HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-2, Page 30wassafts,,omew. �� �,Auz 3 -mi ....... --- - k ,
,Z4 �5,,,,k,.Iitv-o.,�. �4�'�
- ------`-1-1-1"-1--"e -- -- ,.�,-.,.,.,Ikna�� ", ....,Liw,i:tjtu.za,*i.i,h�, - I 4,
�,IIJEZ = b;1t--qr111, 1�1 ,�-t*,ot,ftto� .
— MI 44'�'WIL47��g,�MM2X7-.Xx,uWkILMU.:%�--.,.-�-��-i,,-.;4-,i,:.:�;.-:�.7-...-,—�. -�r-.r,T.�.vx-".-3.�c��-----,,� 4-
A Tory reftatly� when O -
sat ad a mriong dr.I, ,ka stores,
Cos. Tile trade )oil 11:11K.
84 advertent 11, tl,,.,
InUVWOd Plants ]u,,
r at&too rally to, ji.."
ullfted ,
I Ott tile =Ui, 'find it y,Nkk 114
inot Charges from an Afio,rl
0 thin point of dvlrqvbry ":
by our Contract Witt, tileilut.
to tile 11'"US would even If,,
higher price that, that *11
rocielve from tit � Z
utav"I'llfts, lit
our 4xintinic l!"Iltrni.t.
mean It
0 1111 appa"ut th"t ill
It Wake entered into) lW.t%.,.4.:;
veralosput al3of my c(Impon, 11,
good faith; that , tl,e
IT thP first year WAG Jelkl ')last
AeriMn Mbee. and the mlu,.,.
iflLsh for tit that tisaile, and
0 rails could be rellism"d 11,
tile market@ (if tr. world fi.,
lie 1901 at any loan Ini
0 Succeeding years fit tile
it term
later tit& the Price ents M`V,-r
R tile market ,,,i,,,
land. Tito suggloolatione. tl,,,
hat thoss Government ,Ilia r
I be bound Imli.l.
to Pay, lill.%ttling
e frim under till,
�t Is not joint h4l and tll,. ,If .
M that the 008t;act wall# at,..
ad too. 131,111i dense In %h
Ing plectioloses is entire;y" u:;,
I. I may add that Iti,alt
vornme intionsuess of tl%d'ol op",
we Should never have tiplialot.
etmvtrtu,tion of a rani, jolillim
I. Our entire plant ,,as 6.,,,,
Pit at emir works: aII t1lelin,.
) fill thin order lots been 1117l,j,,
1 W —le In Canada all,, %%,III
Aly for stions in (sue conivPloto-r�.
will be maklOg steel by Ats,11,t
Is Vlantoods tortor,momomamordow,
'he Markets
1.0mallimar Wiliest markets.
swing are the closing qn,)t,,.
'at lunwtolat WbG&t centress t,,i.
� cash. j tilY.
go - - ------ $* ....... 07ill
York - ... - ... 014114
takets ...... ... . .... 1�ii� .
.only ... ... ... ... ......... 07 - ,%
-' . ...... ... ... ... 077% #41 7,;,
it . ried ...* ... ... 07S% 077
white ... ... ...... () .rS III . I I
It, No. I Nor. ... 0 75% 4) 7q
It- No. I hard ...... 077-4 .,
Nip. I Nor . ...... ......... (17.-"
"Orso"40 Parmers' 31loorket.
11 29--wilent-01'. J..n.1 ..I
"call 4-6 kxul of real ould ,.,,
ed. at 70%c per buslial. nn -I ---too
so col�l- monk! 5ic lower. lit fim'..
Illy -01114 kwi mold le is, I.e
- lit 46, lispor bushel. I
9 -Two hundred bushi w4 I , I.
. at 3416 to 35C.
1 and straw -Twenty lo,,ld., q
!Alt ancilm.natood Alt $La to 1$1 I.o,
141, mod tone loall of sit ros w, .,.I I
Chair. at Nit) per tfmn.
ter -The -re was a 1,trg, *,,,III,,
a keen Inquiry. Thost blist rolim
:'PlfllY. And farmers statod tl,.#t
reectwed .am much &a ..3c f,,r
choicest kA*. into b -,31k to( all.
r. howeirel... golod at 15 t, �.., o '
nany sellers offered their ,-If'
"IIIPIY at thus" fisrooree.
0-Mnrk*t weal active, will,
1,linchnngoid tit 11 too lLr
t ry -Thero %rate 111, Killed Ineli
I'D -I)PIY IWAA a triflIm lariz,-r
end 6441 readily at 60 Ito mom. ,
.% 8 were sakertree ,awl were, jill... -1
at 12 to 13c.
4"ll-VerY EnMil Offerinjz% awl
activit2k. Pric.,ii are un# -:mi,.:.
; $2 to *L-75 for calls and ,$: to,
for the choice lotak
�rtablrfsi lines s,W Wall. all.]
Adme'r-warto - at-ploity- .R�
P'Pntlf"l and Of 90 . nd q,,I,l , � . .
I loadat of pote,lock, mold at ;;4)
c per hat.
Irs"d IIIWN- Deliveries small au,l
Of fteivlY, at 1104.40 to $111.11110 per
ornate Lien Stock Markets.
, flool4je-elloWiliftwWowt. to is ig$ .j 1,
110diunk .......... .. . ... l3i Us I :,
. 470111"s - - - ,... . .... 326 10 3,o
or- cA10-9 ens,-kand . I.. I Ili r I
'PS: CaUIG. CbOkl& .'. ... ISS . ..",
We catull 23" to A :,
tmol;- . =-.- ... ......- - - It ow to- do'$,
To ,,*in usion. , O' 0111:1� - - - t Y) to 3 -
13111i.el. lk,�'). per,I ,no to , _.,:
"Lloort. light. per cmi jjj 19 I
V.-hort-ke"Is. .*':'* . .... 40) to I �,
Ii...',',"'"olI1. ... ... ..... 3 .i to, ,,-a
.. .. . IS Ito .: ,.*
ro, pox)to*xilb&...,.*.*,*" 31 fit So A ."
*:�" limit belters ....
r I 1,011, .... '":,"'. 2 do to ! "I
.. :! " I . 7-4
to,ft bull, per ,,,mij.. *.':. I 7j to .., ,
'*Wq.C.Xe&' ' L ......... 1.1 sm to I Iss,
,-q imir ,,- .......
A -As ............. . 3 ;
: 3 ,Alt,), 1114" :,:"
buu,1m-,-sf":-.,:.,::.:. 1 30 I.Il - W
, ", .. "
" "" ew, * 1 ,
�r:`,- , ...... .. to. a 4 "
'p -r- ... :..:... 1 -A to 4. mi
.—a ... .. ... I No to m`1
-1 "
Im.n.l. - : - : ::--:-:- : it IL40 " :::
.. -
lerewo, .......... ..-.:.: lite tit . -
...... so is, to ,I :0
...... ......... .... I ...... IW to 0,
Wallets Live 1119ock Markel..
Idon. April 244Uttle art- l r
"I'd"' , At IOX-4 to I1kS per "'L.
.1 It light ; 111116,11p, were wenk-r
it tat 33 1-30 Par lb.; and lamina
sit 14a -r lb. ; refrigerat or
Lot 7, Im
&4 tO So per lb.
Choose Markets.
th Phleb, April 2G.-Itegular
ng efor ill@ &)nth Fla,,11 (,I, .......
I Wnllk held thin evening. Ntijolwr
0""" Is"ardood. L77 White. 11r,re
word, Se. None gold.
Toronto filairs mad Wool. I
'I's- green, 5 10 7c: Iddroo, rw?.
7 1-1c: callookluel, "11i 1. 7 to, Sao-,
Ons. No. ,.,. a is) Tc: (lour '110,
10, each. N t- 650; stipermtkiiiq.
. 90C tO $1 -CO; tallow, rftn,),.r ... 1,
3 1-te; WrR)I. floocce, 23 to I 1�.
11111youshod. fiance. 8 too to : vo,,(ij,
I. so"Per, 17 to 18c; woutt, 1pulle-1,
1. 20 to 21c.
Iforistate, wool Market.
dhom-4*- iijams ------- - - - --
0 rnanarted.. a zilZ—iz,3 .I -
Of Ito Sign of improvement in �
near Future. Pulled wanly 'a. -
'"rO-7110 market to froasturel.,it,
parlsone are nisnainalk tbol same its
Weak At 13c to 14c. and it is
tful It thAt Much could b, I -[)-
'led woolm-711foraii, is not mlli.h
"T ¬ if- Market Is ,lull land
Staged At 16 to 1170 for ionfarra
19 t() 20L for extras.
Toronto Dalry Jolsokety. .
�t"-R-Oipto onfuntinue henly
ill* market is easy. (;ikaQt^tk,r
ke ro5ow4: Dairy, tube &ud palho"
t(l choice-, 14 to 150 . madjunt, 13
do ; lot IL2e ; dairy priate, 15
tic ; rrg.e estallial, good to ellq-4re.
0 150 ; OPORmory, bratems, IS Ao
On I Ponrides 19 to 21c.
*09,-FAAY. Full orposiss, July as -1
"Pot Makes,, sells at 9 1.2 to for. ,
-Manitoba % heat liffoorkelto.
I lOrAl market tortatinusid, qui,t
drall, with very little bn#lnl,gg
nc- The movement trom cartes-
POInt4l IN Dow Ivry light, find
'ro are Waiting the rappoof"K of
"all1ratiOn before they renew
'ItY In trade. prices are noo-
Cad fronts Imart week, and Are
nally, fore, I ho,ard. 79c; N.. 8
- 750; NO. 8 heard. 0%; tough
' hard- 610; t*uO Nots, 8 noorth-
I hard ekownsf tel-dAy at folc to
raft Wlillftm-WIURIM con-
lall April in .
�, u I I
I 11,
I . �
. I
11�* , �*A, , ,-,-�,
I .. , ., .0, , "A, i "I',
r 11
I 1 ,
, 1, . 1, , , , .,
h, ��.1. 10�1 ",
-11111 -- -
'.k—-,1-, 7,;7"-�
1*9*.tltl%,A,!L±�-,,* .
M. C. CAMERON'S - , .-k*"o�
�, V - "', `74 -11;W-Erl
aotso�s- . �
� o4lt!� o:i,,7iO4 ': �
I. , , ,
t ,,,T",, , � 4' , i, �`i`I14, ,
, -S ,
..X 1-1 -�� . , r f IF,
11, Ppdt,,,'�,
10, , ,.,� I tFV1,4 �,nf%
r " ."m 7�, , .
,� , p "P
3 - m�:- I V �
IxAniment of Mr. Mille and Mr. Cox I referred to? Audi do not treatments- brivill. The joalovre Witt@ endorsed -H. After roadafalcrab!o disconsolation till
we wvrs simply doluged, It YOU mumi kx-r to tootts, received "that lettoor. 1:1. Oook, deasitur." Tijore were Awv- colutuittama decide'd thiLt it was no
fir -ow, Witt' 11PPIleatlunto fur martator. although I L.allsout vlkxlk Pufailt'vely- stral let'Legal 41114 some vAsmuf&udu. necessary or desirable to astoolods, to
bl"J's- I Would be .1tolooli If , - I dl-%, I
name A rot - to . . " ) ou too Wh4tiuss to licy Jk)%tku64o-' of Laterals to Mr. cook." tim request of Mr. Karr. tits pulatj
ho -ow many gentleasen e(waid. I)uAtiv#PIY It duid Dot rei-fer to
ored tlwuwel$eii eligible take tinst Jan. I t,wk %loss 110 find nut, cOUM &%crude lo letter froui relabel not -biling pertinent tu tile is
Matter? A --I ellf'said iWA914110 like Richard Curtwright to hiforatiwr a" before them. I
Port"I't Pubitiull, find every vue lit It 'Oki not refer k) %he L'ouk matter. of deptembLr 3U< or of Octuber Otis,
VINDICATED, llh,lu, I think. witiltmat u billott.. wo1l. WIV" I thuds lit- 11.1d In Ilia Initial wam a .
I =o1h1xecPtk"l, Were guild thollicl) to I it Imtkv Of, very founhAjerable ints- 31r. fourc Y um laut olvattruyJ& ' 4
— 'Zi F,,!�klj use %I Matto 111,�-11 jaut its Stever I A MISERY AND HEALTH.
-u"', f;j!",�- tlic"Pillicatow-Mr.Cook las"'I't, thtlit I;J 1161i SM -14% Ultertwt t1w k-tterm pre.luvej b U Coak in -
.4je. - ,, OPP clilllY-4 th,lr liaLltu, 11114 y r . -
316 ., - tu-.r. ill, and diescusitted with toe belorethe orrun voloich land out alreaft bL4-n
enez...l.,te Idliould Iiiink Sil"' faith Noovinber It had bolieso A Cartworiglit wrotse: "My lbear Com. �
nessa for if d ,,, it, ul,)*,,* Prior to rll-4 On Oct.b,,r Ott, air Itlakard
it extreasely likely I ' 411104,1111 lifive're. I'llitt"r of notoriety anti woo In %Ise assaron: lour IrWild'o predeut aluud A Story of Deep Interest t(
Produced in the Cook vill%ed'od"urij so ' dou".."'o' .fid "'* """"' ."a
) g y"
�q t a Case by His Son. Lgi-vsitw
, k "'IF -4
W . ; " i��
. --- ------,—. 1#1 ,�11101
. -a le t00% Or allevers weeks, ,oazetto- t1utt, Mr. Mille anod Mr.c4j,% dump not quitu fit sol-Itj t u
that the this, I Ise Iden, yy
- F wits practically ,4jm.lj lbi'!L be, -n jy4stAnted denature. exioremawl to me. thiat he letis OttLt
aullos 1, tllla�ll, All Women. �
oo litandret a of letters. I did livi Sir . bLike-It wa-s On thu 111th No win excetmungly contideut. It look" , iji�
, i
Illyfortalso at 1111 to lwpmpr%e tiopme. vensix-r that Moviorm Mills and 1120" uIfaV0 as If ik! had found a difficult) �J! 4 t . �,� , It,
Continuing, Mir Itluiuir,l mald lip olke,ji. I is - r, appointel tu till- sulfate. ill tile quatorter it originally it
Ii0120d UP. Urathatal Vaiii,roll rej4nf. Oir. ItUchissis toaxt pruduciatt Las. 1,ttrr proaclised. At tilt. sawatme time It t Retailing the bufferings, of a 1.14413
Ing tile Jett 1.
er ,a elites, to 11,11-p Im.en
seloulovil by Sir. U. (-. CausprAm to) Mr.
tiatesi :.-Ith November, ItWo. %viAch
w4ts ill tho`,� 1--fi` Mr. Casueron'm own
isk,ry slatiselLy, ,to I L"j)t if t,lke unit.
ter octal W left. gilytotay. calitch iufvg-�r,
Who ties Ksipsorlew.,ard the Asionlej
C. It flat thO Idatform of if,,- Toronto
" thic,rc IN lilwaysi trouble lit 11AX)
Thaft Afflict 60 Malay ut Her lien -
.tlaotkiql, but lit, 1`111110 to, t'litaill any
tar. WUmon-lu reference to that
fartaf delay, a lid t hant I,% 4 slifecl Ily tj e
it I
Passed Thocuoillis Four Ofteralloni
Without "Ouslit.
a" it) it" e%imtf'u(':'. 7"he
------.----- Witilcmed aiw-riled
li,tter I ,notsid any there Lot only a
cvuii�) allow.,
as it Pullito tile way to reii,fpe(
Most poettl%k ti,.,
lie kijp%, ikottillog al
CommIttlefe Rollossloss 0 Lot Preston I had
Bring Witions"Ists tO Prove That 18A, Sir. Gr;jjj;jao
a,inall portion of %%144:6 1wrtAlloo
t 4,
t tile Inquiry.
Oil August :.'I, ISDO. Mr. M. ('.(',Jan.
croak �% rqjte: "deur Cuols: &&w frLendm
Throughout Caskodso, ther' fare thou
his Lotter ('atuf'rou three timps
Th- letter way, here shown Us W
inentlomkod In yfoury; Wool monveraist.
I'lantle anti thanationaludy calwoospilhoorh(
.411 0, tile hit,11, hittingi of tit,. C.,nl,uit-
Was Tampered With -- Esvessirepplog Charge Falls Through Miser. (CI!,
f(lebard Cartwright, and tho witnesis
tion. "nil W 1"%o another littervi--sav
undergo daily 1xilum-sumet4tues bor
If I% This flatter nowle Nearch Slowing
� dably—Lositioloss 00 I'll Show That Gook was Very "if, Nth,. -
bIll(I 1K. rPmruala!re,l recei%lng tit('
In it, tit%), or I'vu- In tlb'-� liwitutiu&
dering on aguu)onwli star only xv
k!kilgers But Disclose is., 4pord mail finial
�' no wreogdoolifig. ;xtellookye tolial
P, I-Ateris willuts load
eleivtle anti h.-tvIuS it %%firm dlocitakiloll
is with Mr. Coximerson concerulux it.
Itivep f"A."
On Alixuat 25, Iffiloll, the -re vvAs a
w*lk can enlure Its unwinialskining mui
Ottawa. April 9S.-I[Speclial)-TI
w,kitso ('Onmittee inviestigatingti
if. if. LNxyk charges that a Senate,
little land been Offered him for illm
OUU reinstated tide morning. At ill
elyiiinir of the lamenting. Sir UMI
kenzie BoweU. Cluslat'llosaus, read
liflearain March 2"d
.. t"eived 0411\
tile doly OW OMIRIttO6� 1116d)(0slairset
it wa.4 from X A. BaLlaisf. molicit.
fur like, late M* C. Cskjul�ron. all
aski that the executor or lot. Can
er,-Il lind'eraplift of UP. C a .
0 ;iL.V
. rru
corrpaps-ndeace in 180 . IT Coal
rcmik-lidence had an lwporlllllt�eAl
istior kin tit. Cia.._
_ eltairgem, "Ille.
usia vemnskiered should be made I h
lie- Ili the Interest of tile Latto�m,
t*�.in,rI-11's f0slaskUy. as tentang t,
comitraidict tbO stateguente nusideb.,
the defence. W Mackenzie amid Ito
j;ad refrerred Mr. BaUey to Me
xit,hi--, the solicitor for tile kk-nato
0-ounsittee. anti am it result Sir
Vai;11- this executor. hall beet
outsaw-milard to attelad� before ties
A Serious Charge.
Wr Mackenzie also read a newd-
r,r!,, -r o4atemeat that Mr. W. T. It
�t,-n e1nlme,l that the date Of hL4
k-tter that had Does road by Mr.Couli
before the cosaluessitter land been oblit-
Prott, 1. awl that indicationis, tit thim
fact could be aeon ta) tile aid of a
giaw. A letter to the comosaittee tit
only effamat wive also re" from Mr.
Prtoa. Mr. Jorefstum lu'liLso letter
al- asoked thalt IS,! w(ght im, alletwe'l
to wbuilt, e%idelwe thomas a certain In-
ter%icw Cook mat 11jacock tionoore
the-> had had with Islas 4preastoni was"
is -1. correct. the laterilow "ag I.
Jolly. an I -not In Nuvelub,r, aim vlaimed
in tilt- Pvktence. 71te letter clitilued
H loseemell. loublis tot in Toutuato at the
r-11 date of the later%iow, sad that
he I Preortcon) waso Dot in 111uroutu at
the time tile koteriiew was allegiml
11, have, take& Ilitace.
X1111 motion of Sionntora Miller awl
rehuffer It waski decided to pea
11, - istrWigatiort amerally. roo
%Jr. J. K. Kerr, of Turo-titu. oloppeart-d
nil hickaff f)f Prep(m). He axk4,j that -
loll,' lie given to IV.WWt Of the M12n-
mIsting of exlwrtv to examine (Ile
I-tter am] tenotify all to whether
there hoot been an obliteration.
.%fr. Markets. Caydi'm counno-1. mi461
that the" hall been n peocLl mark
o -a ktt,vr "Ibllalal�- east that lip him -
w -if Will obliterated it roughly. (Nook
I,t4ft 004 It �Kis& It mark -h.- film
msIf land platted on the ItAter. Nerr,
..It Ile was licold theat experts( mWit
6- AW to lmro%so thmat the momth land
t -.-n originally In the letterp. and
livat it wait nont "Nov." .
Looked, Like Vorgory.
sir.. Pre"Itain wan called, asset ex
omiino�] Use letter is queotion. He
0 -o -i he hail not a copy of the letter.
hat In examinatilosto of kt, Witt
9 ginw.y. had discoverf"I **Ju 6 . IM.1!
If - -,sal-I tiant Mr. Creighton. the ate
al-4ary of 0e committee, hnd likes,
IIked thartionWh the gleam, anti that
as, iturA party hoaa.1 mrsdo, an examine-
' tions, with the mans- result fiat lie
41're,tatoork). Ho wi,# tltuq matliffird
I Ir -re hwJ boom nit Oblitern tion (if the
dkite by society. Sir. Prvottoinlasommid
14-tt #so flondersooW-ad lifult Solicitor
f;-erral FItropt,triell hail made tint-%
Alikilvition of ttya )ettpr. and that lie
flaill-I m3ke a Ptnt--ment correspond.
lvic too Isla (Proleston'to) vj-,va thont tiff.
I, I I ,r hall been Vt onperesIl with.
Acids flood on IL.etter.
')it the etansuirsoostion porco-wiling
Pro-oton xuboultiod the gi,islon lip umed
of"I wool matiottlasol that , olts" and " 1A.,
ithis-h lie saw therewitto wprp lit file
,,%%if linsmilawritling. Ho also nald lip
h-,1 t-onchoond Isis t4orknue tat tile letter
it it I I lint he deteeterl a troorket Wilielli
400i-fi:-d him am to the flow 4A neldie.
',if attar Klrehofrf.r asset a avrrnl
:1illt-ria aNnitnolused Prestesa at coneid.
1"1111-- Iength nit to) him experiment *4
Si with ne-14N to) uncertain their
frfot In obliter I tinor, etc.
The Letter to 4jokeellism.
Tito, dtltQa1dQ4 letter Which Vallosell
fill Iliv trouble to am nallown;
'Legiviative Library. Toronto, Us'
dpear Mr. (look, 1@4 me kam)w as poison
nil * %6ii arrivo In the city. I triant it)
0", -,n omfWeitially regarding a
in-Itier In which you have an Iri
lu;itf- Iselitlaral Interpot. vourts, att.,
(111111gued) W. T. R. llarestook.
-- Attempt to Discredit.
fill the examination loaroocedinot, Mr.
llri.twl denied that the verret,try of
ILI' rximittem load left titan at one
tilli In the room whilso, he wag ex-
"I'lilliflit tile letter.
---ilor".. N I mi. 4%VVWss-eW&lf4&AW-sAAn-
lolp', Pralsolon no to how king he limit
ot(wkl about the cemultf4.e floor is, , '011
Ise ron-I othtr wiiOspageo were exchad.-all
If-' It(111041 he had triel too 114tpii (,,
it's, evidence, but lukol coal's i's the
Ile r n mamPer W .tkmw. Mr. Marmll
bt-ollotht up a nowAlmippr libi-I melt on
Pro oton had hall still t Ill or I
Kite lm,p,r. am skikestiff' J"."hn 11fichlook-
Ivr. 1'rP*too',' uncle, houl not nVeted
in (hat pays that he Would not believe
I 011 fmth if it was tat hill
(;11;'1I;`SI '01) ,advantage not if) V-11 the
I'm son
t rot I. IS. .
Rochester Ksplased.
I'tpieton floold Itorholater land inilm-
I it' " that he would wit believe him
(Prienton) on Ceth. lip then t(old flow
as ("I'llir (and find atisinted betwoon
Ill. .fntlwr land Awitroater, mad lom
I '"'I,, load been a lawsuit, wiliell lilt,
too 111"r woo. fin saki Rochester hail
lwl;-r liked 1111111, and w1wn lit- (Raischoss-
t I., 11i evidence on the Pipet lit
Va lip the Jusigr Wit Rocidiatfor H r,.
,)a., 'lot ,lifive the cc one
lossionste he witiould tion,"r1a,rion In
It, of TO in ,,,an. Mr.
'hestpro artartated fur porPory.
11 K. IKOtr, Proaton'd sloilleltror, to, it -
llukintao�l priont., a* to this ,rinjem,,n t
1% ('Ise* that he (Cook) had tot -
"'*(I to Proston In conalsoctiona wit'h
ill' dAt'imm latter. lie @:lid tholij. this
mosse"t have boon prisor to August Sift
bas'"" After thAt date lie could roft.
he caught by 'pe lost,.
In OV to a After jossionso he sold
, 7 W IIAT lial lis"rviewas wit
that he III
""it "beckmeati�. to tits one or- I
"Mavaid to aciftnection with tits date -
1"" lettalt, Mr. 171111INUMOS, lhislitstary
of tliff,mt2mlttee, 'mid Mr. Ilrcmt
1141 M - J. D. Clarkii, were the oil
locarksons' who mtw tile letter while
Wag In lite polasession. Fitapatri
loud out men the letter, but it
liouken to him about It, aloall been ill
Z seep Ob%'kjuAy ba,l buen main
Mr. Crehliltolill mi I the letter Ili
been In film solight till the tinic. pre
tOR was kicking at it abjnt W mi,
litev. 11� did Mot .cc Preaton tuttell
with him tOtWie. Creighton still this
W"`A tip examined the letter wit
the slam Preston and Crelli
discovered a down adroke final at)AS
thing that lo()k,-1 like fail ,,A,-, .h
'said fill told Preston Ile could ISO
I sol" "ll that Prelate" clainted to) ate
,'rov�000rty In Pretitun-li kovid.-ne
Ireaton ortateol that 1141 know all tit
evi-benvew of ,-bliterathmat In the i1glk
In Creighton'it, rourn, and Jett thI In
rprence that he coulsl Ito( twe thei
ill In tile ligh f the cornmitti roan
t (at
-day. men to luespienger Berub
W I examinz with regard to wit,
ill( Preston h-itt tried tit [fallen t
the vklp.nee lit tile Committee, bit
loin e Idetlets, rotablissited twathing.
Mr. arsh magglaoite,li that Mr
John I rieton, tile (Iiiier d[LWO41gi-r
bc calla- to too t Lly its rogar-1 16
tile all, earemodr(appluff by Mr
Prosit Oil. . 9 -
tUr Mae Stit. flovarpli-I Woul.
'"1911"pot- call 9 tile meneenger a.
t too. dmor, use the Inativengeris,
ill- time mad a etmw!uiut to in
redrar-ling Mr. cartoon.
Ernest Beruh WAII kIL-cordingi
called a ' as 0 '
"Thim 11: n'-mt* trt:e' conotiongeor I want
pets" cromplookiroad Sir. Marsh.
"Oil well, Cali tile all," returte
oeirr�l memberd of IS COUISMILLVe
ilertabot salorl flout 4ml "a occasim
Willie evidence wan I 'I taken, 1,
it " ,
noticed Mr. tp.,Z��,�Ia, 11 I X agal in
, ::,
tile outer at, or r I .1 coullitt"f
roon= Wito _ w , severe&
rest a AmI &he wbolore force is took
till 111.1 stand.
"Why. that's thar other flud t tile
hail. amteuptu(xwiy observeil to,,
Mr. Jones. all lie nuticeal where lie
nK*aenger placed himself.
tMr Richard Cartwright Recalled.
U-munmel italol lie de"ired to nook Sir
Rickard Cartwright a few quienti.mi.
Lis forder to lay the futindation f -,r
certain neac(orsdary e%idence which Ise
laropusmild ill bring forward. '
Vir Richard towing recalled. oetate-d
fit relt.y to Mr. Ititchie. that 11 p lutli
=lad- menarelt raw any letters lie
might twist- recehol in looloa :%not
INV7 from tin- lot(- M. 1'. Cameron.
MP. Mistallials, a,L'thjj_MQou?jj*, 'Iresy
attention to the preoience of Mr-. AU
I . Cameron. titan of the fate M. I.
'Ameron. and asked to have him ex.
ludii while fair Richard was giving
�-% lodence. .
Mr. Blako, IxoLnted init. that lie had
asked Mr. Cameros to) mak-1 search
,Or tile letter alleged to have been
written by Sir Ricolhou,sl to Mr. St.
C. Cain croon. The latter'n eon wan
r --re top make! a stastooment an to this
result of tits mearch.
Mr. Marsh persisted in lain demand,
"'Ad Mr. Camercon re,tiresit with the sob-
forvati'm "tat tile c(mmusitteell ac-
tielit wmp an Imputation up -)n him
Mobs bruisight. a chorine of "no. no,"
rom tho,, C(makinervativ.! mentlyerto ,or
ho consulitto4b. I I
Metantor L. Jli Jo.,ups t4ipn drew
tILLCUtiUsl to the fact that Mr. Wit -
(oil, ,,'. J[Ajudoi wake also pres,�!nt,
till ti� i too, had to retiore.
.-Ir 100hard Cartwright them pro-
evalt-d witti his'evidettee. He susid lie
nd made search. end had round n
linaboor of loottoorn froin Mr. ("Anst-r-
In. but noa,- in INWI lukrinx oafi.i r.-
erearo whate%for to Mr. C4m,k. Mir
tichard, howpver, priothiced a letter
f septaointatter X). 1897, written IS ' i
fr. Cameron it) ItintooMf, anti Sir.
ttitchip kayak,ml Mr.'Blake to say whe-
lk, -r thin letter %aim relevant to tile
nottalry or not.
Mr. Blooke-It to )nsot am rel�vftnt
a alne-teri of thv, letter" that
i'lle Itursom Iss. (Loongliter.)
Mr. Ritebin read nil extract' from
Is, Ipttpr produced to) tile following
fftvt; "I had A letter front - - -
day fir tw,o ago lesirelmAng me etroqg
.1 tv write yam rond recoruiw-nd Mill
Strongly for the position."
I Thost's, not Mr. 0o')IS." c Intood
r. Idtfailde, nois Ise broke al I ltcjlnl tilt,
endLig; as! the letter. Then lit, coon
into 41 t1w quotation frami the lettr :
Ttor, leader of tit,, jr.trty from Oil
striu, kistwor Wait wisitt in Ili the, fit.
krr�-Svt of thao ratirty. I 44y"'t in -1,411 to,
W~ ---'x chains furtlp,r, fie�41LI111P.
so yont know. when n trotessagwy tuuk
!aa�A- In the 'l,nat, im)t %cry king
also I notrionairly pro-me'd tiff, rittimmor
notlaser man Dimon certain ,unditionpf.
IK% thinfor fell thrOR111911. and ITOWPd
wassuld-Docirer- airtin Interfere In a
nAtter of &ho kliaT 'T-1IMT-Wrr
M. that y4FsItPr4k3y I reef-1ve(I nn -
t17" letter from the winfor inn ts. I
a% - decilhed to, interfere in lit,# Ise.
Of fear rorommoo,nei wf,1l known to years.
f y mi call a". y#mir wily. lit tile in
rr fin of the. pfirty, to if form lint
--- I w1mil two i,l;000,L"
Top thin letter Sir Richard reFAIP41
n-a-lactobloor St -h In tit, ff , I lowing
tralis: "There Is no) dosubt Mr. --
o cloolins which almissild h- coll"I'll-red.
lip I Am afraid that tri thin par-
tru'ar o7atalmon it will not hol pos-
W - to rrelegnize librin. Still I will
P.-, to It that his Dome lot lornught
pewearil wl~vp,r it vacancy occurs.,
Tio- 4immitualican of Fair Iti,ts,ird
eirtavrigiot then portionpooded. andtlir
lirin#4.r paid Joe set,@ twit nware (it
rt� fartiter loottPria, written hay him
I, Mr. CAMPIN an, *1f`,f'PtIlIK l"fe which
.1. besought to his nestles, bY Mr.
rairion Varrostroo. Thut letter heart,
loop ditate of 0-t. 5tIT for dth Im".
I.- thoneurlit Mr. Cnii-ron w;ote to)
fin on October 3rd or 4th. IM9".
Q.-Whoorom to that 101ttpr? %rm-1
D not w, lint I outdoorstatmoll A
rop , I of ?r"WaSsas in Mr. form item Cam-
Pon'so hruivils.
Mr. Marall ert,sx-exisromi-it-ol Stir Itirli.
rot At grant longth ,last first of nil
offalrooll Whether tile MinistPr hall
�Idiraoyrd the letter of net. 6tit, and,
*qp, whether h. load dollop son herauflo
Willi for tin IMPOPtAncol.
lany At,fillentlaome ter Pf-%R#-PfsklP.
101t Richoli far as team recall
sous the thoom of 1111,amator Maepluor-
tion-11 ftomth to the allftte� Or the Ap-
jmlyxe�l b ."'a the I:tte Mr. Camer--xl
Sir. llitcWtis redid part of tile ducw-
Letter to Mr. (Unser4in Irwn Sir. Cook.
K41ve- To much the lottery of Miry
:irwl Sir, Cook. Mr. Cameron wi,,#.F,i
Social. the rent being of &a pereakutuill
%'Iklrll wan not put Ili by Sir. Coo,k:
FrallIkEvalls, ut33Froutn'-stacut'reet
un Sir Itlehard to, tuadereotand that, lie
had 110thillic
rharacter. It resin thow: -My dear
"ymar letter Of )eateirany is to hand,
M.)IjtreakL will bring hope allki J')y
Is- to ill) will, the loroductiull
it 101"I'le, lather -N lettlerol, on-Iliell witilems
S4ar ItIt,liareal.-I duclute possitivel.s' if,
tatteu ileglitiatIoRti will' tile wall In
ikiO cconatentio fi,wd. I oltall be Staid-
esi by your gvx),t judgment and keep
as it Pullito tile way to reii,fpe(
ck "'sit' well aware Of. Mr. Camprun, no
Tor(lorsto. Into laropuAltiull Wan loin
(`O`)I*hk the nwitratime.' li.)wever,
I health tint certookinreipaimetrujilposin
ad fair na ,Ikr Richard wouslaware, soustiol
(�wn, film[ when the luatter reached
a 1 -No w -lit lily alloplicationa W -day, ad-
Mrs. E%unoi lilt.%*@: "I feel that �
lot no. npillicution fur a Government tip-
critical oAW liq pac&,ml out. That
(if,'-4"ijlg thooln Lip Lourl"r, M"%vat,
ought, W way a good word for lar
,. louilitall t fit any Of tile lntz,riie%%w
ejols it lit IOU fair " -1 also eel '. tied.
Cart%tright. I am awalail.7g; witik
it Willialum' 11inkilillso.intlise lkope thal
1. 11 it recent period.
f.m. ,t1jA
Th,3 nplookiltratessitio made rc� all
Sty�rl doi-al air auxlety lor )utLr letter
Id it "stwer US Mr. Blake. Sir Wells-
right-" , ,
11,46,1111, your wcoud inter%its1%. What
any experienee Duty be of benefit, u
so- ard unit the Int"viewol with Mr.
"What do sou nicall ta�, maying-"
60 Y(AL think Of lus%lnlr sforw, iiiemtk-r
voliso other suffering woulals. I fill
` ('soomp"On land DOtJliut W do with tile
Mr. Ritchie here brokc tiff fit the
lut%itig influence with Sir (Aiver Maw.
new tment,x-threta of nit an,
I t prefient, Inquiry. and that geutle
rvaiding of the letter to state that
alt to w-4- )aim lit reference Us this
If I lot* ray elevenths year I have suffer
t "'I'll made an invettigation sweiy or
It wake protty P%Wont the letter
matt. -r? If yoti think well of title#'
� 1� ,1�
�L - ..
it hill own [notion.
% am ln.rt,ply too orw of Nr Itichard'it.
whoni would ysju muM,mt ? I ry
' 011 far ur.are- titan my vallare of skgon.i
11 Q�—Wluxt, wall Like object off Isis
t�lr Riefiard-I Sililiak thitt is in re-
turn your 1ptt�r, and ivill do 00 with
front tile atimentay tiont arfact, mi
making All it"restl9ation ? A.. -It
ply to tyno (if inine. and I inlay me)
!lily turther aranonaunicatioll,it y In:'
3 dex. At tile nage Of sixteen the trust
0 W-311 'Ilia W it statement that juild
t bee -11 made that nolup letters, or
I had it warm Argatew-ut with Mr.
, Cameroon In regard t,- tile tone of
mend flow, ona, there will be as,"'Ithing
(>!I r�-casril triorn you; knowing year
Wit find growtir to,) bud Ishat I had it
e. letter Insets, of film father'm were to
a It.
cauti-oil In matt,woo -if thk it d.
I undergo an operation lathe ont.
P. 110 Produced.
Mr. Ritclaloo then Inquirc%l whether
,Lilt %cry thitlAfitt f.or tit,- tro"ble
reat general hoolIbItal. TliIii did nut
0 Q.-Witlell would exculpate front
It W)MO Otargoo" which lie '110.1
lit. tit,? rest of tho letter Mr. Camer-
on did not discalsesso th, joemmikAllty of
you linvo taken. &lull Bills[[ lot' gl,lql
to reelprocate at any time. ,an(]
eure sue and a. liViLic later I under�
. tmw,n made 1 A. -The object of it
there belong an e&rfy Na.cancy In the
touty tint,- you train intake false for out.
Vve tit anather ope I tion. Front thim
11 1 (lit) not knOw, but, I underortood that
o4"Inate' find a" Mir l(Whard whether
Jet one know it."
wnup. latoo'erit,but, wan nut
it VOID" letter Ise)( or coplem of let-
tliere wits gotAos to ho oup or not.
On Reptember I.-ith (fr l8th Sir.
wholly cared. and I cuntialuesiv,p mir-
e &prao limit been, roduced by 64)lne
,Sir Ricollard-He pr(jeemim, as .%On
(Nook wrote: - Ytiur kin I letter of
fer front paine; in tits- u6iouken awl
�- menial
0 ter of hill family, and wn"
w Ili Iijee. to, arguc ugniumt. like -orub-
11th in,oz. to hand find nutc4l, fur
Dillon" bestalat-he. A frurjoestra later.
" hality. oke fair am I kwowe"' lkr'
ability of an early vascancy.
wh!c;l neerrat all) thank -4 I haste ullat
hio Ing %%-lilt stay humahnirl reniuved w
I. 4'"pt, it) that Ilutt Mr. Cameerun
The coctinsittee diectaimed the two-
yort Sony about Jamesie Young. 111'. wall
unitfifix. I % -its again buttering Sterri-
inside film 1XIVestiffn4ion.
prioty of adimitisfig furtlwr extract&
been out Of politics for ruarteen
W.s 41111 wan talten tu it,,! general
Q--Wux filly Ifitter that y(in art!
froqu the lfttter, and till" additional
yearo, vill while- If#- wait Ili "Lorna. ne
hospital, wheru another uperatlun
aware of dest,royed tiolt would 11mvp
R(ittence wass read: Wkat oko .%aan
ria-moy ill topeak (a. 10 rerei%so,1 hik
wan perfurna-4, Tiliarave late- archer
1) I� any,way nuhi"tdhl tile ease of Mr.
ni,an bi majoing -- k not
rpivar-I boat wad not evinni to It, sand
for twit for three itiontheo.andagain
( .... it 110 buuglkt to be, made out sit
ass, remain longl"
till I tc refoolan. H- :shkpd ui� assalmd-
the old trouble (1141111t., Oil. tin.] .
Pr—ftt ? A. -AU far am I man awarp
frist, question wan again past to Mir
nill-P "-bell fie 'A ate seckla , t lie Pro-
wout-1 matter fur that's ;it it tisficiand
l ill,[ thiLt Mr. Ckotok
Richard Cartwright i% hother lie was
vinelal Treassurcribil). I wgrkeO hard
nething maceoned to'relloove Lhelasi
t lernalt Va refer to ever exiatpd. '
lit a pimitlun to swear that the ro-
ror [lint tin I lit- t(,I,l me 4110he wanted
lit Fanbrunry, 1891.1, I wam again ob-
t On' Wit prepared �o day. titter the
fi-resiv.- In Uw. letter U, nelirotiatittanti
was, the worki 'Iwwjrablp.* tit blei
llgatml t') IV) to) tilt,- holopital mold Ulk-
e P dlueti011 of tits -letter which Mr.
did not r(4f,-r to tho Uuok onatter.
�41lr l(k1yard replied that he W1 twit
nalnex anA he lusio it. Surely L..
"houlel but btrand In the was- (of mi Wit
derwens it ruturth upeoreatiust. Even
till# 6114 not jwljv tile and not (fie
C amt,ron followed me. tolutt, I nut Per -
reet in earpla,ming that there fiat]
think It ref-rrad to, the- Cook mat-
frlen 1! Bearden, no nppllc�nt I lia%o.
dilon,form nalmlatuotereddiaring the
hppn n polIondprive,
ter tit nil, best to & totall) different
heard maintleoned lip entitled it; It least
I 1 �rsttlon affected my heart. I would
144, I -
. ant quitp mure there wn's 31')
jllajt�-r, wh!ch had b,-Pvi under'dim-
than he lot I wunlil like It, know %hpa
I lwasinit it further eper4lit-n.an-I
lietter of tile. Safari rptprretl to.
eiroasion l000tween them during tit(-
tho House proroonim. no I woniol Lite
wall %AkVlk holue 'still a great nufrer-
Q.-Ilil yolt de"t'roy, for vautle to be,
deturiusi. The only copy or memoran-
to m� �Ott In Ottawas, to &peak 44
er. lit 114991 wam advined tA) try Dr.
,Iefdr(oYf'd. 11113' letter that
does that ,so had looked (It Any cor-
oth" matters that we were toilkiii
Willianaft' Malt 11111,tarid decided to
I thought, woul,l have workes) :against
r.-viountlene:! vvILIj 11r. L'asueron lit
I 1890 If - kmakid rwentl.%, ald it con-
Tlien on fterstember 28th. IW.)T,.' Mr.
-ki Sen. I have usmod. Won pinvirorse%-
Proalmonthiskindlifive found inurpre-
e rou In title Inveatitation ? A.-
X(ofte whatever.
tioilaneti wboat hq! an & re-
Culik wrote, tit Mr. Canif-ron ! "I n-
iiet front them than fru 11 tile four
I A nil
Q- 3-011 are not aware
feretice to this matter. but it way
ti" in :iParterdaY's 01(itaia that Mir
operations whivil I pasimed througi
I)( an"
I letter having been destroyed o,invp
tHmAkiket1ja apart front Mr. Ce-ofilL Mir
Oliver Slownt, Mini,stpr (it Justice.
anal I warmly rveommend them Liu'
Mr. Cook ruwlo Ilia statement In Oe-
11.1cluotard. In reply Lie it further t1u;-m-
1186olo(TI'llte'l thl'Offif-PO41.1"11114-11i
till women suffering from tile all -
zotser tar L"t year? A .No letter
ti,,n mold I'lust what It really upial ,it
too ;�ftm a political matter the nat-
4-orprwor or Ontario. tollil.' therefore.
lily spat In tile Menate bloCkanient j'a-
mento witich affilet No many of Do)
Ilan been dentroyed or any. mort or
ure ,If whIch Ike did wit feel at lit).
cant, nakA I out all aspirant fur t 1117
Writing under a later (tat(-, )try.
ort� to stile lour tbe nacklem curo-
powl I lon. an I nook your suppor L for 1.
F.valljo fill3m: -I a jarly, &I)lp
in it tO be
Coudilfous for Mr. 111 -foods.
(.(..Filed. I .
I be-fleve the 4;eavaernment, will now
t,) tell you that wit only land the
Mr. Make, thun drew dir Hichard'o
Ito reply tap tiff' fluel'tiou: "Will xon
arpeocnize nai lung wirvic" to tile
great improvement wItleft Dr. Wit-
attfMtlOn 10 (lie extritirt fr,,iu Mr.
take your iontil irmsitive-13, thiat hills,
party. but in all Ceara of title kill,]
lionly' plak 1,11h, effected inuly cors-
Camerou's letter. reliffing: T;ir Jead-
Aid twit ref. -r to tho- Colds: lussitter?"
ono Miami have the muppe)rt I hill
ditiun continamood.boat I Shia now per-.
Srr t' 'Joe itrairlso known
Sir Richard replird, "I tkink out. A
rriendr. I wnuld mterm it it
fevtl� well. I load tall,ocil kill' all heope
vrhatpllr'�,'U'rt'lie t,r if,..
renutuh-r that I*-tt#r ifi.tirctly jju,j
rn%or fr you woniff writn rat since to
wimoin I too-Sigan the side or tilt. lot Ilia t
I "
I Sly. When a %acane.v tutok 111ALCe in
� " *h
e to "
tlutt the inatC-r way 0, mubj.-(:t'f I,
tilt- Prpinier or R10mr-I ('art-
thp., jaA%e rpvteved In(, tit I .11 1. 'a
a U p I (it
, no,,
11 Senate Suit 10119 airs I vtrongl�
'a " ,
Await til4climsiooll bvtwi�u nil. *
wria.dit. or heath. no �oii think be%t."
list I lia%vi wot. before kn--wn for
pre 1 Ilisho 4'izlinw of arouther astan
To) SciuAt,r Ferortamon t4ir 1,14-1vir I
Interview. With ,air Richard.
yearm. I feet mo, grateful floor what
1119 a IS ce
I ert(al n Conditionst.,, what it, tile
.niti rroni tint go -w -rat context if#-
lit reply let Sfr. Mars:i. Sir. Canirrepai
visor up-lio-ine han done (fir nip ii4n, I
ir of t ...
MI 11, of I ,'nt '? Mr. Blake Sushi am
viuLl ,ul-lI0'C that lit" alti)(31111111141til
":till that film fattier bronght. mmie
illitladlY mi%py,ouperinimima tit pill).-
�011 lilt ernotand it, fir a4 �awi know
k, hirla hold los-col 11111-14" and 1% Ilivii were
pip.-rit and I.-Iterm ill Met IAW 4`4111-P
limit my letters fit tile hope that
lin3thlot about lite conditionser that
'till rischt, %ter,- tlao,o! -4 Iton. 4;vo.
lt.-L,re lit- Itent tio-Iteschm. Inf-Iii-ling
PUier women will fullowroyexample
i I .
' rp pre ntmi 7 A. -It, aq I presume,
re "Irfe
A. Cwx anti ll.m. Da%vl 31illis.
llwar- iripery lie pr-mbive,l. Air. ('still-
tint fin -I ltealt4t and mtrenlattl and
thil r� e to
to Mr. Cook, tile cun it-
t1orow [Tint
, "Tit(- (1xiolng of lo'g,tintloral find
pj.,Ii -slid Iti-Auld Ne%eral Intpr%ipivm
nowhappinesom Wroisitlithe tuop fir.
TVA41-111ilattlatled UpOn With
#I-- 1+4+T44KV tu-Lia: likeimiuri'll., fill-
I" OttIlwoo, with Sir lUcluirl Cart.
Willanno' Pink Miles."
rpossittect to lit so Pre t ort,fold. Firmt. of
" "
I .
that fie
IN)iII111114-11tel"' ludif4l Ki-nator Vergii
wrrj�Fil. Trc-osi-WITMvpkirforrawnsity
No ,11--tery infrordielospin notallern
A -II. ionll stake hill peace
�tni. A. -I .am not lit go loommiti011 to
�i1juathiti alleant lain fath;-r lo.i Mr.
tienem lint# lormeolmne-fin, foretelling to)
with thal Local Uovernment, and lit
the next IsImcf. tliat list ishould cf)11-
-.,iy that, beat leivi may that it find
,-o rph-rencto whatever tit Sir. V�k.
Itiggil. Ito wroate to Sir Richard and
women air Dr. Williamos' I'likk 11111m.
(Sept itimeeir prop6rly anot put nil chat
To 4enator flioko-r, atior Itletuard said
r:jlkje to Ottawa Of Islas owls volitioll,
hpr�,jjjm. lip Wall 111111141yPtl At lilt fludiber-
act flipe-etiy fin tile litood .Ind
Rft%POI, invigorate tile b1milY,-I'Viltutatte
its Mat I)rftw[IIW tit 4trpset curneria.
Q. -YOU wantt-I him
the- tviqo api)(4nimmits; ri-ferreti "
folion being en"t lopoma film fathe r'm niem-
tile functifones mail romtore healtit fault
toi make lit*
Isfaftee with the 1".ul 0orprooment.
%ticare made .mi I ,t if, jwn;. njid
(lie 1,-tter wam wrltt,.�n am Niov. :.'7th.
,,".i. 110 ('3111P, tO OltQWIL lmrlormr-I.�
if) see Sir 11tichird Cartwrlicht npon
strentirtit it) the exhanalivil pattlent
'Allen e%pr.% effort, of tile ph%solvinn
What wn* tire rd1r?11,,It-r l,1,,,Prc to,
which you referi 6 d iffl-
,ant Mr. Cot,k was. thcn still it eandi-
tl,,, nritter. land Sir Itlehard t -A-1 him
loro,on unavailing. Other so. -ca tied
-T ,
,,lily I reterre I too wa*\ 1.ohs:,,.1V ,.n
L, reply Is. hurflier qllpxti ,nN I ,
tit -it Its wr'Pr not a party is) Ur
Bigge, inailill-ition4 *
ngjllllmt Isis fail,-
Watlem are mere linitationot of tillame
Pill" aral oaltunid he refutist4l. The
I recommen led Mr. Con... 'I f!,
r ,
lasortanep I found Ilint. tsly"IISrifond, Sir
Setintor Fergumon, Mir Richard ('art-
wright. Nat I that tile top of at"at's-
cr. WittIP114 wrote frout fie Ierivii,
groomne brifir the full 'Saint-. "Dr.
Oliver 310wat , hjul a very , --T)-
� So
t4ttkMx nWykrn Of fit I-onlax
It, fo�jtpr re-.
blit received 01) answer; Islit"lett"r
Pink llillm for little People"
tin the wrapper around eavii box.
, " IN
J�ction, fn4peol, to Sir. C( .11 being
pince1 in the Senate, nut] alt. If
�'. lip
fi-rr(nl to tin al4whitillulat to tile
4enatp, that St-
Old 111t r-111 few nit istalmor. The
firat interviv%v with �Ilr RichardCairt-
ThcY tire knold by nit dealp.ra In Isamu-
did Dot tit tile tim- give use if nilp,
final ro
(,alllp "' fuld
something to if,) wit), th - a1voilltuar -tit
"*right Usok pl-ire lit tilt. officer sit tilt-
o" Into or can lie hail punt paid lit rill
cOnt" a lx)x Or mi% bmixem birIll-21.50,
I un-terytrin-I from him that it 'its
of some othpr permotim to tilt- 8�nat,.
S,dIv1ttw-(ivnrr-d. lie met the Mollelt.
by ad-Ireamingthell1r.Willikerivit' Urd.
lowl"IC it' dirfl-111(lefto that had far n
"I to C
that were nil r gilt.
or-Gener-il there mi private bunflospoin
It -lass ('(I., Proickville, Out.
in tile sal,lualositiltration 0 f tile lov I
To_Clear Mr. Carawroule Nuffle.
"' I lily town, .11141 telellholled front tile
riffnira with which Ito wall e4jacerulm
a c
. .
AIms) It least been reported to use at
bo;. Wil -Am, fit replir ti lie. Ititchi.,
'. licittor-(4-tiprii'm office top -'fir Rich.
tir4l. who Paine liver, Ilp tit rot
Chicken I'le.
rarlmom t1mx tbat Sir. 0.4 had been
Itarl 1hJ,,.,fjI ,1,,,.w 1.4o,Mr. Ii -am r4l'.- "%p("a-
I -it,
L, or bronoolit
(Itiveft tile, letters which !aell"
lip ,
Ild 7W
t4pleet n g0j)d�s;Ja,.d fowl, jl)lgt It,
evproomminir himmeir vvry strianativ, in-
- . lh-m-
111 It teerp +)ry him x1mrily bef-me It-
prrKJljpP41. There 1V:!R vea�y littl
c. )ver well with InAllnor *nt,rr not its -
t:) twirl,
Ilreff.rofivermellY WtheGovernment, or
"A .fu�,Sie,, ,,,Itll Sirr Mlickenzie
1%invers itimi. -Sir itit-livird ('itrt%% rigliet
Pienty of liquor fair groa%y,
Ion It nn,l 1p,plier, r(rit until t,ender.
(X--Tolj ., ot"t klibw tillythilig to
-to "eprtnin
No% '..--"
,. ) - ' "'. "bel" lutely refismed to,
).. 4 -i -g �
I Ion t
11' % ' o -Ter to do %IS. 1, I %
namserted-aild fie load loss domitot to p
ilwant it -that he woulel it, tilt. fast t
lilt out lisjusir Into gtofod-o6i sind drip.
t IS p
1% Well Prna efinstitimi,s
reffiry, itralemis It he Itippe matters
1111lem" t I j a red frtmat the 1111' - "f
to, point it labor upsm lain father'n inein-
,or.%. lie Ieft the lettprof
1pinia: pian, mention wit It little I re salt,
pepper and It few bills for bultloter co%pr
nrfl montlearalng? A.-Tilutt in till, No
Y f,N-,,-e .1,
e \1`1 11 11 ttp'nPt wit" llljl" - t"
.1 --
fly I IP '
t I tip IIII-In
with Mr.
Rl:ikt- sit that tisno, lie did If'ot tell
it. lint enough flour to tillckpp tile
fnr top I nm concernel.
fir. John 1). Wilson, far London. tat -am
I l!"'N'll'of"'loni't".." 1, least
"I' I 4, n %-, it r r,,,,(
faith lilllr
,inyhrly on tit- wny down that It p
liqtv)r, robsout two) tabl,-x as I
In saris ,m
to n tarawl and nd4l it cuto, air jujli`,�
e-illetl nn!t exromined by Mr. Ritchle.
as , :lip'ed 1
t he pall". , F. of _ t to lie 104
r al''
IntY too ch, 4alf f lip colloid to -in
-1 let ter -
lilt of lit him Imponeemml - sets th"t
%%olild etpinpronolove Nomt-b(kd�. air 1.1rit
betatron rtAk of an egg; ltlrltl) buttor.
Tile 44�tor ty,tid lie vva,a
ill(, Int executor for
" %fr. Cameroon. anti
thp Ntioin v:iml-eraoill tile M,ja ""
. try (of
he h-ld them let tile pailln ,of Isis Itand.
Stir litio tits, ImillillIc 11-intor, lm)i*ir
over videkton enough to Oliver It. fit-
tile 41f,( ,p italA's letter Irm:ok. Witnelf.'
Mr U. V. Caulpr*t?). Rosplyine to
tillPoltifoTI; 4y Mr. lmax;-, Dr. Wilgon
lie rinjillativitils. dented lia"111-C d"ll"
H). an4 hirther ad,led that it w4mild
mpr%e enoux1a gravy, fair fire othowarlme
ollieltor had ment cooplem M fo-ir let-
N.,Id tivit .Sir 1:14 -hard Cnr1vvri,zh(
'"A Irl%p lj.�ell trup If lie- had
mome. To, mnkfa dumplings. sift tine,
Joint flour and oil,, tea nlm,on fill link
ters t -i Mr. Ititriale. which wprok onip-
Iv-stiod top Irivo bearlax on tilt- 'nat-
mov,ors, Out' It, low -w tat.tillosts; silm)lit
161110 0). Tiff- neetmod tint#- "'It-
Ing powdpr. add pinch tot Pall- tn
ter fit Inmate.
(tic transenf-14,;i, dir ,etly, ,or In:Ijr cti.%.
neiv; ('!' no - 1P)WH to# Ot I it wit wan
hl�mlxjonfrfl nt Inard. nn -1 rith tolaretir-r.
"I'd Air. fligg"' istateine.lit re-Iiii "
4-11 S�Iturlll%Y I'llit. at the rpilurst, fit
mad mix tile buttermilk, tip irls fin
I Mr. Cams-ronlat Getters '
tile P70hanhf,, dipitet,111 an ill lit � ait,#jj, y
.%fr. S. It. Make, w1vo telf-gealdied to,
been added a lAnch is( bialkwin, ,da'i
S, s.
Sir. 10(chW-The firort letter I,o d -it-
load It Open ININ. I
hint land tried toy get 114411 for tiff? letter
Kfwftfl lightly, roll W one-half Inch
eel Oth Octob,-r, 1-010, in it. fall-
BlAkam Iodated cut that it way
lw.,k containing 111A filtliver'm latrivau-
thickness, cast Into onstaill diamonds
loovvir: ".Qir Itichard Vartwrigitt: MY
not the dod'o-neto thAt eti'lind Mr.
li-ttfrm. whi.-Ii hl,f loroth-r-In-lit,ov linif
shapen nn,l Into over tile chicken. Bake
dear Mir Itieltard.-I land an lilt rrvl,-w
101111(dria, who w4im nnny-(l by .%It-. cofik
Ilec,ii tilackgIlUrd end)IIIIIII to lorooduve
In hot covion Itin'til nicely brown.
with the prrwvn noinesi In �(our Ipttivr
It" of W 11110"11111 wh,o overlaid mirrootim,r-
1'eft are - (
- tit' '11111111111tter., Thjit %%on til..
------ - --
fear tin b(mar tit Tolarfontea, Oil lay wn.,
mote hW pvl4lpni!p.. &&fail whi, was Valli.
till ky firder of life c(munittee.
rpnotessi he wake; thi-re.' Ilia- ofitiniti In
ill 101111111,11 to) tiff- Uvorolt chnellt-ol wit*
Origin tit Food hilauses.
Improve. I f4mind that isdividoial In
I or. 1% I loof,n PVVlifN1 that %he QlrRt
(fl-nmlIclL tand 1-itorm vvere pr4oduc.-d
Tilt, misradwiell is raIII-st fnr tin- i,"rl
quention ver.x Irmligivint ill
ao( Mr. flinlic'm examination mevalpel
11 1 -h -It Ilk fill lwr hail writt -,a a,, Sir
f oll Soll'I"lell.
Ing to mriviollt lilt the lon-al ,,,,,,r,,-
too Pll,,w livalt th, whole Islets was
Itichitrd 41%or(Wilkilit, Init ther.- Was;
Uiiiiiptjitnwne), i,t frmn fin Enoot I.-I'lia
ment. nael 4LI00 till! williniters Gui ern-
to fall( the h4am .,I&. Mr. Ist. r. Clin]
11011,1119 ill Indivatp thist Ilwre Willi
w-mr,l, menning imlolmr water.
it 14. of t. it.. c4jjjj1)j!jI.jFI that top " 'IN
:11,I)tIlluir thill votaltuf-t'.41 %%'Jill tile,
Wnfill, Its fr(mn waf -1, a word ,if Tvii-
trwit#il lit Vie itriat eavitlie, r ul" li-
. -
Sir. Afnrjqli, rplirementinK Mr. Vo,,jf,
0,6k inatter. It - hood hot to en apit,A
topic taktin. menning Imm-yt-midi,
tter hy the 11rem1pr. FIrialt, ""
(it nied that Ili- V:iPnt calleA Mostoomrso.
low Itioli for life- letter written by Sir
Hominy Ito from aullunshoone, Ill. -
-mild IS,
( nrolly got an Interi few 7i";
Ploxis nr 11ropiettin. or plaveol ,lily
1,101.11rd (to I I 4 fit ther, vvIllp . (. If)k
11 Mr. ,
.North satuprit-nn %%oril rise Imarrho-d
him..nod then whon lie did. linctei
cimiri4tcract, it, thfili; lits, lip t par
I ,tj.
"ll"I sl"foll 0411"Wel t . John at '111" Union
T116, ii-n-Tr3pV7W:- nor-watir f"oeforks"k- "
holsoolL he -&LwutW.L,b.__Ireflt,Vj_j.,2j,,t,rp
Fttat'wi,' Ti.rmito. Sir Wc'lar.l relm
Forerm--ist in A i-f-rairupti,,rat for fnr,-f-.
oa.i�m. grommly instilteal by Sir Oliver,
anything tip its, voilth tlwm.
V1144so-4--fieti" - 4mv mzUtca
mpli t. ft,"n th� Frenelt Fnice, oottiff
alto IntItnotted Ili pretty plain EnSillodi
Mr. Wake d1int-losita,A till realson.41-
mitch to 1pt,t,,r. Witt 1"fass"N'tin-tPA, In
1111117-t-7-7--rownirt-fole millooltiflaysti -
that he hail jir)t bral"of vistmigh for t ho
twity row tit,- nn%%%,Pr,o given hv 1%
if -lily it- further quo . istiomm. tiont 1..IW
On-r-Antile In a (limit Is,;rrc anted from
posititmi lie momight. (Laughter.) lie
witnesom nrelei ,,rfoom-exurninniloa.
i!fr,.rr 11ilm lsov.." tlg:itl)n "IwoopIl hv
the Nrirravigron"tt Imlialsof Isn't called
houajup�n little enlmor townardij the
III- hall nonly di,erliarged him dirty ,.
amolied for if pismitl,,n (,( prora:iring
by them m*x1ristplattiomit.
P,jKl of my Interview, halt If— lot astill
co-minarl. fir lilt I at the salre"Ing ', f
""' 1,11.11titts, rltiloii,no. awl weveral
Blame mnng" nienno literally white,
tery, Indigifai If I were W pliour
thov committre mossIrKetafted ti,nt qp.
"It"Itho fix" rPP tv'r,l if Irttpr ,tooting
f""d: heaps, ,horol-ttr- hinne mange
pl,ire I wontel Ito nothing in t1w nint.
agpney of Alt. Valnfir?)n lie nrort ".
that lie vi-conid 102 hipolwinte'd. fil- 1111.1
Ill Nomething of it notrinorks-r.
ter tit lorcortit. Later fin things vnn�
tatillow4i berierr tiny further pv1
"lot 1p'.011-.1 111,, liplouintraleW yet -
Chmark-lit" In a corruption of ill- old
(-,)five till right."
driver, wate trillon. bot the, e(orromittes.
I older rNnallilletp.11 toy Mr. flinks,
Entalls,li vrord Clararlyt, wh�v if monist it
The npxt letter, Mr. Ititchip mi ,,4
decided rathcrw1w-.- find that bft-n
Air. Campron maW lit, q4jsark� (I..vvn 1,;
dish nf ciimtnrfl. and rharl(Ate rns.te
evils dated 0(mlerich. Nmemb,r Pith:
don". thr rifflencia ad which Dr. A11,11
(Alstwoo IN-1-1113mr- lily in,,tb,-r renento-A
Is it Ruokinn charlotte.
tind contalned tin invitntion to Sir
won complained vimold havp
%a r x 111111"ll 'Alifil njaq)pnr*ql lit tile
- ..'
Iticistiral CartwrlKlat and Mr. elcl,l-
,pf"1110" rant. Nil one regretto-I ni(,r,-
new-;rip-r,g, sift I wait nn%j.moe I 11.1t lj�.
A Wise 1'rrhin,
Ing to visit Godroolvit and Clinton. The
than hp that the. grave isad bpea
aMirehM And the toonhattonp ','Iinrnrter
"Ill"1111 t(,nlfl fl,,wn and %ln,lleat , Ill,
of lit. fatil'.r. Thatliflor folln.1
,-joa,jjd-v..,,,l 0,jor4sraphy dope not
in,inatries nt theme townp werp rail-
inernted, anti tile letter romelitdol:
I kno-ark.
I'd dclwn lay the production by 'Mr.
lie Wjp�rm, If_ enrol" it
( !ell and hmond.-d
make npww. an.1 %Iu. IN.
,opl. art, 114)t
'Ill" 1-1 vTrY lonig with t4koor Ideas, that
"There In nothing foreodo polltlenlIx In
Cook Of IPttf-rm 111taming between him
anti Mr. ('anteron,
(#spin tot Mr. flink,-. l'a ordor 4j) #-P,-
I,o 'Alint f.xj,-jjt they ea -mild I -P llm(,rtjl
to fkw,'* " I'lli-I Mel% lite K Stolle, Man-
thle, hlcnllt�. Thn privet P mnAt,-r
'thrit ).)If know of we Cal dinclielm
which were mark
pit "private" kind "confidential... lit
fal'co-l"Pli-4111"a tile ifoulienti,m sof
film frithomem menamory.
a tile Amparm-hatell Pressm. Ili ;I
publIC rpereh. soprently. "Not fling
when son are here. I ant still or (toe
Mr I.
. Marsh Pastel only one "privial o
had been h, Mr. tlook.
lie, rreaston-if Applicalto ".
flinev- I asked it "trept urcidn In a
onone talpinlon not I wain at the close,
sit the ispindon. Awl prupusaP 111,net
Mr. Plable amid that several mark
x1r. J. K. Kerr, K. c., renewad him
citY how n re-totain natolooloo.
rmPOP Insist. - N -A ma, sivoull,' he refilled;
ujo-)n It. Ttourn truly. (14grued) . C.
Oil "privatr for "Colffidiontlool" were
"PlIfle"'" f)n 101-1141f (It Mr, 11ppot, In
for permisAort ill call wltilpallem to,
' the Iodine are nosto it. it's R -eq.,,,
Cn in.! eon "
"Do you roalroll".11," stallike-1 Mr. Itit.
litarplying to Mr. Ritchie. Sir Rich
TwOrp that 1110 letter, I%V Tol-11i" It Mr.
117(ook maranglit. tot corrolsornto,
paper. Von "rpm n Isla black boad,
tint yotl t1iinkit t4preoss ,all no,- I. If I n
MAP. I*wlwLt 10 tile private matter
allisdosed to In tismat lotLer?" " I do
Ard Vartwooloartit amid that'hoo offlopoii.
ed the letter of Mr. Otmastin of (ii-ol.
ill p rx I-
di'llef" fir hood given, hold been t " I-
Ind 30,11 blli It. mad Iliny ain't ropthg-
Indr. Then On dron't, buy It any more.'
rot rookswinhoor.' 14tr Richard replied.
5th. HIM speaskinor of having how
AD Interview with it p"won lnhTq)r
ps-re.1 %-lilt by Praoduag tile dai# "
areas, to othreir that Mi.. J;mA,,,pk' , and
An I thes, jm'.� sil@-m*-il right tl;e vpry
first, flump., �
that letter. But I may
lvsv4- attrition. on. all tile mani With re.
onto# f(Irr an lionr oil him way onsm.
0 ...... � toal having to -em in Mr. C(milt'm
affect to %Ise private matter alithalood
efferred to Air. Camillo.
nffiel- n t t lie time for tile rallepirp I in.
telovic"' between Mr. PromallottaIn mad Nit.
Very True.
to toher-,,, I way mentirsot that Mr.
calso-ro-i Ind W -Pro all-catmodric amiat
114r. ". $1. i1i'dameram.
Mr. M&b'cAFA QrftkaM Cantron.won
(Visits. wan Wit lit thiss rity when tilt-
Int"via.ev actnally took
Fntluor --- Inartelad ell tppndin 3 -nor
tion. Inallilroor
ter of very movailidernhip proilticiall to.
of the late Mr. M. C- CA&M@rO". wax
piname. W7.101
straw In Jvtnf% Inotand rot In N,,vpohrr.
poemoo Yt'*U lift1better
fpe,n to, knit Orki
IK "Sol--whonle
rxvrt-xlw4-. whr)ltv and entirply apart
the next witapolb, and wan exit losed
Toll"Y flOmiPt"? in call Prof. klllq, cal T -o-
rof palmostry wn*f,l never dolil.ty A
trinsato th (IlDrok makste.r."
by Mr. Make. Ile anild he fqjvt;� me
roatto, nil I Sfr. MrI11111. (a ot tnwa. tit
beAltilt loplit-titio.
Q.-AtIll 7041 APO linnt*' tO Ittflittal
from 10 She
doe"wMfflta promiltair,rel aft*r a day's
give expert trotlmosy upon the lasskmt_�
PlInFlotoor -No owiri waranki ,I.iktpnw 4.1
rateollaoctiOn what EWAfier
search at him molhsol�q boa" In a"
iptoetings. .
i11r1zn`:N'f11*� TIP kwlh'?W"�,�ifiil'P"111
"!Tz"�', ��.'�i,Tlt-�Lvi��,�,,�.4,All��". '4k-".,',�AT
�^ ,V7, , � - VIjr,,�,
, ,., , , j'� ,-",r, I
K."al'o ,;�0,1: .
1,� , ,4 1 ,A; a
� �-t,*"f:P.I�'U",.,�"*,r&!"a�!!�.I..-.�.'I
1'� '"':g,.,*fp?,,�,1*71,'ft�'*9,W,'�t',�- I
�` -
. I I I I ; X'7.,
1 , , �
�P�Il, � X 101�, "o, "olk, " A', � .,,k,*
I A, sk.'1I0�41SIXU,,*1i
— — .
'e, " Ili �
The Signal ` 10�,
4 �'I
as tvatm� 1.111.4
. 1
SIT D. K"Mlt-NCU"T. vj
Tatiouski, ad sub"ovueal
9.60 Ismaili. Is GA ran .................... I
Three men . .. Iss
I . 11,
- - 0,
* P �
I ;
Big a"" . I
Ofts Isar. . .................... I ft
Advalattiflinits alsome,
I': -VI,
Leadoll sad stable amosead met so artimemeassial,
line for 01`4 13"rUis i. an i 3 IM,
rZkooksboubiamoommilloserallsom. 17L".r.& for
amen I
,-, j,f�,, "
, . - ,
�4'li I
BkukCVQ:rs or six lie" and under, I& am
, �
I ,
'I, "�
AdrwtWoments ralialloystSIZato
me #=yaj
affiliations Taft.al an
DuAne" efoossicife wal�tod, not *Saoodimei
�-,�,-!� ��.,k
-,#. "
Ill -46 aphroll. or per mouth.
Rot= 00 We tonst rarow so IW
sloovells to
oulatmod 0 lines. $1 for draft es%nth, polls.
I ;
" ,
115211,111st M -PLL 14ril.r" , to I-CrIlk."01,
ny 0 W bodies, the eat of sell
primrose, tat uniftry of fifor boo:l
� 1 ��
011, ooin to be aeon t
, " wati"
ant said -harged a Is
ell 1,
Local asalteft In none" [ion, one
r ""'04
too low then fte.
'er.unle.ot'itioll to ards"ittry reading it" two
W go,
ouXwevol No
I'" -
,fir "burchas " =,= =
bmwvoloas tmtituueg:*wp"llr-.te.
4m!="b:".= to
.11 I 11 W=91.0 f Me Z-oo"Al
`-,,� F i ; 1,;
OVAillitUff US Of tit* 69 &A *SAY &
�; I
- OP11
. �111
slil :16-M. : &=Oko Ad 04"Cliz,
�t, I I I I�J
who d a thing lit es)NI typoo, however,
Saw] the read" calin try for himself :
� r,j�f`4'
Fablifelom's Knuee.
" .
.1. S. to 'roularl. of God=, he hope NP
PoinUd Local Trilvel file 0 -
Godertalk 1�ufts. fA0,r,1ktW`o.w.8d
. ,
,� iii
�, o�
W: of
,, I.,
". ti,
Losooll pusitm,saillsons over the toiletries on gibia
to 1`11"ve vollboarislUckas to Tm
. f 'r ;
i� i L! 0, �
i !)�,11
All com latustoottions nuA be &44roamd
r� ,
-iq,� �
L 4'�, .1
'i , '
Toollefollsooks Coall IL
— -
� 1� ,1�
�L - ..
Till ILSDAY, M%V '-'. 119)1.
, .
, �
, P",
- - - T
TRAVVII.L.flilo GrjPZ.
� i
---- ---
� ,f,l
4. " -,�,'. r .
AJMI'IL I ', , I I � 41
' $
1104 r .... � .......................... I 1.0 fL PSM � 'i fl.q, i i
'11 .nil Kxpr*.m .............. ... I.11111 Some. 'ib i's",
. t, ,
I I zed.. 1. ' . ........... -, :: - 7.40 V.Pol. � %-�.
Ill &LJ alad Exprom ... .............. :."I&so IS - i � ? 4..;
lbastat'LAT. i�L ft.44
mail Anti riapri-so... ....... a I )j,, �q
I, ��V, 4 A.;
rail and kapread, ......... : .: -:::::::: I a a..: I. �
film r . . r. &14 P,M. I , rrr -- �
"I f
DlrjgT=Tsy. I " � L'
Al. NICHOLSON. L.P.S.. ��Jll� ,,
DgWfAL St?MNDN. 1�4'- L
411told XmnX4.0?r8e`V`vs st4opeZoddRons' ox", "ia
work a ,
a �,T 1=1
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I 1).ut. fi"n 31j) to M-lotmer ill las4voik.- tLT�.- ��
c I
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19. MA RXIL D.D L LD 4�;f*NTAL g.q:,j-,k�
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Los Isuraffeass-Latest as, of I ; 1. I
low all dental operatloom, il;zl�ludgen "I
as t, rM
mat umi t"lh a a I . - , .
at. .assad Floustrat hopo--= r.-.6= ago '�', ji4q
Offirso cl,sied on We,leatkoolar softerattiouss. at llu,
. ,� r":
I at. set., triank %laoso to (ki.. Insionair I �Ow
Tele;sLooke No, IL 0. . �rf-'A,�:
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j W. TURNIStILLs D.T).&. L111I.S.-PI111114 '14'9.1%-0 1
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0 ?&I oil on ,0111110, :=` i t��1'1,
ofev * I o".14 '-a' 11
Dr. t)ixn-.i .101r"�v Ili �
artisolool transit meant@ my slow for " 2-It"L
boanams. ,�,ocial==o,gvm to e Am �� itallmill
radon The ,it. Coside, . -1
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Loan's New Ni OW - , , '.
"Oln,pul,lowedison W,,dowimmilay alf1cf!Nion. at 1 . - i �'T"f, �,
I p.m. front Alay to (le1obar Inclusive. ti,;Ar�,,
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LBGAJL. . I .. - I ,
L,-* CAMPION. 40.-HARKWXNL OflEL '41%,
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011AW NOgMT && Odk* QT;r " fr,',A-1
U.J., Flfaaufs;;� OosleAX - �j , I ..
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solare,ta. (koilearlels!"O.111. lk-z� , -111
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knife. 0111,�.*: C L
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p "olicasom notaries T51 I* a Is so 1. Lb6 g.
x.rithme (6s,urt, kc. 0wo L Prevail. IL. no" - ,,,
1 "kir, �,
door Satiostait. Illinois. F."'st. Funds to tend as 04
to went ?a Ito of inormL A Not
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AL L, ICKINSIL) . DUD notjm �3,4'mj
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COAK 1119"Sn - SARRIJITM P2E. t _
loll r notary and wevey"ow. qSMbd 004"
&ZII.:j6m.oueot soctUafto, o",�[Ikt
. oodawl h. Prive, I
d per emL Isloormto rim "M I
== �, Wit
a. WARD. CO'4VZTANCAII�ho�AXV i�-,L"t":
1. comnoI.4demsr Car taking sod r-w"Ne. ,
ralessionizonoes of ball. &Md&Ate or Ise& -
Wass. depousitions or onlown alismisionsUstap.los for
consornin my action, fail. or pr0000nse Is ,� �
n. I g:
the flick art of JOW*o. the Camort *(A .1 ,-
for Untairial. or is anif Countr our DIV I ,. I
Court. All to ftemmooll.16as Mraffillif and IF k 4 I
sareauted. Residence and P. . foub.- lll`� 11", 'I
froacon. Out. , � .
mw-� 44z� �; -,
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, P -,A =1 .4,
IWW.C%"" to a tar "an
so 1"" so MPM" oil als"� monesoft 0j,"14
Apply to GwrearStGarrow. . 1
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!IAI)C'i.irr"ZNI1J1.AL INOUR. , -
R. , I eel NWOWAO and Weaker I -
10MIF first'lloonal Cou'losonsms, rell 0-81V 9414,
All"'. 4) ."
Its "O" lend an of refight hossaft. as I - '-wismi 'ferh-�,
..... .1 ,,note. - 1, *in I I 94 ,
........ (,i:.-; ;V.:-jz-" o p 1�1
V." fousel, Goderikill. S11F Itp%`K�91
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0 @son% TxXottu -now -1 .1. � . !
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.% ',osr-orr",ir lWA,"'T'01X.Tr41;
Ulvil Service at'lerlies Contis Aprons a
��""�"- - L
R(rakard-Samosslarr In the Mail.
musire Was run at trip Post.offtee
't, .,
, ",
lunrlill"g. A mall tinter ablitualkint
I'Min the 14"10 Modalities Company
' L
wrip tho. enume of it. it contained GeV-
Forlil flotilla lonzaral,
�"' �t�i
;", ,
of the well-known
rrusm-ly, lisruld's Kidavy Illits. hit tile
;Ls I , ,
� �� "
Internet hL.T ellififlY In the address, -
0 :''e�
ltrj� -
I On- by On" the 1111toody"all Small &let am
, �
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'I, "�
1111-1 wtomp-rtnoco,ilern made tape,,[, ef-
rortis at prosmoractntion. Ones by calla
they Save np IS dropiesair, anti pookilled
� ! � .
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1?ill 11 p I !
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it on. It Iis onto to any that sine"
", I
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the orner WAS received by tile Ilaf�klam
�I i
Modiclote rolapany Ill q other day,
ki 4 � I
wrlt t" though It In its In fair, laxible
� " I ,
hnalaorritIng, nil OM Into whoop Tinudis
it fine raii," half 111"I'll
able ill ,to more
than Ptuttpr in the attompt t6 pro-
oustuir" the name east whereollyarito of
the o-n-fer. He fir kohe liven in Ireland,
, ,
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Eiirope. not that'st abis,nt all ones Can
�!, .",
ralt fill" MmAlrn In"Ortult". 111its" In the
9; �
,�, IV
who d a thing lit es)NI typoo, however,
Saw] the read" calin try for himself :
.�. g�kk�,
I �
Mwrvvtnr Jonons"tar.
, .,
. � I
111N, �111`
A 'RLx-i
,�, R"kholastairelt,
+�f K
R&rqhLot rot sidazloyvi it.
Tonand. Europe,
' 'i.
The, for" Misdiartyroo ofaissimilly feel
naturally pralmett that tfto, fallen of
,� ilf p
rpm-]) line nlvreA4 into @"ell a
rf tl�, -
PPM',t(- 11"Artalor 0 the wcarl.l.-Tolo.
, lr`%
Ponta, "tar.
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'Ap a
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I," Olief L _jk �'., '
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