HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-2, Page 4What Shall I Wear??? When you cieu't decide the question try our Unite. Well *newer for you and for it for we hay, the finest and richest line of the leteat rnrrishing tloods and Rats for particular men we have ever aliOwn. We know you'll like our range of W. G. di R. shirts, latest putterne, well made, perfect tit and guaranteed not to fade. Prictee *I 00 and $1.25. Austrian Oollars, tine white linen, hand made button hole& will outwear two ordinary collars, price, 20c. each or 3 for 50c. We have just received the latest novelties in ties. You willl see them in our window. This warui weather will make you think of changing your winter wear for the summer wear in underwear. We have some special lines to ofer which wit bought at o bargain. We pass the bargsin on to you. Natured wool underwear, "lune as wis sold last year for $1.75 per suit, our special price is $1.25 per suit. A fine line of double thread fancy stripe balbriggan, $1 00 per suit. 1 OUR READY-TO-WEAR OLOTHING has boon harries • great ran. People are deiehted with the bargains 'hey are getting, Mod th• bait ef it le the clothes are made to fit. If they don'e fit, we alter sod make Ibsen fit wIOk.ub any lairs charge. Cell aod *ere the goods an4 get prices. We don't Mtpeoll be will you unless we oan give you mottiot satisfaction See our op- .al $6.00 ime. WI • weeder. Remember we are Sole Agents for the genuine LONDON OHRISTY'S HATS. 77- , Wt, ' GIMMea's Clothing • Specialty. Geuee Furnisher and Clothier iglu Signal. is mama= EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BIS. IIMOSILLICIIIIST SO17S111011. TIIMUIDAY. APRIL eh nal THE OLD-TIME MAPLE SUGAR. THE Toronto Globe and The Hamil- ton Spectator have been engaged in sin en- deavor to disouver why Canadian maple sugar has deteriorated an flavor, for it is in- disputable that the product of the present day, even where it te not spurioure lacks that indescribable evreetness and delicious taate ULM distinguished the inaple sugar of our happy youth. Too true it is that the meple sugar of today falls upon a diesathified palate. The Globe hazards the opinion - at noon(' hand, however -that soui sap, cinders, bugs, and other creeping things, with a few stray loaves that lent their in- fusion to the inane, were each and altre spoilable for the "woodsyflavor that we onoe loved in the sugar of our Canadian wocds We dismiss this suggestion with acorn. It in unpetnotic ; it is disloyal, lhe Spectator thinks that the piece of fat pork suspeoded over the kettle in olden clays to keep the bubbling masa front boiling overwhich dripped de fa- noes into the kettle, somehow or other lent the charm. That idea is MOTO fit for • witch's stew then for the fleeter of the gods we call maple sugar. sod therefore 10 mtuit be caat 'aide, with the bugs. the cinders, the flavoring leaves and sour sap of The Globe Our oontemporariee have miteed the chief Ingredient, the one thing needful, that stave that Mote ambrosial to the maple sugar of our youth, and titillated the palate aa nothing has since been able to do. It was the girl. Did she not go with you to see the sugaring off," m we called it! Then were the tunes when the sap wee running freely, and hope wee bigot our hearts The girl was there She and you together stooped over to watch the sweet, thething masa leap with joy in the great kettle. You were afraid she might slip forward, and instinctively your arm went about her waist, to stay her gwaying form She turned and gaged at you ill wonder or re • proof. She looked even mweeter than the bubbling sugar, and -for you cannot deny it -you kissed her. That kiss seemed ever afterward to pervade that make of !sugar. Yea. and even when other pieces of mgple sugar came into your hand, you thought of the fellow and the girl concerned in that batch of sugar, and that made you think of the original girl, who by love's alembic had given a davor to maple sugar that no mere " weedily" infusion oould impart Perish the thought of .our sap aud cinder., of in• sects and stewed leaven ; yea, let UN forget, if we oan, the suggestion of • piece of fat pork I but live forever the memory of the girl beside the chortling. eteaming 'sugar kettle -the sweetest dream of joyous youth, which nobody can deny. THE TRUE SPIRIT. -- Many Canadians, especially those who take an interest in the diecussion of atrial problems, will regret the departure front Mead" of Rev. C. k HaTole, of Toront_o, TUT SATISFIED EXPRESSION is not copyrighted. You may wear it. It i. free tn rider, nf IliclUtNET-BEAME HEELS Wessell or• rent them at reaennatee priors Woodsy, Tnaseay, Wielneelay, Thursday. lends., or Narttrday nr *anti Week. Our igvary remains mond on flume aye. EMERSON'S j Morel, and Mudge MOWS who has accepted a eall from • church in Cleveland, Ohio Mr. EATON poimemes a broad view of his duties as a Christie!' minister, and although quite a young man Ito. obtamed prominenoe as a speaker and writer on sociological topic/. We are not dispoeed to say that he is not entirely un- selfish in the course which he is taking, as he probably sees in his new position op- portunity for wider usefulneas, but still we ciumot help e feeling of disappointment when we see Canadians ot hie stamp heav- ing their country even on this ground. To- ronto Saturday Night puta the mute very well: • "The eoll from a wealthy Cleveland church to Rev. C. A Eaton, one of the brainiest of Toronto's pastors, serves to remitted ua that there is always room in the United States tor talented Can Aisne. and that just so long as there are talented Canadians who are prepared to surrender their nationality for the sake of bigiter money. and broader scope this country will continue to oontrioate to the United States a share of it. beet manhood. Can- ada needs ell the people she can rear. More especially she needs all her bream for home (consumption It 4 a pity that mach of the patriotism that passes mw. rent is not of thet good, old-fashioned kind which would rather chew a crust in the land of its birth than fare framptuoutly amidst strangers The Jews- who wept when they remembered Zion were not the kind of men who could have been tempt. 14 by any offer to forswear their uational i.y. They were carried, not lei, into captivity A little of their apiritarould do Canalians no harm Were is a young. epuntry with its bran.° in the hen& ofita own children -a country eti•h at goodly a prospect of becoming a gree. et:atomic and-inteneetinit tutor In tbe-tiveiltigh century aa any other country in the world. Why should auy Canadian fancy that his opportunitiee might be greater elsewhere than right here If it is tree that men receive alt. froze the Almighty, surely there is an loud a call for service in the land of one's birth as anywhere gee Of course Mr. Fei'•in muet be preowned to know his . louden* and hirc own duty better than any other person. Vet it is diecouraging to find such men as Rev. Mr Eaton and Rev. Wit,. Patterson leaving the people Who fine recognized ,then tolents to se cept nerviee, fee it were, under a foreign Sag Until Canadians heive sufficient faith in their own country to stiek right by it, eontent with the seer* it afforele them. and determined to make oppor• tunnies where they cannot find them ready made. we shall continue te export brains, even though our so.called 'es• odus' shall have altogether ceased " SNAP SHOTS. • -Ate the Steal SyndiOlatell are not in the metal bueinee. -- 'Nitta are no ghorits in the Ontario Legislature. barring the financial critio.. -Tee firitiech troop.' in Ireland are to be furnished with berth fresh meot What a eleughter of Mellinger heifers there will be, my ronntrymen - Baia Dace of The Kincardine Report. er will ornament the goodly mtaition of registrar of the thunty of Bowe He ite- N erves the poeition. Wm or loose the British challenger will he true to name. If she gets Fleeted oho will be Shamrock sevond ; if she wine she will still be Shamrock II. Mee! - OLD King Cola was A jolly old gout. And a jolly old trout was he. And that's the reason they put on him A shilling eyport duty. -Not by Oariehy. -Pr is Raid that the Huron Old Boys ar• going to make Clinton the i•hief objective point the. year. Perhato But eveq in that event heel( ot them will take a run up 00 trioderich to nee the beautiful neenery and pretty girl, that give this t wn preference with might -seem of Mete. - universitiPP 111111 eollogiee are yomithig out their graduate. about thin time of year The emend of the aeademie valedietory i. hes& in the lend, and the theepekin ie being preisenterl to the student with his brow meklied o'er with the pale 0000 of thought and football hair. - Tan editor of The MeiTnEmpire join, the dieloyel gang and herateethe British Chaneellor of the Exchequer for bringing down en heasitly a budget. That %elf appoint • eA guardinn of Venetian patriotism, the editor of The Toronto Telegram, will have orin that the "Mall'nFentetre" mien in haled before (Ism. wrest. HOPIttno, and hustled to the leasitile by the maid CAWT-OrT1111. -Tee'r toe hiakerrei British war eritie, Wieetesom, has nom� out of hie hole to inform un that there i0 no reuse for alarm in South Attire Who raid there wax • It will now to in order for the Na. - ragieweya etrategist who originated the letter prom maps the war for The Toronto Teleetram iti the earlier stage. of the War Mine more to menial with hie notes THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO comments That black-browed oilitrio MATTERS OF MOMENT. le one of timer, weer author tier who cerL*ie. ly ueor houldortal ei ride fur their countre. eitd who mut ottrimuly never wilt Brother Holmes could uot n taster onurege to try a word in fever of Gods - rich on the trausportateou queetion. while the other fellows were hammering fur Owen Sound, Collinewood and other lake Porte 'coyly t r Holmes bee not for gotten that Goderich 1.o very important portion of hie own ounatituency.-Oode- rich Star !dr. Efiniight hat done more effective work for the transportation intereeta of Goderich than any Conservative that ever represented West Hurou, and The Star knows it. WHAT OTHERS At SAYING. TUB 00011TV 1111101•TUAllibilir. Brunel. Poet: It's surely about time Met registrarship appointment in this oonnty wee settled It all goveroment offing were filled we bin tbirty days ot the remove! of the former °ex:repeat • better purpose would be reeved for all oonoerned and many • out to be forgotten equ•bble avoided. It is over Iwo years eine° the late Registrar liticeon died at Galetioh. TUB LIMMAL C•NDIDATIL Strattord Beacon : Hon. J. T. Garrow, K. C.. has been reuominined by the West Huron Liberals, and the bye -.lection there is expected at an early date, probably In Jane. Mr. Ostrow is • repreeentotiv• that aoy riding otIght feel proud of, • men of the highest integrity and • lawyer of suoh ability teat hie name has been frequently mentioned in oonnectien with • seat on the high court beach. No (Infirmity should be experienced by the Llberele in reelecting nim. 0411 FOOLISHNIVW, Leaden Advertiser: A mon wes found guilty, at Ottawa, at, the assizes held there on Tuesday, of criminal libel. TIM fellow had caused • fake marriage' notioe to be in sorted la an Ottawa paper, oing the marriage of • well-known young lady to himself. His cemosel made • strong plea tor acquittal on the mound that the accused was of unsound mind. This le not the first instance in ohloh this sort of outrage has hes° attempted. A more &warily .npertioonee could hardly be imagined, aod it.. wimeeither from melte, or perverted e manate& indulee In suoh work should be puoishod 10am utmost lima of the law. IT Wall ONLY LIP•LOYALTY . , Weekly Sun Ib. Expoeitor announoed itt week that Mr. Robert Henry, • lead - leg resident of Brantford, is about leaving that (My with his family to bake up his r,ildenes+ in Detroit. h was Ide. Henry, we recollect aright, who. some yeare ago, e • livered • epeeoh 0 whioh he deoeunced e+ teeters to tote cioun•ry 'bon whn were ▪ 'emptieg to h. tog about fres trad• rela- ti os between Caneia and tbe United 8 .teo, Yet now he hes left eis to cast in h.. lot with our neighbors, an4 the halla whips ono* reetheded with hie eloquent)* wet know him no more. If the policy which Mr. Henry too freely deneuneel hod been are -opted he, an4 thousands of n;her Cateatiiithe now residents of the United Settee. alight have had no oceasion to leave her native land. NO POLITICS IN T1111 Ask. 0111104n Nets Era: The GoderIch Star eopiseeted,wetheame, endorres, • pat agrftph from Tb. Owen Sound Times, in reference te the dismissal of Cept. Frame ea first officer tinkle Petrel and the appointment of Capt. Inkster. Goderich. in hie place The argamest used is thee the dismissal of Frame ems *reedy u...just because be lieppeos to be • Cengervaltive. The Met that Captain Firma was vetaired lo the seethe hve years by fete Liberals don not indicate truth political hostility, end the fact that Cape Doan, • pronounced Coothrvative, le still retalned as chief ellen en the Petrel is further evident* thee politico la not • factor in the can. Cape. MoGregor, a Conservo. tive la still In °harm' of another Govern - meat best, tin Hayfield, so thi0t our leen- eervatlye !resodi have not, the shadow of a german°. on that wore. If the 0 meet does not get any more credit for IM fairness to its political opponents than 0 -bat elven it by snob papers as The Owen Sound Time. aud Goderich Star. It might as well diameters all Conservatives, for the attitude el three papers is as unfair and hostile in the one oboe 00 11 Gould be in the other. • STAIN PPON cIIRPITENDON. A Bystander, In Weekly Sun In th• dark annals of Iniquity there as surely nothing morerevoltiog of more po sous them this treat- ment of China by power' styled (civilized and Christian. The oivitzetion of the Chinese, though highly Industrial, was stettonary, and some of their ways were evil. But they did no other nation the slightest wrong. fittest lititain, to fill her lorllan exchequer, footed upon thorn bee deed!, drug, in Kite of the protest of the best of tow ewe eons. She repeatedly made ClO on them In that unhallowed came, toombarded their hatpins and Innocent oity of Chttoon for twenty-seven hours, while the good Lord Elgin shuddered at, his revolting leak ; and each Hine plundered them of a large mum ot money on pretence ot Indemnifying herself for her own misdeeds Miesionaries *mailed their religion end the rental Mote totems which were bound op with It Egropetan traders rode rooghahod over them. They were extended an a degraded race from the United S'attle an I put ender embargo In British colonits Finally, the unworn plotted the partition of their Ktnpire. , The 'nett vow • furlong min murderous outburst ot hostil• ity to the stranner. The puoishmeet of the MIlty might have been demanded. In- stead ot that, murder, repo ant havoc) were iet Ione upon the whole people. Towns and Tillages were eaoked and burned; ere. roan were ontmged ; mon, women and children wore mane:reed ; 0 river wo. Olog- red with comae .4 .11 secs and both taxes. The harvests have been destroyed, sod wide spread famine is at hand. Now 'nor mon' MUMS lIff/ to bs WOOS, under h• MIMS of Indemnity• unt of people who ooly by the meet intense induetty and parsimony min find bread to eat, and whose offenoes, sup- posing them even to be eneweral le for the memos of the Bowes. •re trivial (tempered with thoes of the powers ley whom the In dentnItiell ore sztaruad. CONSTANCY DOES IT. The constant drop of water Wears away the hardest sten. ; The const•nt gnaw of Towne Masticates the hardest bone The content amino Inver Carries cif the teething maid; And the °onetime advertiser Is the cue who gets the trade. SUFFERED LIKE JOB - nem and oisneles. 100 Newt of Wad Ulna& Made We fralloarable. Retinae Le (too , April 29 repealed) -An estimable hey, ohnea home ts In this village, hat been mneh efflinte4 ,ch bola, Miss Maria Arbour Is her name, awl the torture sh• hat endurel is iwined dr. All p• ion. For a Meg time, thee. onpletuant and patent evidence' nf toad bleed hay• beet atmeatIng, first on nee part of her holy, than on another She woo never free from them. Sbe dootoreel mot tried madleinee of many kiwi& but nothing dld her soy good er leameed the trouble in the least Doeirre Kidney Tille cured herelm wie toe • "11 1. a long Hoe that I ham hewn .04 - ferns with bolls 68 Mt 1.1. width WS• neared through had hInnrl "1 Mei many meilleines. hue no WW1. rwa holm et leele's )(trinity Pills mired wat I plain them always Dead's Kidney Pills petrify the bleed In aseare'' way, abroanh the kidneys. Questions or the Day DUI- euenied. More in Inasard 0 Sdavatleaal Matters - The tratarl• Illigneatlearili Association Mappens tla• Practical Polley of the SOOsol.114••erament. Just now • Tower.), April 20, 1901. great deal ot lerespoesiblit oriticism le being waged agalost the oluoa• Coital •yetein of Oaten°. Tbe Oppoeitien la the Legleirau e is •Iweys willIng to seise ID any murmur and feu 111010 an uprorr. Their willingness is greater tourausis Poe color Rees was so loog identified with the educational system that a la regarded, in • measure. es his ereation. Consequently, they 00000 any fault tu the system le • fault la Otte Koss liovernessol, and there- fore good polished material. Several times during this seetion Mr. Whitney delivered • few thunderbolt& and just as many Haim they fell short, beaus.' Mr. Whitney, as fee as educational matters •re oonoerned, donn't forge hi, owe thunderbolts and doesa't understand what b• is mitts la other words, Mr. Whitney has no clear oompreuenaion of the systeru and says only what he is told. lu the Legislature discussion ot 'duos- tional problems has uot been miry intelle gent, bemuse Mr. Whitney and Ms ce- leagues were more anxious to mak• • nom1 than to inveetteste faithfully the merits. or demerits of the system. Tb. Mementoes in the Oman° Educational Association were, Perbmes,• little better, bonen tbe maniere were oa their own ground and bad at least an empirical knowledge of the subject. As tonal, the °titles were more active la rear• leg down than in building up, and the only preettioal result of oonelderable fault.findiag was the passing of a resolution reoommend log that the subjects of the high school ein• triune be dt•eled into Ocoee of culture end those of premise knowledge -the letter oarrylne with them an examioatioo, the former not. This reeononendation, mussel by • general meeting of the association, ante be regarded ise an endorsement of the action of the Government In et:pollutants the potential side ot the educational system The witticism which went on in tbe various stollens of the association must not be taken as final. The sootioss we little Naha then their own limits. It is only In the g I meetingu of the association that you get friotion of opinion and • ampere benne' view. Therefore, it is well to re member that the aggregate votes of tits al liOrpatIon It with the lioveroment, what ever may h•v• been said .‘1 the notions It I, .leo to be noted that molt odueatios- ate as, in the nature cf t heir duties, hav• had a ohamtt W obtain • bird'seye view ot the system are thoroughly In aoc t with the practical policy of th• Government. Mr. Tilley, inspector of model school& reed an excellent paper, le which he upheld the present system. as helping to peoularize the high wheel; Incidentally, he demolish el President. Loudon's Idea of beginning lantrusee *Ludy in the pulato school& sod pointed out that th• mo lel school system, part of which Preglient Loudon is so ahrinol to discard, Is now beteg token up by the most progressive educiationiste in the Coiled Stattes. In this ootineotion, also. tbe linen report, of Ide. John 8thtb, B. A , bigh school lempector, is worth noting. Mr eintb. • veteran educationist, with exeep Ilona% opportunities for observation, comes out 'purely for the practical In secondary oduentios. After an exeminatioo of the German, Sweeieh, KuseMo, aed Cenci Siete, gystectie, he give.. It as hie oconolusiori that the high schools must accommodate themselves to tee practical tendeneers of the age it they arc to deserve and retain pubito oonfidence. Mr Seath's report is luo:d, exhaust aye end cony teeing. A I tbough formerly s hIgh wheel teacher and • spooled - bee he refines to make ocenmon oae other high echoed me (esthete are elamering because mede. • ' may rob their phew of educate, • presume Small apology is due for -. educational system which, though contrived • renews - Von lege, had in it enough flexibillty deep fairly well abreast of the times. No system in human affeirs is perfeen In ito In oeption. It take. tim• and experience to file and polish it. The educational sys- tem of °Marto has sicried alw•ye to the greeteet ta the greatest cumber, and any Multi, it may have lee sea from the diffiouity of the task it undertook. It le still • serviceable structure and oan be re- andelled without tearing dew°. Criticism of the system lost now Is mainly &rooted toward. neondary education for then rea- sons -President Loudon)s oonvocation speech, Prole mot W ateon's (Queen'.) pamph- let, and the recent eaten of the Govern mint in aiding the practicel side of univer- sity edooation, both at Toronto and at Qemen's OoIIee, Kingeton. Events seem te indent* thee whetever Professor Wation think•, Principal Grant of Queen's Is • win man, and will not run his head aiminet modern ocradltions. he akes the arms of the School °I Mines thenkfully, because no man is shrewder than he in approbate:eine bendenotee and In making nee of them. On the other hand President Loudon kicks against the prick.. He takes the money for the mineralegiced and geological deoart menus et the University of Toronto, bat he does It gludgingly. Ha complains that the "humetritite"-that le, Latin, Gunk, hill.. Wars& and so on -are slighted. It is • anomie between culture and utility, simost between practice and theory. In (Ifirmany. Ruse& Sweden. United Steles utllity h.s conquered ; le Englead utility 00000 • coequering head above th• old trade tion of (titmice! knowleolge. The protean of oiroumetanees makes then old and wealty ocountriee abandon or at leaet modify t hers old ideals. How much more ourtht this tonsure be felt in • new noontry • Ontario is • province with its remarries largely un. develeeed. What Ooterie weed* is. es 61r. Harcourt lays, trained eaptelas of Industry. The wheatmeal systems must tend to then "1""iw In tShes.• discussions, apperently nal. yereity men bite President Loudon and Professor Watson teke one view ; then connected with the public, and many of throe orinneeted with the high wheels -1m elerline lospecter Meath -oak. another. Ti,'. attitude of Piesident London and Pro- fessor Watson is be be expected Neither of them hes hem eine:Wed in our bleb and publio sohools ; or, If either of them Ithe, he is new thoroughly mat of touch with conditions Boit id them ere olnistened soholars. seri they t..r lest, the tete ef sui- tors ebbing. th•y sitionid be left high and dry on the there. Prefeeser Watson would have the languages beton In the piddle Miceli' at nine or tea years of arm and pr• e aseably • eensiderable sigenest of tinge &mot. ed to their seedy. President Leaden would haves • 'mull ewer th• high school at oleo or leo year& aid hie preamen of peepers - ties fur the bigh seined Wou/d be • memeter one uomparei with the demean Proeldeot Loudon would have us amulets the German system Protestant Vi•tson woull hay• • system of our ow& in which the ideal (tourer would be that adapted for • thew logiao or • sheer, Neither of their pro meals would eine Ontario. Mum ot our boys and girls eater the high wheels ; meet of the higb school pupils do not re moo more than two years. The propossIs of them universe, nom would gait ooly • oesdition lik• 'hint of eiernmoy, where the system te Moldy nrganiaed, and where thi- pupil deeotee or eight years to the study of the Mimosas& lo twitoty•flve fifty yearieby which time a leisured wealthy clam might develop, • •yetem like Prime dent Loudon's or Professor Wedmore' attest suit ; but mssnwhile the chief eon of 'As- tatine in this Province must be to fit the e t udeot to tern a livelihood with the great- est wonotny of Hine In preparation • • Isepootor Seethe' position is being sadly diamond In the Coneervaelve press His report is • loog one. and sore • ;thrum of 11, eeparated from their wettest, have boon made mite for ingot:dons aocnveatIone against the 0 00000 mein The faot of the manor Is that lospeotor Smelt argues openly for • predominance of tbe pritenioal in neendary education. He le • zealous advocate of manual training and technical edeciatioa. II* emphasises th• value of • good knout. ode' of English, mathitmatles, and the solemn', the last 'Deluding agrioaltere, and all being made oreotioal In Ms dudes as high eobool inspector he hos aaiple oopor tunny eo learn the requirements et the oeuetry mid the ospabilitise of the pupil& Having boon • member of the neat* of Terrine* University for ten years, h• \neve also what blither educiation needs Ho has • broader heeler."). too, then th• university or high school at, who are istereeted to eh• chanteuse/a of se mach Mermen teeth tog as now exist• In our high wheals, and which is seeking • way into the public w hoole. VERAX. WILL CANADA WIN? New Store in th dll MY stock is now complete in all the depart- m..ts and well assorted with up-to-date goods for the spring and sununer trade. EVERYTHNG NEW THIS SEASON Jut eor.i ebout DRESS GOODS. The ;took of blacks in plain end fancy makem is unsurpasted in town both for quality and cheapitivie The !wet neektui Nre in single dress omit skirt lengths- svo alike, so th it your neighbor oannot have one like yours. Colored in hotnespuus, cheviots, tweeds and 'ergo', all shrunk. Black 'inky, black satins, black !nerves in all prices from ao cents to 4126. You should see our taffetas, they are great value. Colored silk in waist length* in endlmui variety from 20C to 95c, in all the new shade*, both plain and fancy. Shirt veldts in white aud black, up -to date both in make and material. I think you will find them the niceet lot over aeon in town, and prima right. Muslin' in colors and white in great variety. Royal Irish Dimi- ties at 121c. Organdie* expially cheap and in elegant colorings' and patptreirunta,s. too, • choice lot at right prices. See the stook of pard..io's, hosiery and gloyee. Cash or Produi.e. 'Phone 86. W. Aches New C Bargai in Car HE wonderful business du for us in our Carpet large the space for these Specials ir 36 lochs• wi.d•, heavy, ILI. „Hti,ta oareeta, arlIetio designs to latest. ooloringc at per yard 25. 30, 40 and ... • . DM. • 36 toottee wiis. ail pure wool, rev. - Ibis carpets, and colors eller, beset', al and w Lod feet, at, Myer yard, 56,65 end 75c. Heavy Scotch Linoleum' in great von J. H. CD1ORNE Now about Horse Medicines: A Great lalletraallonal Mace f• Ilbe Berth raa•-aaav Netteas Itepreseated. Owing eo the sucons of the recent et- peditiona lo search of the North Pole all nations are alert In all parte of the world seientists have arisen to the emergency. and now with 'lottery to eight It will he • struggle bo the death to plant the fi.g at the earth'. axis. No lose thee seven ex pedltions are being fitted out and will nil Iran. as many ports. Pranioally unlimited meths have boos pieced at the disposal of the mrloren In ether Made. Ramis bag piaoei u n the at the diepona of Admired M., eff William Zeigler, a millionaire •' e York, Is willing to speed en. million : bemired thou/and dollars th enable Evelyn B Baldwin to pleat the stars and stripes •t the Pols Tb. Duk. of Abruzzi, who event dye hundred thousand dollen on Mg first expedition 11 prepared eo spend twice as much if neosesery to ao- (tom pl ish 111 primate. Undenbtelly the greeted factor In tee we rid's ran for th• Pole la tbe expedition of Ceptaie J. E Bernier, of Quebec, • Cen- adian by be lb, who hes offered his sambas to Ms King and Canada gratuitously. Tb. Ceptan's plane are uequestioaably the best that h•mi been ooncel•ed They hart been endorsed and approved by the Geo graphioal Society of Quebec, the Colonial lostiteth of Leaden. England, the Dentin - ion and Provincial tiovernmeats, and kayo reeelmet the recommendation of net] • uthoritiot Is Annie reseeroh •n Sir Cleereete Markham, Dr. Bell of the De - mimeo Survey, J. W. Tyrell, chairman of the committee on Polar research of Toronto, and the late Dr. 0 M. Dawns, of lb. Geo. e reohi al Surrey. The street/set teettenony thst can be brought to bear In favor of Captain Bernier's expedition is the fact thst his plans are folly in sword with a rrrrr wens those of hie oempothere are le diroot op- position to ordure. le •44. ot the great interest nunifieted by Camedians 1. tha Cu:tallith polar txporli• tton, 11 hos been decided by the committee ie charge of the expedition, of whom Hi. Excellent', the Earl of IN Into Is patron ; lend tnra, hones anti ?donne Royal, proudest ; 84 Clement, Markham. lee vice president ; and Hon. R R Dobell, M P , 2o4 viece• president and obairwan, tn enmediately appeal to the Cthadian Pablo for assitit amain the shape of a popular subsoripeion to supplement the grant gine by the Do- minion Goveromeet Sobsorlption lista hays been opere4 to all she banks aeoi new -Tepee offine In Canada, and it le earnestly requested that tbe none eery hinds be reapplied with as little delay at partible ; you are. therefore, 'eked to subscribe now, and any amount you may fool disposed to oontribute will he most soceptable Foods will be depotitel as re. calved In Met Bank of Montreal, Ottawa, and every sum rereeive4 will he duly so knowledge& and the name of ebonies:weber will be reworded In ehe offiolal retools of the undertaking. Subooriptions may be sent to the nearest book or msy be mailed direct to the Polar Erpedltion Committee, 117 Bank street, Ottawa. Purely Persona I. Ooderlob : Rev. Mr. MoKay has re - °overact from a revere attack of throat Uri tat ion 01 eouree everybody knows Oatarrheztn• cored hlm, and Mr McKay says Catarthezene is an exoelieet remedy. For ministers' sore throat. brnnehitis, lung tronble and catarrh, there is nothing in the world today that °urea qulokly aol permenectly as Catherine me It mum by inhalation, withent danger or rid', and le most arfrenble to use. Two months' Meat. moot, $1.00 ; email size, 25 Neste. Drug- s/lam or Pelson & Cs, Kiernan, Ont. Clinton: I. Prout, who romently took a situatioe at Wow/stook, Intends to mows hie family there to a few dame Mr. Precut we. • good ettizete actors in churoh work, end aba news amorally, and tbe Bimetal church la partioular, loses by hla dipolar& J. & SON -- THU t,tAflIteO - VwtxtroX T)%reetory (vim& mookmer s . Spring is a time when many horses have to work hard, hendes they aa well as human beings are subject to climatic influenive. 'They will be benefitted by such • touie aa Our Condition Powder (25e. 5 for P.) it will repay meey tone., de cost . Give.each horse • Package Did you ever try our • English Healiog Oil?" 10 11 the greetest, healer for all cute and sores ever known. Your ntoney back if it doesn't do the work. 26c a bottle, 5 for $1.00. W. C. GOODE CHEMIST anureank sum artf you haven't already does se, beteg amend seam at steti wsii-water for • free aporeteneti • 1 ttlyilt Ow eine sewed& 10 1711,. :Our Own Emulsion, 350-3 for $1.00. Warranted equal to any. Our Sassafras blood and stoma h bitters, 50c-6 for 2.50. An ideal spring medicine. Climax Furniture Polish. Garden Seeds. Don't Forget.... that we are Headquarter. for Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Poultry Netting, Barb Wire, Blatt Wire, Barb Wire Staples, Thorold Cement,,Portland Cement, Nails, 7=7. INSPECT 10 W. Aches1 RUSHINGTHE MAITLAND. The Cruise of the Maitland River Navigation Club. • Trwe and evrallerl &reamer of Mbar Illa• tell Ilia Itold Visysigibaratia (heir Ityv•t- -e-^-e. full Trip *ewe that Swirl' y mewing Meneeetstaa and all Builders' Supplies. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Sherwin = Williams Paints. "7 N. D. ROUGVIE, . Goderich. sfSSOlsos- it4k‘ eme If you are looking for ...TRISH ... do not come to LEE & RENARD'S. We carry nothing but the newest and most up-to-date stock of PAINTS, OILS and VARNISHES, READY r1IXED PAINTS. e Ws base been foreigner' by on •1 tr • members of the Motteed River Navigate°. Clab wieh • (no doubt) faitattal s000nnt of their recent voyage down tem river from hishoheeter to Ocoderieb, and bate moms plesser• le penman* it 10our readers. It follows At lame our beets were lasoobed jest he low the mill at Manehester, tale' (lecke pub la plan sad supplies loafed. tit • Mod entage cremations to laet • week, bat thee w• midget be that long on the wity.-who wild milt -and the teak ot stewing evarr• testes la • dry places wee no easy ossemposti• ally es the fiegiblip and Om whelebaok oboe first lesoched tried to take is all the water la the river This state rif affairs resitited la most of the staff being stowed to the little red poo(, wbich en as cley aa th• Grew had been when tee, lee: home. Finally the lines wore cast 14 sn(1 wool the voolfereoely expoined gnerl vt.h.s of the motley orowl who had aaserntami ••• thr aff itod the ante hronas of th• proprietor of a sugar bush soros. the ormete•I, tom of whose sap buekets had somehow antra on board the flagship, we rapilly lett th• Meeting plan behind as. The leaship wok the 1.14 and en Imre. beg specaeole rise promoted. palsied ke•k from •tom to stern, with the Stare and Stripes lying proudly from t be bow and the green leg of itm Emerald 1.1e upside door at the veto No one emend ibi• signal dialyses until nos of the crew began walkini Omni the deck on hes hand., declaring tm wee right vel• up Than for tear of soot dente the I. soil righted. •ncl for 0om, ther• elks no mere to:Who with this nom bey of the crew The blue beet, rate " lb. Rey., Templar" front the footmen quantity nt water she wee constantly tak Ing aboard, nine nem with "Bottles" •. th tiller, and yet• imposing she looked wit tbe Union Jack proudly flying Mese a lat sidled 1.the bow, th• "Stopper" mendlo oe on• foot beside the Beg &ad Charlie, tb creek, endeavoring with • sap bookie in on hand 00 pomp out the hold, while with te •triter It• WWI vainly tryitig to 04001111 II OS of perk and beam from • watery grave The little rod boat, with "Larry" at 0 helm sod "Boo" wish:nog • paddle, set ce last. Harry, th• third member of the ore end rear admiral of the fleet, was nate sway on the forward deok on what at It. Blosoo alight hays been taken for • creu tab,bet whieh °loser obeeirmetthe W AD I 1 he shown to t• • medicines Owe The ha red fisg whiab this boat carried eras dotif leas h. millet piratical looklee affair t oraft, bat woo cierteinly sot the lent opeetable. The little boat from bar Inner build and mart hurdling thee took eh* lel sad Om vityage began le earnest. No detoription can give an adequate Ida Ib. pleasure derimid from • trip down Maitlead whoa the water 14 high in ea centime The swiftly flowing waters, nowt. Me over hidden rock•, now ratting dmeow, over• repel s000seelon of smooth, elem rooky terraoes, here narrowing tnto s for ing rapid, there lipreading out Into • Iwo MoProtic etriacn, keep one oen•ianily on "eel vive sod tarnish • neyr.rtind variety te the eye. The seenary along relot• Is grand, sod high rooky bluffs, et banks covered thiekly with timber and I staple* field. gummed ose another so rap as almost to beweder one. Tim liver 10f I lie first few miles we. of to turbulent,. • swore as to require steel work ea the part of the voyageurs the flew drew °loser and lunch was cei By the time the SS f101111 deltoacrire, theaghtfally provided by th• pomp home, had been properly disported ofe'll Bridge" was reaohed, and here the e eaters wenksehere for a tow wriest( wring the %nen from their het., and B Wet advantage et tha opportithity t P are • .napeihot Of two sloth good tog n od had the Metered been fleishel in they would have appeared In ihie W. hope to predate them at • lee 1 de Shortly after leaving this point th. ship thole fast on • rook, anti tbe OOt dere wont over On oldie to Ilft What happened will never be karma whale hie °row looked his way the *tett visible whore the otommodore boon wee his sou'wester. A. he had t artilletwerkeettof astri,eitirbefid osenrefustailyrtlunngdorte hti.ie he was Does Ineted and heriliel ab imoitleet nenesitated • stop a first farmhouse, whore • °haat* of el* warn proeured,and although the 61.1,1.' 'Imo better tba (remainders was heftily mere. Th• ova* ef the pirate arse mem diffieulty Imre to rattle, off weans appeared end elaimed the re as port of her wearing apparel. but pleasant, lumen mile end the me teirane permisalye tongue finally sore el the difliealty and steer an teepee 'he modistes obese by all hands w• s again. After • rue of about another him miller wait reached, and then the ri ofteuesell of the trip began. Peng pest to Gederieti tbe °errant le veer sied rtemetant oars meet be swarth hoop akar et the legged reeks awl Mat tha hese trom beteg seramprei ear/edam rapids. A repel rue WW1 40 01. falls, said the "fen One," se best ban bow ehrletioned, arrieing elm lead the enw Meese t• reran fee bore le the eisly really elaumwetee IS Ws thee, orldob taboo • shoot imoros. STOVES and TINWARE, TILE and IRON PIPE. Plumbing and furnaces a specialty,: We seli the Guderich Bicycle for $35.00, less 10 per cent. for spot cash \ LEE & StIEPtIARD. HELLO! • THE OLD ear.tanY anosdod to at all hootat moat or day. lkoore• 010.01. RELIABLE ALL KNOS OF COA Wall Paper We have jest reeeiveri a, few insp. in American Wall Paperi"\ which are mlling rapidly. IIILT KM HOetellell PA pft,Rie 11.4, ft u Orson, Hoff. Selman, Pink, Smoke, OWN. late, at lfda 1 Pon 10 n 01 border to instal at MO a roll. ispeetal offers; mal• ny 0,6 meentant rrrrr sore border thNO paper they ore manitfaothring ere ugh paper to dispose of the horde,. Don't imagine 18 inch Border at 12c a roll is a mistake We can supply the goods. Remorehor rue p.o.e. are the lower Arnermas patterns 0 yaria to • roll. We ran fer Melt 9 inob or IR loch border with me.. ef /our papers Oyer 1000 atmples to *sleet from. 1 ,grains all Inlets st lea • roli, 8 51.. 50Om Mit !Ain hn der end railing to me oh Mending@ furnished itabod Is motels any paper KIDD'S BOOK STORE ALWAYS,ON HAND TIM hurt CANTELON'S Pago, Oyster PattieCarts, Don - Bread all Cris 1001,11E8 Pin and Lady Filen, Dues, Ilacaroona, laraffica, Brarly Slap, Itc. Scranton Hard Coal Fla TRU MARRIT ara so good as the haat amide in any city in °anemia Umbrian Weds the trade in WEDDING •,„ CAKES 111 (Sal ersitehari on the Market Resift where yen 551 WO lbs. for a tea. wricl.azz. Ordave bah as TM, 6 1242vg Snow promplay I51oo04 00h *Some- in faney dertioning and ornanwat ing arta Mrsond tenni. , thee hies an order and vow IWO lefeetinn will be angunwl • e D. CANTBLON, Wilf•T-417%