HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-5-2, Page 1:ay39:T'rr.'n •s a" THREE A� ADv'ra was AcrivE AGENTS WHIN PLACED IN THE SIGNAL LOOK AT YOUR LABEL! IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID . FOR 1901 . . 1111,11!it t' Til ";; rr . OOVNTY- L FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. .2828 THE WEEKLY hooidettf REP)RT OOOtttatos. Ms1 1. 160* fall Wheat O to 81 Flour, hmtl7. par owl1.10 to 1 10 Flour. paent, per out....,160 to 160 Bran, Ir too.. . • • .. 10 00 tole MI Shorts. 1 ton.... .... 16 00 tuft 00 8oreeoloas, per out .... 1 00 to 1 00 Hie. Pee bub......,, 010 to 080 liookwhol. per hash 0401o1730 °sta, 1 bash 23 to 0 1) Pee, s bosh . SO le 7 85 Barlow. per bush p67 to o M Ray. 1 ton001o660 I Pelotas.. 9 hash 10 to 0 ft B ettor, It to 0 It 0bees., Der Ib..., 10 l0 0 ll t8ews. Creek Dnpaeked w dots.... 9 to 0 I0 Wood _............. ... .... ... t0 to t i0 Hide, - ... .,.... 07 to 1 TO LambSkins... 8o to u 80 lye Hon 00 to 880 )rarsd Ross 00 to 7 8n II to 0'18 Hem. par•It�.. �........ 15 to 0 W Lard. per 1* Into 13 Drwassd Ileef, tors quarter.,,00 t0 0 00 Mewed Best, Mad 00 to 000 0,ttle, izporl 18 to 4 5. Ord our . 00 tole !Situations Vacant. UTANTRD.ew 4 OUMPITINT 0111. oral .rvat. Apply M 4HEP- map, North etreot.. l7ot Publics Notlss MARS FOR SALE. -BAY, 7 YKARS old. 11 bead. kWh, w tilbro'uo la a .d oust. OILY. W. THO MON t BUN. BKN 1L1LL1! R NURAKRIKS - !RICKS. HEALTHY TRIM. We bases full I. of frail. oro amental and iteugr000 tr o, at Isweat possible mines. Write to us at o]ee for catalogue Mice onion • illy •ni .sours the •arionO . Fos want. A largo variety of plants suitable for h•nglnt o•sket• Mend • Dorval card t 1 04 MO We will call j n your ben 11 .d ea,1,18 and deliver them filled to your order. As) bad d.o p'•nt• at reasonable prix s. .video's MT. ONO. d iiwAar, BMm111•r.Ont. 7t tin For Kant. LIT -FROM MAY 16 n, paw URK 1 _L teowsas to °Bi1g Meaqlow.' for tonne apply toALB9KT WILlOb;, Sanford. Nato HOUSK TO LRT' -A FIRSTCLASS hoose on Aowle,ea street. at pre rata oc- cupied b Mr. Bl..stt, For per. too aier to Mrs. LOa, sp UIIA Kill), Iwk.rlew, S1.1n ave. rpo RF.N1' FOR GRAZiNG -THE 1 mouth half of lot 60. K.ltla•d 0100.•elno, Uod.Hoh township. oomorldug 07 sore.. Two goo') orat.arde ors the propert • vitt be In•l'd ed deo. The plsoe le well f.n.e. sed :here Is an abuedaol rawly of wasr. Apply to W K MoM tTlf. iitidertolo P.O. or to CL'RTiS MTKVENte.Cllotee. fl lm TO RENT -- STORE 10 RRNT IN tbr.viwg western tow, eofaMd f .r dry- goode. r'at's furaisn'..u..rocerlt, boot. 'MA shoe. or gnorest .tore. Business not over done. An A 1 ''ani, newly reflood. oppn.tre leading farmers' hoot and market. two doors from poet oak-. 'rows support d tit rodut oleo f.rollt, dedrllog fru.t as t .t,ok r■ta- lag, V.ratoww opening, a regal.r • sJ for the right man. Write It you meas notions.. '. B.8.VALo Wit Box N. *44.400 Es., R BALK -!HAT RRD BRICK halidne forme l• knows ae Watesa's on Montreal et, near tb- Squire, rsddonoe attached. Oood st•bl • o0 =0.Alen roar town WM on *curls •t. 41:..1 A Mlt1( W AT110N, Montreal O. it FOR S%LR -i r)FFKR FOR MAUI, MY p flout, In A4I4(, 4', o)mprbl.g one - wearier ora , arr. or mor. with good from., house and nntbulidf.ai roam ere a somber of firstclue Vett trees on the ground.. A o umbarof hives of busal.o for sale. Apply to JOHN MoINTYRL, on the premises or Yalttord P. O. f8 -If LAND YO* BALE 111 TOWN OF 0040148800 -Tor sale on reason.hle some. the proper!y known s the Distillery land•, being pert of block -VI. the Town of COo4erlob. oontelnlag •boat 31 sores, with oefildioge and water. right/on the River Salt- ier/. For terms x99)7 to OARROW tOAlt- Row, structure for rho vendor. FOR SA LE. --LOTS 96. 96, 117, 118.119 r and 117 la Hstchlaao's surrey, all to Doderioa. For portion's'•. ply to PHILIP 1101,T. A.rrl,ter, &a., Oo4ericb. M•rob 11th. 1800. MOH FARM 1 OR SALE -THAT FiR., Mas farm ktsown as th• "0.80,4.7 Iran,' being R. half lot 7a nncetslon 1. east Wowtas...h, 100 sores, fl0.ros closer.' and in b good stew of oultivtlon. 1 acre bash, There Is on the plan • wood two storey frame dwelling hoose 13.31 with wing 18¢10, and • good .tons collar. • frame tern ALAS with :Uneatable. under, a sores of g00ri oroh•-d. 1 gnu„ never-tdlina spring wells. The sod le a fuAloans.I. about 70 sirs" In grim,, 8 soros of fd0 wheat, and soma f.1* pi•)ngbinr. me fences aro good. It It en a leading gravel rood oonvenient. t1 .jt0rohee, school oto., 1 mile from the ,(dale• or Auburn, mile' 'rout RIrlh 11 altos from the town. of Onterloh atoll(jmton. This in a very desirable Owe- n* poor q • *re. I. ,d. For tuft prtioulsr'apply to PSILIP if ,!,T, solicitor for the aeon 01 the late Mn. Gass dor, Musts ono Fr . GLRNN CAMl'BgLL. Drums& ...1 mules' director of North 't. Metno0lst charoh, and manlier of pianoforte, Moo amen and theory, will to plea..A to r! • ve enrol t, Instrtctloa 91ren either at etndm or at pupil's home, u dmired, "turtle N Easreon's Meo4o Stam, Wostat, 71-00 MiditiaL rya. BNAj!iwf w E-TIALtJJA; •r*iV. 9fetANRaadSurgseas. OAloe to 00-ok ot Commeron halldl,R, We * Nde of Rq,ure. Night nails at roldgMege Dr. Shan, on, lir.0ullow, o ld resides's. KNOBS or. , E)0th et. w, 'Phos, M. 1 i, inn nil ✓ -- --- CRAS. RLIRA'•'.', GF.Yt+RAI, lNdt1R- Amon mot real 'write agent. (Nrloe, . he Astor ear et P. O., 4404.rleh, Agent for i h fouling mutual Aro 1 u.rao to nm .ante. and Moline stook oom6.niee. Mere•ntbe and mensfsotur(ng riots 01 lowest rates. Call at *One, Iv R. R ROBERTSON. AOnountaat and Inwrome Awe •t Boob and •eeonoa made a ' toll4ings ranted ruse reale collected. Vire laenr•wm In British and Canadian Own pan lee. Oslo. In 1'ro',1snot t Hays' sees North street Godeleh, 41-tf ----- - - ______ rJ. T. NAPTKL. GIINRRAL IN- gUBAN. g and heel Estate asset, ret, Igoe, Aoeld.)tand Plate OWI Iesur•no• aRenu•f m mntoel or • *eh *Ian at 001'8.1 rats Dost hl.. Beet anwllah and Oana4/w .espaale• rep. retinue. ()Moe next Anne w Darrow & Ostrow, iter lean Hammer. arms. Model Tailoring'. = -• -- s 1t1ST RRCRIVRI) --- T0R LiNK OF v spring felting. that tour on tomer were wailing for, whirs* w* 0aek mm repnt•tlnn on. 009Other wlIr, .than Hees .nirahle for ,print and wnmm.r, on nell r • • 'hood *teeth, first - Maas week an mder ..t. pr1>. W t(. 9TAPLI67rCs/ 00.r Psiees'e Fair. TTIo11MVRMi - ODnlkn lda). April f/1* Bkrlthtr4 Suedes Yrm5 Tta boasik GODERIOH, ON 11ARIO, CANADA : MAY 2, 1901 RESULTS OP BANK AMALGAMATION. The Canadian Bank of Oom merce completes the Pur chase of the Assets of the Bank t f British - Oolumbia. THE RANK'S CAI'ITAi, NOW BIGHT MILLION DOLLARS AND A881tr8 OVKR Al/ rY-THRIM MIL. LIONS, 4014411 Ki$ The aegotlatiooa for rte purchase et the .ruts of the Bank of British Columbia by the Canadian Book of Commarn, •n an• O 0000emeot rsspeotlog wbtoh wee mad• some months ago, have been olrrld to • • uooweiul oonoluelon. A thorough exam• loatioo of the ',Woks of the Bank of British Colum b a was made by the ot8oiala of the Cooedlan link of Commerce, sod this proving entirely aatief•atory, the •malga. mottos was dually completed on the 2nd of January. A et•temsot of the &Salve et the Cudlan Book of Uommeroe atter the .m.l- ' sm•tloa has now bon land, and thinness • very etroog�Cutlet position. In point of Dnt • Ramos Raos t s Bank now rank, Fourth •mmov banking institutions on the Goo• anent of Americo. It has .11t1•two bgaaobee throughout C.nada ; five branches le the United States, n0meiy,st New York, Ban Franoloo, Seattle, Portland ((Tregon), Sk.ga•y (Aloka), sad ort• In London, Ragland : 68 ossbllehm.ot• In all. The usitlon of tb• London 0 • 09 an le as Im- portent stop In the prorr..s of the Book rho Bank', t»nsantloos le sterling *1• "huge In the Uoltd Out.. and Canada ash year amount to many millions of pounds, •ad this ability to boodle this bast e ats through the Bank's own London office will result in 00 importeot addition to the earning power et the Book. In many other direction also the interests of the two Books will be Immoeely benefited by the • malg.m•tioa. " This following is • e00deoeatlon of the statement tuned by the Ronk at Iheeloo ml bovines' 00 the 310 of 01•roh :- Artiste. r017i; a.0, (3.1d Bullion, Bank- _. yrs' Banns and Salon Due by Loodoo OfBoe 67.346,421 04 Gnomonic, Mi nlelpal, Roll. way and Other Ronde veld Stooks 10,308,780.64 $17.654.201.68 i.oao• and Dlsoou te. ,., ,. 46.630,388.63 All Other Anne 1,509,074 61 Capitol Reeerve C. ren 1. t ioe Darrel* All Otter 964,693,664 92 Liabilities. 48.000,000.00 9.000,000 00 --410,000 000.00 5 668.438 00 46.423.628 64 2,681.698 28 initiOOOlfitiOSe 464,693,664 92 AROUND TOWN. THE HARR = 11I1P1t*ANr1 COr.Ty - A000rdlog to the 1 report of the In. epootor of Prisons for the year 1900, the Oeuety of Harm Is the beoner temperance oe0oty of the Ptovaone among the larger ooantles, having the lowest number of coma mlttments to gaol for drool onuses from 16S6 to 1900, vi.., 41 The oo0oty of York oomss highest with 21.947. THEIN LIOUN5p GRANTID.-At M. *rood muting of the license oommOIsioa- •re of Wet Huron, held at Clinton o1 Wednesday of last week, the •pplio•rlon. of Cops. Wm. Robb and R. J. Stolle, of Ooderioh, and Jobs MoD.oald, of Whis- ohoroh, wore again unflawed, end all Ares were granted boomers, the White. ohnrob mew bong wn0,d that h. would o ne to be careful about observing tho law in future. A Now LtoMT.-A new light has dawned oo the world to the Auer gasolene lamp. The chief point claimed for ttils new lamp I. tk.t It gives • very brilliant and white light at • mash lower out 10.. evoo the loon. descent electric light. It Is also very no. veso1001, en* lamp being oomplete In Itself, and .o le adapwd for nee to resident's", steres, everywhere, McKenzie & Rowell are the .Rents In (lo)orfoh and tho Ilg04 may be nog in see .t obdr plan of bann* A Sonotor 1oir FOR 1101 Towo Arraoal. TIM -W• oro lformd by a olUs'aii4T- the valuable tree",o•'mprisiog statue, trot. ante and others, 'Walt were planted neer the railway trek by the law .fudge Toms •..likely to be hurried by the presentowner, who wishes to uoe the Ind ; and he thinks that the town should ptooure they true end Waal them la the perks and on the street., It would b+ a ,home to lot them be destroyed and we bop. oar town.m*n'e suogestio0 will be adopted If (b• plan pre- sent. !full f bly le the moot *pal authorities. TH. Comeot Sin Woo -On Friday even. lag • d.b.te was rald at the Collegiate In 1'jkh• Molten on the subject, Ie capital pan moot justifiable! The alflrmatly0 .es taken by S 0arl Lotto and Will. H R,b.rtson, of the Yount. Men's 40104.tla9 Clab, end tho negative by W. Brydges and B. K.orett, vain'. of the Oolleglats. The judges, J H. 0olb)ree said J. M. Fugld, R A , dotded to fatter of the negative. l)otioe the *inn- ing ineIng an Instrumental dost was ilv.n by Reggie Tye and Ndrman Alias, an In- strumental nstrumenal sole by Mtn }Intl* Santis, e wool solo by J. P. Brown and • rult.tion by Wes Rdna Stratton. MAJOR MICR IN Ti. F1/1,n A1A1N.-Tho Coaeervatt,ee mit at 8mlth'e 0110 last Fri- day and doldd to opoem Mr. Gamow'. retort' to the L•gidatnre. The von do patch Is es follows • 11 s.! Heron lboe.r- v4t,tree hod their annual meeting .t Sml,h'a Hill today Th. el.otloo of 661 rsolt rod In the rotors of the and staff, with the .en.ng., .f Mr. A. M Todd as ereaenr11. The evu0tave nnmmlttea and vies pr0L tints in the ,.(toes mnnlelp•htles •n pro0tleally tho r.m• as 0.N ymr. The morale, than eilonaoeed the apprna0h010 bye elentlmt and retitled th* nomination et W president. Major Reek, who was ams Plead le De.asbes, 1899, .hs the WO .t the elution protest r•oenily decided by th Cootie Appeal Resolutions of ooutlets at 1n Mr R L Borden, the Dominion lc•der,on Col. Whttaey, the Ontario chief, were adop God. Luer THEIR Youth, Sok.- We extend our sympathies to Mr. *ad Mn. Jame. J. MwoM•th la the lure of their elder sort, Ubrl.topher Cr.bb MooMath, who did on Tured.y evening of laryngitis. K,.rything that 00014 be done In tbe way nt mdla.l attondanoe was done for lbs little fellow, hut all to veto. H. was • bright boy, five ya.r. of age, and will be sadly mind In the household. 'The funeral w111 take plan. this afternoon .t 2:30 o'olook. DRAT)) e.1 AN Gtmoumi•RIAP,-An old resident of Ooderloh deported thug life on Tuesday, April 23rd, to the oer.ou of Pat• ✓ ink Hosea, Wellesley stmt. To.deo..eed was bora to Ireland •igbty•8vs years ago, and was . farmer at Carlow before retiring to Uodenoh He hoarse, besides his widow, two sons h+tog t0 Buffalo, two daughter. in Detroit and one at home. The 0 1 took plan Tharedoy moroing from his let ✓ esidioms co St. Peter'. church, where ser vin was held, and thrown to the Roman Catholic oem.tery to Colborne. The p.11 - bearer. were Patriok Lynn, Patrtok Ford, Wm. Tlgke, Owen MoEvoy, D Neville and Kiloton] O' Reilly, D. M°GWLIJICUDDY, EDITOR. • deet as the fishing grounds The whit. • Kolfage lett Friday night, light, for Alpena d 'fin Mr. Myles lete Friday night for - Kinpstoo with a ergo of wheat. 39,000 bushel', from the Kiohardeoo The iug Eagle left o0 Saturday for Bov• field The 00o. Prentice and omens& Middlesex and Roland fame into port Sat- urday morning with 110,000 heshrlo of corn from Chicago for Obs Ooderloh Eleva- tor Co. and attar dleubergtag their o•rgoes oleu.d Monday afternoon. The Bret ar- 6,01 tut year was on the 25t13 of April, so that the PreOttoe.nd Its uo4Orte 1/e1e two days behind this year ....Both herring and p.rob are now pleotlfol In the harbor wad anglers are Loving Bret -rates Ort..., Toe dredge was working outside the mere thug week.. ...The Riohard•oo elevator made a shipment of 30,000 boebsls of oats the put weak so Mooiresl for export Th• D.,minioo Goyerutneot survey steamer Bayidd arrived in port Towday evening from Owen Sound and left early yesterday morolnp tor Lab Krill Seyr.l oargoes of groin for the (lolericb Elevator Co. are 040their Ivey from Chicago and Fort W il- Ham Telegraph report, state that nay(. gallon u open at Port Arthur and Fort MI- The town ehoc:J see that the portion 01 lb. h., bor front under las control le cleaned up at oboe. Aroma Tan Hogan. -J. J. MoLaucblio, of kfoKillop, has purchased from ouodry Kra. their purebred Clydesdale stallion, Piokin'. Pride E, C. AOtrlll, of Ridvs. wood Park, has purohseed Irom Pour La. moot, reeve of Hay township, the dn. shire stallion Desford Marquis. The price Is said to be $2,000 Jonathan Miller has sold hie trotting stallion Woodlawn to Mr. 'Brandon, of Ray6•id, taking In "'whoops o WO. bay nit by King Stanton Tbs bores ase workiog o0 the Agrioultural Park track to preparetioo for the May meets. The road 1s In A 1 00,401ion .1 W. Smith hu bought • nim robber iced wmkon for hie stallion, Missouri Unlef, AN Arn.D-reo FA)tlLT,-Ort Friday last Mles Mary Tiobbouroe,thlyd d•ogbwr of Mr. awl Mrs. Kloh•rd 'l iobboaroo, pseud away alter an Illness of sours! months. The young woman obtained a profsselonal lm.oh er's cer618oste at Cbrbtm•s, 1899, and taught school Iae6 year at Uredttoo until line was forced oy Ill hmhh to Ilya up her po.ltlon la the tall. She returned bome •o4 all efforts to restore her to h olth were in vale. Her parents and the remaining members of the family have the sympathy of all la the mtoy sorrow. «limb have been i heir portion of las, this beton the third member of the family who has did wlt0le the put fifteen months Tho funeral took pl.os from has late home, St. David's strut, on Sunday afternoon to Maitland oemetery, Ray. Mark Turnbull 000doouoq the ser. vlu.. The codio was ooverd with the fl 'rat tributes of sorrowing and sympatbiz• Inv friends The pall -bearers were Chu Humber, Will Tweedy, 8s ('lair Tweedy, Geo. B01ob.r, Will Moeraoth and 1). 8trals0. FOR THE MA11101 BAND -The entertala• mast Riven 0y the Sherman Moving Pioture Co. is said to b+ the finest on the road. Then bate been • 0000 many entail moving Omar* shows through the country, none of them giving nUef•otlno The 8herm.o Go. is the only one that has played the elites with •uooes.. A .Oratfor* daily say e : "There was a good sized audience at the opts's. lopes last evening and they were O manly pleased and interested b,vond sl. expecte ions One Ir•ture in the moving picture part to the Qaoen's funeral promo. Woo, showing clearly and Impres.i.ely the last sad trip of her late Majesty. The story of Joan of Aro Is told by the moat beau+alal plo'u ee over pot on 000111 Mee. Carrie N•tlon is 'Mown is tier tem• Per0008 crusade, preaching to the mass. d.mnliehlog the saloon @toots and fixtures; then ber final arrest. Reaidea thee* toe toren there are oumeroa' interesting pin. tore' of various kinds, embracing some . pieodid oom!0,l ones ; and events to th. Sow h Afrtoan war are shown." Thls oom- paoy will give three exhibitions lo the Opar. House aider the gasping of the Uocirrlcb Rand, Mey 10 and 11, • motion co S.tardov afternoon s QriiN VICTORIA C'OT'TAGE HOBP(TA14." -Her Excellency th. Countess of Minto, honorary president of the Vlotorian Order of Nunes, has been making an effort for the e xtene100 of the work of the Order In re. e rect of cottage ho•pltal.. Assistance in providing snob hnpl1al. In districts where the population is distant from large hospital omits has been one of the objects of the Order elnoe Its organization, .o4 ho,pl1ab hap already poen e•teblished at Vernon, B. O., R.g0ra, N W,T., Shoal bake, Min„ Trunnion sod Fort Ndtlam, Ont. At the annual meeting of the Weed of 0lovernore of the Order on March 14th, thry expressed thomsetves as hewrttly approving of the proposal of Her Axoelleoc, to nztend this work, and lased • resolution In reference to the eetabbahr0ear of • food for the pur• po-e. Indy Minto has already reoelyed an o o»nymous oontnbottoo of 42,000 for the film', and Mavor Wilson is In r.oelpt of • latter from Her Eroollenoy Inviting oontrl• hatl,ns. The idea le lh.t these hospitals be @rooted u memorials to oar late beloysd Queen. With the aid of Government grants and grants from municipal bodies where •pob ho.pit.l. *re needed a much-needed work could be done by the establishment of 8000 •food. . THE LAT1 Mew Bitowg,-There died o0 Monday. April 22nd, at the reddens ot Ow eon In law, Dr. T. G. Johnston, M. P., ti T60., Marianne Ooba Brown, tarot of rhe late Georg. Brown, formerly of "Stirling.," on the Huron road near Gderlch. The d. - Waited, who was in her eighty -snood year, woe in her urinal health up to • vert phut Orme h'dore her death Mr,. Brown was born In Kent woolly, England, and was the seaned daughter of William Ramon R'ch, l.t., of Oratorio% Tne family room to Caneda and to God.rfoh le the year 1834, and hree years later the deceased was married to ill. late George Brown, trims o res of the 000nttes of Huron, Forth and Brno', Mr. Drown died In 1962. Mrs. Brown motioned to r.oldo here twill •few years ago, when she removed to Sarnia to day «l'h her daughter, the wife of 1)r Johns:or, M. P She leave' three ons and throe laovhwn : Alt., Georg. and Harry, all of Toronto ; Mn. J. Ap Jonas, of Landon, Rog ; Mn, John.Lon,el Sends, and Mrs Ham MoMfoken, of Loudon, Rog. The remains were brought to (Ind*- Yok and wore intoned l0 M•Ition4 ceme- tery on Wednesday, Rev. Mark Turnbull, rector of 011, 13.Orge'., 00o4wottng the fonrral eervioe. Tn. poll -borers were ds ne.a.d'a three sons, her oo-l:aw, 1)r. ,lobaaton, an4 gro.danne, Oorge Joins, rel Toronto, and Kon. Johnston, of Sarnia. Mr. Brnwn's name will Inn/ M gratefully romomb.rd 1n Gdsrieh Lowe and town shin, particularly in connection with hs b.oelutl00. to St St.ph.e'. oharob. NAvio*T,ow Nesta-Nevtgadea 1e now 04'00, wide open, as t00m port. and there have hoes a number of arrivals and Ne- pp0.rters toe put week ... The ,oh,. K.'.ehdm left Thursday morning, Ii tI(, for Thevainn ....The .t, .1 00.4 loll Th*rs day m x,009 for lee Ganrglan Bay] with supplies for the Arhermse Th. tug (Moose, whir* was largely phalli 4,$. ib. "rioter, Wt friday vowels, to iota the LOCAL NEWS IN BRIE(-. Speculation and guesses will be rife fora while now as to the result of the consul, but there u no R{teese work about Prldium's tailor- ing. Saiufwction guaranteed. Mr. Ju.tioe, ManMahon will preside a1 the 0oo•jary uelges for the *musty of Huroo, to tae bald on Tuesday, May 14. A pleaasar time was spout at the Oddfel. Iowa' H.00 on Friday night, a number of the members of Huron Lodge and their friends holding a very enjoyable bop. We are oohed to proo0re a oopy of THE SIGNAL of date July 5, 1900, for One of our reader. N'.hould be obliged If any of our subscribers having • 81pn*l of that date would let us have 11. What's the matter with the idea of hay Ing some of the oorpor•taoo men put at the job of olearl1g the road around the Square of the loose stones' The road b bard and smooth, but the stones are • aaimaoe. Court Odertoh, No. 32, C.O.F., will bold Its out regatta' mot mg on Taesd • Y next, May 7th, As bugloss' of groat Imo portion has come to hand all the members' are requested to be preee0t.-T. BDRRows, Seo Ywtard•y befog May 1st, the new note! 'menses name into effect. Michael Farr hos taken ob.rge of the Union botel sod H. J. Sults of the Maitland house at the satioo. A lugs st.bl to being built at the letter 0000., At rho oonvooatton of VlotottliUnlver,lty Ica' wosk the degree of R. D. was 000ferred upon Rev E F. Armstrong, B A. Roy. A. E M. Tbom.on ILA ,who hod completed the 000ter.00s 000(50 tor g'.1n00.11 in arts reo.lved hta oertffo,te therefor. We oo0. gra elate our young towaemen upon their sue 1800. Lettere patent have been bond I000r r.sratiae the Canadian Solt Galnpaoy, with • n.pit.I stock of 2800,000 This 1■ the oomrany whloh Is oredlad wi' b the into, tion of buying up tho ask wells to thio d'. - 'riot. It has seamed an sstenai'tn ret the options which it had ohtaiosd upon .omit o' there well.. P. L. Maiden & Co. have hod a yang of men at work the post. week ley : " .no• /oh a walk on the, nnr(h•esat 8 ,.0 borne street. Thi. was part Of their last yrar'e pont f%et They have al.o done some p010hi09 on %Vesr street, and • good deal more ought to be done. Goderioh people who Intend to volt the Pan Amerlorn exposition at Buffalo (ht. summer ,111 do "roll to 0ommani0•te with Mus 1)agit, a lady .,ol0 known in Goderloh, who has aknn a pl•oe in • portion *1 the cry very convenient to the exhibition 910004. and nit! have rooms tor visitors Her address is 154 Anderson Place. Toe Blyth Standard nye : A ms.ter!v and lostruotlle lecture woo glom by Rey J. A. Anderson, of (loderlob, In !Myth Meth• odist oharob on Friday evening let. The sabj.ot (shown was "Every Man the Aroht toot ot His Own Fortune." Dos lecturer hurdled his .nhjsot well and those wbo head It were well plated and delighted w1'h 1t. CHURCH NOTES. The young mon of North street Methodbr oharob .re prep,ring an entertainment to he given ou rho eveal0g of Frld.v, holey 17,h, The rite of onnfirmstfon will tea adminis- tend to at Gcnrge's chum* belt Sunday mornag by His L)rd.hip Bishop Baldwin. It is exo•cted that the Ruhop will preaoh at the evening eervloe also, Toe •aor.ment of the Lord's Sapper will bah after th0 Iermon 0016 0141- bath mnrning In Nitron• .t, chorah. All the members of the oharob and other Chrl■Hans are r, quested to be preeer4.. All are weloome. Major McMillan ani Staff•Capt, R..- Iing., of 1-'r ton, accompanied by the Roy Trumpeter, • Ill lead a "metal meeting In the 8, A barrack. nn Friday evening next, May 3rd, at 8 r. .o. hhe Mal,r, who Is Provincial n'boer for west Ontario, Is an in• terstlo0 rpeakrr and ase are a0ro those who .tteod Otto 00,00 a will •pend an en. Ptyalin svenlg. All are toy ited. The members of Huron 1.1(190, No. 62, I. 0.0.F.,to the number of about 8fty,.ttend- e1 divine nervine at Knox oharoh on Run - day morning, the occasion Ming :he eighty aeon r ann'veretry of the Institution of the Jrder. The pastor, R,•. ,lames A Anler•'i eon, B A , presohed as appropriate sermon from the %mode, "Lou the brotherhood, Fear Owl. Honor the Klwg.'' He tor.k ecndoa 0 oongratulat- the members of Huron Lodge upon the good work which 'hob (Oiler Is 4oleq and the evidences o1 prosperity which surround It. The dl.- onoree and oleo the ninefold .e• I t•toe rendered by the choir were mach appreciated rayy the monsters anti on their return to the lo 1g. .nom" the usual voters M th.eke wore pen d. At a mooting of the Presbytery of Huron on the 23rd int , the resignation of tiro Rey. Mr. Achtson, of )(ippon. sou aooept d He has attempted a e•ll to Pembina, N Dakota. it was oleo decided to lnduot the P....1.. Homll on roto th* pastoral charge of i.seburn and Union obnroh, en May 7th, and Roy. John M,N.111 to that of R.)flnld and B.thaoy The following to coin part In the former indootton : - K.v. Mr, Dotted son to preaoh, Mr Andste,n to pr0.lde and address the minister, and Me .1. A. Ham• den the noon ; and at (ht latter, Rev. It. A Sowers to p sold, and address ib. minister, .las. Hamilton to pr.00h, and Mr D•,klesn to .datum the penpl.. R•v M, Manta cad R A. , wine mooted .dot dont oommis.ioesr. In this Gneral As- sembly. .-sembly. Tran..m4-..do.( 01oties of officers took 0(000 1wad.y wetting re. th. North ,went Epworth league.. M'., Llwi. Anises** was rmdeot.4 pr.eld.nt, with this following! stag : Vin mukluk I. M. Toren n,rrpo,41ag eretwl•ry, kink I. E, Shot. man ; r000rdlog noriet ty, H. B. Guest; treasurer, W. Rubinson ; chorister, %V. Brydge. ; pianist, Mut Lours Farrow t oonleurr, _,t o, amttteee-miseloo•ry, Was Sara Horror ; lookout, J E. !fest • pr•y.r meeting, Mir Hattie Thow•oo ; literary, Mtn Mary Salkeld ; soolal, Mss (lliv" Robertson ; additional member, of sxeot nye, Harry L. Salkeld, Miss Lizzie Camp bell, Mrs. Walter, DI .) Agile Kooz. SUMMER SPQR rs. The lawn bowlers have had a few Fames already t0s season. Tins Doderiob guts club bas been re -or gonized for 1901 with the following odious Preaid.ut, Andrew Roue vie; toms p.nF deet, Gone Symonds ; seorehry-treasurer, Fred Shepherd ; field marshal, R K. 1V•• e on. TO.. ofiinn form the ezeuott.e oommlttee. The annual foe sou pl•ood et 51. Too dab Is looking for suitable grouode. The S'ratford Herald Is oulee 000tldsut of the superior ability of ire leoal foottnil pl•yr*. Is say.: "1f the tom of the loot Collegiate has Its ey. upon toe Hou cup, which is rid to be the ono, then is O o roeeon at .11 why Stratford should not Rot t00 trophy. The Uollegiaos are strong- e r than they bore bun for years and are fast get Ong into good eb•p•," The first footb.11 match of the seaso0 will bo played •t the Agricultural Park to. morrow (Friday) evening, w6•° the Clinton Cullum!. losmuats team tool try to wrest the Hough oup from the present holder., the G. C. 1, team. 'Tone should bo • large •ttend•noe at the game to 00eout•0• the boys in their efforts to retain the muoh-4, g ired trophy. The Clinton Loam is after the oup hot•luot, and there will likely b. • two 000teet of the kickers The emu wee be called •t 6 o'clock, 10 that at, ,nay be over betore dark. Admission, 15 and 10 oeuta. Remember the day - tomorrow (Friday) eveulog-and be sure to go. COMING ANO GOING. Jaa A. P.yue left tot Mooday for D.- troth K. 8. Tilt 1. home from MoGill Uai. vanity,' Mrs. Cosford has been visiting In Toron- to 40.W r t walk.. E. H McKet.x a is visiting cab brother In tbu vicinity of Loodoo. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kelly visited frleude 61 Stratford over Sunday. Bert Hale left Monday morning to ake • poettloo •t Sault Ste. Marie, D. A. Ron, of Snots, has been in tows the past week on busl0.... Mur Dayan, ot Stratford, b ykeiting at the resideon of Capt. Parson. 8.m. Curran, who Is working sow at i codon, •ue0t Sunday to town. If, It Parson., of the Bank of ('ommeroe. Montreal, is spoiling holidays .6 th,: old home hero Rev. J... A. Aodenon arid Rev. James Hamilton attended the Presbyterian synod meeeiog at Stratford. Mee Mtddletoo retaraed..4s.0.59 home) near Clinton no A sturday after a •i.'t at the outdoors of Capt. A M. Sne, h0rd. Mists Theresa Uhisbolm has ret0r0e4 noon after r; .1 ng the "rioter with her sister, ofre. .1, i'. %Valet), Montreal, Quo. Don. JI iv er, date of N. D, Kougvie'e herders',- 1...o,- left on Moody for But 0.!.,, where he has secured • position D. B. McKay h1s gone to Googol. to tali., obarge of the tioderiob Organ Co.' adze. play at the great exhibition there. We had a o.11 last week from Alf. Brown, of Toronto, who was 1n town attending the funeral of his mother, the late Mrs. George Brown. Mrs. Hugh Murray and children lefe o0 Saturday for Port Colborne, when they will .peod • week before proceeding to Philadelphia to join Mr. Murray. R. J. M)C'ymoat, who h.. been to the ho.pitel a, Guelph for the past mix months, i. now on the mend, and hie father, W. A. MoOlymoot, left Tuesday afternoon to a0• company him home. COLBORNE- TUESDAY, Aprli 23. AN ET•eTrDINT or S 8 No, 6 -We ex tend to Miss Mary L Oren, who, we ars olea.ed tone from The Toronto Daily Globe, graduated from the dairy department of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, with honors, our heartiest 000tretuletioue. This Is three of our pupils who attended this mobilo' that have graduated from that In- stitution, Miss Green. Fred !Afield, now pr'•leesor of decry husbandry In the Agti- *nitaral Gollegr, Salt tithe City, Utah, and Willie Linkl•ter, who also Fraduatd with honors at the Easter 111min•t100 la 1900 The stwodauoe at the O.A.U. bas bob so large that the a000mmodetlon was not sot - fluent, and It is found oeooeary to enlarge rhe buildings. The work Is '^ ons on with at Coos. SLUEVALE. MooDAT, April 29. Miss Allo 1)u6, of Moleewortb, spent Sunday at home, Albert R. West, of Blyth, Altered friends In Bmovle this week. Miss lune Snell, 01 'A/Ingham, visited her ago?, Mrs. T. J. Watt, last week, Albert Denman, of Mtaai Fittest, "put So"day with his p.reaU,\ Henry MoHardy has go\a book to Ilod.- rioh, where he will work tot the Oodnlnh Lnmher Uomp•ny. Q .l.e a number of yoorg people opetl 1,.. Thursday evening at John i iment's. Ray. 1), Rogers attended the tonna! of Roy. Mr. Norton at Iiru,.le last Wedoes. day. 1)r. Agnew, of Waltham, was .4. the public whom nn '4ueedgy and V0nf0ated the euhoul children, LEtBURN. TonstrAv, April .>4. 601,. Rotaries Carney, of (ioderlch, visit. .d her sheer, Mr* Wm Bogie, this week. Austin Ckt.holm, recently returned from the South Abloom war, Reye re1.61►es here a Iran"a•nt 11dt on SOnelay. 0o bb «slit homeward h* po.ead the cedar korjes but missed she earldom harms of white vapor end the hissing gond n1 shot and 'hell to which he was ►oswtnmed to South Afrlo. The funeral 01 the lot. John M•rNeyln, whtoh took plan on Teesday afternoon of las` week, raw a l.rg0 attendance 'foe dreeu.rl was a m•mh.r rel (he Or.ner lndgr of th. Nile and his O -•raga brethren' pre aided the h In pr0n0eston to Pinnies nunnery. R,•Jae. Hamilton and th. oh•pWo of the Oreepe loam. oanlanted the esrnese, tleatl.90aa, 111•. An Said, Soo Prof. i)..r.nwoed', art coverings In w*..ni lupus, worn on Lh0awn4, of beads They ase a proteetlmn against molds, eat•rrh, oto , ani vivo a moat 0wtv.l and yewngn •ppear.no• to the face Trylns on and Aemonai tsetse the impeller art of thew da Ira of charge. He will be at Hest fined, (3.i/arsh, Tuesday, May 7. THE HOSPITAL PROJECT. !AU the townspeople aro particularly requested to attend the mooting in the oourt house coiled for the purpose of dis- uuaring ways tool meow. of ustablishiug a hospital it, thin 0000. The mooting will be held 011 Monday evening Crest at 8 O'clock. The visiting committee request us to '.facto that their limo hon been too limited to 0110w of their reaching all the persona who. name. are epee their list ; that many upon whom they desired to call •ltd especially urge to attend the meeting and Rive aid with their ideas on the subject. and their iifuonoe, hare unavoidably been missed. N ill they be good enough to un- derstand this explanation and to acoept the very urgout invitation extended to AIJ. to come and aid the undertaking of this much- needed and very important project ! At Owen Sound and other lake ports ho.pitali are maintained, and we en no rean0n why he town of Ilodtrich, occupy- ing the position which it dues, should not parrten ruck an institution also We hope the citizens will show their interest by at- tending to large numbers next Hoodoo evening. DUNGANNON. • DR. 0. A. NEWTON, DENTIST, HAS 1 discontinued him trips to Dungannon. W 110e pleased to meet any from that o h- borhod who m► require his pervious at the home ol1oe. Luoknow, where he will be found ever day lathe week erupt Thunder, when he visn its Ripley. Special attention pati to preservation of natural teeth, orowo and bridge work, oto. Nagy methods 0t extract - («g. ticroc ,-The looai wenn to Uung•noon for Tan 81000t bat the oMoe of J. 0. WARD, J,P., 060ve))aunr. &o.. who will remise or dere for "ubeoriptioba, advertising and Job - wort, and b authorized to 040e reoe071. for amounts paid for the some TDIRDAY. April 30. • Comm; AND Gotnu.-lin, O'Connor, wife ot our genial vtotualler, tete hero re molly on • visiting sur for about six week■ to relatives at Uhingo. Oa her return homeward she bounds to visit friend. .l Buffalo and other point.. We whet her • pleasant Omit and info return Yoarhe correspondent le tattoo sensation. of t doe weather enjoying himself visiting role, r.'ves and 004p.10‘0004111 •0 Wloih•m and other points. T•egy tit TH■ BCD. -Last Fr1d•y the yo0or..t child of Kobort Kirk, Wirt Wo- wano■h, diod. The remain. wore Interred m Dunnnnen eematery 0e Sour 27.0 lost, The ben.ved patents have the .tmtathy of the oommuoity In the bereave- ment PNDBR1TAT1070,-0.1 Friday eveniog, the 19.0 of April, 8, I. Young, • memter of Huron Lodes, No. 353, A 0. U W., .od farmer fioanmal secretary, was pre•eut■-i by the members of the lodge, to show their •ppreoauoo of the satisfactory manner oa which he •teeoded to bre dooms whits du•no er, with • beautilal gold wetoh, upon which the followlog words were nicely en gray. d : "Presented to S. 1. Young by L•,dg• No. 353, A 0. U W., A.ptil 194.0, 1931" This h . , •nine gilt wee •0on04 panted by toe address : '1'o Mr. 8.1. Young, late f eonol•l.e,rotary of Huron Lodge, No. 353, A,U.IT. W, DkAR SIR AND BROTHER 11 ORRMAN,-A numb -r of your brethren and fellow• wort - oleo of this lodge assigned to me the agreeable duty of •xpresoiag to you Cher loot' appreciation of your ser►loes as an offtoer of this lodge and their .esuranos that in 'roar r•tireme•t from Oho offtoe of dn.oial ooretery you take with you their ..roost awl heartfelt «lobs for your future welfare .od happloe■t, They have also doctor' me to eollolt your a00eplanm of • ho token of remembrance which le intend ,•1 to mark then' of your o(fiolal probity and your thorough devotion at all times to the Interests and welfare of Itis lodge, and to your sterling worth u • citizen and • man. I jolo with them mut heartily le their wish to pay • just trlbuta to your public and private obar.cter, and beg you to roelve 6hts token of our friend. .hip, not merely ea a compliment, bat as an svndeon of the Wooer. nod dblot•rsted regard of all the brethr•o of this lodge both abient and present. The presentation was made and the &d - dross read by Mr. R. Mollwsll no behalf of the oommi4.to In their lodge room, Dun- gannon. Mr. Young, although no doubt Cusps Iced at what had just token pl.oe, was eyed to the 000uion, thanking the breth- ren In appropriate terms. Before baetaq, refre.hmeuts were wood by the committee and were e0ioyed by •11 present. DUNLOP. TrrrxDAy, Apr1139. Master Edward Williams, of Loyd. Telt- ed his geed parents, Mr. and Mr.. T. A. Haughton, at Orobard Dotage for amoral days last week. John Lowson, of Boohwn.rtn A Lawson, .deriah, spent Suo4.y under the parental roof. Thursday of last week Miss Annie Houghton left for the summer months to take ch.ree of her brother Charles' house Dear Thornton, In Grey county. Her afro moos will be 1.16 by • Iva* carol. of friends l0 th0. tendon. Alex. MnLeod, from oortk o1 Loyd, bar he ditoblag sod Woking life drains for U.'.•e ll•eN.11 Wm. 'Tobin 1 v orders of our board of education sows l i he sohonl yard with grass Good on Thursday of but wok. Wm F. Young, o1 Loyal, has 0.Id out two bandied trees 1n a sew oroMrd on his farm aerosol the road trent the M me,tead. Robe Quaid has .Idad • hundred now tree• to hCG permit orchard, To 'fatuity() TO LoNnnN. -The efli mere of 1 n• 11rd »Ehnen( have been NO berating opnn • scheme on march Ih• regfm+ot t^ (.-.alert n ett month for Om woonsl drill, meted of allot the rallw•v, Mout -Col Visceral re gout 0.1 e.oh cfesr of the rnim,01 to work nut a detail plea for this march end subntlt it to h'm T'.s ilei loolule .11 transport, numb 'r o •9010 molted, Amount of for. age and repmolted,os and means for the supplying of the game, the best roots for the march, the diatom, (oO, onmeyed in • '4y Ind the axle'. (.rnp*nit !(.nand. 6o the way). Col Preen, the now 11, 0 0 , when in aortae/1h recently npr*e.d6tootty &Owov•I int the 5,10000.0 1- would 0ir4A my aid .:,meshing to the training and the •rperl.n0e of 1h•• members of the regiment. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - MAY 2 Pasture to Lab -Albert Wilson. 8a1Lab-Albert ford 1 AOuoaoa•meat-F. M. Dimino 1 Soaps l0 Wall Paps -Kidd & Co, , , , , 4 Slater Shoe Co.-.... . . Kmaooipatioo-P. T. H.01. jl Law. Mowere, oto. -N. D. Roalyie4 Bargain• -W, A. MoKlm (1 What Shall I Woof -96. O. Prldbam„ 4 That 8.Naded lizprerloo-h. B. & ICH, 4 Soft Now Carpets -W, Aobsess & S 14 Attractive Wall Popes -Purees'. Book and Wall raper Store Kura -kora -F. M. Daabam,.. For Your Wnodose aedFloors- godson Bro. Ao0o0uo.mwts-MaK.naie L Howell AOuoonmm.0t-0, K. King, W Ingham Files, Files 1-MOK•non & Rowell Novelty Drees Good. and 810kti-Smith tiros. & Co Return Engagement - Motrin Vp.n House 1 Aonouncemeat-Mees Dagil 1 Property for Solo -aloha Mols/y» 1 For Sale -JM, W►soo 1 Moving Pictures -Marine Band 1 e 1 a 1 1 a e ANNOUNCEMENTS. 8•Ilowi apnoea Baby D•y, Mooday, May Silo, Every obild gets • photo free. Age limt4. 18 mooch.. PAN-AMuueAN, Bui,A10,-Mir I)ueit has rooms for visitors in the host residential part ot the oity. goings early, 164 Aa. demon Plan. Term. moderns, MOKIN1II & HowiLl hove alabeetlae and jelly.tone, made •t Paris, We soil 1.11y/tuns at 15 and 260 per pkt., all shades. Almost as pump u whlttoq but much bali- te,. Brighten, preserve and beautlfy your home. How! Why, nee pales. The boot 15 made by the (:aaada Palet Go., the Prism brand ready mixed and elephant Lad, handled by McKhxzta & Howiu.. Wanted. -Eggs 12o. One ton Dubber weekly. We hay* all kinds of Dorn, from Oromptoo's early down. We are sole Moots for the celebrated Bailey cora. "For .11o purposes It has so .goal," so say Jae. McMillan & Sou, the largest own tiro duoer. of Caned.. G. E. KING, Wingb.m, A Now Foo,TAIN.-- F. M. Dunham. druggist, has plod • handsome soda water fountai0 la hs Moro and t1 prepared to eery, soft drinks In the best American .tyle. H. uses only the finest troll flavor% and can also m.k. up any of the fancy phot. photo .no egg drink.. Gall In andj:so what he oan do for you. son .r4 kon A ileal Cure. KUR-A-KORN r'n.ily down all we promise it to do it remoreii the corn that has bothered you no long. It's ea,il applied, and sure to do the workexpected of it. Try it. 25o. per Bottle. F. N. DUNB.AR, Ks. B, DNUGGIS r. Writer of W ,et .trot God the Square. under the &impious Two M49bta .e/ O.s n( Ole Mali.... May 10 and 11 Th. Slam es tern rani. f. Putnam'. Point... ('.oro Et'rooter, erewn,d by veers of .000050, regal humus* onappro.0h*d and un.ppro.ohable, hnfrItag ' way In fhb o*e(leen4 owing M its su*.rter cy Putnam'. P.l&... IJero anti Wart I4rtnotnr Sold by 610 Araggbu, or sent Ay mall by N 0 1{n1.n9$ & Co , Etat/gams, Ont., no rr.Npeef 26 oat& mRetake rosea i et Me tetra eeam000 fhb the Inst entertainment of its hind la exirtenne, 'showing the Queen's Funeral Procession bdison's latest awl boob picture. Joan of Arc in 12 scenes than the porion play. leaving the lions. 8doon Smashing. orI.n. 41. nntabor. cal otheroomio and loteeneting eub- /erlar-iwtadter •raw.s taken from the tato « tr, - c gur.ant.e title to be the hest and most casuist." moving picture show on the road, Pfatirtee Sat . May. 11. Return Engagenien -OF THE- LYCEUM Opera Company. •Y •PZoMAL REQUEST. Friday, May 3 A Complete Change. New Costumes, New Songs, New Stories.