HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-9, Page 8THE SIGNAL: Silks Our stock was never so complete in the `""7"""" season's correct stuffs as now. The latest shades, the newes' t kinds and the beat val- ues. A visit to the department, where you can personally inspect the goods, will be more satisfactory. Wall Paper and Porter's Book and Wall Paper llouse,lioder WM aro after yoir tr.,':, fur Wel Paper anti Windok w (1 if you consider your own interest jou will look through our enormous stook when in toted of either, Buyinl, its etc do direct front the ISispar mills an I sit Ai. ansitufactur. rs, in quantities and for SPOT CASH, our pricey are away below tlos regular retail prices, and it we without seyinz our Wall Papers areentirely different how those commonly shown, haying that striking, stylish anti UP-TO-DATE effect, besides costing no more than ordinary out-of-date stYlalk They are all shown in patterws suitable for hal a, bedrooms, dining rooms, libraries, drawing rooms and parlors, and range in pries from 4c. per roll to 35c. If you tire in need of any, measure your room's width, length and le ight and we will give yen the e.sachcoaS of papering it, besides assisting you in your selection. All Papers marked in plain figures WATCH OUR SHOW WINDOW. Terms Strictly Cash. OODERICH TOWNSHIP. lealpsy, May 3. SCHOOL HAMM? -The follow*/ rawest give. the rids. iy• andiog of tr o pupils el Meat ekustio• tone : Meted', 1, Oath, fres.. Welt, Jess.ie Moak. Oke, A so Bailees. From .1 uoior Tuird ti Boiler Third :- From 8,•nior r4 to lunhir F. urth :- Mamie Yuill, Harry Chambers, Whet Fromm, Mabel 11 alter., Inoue Clark, Alies Average attendance for April, 42. FRED J. L•waggcs, !Dress Novelties. Finest Erma, Drees Poplins, with bright silk figures, In szolualve dross patterns aod latest shades, at. S1.25 Fancy Orenadine, costume lengths, fawn, yieux rime, Dinette, at 125 rt•••• French Detainee, with silk stripe, hg waist or dram, al 750 Newest shades Notts Venetian Cloth, al. ready shrunk. regular 1.25, for 1.00 Bedford Cords, durable, light In weight. makes no nicely for summer suite, to fawn, grey, brown. blue, red, at 500 Homespun", French Cheviots, Cloths for separate Fikirte, Tweeds, in great veriety. Silk Novelties. Silver and gold embroidered silk Bolton Cloth, fort trimmitSgs and yokes, fr,m 1.511 Vary rioh satin Duoltesa, in ell the latest tints, vieux roee, resod., biscuit. castor, grey, brown, navy, reds. Black folk Grenadine, blaok silk all over Laces. block silk embroidered Chilton. New 44 Inoh wide Russian bleck fish nit, for en tire costumes, over black and cloture,' toundatioos• Spat:dal at 750 New white crepes' Waist Goode, with leo* insertion. •t 75C A II over Embroideries, whit• e' c. Porter's Book and Wall Paper Store On MAY ;15th we will give away a 5 - piece Parlor Set to the lucky holder of the right key to open the lock on the chain. One draw on every dollar cash purchase. B. & I patent, style & F., bias filled. We make • statommit that this oorest is the most perfect model for stout ladies ever put upon the market. Made lo short and med lam length waists, and sufficient boning Is placed therein to Insure strength, and the great advantage of our pateot bias filling prooess prevents any breaking over the hips or at the Welat line -and therefore the stout lady has the sam• advantages ao the slight or medium tiguree. Comfort and saes are assured the ladies who wear this earem. Mail• of the hest quality of lm. petted English ead handsomely lidesmed with the new bow•knot laoe de. Mini end natio ribboh, Made in dove. white and bisok. Sizes 20 to 30. Prise $2 00• 31 to 36 extra. We aro sole agents. Ertrs salines in other styles from 50o to A special value, regular 76o, for Tolophouo So. 100 B. Court House Square. Ouderich Maim to women from the thraldom 11; ti t Ling shoe.. This to the mission of the Ifttnions WEST WAWANOSH• SATURDAY, hiay 4. Th• following is the relative standing of tine pupils in 8.8. No 2 . West Wawanosh, for the month of Apeti The miliaria is al proficiency : Fifth Class- Ida ; fourth alum - keno Mallough, Mabel ; third class -Willie Wilson, Earl Malleugh. OsersJd Pollard. filohard V1 owe, Vincent Welsh, Eddie Bowers, Mary Vollard ; second clue -Willie kledd,Fr•ok Jones, Idartha Nixon, Harold Mallough. 1day Jones, Marshall Feagan ; part 11 , Viney Welsh, Earl Wit - ems ; part I -Irene Oliver. Ladies' White Underwear. This department is on the woad floor and yoa will Sod • moat complete @took slues right. Night Gowne.-Good cotton, eioely ern broldered 75o, 1.00, 1.25, 2.00 Whits Skirts. -Wide width. good cotton, Corset Covers, trimmed it ith embro.dery, 253 to 75) The but value ws have ever °erred in these good. SHOE FOR WOMEN. Tne wearer., of ths.se shoes enjoy all foot comfort possible at nny Three in One, FIT -WEAR within 0.4 roach uf r rt A Stylish :Street Boo fest oolor, ot 1210 New kitebos, all the latest shades, at 51)c New colored Papes,•11 shades. worth 90o, for 110 New Swag Costa and Capes -Opeteire we bays • good range of ready-to.wear Skirts, the new spring outs, All prime. Ltdiee new rain ('-.ato, the most ennsiiiis waterproot for ladies. Dust proof and rsio proof 8 50 t 10 00 aro Eterdt et Clothing - Olothiog de- partment upstairs, well seeorbed with new clothing tor spring specially, CW1,114)11'0 olotigag extra value with us. Boys' sults from 1.25 to 5.00. Men's salts from 3.00 to 12.CU. SEE THAT THIS IS BRANDED ON EVERY SHOE Klbo Eld. Patent Tip. Wetted Sole. Extension Edge, Medium Heel. CABH OR PRODUCE. Nand Reproduction of this Style Shot. Oae Ludwig $3.75 Price- - Smith Bro's & Co. Potritrotyoulthriar Mr liner AUBURN. Teti LASS J•14110 BRoWN,--.14111108 Brown *se horn in the township of Smith, Pe. et- boro' county, Ontario, Josuary 19,1, 1830. fall of 1855, when the family moved to Kett W•wat.o.h, whioh at that WOO an unbroken forest. They wattled on lot 30 on the third conoustoo, the farm now owned by Thomas Brown, • brother of the theme. ed. Three years later the deceased married Louisa M Holmes, sad mowed to lot 33 on the amend ociamaieloc, where he resided until 1886. Hare four °hitcher' were born, floret, of whom are still living, this oldest having mod in 1886. Having sold tile farm in 1885 be moved to Desrolt, were he realded death celled him away. le -.coral he en- joyed excellent health uotil shout five months age At that time be began to fall rapidly, and for noarly four mouths prior lie Ma death was °enlisted to the house. moat of the time beteg unable te sit sp. Irea Several w• his coadition wee not regsaded as be• lag serloiir, and it wao hoped that when warm *gather would tronte he would asalu da• nly appear..,. o‘d Is lemma evident 0.0 h. too to Dolton. se Arril 90 li. Death wao osu.• 1 by au Isles. r abed erudition of the blood which Ph, loran* sail es Pmts. TOD w.• pm:otiosity own, awe. Near the Ism Ms selfortng fora short ' tine was mottos& but lee Anal mad • at p lie simply ceased to aseanber of :Itti Peet %trews Mooch, end tor • number of Ntisa• *es ea obler. 16 was a iniattets. He was reo•g• Maid as a leeder and wise counsellor by those la his oommunity. He had the oonti- depoe of all who know aad wee ap- prealat ad most by thoee who knew hlm best' A short service was held at the borne ou the Sunday evening following the &wean,. Oo Mundey the retrying were is moved by deosased's sous to Auburn, to the home of Thomas Brown, his brother, whore Ilia funeral sin vioes wets utiaduoted on Tues. day •fternoun by tho Rev. T, O. Thempeoo, of Toronto. The Interment took place to Ball's cemetery, the family burying ground. r,. THREE ACTIVE AGENTS WHIN PLACIID IN THE SIGNAL The E L of C. E. of Victoria -se ohuruh at its regular meeting ott 1 undo, evening. April 30tiii, held the yearly eleotion of of finery. These were President, Mrs. (Rev. W. Robinson ; vloa.preeldlint, Rohl. Young ; second Tint -president, J. H. Mil - hap ; oeuveuor and literary coat. mittees, Miss Hartle ; seoretary, H. O. garnet, Mtge Shannon. Let Us Introduce yos to oar Sodas WE OPFER YOU THE BEST SODA MADE. Our Syrups are just what thoir names indicate - the linnet and Our Cream us rich and good. We endeavor at all times and in all ways to serve you in the yery best planner. DRUGGI8 F. Gorner or %Vero at. and the Square. FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. THE WEEKLY mAtessT REPORT i sesames. 'aim 10, 1110 I. not Wheat 9 rd to 61 . y our natant. per Mel t 10 to 1 60 Pookwheat. pee Wok 0 40 to 0 50 Poe., bosh CA to 1 65 rn ten nee, anp•oket g • dem:: 011 to 0 10 i0 t3 i S3 Lamb -Akins eo to 0 SD MOO 00 to 7 SI II to 0 18 Dressed BeeL Mad . On to 0 (10 '' Ord losam 00 to 130 Rev. A. E. M. Thomas le taking Roy, J. Oreene's work on the Hohnitivfille eir• dull until **Diereses, Mr. Ones' beteg u poor health. HODOENS BROS. lad 100•11 Water Cr 118•11111LTO% ST. Tering rose/nettle apply J . KitA KO, or tioderith P.O. Ito DR. 0. A. NEPS'TON„ DENTIST, HA13 discontinued hle trips to Dungannon. Will be pleased to meet sur from that neigla• borhood who may require Ws services at the home °aloe, Luokaow, whore be will be found every day lathe week exoept Thursday, when Mr visits Ripley. Special attention Pald pr•aervation of natural teeth, oro rit and bridge work. *to. Easy methods of extract- Ncrrtca.- The loos* agency in Dungonnon foe TR• EltfirtAL le at the offioe 01 J. O. W•RD, J.P., conveyancer. tko. who will receive or dors for subsuiptiona ad•utlaing and Job work. and is anthorized rive reoelote for amounts miff for the same TUMDAY, May 7th. daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie, all of Wieft.h•in, visited relatives h•r• Iasi ' who has been aupplyIng the pulpits of Man. i heftier end Syltb's Hill Presbyterian eon- ,-rettegetrout: for the last two Sabbaths, was guest of Rev. II. Fairbilre, B.A., who was • former acquaintance, Sabbath evening •n 114, totay ....Bishop Baldwin. of Lon, doo, and Rev M. Turnbull, of Godericti, were an Dungonnon oo Mouday, the 6th. Hie Lordship administered the rit• of own Mulattos to • number of young pe:s..sso Ditrieg tha evening they left for Blyth blies Oasis (Yeennor, of Kingebridgo„,„1 valitiag her cattalo, our genial viotualler, J O'Connor, and is egijoying her slate. ...Your humble earths returned home last week atter haying an enjoyable 'tilt with rtlativari and '1 he citizens of Wingh•rn deletes rpecial important industries a new brass foundry is to be In operation the aoudad settle, ... Mrs Church, son end datt.hter I t 'mos on kfondey, the 6111, via (lode, jets bar hu.band .:e at pres- ent homily engaged in puttied is spring °reps, weather beteg very favorable. F•Il wheat and grass are growing rapidly. Handsome Cotton Dress Stuffs . • • • TI- ,re is no such collection ot handsome cotton dress materials to be found in town as is now dis- played in this store. We gathered them from far and near. Wherever the best and most stylish materials were to be had we went for oar supplies, and are now showing an assortment that would brin no discredit on most city stores, and_ values are as as good as you are likely to get anywhere, The greater portion of the stock waB imported by ourselves direct from the British and American markets The patterns we show are handsome, stylish -and exclusive, and -of all the better --lines we show only one dress leugth of a pattern. , Flies Flies ! .1g aScreen Doors and Windows will keep them from bothering you. Our stock conies from the best makers. Our prices are right. We have a great variety of Lawn Mowers, at all prices. _ Barb wire, coiled wire and all other kinds of wire. Nails and all kinds of builders' hardware. Come and see the barn door hanger that cannot go wrong or blow off. We have the We also control the sale of Geo. E Keith s famous Walk Over Shoe for lien. leader in tine wear for !hen in the United StAtes. P. T. HALLS 1:x.Iti.:Ite Agent for Queen Quality for women, Walk Over for men. AGENCY FOR THE AMERICAN s'E-LWOVEN WIRE FENCE , Made of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. Seirooi Amply provides for expansion and contrac- tion. Only ileat-Elessrmer- Meet -mires Never goes wrong no matter how ""'"' great a stab is put upon ft mei Does not mutt- • late, hut aoes efficiently turn cattle. b•rses. bogs alai nits. tri • re AIWA Ak • • olo EVERY ROD 19, AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED sr THE MANUFACTURERS. C11111 and See tt. Can show you how it We have wild miles of this fencing. This year it is better than ever. w. wawa will save yeti money. Ooderich Marine May 10 andll Pictures -/ the hest entertainment iti4 kind in sillowiog the Queen's Funeral Procession Joan of Arc in 12 scenes 14.1 let t Ilan the onssirm play. KIN6 EDWARD VII Mrs. Carrie Ratios sato hod of OthernI.N: and Inirra•ting 111 te Inelndlne, scones taken from The late War, We goeflent,e thin to I hi Yost and MOM (templets movie; piotare show on the Matins, Sat , May. $1. Popular Prime, 15. end ate McKENZIE & HOWELL The plane '1 hay •11 Hard wa,e eh. sr MONDAY, May (1 Mktg Julia Johnston la vialalag at Atn• Raw. kir Woboter, wile has oreepled the pulpit bore the hut taro Rabbatha, returned le lid hone In Wanton, awl the Rev. kir. fiesta. ei Tortesto, will preach the nett Mr. Ilsbisefte The Young Prinple'd Plonisty roost in the Aare), 7.20 sett Rabhath evening sad kass irabjeet will lee taken snares el by Maw 0. TyadaL Am massed Nose mallaIlawe •Isited friends near Auburn 41118emdm Ws. RAILWAY FARR% TO Yon Pew AMERICAS The T R. te giving the following rates from Oetierich fro Buffalo for the Pan Anntrioan exhibition 30 days, on 45 ; 15 Alia, 26 76 days, ftir (A These are the return latvo. The togelar single faro la days Onto.' ; that hi, • three thy' tIoliet Is egad out Friday Is mond anti the following Monday midnight. CO L Buy your next winter's supply of 00AL now and save money. Do not blame me next Pall when coal is awa y up for not warning you in time. SUMMER SPORI-S. Fred Shannon, not Fred Shepherd, as re, ported Imo week, in weeretary treourer of A meeting for the organization of a tiro 11.11 chab for the town will he held on Frt. riay evening, at n o'clock, lo D. Grant's rooms. Everyone interested le invited to The bowling lawn on ite'est street Is now woe and urea, and the tennis oourta are helm pat into shape. Th• bowlers have purchased • new kind of roller, mode to London, to keep ilnw• the bumps oe the lawn. The weight is furnished by water turd' an iron cylinder. and oan thee be in. oreased or diminiehed as ono talon require,. THE HOCOH CCP STATIC The first match for the Hough oup ever played in Goderloh oame off at the feral proton& on Friday motor. The oballengers were the Clinton Collegiate In. stitut• team. Th• game vomited In • tie, so that the onp-the trophy for whloh foot- ball players have striven for siztnten years - remains in th• possession of that G. C. 1 team It was a oleos ehav• for the boy., though; and they will have to put their beet foot forward to mantaln their position* Toe Wants heed op as follows: it hidden, R. HAI er half hanks -lett, A. Courttoe ; centre, J. Bremner ; right, A. Aikenhead O. Campbell becks, 3. P. Breen, W. Pommies ; half right, Olen Mel/maid ; forwatds-1110', 11 Snell, dee. Tnomtne ; contra, O. Cooper : righ•, E Bryant, 1) Allows. btlel, n1 Clmton, and Oeo. L. Allan goal Daring the heft half, theugh the play seemed to be greatly la favor o! tiotierich, the 6.01 lhaing kept moot of the time at the (Melon end, onitber aide scored. Onoe, the ball di4 go through the Clinton hut the referee's eagle eye had detriot. e4 feel arid it was declared nn goal At hit.f.!Ime the team, changed end., and agate t he ball went from rod to end rt the field and bark again with no apparent •dvantase to either side; hot •boot ten m•ntatee before time was op Pritobard, who had repulsed many a brays wank upon him goal, some- how or other let Out ball rid past him. Then the Clinton people, of whom there went quite a 'molter prietant, rejoined oz. cee4ingly, and visions of the oup in transit danced betrra the eyes of the tioderloh tiny@ awl their imppor'ere The remainder ot the Name Wm decidedly thwarting. Rosh after rash was made upon the Chu - ton goal, CAmpor made • gallant vt.tank, but th• ball strnok the poet and bounced hack. Only • few 'woods r•Meleed when Allison got the bell in front of him and eluding hit opponente poi It alias Omagh the anal and the day was saved Toe next gain• for the nap will be wit& Saaferth Collsgiata, probably no the 17th. %Worth h to a week team, and the match will probably be more Intereating even Dias last week's. 11•45 a. Ile AY departmental etionlail Mese toe Tuesday, Jely 24d. at the state HERE is every indication that muslins and cotton dress materials '-'•7""- will be very much worn this season. You'll be almost sure to want them -if not now, later on. Wouldn't it be best to buy now when this stock of exclusive novelties is at its best. For Mont. • MOULT -Titus. M AY 15 b. PA4 URIC /. he tea ea be "Illi 111ratetv." For fermi 11111111 te.i.L111111 T11.4011. , Wks goring water sad loft water Alia •etshe ra sautca BNIRIDoi ft, Swath sue .0. TO HEN I. TOR 014.4ZINO eon 01 halt of lot 10. 3141.16•4 moo oat oe. led also 'rue pito-, Ls well f000e 1 and :here le an abundant suing, a trie401. At•Ply 4.• WM. For eats. ,M1D FUR, SALR In TOWN OF Wats. the p-operty known a* tn• leadr, being part 01 Monk ' ' the Town of buildings and water right., on 18., Hirer Malt. lend. For term. apply tl A HIPYW St U Aft. ROW. solPltore for tbe vendor. $1,500 ca•Istn.. eunu.Ohlt.TE,IthaM, 414100. alone note, with eix-roont•d addicon,sitUaied en Yloton 8. reef. Dolt se acre o' land .iis so is. on, buthiimte thereon thr igen In. For further Merl .1' and lie le Hutohlion'a . PHILIP ItItnivt..Tt.f libtroh Orgleist as 1 musical direst -or of North et. Ity. organ and theory. will be visaged to r • v vie pupil,. Inotruction given either 1, • • • I A- FEW OF_ OUR MANY LINES. blue and plok and white •nd fancy oombtss- Wens, guaranteed fast oolors, oleo fancy American dress miel,ns, white ground. w ith fiat,' and soroll designs. aod plain stripes, and • Rood assortment of dark colorings in blues 10c. Handsome blouse deeigns 1,3 fine Engl.sh o•rr brim and Ammar:an peroaler• limey etri pea in all th• newest • blg mope of Amerloan dram materials in Metaled and plain muslins, neat limed designs, fancy stripes and 'mote In dark and light blues, pinks. oto ; aleo Feet toter American gingham* In dark and light blue, and white, and pink and white stripes, pretty designs for blouse* ; also • Div range of fancy dimity mastitis la all the popular colorings 10C. At 20c. -"1111W the shades popular this season ; also very fine mus- lin. in dimities, eto., shade, of light, royal isad bevy bine, pink, mauve and black. pInfig Wien stied te•m- blnations In now deoline At 25c.'411110. ..• Ora hendsome tattoo dress saiseiale. mer hoe 30 t.ott rephyr In oheoks and limey 'tripes is shades bluthpint. old rose etc.; alto fins orgaodles and dimity moiling, very pretty patterns and of most agt more than two dresses alike At 30c. -"414v Modiont FARS. SHANNON GALLON. rtalt• .., 810'.0111 and 84-01401- Mies toritutt ot Comment., Du Iding, woo sitle of slams Sight nails at residonoes old residence. Napier st. RI, w. 'Phone 44 'Phut* OIL Fin•ootton drew materiels that ars hard to diet11-- knish from toulard silks meting more then twice tb• ' orlon. Will never lose their silky appearanoe. New Porsian designs la the fashionable oolorioge ot blue, grey, ol rms. etc. Imported by ourselves, no two drosses alike, per yard .30c. Inouranoo, VS. V, ANCIL mot real iodate street. Moe, es door east of P. 0.. Doderloh. Agent for th lending mutual fire oom .anie. and leading stock oompanlea Momently tind manufacturing risks at lowest rives Call et olio. Fancy Wool Delaines Nobby Sailor VET R. 11•OBERTSON. end accounts made uo. Holiday's rented and rents oollecteni. Iflo• insurance in Hellish and Canadian la Proodfoot Hue' 01003 North street Goilerloh. L141 A: • /WHAM and Reel h.'etaie agent. Fire. Life, decide Amid Plate Olasi Insurenoe offectni on niutual or rash 3.an at lowest rate, possible. Beet Magitsh snot Canadian c3mpaidel rep neuters Hamilton direst. Model Tailoring - .51 spring settings that our customers were 'nailing for. which we teak our reputation on, together with other linos suitable for 'tying and summer. se oat • . good. Attic LI, 81.111- °1a/a work at moderate FITIOWNS. It. STAPLETON Or. r Parstms'e Fair. light and dark blue, pink, black and cream grounds with or without satin stripes. ()f the best there are not more than two waists of a pattern. The prices : We opened up some very !lobby sailor hats last week. They are the latest blacks, and come in fine and rustic straws. Here are two lines : Lsdies' sailor hos, rough strewC bleak or whit• silk ribbon bend Lidice' sail o• hats. heavy rustic' straw. very stylish shape. wide black 60c. silk ribbon band, lined, each Storm Comfort. It pays to be comfortable in stormy weather -pays from a physical standpoint if from no other. It is not wise to risk going out in showery weather without a raincoat. Here fl description of an extra Food' and nobby garment we are showing this spriniz. When you buy a raincoat buy a good one and , you'll not be sorry. Lullate raineoate, Newest stylT, large sleeve, slosh pookir dark fawn mid Oaf) $6.00 Dainty Alt ck Some dainty neck ribbons came to hand last week. They are in nar- row and wide widths, and col- ors of pink, blue, mauve and white, either plain or fancy combinations. The prices Pantie Natio* id. If hand. VA. *41 beaten te td rag PURR 81181) 614011148 SHIR1 Itnellsh Shire titu Doak. k Weinman, from the l'oe Haire Hors, Co who tired him ftw two lessons Brod hi at 1. MOMP11011, of Baron's Perk, Dodo d. 1.e! oesterehire. Knotted. Het is • bentifni ha) 212 :t7lre,weheittelonejsautlweevilleri other point •• flan a specimen as has y• lie wail sired by ttopwe D Ike (111111„ bre/ bred lir Karl of Kileemer flopwell Doke won the followiug prise : First, Hatfield. 1431 ; Rost, Hatheld, IRD! mended, London !M.-m.11W Fillies red t Ilopyrell Doke mmtv. 4 10 'Waste *1 Lord Ver. lam*. sale. MO eoleeee et Mr. Philo Mille' sal, In 'ninety at Mr. Pareell's sale. A filly KW sired Ay Plop•rell Dote, named Dastard Mac bird held an ontleaten show record In 1838 Amtidthiadobenyue.ls.ho he'll br the Calt taTtki.nfgolre.tiorsp.r.ise class and oleo Ohantitit KIM nit show, and was sold for • lemma snm ROI -TR itilootlay. May lith. at noon, ha w thmproneet: jt.ohJnohnntegwo:rte.:11:e. allithhorLe.. (Yoder'. WItyrdatnn's Mr num. therms- • to MOCanghal etimmweisi Hotel. Mates, ter sight. flt:riatirTri::: shf7tirs.:1"'"d7000irr,:t hni....ot°tee:irser.mirci • st e m aear Et.4..ojtd.:16: ul roturning to he own ratite, Ridgewoo.. day ielpe May Patterns now in stock. HODGENS EIROS.