HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-9, Page 41 What Shall 1 Wear??? When you can't decide the question try our taste We'll answer for you and for it for we have the finest and richest hne of the latest Men's Furnishing Goode and Hate for partl„u. wen we have ever shown. We know you'll like our range of W. G. & R. shirts, 'sleet patterns, C� well made, perfect tit and guaranteed not to fa(k. Price▪ s, $1.00 and $1.25. Austrian Collars, tine white linen. hat d wade button holes, will outwear two ordinary Dollars, price, 20c. each or 3 for 50c. We have just received the Latest novelties in ties. You willl see them in our w' tdow. This warn weather will make you think of changing your winter e er fur the rummer wear inunderwear. We have some special lines to oder which we bought at a bargain. We pass the bargain on to you. Natural wool underwear, same as we sold last year for $1.7J per suit, our special price is $1.25 per suit. A fine line of double thread fancy stripe balbriggan, $1 00 per suit. OUR READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING ism been b•vleg a great ran. People are deiabted with the bargains they are getting, and the best of it is the clothe* are made to fi'. If they don't fit, we alter and make them 8t without any eztrs uberge. Cell and see tee good* and get prima. W• doo't export to sell yea anima we an give you pease, satisfaction. Soo our epc-lal $5.00 suit. It's s wonder. Remember we are Sole Agents fur the genuine LONDON CHRISTY'S HATS. W, . C PR2=HAavr Chlldrea's Clothing a Specialty cent,' Funashcr and Clothier 3ht cxgnal. elIBLIERRD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ser e. ■eIlI JJ rnbT 00DXRICH. THURSDAY. MAY e. 1001 ELECTIONS IN WEST HURON. AT present West Huron holds the clumpionship record in the holding of elec Mona. Tha constituency is on the eve of ite eleventh election in eleven years. This takes in the Federal and Provincial coo• testa. In 1890 a Provincial election was held in which Mr. UAaaow wan succeeeful. Ma. jority, 112. In 1891 a Dominion general election took place, in which the late M. C. Celgene won. Majority, 379. In 1892s Dominion bye -election resulted in the return of Hon. J. C. PArraano, by a narrow majority. In 1894 a Provincial election was wort by Mr. GARRow. • Majority 76. til In January, 1996. in a Dominion election Mr. CAMERON was elected by 190 over Mr. WoarILLER. In June, 1896, Mr. CAMERON headed the poll in a Dominion election. In March, 1898, in a Provincial election Mr. GARiow was eluted by the returning officer's vote. In December, 1898, in a bye -election Hon. J. T. GARaow received a majority- of 43. In February, 1899, Rosser Hor.,ir'i de• Tested Roeg=T MCIAAI( in • Dominion bye- eleotioh. \ -- In NovMONet, 19013, in a Dominion general election, ROBERT HOLIMES again de- feated RonsaT MCLIAN. The ensuing Provincial bye -election, which will make the eleventh since 1890, rounds up an election record without parallel in Canadian history in s similar number of years. If the electors of Went Duron dal not know the game it is not because they have not had practice. SNAP SHOTS. —King EDWARD 'has oome out stron gay against gambling, and this takes in every thing from baccarat to horse racing. —It Hon. °Lama Wuytos were— de- prived of the opportunity to fly off the handle 000ssionally against "Preach do mioation," what pleasure in life would there be for him —An Illinoi'. preacher has Dame out flat- footed against the belief in a personal devil, and a number of his brethren have under- taken to coavinoe him that there is a very material hell on earth for a preacher who holds such a belief. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. WOUNDED HIART$ MLT NOW lit MINDED Beaton Tran.ript: Now that t'tc •ury"oto have f000d • way to repair I.re•sti• ne of the heart, the despotism of the e.qo«Ire would seem to he at an sad. NOT VERY COMPLIMENTARY. Kingston Freeman : A well•known soc,ety man—not • pink ten prodnc', bat • Winer who belongs to all the clubs—hes so 'wk. ward 1.818 of using the expression, "Pre- miss oompeny excepted.'' Rea .tly he was TUT SITISPI® EXPRESSION 1a not copyrighted. You may wear it.. 11t ia free to retort of SciUlNET-IEATTIE WHEELS We eon or rent them at reawmsh'e Nines MondayTownley. Wisdom tar. Tgers1y. Malay or ear•rrd•y of esrn ywseofm�k.. Onr liver, remains olimed on OW EMERSON'S lalnynle and Music H ansa.. etlating to • few of his ohuv. •bout • gentleman whcm he had mel whtl• tr•uel ling from Chicago. Atter mentioning the gentleman's charauterlstica, he 8olebt i by laying, "Hs was the greatest ,lar that 1 ever mot, present oomo•ny ezospted. A DU vials(I or mem. ht. Marys Argue : The phllosopber of Tim W'Ingham Timm says eprtog 1, the t et time of the year sysrcod the book of Nature. We prefer the fall'" when minima turas the leaves. TARTE WIc t. CATCH IT. Hamilton Herald : if the onus dcten'I show that this city h • mere than 55,C_) papalaticc, we II get even with Tarte some - now. Ne don't know lust now how or why he ran b. blamed ; but be ours • way sill be found. BOLDCRITICJ.M. Klegeton Why : Who wrote "The Love Letters of e■ English Women!" No one Laws bat the writer, and be, or she, 1s ashamed to wakes 11. Toe man cr woman who Dao spend time in rt.dlog thio book has little else to do. CNDIR 111u11 "rterrTCrle'." Escheat/it : It le asserted that a recent Investigation of the sweat•ehope of ('hioago brought to light the fact that In some of these dens women work 60 hours per week for the munificent sum of 40 mats Think •f it, 4C Dents per week, or not finite $21 • year. THE DISPENSARY SYSTEM London Advertiser : Another elervyman, Rev. J. K. Uosworta, of Hamilton, de- ousstng the honor problem, advocates Gov ernment ownership and control on the du• peneary system, which prevails In South Carolina. This system removes the evil of treating. No (.AIN TO THE WORKIensf . Toronto World : Bev Mr. D,...ior said stature imperatively oalls for • day of rest in the interest of the maloteo•noe i.f the normal vitality of the body and mina, •ud there 1s • dollar and oeute reason, tamest all that the workfnv man gets le • IlYiog, whether be works seven or mix days. "MIND YOUR OWN sUSINEas," lettaw• Citizen : The Neta York Sun le printing a lot of rot Illustratlri . f the "lack of cohesion'. between the rat,... Ian prov• inose Then may be some slight lack of oohasloo apparent at times, but Canada has never found It necessary to weld her prey ince. together with a club, the way • amain country inappropriately known as the Caked Scottie has had to do. The Sun might has the name hanged to the Re - United Slate.—loft they forget, Zest they forret. POOR COOK. Dundas Banner : About the only result of H. H. Cook's mod throwing 1s that he hes soiled hie own reputation. He says that he was asked to pay hard oath for a seat In the Senate, and he was so insulted at the proposal toot It took him bye years to make up his mini to denounoe the men whom he acetifies et making It 1 Poor Cook, he Ilse made a sorry moos of the whole bus - loam, and now that he hof hecn used as a tool by the Tory politialaes they will toes him wide. THE USELESS SENATE. Toronto Globe : As • body pr proleot- tag the public 'entreat •=dint huty and ill- oonsldered legislation the Senate is making • record for !Welt, 11 the vote of the oom• mltlee on the Bell Telephone bill is a writer - 1013. The Duly poedhie p1.. that oonld be argil against the abolition of the Senate Is that It might take sr 'oat supervision over oorporation legirlati n and private bllle and He that the public interest le proteoted, If it follow' the lead of the majorhy of the committee le the Bell Telephone case It w111 be worse than uaelees. The argumeots for abolition will be Immensely otree th.ned by such • policy. A HINT TO "ANDY." Seat:tel Expositor : Soma of the ultra loyal papers of this country say it is an Insu't for Mr. Carnegie. the Amerloan millionaire, to offer Canadian ottles and towns money for the as8sblishment of pub. Ito llbrarlee and other such Institutions sod thee the munioioallttee that aooept of bis otunlfloenee are doing a wroth thing. Per- haps It 1' not worth while dfscn sing th subject, hat If •t the same time Mr. Car- n egie would have the goodie'' to offer Sok forth • few thoneende to •aphalt Main street, or for some eimllar laudable purpose, there are 001 many here who would oon eider It mach of an Insult. We might eyed recognise his generosity by • banquet or In some other fitting way. THE TRUE PATRIOTISM. 81, Marys Argus : Mr. Gladstone was right when he said this was an Intensely materialistic age and ter great need ecu to see th• iovl.thle. This le what we want In Csod•, Lith to see the thieve that ough. bo be, the Canada th.t might he (1 ws build aright. Some of the spirit of the old Greet who were taught to ce os,der bbslr thank, before th.m.elve. can sorely h• instilled In ser children. It canon. to ,sight as on( teaches •rlthmstio or geography, but 1b seeds may he planted by the wee teaeher and the possibilities °M.o. future merle oath. "To sof the Ia.. ie*."- this Is the keynote nl th• patriotism ws need. II Moth will keep t8• men and women Thee Caned* need. In Canaria. Happy frit Oar ala that there are mine who have fhb e ight and labor 1a1/bfally at the aprefaced task. awe .evslgla a Asmwv. Have yen fold to get permanent relief Are yea almost frantfo oft neuralgic pale 1 If se, why net nee Pnhtee's N.rvlltne' it I. the only 1g1a remedy that has never failed m ours then the worse eases, ••d It will %artily ears you. Five times th• strength of other remedies, It penetrates the timet., and drives oat the pain Instant- ly. Qalek relief, sora more, large h6llae, Zee. 4V,1� THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO MATTERS OF MOMENT. Questions of the Day Dls- ouseed. The oalarte Illa4ter.' Career Tewr— Wbat the Cabinet Meese in fan Do ''t the way of lale'•s—rhe People Will rear wee •le.0 rpeecbr., ToaoNTo, April 30, 1901. Although politica are • prwitted affair, • politicise would be Io • bad way 1f h• oould not present hie owe skilfully. The people of Octavio will presently have • thence to judge what the l'sbmst Miuiel.rs o•o do to the way of talk .v, and they wt'I bays no moon to be dtwopeinlnl. Talk Iv ob•sP , to be sure, but to legislative u• semblt.s at is the surface Index of ability to think well and clearly, and, generally, tib• man who aux speak moat tenably Is the man who cap wt with mol dwlsloo. Tb• thought lits behind the word and the deed /n trout of it. This •:platss why the Cabinet of any Government asually own - prime its beet speakers. It 1. important that lbs sots of • ti meal than be ole.,. ly translated to the public. The Ontario Cabinet 1a pretty well equipped with elo- queooe. civ many Premier Rose is wa- n dered the most effeotive English orator In Canada He is not only a political speaker, but he Is in great request at banquets and function* of all nuts for his easy humor and wide outlook. Nothing of human le ten t seems to be foreign to the Pointer's miud, r rd oa all subjects that he Dove. i be speaks with the authority of a knowledge nailed at bot hand. He has • Sootohm•n's prdileutos for tent . and an orator's dex- terity 13 adorning them, making them r datable, and yet not sacrificing their good e ffect, It may be • matter of disposition or training ; :t may be that the practical questloas which the Lawrie Goversneut has to deal with—at tiny rate the moat ether meeker for Informatiou bee never gone away hungry trom • opt ,oh iron Premt-r Ro• He always to ,sons his word. with • .prinkl'ag of etatietioe that are well worth a : e.l'og, but which may be taken •wy without marring the speech as • whole. 1 h 11e one reason why the Premiere ad - arc tern are eo aocxot ,bis to all o'er es. to this repent he is something of a months to Sir Wilfrid lathier, another great ora tor, wbo.ldoofu't always eondrmend to figured. Premier Ross remembers that On- tario !e s very praotloal province, ad his whole publics career mime to be an avold• •oce of Hamlet's orttfot.m, "Word., mere word.." The Premier's skill In 000deure• tan and preo a expression may be pc' down to his sar,y exp.rl.noes se a new.• paper editor. It was then he ler sed 1 "to.i dowse," to With olately, and to do Deet literary joinery. It b probably for this re mon that lace speech : other eke over, Dever show any I irfarvld rhatureo or e.t•mporaheore ptdding. Such iptuchse r'w•ys read well wibLout editorial p. ming. Tits is • tare quality in • political speao... Toe tuteation of the Goverment t i do • lute spell -binding this Bummer is a wits the. Many people io Ontario base been enterta'ted by the Premier's eloquence 'n the cane of temperance, moral reform. Cuidtau history, and the political issues of the day. 51.11, there are w sy who have never heard him. Conago illy, tit is • good Idea to mend the Premier into some of the fighting oon.tituenoies. It la • fors goo. conclusion that the Roes Government will gain mr-.y now tneoda by the Pre- mter'e clever ezppeitloo of the questions of toe day, Mr. Harcourt, the Minister of Edaosuo0, is the head of a department which oalls far high sotivIties of mind and epeecb. The subject of duo•llou is as wide as the civil• (zed world, sada compreheuaioo of 1t of necessity, ao enlarging infloe:ma To manage the eduwtion•I system of Gowrie effectively Mr. Harcourt must have net only s thorough knowledge of Ontario, but also a comparative knowledge of system. and metbode used in other oouotries. 11 1e not loo much to say that Mr. Harcourt is • competent Minister of Education, and that he has fully appreheod.d his duties and the wanking. of his department. Hie is - timate acquaintanoe with detail war shown several times during the last eesstoo of the Legislature, tenth the department was un- der some stress from the Opposition. The educaliooal system of Ontario 1s a very oohoionate machine, and explanations of it mtvht easily become tedious If they were not well couched. Mr. Harcourt anco•dd not only le keeping the outlla• distinct, but also In making the detail@ interesting He exp000dd the general prl.olple that the educational eye em 1. cont.ived io ooafer the greatest annd on the Air a10.1 oumhx, and that in thew days the greatest. number are interested le having a pr•oncal .daca- tionith•t will fit them for earning a ayell• hod with the greatest economy of time. Mr. Harcourt will doubtless have some• Wag to say to the petite about the De. tartment of Education. He will explain the system, and will prove that • neat deal of the criticism is Irresponsible, either Doming from people who know tittle about It, or who are more apt at tearing down than at practical suggestions for building hp. Mr, Harcourt will ell the public thew things In ortap, hold English, which .111 clear away many mbsurderstandioga As Minister of Agrtcultare, Mr. Dryden 1. pretty well known to the brawn and 1 •'n -w of Ost tile, the farwisg uomu,unity, Ne u elogpenl 1. dairy schools, •gi !vulture' ••,allege*, farmer: institute*, end other .. nee *blob have helped to develop agrl- cultare to tbu provtnoe. Perple w111 re- member that bas tart speech Ir Lb. LegW- tun was 1a support cif • generous grant to the beat augur industry—a ,brant which had in mind not only the msoufwtur.r, bat also the farmer who doge the growing. Mr. Dryden's 1• a department which hardly de - monde inspeasioued oratory, but 15 doge d*• mend • wee head and • praolioal thee. However, when the Cabinet goof oa the stump Mr. Dryden will surprise many people by his flhenoy. Just give him a subject, and he out oohs phrases and matter adjectives with the bast o1 them. Mr. Stratton, Ih• I'rovtoolal Seoret•r will be • *troth mud in the tour. It will nut take Ontario andlsnoee lour to wider - stand his good oumredt.bip, his heartiness, and his breezy candor. The Provinelal Secretary u, above all things, • man of al- fairs—the mon affairs he Dan tackle the better e • ► likes ls—aod he nee the repute - Won osa• Non of tieing one of the hardest workers that ever had an ethos to Queen's Park. Mr. Latchford, Minister of Public Works, bas an easy, genial manner, sad, being • lawyer, he can present • oasis ol.arly sad sucainctly. Mr. Glbeco, the Attocaey G 1, makes no elates to eltquenoe. d one critic has said, he gaffers from an eat - betterment of Hoboes, and sometimes he hesitates as be chooses the right ward for the right place. Mr, Gibeco's manner w111 always be found worth oo..ideratlen ter Ib bard sees and prsoltoal teodsoy. As • chairmen of oommlttee, to girt through an amazing amornt of work, the Atteusy- .c 1 Is without a peer, Mr. Davie, the Mlu'eter of Crown Lands, bas always hese known as a fluent speaker, with • bnslne•t• like force end trenohr icy. BOOK8 AND PERIOUICALB CANADIAN MAOAzINz Boa MAY.—The Canadian Magazine for May oestalw eon excellent material and the Ani iastalmab of two new serials Joanna E. Rood writes of Charles Algot coo Swtobnroe, who she olalme le the greatest living English writer. The Illustrations for this article are very valuable, Another beautifully 111re- trsted artiole to Katherine Hall. "Some Protr(neot Players," with portraits of Be - hard,, Willard, Mro.Beld, John Drewt others equally fa.rou•. Among the o1L : contributors of the month are Prof... r Maurice Hutton, Professor J E Lo£.osstt- nol, F. Cdfford Smith, Agnes Death Cam• thou, Amer Mule Mather, Charles Cm,' don Roger., P. Blake Crofton. ♦Irsa Sheard, H.adoo Hill—all well known names. The, June Name will;M th. hundredth Dumber el the "Canedie-t," end the publishers prouder: .om.thiog especially good In the way o1 a' valuable and stiletto produotion. Or adieu publishing Intermits are devslopteg tut. M ITeoDIST M 8o•lzl1I AND 111 -Ica ren Mat —TEM Is another number of the Em• pare series of this Magazine, with very handsomely Illustrated articles se "Hie Majesty King Edward," and "Victoria the £:loved." Mush prominence is t,lvsu to the Rarsl•n oriels by • well -illustrated leading article, "Russia and its Exile Sys- tem," and reprises from Primo. Krop.tkin and other anthoritlss. Professor Shaw, of Montreal, has ea admirable paper on the cinch of the Methodist ritual. A moos' at yet fall review of the nineteenth ofhtury 1■ art, seism* and literature 1. given, sad as toter( ttlhg &mount of the Grad Canyon of Arizo•a. A racy sketch, "A Joaah oil Board • If 'twig -war," by the Rev. A. B:owning, and high-el•es *hors and serial stories are • marked feature this mouth. A sketch of the life of the tat i Rev. William Arthur, anther of "The 'longue •f ,Ire," with the asual departments of Religious In telligeuee, t\ orld's ?therms, and Beek Noteee, oempt•u an exoel.ent number Toronto : wllll•m Bngge. MesW1 : C. W. Coates. H-lllex : h T. Haeetle. 1111 00 a year ; $1.00 for 'Ix moon*. apeslal trey 1eweseate, est Nowa •lie . kir. Thos. Hays 1. sga'n • well man, and says, "As one who for too years Buffered from wahine, 1 reofmm.od (' tarrbuzone u a postttvsl step oar* ; w 11 • Do' ties oursd me perfectly " Catsrrb- c roe 8 never lea failed. Even were of tatty yc u_ standing That baited the skill of specialists hays been oared by Catarrho- aoa.. 11 ou:ee by Inbalatien, pleasant to use, no danger or risk. The wont oast, of asthma Baa ism oared by Cetarrhozons in two to five week, laslsal relief end ultl• mete euro • teed 1f Oatarrbuzoas le need. Giy• 11 a trial. Prise $1.00 ; small slag 15,. Druggist, or Pekoe & Co., Klnet- baa, Ont. $5,000 Reward IF NOT TRUE. advertisement may in- duce a person to try an articld • FIRST time. Rut an advertisement won't Unlace a person t.r use that article • Sft(OND time unless it gives satis- faction. Sunlight Soap P has A'' rule larger than the cwnhinnl sales of any other three .naps. An advertiwn ent may in- ducetry Sl•N. Lit:FtT t`O.tl' on, e•. But it is goilfty .end qual- ity *lees, that makes peoApk P use SUNLIGHT SO contin.wusiy and rways. LITER 1 ;musts UMITID. b. • .gaarlettarers, TORONTO. !e J BROPIIEY & SON — TIE [JADING — VW\tro\ Wyeectortl otnd -V.moo\mer%. r,0.,,, Orders carefully attends 1 te a' all bean, sleet or dae. Quebec areae*. all PaperIMAIMMitWitlitS eesveaaa awet."e We have just received a few snaps in American Wall Paper, which are *efflux repidlt• UILT EMBOSSED PAPLRP In I: d, Blue, Grow, Buff. Salmon, Piok, Smoke, Ch000 late, at 180 a P011. 1 ' .,on border to match at 120 a ro11. Them papers are epeolal 1 8PS made by the manufacturers—having more border than paper they are manufacturing moue) paper 10 dispose of the border. Don't imagine 18 inch Border at I2c a roll is a mistake. We can supply the goods. Remember our papers are the l•be.t American potteries -8 yards to • roll. We o•e far nigh 9 hob or 18 inch border wfth moat c1 our papers Oyer 1000 samples te select from. Ingrains all coolers •1 16o • roll, 8 yds. to 1b• roll, with border and ceiling ler match. Mouldings furnished tinted to match any paper. KIDD'S BOOK STORE. Spring MIS All the latest and best designs in trimmed and untrimmed - -ileilinery and ready-to-wear Hata. Call and inspect before purchasing. CAMERON, Hamilton Street. Apprentices Wanted. NtTtTTttt/ITTtttttTmmmttttTTtttttttTTtnmttttnmtntTTmmttttM bt'xtty,�Ilusctisstws'w"rs,.....e.'ta - -xx„-- •.... Y�1W.w-[wenz.a,. Ie. ver}` Acquainted '.:z.3ctle Gr.d.yv with our line of Bicycles. It's worth your t hile and the acquaintance pill gay volt money. 1 QODERICH, CRESCENT, HYSLOP, TRIBUNE, a RA CYCLE. glee a v.SPt't a E teak, „rte sett' We, The largaa show of Bicycles ever seen in (Irelerich. All fully guaranteed. Offline for 1901 gives you a generous choice of styles and prices. They combine all the latest features4er. ' Dunlop, G. & J., M. & W., Samson, Goodrich Tires. We aim have a number of seoond-hand wheels at bargains. Repairs executed carefully and promptly by a first -claw repair man. We have been selling hioycleat ever .inee a bicycle was a bicycle and are known as reliable Edealers,. Telephone 92. 3 QEO. W. THOMSON & SON 526.17 WIEQW4/110 New Store in the Old Siaod, My stock is now complete in all the depart. mi. its and well assorted with up-to-date goo;is 1141 for the spring and summer trade. EVERYTHING NEW THIS SEASON Just a word about DRESS GOODS. The stook of blacks in plain and fancy wakes is unsurpassed in town both for quality and cheapuess. The best makes are in single dress and skirt lengths-- no engths_Ito two alike, so that your neighbor cannot have one like yours. Colored in homespun', cheviots, tweeds and Borges, all shrunk. Black silks, black satins, blank marvels in all prices from 30 cents to $1.25. You should Bee our taffetas, they are great value. Colored silk in waist lengths in endless variety from 20c to 95c, in all the new shades, both plain and fanny. Shirt waiB a in white and black, up-to-date both ' p- to make and material. I think you will find them the nicest lot ever seen in town, and prices right. Muslims in colors and white in great variety. Royal Irish Dimi- ties at I2}c. Organdies equally cheap and in elegant oolorings and patterns. Prints, too, a choice lot at right pnoes. See the stook of parasols, hosiery and gloye.. Cash or Produce. 'Phone 86. If J.H.COLBORNE Now about Horse Medicines: Spring is a time when many hotmos have to work heel besides. they as well as human beings ar , subject climatic influence I. They will 1 , 1 meth 1 by such • tonic, as Our Condition Powder (' .t:, 6 for $1 It will -repay many times Ito cost. Give eeob bore a package Did you ever try our ” English He ding Oil!" It is the greatest healer for all cute ant sores ever know r. Your tummy back if et doesn't do the with. 26c a bottl,, 5 for $1.00. W. C. GOODE CHEMIST we avow emit. lwat•tbring r IMO of that wela for torapotoxiimae anttlyy.tuOurofer*stead) to 5718. Our Own Em111sjon, 35c-3 for $1.00. Warranted equal to any. Our Sassafras blood and stomach bitters, b0c-6 for 250. An ideal spring medicine, Climax Furniture Polish. Garden Seeds. Don't Forget.... I "; "a� ,, that we are Headquarters for Lawn Mowers; warden Hose, Barb Wire, ~mom Black Wire, Poultry Netting, Barb Wire Staples, Thorold Cement, Portland Cement, Nails, and all Builder.; Supplies. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Sherwin = Williams Paints. RFs r i i i arriv i* N. D. ROUGVIE, Goderich. . If you are looking for do not come to LEE & SlEPlAgD'S. We carry -- nothing v.nothing but the newest and most up-to-date stock of PAINTS, OILS and VARNISHES, READY f1IXED PAINTS. STOVES and:TINWARE, TILE and IRON PIPE. Plumbing and furnaces a specialty. We sell the Guderich Bicycle for $35.00, less 10 per cant. for spot cash LE & SBEPhARD. HELLO !D p,;:t,.-' THE OLD d RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL' ALWAYS ON HAND TI 1 HUNT Scranton Hard Coal IN TR1 MAREi'r All (cal welts,' em the Martell finales where row gat lemma tin • tnn- WM. LEE. Olds* left at ga13 A ShepeempWy Nss*� Ia Shelve. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short ic,1 Bread and Cres Ruls,Iiocee Pie: and Lady ?inters, Kisses, loons, tarawes, BraMy Snags, Btc, are as good se the hest ma(1.lin any city In Canada. Oantelon lead. the trade in WEDDING CAKES In fenny designing sand ornameet ing and almond {ting. (live him an order and your mot• Wanting' will he •ssare.d. D. CANTELON.