The Signal, 1901-5-2, Page 84 {. „.,7,77te"--..-.07"reerieeserte•_ 9 .1,4T T. OiVIES4mr,, yt., 714"*"'"trlr',"*•*"! ,,,t ;11;3 t'lftr.77,77'417;,,, '*** ; , ... A10:44o, Arde;Y.terr e"ee *.e.er,er-rer THE SIGNAL: GODERICH=ONTA tImmInmmrimmmmmmmrilmmmrimmmmtm trtrttmlmtrIttm 1 ICACII."3,,,„i..,„,,,J.',,, 1 ,,.::,., 7 a 1101.4111101116 littkol.111.4 Aottitliell., trANIMIIK .,,,, a ..,..,?-„,. , ;,..,. .,„._....,..„..,,,,,,..:. e t .....,-,. Acquainted a ,...'..,-, 1 It's worth your while and the ."•••4 with onr line of Bicycles. acquaintance will save you money. , 5 20DERIOH, ORESOENT, HYSL.OP, TRIBUNE, 1 RAOYOL.E. N. , . a The largest show of Bicycles ever seen in Goderich. All fully guarantei d '' .::-:'4341 -,.., .. Our line for 1901 gives you a generous choice of styles and prices. They combine aU a the latent features. E - Dunlop, 0. & J., M. & W., Samson, Goodrich Tires.= -4' ,.::', a E We also have a number of recond•hand wheels et bargains .t. -.-'7,•,d' a LE We have been selling bicycles ever since a bicycle was • bicycle and are known as reliable AE Repairs exec ited carefully and promptly by a irst-Oars repair man. We - E dealer'. Telephone 92. 3 E GWO. W. THOMSON & SON a ' •• t°... • Novelty Dress Goods "••.:44-.%, e, d-.05"efe", -,e"-^e , silks.. • : Our stock was never so complete in the season's correct stuffs as now. The latest shades, the newest kinds and the best val- ues. A visit to the department, where you can personally inspect the goods, will be more satisfactory. Dress Novelties. VOW Frooteh Dross Poplin., with bright silk 61111/4111„ 10 III010111•• drew patterns anti latest shade., at 61.25 Fury Umenadine, oostume lengths, fawn, limix rose, bluetit', at 1 26 Finest French Dolainss, with silk stripe, fa waist or drone, as 760 Newest shads. satin Venetian Cloth, al- ✓ eady shrunk, regular 1.25, for 1.00 Bedford Cords, durable, light to weight. makes uo nicely for summer suit& to fawo, grey, brown, bine, red, et 600 Homespun.. Frseob Cbriviots, Cloths for seporato Skirta, Tweeds, 1. great variety. Silk Novelties,: -- Silviktr and gold embroidered silk Bolton Cloth, for trimming. and yokes. from 1.50 e 3.00 yd. (loll embroidered Silk, a very handsome t goods, st 3.00 a yd. Vary rich oath. Niche's, in all the latent tints, •leux rote, remade, biscuit. castor, grey, beown. navy, rode. filaok silk Grenadine, Week si sil cvar Lanes. black silk embroidered Callan. New 44 inch wide Rowilan black fish net, for on lire costumes, over black and ooloemi loundatiooa. Spools! at 750 New white erepon Watst Good.. with Iowa insertion, at 750 All over Kinbroldorles, white lace, etc. On MAY 15th we will give away a 5 - piece Parlor Set to the lucky holder of the right key to open the lock on the chain. One draw on every dollar cash purchase. Corsets. B. & I. patent, style E. & F., bias filled. Ws make a statement that this vomit is the moat perfect model for .tout ladles ever put upon the market. Made in short end meri lam l.ntb walste, and sufficient is plaoed therein to insure strength, and the great advantaris of our patent bleu filling pewees prevents any breaking near the hip. or at ths trivet liose-sni therefore the stout lady has the same advan!arree as the ellrht or medium hoarse. Comfort and ease ars ossurrid the ladies who weer this corset. Made of the beet quality of im- ported English tomtit, and handsomely trimmed with the new bowknot 'woe 4.. * Urn and satin rlbboh. Mali lo inve, white sod blaek. Sees 20 to 30 Prices $2 00 81 to 36 extra. We are solo agents. Extra values In other styles from 50i to 1 28 A spoolal value, regular 75o, for Now Etook of Clothing.- Clothing de pertinent upstairs, well adverted with new ollotItioll oti Nadal spatially. Children's olothing extra value with us. Boys' snits from 1.25 to 5.00. Mem'. suite from 300 to 12.( pt. Ladies' White Underwear. rim, department m o the second floor and you will find s most oomplete stook. slum right. Its,ght Gowns. -Good cro ton. nio3ly e m 1,rnidered 75e, 1.00, 1.25, 2.00 white Bkirits.-W wid,h, mod mitten, mell trimmed.2150, 900, 100. I 25 I 50 C.,rent C ',err, trimmed with embre'dory, 253 to 75o The beet vane we have over carried In theme goody New Gingham., In 'ohellte 101 s;ripsa, fast onlor, at 1210 New a'l the latest eh.des, 11. 10,15, 20, 25o New eel ere I Pelee/1,611 ehade., wnrtb 20c, fn Ilo New Spring Coate and Capes -Uprtairs we have a Rood raoge of ready•to•wear Skirts, the new spring nuts, All prim. Lytle. new C este, the most rionsiblit waterproof for ladles. 'Duet prraf 1114 rain proof 8150 tl 10 00 CASH OR PRODUCE. ,'*`",('`)..)., • ". Smith Bro's & Co. • W•11 1 Spring All the latest and best designs in trimmed and untrimmed Millinery and , Npady to -wear Hats. '044rt" Oall and inspect before purchasing. MISS CAMERON, Hamilton Street. Apprentioee Wanted. Mos tiled SI fit floarge'e ohoreb will The palate illellowel be.ed will MO 10 kb* seltewiroon. on May 7.1. at 7101rownlor monthly OMNI led Win I. evening. Ifild II Noisy PORT ALBERT. Trasosy, April 30. Mr. and Mre. McNally, of DGOVe111100, and Mr. Irwin and Mr. Mitchell, of Ripley, Vie ted at the home of Jas. Soott on Sunday la1. Ahem Smile left for Loraine, U.S., yet- i, .1 morning. .i.. LAG. Brown is home horn London visit. W. Y. Hayden ls home from the Dental Col cgs, Toronto. Mr. Hamlin spout Sooday at Me home lo Dungannon. Mr. sod Mrs. Les visited Mattis' In Kthoarehne last week. 11 H. Hawkins bare the contract of bu'Id• 5( 11.0 new Forsstors' hall la this villa.. CARLOW. TrZSDAY, April 30. lis.ry Townley took the topic of the Christian P.'adeavor prayer mooting on Elsb• htth laat, and Miss A W. Oreo will tyke charge of it next Sabbath evening. All ars cordially Invited. Robert , Buchanan lift for his home to Yorkeon, N W. T., with a oar load of live a ook on Monday last. Rev. Mr. Gibson, of Weston, oocapied the pulpit hero on sabbath last and deliver- ed a very excellent, @sermon. He will also preach here on Seth tth next. John Buchan., has been on the Wok list the past week. We wish him a speedy re- covery to his timed good health. m 11 pp lioil ""tomell1111.0. mallemer- to WOluen from the thraldom of Matting shoe/. This Id the mission of the famous Americano.ade SHOE FOR WOMEN. The wearers of these shoes enjoy all the toot comfort possible at any price. A Winning Caubisatiss, . Dim is OK 1,! FIT- -STYLE - -WEAR within the reach of every woinan Oie Ueda"' Price.- Try a Pair and you'll wear no other We also control the sale of Oto. E Keith* famous Walk Over Shoe for lien. This shoe is the ark! owledged leader in fine wear for men in the United States. P. T. HALLS Exrlusive Agent for Queen Quality for women, Walk Over for men. 011111111, Flies ! Flies Screen Doors and Windows will keep them from bothering you. Our stock comes -from the best makers. Our prices are right. We have a great variety of Lawn Mowers, at all priC^c.i. • - Barb wire, coiled wire and all other kinds of wire , Nails and all kinds of builders' hardware. Come and see the barn door hanger that cannot go wrong or blow off. We have the AGENCY FOR THE MERICAN .=-LWOVEN WIRE FENCE Made of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. Amply provides for expansion and contrac- tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires used. Always of uniform quality. Never goes wsong no matter how great a strati town is put upon Moto Does net muti- late, but does efficiently turn cattle, horses. togs and pigs., 101 1 Ober MIN w 4' I kr w run A 1/ EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED BY THE MANUrACTURERS. e,f-11 r'nd See It. Can show yOU how it will save you money - We have sold miles of this fencing This year it is better than nver. McKENZIE & HOWELL The p140, 'o 1.ny all Mal '.e ehenr. Attractive Wall Paper and Window Shades both in pre, • and riveetin al . ider's Book Bad Wall Paper fierse.lioder WE ere aftee your trade for Wall Paper and Window Shades, 61.41 if you c nuiider your own interest you will look through our enormous stook when in need of either. Ruyine, as we do direot from this paper mills ami ohs& manufacturers, in quantities aml for !VOL" CASH, our priesu see sway below the regular retail prices, and it goer' without saying our Wall Papers are entirely different from those commonly shown, having that striking, stylish and IIP.TO-DATIt effect, bandea costing no more than ordinary osit-of-date styles. They are all ahown in pattern" suitable for hali, bedrooms, dining rooms, libraries, drawing rooms and parlors, and range in price from 4c. per roll to 35e. if you are in need of any, measure your room's width, length and height and we will give you the exact cost of papering it, besides aasisting yea la your selection All Papers marked in plain figures WATCH OUR 8HOW WINDOW. Terms Strictly °sal. • , Porter's Book and Wall Paper Store 'Reiepbsee No. 100 B. anal Item spas% Oedsissii. DR. SLOCUM'S SUCCESS! Numbers of People in Canada Who are Being Cured of Consumption Is Positive Evidence 08 the Merreasse Success of Ho Smeson S=u; r alt Lusig P40 MORE 010 DOCTORS FEES: PIO MORE LONG SUPFEKINO 1 Iiiseemb smarm IN weep an Mamma of the leam. rad hroochhil Mese I. berme u.o.'-. Some§ of min and worm whe trd Wt. thotr moderns hopeless have hem ramonal to herr thraddrb the Slocum meter trestmect Eaob the throe prepnrodkre ouoarrldtog %Ad trodtmeet 1141 together unit' porn" t i.lii. r•suiltd. If yew soder 0,11111 any term 00 0' gi, oblo .1;01e ever, ros shear not Ism • =louts to applylas fur • trini .1the Mace= smilma of treatment Tou aro set salted le eist. All you bard toasts to write the T. A. SioruS Cientir•a. Co, tisireue. Milne at. MM. Toronto, (Mutt same to full. MI6 post Mart mid mynas olive address, end FREE TREATMENT will he sent yea promptly es receipt of )000re. quest. lids It the tart gmierovis east ••er now:, by lay medical man 6. UM conatus re.. Woe.. Id es remedy., dr what 1400Inottem, do that ha realms thel mprosedeeledeller, Nor rotted. t or what the remits will he es all Qom lobo 11dot OS MI *ell Whim waned ler them storeys maratIon 141. =cm In Cooed*. N litelowle• no• °Irco io LaMar papers will Mew seed ter earplos the Terser) miporatoriev Prof. Dorenwend, . OF TORONTO, THE FAMOUS HAIR GOODS ARTIST He will Witt Hotel Bedford, „N.: TUESDAYi rlay 7th IS COMING 1 tot 100 with every kind and style of ladies' and gentlemen's wigs, toupees, bangs, wavy and plain front., switches of all long hair in emery length and shade. His art styles are known and woru by all classes every - Be sure to visit his show romna at the hotel and see his new designs. He will, free of charge, demonstrate by fitting you what is the most suitable and becoming to you. Their use adds health, comfort and younger appeannoe. Gentlemen who are held should investigate and see his feather weight tcupeea and wigs worn on over 55,000 heads. WARNINC I TAKE NO LICE that Bylaw No. 5 of 190 1 of the corporation of the town of Goderich, prohibiting the running et large of all animals on the public Ore, ti ot the town, will he rigidly en- Nrcod after the publication of this to:Ake. • Rev. Jamas Livingstone, of Windier, lly order of the council probably take. in more than any other minister in Gotario to the wey ol wedding NV M. 1111TC /I ELL, free. He 1. said to have received 8900 la Town Clerk. Ll. way last year. ,Uodtrtoh, April Li, 1801 1751 Mill Wood via,• ' , , 4:•.,,,t 1 ' , V"," ' ""'" 4 1""*! `,..14' ;'''','"' 1 00 •4; Iv; THRICE " A ow ACT/ AGEI Vint A/ / LAcn THE SIG 11414144644414“44444 FIFTY- FO U la THE WEEKLY saarta u.4,6141. les'i Wheat @lour. family. @wows.- .. "'our. patent. Poo sort Brew. 1.00 Shorts. le too Screen nag., inc Met ...... Rye, per bush Buckwheat. taw liesk Oat*. • bosh P....111 4,00. Barley. nor bush HAY. 1 tuu Potatoes. V bash Ohosee. 0.0 111 Igire, freah unpacked 1 Wood .... bIes. blkise lye Bare , ... reared BOO. FOR SALE. The above is cut into stove wood ptin4t1, and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or lett at residence, 128 Cambria street, .4, will reoeive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Goderiolt, November 21st, 1899. 63-3m - 'tee' egur.roeNs me. M. HODGENS BROS. end sus WRIT OF 111/11116.TON 51. ory our Windows n and Floors. We offer exceptional values and a big assortment in window draperies and floor coverings. Our stock of curtains and carpets is all new. and you can be sure of getting what is correct and newestiryoLlbuy here. Qualities too are absolutely reliable, for none other are allowed to enter this store. See what we can do for you in carpets and curtain 3 before you do any buying. We think we can make it worth your while to do so. Here are a few of our marl, good values: For Your Floors. Hemp Carpet, 124c. Heavy hemp carpet, dark oolor•, ,ancy 'tripe, revertitdo patteeu, firm and heavy, will wear well, oar yard .12e Union Carpet, 50c. Vet), heavy union carpet. calm a-clybr, WI yard wide, be ptttern, newest rprt, g °Or/WM eelor guaranteed rot to tun special v•lo.• SOC. Wool Carpets, 75c. Honey t wo-ply all wool s -pet, marls from thoroughly ' courted and c•1•an liendsome In new • .rin,,s, onion euaresteed, will wear well and keep 11. appearance atoll worn out 75c. Tapestry Carpet, 65c. T•pestry carpet, full 27 [(while wide, a rood rarge of new, tip -to di,' e patteroe, .batee of red, brown, fawn. green, e tc., o'ose pile. 1 carpet that look, well anti gi•e. ex °ellen. wear... 65c. Brussels Carpet, $1.00. The oirper of carpets for any rOOIT Whtf• tt•ere in extra hard wear, Teia apenielline we have in s gnod range 14511 paltered sod oolors. It is firm and ttrt.ng with a I tor, mil art 1 he found a r, od , per yard, 1 .1A1 Linoleum, 50c. !1'...,y 5 intoh Linoleum.. 2 yards wide, new 8 nsl do. pions. good weigh', unequalled as a floor 001.91111, for kitchen or Aiello' room, per square yard 50c. Japanese Matting, 15c. Gond quell.), Tapestries Matting, clean, lire straw, oottoo warp, new patterns 15c. Better qualities, 180., 20o., 251. For Your Windows. Lace Curtains, $1.00. awl ttl• • r'et • -re -o • as. Nottingham Lacs, Curtains. 34 yards long, 64 Mohee wide. 1.00 a strong. firm net, Moe Mossy patters, per pair. - Lace Curtains, $1.50. Floe Nottingham Leos Curtains, full se yards long, look stitch edge, 56 inches wide, handsome patters ea strong net, will look well when bung and alto exoelleast wear. 1.30 pm pair Lace Curtains, $2.25. 1 Very fine Noldloglism Lao. Curtains, full 31 yards long. lock .t toh edge, floe and strong net. handsome bevy pattern. or pleto °entree with heavy border, per pur. ---- Swiss Curtains, $4.75. Imported by ntrisives detect from the weaken. llsad- rtrmos.:rn.bdromidreyriy.ansbdioa.pplicoliq3ine yonwdreals losatiw.isepropairet, !@7. 4.75 • , Art Muslin, 10c. Fine oolored art muslin, 56 Mahe@ wide, a good range of ,ekteit, floral designs with border, mates a aloe °beep mutate oc . • sad keeps the oolor well, per yard Coin Spot Muslin, 15c. Cein spot muslin, pure white, good width, Woo quality, 15c. medium also spot, pen yard "4"7"'7770`tv. ,••'-'''.'ite"?'..tetve'r""ereetanweetreereneeneretreterenereverert WHITE WEAR ° • „ Gowns at 50c. 110 Our big display of fine white underwear was a success right from the start. Brisk selling made re -ordering necessary, and we opened up several new lines this week. All are good value and well made from good materials. It can't possibly pay you to make it up when you can buy at prices like these Made of good,a; r one oott on, double yokel, full leer h and width, lame buttons, ooll.r, front and sleeves trimmed with ttyleg, each 50c. Gowns at 65c. Made of straw oot,od, dee blesown.12 rows of Mao took. down frost ot yoke, plias one., linen buttons, nook and front trimmed with .arrow embroldety, 65c; Gowns at 85c. Iii•tie of has notton, nook, front sad slerivee trimmed with oembrin yek• of epee vrmit loser 1.01111,.oa and took., open iseti dews front of waist 1.01111,854 • May Patterns now In stock. Skirts at 75c. Mad@ of fine English °ottani, irns• mini with twe rows el tine tuck 1st .51 limb frill edged with Ilk to Am ,,,der , full elite, *same doable Ilk 75c. Skirts at $1.00. Mad. of floe Reglish oettoo, seams double rims, bottom Nitrated with °lusters at fine tucks and 8 inch frill with Ineh open work ismer. tins and 2 isoh hem 1.00 Skirts at $1.45. Marie of very fine }Coolish tiott-oin, munntle finish. Master of 3 took., 12 iamb trill finished with fine opee•werk emtweidery. , 1.110 Corset Covers, 25c. Yule of strong Runnel, Aeon, • , °embed° finish, linos bttons, V ebra.7di mitrent, 2 rows of 1 iseh fins embroidery mid leather - etitoh b Corset Covers, 50c. Mali of floe tattoo, square ont, meek triimmod with film embratell- front, pearl buttems, sleeves sad wide open -week imortion agrees ,16.• eery, ONJ04014 Corset Covers, 75c. Melo of very fins rootless, low nook, pearl bttons. nook aed slangs 1,*,•*'; trimmed with fine Vsleadrinnam ,sati lame, Ineertion and baby ritshos.. o : ,rep, , 14. BRos. HODGEN5 4." 4'; 4",C;.' '470,404k 14, . " • e :•,;" 1.11•11.11111.10•11.110 AM. per . .... Lard, po? lb. lireseed lime fore gleEterr Dressed Beef. Mad Cia”les, Export Ordinary ...... Wanted WANTED. - rue and waits a Poo Terms reamosble. A POI to lots 6 and., oonoesiiooal sod Off OCIderieb PO. eltuatloao V, DUY WANALLI.-a .L1! weft In tho oast lard 1101.111114 %)VANTF.LI - A Wilt eral seory.m. t HARD. Womb stress Publio Not MARI TOR liaLIC.-t okl. )7 hand' high. we nowt. t110. W. TH0118061 DN MILLE N 11 RSV; fIZALTHK TREK& We haves full line of trail evergreen tr .e. e, lineal Write to tte at for orders early and secure t want A lame Tarim, of o: boogie./ baskets. deed • nod we will call f rr your Pito dmilve- them ailed to your ding putts et reminable 1n. 1/4.). C' SWART, Hem For Sten FrO LKT -FROM MAY J. lin two sa he 'Bg Mig aepl) te.iLB'(R1 WILIO IPO RKN I YOR HI 1 south halt ot lot 50. Ma Gioderioh township, 000L.111 oo4 ()milord on the proper od also The Ao., t• an abundant enpvly of wate MoMATII. .ederiola. P.O. elhatos. ri() ems r. - sross • thrlelog western town. goods, ri mr. torments gr *hoes or edner•I store Hi done. An • 4 stent, newly tending farmers holed and n trots post odic Town pop trlee familia, dairying fru Ise. First-olaw °postal/. • tbe right mita. Write if you Mit ---,For Sal MALM.-111AT building tormeelv ko bakery. ma klootroal st , with residsooe attached. preimiest. Mao fear sows Allay tO J *MLA WATOOtt JJ FOR SALK la OODERIC11. -*Sy es 01111M11. thairPTOP8117 knOwl lands, be part of Nock (itorierioh. contelolog .boi bandit(' and twitter rights lard. For terms apply 1.0 G ROW. golicitore for the wet • 1POR 8 A LK -LOTS kte and 10 In Hutohle Ooderich. r or pertioulat • Harries Marra lith. 1900. FARM PGR SALK Mass farm known Farm." being K. half .ot nt. Wawavosh. 100 acrs, Mao turr.rood state of oultivati r is on the pia°. • roc. di/alkali house illx) with good Mem nellsr. • tram stone stobles I eons ireo,i nava? falling .Prime gond cloy loans. about yo. feli wheat, sod DOM§ fl Venom see good Iti.ona minvenient to churches', from the village of Aub Birth, It mile. from the and Clinton. This Is aver no poor or waste lend. For toll particulars appb solioltor for the Waite of day. 1. Media IISS SHANNON & • 4"1- rItCt *Ness., &MP Of Onsomeron building. w lowman' at residences • Dr. Vass met oil resuleuce, spier Si 'Phones 411. / 44 I1181110111Id °RAI. R. SHAW. ANCIL sad real ofits Isom seat of P. 0., Bodo Isaillog mutual fire lotion lending stook oomtaniee Ilarcaotlaa,4 mem lowest retort Call et Off W R. KOBKRT lf Aenountaat and Boobs and ailments n Buildings rooted and rine Inaureetve le 13, Osirepantes. Mole- le Proodlout strew Hodertnit F4 v. iciorriti. . DURAN :1 sil rim, JAN, Anoldent•o4 oireemt on mutual or estate PPM hie. Beet Kernel, end tIsni reelnited allee next dom to Bari eissere Hamilton street MaSol TI Ira 1118T RRR1VRD • V opera multiage that welded for, which we 6 together with ether Rae led tumor, a, Om were at redene• W Oyu- Parsee • r. M. liss, esti. Ostatie D....01 5. whe Dr. J. Y. Twe Mess;