HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-2, Page 6Fri•!'We li+Ifftl t.ttnrffit»-Slk'Wa,.?orf^' ,::wtowo,*,II,2mtmgAa axiUaArsla•senAe�crl�u��'..o-w,.a...rctwu.cyawe.avexr—_..--.---.—•-- i 0�.,�. CEYLON AND INDIA TEA91 1, _� GREEN OR BLACKe 0`TV 0 Trade is confederating the Empire. I r_, 11 Britain is_Oanada's best Oustomer. "! ,� 136tain cannot buy if she does not sell. byeUse TBA Grown 'in a Britflih Colony by British capital. - --.. .- .. -. .. -... _. -- `` S A L A D A" packet Te9m l y, sold r N lead packets only, never 1■ bulk, Blaclt, nixed or Uncolored Csylon CMOs . Samples on application.' Address 11 SALADA," Toronto. - --- - - - . 0MN4'F...... •N•ii m4 i Fill+iiNNN + i0 6 GERALD i N E'S FORTUNES I r I ------- 61iffilialiffi+411offillaill ... + ........ +aG611*+++ tthe frit that rhe knew thio ver}I wluxm, prejudice ttRufewt (hr unholy worst now, that Iwr 1lu4baud had' trade cat aloWierlug sets so great I.: ho!dly iutralu•ed his toll, tit) ls,l,loner, that sbe a.uld never call him by hie underh e D,w.t root; if to •r self�cum- Christian nuue. "Remeutha•r It Iv &Mond rbould fail War for title momrut, bic,ared to forgive." blast Added, with ,lames was loot. Th• clanger called tho unconscious impertinence with 11 forth all tier Stityugth : all 1 she shcs,k which the lasotct timid of women kinds with Dr. "Ibury with charm- ,often•assume the authority of Scrip. � lag grace, and lh1 th3 way toward tura filo drawlnip-roontvith her brightest But the lector of the offirer'stlark Air of welcum- ,\ eye,► whilh .seemed Ko Make his " We wanca re 'ng ulist,airsmv . y ,ew r, bo:o s face flush fire when The was to twee this Interesting lorieoner whow unclor the Influcues of passion, caused )ghnso-I tells nn you III-- cnpturnt•" Geraldine 16o sprlst nil from hr.r seat rald her bulb4nJ, with ills eyes i1Kctl in spite of herself nod to hyrry atter upon fro to it ucirk,•d nonuser. [ilio as be turned and walked toward •'Oh, the Juju -41 burghtr?•.You hnvr tilt, door. h'tant about hint Alreet(ty 7 Noll, the "Stay Lere; • Said he, shortly. In a burglar can wait. I ata dying'toh•ar very low voice, but with authority what l,vo brvu;;ht you back sud- whlch she did not try to reslst. Then flPaly, and to toll 'you all ale: Ei (ois lire be,-kwued to Elisabeth. who . tot - fright last flight." IomO him and Dr. Ledbury net of Ar*'thiag low u delay, (!uriaul w1 1 tho room. #)bt mght find un of)porlu.I'. u lieraldine leaned agatnrt the par getting James out of the way ! talon staring at tho door In dumb wit"t, abwtlutily tenrinT hisnn+, orror uncuaacluus of everything first fiasn the caresm nj but firm clasp of ) one fact that Janson,' two worst hat had. Cnptaha Morrison ctu'd nut rt) niew, one of whom lua.l ■worn, escape; but h- went Into thi o draw- wh the other had trlet) t,o kill him. +ng►&oau with her without ours takiuiZ ivere their way to the ro:,m where � bin hcx•king eyes from her face, an -1 xbo lel lett hlu), helpless with ill I It seerood to h.r that ha took 4 cru el nc%as. till neo. Ding. O! course site ti)ers delight in tha torture aha could soot .too eKci to spe clearly that thPrp dxgbt ho kmw'sbe -wan Suffering. Dr. %v -# Doti , its the word less llke- Iwplbnry followed. ly t11.au lira these two men should Have roe soon tbt Missiles Otway fall upon htn and make an end of yet T" sdta asked. , !11 im at. cure. cad, after a few me - •'No; we hzve boon o ttnr h')uso nr•nts of aged silo could tsar duly a low maloutee.-Ah. Mims Otway• tho sulmpr•ume no , onger, tall,] ruto11tu how tic, you do?" said ht), going up W at Use (lour. The y, whi•h was on }remote, alta was crou.-lialg over the Use, ootA,le, hail lot 1 softly turned fire. tilts flew toward i nearest win- Anxious to that out the rchatinns ,fort-, oval with a few ordd of units• with exist d IS tweela Jamts' eaemle', WTIiiMP explanatloa an -d /soothing lieraldine washed the meeting be- to ML -'s Eleanor, wlium her Startling tween Eiluibeih curd each of th) twu prore:lingw land brrouglit to the gentlemen. Between hrr Awl Cnptalo verge of hysterics, she Jampe,t oat .Morrison tht uideratrtmllitif was clear toter Ut(e narrow flower 'lo,l unaler• ns scowl ata ill -Ir hands tau •lint and Death on to the path, ran toward their eyes bet. It was Just an elrnl' tho dr,smervatory ural , through that ahs was rurpr'r-d u) see Dr. it Into slot dining ' rant. Ledbury, though alio greeted In:m eery At the Inner lk,or• As she zprdiAlly. op'ne,t it, she met the butler, who 11 I hear you Irot a fright last night." was kx,khUr up the, staircase And observed Captain Morrieoa, almost lixte11111g, wills, hH mouth open ant) . lmmeddatehy. "and that you. burglar etety appearance of rurt.nity. At tried to mats h mSdr Interesting when •Ight M his mistrexe lee turmKL Put Iry failed W get away. by breaking fits finger resisx•tfu!ly to his tips, b)e ft" . air) c•tme lowarl her. •Indtvd. Tcal't tell you much "Go iwack. urvam, they Are corn abopt it. Philip, for su-h et: mystery Ing •hn►a• It'snll right ; he's gone," hast beret, made cat the whose affilr Flip did rept wait for another wnrd. that it .was only by arckhont I learned but, flew' trick into tlnn drawiltg• that there had Ix,en 1 burglary at rowu, fi: the way also ha,l come. all." said Elizabeth. dryly. • tlDeeti the winnow finftly, mud rep 'A mystery!" excla!med h.•, Just at pll•,1 herself to the task of com- )• 1ka -moment that Elenunr brute fu forting Miss Eleanor. who Instinct- s '►ith- lvely begAn to sob more energeti- --. ^ n phi 114_1&1 61L, drsad!n1..2 mis"P mlf aa- she n only JSst heard of it, anti-" Tut - Aud I (Ill tuna roma that You "Di'n't ens on)'thinl[ hispe my e1n/Id hear of It at all. Aunt Flenuor, %olven 'the room," slue t -le. red. ns is ip,re." interrupted Geraldlj', mooing tTit(- were anrvl crnoedP. I' until the twvs• wretch war tart of the Thr ice► wan twrnedb lase ,k)or the wuue,. 'I (xtrUc-ulmrly told Opened. Isn't the thrrr conspirators. I Johnson and Mrs. 8ymes that It war its Ger,lldlue clause to ro it for then,. rwipgnfell. She Just glanced lip, to be Rept !sora yea, via I knew very nslw 6t) expraa+inn uta her harban'1'e well yap would sot sleet► 1f Yat hoard � IL.1 faro which wile did not Dare to meet. "And bad Ya -the Same tear for and with Sweet and sonthing calm - me. OeraldineI" wee continued her ministrations to "Not Aunt Elizabeth. In that camp the oil] Invalid. I should not have tot(] you till nbrwlt "Don't he unhappy, Aunt Eleanor: !It, _�7��-� I did at breakfast thhL i , - here they come. I'm airs they vdan't you re-mrtu�wr 7 r ' - Rh`Y-bee'. `very-,its'rsh• And where was he fwad ?" naked said she, wiueetin her hand an a Captain Morrison, suggestion to the old laxly to be ..I" one of tilt bL%tn" ar. I lie- silent as to the create of .the past fleve," ftwt minutes. i "Now you and I "(K! And who found Win?" will go and acct him, nod "Johnur.n. Th+ n►an fel ,down-atniru we'll read . him a chap Int trying W escape•, slid hurt film- ter if you like." and she began to self, so I wont for Dr. Crustw, wh o In lead the Invnlld toward the door. colu'ng again this evening to M1e him. when liar husband's voice stopped Shall 1 ring for .i.oluasori too tell you her. all about it?" "where err you goissr, Obe wan unx!uus to ,!o this• la the "Aunt Eleanor won't he Patidfed hssi a ofg�teetting a chin" of whimper- until Phu line seen the burglar." fait: or m ening t" tht old Iutlsr the "Unfortanatel.i, that little excile- Clue &hurt Sentare, "q IV] Win away." ment is over. He has escaped," said list bor husband nllswered- her'busband, watching her keenly. "1q that d(rrm't utattor, for Dr. Inure Eleanor's horror at the Iden LPdbery slid i Are gong tip to hive that the burster woks Ir>�e regain A total: at him tutw him. Il Ua i p7" wife so much stronger than her phil- 111 atiln t) 1 tit k all " eSthrepy had been, that Ceptain "Was be up when you went to wee Morriwm had to spring,forward In or - Atm thin morning?" aake'1 Elizabeth• tier to prevent Iter coll.Wdng in a With Much evident vIndirtiv-eneam In heap upon the floor. her affected Indifference• that, if Ger.oldine overw•hpimol him will, lieraldine had not alrun'IY guerre,] qud'tlons, while also glanced at the lint the elderly holy had minplelunx other two. Dr. Leubary's handsome Short would have guessed it then. fare looked eager and resolute ; she ' When I scent up with Dr. ('roam 7 thought he wits uneasy. Elizabeth Olb yew! But he seemed eery III And showe,l hitter dlrappulntment murk ilaite etupdd,' more pl,!tidy. '-Drunk when he wnr caught, very ••I believe that Internal old fool likely,' put In Dr. Ioeoltury, in life .Tohwn Wool something to do with low voice. They were almuvt the first Itt" muttered Captain Morrison to words Ire hard Spoken. F7lsnbeth, whilo the old lady was be - "The doctor Srnld hp 11411 taken Ing rentored to rampwomure. Germline something which disagreed with htsrd this, and lienrd film add -"Rot him." Shia Answered• turning round I begin to think you must have been and tnrcting the toandso:ne mtrnuger's mistaken, for" -and he added some - sold ilio eyar with a lonir, grave thing In n lower volrrr its to "hoots pau, tint brought the 14001 to him fonnd, enol n ernwbnr In the room fao,n- where ire Slept." .Uid Geraldine list ve n 11ilm effect of )ter told ryprriment Pltmwd Inseam no u) what "ol,] limit" ,ylmrked her. Rhe slid mtot hear Flen- lute] put them there. eo''w gwle►mteem v414.0 %W64 at Iowa "Tut I'll have the pane Deni nftP* ealko,l dor the third time- him. Well go to the pollee Station "Geraldine." At Goldborough at once. What (o You "Yew, Aunt Eleanor 1" awl else say Lo that, Dr. Ledtutfy ?" rrosew)i1 over L0 the fnrali, glad to Thank you; but I will not trouble i Wave the vicinity of her hnwtonnd'n you to do that. 1 know Wnringham 4"trapli)e, vicarage In close by; they are ex - ;u Did you really Sipe him? Whim dill flecting me there:' Ila lmk like 7 Wits he hardened, or tlld Johnson was waiting At the other Ir seem grateful rand sorry T^ end of the nam. Before Elisabeth i Aide 't any much to him• Aunt rtomid oafs, the carriage, GPrnldlne 1SMrtaor ; i oAlr want aim Pr. o Door;, hall h oval to her, And had shaken Moo know, rend hP (ill molt see of try) handw with Flionnor, who, braving tier I L Wiling. The pn)r mon Peoorus tL)o minter's angor, ere Stupid At prevent for one to know pt tip to the girl what he thlnkm." and premsail the warm, firm hand In s "i should 11km to it'n and WPP him, her skinny little fingers. F.Ilznbeth *'t ` OPrwldinp," wil•i the old 14.17. In her was glad the girl hail refused the of OU, feeble. cracked voice. "it N joint at fee of this earrings• an aide ,Trudge( 1.� them times, when nffl{rtion iw Upon every moment'm delay In getting he .:: thrm, that a w.xel In nrrtvm may lately tint, of the hntul before Lind- ' t,: take mot. will y(mt go with me, try or Sir Charles Should hpar of her ) Mar r• l remenep there. She had felt unnt r!' Theme wvorts we -P nearer to the terribly thankful fur the welt -contra .1 timatrtretion of Gernllinp'm melfriwn (10TAllinP hall alunwn In keeping ,sand than nil the erovma evnmination her Toler too low fur the 00111111 or 1 that Md gone lwehwe. Shp nffmctot to penetrate to the mirk -room nb ova _0111 to drmw 1hn woollen wh4wl mind Ph° wits lhnnkful now for the girl' the old lady's tiny. bent mhnniden eM)ler, of going away on font. to give hprself time t,r rpro•,•r Aeralcitne left the room bravely' from cite nth of healinga which with firm Step And erect earriuge the nalre litho Ment enlled Up In trot no sonner had the drawing-ronina bar. door closed upon tier than Rhe tarn "1 think you had hotter ernit.%tion w1 with glittering ayes And pantln - Qtway, until ,War Interview with brentt, to the, old man-mervant. `n bls M over; then your kind ",via- "Can't you take mop to him torts 7 1, jitattly with him for tho Ill enter~ she whisppral. "Oh. If he about .or mf hie mynlmrifrriPP will come Ilk* the die without my Seeing him, 1-1 think r to after the fromnter," raid Clip. I whiwrb,l Re, mad! Oh. take me to him �' talk McirrW—. riming for Heaven's mAke !" Prr lAwUvnry never t,n. The wonted of w fordato on til fl; •'p�'t' 1e very harsh to him. rept other st(te of the drawing -room doo is Iir,rrimonr" PIOA40-1 11 Dict tally, wddavly from the words oa tier lip A sad, recalls her self control, .Ire crossed uta 11aH coward nil. , alto i r t al- FAMILIAR TOWN NAMES. YI�;Y�D B� HOflBB A RARE BREED. Ia3IIE NO IS 1801 _ • Jexor Ttwre, after a eautkorr lout 1� VGK The Clalau Agent Had Never Sees Into the darkness behind him, Johu- Terminology ora Idea of TaemU sok- Use 1"* Him Before• +)tr sol paused, with, Itis hand upon the Bred Here. "what was the value of tke Dow?" + �"�� ret_1t' Bei, lurk. "1 dire not go try tosw, Miss Oeral- Maay of our tuwne have adulpted WpNea: names. car 4avn had w►cL Robert Hall, of Artonav Dat,, retail the r&UwaY Outpauy'r ula1W � �� Nine. kir. 1�•INng Is up will, Sir tort*d upon them by a generous Narrowly Escapes Doath alguDt• 1 war offered 915 fur ber one." re- , y Clsrrles awl the doctor ; and he Iran IL noel obServnat ublk. Mort cat these plied the. faxilaer. �l � t ., 04 a ull tab own way about lite place lm)w. raquIre no expinuatiun. A fru of the "\Vhat T" nulaifMxl the other. lila lie U air Charles' Douala, lus'am, and, If he was, to may you a))Ikm't cane cities Lad tuwur with their supple- fQIIO Mary tltlee are AS fU11otSS eatar 8trueKidn Twice la the game Place -Tice out oe flet, Nat- n dropping from life nerveless ftn- P° Pl [ ' 811s wino t an 1pported ant - In, It would be all u with your P lo --The Queen ural Podtlor-Duotora e.ld He ural post turaudion- Kldaey m►rM MAI 7 t Well? chance or seeing master. But, If you Ottawa -Tile Capital City. Would Die, Yat Dedd's "NU' ,%a'' could manage to watt about, ill ism Hamilton -The Ambitious CttZe I flus Cured Him. "Nut even tttler rlu+ was klllwl7" Geraldine - It Isn't a pleasant thing for a yenrvig lady to Have to London -The Forest City. r K1agaWn-The Ljmertoae Clot." Kingafurd-The imestone• Forerl, Out., April L'9.-(SPe01el) - the liewt known Inset In the ►'Nu. shu, was Just u oozamun scrub," ' %not all you want fur tier Is $15 7brant" Unusual question I (k,, but it's your best chance -If you were w cutch the dcr.•tor going out, City.01Probably wlnchtur-The Frontier City (with Townships of Warwick and &ran- ,,Who said I wanted Sid?" ..you haven't to its u claim If your dlgtStlOP. needy a and maid perewtde hill W tako you ch►1mn also W reuoguitjon as tilt) suet, Iv Mr. Robert Hull, of Arkona. MT. Hall come put for datma,gpe V. relit —whatever else may be up to h's room- Why, you can wheedle :t ldnl off R boll' h, k[tss Geraldine, :a Wordi !loyal Cit CItY, SAYS: "F(ve yc:trr ago last April, I aur "Qrnat etoott, au 1 I wasn't (film - you ought to be able to til It i" kK. Thoma -The itallw&y ChatwW-Thn Mapple Clty. kicked by a huree la the left kidney. agwl shy. Cabe had that rinderpest, or rtrmethWg u! that true—you call get Lt from "Th.utk you, thank you. JOhntna. 8C Catlurinar-The Garden tity, Tito quDtur that treated caw suld the the glanders, or k)n•I. I iptended to kill her auYbow," SCOTT s EMUI.SION of Cod I II meet Was. If l havy to watch About And I'll hint, if I Uuwlph Tula Royal ('sty, fiklney lint) turned oat of its place, blood for several days. what rest) you hers for?" --I Oil. all night; PWIRIAd) k"ca.4furd-,The Classic City. And I planned " I aunt to fled out whether It dam- want Liver have, to ung him on my, kilo". W take back.' Bellovllle-The Bay City. "I did out gel quite well from that kick, whleh enur age Su+)r cowoatrtlsrr car, not when ac Whatever else it may bC-- mm 1\'oudtataxklPhe C'nntury City. until I gut another struck her. If It did I'm willing to pay y Th-) butler opened the ,tour, and .fro tato thv t)arknus run of VV%,rWrU-The ! leetrlc CItY• Dred) tan to ,ass blvd again from w) 1 for It." it is avacation for stomach weds out excitement and Uager hApe that thL. �t-Llttla Manchester. I Berlin -The (iermtw Town. kldnsys. "1 oonllnued to ,koUlor until l:tnl Aro )oat ,rata' 7" acted the olaiW &Yat, glancing uneasily. about for u and FOC bowels. last chance of Seeing her adored a:trdlau that night might buccedwl, R Ccrowall-The Factory Town. . :Life Kowa• tall, when they told tele I could not Ret well, turd flirt I would Ala, rt) M weapon of come kind. drt jt (is mago your cowcatcher partly It feeds you a little without l:ut, ass, walking with LrpmblL•sg atrpr I; tit front of the house, Brocklch-The B,nwkvlUe-The !eland Town. quit taking their tstdiclne. aaY 7 over th) gravel tier. Thorold -The Hill WWII. I tont the passer cf my' leg,, slid ,redo, of course pot." any work at all by the stomach. ,b) h,)an1 the door clam upon and realized that clue was shut out Parts (stra a eontrad4:tloa)- °g The lr4slr Tlown• had to be lifted its avid out dot bed. I low thea I was nal expected ..(Freese top) the triar•kr Say, SU car day train,', That little may be CR011sh t0 from til) hk*lw where the man, who had been t.) leer fathar and all the Going further cast we have, of courac; was sat to live from cane dray to the other. "1 Dodd's Kidner to your ••'Certainly not." „ ee lose kind'. Set our whole bodygoing y world Ioeellro, lay poerha r dying at L6aL momwut, :all Iwr self-wtttrol w(- Mruntaenl-The Royal Pity. alae started to tato Pills, stud from the first I romuteac- Su money of nnv "Not a cent. But what 1n lbe name again; for it helps you more • deftly gave way, and, returning, eh Quebec -Tate Rock Cltp, awf the Ailllent (appal. od to Improve, Ansi by the timr I had taken five boxew 1 was quite well. t of--" "'Len It's all riebt. No, air, I nlnot than it feeds you. turd h_u'Ieif down @ &ri the tkx,r•Tit and Lunt 411c pia and tears. Th H,allfax-The Garrison City. Aunapulle-The Biut•nure ('fly. KISnaJ' Pills certainly saved crazy. I'm only outhe loon- xrYlar3 Of th7 Creel w)arfy FllaaloetJl t7larinCLPLOwn—'111p itFlautl ('its., , tlty lire." af% lis has bla. odest will t(•II you I'm the blamedlerrt OOn- trarlcwt old rkrexleks in the town- I}Yee,ke.e coot triad 11 Kad for fro* •.ee4,lr Olrnslet.suww-,p,,-yos. Otw•ny had "all to lr+rhad dawned upon her y too phanly now that only Maultabn proaenls . Winul The I'ra)rio t'fly. tin wore ■LnrtllnR case ever taken plittoe its the neighborhood of ship, nrsl I reckutn I pun I don't tore R SCOTT • BOWNE, Chemtwss, ; she waS akon^. It was the gonerous ( karity of the man ode had grown to PPt- Brandon -The Wherat ('11). f0 Fe)revt, find 1111111)' gnesllun; havy been asked of Mr. Hell, In explaun_ n dura, either. Any cat the root of 'em would have held you up for Toronto, e Boo. and 91.001 all druggists, loco nor H het head been, Iwr own father In the Tterritorlor: Calgary -The Cattle (ity. tion of the very Startling statements , be- I'd we you Ia I;atlnll)nl, Mlzmoary, be fors I'd touch a cent of Your dirty --- - -- --- -- --.-. w'h'ich had Sneed h'tr in her childhood, Here In our own British Columbia, atnde above. old m„ney. I've offered to Jo the Material) 7• ,h•r6lipA h,r duringall tlaewo ydxtrrI t.ho cities and towns hate of course lie has but one answer-"Dold's onuarP thing, and you've tarnrJ "Georg,, anti su pelted i':r every whim Auld begun to sort themarhrr, uc�onlluR K{due)' 1'illa cooed urs life, and ihnt ever your nose at It, and now you ever what Is this cl(oleure 11Wt faac re, w•1ftlfioentJ th'nt til 7 7 to their ambitious car their charne- after all the doctors had told rue I n ue your mind and want to Dome ttw),v telt so mach nb,sU t" \ "Ih1dt bells( 6'IJ lu&esslW grown u + Y t t In- terdwttca. Thu we have: could not et better. ,&nil that 1 must It 0a me for dmmaR(w to your darned old On Ineallwl it, wv dear. It'(\ In her and thole about tier Vancouver -The l'itcific CRY, and die.•• raiiru.wl TII haw you lu kisgduw So u)Pthing that )ot wouldn't tolerate that she was so heiress. Bim- also the Va'ewtete Liverpool. SIS. hull Ix certainly n living toaH' ! In the, house for it single mluntle.'- th3 outcast ch Id of a beggar -woman, n Victoria -The C' oital City. M um,numeut to the curative lair old slouch lint Theo he rlgy Cleveland Plain Dealer. ' beggar and via oJtcart now a nit) [ herself! lie should not the until elle New \\'estmjnrtrr-'ions Royal City. Naaealmo-The Ciwl City. n, rtleY of lhxld's 1CIJnpy 1'Mlx. p Pe' 's Kidney h v haul erred want out, ata III• mthe -_. lsaol told him she knew everything. Kamlo)ps-The Inland City. ikw1J.'e dCldoe) F'llb Is the un1Y'r^w- Iruvjptp the company's agent In a Ylstard's Liniment Cures Qarge: Ig until she had subbed fat upon his Netrut-The City of Destiny. ads knowll to science that liar ever Ptate. of utter collapse. --Chicago Tri- oowa _�. _--.___ . breast some sort of incoherent, pad- I RoPmlxnd Ttte Mining ('Its. careen llrTkie' ever f 1. to •tax. .,r Drupry. Tle) never fail. bone' ,A Very True. aimate thanks for all he had dune Am• her. It would be too horrible ; It Greenwood-Ttie Smelter City. New Denver -The American La- x(e:' father-inslt•o apend:nK )c-nr could not ! tune. - What Worried Noah. �//}j/. 16 e " time ltoknit poem” yVl. had LMtr,•a r learn to kelt stutklnver ,Tae sprang up at" peered through Hlotan-Tire Batty City. .tr• lit last tine ark rested un r,IW ! 'iat/'�/ isotl is of poetry would never Scutlrf o (lie figured glass of the door -panels Saa.lon-TLB Canyon City. ground. and \wail and tits famtl). haunt,)• appetite. into tits entrance -hall. She could see figures moving abonit In fila lighted Kaslo-The Lake Cit Y• RPTIwLote�-ills RatlaAy illy. etre l of their lung lmprlrunment, Title Signature b er every Nos or the t*aakN Laxative Brom9-QW iinc 'meets Daughter -Nu nnre wou!d Int, n+ 1 wtu•kingto. Wrier hall beyond ; dreading lest one To this Ust a dozen other ambitious went on silo,, to rt rel W, their of these Should be Mira '.Elizabeth towns m(pjat with propr fray he added, logo. ' "I wonder what, we'll do for a liv- til remissly that c+ne a cola to nee ea9 Otway, elm darljd not ring yet. As nhe debated within herself what she whale the flat for Canada would cer- taiWy be Incomplete dill it fall to In- ing now "•" ,nail them• 'suppose we With the Jokers. should do, whether she should search oludo the northernmost centre of go luta tho shove burbnerm. father. Wo,e got Earth's tireat and Only. BrooklYlk Wailreex-A copper fur - • - round the house for another en- lruucc, alm1 trust to ,lance to reach population ander the ring of Britain : Ilnwfon -The KblxdlkP t',ad,ltnl, car Mc-tiagerle of Livia wild .Animals." g your tloughte7 Brootl) n Cook tbluabingly)-Pure, of # / -oir Uatirles' r«nn aumehow, she hear! the City of (cold.-Vancou%er Pro- "I know It, nay son," replied Noab. , nr acopper.-Brooklyn i footsteps on the graav-el coming tar vine. I with n wan smile, "but where aro Eaag1P111Dtin' war,t the entrance where she •food Turning, she saw In the gloom the How (atarrh Is Cured is !Maine. our audtene(S to tome front?" True! where. were the ts)yr to to --- ..•)herr are twit nets yPt," ,,till -I ` figure of a tall man clow) to tins t People In !,[aloe arP not dew, for found, even, who were expected to entry water for the elephant ?-Mar the usher to the man who ,atilt, t. /� ■tepa• Ashume,f of having been caught If Canada has it (mod thing they g Ise Jo13InaL started out of the theatre. hI lu the net of peeping Into the house, PP P t simply come to tsoaAa for it. Than "I kutiw_ That's just the reason l'm key anti rather alarmed by the manner Ir why Yrs. James Twerdle, of Ja) Cheap Nater 1'rlp. Imilug."-Phjladelphla Times. In which the figure stopped short Bridge. Milne, has sent for sixteen From Y.nmillon aril Toronto, pass • --- r _ hu front of Iwr an If to prevent her P rLosooe Outfits for frlelmla In her Ing through the Bay of atlinte, Thou - .,MM. Blithestems to be lrrY pc,pu- - pawning, she darted down the two locality. Tills lady gives very full 1,&Ii `� f I' Inn,L, running all alae rapids, far with the gentlemen. They all B - whet vw have we'll hold" wido uuete stairs past him. lie turn ell at once end fdlowe.l her. She re- rticulara wh she did su. Her dao h- D+t Y g ter had doctored for catarrh, but tle to M,)atrPnI and Intermediate porta i+em allxlow to have a wort with tier. too hhe a brilliant conversation. A.e..r� w...k.►•t c►a..d .relic,.; -A,, covcged herself as a natural thought remedies useil proved quite unmuccPes Rtenmer ILtwilton louver Un.atots :0th at 1 m., and Toronto allst 7" ke"..h k*. tlw Mw I—. oa rice struck Iter, uad, suddenly facia the t fol, and Do relief was ubtM1inrd. For .1pri1 tong aqt 7 p. m., for liar ,ego- 1 "No; stiff V not a brilliant ,onus,- "whet wehev'ntwe're attar " fl ure. without, however, Coming t [ roarer. anile asked- tnmately w kin.( uaiehbor strongly recommended Catfivrhrtoue, and In- lar tdP to Mustrml. lane alit lesce ip to her trip on Tuesday, May rotlonatiat , Mit Shp mote; ever)' assn thtDk a to."-LeSlle's \\'Petty, and it e..rclwtaco,rka r« tar, ..,.,.. I,a. cma• erinof, "ser. ..Ii it you. Mr. Bamber?" rtea'l of despairing ns she had gored 7t owmiSecon, 7th, fulowNt b' rile U Thar S gwnaal ala il. c4 ari madam we,. s..d.uawe.ir10POl wee �•• e'c+• rrk�a�^• y +• est •►• TD) figure approached tier without itruMason amwerulg, and now. really frightened. for doing. alae rent for Catarrh ozone, and used It Scff,r., the first I be da;r, }[M1y 9th, repel thrsr will be lila regular days throughout the•month H�� >A ncen e+ sr . She blushes a everythfag I any to lilt rAriE' �� CO. f� t Gentldboe hurried acrim the broao e ce of ravel which Stretched In Its R bottle was ftnlnheA, Mrs. Twee,tlo sotatmm, her daughter ane entirely of May. After June 5th, the boat, her. NhP-Tian! tett IltaocNlte. That r WALK[RVILL[, Oev. e frslt of th) entrance, toward a dark r4rad Nn wander she rlecoremendR It. w111 maks there trip. per week, tilt srldltioaai boat un Saturday. refinement , -1l. w meas d)f trees and shrubs oppor:te. As 'rile ch11A had dropping In the throat, The rates from I3amllton to Mont- - -- - ,h, ran In 113 darkness. will. -h WAS cough, hawk) and nausea, and could [ tel. wa[In rM7, return 91_ : Toronto gT•rs rwI ern nr�szsnot 0 nOa[.almaaL. flint.-ot tllgttt. tl&e..1i_ara• out sleep at usgbL. Thera war ever# -t_ XontMI.-79.= return F11.Mf.; ,Onaq Jt't'us l'at r7[. ar c see S r nearly Seven o'clock and th) evOldng dndlratlon that consumption would meats eat berth ed Tickets rates.C'narrvmater.i der irbual tInttrmdr.J Rinty was Aull and foggy. ab) wall atop 1 P ' d@veh, if the catarrhal condition D gt,o«I tr, return till !grey :11 s1. ll May dol T000 ft In tM t71t�d Td arm by coming against n low roan war not ,@inns And adds that Parry - Tho Tor ontoMontreal Uncus. ate.foe rtlipsy ."Ire f ONLiI anA t K a.a elm wtur.r I,ULthat for �O L iro&u aril , a lar r.&tWsd at ah- rat (jtarch ♦Idtlm should use Catarrh- Turn- Prey leave Toronto al d.7fG p ata Tun, til• .um car Dry lain ofIRICU The nacre utd evert tr.s d twvuuo cline ate Y ,• te-r toir II -d it;nari d. findGi th1f her n d t i(Ier were upoct a gate, aha tett for gWue to get cured. Druggists ,all {t, and we every eoanplete jayK Tlnttrncdfi. rod S turdmys from notl,ecuredby lbeUW of Iltnie C.T.aawu l uxz. ,HANK J. ('11VILY. ,,"s Q n n wvr,zsi The Pall-flmerl�alt .the !au h. ralxecl It, allpp Yl through, sonde guarantee dollar outfit to cure, or your imoney turn lot to June 15th, inclwive, awl Aa11), Ran- Sworn to ls•fore rnP and •ubwrtbwA In m itfisltdtl6 Ian ed into, n clu 11fof thrula and 1 P R u>fY back. Small Size, .^SP. A trial ;eat from .loop 17th except dap, Rtromar Toronto and the new premcwts, thbeth day of lleeemhPr. A h., Isut. A. W.OLI.A�O.N. =I= � evergreens wt lits 1 it, hind. Bile was btnd.trendinge, evergreens (tit -r ) for 100. b N. C. I olsoD k Co., KIA a- y R Conn., 1'. S. sdlew tier Kinowton will make the vier- aa.1. Notary Publla �`_ EXpOsitiOn 1 ��`, 1 - t�� til t soft mirlid of A fluwer-bed, Y she ton. Canada or Hartford, ytcq on this line. They nre the finest tpatw In frdwin water. After tearing Haller Catarrh Cure to taken Internally and Uy the blood and mucona sur)meea u�Fb Blllla�a, Mau tat Y. brat b'rl point a yew tree and tion parsed clos) to a laac iush. wlasme Sa In a About Women. 'here are few llnsbanim whom the T.)ronto filo first port In Ilorhester, KlfrRsdon, Thuasan.t ialan(H rend the acadlrw on d the •Yetem. fiend for tenimonlalr, trees. F. J. CHCNLY k CU., Toledo. D to Nov. 18t, It01. sweet, Galt- IrlcaSomm toa.htd her open ' wife cannot win In the long run by MPdticr of the !a. igwrpnee to ]Tont- Flom t.r� Drsa mMloo, 7&•. Hall. Fatally Pill. are the beet. The Grnwt Trunk is the IsirePt and , bxk-no She held Mr breath to I!sten. _..�.. W11 000la hear"`116 Nitre il Tot tatelm �tlesce and ..JQ1L:-MerguerlI,9__J 1. 'alols. �. Between Montreal, (yusbec. - Popular Ro11te from all pointe t.. kul- ,rt(ll, thwgh she eoui 1 not nee him- On great occasional. It is almost Al- Murray Ray, Taadouiac, and the Saguenay Inver, awl it Is the finest Fatat Doeluaon. talo. laegnat film] Stip,rior Srrilce. hY)rtd given up pursuit and was re- ways women who have glveD the trip on the continent. The taints ,in She rontemplated the, future with Parlor, Pullman awl Ufning C:wm r■ turning toward the house. Strome etrongwst proof; of virtue and deco- this lint, cannot be murpassed. Tile terror. through irnlnw. then rrdsei her at lam chlldlekl fright. tion.-Montholon. nasus Hotel at Murray Ray _f pxwmds, rend I xlgain For all Information Ai to sato.,, no ono of wham sh) nee.l t» afrxtld , Oal binds all good women . 7`u their Tadoeu read the Tndonwac IG,trl At Tarlouanc Spit t tttlll I gain In spite of all I ern tic) I" train sprvire, tottrixt IltPrnt4n, op- woald he ijParlg boldly up W til) house as th's man was sluing when silt first bit fnapdw ant) pitying hearts we Must all come At la;t.-Holmen. Are the finrwt summer rrsortw In Caen- wr1M1. Idulh of these hotPlP are owned slip monner]. YI'P quota( from 1(uoe•. Blatnttky pip lu ngrgtr, Gravel Trunk I:nilwxy saw Win. t3ho wits not rartkularl 1 y Tho hell for women who are only Asst operated by this company. For anti Marcus Aurelius to tlse effect K wtem. � M' C. f1(6S'JN• lFistrlrt Pnea otic/ timid by aMturo: but A certaLt %ague haadw,me in old age.-lfalnt F.vre- further�inRrcmation an to tickpts, that nrwhiness in not necessarily Agent, Toronto, l)nt. dread of th3 stranger h`iwivlf which Monti. foMers, etc, Apply to H. Foster ('list- rWD Iso { nP n eea. A person, we -__. _ _ b) could not define It id w)izexl her Just time was still In it state An old woman is n very bail bride, fee, R'o Agent, R 'Navigation inalntnfned, may bP hnpgoy tlMag11 maintained. . Dii)OPBY ` at a wkrn she but a very good MHP.-}'Ield1oR• o. 2 Ilw1 a Ontario Navlgzulbn ('a, No. � ata o fat. o1 high nervily exeltomcttt. Marriage has its unknown great King etrPet Past, Toronto, (Yet. "Rut what if ale nlwo thf4ks mi)P Treated Frog. Sha had )art found h tr way slowly men, an war has its Napolmons, poetry iw rntr T' trial tli^ woman. turning a'a hays made drop•() mad car ant) t6)e{opehly on LU a narrow its CTtrnilerm rend philosophers its DPA- D D A Straight Answer. upr4 us almost savagely. R rompmestunna a ow"latty frf 9 -only Quick re11.f til that ler( from the little ate In t through which she had come to a carte•.-Ralsec• I don't want n woman to weigh me Amungot the passengers one day b t'a R y All Pxprpme from Landon to Bright- Now, at lnwt. we begin t) under. stand.-Oetrolt .Journal. yeare. Cu roe wort a"*@. &m,k of T;enaowuu and le) nMe similar one About a dozen yards far- in a balance; there Are men enourli 0D were, a commercial traveller and treatment ►au tier oh, when she heard the front for that sort of wort.-HOlmee. n Pnlvfiti0nlwt Ia im. Tho rommmrrlal ARK YOU GOING WEST7 DiLH.ff. 0RItgIt'lleors, (loos of the house open, and saw against the light In the hall behind _ _ Mlmard's Liniment Cnres Distemper. man Began chaffing the girl, And It no, send a letter or postal card pppz q Atrtr ssa.Qa. _- him the figure of the butler st•inuing OR" her if Nile believed the story of Joitah and ale whole. "I don't to the undersigned, aaswellag the---_-------L-sI following p app WASH11 in the doorway. He came out on to '•.Iles Vreddy's Puzzle. know," abo anld ; "bat whlen I Ret questions: Where are yon going? y10111E8 the steps and called sAtly, Ger- a.1,11ne I' Before she could rush for- "I Shall soon toe your nr•w mamma," to heaven I'll ank ,ionah If it occur- R'Rren are you going? Sent on Trial ward ret the welcome sound, he had coma down the steps on to the drive ; mid a governess to her little rharge. "T nm going to marry yore, father, r•„t •, "ptut," said the fanny man. , Supposing he iwn't there I" "Then," Whore do you mtnrt from T How many are in your party T at wMdea(altptlee. It not rte 11 pt the next moment, with w hoarse, cry Freddy, dear. I wonder if you arP cktld flip girl promptly, "you ran reek Will you take your household Y r money refund . Ce;,t P� of terror, he had fled back hsiter- skelter up the steps Into the house, grad 7" 'Nurrmh!" enclalmed Freddy,"that's gouda T Special low rate settlers'• tickets .-u Onatanloodtoroa • J easter rad de eat ser work damming tine door behind Win. "he simply a mplPadid Wes. Who thought father 7' on sale during 1MAYM and A ft til o wtaaeblea could are from where alta now stood of It first, you car —Tit- , ;; - polnb In MM1nitoba, RrItlaAt Golan- ,,n1==.,". en the S,rtet. • ,t)1 w linnets Rtr what It was that ,anent hie alarm; Bltq T f"Ftltt"ken) r " l bs 1 v's t Ttf`P$,A,+ ilia, Oregon, CAllfornla and all West- Pro fitaten. Full particulars from B. ,east te.cnlee ter erPnu also"?"mole. Thousanda to use. ror taw, It wap the tall figura, only jumL efts tingulshable to her in the gloom, Catfirrhozone Carrs Cotdn in the ,e H. Bennett, OPnernl Agent, Chlewgo sad nrl—"drew CO.. ■aatlten, ed. which had startled herself upon her Heed. • Nartbwedtwrn Railway. 2 King ATANDARD RUPPI.r wild flight Into the Phruhbery. She Refuted. WT�fARD'a LINIMENT Is the only street east, Toronto, Ont. Be UP-TO-DATE. crept up to the little gate through whloh aloe had come, and, leaning "Miwm Bligglnw iamShwd at far when Liniment staked for At my stare and tho only (ne we keep for d,kle. - When'"rwould be U K. Upon It, watched with atrnining eyes I proposed to her," said \\Hite Wish- All the people male it. They tnrne(I over the pctKt-@ of the �6" the myntprirlw stranger an be went iDKtoD. ItARLI N FULTON. b(xA Until they rnme to a plcttire u the stn and prosaically run the P M n [ And yet,•' rommented Wan Cap PIte/�nt (day, C. B. of n Dahomey girl with enormous - - . bell, Lhe aix,ment when Geraldine had cone, "people may that women have Do true sen*° of hnmor."-Washing- y bracelets on her anklem. "Ik,n't hey Icx,k bnrharuw ant) Be {smrroomat va enA bre y l he M.t. Frn.t Fenos and (late@ can l c h.d at not area(*, charrPtnt9 r ,AA left ohm lmwsle, i,IDdley, RitoM! iunp>ort- ton Ater. kkieow?•nskmd Moibeel,'wlth n grim- interior makaaWhy ttdAwywrssAmmatl-o I L. paanTI )ulna woo. �p arid Frm•'•aN Le t rent Autlpe In the slat -room did nut prevent his taking a watchful Inter- prevent 1[leard's Liniment Cured Colds, mile. k.C4a (;ire*,,,r:,� `",- %, .,,I't#sIr'l..sl's are. "YPs," nmsertal Claude. " uh° fwire p a meyr THS FR(MT WIRF. rlt*r('iECa I-10", . est In what went on (fow•nntalrma, had Adversity's Round Robin. might to wear them on her wrlste wr14nA.0 _ret. been coming from Ills cousin's lerlafde to find ont the meanie of certnin t "Thlr to n cold worIJ ; A man can't d In ten Sha of big brass { pe R a l kes Blown her skirt front."-iadlanopoll; ulvti. F•v(ItNXLII AND SURVKYINoI L _ Pounds whish land reached ills ear* t n fi nnlewR lam line w goxxt snit 10^ 1 Art Tieuurea lrroys the Deep. 13U u. praq� tbehw"aie. F'orppaartdoslara a(Idrar County.6ayloeer,8lmose.Oe1. - which Imperntive tmalnless, "Onnected of clothe•.' "Well. that's logio." Off Clerlgo, the Island at the sou- - - ` - - -_ _. -' -�� `MELS-MALB. with p)npwrw which tip baronet had dcwiro] to hava read to him, land Ao "Logic y He can't et ft and suit [ [ their end Of GrPerP. dilvers Are Kinard'. Liniment cares Diphtheria. A\TLD AYAITiOI:, A\Tr TRC✓rl• tnJnoi him with Sir Charts and Dr. of clothes unions he has a )oh."-Dp- hTln"n a art treawnrPa that were R Fn mewlk 13(X1 pewrm trrfore (thriwt. Luplan Ume Way to KRr; pP. ��• worthy onesr mwfi t*trwod for rellebin iwedbury. iie met F.Ilzmb eth at the trolt Free Press. tells of a ship lAden with art mpnlln "if Mr. Carnegie (Indus hP Isn't get. 11— $15 weekly end all camomile" ruarent('o,1: Rrat-elaem references and i?s—aritY ren"i"A: root gt ohm etnlrca►Se, on the any from the drawls roam to her own g- Catarrhottomm Care* Lung Tr(mrblem (hat want down on the voyage rom Alhrvme 1n IiflrnP, and it Iw trllPvrd ting riot of It hast enough to avoid dlirgrnce," musrd the amateur bootfi- Pipe Iwo unneecmnary; nn Mitt mins• Mr. Hrown. 194 Lmin street, ofiI" Ib, Ilntlktn - ----- room. "1"w have howl m vlaltot, have you iably. ,tot T" he rukai, nrrtlnbly. le' Plead of His TronAlle;• tMot the w•ro* hna heen found now. Rpdnfdles many trrrrosm sfatnettles w „{rt, "ao sOboify (might to toll him to i.ACKSWs�ITppH �SH,pOdP, DwRI,IJN(I AND b•yftn experimenting In the raining of , opeelns: term, easy- of ' Shp nam "Rrgfnald Richardit-NothloR peculiar In that. life miss, brionsm statue resembling orchid•.' twztT, Kt f. le .(c -- -- --- Bomber ca mo to enquire after HAvdrl't you noticed hoar everybody ('trona*." 11keR to salt about him aches and I the flermem of Praxltples has boom broiright rep. Srnne of the objects Arm ----- - --- Sick Stomach T D- HOTLt. PORTP.it, INDI'R• R�wiIllnotobeWrier*I nwtnl. Ap w. Next\ "Ah, yew, i saw the vicar's littp Vahan 7 Sort of a safety valve. I sap- excellently preserved, but others are MAY be often quickly relieved sand V1 . Carticnbr. ]Moaner, sons, cart froom We wlrMow. Mrs. Remlier Vose ; Q M It only w form of ego- tiwm 1"-Bostnrr Transcript. rormote.l. _ — Its Unplteawfi11t ronarqueneom evertod - -- - -- - --- by taking thltty drops, of %erril]nP WAOOONLR LIITRN4fON LADDRR 1 rame with him, old alar ilort7 ! saw It lady's figurr." far f e 80ZODONT TEETN 2be in w little aworrtenert water. It In- THL -j1mkt«. !lAnd� eew�ood n iia, o maAr, til* eel loraled IAn�inweed" PslanMn Mq "1 belleve he did Prey mM had coma Cntsrrhoznnm Cares Bro„ehita, stantly rollevmn the nnamem, find by laddar bent mit for fn)It rl•klsur. Palnons. *.ay farmer n • wltu him." a --Safety Shp stnyr,l Poore tiatp, lid Romethlnz New In Mlr.inx. A Rt range (slew Women. its acerthtnR and atlanulatlnR prop- Prtlpa enlmm tile mtow►neh and ran plmm�lna ant' aeneml nae; ea.; alma .mint#"' t -110a, Vpaste t.rrd.. rtr phi�rat•A Ir+edm AAdreaathe Ill'aT Rise not*? i Ppeinal to hear a lad • 1' pw—t www sass old nNgll,nr, Ili. Madame Daniel Lemem (Jeanne Lots tr. rwW a0d ' Co..('fm14 r1. I Donlon, rent Mere Il t0 Ifn on andronq)letm the'• •a rolrro A mints ago." Ahtnnoor, to -day. "i (Irri't knew wb•rw• voier it ran qhs -DIA )noon " Whiat Im he doing nan). the (trot woman to rep°lvm the French dreoratlon of the 1,091011 of pwocom of dlgeatlon. The nrtIn,, of - — Norvlline Is simply chithtning, plan a RI'IT FARM rOR WALft ()N[ OF TH■ M liA%e ht•pn 'Nen," meld F,litaheth, In now 7 Honer, M w novelist find pwopt, a wm sant. pwniotrnting nnA powerful nnma in the N n Pcaime"sa. IPena, ramal.. fri,tn FT.agee° On I.n nil dlfferrnflp. rr•rv11n to slaw him p [ l HP-He'a WtPTMted In MiP of thmole lip Mari n srtrpicler) of Vie truth : she wild not mining eosnponles. rinlbt, w tnlleypr In free Inv@, and taw, wnthor of the 1)awt French trap; Drn Mla x011 It. tr[ - -- ways. IS, moves >b of w►1oh M IN amt, merely P~hod. K'lli t,a MIA In en* Pared w g ovwilA toll that from n light whMh Alia-Thle klpat 1 i slaver knew yrwa •• Intn Tare. Rut hr Intbn of Ryron'm po>lnae. — King Osrar of S�rad In afraid to dlvld*d Into len. of tarn ea err, tr est) Pw mart m fun@ral pmd eslon, and wears miss Tibia in a d"Ida� karraf" ♦dd^" tlptaaaa suilrMnip romp him MA to mime rico, wild ,tat;.-Phtladel- d hen In mpenk t, her apex) another treya Proved. " caterrhoson° Caron influenza. Always a golf ring', antriona@dl to have Gerrwtsr. P ices us matter power nS a charm, which ham ,oxen --_ (Tn be (Mniannal.) ,,,. L.SM best of all remedies sort, rut evil issues.-Fragklhl. Adam -Yon see the oil woman In the world to m*. Frio i;rP-1 wish I "mid tnllpre yew. AMm. but men are mo deceiving. Thtoolory--He went So far an ti:call mot a peppy 1 ga t1�P Harllpt-Aad wt Yo1 !k( klat 1-Bnsiton TtagSwdliR, down from him nnacwtor, Paean ft* Caterrhon so Corre 1'(mlgb4 nal 006"Ool. lnfr., Window'. Seethe P deV way. be Md her Chlldnn Te►,I the c it, qroos,sad as the estimate ;=Ritarw* Mr Ave Biomass a tdMs