HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-2, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERIOR ONTARIO. TfaOSIIII&TI Way a, 1901. . Acheson & Son New Carpets. G We Ode p'v 1' Bargains gmarrtsei, in Carpets. timeatiai 1 THE wonderful business that our low prices have gained for us in our Carpet Department has forced us to en- large the space for these goods in our store. Specials in Carpets. 36 lsobs wide, heavy, r til. salon oarpets, a 1111.10 de.lgne to latest colones.. •t per yard 26. 30,40 and .... .... ......... 36 knobs, wide. ail pure wool, revers- ible carpets, mad color. o1e.,% beautiful mad w ted last, at, Moor yard, 66, 66 and 50c. 27 Inch•• wide English lepnttry o•rp.te. good domed and latest color oomhin•tiuo., for parlor., disk' room., he i m r mo, h.1l., r 1 at per yard, 35. 40 end.... OM. 700 yards English body Bromide oar pet, new goods and a superb de. 75c. sign..od oombin•tlon coloring., �/� .t per ?arJ, 86, 90, and 1.00 Heavy &:titch Linoleum• in great variety of deigns, at per sq. yd., 45c. INSPECTION INVITED. W. Acheson & Son RUSHINGTHE MAITLAND. The OMAN of the Maluand River Navlwatton Club. • Tree sad teelall.d *.stmt or what .. felt S. Meld Vey.geenoe (bele wear. r.1 Trip Mwa the *wan!, Mewing ■sweaterg W. bate member. of Club with • their recent Mesoderm pleosere Is It follow.: aitiumele bees famished by on of tr e Me Mistimed River N•vig•eioe (ne doubt) faithful e000aot of voyage dewo th• river true to Uodertob, and have moos prosodist it to oar readers. At last ear boats were la•aob.d jn.t be low the mill at Msaoheeter, tale* duke pat In plane sad supplies loaded. N. had Meath provi•leur to but a week, bat ties w• stint be that long on the way.-wbe could 0.111 -sed the teak o1 stewing every• thug is • dry pleat was oo easy nae, e.p•d- ally as the flagship and the wbalobeok when Ares Issoobed tried to take a all the water la the river This .tete •.1 affairs reme'ted Is meet of the staff being stewed in 10. little red poor, which was as dry as the Drew bad been wh.•r ihry let. home. Foully the Imre were cast rff and amid the vooHerously la pr eased gond with.. of the motley prowl who had •.worded w tee off and the in.'heroes of th• proprietor of • sugar bush •oro•• the obant.el, ase u1 whore g ap evoke,. had somehow flow. nn board 1 the ilsgsbip, we rapidly lett tli. !gilding place behind no The legible lock the lead and •e Impee- , fps .p.et.ole Me presented, peiated khaki from *tem to stern, with the sten and e Stripes lying proudly from the bow and the green leg of the Ru.rald I.I. upside down u the nerd No one nestled 101, •Iew.l n1 distress until nue of tbri mew began walking abed the deck on 0'e hand., d..loing h. was right ride up Then for tear of soot dents the lag was righted, sod for • time there was so more tros'ile with this nitm- oer el the crew Th• blue host, oohed "rhe R'y.l Templer" from the *sermons quantity ot ever she was constantly tak- ing aboard, oasis next with "Bottles" s' tke tiller, and very Imposing she lacked with the Colon Jock proudly ffyissg from • loth soiled to the bow, th• "Skipper" et•odlai es ere loos beside the flag and Charlie, the crook, .ndesverleg with • sap bucket In o•e hand to pomp out the hold, while with the ether be was vainly trying to ruses. a ins of perk and been. from • watery grave. TDe little red boot, with "Larry" at the helm sad "foo" wielding • paddle, ..► art last Barry, the third member of the orals and rear admiral of the fleet, wee Booted away ea the forward deok ea what at Rest gleam might have been ruttiest for • wash teb,bat.01.h oloeer obeervatloa stool have Ammo to t• • mediae ohe•t. The bats red deg which this boat o•rrled was doaht- lees'h• meat piratical looklog *flair es the twat, bat wee certainly not the haat re *peat able. The little beat from her .ulterior build and smart Deadllmg tees took the lead, nod the versa" bogus is earnest Ne derlpties ago glee an adequate Idea of the pleasant derived from • trip down the Maitland dies the water is high In early spring. The swiftly Rowing waters, nowboil- ing over hidden rook., now racoon downward over• rapid euoosesles of .moo, h, ■loping, rooky Ierraoes, here Darrel/Inv Into a loom tett rapid, thew spreading out Into• breed, majestic stream, keep ono oen.Iantly on th• "qui vivo" and forrneh • never-ending variety to Dig eye. The seesery ales• the nate la Bread, and high rooky bluff., steep banks oovered 101011y with timber and long sloping field. mooned outs another eo rapidly es about to b.w,ld.r one. The river for the first few miles Ws not of •o tarbalest a same, on to require nos stoat work es the part of the voysgenre. se the fleet drew closer and lueob was cells#. By the time the Trio.s deitmiM.., se thoughtfully provided by the people at home, had been properly disposed of, -Bill's Bridgee we. re•ohed, sod here ID. earl - /dots week ashore for a hu minaret M wring the Cuter Iron their h.,., and Harry Meir .0Tanage of the opportatlty to se. Pare • snap -shot or Iwo with good r0.alt., earl had the piet.res hoes finished In time they would have appeared In ltd. im.m. W heps to preform them •1 • I.rt r date. Shortly alter leaving Otte point the lag - ship .lank feat on • rook, and the Damm°• dote wee) over the .lei. to Ilf1 her off. What happened w111 never be known. bat when hi. Drew leaked bis way the only Ming visible where the oommodore had boas was hl. sou'wester. As he bad takes the pteo&.ties before starting to the this anal. of apparel carefully ander his .his, De we. so.. boosted and healed aboard. Thi. lsold.et saesasitued • stop .t the first (seethes.., where a °hange of elothing was pr•seured,and although eh• Rs mi'hth•vs bees better the ..mise/ere was happy ones more. The orew of the pirate orbit had some diffloolty here 1. settle, off, a1 • wemea appeared sad claimed the red flap ear es part of her wing apparel, bat Res. pleas►, basest .mile and toe rear d• ulwl's p•rsualye tongue finally 1urm0ut- .d the dlf8esity mod after an 1a.p0otles of the medidun sheet by all hands wit mit or .Mals. After • rut of about another hear Res stiller was ro•thed, and thee the real ex- Mtamtet of the trip began. prom 1►le plot to G°detieh the overeat le very rapid sad .eattb.1 mire mutt M evefei..d M hug altar ot the ibegbd rooks sad to pre. Vest Me hve from Ming swamped Is 101 terhele., ropMe. A r0ps4 res was made M rh. 1011., trod M. "flea (1x11," as the red heat ked bees .hrMMsed, erri.leg far le the lead the strew Wailed to reeese.IW, fee here Is the "sly really dasg.r.es petit ea 1ke neer, wide\ takes • *ma drop e1 snarly tit feet, sod If • but should Wok for as Pared on one of the sberp rooks along the edge t be 000..quesoee pea be more wily imagined than de.rtbed. The other boson ooms op, sod, the meet favorable spot being oboeso for the run, the helmsmen climb asp oo the broken bridge and p ck oat thou everts, point.. The crows stow the *ergo safely away, get everything snug for the run. lo ■hdttng rhe osrgo of the "Templar" It was dist overed that sundry pies wbioh Charlie had proudly dlepleyed to our barter, sed admiring gas In the morning had bee. p'ooed to • bbeket and were now waterlogged et the bottom .1 the hold. A smart martial ass. bald and everybody found everybody oleo guilty of nrlmisel a.gllgensm, bat a the ales woe drna for we oonolsded to go en. "Settles" 0000lud• ed to go down below the falls with • pike pole to pall out soy possible disasters, and while the advisability of Hits wee Wine tits. mood George and Jim ate the pis.. Wu finally got oil, the "Sea Gull" 1n the lead, t he 6sg.hip out and the "Templar" with the precious medicine cheat b • rlopt ee p tb. res.. A. the boats stared the falls the speed beoame greater and 'rooter god the bold navigators hearts almost steed ettll. Larry steed am to tee the ooares and forgot to ell dewo agars. Steady, boys' Look oat for that rook I A little farther to he right 1 Fester end furter they go, the elms is reaobed, she stinks -no, she le over ad running rapidly toward the Smoother .sur bele.. D.., 00050. the d•r.h•p ad over .he roes Safely, too Now for he "1'«m pier, '-she shoot. down, Nicks at be verge, tarns almost broadside to the t, but a powerlut ebov. from Skipp-r a► the right memeet geode t7• • - le enol The min with the pole had toted ac, vle- ime for his cruel book and h1 had missed hs most glo•ieos, wildly 'gown, moment 1 the d.y 'Ve atop and tele him In and n wit speed for the little Calle, which •1, booth not perhaps so d.•veroue •re equ.1 v In trna'rl Mm0 °Wing to the .0..ls. Mae Are n all pan in •s'e•y and on ass p.,•d toward the fleet tel tiul r,.pide below. Neer Dere wu•m discovered • mottle of wild dunks of a now variety utterly unkanwo • se. and as they seemed very weary and lil •t sea w• onnoladed to take them home, rye hove •o' seen them Sam. All wool wall .earl w• paged the bridge at Salttord, wb..o the animate .f th• "romo'.r" pre sumptuously attempt.' to at eh an to the 'See Galt," The oral crook a Sah neogod oak0..topped and the crew -well, they ids'; 18sy landed In the gator, and Chad+• rays it wasn't tier for the Sk•ppm o light en his book while he was en hie ends and knees la the water. Hnwr..t, he Skipper rolled off and took his docking 'ire • 11et1• man scd en trruhle wits averted They gathered themaiy,s and their boat 01.10.1 and °optioned down stream •t • more Sober god dignified pace. The londiot was mode Shortly alter dark ane cur forty - mile trip wens over -though ass anenImoul 0. y olvsd that i1 stilt to fns flesh we shall all be on head next year. • • N tugboat : A. Dulmogo, of IakmW, keg purob►.ed the re.ideooe at John Campbell, uoCubetus street, for 11.260, d .sH MOW. tato It Is the Bourse of a f s ecu. ire, Mr. Campbell Is not leaving tura. Handl : A quiet wedding took pleoe.1 the resid*eo. of F. Witmer, o. W vdoseday of tart week, whoa Beni ono Holtzman, o1 Elkton, Mi*blgsu, and Mon 1. zs:e Ruby, of this village. were united in m•ru.Ke. Baybeld : At • meeting nailed by the members of St Andrew's cbur:h it wee do sided W extend a oa1! to Rey. Mr. MuNeill et this plain. The ell bail bees utast mutely elgaed by the members and edher- eils. W'mrhim 11rs. J. Smith, of t'•triok street, is in deep sorrow on amount uI the death of her mother, Mrs Puhlok, of Lon- don, Ono. The debased lady woo knows to many la tows who w111 regret her de. mum. Homan : The Mul.o.s Bonk has "used for hostages 1n their new otoues 10 the Davis block. Thu building was especially erected for the bank, and a oerain', • meant to our village, while the intortor equals any office of smelt an lontitutiou In the ooa0ty. Blyth : George Desstedr, who went to Whitewood, Auulboia, • few weeks ago, bon ret.rDed and purobased rho harness bugle... of E. Appel at Zurich. He also rented the stare for • term of roars and In toads starting s hardware business In now . Minn. Easter : The Metropoht u hotel, where hos been 000duoted by Wm. Aoder.00 for some tune, has been leased by Geo, Mercer, Blake, who has also poroh•ed the forel.hugs from Mr. Aader.00 and will take poses -dna May 1st Mr. Aoder.on has not d.olded yet where he will oast his lot. 9eafurth : J. U Rue war up from for - nolo to glair hie family here. Mr Rose's . oryioe. •r• evident ly None appropriated by h . new employer., the Canadian Furwitur. Company. as he h•■ hemp promoted to the positloa of supply purob•esr, and will here- after have control of that department °beton : The ()baton aesesemen' roll gives the following figure" :-Total value of ✓ eal and perusal pr000rty and 1.x.i(• in Dome, 1639 982 ; Carers ihooms, 17 960 ; penpn.l property, 128.458' real properly. 16e3.082 ; no'. 2 ; number of bow. 151 ;".."16 111., 79 ; d482og., 114 ; .team boilers, 14 Win/ham: Wo have to record the death of Mrs Charles Henderson. of the Blue vale road. Mrs H-od.rwn's maiden num 'vis Margaret Clarkson. She and tier hus- band mime tato this violnrty •bout forty years ego, and bore their there of the hsrd- . htps •1tendon1 upon the early settler'. Ito. 8hn patrol gaily on Monday, April 22 -id, u the •g1 of y -five She le.,ee a hu.banJ, two eons and two daughters. Seelorth : W bile charging the acetylene g er generators In B. B. Ouun'S store ons west reoently, Jame" Purcell and Ernest Marry bad omit• an *totting experience. They had a light with them and some es coping ger oaagh fire and blazed up to their fen... Mr. Paroell cams off with • few 11400 burn., hut Mr. Morry's face was belly horned. Fortunately there was not more ga., as they would undoubtedly have been seriously god perhaps permanently to Jared. Bayfield : On Tuesday. April 16, at the ✓ e•ilenne of tb. bride'. parent., Dr. N. W. Woods, of Hayfield, was married to Mus Margaret Fisher Roobon, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. E. Boohoo, of Durham The oerrmeny was performed by Ray. Win. Farquharrnn. Mbit Morr.ret S:inson, of S•r..to•d. was briomeid, ani the b0.• w.m lir -Lest. 1 Twrphgn rich Af•er • trip to D•ryrit and other (Jotted sures cities, Dr. and Mre Wood. here settled down It thea pretty horns berm Brawl.: On S.lerdey, April 20'h, the .a'ri• of Rev. Wm Norton took ir.fftgbt. Hs had bets airng for • few days . i' heart failure, wbioh 'rubel it death. He wg•aretired Met bodies minister, • awl 'w -- aided here for • number 01 year.. no won e'ghty 'bro. years of ago The Memel ,*,vier. war. bald +n the Motbodot ohotel on We toe. lay. and were w':1 •ttoled by all the c'ergyn en In f hie looalit y H. Ireve'wn sono and two dnagh'er., ono eon • doc-or in yhelhorre, U-itolo, and the other a clerk i i New \'o -k ; one deughtet is married in Montr.tl, the other one at Deng B.w% W•w*nnsh: The Leath of Jag Brown noeorre'1 in Derrnl'. on Saturday, April 20-,h, at the age of seventy one loan Mr Brown Wee well knows sea forlOW respected remittent of this township, where hs tilled the position of township ooll.rtor for a number of year.. A few years aro he sold nut and removed to i).troit, whets hie rs,ldel until hie death. His death is Int third one In the family within • few weeks, the others being DI. brother William, and hi. mister, Mr. ••V Graham, of Stanley. He 1..v• widow (• sister of This Holmes, of Wingh.m), two gin. •nd e daughter. One of his sons Is a Methodist minister in Mlohlton, the other is • deotbt of Detroit. d COUNTY CURRENCY Wlogham Peroy Coed has gone to Lled say,and oornmesmid busiest. for himself es druggist. 9ealortis : Thomas Murray and Morley Habklrk left last week for Vancouver, British Columbia, where they go to oath their fortunes. Ess/ Wawanosk : Robert Howard has bought the Brew. Williams farm, Ei lot 36, oonneselon 6, But Wew.nwh, oonuislag 100 sores, fur 11.500. (lndeflrb township : Martin Nun., who has had oherre of the Peter Look farms, rip the 9th ono., has rents' the homestead for a 1110 •f .even years,. Clinton : H P. 4,hlsy left for decal Oily N. Y., Iger week. befog called by telegram on 0000001 of the serious illness •f has daughter, Mr.. Ward. - -- Bleler : J. 1). Graham, of 8t. Marys, shipped • mirload of horse. for South Afros • tow days ago. They were purohased in this vietntiy by T. H.0dford. Butter Hoe. Thor, Greenway, of Clear. wrier, Man., Is hers attending a few days with Ms sister, Mrs. (Dr ) Rollin., who is la • very p001 cafe of health. 01.100: Harry Brewer• .on of H, I:. Brewer, left tut week for Neratlerd.0• me- ters the O. T. 11 oar chops and will di through for meoDinr.d engineer. Uoder'oh township: W. Brydohe bon told for the Toronto 'Irma Co. to Albert An4er• sen, lot 24,Hsy1sld road, known es the Tnsm. Cook farms. The prlos paid wee 13.200 Sooforth : The diver service which wee drawn for at &t. Golomben two weeks ago was won by Miss Finieoon, 1oonh,r, of Mokillop• The ..rviee was valued at 11131. &.•forth :J- W. Elder, V 9., formerly of Seaforth and latterly of Stratford, has goes to Red Deer, Alberta, and if M I km the 000.1:7 will Ioo•te then) perm.nently. Hulett : Robert McMillan, j. , ot Hal- lett, has lead his fine farm ro hie nephew, Mr. Swett, end has gone to reside on the lams of his father, John M.Mlllen, .r. M. P. 011ntee : . bonne. tri • Mel, sag sees. Clintonlintwo Inman smaller nn for ails year. M he .light Ooderleh - rating • whInh .as Aim* 1N,T.ltoh.11 leftist week for • o to V.eeov.r, R 0. H1 1. the Ontario • gest for the Ha.0lnes Shtagle tom d e0. In oonneetlea with IDI, bony Althea h 10,,. are y.l eevesty- ss It Om hoses n1 ,.Inge, 101. is • mbar ID•t •t ray previous time r. Fifteen 01 them ars reported 11 III. township Howard Mellor Wes nasty ,0.r os his f•.. 100.011?, ens 0, an Intermitted mit jumpingen his shoulder and leaving the mark 01 her Maws no hie cheek. Segferth ' 1)r. R R Rue has parnh•s,rl the residesee e1 Hegh Robb, nn Ilod.rinh . Mate, and .111 take p..e.sslen about the mlddl. of Nit mostb- He paid le the .04 hborheed ./ 11.000 fns It BOOKS ANO HERIOUICALS. Dasrroa' OWN Stony - A powerful Beeper from uoe of the wont ,vm•rk.ble of reoordeJ human eaperleates .pptu0 w 110, Clare's M.g.aion fur Miry -Captain, Alfred Ureylus'a owe story of hie t, degrad•- tio0 and transportation to Devil's 1Ne. Tu :hie sl ur7J is added • potions of tn• di. y kept by Dreyfus ou ►he :.laud, for toe wife, and referred to w elan sal so myswrlw.ly is the Krouse trial, but sever made public. A mors intense and uonvinoleg expression of human agony than that foetid to them Ir•gmenb• la lnounoelv•ble From first to lase it Is eyldeut that the sufferer I. be- wlld•red and maddened by what hoe be. fallen him, and that .11 whluh keeps him from 1neamly or death le hie dsbermuatlon to prole teal bon pereeoatioos are 1• r lees to overthrow what he calls the " relgety of the soul. " The dramatic, pas• mime make 11 clear, too, that Drayton wM compelled to undergo ow U..,t1'. Isle every ignominy sad hardship his tenors oould d.- ylee, eyes to clues oondosmeol to • hue, etiolated by pausedos and shut oat from alr and light, with double irons upon his lege throughout the night. The book from which this document Is taken, 000taiolog the story ot Dr•yfu•'s entire Rye rears of suffering sad imprieonmeot, L to be pub - Halted by McClaren, Phillip. & Co. this mostb, LnDtlm' Bora JooarrLa-Ne one will toll to fin4 pleaseot, prohl.ble diversion to the May Lsdlw' Home Journal. Its thirty and more °attributors Dover • wide rang' ul Ineereswor •ubj.ote. "When Jobs C C•Ibouu Went • Woo:ng," the delightful rumors of the groat statesman, le no loos eogtos.log than "The Brilliant Sloiol (Mtge of Harriet Lens" 1n the White House, or than Clara Morris's "Freak Sen," he Icier tale of • little Japanese girl eorobit. There is . weird f•.cin•ripn to the uo0 of "Soma Remarkable Gets. of Oosble Per a-nality," sad serest thrilling *torte@ are told of ''Whco the Animals E•ospe from the Zoo,' In "Summers of Our Dt000n. tont" !Edward Bok rite. soul admits on summer vautioas-not•oly Root in Wlitco what to avoid. "Pre.errin, • Husband to Summer" mid "Beep or Summar Boarder, with Success" sotto Motu problem.. Prier/ are throe aroh• co,uul article., and th• nand 0outrit.a•lons conwrpior work in and .bout the home, fashion., •to Toe halt • /omen or more mashie pig, orod futures .o o'oleIn the Fol+t," the best photograph of the rweuiy•,ev.s thousand submitted 1n .he Journal'. u+u•0.t ; • pegs reproduo•ien of W L Taylor's panting, "President Lleonlis Cali le V motivate.," god "A Glimpse of P c nreequ. Canada." By IDs Ctis Pu bbebinq Compeoy. Pohtlodelphta, Ourne dollar • Trot 1 res 01011 • copy 8CR1•N xa'• FOR MAT. -A new 'bort wale. i by Kat. Douglas Willem, to run through three months, is the le.ding feature of tb- May Scribner. Mr■. Wlggm's delightful humor, revealed so oh.rmiagly to the Pens lone hooks, appears In every page of "I'D. 1) my o1 • Bowe ilial." 16 Is the .tory of a beautiful AOIlrle.n Fir' who flees from an esraotive bat too p•r.isteoe lover to the .blotto. of • goon• farm In • quiet &igluh °nu -ay. John Lt Farr., th• eminent painter, will puba.h la the nut few noes• bore utrsote from his diary of • j +urney re the islands of th• Paolao This bomber deals with Hawaii. A young student of sooaal questions, Robert Alston Stevenwn, Unborn.: The many friends of Mr, Archibald Bishop, e1 M P. P. for South Heron, will regret to learn that he to seriously ill at his resdd.noe In U•horne. He was at the Hraoefield show on 10.19 It alt, and seemed to be In the enjoyment of hie o.nal good health. On his way home, however, he was attacked by paralysis, and, on errieler at hie reel1.00e, he was found In hie buggy ueoonsotnns and one skis onm pletely paralysed. He we. driving alone. and, 00nermaenlly, no porton hoar how long he had been la Chit onnrllties, bmf se algid had the mneol.s broome that it woe with ,•nneider•' Ie dtf8culty ibe Heel were rem'vel from hie hands. Loan seinen .how that he hu not improved, Md night hopes are entertained for his reerre y. Bromide : The horsrs and rig belongiajj tag_ Jno Uooaloghaa•, Grey, etnlen from Yet• v+1le oho,ob shod, Breads, was reoay.r.d by the owner at 1)und.Ik, Grey oo0ety. Th.1110, dices name 1. said to h. Doug- lue or Snort, bargained to sell the hone to • man named Fennell for 175. 15 being paid when sale was made and ratan° to be handed over later. Attempt eat alio mad• to part with the buggy and harness, hot we the prime was low amploioo was . reseed mad when Douglas. called on Fennell again the latter asked for ldentlfioa Hon. The name of a Berllolte was gleet, but wide the telephone officio won Ulu vi.lted Mr. Thief aaldenly departed to ward Fl..herton, the o.Ighboriag town, and ha. not been seen is that looality .loon. Hallett : There died In Fanhorn, North Dakota, on April7i0, Also., son of Mr. and Mrs. James Webster, oono0.dos 13, Hallett, at the early age of thlrty•twe years. He was 111 only one week, being soddenly tikes off by pleat° pn.omonla, whlnn resulted from • (told contractor!. He was married only four months and had poet settled down to • happy life. being • pros parous ynane farmer, the owner of • whole seethe of land In North Dakota, entirely free from de0t. To his religious oeovle:ions he was a Presbyterian, following these of h l. periwig Th• r.malse were Interred In Madmen. His death makes the Ent break in the family oirole and thrive left to mourn are his loving wife, his lather and mnther in Hallett, broths Widlam tint deter tea - belle, on the hnmeetead, brothers ,Toseph In &inborn, .lames In Toronto, and sister, Mrs. Ed. Saville. of ()lidos. mucfi and.' Aittheflathcmicis sae eh sisodchm, shoes. hula tris It looks es*. shag,' pildred 6► the pica as the sok c- "Thune Cady.sr w.Led. Wu. Sharman, Jr. • Sole Local Aleut. !►..Molle rains Pored by 0.rvtlls.. This ill the tsstlmnny of Mr. H..jomle Dlllen, of Impede, Ont , who says : 1 feel It my dory a pronlalm the marvellous value of Poison'. Norville* as en Infallible mire far rhs.m•tlo pains ; It oariti them every Mme Nothin, i knew of equal. It run • hes•ehelrl liniment, sad mothers should feel IO ea 0.oeesary se bread Itself. Net •ilii. ha, °need rh.n'n%Nem of 30 years' •Wding, sad au tome you. 1ontas0 relief, eheslate sur•, large betels 26e. TntetlIgeot and time) Spray -tog will make your orrl,,r�t t'rohlol The 9rnamntor Is the r.•.'It e.1-c.te. 1.1 eepertmenl sad 1s krpt tig;d up to date. Met the .tir1A in open com- petition oo the Invitatjos-of the 0 -Natio Government and w' 0 the sward. Thl. '*sold menu emorlhi•tg to yet, The (pnomotor he. n •-..r !IC bwwass, cylinders mea .ti .t,; brim tinea. All port. 1'.I.. ban. •. able. Rows any per rent -1.1 1-- . Moet ecouomleal browse . ION farther and mart ere,'• 1, ranee Itihrowsswythingh r 1 • spray to • Sethi Strewn. Wi 1 .00....h er /tint tarn' In, :..., ?mistreat*, lee year..)dre..., THE •PAAMOTOR Co , LONDON, OMIT. 1, r MASSEY HARRIS The name .rands for all that Is reIlOM, In farming m.oh,nery, .e.FgRMERS... p,MMM • mu.• impartial 'body •f "Sauna' to • 111w. arty. He hie looks.' at them at • very real •i. ureu0 in ...re :Ile .1 1,e tiaras., and has shown by aaesdue, 1. - ablaut and penned o'.sestebio0 their good f..tu,.s and their bed leatur.e Netter A W yekuff, the author of "Tho Workers," •1.. promote • metal Mature it hie arse e "With Iowa F•rmere." There are other artioloe of timely tutored, V •ddlrieo N short missies, oto. 1 Lurnhago is Rheumatism of the bask. The gauss 1s Urie Amid in the blood. U the kid- neys did their work there would' otoCote Acid and no Li. go. Make the k .loeys do their work. The sore, positive sad est* cure for Lumbago le Dodd's Kidney Pillss^ v R. B. Smith's Store d M cKI11 1 Stan 's Reld's O/d Friday, Saturday and Monday Bargains. Conifueocing FRIDAY, MAY 3ril, and fir three days, or while the goods loot, you will have a chance to save • third, • halt, and sometimes more, ou s asouable, wantahle, uptodate goody. Feathers and Tips- b:1t Joni redwood price. Fut here that woe 1.25, re- duced to 1 00, and now just hall of that, .50 W. have teem all proms and now at just half of redwood primp. SAILOR and other hat. for 15 About 100 of the hate, black, adored and white, were .25 to .60, for.... ....... .1.6 A 51tter lot, woe .50 W 1 00, for 65 M... Define was at the esmmo millinery openiogs lass week to Toronto and brought Mona out only the cowed, oreatlons in m11- llnery but tb• lattst ideas from battles 0.art.. Yon may w well have the latest. It ousts no more. Tooked, corded and hem stitched featly silks tor shirt waists and fronts. good ool- ong, good value a0 1.76 • yard, for, per yard 126 EMBROIDERED LAWN. - T. very newest roods In the market for shirt waists. Good value at the old prloes. Oue piens was 1.00. For three days at .68 6 pious 01 new colored Mundt., very sheer and the coweet patterns and the teed - Int oulors. Pr,u, won low •1 ,124 •ud .15. For 3 day. 09 Millinery Event - 2 dna "dirt' •ad girls trimmed hats, trimmed this work. Good value •6112 Tbre. days at ..........11.26 Two dos. ladles' and girls' het.-si better hat, trimmed up in the latest style, sled gond value at 300, for sash... , .. 2.00 These ors w old Zest ow0ary hots, het trimmed up In the 1.Oes0 style. DRESSES at just half price. A lot of ohlldren's sod girls' dresses, slues few twit years up to fourteen lean, made of print, obambry and gingham and • few of plgas. Prt.. wore .75 to 3.60. Prlo0sow ► halt 37e M put EMBROIDERY,-500 yards, Mr. Aa - draws' prom .05, for three days at 03 35C yds , Mr. Andrews' prism .10, fer.,01 350 yds , Mr. Andrews' prism .12i to 15. for .. ...10 CORSET EVENT. -Fen Ohre* days we will sell "Paris Lady" 00rwts, big Talus .t 1 25, for .75, sod the E. r., the best dollar oureet made, for .76. The best 1.00 sad 1.26 corsets, for three days -then should not be • pair left -at each pair 75 MENS BICYCLE HOOK, were .764 ter .46. The are mads by the U.dsrloh ketol., factory, of the very best yarn, with toll lop. Good value .t .75. T. clear at per p.lr .46 .w_ . .. Z/1CIC= .. THE TIE NEW Empress SHOE DON'T met TAMPER... with your health. Don't use Drugs and Medicines of que,tionable quality. (let the beat there i• at the same price6 that are charged for iuferior goo.ie. At our Drug Store the stock is al- ways fresh, and each article pure, po- tint and ,atisf.tctorv. .Our Prescription Department h.0 a reputation for promptness alp encu racy. F. JORDAN intending to purchase anything in our line should inspect our goads before placing their order. We always carry on hand • fulf 'sock of repairs. We have the Iw.et make of Cream Separators nn the market,. Yon can get the most up to date Carriage or Buggy made in Can- ada at. a rnasonahln price from on. Massey -Harris Bicycles --New 1901 models --elegant mounts. Oall and see them. Ia ifs P A1a8014f St, AGENT NI ,tit McKillop Ritual ' .1e Insurance Co. FAB'-AUb3SOLATED TOWN PROP- KRTYINBURED ValmafPro;,ny Moore l up r,. Jan-'orr, 1'101 imosa silo n/rrollIWAwe DWttaprtout - _ __ J 1' Mt Lean, peel • T. Trager. vin+ -tiro.. • Igo ' ,midst, U, hale W. (1 Broed•olt,'3. t art. J. c tea, J. U. Grave. 1 Hoonew"t•, hr. On • .o '0 Oro Etfo it, Retro •alt t it of los of ; T. E. Hays. de.t..rth, secretary - 0! Int. AoxvTw, J. W. Yeo, Holmaavino ; James Cumming Hatnond villi ; It. Mt•M Ilan, Scsforth : 11 smith, Harlock Polity -polders can pay asa.wmsntt and get their cards recolpted a Mr. Coate' Clinton. or st Mel.w Ikea' Palau. C lothiag Ettore. Go 'Ai rich. Snilff S1111.S, 0Y0fC081S The mu dressed la • scat mods at our store always looks trim, as le is the ambition o1 every mu of WM to look. A loge range of clothe to choose from. If you are oontemplotlog getting • tight 0.erooet for epilog wear, give on • oh to s rve yea. Pelee' right. H. DUNLOP West Street A Great Snapp Is our Glover Snap, at 5o. a pinu.d, of which we sell • barrel • week, This isn't our only soap. ea we carry • verything Oat 000 be found In an tip. to-d.t. grooery est.. nor prices are right. The I.,, . ,..t. they can *levels get from co. ... , - heir produoe. We drew the Lt.. • • Ingo im rte trade - everythlug (ll.s.were or potatoes, garden staff i., ohniot.t tattle Chins. We deal to all of them. T. G. TIPLINGI & CO., Redford block, Goderl.0. HAND - DAIRY TINARE.:.. Onr own hand made hairy Tinware made out of your grand- mothers' of l -fashioned hand -dip- ped block tin, is the:cheapest and cleanest tinware to buy. All good. marked in plain figures ; the smallest child can get the same bargains as the older ones as we have only one price and that is the cheapest No overcharging in the shop. J. 11. Worsell, The stomp stove oast /arum man, Gederieh. Spring is here. You will be re- quiring a pair of.... BOOTS Oji SHOESI,; THE tri.` Slater.. I Our stock is about com- plete with the latest fashions in Footwear that will be sold at as 1, a close prices as 1111 is consistent" with quality. Remember you have no duty to pay on the Shoes as they are made by Cana- dian workmen and are equal to the best American goods made. Wm. Sharman, jr. mom "What .Cevely Shan I" "Newer dreamed that such Shoes could be made in Canada I" "Isn't that a beautiful finish?" " I like the .hope and cut of its too, so graceful, you know." "Yea, 11's the " King Quality" shoe, and really, girls, 1 never wore shoes so comfortable and nut as these are. And, you know, we save all the custom* duties, because they at. maria` in Canada.- " They anada.""They won the gold medslat Pars Ibis year." "See, hero is the trod. -marls you can know them by' :- aKING QUALITY Irene by The J. a guess Os. Limited, TOr ogee. Our Agent in Godsrioh is 8t, Gorge Prto.. For Ladies' Fine Shoes THE King Quality Nothing mride in the United,States to beat them. Every pair guaranteed. ...THE.... ...King Quality Shoes... FOR MEN are very nit-• and up-to-date. We carry • Targe range. Our spring stock of goods is on our shelves. flake your selection early Trunks and valises at close prices. tr.t;: ;rfi luj ;(j1 ' Our lines of staples are complete. Mfg IttetiallOREILTAHr ST. GEORGE PRICE Sole Agent for J. 1). King Oo'..Oood. WAST A STEP -LADDER ? grtt We give one away With each pound of Pure (,'ream Baking Powder purchased from us. 60c a Ib. The step -ladder alone is worth the price. ----..-.. _.._ Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, hut a care- fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in s acientitic manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Nov; in the time to buy your Garden Seed. We have a fall atm" rtment. Telepljione No. 91. s :'y'vR=Y az CO. THE GROCERS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR McLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR, A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Oodsrich, Ont.