HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-25, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO.
TIU .DAT, April 25, 1901.' 8
W., Acheson & Son
Dress Goods
Extraordinary Price....
April 26 and 27
As never before -from one end to the other the store is
fairly beaming with bright new stylish goods, Silks, Dress
(foods, fluslins, ainghams, Aloves, Prints, Carpets,
Curtains. A variety so vast, so complete, that to attempt
u description seems a hopeless task.
Our extraordinarily large stock suggests to us two days'
advertising selling.
Remarkable Offerings for April 3 and 27.
40 Pieces Dress ainghams.
New, bright, beautiful goods new colorings, stripes and plaids.
Regular values 12ic to 20c a yard. Two days prices, at per yard
00 Pieces
new, 32 to 34 inches wide, English prints, fast colors and in
an immense range of patterns. Regular 10c and 12}c goods, at
45 Pieces of New Wool Dress Suitings.
Black lustre§ and Sicilians, best quality, 44 to 46 inch'. wide,
small, nest patterns. Regular pnces range from 60c to 80c •
yard. April two days' gale prices, at per yard
30 Pieces
36 to 38 inches wide, all pure wool heavy suiting serge§ in alt
leading oolors and black and cream, at per yard, spe:ial
70 Pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains,
iso to 60 inches wide and 3i yards long, in a variety of new de
signs, fine, soft curtain and very effective. Regular price $1.60
• pair. Your choice
50 Pairs Cotton Blankets
in white and in gray. with fancy borders, full double size.
Regular value $1.00, at per pair
5 Pieces
36 inches wide, heavy, reversible union carpet, new designs and
good, fast, clear colors, at per yard, two days' only special
10 Pieces
Crew, extra heavy, well colored, 27 inches wide, English tapestry
carpets in designs suitable for any room, hall or stairs. Regular
value 60c a yard and recommended for good wear, at per yard
W. Acheson & Son
COUNTY CURRENCY. 1 W1agh•m : oo Saturday, 1318 Inst., a
barred Plymouth Rock hen belonging to
Zurich : 8. Hardy, of Zorieh, sold his Gavin Da•id.eo, o1 the Jonotlna, 1•Id one
dwelllar to Mr. 8.h.sck ter $1,300. of the largest eggs that we have board of
11 : Robert Patte,., jr , bar 1►. meson. The ort measured 84 s 64
game to .8. Soo, to seek hie fortune. lashes.
H.m.all : H J. D. Cepk• has mega/ad
.HamillSoho Craig, tocomptnled by h.
Miss lt.s.., Loedee, as steaogr•pbsr for sister, Mises Haotab, left here reosotly for
his law eau Manitoba It 1. the intention of their
..other sod brother, William, to join them
there se soon as they oan dispose of their
property ears.
Mecham . Mr. Dulmage. of L.kelet,
has geld his soaseal store boatmen at that
plass •sd will mere to W tegb•m.
Grey : The stew sobool boll for 8. 8. Ne.
6, bas arrived from Cloolaaati. 11 ..4.b.,
with 11. firi.ne., eve 326 pe®da
baster • John Ds•aeey, formerly .1 Et-
ter, has removed from Leedom' to Teamster
.ad w111 coadaot a grocery .tor. there.
Wl.ghsm : Om. Day, wise was working
at its•►Ne Bros.' livery, fell through • bole
In the hay left r.e.nU, sed broke kits .rm.
Rr.o.6.ld D. Kees 1. buddies/ . hems
se the property is eureka/led from Hash
MoC.ey. bedding w111 be a fres
Br.o .old : Mrs. W. Gordos attended the
tamers! of kr sister -1,1.w Yrs MoK.y,
ef Hele eed, formerly of Brsos8eid, 1•e/
Wing\.= : Oso Allen sad family, e1
I.00daa, hare moved te Wleshim Mr.
Allen has aeeepted • sita•Uoe as ensloeer
at Boll's (eatery,
Sesdesth Harold Jokes• and B Thun-
man loft ea Teseday of last week for
Br11.\ Colombia, who they expse/ te
reside is tete..
8eafrtb : V1 . D. Bright. James Wateen
mid Harry Beattie base parchment the 8.h•
105 anvilge to ()ardleer'e .reek Is. MoKil
lop, Boar L..deery
Blyth : Edward Hagodtl 1. the owner of
• white Yorkshire now, else mouths old,
that gays birth to a litter of twelve little
squealers • few days ago
8e. Helen.: The momtrore of the Keleeo-
palmn cheetah purport* building • Dew
eherob this mummer end already h... $100 third <laughter. Mi.. Harr.1, was married
mebsorlb.d it that purpose. to James Gri.vl.
Whistle= : Go Sudsy of last week John Goderloh township Roo.nlly while
Watcher, • resident of Winrham tea • nom Daniel Midden, oon 1, was falling • tree,
bee of years, died at hla home en Josephine an .00ideot happened to life ten year old
street, aged 81 years ted 6 meetha,
Keeler : John Hawkehaw last week 41.
posed of his 60 sore farm, London toed
.w►b. to Thee. Heston for the sum of
$2,675. Am Yds property adjoin. Idr. Har
toe's far. 11 will make as Improvement to
Ins already floe farm.
011.tu : At the Ontario Eduw►Iose1 Aso
soolatioo wblob met recently In Toronto,
W. R. Lough was elected chairman of the
trsl.ing dep.rtm..t, whlob is composed "f
the tenobery of tttaNnrm•1 College and the
Normal and Model school, of the Province.
Seaferth : The marriage of MW Minnie
Eddie ('esti Hooke, oozy daughter of Mre.
Riots, of S.aforth, and gr.odd•aghter of
Mrs. Hoot, of Harparbey, to J. J. Mervyn,
one of Toronto', young t o.lums moo, took
plisse 1a Seafarth on Wednesday, April 17
Loodesboro' : Mr. sed Mrs. Jas. Oliver,
Mus Allo* and Heater Fulton moved to
Thomaston, Get., lot week. We wish them
.assess 1e their new home idles C. Loose
man . visiting friend, In Mendota. J.
Riddell returned to hie home la Manitoba
last week
W. Wawanwb : Mre. D0000lly, of the
12th 000weslen, West Waw•no.b, died
quite wddealy on Sunday, the 14th Lost ,
from an attack of erysipelas. She letves a
danshts and three gen* te mourn her lees.
The tetermens tees pled* at the R. C.
osmetry here.
'1'.oteremlth : A very nib, double wed-
ding took pleb, last week at the residence
nl l.harl.e Rutledge, 3rd uncommon, when
his eldest daughter, MIs. Nellie, was united
In marriage 10 Robert Mo(tonolgle, end hie
Hs.tali : A brothels egos of 180 Molsoes
beak will shortly be started 1e Zurich, to
be etaswsed from the He..all branch. The
manager bete will make bi-weekly visite to
W Iagham : Hubbard Osrsell, an old
resident 01 the elolnity el B1mevle, died at
(lade\ e. Wednesday, 17th last. Mr.
Corthell was 1e the seventy-INrt\ year of
hl. age,
Evoker : Ileo, Hodglae left recently for
Winslow In sempwy w118 Tbe.. Bugel►,
te vat h. son, William, there. Thte . •
long/ trip fee es, at the &di meed age et
e1g8y• thee..
(lederloh township : J. W. Yee Is thew
the owner el two mere farms, having
bought lets 30 sad 31 en the 9M eothoe .lea
belengleg to Petr Gook ; in all then are
160 sores, 80 sores la *soh.
Ethel : Reba. McKelvey has prohased
the Elliott brink hoose and IoM, minas
1760 fog 11 Jae, MoD.rmolt, the pretest
tenant, will mere to Breoeels and Mr. Me
Raiser will take ee..esslen.
Sealer*: M. Jordan, who bad been in
the greeters benison In Hce4ert\ • great
.easy years, hayloft dlepesed el \1s 'took
kers, Ina takes • Mhatfon In Woodstock
sad left Zest weak for that town.
Cant..: W. W. Kerr has .eld ke
laseery te Geo. R. Rommel!, who 8.d .1
first .tended M start le Rowell. Yr.
Cur wilt se M OrodlMe, where he hut
8..581 N1 • beds.. le the tame Ilea.
8k Jes.ph : A. A. Sebreek wan down at
5t Jseap\ ea Waimea feet week. Me said
11a1 Ur. (Mattes bad lest set hark erre.
(kegs, aos.mptted by gevarel eapl/slteu,
oke Mined M kayo . $60,000 U 18. .11
Ray : ,lobe Terr.oee, wee r.eentl geld
W flee farm . the Moat\Ip el ler. 1.
NgetlsMy for the lease et wettest of the
IlieIS1I8 Su mill, nod if be see.eeds he
eon, bat happily not fatal ; ons of the true
fell ee the little fellow, reediting him an
seneefous, but • stump being In the way
.voted a merlons aooldeot
some teaming le and out of the lot, and
while studio/ up In the wagtail, sadeavur•
lag to •v..ld the brsouhes of • tree, Mr.
Mullin lust Its balsams and fell bsokwerd.,
br..kiog hie wok. He be,t.me parelyzd
from the result and .1111 o•upul use as
part of ht. body. The gutsy triends will
learn with regret that he mann.% r..over.
H. is boom:mug weaker and it w111 be o'dy
• few days louver that he oat. eve Just
W1 Wombs but wile died. Hte oblldrea
are Mr.. R. Ulutterham, of Joliet, 111., and
R. J. Mo0111, of Chicago, who are all et els
Wlugh•m • John herr had the mister
tune to hurt hl. Bose very severely oo Fri-
day afternoon, 12th lost. He wm mak•
tog a rook to which to place bar fruit., etc.,
when the hammer urns down o• the knee.
He was ooutloed to hie room for 1
day. an 1 1. now with the •id of urutuhee
•4,1e to be .bout.
Catboat : There mems to be • craze to
poison dogs and cats to some parts of the
uowo ; sumotlu.ms of happen. there are
troublesome animals among the pew whtob
eonsre become attached to and value 1150
ly out still that does not esou.e the party
who becomes so low and cout.mptlhle se to
lay poison for their destruction
K,uveu : Rev. 8. Aohe.00, who minister
ed faithfully 10 the leople here for upwards
of sixteen yore, went out to Dakota several
weeks ago, and while there preached two
..00eesly. Sabbaths In each of two 000gre
gatiooe, and we are pleased to learn that he
received • mall from each of the oo
'loos, and he scouted that from Pull/los.
God.rioh township : Fred 8. Lowe'Oce,
who has ruled with • firm hand for the past
:wo years in 8. 8. No. 2, hes handed in he
✓ est5uatlon, u he purposes gang W Loodoo
Nurmsl senool after the summer v•catloo.
There is some talk of .he Normal term be -
log exceeded to one year, so our friend
whines to 5u tbroagb before the rainy sea-
son wines.
Soaf.rth : The remains of 1h. late
Thomas Irwin, formerly of the Huron road,
n eer Alms, eons iut.rred in the Medias
book cemetery on Monday of tut week
Mr. Irwin died in Hamilton, where he had
been living for the put fin years with his
.later. He had boon ill oily • oouple of
days, poenmonta beteg the ogees of death.
1. WO sevent7•dz year. of ..pe and winer-
Brussels : Tuesday of last week Dooald
MoMlllw, wife, sou and d•agbter ; Milo
Sinclair, who . a sister to Mrs. MoMtllao ;
and Jao. J. Coates' sen and daughter left
Brussels for Shceh000, Idaho, where they
will reside. Mr. Mo1ltian .111 be em-
ployed by Mr Gotdtog, one of the sheep
kings of that State. The Gomm cbildreo
bars boon residing with their gr•odpareot.
In Ger y township since their mother died
to Idabu yid now return to their father.
Brussels : Mrs. Nathaalel Austin, who
1. • deugbter of Wm. Beaton, was oleaa•
log up her yard and burning the rubbish •
. bort time ago. A spark caught bet dress,
which war ootton. There Wag bo one
neer, sod not haying presence of mind to get
into the river, which was dose by, ribs rte
to the house and then to the neighbors.
She war w badly burned that .he died
about eleven hours afterward.. Stitt loaves
a husband, • sen and two daughters to
moors her loss
Wingbam Rev. R. Hobbs, the energet
to pastor of the Wlo§bam Methodist church,
hu Dewed the 510,000 mark oo the sub
sonptton Mt lot the new church there, and
report. • Dumber to ger yet. The pro
Debi. cost of the edifies when oomplete will
be In the neighborhood of $15,000. The
trustee,. decoded recently to pot • found••
tion of cement, lour feet wide under the
basement walls, w as to make the founda-
tion capable of bear. n5 the heavy weight of
so larges budding, without danger of sink •
Brnesels : Sunday evening • week ago,
(Lori. Cunningham, 8th Doo., (frit, drove
into Brunel. and put his horse to Melville
church .hr'I along with • number of other
After church, when he went 10 go home, he
diaoovered that the horse and rig were
mems and thinking somebody was perpetrate
tog • joke be waited round expecting to ere
his outfit *how op, nut to r11* he wag mis-
take. It i. evidently • clear owe of steal
The telegraph and telephone wires were set
to work early Monday morning, and • de-
soriptleo of the horse •od baggy, etc., sent
to the neighboring towns rating the police
to be on the lookout for the thiel A sue
piotoo ress upon a pertain party known m
some .eo' lode of the county, but whether
be . the guilty Individual or not remaios to
be son. The hone we. black to Dolor and
valued .t 5100 or more ; top Doggy, with
robe, overaost, blanket, etc. It was • ,,sisal
piece of briefness and It the impertinent
self Is apprehended he should be pmt where
the dogs won't get him for • while.
Brussels . A quiet home wedding took
pkos on Tuesday afternoon of last week .t
Rue Villa, the residence of the Rev. Wu,.
sad Mrs- Haylnrst, Forest, formerly .f
Brussels, when their youngest dam/hese,
Klseenr, was united In marriage to F. M.
[Awls, of "Fera Glen,' Burford.
Helmesvllle : Mrs. T. C. Plek•rd, who
nes b... for .eine Noe vlsitieg members of
her family le D•ket., retuned here on
Wednesday nl last week. Shit enjoyed her
MO In the West very maoh, and thinks
eters are many drawbacks to 111e on the
prairie bat there are slim °empees:601 .
Oe eteseet : (lee. Brown passed away ea
Thursday mwnlog, April 11th, se • result
of beim• kinked by a horse a while ago. In
Mr. Brown's death we loge a good oltlean.
Ha was of • quiet, retiring nature sod w111
be maoh mimed In h1• home. He leaves
one daughter end be wife amply provided
Wlogham : Assessor Youhlll has abed*
oompleted his roll tor the year 1901 end we
have hoes able to *sours the following In-
formalen The NMI amsanmeat for 1901
le $606,937, as umpired with 5667.614 for
1900. As will he sora, this makes as tn-
ere.ee at 535,323 In the total assessment of
the tows.
(Iles.. Al... Webster. brother el Mrs
R Seville, of tows, and see of Mr and
Mrs, .l.e. Webster, one. 13, Millets, riled
le Sanborn, N. D., on April 7th. from
pSNmnela, at the age of Ahtr*v two Tears.
He was • preeprous young farmer, the
owner of • whsle .cotton el land In North
1).k esu.
(AM1.. A modem •oeldent, and one
whleb ►111 probably prove fatal, war th.t
whioh happened to James 81.11111, se Hat-
erday. April 1318. Fee something M ten
kb atWNea to he Md hem defog some
rm H t\I. real sk MW
ad go he t1a•h. re- gartlawb g, h.vls. a rented lot frees Mr.
Hoagies should site e money to ble
bloods.. lobe soon hand ,t Imo. to hire
(Modg eel to hold as • yeas Th,. stewed
pundit*, and Mr Hodcloe bud* 1 1h.0
mosey over to h. friend., she coolly said
good bye, the four "snot alauks" duappear-
tag Into the country 11 was amply •
gams of muplaoed cootldeaos, sod a was
Mr. Hudgnu' good nature that gut hire lute
the trap The cattlemen tura not stow
seen, aud were last heard el from
Stratford, Irvin whore plane they sent the
hotel man • obegus hued for brd overdue.
SONE CHANGES CbMINu. - It is stated that
Ther. le shortly to be • tory material ohaaa.
in the policy of the Educational lrep•rtmenl
w ith reepeet te cauaty model whoule wad m
some whir respects. The obaoges will be
e omelhlog to line as follow.: The Gm. will
b. •zt.ud.d to Yoh, mouth., th. fere • 't
be 'perused and the towhee. osrtifrca o,
w111 be rued* mild tor five Instead of tar
three years. This legielative grants to rural •o
wheels w111 be gretied oordlup to whether
the school section employe • first,'eouud ter
third clam towhee. In this say It Is hoped
to decree.* itr.dually the Dumber of third
claw certificate. and oonmqueotly thees
..umber of county model sohoots a.ce.ty
to 11ve the lblyd-ulw tr.,,otnv. After a
while. It is ihougbr, the county model
wbools will brain the second °lam teach..,
she Normal .ohoole will tubs the first otos.
teachers and the Normal College will train
university graduates for bigb sobool work
Dieu IN NATAL -N.we has been received
by cable of the death of Joseph H. Alkeo,
at Greytuwo, Natal, of typhoid fever. He
was • son of Wm. Aiken, of Downie, Perth
oouoty, •od was *donated at the pabl.o
schools and oollsglate institute of 8t, Marys.
Ie 1884 h• wont to South Melee In the m
tweets of J. W. Lyon, of Guelph, and re
turo.d to Canada again In 1888, when he
married • daughter of trio law Rev. Jas.
Ferguson, of Loudon. Slaw that time he
bed been engaged In boluses to South At•
rims. with oboes in Cape Town, Johannes-
burg and Durban, and bad made tee or
twelve trips between l:ap. Town sed Can.
• Ms s wile and four (Mildew, now rt.
dent In South London, expected to rejoin
pica 18.. summer, 1'bou5n only forty yearn
of age Mr A.keo es
had ha It up • suooefsl
bueloa, the nem Allow, Humph. ie. & Co.
being I•:ge importers of Amenoao and Reg.
fish goods Hts family hes no knowledge
of the serious nature of bar dioses until I.•
formed of hie deathdemoted Ti.,Toe de.d w •
brm' her of • former teacher in Godsloh
Collegiate lo•titute.
Tina HIIWILL FANII. Y.--1Key Jame, Har-
ris, writing on The Cnr.tien Guardian, raves
• brief .ketch of the bu'ory of the Howell
family, of wo ob • rep.e.to,tettye, 1e ole
person of M 11'. Howell, resides In Gods.
rich The article is as follows : The How-
ell family ortgivally owns from Wales, and
settled m Jemmy evee State, not far from
"the old log jell,'' There was • 000,idar•
able emtgratioo from that Stat. to Canada
shortly after the Amerioan war, •ed about
the close of the ei.hlsuth canton Mr. I
Garrett Howell more w0h b:s large family, I
liavailing through New York State in cm 1
wagon., and oroulog the Nagana gorge et
the fall.. Hs made his fir -t halt at what
was a
for many year@ kuowo as "1'h. Filly,'
near Grimsby village. While there he
worked tor the late Hugh Wilsor, E q , noteo
only the tattier of Methodism in that moo
tom but one of the founders of the Me' hod -
1st Missionary Sacristy of C.o•d•. VV bile
there Mr. Howell was in negotiation ter •
term •t the head of Burlington Bey. Hat
there was some disputa about • few apple
Trees that bad been planted, w he travelled
sixteen moles farther wart with h1, family,
and thus gave th. .ams of the Jersey wt-
tl.m.nt to that 'saawn ot oouotry. Mr.
Howell lived to a the farm he had rejeot
.d become the site of the oily of Hamilton
I heard, however, that ba ever re
gutted ht. °holo., or doubted that God had
directed hu steps. Mr. Howell was • very
gooly mw and • lesions Methodist, as also
was bb wife. Ho invited the M*10041.1
preachers to hie shanty In the woods. Guru
of the earLr■t viol urewe hale of the late
eminent lir. Renee • of h. gatte-.n,
o p pumpkin leave. .0 stud in the cracks u
the shanty io teem ,. ur the cold •ted wind,
wh.o read uu and •tudving iu Mr. Howell'.
Ito home. to 1, • later year. . spent much e 1
els ,:m. in rotor ID •od out among h
n eighbor., extorting them to 5,v. .Leu
hearts to God I think, as the re•"I• of h.
sol, the whole of h. 1•m,.y I w'Oty
children Lscame cocooned to God and di •
v,.ted member, of the Methodist ohurah. doe me
He introduced temperance into e ttle
moot, ditto/waved the use of whiskey •'
bees, and go .r.8ue..o.d the oommuntty this
M no W Ho Rugrats EACH OTHER. -The
Parl,amenwry oorres000donoe of The Clio
roc New Era last week 000tatmed mention
of some strtkloq taclal resewss blaoowhich
have been nottwd among prominent men ,n
poht,Del lite. Many in West Heron will re
member 0. E Talbot, the young Fr.noh-
Canadian member who oampalgoed In
riding two years ago, and hie striking like
n ese to S.r Jt dfrld Levfarm
Laurier. So far as fa
and head go, the noeorlot. H. H. Cook le
the "double" of Mir Rlohard Cartwright.
Mr. Emmerson, M.P , the late Premier ofu
New Brunswick, 1e said to remble Clarke
Welleoe very mush, "except that he does
n ot limp to his walk, and le nob lame in h.
logic," and inoonoladtog the list of "doubles''
the writer try.: "Mr /book, of Toronto,
resembles Judge Matson, of Gnd.r:oh, and
I tm ears the Judge has easy honors I. polo'
of .bllity "
1)110 Ifr DAKOTA.-U11.ten New Er.:
Maoy Clinton friends will learn with re.
grssot the death of Mr. Smut Copp, who
died In Sb.Tcom•s, North D.kota, oo Moo.
boon day, April 8,8, fa cancer In the face,
from whtoh he 'Offered • long time, but
lhroosh of all never oomplaloed sod was •
kind and loving husband and father, Dres
oeed was .1tty els years of age, • native
of Torrington, England ; be wse a resident
of Clinton for about twenty -sight years, but
during the past hve years lived at Mb Thom-
as. When spite young he was oon8rmed 1n
the Church of Eosland. The burial ser
,lose were held at the nom. ot Mrs. Frank
Jooes by the rector, the °hole render awas tog some beautiful ging ; he also wa
member of the Canadian Order of Foresters.
Besides h1s lovina wife he leaves • family of
four ohtldreo-Mrs. Emma Jones, Mies Nel-
lie sed E.rout Copp, all of 8t. Thomas, and
Charles Chop. blacksmith, (lodsrtoh.
HwI.DLtD--Meter Timm' Howell oor-
respoodenoe : There are many Menai In
otroulatien u to the meaner In whloh W.
R. Hedging wee swindled oat 01 $200 last
week by a gene of crooks. (raring the put
winter revers! kotghteof the '•nut droll and
pea" have boarded at one of the hotel..
They proved themselves gentlemanly• genial
fellows, and woo many friends, but not to
the ..tent desired. Spring was warier
them In the taw, and they must mon nom•
mews their .'■ operetta's, bot expense
money had to be secured. For some days
they agitated • foot ns, between nee of
the "star" hoarders and another named
8London or Boyd, from endon Arranportagedmeets were almost portaged for the nuMt .8. In01 agitators bad not money to
hank their man they assured Mr. Hmdgles
Mat this race .mold easily be won, and that
d he would put op the money to beck them
he would ramie. $60 of the am000t won.
Knowing thee. men all winter and heeling
nen8denoe in them, Mr. Hnd§Ins agreed
to lothe money, providlog, however, he
were allowed to hold the states. tide as
e w
agreed, and the Tam/ arrenred for Maddy.
April 818, .t )(Ippon Two sw•nger. rams
from fashion, the sprinter seri Ins honker
The Haman trio, nnseItlng of Mr. Halmos
beensell the two crooks who 8•A been bearding
there all winter, met them ah
at Klppen at .
appointed hoar. All the preliminaries ware
masa.rnaaged, ose which 11 was closeted tem
R.et Robe. Me.mell M was deiag
For llama. IWO1
I.tefllgeet .lad tlmel 1pn71ng
will make your weber ofitehlc.
The Spramotor . the r..nit of tart -
fill experiment' and . kept right np
to date. Mei ole world in open coon
petition on the Invitation of the
Oetarlo rovtraastOt snit w'.n the
•ward. -This should meals .nmet hi n
to you. TM 'ltrrsm0rwr tea e'•rrtwer •
been detested.- All cseiog. ..did
beam, cylinders made from drawn
Mass tubes All parts bittrehange.
.Me. Mees 'fifty per rent. 1n t.' or
Moet economical lienor soluti.•e
goes farthest snd moll eRerli,e be•
Maes It throws •nyt hint fn ....: -,i•' y
spray to • mild strr:,'o 0.1'1 •'-,
whitewash or hetet yno• I.nhimego.
Frit treet.e for your address,
The name cowrie for all that 1a
reliable In farming mach, nary.
though • good total village hes rises ep la
the centre of the eattl.me0r, there has sever
been • lammed house for the sole , f liquor
to the place. '1'h., lu8ueuu of hes holy lilt.
did sot die woe him. The wryer rea.on
lane of a Mr. Starr, uu the C.,usville eir
uu,t, being 000verted to God, who attribut-
al ne wavers:on to tile haying lived wbso
• bey with Grandfather Howell more Lbws
thirty year. before, and he lose Ole
te sh.t• off the ooevicllos for era be then
r.w,vsd, "The memory of the lust .
le • symptom of Kidney
Disease. A well -know°
doctor h ..id, " 1 mover
yet madepost-mortemei
aminal ion i n a case of death
from Heart Disease with-
out finding the Iddespe
were at fault." TheKldaery
medicine which lou Met ma
the market, moat m.ossss-
ful for Heart Disease gad
all Kidney Troubles, sod
most widely Imitated le
= = Empress SHOE
R. B. Smith's
Store Reld's Old
but not too busy to attend to your smallest
want with pleasure, as well as your largest
with care and expedition. Busy because
the goods are all new and at the prices you
like to pay.
flgWlnery.-The acme o1 grans, style
and beauty, the latest copies and now
ideas from fashion oeotres combined with
prloes decidedly your way are here.
H•'s of hue straw or•ide and matting,
trimmed with ribbons, mqulos, dowers.
foliage, feathers and °enaments. M..
Duthie mot make the hat just as you wan'
It. She 8.. the material.and the shitty
Perhaps you would Hie to trim your owe
We hove the material at half prloe.
Feathers and tipe at half prise
Flower. at just hall ono..
elhlrt Walstaand White Goods
.t cwt. Mr. Andrews tied just got these
t., and we bough) them •t • trifle over
half prlca,
For that room you want come Dios window
drapery. 1 think we ewe suit you le upon
and stripe taooy mesllme, art .arose., ars
denhauxe and °vinous's and lace ourtalse
all new, ell ..es., .11 dependable nd.
at the lows.the priorl, ,farting •t 5o a any
Print i -Our ,took 1. good sed the prtoee
start at bo a yard for a new, Ireeb, good•
oolur print worth 6. •o4 7o.
Flannelettes -A btg ramie at all
priers. Bee ours at 6e • yard to Mire.
Clothing -We will only say that our
guarantee of good 1011 la our olothlag is,
your mousy bank It you went It.
Men'. colt, from $3,30 op.
Boys' " " 51,50 up.
the newest and nattiest little fellow,' sults
la the market,
W. A. McKIM.
with your health.
Don't u.e.Drugs and Medicines
of que•tionable quality. Get the (teat
the14+ is at the same prices that' are
charged for inferior goods.
At our Drug Store the stock -is al,
ways frr-h, and each article pure, po-
0-tent and satisfactory.
Our Prescription Dear
has a reputation for promptmvs and
11e,1ical I I,t11.
Mckillop !haul Fire lnsurasce Go,
Vtlne of Property Insure' up to Jannary.
1901 113,111411,973 so
J 1' Nelsen, pees ; T. Prefer, vim -press :
Ws. con.. , .n., 4. 0. Grieve. e. JB Renneowels,
Wart. Ja'.
directors, W. ti. 8rosdfoxt, 0rafo•th, Inspec-
tor of Ingle': T. Z. Hays, Seatjrth, secretary-
! reasoner.
.1 W. Yeo, Holm•evilie ; Jamas commie,
It,gmondvtlle ; It. MOMIhan, Seeforth ;
smith, Harloek.
Polley -Bolden can pay assesemanti and get
their Dards recelpted at Mr. Coati . Clinton, or
at Mole... Bros' Palace Clothing Store, God♦
intending to purchase anything in our
line should Inspect our goofs before
placing their order.
We always carry on hand a full
stock of repairs.
We have the heat make of Cream
Separators on the market.
Yon can get the most up.lo date
Carriage or Buggy made in Can
sada at a reaeonahle price from o§
Massey -Harris Bicycles -'Jew
1901 model. -elegant. mount§. Call
and Nee them
Spring is here.
You will be re-
quiring a pair
Our stock is
about com-
plete with
the latest
fashions in
that will be
sold at as
close pricesas
is consistent
with quality]
Remember you have no duty to pay
on the Shoes as they are made by Cana-
dian workmen and are equal to the best
American goods made.
m. Sharman, jr.
"What newly Shwa I"
"Never dreamed that such
shoes could be made in Caeada 1 "
"Isn't that a beautiful finish?"
" I like the shape and cut of ire
too, so graceful, you know."
"Yes, it's the "King Quality"
shoe, and really, girls, 4 never
won shoes so comfortable and
neat as these are. And, you
know, we save all the customs
duties, because they are made
km Canada."
'They won the geld medal at
Parts this year."
"See, hero is the trsdesaatk
you can know theui by"
Made by Th. 4. D. Whew Co.,
Limited, Toronto.
S1'llw sats, o 1Yo coals ( ASN% in Gedertoh Is St. Genrge Price.
The man dressed to • suit made at
our store always lo, Its trim, ss it le the
ambition of every mw of tuts to look.
A large range of cloths to choose
If you are contemplating getting
light overcoat for spring wear, give us a
oh1noe to serve yon. Prices right.
West Street
A Great Snap.
is our lling.r Sup, at 50 s
pound, of which we Pell a barrel • *cork.
This .o't oar only soap, as we our*
everything that ow be found to an ay
to -d•.0 grocery .ter•. ., . .r prices
are right. The tarmr. . 'hey
oan always get from us • ..., .t. it
prodaoe. W. drew the lino e
I.git,mste trade - everything got.
Miaow. or potatoes, garden staff or
ohotoest table Chime. We deal In all
of them.
Redford block. Goderloh.
For Ladies' Fine Shoes
f,, King Quality
Nothing made in the United StetN-teb..t them.
Every pair guaranteed.
...THE... A
Our own hand -made Dairy
Tinware made out of your grand-
mothers' ol I -fashioned hand -dip -
pert block tin, is the cheapest
and cleanest' tinware to buy.
All goods marked in plain
figures ; the smallest child can
get the name bargains e. the
older ones as we have only one
price and that is the cheapest.
No overcharging in the shop.
J. H. Worsell,
Teo Asap earn .ad femme .tan,
Trunks and
...King Quality Shoes...
ore tory nice rand up-to-dste. We carry a
large range.
Our spring stock of goods
is on our shelves.
flake your selection early
valises at close prices.
'Our lines of staples are complete.
Sole Agent for J. D. Ring Co'. Goods
Paltry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Short
Bread aid Cream Rolls,lrlloce
Pies and Lady Finers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Marames,
Brandy Snaps, Ktc.
.., .. 5..41 ere fish.' tacit made in any
Camelot' lovla thn trade in
in fancy designing mut ornament
tng and almond icing.
Otve him an .Mer and ynnr .at
intuition will he •.ssunwl.
Till R18T
Scr8iitou Sud Col
All Cunt weighed no the Market Males
where von get ZOO 1M. les • tee.
Orders .11 at LIM , BEIPIAILIVII
Mem prempsly •s.e.ded be.