. Shaffner have been living In unclouded huppineam ever attneet-TT "Weir on Monday last that thitisPrbelt broke. Hoover in tn. emelt appeared to give denial in 11,11 repPortn et his ine timely death. He was Male. like Mark Twain, to pronounce even the hoe tlboeto report a groom exaggeration, able teetimtony for himorlf. Here was a dilemma. Pheffner conk, eenreely pone ewehend eat who -or where elas woe. ethe wa. Moe Hoover still, nal yet idle had the documente to prove thnt Him waa Mrs. -Shaffner. Mhe was the wife. of two men, yet see wax not a bigroulet, for the evidence of her widowhood wnw tangible arid suffi- cient for any meet •of law. - In her perplexity Mir wax forced to trek at 'lawyer. and the lawyer wool pliented willing lawyer crui find no solution. T110 remedy propowed to Mee Shaff- ner -Hoover or Hoover -Shaffner had all the write of aimplicity. She was advised not to concern hernelf with nny of the romantic te.taile of bow nal why It happened. Hoover wire emit the other parties. An' se on !Malay !tun at Wheteren petitial in discere ware filed, the woman, ap- plying for relents; from Mr. Hoover on the grounele of defortIon nrid neg- lect. Proceeding. moved nonce, and on rrhttsy nn order granting the peti- tion was duly handed down. The Inely who find been two meten wife the day before wne legally at- taehel to neither, Ring'. blewereinew is not oteeeptable for any length ef time. That 1f4 whnt She thought, tin letter cione. . So on the fellievine dny they took Then rumor brought the word In the trip to W4eittninOiter, find WiTW round/deed meaner that, unable to they are Mr. nal Mr.. Shaffner onee get In on anything geed in the Klon- again.-Vanemover Province. ethiertlatatir natant .cfas nat. ed.„., le 'lit.' anitspiwwts, 010:1 for ends cibirement luarti wt. !teases el Ist • nonpareil Nettle. U.utiusas cards et als Una aid usd•r. psi year Advertlantents of lost. reee4i. Situations Van.ut, Situations, 'anted and nue. nonpareil. St per month. lioness on Kale sod Vanua ea Sale. sot ta scooted lines. 111 for tint month, 30o. per sue • opeolal sours, the otuoot of which ts to promote the pecuniary twutelt at asy indl set or company. t, be considered an ad vertigo ardnoq11,aorgedin Itrinpardrie4711Ype on* cosset pet word. •• notice loss thee 160. Local notices ordinftry rending typo two Goats per word. No nodes for lem Was 30o. Notices, for °Minims •nd other retigisoss ant Suberribers who fed to resod v• Two Sionst roguistrly by mall will confer a favor by a., enalnfing as of thil fact at as swirly • dot* all When • °hang* cd address is desired. boll the old and thane. address should Ivo irt••4 pointed local Travelling Agent for the Town• ships of Gederirls, Colborne, Asblold and Local postmasters over the district ars ales empowered to receive aubeoripUoiss ta Tan All oommunioations must be addressed Tun 81014 Telephone Call 20. Dodertini&,bna. THURSDAY. MAY 9, 1901. that the e.ra of depleted population, reetrieted vonimerce, and retarded proeperity is thing of the mixt. of Nova Scotia. writes: "Whe 'Thin a Liberal." Nirt, at rill events.. he - mum+ my father woes one Not Ite. entree I hate become newociateri with a lerty bearing tlutt name. not in. demi widely upon political grounde. I understand by Hut word "Liberal" look on various, enter n queetion. nail to seek truth wherever Ale MIS le. found and follow her wherever one may lead. I also apprehend that every nine her We opeortmat les ist the rare of llfe ; that privileged rlitarepot should, not taint wrttlth fn internee 011011111 not 114' it Bogor in determining the ele• meets a true ~cam in any -court Although thim is intended chiefly for eirculatien for political. pimps/Hee the word "[Ahern.'" In connection itil political "struggles than In twientific. feral and religlinte Po- Idle/illy, 1 believe in a wide suffrage. it free ballot and absfolute. immunity from cermet influences. The lona tint ton .4 mooed politital 111111.1in. thine the obtaining of the unfet • the people. 1 laws Mune.' "be salter and no enferceel that the mei anti powerful could net exeeciate entitle influence over the publle will. The perchaare tor a vote In the first Mete toward polleical eterfdlont. True Liberalism win rerilst the granting of great public (rancid/gm to private corporation's The Incre- ment derived from the devekipment and prsarrent of the country roe enretee peesible -tee emenon benefit of all. the granting of epecial Privilege' let legislation or by executive itet. to ally particular intheirtriem or hornet of Intittettrinl' tare. The field should be free, and tile opportunitiew both fur Iniliertry Reel, and for the 44,4e114inge of Industry ntoorild, in an ideal con- dition. be not hampered in the slight- est degree lay any not of law. The tomjerity Ina a right in mater- ial neater". to inipnee Ito wied and Ils will upon :i niitIon. It. ham lie right to 'mimeo' its will ii! the rtisiotee Nett it, compel me to flraili hut it has 1144 1.14 prom tut net oompellinie me to go to (lintels or to toubwerilw Li P any form' of dogma. I toil Liberal in 'omen' matter.' lie- diatinetkpne of C1/1561 except Choice whirl, nein', inevitably front mummer knowledge and erenter mon' worth. That any individual or reflection of individual. ell Id. from the mere we - feria of Leah. drew an imaginary line about themselves; and their intent of thinge utterly illiberal, net' wide,' Mould be rellentleemly destroy• ed by the force of nn orgnitised and intelligent puler /minket. 1 fins a Liberal in religion became I recognise the right ef no !KIM' by which epiritual growth ran be at - Wined. Wert mettere pertnInIng Lim epiritnel World ore Kill pro ready knerwn, tad In this finite verve Mt little will Oyer he tnOWn Uneer theme ron•litione, dogma ere peepeeterous. With kith and love enn reit grope towerti the light ea I meek ilismover the law. of epee Houser harl-proutised to write re - gnarly -bet the wale a those gol- den day. of the Klondike's birth were not to be relied upon. Week", find mantle, passed, end no PRESENCE Of MIND N, OD BRAVERY. her Rare Meant Run. Teel - Minn Middle In rPftily ta) he married at Mort It moot have been tinr41 for her to sett le ilown. ie., ineee•I She was an nw- 1,11 flirt the men n merry race, hitt now ohe saye slues "en her eats lap." -Phil- ArAter Br:1%er? In a military officer. metes monplare thine, since no man le fit to he nn officer uniform lie pole *ease* It. lent presence of mind In great danger a a rarer Quality. and the officer W110 posseensee it needs only opportunity hi bring him General de Oalliffet, the Freneli Manatee of Wee end lite mend em• inent living Peenent general. Pee. 00P+1411)14 mermen of mind In a high de- gree. tearing the wee of the Vont- mune, Illf et once found tilmwelf the Pergeries bridge. Pees. ems- ✓ tounded set theme melte by the in. hotnon hy lieutenant only, nntIonn.1 loul their rine elm at the two f itsere. "We. 'shell never get ont of thin alive!" the lieutenant. "Well." Amid Het. "perhem. not, but I think we ▪ 11. Follow 41101' Onlliffet proceeded to ride. nt Plow t rot directly towiard the in @urgent,. Peeliently the Common 1.111 Tee pia. MS tease 5.1.11 sae 3.15 eas. • mender. ft MaiL•mitilyirlfellitte heard. evidently not a en er eccupation. xtepped out anti called, "Whet do you wont. 7" Then Halit• Hr. pretended that lie had mime from l'reeldent Thiers. ".Frenehmene lir obeys, "listen! Shrill It be pence OP war between n.m1 all veil be well. If you. permed, it be war to 'tenth ! Frenchmen,' chrome .k grent vintner row. amemer the ineurgente The Communed lender meals top. " leo trek to PreeMent Thiene," he ehouted, "and tell Milt it " I go," sold flallIffet. He wanted nothing better, lin his "miteden" wnse a mire arcielent, and het wne tom good rode nwny. The lietitenrinto home streek Intel, " Held em ranee Ilailiffet. "'Moe. IP t 114411 thilik we are in a berry -they'll kneaW wiint'a up." lee the two officer. wanted their hornier nue of mope ef (+moment'. Two monthe inter the fell Into the hpruln of (tellIffet, Who Folio him him libelee in ngreenhie remembrnnee of the iscident. Resew omega th• beet over Oeld Minas. Drew' and Wilds Week s "(Meadow,' on Wednesday aternoons at 1.1Io Surgeon -Latest rine selderwl for all dental operations. Preservation e t and Square inp stairs). Entrance ent W Unice r1041041 014 Wod4404441404 ittlern001644, Ir. , from Airy to Oct.. loolualve- ( Artie ein her new bonnet) - Mgr kr you like mv hat. Iterthe fleittin Wily, 1 think it le imien- DeDlzon, of Montreal 1 Gold end egtIlletal teeth ipoill)4401 on avid or Mundial/A bases. Special ettention Eh". to 1 1.4 'rarer - Lease sow Moot. II MU 1 p.m. from May to itetober Inclusive ' 1.14. otter, Notary, &o. Odloo over Mencial Wit. Beam ()edition. ANA • Mac Commisdone Walt, 14 leen. Cor. Hamilton and Bt. •ndreve areas, O•delloh. Out. ani radiant, LAan NJytli at., nett scierlie public, proctors in the smut Private Vends to lond Weed egos &root. reARROW da isIta:ROW, BARRISTERS. eX Attorneys. Melton &a Oodorich J. 1D1H.LIP HOLT. Q. 0.. DA SIVISTLI • flollotter. Notary Public, (do. °Moo side Courthcroae Square. Maser to loan at low rates of Minted. ▪ tare, Solioltors, Materiel Petrifies. micnisy to loon. Oftico, Wont Onset. S-.• triter, notery and convertliow. gra OD Hamilton otreet opposite the Colbored Hetet, 00411erleh. PrIvato funds W load on 'Mortis:as sit I per cont. Infernal. Farmers, otitis coshed. .1 • rout ordosioner for 'skis' nod rowdotaap Uons. doped done or solemn deelanstesso ar the High Court et Jumble,. Ws Court of Appeal ter Ort4ario. or in County or IMVIMMIR Court. all Venom:atom sarefully end Pear/ ISR0011. Oat. MOW Muni 'growth. In one word. kat Telberallein entnee from the heart and meet find its ori- gin there. 10 can never he nttnineel by any form of word., or the parrot- holethe. It inset he n and generotle prompting 'if the litiman (1. W. POPP, Premier of OnInrio, The Liberal party line niernyir aimed government And the 441 nt promoting the Intereste Of the glell before the law, (leo. W. Rose, LOAM, INIIVRANOa if MIT TO AmonN, 111. PrIrstaica.-4. lawildat at low Mew to lend on straight loans. at Ws lawns% oatioodissaa.svat gein eat Tar 10 Wrrower. 0011re Bewail dose trona are West. setae Oeeseich. on and Lan residre law Ohmataii Dore Metwel Ina Ca. la ta lay part of Ws meaty. Wag TORN IDOL OEM IP &ad OX. Omar) Alis0Moular• many, rather than the eelvancement of the fete nt beeeeing down the influeuee of oweteinnlionpe and caste, than of buntline up mosopoly and privilege ; nt extending the *tea of popular government thin of otrengthenIng the power of preroge- Ore sal atuarentiam. Every step tnken for the Pettit/eon of the civil an I religion* liberty of the people of ennrieln, for the enlargement of the freewheels or foe the ronemlhlation of the NHL* Arnerloan enhance, seri he traced ter the nilsocney di Liberal prewiplee hy men who hod eon( idenee the Hifi/note t riumoli of 'smiths!