HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-25, Page 10We will give away a beautiful suite of five pieces covered with fancy velour mush. For every dollar cash purchase you will have one chance on this hand- some present. It doesn't cost you anything and you may be the lucky one to take it away. Come and see it. SOME SPRING BARGAINS. MILLINERY. Just reoeived • Daae cf Ladies' black and white and blue and white new straw sailors, worth bpc, for 25o Also a regular 75c sailor hat for. 35c Lovely trimmed hats with all the latest touches of fashion. New spring twats for ladies, with full box back, very sightly, in fawns and blacks, front $4.00 to $7.00 NEW GINGHACIS - in latest checks and stripes at 121c New oolored piques, worth 20c, for........... 110 New prints, special at 10c Ladies' Rain Coats, oomfort- able, durable and stylish, from $3.50 to $10.00 in fawns, navy, Kray and blacks. New tied for ladies, e• .. I5c, 25c, 50c, $1. LACE CURTAINS Housecleaning sill mon Ito here. Curtains, curtain mu.ling, art muslin., will be on your want list. We have a well -assorted stock. Lace Curtains, 25c, 50c, $1, to $4. Art Masitns, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25c. Cretonnes, 8, 10, 12i to 25c. New Sideboard Drapes, New Embroidered Covers, etc., New Bureau Coven. HOSIERY. Ladiesfart black heavy cotton hose, extra at 2 pair. for ... , .. 25c Nine wide ribbed cashmere hose, at per pair 25o CORSETS. The new strai'•ht torm corsets, a most correct fittiog and easy wear, at 75c and $1.00 A special short corset covered with good jean and nicely trim- med, regular 75c, for 59c CLOTHING. Boys' Suits, 31en'r Suits, Boys' Pants, Men's Pants, Men's Waterproof Coats. GENTS'; FURNISHINGS. Special dowing end tied, worth 5Uc, for 25c Extra valor sox at 2 pairs for 25c New colored print .hirtx at50: New black and brown stiff hat $2.00 DRESS GOODS Special line of liomespuui, in greys, browns, fawns and blues, worth $1, for 69c Printed l',.hmeres, fast colors, in new shades and patterns, at .. 20c Lovely satin 'W1etian cloths, already sheet* wert4$1.25, for.$1.00 ON MONDAY, APRIL 29, AND TUESDAY, APRIL 30, Mule CROOK, of Toronto, • specialist demonstrator, will be with us to explain the advantages of these High grade ()tweets. Many ladies find • great difficulty in t getting durable and perfect fitting corsets and \ in tinnss past have ordered them We believe these corsets will just suit them, they are -made- . in different shapes and Miss Crook will IH them ,if necessary. She wiil also have an interest. lag display of theee corsets partly inside, just started and hilly finished. Come and inspect them. ERECT FORM Brent Form, Straight Pronto Low Bust, Gored Bip,Blas Gat and Slam Filled_ This will be found • most desir•ble fittiog corset. and the ladle" who favor the pose "a Is mittens" will find it the meet porton ot all straight -front, isnot form aureole tin wt. today. Removes all pres- sure from tee cheat and throws the shoulders batik, and adds ..... ly to tbe new straight front styles In costumes. Made of the best ot imported English coati!, haodeotnely trimmed top anti bottom with new bow•knot loos dish/a sod satin ribbon stitched tbrosghout with silk. Made In dove, white and bleak. Sizes 18 to 30, Pride, IPR.00 THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO. DUNGANNON. 1 sot + Itk the haw, se that Isere le a sea- - it. ew•lit. (1. A NEWTON, DENTIST, HAS ttlattuus "PI" of dilating wake a► ell tlmgo. tdr. Campbell, who gook the well a r. el m^otha ago, W. 1 down the other day sod wee well pleased with the &reads• went. le a week or so Mr. Cempbell's st•ti will be •tahine wells again in this neighborhood and i■ U orlon township. The following 1. the report of S. 8. No. 9, Colborne, based on the Msroh oxawtwa• Gone . Sr. V. Hattie Sorter, Bella Shaw, Harry Ttohboree, Harry Witham. ; sr. IV, Kush Shaw, John noble, Edward L•wsoo ; jr. 1V. Clays Ttohborne, Edward Shaw, Jean Chinos, Ernest )(oung, Willie Rogge; fir. 111. Minnie Barker ; jr. 111. Blanche Shaw, Reggie Williams, James Harker, Willie (howler, Usr►le Quaid, Hume Clut• ton. Wilbur Stewart ; jr. 11. Freak Ulaaler, Lola Barker, Moble Young ;r Dart 11. Oliva Ttobboroe ; or. part 1.) Hugh CM,' bolo). Aoy persons dgotroui of • starting their obtldroo will plow* do w oa the first Moudsy in May. IJ ducouttuued his trips to Uuag naoiL Will be pleased to meet ourrom that neti( - burhowl who may require big servloes at tint hums ogtoe, Lucent) et, where rte w'tl be totted every day in the week eaoept Thunder', when he visits Ripley. fipeolrl atteartou cold to preen/venom of natural teeth, urowi sad bridge work, etc. K..y methods of extract"' lug Nanta.-- The local agency In uumgansom for Teta Stumm. Is at the Moe of J. l). Warw. J.1'., ooeveyeaoer, &o.. who will receive or don for subscriptions. advertising sod Job - work, and le authorised to give reoelpte tar amounts uald for the same Tuseuw, April Z.? Nut,uae Cusyu■ - The gealal spring weather was durtug last week superseded by • cold wove of snow and now which re tarded the epnog operations of the hue - bondman and gardeners. The numerous friends of Mr. and Mn. James Walker, who are ',offering from • weakly nate of health, not. 1 be pleased to hear of the veoerabl. oouply . restoration to health la the near future. Smith Bro's & Co. Prof Dorenwend, Await OF TORONTO, THE FAMOUS HAIR GOODS ARTIST IS COMING He vr111 be at Hotel Bedford, GOORIII4 11. TUESDAY rlay 7th iVT Fall wheat and grass, en., here, through the effect of the recent hill of 'Dow slosh with Rental showers of rain. Improved tri appearance and known. Cousequently the prospects for good crops are better, NaVIS or Decease. L. Mc:Nosing re calved word on Monday (yesterday) that his brother John died very suddeoly on Suoday evening, the 21st inst., at his reel - deco' in Colborne township new the Point Farm. Th. deceased Wall • unne respect- ed pioneer ot this seotiou of country. Noren,-Having nothwid in last week's Issue of Tag StortaL the s000unt of an in indent which befell O. Forerst, express meesonger 012 the 0. T. R., at Mitchell, we are pleosed net he was not seriously hurt, which under the clroumstanoes might have welly been the owe, and we hope that he will not be any the worse of the sondeut. As he was • 'sand of your bumble oorree pondent in the seventies, we would regret any 'ennui incident 'n happen W• are pleased to be able to note that the genial and esteemed editor of Tim Sioirat, who has been for some time unwell, is gradually oonvaisooing. in Iasi week's issue puts it that Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie (formerly Mrs.A. P lohnstoo). having finished their bridal tour, returned to thAr future home •t, I% Ingham moonily. We extend to them hearty oon,natulatione and wish them • ha. py and prosperous voyage over the sea of matrimony. Mr. Ritohte intends, all reiog well, during neat suMmer to inset • beautiful monsoon on his property, whioh is situated on one of the prettiest whim oompletod, we hope tbey will be bleased with health and happiness' for many years to oome. faintly* removed into our village last week, eel will wimpy the residence of the Ian Rich. Treleaven. Re will conduct the drug business and medioal practice to the stand formerly °counted by his predecressor, Dr. McCrea.. ...Mr. and Mrs. Jai. SCOtt. of /whtield, on Friday of Iasi week visited 101.1. son•in law and daughter, Mr. and principal of Dungannon public' school, and basins/Is oat, day last week A. E Treleaven bovine reeelved word of the de- ars* of his tather-in•law, bdiv. Mr. Mo- Naughtou, of Brunets, left here this morn- ing. via Lucknow, to alumni the humeral Mrs. I). Roos and son Vitt, of Heenan, ars visiting relative" here. with every kind and style of ladies' and gentlemen's wigs, toupees, bangs, wevy anti plain fronts, switches of all long hair in every iength and Rhode. His art styles are known and worn by all classes every. where. Be sure to visit ht. show rooms at the hotel and son his new designs. He will, free of charge, demonstrate by fitting you what is the moot suitable and booming to you. Their use adds health, comfort and younger appearance. Gentlemen who are bald should investigate and see his feather weigh t teepee! and wigs worn on over 56,0007heads. MORE DUNLOP TrEnber, April 23. Mr. Wore, front neer Saltier 1, ;a in our midst digging tile drains for the Tobie Bios. James Potion, who for some years has resided near Loyal I'. 0 , hut moved book to his former house i ,srbraid. Henry Hobson her lately purchased the farm of Mr. Campbell, formerly owned by Mr. Fawn, Mr. Campbell ha•ing sold out. Mr, Campbell will reside in Goderioh to the future. Thureday of last week our townsmao, 1). Cumming. rot through bis task es Monts eourn•rator for this ward. Herbert Morris also finished big task ot the tialiford ward a tow days previous. D. Lawson will, during this °Owning won• mer, put gome new wire tenoes on Ws farm, and already le adding new belts of Deming on the north boundary of his term, hiving Diumtel MoLsod, of Leelturn, to assist him in erecting it. Monday of last week our school re -open- ed alter the Easter holidays, Miss Cooper, the teacher, b•ying spout her holidays at tier 1:10IIIII ID CIIIIY00. MINI Cooper bee • zleas of seven in course of preparation for the entrap's and leaving examinations at Joseph MacDonald, a well-known reel dent her• oyer • quarter of • wintery avo, wane amongst us for • visit to his perents •nd other friends Jomph has teen eon- nected with the lumbering interests ot Michigan, and the pant winter was timo• keeper for • large oamp recently brokers op for the season. SMEPPARDTON- Tustonay. April 24, John Foster arrived home from the lani• ber woods last wow. Mr. Rome. of Muskoka, Is •leithig ktla sister, Mrs. Win. Bogie. biles Mary Gordon flatted her aline at 81. Augustine loot week Mr& McLean and son, of Looknow, "pent • din' in this vicinity net wwk. 131se Potter, of Porter.'" 11111, Is the guest of her oousln, Mom Limn Glidden. Thoe }Gabardine, er., left last Friday fee Muskoka, where his son has • sawhilll. transient "Isnot •t Hayden's this The young ladies et Sheppardton purpose taking charge of the Tnureday night prayer is being prepared and • good time may be TT -gamer. April 23. Robert Buottaaan wee • visitor here the pint week. Alex. Young is sufferine from a severs at- tack of la grippe. Mime Aegis Fereuson returned to Moot- toba Tuesday of last week John Johnston. of the Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph. returood home the latter put of March. Thos. Campbell.' sale wee very largely attended on Wednesday of last week tte moved to Goderieb on Monday ot this week. prayer meeting every Sabbath liviolOg. MI are Invited. Mr. Howell very ably took Rev. Mr. Thompson, who °coupled the pulpit here and at Idanoheeter the last two Sabbaths, returned to his home in Toronto the beginning of the week. WALL PAPER. It is a pleasure to look at our Wall Paper. The patterns are exclusive and the colorings harmonize per - We have taken great care in the selection of our stock, Which is not surpassed anywhere. Over 400 samples to select from and all carried in stock. No matter what you want, you will find it here. Prices range from 4c per roll to 40c per roll. We make a specialty of showing Pipers from I5c to Ask to see our elegant stripe and panel effects and keep your eye on our show window for balance of season. Porter's Book and Wall Paper Store • Illtinowas No. 100 B Court Howe Square. flotlerieh Your Dentist Will Tell You I That your teeth will repay you a thouostolfohl fur a'l the core you give them -repay you hy their beauty and motfultiose. Don't Let Them bootees thowloreil or decoyed. Our Antiseptic Pearl Dentance keeps the teeth beautifully whit It removes tartar destroys fer- mentation -the real cause of de. tety -makes the gums than, roe y mid heolthy Prate 280 a bottle Ginner of West St. anti Square. *"�-7. 4: ,•yAl�-:.�....,..-ter ..+i+ enti INTRODUC•- 'C " WALK 01/Lit "..,z OES THREE A A A United States and is ..the aelmowledged standard of excel. q THE S We have secur be exclusive agency for this famou.s • and incomparable shoe, which is known throughout the . lence in rIen's Footwear. ::-- FIFTY -F0_1 01 We want every man in Goderich to make their acquaint- 1 auce. You'll like them. They are an advanced idea in shoe iaaking--the combination of all good 'points that make satis- -- could not get a shoe made in Canada that suited our ideas of THE WEEKLY n the best shoe made for our customers and , Keith's famous American make, the a a Walk Over," ' gall Wheat 'Woeful:oily. per o vitt Iriour..rtesa.t..Wer.. stet l calf and the finest of vim kid, all widths " so...8:1.00:•,. :91:i..0:1:11,..0"9: .,...0busb. 1 . flue footwear, consequently we took the agency for Qeo. E. They are made in all the new leathers, ideal patent kid , .. ...„ Pot•toss. 11 bash Tacit Berle,. per bush get from us as good rhoes as the world produce• ""--7-77 Mo1DAY. April 22 James Chisholm will shortly sink es ar• Wialan well at his home farm Door the Tem- perance Hall. ROSOONSD.—lluatel McLeod, who has been at Loyal for the past min h or Hi. is main near as in the Dunlop borders. and has to answer many tiiiertee about th• wood• TUESDAY, April 23. .1. 13 Hawkins was home oyes- Sunday, Mies Richardson le la Duaganuott this week here on • business trip. Miss Hattie Thorley, of Gedericb, in the village on Sunday. Mies May Smith. ot Goderich, Is spend• ing • few days with her parents hire. Thos Sachardson, sr., left on Thareday The 'Sunday school of Christ ohurob has been re opened with • fall sta of ta•ohere and • goodly Dumber of scholars. The merriage ot Mies Nellie Hawkins, youngest daughter of Jos Hawkins, and T. A. Lee, of Sault 514, Marie, Oet., was quietly solemnized lash Wednesday •venine at the home ot the bride's brother. H. H. Hawkins. Rev. Mr. Goldberg, of Outages. non, performed the oeremony. Mr. and Mrs. Los leave shortly for the Sault. iied carry with then the best wishes' of • host ot Tobin Brea. have pliwed • large water reservoir near their artesian well, with which it is cenneoted with the drinking trough for the tattle at the toot of the hill Famous Walk Over for men. Lard, pe, Wowed Roof, eetekame [Reseed Rose wag Goderich. The Caah.Shoe Dealer Mituation Saturday Niel% : At the r .1 Park Golf Club's postponed &hoe, hole. be Temple assembly room last Thursday, April 111b, Slies Ethel Williams, of Goderich, was amok admired in her debutante gown of whits silk Wag • sheaf of W111141 MSC WARNINC 1 HODGENS BROS. end Win Oa IIAMILT•N GT. TV 'rig serrast. BARD. North Onset: MARX TOR SAL sid,11 hands kg Fashionable Range DKNIIIILLOR NU We hove full ins oi evergreen tr Iv I Of Dress Good TA NOTICE that Bylaw No. 5 of 1901 the corporation of the town of (loderic prohibiting the running st large of all animals on the public streets ot the town, will he rigidly en- forced after the publication of this By order of the council Town Clerk. Goderieh. April 1901. 97-91 Ellgi Sok anti Slid S . Writs to us at o A woo variety beagle; easkete, Peri deliver them filled to rhea pante at r•••1111 Rat .100.81 WARI We are showing a magnificent range of handsome dress stuffs . for spring and early summer wear. The fabrics are those most rpo LET -FROM I I. kaowa sie he •111 in demand and all fashionable shades are here. Qualities are all apply to ALBUST WI reliable, the kinds that give satisfactory. wear and values are !loess TO LET good enough to make it worth your while to do your dress goods Li. bowie on Anaheim buying here. .• jeourreintrisTni, BLACK DRESS GOODS. _-,-----:----.7- Otoriarteh township. oo, .1. mouth half of lot I Black dress goods are much in favor this spring and promise to con- an at:modest% pinion ol MoM VTR, indeed/A. thine so throughout the summer. Our stock is well assorted in all the STK Vile 8, antes. popular materials and values extra good. We are particular to sell only reliable makes and MO RENT. - STI black dress goods coming from this store can be depended on to keep their color, and wear 1 thr.vise western well. Some price hints : ettle or ineer.1 star All Wool Serge at 2.5c. r,,, Oanvase Cloth, 500 from post odic,. row Moe tartein.r. AiLlr, Lai Ail wool aerie, firm mak•aud good weight, will use leight in weight hot all pure wool, soft finish, bores — no rind -claw open's turn reety, lies or 000rwi tvrill, 'MA •10•11•DY WOW, salt- and folds well, one of the mutest sprinw Whiles, handsome the right man. Wriest 50c ibis ler skirts or dresses 25c aad isexpessive Blaek*Lustre at 25c. Fine .niality of black lustre, rich glossy black, reed weight. will not catch toe duet or tarn rusty. Jest the thing for a cheap rummer skirt ...... Worsted Serge at 50o. All wool worsted mama, hard Galen, will set eatob the dust, Gaily wove's. will not pall tit seems, good weight few sult• or skirts, will wear well 50c Granite (Moths, 50o. One of the best of the mediate priced materials for spring or summery wear. 111A all wool. has • hard finish, is firmly woven, will not bold dust and OMB ozoollost Fine quality black broadelotb, *riff thrttad pore wed. , bright flank, medium weight., .a.i....ble Lc 1.11 autumn re - UlOR SALM - rH separate skirts, will koop 1W solo( arid wear irdlij, 1: balldhir forme 1 Welles wide 90c bakery. on Montreal with residenoe otter Extra Pine Broadcloth Saltines. .... premises. Alen four Apply to .1 +MKS WA Extra Rae beeadoloth settings, nob finish, dna. sawn oloths that make handsome suite, keep their appearance MIOR 1 %LH -1 ON well end gee excellent wear. per yard 1.28 to 1.50 .i: p orerty in 1%1 house and outboittlis- No Two Alike. of first clue Van tre ,. number of Prima Po Handsome skirt patterns, se two alike. la femme alik an JOHN MeINTV ICI bad:wipe, RI/bores. Faoluatre dishrag that yoo will find flaltford P. O. T AND TOR Mi IA 120111r1tIcH -11 taros. the property land,. being part of t DeWinire and water 1 hied, For terms appl ItOw.ocacitors for 11 FOR SA I.E.-601 New Gray Homespuns. This week we have passed into sto k another lot of homespuns in shades of gray. They are just the weight for spring wear and suitable for suits or skirts. 54 inch homespun settings, medium and derk amyl, spring w ',1•, will wea 'radiant weer the Ideal fabric for • suit or sivrt for geom.! use. Skirt leasons at 52 • J SDI{ length $4.00 The tool that lasts, gives the most wear and tear, is what you want. We have a stock of these, imported direct for our Why buy a poorer tool when you can get a much better at the sattle price / We sell the coiled wire and all other kinds of fence and builders' material. We have the AGENCY FOR THE AMERICAN =WOVEN WIRE FENCE Made of karge, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. Sae Amply provides for expansion and contrac- •''''' used. Always of uniform quality. w 01.5) tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires .. 10 1 is pot upon It- F.6 l - efficiently turn II,,' ii- 11 EVERY ROO OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED !NTS( MANUFACTURER.. Celt And See It Can show you how it will save you money. We have irolil miler: 01 %ilia fencing. This year it. is better than ever. McKENZIE HOWELL EN place re bny all Moralism alms% Japamesemnttinge Malt• an ideal floor coysrieg. eepemally for rammer, new patterns lo velem froth and our prion are very eine Per wird New Carpets. and Ili 10 Boderlok. For pant ones farm k rem' 1.1se 5, half Wowaso.h. ICO morel We opened up last week a big stock of new carpets, 11 good sets ot ou There is on the plane mattings, oilcloths and linoleums. The stock is large, the dwelling house 131:1i gaol @tone collar. • patterns and colors the'newest and qualities the kind we like :tone stshies tinder, Kea; never tank. 4 00 to. sell because they give satisfactory wear. These price iteins eroe4 alay loam. •ta,t, of fail wheet. find s will give you an idea of the way we are going to sell them. fences &retool 1111 UnlOn Carpets. Hemp Carpets. Hemp cierpete, stripe* anti floral de signs, plated wed WOvoo, oarDeda that look well and *ill wear 'ell. *sr yard %gib 12 miles from Union carpet", fall yard wide, re asui Clinton. Tole II worst ble p terns, t be sewest eider- co poor rg • SAM la , lags, heavy weights that stand bard solicitor for the ova 1.or WI pill icalar, wear, eater guaranteed. ......... day, I2ic to 25c 35c and 50c Tapestry Osirpota Tapestry oarpets. latest 1901 pato term, close, Gook pile, made from °leen and pare yarns, IDIOTS fest, • geed aseertmost to select frevn, at per yard 28c, 50c, 60c, 75c Breese When le cameo to standing real hard ' wear there le setling to equal • W 111.0014 C Brawls oarpet. Onr stook is new this season and we ars showier Methodist (Introit.. throomat 0.4 mod •Ogs• partletelorly henhouse designs Pipe ogre. and then la geed quaint's. at Der Yard .... soya feed t, Ins These are brand new goods, bought for this season's selling and we think it will be worth ViRstte wind of Comeneon build your while to see them before buying a carpet. Sight none at reetd Dr. Sham on. 'Phone 14 A Saturday Bargain in Dress Goods. These dress goods are in the way and we want them out of the store in double quick order. To get them out we have put quick march prices on the entire lot. They are odd pieces of different lines and in most of them there is enough for a skirt or a dress. 460 yard. of oo mod rlesef Imitv:tkin• ir. I owl nitih'r n's 'eh .1 Arsons, Int stly dark oder, I5c Unfit mt They *hid at fl6e. 50.1 and 60c, PPr • tr,.. , leer them oat quickly they iv I May Patterns now in stock. HODGENS BROS melee hate with the are whieh Likely led to showers of challenires from diff.reas wood. Windier Weiler will he with .Tames Chil- i helm this summer. Mark Herten has es• 'Arid with Jas Dostow, et for sit manna, A. Herten with H. Teasley. of Carlow. and Daniel McLeod will he the sew lemmas for a time on th• borneelde rano la Thialop. All four are vintner with • large Wrote of friends. Riervineen AS 94111T011. — As meanies - ed by no hoe weelt, ebber.sseseal u siosalas bald «a lissasy serfage el this week. Re• Mr Anderson pasaidid as (Waimea for the Presbytery It wee de. nia1e1 that the former power, Rey .1 Ham - Otos. be re Inst•Iled as poster of Unbars bad Uses Presbyteries oharehes. As we write w• regret an hear el the death of John Mefitmin, sr , who was token of the stomaeh, tlylag Oa Maeda, sight in wormity third year. The funeral le es Tuesday of We weak. TIN docoassii was poralariy and well Reeve arnscad Carlow, were es awl he fasoily ribid•d. lra• past yeas sr se las boa lived is enadwiew (IRAS. SII door east of P. lending mutual Oro leading fititek nom; Merreintla and !sweet rates. Call Sire lasnranmi nempan lea .t 01111. In Prottl Pirei. IAN, Amide e rected cm mottle P aw. maw. _ Hess nnwinin anti Farm bones hers. Re wise genial see regime Ofilea sent doer i games and pastimes. Of his family '1,0 Mrs. Joe Megaw anti Rolla, of this Peel ; •-•••..7.7e,._-_ — mid smother daughter. Taney, who Is en itf• ITT1T neon 6enr dm the nal el ths Salvation Army. el spring madly His wife oleo serelmes him. wetting fem. elite together reit .1Iv Reewons Pees : Mrs- DeertlIng awl fan, whist' Mt, Mr. Doodling west • few ante .....—