HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-9, Page 5W. Acheson & Son
New Carpets.
:i Bargainsi„s,
in Carpets.
HE wonderful business that our low prices have gained
for us in our Carpet Department has forced us to en-
large the space for these goods in our store.
si±�rte.4>r '
Specials in Carpets.
36 notice wide, heavy, t'+
onion o•rpeta, artistic designs Iu
latest oolorines. •t per yard 26
30, 40 end ... . .... ............SUC,
36lsobes wide. all pure wool, revers
Ole o•rpete, cud colors oboe
beautiful and warranted fest, ai,
per yard, 66, 66 and 75c.
27 Inches » ,1.. Eeel.h ..p^ ,) )p
°erpete, good des:eoe and la ere
miler ouwbtueeloai, for petters,
dining r"um.. Md ro'rms,halb,tW.,
•t per y.r1, 35. 40 end.... 5�
700 par le E0,rlish bol, Bru..al. c.r
pet, new a eels ..std 'n super:, d,•
signs and oomblu.tion caloriuge,
at per t ard, 85, 90, rod 1 ,00
Heavy Scotch Linoleums in great, variety of designs, at per sq. yd., 45c.
W. Acheson & Son
Bruoedeld : Mies Reza Bell hag gone te
the Boo, where she will teach whool.
Exeter : Mies Polly Flake died Wilda'.
day elgbt of last week u the result of a
third .woke of paralysis.
Porter'. Hill : Fred Morgan, who bought
eat the bootees. of 6. C. Potter, has also
beep appointed postmaster at this plea.
tiny : Gordon MoUoneld got caught in
• belt at the saw mill and recuved • bad
. baking op. bot escaped serious neer,.
Eisler : Hoa Thu Gnawer, who hu
been ruining here,porcha..d several heal of
tboro'bred stook for his farms is Maoltobe.
Bluev.le : Robert Mmeatus e, el Bleeps'.,
soot wish •o .00ldmit last week, lnfl,otlog •
severe gash in one untie with •n .x• be
was ulna.
Ueboree : The ratty .ore farm belonging
to the late Edward Stuart. of U.boroe, who
died • tow weeks ago, kis been sold to
George Rook. Mrs Hankies l.ayee • family of five Woos,
Clfatoe : Mrs Robertson (iooghter el FL
Thom.., Joseph, John, theorem and Frick,
Cesar) lei for B.00kvale, .acre ,Le takes who, with the sorrowing buseand, have tb.
the putties u aesutat.t matron el the sympathy of the community.
Brockville Asylum.
Varna : E. Martin, of Uuell.h, hu
bought out the hotel Ierolshiove from Mr.
Marry, et the Varna hotel, and moved In
en W•dosedy May ler.
several papers ; ink bottles wad ohslk were
burled to every &teatloo, bespattering the
walls and floor Three young men were
arrested and will bays to answer the charge
of hoses breaking sad malloious destruouoa
of publio property.
tie•forth : The Brandon, • Manitoba,
Times of April 25th. has the following, rel••
tits to an old •ud rsepeoted reeldsot of Sea.
forth. It says: '•In the death of Mrs.
Agog* Usrrood McDougall, wkicb 000urred
on Friday lar•, the Virden district tut •
vary old •od highly respected resident. At
the resld.•oce ot her son, A. U. Mo.
Dungan, the dummied pawed peaoefully
away at the age of eighty-nine years.
R idgervt:le : Oa April 29:h the death of
Ane Case. wife of George Hawkins, eaur-
red at the family ruidona*, at tbe are of
seventy four years and eleven moon s
The deoe•sed had been in falling health for
some years, but her oats did not take •
serous turn until about two weeks ago.
Brusseis : A note from caretaker French,
of the Huse of Raluge, Clinton, says Mtg.
Wallace., who was recently sent to that ice
'teethes Item Brunel., took it into her
bead , ha• she would return to her old biome,
MioW waif left 1►.t week but wee t ken care of by the night. watch -
for B,.ta°, where .be bar secured a stow mon of Cowen until Mr. French was nom
Boa u Dares in the City Hwplul. • prof. 'reinitiated with sod the ruiners, taken
Moe tor which she is wall guel fieri beck. Sbe war snug*• bargain web •
Clinton : A. J Oibblo a left on Wedb-e- livery mau to drive her to S.alorth. The
f el l lady is a hundred -f ,Id batter off at the
day of last week for his trip smote the Herne of Refuge than book to Brussels 11
mem to wised the great Utasrow expose she o ule coy tee 1t that way.
ties std visit other interesting pointe.
Exeter W Melville, who hu oondaoud Roar Wawaowh : Mrs. Reid, robot of tbe
the manotse.ere of •oetyleoo Mas mule 001
Tale (leo. Reid, of East W•wenn.h, aired
la Exeter for some time, has goo• to British eery earlw., 11 her
early IbrwlTawny of last week.
Colombia to engage in • similar hwtoees. Sbe wee in her 'mel health the dee pre
Grey.los Sang. Bae sell bre hones and i vw's, and on Monday ereomg walked to
Maumee. Site retired .t her usual hour
let at Molesworth to Mr. Austro, an 1 ho ,l.i,pir.ntly in the but of health Daring
and his bro'her John have bought lot 25 on . the eight her daughter beard • noise, and
the Srh oonaesae,, from Lorne Voider), the on examination found Mr.. Reid gasping
Woe paid being $2.400. for breath. Before medic.' a.aletance could
Wier/hem : J. 5. Bmlth wears his hand to
a sllag, as a result of • heavy window fall.
lav open tbr.s finger. •td sma.h•o,r tbrm
11 is a panful hand, hut In hnuseeleantsg
time sub things w111 happen.
Brawls : Wm. Blsshlll, who Bae bee* 1•
bungee la Brussels for the put twenty-
oo• years. has leered his butcher shop to
femme W•Iker, 6th lint of Morrie, who
will take pousesioo ea the 15th lest and
Gerry en the bestness.
8eaforth : Ao old and respected resident
o f 8ealsrtb, io the person of Mn. David
dleeth, pseud away on Friday, April 26 n,
at /h. age .1 uveoty•elgbt years. She ►u
mother of ty m Sleeth •oil here. F.
Outterldge. Her aged p•rtoer still sur•
Seolertb : Mies S•r•bel MoLean arrived
h ems from the old ooaatry, where the had
been for ►o• past year, on Monday of lest
week. 8:.. had • very pl•.ouot trip over
and greatly en) .yed her visit t° the of I
land She war a 'commuted by tier little
Ethel : Joetue Lake, who went to Mani
toles looms time ago, hes been having • bid
Nm. with his eyes Reo.n:ly he went to
W.nolp.g and had • eater.ct removed from
mu eye, and wilt have to have the other
Wm,• similarly, very probab'y u soon as
VN first Poe operated upon is to ter
Beafertb; Tee follow's, ware liowited to
distant point/glut week by W. Somervtlls,
Grand Tropic ticket agent: Mrs (-Di.j
Ryan, to Saginaw, Michigan; H.W. Oren -
wall, Ir , to R,telllne, Texas ; Jobs Meot-
gom•ry, to (lr•venhuret ; David Crawford,
bo Nelson, Hrr',.h C lumbi.; Fr.ok B•,rltl,
to Pott Ftulee ; Rev. Wilson Actium, io
be Fence, rd she hod passed sway. Sbe
I..yee as aged mother sod one daughter.
She wok Afiy tine years of 005.
Brawls : F.8 Seoul loft on Tueedey of last
wok for Sealt Ste. Marie. He will fetob
Mies M Burden beck with him for treat -
en. re. do Poe of the Proylooul institutions.
Sbe has been in the hospital In the above
mentioned lows with typhoid fever and
congestion of the brio but Is so much 1m
proved In health that the physician soot
word that she wield be moved. We hope
she will soon be fully restored to her usual
good health. Mies Burgess war keeping a
milltsery sloe. there whoa she took ill.
She ie also the owner of town lois that
should be of oendder•ble valise' In the boom
times the "Soo" bar b..o hoving.
Neta et • Versace Member e1 the re.-
ylacW Legl.lasare
Nuddes was the sbuok received Ly the
P ublic, when, ea Friday, April 19.h, it was
learned that Archibald Bishop, of U.buroe,
lee M P. P , for South Huron, had been
suddenly stricken with twelve. while
•lune to bis buggy, driving from Bruoelleld,
Mr. 'Julep was ever Wive to the publio lee
wrest, espwldly that pertaining to the
hewing oummunity, and bad ottended the
spring show at Bruustiald, on Friday, April
1911, apparently io the sojoymoot of good
health. While on his way home be was
seised with paralysis, one side only beoom-
log aa.oted, bat be could nut speak.
When his borne was reaohed, • diene* of
about twelve miles be had driven alone, hie
body had bourne quite rigid and It was
web didiouliy that he was removed from
the buggy. He remained oonolous until
Wednesday, when be reoeived another
stroke, which totally paralyzed his body,
in which ooudition he rem•lued until death
gave him • happy rebase on Thursday even -
tog, April 26:h.
The late Mr. Bebop was • o•ties of
Edinburgh, nootland, end was born at that
place on September 6t6, 1829. lo the year
1649, having tis• ambition of ail shrewd
young men, Mr. Bishop emigrated to Cana
da, and for year. resided to Out•rlo county.
lamming of the fertile soil to Ontario West,
he name eo Coburn* townehtp ID 1854, and
took up the lot au which he bed sine. lived,
and upon ',blob he died, Ha married Mies
Janet, second daughter of the late Robert
Doig, of Cabernet, to the year 1862. They
worked auldaua.ly, and loyally took part
to tin pioneer work of ulcering the farm in
the Stb a000eesluu, and u • result of their
frugality Mr. Bishop bad the happy con-
solation of knowing that his family were all
well provided for, happy, and amply
equipped to battle with the world.
There were tow men more widely known,
or more universally reepeo:ed in the Huron
tract than deoeased. Benidw being an to
dostrious farmer, Mr. Bishop had held 41.
most all the othor* to the gift of the pabno.
to 1862 be sneered munio,prl politics,
sod was glno a seat at the board of U.
borne oatmeal. Iu 1863 he was .Iec,ed
run of the townehlp, which pwtuon he
most creditably tilled until 1874, during the
y. ars 1873 and 1874 being warden of the
o unty of Huron. Pueseesing •olsar fuNlh-
gent Insight, Mr. Bishop was urged to enter
polities, and au 1873 undid the L.vislature
• , Liberal representative for South Huron,
*hien riding be coni toned to repeats, ot un-
til 1894, when he retired. During his
ureter In Parliament, resound, •Itbeugh a
,t.uooh supporter ot his party, was popular
with both sides of the house, and had many
warm friends en the rank and isle of the
Coneery.tive party.
Doomed was • member of the Thames
Rod Prubyterlanohurch since It.laoeptton,
• std for years an elder, and was always
identified with any work for the advisor's.
merit of the church He was a teacher to
the Sunday 'oboe', and if .t home was .t
s poet, and it le said he nevtr mused •
Yui day but beeauwith his Glass_
1 he .urvwmy members of tri• family are
hie widow, and eve daughters, as follows •—
Ar.. Thomas Comore”. MM. leery Ander-
...o, cars Julia Ko.Oltfte. Mrs. .1. Morgan,
. 1! ,.f U•bnroe, also Mu. Victors at hone.
Tne linen' took Flute on Saturday .1
tern"on from hi. la's residence. Th -re
was a large at:rodaboe of thema a' he
h Der, *Idle the vehicle• .0 the Port, gt
n un.1area ricer 200. The service at the
house was ooadla and by R •v. W
is. 1) ...1 Ruhr ; Rev. J. 5 Henderson,
'd H ua.11,,nd hie putt r, Ker, C. Fletcher,
of Thawes K'ad church, e.ch 'peeking 10
terms of a .rni iii tante of the .fin. guehitew
of U o deeea'ei, ,.Per » hick the roaster,.
were taken to th. Rilentyibe oeme'ery for
The pallbearer' were Meier'. R. B Mc
Lean, Kipp.. ; Wen. Be11, i1so8411 ; Them
M. Case, Jae. Haokery, Ales. Duncan an t
James Monteith, all of Osborne.
Farmers' Co -Operative
Company, Limited
Prices for the Season of
8eafnr'h : The friends of Allen S Me
Lean will ,egret to learn that he is In a
veer °rlNwl 000mtlon, He intended oom-
ing to Canada this spring, but his heal.h
would not preemie his undertaking the
journey. He 1s now end has been for some
Orme In a eanitarlam in Somerset', England,
and latest replete from him were not sa-
maras/lox .
Clinton : Reeently R, P. Sibley was sad.
dimly rolled •easy by telegram to Jersey
City, caber* he was summoned owing to the
serious Illee,t of his eldest daughter, Mre
Ward. Unfortunately be had not reached
her bedside before her death, the oases of
which wee pneumonia, She Imyr behind,
bereft of • molber'e Ion, • little etre three
year. of age sad bet hatband.
(elates : Sympathy le extended to Mr.
sad Mn. Edwin Jervis (sister of the late
Mn. Walter Coolies) of Stnutlet", N. W.'1'.,
la the ler of their little boy, lhnrge, In le•
fealty, baler only eighteen month. old.
They had been In Ontario lately visiting,
sad the little fellow caught cold, and this
with the measles developed Into pe•umonia,
*bleb married him off on the 22nd of April.
Bast eroweseeh: '1 be death of Mrs.
ase. Laidlaw. of Morrie, dourhter e1 Thos.
Bleck, of Rut Wawanoeb, sneered rtoent-
ly. 0.17 sheat • year aro, dooe.00d was •
bsppy bride, and the future looked bright
asd hopeful Death has token the then
bride, awl a heehaw, le bee Io sorrow. A
Melo sea, four days old, deep the deep of
death la hie mother'. arms, In the veld and
gene move.
Winches, : Domini oho heavy thunder
stere, ea Wednesday eight of lost week the
•Ieslrlo fluid entered • ohlma,y en the reel
deice. of R Feller ; It keeeked the .tees
dpi down, and teethed the oeeapante who
wen s riea
a to • rum near by, Mr. Fal-
ler jumped sus of bed, and thee fell to the
floor. He w dsgsA dews one aid. ; It
wm • edema mil, sad it is fertna•te the
remelts won set men serines.
Red Star, 800 ft 10ic.
Red Star, 550 ft 10 c
Special Manilla, 500 ftSic.
Sisal, old 8 c.
Sisal, standard 7 C.
(These latter two not our own make )
creee k& seaset.ry. Mr. HU1 moved, wooed
e.l by Major Yon .g, that the rt./4 sad
olei1 au Mr. (lures an I close the metier.
Carried. Moved by Wm. Hill, seconded by
R. Jowell. that the reeve and clerk b. ere.
the u•osse.ry amorist of mousy rtqu red fog
present Yes. Curled. Adjourned to meet
again oo May 27 u • court of revision and
f:r general business
F. W. hielbte•uu, Clerk.
fns IEACags.s' CoN•avrION.—A change
hes beeo made in the dates of the West
Huron teaoheri uonveotlon, and it will be
held on Wednesday and Thursday, May
24 and 23, beginning at 9:30 A. r. on the
22nd The meeting plans will be the pub
Ito school at Faster. The program is s•
toilet"' : Wednesday -9:30 to 10, upsr.:•
exercises, appointment of auditors and nom
mlttee. ; 10 to 10 "How to develop •
tests for the beautiful," Maes B. Rusk ;
10:45 to 11:30, "Nature of home work and
melb.d of oorrs°tion," 1. Kilpatrick ; 11:30
to 12:15, report of dd.gates to tbs Ontario
F.dnoettooal Association, M . Bloom-
field, Tigert sod Boyd ; 2 to 2:45,dlsauesion
o1 rseslutlons submitted by 0 E. A. ; 2:45
to 3.30, "How ash we secure Independent
work among our pupils to—d. S. Delgatyy ;
3;30 to 4:30, "Subool Punishments," J. H.
revue, "Sobool loosotivr;' Robt. Stewart,
Thursday -9 to 9 45, discussion of 0. E A
resolutions oontlousd ; 9:45 to 10:30, re
ports of treasurer and auditors and slsotloo
o1 othwrs ; 10:30 to 11:15, "Ars the
prompt regulations regarding the P. 5 L.
eetidaotory Y'— W. B. Begebaw : 11:15 t„
12—"Should Lieu be retained as an obliga-
tory satinet In publio school teaohers ex
aminattoost"—H I. Strang, B. A. ; 1:30 00
2:15, report of resolution oommlttee ; 2:15
to 3, discuselon on resolution of O. E. A
ooatiaued ; 3 to 3:30, question drawer,
Messrs. Strang, Tom and B.,yd ; 3:30 to 4,
Mowing exercises. On W.doesdsy "mining
an entertainment will Le grv.o, s.1 whiub
the prudent. Goorg• Bloomfield, will give
an address oo "The relation of the publio
scbeol to Mttl:anehile"
Cot terns 1
Foolish to keep them 11 you nave. Ne fun
io oorna, but lots o' p+in. Putn•m's Pain -
lees Coro Extractor raises ouroi In twenty
tour hours. Get a quick Prop by raising 1t
—druggists sell it.
Notioe of (manges must be left at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
mutt be left not later than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advertisements
aooepted no to noon Wednesday of
ednh week.
■ b Zeal std goers,. taantfeet Tareagbowt
the *louse sr Laudon.
On Sunday next Bishop Mii vay start. on
• 000brmetioo tour, and he will be abeeot
from London every Sunday until the end of
July. By that time he w111 have composes.]
the task of visiting and administering eon
flrmatf.o to every parish of hie diocese
within two years, as well es attending to
hie other manifcld duties. This is a task
iavolvlog great labor and devotion to duty
upon the part of this faithful and zealous
. cele.iaetlo, for the diooeee comprises 50
parishes and about 40 missions. Bishop
MaEvy'e obedienoe to his own stern sense
of dot) ie evldenoed not only In the Inde.
fattvaele manner to whioh be himself 'shore
for the advanoement of his churoh, bat le the
fact that he expects his priests to be equally
faithful and nominate their work.
1i,.hop MoEvy's eminent fitness for his
high afice 10 shown not only In his o.peaity
for unwserying effort', hat in the eubataetial
progreu that hie marked the affairs of the
dl"ores slue his assumption of the ept.-
rot al chair. In London the last two years
hays witng*asd the establishment of the
Mount St. Joseph Orphanage, the improve-
ment of St. Peter's o•metery, and the be
gtoatne of work st • new .spares',hool
is South London. while a new church in
the East Kod will shortly be under way. Is.
the outside portions of the &noes*, font
now perishes have been formed, five new
priests' reeldenow erected a onnvent built .t
t'hat.ham, severe, new churches erected. and
xirteen new schools established, A namhar
of new.chnola will also le built in the
Iioron district. Altogether, i1., Roman
Catholics of the dlnoeee of L itdoe .te to
he congratulated on the %b,llty ..ad 4svotlon
of their honored head.—l.nnden Adnr
We hove just • word to say to you.
This, the tr,t lied only truly in -operative'
oomp•oy in Americo, is offering yon today
Its stock in small holdings. one and two
sharer, at par. It is also placing its splen
did twines with you for the oomtog harvest
at prloes raw meter's' o•noot now be
bought for. Your loyalty and iotelllgenoo
will hold as in existeno• ; your scepticism
end todife ono. will drive as from exist
once, which means • deathblow to all
future co operation of farmers Red will
surely bring one result, • gigantic) twine
oombloe, from the Infinenoen of which you
will be abeolntely helpleee to help your•
Yon hove your optIon—pay your money
and take your cholas, Stand by this great-
est and mnet perfect oo operative move
moot In the world and en bring a °ootlooa-
ties et relief through 111 unquestionable in
fluenoe as • twine prlos regulator. Desert
us or treat our arson with lodifferenoe and
you have only to wall for results.
No better twine was ever made en arth
or fornlehed to the (tanodtaa farmer then
has been supplied you by this your own
oempany. 11 we were not an Interns ele-
ment of protection to you u farmers there
would be no opposition whatever pitted
sterner no. Remember the salt cal.
Don't waste time wrestling with the
queens any longer. Look It straight to
the nos and Identify yoarselvee with us es
sb•nhnlders, Buy your twine from this
Mother Company with its spleedi, par
mord of years and you will have eaeolnn
to be proud of year action and loyalty later
If you os. but • partials of judgment you
will see at stenos that ether tompantes
going lets erietsna are simply tradleg oe
our grand reputation. and that In many of
these eases you will be eineseingiy dts•p
pointed. Wo have pleaded for sight yearn
for yen to mime In on the ground floor and
join hands with this old est•hlishei twine
erganleatlon. Bay nor Rad Star 10 oat
twine and you will make no mistake.
0o.sa*I. MAIs*OO.
Whlteehereh : Three ins.. men, full
of whisky, hrek• let. the Whieeohnroh
.wheel hues ewe nlobl recently sed posed
sal M emuh everything In eight. Th., tented
tie err. ■odds down, scattered the pipes
la ovary Munition. tramping them 'neer
Mot ; they wised a quantity of serol hooks
Whisk they bare le bits and berl•d tbrearh
rise whlew 1 they doasolished the wall
sty., r18ed the tesebar's desk, destroying
Net Dead, as Many of ■1s Friends
Ms would N.
Swan lake, Man., May 6.--A young man
Is living here today whom many people In
and about Somerset. Man., no doubt think
to be lo the grave. His name t0 Arthur
Coley, and when he left Somerset In 1894
he Was in the 1480 stage. of Bright's alis
sus and diabetes. "Many will he our.
prised. I •m sore, to find than I am alive,"
says Mr. Coley, "for I was utterly pro.•
trend wltb Bright's disease and diabetes.
"I did not expsot to live. Now I am
able thankfully to my that pain std weok
mese aro unknown to me. I am • farmer
and osn now do as hard • day's work
u any rine, whereas before using
Dodd's Kidney Pllie 1 was given up to die
with Bright's disease and diabetes. This
was In 1894. I am well today. Dodd's
Kldoey Pills saved my life. They ours to
sty oared."
Wm. Sharman, Jr. • Sole Local Agent.
A woman's reproductive
organs are in the moot in-
tense and coutinuteus sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
The slightest disorder in tate
kidneys brings about a
corresponding disease ke
the reproductive organa
Dodd's Kidney Pills, by rue
storing the kidneys to their
perfect coedit „n, prevent
and cure those fearful die-
f►orders ,oculior to women
Pale ) .,ung girt, worn-out
mothers, suffering wives
and women entering upon
the Change of Lite, your
beet friend is
with your hevtlth.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of que+tionahle quality. (let the heed
there is at the armee pricier that are
charged for inferior goods.
At our Drug nte,ro the stock ix al-
wayx fr.' I., and eat', article pure, po-
tent and s1tiafs,tory.
Our Prescription Department
h 1 r•'I.u'ation for promptnrus and
Medical Hall.
McKillop Mutual y'te Iesuraace Co.
Valu of Property losurei up to Joiners',
last fpdNa ay0.N
(Memel AND Dlagarona.
J. B. McLean, pre+ ; T. Fraser, veneerer. ;
3,e. Connolly, O. Lisle. W. O Broadfoot, J.
,'. r 1. Jab. evens, J. G. Grieve, .1. Bennewele,
directora; W. (1 Broeifo it. deafo.th, Inspec-
tor of loose.; T. E. flays, Satorth, secretary-
J. W. Yeo, Holmesville ; James Cummeng
ltgmoodvllle ; It. McM 11.o, Seaforth
smith, Harlook
Polioy-boldsn an pay assessments and get
their cards reoelDted at Mr. Coats' Clinton. or
at MoLean Bros.' Palace Clothing Stora Clods
The name stands fur all that is
reliable in farming machinery.
April 15h, 1901.
Colborne Donnell met In the township hall.
All the members were present The men
etas of the last meeting were read mod
signed. A number of petition* wore pre-
resented, asking for grants of wire for tone's.
It was moved by Alex. Rehortsrm,.eo.nded
by Rloh•rd Jewell, that not more than 20o.
per red be granted for say Tenet, where m
new forte* 1s going to he built Moved In
amendment by Wm. Hill, sounded by Maj
Yonne, that leo s he the grant. The reeve
voted with the amendment, which war oar
Med. 1'h• following person' were grouted
15o. pr red to aid le building wire Issue
Is planes to prevent Tarr. drifts of mow
John MaLarty, Re..lsnkln•,9amne1 Bissett,
J. T. lieldtherpe and Jewish Reward.
Robert Bean was pa N1 53 76 for hes+king
rads ; Monlnipl World, 51.10 ; .lneeph
Thompson, elle ruin rt, 53 00 : N•mnst Pot
Mr, rad work, 82. 00 ' John Barker, r.polr
leg enlysrf, 81.80. Mr. Darrow's loner
was rood seetrptlsg Om reamers aft of 570)
ler tee MoRleaea sato rty. adjelahe tie
intelligent and Nod Untying
will make your orchard Untyingpyrofitable,
The spremoter is the reeutt of cure.
tui experiment cod is kept right up
to dale. Yet the world in open wm.
petition on the levtt•tiou of the
oetarin (lovernroeet and w.,l tL:
award. -Thin should men) o. m10111,11
to you. The Spremetot hn. n•.,!
been defeated. — All (*suites r 11,1
brass, cylinders made -limm. iitawb_
brae tul,e.. All ports
able. Raves fifty per tint. h, la •
Most economical bectuse .n:r.: '.1
goes farthest and most ePerii• r 1:
cause it throws anything f rc ,u m t..' ,.
.prey to o ii11d hlrenrn
whitewash or point jolt: hint:las.
Pree treatise for your retirees,
THossnAT, May 9, 1901.
R. St re ti's M CKI11/I 'S
KS d
intending to purchase anything in our
line should inspect our Roods before
placing their order.
We always carry on hand a full
stock of repairs.
We ha,., the beat make of Cream
Separators on the tnarkel.
You can get the moat up-to-date
Carriage or Buggy made in Can
edit at reaxouahln prier. from rm.
Massey -Harris Bicycles—New
1901 modelx—elegant tnounts. Call
and see them.
BID f2T- P A.Etaiortrei,
Sprue sails, ovcrcoats
The man dressed in a snit made at
oar store always looks trim, a. It le the
ambition of every man of taste to look.
A large ranee of cloths to choose
If you are oontemplwing getting •
light overcoat tor spring wear, give as a
oh 10 serve yogi. Prins' right.
Wont Street
Mill Wood
talks worth $1 135 for 75c. We bays • bargain for you la sow Brame 15c,„ k' ei ord. N•w•st fauuy oolorloge to mauve, Bello, urns and blues. Nettling V7
ower or better for waist., filg value 0581 26, to ohm, at
44111aUDIy,--No wetter bow Woe looking you are, we have the hat their will make
yon nlo•r looking. No matter how leap or fat your puree Ir, we have the bee that will
solo It, whether at 81 25 or 825 00. Auytbine you went In millinery and net as yen
want 11.
There Is no great or•dit to glying bargains In Summer Millinery in the tall, and thea
it's no borealis to you .t any pries when you don't want it. It lakes to out bar -
galas thin way early to May.
A stylish up -to date bat of floe straw braid, made io the .sweet shape and il/l5
trimmed In the height of fashion. God value se 82.00 and 82.25, LLY7
A Great Snap :r;
The above is out into stove wood
length and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day we
(Weill received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 95
ey�f� Novesabsr 21st, 1899. 53-3m
An up -to date het of the latest deetgo and good material, made bel. sad $2•el
straw shapes. Looks u otoe u the 'stablest prIued and well worth 83.0010 83 60.
No two the same. At each ..... . .. .
Coreealt e. -- W..1111 bine • number of thou) $1.00 and $1.25 corsets at per pr. 780
Clothing —We will mention ogle line or ons pries of men's sults—$10.00.=�ae�
Look around and hod the best you moo •1 812.50 any platy and oome to read
we will but it for .......
Men's sults Isom 83.30 up. New goods.
Boy.' suite from 75o to 86 00.
Shirt waists s.0 manufacturer's prloe.
Chemises.—A let of ladies' Potton and osmbrlo
chemises Oood material. well made and Wooly trim-
med. Nothing the matter with them only they ars
slow sellers. To uleer .,
1s our Binger Snap, et 5c. a
pound, of which assail . barrel • week
This isn't our only soap, as we carry
everything that 0.n be found in an co
to -den• grocery store, awl oar prim..
are right. The farmers know that they
Pan always get from n• • for their
protium. We drat t iso
legitimate trade — evi, .:
01 .aware or potatoes, geed..
ohnicest table China We deal t.,
of them.
Bedford block, Uvderloh
-w_ A_ McKIM_
THE rr' i'IE NEW
Empress SHOE
Spring is here.
You will be re-
quiring a pair
Our stock is
about com-
Mplete with
the latest "ren
Efashions in tA
N that will be
sold at as
close prices as
is consiste nt
with qual ity.
Remember you have no duty to pay
on the Shoes as they are made by Cana-
dian workmen and are equal to the best
American goods made.
Wni. Sharman, jr.
Solid Comfort
ttv Shoes. i
Ooodyear Welt shoes, with
Sleeper Insole.
There are two kinds of show ---
Goodyear Welt, and all other_
la a Goodyear Welt there are --
two kinds of Insoles ; one is
Lea'':er, and the other is a Sleeper Patent Flexible Insole.
'i here is only one shoe that represents a perpetual comfort, whereby
a shoe takes the piece of a slipper in the house or a boot on the street
—this is the Goodyear Welt that is made with the Sleeper Insole.
The Sleeper Patent Flexible Invole, which is made from t -ounce
Duck, is soft and pliable, perfectly waterproof, and shapes Itself to the
foot in such a manner as to afford the greatest possible comfort.
The Sleeper insole will not harden with perspiration. as leather
tatotea do, and is always ready for immediate wear.
The J. D. King Co., Limited, have the exclusive right for Canad: .
Our Agent to Godertoh 1. SI. George Prom
SOW 88,
Our own hand -made Dairy
Tinware made out of your grand-
mothers' oI 1 -fashioned hand -dip-
ped block tin, is the cheapest
and cleanest tinware to buy.
All goals marked in plain
figures ; the smallest child can
get the same bargains as the
older ones as we have only one
price and that is the cheapest
No overcharging in the shop.
is our King Quality
for men and women.
They have splendid
reputations behind
them, and they have
the qualities to main-
tain and increase
their reputations.
$3.00 to $4.50 per pair—
every pair guaranteed.
We carry a full line of
REPAIRING neatly done. 11\i,
S'i'ri CEO. PRICE,
e tee .."iii
Sole Agent for King Quality Shoes.
Wo give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Raking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone is
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea—not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific -
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthfnl.
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. Wo have a
full asst rtment.
Sr77-71Z7Y c3L co.
Telephone No 91 THE OROCERS.
J. H. W Piste A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
The 'sheep .ton and farsoea man,
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOO, Godflrich, Ont.
m eC. era last
tespooAd2IIi1e I
— tt
they west tnade ice.
Ben IIS on Aear-
eyv Imoir
fier «a
to begood—Trig
Slater Skies'
Wm. Sharman, Jr. • Sole Local Agent.
A woman's reproductive
organs are in the moot in-
tense and coutinuteus sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
The slightest disorder in tate
kidneys brings about a
corresponding disease ke
the reproductive organa
Dodd's Kidney Pills, by rue
storing the kidneys to their
perfect coedit „n, prevent
and cure those fearful die-
f►orders ,oculior to women
Pale ) .,ung girt, worn-out
mothers, suffering wives
and women entering upon
the Change of Lite, your
beet friend is
with your hevtlth.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of que+tionahle quality. (let the heed
there is at the armee pricier that are
charged for inferior goods.
At our Drug nte,ro the stock ix al-
wayx fr.' I., and eat', article pure, po-
tent and s1tiafs,tory.
Our Prescription Department
h 1 r•'I.u'ation for promptnrus and
Medical Hall.
McKillop Mutual y'te Iesuraace Co.
Valu of Property losurei up to Joiners',
last fpdNa ay0.N
(Memel AND Dlagarona.
J. B. McLean, pre+ ; T. Fraser, veneerer. ;
3,e. Connolly, O. Lisle. W. O Broadfoot, J.
,'. r 1. Jab. evens, J. G. Grieve, .1. Bennewele,
directora; W. (1 Broeifo it. deafo.th, Inspec-
tor of loose.; T. E. flays, Satorth, secretary-
J. W. Yeo, Holmesville ; James Cummeng
ltgmoodvllle ; It. McM 11.o, Seaforth
smith, Harlook
Polioy-boldsn an pay assessments and get
their cards reoelDted at Mr. Coats' Clinton. or
at MoLean Bros.' Palace Clothing Stora Clods
The name stands fur all that is
reliable in farming machinery.
April 15h, 1901.
Colborne Donnell met In the township hall.
All the members were present The men
etas of the last meeting were read mod
signed. A number of petition* wore pre-
resented, asking for grants of wire for tone's.
It was moved by Alex. Rehortsrm,.eo.nded
by Rloh•rd Jewell, that not more than 20o.
per red be granted for say Tenet, where m
new forte* 1s going to he built Moved In
amendment by Wm. Hill, sounded by Maj
Yonne, that leo s he the grant. The reeve
voted with the amendment, which war oar
Med. 1'h• following person' were grouted
15o. pr red to aid le building wire Issue
Is planes to prevent Tarr. drifts of mow
John MaLarty, Re..lsnkln•,9amne1 Bissett,
J. T. lieldtherpe and Jewish Reward.
Robert Bean was pa N1 53 76 for hes+king
rads ; Monlnipl World, 51.10 ; .lneeph
Thompson, elle ruin rt, 53 00 : N•mnst Pot
Mr, rad work, 82. 00 ' John Barker, r.polr
leg enlysrf, 81.80. Mr. Darrow's loner
was rood seetrptlsg Om reamers aft of 570)
ler tee MoRleaea sato rty. adjelahe tie
intelligent and Nod Untying
will make your orchard Untyingpyrofitable,
The spremoter is the reeutt of cure.
tui experiment cod is kept right up
to dale. Yet the world in open wm.
petition on the levtt•tiou of the
oetarin (lovernroeet and w.,l tL:
award. -Thin should men) o. m10111,11
to you. The Spremetot hn. n•.,!
been defeated. — All (*suites r 11,1
brass, cylinders made -limm. iitawb_
brae tul,e.. All ports
able. Raves fifty per tint. h, la •
Most economical bectuse .n:r.: '.1
goes farthest and most ePerii• r 1:
cause it throws anything f rc ,u m t..' ,.
.prey to o ii11d hlrenrn
whitewash or point jolt: hint:las.
Pree treatise for your retirees,
THossnAT, May 9, 1901.
R. St re ti's M CKI11/I 'S
KS d
intending to purchase anything in our
line should inspect our Roods before
placing their order.
We always carry on hand a full
stock of repairs.
We ha,., the beat make of Cream
Separators on the tnarkel.
You can get the moat up-to-date
Carriage or Buggy made in Can
edit at reaxouahln prier. from rm.
Massey -Harris Bicycles—New
1901 modelx—elegant tnounts. Call
and see them.
BID f2T- P A.Etaiortrei,
Sprue sails, ovcrcoats
The man dressed in a snit made at
oar store always looks trim, a. It le the
ambition of every man of taste to look.
A large ranee of cloths to choose
If you are oontemplwing getting •
light overcoat tor spring wear, give as a
oh 10 serve yogi. Prins' right.
Wont Street
Mill Wood
talks worth $1 135 for 75c. We bays • bargain for you la sow Brame 15c,„ k' ei ord. N•w•st fauuy oolorloge to mauve, Bello, urns and blues. Nettling V7
ower or better for waist., filg value 0581 26, to ohm, at
44111aUDIy,--No wetter bow Woe looking you are, we have the hat their will make
yon nlo•r looking. No matter how leap or fat your puree Ir, we have the bee that will
solo It, whether at 81 25 or 825 00. Auytbine you went In millinery and net as yen
want 11.
There Is no great or•dit to glying bargains In Summer Millinery in the tall, and thea
it's no borealis to you .t any pries when you don't want it. It lakes to out bar -
galas thin way early to May.
A stylish up -to date bat of floe straw braid, made io the .sweet shape and il/l5
trimmed In the height of fashion. God value se 82.00 and 82.25, LLY7
A Great Snap :r;
The above is out into stove wood
length and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day we
(Weill received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 95
ey�f� Novesabsr 21st, 1899. 53-3m
An up -to date het of the latest deetgo and good material, made bel. sad $2•el
straw shapes. Looks u otoe u the 'stablest prIued and well worth 83.0010 83 60.
No two the same. At each ..... . .. .
Coreealt e. -- W..1111 bine • number of thou) $1.00 and $1.25 corsets at per pr. 780
Clothing —We will mention ogle line or ons pries of men's sults—$10.00.=�ae�
Look around and hod the best you moo •1 812.50 any platy and oome to read
we will but it for .......
Men's sults Isom 83.30 up. New goods.
Boy.' suite from 75o to 86 00.
Shirt waists s.0 manufacturer's prloe.
Chemises.—A let of ladies' Potton and osmbrlo
chemises Oood material. well made and Wooly trim-
med. Nothing the matter with them only they ars
slow sellers. To uleer .,
1s our Binger Snap, et 5c. a
pound, of which assail . barrel • week
This isn't our only soap, as we carry
everything that 0.n be found in an co
to -den• grocery store, awl oar prim..
are right. The farmers know that they
Pan always get from n• • for their
protium. We drat t iso
legitimate trade — evi, .:
01 .aware or potatoes, geed..
ohnicest table China We deal t.,
of them.
Bedford block, Uvderloh
-w_ A_ McKIM_
THE rr' i'IE NEW
Empress SHOE
Spring is here.
You will be re-
quiring a pair
Our stock is
about com-
Mplete with
the latest "ren
Efashions in tA
N that will be
sold at as
close prices as
is consiste nt
with qual ity.
Remember you have no duty to pay
on the Shoes as they are made by Cana-
dian workmen and are equal to the best
American goods made.
Wni. Sharman, jr.
Solid Comfort
ttv Shoes. i
Ooodyear Welt shoes, with
Sleeper Insole.
There are two kinds of show ---
Goodyear Welt, and all other_
la a Goodyear Welt there are --
two kinds of Insoles ; one is
Lea'':er, and the other is a Sleeper Patent Flexible Insole.
'i here is only one shoe that represents a perpetual comfort, whereby
a shoe takes the piece of a slipper in the house or a boot on the street
—this is the Goodyear Welt that is made with the Sleeper Insole.
The Sleeper Patent Flexible Invole, which is made from t -ounce
Duck, is soft and pliable, perfectly waterproof, and shapes Itself to the
foot in such a manner as to afford the greatest possible comfort.
The Sleeper insole will not harden with perspiration. as leather
tatotea do, and is always ready for immediate wear.
The J. D. King Co., Limited, have the exclusive right for Canad: .
Our Agent to Godertoh 1. SI. George Prom
SOW 88,
Our own hand -made Dairy
Tinware made out of your grand-
mothers' oI 1 -fashioned hand -dip-
ped block tin, is the cheapest
and cleanest tinware to buy.
All goals marked in plain
figures ; the smallest child can
get the same bargains as the
older ones as we have only one
price and that is the cheapest
No overcharging in the shop.
is our King Quality
for men and women.
They have splendid
reputations behind
them, and they have
the qualities to main-
tain and increase
their reputations.
$3.00 to $4.50 per pair—
every pair guaranteed.
We carry a full line of
REPAIRING neatly done. 11\i,
S'i'ri CEO. PRICE,
e tee .."iii
Sole Agent for King Quality Shoes.
Wo give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Raking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone is
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea—not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific -
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthfnl.
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. Wo have a
full asst rtment.
Sr77-71Z7Y c3L co.
Telephone No 91 THE OROCERS.
J. H. W Piste A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
The 'sheep .ton and farsoea man,
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOO, Godflrich, Ont.